Incident Reporting For Cloud Computing
Incident Reporting For Cloud Computing
Incident Reporting For Cloud Computing
December 2013
The European Union Agency for Network and Information Security (ENISA) is a centre of network
and information security expertise for the EU, its member states, the private sector and Europe’s
citizens. ENISA works with these groups to develop advice and recommendations on good practice in
information security. It assists EU member states in implementing relevant EU legislation and works
to improve the resilience of Europe’s critical information infrastructure and networks. ENISA seeks
to enhance existing expertise in EU member states by supporting the development of cross-border
communities committed to improving network and information security throughout the EU. More
information about ENISA and its work can be found at
For contacting the authors please use [email protected]
For media enquires about this paper, please use [email protected].
This work has been done in collaboration with Prof. Christopher Johnson, University of Glasgow.
Many thanks to the experts of the ENISA Cloud Security and Resilience EG (in no particular order): Frank van
Dam (Ministry of Economic Affairs, NL), Arjan de Jong (Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations, NL),
Tuija Kuusisto (Ministry of Finance, FI), Jesper Laursen (Agency for Digitisation, DK), Steve Agius (MCA, MT),
Vangelis Floros (GRNET, GR), Aleida Alcaide (SEAP, ES), Veaceslav Pușcașu (e-Government Center, MD), Tobias
Höllwarth (EuroCloud), Aljosa Pasic (Atos), Roxana Banica (RO), Fritz Bollmann (BSI, DE), Ali Rezaki (Tubitak,
TR), Marko Ambroz (MJPA,SI), Putigny Herve (ANSSI, FR), Boggio Andrea (HP Enterprise Security), Tjabbe Bos
(DG CONNECT, EC), Daniele Catteddu (CSA), Peter Dickman (Google, UK), Paul Costelloe (EuroCIO), Olivier
Perrault (Orange, FR), Paul Davies (Verizon, UK), Raj Samani (McAfee), Jan Neutze (Microsoft, BE), Antonio
Ramos (Leet Security)
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© European Union Agency for Network and Information Security (ENISA), 2013
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ISBN 978-92-79-00077-5 doi:10.2788/14231
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Cloud Security Incident Reporting
Framework for reporting about major cloud security incidents
December 2013
Executive summary
Cyber security incidents make the media headlines daily. A natural question for anyone to ask is
“how often do cyber security incidents occur?”, “what was their impact?”, “what causes them?” But
unfortunately, when it comes to security incidents we are usually navigating in the dark.
Organisations often do not detect incidents when they happen and there is hardly any reporting
about incidents to government authorities or the public. This makes it hard (for anyone) to
understand which are the threats causing these incidents, what is the impact, etc. Without this
information it is also hard to appreciate what is going well and what could be improved.
In 2013 the EU published a cyber-security strategy focusing on preventing large scale failures and
attacks on network and information systems. A cornerstone of the cyber security strategy is the
obligation for businesses providing critical services to report about security incidents. The strategy
follows discussions in many countries about tighter regulation on cyber security issues – and
particularly the lack of legislation, which obliges organizations to take appropriate security measures
and to report about past incidents.
The proposed NIS Directive mentions cloud computing explicitly. This is not surprising. Cloud
infrastructures play an increasingly important role in the digital society. A large part of the EU’s
Digital Agenda is the European cloud strategy which aims to speed up adoption of cloud computing
for financial and economic benefits. ENISA has often underlined the security opportunities of cloud
computing. Cloud computing is becoming the backbone of the EU’s digital society. It is easy to see
that certain cloud security incidents could have a major impact in society. In this paper we look at
how incident reporting about cloud security incidents could be implemented in an effective and
efficient way. It needs to be underlined that this document is not a guide on how to implement the
Proposed NIS Directive but a first step towards studying how to implement incident reporting in
cloud computing deployed services.
We asked a range of experts from industry and public sector to give their perspective on the issue of
cloud security incident reporting. Which incidents should be reported, what should be reported, how
we can use reporting to improve security. Some key issues which were raised:
It is difficult to assess the criticality of the cloud services for a national regulator. There are
many interdependencies, different layers of the cloud stack, different deployment models
and different kind of data stored. A lot depends on the specific setting – and often the cloud
computing customer is in the best position to judge the criticality and the potential impact
of incidents.
