Computer: 5 Generations of Computers

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A computer is a programmable machine which responds to a specific set of instructions in a well-defined manner
and which can execute a pre-recorded list of instructions (known as a program).
5 Generations of Computers

1. 1940-1956: Vacuum Tubes

The UNIVAC and ENIAC computers are examples of first-generation computing devices. The UNIVAC was the
first commercial computer delivered to a business client, which was U.S. Census Bureau, in 1951.

2. 1956-1963: Transistors
Transistors replaced valves and were usually known as second generation computers.

3. 1964-1971: Integrated Circuits

The Integrated Chip (IC) became the basis of the Third Generation.

4. 1971-present: Microprocessors
Fourth generation computers used microprocessors. IBM introduced the first computer for home user in 1981
and Apple introduced the Macintosh in 1984. Graphical User Interface (GUI), the mouse and handheld devices
were also developed during this stage.

5. Present and Beyond: Artificial intelligence

The future belongs to artificial intelligence, which can be seen from various speech recognition systems and
robots being developed.

Computer Terminology
1) 32–bit/16–bit: This denotes the number of “pieces” (or bits) of information required by an operating system to
run a certain application. It also deals with the construction of the computer’s CPU (Central Processing Unit) or
2) Analog: Not digital. This is data in the form of a continuous flow. A record or a tape is analog. Digital, on the
other hand, is in pieces or samples.
3) Bandwidth: The carrying capacity of a wire attached from one computer to another. It is usually measured in the
amount of bits carried.
4) BASIC: BASIC is family of general–purpose, high–level programming languages whose design philosophy
emphasizes ease of use – the name is an acronym from Beginner’s All – purpose Symbolic Instruction Code.
5) Binary: This is a basic system of numbering using ones and zeros.
6) BIOS: Stands for Basic Input/ Output System. This is the little set of programs that lets all the different parts of
the computer talk to each other.
7) Bit/s: “Bit” is a grouping of the words “binary” and “digits”.
8) Blu–ray Disc: A optical disc storage medium designed to supersede the DVD format.
9) Browser: User’s software program for viewing & browsing information on the Internet.
10) Byte: A unit of space. It is also used to represent a series of seven or eight ASCII code digits representing a
11) C: A programming language developed at AT & T.
12) Cache: A big, put fast memory that transparently improves the performance of a larger, but slower memory or
storage device.
13) Cache: This is a memory section that holds data while the CPU (central processing unit) or brain, is working on

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14) CD–ROM: Compact Disc – Read Only Memory. It’s a storage place that disallows recording or manipulating of
its data.
15) Channel I/O: In computer science, channel I/O is a generic term that refers to a high–performance input/output
(I/O) architecture that is implemented in various forms on a number of computer architectures, especially on
mainframe computers.
16) COBOL: Stands for Common Business Oriented Language.
17) CPU: Stands for Central Processing Unit. This is brain of your computer. It is made up of two parts: The
Arithmetic Logic Unit and the Control Unit.
18) DNS: This stands for Domain Name System.
19) DOS: Stands for Disc Operating System. It is a generic term for the many programs that accept commands to
trip applications to run. The most popular is MS – DOS (MS stands for Microsoft).
20) DVD (Digital Video Disc or Digital Versatile Disc): An optical disc storage media format, and was invented and
developed by Philips, Sony, TOSHIBA, and Time Warner in 1995. Its main uses are video and data storage.
DVDs are of the same dimensions as compact discs (CDs), but store more than six times as much data.
21) EBCDIC: Extended Binary Coded Decimal Interchange Code. It is also called the Extended ASCII Code, as it
adds an eighth digit to the normal seven–digit code.
22) Encryption: This is any one of many methods to transfer a file into a hard – to – crack code. It is often done by
scrambling or by letter – to – letter replacement.
23) Ethernet: This is a method of file transfer that uses dedicated cables rather than dial up phone lines.
24) File Sharing: This is the most important feature of the Internet. This is a method of allowing one server to give
the same file to many different end users.
25) Firewall – A hardware device or software to protect a computer from viruses, malware, Trojans etc.
26) Floppy disk: A data storage medium that is composed of a disk of thin, flexible (“floppy”) magnetic storage
medium encased in a square or rectangular plastic shell.
27) FORTRAN: Stands for FORmula TRANslation.
28) Freeware: This is shortened version of Free Software. Programmers offer their work without wanting pay in
29) FTP: Stands for File Transfer Protocol.
30) Gigabyte: (GB) it’s about a billion bytes.
31) GIGO: It’s an acronym that stands for Garbage In, Garbage Out.
32) GUI: Pronounced “gooey”. It stands for Graphical User Interface. It’s the graphical representations you see on
the screen.
33) Hard drive (HDD): A non – volatile storage device that digitally encoded data on rapidly rotating rigid (i.e. hard)
platters with magnetic surfaces.
34) HTML: Stands for Hyper Text Markup Language. Common language used to write documents on World Wide
35) HTTP: Stands for Hyper Text Transport Protocol. Common protocol used to communicate between World Wide
Web Servers.
36) IBM: Stands for International Business Machines.
37) ISDN: Stands for Integrated Services Digital Network.
38) Java: Java is an Object Oriented Program developed by James Gosling at Sun Microsystems. Java is delivered
over the Internet in the form of little applications or “applets” that do tricks when they download and are read by
the browser.
39) Kilobyte: (KB) this is about a thousand bytes of space.
40) Megabyte: (MB) about a million bytes of space.
41) Modem: This is a word created out of the beginning letters of two other words. MOdulation and DEModulation.
The words mean the changing of data from digital (computer language) to analog (phone line language) and
then back again. It represents the purpose of your computer’s modem.
42) Mouse: a pointing device that functions by detecting two – dimensional motion relative to its supporting surface.
43) MPEG: Stands for Motion Picture Experts Group. A format to make, views, and transfer both digital audio and
digital video files.
44) Operating System: Often written just as OS. This is the software that manages the computer system. It controls
all functions and direction. Examples include Windows and Windows 95.
45) RAM: Stands for Random Access Memory. It’s the memory of the computer.
46) ROM: Stands for Read – Only Memory. This is memory and information that cannot be changed.
47) Software: This is a program, the actual code the computer reads. All other stuff is hardware. A floppy disc is
48) Spam: This is to transmit unwanted messages, usually over email, to a great many people.

