The Subjunctive
The Subjunctive
The Subjunctive
• The tense doesn’t reflect the real time (unreal past) and
the form of the verb does not correspond grammatically to
the person.
II conditional
If I were rich, I wouldn’t have to work.
III conditional
If my computer hadn’t broken down yesterday, I would have finished my essay.
wish/ if only
as if/ as though
had better
• present past
to wish = to want
I wish to speak to your father.
If only
1. It's a pity David lives so far away from us.
If only David ……
I would rather/ I would sooner
• to express preferences
• if it refers to present or future time
I’d rather do. I’d rather not do. I’d rather have done.
I’d rather not have done
(perfect infinitive)
She’d rather not do. She’d rather not have done
She’d rather do. She’d rather have done.
would rather
/2 subjects\
The teacher would prefer his students not to have made so many
My parents would prefer me to have chosen a different university.
We would like to have gone to the country but the weather prevented
I would like her to have helped me but she didn’t come.
• to give advice
• to warn
• it refers to
• present and future only