Cloud services are often based on other cloud services; they are distributed systems and
built up in several layers. Incident reporting is different in these different layers.
From the cloud customer’s point of view, most standard contracts do not commit providers
to reporting about security incidents to customers. Even though, some cloud providers do
have dashboards where some incidents are published and explained.
From the provider’s side, it is up to the customer to include incident reporting obligations in
contracts. For this reason, in many cloud contracts incident reporting is not addressed.
Incident reporting is becoming more and more common in regulated sectors, like energy and
finance where operators need to report incidents to regulators.
Incident reporting should be part of a bi-directional flow of information where providers
report about security incidents to authorities and authorities’ feedback common threats and
common issues to the cloud providers so they can improve security and resilience.
In this report we analyse how cloud providers, customers in critical sectors, and government
authorities can set up cloud security incident reporting schemes, in four use case scenarios:
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ENISA has frequently highlighted the important security challenges of cloud computing. Some cloud
service providers are leading the way in implementing state-of-the-art security measures. In cloud
computing, using the economies of scale, a high-level of security becomes affordable also for small
customers. We look forward to working with cloud providers and (public and private) customers to
improve the transparency in cloud computing security by implementing efficient and effective
incident reporting schemes across sectors and across the EU.
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Framework for reporting about major cloud security incidents
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Table of Contents
1 Introduction 1
2.2 Definitions 5
7 Recommendations 29
7.2 Outlook 31
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1 Introduction
In the past every organisation would have its data and applications on their own servers. Some years
ago most organisations have begun switching to outsource their applications and data to large
datacentres, hosting providers and cloud providers. Commissioner Kroes, responsible for the
implementation of the EU’s Digital Agenda, has remarked that cloud services are becoming the
backbone of our digital society. Public data about the uptake of cloud computing shows that in a
short time the majority of organisations will be dependent on cloud computing. Large cloud
providers will be serving tens of millions of end-users. Cloud computing services are increasingly
playing an important role for society and the economy. The EU’s cloud strategy, published in 2012,
aims to speed up adoption of cloud computing for financial and economic benefits. ENISA has often
underlined the security benefits of cloud computing. The Japanese government, for example, after
the large earthquake of 2011, actively promoted cloud computing as a way to improve the resilience
of information infrastructures to withstand natural disasters.
The increased dependency of society on cloud computing makes cloud computing also relevant from
a national CIIP (Critical Information Infrastructure Protection) perspective. Cloud computing is, in a
way, a double-edged sword: On the one hand, cloud computing offers important benefits in terms of
information security and resilience, for example in the face of DDoS attacks. On the other hand, the
concentration of IT resources in a few large datacentres implies that failures or cyber-attacks could
have a large impact on society and the economy.
The 2009 CIIP action plan already calls for discussions on a governance strategy for cloud computing.
The EC’s 2013 Cyber security strategy focuses on preventing large scale failures of, and large scale
attacks on, network and information systems in the EU. The strategy explicitly includes cloud
computing services in scope. It is widely acknowledged that the current lack of transparency about
network and information security incidents complicates efforts by government authorities and
industry to increase the resilience of our critical information infrastructures. A cornerstone of the
EU’s cyber security strategy is to extend incident reporting obligations to other critical information
infrastructures, besides the telecom sector1.
In this report we take a CIIP perspective on cloud computing. We analyse how reporting about
significant Network and Information Security (NIS) incidents could be implemented for cloud
computing services.
The benefits of incident reporting are well known and widely supported: information sharing, the
dissemination of lessons learnt and experience exchange, identification of route causes and
mitigation techniques, data and trend analysis are some of the most important advantages of a large
scale reporting scheme.
The goal of this report is to provide government authorities (ministries, regulators, cyber security
agencies) with an overview of issues and challenges when implementing (national and pan-
European) schemes for reporting about significant security incidents in cloud computing.
