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Design Guidelines

for pedestrian accessibility


(Including: $ Streetscapes
$ Accessible Bus Stops
$ Bus Transfer Stations)

Alberta Transportation and Utilities

March 1996
Reformatted for Internet July 2000



The need to provide access for all persons to public environments such as sidewalks,
plazas, public transit and other services has created the necessity to develop this
comprehensive "Design Guideline for Accessible Pedestrian Environments". To provide
some degree of consistency, design professionals, municipal public works departments,
government agencies, and developers will be encouraged to use these guidelines for
projects throughout the Province. These guidelines are combined with an existing
document "Design Guidelines for Accessible Bus Stops" which was created to fill a need
to accommodate persons using mobility aids when accessing low-floor transit buses.
Also addressed is bus transfer station accessibility. Under the auspices of the Minister of
Transportation and Utilities' Advisory Committee on Barrier-Free Transportation, a
subcommittee, composed of the following individuals, was formed to review and develop
guidelines for accessible pedestrian environments.

Alberta Transportation and Utilities

Bob Rebus (Chair) Grants & Administration Section

Catherine Taylor (Secretary) Policy Development Branch
Bill Kenny Roadway Engineering Branch

Minister's Advisory Committee on Barrier-Free Transportation

Diane Earl Premier's Council

Chris Bellchamber Council on Aging
Wendy Edey Representing persons with vision impairments

These guidelines have been reviewed by many consumer groups and design
professionals in Alberta and endorsed by the Minister's Advisory Committee on Barrier-
Free Transportation. It is intended that these guidelines will provide guidance to city
public works managers and transit planners, design professionals and developers.

The subcommittee would also like to thank the members of the Minister's Advisory
Committee, the many consumer groups, design professionals and transit systems
representatives who have reviewed the guidelines and provided their valuable input.

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We also wish to acknowledge the following individuals who were involved with
the original "Design Guidelines For Accessible Bus Stops" which was
completed September, 1994 and now forms a part of this consolidated
accessibility guideline.

Alberta Transportation and Utilities

Ken Dmytryshyn (Chair) Grants and Administration (Urban

Transportation Branch)
Diane Earl (Secretary) Policy Development Branch
Vincent Wu (Project Coordinator) Grants and Administration (Urban
Transportation Branch)
Bill Kenny Roadway Engineering Branch

Alberta Transit Systems

Colleen Connelly Calgary Transit

Dez Liggett St. Albert Transit
Steve Ma St. Albert Transit
Doug Langille Edmonton Transit

Minister's Advisory Committee on Barrier-Free Transportation

Mark Iantkow Parks Canada

Bev Allison Committee Member, Calgary

Any questions or comments on these guidelines may be forwarded to the

Grants and Administration Section of the Planning and Programming Branch,
Alberta Transportation and Utilities, Fourth Floor, Twin Atria Building, 4999 - 98
Avenue, Edmonton, Alberta T6B 2X3.

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1.0 Introduction .............................................................................................................. 1
2.0 Principles of Good Design ....................................................................................... 1
3.0 Some Barriers to Travel .......................................................................................... 3
4.0 Design Solutions...................................................................................................... 4


5.0 Introduction .............................................................................................................. 7

6.0 Background ............................................................................................................. 7
7.0 Principles of Mobility ................................................................................................ 8
8.0 Principles of Effective Orientation, Wayfinding and Warning ................................. 8
9.0 Design Envelope ................................................................................................... 10
10.0 Elements of an Accessible Environment ............................................................... 10
10.1 Walkways ............................................................................................... 11
10.2 Curb Ramps ........................................................................................... 12
10.3 Bus Stop Location .................................................................................. 12
10.4 Bus Stops ............................................................................................... 13
10.5 Shelters .................................................................................................. 15
10.6 Seating ................................................................................................... 16
10.7 Rural Bus Stops...................................................................................... 16
10.8 Signing .................................................................................................... 17
10.9 Tactile Warning Strips ............................................................................ 18
11.0 Bus Transfer Stations ............................................................................................ 19
11.1 Introduction ............................................................................................. 19
11.2 Building and Shelter Features ................................................................ 19
11.3 Curb Ramps ........................................................................................... 20
11.4 Streetscope Features ............................................................................ 20
11.5 Street Lights and Bus Stop Signs .......................................................... 20
12.0 Summary ............................................................................................................... 21
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Figure C-7.2.5a. Design Envelope to Accommodate Wheelchair Users

