100k Blueprint 2020

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Before reading one more line of the book,
make sure you register for one of our LIVE
Workshops where we are going to reveal....

• The secret 3 step formula used by a high school dropout that allowed him to
generate up to $420,161 in as little as 32 days and how anyone can
replicate the same system
• The secret software we use to find these ‘big opportunity products’ that
he sells for up to15x what he buys them for (and how you can get access
to the SAME software FOR FREE)
• Live Case Study: the exact product that generated up to $420,000 without
having to order inventory & how you can can build these same cash
generating machines
• Why this new model is EXTREMELY simple and extremely lucrative to make
money with than anything else out there right now - and how us and our
beta students are using it to make up to $10k+ per day!
• Secret proprietary software used to split winning products out like
clockwork that generate up to $532+ per day on complete autopilot
• How one of our students went on to make up to $3.6 MILLION in a single
year generating up to 6 figures in profits using one source of traffic that
sends hoards of traffic!

The demand has been so overwhelming and the registration rate

so rapid, you want to be sure you register A.S.A.P.

Click below to register for a time

that works for you (you won’t
want to miss this!):


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The Old Way, Is Dead...
You’ve seen it before—money signs plastered everywhere on YouTube, while
simultaneously being served 50 different ads per day that claim to hold the
key to the ‘revolutionary’ e-commerce system to “change your life”.

Meanwhile, it’s merely the same system that’s been around for the past few
years—these ‘gurus’ are just recycling and renaming it, with intentions to con-
fuse you.

Let me explain the OLD way of doing things, the way that most people
THINK it should be done.

There is a common misconception that surrounds

e-commerce in general, and you should know about it.

There is the fallacy that you have to go

out there, create your own product, get it
patented, then have it sent to a manufacturer to
produce thousands of quantities BEFORE you
are able to sell a single product.

This is the antiquated mentality, as if we were

peering 20 to 30 years into the past.

However, the market moves extremely quick-

ly. Fast forward to today’s day and age and the
status quo is quite different.

We now hold the ability to go seek suppliers that have

products that are selling them one by one at
wholesale costs.

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Let me put this into perspective for you…

If you wanted to sell a case of markers that would

retail at your local chain store for $10, you are now
able to buy that same pack of markers from the
wholesaler for $2.

Now, this makes things extremely fascinating because you, as a small busi-
ness owner, can now directly compete with these big chain stores without
ever having to place orders for massive amounts of products.

Which leads me to my next point: Everybody is going out there and following
this ‘revolutionary model’, in which they’re working with these suppliers and
becoming the middlemen for the suppliers. Then, they are selling it directly to
the consumer.

Allow me to provide an example of what I mean here…

Think about the markers that we just discussed above. You can purchase
these markers for $2 and then you’re able to put those same exact markers
up for sale on a website that you own/created (without any coding skills or
technical knowledge necessary).

Then, you’re selling that same set of markers for $8, which is STILL $2
cheaper than the retail store sold them for.

Consider this— if you’re able to obtain and present that identical product in
front of a customer who desires it, that’s going to translate to you making a

The best (and arguably the most ideal) part is...

You never have to touch or own any inventory of the

particular product.

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That is precisely how the market has moved, transforming itself over the

This also begs the question, “Why is the old way of doing things incorrect?”

The answer to that question is that it is not “wrong”, the method is just archaic
in today’s market, deeming it unnecessary.

Think about it: what would happen if you ordered 2,000 units of these
markers only to realize that nobody wanted them anymore?

Well, now you have thousands of markers that just won’t sell and you’re out
thousands of dollars! Now, you really can’t do anything with them except
throw them in the trash.

In other words, you’re just flushing your money down

the toilet.
Everybody is now following the same method that I just described to you BUT
there’s still something inherently wrong with that method.

Firstly, the initial problem is for that one particular product there may
be thousands of people selling to the same customer base, which in turn
causes saturation. This becomes a massive issue for any newcomers to the
world of e-commerce.

One of the keys to this book that I’m super proud of is that I’ve been able to
develop my own formula that combats saturation, effectively fighting off any
form of competition that arises.

Essentially, I play in my own lane and am not concerned with the strug-
gles that everybody else is facing these days. As a matter of fact, I took this
business model and I flipped it on its head in order to make countless
millions of dollars.

Yes, what I have created here is indeed truly innovative and radical, but the
beauty of it is that it is nothing complicated for the average person. If this is
your first time in this business, or if this is the first time you’ve ever heard
about this business model (dropshipping), than I have some incredible news
for you...

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If you read this entire book I guarantee that I will open up your eyes to what
is possible in this lucrative market and how you can get started today. I’m
going to be extremely transparent. I’ll even share some industry secrets that
my staff and I have discovered over the years.

These secrets will allow anybody (no matter your age, no matter where you
live, no matter which factors that you assume to be working against you) to
achieve success.

Whether it’s lack of capital, whether it’s geographical limitations, whether is

family obligations, I can guarantee this will work for you.

However, the only requirement that I ask of you is that you read this from
cover to cover.

To ensure you absorb everything that I’m informing you of, take notes so you
can implement what you learn. It’s also very crucial that you come and join
us live on the live workshop:

(https://www.clickbank.com/university/100kblueprint2020/) dates

So without any further adieu, buckle up for an exhilarating ride. This is

bound to be one of the most thrilling adventures you’ve ever been on. Let’s
dive right into it!


If you haven’t done so yet, get registered for the upcoming call.

Click or go to the link below and

choose the time that works best for you:


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A Brief Introduction...
Before I go ahead and dive in to the juicy information that you’re here for,
I think it’s in both of our best interests to let you know up front exactly why
you’re here and who you’re dealing with.

My name is Dan DaSilva. I want to

open up with this backstory, not
because I find it funny, but more
so because I find it kind of ironic.
I have absolutely no credentials to
brag about. I don’t have a fancy
diploma, multiple letters after
my name, or anything notable of
that nature. Not only do I lack any
major merit-based qualifications,
I don’t even have a high school

Why is that funny?

Well, because somebody with absolutely no credentials

is able to go out and become more successful than your
average graduate in the United States.

What did it take?

Mere determination.

I was never one to sit through classes in high school or even remotely prior-
itize attending college like my parents wanted me to.


I knew I didn’t need to fill the cookie-cutter mold of success in order be


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Here’s a simple fact: I knew that people were building businesses and
generating incomes that were life changing without attending school for years
on end and/or burdening themselves with high-interest loans.

Here’s the thing, I originated from an American working class 9 to 5 family.

Ever since I was young, I was always taught to follow a simple life formula:
“The American Dream”.

This mantra was ingrained into my head profusely: complete high school and
then move onto attending university. Then, graduate and use my degree to
get a decent paying job working 9 to 5 in a little cubicle somewhere.

That miniscule cubicle represented the limitations that I refused to let get in
the way of my success.

I was NOT built to work the regular 9-5...

However there was one slight problem with that plan of mine, it being that I
absolutely hated authority.

Let me expand on that a bit further. Not only did I despise authority... I KNEW
I would have a hard time working for someone, let alone having a boss.

I just never envisioned myself sitting down somewhere and taking orders
from somebody who, more than likely didn’t really even know what he or she
was doing either.

Thankfully I’ve broke that cookie-cutter model to success because I realized

that this wasn’t something that I wanted to follow.

Upon this realization, I was willing to put everything on the line to ensure that
I didn’t follow it, avoiding getting sucked into the status quo.

With all of that being said, it doesn’t mean I had a silver spoon in my mouth
from the very start. No.

You see I had a job at one point. I know— it’s crazy because I told you earlier
that I hated authority. But here’s the thing...
t’s not like this job was a prestigious job.

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I worked for this familiar conglomerate, you might
have heard of it…. called Burger King.

I worked there for an astonishing 3

weeks! Yep, that’s right…

Those were the longest 3 weeks of

my life. However, at the tail end of
those gruesome 3 weeks came a giant

This is when I realized that this was not

why I had left school. I had tremendous
aspirations to be successful and this was
not the route I needed to be following.

So, what did I do?

Well at that time, being very young, having no driver’s license, thus pedaling
my way to and from Burger King (which was about a mile and a half, there and
back), I decided to never show up again.

Yep, that was me. The kid who never showed up to his job ever again.

Every single time that I would get home after work, instead of playing video
games like my peers, I would dedicate my time to browsing online forums.

I would read and educate myself on how other people were making money

At this time, making money online was a taboo topic.

Why was it taboo?

Well it was due to the fact that the internet has only been around for a short
period of time.

People were uneasy about delving into a whole new world of commerce
unlike anything we’ve ever been familiar with.

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This is the moment when I noticed that there was more out there than just
putting fries into a small, medium or large holster.

I ended up browsing one of these forums to find out

that there was this business model called ‘dropship-

At the time, I thought it was a pretty genius model. Now when I take a step
back and reflect, I realized it’s been done for years. Heck, before I was even
born it was going on.

The dropshipping model is one where in which you’re the middleman for
somebody who already has a product and somebody who wants the product.

Essentially, there is a supplier and a consumer and you’re the middleman.

The best part is, you never have to actually physically touch the products.
I found that model utterly intriguing.

Here’s the thing about this. I knew about this model but I still tried everything
else under the sun.

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I tried SEO and ranking websites. I was writing articles at one point. I was try-
ing CPA marketing.

I was even attempting affiliate marketing with YouTube and various other
forms of affiliate marketing trying to make money online.

This included surveys and just all these “crazy” types of methods/strategies to
make a quick buck.

Unsurprisingly, I could never find something stable.

