$'upreme 1:ourt: L/.epublic of Tbe Flbilippine%
$'upreme 1:ourt: L/.epublic of Tbe Flbilippine%
$'upreme 1:ourt: L/.epublic of Tbe Flbilippine%
WHEREAS, the 2020 Guidelines for the Conduct of the CAM and
JDR in Civil Cases was issued in view of the 2019 Amendments to the 1997
Rules of Civil Procedure under A.M. No. 19-10-20-SC, which took effect on
May 1, 2020;
Let copies of the 2020 Guidelines for the Conduct of the CAM and
JDR in Civil Cases be published accordingly, and posted on the bulletin
boards of the halls of justice of all first and second level courts, and all
offices of the Integrated Bar of the Philippines, and in the official websites
of the Supreme Court, Office of the Court Administrator and the Philippine
Judicial Academy, as well as in all Philippine Mediation Center Units."
(Original signed)
Chief Justice
(Original signed) (Original signed)
Associate Justice Associate Justice
Chapter 1. Coverage
(b) All special civil actions, except under Rules 63, 64, 65, 66, and 71 o[
the Rules of Court;
(d) All those cases involving issues under the Family Code and other
laws, in relation to support, custody, visitation, property relations,
guardianship of minoi· children, and other issues which can be the
subject of a compromise agreement;
(b) The following cases, brought on appeal from the exclusive and
original jurisd_iction granted to the first-level courts under the
Judiciary Reotganization Act of 1980, may be refened to JDR in
areas declared as JDR sites, if the RTC Judge is convinced that
settlement is still possible;
2020 Guidelines in the Conduct of
CAM and JDR in Civil Cases
Page 2
(1) all civil cases and settlement of estate, testate and intestate;
(3) all civil cases involving title to, or possession of, real property or
an interest therein; and
( 4) habeas corpus cases decided by the first level court in the absence
of any Regional Trial Court Judge.
(a) civil cases which cannot be the subject ofa compromise, to wit:
( 1) The civil status of persons;
(2) The validity of a marriage or a legal separation;
(3) Any ground for legal separation;
( 4) Future support;
( 5) The jurisdiction of courts; and
( 6) Future legitime.
However, in cases covered under paragraphs (a) and (d) where the parties
inform the court that they have agreed to undergo mediation on some aspects
thereof, e.g., custody of minor children, separation of property, or support
pendente lite, the court shall refer them to mediation.
shall issue, within five (5) calendar days from filing, a notice of pre-trial
which shall be set not later than sixty (60) calendar days from the filing of
the last responsive pleading.
For cases covered by the Rule on Summary Procedure, the notice shall h~
issued within five ( 5) calendar days after the last answer is filed setting thP.
preliminary conference not later than thirty (30) calendar days from the filing
of the last responsive pleading.
The notice of pre-trial/preliminary confe1:ence shall include the dates set for
(a) Pre~ Trial/Preliminary Conference, (b) Court-Annexed Mediation, and (c)
Judicial Dispute Resolution, if necessary.
The JDR proceedings may be conducted on the day/s civil cases are heard.
For purposes of pre-setting, two (2) dates shall be allotted for JDR.
The PMC Unit (P MCU) shall be furnished with the Notice of Pre-
Trial/Preliminary Conference to ensure the availability of accredited
mediators on the scheduled date for CAM.
The comi shall also furnish the Office of the Clerk of Comi with a copy of
the Notice of Pre-Trial/Preliminary Conference for the purpose of raffling
the case to a prospective JDR Judge should CAM fail and the Judge is
convinced that settlement is still possible.
After the raffle, the Clerk of Comi shall inform both the Judge and, (
the prospective JDR Judge of the outcome of such raffle.
(b) In single sala courts, the Clerk of Court shall furnish the nearest court
with the Notice of Pre-Trial/Preliminary Conference stating the
scheduled date for JDR.
