Zugs Zugs Zugs: 12th Milk Cap Cutie Original Crochet Pattern by Peggytoes
Zugs Zugs Zugs: 12th Milk Cap Cutie Original Crochet Pattern by Peggytoes
Zugs Zugs Zugs: 12th Milk Cap Cutie Original Crochet Pattern by Peggytoes
* LION Brand Chenille Tan and Brick Yarns (same size as WW)
* Either Crystal Poly Crochet Thread or #10 Cotton Crochet
Thread in Black - for Mouth
* Crochet Hooks: C and E
* Needles and Matching Thread for Sewing Parts On
* 1 Clean Screw On Type Milk Cap per Character
* Weighted Fill Material Such as Steel Shot, BB's or Other Heavy Wt.
* About a 6" Square of Pantyhose, Nylons or Light-Weight Fabric
* Small Amount of Polyfil Stuffing per Character
* 2 Pipe Cleaners - for Legs and Hat (I used a Black w/Brown Stripe)
* Choice of Eyes; See page 2 for Options
* Small Hemostats or Tweezers for Stuffing Small Areas
* FabriTac Glue
* Embellishments: Small Flower Scrapbooking Brads, Metallic Green
Leaf Sequins, a small Copper Frog Charm on Black Crochet Thread
Pg. 1
1. Ch 2, 6 sc in 1st ch made = 6 (TH) 1. Do Not JOIN rds unless instructed to!
2. Sc-INC in each st around = 12 2. Weave in Tails Whenever Possible!
3. (1 sc, 1 sc-INC) six times around = 18 3. If you crochet very tightly - you may
4. (1 sc, 1 sc-INC) nine times around = 27 need a larger hook.
5. (1 sc, 1 sc-DEC) nine times around = 18
6. Hdc in each st around, JOIN = 18
INSERT CAP NOW - Crochet should cover top & sides. If not, add another rd of 18 sc.
7. (1 sc, 1 sc-DEC) six times around = 12 STUFF inside of cap nice and fat!
8. (Sk a st, 1 sc-DEC) three times, (skip a st, 1 sl st from the inside of opening to outside)
two times or until hole is closed. T/O and pull tail inside to hide.
NOSE - C Hook (Top of Nose First):
1. Ch 2, 5 sc in 1st ch made, JOIN = 5 (TH)
2. Sc in next 4 st, 1 sc-INC = 6
3. (Sc in next 2 st, 1 sc-INC) two times around = 8
4. (Nostrils): 1 dc Puff st (see * below), sc next 3 st, 1 dc puff st, sc in next 3 st = 8
5. Sc next 6 st, 1 sc-DEC = 7
6. Sc in each st around = 7 STUFF FIRMLY
7. Sc-DEC three times, 1 sl st from inside to outside in last st. T/O and Stitch high on milk
cap face as shown at right in photos. Sew Nose, Eyelids & Cheeks on with Sewing Thread!
*PUFF (( Yarn Over (YO) hook, insert into st and draw yarn through, YO hook and
STITCH draw through 2 loops on hook (2 loops left on hook), YO hook, insert into same
st and draw yarn through, YO hook and draw through 2 loops on hook, (3 loops
left on hook), YO hook, insert into same st and draw yarn through, YO hook and
draw through 2 loops on hook, (4 loops left on hook), YO and draw through all
loops on hook.))
10-12 mm 8 mm
15 mm ..... Black Button Black Button
Eyes Eyes
12 mm
...Oval Acrylic Wiggly
Doll Eyes Eyes
SHADING: With Rouge on a Q-Tip, begin shading Zugs Face by rubbing the rouge
into the eye areas (checking often to make sure it covers area completely
around the eyes you have chosen), into ears - more at the base than
the top part and onto cheeks.
MOUTH: With Black Crochet Thread on large needle, either
stitch a mouth into place or come in at pt. A - leaving your knot
from thread at pt. A., lay a nice little smile (thread) down,
make a french knot (pt. B.) and exit. Work your thread
either to the back to T/O or move to eye area if you need
to sew eyes into place, then T/O.
BODY - E Hook: B. A.
1. Ch 2, 8 sc in 1st ch made = 8 (TH)
2. Sc-INC in each st around = 16 Knot from End of
French Knot
3. (Sc in next 3 st, 1 sc-INC) four times around = 20 Thread
4. Sc in each st around = 20
5. 1 sc-DEC, 1 sc next st, 1 sc-DEC, 1 hdc next st, dc in next
8 st, 1 hdc next st, 1 sc-DEC, 1 sc next st, 1 sc-DEC = 16
6. (Sc next 2 st, 1 sc-DEC) four times around = 12
7. Sc next 3 st, sc-DEC three times, sc next 3 st = 9
*STUFF the toe of an old (but clean) nylon into the body and
fill with Steel Shot, BB's, or other weighted material.
