Guideline - Machine Tipping Over - en
Guideline - Machine Tipping Over - en
Guideline - Machine Tipping Over - en
Motivation and Problem S5
1 Scope of Validity S6
2 Terms S7
5 Planning S 16
10 Sources S 23
11 Imprint S 26
12 Limitation of liability S 26
It is normally the case that equipment that is used in special civil engineering has a high dead weight and
a system centre of gravity that is also high. Their travel and working movements also result in cyclical
and dynamic loads being transferred into the ground. They are therefore susceptible to a risk of tipping
over when in use on the construction site. Outmost importance is to be given to the prevention of large
pieces of equipment from tipping over both from an occupational safety and an economical point of view
as the tipping over of large pieces of equipment is the cause of the most serious accidents of construction
activities. Not only are employees at risk of suffering severe or fatal injuries, a great risk is also posed to
uninvolved third parties. Accidents and “near misses“ also place the construction site personnel under
a heavy burden, possibly resulting in a temporary or permanent incapacity to work. This often goes hand
in hand with massive production losses and additional costs as a result of project delays. Last but not
least, this can cause a considerable loss of image for those participating in the construction and the
construction project as a whole.
Practical experience has also shown that the installation of professional working platforms results in
an improved working performance, as the implementation and work processes are accelerated, etc. The
consequence is that economical working is possible so that the client is provided with a direct benefit.
An analysis of more than 75 cases of equipment tipping over on special civil engineering construction
sites in Germany and abroad has concluded that the majority of the tipping over occurred as a result
of an inadequate working platform. Additional fundamental aspects are the qualification of the
equipment operator and the construction site personnel in addition to the coordination, controlling and
communication on the construction site. A defective equipment technology was only responsible for the
tipping over in a few cases.
The editors have intensively researches this subject in recent years in addition to having worked in
cooperation with experts, research facilities, training facilities, subject experts and legal experts on
specific recommendations of actions for those involved in the construction process.
The information leaflet provides information on the planning, installing, driving on and maintenance
of special civil engineering working platforms including the access roads to the construction site,
the preparing of driving surfaces and ramps in the excavation pit.
The information leaflet is not valid for contact surfaces for mobile cranes, mobile excavators, mobile
concrete pumps, wheeled hoisting platforms and other vehicles with tyres. The information leaflet is
also not valid for work on floating equipment.
The basis for working with special civil engineering moving, placing and working) and without risk of
3.1 equipment that is deemed to be safe under all of
the decisive operational and load conditions is
tipping over. Anticipated misuse is also to be taken
into account. The results of the calculations and
an adequately dimensioned working platform as the assumptions that are made hereby – e.g. the
especially high drilling and pile driving machines maximum angle of inclination of the leader – are to
are subjected to specific stability problems. be stated as the threshold values in the operating
The reasons for this are the high centre of instructions of the equipment. This only provides
ravity position that permanently changes and information on the stability of the rigid body, i.e.
the associated focus exentricity. The inclination the use on a rigid substrate.
changes and the pivot angle changes therefore The reality in the special civil engineering practice
substantially influence the stability of these types is unfortunately not adequately represented with
of equipment to a greater extent than is the case this view. In fact the foundation soil reaction under
with normal excavating machines (e.g. crawler the tracks is highly ductile from a soil mechanics
excavator). Furthermore the subsoil is very point of view creating lasting deformations.
frequently subjected to process-related extreme The stability of the equipment can also be
tensile forces and dynamic loads in the course of placed at risk when in use on the construction
the working process. site as a result of additional effects such as the
consolidation or time-settlement behaviour
The stability of special civil engineering equipment of cohesive soils, soil displacement, creep
is regulated in DIN EN 16228 “Drilling and settlements and liquefaction effects under the
Foundation Equipment“. This stipulates that the dynamically moved tracks or as a result of the
manufacturers are to design and manufacture application of vibrational energy when carrying out
the equipment to be stable under the intended vibration and pile driving work for example.
operating conditions (transportation, erection,
The analysis that was performed regarding the than is currently the case, to prevent accidents.
75 cases of equipment that tiped over in the
construction industry resulted in the determination
Tipping over is often the result of a combination of
various causes.
that all of those involved in the construction work
(the equipment manufacturer, the client/principal, The following list of accident causes is presented
the planner, the controller, the building contractor, in principle, regardless of the respective
the subcontractor, etc.) need to act in accordance responsibility that can vario from construction site
with their tasks and obligations to a greater extent to construction site.
• inadequate density and quality of the executed working platform (e.g. type and installation,
soil engineering materials, geotextiles)
• inadequate width of the working platform
• inadequate labelling of the working platform, i.e. load-bearing areas
• maintenance of the working platform (subsequent improvement, drainage etc.)
• unidentified structures or foundation soil anomalies in the subsoil
• unsatisfactory filling/compacting after completion of previous work or work that is being carried out
parallel to this (e.g. trenches, manholes, boreholes)
• excessive inclination of working platforms, ramps and access roads
• not taking special events into account (freeze-thaw changes, heavy rainfall, etc.)