We also provide government authorities with guidance on the first steps that could be taken to
implement voluntary reporting schemes.
In the electronic communications sector the reform of Framework directive introduced obligations for
providers to assess risks, to take appropriate security measures and to report about significant incidents. These
provisions have now been implemented across the EU.
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This document is not a guide on how to implement the Proposed NIS Directive but how to
implement incident reporting in cloud computing deployed services.
Target audience
This report is targeted at:
government authorities in the EU (ministries, regulators, cyber security agencies, et cetera),
who are involved with the protection of critical information infrastructures and/or the
supervision of IT e-government services, electronic communication services, large data
centres, IT used in critical sectors, etc.
operators of critical infrastructure who consider using cloud computing to support their core
services, cloud providers with customers in critical sectors or performing vital functions, and
cloud providers who play a critical role in the digital society.
In this report we take a CIIP perspective on cloud computing. We focus on reporting network and
information security incidents involving cloud computing services.
We do not address all kinds of cloud computing services, but we restrict ourselves to those cloud
computing services2, which when failing or attacked, could have a major impact on the society or the
economy. This mirrors the scope of the CIIP action plan and the EU’s cyber security strategy,
focussing on:
Cloud services which are used by operators of critical infrastructures (transport, energy, et
cetera) to support their core services.
Cloud services which are by themselves critical, being key enablers of services in the digital
This means we look at public cloud services, which anyone can subscribe to, as well as private and
community clouds, which are dedicated for one customer or a community of customers. Also we
look at supply chain management, including cloud services which are directly or indirectly used by
This report does not address personal data or personal data protection3 in detail – although some
security incidents could well have an impact on personal data. From a CIIP perspective the focus is
on incidents with a significant impact on the society and the economy, while from a data protection
perspective the focus is on the impact to the individual. Also, while cloud users may have their own
individual end users (i.e. employees or customers using the service procured) we primarily focus on
the cloud user’s relationship with its cloud provider.
Cloud computing definition by the National Institution of Standards and Technology (NIST) : Cloud computing
is a model for enabling convenient, on demand network access to a shared pool of configurable computing
resources (e.g. networks, servers, storage, applications and services) that can be rapidly provisioned and
released with minimal management effort or service provider interaction.
Note that under data protection legislation even very small incidents have to be reported to data protection
authorities, while CIIP legislation specifically focusses only on large failures and large attacks, which could have
a major impact on the society or economy.
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Framework for reporting about major cloud security incidents
December 2013
The recommendations and guidance in this report were developed in cooperation with an expert
working group including representatives of the stakeholders mentioned in previous paragraphs,
major cloud service providers, government agencies, industry association, and the customers of
cloud services, both in the public and in the private sector. Their input was collected using an on-
line survey and a series of more open-ended interviews. The intention was to identify their views,
best practices in incident reporting, both in Europe and abroad, with a particular focus on Critical
Information Infrastructures.
This document is structured as follows:
In Section 2 we introduce the notion of cloud security incidents, first by defining the cloud
computing model and introducing different types of cloud services;
In Section 3 we give an overview of the related legislative initiatives, summarizing the EU’s
CIIP directive, Article 13a of the electronic communications framework, and Article 14 of the
proposed NIS directive; all the activities the community is taking towards a common
framework for reporting incidents and improve network resilience across the EU.
In Section 4 we explain and give examples of cloud security incidents to focus on their
criticality for the citizens.
In Section 5 we summarize the views and perspectives of the experts in the ENISA expert
group on the specific topic and more specifically, to report the technical details of cloud
security incident reporting.
In Section 6 we list the challenges when reporting cloud security incident by elaborating on
four (4) use cases.
In Section 7 we conclude with a set of high level recommendations for national authorities.
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Note that some providers only offer IaaS or PaaS services, some providers only offer SaaS. SaaS
providers often run their applications on IaaS or PaaS infrastructures.
2.2 Definitions
In this section we give definitions5 of terms that are widely used across this report:
Incident: A breach of security or a loss of integrity that has impact on the operation of
network and information system core services, which public administrations and market
operators provide. The “reportable incident” is the one that has deemed significant impact.
