News Gathering and Interviewing

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Arranged by: Third Group

1. Mega Purnama Sari 1888203096

2. Ajeng Putri Lestari 1888203112

3. Puji Aldila 1888203088

4. Fina Rodiatul Azizah 1888203097

5. Eva Feranita 1888203074


Dwi Sloria Suharti, S.Pd., M.Pd





Praise our gratitude to the presence of Allah SWT who has bestowed His grace and
guidance and always gives health the ability and strength to the author to be able to complete
this task. In completing this task, we as writers make every effort so that this paper can reach
perfection and can be understood by readers. Therefore, the authors accept criticism and
suggestions from all parties in completing this task. Hopefully what is contained in the
writing of this assignment can be useful for readers, especially for ourselves in the
development of knowledge in the future.



Interviews are different from ordinary conversations and interviews are aimed at
exploring the problems you want to know and convey to the public (print media), listeners
(radio), or viewers (television). However, journalists conducting interviews cannot force
someone to provide the information needed, but can persuade someone to be willing to
provide the information needed.

The definition of a direct interview is a face-to-face meeting. Interviews involve verbal

interactions between two or more people and take place between the interviewee and the
interviewer, but are usually conducted for a special purpose and are usually focused on a
specific problem. In this respect the interview differs from the usual peer-to-peer
conversation. The interviewer should try to keep the subject from drifting away from the
problem at hand. Therefore there needs to be control (Ishwara. 2005: 85).

Here are some meanings of interviews according to experts:

1) According to Lexy J Moleong (1991: 135)

Interview is a conversation with a specific purpose. In this method, researchers and
respondents face to face to obtain information verbally with the aim of obtaining data
that can explain the research problem.
2) Robert Kahn and Channel
An interview is a special pattern of interactions initiated orally for a specific purpose,
and is focused on a specific content area, with a continuous process of elimination of
unrelated materials.
3) Koentjaraningrat
Interviewing is a method used for certain tasks, trying to get information and verbally
forming respondents, to communicate face to face.


News is all reports regarding events, incidents, ideas, facts that attract attention and are
important to be conveyed or published in the mass media so that they are known or become
public awareness. In delivering news, it must be clear and easy for news connoisseurs to

According to Curtis D. MacDougall, since World War II, many journalism experts or
practitioners have discussed news writing methods. They continue to analyze the ways of
writing news so that the news presented is easy to read, easy to understand, and has a color or
atmosphere so that it can inspire readers.

Before the 5W + 1H formula was known, long before 1930, news writing techniques
were considered sufficient only by fulfilling three or four questions, such as who, what,
where or when, from reported facts or events. Until the next stage, it was deemed inadequate,
so the Associated Press, for example, in a manual for editorial staff, namely the Associated
Press Managing Editors, introduced a new formula known as the 5W + 1H formula (what,
who, where, why, when + How ).



The types of general interviews include:

1) Structured Interview

Guided interviews are known as structured interviews or systematic interviews. The form
of structured interviews, namely questions that demand answers to match the questions.
The questions posed had been planned in detail and clearly in advance and were used as a
guide during the interview.

In guided interviews, the evaluator conducts oral questions and answers with the
necessary parties, for example, interviews with students, parents, or guardians of students
in order to collect information for the assessment of their students.

2) Unstructured Interview

Unsupervised interviews are known as simple interviews or free interviews. The form of
unstructured questions, namely questions that are open. Learners freely answer questions
about what is being questioned. Types of interviews in the world of journalism, among
others (Romli. 2003: 36)

1. News interview (news-peg interview), which is an interview conducted to obtain

information, confirmation, or the interviewee's views on a problem or event. This news
interview is an interview form to provide expert information about a problem that is
currently hot in society.

2. Personal interviews (personal interviews), namely interviews to obtain data about

themselves and the thoughts of the interviewee. The news that he produces is in the form
of an interviewee's profile, covering his identity, his life journey, and his views on
various issues-usually related to actual problems or problems related to his profession.
This interview can also provide an opportunity for the interviewee to express their
personality through their own language or words.

3. Exclusive interviews, namely interviews conducted by a journalist or more (but from one
media) specifically with the interviewee, relating to certain issues in a place that has been
mutually agreed upon by the interviewer and the interviewee.

And for example about interviews, there are:

a. News Interview
News interviews are based on "hard news", some current and current events or interest
developments. The media wanted more information than was offered in the initial report.
By interviewing competent news sources and asking questions that are well defined and
carefully considered.
b. Phone Interview
The telephone interview, a modified version of the news interview, has a number of clear
advantages, and at the same time, it has several limitations that challenge any resourceful
journalist. Intelligence and clear thinking are sometimes needed to find news sources
when a big story breaks; the power of persuasion is often needed to obtain information
from reluctant people who can easily hang up the recipient, and sympathetic voice calls
are important when you are talking to a family where tragedy strikes.
c. Casual Interview
Accidental encounters between journalists and news sources on the street or social
gatherings can often produce tips that arouse the author's curiosity.
d. Personality Interview
In personality interviews, efforts are made so that readers can see the appearance,
behavior, background and even the character of the subject. However, with preliminary
research on the background of the interviewee, intelligent question planning, and skilled
interviewing, a good journalist can let a person's words and behavior bring the individual
to life in a compelling newspaper feature story.
e. Symposium Interview
From time to time, news developments that are of interest today require a reporter or a
team of journalists to find as much information as possible.
f. News conference
The phenomenon of journalism that is growing in popularity in a live press through
television, radio, or newspapers


