HCM 1: Model Organizational Structure

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HCM 1: Model Organizational Structure

Exercise Model Global Bikes organizational structure. Time 10 min

Task Sketch an organizational structure including four hierarchy levels for
the organizational units described in the Global Bike scenario and integrate a
new security unit into the Administration department of this organizational
structure. Global Bikes headquarters are located in Dallas and GBI is
registered as a US company. GBI also operates a subsidiary company,
Global Bike Germany GmbH which is based in Heidelberg. A new security
department should be set up and integrated into the existing organizational
structure of GBI US. The new department obtains its offices at the group’s
headquarters in Dallas and belongs to the Administration and Financials
department. Have a look at GBI’s company story in order to complete the

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HCM 2: Analyze Organizational Structure in SAP

Exercise Analyze the SAP S/4HANA organizational structure. Time 10 min

Task Which data objects can be used in the HR organizational structure in

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HCM 3: Personnel Master Record

Exercise Personnel master record. Time 10 min

Task Which data is generally required for a personnel master record in a

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HCM 4: Display Organizational Plan

Exercise Display the organizational plan of the Global Bike Group. Time 10 min
Task Use the SAP Easy Access Menu to review the organizational plan of
the Global Bike Group.
Name (Position) Sang Cha (Personnel Administration Officer)

The Organizational Structure is composed by the Enterprise Structure, the Organizational structure
Personnel Structure, and the Organizational Plan. Before the employee’s
personnel master data can be entered an organizational structure needs to be Enterprise structure
defined. Employees are integrated in this structure. The Enterprise
Structure represents formal and financial structures in a company and is
basically composed by the company code, the personnel area, and the Personnel structure
personnel subarea. The Personnel Structure displays the relationship
between employees and assigns them to certain employee groups and Organizational plan
subgroups. The structural and personnel company model is illustrated in the
Organizational Plan.

In order to review the organizational plan, follow the SAP Easy Access
menu path:
Menu path
Human Resources ► Organizational Management ► Organizational
Plan ► Organization and Staffing ► Display

To display the organizational plan, search for the Global Bike Group in the
window Find by on the left side of the screen. There, choose Organizational
unit and Search Term.

In the following screen, in the With name entry field enter search term
Global Bike Group
Global Bike Group and press . The search result should be displayed
in the hit list on the left side of the screen.

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After double-clicking on this unit, the organizational plan is displayed in the

structural view on the right side of the screen.

In order to view all departments and positions within the Global Bike group,
expand the organizational plan by clicking on (Expand node).

Organizational units are represented by icons, while positions are

displayed as . Persons that staff regular positions are represented by the


With the help of this information, please answer the following questions:
How many positions are planned for the organizational unit Sales Area US
Does the Software department have a head of department?

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In the organizational plan, go to Global Bike US ► Administration and

Financials and double-click on the Financials Department.

On the bottom of the screen, details for the Organizational unit Financials are
displayed. Have a look at all tabs and find out:
Assigned company code:
Validity period:

Double-click on the position Accounts Payable Specialist in order to display

her details on the bottom of the screen. Find out the following information:
Is it a head position?

Click on the exit icon to return to the SAP Easy Access screen.

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HCM 5: Display Personnel Master Record

Exercise Display a personnel master record. Time 10 min

Task Use the SAP Easy Access Menu to review a personnel master record of
a person working in the Global Bike Group.
Name (Position) Sang Cha (Personnel Administration Officer)

In order to display a personnel master record, follow the SAP Easy Access Menu path

menu path:
Human Resources ► Personnel Management ► Administration ► HR
Master Data ► Display

You should see the Display HR Master Data screen. Type in 15 as the
Personnel no. and press Enter. The system displays general organizational 15
data of the employee and all InfoTypes. InfoTypes for which data is
maintained are marked with .

Then, highlight the Organizational Assignment InfoType and press .

In the Display Organizational Assignment screen, please find out the

following information:

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Subarea the person belongs to: F1

Position the person fills:

With the help of the F1 help find out the definition of an Employee Group:

Click on the back icon to leave the organizational assignment screen

and go back to the HR Master Data.

Then, highlight the Personal Data InfoType and press . In the

Display Personal Data screen, find out the following information:
Name of the employee:
Date of Birth:

Click on the exit icon to return to the SAP Easy Access screen.

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HCM 6: Recruitment – Record Applicant Data

Exercise Applicant data. Time 5 min

Task Consider which applicant data should be stored in a human resources
management system.

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HCM 7: Recruitment – Model Procurement Process

Exercise Model procurement process. Time 5 min

Task Model the procurement process by following all the necessary steps.

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HCM 8: Human Resources Development – Difference between

Qualifications and Requirements

Exercise Qualifications and Requirements. Time 10 min

Task Describe the differences between qualifications and requirements.

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HCM 9: Human Resources Development – Record Qualifications

Exercise Qualifications. Time 10 min

Task Consider briefly which qualifications a department manager should
have in general.

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HCM 10: Display Qualification Catalog

Exercise Change the qualification catalog. Time 10 min

Task Use the SAP Easy Access Menu in order to display the qualification
Name (Position) Sang Cha (Personnel Administration Officer)

In order to change the qualification catalog, follow the SAP Easy Access
Menu path
menu path:
Human Resources ► Personnel Management ► Personnel
Development ► Information System ► Reports ► Catalog ►

The qualification catalog appears on the following screen.

Expand Certification, Communication and Education by clicking on . Now

you can see the various qualification groups and their corresponding,
predefined individual qualification.

Double-click on in order to display the details of

this qualifications.

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Which qualification group can First Aid Certification be assigned to?

By means of which scale can the proficiency of this qualification be


Click on in order to return to the qualification catalog.

In order to become acquainted with other types of scales and their

proficiencies, double-click on .

The defined scale is GPA ranges. If you switch to the tab Proficiencies, you
can see the various proficiency values.

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Click on in order to return to the qualification catalog.

Double-click on in order to display another scale (Points Scale 1-5).

Click on the exit icon to return to the SAP Easy Access screen.

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HCM 11: Integrate Event Management

Exercise Trainings for Human Resources Development. Time 10 min

Task Which data is needed in order to save training material within a human
resources development system?

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HCM 12: Talent Management – Create a Career

Exercise Create a Career. Time 10 min

Task Consider what the career of a human resources director could look like,
including the possible processing steps.

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HCM 13: Performance Management – Create a Plan

Exercise Defining goals. Time 10 min

Task Consider three possible targets for the year of a call center employee at
a telecommunication company.

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HCM 14: Performance Management – Create an Assessment

Exercise Utilization of assessments. Time 5 min

Task For which purposes can the results of employee assessments be used?

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HCM 15: Performance Management – Model Performance


Exercise Model a performance process. Time 5 min

Task Model the process for the creation and subsequent evaluation of an
employee’s target agreement.

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HCM 16: Personnel Controlling – Generate Report

Exercise Reports for the director. Time 10 min

Task Put yourself in the place of the director of a company. Consider which
personnel management reports should be available for you at the beginning
of each year.

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