Incident Reporting: The procedure by which the reporting party (cloud provider or cloud
operator) shall submit to the national competent authority a report with information on the
incident, on ad-hoc basis.
Impact: A measure reflecting the average number of affected parameters/assets per
incident, to show
Root cause: The reason that caused the incident.
Parameters: the criteria to be used to measure impact of an incident.
Thresholds: The specific values of the parameters that when overpassed, the impact of the
incident is deemed significant and the incident falls into the incident reporting scope.
Early warning: The procedure based on which the dissemination of information on incident
is done in a fast way to the interested companies to alert them of an on-going attack or
other incident, so that immediate action could be taken.
Threat: A threat is an event or a circumstance which could cause a security incident.
The definitions are based on the Technical Guideline on Incident Reporting adopted for cloud computing incident reporting:
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Framework for reporting about major cloud security incidents
December 2013
The OECD defines CII as those information systems and networks, the disruption or destruction of which would have a serious impact on
the health, safety, security, or economic well-being of citizens, or on the effective functioning of government or the economy. Both
definitions are equivalent.
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been taken on board in the Cyber security strategy and proposal for a Directive on network and
information security published in 2013.
1 Informing
3 Summary reporting
4 national 1
5 6
Public authorities EC and ENISA
abroad and ENISA
Article 13a of the Framework directive, together with Article 4 of the e-Privacy directive, are
currently the only EU directives that oblige providers to report security incidents. Both directives are
limited to electronic communications networks and services. Article 15 of the draft regulation on
electronic identification and trust services for electronic transactions, requires that trust service
providers have to undertake extensive security measures and notify competent bodies of any breach
Here integrity means network integrity, which is often called availability or continuity in information security literature.
More information on Article13a can be found here:
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of security and loss of integrity with significant impact on the trust service provided and on personal
data maintained therein.
Security measures
operator or
public Notifying
1 Informing
2 Summary reporting
3 competent
The DIginotar incident underscores how an incident in one country can have an impact across the border.
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Article 15 of the NIS Directive (“Implementation and enforcement”) gives competent authorities the power
to request market operators to do a self-assessment, to undergo an audit, and/or to investigate cases of non-
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Directive Annex II, critical sectors: Energy, Transport, Banking, Financial market, Health sector.
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There have been incidents affecting cloud services, which impacted critical infrastructure. We give
some examples below:
In 2011, Finish IT operator Tieto faced an incident for (in some cases) several weeks,
affecting 50 of the company customers in both private and public sectors. The impact was
felt across Sweden18. Some customers suffered minimal effects over a number of days;
others lost their IT services for several weeks. The causes were traced back to hardware
failures. This incident had an immediate effect to the citizens, since the IT system was
supporting for the process of provisioning drugs to patients all over the country.
In 2013, the NASDAQ OMX crashed for three hours, with a major financial impact on
brokers. The problem was traced to a connectivity issue between an exchange participant
and the industry processor, which meant the system, was unable to disseminate
consolidated quotes and trades19.
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When discussing this topic in interviews experts reiterated the difficulty of making clear distinctions
between IaaS, SaaS, PaaS, public and private clouds. Every cloud provider has developed their own
platforms and different types of cloud resources are used in different settings:
“The distinctions between different IaaS, SaaS and PaaS architectures are less important than the
impact on people. This creates problems because we, infrastructure companies, don’t always know
the impact of an outage on users with less tangible aspects such as trust which are key to the future
development of the industry across Europe.”
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“Cloud services are themselves part of the critical infrastructure that supports many companies in our
country and across Europe.”
At the same time, one issue that was often mentioned in this context was that cloud service
providers are hardly in a position to assess a-priori the criticality of their services because of the
potential knock-on effect of outages. The impact of an outage depends on the kind of security
measures customers took.
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The answers from the respondents are summarized in figure 11. Most experts agreed that incidents
with impact 3 or higher should be reported to authorities and should be the focus of information
exchange across the sector and between member states.