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49) TCP/IP: Stands for Transmission Control Protocol/ Internet Protocol. This is large grouping of programs and
standards that govern how information moves round the Internet. The protocols were established around 1970
– 1980 to allow computers to attach to one another.
50) Terabyte: (TB) it’s about a trillion bytes.
51) UNIX: This is an operating system developed by AT & T. It’s big push is that it allows one server to service
many different end users at one time.
52) URL: Stands for Universal Resource Locator. It’s a fancy way of saying Internet Address.
53) VIRUS: Stands for Very Important Resource Under Siege (or … Vicious Internal Rabbit/Rodent Uprooting
Stuff). Actually, it’s small program written specifically to cause problems in your computer.
54) Webcam: A webcam is a video camera that feeds its images in real time to a computer or computer network,
often via USB, Ethernet, or Wi-Fi.
55) WPG: Stands for World Perfect Graphics.
56) WWW: Short for World Wide Web.

Timeline of Computing and Internet

1936: First programmable binary computer known as ‘Z1’ is invented by Konrad Zuse, a construction engineer in
Berlin, Germany.
1939: Hewlett Packard, popularly known as HP, is founded by Bill Hewlett and David Packard in California. The
first product is HP 200A audio oscillator. This is used by Walt Disney Pictures in the movie “Fantasia”.
1940: George Stibitz completed the Complex Number Calculator (CNC). This is considered to be the first
demonstration of remote access computing.
1941: The first electronic computer named “Colossus” is created by Alan Turing to decipher German codes during
World War II.

Did you know?

Alan Turing’s work on the Enigma code is often said to have shortened the Second World War. However, he was
prosecuted for homosexuality in 1952, and allegedly committed suicide in 1954. In 2009, following an Internet
campaign, British Prime Minister Gordon Brown made an official public apology on behalf of the British Government
for the way in which he was treated. In December 2013, Turing was officially pardoned by the Queen, nearly sixty
years after his death!

1942: The first electronic digital computer- Atanasoff Berry Computer (ABC) is completed. It is built by Professor
John Vincent Atanasoff and his student Cliff Berry.
1944: Harvard Mark 1 is developed by IBM and Howard Aiken. This is primarily designed to perform arithmetic
1946: John Presper Eckert and John W. Mauchly built ENIAC- Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer.
This computer is 1000 times speedier than its contemporaries.
1947: John Bardeen, Walter Brattain and William Shockley invented transfer resistance tool known as
“Transistor”. Transistors transformed the electronic world. By replacing the bulky tubes with transistors, it
made possible to perform functions with less space and power.
1951: The first computer to be commercially distributed is UNIVAC (UNIVersal Automatic Computer). It is
manufactured by Remington Rand.
1957: FORTRAN or Formula Translation is a programming language developed by John Backus. It is invented for
IBM in 1954 and is released in 1957.
1958: The second generation of computers is ushered in through the invention of ‘Integrated Circuit’ or the ‘chip’.
It is invented by Jack Kilby.
1960: COBOL (Common Business Oriented Language), a very successful programming language is developed by
Dr. Grace Hopper.
1962: The first computer game “SpaceWar” is invented.
1964: Douglas Engelbart invented the “mouse”. Also, third generation computers were introduced.
1965: BASIC (Beginner’s Al- purpose Symbolic Instruction Code), a computer programming language is created
by Thomas Kurtz and John Kemeny.
1968: Intel is founded by Gordon Moore, Robert Noyce, Arther Rock and Max Palevsky.