I might have made $30-$40 dollars in a day, but that

wasn’t enough for me to exclaim “Wow, I know what I
want to do for the rest of my life!”

Around five years ago when I decided to just try out the dropshipping model,
everything changed.

I thought to myself, “What’s the worst that can happen? I’ve tried everything
already. Everything under the sun. Why not just try the dropship model out
again? Will it hurt me? No it won’t.”

I figured out something that you’re going to be learning here in this particular
book that changed my life forever. It’s also going to transform yours.

How am I so confident that it’s going to transform yours? Because the proof is
in the pudding— my students’ success.

My students, who I will be introducing you to in a few

moments, were making not just an extra 30-40k/a year
(which is still life-altering income), but I’m talking
millions of dollars.

One of my students John, had outstanding results. John just came back to
me with statistics of his growth after two years of learning the system and
implementing it. Just last year he generated over 10 million dollars.

What you’re about to learn is the exact step by step process that John used.

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Your life is about to change, and for the bet-

You are the one who determines how life

altering you want it to become. You are in
the driver’s seat on the road to your success.

If you want to make an additional six figures

in a single year on top of your current jobs
salary, so be it.

If you want this to be your full time income,

so be it. If you want to take this to seven
figures or even aspire to be like John, raking
in eight figures, so be it.

I’m going to allow you be the creator of

your own destiny at this point.

I will let you determine where you want to

go with your life.

But there are a few things that I want to let you know before we dive into this.

Beginning in the year 2016, I started teaching this model to a multitude of my


As a matter of fact I stopped teaching it last year (2018). Why did I stop
teaching it last year? It’s because during the year prior, 2017, I took in an extra
75 students.

Within that test group, there were a select few who followed the three steps
that I taught to a tee and they ran with it, resulting in them making millions of
dollars that year.

I even have a student Mario, who generated over 1.3 million dollars allowing
him to quit his job as a bartender in Boston and pursue his other dreams
(more on him later).

I told you about both John’s and Mario’s remarkable success. And if you’re

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patient enough, I will reveal a conga line of results to show you to back up my

But, I’m not going to do that just yet. First, I want to ask you a very simple

How could an extra six or seven figures change your


This question leads you to ponder the answer to a multitude of other


• Could you perhaps pay off your mortgage?

• Could you get a completely new house?
• Maybe a vacation home?
• Maybe that new sports car you’ve always wanted? Perhaps taking your
family on a vacation?
• Are you able to invest into something you’ve always wanted to invest
• Do you have somebody who is in dire need of some sort of money and
you can be their helping hand, their guardian angel?
• Are you able to completely relocate your family?
• Are you able put your kids or your grandchildren in the best schools
• Are you able to perhaps maybe pay off your medical bills, maybe pay offa
loved one’s medical bills?
• Are you able to achieve a level of health you’ve never been able to
achieve as you never had that extra flow of capital?

Those are my questions for you. Think about them.

We all have different goals. The reasons why we want to achieve and attain
this level of success is deep rooted within you as an individual. I know the
reason why I wanted it.

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My reason was to build a legacy, to build something
tangible and be the first in my entire family to build
something seemingly inconceivable.

I wanted to build something that can’t be taken away no matter how hard
anyone tried.

Something that would be passed down from generation to generation.

And that’s exactly what I’m building and continue to build using the same ex-
act three steps that you’re going to be learning here today.

Now that you know a little bit about me, my background, and just a few other
students that have been through this program, I would like to introduce you
to the actual business model. What is the business? What is it all about? Let’s
get right to it!


If you haven’t done so yet, get registered for the live training that
we’re holding on Thursday 20th August.

We are holding FOUR live workshops you can attend, click or go

to the link below and choose the time that works best for you:


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The Legendary Business Model...
Let’s discuss the business model.

What is dropshipping? Like I said

previously, it’s been around for
many years but many people are
still in the dark about it. So, you
ask, what is it exactly?

Dropshipping is where you take

a product that already exists
from a supplier and you find
the consumer who needs/wants
that product.

You’re the middleman. If the supplier is selling a product for $2 and the con-
sumer is willing to pay $10 for it, you’re the one who rebrands and places the
product in front of the consumer’s face for that 8 dollar profit margin.

But, then there are questions that arise such as:

• Where do I find these suppliers?

• How do I find these consumers?

These are great questions that I will answer for you, but remain patient and
read everything from start to finish.

Before I go ahead and dive in on answering those two big

questions for you, think about this…

Amazon is one of the biggest companies in the world.

Did you know that a whopping 50% of products sold on Amazon.com are ac-
tually fulfilled by a third party?

Out of those 50% of products, did you know that the majority of those prod-
ucts are actually inside of someone’s warehouse?

This means that when Amazon sells the product they contact the person with
the warehouse and the warehouse ships it out.

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So, even a company like Amazon is dropshipping, which shows you that the
business model is definitely not a scam.


The business model is is absolutely incredible because

a powerhouse company like Amazon understands how
lucrative the dropshipping business is as well.
Here is something that I want to share with you.

A lot of people are quick to say “Well then that’s great Dan, but can you just
give me an example?

Can you just show me some products or show me a store that you have and
what products look like on that store?”

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As a matter of fact I can. Here’s an example of one of my stores. Now you can
go ahead and see this particular product right in front of your face. This prod-
uct is a car scratch remover. Now this is absolutely fantastic.

Above you can see the product on my site and how much it costs the

What’s even more insane is how much it costs me to buy this product.
As you see it cost me around $1.11.

I sell it for just shy of $20 which means that I’m able to
skim roughly a $18 profit margin from every single sale
which is absolutely astonishing.

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That is just 1 example of hundreds of products at my disposal that I sell for a
MASSIVE markup.

Not all products offer a 900% markup however, some offer 200% others

It has a VAST range and I typically like to cast a net out to products that
OBVIOUSLY, have a higher profit margin… and so should you.

Next, let’s talk about profitability because that’s the most important question
I receive from my students.

Every single person that I introduce this business model to

says “OK, sounds great Dan! But, is it profitable?”

The answer to that question has an unresolved ending because it’s what you
make of it.
Yes, it is one of the most profitable businesses to be involved with, if done

This is crucial so I’m going to reiterate

this one more time: if done correctly.

Not just anybody can get involved and

instantly become super profitable.
People like me with 30-40% percent
profit margins (total net profit put into
my pocket) are sometimes considered
outliers in the field.

Why are we considered outliers?

You see the general market may only

see 5-15% profit margins on average,
which are very slim compared to mine.
But then again the general population
of this marketplace does it incredibly

That is precisely why the three

steps that I’m outlining for

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you are the the key to me seeing anywhere from 2-5 times higher
return on investment than everybody else in the dropshipping world.

With that being said, I want introduce you to somebody whose name is John
(yes, I discussed him briefly in the last chapter).

John is somebody who reached out to me and told me that he took one of my
programs (100k Blueprint) and that his results were absolutely incredible.

A year later, he decided to reach out again and ask me a simple question. He
came to me asking me this question because he wanted to know exactly how
to take his business to the next level.

However, I decided to pry a little information out of him. These financially

astronomical testimonials from my students aren’t rare but I do notice the
stand out ones such as John’s. And one that I’m quite thrilled about.

John has outperformed majority of his competition be-

cause he has the right FORMULA.
A trend that goes on is that once somebody begins to bring in this level of
income they tend to be way more quiet. They tend not to share their results
with the world.

Now it’s not because they don’t want to go out and tell everyone their success
story, it’s because no one wants to be bombarded with question after ques-
tion about how they obtained their success.

They tend to stay focused on what’s making them all this money and not
get off track helping everyone else to the top. So just as when I’m relay-
ing you John’s story— yes, there’s going to be a handful of people that go
out and try to bombard him with questions, but, there’s also going to be
another sub group of people that understand John has a business to run.

Let me break down exactly how this started. Around two years ago, John de-
cided to look into dropshipping, similar to how I got started.

During this research stage, he came across one of my YouTube videos that
I put out with a lot of valuable content. If you haven’t done so yet check out
my youtube right here (https://www.youtube.com/user/redcutmarket-
ing) and make sure you’re subscribed and turn on notifications.

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So, John went ahead and checked out all of my content that I offered at that
time and with that, decided to take a look at the 100k Blueprint and enroll.

Now at this point he didn’t have any technical knowledge, and the best part is
he didn’t need any.

He didn’t really have a firm grasp or understanding of how truly to work the
dropshipping model.

It’s not like he had all the capital in the world either, by no means did he start
off with “a small loan of a million dollars.”

When it comes down to it, he had everything working against him and nothing
going for him.

When people say that they don’t know if they can do it because they have
no capital, no time, or they just don’t have the knowledge/tech know-how—
guess what?

Neither did John.

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This system DOESN’T require you to have absurds
amount of time in order to make it work for you.
If you are somebody who’s saying this to yourself right now, I want you to re-
move that from your head. This is because I just introduced you to somebody
who is in your same exact position, someone who took all of that into account
and decided to push forward.

John’s determination to push forward until he made it led to him posting

proof that he just cleared over 10 million dollars! As a matter of fact, I pride
myself over this.


Simply put, I’m one of the few e-commerce teachers

out there who does not only flaunt MY results, but
loves to showcase the results from thousands of my

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I can show you eight figure
results very easily but from a
student it is remarkable.

I have students whose drive for

success while simultaneously
following my plan led them to
clear over 10 million dollars.

That is impressive. What’s even

more impressive is that when a
student pulls something like this
off, that means that I’m doing
something right.

This translates to the fact

that I have the capacity to
teach anybody how to do this.

