EFL - Unit 8 - Teaching Writing

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Unit 8 Teaching writing ore you eat Chal 8, nse these questions 35.2 retin tsk top ou stat kg out the proces of wating. How many ofthese typical wring tasks do you din your everyday fe? Ltrs, eal, aes, mans, nots ef for fay orients, potas ree cas tices fornewspapersimageznes. Its reviews. Reports - business, echnical, medial, scietfic. ‘= ead esays theses. HManualsfnstrctons fora process o apiece of technology “he wea ofthese questions so help youthink aout the skis and tchiques jou use 2 cares 8 Tro tis may give you some sight how and wy we ea wring nan EFL eso, ‘a1. Are there any other writing tasks that you do? (02. vat are te typical formats and language used in thes various asks? 2 _taokat two ortho of these weting tasks nd thik bout what raress you uso 9 do ‘Rem successfully. (QA, Who reads what you have written and why? ‘eve questions mightelp you to derstand and empatise wth your steels i wit. 5, What can you remember abou leaing 1 wie as acid and writing tas at schon of further education? (06, What positive or negative aspects can you remember? send Chapter 8 and ensver he questions i your workbook, Da ogo cack our anes and 28 ‘the answer section careful fr mor information Why teach writing? Harmer outines the two main reasons fer teaching wring as to reinforce te learning of fanguage and 1 fleveop the ably to complete real ie tasks, A writing lesson either focused on 'wtng framing” ox language fearing o¢ an ‘wing for writin o you agree with Harmer’ reason fr teaching wring? What kind of writing should students do? \Witing tasks canbe means of practising and reflecting on new language; or pectic traning na genre or ‘orm of wting that students nee to be abl to use intel everyday Ives, Obviously the wing tasks You set for your stdens must be relevant thi needs and give useful practice thet helps them o develop their language knowledge and wing skis 07, What useful, practical, writing tasks could you give o 2 group of + Business people = Nurses Hotel staff + University students ‘As Harmer says, there's no iit to the range and type of writing tasks students may enjoy ant fin elf ‘though some students do have specie unctoral wring neds do'tige tne ober morecestie, fn tasks that allo students to enjoy playing wit anguage and to express ther personales and sense of humaur What do writing sequences look like? For a wrting lesson tobe effective siden need to have the necessary language forte tsk and the style and format of each particular type of task. “There are varios wing leson structures that can be used depending on te level ofthe stusents and the thjecve othe lesson. However as you've een inthe section on eson strc lessons donot necessarily havea stalttorward near structure. By the endo tis nt youl se how wring lessons aso reflec the ‘way in wich most people naturally epproach a writing tsk in real ie. C armor’ example lesson is sometimes cal ‘para witha; mod ve gonad Teteace ten rsaes ana ofthe ngage as ferat wy ara ey ado a exes at gue tis tas. Stents ager eke cre ek own Pls> wing fovng the guidelines and information taken om the mode ‘hs ype of wean es used fr fous wing such set, tations et. Ts po WASTE rae ree or rghr lero! students, fx tasks hat have spect Language se, ay out of WHR aan a a sei pat, campary anus prs, cadence, as evs 900 carrer parr wring ees tat th acer can respond 10 by ating stants to bingo oss amples of witing they naed todo at work or colge. sora wring (a somatins eal rout top-down wing can be vy moti fx awe aorta ne ty a al to achive these ncn tasks eet by ‘tir (oyna) sme of He Tanguage, pirases and format neded forthe task Example 2: eal interview ane probe of ze in rng son i tat tues drt tae enogh net ws oar aoe en imate by he nami teak One way overcome Ws tiv suet wtnd raat rife orig soteces ny. The kay sv ere isto have a al ebjocve he ks tot simply aking students fo"wite a sentence using the new language ‘is ask ass Sst we single questions in pars By waking in paso run ttle cn hep at sre re prve tn understanding ofthe guage bing praclsed ad to deep eas o wre abou. For any wen wa eset a the le of work wi be read by sone, no mpl sore! rary atalyeny the content. Wout his ‘utente of wel werk coud eel HO a sre ocrie. To promote pen wtlen work endo gv stfets a reain 0 chalenge Ramsehes, ‘an audence is essential rmer tts about how the sentences canbe ued afer stfets have writen them; he ewan et werent cold compare sentences wih each oer, tan read sow ther sexienes,Athoudh shots sr tom wr con be ery par, oan a ogi consign 2 ar rap 2 ra ele may fel ut hee na ven a ane 1 read te wr may Be moe ene stp audio eadastecton of ther’ wor, eter by aig the work auton tbls or pling OF aan om wal. n sway students can walk eund and ead wich loss interest hen. The Students sould known avance ofthe actvy tat ter work wl be ead by oer student's aereeskSoemal ther interven o each ae and respond tthe quests they receiv, Tis Wes = real