Figure C-7.2.5b. Minimum Requirements for Bus Stops Accessible to

Wheelchair Users

Figure C- Sidewalk Widths and Curb Ramps

Figure C- Transit Stop - Built-Up, Monolithic Sidewalk

Figure C- Transit Stop - Built-Up, Boulevard

Figure C- Transit Stop - Suburban, Monolithic Sidewalk

Figure C- Transit Stop - Suburban, Boulevard

Figure C- Transit Stop - Suburban, Wide Boulevard

Figure C- Transit Stop - Rural Situation

Figure C-7.3.1a. Transit Transit Station (with building)

Figure C-7.3.1b. Transit Transit Station (without building)




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1.0 Introduction

Pedestrian environments which are designed to be used by the general public, including those with
disabilities, should be accessible to all persons, as well as being safe, functional and attractive. The
purpose of these guidelines is to bring together the principles of good design as well as to highlight
some of the commonly experienced barriers in the pedestrian environment and to illustrate some
design solutions.

2.0 Principles of Good Design

Pedestrian environments in public places, either publicly or privately owned, should be designed to
allow safe and convenient access by all pedestrian traffic. Although the majority of pedestrian
traffic is ambulatory, a significant and growing number of pedestrians have somewhat restricted
mobility due to disability or age. This group includes persons using walkers, scooters, wheelchairs
(both manual and electric), people with impaired vision or hearing and some seniors. An additional
group may have limited mobility temporarily due to the need to bring along a baby carriage or other
wheeled device on their trips.

To ensure that the design of pedestrian environments accommodates the greatest possible number
of people, it is desirable to adhere to the following:

1. Allow a clear path of travel, free of obstructions to a minimum height of 1980 mm.
Examples of obstructions are directional signs, tree branches, guy wires and street
furniture. Handrails projecting up to 100 mm into the clear path of travel are permitted. See
drawing CB6-4.2M97.

2. Provide a firm, even, non-slip, glare-free surface (for example: broom concrete finish). An
elevation change of 13 mm or more is considered to be a trip hazard and therefore should
not be permitted in the clear path of travel.

3. Ensure that gradients along the path of travel are very gradual to allow access by all and
that landings are added according to the desirable spacing shown in Table 1, where

Table 1 Sidewalk Gradients

Max. Slope Max. Length Max. Height Landings
less than 2% None None Not required
2% < grade < 5% None None landings at 750 mm
elevation differences are
5% None None Every 9 m *
6.25% 12 m 750 mm Every 9 m *
8.3% 9m 750 mm Every 9 m *
10% 1.5 m 150 mm -*
12.5% .6 m 75 mm -*

* Note: Sidewalks with gradients of 5% or steeper are generally considered to

be ramps and therefore a minimum spacing of 9m between landings is
suggested. It is recognized that the gradient and building layout on some
streets may make the provision of landings impractical.

4. Provide a sufficiently wide path to suit the intended traffic. Generally an

unobstructed clear width of 1.5 m should be considered a minimum; however,
intermittent narrower paths of 1.2 m width are allowed for short segments or
adjacent to obstacles.

5. Provide standardized ramps where necessary to cross curbs, etc.

6. The standardized maximum gradient (0.08 m/m) used on ramps should also be
applied where driveways or alleyways cross sidewalks. This maximum applies to
the sides of the ramp as well as to the ramp proper.

7. Provide tactile cues for people with impaired vision and audible cross walk signals
where warranted at intersections. For example, the use of a 10 mm high lip is
suggested to delineate the edge of roadway (beginning of ramp) or other
significant boundaries, see drawing CB6-4.2M86 attached.** Tactile cues are
also recommended to

**Note: All drawings related to this guideline are to be found in Appendix I.

delineate the edge of hazard in pedestrian areas, for example edge of platform at
rail station or top of stairs, etc. For additional information on Audible Traffic
Signals, designers are referred to the Uniform Traffic Control Devices for Canada
manual, published by the Transportation Association of Canada.

8. Ensure that drainage grates on the covers of catch basins or manholes are
located off the clear path of travel where possible, i.e. not on curb ramps for
example. Where it is not feasible to relocate a catch basin off a ramp, for example
due to excessive cost on a retrofit project, the second choice is to offset the ramp
provided that the ramp will still give direct access to the crosswalk. The third
choice is to have the grate installed in the ramp however in this case the cover
should be installed as shown on drawing CB6-4.2M96 i.e. so that the long
dimension of the elongated opening is perpendicular to the pedestrian path of
travel on the ramp.

9. Grates for non-drainage structures for example electrical vaults or access

hatches, etc., should be located off the clear path of travel where possible. Where
grates are necessary, they should have no opening that will permit the passage of
a sphere more than 13 mm diameter. Drawing CB6-4.2M97 shows the maximum
recommended opening size and orientation for non-drainage grates located in
pedestrian areas. If the gratings have elongated openings, they should be placed
so that the long dimension is perpendicular to the direction of travel.