Let me break down some more

numbers for you. How exactly
would you achieve $100,000? Well,
that’s a very good question. How
can you achieve a million dollars? Like I said before, everybody has different
goals to achieve but I want to go ahead and help you break down numbers
in order for you to see exactly what it takes to achieve these incomes.

Let’s not forget…

There’s over 30 million various products that you and I

and anybody else who’s in the dropshipping ecospace
can tap into at any given time.

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I can practically guarantee (but I can’t legally say that word) that you’ll be able
to go out there and find a product as well as find consumers to sell that prod-
uct to extremely successfully.

Especially if you follow the exact formula that I’m laying out here for you to-
day which is ridiculously easy to get involved with.

I know I’ve been telling you how simple it is, so now I need to ask you a simple
question. Do you understand how this is different?

Let me explain to you why this is different if you don’t understand yet.

• How is this different?

• Why is it different?

These are both questions with fruitful answers.

The reason why it’s different is because dropshipping is completely easy to

learn and get started with in comparison to other business models.

The most incredible part is that you don’t need any technical skills or massive
capital to get started.

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Getting started is so straightforward once you know exactly what to do, which
is why I’m here to guide you.

Speaking of not much capital, let’s talk about that, as it is one of my students
really big hindrance points.

A lot of people think that you need a massive budget to get started with this
business model.

Here’s the thing; Remember I said before that you don’t need to order
thousands of products and hold them in a warehouse. Well that stands true—
you don’t. And that’s where the need for capital would come in, if you were
following a different business model.

Using the the dropshipping business model, we’re buy-

ing products one by one.

So, this means that we don’t ever need to hold hundreds or

thousands of units of a particular product in order to make
this model successful.

As a matter of fact, that also leads me into my third point, which is that there’s
no need to ever touch products in your entire career.

Thus, when you’re dropshipping products, as the supplier holds the product,
they can provide you with images and videos of this particular product that
you can use on your website.

Essentially, you can immediately start selling that particular product with the
images and videos provided to you from the supplier.

Those same exact videos and images is what the consumer will see on their
end on your website.

So, when the consumer orders from you, you just go to the supplier and say
“OK, John Doe from Mississippi in the United States just ordered this marker

Can you go ahead and ship out this marker set to John Doe?” Your supplier

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will gladly go ahead and ship out that product to John Doe and you never have
to touch the product!

The supplier shipping it out on your behalf is one of the major factors that
contribute to the ease of this business model.

This model is available to put into use anywhere and

anytime, with no geographical limitations!

Think about this; If you’re working a 9 to 5, that keeps you bound to a geo-
graphical location.

I personally know a lot of people who are working corporate jobs and they
constantly have to keep moving around.

From office to office, from state to state for a multitude of various reasons. Perhaps
maybe their office has a new headquarters or corporate wants to move them to
a completely new area, forcing them to pick up and relocate their entire family.

This also means that the kids have to get readjusted to new schools and it
becomes quite stressful, taking a toll on the family.

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However, I have incredible news for you!...

With this business model, you don’t have to worry about being geographically
tied down to any location.

You can live in the same exact area your entire life running a drop shipping
business. Or you can travel your entire life running a drop shipping business.

It is simply whatever you prefer- you are not geographically tied down any-
where when you’re running this type of business.

That can be a pro or con depending on how you desire to live your lifestyle.

However: to my corporate readers out there, if you’re frustrated and tired of

always having to move around constantly because your job requires it, you
might want to consider looking deeper into what I’m telling you because I
guarantee you that this will open up so many doors for you and everybody

If you are a traveling enthusiast and love to see the bluest of oceans and the
greenest of forests, I can tell you this also pertains to you because there are
no geographical locations that you cannot go while running this business.

You could be on the beach in Turks and Caicos running this business. You can
be chopping through the Amazon forest and making sales at the same time.

Dropshipping has absolutely no geographical restraints

which makes it one of the most sought after
businesses to be in.
Here’s the thing. When I first got started, my biggest fear was that I needed to
be a programmer.

Like I stated earlier in this book, I really have no tangible skills in

computer programming, nor did I spend 18 hours a day attempting to
teach myself how to program.

So, when I have students asking me about designing or building websites, I

am honest with them and tell them that it is not my forte.

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This is because there are platforms out there that offer to build a store-
front for you with a few clicks of a mouse. It sounds unbelievable, but within
minutes you have a webstore completely created for you with a beautiful
looking theme and with products loaded in ready to go.

As a matter of fact, I can have a brand new store with no products in it de-
signed from the ground up within the next 15 minutes if I desired.

The most time-consuming facet of creating a store is actually finding and put-
ting products into your store.

To reiterate, there are no technical skills needed, which many people are
misinformed about.

The best part about this and what makes this model so different is that we are
the beginning stages of the market within the e-commerce world.

Think about it this way. If somebody asked you if you could rewind time and
go back to the first day that Amazon was listed on the stock market, would
you invest?

Your answer would obviously be yes, knowing what you know now about Am-
azon’s massive success. Well guess what? The internet is growing by millions
of users every single day. (There are 4.2 billion people that have access to the

Thus, we are all still neophytes in navigating the vast world online. How new
we still are to the developing and flourishing internet can be represented by
that person who asked you if you would invest a simple $1000 dollars in Am-
azon. 20 years later, it’s worth multiple millions of dollars.

Out of seven billion plus people on this Earth we are just getting started when
it comes to the e-commerce market.

This is precisely why companies like Amazon are dominating the online space
selling products online and have absolutely no ceiling for growth because
they understand the power of the dropshipping model as a means to grow
their business.

By 2020, the expected amount of money spent online is

projected to increase by 3x since 2016.

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That is insane! In just four short years, there will be an over 300% increase in
the money spent online.

By the way, these statistics are just for the United States, the international
numbers are far larger. So, now I have a question for you.

Do you want to be on the forefront of a thriving market where you can be a

pioneer and reap the rewards?

If you haven’t become aware of this trend yet, maybe you’re living under a
rock. But, everything and everybody is online at this point. Almost everybody
who is online is currently purchasing products online.

Did you know that there are more Amazon Prime members than there are
churchgoers every single year?

What does this tell you exactly?

It tells you that people love to buy stuff online.

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It also tells you that if you are not online right now and if you are not one
of these select few people who are selling stuff online right now, you are
missing the train on one of the biggest and most thriving opportunities of
your lifetime.

You have one of two options.

You have the option to go ahead and do absolutely nothing or you have the
option to go ahead and partake in the best time in history to get involved in

Option number 1: Do nothing. And you know what they say. Do noth-
ing see nothing. Be nothing.

Option number 2: You have the opportunity to be involved in a no

overhead/no inventory business, with minimal start up costs and a
no-ceiling upside potential.

It’s important to understand that however there’s a lot of lies that go

around in this particular marketplace.

There are a lot of snake oil salesmen who are trying to scam you
constantly. Let’s go ahead and tackle a few of those myths so that we
can get right to the roots of how to become successful with this business


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8 Massive Myths About
With so much being said about the dropshipping model its extremely difficult
to disphere what is true and what is a lie. I want to dive in to 8 myths about
the business dropshipping that many people get wrong.

Myth #1: You need massive capital to get started with dropshipping.

Most people hear about dropshipping and automatically assume that this is

Whether it’s that people think you must buy thousands of products at a single
time or whether thousands of dollars are required to spend on advertising,
both assumptions couldn’t be farther from the truth.

To be crystal clear with you, one of my strategies only requires that I put up a
mere $8.00 of my own money every single day.

Let me ask you this—and if you say yes to this you’re qualified to run this type
of business. Are you willing to put anywhere from $8 to $10 up every single
day if you can get that money back and more profitably?

You just answered the question for yourself. You don’t need massive capital
by any means, this myth probably originated from the idea that making mon-
ey this easily was impossible.

Perhaps it’s even a good thing for me because that means even less competi-
tion until more people catch on to the wave!

Let’s move onto the next one.

Myth #2: You need to work full time with this business model to gen-
erate income.

This is absolutely false. I would say 98% of all of my students who have ever
entered into the dropshipping world started part time and then they ended
up quitting their job.

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They essentially worked anywhere from two to three hours every single night
after they were done earning their primary source of income at their job,
which is completely viable to do.

If you are in that position as well, you can easily work on this entire business
part time.

It just so happens that this is one of the few businesses that does not re-
quired that you slave away, trading your sleep for your time in order to grow
your business.

Even if you’re just working this part time, you could see exponential growth
like you’ve never seen before. Never think that you have to work this business
full time in order to see incredible results.

I have a student whose name is Michelle, who is a mother and she started a
store. At the time, she just had just had a newborn and she was working this
business part time while caring for her newborn baby.

I’ll never forget, she came on to one of our live calls (the same kind you are
invited to join) and said she generated over thirty thousand dollars in a given
month while working the business part time!

Myth #3: You need programming skills in order to have massive


This is one of the most popular myths where I would say majority of people
(aside from assuming they need massive capital) are deterred from this busi-
ness model.

Here’s the thing. Platforms like Shopify give the user the ability to create a
stunning store within a matter of minutes.

You can even use different apps like Oberlo to import products from a mas-
sive supplier chain known as AliExpress right on to your store.

The best part is that it looks aesthetically pleasing, almost like it was designed
by a firm that was paid hundreds and thousands of dollars to design the site.

Guess what? The theme is also free. They provide you with free themes and

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so many other different shortcuts to creating your store without ever needing
to know how to program a day in your life!

Allowing you to get up and running in record breaking time!

Myth #4: Dropshipping Is A Scam!!