audience for tel writing and a real reaponse to te ask e 108. How could you adapt this interview activity for lower level students? ‘00, After Ss have competed writen answers to these interviews, how could you ensure a ‘audience for these completed interviews? Example 3: report wing (advanced) inthis example Harmer gives ear outine fa writing tsk that iterated it an extended rojo ivy, In this way th wing task becomes 2 natural and necessary ‘real Me tsk, After gathering ‘Atormaton stents are gen the language and styl of report writing bythe acer. At this pot students hve the information, language and sy as the components of arepart and now have to put together these components to rte succesful epar.At the teacher input sap, Its also asi to allow he sttons vor independence and ive them a mode of report wring with questions end exercises telp them tlcaor wat gue ae fom s ual. This sae process may eat tts bears ove ‘Fran ain snow formation, but remember the teacher inthis typeof act fs constant erelting and helsing -Tese next two questions dont have any specie answers, the a is for you to use your rey t tart thinking about hoo to set up his type of writing task. ‘a10. What report writing tplos would you suggest for a class of young adult general English lamers? ‘att, What methods of callctng information forthe report would be most effective for your tples? Correcting writing sore you read this sect, think back oschaoclege days and try to remember what R was Fe 1 receive a corecod pico of work fom your teacher. What are the mai elements you remember? What do you think ar the three main issues about enor correction in wing? Fay, pace of work covered in corectos fs demotvaing and derraln, Te teacher weeds fet @ fice of wok tat general achievable ut stil challengin ll my tdets Ge me wor thet of tro, |feel thatthe work I set them was beyond ther ait, ‘To aol over-cotecto, the teacher can elect o mark any certain spect areas ofthe wor ke tenses, word order, speing or whatever the teacher ees needs focasng on. @ ‘re ay puso err crecon fo students ounderstar wit he ears an ston mag es Paes eta aac seo wea marking oat ihght a fine eos wa! ad scat, Sens then ave fo werk ot ersees whats wrong an haw ocd te ST acta Boks soe an exercise fr students to ea and practise using ese symbols or ou mh have to design your oun worse odo this. sere re sone example of pica symbols ved anda shat exercise ol J se ow is was. ‘correction Sumibols 1 Tense Prep Preposiion Punctuation se Speting Grammar ww Wrong word ‘WO Word order : Word missing 1 Word nt necessary 2 Wat do you mean? ‘x8. imagine tis isa pec of wring by a student. Which pars woul you underine 35 9 sais i now would you define each ero? The first has been done as an example and there are 26 errors in total. eter oa British penal Dear Rosie, 1 F ww “Thanks for your wring too me. You fai and ie som very lovely ein smal vilage and come to the school nearby my the home. I want erring English fortis important forthe jo. My femiy are composed by fur people, my mater, my father, my brother and me, My brother has 21 years ans student of univers in psa My mater Is doctor and my father e isan engineer. You ak me about ou hls, Last summer we vist € Seotland and have enjoyed the scottish views Scand is very beaut andthe peop sympathetic. My bothers ery interesting for Sotish mus. winter aways we gosto the mountains, ke ery much sing Pease wite meagan and say me about your schoo ove Lisa When you have underined and defined the eras, you may find ituseful to research whats wrorg with ech for and you woud explain hist a student. This might ep you to start developing your grammatical nowdgel | use this enter coretion sytem lth for pear caecton, or teacher eoecton (or usualy both. For ‘example, when studons have ished apiece of work the rt thing todo sto make sce tha the work is read and enjoyed by oer students, eter by swapping pleces with each oterof by puting athe work on the walls for everyone to read. refer puting work onthe wals as talows So getup and walk about, & simple way to change the pace ofthe lesson for ail. fer this, ask students to swap tele wok wth aparnar and to read tei partner's wrk agai, underining any eros pec ony using the ambals syst ode wha typeof err thl partne i made They ton ret the work to their partner and usualy an animated discussion takes pace as people agree wth ‘heir parine’'s definition of eras and togetier thay try to sort out what’ right an what's wrora ‘This may tke some ime and quite often involves peole using dctonares, grammar books and teacher advice to srt things out. fel hiss aval use of ime as students gain an insight int ther own errors and those of thesis abvays easier to see other people's mistakes than seeing ou wm}. ‘bviousty students want ther work to beard’ by te teachor and 0 | use the same mated of deiing eros rather than correcting them, | never give scores or marks for writen work, (unless students are ‘Studying fr an extemal exam) as | fel that marks don't necessarily