Written Exam 061210

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NEW DELHI - 110 066

Instructions regarding Written Examination for Recruitment in CCI

Posts available: Director, Joint Director, Deputy Director and

Office Manager

Date of Test : 13.02.2011 (SUNDAY)

These guidelines are meant to help the candidates prepare for the competitive
examination for recruitment to the posts available in CCI as mentioned above.

The details of the test for each post are given below:


The selection process is divided into two parts. 80 marks are assigned to
Written Test and 20 marks for the Interview.

Written Test
Part I – Common to all Posts

Objective Type Test – 60 questions of multiple choice – 20 marks (45

minutes – 2.00 – 2.45 P.M.)

Syllabus – General Knowledge, Current Affairs, Mental Ability and


Note: The candidates shall hand over the booklet of the question paper and
the OMR answer sheet immediately after 45 minutes as above, failing which
the OMR answer sheet will not be evaluated and it will be treated as

Part II – Common to all Posts

Comprehension and Writing Skills – 5 questions to be written out of 7 – 20

marks (45 minutes: 2.45 – 3.30 P.M.)

Syllabus – Précis Writing, Comprehension and Writing Skills

Note: The candidates shall hand over the question paper and the answer
sheet immediately after 45 minutes i.e., at 3.30 P.M. as above, failing which
the answer sheet will not be evaluated and it will be treated as malpractice.

Part III – Specific to each post – 40 marks: 90 minutes (3.30 to 5.00
P.M. – question paper will be different for each post and each level

Level I: 01 – Director (Economics) – The question paper consists of three

Sections: Section I – consists of 5 questions of short note answers out of
which 3 have to be answered; Section II – consists of 3 questions of essay
type answers, out of which 2 have to be answered; and Section III – consists
of 1 question which have to be answered compulsorily.

Level I: 04 – Director (Financial Analysis) – The question paper consists

of three Sections: Section I – consists of 5 questions of short note answers
out of which 3 have to be answered; Section II – consists of 3 questions of
essay type answers, out of which 2 have to be answered; and Section III –
consists of 1 question which have to be answered compulsorily.

Level II: 02 – Joint Director (Economics) – The question paper consists of

two sections: Section I – consists of 6 questions of short note answers out of
which 4 have to be answered; Section II – consists of 4 questions of essay
type answers, out of which 3 have to be answered.

Level III: 03 – Deputy Director (Economics) - The question paper consists

of two sections: Section I – consists of 8 questions of short note answers, out
of which 5 have to be answered; Section II – consists of 4 questions of essay
type answers, out of which 3 have to be answered.

Level III: 05 – Deputy Director (Financial Analysis) - The question paper

consists of two sections: Section I – consists of 8 questions of short note
answers, out of which 5 have to be answered; Section II – consists of 4
questions of essay type answers, out of which 3 have to be answered.

Level III: 06 – Deputy Director (Law) - The question paper consists of two
sections: Section I – consists of 8 questions of short note answers, out of
which 5 have to be answered; Section II – consists of 4 questions of essay
type answers out of which 3 have to be answered.

Office Manager (Corporate Services) and Office Manager (Finance &

Accounts): Section I – consists of 9 questions of short note answers, out of
which 6 have to be answered; Section II – consists of 3 questions of essay
type answers, out of which 2 have to be answered.

Note: The syllabus is the same for the Subjects of Specific Field for all
the above levels (The syllabus is already placed in the website of the
Commission) – the question papers set will be different with varying
standards for different levels.

The medium of answering the questions shall be English only.

The scheme of Written Examination is as follows:

1. The examination would have different levels for different posts except
for common papers.

2. The minimum qualifying marks for the written examination would be

50 marks out of 80 for General category candidates and 45 marks out
of 80 for the reserved category candidates. Getting qualifying marks
will not entitle the candidate to be called for interview. The number of
candidates to be called for interview would, however, be restricted as
per the number of vacancies available for each post. It would be merit
based subject to the norms of reservations.