(a) Orient the parties and counsels on the CAM process and inform them
that appearance in the mediation proceedings before the PMCU is
mandatory and the parties are expected to negotiate in good faith and
exert earnest efforts towards settlement but that the decision whether
or not to settle their dispute is completely voluntary and that no
sanctions shall be imposed upon a party who declines to settle during )
2020 Guidelines in the Conduct of
CAM and JDR in Civil Cases
Page 4
(b) Inform the parties that mediation shall be conducted by the PMCU
under the auspices of the court, and that failure to appear before the
PMCU or any misconduct or misbehavior committed by any of the
parties during the mediation proceedings, may be punished !Jy
contempt of comi or cause the imposition of sanctions as provided
in Section 5, Rule 18 of the 2019 Amendments to the 1997 Rules of
Civil Procedure, or in Section 7 of the Rule on Summary Procedure,
or under Sections 4 and 5, Paii D, Chapter 2 of these Guidelines;
(c) Inform the parties that, should there be no settlement during CAM,
the case may be referred to another court for the conduct of JDR if
the Judge is convinced that settlement is stili possible; and
(d) Inform the parties that the JDR Judge may conduct a non-binding
early neutral evaluation on the merits of their respective cases.
At any time before the scheduled date for JDR, the pmiies shall have the
option to file a joint written manifestation requesting the Judge to conduct
JDR and not refer the case to another Judge for such purpose, and to proceed
to trial if JDR fails. ·
The court may also render a separate judgment disposing of a claim after tr":
pre-trial/preliminary conference or at any stage, when more than one claim
for relief is presented in an action and there is already a determination of the
issues material to that particular claim and all counterclaims arising out of
the transaction or occurrence which is the subject matter of the claim.
The court shall also furnish the Office of the Clerk of Court and the
prospective JDR Judge with a copy of the Pre-Trial/Preliminary Conference
2020 Guidelines in the Conduct of
CAM and JDR in Civil Cases
Page 5
If there are no mediators available in the unit, the mediator shall be chosen
by lot from the roster of mediators by the PMCU staff in the presence of the
(b) At the initial conference, the mediator shall explain to both pa1iies
the mediation process, stating the benefits of an early settlement o ..
their dispute based on their mutual interests, instead of the legal
(c) With the consent of both parties, the mediator may hold separate
caucuses with each party to determine their respective real interests
in the dispute.
2020 Guidelines in the Conduct of
CAM and JDR in Civil Cases
· \
Page 6
The PMCU shall submit to the referring Judge a Mediator's Report on the
result of the mediation proceedings, together with a copy of the compromise
agreement and its attachments, if any, within the period provided for in
Section 12, Part B of this Chapter.
Upon receipt of the Mediator's Report, the Judge shall evaluate the
Compromise Agreement attached thereto, if any, and after his/her
evaluation, he/she may proceed to:
(c) clarify the intentions of the parties if the court determines that the
agreement or any portion thereof is vague, defective, or
unenforceable, and direct them to amend the same accordingly.
In the situation described in paragraphs (b) and (c) above, the court may, in
lieu of disapproval or amendment of the agreement, detennine whether to
refer the case to JDR or proceed to trial.
(a) When the pmiies mediate in good faith but no agreement was reached
by them despite the effmis exerted by the assigned mediator; or
(b) When either one or both parties fail to appear after they have stmied
to negotiate in a previous mediation conference wherein th~
mediator exerted efforts to assist the parties in settling their dispute.
Section 12. Submission of Mediator's Report. - The PMCU staff and the
assigned mediator shall ensure the timely submission of the Mediator's
Report to the referring judge.
In case of partial settlement, the Judge shall refer the unsettled part of the
dispute to the JDR Judge, if convinced that settlement is still possible.
