Cutting Edge Pre-Int Unit 4
Cutting Edge Pre-Int Unit 4
Cutting Edge Pre-Int Unit 4
Listen again and practise saying the dates, paying attertion to the
and began bv raisi'lg money for people living in aplastic red nose as they faise money in schools, at
extrcme poveny in Ethiopia at that time. After a few work, at home - anl,nyhere! On television, for several
years, as it got bigger. it started raising money for hours during the evening, ceiebriiies and comedians
many more poor communities. since it started, comic entertain people at t}re same time as
Relief has raised over €800 million to help people in asking them to donate money.
over 70 countries around the world.
The slogan for Red Nose
So, how does Comic Relief raise Day is 'do something
so much money? The charity funny for money'. Not
worlc Io rarse money every all ihe things people
day of the year, but their do are funny, however
most impofiant day is Sometimes they're quite
Red Nose Day. It was difficult - like rutning
first started in 1988i and 43 marathons in 51 days.
since then, Red Nose But whatever ihey do, the
Day has become a unique British people certainly seem
day in ihe Bitish calendar io like raising money in this funny
It happens every two years way - Red Nose Day in 2011 raised ovet
and it's a day when ordinary 1108 mi ionl
Reading and speaking 3a Read the opinions betow. Do you agree or disagree
with each opinion? Why?
1a Work in pairs. Look at th€ photos and discuss. I t thlnk ned lose oay is great - it's really funny to
. What are the peopte doing? see famous people doing sjtLy things.
. Why do you think they are doingthis?
. How do you think the word/phrases in the box are f the best thing about ned Nose Day is that so many
connected with the Photos? ordinary people get invo[ved.
I lt's good that the money from Red Nose Day nerps
a charity peopte in other countries - notjust Britain.
2 Read the text again and answerthe questions. I lr's sac thar rhere isr'r arything le Red Nore Day
rn my country.
1 Who does the money from Comic Retief hetp now?
2 Who did Comic Relief hetp when it first started? ( In my country, there are some better money rars n8
3 How rnuch money has Cornic Relief raised so far?
days than Red Nose Day.
4 When was the first Red Nose Day?
5 How often does Red Nose Day happen?
6 Why is it catted Red Nose Day? Work in pairs. Compare and discussyour opinions of
7 What is the stogan for Red Nose Day? each quote.
8 How much money did they raise in 20T 1?
']allou ]|uJol roj nt uo uollrFdruo) sluPP e urued
Sulet ars (aqf sqo[]pner ieqt Bulop 1,uare
'slon sue Jno^ereduror PuP rled ulIJol ) 'Mou lq3lU raSurs zzpf patuslpl e.osle s! aH Al^aqluo
pue a^ll qloq 1s^ oqs u I irpadd e ,llensn eq
- uelPauror e sr rsle€ ^peuror
sll]eq] ersoo oPos relnooo
'no^ro, anll ap rsql os suorlsanb 6qlreasuv q e Lr!sre15 /(llensn eq -]o]rP Al P sr uoluroql stsuel
zssaqr ol Moq,^ ool nofo1 loulMoudnofalv OL
eql te qol e rol )ooirofol l6u!4oolnoKerv 6
lpue)esr'/ €ql
p 6u!t(pn$[ ensn nofe]V I Kpms K ensnnoIo1 8
2SSeP Ol auot
tlentn nof,op / 6u!w@ I ensnnoKeE MaH t
ifepot s,au€Jl 6uqe.a noK V I ]ee^ not oO 9
arods [.ue Keld no4 oO 6u!tre4 noK etv
is.ugeSeLu uorqse, 6ulpeet noK
v / peet no/(oo
llleqtaa! an nol oo I 6uPfino4atv
noKare / \eeds noK op saBenBu el Flr pLu oH
oql lE a^uP ol ureerrofoo I6uturealnof, v L
perol aql esooq] ez
,i{ec asoN paU rol pr}xa LJ {ed or sraLuotsf)
^r! il.0t s,l!Pue Surulqs siuns aqf e{ua) ultrasac
lle ()se) s ,{ppo} }n€'tuo4 allt uo osoN rsle) aql ssor)e uq 001 8ul)le^ s,aqs asoN
Pef e (a^Pq) I xet,{ru pue :irqs -L {eC ^ec
po! rol {ouor! 3ursrpr s,eqs -Buqool l,usroqs os
esoN pat e pLp 8rM par e(re€M) -e arou.r pue ssoN ps! sr rppol'rs^e^ oH )n aqt ul A-L
durqtaluo'oD ot 0uei/J , roi srqttrq ^eC
1se})ear€ uo ssr! urpr3ord ,&a)ool sluasard usuo
'j.rte! lrurol ot Surqlauros (a^r8) ,,tlensn l, aqs ratussard lopp up sr eqleaes erpeN
A-L pup
'aurt aLues a!]1P Jelleu ]|urol rojt
\euour (.crP, ! rq l-q lPnsn sP rYel srq
(a^up)--z aq - asoN pa! -,(epof rea{
e(le. (t rt\ad\ e:(ep.t.
