Appendix B Writing APA Style Results
Appendix B Writing APA Style Results
Appendix B Writing APA Style Results
APA (American Psychological Association) style is often used to report statistics in the social
sciences. This appendix provides guidelines on how to write up many of the commonly used
statistical analyses in APA style, as well as examples. Note that the majority of the time when
results are reported it is written up in a report or presentation; therefore these guidelines indicate
how you should type up results. If you are writing by hand, please do your best to use the correct
notation (e.g., italics), although spacing and punctuation should be easy to achieve by hand.
• Regression analyses are often best presented in a table (usually because this is the clearest
way to present multiple regression; in our class we have only covered linear regression
with one independent variable). APA doesn't say much about how to report regression
results in the text, but if you would like to report the regression in the text of your results
section, you should at least present the slope (b) along with the t-test and the
corresponding significance level.
• We learned about b1 - the unstandardized slope where the data units might be
inches, percent correct, anxiety score, miles per hours, etc.
• Regression example: This analysis attempted to model the relationship between the
number of classes attended and final exam score. Results of a linear regression indicated
that number of classes attended significantly predicted performance on the final exam,
F(1, 53) = 4.51, p < .001, with an R2 = .18. Students’ final exam score is equal to 30.56 +
3.25(classes attended), indicating that final exam score increased by 3.25 for each class
• b = .34 shows that you found the unstandardized slope
• the F-test that follows examined whether this slope is significantly more extreme
than 0 (interpret the p-value in the same way as correlation!)
• r2 is the measure of how much this regression model explains the variability from
the main.
• The regression equation is provided, with an interpretation of the equation.
III. One Sample CI and T-test
Confidence Intervals
• Typically we don’t report confidence intervals by themselves. They are usually
included with a figure or appended to the end of the t-test (see the example in C. below).
For the purposes of our class, you may report it like either of the below examples:
From this random sample of Katy Perry fans, we have 95% confidence that the
population mean lies between CI [0.24, 1.14].
Based on this random sample of Katy Perry fans, the 95% confidence interval is 0.24 to 1.14.
One Sample T-test
• For the one-sample t-test, make sure to include:
• Purpose of analysis
• Sample statistics
• Population parameter that the sample is being tested against
• Test statistics
• t
• df
• p (two-tailed)
• Example (significant): This analysis attempted to examine whether the average
number of hours students at Valley College sleep a night differs from the national
average of 6.5 hours. A one-sample t-test indicated that Valley College students
get significantly more sleep (M = 7.68, SD = 0.53) than the national average (μ =
6.50), t(92) = 3.28, p = .002.
• The M and SD stand for the sample mean and standard deviation
• The μ stands for the population mean from the null hypothesis
• t shows that you used the t-statistic
• t(92) means the t-statistic given that the degrees of freedom was 92 (from
this I can tell that there were 93 students in the data set)
• 3.28 is the sample t
• p = .002 means that the resulting two-tailed p-value was equal to .002.
• Example (not significant): This analysis attempted to examine whether the
average number of hours students at Valley College sleep a night differs from the
national average of 6.5 hours. A one-sample t-test indicated that Valley College
students do not differ significantly in sleep (M = 6.61, SD = 0.44) than the
national average (μ = 6.50), t(92) = 0.31, p = .521.
• Avoid saying “insignificant” that is not the opposite of significant in statistics
IV. T-tests with Two Samples
• For independent and paired samples t-tests, make sure to include:
• Purpose of analysis (independent samples t-test or paired samples t-test)
• Which test was used
• Sample statistics (for both samples)
• Test statistics
• t
• df
• p (two-tailed)
• Independent samples t-test example (not significant) that includes CI: This analysis
attempted to examine whether students of Dr. Graham’s statistics course were taller than
students from Dr. T’s statistics course. An independent samples t-test indicated that Dr.
Graham’s students (M = 158.1 cm, SD = 5) were not significantly taller than Dr. T’s
students (M = 158.30 cm, SD = 4.80), t(48.41) = 0.33, p = .740, 95% CI [0.44, 1.23].
• It’s optional whether you want to include the confidence interval of the difference or
not. I include it here because more journals are starting to request confidence