100,00% 92%
60,00% 49,20%
50,00% Impact
40,00% 32,50%
20,00% 10,50%
Impact 0 Impact 1 Impact 2 Impact 3 Impact 4
When discussing this topic with experts, some experts remarked that often providers are not in a
position to determine the severity of an incident, and/or if an incident had an impact on the core
business operations of customers.
“We need to filter incident reports according to the impact but at the time an incident occurs we may
not have enough information to be sure what the consequences were.”
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Most experts agreed on the fact that there is a need to share information about root causes and
measures to mitigate common incidents.
Finally, as discussed before, interdependencies across services, across society, makes it difficult to
identify all the end users or customers impacted. This, in turn, makes it hard to calculate the
geographic spread of an incident, for example. It seems that providers of IaaS and PaaS providers
can only estimate the impact of incidents in technical terms. An estimation of the number of end-
users affected can be done only at a later stage.
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In the interviews with experts one of the key success factors mentioned was “trust” between the
information sharing parties. In competitive commercial environments, including cloud service
provision, the level of trust required to support information sharing is difficult to achieve without
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guarantees of anonymity and confidentiality. The main incentives for organizations to participate in
a reporting scheme were considered to be:
legal protection for the respective parties to encourage participation;
non-disclosure agreements or anonymity for the different parties;
ability to access the incident reports of other Cloud service providers;
access to statistical summaries sent to all participants annually;
a “one stop shop” – to coordinate the distribution of incident information across European,
national and industry reporting systems.
Many experts were of the opinion that even if the provider is obliged to inform competent
authorities, the incident reports should still be anonymised.
‘’[…] it is important not to disclose the identity of the organisations suffering the incident but at the
same time provide sufficient detail for others to know that they might be affected. This could be
more difficult for critical Clouds – where if an incident report mentioned a power company running a
particular PLC then readers could infer that this might be one of two or three companies across
Most experts stressed the importance of anonymity in encouraging participation, especially in the
start-up period when companies still need to gain trust in the scheme. Some experts raised the issue
that in some smaller countries (with few providers) even anonymous reporting could be difficult. The
main fear of providers is to lose customers if it becomes public that certain cloud services had
suffered failures.
Another issue which was often raised by experts, was the fact that companies might lose a
competitive advantage if other companies chose not to participate. From this perspective it seems
that a legal requirement to partake in incident reporting scheme is necessary. Finally, some experts
remarked that the issues of confidentiality would decrease as the reporting scheme matures and
trust in the reporting scheme grows.
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0% 20%
40% 60%
80% 100%
Figure 14 shows the view of the experts. Most respondents are in favour of compulsory national
schemes including the reporting to an EU agency (80%). Many respondents would also be in favour
of voluntary national schemes, including reporting to an EU agency (47%). Respondents did not
favour local reporting schemes, without sharing incident reports with a European agency. This is in
line with the fact that most experts agree that incident reporting is most useful when the incident
reports can be shared across sectors and across borders via an European agency.
In the interviews expert raised some issues with voluntary reporting schemes, expressing a concern
about under-reporting. In voluntary schemes the reporting becomes biased, especially for some
classes of incidents which are not directly visible outside the company. On the other hand experts
acknowledged that cloud computing is still a new market and that over-regulation could stifle
innovation. This could be of concern for European companies as cloud services are being developed
with minimal regulatory intervention in Asia and North America.
“It is important to develop a framework that is simple rather than develop complex taxonomies or
lists of incidents that would change over time. Over-regulation of a new industry needs to be
Experts also raised the concern that multiple national and international reporting schemes could
make it hard for providers to comply. The experts we interviewed all strongly supported ENISA’s
potential role in aligning and harmonizing the different reporting schemes, particularly for small
member states. The interviewees also stressed the need for Europe to act together and to develop a
coherent Cloud strategy.
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Larger companies that have more complex cross-border operations typically have access to legal
departments that can identify their responsibilities. Smaller companies tend to have more simple
operations and more straightforward obligations. One expert remarked:
“We do not have any uniform, single system for reporting incidents because there are many different
companies in our group working in different member states. I get regular updates from across the
group but the details are different. The development of a single European reporting system might
help provide us with common reporting standards.”