3.0 Some Barriers to Travel

Although most pedestrian environments in Alberta that have been designed and built in
recent years are generally barrier-free, there are some construction and operational
practices that present a barrier to the public at large and can have a much more
restrictive impact on people with transportation disabilities.

One set of obstacles can generally be referred to as street furniture. This includes light
poles, fire hydrants, traffic signals, signs, bus benches, mail boxes, newspaper vending
machines, sandwich boards, tables, bike racks, waste receptacles, telephone booths,
bollards, trees, etc. These items are frequently needed or desired on streets, however
their placement should be carefully planned to ensure that they do not become a hazard
for people with impaired vision or an obstacle for wheelchair users or other pedestrians.

A second area of concern, especially for older pedestrians and wheelchair users is the
use of paving stones or bricks in pedestrian areas. The main difficulty with paving stones
is the uneven surface that can result due to differential settlement that generally occurs
within a few years of construction. Some paving stones have rounded edges on the
surface which creates a wider and deeper joint. The uneven surfaces and joints can
cause pedestrians to trip, will give wheelchair users a rough ride and could contribute to
persons falling from their wheelchairs. Where paving stones are used in an indoor setting,
although frost heaving and differential settlement may be eliminated, the stone surface
still provides a less than ideal riding surface for people using wheelchairs.

Based on the above, it is preferred that an even concrete surface be provided for the
main path of travel through pedestrian areas. Ideally, paving stones should be used as
borders only. Where a designer chooses to use a paving stone edger on a sidewalk, the
outside edge (adjacent to curb) is generally preferred. This provides a good tactile cue for
people with impaired vision while also ensuring that the main path of pedestrian travel is
separated from vehicular traffic. In general, a safer and more functional pedestrian
environment would result if the clear path of travel was given top priority in all layouts i.e.
with decorative finishes, paving stone tree surrounds and other street furniture not being
permitted to encroach on the path of travel.

4.0 Design Solutions

1. Ensure street furniture does not encroach on the clear path of travel in
pedestrian areas.

In the case of lower volume residential or light industrial sidewalks where a

monolithic curb, gutter and sidewalk cross-section has been selected, it is
preferred that all street furniture be placed on the private property side of the
sidewalk i.e. away from the roadway, so as not to encroach on the clear path of

Where additional right-of-way is available, a boulevard between roadway and

sidewalk is very desirable aesthetically, provides greater safety for pedestrians
and allows street furniture to be placed off the pedestrian walking surface.

Where wider sidewalks are required, for example in commercial or business
areas or in the vicinity of educational or health care facilities, the sidewalk
cross-section should generally be designed to accommodate street furniture
without encroaching on the clear path of travel and while still providing a minimum
800 mm offset from the curb to allow for vehicle door-openings. Where buildings
are constructed adjacent to sidewalks, it is best to place street furniture on the
curb side of the walkway thus providing a greater offset between the pedestrian
clear path of travel and the vehicular traffic. The absence of obstructions along the
face of buildings is desirable.

On major arterial roads, where higher speeds and higher traffic volumes are
expected, a 3 m offset between curb and sidewalk is desirable. A grass surface
may be used to provide a contrasting colour and texture for the boulevard.

Drawing CB6 4.2M95 (attached) shows the typical cross-sections for the
sidewalks described here.

2. If paving stones are required on a project, they should not be placed across
the main path of travel where they would be a barrier or possible hazard to
some pedestrians.

In addition to the above, measures should be taken to ensure that the effects of
frost heave and/or differential settlement of paving stones are minimized.
Experience has shown that the best way to ensure the integrity of a surface is to
build a strong base. The major cities in Alberta have used either lean concrete or
soil cement for this purpose. A levelling course of sand is generally used on top of
the base and the paving stones are placed on the sand. If the back of the
walkway is within 3.0 m of a building, a 50 mm layer of rigid insulation is typically
placed under the base to reduce frost penetration into the subgrade. A 50 mm
layer of crushed gravel may also be used below the insulation. The attached
drawing, CB6 4.2M93, shows a typical structure which should provide a safe,
smooth partially paved sidewalk.

CB6 4.2M94 is a plan view of a typical urban intersection where paving stones have been
used to delineate the edge of sidewalk and crosswalk while not obstructing the clear path
of travel. Drawings CB6-4.2M85, 86, 87 and 91 are also included to show the typical
layout and construction details for ramps where urban sidewalks meet crosswalks.
Drawing CB6-2.10M34 shows the details of a special catch basin/manhole frame and
cover that is suitable for use on a curb ramp.