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Did you know?
Gordon Moore and Robert Noyce had initially wanted to name Intel as ‘Moore-Noyce’. However, they later decided
to go against this name when they realized that ‘Moore-Noyce’ is a homophone (similar sounding) of ‘More Noise’,
which is the last name that anyone would want to be associated with their electronics company!

1969: The ARPANET is established.

1970: Fourth generation computers were established using LSI (Large Scale Integration) chips. Also, Intel
released 1103, world’s first dynamic RAM chip. HP 9800 series is the first computer which is commercially
available which used the 1103 chip.
1971: The first microprocessor built by Intel is 4004. It is developed by Intel engineers - Dr. Ted Hoff, Stanley
Mazor and Federico Faggin.
1972: Electronic mail is introduced by Ray Tomilson. He uses @ for the first time to distinguish between the
sender’s name and network name in the email address.
1975: Microsoft Corporation is founded by William Henry Bill Gates and Paul G. Allen
1976: Steve Woznaik designed Apple- 1 and started a new company with Steve Jobs. It is named Apple
Computer Inc.

Evolution of Logos of Apple Inc.

1981: Narayan Murthy founded Infosys technologies with six engineers in Pune; Adam Orborne completed the
first portable computer named “Osborne I”; IBM released its first Personal Computer. MS- DOS (Microsoft
Disk Operating System) is introduced by Microsoft. It is a non- graphical command line operating system; It
is written by Tim Paterson.
1982: The word “internet” is used for the first time, when the concept of a world-wide network of fully
interconnected TCP/IP networks called the “internet” is introduced.
1983: Apple introduced the first personal computer with Graphic User Interface (GUI). It is named “Lisa”.
1984: The first Laser Jet Printer is made by HP. Macintosh computer is introduced by Apple. It is the first mouse
driven computer with GUI.
1987: IBM introduced its first PS/2 machines
1988: Steve Jobs created NeXT.
1989: Tim Berners Lee invented the World Wide Web. He developed the specifications such as URL (Uniform
Resource Locator) and HTTP (Hyper Text Transfer Protocol)
1991: Linux is released by Linus Torvalds.
1993: The first graphical web browser called Mosaic created by Marc Andreessen is released. Pentium
Microprocessor is released.
1994: Netscape Navigator launched by Jim Clark and Marc Anderssen. Yahoo is founded by Jerry Yang and
David Filo.
1996: World’s first web-based email service “Hotmail” started by Sabeer Bhatia and Jack Smith.
1997: DVD (Digital Versatile/Video Disk) is introduced. Pentium II processor is released by Intel. The term
“Weblog” is coined, which is later shortened to “blog”.
1998: Windows 98 is launched. iMac is introduced by Apple. Google is founded by Larry Page and Sergey Brin.
1999: Shawn Fanning, a college student invents Napster, which allows users to swap music over the internet.
2000: Pentium 4 is released by Intel.
2001: Wikipedia is formally launched by Jimmy Wales and Larry Sanger.
2004: Social networking website named “thefacebook” is started by Mark Zuckerberg. It is later renamed as
2005: The video- sharing website “YouTube” is launched. It is later bought by Google.
2006: Social Networking site “Twitter” is created by Jack Dorsey, Evan Williams Biz Stone and Noah Glass.
Picasa is introduced by Google.
2008: The first version for Google Chrome is released. It subsequently becomes the most popular internet
browser in the world, overtaking Internet Explorer.
2012: Intel demonstrates its Next Unit of Computing, a motherboard measuring only 4 × 4 inches.

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1. Tim Berners-Lee
• Inventor of World Wide Web (WWW) and Director of World Wide Web Consortium (W3C).
• First person to have implemented successful communication between a Hypertext Transfer Protocol
(HTTP) and a server via the internet
• One of only six members of the World Wide Web Hall of Fame

2. Vint Cerf & Bob Kahn

• Recognized as “fathers of the internet”.
• They invented the Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) and the Internet Protocol (IP).
• Both have been awarded with National Medal of Technology, the Turing Award & the Presidential Medal of

3. Linus Torvalds
• Principal force behind the development of the Linux kernel
• Awarded with Millennium Technology Prize (2012) and was one of the inaugural inductees into the Internet
Hall of Fame.

