April 22, IInternational Mother Earth Day (English)
April 22, IInternational Mother Earth Day (English)
April 22, IInternational Mother Earth Day (English)
In 1990, Denis Hayes, who participated in the organization of the first Earth
Day, became the coordinator on a global scale mobilizing 200 million people in
141 countries.
This effort paved the way for the historic 1992 United Nation’s Earth Summit.
Today, International Mother Earth Day is annually
celebrated by more than 1 billion people, who send
a message to their governments and fellow
citizens that the fight for the environment is a fight
for the Earth’s future.
European Union’s contribution to
environmental protection
Declaration of climate
preserving biodiversity
ensuring a sustainable food system
promoting circular economy
supporting green investments
empowering industry towards a green transition
April 22
International Mother Earth Day