5.0 Introduction

As early as 1992, Alberta municipalities had begun to make their conventional transit systems more
accessible for persons with disabilities and seniors. The customary transit bus is being replaced by
an accessible, full-size, low-floor bus as fleet replacement becomes necessary. By eliminating the
need to climb stairs within buses, seniors find boarding much easier and ambulatory passengers are
able to board quicker. The use of a ramp on the bus enables persons using wheelchairs or other
mobility aids to easily access the vehicle and ride the public transit system.

As part of the plan to implement accessible buses into transit routes, transit management
acknowledge the need to address the matter of access in the pedestrian environment, specifically at
bus stops. Transit planners are enlisting the assistance of consumers to review the current status of
the pedestrian environment and provide feedback on how bus stops can be made more accessible.
Both consumers and transit management recognize that in order to ensure consistency across the
province, it is essential that various guidelines be developed. The Alberta Chapter of the Canadian
Urban Transit Association have also endorsed the need for provincial guidelines.

6.0 Background

The Alberta Committee to Review Design Guidelines, a subcommittee of the Minister of

Transportation and Utilities' Advisory Committee on Barrier-Free Transportation, examined a
report developed by an Ontario Ministry of Transportation task force. This task force investigated
methods to improve accessibility to conventional transit services and conducted extensive
examination of existing literature. They identified key issues and design considerations which are
fundamental to improving the accessibility and usability of bus stops.

In developing the Alberta guidelines, the Alberta Committee, comprised of consumers and
representatives from Alberta transit systems and Alberta Transportation and Utilities personnel,
reviewed the design considerations for bus stops in the Ontario report and a similar document, the
BC Transit Design Guidelines for Accessible Bus Stops, and in some instances modified these
designs to address conditions for Alberta transit systems.

The Alberta guidelines have been developed to assist Alberta transit systems as they move toward
providing accessible transit services through the implementation of community and low-floor
buses. The guidelines are uniform and flexible, and reference other standards such as the Alberta
Building Code and the curb ramp standards developed by Alberta Transportation and Utilities.
These guidelines are not meant to be standards but rather to serve as design guidelines which can be
interpreted and adapted to specific situations in each municipality. Information contained within
the guidelines can also be used for the design of boarding and alighting areas for other accessible
vehicles, including taxis, charter buses/vans, and in some instances, private vehicles.
7.0 Principles of Mobility

The basic principles of mobility in a pedestrian environment are:

$ Avoid level changes wherever possible.

$ Provide non-slip finishes, good grip, and sure footing to ensure surfaces are safe.

$ Provide opportunities for seating adjacent to travel routes.

$ Plan exterior elements to minimize obstacles and eliminate travel hazards by ensuring
there is adequate overhead clearance and no protrusions into the path of travel. Newspaper
boxes and other street furniture should be placed close to the edge of the travel path but out
of the main flow of pedestrian traffic.

$ Avoid glare from surfaces in all lighting conditions.

8.0 Principles of Effective Orientation, Wayfinding and Warning

The basic principles of orientation are:

$ Provide consistency and uniformity of design elements and layout.

$ Simplify orientation by using right angles for design elements and layout.

$ Provide visual as well as tactile cues and landmarks within designs (examples: sidewalks
with grass shoulders or borders; street furnishings such as benches, trash containers,
planters located adjacent to but not within path of travel; high contrasts on shelter door
frames, benches and planters).

$ Walkways, hazards and waiting areas should be well illuminated for orientation and
security purposes.

The basic principles of wayfinding are:

$ Provide logical, unbroken path of travel from sidewalk to bus boarding area.

$ Paths of travel may be easily identified by proper placement of street furniture, which, for
example, can be placed to highlight location of sidewalk or ends of bus zone.

$ Use colour contrast, sound, light and shade to accentuate paths of travel between shelter,
sidewalk and bus boarding area.

$ In rare circumstances, tactile wayfinding tiles may be used to accentuate paths of travel if
pedestrian pathway is broken or wayfinding is complicated (note, however, such
wayfinding tiles must be consistent in design and well differentiated from tactile warning
strips). Wayfinding tiles are usually of gentle and corduroy textures, whereas warning tiles
are typically of raised dot textures.
The basic principles of warning are:
$ A bus stop with good ergonomics and effective wayfinding/colour contrast or tactile cues
will also be beneficial for safety and warning purposes.

$ Placement of street furniture such as benches, newspaper stands and planters for creation
of a barrier from hazards will assist in preventing mishaps.