Other interviewees stressed the benefits to smaller member states where the costs of coordinating
incident reporting could be shared. A European system for incident reporting could increase the
consistency of information available within companies.
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The interviewees confirmed that aggregated information would be useful to many different
stakeholders. Some participants supported the development of a European system that was
independent from security service vendors. Others argued that aggregate data can inform future
regulatory requirements and reinforce ENISA’s role in providing a bridge between EU legislation and
the industry. Most experts interviewed supported the compilation and dissemination of statistical
overviews. However, statistical summaries do not always provide a realistic view. It is important for
regulators to supplement these overviews with additional studies into the detailed causes of
incidents involving critical cloud infrastructures.
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Cloud Cloud
other country
Bank Bank
Bank Bank
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Cloud Cloud
Bank Power
Bank Power Supplier
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Critical service operator should report to the NCA. This means that a NCA should be defined
per sector (and have the information security aspect in their mandate. In scope should fall all
incidents that affect core services of the critical infrastructure and cause significant impact.
To measure impact the operator needs to get metrics and classify them against specific
thresholds i.e. number of citizens affected etc. The thresholds will be set by the NCAs after
consulting the CII operators. This part of the reporting framework would need to be
addressed by governmental authorities in order to be realized;
Challenge 2: Reporting clause in the contractual agreement
The provider needs to report to the critical infrastructures operator (a national risk
assessment should take place to indicate the national critical infrastructures and investigate
which of the core services are depending on cloud) according to the contract or SLA. The
customer (in this case the CII operator needs to judge which critical infrastructures
implemented in the cloud, are in scope). The scope of reporting incidents is determined in
the contract (mandatory), and usually all incidents need to be reported or the provider
operates a dashboard for the customer to monitor the service performance. This is one
challenge the operator should mitigate by specifying this requirement when agreeing on the
contract terms (reporting times, reporting flow, templates etc.).
Challenge 3: Template for reporting information
This report should include several technical information like: duration of breach,
remediation time, systems affected, root cause, mitigation actions, addressing the positions
taken on how to isolate the areas affected, remediation actions etc.; confidential
information trusted only between the provider and the customer are also included in this
report (name of provider, contact point etc.).
The operator would have to share information on the type of services affected, give specific
values to justify that the impact parameters measurements were over the set thresholds and
provide feedback on remedial actions and lessons learnt, adding data on the impact
assessment and subsequent root causes. Both reports the one from the provider and the
one from the operator will need to be sent to the NCA for them to have a concrete idea of
the entire incident and in the end which services affect citizens in a large scale.
The need for a consolidated template is evident, so that NCAs will be able to collect and
aggregate the data received. The reporting templates serve two purposes: a single reporting
template is more efficient for providers with customers in different sectors, in different
countries, avoiding the need for different reports with different content. a single reporting
template makes it easier for authorities to discuss and exchange incident reports across
sectors and across the EU.
Challenge 4: Cross border security incidents
An incident can affect operators in different countries causing a cross boarder incident.
Operators will report the incident in their respective NCA’s. However the NCA’s need to have
a communciation channel between themselves. The report to the NCA would need to
include information on the Cloud Service Provider (CSP) and on the customer, and will need
to cross check this data with the NCA of the other country affected, in order to avoid
duplication of notification of incidents.
Challenge 5: Bi-directional flow
The NCA will need to send a summarized report to the collaboration network. Together with
the the collaboration network, the NCA should provide feedback to the operator and the
provider, i.e. providing a threat landscape overview, issuing recommendations etc. The
collaboration network of authorities can support the governmental authorities in this task
creating this way a benefit to the customers and providers.
Challenge 6: A harmonized approach
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A common reporting template for all providers could be a starting point towards
harmonizing incident reporting. ENISA in this report makes a proposal on a common- flexible
template to support the reporting scheme suggested.
Country border
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SME Enterprise
End End
User User
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point, to explain how to measure loss of availability or continuity of a service offered and to
set clear metrics i.e. CPU performance, MB loss etc.