T/O securely and continue:
8. Sc in each st around = 9 FINISH STUFFING with polyfil.
9. Sc-DEC five times passing the rd's end. T/O and whip stitch
to head as shown at right in photos.
ARMS / HANDS - C Hook - (Left Arm, Hand 1st):
1. Ch 2, 6 sc in 1st ch made = 6 (TH)
2 - 4. Sc in each st around (each rd) = 6 (18 total sc)
5. (Sc next 2 st, 1 sc-INC) two times around = 8
6. Sc in each st around = 8
7. (Thumb): Ch 3, sc in 2nd and 3rd ch from hook, sl st in same st
you're in (below thumb) and sc in next 7 st.
8. Sl st in next-st-and-behind-and-through the 1st sc after the thumb,
sc in same st (as sl st) and in next 6 st = 8 STUFF ARM
9. Left Hand: Sc in next 4 st, FINGERS: (Ch 3, sl st in 2nd and
3rd ch, sl st in same st you began this finger with, sc in next
st on hand) four times, sl st in next st and T/O. Tuck tail inside and
STUFF. STITCH hand closed and then Stitch to body as shown (blue thread in photo above).
Right Hand: Repeat Rds 1-7 of left arm/hand and then do the following:
8. Sl st in next-st-and-behind-and-through-1st-st after the thumb, sc in same st and the next st. STUFF! ..........
RIGHT FINGERS: (Ch 3, sl st in 2nd and 3rd ch, sl st in same st you began this finger with, sc Pg. 3
in next st on hand) four times, sl st in next st and T/O. Tuck tail inside and STUFF.
STITCH hand closed and then Stitch to body as shown (blue thread in photo pg. 2).
FEET - E Hook:
1. Ch 2, 6 sc in 1st ch made = 6 (TH)
2 - 3. Sc in each st around (each rd) = 6 (12 total sc)
4. (Sc next 2 st, 1 sc-INC) two times = 8
5. Sc in each st around = 8
6. Sc-INC in each st around = 16
7. Sc next 5 st, 1 sc-DEC, (1 dc and 2 tc all in next st, 2 tc and 1 dc all in next st, 1 sl st in next st) three times = 27
8. Hdc in next 5 st, 1 hdc and 1 sl st in next st, (1 sc, 1 hdc, dc-INC in next 2 st, 1 hdc, 1 sc, 1 sl st) three times = 34
9. Hdc next 7 st, (sc in next 2 st, hdc-DEC two times, sc next 2 st, 1 sl st) three times = 28
10. 1 sc, 1 hdc-DEC, 1 hdc, 1 hdc-DEC, 1 sc, (sc-DEC three times, 1 sl st) three times = 17
11. (1 sc, 1 sc-DEC) five times, 1 sc-DEC = 11 STUFF FIRMLY!
12. Sc-DEC until closed. T/O.
PLAIN PIPE CLEANER LEGS (1/2 Length of a Pipe Cleaner) :
Dip one end of your pipe cleaner into the FabriTac Glue and insert about 1/2" into a foot. Then dip the
opposite 1/2" end in the Glue and insert into the body as seen in bottom photo pg. 2.
Repeat for other leg/foot. Let DRY.
Follow the Plain Pipe Cleaner Leg Instructions above. With two strands of yarn, glue them to the top of
the pipe cleaner legs (on back side, against body with 1" excess to pull into body). Run a thin layer of glue
along one side of the pipe cleaner and carefully wrap the two strands of yarn tightly around, trying not to
double the yarn over and keeping it even. When you come to the foot end, make sure yarn is glued next to foot
and trim yarn to 1 inch excess. Pull the excess into the foot to hide on both ends.
HAT - E Hook:
1. Ch 2, 4 sc in 1st ch made = 4
2 - 8. Sc in each st around = 4 each rd
(28 total sc)
9. (1 sc, 1 sc-INC) two times around = 6
10. (1 sc, 1sc-INC) three times around = 9
11. Sc in each st around = 9
12. (Sc next 2 st, 1 sc-INC) three
times around = 12
13. (Sc next 2 st, 1 sc-INC) four
times around = 16
14. (Sc next 3 st, 1 sc-INC) four
times around = 20
15. (Sc next 3 st, 1 sc-INC) five
times around = 25
16. (Bottom Back Edge of Hat):
(Dc in next 2 st, 1 dc-INC)
eight times, 1 dc, JOIN in first
dc = 33 T/O, Weave in Tail.