This is very amusing to me because this is one that floats around the most,
typically stemming from mouths of people who tried the business model and
completely failed at it because they didn’t have the right guidance or they
were misled into thinking it was something its not.

That’s why more often than not, you’ll see people going and screaming to high
heavens that the dropshipping model is a scam because they’ve most likely
followed a system and method that is either A) outdated or B) just simply nev-
er worked from the get-go. Unfortunately, they now assume that dropship-
ping is a scam solely because they couldn’t make it work.

The only way it’s actually a scam is that if you as a store owner would never
deliver the product to the customer. At that point, that’s just blatant fraud and
stealing, which I hope you would never do.

Dropshipping is definitely not a scam especially if you learn how to do it cor-

rectly from the start from somebody who’s had millions of dollars in student

Luckily, this means that you’re in the right place!

Myth #5: Product delivery takes four weeks or longer.

This is false and you can see proof right under this text. Here’s an image of
a ton of different products that arrived to my house in anywhere from 3-11
days, all being shipped directly from China.

When people say it takes up to four weeks, yes, in some very specific cases
that is true. However, it’s an massive misconception that on average, these
products take forever to arrive.

The longest I’ve personally encountered is up to 21 days, or 3 weeks.

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You may be asking, “Well then does
that mean my customers are going to
get angry and then ask for a refund or
dispute the payment?”

The answer is no. This is what I tell my

students all the time. Look at a site like
Indiegogo. They are a crowdfunding
site. I recently purchased something
on there for $400 but I was told upon
purchasing it that it’s going to arrive in
four months or longer. That’s fine with
me as a consumer.

Why? For one simple reason...

We as consumers of products desire transparency and

honesty from companies

We just want to be told the truth by a company. Transparency is key in this

marketplace in order to build customer confidence in your company and
guarantee those same customers returning to your store.

If you visit my particular stores or come and join us on our live workshops
(100kblueprint.com/workshops/), you’ll also see more extensive examples of
this. I tell my visitors that it could take up to three weeks but on average it
takes anywhere from 5-10 days to arrive.

I’m very honest and that’s the way any business should be conducted.

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Myth #6: If you don’t live in the USA you can’t make this work.

That’s a big lie. Roughly 60-70% of my students are international students.

There’s a large and bustling market outside the U.S and here’s the thing, all
you need is a bank account that allows you to receive incoming payments.

Platforms such as Shopify and Stripe pay you directly to your bank account.

All that is required from you is a bank account in order

to collect the payments.

You can absolutely use PayPal if that’s what you prefer. Heck if you’ve been
banned from PayPal or if your country doesn’t allow PayPal, you’re still good
to go, just make sure you have a bank account and just use Shopify or Stripe.

Yes, it’s really that easy. Again, this works both in the U.S and worldwide.

Myth #7: You need to order thousands of units and hold them in stor-

This is yet another common big misconception.

You see if you’re following a different model of e-commerce known as Ama-

zon FBA (which is fulfillment by Amazon) then yes you would need to order
thousands of units and hope that it sells.

We are different, in our case, we’re not following that model. We’re strictly
dropshipping here.

We’re going ahead and taking something that already exists from a supplier,
taking the images and the videos that they provide us, and using them for our
marketing campaigns.

Once we get a sale, they already have thousands of units ready to go in their
warehouse. We just order one unit from their warehouse for our consumer
that purchased it.

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Myth #8: Dropshipping is a short term business.

This is one of the craziest myths i’ve heard. Let me break this down for you in
the best possible way I can to help you understand. Not EVERYONE is success-
ful in the dropshipping business.

The truth is that most people fail. Most people fail because of a few reasons.
One of the biggest reasons for failure is that majority of people follow and
listen to what I call ‘business opportunity promoters’ and their job is to hype
up the dropshipping business model and make it sound so good.

Now this is quite ironic since I myself am speaking very highly of the model.
The other reason that people fail is because of the fact that not only do they
listen to these people that hype up the model they also go ahead and never
cross examine or do their due diligence with the person that they’re learning

So if you were to head over to http://danfamsuccessteam.com you would be

able to see a conga line of student results of mine that have gone onto make
anywhere from five figure, six figure, seven figures and even eight figures.

Majority of people they just take it at face value from what some random guru
tells them on a YouTube video, Facebook ad or a YouTube video.

It is extremely bad if you just take it whatever they say at face value, and if
that’s something that you do then yes you’re going to fail.

That’s the reason why I say most people fail because most people take it for
face value and they end up learning the incorrect way to structure and create
a successful dropshipping business.

How about if you’ve tried other businesses as well? How does dropshipping
measure up to other businesses?

In the next chapter I will break down different business models and ex-
plain why dropshipping leads to so many more success stories these other

So, let’s dive into that!

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Dropshipping Vs.
Other Businesses...
Affiliate Marketing:
Now we’re going to examine and analyze other business models together and
see how it stacks up against the dropshipping model.

Let’s take a look at the affiliate marketing business and how it sizes up to drop

In order to operate the affiliate marketing business model, it’s necessary to

learn conversions and how to create landing pages. Besides that, you also
must learn how to master paid traffic and what you can and can’t say.

The other downside is that affiliate marketing offers that are available
today can be pulled down tomorrow and gone from existence leaving
you with, essentially, no business.

I’ve had plenty of friends that have built 6 figures businesses in record break-
ing time, just to have it pulled from under their feet because the offer was
pulled from the affiliate network.

So, if you have a particular campaign that’s making you $500 per day, that can
be taken away from you with push of a button and you have no control over

This is not an optimal business model, it is more so an idealistic opportunity

or a dream.

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How about franchising? Franchising has been around for quite some time,
causing it to be one of the most well-known business models out there. How-
ever, let’s just go ahead and address the elephant in the room.

Franchising requires you to have millions of dollars in

liquid capital at your disposal.

Unfortunately, that is simply not plausible for the average person trying to
start a business.

As a matter of fact, aside from needing capital to begin the franchise, it is even
required that you show proof of the liquid money in your bank account.

With that being said, this particular franchise model is more so saved for the
one percenters.

Let us move on since most people reading this are trying to BUILD capital, not
have much of it!

Let’s talk about a SEO, also known as a search engine optimization. Now this
business model is pretty interesting however, with this model, you’re at the
mercy of yet again another company.

You’re at the mercy of Google, Bing, Yahoo, etc. One day to the next with any
algorithm update, your ranking can drastically be altered.

For example, on Monday, you can be on page 1 ranking very well for a high
traffic keyword.

Then, literally overnight, a change happens with the algorithm and you wake
up on Tuesday morning ranked on page 13. Why is this the case? This is the
status quo when you’re at the mercy of a powerhouse company like Google.

Basically, if you’re building your business around another company, you’re

setting yourself up for a total loss. Because of this, search engine optimiza-
tion doesn’t really fit in people’s criteria, especially the fact that it even takes
weeks or months to see results—if you ever see results at all.

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YouTube Marketing:
How about YouTube or video marketing?

This is a model that’s very plausible for a lot of people, especially in compari-
son to the other models that we just discussed.

The problem is that the majority of individuals don’t prefer show their face
on camera. If you are camera shy, then this business model obviously isn’t for

Just like the SEO model, it’s going to take you weeks/months/years to get your
video ranked, with a chance that it won’t rank at all whatsoever.

Amazon FBA:
How about the godsend known as Amazon FBA? All these marketers that you
see online everyday while browsing YouTube and FaceBook are promising
you millions of dollars with Amazon FBA.

Here’s the catch.

The ever growing amount of competition with Amazon

FBA just makes every step of the process entirely more

As you start to educate yourself about Amazon FBA you come to realize that
essentially, the rising costs of Amazon fees will eat away at your profit mar-

Not even that—you still have to pay for your traffic on Amazon to start gen-
erating sales.

Not to mention that you are in no way guaranteed to be one of the first 3
products for a search term on Amazon.

That’s where it really counts. If your product is on page 3 of an Amazon search,

you’re out of luck because consumers don’t go all the way to page 3 to buy

Online shopping is centered around convenience.

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We look at the first product, second product and third product and make our
decisions there.

So, unless you’re ranking in the top three for a very specific broad search
term, unfortunately you’ll never be able to become financially independent.

That’s just the reality of it.

CPA (cost per acquisition) Marketing:

How about CPA marketing?

CPA marketing which is cost per acquisition marketing, is just like affiliate mar-
keting. What do I mean by this? I mean that these offers are volatile, meaning
that they here today and gone tomorrow.

With this model the offers can be pulled in a blink of an eye.

Additionally, no CPA network is required inform you that they’re pulling down
the offer.

I am not going to say anything else regarding this model due to the fact that
if you are someone who wants to partake in that model, KNOWING you can
lose it all at any given moment… Please, be my guest.

SMMA (Social Media Marketing Agency):

How about that “godsend” known as social media marketing agency or
agency selling?

When it comes to marketing a business in 2019, every business should to be

involved with social media in some form.

With the growing number of users online every single day, you may wonder—
what’s the flaw of this?

The flaw is that there’s only so many businesses in a certain area and there
are already hundreds of people messaging these businesses offering these
services every single day.

The issue is tied to the simple fact that majority of these companies are now
doing it themselves, thus, it’s exceedingly competitive to get involved with.

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Product Launching:
Last but not least, let’s discuss product launching. Product launching is one of
the viable business models in the game. Actually, I’m currently launching the
100K Blueprint...

Heck to read in this particular book, you have to sign up for one of 100k Blue-
print funnels and if you haven’t yet - by the end of this book I am hoping
you will because you are truly convinced the dropshipping model is what you
want to be involved with.