help the learning press or ave Students guidance ast ow to improve their werk. yt always ve conmant on the ote ofthe piece and if necessary ave guidance on which areas he student needs to work on. c it essontal that Ss are then given a good churk of time inthe next appropri lesson to werk lone and ‘together to ty and work out and correct her own eros. usually make sure tere ae grammar books and lctonries in the classroom fortis err corecon lesson and give plenty af tine foro learn rom tei errors. Making mistakes sa postive thing - It means Ss are stretching their ality and trying to lear. Ss ‘make no rors theyre not ering! ‘nother tol for helping students to Improve ther wring isto help them develop prot reading skis in English, After stages have given me tw or thre pices of work to mark, comple ast foreach student oftheir parcuarerors and the mistakes they make out of habit rather than ak of understanding | give ‘each student tei list and ask them to ue it 2 a proof eaig ad before they hand in their work. Again, the ideas o help students to stop making errors and to ensure that wring acities ee effective tools for improving understanding ofanguage points and technique. What can be done about handwriting? “The key ssue with handing, is whether the reader find it easy to flow whet the wit has write. This can be & particular problem fr students whose fist language doesn’ use the same alphabet system &5 English, Harmer suggests that may be helpful to use ined paper for standardise, ltr forming practic. “This can be made tobe mare interactive and less patronising i students work together to decide on each ters handwitng weaknesses, whether asia ters o as problem conbinatos of eters In pais, stunts can then set eachother practice work odo. Writing lesson sequences ‘Tho ESA model is useful tol to help the teacher tobe clara to the purpose ofeach part of the lesson ‘and a8 a check hat the lesson has a logical sequence. Here are some ideas for wring lessons withthe sequence ofeach lesson jumbled up. ‘014, Look at each lesson outline and put the sections ofthe lesson inthe corect order. Use the ESA ‘model to help you define the activity and to decide which section goes where. The function ‘and sequence I would use are listed inthe answer section. 2ss0n 1, Elementary to pre-inermediate ‘Students use desktop pubishng software to produce ‘praessiona” ooking mend, ea ats, In pais stunts tel each ator about ther favourite 3-course meal In pars students match vocabulary of fod and coking sy Fast ees fish toast..beet tiled... beet illo. fs fed rn lad fe... e008 rived ....e008 iv salad In smal groups students decide ons menutems for: Gp 1 starters. rp 2 main courses, Grp 3 side ishestvgotales rp 4 puddings. ‘Students lok a a selection of authentic menus from local restaurants or adapted merus i evel of students to ow), “Teacher efor groups so that each new group asa person from each previous group, starters, man courses, side cishes,pudcngs. Groups then agree on and vite a menu. ‘Your final objective is for your students to be able to apply (in writing) fora job. Here's alist ‘of activites that could be used to create a well-structured lesson. Decide what the purpose of ‘each activity is: engage, study o activate? In pars, student look a ists of obs, (conventional and unusua), and decide which jobs they would Ik to be doing/have done do. In smal groups, students read a numberof authentic ob ads and select new vocabulary category 2g. salary, dus, experience needed, qualifications, jo description. Each group has a specific catogory of woabulary. ‘As a whole clas, students make ists and definitions ofthe new vocabulary by categuy. The lists could be writen on fpehart paper and put onthe was for future reference. In pais, students brainstorm ides or rough job descriptions fr thee dream jobs, In small groups students connect curicuum vise wih sultable job matches. Matrals would ‘probably need! Yo be created by the teacher, with careful use of vocabulary. @ Stents ae gen pil tata en jst ote into scos. They ten he CX in tne ight order and check with oter paso check the ode. 1. pas, students ak each aber questns 10 fi ut abut each ers asaeatens and experience. 1 Stuents wie ther own geuine or imaginary CX. and word process hel teat 4, Students check ech oars fit at for aor, thn the teacher aso orcs, Sens en ‘work on correcting tele om rors 2s classroom acy 40. Students writ their final daft nd produce it as real ‘se das er mainly focused on producing a CV. What vs would you sugest fa = ropes We Temtenge tachi ese obctie? Wing ate faction: ee: wing 20> advert: ‘wing a eal jb desertion. “Tere are no answers to this questo asthe range of potenti answers s endless. Word processing ‘ve fur hat gting dents to word process thr wakhas ruber of adantges. rs asf Mead easy rewting and eg, As awhoe das act, prong work sha he ra 8S! tne very etetive means of rat reading and peer er coecion When sient ee he Samet

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