^pC (lroMj a I
'uoPuol ^reiu losPury' Luo.rl re^r-rP xPt e sr uaa) ssureI
'sla))erq ulqra^ aqlJo rirroj snonul or asaJd
ro aldurls luasa.rd aqt qlr,l^ qderBerpd aql elelduof L
na^. ^IPnsn ^epol
asnonullor N.s.rd .q1 q A oB qrtq/ll
2alduls uasard aqr qta oB saserqd .si$ to qrlq/l^
/,(epotlurop ere tEqi s
'no^)ueql .rou tuPA t,uop It 2qof s,r.)e€ erueqf
^eql sr teql
:ptes aq reLlM Sutpupte.pun no.{ .rv t lqols,uoturoqf seure[ srteq^ '€
aeptuqea^Pqnor(oo Z sr teq^ z
'LrorrsEnb srqt or..asrp Suraoul rou u,l l,(Ppot Burop aqs
'sorualu€s 2qofs,eqler' es erpeNsrteq^ L
.suotlsanb aql
rraxo. aq1)ir!I Mopq ptoq u!sqF^.qr]p )ioor
re/,^suE pup sotoqd aqt u! eldoad aql lnoqp ppat q
'I asltr.xs ur s1x.l
rttl u!s.Fuexa o4 pull.tuauJour Nasaro.Ltl tp
Suru€ddeq sBurql ro, ,nonu!Nor tu.s€rd .qr .sn sm ZButop aldoad eq] arp leqt
'ssnrslP Pue sopqo eq]}e lool srleo u!)irol eL
'I asrrrax. ul
srxal 6qr u! etdupxe ue purl .nl1 s,(eMle ro
€re q)!qa stutqr ro, .tdurs rues.rd .q1 asn e/t sI1$r'lu!lr|{}) }uosilJd pt-r$? old[$rs luasard
L SnroJ retrltl.leJD
IO s,t€p IBTo€dS
Listening Vocabulary
New Year cetebrations Descriptive adjectives
1 work in paks and discuss. Look at the descriptive adjectives in the box. Write
. Look at the photos of New Year ceLebrations
the words in the correct coLumn betow.
afound the worLd. What is happening?
. d€li€i€d, ex€i+i€€ boiLing p€acefut tasty
Do you know any other ways people celebrate
noisy spicy friendly freezing
New Year?
chrstmas Easter :tr Listen again and tick the phrases you hear in the
ndependence Day InternatlonaL Wonren s Day lJsefuL language box.
l.4othersDdy H.ltoween
,. .t,t-l
Public holiday,
2 big boat race /-
N4ARCH Weddinq a
2412 f
Spending 10
.{ql ZBur5arsul lsour aql punos srpp lpllads q)!ql ssn)sl6 t
q puE p a8pn8uel lnr€sn <
's^ep lepads rnor lnoqp suortsenb
raMsue pue )se ol peredord eq pue uelsll no,( se salou a)pl^l s^ep
lPrredsrno^noqP roqp q)ea llal ol sulnl a)pf sdnorS ur 4o1,1
P aBPnBuPt tnlasn <
'peou no^ sesprqd/spron lol laqleet lno^)sV.s^ep le!)ads
rno^,o o,Ml ro €uo ^up
lnoqp sluapn$]3qlo lel olBulo8 are no,\
no^ ot psuaddeq SLr tseretul Sulqtauros usqM e.
3ulqlaLuos op ol peBuexe a^,no^ uaq^ orntnl aqt u ^ep p ,
$ed rno{ L!o4 etep lueUodrur ^epue .
leuo teu e '^pC aruspuadaput) futunor rno^ u /(ep tuptodrur up ,
,Oeta^ruue ro q tuptrodur up ,
'uer no^ se /.^olaq $!l aql ul s^pp lplrads
aqlJo^ueLUsespnl)ut 8€ a8ed uo auo aql elll alqel e /t^prc L
i$u ny,.r+r d,i; 1g91
tno^rot ruellodu (qrr q)ph)sr,{rt/
l^ep tP r.d, P (pr€ {Eh)sr^qM
I uo op pnsn ro^op 1Eq^\
j !o ^Surop nofarE 1Eq,\^
j - !o SutuiddPrt s
p.u.ddeq tpqM _
/_ / uo suaddeq 1eq,\^
sLrot$€nO q
''' uo p.ureu to8 I
- Burpuads.r,.1
_ or oB s^p4e .,^
- asneraq {pptEr)ads p sl
lplr.ds pue slu!^a tpuosr€d Bululpldxl €
O watch and tisten to the key phrales.
