Protection of Substation: 3.1. Lightning Arrestors

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Grid station report of internship at IESCO

Following components are used for the protection purpose on grid station.


A lightning arrestor is a device used in power systems and telecommunications systems to
protect the insulation and conductors of the system from the damaging effects of lightning. The
typ.ical lightning arrester has a high-voltage terminal and a ground terminal. When a lightning
surge (or switching surge, which is very similar) travels along the power line to the arrester, the
current from the surge is diverted through the arrestor, in most cases to earth.


Transformers are totally enclosed static devices and generally oil immersed. Therefore chances
of fault occurring on them are very easy rare, however the consequences of even a rare fault
may be very serious unless the transformer is quickly disconnected from the system. This
provides adequate automatic protection for transformers against possible faul ts. Various
protection methods used for transformers are:-

3.2.1. Buchholz Relay

Buchholz relay is a safety device mounted on some
oil-filled power transformers and reactors, equipped
with an external overhead oil reservoir called a
conservator. The Buchholz Relay is used as a
protective device sensitive to the effects of
dielectric failure inside the equipment.
Depending on the model, the relay has multiple
methods to detect a failing transformer. On a slow accumulation of gas, due perhaps to slight
overload, gas produced by decomposition of insulating oil accumulates in the top of the relay
and forces the oil level down. A float switch in the relay is used to initiate an alarm signal.
Depending on design, a second float may also serve to detect slow oil leaks.If an arc forms, gas
accumulation is rapid, and oil flows rapidly into the conservator. This flow of oil operates a
switch attached to a vane located in the path of the moving oil. This switch normally will
operate a circuit breaker to isolate the apparatus before the fault causes additional damage.

3.2.3. Conservator and Breather

When the oil expands or contacts by the change in the temperature, the oil level goes either up
or down in main tank. A conservator is used to maintain the oil level up to predetermined value

Grid station components and their functioning

Grid station report of internship at IESCO

in the transformer main tank by placing it above

the level of the top of the tank. Breather is
connected to conservator tank for the purpose
of extracting moisture as it spoils the insulating
properties of the oil. During the contraction and
expansion of oil air is drawn in or out through
breather silica gel crystals impregnated with cobalt
chloride. Silica gel is checked regularly and dried
and replaced when necessary.

3.2.4. Marshalling box

It has two meter which indicate the temperature of
the oil and winding of main tank. If temperature of
oil or winding exceeds than specified value, relay
operates to sound an alarm. If there is further
increase in temperature then relay completes the
trip circuit to open the circuit breaker controlling the transformer.

3.2.5. Transformer cooling

When the transformer is in operation heat is generated due to iron losses the removal of heat is
called cooling.
There are several types of cooling methods, they are as follows: Air natural cooling

In a dry type of self-cooled transformers, the natural circulation of surrounding air is used for its cooling.
This type of cooling is satisfactory for low voltage small transformers.

3..2.5.2. Air blast cooling

It is similar to that of dry type self-cooled transformers with to addition that continuous blast of filtered
cool air is forced through the core and winding for better cooling. A fan produces the blast. Oil natural cooling

Medium and large rating transformers have their winding and core immersed in oil, which act both as a
cooling medium and an insulating medium. The heat produce in the cores and winding is passed to the
oil becomes lighter and rises to the top and place is taken by cool oil from the bottom of the cooling
tank. Oil blast cooling

In this type of cooling, forced air is directed over cooling elements of transformers immersed in oil. Forced oil and forced air flow (OFB) cooling

Oil is circulated from the top of the transformers tank to a cooling tank to a cooling plant. Oil is then
returned to the bottom of the tank.

Grid station components and their functioning

Grid station report of internship at IESCO Forced oil and water (OWF) cooling

In this type of cooling oil flow with water cooling of the oil in external water heat exchanger takes place.
The water is circulated in cooling tubes in the heat exchanger.

Now from this report one can conclude that electricity plays an important role in our life. At the
end of the training, I came to know about the various parts of substations and how they are
operated. Also I learnt about how transmission is done in various parts of Pakistan especially in

As evident from the report, a substation plays a very important role in the transmission system.
That’s why various protective measures are taken to protect the substations from various faults
and its smooth functioning. Power Transmission Corporation of IESCO takes such steps so that
a uniform and stable supply of electricity can reach in every part of this state.

Awareness of the causes and their effects through management of grid station itself would
reduce the system irregularities to some extent. All these difficulties ultimately lead to a low
voltage profile in the system.

The poor voltage profile causes loss of equipments and energy. Thus, maintenance of the
voltage profile to keep the consumer voltage at the declared level allowing the deviation wi thin
the permissible limits would keep the losses at control. The consumer voltage may be kept at
the desired level by controlling one or more of the following variable on which it is dependent.

Adequate Size of Conductors is required for Distribution lines and installation of Distribution
transformers nearer to load centers. High Power Factor of Primary and secondary distribution
system are started in different area of country. Feeder phase current and load balancing while
load factor should be increased to control low power and energy losses by transformer Sizing
(based on load) and Selection (core material). Switching off transformers in period of low
demands and maximum demand indication (MDI) time. Due to more consumption we should
need more power generation to full fill our demand. So by using different economical and
reliable method to generate power for different type of customer like power generation

 Hydel Generation
 Thermal Generation
 Nuclear Power Generation
 Wind Energy
 Coal Reserves
 Biomass Energy and Solar energy

Grid station components and their functioning

Grid station report of internship at IESCO


Grid station components and their functioning

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