(a) In multiple sala courts, the Judge shall refer the case to the JDR Judge
previously determined tlu·ough raffle by the Office of the Clerk of
Section 3. Duration - The JDR Judge shall conduct the JDR proceedings
immediately upon receipt of the referral order and terminate the proceeding::
within a non-extendible period of fifteen (15) calendar days from receipt of
the said referral order. If the parties fail to settle during the first JDR session,
the JDR Judge shall set the case for another JDR session, provided that the
fifteen ( I 5)-calendar day period has not lapsed.
If the pmiies file a joint written manifestation for the Judge to conduct JDR,
he/she shall immediately do so either from receipt of the notice of failure of
CAM or the said joint manifestation, which process shall not exceed a period
of fifteen ( 15) calendar days from receipt of such notice or manifestation.
In all instances, the case record shall remain with the Judge but in multi-iml~.
courts, only the referral order, including a copy of the Complaint, Answer,
Pre-Trial Order, and the Mediator's Report, shall be forwarded to the JDR
Section 5. How conducted. - If the parties do not settle their dispute during
CAM, the parties and their respective counsels shall appear on the scheduled
date before the JDR Judge, who shall then conduct the JDR process as
mediator, conciliator, and/or neutral evaluator to actively assist and facilitate
negotiations among the pmiies for them to settle their dispute.
As a neutral evaluator, the JDR Judge assesses the relative strengths an<l
weaknesses of each party's case and makes a non-binding and impmiial
evaluation of the chances of each party's success in the case so that he/she
may guide the parties to a fair and mutually acceptable settlement of the1r
Section 7. Settlement in JDR. -If the case is settled in JDR, the JDR Judge
shall accomplish the JDR Report and retun1 the case to the Judge for
appropriate action.
(a) If full settlement is reached, the parties, who may be assisted by their
respective counsels, shall draft the compromise agreement, which
shall be submitted to the Judge for judgment upon compromise,
enforceable by execution.
(b) Where full compliance with the terms of the compromise agreement
is forthwith made, the parties, instead of submitting a compromise
agreement, shall submit a satisfaction of claims or a mutual,
withdrawal of the parties' respective claims and counterclaims on the
basis of which, the Judge shall issue an order declaring the case
(c) If paiiial settlement is reached, the paiiies shall, with the assistance
of counsels, submit the terms thereof for the approval of the Judge
and rendition of a judgment upon partial compromise, which may be
enforced by execution without waiting for resolution of the unsettled
paii. In relation to the unsettled paii of the dispute, the case shall
proceed to trial until judgment.
To ensure the equitable distribution of cases, the JDR Judge shall be entitled
to a credit for every successfully settled case in JDR, hence, shall be exempt
from receiving a newly-filed case during raffle equivalent to the number of
cases settled during JDR. This is regardless of any action which the Judge to
whom the case was originally filed may take on the settlement reached by
the parties before the JDR Judge.
2020 Guidelines in the Conduct of
CAM and JDR in Civil Cases
Page 11
Section 8. Non-settlement in JDR. - If the case is not settled in JDR ' the
JDR Judge shall accomplish the JDR Repmi and return the case to the Judge
for appropriate action.
1. Appearance of Parties
An individual paiiy may be represented only for a valid cause, such as act~
of God, force majeure, or duly substantiated physical inability. The
representative shall be fully authorized, through · a Special Power of
Attorney, to appear and to offer, negotiate, accept, decide, and enter into ~
compromise agteement, without need of f-luiher approval by or notificatior..
to the authorizing parties.
2. Sanctions
(a) Any party who fails to appear before the mediator or JDR Judge
despite due notice; or
(a) dismissal of the case, when there is failure of the plaintiff and
counsel to appear without valid cause when so required; or
(b) ex parte presentation of plaintiffs evidence and dismissal of
defendant's counterclaim when there is failure of the defendant and
counsel to appear without valid cause when so required
The court may, likewise, impose other sanctions, including but not limited
(a) censure;
(b) reprimand;
(c) contempt; or
(d) reimbursement by the absent party of the costs of the appearing party,
including attorney's fees for that day up to treble such costs, payable
on or before the date of the re-scheduled setting.
