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Moving to a foreign country for my work in the future  

is both thrilling and terrifying.

You never know how deeply you are attached to the society of your homeland until you
travel abroad and are met with a culture and certainly a language that is distinctively
different from your own. You're certainly going to notice the change. Talking to other people
who have different language from yours is quite terrifying. But the key here is to welcome or
embrace it instead of letting it get the best out of you. You never know that you're already
beginning to adapt by giving in to the experience and getting the best out of it you can.
Here's how to do it. First is you need to research the culture of your new country before you
move. Cultural awareness helps us to be more cultural sensitive. You need learn about their
norms and traditions so that you won’t feel culture shock. Being cultural sensitive allows us
to easily adapt their foreign culture. Next is you need to learn the basics of their language.
You don’t need to be fluent when you get there but aleast you should know the basics. You
don’t need to pressure yourself with it. Just take it one at a time. Lastly is go out and
socialize. Adjusting to a new environment is never easy but you need to socialize others and
go out from your comfort zone. You can learn by experience. You need to immerse yourself
to learn something new. Through this, it can make you feel adventurous and can also lessen
your homesick.

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