Remote Communication: Fonctionnement Des Systèmes
Remote Communication: Fonctionnement Des Systèmes
Remote Communication: Fonctionnement Des Systèmes
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Remote Communication
SMCS - 4467
The digital voltage regulator has the capability to communicate with a remote personal computer or programmable logic controller. The J4 connector of
the digital voltage regulator provides an RS-232 port necessary for communication. The RS-232 port is a 9-pin communication media including a wire
for Receive, a wire for Transmit, and a common Signal Ground. The common signal ground is NOT a bonding ground and should not be grounded to
the case or frame. It is to be connected to the RS-232 device Signal Ground connection point. Cable length should be limited to 15 m (50 ft) maximum
for the RS-232 signal wiring. Caterpillar 1U-9484 Cable is recommended. 16/02/2009
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Illustration 1 g01008946
Table 1 16/02/2009
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7 - - N/A
8 - - N/A
9 - - N/A
Illustration 2 g01136853
Note: Battery power (24 VDC) must be available at "P12-8" (B+) and "P12-7" (B-) in order for the remote communications port to operate.
A Windows based program is available to communicate with the digital voltage regulator. The Windows program is called Caterpillar PC Software. The
part number for the program is 252-7515 Software. The Windows program is available on SisWeb. 16/02/2009
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For information on changing and viewing the parameters of the voltage regulator, see Testing and Adjusting, "Parameter Viewing and Configuring
Establishing Communication
Communication between the voltage regulator and the PC software must be established before viewing the metering values, reading settings, or
changing settings. PC software screen settings are updated only after communication is opened or the communication settings have been changed. Open
the voltage regulator communication port by clicking "Communications" on the menu bar, hovering the mouse pointer over "Open Comm Port" and
clicking "RS-232 Port". 16/02/2009
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Illustration 3 g01392570
When "RS-232 Port" is selected, the "Password" dialog box appears and prompts you to enter a password. Refer to illustration 3.
Illustration 4 g01392575
After the correct password is entered, the "Comm Port" screen is displayed. Refer to Illustration 4. Select "Comm 1", "Comm 2", "Comm 3", or "Comm
4" as the active communication port on your PC and click the "Initialize" button. The PC software initializes communication by obtaining the
configuration settings from the voltage regulator. 16/02/2009
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Illustration 5 g01392576
Note: The Caterpillar PC software may display the "Please wait..." dialog box that is shown in Illustration 5 when initializing communication, obtaining
configuration settings, or performing other tasks. It is important to wait until the box disappears before trying to execute communication commands.
Issuing commands while the "Please wait..." dialog box is present may disrupt communication between the PC software and the voltage regulator.
Terminating Communication
Voltage regulator communication is terminated by clicking "Communications" on the menu bar and clicking "Close Comm Port". The user will be
prompted to save the settings to the EEPROM. This question is asked even if no changes were made to the voltage regulator settings. When the close
command is executed (with a Yes or No to save settings to the EEPROM), communication with the voltage regulator is terminated. If the PC software is
exited the (by clicking "File" on the "Menu" bar and then "Exit") without first closing communication, the option will still be given to save the settings
to the EEPROM.
Copyright 1993 - 2009 Caterpillar Inc. Mon Feb 16 18:47:10 UTC+0100 2009
Tous droits réservés.
Réseau privé pour utilisateurs autorisés de SIS. 16/02/2009