So, launching a product is very time draining and it’s highly profitable. Howev-
er, you need to prepared months in advance.

This is not just something anybody can do.

You have to have a solid following as well. You have to have a proven formula
that you KNOW will generate you sales. You have to have students who take
your course from start to finish.

Then you have to have students that have results from your system. So, with
this being said—it’s very important to understand that all of these business
models are very viable business models, it just depends on your capital and
time allocation. It also depends on how long you’re willing to wait. It depends
if you’re a gambler or not.


Because at the end of the day, getting involved with certain businesses are an
absolute gamble.

You may win. You may not.

However, when dropshipping is concerned, there is one thing I can assure

you of.

This is that you will be building your own website, so you don’t have to rely on
the “big dogs” like Amazon, Google or YouTube to rank you.

This way, you are able to buy advertisements anywhere across the web. You
don’t have to rely on just buying advertisements on one source either. You’re
not limited, you have options.

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Heck, you don’t even need to go out there and buy advertisements in order
to make sales, which I find to be one of the craziest aspects of this business

You’ll learn this as well. To reiterate, dropshipping is unlike affiliate marketing

and CPA marketing, where offers can be pulled down.

Your physical products from the supplier will be there forever. There’s never
anybody there taking those products away from you.

Now you know how the dropshipping model works. That’s great. But what
exactly does that mean for you?

Well let’s just run through six amazing benefits that dropshipping can do for


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How Dropshipping Can Change
Your Life...
The number one fruitful aspect that I see across the board with all of my stu-
dents is the ability to prioritize family time.

This is absolutely incredible. Having the luxury to be able to spend more time
with your family/loved ones is one of the biggest reasons why a majority of
people even decide to delve into the entrepreneur world.

This form of income is ideal due to the fact that your business is doing all the
heavy lifting for you without you needing to attend to it 24/7 or slaving away
at your computer.

But, having more free time isn’t the only beneficial aspect, you also have fi-
nancial freedom.

Financial freedom is one of the prevailing reasons why

the majority of dropshippers chose this path.

The smallest amount of capital that you need to begin is so small compared
to the extreme upside in the amount of money you make back.

Everybody wants to become financially free.

You want to be able to wake up at whatever time you want, not stressing
about about where you’re going to get the money for the bills that are piling
up, day in and day out.

You want to make sure you always are able to provide food and a roof over
your head for you and your loved ones.

Financial freedom is one of the largest factors as to why everybody is going

out there and looking for various strategies to make money online.

It just so happens that dropshipping is by far one of the most plausible strat-
egies to add extra income, even life altering income to your current situation.

Financial freedom allows you to travel (personally one of my favorite aspects)

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anywhere you desire, whenever you desire.

Due to the flexibility and ease of running the dropshipping model, you’re not
forced to slave away in a cubicle, constantly monitoring your computer for

Imagine being able to be completely free that you can

travel the entire world at your own leisure.

You can travel across the world for 3-4 months at a time and still have a busi-
ness that is booming and growing faster than ever, allowing you to live life on
your terms.

Oh, and the best part is that you could also quit your 9-5 once your business
starts to grow (if you want of course)!

You’ll never have to ask a boss if you can go ahead and take vacation days.

You’ll never have to have anxiety about if your next paycheck will be enough.

You won’t have to listen to a boss anymore because you are your own boss!

You call the shots because it’s your business. One of my students came to me
and informed me that the dropshipping business model was one of the only
reasons that he was able to spend time raising his kids, ensuring they grew up
comfortable and with their father around at all times.

Prior to his massive success with dropshipping, he was slaving away at a cor-
porate job, working 60-80 hours a week to get projects done by the required

Frustrated, exhausted, and on the brink of giving up, he left that job and tried

This would then turn out to be single handedly the best decision he ever made.

Besides the fantastic examples of my students being able to reorganize life as

they once knew it to life on their own terms, there’s another common email
that I receive: my students paying off immense bills before destroying their

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What bill never seems to go away?

Aside from daunting student loans, there are plenty of stories of my students
paying off medical bills for themselves and loved ones.

Medical bills are one of the most prominent reasons as to why people look for
extra income since these bills can rack up to astronomical figures.

Being able to easily obtain supplementary income to pay off your bills (wheth-
er it’s medical bills, student loans, car loans) is absolutely crucial to millions of

Unlike a regular fixed salary, with dropshipping, you can flip on a switch and
have more sales being cranked out to your particular stores day in and day

Allow me to introduce you to some of these students who have seen abso-
lutely inconceivable results.

Meet A Few Folks From My Success

Before I really dive in, I want to let you know that everyone you read about
here has his and her own incredible stories. Everyone is completely different
from one another, from geographical locations and where they live all the
way to the amount of money they had when they first started.

I want to make this very loud and clear.



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Why do I need to let you know this? Simply put because what I am about to
show you here today is going to change the way you look at dropshipping.

Heck, it may even change the way you look at me and my system.

The people you read about here today have something in common. Some-
thing you cannot purchase.

Something EXTREMELY important that has allowed them to prosper amongst

their wildest beliefs.

Towards the end of this chapter I am going to reveal exactly what that is. (Per-
sistence and a mindset set up for success)

Without any further adieu, I would love to introduce you to Mario.

Meet Mario:

Mario has been with me since the start

of 100K Blueprint and from the very
start he has excelled. However, there
is more to the story than what meets
the eye.

First off - Mario was a working father

who spent countless long nights at his
job as a manager at a bar in Boston.

Listen, being a father is hard as it is…

Can you IMAGINE the hours and the

headaches Mario had to deal with?

Lets face it, being a manager is tough

but having to manage a workplace
where peoples one goal is to get ab-
surdly drunk is another.

Needless to say, it was time for Mario to figure out a way to supplement his

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During this same time period, drop shipping was a new and INCREDIBLE busi-
ness that people were starting to generate a few extra thousand per month.

Mario on the other hand, knew that this business wasn’t just a ‘hobby’ that he
can brush away and come back to it when he pleases.

No. He saw it as a means to provide for his family and it was his mission to
ensure he did just that.

Mario decided to go ahead and join the 100K Blueprint. It’s not easy dishing
out $997 for a system you aren’t too sure if it will work or not.

This is what we call - a leap of faith.

In order to become super successful in any business,

you must have FAITH.

Not only in yourself but in the instructor who is teaching you. Let us fast for-
ward to a few months AFTER Mario joined 100K Blueprint…

In case you cannot see what that says…

That is $840,800 in around 8 months or so.

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$840,000 in 8 months.

I will never forget this.

Mario didn’t even have a smart phone at the time. He was operating his day
to day business without a smartphone.

Why is that important?

Simple fact, most people think you need a smartphone these days in order to
become successful. HECK NO.

He isn’t a programmer.

He isn’t a designer. He didn’t have millions of dollars to invest.

He is your everyday working man who provides for his family and realized
that there is more to life than working late nights and having minimal time in
your life.

Once YOU realize that there is more to life than just working your life away,
that is when you will truly flourish.

Like Mario, who realized that there was much more the world had to offer
him, he just had to find the right guidance and follow a structured plan.

That is what he did.

That is why he benefited greatly financially.

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Meet Michelle:

What an incredible women we have here

- Michelle.

One of my favorite stories. I will never

forget when I was hosting a 100K Blue-
print workshop (100kblueprint.com/
workshops/) to recruit 25 new mem-
bers who were READY to join us.

She was on the call listening. I had

ABSOLUTELY no idea she was on the call.

I look through the messages at the end

when I was doing the live question and
answer segment.

I saw her name and decided to give her the mic. I am NEVER afraid to give my
students the mic to let others know their experience with me and our pro-

I DID NOT KNOW what she was about to say.

She led off by stating I was WRONG.

Yep Michelle said the results I was showing people wasn’t updated.

I got scared cause I thought she was trying to make me look bad for some
weird reason.

However, she followed up stating that she didn’t end of the month at $18,000
which she last reported RATHER…

SHE MADE JUST SHY OF $30,000 working the 100K

Blueprint program PART TIME.

Hook. Line & Sinker.

Copyright 2020 https://www.clickbank.com/university/100kblueprint2020 48

This is what she originally showed the private group:

To my disbelief she cleared JUST

SHORT of $30,000 that month.

What I am even more proud of is

at the same time, she JUST had
another baby.

Yep, she was doing this with a new-

born. That is why she was working
the system part time.

Once I saw that she was able to

accomplish these results with a
newborn, I realized there is abso-
lutely no excuses for anyone.

If you have an internet connec-

tion and the DESIRE to make this
system work, I can ensure you
will see results. (*LEGALLY I CAN-
NOT GUARANTEE YOU ANYTHING or else the Federal Trade Commission
would come after me. On the flip side I can promise you’ll have all the infor-
mation you’ll ever need to succeed from me).

Here are some closing words from Michelle herself:

Like Mario, Michelle realized that there

was much more the world had to of-
fer her and her family, she just had to
find the right guidance and follow a
structured plan.

That is what she did.

That is why she benefited greatly,


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Meet John:

I saved John for last because…

honestly, I KNOW majority of people
reading this could NEVER fathom the
thought of how much money John
actually made.

Let me start off with this:

“I’ve taken your course last

year and broke through
8 figures”...

8 Figures… that’s

Copyright 2020 https://www.clickbank.com/university/100kblueprint2020 50

That’s right, I guided John get to achieving over 10 MILLION DOLLARS IN

This is just one of his assets he created:

This is where the story gets INTERESTING….

John lives in Singapore!

