Department of Education: Republic of The Philippines
Department of Education: Republic of The Philippines
Department of Education: Republic of The Philippines
Department of Education
Caraga Region
4 A’s
Topic/ Title Solving Problems Involving Time Allotment 1 Hour
Grade Level Grade 10 Date March 3, 2021
Prepared by Jayson Karl D. Dumas Place PTA Bldg. Esperanza IS
Content Standards: The learner demonstrates understanding of key concepts of combinatorics and probability.
Performance Standards: The learner is able to use precise counting technique and probability in formulating
conclusions and making decisions.
I - Objectives
Learning Competency: Solves problems involving permutations. (M10SP-IIIb-1)
Learning Outcome
At the end of the lesson, students can:
1. Define permutation.
2. Solve for the number of (a) permutation of an n object taken all at a time; (b) permutation taken r at a
time and; (c) distinguishable permutation.
3. Value the relevance of learning permutation in real-life application.
II- Subject Matter
A. Topic: Solving Problems Involving Permutations
B. References: Learner’s Material in Mathematics 10, pg. 283 – 292
C. Materials: Laptop, Projector, Manila Paper, Pentelpen
D. Approach: Socratic Method, Problem Solving
E. Focus Skill: Solve Problems Involving Permutations
1. Processing the Activity Oral Discussion
1.1. How did find the activity?
1.2. What did you do in your group to come up with your answers?
1.3. What have you observed to the number of arrangements we have made in
the activities of group 1, group 2 and group 3? Are there differences? Why do
you think it is?
2. Based on your activity, what do you think is our lesson today?
3. Presentation of objectives.
3.1. Are the objectives clear?
Abstraction PowerPoint
Discussion Proper Presentation
1. Present the meaning of Permutation and its types.
2. Discuss the first type of permutation; a. Permutation Taken All at a Time.
2.1. Present the word problem. What is the value of n in the problem?
2.2. Present the formula and discuss how it will be solved.
2.3. Present another word problem and let students answer it.
2.4. Check if the answer is correct.
3. How about if you encounter problems like this? What type of permutation do you
think is needed to answer this problem?
4. Discuss the second type of permutation; b. Permutation Taken r at a Time.
4.1. Present the formula and discuss how it will be used in solving.
4.2. What is the value of n and r in the given problem? Then discuss how it will be
4.3. Present another word problem and let students answer it.
4.4. Check if the answer is correct.
5. How about the word “MISSISSIPPI”? What have you observed in this word?
6. What happens to the number of arrangement of objects if they have the same
The students will then be doing the activity called “Think-Pair-Share”. Quiz Bowl
1. Students will find a partner. Each will work collaboratively to answer 3 questions (Using pencil and
that will be raised by the teacher. paper only.)
2. Checking will be done every after each problem is solved.
3. Students are given 30 seconds to answer each question.
Assessment (Formative)
Direction: Answer the following problems. Show your solutions. Pencil and paper.
1. In how many ways can 5 people arrange themselves in a row for picture taking.
2. In how many ways can you place 9 different books in a shelf if there is space
enough for only 5 books.
3. Find the distinguishable permutation of the word “FIBONACCI”.
Do the task! Journal
Write an entry in your journal describing your learning on the topic permutation
and their applications. Include also whatever points in the lesson you still need
Presented by:
School Head