$ Tactile indicators such as tactile warning tiles may be used in rare circumstances to
accentuate a large difference in elevation (note, however, such warning tiles must be
consistent in design and well differentiated from tactile wayfinding tiles).

9.0 Design Envelope

When developing a design standard or guideline, it is generally necessary to select a "design user"
or "user envelope", as well as a "design vehicle" in this case the bus. In the case of accessible bus
stops and transit zones, a design envelope for the user has been selected to accommodate most
conventional wheelchairs and other mobility aides which could gain access to low-floor transit
buses. This is considered to an extension of the person using the mobility aid. This envelope has
the following dimensions:

1.22 m (length) x 0.76 m (width).

Height of the design envelope is not considered to be a critical factor or constraint. Accessible
buses or other vehicles to be used to transport wheelchair users normally have enough vertical
clearance within the vehicle to accommodate wheelchair users. The dimensions of the design
envelope have been adopted by Alberta based on recommendations contained in the Americans
with Disabilities Act (A.D.A.) passed in the U.S. which uses a "design envelope" of 48 inches by 30
inches. Figure C-7.2.5a. shows the dimensions of the design envelope to accommodate wheelchair

The "design vehicle" for transit zones accessible to wheelchair users is the low-floor,
ramp-equipped transit bus as shown on Figure C-7.2.5a.. Transit zones should also be suitable for
smaller ramp-equipped vehicles. Modification to the concrete pad size may be required for larger
buses, such as the articulated low-floor buses, or lift-equipped buses. Section 7.3 discusses the
minimum clearance area in further detail.

10.0 Elements of an Accessible Environment

The barrier-free path of travel from a person's origin to his/her destination includes walkways, curb
ramps, bus stops, shelters, seating, signing, lighting, and streetscape. The design considerations for
these elements will be discussed in detail in the following pages and can be used as a resource tool
and adapted to meet the specific needs of the particular jurisdiction.

10.1 Walkways

Walkways or sidewalks are the essential link between the origin/destination of the trip and
the bus stop. Their proper design and regular maintenance are important in providing a
barrier-free path of travel for all persons.

Design considerations:

$ Provide non-slip surfaces that are solid, smooth, level and well drained in all
weather conditions, with a desirable cross slope of 2%.

$ Walkways must be well maintained to be clear of snow, ice, and other debris.

$ Avoid service elements such as manholes or gratings on walkways. If they are

used, they must be flush with the surface and must not have any opening larger
than 13 mm in diameter. If the gratings have elongated openings, orient them so
that the long dimension is perpendicular to the direction of travel, as shown on
Figure CB6-4.2M97 in Appendix 1.

$ Keep obstructions, such as newspaper boxes, benches, sign posts, guy wires, tree
branches, and other street furniture, out of the path of travel.

$ Minimum overhead clearance from grade is 1980 mm, as illustrated in

Figure CB6-4.2M97 in Appendix 1.

$ To assist persons with visual impairments, the surface of the walkways should be
easily discernible from the surrounding areas. Use different textures (grass,
concrete, paving stone), contrasting colours, and curbs to delineate paths.

$ The desirable clear walkway width is 1.8 m, although a minimum width of 1.5 m is
commonly acceptable.

$ In areas near hospitals and seniors' homes where wheelchairs users are more
common on walkways, additional width may be required as illustrated in Figure C-

10.2 Curb Ramps

Sidewalk curbs (and raised islands) remain the single most common and difficult barrier in
the path of travel for persons with reduced mobility to negotiate. Any level change without
the aid of a ramp would pose a mobility barrier. It is important that curb cuts/ramps are
provided at all points of level change in the path of travel.

Curb ramp standards developed by Alberta Transportation and Utilities are shown in
Figure C- and on Figure CB6-4.2MB6 in Appendix I. The key elements are
summarized as follows.

Design considerations:

$ Curb ramps at intersections must be located within crosswalks. Persons using

wheelchairs must be able to use the ramps safely away from the travel path of
vehicular traffic.

$ Ideally, the bottom of the ramp should have a cane-detectable lip. The maximum
rise for that lip is 10 mm to allow a smooth path for wheelchairs. See Figure C- and on Figure CB6-4.2MB6 in Appendix I for illustration.

$ All raised platforms/islands in transit centres must have curb ramps and
appropriate ramp access into the transit centre from the adjacent pedestrian system.