Yes, he doesn’t even operate in the USA and

still is able to make this business work for

One of the biggest deterring factors why

many people don’t start is because of the
fact that they aren’t “In the USA”.

The way I see it, that’s AMAZING!

Everyone always looks at this as a negative

but being outside the USA means you know
your country and perhaps a different lan-
guage as well.

You can use that to your advantage to SELL

in your native tongue.

If majority of sellers are from America lim-

iting them to english you have the ability to
DOMINATE a foreign market.

I want to make it very clear...

• You do not need to live in the USA to make this business model work
for you
• All you need is a bank account / a way to receive payments
• Internet connection
• The DESIRE to succeed

If you have all of those, you are ready to get started.

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In Conclusion

Just like all the students you’ve seen above, the biggest requirement to suc-
cess is missing from many people.

What is it?

I promised you I would reveal exactly what it is and I am going to make well
on my promise.

The requirement is: persistence

I am not here to give you that wishy washy, mind shifting speech lecture.

However, I will be the first to admit persistence with a proper plan is the dif-
ferentiating factor between THEM and everyone else.

You see they ALL followed a proven system. They ALL stayed focused and
even if they failed a few times they got up and kept trying.

Majority of people will try 1 time and if it doesn’t work out that 1 time, they
completely give up.

Persistence, will allow you to constantly get up and try again no matter how
hard it may be. When they would fail at something, they would try again until
they go tit.

Here’s the thing…

You can only fail so many times doing the same thing before you learn and try
something different and it works!

Like a child learning to ride a bike, they may crash a few times but they get
right back on that bike and keep trying.

Eventually they are peddling perfectly and if they encounter bumps in the
road, they know how to properly overcome them.

However, this might not be for EVERYONE.

Let me explain a little more and you make the final decision.

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Before You Dive In, Know If This Is
For You...
Who is dropshipping for exactly?

It is for those who want supplemental income. Ideally, we all should have mul-
tiple streams of income, never boxing ourselves in to just one.

We’re past the industrial era, we’re no longer bound to be cogs in the machine
of capitalism.

Warren Buffett, one of the richest men on earth, constantly attributes his suc-
cess to the fact that he has multiple streams of income.

That is precisely how he built his wealth. Typically, wealthy individuals don’t
just limit themselves to one stream of income.

Time = money. If there’s one thing that you can never buy it’s more time. It’s
not like you can go on Amazon and purchase a jug of time.

It simply doesn’t exist. We all want as much time as possible, we all wish there
were more hours in each day.

Time is the most valuable thing but the way to go ahead and achieve more
time is setting yourself up with a business that allows for it.

At the end of the day, your biggest enemy is yourself. Don’t psych yourself

You’re the only one in the position to change your cur-

rent circumstances. You hold the key.

Everything that I’ve learned, I’m sharing with you.

I want everyone I teach to succeed and I am confident that you will too. The
majority of my knowledge that I have attained is from years of experience in
this field and earning multiple millions of dollars.

https://www.clickbank.com/university/100kblueprint2020 53
Copyright 2020
This is a business model that allows you to build a legacy in which you can
leave something to your grandchildren and maybe even leave something to
your grandchildren’s grandchildren.

You can leave something behind that you’re proud to say you’ve built.

This isn’t like any of those other shady business models where you feel like
you must hide it your family because you’re too insecure about telling them
exactly what you do.

This is one that that you can proudly shout from the rooftops: “I own an ecom-
merce business!”

With that being said, if you are serious about building your legacy and build-
ing something long term, then I have some exhilarating news for you.

In the next few pages, I’m going to reveal to you 3 steps that you can follow to
go ahead and get started today.

If you’ve attempted this before and failed, it was likely because you learned
from somebody who was uncertain about what they were doing. Unfortu-
nately, you got sucked into that sticky trap of learning from a novice who led
you down the wrong path.

There are so many people who are clueless claiming to be gurus these days,
it’s almost like that saying, “the blind leading the blind”.

Fear no more, you’re now on the golden path of

success, just keep reading!

Revenue Vs. Profit

Who doesn’t want additional income? The word income is very loosely used
these days, especially in terms of e-commerce. Let me explain the difference
between revenue and profit which is vital to understand in this market.

Everyone else shows you these colossal, inflated numbers of millions of


Yet, what they don’t tell you is anywhere from 5-6% is what they actually take
home at the end of the day.

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However, I’m going to tell you very blatantly and transparently that my profit-
margins are an industry standard. My profit margins break the status quo.

Why my profit margins are unlike anywhere else in the industry is not because
I’m better than anyone but because I’ve figured out a system that others try to
replicate, typically not successfully.

Again, the differences between revenue and profit are extremely crucial to

Revenue is how much money has been produce

through your store, this is different from profit
That means if a single product is $10 and you sell 1,000 units of it, your reve-
nue is $10,000.

However: that doesn’t include the cost of goods (which are the product costs),
advertising costs or the many other miscellaneous fees associated with it as

You must understand that minimizing your expenses also increases your prof-
it margin. Thus, out of $10,000 revenue, the average dropshipper will have a
15-30% profit margin.

Now, when it comes down to it, I have something more lucrative because I
minimize my expenses and optimize my profit margins by various different
factors that I’ll explain.

Firstly, let me go ahead and explain what you could expect.

If you’re following other strategies in everyone else’s formulas you can expect
anywhere from and the realistic margin between 5% all the way up to roughly

Now that’s not terrible if you’re generating millions of dollars a year. Sadly,
not everybody who gets into dropshipping ends up making millions of dollars.

• What does this mean for you?

• What can you expect here?

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You can expect to achieve anywhere from 5% to 15% profit margin following
everyone else.

But, if you follow exactly what I tell you, you can expect anywhere
between 35%-50%.

That’s right. You keep up to half of what you earn. I never want to hide that
from you.

I never want to be the person that shows you a million dollar screenshot and
tell you that’s all profit because you and I both know transparency will set me
apart and prove to you that I know exactly what I’m talking about.

I’m confident in telling you that if you see a million

dollars, it’s not a million dollars that I pocketed.

I would take home around $300,000 to $500,000.

That still is pretty decent compared to everyone else who might pocket around
$50,000 since there’s different factors that you must take into account such
as COGS (cost of goods sold).

Aside from that, you have ad spend which is how much you’re paying to gen-
erate that sale.

Then, you have your platform costs as well.

You’re platform perhaps might be Shopify where you have to pay 29/month+
plus your applications which are also an additional $150/month, which may
lead up to potentially thousands of dollars every single year.

There’s a multitude of factors you have to take into account that really eat
into your profit margin if not done correctly. You see that’s where my meth-
ods are different.

I optimize down to the store level to ensure that we’re not paying monthly
or yearly for all these useless applications that do a bunch of little nitty gritty
sales tricks on our sales page.

Instead, I focus on finding the best solution where we only have to pay once
or ideally it’s free for us and then we begin from there.

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Minimizing how much money is coming out of pocket
adds even more profit in the long term because you
don’t have to play in the same field everybody else is
playing in.
If you take a look at all the revenue screenshots that are floating around
the Internet, the majority are lower end in terms of profit margins (5-10%).

With my students, as you can see below, the lowest one we’ve had report is
around 26% and the average is roughly 30-50%.

To finalize this entire chapter, what I want to let you know is if you go out
there and do this part wrong, your foundation will be flawed from the get-

You will be overpaying and you will be in the red.

You will not see any long term profits. So if you decide join us on our live
workshop https://www.clickbank.com/university/100kblueprint2020/, we will
teach you how to set yourself up correctly to minimize the amount of capital
you need to get started so you can efficiently maximize your profits in the
long term.

How fast could you grow with dropshipping? I’m glad you asked. Lets dive
deeper into that.

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Dropshipping Is Growing
Alarmingly Fast…
In order to make the most informed decision if you want to get involved you
need to ask yourself - how fast IS this growing?

According to research-
gate.com the total num-
ber of internet users has
since the inception till

In 2014 there were just

SHY of 3 BILLION people
that could access the in-

We are in 2019 let’s get the REAL numbers.


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Over 4.2 BILLION internet users out of a 7.3 BILLION
world population.

More and more users keep coming online every single year meaning your
customers are online.

You’ve probably already knew this.

However, numbers don’t lie. Let us examine how much in online sales hap-
pened in 2018 alone.

(Internet Retailer estimates)

From 2017 to 2018 ONLINE SALES INCREASED almost

Making this one of the fastest growing sectors in any market.

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Every company is restructuring their online ecommerce presence. Look at

Warren Buffett SOLD walmart shares to the amount of $800 MILLION be-
cause they weren’t able to keep up with the online world.

Since then they’ve gone ahead and revamped their entire online / ecommerce

You know the age old saying…

If you don’t evolve you will wither away?

Walmart learned that the hard way.

Let’s take a look at how POPULAR Dropshipping has become.

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Back in 2014 out of 100 relevancy score Google gave dropshipping a 9.

Meaning that there wasn’t that much interest. Not many people knew what it
was nor did they care enough to research and learn.

However let’s fast forward to present day.

The score is now 89 / 100 meaning its the most RELEVANT its ever been.

This is GOOD and BAD.

Why is this good?

It wouldn’t be so popular if anyone wasn’t making money from it, now would

There are millionaires being created every single day

from Dropshipping.

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Take a look at some of the most popular drop shipping companies (some
of them were drop shipping at one point or another and some have
evolved into having products in their warehouse because they are worth
billions of dollars now):

Everyone knows that she WHITELABELS her products from another company
called ColourPop.

However, majority of these products could be drop shipped from a site like
AliExpress extremely easily.