1. Test Centre for the Written Exam: The Test is proposed to be

conducted at four centres in the country namely, Delhi, Mumbai,
Kolkata and Bengaluru. The centres will be allotted based on the
contiguity and as per the addresses given in the application. The
venue for the written examination would be conveyed to the
candidates along with the Admit Card / Call letter. The list of
candidates, the test Center for the written test would also be placed
on our website, with roll numbers arranged centre wise, well in
advance. In the application form the candidate may indicate his
preference for location of the Test Centre, if any.

In case the candidate does not receive the admit card for the test
he/she may approach the Chief Superintendent of the concerned
centre one day before the test between 11 am and 1 pm in order to get
duplicate admit card on due verification of authenticity.

2. Particulars to be Noted: Note carefully your Roll No., date, time and
venue for the test as mentioned in the Admit Card. The candidates
will be required to quote Roll No. in all their future correspondence.

3. Admit Card: Admit Card will be prepared based on the data

mentioned by you in the application and will be sent to you in

4. Compliance with Instructions: The Candidates should follow the

instructions given by the test administrators and the invigilators at all
stages of the Examination. If any candidate violates the instructions,
he/she may be disqualified and may also be asked to leave the Test

5. Use of Calculators, cell phones or any electronic gadgets, Books,

Notes is strictly prohibited and Copying or Receiving / Giving
Assistance is not allowed : Any candidate who is found either
copying or receiving or giving assistance will be disqualified and it will
be treated as malpractice and necessary action will be taken.
Possession and use of incriminating material for the purpose of the

test amounts to malpractice and necessary action will be taken

6. Sample Answer Sheet: Sample OMR sheet will be placed on the

website. The candidates will get a similar OMR sheet in the
Examination hall. They are required to fill the same following the
instructions carefully.

7. OMR / ICR Sheets: Where OMR / ICR Sheets are used for answering
the question paper, the candidates are required to use only ball point
pen and fill according to the instructions.

8. Handling answer sheet: The candidates are required to handle the

OMR / ICR sheet with extreme care and keep it dust free. If it is
mutilated, torn, folded, wrinkled or rolled, it may not be evaluated. In
case the candidates spoil or otherwise damage the OMR/ICR answer
sheet, another OMR/ICR answer sheet will not be supplied.

9 After the Test is over, you should hand over answer booklets to the
invigilator before leaving the Examination Hall. Any candidate
who does not return the answer booklet or is found in attempting to
take or pass on the question booklet or OMR answer sheet/answer
sheets inside or outside the examination hall will be disqualified.

10. The candidates are required to fill in the information asked for on
the answer sheet and question booklet, otherwise their answer
sheet may not be evaluated. Indicating any other marks or symbols
or words on the answer sheets shall result in disqualification.

11. The candidates should not leave their seats unless permitted.

12 The candidates may do their rough work, if any, on the question

booklet itself and not on the answer sheets.

13. The candidates are required to check all the pages and questions in
their question booklet before starting to write answers. If something
is missing or not properly printed, or is damaged, request may be
made to the invigilator for another booklet.

14. In case a candidate is applying for more than one post and hence is
required to appear for more than one test, it may be noted that she/he
needs to write additional test only for that subject of specific field (Part
– III) which s/he has chosen. In which case she/he will not be allowed
to leave the examination hall until the second test is over. The
question paper relating to that subject will be given to her/him with
an additional time of 90 minutes to answer. Before taking the
question paper she/he has to hand over previous answers sheet and
question paper. However, the question paper of the previous test may
be taken back by the candidate after the additional test is over. Such
candidates need not write Part – I and Part – II of the Test again for
the additional post.

15. The candidates have to make their own arrangement to reach and
leave the Test Centre. The Commission would not have any liability
towards expenses incurred by the candidates in this regard.

16. These guidelines are only illustrative and not exhaustive. The
Commission will place on its website further information, if required.

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