Practi* saying them. Dont forget that it is
important to eund friendly and politlve!
3lFI Bi Yes?
A: we've got something important to tetl
you .-. James and I are getting married.
3 Ai Here are your drinG... that's foryou,
. A wedding
. A birthday celebration
. A Christmas party
. A New Year's Eve party
ilols r8 L!o4 ]l
e)leu.r uEc no^ edoq I eleql eq ol unpiuerl
Luo4IEl^ eql lE bururoc s,eqs teunH
erzzr_lrequeueJ no^ op ',^e^ eql sd
IUOOS qCnol Ur eg
'eLLroc uEc no^ lrlceq lPuJe uE eLLr pues
Z^nq oi lPq,4 lnoqE seePl IUV
'qce3 ol3 punole 6ur^r6 s.euofue^e - lueserd
e ol Durlcelloc er,eM esudjns
^nq qI
e lLe ^euoLu
ecnl8 lpl l.uop i{e^ eLll 18
- - ^--'e6
l.uec no^ ll eur qlli ol oLuocpM ar,no^
uorlPrqaler raqloue t
ploM ,oLuoc no^ ueC
'no^ aes 01e^ol lp^els
,{lPd Bur^eel. e 'uopuo_l le4ue9 u laerls seuJEqf ul s,leqeuuv
,(Ied,{epqurq . e
uo lerqeler /(l t
uel e - luernelser ellno^el slq le ounf q10z aLll
uo urlq rol ,Iued 6ul^eel or,no^ Iros, e
:oldurexe rol X,reu!3eur!
6ul^el1er,oM oS elprlsnv u qolM€up]ob
ro lear 6q plnof, uolserro lel)eds sqf nordlaq ol
s,aH (ii^llpurl) i6ur^eel sr€cnrg leql no^
€ as!)raxo u! sSulpe.q aql esn uols$ro lel]3ds e
lpl ol sr 6uru/{A ul.l uoseer uPur eql',IE|^^uv
oljaq ro urlq Sull^ul Pu3!l e ol llelua uP etlry' t
ino^ ssrL! eM UeuJUed€O
6urle)lel\ eqi urereq Isnq &e^ ilrls sl eln
- no,(t]31 ol srSur M ru,tuos€r aql 'elrl^ ol 6uol os eur )lool ir fuJos edoq I
I a)EU lrer no,{.doq | $aq aqluv pooe ilolsuE ur ell s,/ oH a,s6urql ere
urort 3^ot iuoos r.trnol ur e€ lreura ue 3ru Puss ^\oH
no,t33s 01a^ot p,a/r zauor no{ uel (ar!td) 1p ,ELIOS
l^ep) " uo (l(!ed) e8u,^e't ar,er leql s,sMauBlq aql
' u! e€q sr
a]rt - .qt s,aoH Zs8ulql are aoH ilH
l;- :a,nPu6,s
'€ uurnlol
ul arelo psxor eql ur xoq aql u! s€serqo 6ql ellrt q r Elos
: I ro8uruSrs i ;
21t sl
,tu::"q,;:l;-:;::11ili aqt sr ueqr'^ pue areq16 7
. I i {ued ro puq }e!,\ l,(ted
2erlos o1
j rlf : ':11""1'. I alqsuo leler laq sl leqy' 2lleula aql elorM oq/\ L
a:,"'r^) Na^:':ll:^rl*
r l'":^ '/l^olaq 9ro!$enD
I : uooet^lr : aqlraMsue pue e lnoqe lreuJa eql peeU Z
I --- ^ued
Sunuarot roseJr
- -';",i","',"","';,'i,",;;^;t l^Ppqxtq 3 a)satued
aslue&o aldoad suoseara U ro tsl e o)jehl L
aql ulV uurnlor
uollel^u! uv
lleura eql urrpaddp
utsSulql eql (l-L)raqlunN ule8elteu€ aqt peeu e€ 3up;r16
We usually usethe Present continuouswith phrases likerow, at
the mone nt, tod ay, ight now,
Present continuous We do noi usuatly use some verbs in the coniinuous form.
isn't (= isnor) wo*ing. l Cniitrrce r
li t*o*i"cr
: 1 Rewrite th€ sent€nces in the Present continuous. Becarefut
: ? : Are you/we/they working? with the spelling of the verb.
future time (e.g. this weekend) orwe know from the situation
tspeak four tanguaget. that we are talking abour the future.
. We use rhe oresent LonfrJoJr for.cnonswhkh ar€ in progress
noworaround now
Wha is she spaaking to?