There are several basic principles of interviewing, namely:

 Recognizing the background of the resource person

 Maintain good relationships with sources
 Asking relevant questions in accordance with the source of the guidelines to be
 Fully responsible, meaning that an interview is a conversation or conversation or
conversation for news that is accurate and can be justified
 Receiver of information, In an interview, it does not mean that journalists have to talk
a lot. It is better if a journalist asks only what is necessary and a journalist tries in
such a way as to be able to get as much information as possible. The more
information you get, the stronger the news
 Having a professional spirit, it is recommended that journalists become experts after
researching a topic in depth. Journalists need to make sources enjoy the atmosphere
during the interview and not feel tense or feel
 Be a good listener and pay close attention


According to Zainal (2010) the objectives of the interview are as follows:

1. To obtain information directly in order to explain a particular thing or situation and

2. To complement a scientific investigation
3. To obtain data in order to influence certain situations or people


The interview stages include:

A. Interview Preparation Stages

 Determining the purpose or objective of the interview “interview topic”
 Determine the information to be collected or recorded
 Choosing agencies or people who will be used as sources who can provide the
necessary information or data
 Contacting the source before the interview is held as well as discussing the technique
of conducting the interview, for example regarding the time, place and so on
 Compiling a list of questions that will be used in conducting interviews

B. Interview Implementation Stages

The opening stage
1) The interviewer introduces himself and states the purpose and purpose of the
2) The interviewer should follow the rules and politeness both in appearance and use of
3) The interviewer should be neat, clean and pleasing to the eye
4) The interviewer should use polite speech and do not offend the interviews
5) In order for the question and answer process to run well, it would be better if the
interviewer got to know more about the identity or information relating to the source
6) The interviewer should be familiar with the personal information possessed by the
interviewee, starting from the name, expertise to the job or position

The core stage

1) Ask questions systematically

2) Be clear and concise with questions
3) The number of questions should be adjusted according to the situation and time
4) Questions are presented in a friendly manner so as to create an intimate atmosphere
with the interviewee
5) During the interview process, the interviewer should act as a neutral party, meaning
that he does not take sides with a conflict of opinion, events or other conflicts that
may be raised by the source
6) The interviewer should not influence the interviewee's attitude, stance or emotions
7) The interviewer must also have preparedness and special techniques in overcoming
difficulties that may occur, for example the answers put forward by the sources and
so on
8) The interviewer should have the ability to hear accurately, record important data, if
recording data using a tape recorder, it should be based on the prior consent of the
source. Use key words to help the interviewer plan new questions and look for
important points

The closing stage

1) End the interview with a good and pleasant impression, the interviewer should
express gratitude. Also add to his hopes that the two parties can meet again on
another occasion
2) Continue to maintain good relations with the source
3) Before the results of the interview are processed or published, the interviewee should
know the recordings or notes he has put forward

- Objectively, writing must be based on facts and data that are actually found in the field
- Cover both sides, the writing must be balanced and try to include all parties involved in
the incident
- The principle of saving words, the basic principle of communication that runs quickly
and clearly, in a relatively limited time and space and the reader can easily digest the
information conveyed
- Contains 5W + 1H elements, meaning that the news must explain what events were
written, who were involved, when they happened, where they happened and how the
series of events were
- Written in an inverted pyramid. In this pattern the most important data should be placed
in the first paragraphs. Thus, the more the paragraph lies, the more important the data it
contains, the first paragraph which is called the lead is the most important paragraph.
This is because the lead contains the angel (point of view), the news and the point that is


Pros of Interviewing

Consists of:

• Can communicate directly to students so that the information obtained can be known

• Can improve learning processes and outcomes

• Conducting interviews is more flexible, dynamic and personal

• Allows to ask many questions that take a long time.

• Allows the interviewer to understand the complexity of the problem and explain the
purpose of the study to the respondent.

• The participation of respondents is higher than the questionnaire technique.

Weaknesses of Interviewing

The weaknesses of the interview include the following:

1. If the number of students is large enough, the interview process will use a lot of time,
effort, and money.

2. Occasionally protracted interviews with no direction, so that the data does not meet what is

3. The interview situation is easily influenced by the surrounding environment.

4. Requires mastery of good language skills from the interviewer.

5. The existence of the interviewer's subjective influence that can affect the results of the

6. There is an effect of the subjectivity of the interviewer on the results of the interview.

7. There is often a bad attitude from the students being interviewed and the overaction
attitude of the teacher as the interviewer

To overcome the weaknesses that may be found in the interview, the efforts to overcome
them are:

• Condition the situation so that it is better so that it is not affected by unfavorable

environmental conditions.

• The language used can be adjusted to the client so that the client understands and

• Minimize existing time, effort and cost


Four Principles (

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