10.3 Bus Stop Location

The location of bus stops relative to the origin and destination of the trip is important to
accessibility of the system. To some users, the walking distance to a bus stop may well be
the major barrier to accessing the conventional transit system. Planning for bus routes and
location of bus stops should be an essential and integral part of any major development

Design considerations:
$ areas near seniors' homes, hospitals, institutions and other high transit usage
locations, bus stops should be located as close to these facilities as practically
possible to reduce walking distances. Conversely, developers of seniors' homes and
high density developments should consider locating their facilities close to transit

$ The minimum obstruction clearance area to accommodate the deployment

(lowering) of the wheelchair ramp from the bus and to allow for wheelchair
movement after clearing the ramp is 2.1 m by 1.98 m, as shown on Figure C-7.2.5b.
This minimum clearance area is based on the current bus ramp specifications and
wheelchair design envelope.

$ The waiting pad or street-side sidewalk at the bus stop should have a minimum
length of 8.5 m, a minimum width of 2.1 m, and a barrier type curb height of
150 mm. Those transit systems with articulated buses may need to consider a longer
bus pad.

$ The 2.1 m width is considered to be a practical minimum requirement, sufficient to

allow a wheelchair user to get on and off a bus. If the bus stop is expected to
accommodate scooters or a high number of patrons, a wider (2.4 m) bus pad should
be considered.

$ At locations where more than one route uses a bus stop and the frequency of more
than one bus stopping simultaneously at the same stop is high, an additional 17.3 m
(12.3 m for vehicle length and 5 m pull-out space) should be added to the length of
the concrete pad for each additional bus simultaneously using the stop.

$ The bus pad should be clear of any obstacles, such as benches, newspaper boxes,
garbage containers, trees and other street furniture. Regular maintenance is
important to remove snow, ice and other debris.

$ Bus stops should be located on sections of tangent and relatively flat roadway, and
stops on steep slopes should be avoided.

10.4 Bus Stops

Bus stops and shelters are comprised of a number of individual elements that must be
planned in a coordinated manner. There are a variety of road right-of-way conditions in a
municipality. Each bus stop and shelter must be designed to meet the users' needs within
the available right-of-way conditions and be compatible with the neighbourhood

Figures 4 to 8 illustrate suggested bus stop and shelter arrangements in a variety of

sidewalk and boulevard conditions in built-up and suburban locations. The suggested
guidelines are flexible and may be tailored to the sidewalk and boulevard conditions at a
particular stop. It is not possible to show every bus stop situation; however, these exhibits
attempt to illustrate the principles of designing accessible bus stops. The exhibits are
briefly described as follows:

Figure C- shows a bus stop in a built-up area, such as central business districts,
where the sidewalk occupies the space between the road and adjacent buildings.

Figure C- shows a bus stop in a built-up area, where the sidewalk is separated by a
boulevard from the road. Note that the placement of the shelter does not interfere with the

Figure C- is a bus stop in a suburban area, where there is no boulevard separating
the sidewalk from the road. The width of the bus pad is a minimum of 2.1 m, as compared
to the 1.5 m width of the sidewalk.

Figure C- shows a bus stop in a suburban area with a boulevard separating the
sidewalk from the road. The sidewalk is part of the bus pad.

Figure C- illustrates a bus stop in a suburban area with a wide boulevard (more
than 2.1 m). A walkway is needed to connect the bus pad and the sidewalk.

Design considerations:

$ Provide a non-slip, solid, smooth, well drained (desirable cross slope of 2%), and
paved (usually with concrete) area around the shelter and with connections to
adjacent walkways.

$ Locate street furniture and signing to keep pedestrian access free of obstructions.

$ Eliminate any level changes/steps between the bus pad and the shelter.

$ If on-street parking adjacent to the bus stop is allowed, the transit zone may be
extended by locating the transit zone marker 5 m ahead of the bus pad, to provide a
pull-out space.

$ Illuminate bus stop areas for orientation and security.

$ Signing must be easily recognizable and legible.

10.5 Shelters

Bus shelters primarily provide overhead protection and a certain degree of climatic
protection. Shelters vary in materials and dimensions. Many of them are funded or
provided by advertising companies for the return of the right to display advertising on the
shelters. Municipalities should specify the standards and location of the shelters in the
contracts with these companies, so that good design and location criteria are not
compromised by the involvement of commercial interests.

Design considerations:

$ Shelter dimensions vary. A size of 3 m long and 1.5 m wide is quite common.

$ Shelters should be designed with transparent sides for visibility and security.

$ Include transit route maps, schedules, and seating in shelters. Maps and schedules
should be easily readable by persons using wheelchairs and, to the extent possible,
persons with a visual impairment.

$ Glass panels should be marked with horizontal contrasting strips.

$ Provide seating, if feasible, with sufficient space to move around.

$ There should not be steps between the sidewalk/bus pad and the shelter.