3. Confidentiality
The mediator or JDR Judge shall not, in any manner, record the proceedings.
No transcript or minutes of mediation proceedings shall be taken. If personal
notes are taken for guidance, the notes shall be destroyed. Should such
records exist, the same shall also be privileged and confidential.
Further, the JDR Judge shall not pass any information obtained in the course
of conciliation and early neutral evaluation to any other Judge or to any other
person. This prohibition shall apply to all comi personnel, or to any other
person present during such proceeding, or who obtained any information on
the case. All JDR conferences shall be conducted in private.
4. Role of Lawyers
(a) Notify the paiiy he/she represents of the schedule of CAM and
JDR as mandated under Section 3, Rule 18 of the 2019
Amendments to the 1997 Rules of Civil Procedure and ensure their
(b) Explain the mediation process to their clients, help them understand
its benefits, and encourage them to assume greater personal
responsibility in making decisions to resolve the dispute. They
shall also discuss with their clients the following:
(a) Within fifteen (15) calendar days from receipt of the memorandum
on appeal and without prejudice to the filing of an appellee's brief,
the RTC Judge shall determine if settlement is still possible.
(b) Upon determination by the RTC Judge that settlement is still possible,
and with the written conformity of the parties through an Agreement
to Mediate, the RTC Judge shall issue an Order setting the case for
(c) The Order shall require the parties to attend in person or, in the case
of corporate litigants, through a duly-authorized representative, as
required under Sections 1 and 2, Part D, Chapter 2 of these
(d) If the RTC Judge should determine that settlement is not p ssible,
he/she shall proceed to render judgment on appeal.
Section 3. Conduct of JDRA. - On the date set in the order, the TC Judge
shall exert all efforts to resolve the dispute through JDRA bu shall not
conduct neutral evaluation. Any settlement shall be in writing, si ned by the
parties and approved by the RTC Judge.
court upon joint written motion filed by both paiiies on the ground that
settlement is likely to be concluded. The Court shall make available
samples/templates of agreements to assist the paiiies in preparing their
Where compliance with the terms of the compromise is forthwith made, the
paiiies shall instead submit a mutual satisfaction of claims and counterclaims
or a mutual withdrawal of the appeal.
If partial settlement is reached, the paiiies shall, with the assistance of their
respective counsels, submit the terms thereof for the comi's verification anc!
approval, and rendition of a judgment upon partial compromise. The comi
shall proceed to render a decision as to the unsettled portion within the
prescribed period.
Section 7. Action to be taken when the First Level Court dismisses the
case for lack of jurisdiction. - Referral to CAM - In cases where the RTC
Judge affirms on appeal the order of dismissal for lack of jurisdiction, and
the RTC Judge finds the case within his/her jurisdiction, instead of trying the
case on the merits as provided for under the first paragraph of Section 8, Rule
40 of the Rules of Comi, shall, after the issues have been joined, issue an
Order referring the parties to CAM, if the case was not previously refen-ed
to CAM, subject to the payment of the appropriate docket and mediation
fees. If CAM fails, the comi shall proceed in accordance with Paii C, Chapter
2 of these Guidelines.
For cases falling under the second paragraph of Sec. 8, Rule 40 of the Rules
of Court, the RTC judge shall proceed to conduct JDR in accordance with
Pmi C, Chapter 2 of these Guidelines.
the Judge opts to conduct hearing on a prayer for the issuance of writ 0~
replevin or writ of attachment, such applications shall first be resolved b~,
the Judge before referral to CAM.
Section 2. Cases with Applications for Other Reliefs. -All other incidents
or motions filed before the Pre-Trial/Preliminary Conference shall, likewise,
be resolved by the Judge before referral to CAM.
In these instances, if CAM fails, the case shall be referred to another Judge
for JDR if the Judge is convinced that settlement is still possible. After the
termination of JDR proceedings, the case shall be returned to the referrin~
Judge for appropriate action.