The provider will need to indicate the parameters and thresholds according to which the
incident has significant impact and needs to be reported. The thresholds need to be agreed
between the NCA and the cloud provide, giving the values above which the provider will
need to report;
Challenge 3: Information sharing
The provider will need to inform the respective NCA on the root causes, the impact
assessed, the services affected and the users/clients affected. The information on the initial
and subsequent causes should also be included; same applies for the services affected and
the impact parameters.
Challenge 4: Scope of reporting
The scope of the incident reporting is not the same as in the previous cases. Large scale
incidents should be reported, meaning incidents that affect many users in many different
countries causing significant impact; the cloud provider might not even be aware of the
exact number of users affected;
Challenge 5: Definition of roles
As in the previous case, the competent authority receiving the reports should be defined.
However in this case, the problem is more complicated: where in the previous case the
sector regulator that has a mandate on information security, would play the role of the
competent authority, in this case there in no regulatory body to take the responsibility.
Government should cooperate with the CSP to find the respective governmental authority to
Challenge 6: Voluntary reporting
Sharing aggregate data of incidents with competent authorities could also be made possible
by a voluntary information sharing model of industry. Clear guidelines on how the reporting
could be implemented for cloud providers need to be defined by the national authorities.
Lessons learnt are the most important fact of information sharing for both governmental
authorities and industry.
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Critical Critical
Infrastructure Infrastructure SME SME User User
EU Networks
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Cloud Security Incident Reporting
Framework for reporting about major cloud security incidents
December 2013
7 Recommendations
Japan for instance.
In interviews some experts referred to the concept of “European NIS incidents”.
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Cloud Security Incident Reporting
Framework for reporting about major cloud security incidents
December 2013
o a starting point for discussion with the industry about which security measures and
practices worked and if something more should be done;
o an EU wide view of common threats and common causes which can provide useful
information for ICT service providers and cloud providers in particular.
Recommendation 5: Harmonized cloud incident reporting schemes
Many experts from industry and government warned for the risk of unnecessary costs due to
national differences in implementing NIS incident reporting in cloud computing, especially
because cloud providers often work across borders, which means that customers and
regulators from several countries are involved. To allow for a level playing field and a
competitive single digital market it is important to harmonize the implementation of
incident reporting legislation whenever possible. There are several areas which should be
o Common vocabulary and format: For the sake of efficiency authorities should agree on
common vocabulary and terminology when speaking about incidents. This is important
for customers, who may be dealing with multiple cloud providers, for providers, who
may be dealing with regulators and customers from multiple countries, and for
authorities, who may be dealing with incident reports from providers in different
countries. Common digital formats for NIS incident reports (an XML scheme e.g.) would
greatly facilitate the implementation of incident reporting for providers, customers and
o Common deadlines and procedures: For the same reason it is important to agree on
common procedures for reporting. For example, authorities across the different sectors,
across the EU could agree on a two-step procedure where a brief notification is sent
within hours and a full report is sent within days25;
o Common terminology for causes: One of the key goals of incident reporting is to
understand the causes of incidents. By using a single terminology for (root) causes and
threats authorities can more easily get an EU wide picture and understand risks in their
countries better using the information about incidents which occurred across borders. In
the context of the implementation of incident reporting under Article 13a ENISA
introduced 5 root cause categories (Human Errors, System Failures, Malicious actions,
Natural phenomena, Third party failures), which are used as a high-level classification. A
vocabulary of more detailed causes (power cut, cable cut, DDoS attack) could then be
used to analyse incidents in more detail;
o Common impact parameters: It may be difficult to agree across the EU about common
reporting thresholds because different countries have different size and different ICT
dependencies. At the same time, a first step towards understanding the national
differences is to agree first on a set of common impact parameters, such as the number
of customers (or organisations) affected, the range of services affected, the
consequences for customers affected, the geographic spread of incidents.