$ Shelter openings must be a minimum of 800 mm to allow a wheelchair to pass


$ Doorways and doors in enclosed shelters in major transit centres must be designed
to the standards specified in the Alberta Building Code (see the Barrier-Free
Design Guide produced by Alberta Labour).

$ Heated shelters should be considered in major transit centres.

$ Where public telephones are provided, at least one telephone should be accessible
by persons using wheelchairs. It must be located so that the receiver, coin slot and
control are no more than 1200 mm above the floor.

10.6 Seating

It is very desirable to provide seating at bus stops. Standing for even a short time may be
unacceptable or even painful for some, and would impede accessibility to the transit

Seating can be provided inside or outside of bus shelters. Some may find the confined
space inside a shelter uncomfortable, and would welcome the provision of outside seating,
which may be located directly adjacent to the shelter, if one is available.

Design considerations:

$ Seating benches should be placed outside the circulation of pedestrians and should
not encroach upon sidewalks or bus pads.

$ Seats should be located a minimum of 600 mm from the walkways so that legs do
not protrude into pedestrian traffic.

$ Typical dimensions are: 450 mm to 500 mm high and 400 mm to 500 mm deep.
Lengths are determined by the availability of space.

$ Armrests of 180 mm to 250 mm above seat height are desirable.

10.7 Rural Bus Stops

There are occasions when bus stops are needed in outlying areas, where the roads have
open drainage ditches along the sides. Figure C- shows an accessible bus stop
that can be constructed along the shoulder of the road.

If the bus stop usage is very light, the length of the raised bus pad can be shortened to a
minimum of 2 m to reduce the costs. At least one curb ramp must be provided to allow
wheelchairs to access the bus pad.

10.8 Signing

Unlike other traffic signs, which conform to national standards, bus zone signing is
typically unique in each municipality. The following design considerations are intended to
provide some guidance on bus zone signing, and not intended to standardize signing
practices. Essentially, bus zone signing should be readily identifiable, legible, clear, and

Design considerations:

$ For regular bus zone marker signs (about 30 cm wide and 45 cm high) situated
above normal head level, the route number should be shown in 72 point lettering
(helvetica compressed) size, with at least a 70% contrast with the sign background.

$ For large bus terminal marker signs (about 60 cm by 60 cm) situated above head
level, the route number should be shown in 432 point lettering or about 15 cm in
height (helvetica bold) size, with at least a 70% contrast with the sign background.

$ Some bus zone marker signs, which do not extend beyond the edges of their
support post or structure, may be located at eye level, providing a person may have
a clear path of travel up to the sign.

$ Schedule information must be well situated to allow approach by a person using a

wheelchair and an initial or preferred approach by a person with a visual

$ For name or identification signs, high contrast titles of significant bus zones may
be situated at a height of about 1500 mm above the ground level and in at least
0.75 mm relief above the background (helvetica medium or similar lettering). The
lettering should have a height of no less than 50 mm (X-height).

$ For easy identification of a bus zone, it is desirable to have a pictorial

representation of a bus on the signs.

10.9 Tactile Warning Strips

The use of tactile warning strips has been briefly discussed in Section 5. Tactile warning
strips are used specifically for warning an individual with a visual impairment that an
obstruction (or in most cases a substantial change in elevation) is located within the
person's immediate path of travel. Warning strips are not generally used for wayfinding

Research work is continuing in finding effective wayfinding tactile cues which will be
easily differentiated from warning surfaces. Until such work is completed, tactile warning
strips must only be installed where a significant change in elevation exists (for example,
train platforms, the top landings of stairs and docks). Any other application of warning
strips will only create confusion in safety related situations.

Tactile warning strips are not considered necessary at bus stops. Other methods of
effective wayfinding may be used for bus stops, such as effective placement of street
furnishings and/or shelters (see Figure C-, to naturally guide the flow of
pedestrian traffic.

11.0 Bus Transfer Stations

11.1 Introduction

In the summer of 1996, the Minister's Advisory Committee Meeting on Accessible

Transportation, requested the subcommittee to extend their assignment to review
accessiblility of bus transfer stations.

Since the introduction of low-floor buses to public transit bus fleets, more people with
mobility aids are using public transit. Some complaints are being raised about inherant
design deficiencies in existing transfer stations, those with and without buildings, making
access difficult to persons with disabilities.

As a result of a site inspection made jointly by selected members of the Advisory

Committee and department officials from Alberta Transportation and Utilities, a detailed
list of observed deficiencies was prepared. Using the information from the Guidelines for
Design of Safe Accessible Environments and the original Design Guidelines for
Accessible Bus Stops recommendations were drafted and incorporated into Figures C-
7.3.1a. and C-7.3.1b. The previously prepared Design Guidelines forAccessible Bus Stops
is now expanded to incorporate desireable and recommended features for Bus Transfer

Two types of bus transfer stations are illustrated in these extended guidelines:

- Transfer Stations with buildings, and

- Transfer Stations without buildings.