' We usuatly use the Present simpLe with phrases like always
never, every day, usually, nanalLy.
iaraqdsourPS-- --a
ue s^eMte staraq.L q)1eu liEqlool e 3as olSulot.^ol! 6
'f -- u tu3^ s^eMle
s,r asn$oq uioor 3u!^11 aql ur )roasuoq fur oP 1,uer | 8
isrou lea l.u€r trnq I sr !3s$P leql I
^ue "( ^ra^ ')roM lo $alrs
3qlIe uo4 fe^ e puois.Ml --- d,|a^PPeql 9
I --_ J aq IrM1t5.q1ot) ur€a SuLq ol F&ol1,uoo 5
'uerpula^eq l,ue) aMos'PooJ -sall1,usaop.q5 t
^ 'r1^oJuo {lP@!}
{ ed, I-- -,tr\s.(epalrurrLo{l3^{ E SuLzaa4
'^ePllP.a4€ 3urlox3
Fpunleslos S --- qseal!pu€tulurqsseMuns.ql z snolFP
'leaus_--- P e ioj Punor sn Parl^ul'qs I Suloq
'sa^qr€lpe sSAtrf tf ov l^lrdluf slo
€ql.F]duo, ol tarr.l Ppv z
'uaol aql qSnorql sa qetar 1E!^ or lroa/pows llo {eP e 3^eq ol
app,pd 3q e rol urdl 0l .ldoad or sPrer PU.s 01 s}ua$rd.tuepx.01
"u llso) lPJouroP4 ^aql lnole.or
'n.urrq u.l rla ro{rol.\eJ P | 6 te.u le rads e dedaro ol
t P.P4P
aier e aleu 01 on ssarP ol
'a^l s,r€ MeN uo
auoq,notroru, aFood 4r^ur 01 raaoD inq 01
suoqrroqrolulatdoad s,(eMlP srnoqqS!.u - Ih 8
slvolvt)lds uol slsvuHd €ll
le sluosard - o1 aldoed roj lPuolllpe4s,rl I
rrros fEs
or srPA 3q u.q^ - eaMou3ur-s^eMle aH 9
i^epqxtqraq ro] Prer P aullore)-011o&o] | 5
qolM'u ful 1sllu.P aql olSuLoB (.leq)- zL
..u t n5 :rr' J (oJr..PJ L..L Pre JFc r\ . L
8Lrle.qet.1 u., .snp)eo rJB Jol rer)adc e |
le.! F8l -
'fec .ru.plsdoput uo )roa lto I€P e
alrotua^l € :s1Er (a)l / no^)- 0t
's.N*lar 'spua!] plo.uos (lLsl^)- l PUe EarD Pua).a^ srql 6
aql lo qlnos aqr 01l.^er.M'.{eq- tul^r;queql uo z 1!re' iou qo 8
5n rP.u luernPls.r uPll€1| uo4 .uterln !uo4 (.uro))- | I
ue fllPnsn 3r' I -1
Zfltea^tun rorlp op or (1uea/reqlorq rno^)-1eq^\ 9
le iq8ru,(ePrnres {ra^3 lno
'ryBluol .ql 01 (.t!or 1o!)- elr€r{ 5
- 'r o!o! ^!Ed
eq_ re aor ao I e rol rloor) - uev t
rrsl^ PUss a)p'! a)le^^ Suol e ro, (ot / no,\)-
u.Uo '\ oH €
€lr^u! 3^Eq aSuEqrxa lEa ssarP Eredard aMorouor qrunlroJ elu (Fou / noo oraq/^ z
'xoq aqr ulsq$^
uau s,r4q3nep It! roJ e -
(.^eq)-.,\ !
aql ro urolparor €ql qrla sa)uaruas €ql.laldLuo) L ^ued
u!q$^.q1to urrol poro, .qr qll^{ aqr.l'lduo) z
irrr"jVui I '.roq1no{ aas ioor'.t,1 :€
attl/ ut/ anraqreq / ar,ar^ / uooura]Je / o1/3uro; /s,uoulsr :v
{EpLrns uo :€
I /req,$/ nof/tuLop / ares
qll^ /3!ro8 /8!LuuL^ t/ eres / u,ls :v
Zuoour.le lPPrnles lnoqe /ioH :€
uo /3!rqfue /3!ruou {ePrnles /1,uare /./,4 /Bu oP' :v
no^ /?utop / leq,^ / arer zno^1noqe lEql :€
'a) u tplnos1€qI :v
.uos / ro] / rno / 3!ru3^a / leou e / u,l / 5.1? :€
^ePrn1€S :v
a Sulop/ aq1/ puqa.M / le /l€tr.ds/ no^/orv /;uL!l ue'
13plo Daxo) .ql u! sProa .q1 rnd I
z illrrVua I