ColourPop makes the makeup and Kylie sells it on her website.

That my friend, is Dropshipping.

If the makeup is in the color pop warehouse and they ship it out, all Kylie does
is sell it on her site.

SHEEESH. That easy?

Sure… if you are a Jenner or Kardashian.

Started from the ground up.

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Cheap clothes at GREAT prices. They dominated the influencer world with
clothes that are comparable to aliexpress.

As a matter of fact, you can pretty much find any article of clothing from Fash-
ion Nova on AliExpress.

Meaning you, me, the next guy who tries can all sell the same items without
EVER touching the products.

This next example is one of my favorites because they are KNOWN for start-
ing off as a drop shipping brand.

Copyright 2020 https://www.clickbank.com/university/100kblueprint2020 63

MVMT was acquired by Movado group for an estimat-
ed $100,000,000. The craziest part - they started DROP
SHIPPING these watches.
Once they got big they decided to put their logos on them and move forward
with the business.

However, they made so much money hand over first when they dropshipping
they decided to take it to the next level so they can get bought out.

All of these sites have drop shipped some time in their existence, most of
them still do!

As I said before, this is by far one of the fastest growing industries and you
MUST get involved before it’s too late.

This is the gold rush of our era.

This is where money can be printed on command. It’s time to stop sitting back
and to start taking IMMEDIATE action.

Don’t wait on the sidelines anymore. You’re invited to come and learn
MORE about this business on our workshop

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In order to make this work for you, you have to follow a proven formula.

A system that is tested through time.

One that works over and over again. One that has hundreds of successful
students. Something like this:

I’ve refined and crafted these 4 steps over the last few years. What you see
here is the final product.

Now let me be honest with you. The devil is in the details. On the surface it is
4 core steps however, where it gets tricky is when we break these down.

I want to break these all down 1 by 1 for you.

Lets dive right into it.

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Step 1: Proper RPF

PRF stands for Profitable Research Formula and does exactly what it stands

When it comes to creating a profitable dropshipping business it all starts with

the foundation. If you are building a house, what is the most important part
to build?

The FOUNDATION! This is the same principal. Do this incorrectly and your
figurative dropshipping ‘house’ will collapse right under your feet.

Here are a few keys we look for when researching a profitable niche or
category to sell items in:

A) Does it have UPSELL / LONG TERM sales capabilities or is it a 1 off sale

and then its over?

B) How many people are interested in this particular product?

C) Are there other competitors?

Let me break these down 1 by 1 for you.

Does it have UPSELL / LONG TERM sales capabilities or is it a 1 off sale

and then its over?

The most important part about the dropshipping business is being able to
maintain a SOLID reputation in your customers eyes.

Your KEY is to build trust so they keep purchasing from you. That is the long
term outlook I make my students look into.

However, on the other side - you can find a product that has attachments
and the buyer would benefit greatly for having those attachments.

Remember when you use to go buy toys and it said “batteries not included”
and you would have to purchase the batteries?

That’s the same concept. If you are selling dog collars you can upsell the
customer on a leash that is the same color / style.

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Next you need to think of is

How many people are interested in the product?

I typically like to go to trends.google.com and look at if there is still an interest

in the particular market I want to get into.

If you are into the Keto Diet market you want to run a search for Keto in the
trends search.

You want to see if the graph is showing a trend of growth.

The last thing you want to do is go into a market that isn’t growing.

Imagine going into a market that is on a decline. DO NOT GO INTO A MARKET

This shows me that KETO is growing and that means it’s HEALTHY to tap into.

This is just 1 way I cross reference if a category or niche is healthy to tap into.

This is where I tend to start off. If it doesn’t pass this test then I won’t pursue

Copyright 2020 https://www.clickbank.com/university/100kblueprint2020 67

Does it have UPSELL / LONG TERM sales capabilities or is it a 1
off sale and then its over?

Many people get upset when they see competition.

Listen to me very carefully…

Competition means that people are purchasing in that market. If there wasn’t
anyone selling in that market that would be scary.

That means people have tried to sell the products and they JUST AREN’T SELL-

That means RUN AWAY.

If you don’t see any competitors that is a red flag. Not only that, but think
about this logically. There really is no untapped niche or category.

If you do find one that is on the rise, please reach out to me and we can make
a lot of money together!

Step 2: Asset Creation

When it comes to creating your store this is BY FAR the easiest part.

You have multiple different options.

1- Shopify
2- Woocommerce
3- Other platforms (discussed in 100K Blueprint 3.0)

Everyone is familiar with Shopify as the ‘go to’ so I am going to tell you to use
Shopify since its EXTREMELY easy to use.

Signing up is extremely easy and I don’t think you want me to waste your time
showing you how to sign up.

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Here are the key points you should be aware of when creating your store.

A) Theme

B) Applications

C) Store set up / structure

Which Theme Should I Use?

We suggest using a free theme when first getting started.

The best theme I could suggest is SIMPLE Shopify theme. It’s clean, sleek and
… drum roll… FREE!

There are other themes I love that are a bit on the pricey side.

However, I discuss those in 100K Blueprint and WHY I use them instead of
free themes.

Lets just say.. Some paid themes allow you to increase your sales by 200-
300% because of how they are laid out.

If you are interested in learning more we suggest registering for the work-
shop we are hosting for you https://www.clickbank.com/

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What Are Applications and Why Should I Use Them?

Applications are add-ons to your store / asset.

They do various different grueling tasks for you such as offering your custom-
er MORE products before they pay (known as upsells).

There are applications that can add timers to your store to increase the sales
pressure when a prospect is browsing your store.

There is an application to do absolutely everything you could imagine. Here

are just a few that are important.

These are just a few applications I use to increase my sales and some that I
highly suggest.

For my 100K Blueprint 3.0 members you will ALL learn how to use and prop-
erly profit from these applications.

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What is the correct store Setup And Structure?

This is one of the hardest questions to answer without outlining this for you
on video.

There are multiple structures you want to follow but at the top of your busi-
ness structure you want to have your customer.

The customer is your #1 priority.

With that being said the backbone to this business working for you is your
support needs to be impeccable.

Don’t be afraid - you don’t need to slave away at your computer answering
questions all day.

If that were the case people like Mario, John, Michelle, even myself would nev-
er be able to scale and operate our businesses.

There are services you can use to hire someone for $3 an hour to answer ALL
your customers questions.

These are known as Virtual Assistants or VA’s for short.

The only drawback is you have to teach them what to say / how to respond.

However - 100K Blueprint members get done for you training videos that they
send to their virtual assistants and we do all the training on your behalf.

The other option is to create your own training videos / documentation.

The best site I would suggest finding a good quality virtual assistant would be

This is by far the easiest part of the process.

However, let’s dive into where all the magic happens. Let’s start getting sales!

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Step 3: Growth

There are no secrets here. Let’s get right to the problem.

The rising costs of ads are deterring MANY new dropshippers. However, this
is GOOD!

Why? Well, that means you need to actually build something REAL.

Most dropshippers are dream chasers and don’t realize

this is a real business.

You have to treat it like one. If you are after the one and done sales you are
going to learn the hard way that you won’t be able to sustain any model.

That’s why this 4 step process is amazing because we set ourselves up for
long term growth.

When it comes to FaceBook advertising (heck even advertising anywhere) it

can be tricky to set up and costly.

I will never forget when I first started I didn’t understand what the ‘budgets’
setting meant.

I ended up spending $300 in 2 hours without realizing.

When i first started i didn’t have $300 to burn through in 2 hours. It was a hard
lesson learned for me.

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I also learned that just ‘throwing up and ad’ wasn’t going to allow me to be-
come financially free.

No, there is a formula to it.

Are you starting to see a trend? I have a system and formula to everything.
That is how you succeed!

1) Collect images with the product in use

2) Create a simple 30 second ad

3) Put it in front of the right people

Let me break these all down for you.

Collect Images with the product in use?

Guess, what. The SUPPLIER does that all for you. Check this out - this is a
product page directly from the supplier.

They already provide me with images I can use.

This makes your job much easier.

All you have to do is save the images and create a simple 30 second ad.

I am going to show you the fastest and most simple way to create a 30 second
ad that is professional and time and cost efficient for you in just a moment
but first look at the supplier and what he provides for us:

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How do I create a simple 30 second ad?

You have multiple different options.

Option 1 - do it yourself with iMovie or windows movie maker

Option 2 - do it on a website like Slide.ly
Option 3 - hire someone to do it for $10

I am all about efficiency so I am going to take my $10 and make it work for me.

One thing my mentor always taught me is that money needs to be treated like
little working slaved.

Money needs to go out there and come back to you multiplied.

I ask myself this and you should to:

“Is $10 worth your time being saved in exchange to

have an incredible ad?”

The simple answer is yes.

Let’s head over to Fiverr and see what I can find there…
Exactly what I was looking for.

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A 30-60 second video ad - unlimited revisions - video edited and scriptwriting
done for you.

All the hard work is done - you just need to run the ad and get on your way!

For my 100K Blueprint members, I’ve gone ahead and created 20 custom ads,
given them the product and the targeting to use as well.

They are proven and tested to work which is the best part!

All they have to do is upload and profit!

Why am I telling you that? Is it because I want you to join the 100K Blueprint?
Well yeah….

It’s also because that’s how I build up my rolodex. I create these ads manually
and then store the winning ads.

When someone asks me “how can you create a brand new store and start
making sales right away” it’s simply because I know what works already. I save
them and constantly run them.

Which leads to the next question…

How do I put my ad in front of the right people?

This is where the magic is.