Recommendation 6: Think big, but start small
The field of NIS is growing and becoming more complex. There is also a wide range of
different types of NIS incidents, ranging from everyday nuisances such as small power cuts
affecting electronic communications, to organized attacks by criminals, severe natural
phenomena affecting data centres, and so on. It may be tempting to try to address a wide
range of incidents rather sooner than later, but it might be more effective to focus on a
Such a set up would follow the two-step procedure described by the EC regarding the implementation of
Article 4 of the e-Privacy directive, and it is in line with the two-step reporting process most EU member states
use in the implementation
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Cloud Security Incident Reporting
Framework for reporting about major cloud security incidents
December 2013
small subset of incidents and a small subset of cloud services first and extend scope only at a
later stage. An iterative approach is particularly useful when addressing large and complex
problems26. Useful scope restrictions could be for instance to focus only on cloud service
outages, because outages are easy to detect and measure quantitatively, or a subset of
services, IaaS e.g., because these services are more standardized and are used more like a
utility infrastructure than other cloud services.
Recommendation 7: Authorities should collaborate with industry and develop voluntary
reporting schemes
Most industry experts advocated in favour of starting with voluntary reporting schemes.
Authorities should take this opportunity to collaborate with the industry and start piloting
voluntary schemes, supporting this way the aforementioned idea of starting from a subset of
services, and then moving to a larger one.
Recommendation 8: Pan-EU sharing
All experts were strongly in favour of reporting schemes involving pan-EU sharing of
information, as opposed to more isolated national reporting schemes. By sharing summaries
of incident reports with other authorities, they can discuss trends, common threats, as well
as security measures and best practices. Only in this way can authorities feed-back relevant
information to the industry. As a by-product, the sharing of incident reports will also
contribute to harmonization, by introducing a single pan-EU terminology and vocabulary to
discuss about threats, assets, and cloud security in general.
We believe national authorities should take an active role in engaging the cloud computing
customers and cloud computing providers and pilot with them basic reporting schemes for NIS
incidents in cloud computing. We look forward to facilitate this process and support authorities and
providers with agreeing on efficient and effective reporting schemes, which provides the right
information to authorities, citizens, customers and cloud providers without creating unnecessary
costs for cloud providers and cloud customers.
7.2 Outlook
Security is often cited as an issue in cloud computing- partly because of general considerations
arising from loss of control and lock-in of the customer and partly because data protection laws
require providers to take appropriate measures, leaving security in a second place.
Cloud infrastructures now form a cornerstone of the digital society. Partly in consequence, the EU’s
2012 cloud strategy aims to speed up the adoption of cloud computing as an enabler for financial
and economic development. However, the increasing reliance on common technologies also raises
concerns about the resilience of critical information infrastructures. It is widely acknowledged that
the current lack of information about network and information security incidents can prevent
government authorities and industry from taking action to mitigate the risks of future incidents. The
EU’s Proposal on the NIS strategy aims to address this problem by extending incident reporting
obligations to a wide range of critical information infrastructures.
This report has analysed barriers and incentives for reporting incidents that involve cloud
computing. We have described how the exchange of lessons learnt can help to increase the
resilience of cloud computing services. The benefits of reporting incidents include: information
sharing, experience exchange, identification of route causes and mitigations, data and trend analysis
etc. The aim has been to provide government authorities (ministries, regulators, cyber security
agencies) with an overview of issues and challenges when implementing national and pan-European
It is indeed de-facto standard for software development now.
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Framework for reporting about major cloud security incidents
December 2013
schemes for reporting incidents in cloud computing. The closing sections have also provided
recommendations on the first steps that European and national agencies can take to implement
future reporting scehemes.
This is just a first approach of a topic that will concern us more in depth in the future. ENISA, having
the experience of a reporting scheme from been involved in Article13a reporting framework, will
support all the relevant parties, competent authorities, providers and operators, to achieve a
harmonised approach across all Member States.
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Cloud Security Incident Reporting
Framework for reporting about major cloud security incidents
December 2013
European Union Agency for Network and Information Security
Science and Technology Park of Crete (ITE)
Vassilika Vouton, 700 13, Heraklion, Greece
Athens Office
1 Vass. Sofias & Meg. Alexandrou
Marousi 151 24, Athens, Greece doi: 10.2824/25864