11.2 Buildings and Shelter Features

Buildings should be accessible around the perimeter with at least 1.5 m of relatively level
walkway. The exterior doors of the building should be provided with automated (push-
button) door openers with a minimum clear opening of 0.9 m. All internal doorways
should have a minimum width of 0.75 m. Washroom accessibility should be included.
Placement height of accessible public telephones is critical. There may be more of a need
for access to telephones for persons with disabilities than able-bodied patrons.

Transfer stations without a shelter building are usually constructed on smaller more
compact sites. The requirements for the proper placement and alignment of curb ramps is
very critical. Figure C-7.3.1b. demonstrates how other fixtures should be placed to allow a
minimum path of travel of 1.5 m width.

Small shelters should be accessible. Existing shelters have floors which are constructed
with a 4 X 8 foot X 1/2" thick plywood on a 2 X 4 frame. The 101 mm (4") high lip at the
doorway cannot be mounted by scooters or wheelchairs. It is recommended that at the
doorway the floor be flat with the outside slab or a ramp be constructed which will allow
wheelchairs or scooters to travel on and enter the shelter. The recommended 1.5 m shelter
width allows wheelchairs freedom to manoeuvre within the structure.

11.3 Curb Ramps

Please refer to previous guidelines which address this feature.

Because most transfer stations are placed in or adjacent to shopping centres, care should be
exercised in placing curb ramps and aligning them for a direct path of travel to the
shopping centre.

11.4 Streetscape Features

It is important to keep streetscape fixtures like garbage containers, benches etc, from
encroaching on clear path of travel. Please refer to Figures C- and C- for
recommended placement of fixtures.

11.5 Street Lights and Bus Stop Signs

For persons with visual disabilities, light standard and bus stop bases should not have any
bolts protruding from the base. It is recommended that recessed heads be installed for all
bases. Placement of poles should either be near the curb or completely out of the path of

12.0 Summary

The introduction of low-floor buses in transit systems is a significant step in providing a barrier-free
transportation environment. It is equally important to provide an accessible bus stop and accessible
transfer stations. A barrier-free path of travel is necessary between the bus stop/transfer station and
the origin/destination of the trip.

These guidelines are directed toward the design of new bus stops and transfer stations as well as
retrofitting of existing facilities. Many bus stops and transfer stations in Alberta cities are not
considered to be "accessible" in a strict sense, and, in addition, many sidewalks have no curb ramps.
Under the present economic climate, retrofitting of existing bus stops and bus transfer stations will
take some time and political will to realize. Changes will be incremental, staged over time and on a
priority basis. Nevertheless, some improvements could be achieved with minimal investment. A
simple rearrangement of bus stop/street furniture or removal of unnecessary obstructions could
mean significant improvements to accessibility for all users.

Design of new bus stops and bus transfer stations should follow these guidelines. It is recognized
that it may not be feasible to provide a 2.1 m wide concrete pad at some bus stops. Existing
transfer stations, with heated shelters, may be retrofitted with desireable accessible features with
currently available technology. Automated (push button) door openers could be installed in all
stations over time as budgets permit. Pathway widening requiring major concrete work would be
more difficult to schedule, but would greatly assist in improving accessibility. The intent is to
encourage designers to use the principles of these guidelines to maximize accessibility within the
available right-of-way space and funding resources.

In addition to appropriate design, another aspect that requires attention on an ongoing basis is
regular maintenance and upkeep of the established barrier-free paths of travel. This is particularly
important during winter conditions when snow, ice or other debris present obstacles to accessing
transit stops. Coordination and cooperation between the transit system and city's public works
operations becomes essential.






Alberta Labour

"Barrier-Free Design Guide" (Based on the 1990 Alberta Building

Code), Edmonton, Alberta.

BC Transit

"Design Guidelines for Accessible Bus Stops" (Adapted from

Ontario's guidelines), Victoria, B.C., Undated.

Canadian National Institute for the Blind

"Access Needs of Blind and Visually Impaired Travellers in

Transportation Terminals: A Study and Design Guidelines", Prepared
for the Transportation Development Centre of Transport Canada,
Toronto, Ontario, December 1987.

UMA Engineering Ltd. and Walker, Wright, Young Associates Ltd.

"Transit Related Community Planning Issues", Prepared for the

Government of Ontario and various municipalities in Ontario, Toronto,
Ontario, October 1989.

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