Ot2 Bgo Devotional 09 Dalisay

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Old Testament 2 – 2020 – BGO


Date: April 19, 2021
Devotional No. 09

Scripture Text: Job 12

Creative Devotional Title: Accept the Unexpected


After my father died of kidney cancer, I knew life would never be same as what we expected.
At a very young age and being the eldest, I was forced to give my 101% in school and in work
to support our family and we strove to serve God in the church and in the community. And yet,
despite our efforts, our family experienced great trials and continue to face ordeals we never
expected. How I wish that good people and bad events were kept separate, as if good habits
and right choices were armor against life.

God’s design for life doesn’t work that way. Job’s life was out of the norm with what he
probably thought his life should be. Despite his upright standing with God, he experienced ill-
treatment from his friends and the crushing loss of his wealth and loved ones. In Job 12, we
find Job responds with faith as he recognizes that even the evil prospering is God’s showing
that God controls everything:

Which of all these does not know
       that the hand of the LORD has done this?
In his hand is the life of every creature
       and the breath of all mankind. (Job 12:9-10 NIV)

The world’s playbook doesn’t fit to God’s narrative. Our human wisdom tells us that good
things happen if we do good works. God’s kingdom works differently than this and only God
knows what’s in our future. What seems to be a difficult road for us is maybe the best and
effective route for our journey. What looks abstract on our sight is may be a great canvas of
expensive art of God’s workmanship.

It is time to accept the unexpected. God can overthrow nations and He can loose the bonds of
kings. And by this truth, we have the confidence that our God can help us win our battles for
He has laid the foundation of everything that will bring us the goodness that we will surely
experience in heaven one day.
For Facilitator Use

Your Facilitator will use the following rubric to rate your assignment. Your overall rating will be
the sum of points across all criteria.

Criteria 19-20 pts 10-18 pts 0-9 pts Points

The title does not catch

The title is somewhat
The title is catchy and is attention and
Creative Title interesting and related to
related to the material disconnected to the
the material

The biblical text is fully

Fairly explains the text Poorly explains the
Explanation explained and the
and some theological biblical text and does not
of the Text theological truths are
truths are identified. identify theological truths

The illustration is well The illustration fairly The illustration poorly

chosen and enhances the enhances the enhances understanding
understanding to the understanding of the of theological truths and
theological truths theological truths may not be related at all

The application is very The application is fairly The application is missing

Application clear and related to the clear and not so related or inappropriate for the
truths to the truth truth.

Form and
Follows the format and Misses some of the Misses the format and the
Style of
the style is clear format and style is fair style is unclear

Overall Rating:

Overall Feedback:

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