4. Steve Jobs
• Co-founder (along with Steve Woznaik and Ronald Wayne), ex-Chairman and ex-CEO of Apple Inc.
Oversaw the development of iMac, iTunes, iPod, iPhone and iPad.
• Also the co-founder of Pixar Animation Studios and founder of NeXT, a computer platform development
• His authorized biography ‘Steve Jobs’ is penned down by Walter Isaacson.

5. Larry Page and Sergey Brin

• Founders of Google Inc. in 1998. Larry Page is now the CEO of Google Inc.
• Both have been named to the MIT Technology Review TR100, as one of the top 100 innovators in the world
under the age of 35

6. Bill Gates
• Co-founder (along with Paul Allen) of Microsoft, the world’s largest personal computer software company
• Also the Chairman of Corbis and Co-Chair of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.
• Author of books like “Business @ the Speed of Thought”, “The Road Ahead” and “The Impatient Optimist”

7. Mark Zuckerberg
• One of the five co-founders and the current Chairman and Chief Executive of Facebook, Inc.
• Time Magazine’s Person of the Year for the year 2010, and currently world’s second youngest self-made
• “The Social Network”, a Hollywood movie was released on the early years of Facebook, which itself was
based on the book “The Accidental Billionaires” by Ben Mezrich

8. James Gosling
• Father of Java programming language
• Has been awarded with The Economist Innovation Award and has been made an Officer of the Order of
Canada (Canada’s second highest civilian honour)

9. Harold Abelson
• Founding Director of Creative Commons and Free Software Foundation
• Visiting faculty member at Google and a professor at MIT

10. Donald Knuth

• Considered as the “Father of the Analysis of Algorithms”.
• Author of the multi-volume work “The Art of Computer Programming”.
• Has been awarded with Turing Award, National Medal of Science & Kyoto Prize

11. Charles Babbage

• An English polymath, who is considered as the “Father of Computers”.
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• First came up with the idea of a mechanical computer after seeing how numerical tables calculated by
humans had a high degree of errors. Also credited with inventing the first mechanical computer
• Founding member and a gold medal winner of the Royal Astronomical Society (RAS)

12. Alan Turing

• Widely considered as the “Father of Theoretical Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence”
• Invented the ‘Turing’ machine in 1936, which formalized the concepts of computing and algorithms, which
form the basis of modern computers.
• Turing Award was instituted in 1966 in his honour, for technical excellence in computing

13. George Stibitz

• Recognized as one of the “Fathers of Modern Computers”.
• First to design a computing machine that could be remotely used by a phone line.

14. Dennis Ritchie

• Created the C Programming language and co-created (with Ken Thompson) the Unix Operating System.
• Also co-authored the book “The C Programming Language”.

15. Gary Kildall

• Created the CP/M operating system and founded Digital Research, Inc. (DRI)
• Co-hosted the PBS TV show The Computer Chronicles

16. Leonard Bosack

• Co-founded (along with his wife Sandy Lerner) Cisco Systems, a company that designs and sells consumer
electronics, networking and communications technology and services.
• Largely responsible for pioneering the widespread commercialization of local area network (LAN)
technology to connect various computers over a multiprotocol router system.

17. Larry Ellison

• Founded Oracle in 1977, and has been the CEO of the company since then.
• Consistently ranked among the wealthiest people in the world

18. N.R. Narayana Murthy

• Co-founded Infosys, one of the biggest companies to have come out of India.
• Listed among the 12 greatest entrepreneurs of our time by Fortune magazine and described as Father of
Indian IT sector by the TIME magazine.
• Has been honoured with the Padma Vibhushan and Padma Shri awards.

19. Azim Premji

• Diversified Wipro (which was earlier called Western Indian Vegetable Products) by manufacturing
minicomputers under technological collaboration with the American company Sentinel Computer
• Also known for his philanthropic activities. Founded Azim Premji Foundation, an NGO operating in the field
of education.
• First Indian to sign up for ‘Giving Pledge’, a campaign led by Warren Buffett and Bill Gates, to encourage
the wealthiest people in the world to give a majority of their wealth to philanthropic causes.

20. Ada Lovelace

• Known as world’s first computer programmer.
• Best known for her work on Charles Babbage’s Analytical Engine, which included an algorithm to be
processed by the machine.

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