ST Paulous Millenium Medical College: Basic Objectives
ST Paulous Millenium Medical College: Basic Objectives
ST Paulous Millenium Medical College: Basic Objectives
Basic Objectives
· Providing their patients with the most effective medical care possible in a
highly efficient time frame and at reasonable cost.
· No external consultants running the company
· Implementation strategy
In order to be effective and be the first choice health care hospital in Ethiopia as
well as in the world for patient solution providers and to advance their services
into the Global standard and make pateints to cope up with advanced technology,
the hospital should follow these quality management systems
3) from the patient to the nurse,doctor as well as head oficer of the hospital should
be acountableAccountability is Key
Staff should be accountable for their daily, weekly and monthly tasks. If every
hospital staff member adheres to this and is answerable for their assigned tasks,
including senior doctors, this produces better hospital management.
9) Remain Patient-Centred
Regardless of any innovative actions theere plan to initiate in the hospital, the main
priority should always be the patient. Communicative staff or the latest technology
will not matter if the patient is suffering. Therefore, effective hospital management
lies in remaining patient-centred.
10) having a memebership lacally and globally
such as :
Hayat Hospital, Addis Ababa. ...
Addis Cardiac Hospital, Addis Ababa. ...
Samaritan Surgical Center, Addis Ababa. ...
Sitola Center for Mental Health Care, Addis Ababa. ...
Landmark General Hospital, Addis Ababa. ...
American Medical Center, Addis Ababa. ...
Myungsung Christian Medical Center.
Massachusetts General Hospital (Boston)
Toronto General Hospital (Toronto, Canada)
The Johns Hopkins Hospital (Baltimore)
Charité-Universitätsmedizin Berlin (Berlin, Germany)
Karolinska Universitetssjukhuset (Solna, Sweden) etc