You see when it comes down to running ads and running them successfully I
am no beginner to this.

I remember I spent $111k and made back $500k in 46

days just a few months back.
That is a GREAT campaign.

However, I didn’t have $111k to spend from the start. I kept taking my daily
earnings and turning them over.

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• Day 1 I would make $500 profit. Reinvest.
• Day 2 I would make $2000 profit. Reinvest.
• Day 3 I would make $3000 profit. Reinvest
• All the way up to spending $111k and making back $500K

This is one of my most profitable campaigns of all time.

I was even capturing LEADS that I turned into sales later down the line. This
was an elaborate campaign.

Here is my base rule. The rule that you MUST abide if you want to become
successful with this system.


What does that mean exactly?

I am about to give you a MASSIVE ‘aha’ moment.

Once you understand this - your entire world will change.

You will finally see how EASY it is to sell to someone.

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What is that? A blender bottle obvi-

However, when I am targeting an

audience that blender bottle be-
comes THEIRS.

I am talking to them. Letting them

know it’s for THEIR circumstances.

This is a blender bottle to you and



To campers it becomes a

CAMPING Blender Bottle

To a fitness enthusiast

PROTEIN Blender Bottle

To a nutritionist

NUTRITION Blender Bottle

To a vegan

VEGAN Blender Bottle

You see what I am doing?

I am taking the niche and calling it FOR THEM. Even though its just a regular
blender bottle I am labeling it for them.

Vegan Blender Lite Pro

Niche + Product (branded)

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Blender Lite Pro is the name I can call the blender bottle. Vegan is who I am

That’s the truth behind majority of my success.

I am fitting products into the niche rather than the

other way around.

How Do You Win & Stand Out?

One of the greatest questions is: How exactly do I make this work? These
types of questions arise quite often, especially if you’re new to dropshipping.

The simple answer is you need to follow a system when

it comes down to any business.

Every single one that is successful follows a structured plan.

If you follow the people that don’t structure or properly set themselves up for
success, you won’t attain success.

When you create a brand new business, if you go in without a concrete and
organized plan of action you essentially have nothing.

The next set of questions that arise are along the lines of:

• How do I structure a plan?

• Where can I find a plan?

That step is one of the most important things that you have to figure out be-
fore taking any more steps forward towards your goals.

In the age that we live in, you have one of two options.

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Option #1-

Figuring it out yourself from A to Z and hoping you run into no road bumps
which, between us, is not possible.

I’m going to tell you right now you are going to run into road bumps and they
are going to be utterly frustrating when you’re trying to build your first suc-
cessful business.

The second option is most viable option available.

Option #2-

This option requires following someone else’s proven formula and here’s the

Success leaves clues.

If you can follow somebody’s formula exact step by step you can have success
practically handed right to you.

You shortcut the road to success time in half because quite frankly you al-
ready know what to do and it’s tested and proven to work.

However, remember I previously mentioned the tradeoff?

The tradeoff becomes either your time, your money or both.

You either have to put in the time to make this work or you have to put in the
investment to make this work.

To have a solid and proven roadmap with everything laid out for you in a
proven plan, you actually have to invest in yourself and then invest your
time to make the system work which is typically how it’s supposed to go.

A lot of successful entrepreneurs find themselves in a situation where they’re

making boatloads of additional income than before since they take the mon-
ey that they earn and then use it to acquire new skills.

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But, who they learn these skills from changes.

You can pay any price ranging from $50 to $200 for some solid information
that might make you a few thousand dollars in a couple months time.

However, to go from a a few thousand generated to building a

6-7 figure empire you should expect to dish out approximately
$1,000-$3,000 for the next level of information, hand-holding
guidance, or mentorship that you need.

Why am I telling you this?

Simple, because I got trapped into thinking that I didn’t NEED help. I use to
think that these masterminds, these courses, these events were USELESS.

Until I started to see the real value.

I was perfecting myself and harnessing my skills that would allow me to not
only change my life but the lives of others around me.

Now, it’s my duty to ensure I can instill those beliefs in

you as well (or as best as I possibly can)

You need to follow a system and progressively keep expanding.

The difference between somebody like myself and somebody who’s only
making $50-$100/day is the mere fact that I’m not afraid to invest back into

You are your most important asset. Most importantly, I don’t fret over the
price tag of an investment— I just go ahead and invest in the investment and
analyze the return.

However, this comes with years of growth. I didn’t just have thousands to
blow when I first started.

For example, I’ll never forget this— three years ago, the first time I ever made
a big sum of money, I wanted to take it to the next level.

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I had made all this money and I got stuck, hitting a wall. I realized, “Wait a
minute, I can’t take it up to the next level right now. I can’t just read a bunch
of books and hope that one day I’ll find the answer to get to the next level.”
What did I do next?

I pursued the person who had the answer I needed to climb further up to-
wards my dreams. I pursued the Titans in the industry.

I knew it was my time to go ahead and learn from them. There was this yacht
mastermind event for high level entrepreneurs taking place in Palma De Mal-
lorca, Spain.

It just so happened that one of the people that were on the yacht was a mil-
lionaire from Dubai who’s worth approximately $580 million dollars.

It was a three day event at the price of $30,000.

Yes, $30,000 for three days is a lot. But, I more so cared about what I will walk
away with.

In the end if you ask me, “Was it worth it?” I’ll tell you to this day, yes it was be-
cause I learned how to develop system and processes to automate my busi-
ness so I could make a ton of more money.

This investment was so imperative to my success.

As I have been constantly reiterating throughout this book, you need to follow
a system that has proven results that has results from thousands of students
across multiple different countries.

If you’re looking at somebody as a mentor, make sure

they have the results that you would want if you
traded places with them.

Is that somebody you want to learn from? That’s why I’m very public and I
created http://danfamsuccessteam.com

I did this because every single time I received a testimonial, I wanted to add it
on to my site as proof. If you go onto that site you’ll see a conga line of results
ranging from multiple different programs that I had.

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Ranging from E-Com Dudes Academy, Influencer Marketing Academy To 100K

To conclude, this is what do you need to do regardless if you’re a beginner

or if you just want to see additional success with your current dropshipping

The exact formula that I can tell you is, to find a system, and follow it down to
a tee and make sure the system that you’re learning is taught by somebody
who is reputable and has tangible results.

When I say tangible results, I don’t mean just their success individually, but
also other people’s success that they have taught.

Number two is ensure that hundreds, if not thousands of students have sub-
mitted testimonials/proof and the results are there because it’s one thing if
the person can do it for themselves.

It’s a completely different thing if he has the capacity he can teach other peo-
ple how to do it.

That is a true mentor. This is extremely important to take note of.

The way I go ahead and dropship is a little bit different than everybody else. I
do have a little twist to what I do.

I don’t follow the status quo and that’s why I’ve been able to make a lot
of money over the course of the last five years. Here’s just a few things that
are included in my twist and make sure once you read all of these, you
register for the workshop:
https://www.clickbank.com/university/100kblueprint2020/ down
• The exact framework to launch a successful dropshipping business,
in record breaking time

• You’ll finally see how to properly find high converting products with
immense profit margins without all the trial and error

• Same-day-sales strategy: the exact 3 step process to start generating

sales the same day to any new store no matter what your skill level

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Case Study: How we generated $116 profit within 3 hours of creating
a BRAND NEW STORE without any ‘special secrets’

• FB Power Strategy - How we’ve secretly been able to keep our ad

costs low while everyone else is paying 300-400% MORE

• The secret “research and deploy” software we’ve been using that
does all the heavy lifting for us

Now that you know exactly what it takes, I want to go ahead and just end off
with some closing thoughts. Let’s not forget why you’re doing this.

You’re doing this for the time freedom—the freedom to go ahead and do
whatever you want, whenever you want. That’s true time freedom.

If you wanted to wake up at let’s just say 1:00 PM, go ahead and do so. That’s
why you’ve built this business— so that you’re able to do that.

You want geographical freedom, where you can work on a beach in your san-
dals and a bathing suit, yet, you’re still making money? Guess what? This mod-
el is for you.

The most important facet that you must achieve first—where all of this piggy-
backs from— is the financial freedom.

Financial freedom is why you’re here.

Financial freedom is the reason why you’re reading this book still and the rea-
son why you read it from start to finish.

Financial freedom is the most fundamental factor to your growth and ironi-
cally enough, to your success.

Everyone has different goals. If you want to become stable, if you want an ex-
tra few thousand dollars in your savings account or maybe you want to quit
and retire, this is for you.

Whatever may be, you’re at the right spot. Just make sure you register for the
workshop (100kblueprint.com/workshops/) that we have upcoming. I can’t
wait to see you there!

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In our Workshops we are going to reveal....

• The secret 3 step formula used by a high school dropout that allowed him to
generate up to $420,161 in as little as 32 days and how anyone can
replicate the same system
• The secret software we use to find these ‘big opportunity products’ that
can Dan used to sell products for up to15x what he buys them for (and
how you can get access to the SAME software FOR FREE)
• Live Case Study: the exact product that generated up to $420,000 without
having to order inventory & how you can can build these same cash
generating machines
• Why this new model is EXTREMELY simple and extremely lucrative to make
money with than anything else out there right now - and how us and our
beta students are using it to make up to $10k+ per day!
• Secret proprietary software used to split winning products out like
clockwork that generate up to $532+ per day on complete autopilot
• How one of our students went on to make up to $3.6 MILLION in a single
year generating up to 6 figures in profits using one source of traffic that
sends hoards of traffic!

Click below to register for a time that works for you (you won’t want to miss this!):

Yours truely,

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