• inadequately qualified machine operators (operating error – risks are not detected and/or not taken
account of, inadequate knowledge of the “physical limits“ of the equipment that is used)
• inadequate qualification/awareness of the other construction site personnel and the other
construction work participants (risks – such as permissible boundary loads/load torques -
are not detected and/or not taken account of)
On the basis of their legal position within the The client/principal and the specialists that sup-
4.1 construction project and their professional com-
petences, those involved in the construction work
port them have joint responsibility for safe working
in civil engineering. The legal provisions (e.g. in la-
have different responsibilities in connection with bour law, construction contract law, criminal law)
the prevention of accidents. Clear regulation of necessitate a consistent and serious addressing of
responsibilities in connection with the planning, the correct exploration, planning, installation and
installation, maintaining and controlling of the adequate maintenance of an adequately safe wor-
working platform is essential for this. king platform. Special attention needs to be paid to
a stable platform as a large number of the above
In addition to the obligations that the contractor accident causes can be avoided with a foresighted
has in the scope of the preparation and execution and professional planning and controlling of the
of the construction work, the client/principal and construction process.
the supporting specialist planners (load-bearing
structures designer, the controller, the soil expert, The following chapters 4.2 - 4.4 present specific
construction supervision) all have a special res- responsibilities.
ponsibility for the safety of the construction work
they have carried out.
The principal/client is responsible for the provision of a suitable piece of land and a suitable working
platform with an adequate load-bearing capacity (§ 4 (3) of the Construction Tendering and Contract
Regulations (VOB/B) in conjunction with DIN 18299 Sections 0.1.9, 0.1.10, 0.1.15 and 0.1.16 in addition
to Section 2.1.3, etc.).
The principal is also responsible for ensuring that a corresponding regular investigation of the con-
struction site is carried out prior to commencement of the construction work also concerning the
load-bearing capacity of the subsoil in regarding subsequent driving of heavy equipment (conform with
DIN EN 1997-2, DIN 4020). A compulsory part of this is the taking of the subject “working platform” into
account in the subsoil expertise or geotechnical report, respectively. The knowledge gained as a result
are to be taken into account during the planning. The working platforms and all related performances
hereto (e.g. maintenance and dismantling) are to be subjected to a detailed invitation to tender.
The assigning of the responsibility to provide a suitable piece of land and a suitable working platform
to his planner or another agent, should be recorded in writing for evidential purposes. The release
of the working platform at a very early phase is to be documented in writing and handed in time to the
parties involved in the construction work as a requirement for the commencement of the construction
work. Delays to the commencement of the construction work or work interruptions could otherwise
The costs incurred for the provision of the working platform and the related investigations and plan-
ning performances are normally borne by the principal/client. It is recommended that a clarification be
carried out at an early phase in order to gain knowledge with regard to the load-bearing capacity of the
soil (please refer to ATV DIN 18299, Sections 0.1.9 and 0.1.10).
It is also fundamentally the case that costs incurred for a necessary removal of existing or detected
obstructions or damaging inhomogeneities in the subsoil or similar circumstances, wich could place
the load-bearing capacity of the soil and the required working platform above it at risk, are also to be
borne by the client/principal (please refer to ATV DIN 18299 Section 4.2.15, DIN 18300 Sections 3.1.5,
3.1.6, 4.2.1; DIN 18301, Sections 3.1.7, 3.1.8, 4.2.1).
Should it be the case that obstructions or inhomogeneities (e.g. old cables, shafts, cavities, soft spots,
etc.) are detected during the construction work or should there be a suspicion that such could pose a
risk when driving on the working platform, a written order for the suspension of the construction work
is to be issued without delay. Should this necessitate to the adoption of corresponding securing measu-
res, the principal is to bear the incurred costs (please refer to ATV DIN 18299 Section 4.2.15, DIN 18300
Sections 3.1.5, 3.1.6, 4.2.1; DIN 18301, Sections 3.1.7, 3.1.8, 4.2.1).
Substantial importance is to be attached to agreeing on a realistic period of construction (observance
of the weather conditions, the cooperation between different trades, etc.) – taking a professional ins-
tallation of the working platform into account.
The principal/client is responsible for the on-site and time-related coordination of the different trades
on the construction site (e.g. by the health and safety coordinator). This also includes clear rules re-
garding the specific responsibilities of those participating in the construction work in connection with
the working platform.
The aforementioned responsibilities are fundamentally valid for both public and private clients
since the underlying regulations are based on present recognised state of the art. These are generally
binding. In case of private clients, a deviating agreement is possible in individual cases, but this neces-
sitates a specific risk allocation.
The planner is responsible for instructing the principal on the necessity to determine the quality
and the bearing capacity of the foundation soil. Additionally, the extent and the quality of the execution
of the required working platforms needs to be determined. This also includes performing standard
foundation soil investigations so that a qualified analysis out of the foundation soil situation can be
performed (DIN EN 1997-2 or DIN 4020).
Typically the (specialist) planners assume responsibility for the obligations and duties of the principal/
client listed in Chapter 4.2. The assuming of the responsibility for the obligations should be recorded
in writing for evidential purposes.
This includes the compulsory inclusion of the subject “working platform” in the foundation soil ex-
pertise or the geotechnical report respectively. The resulting knowledge is to be taken into account at
the planning phase. The working platforms and all of the related performances (e.g. maintenance and
removal) are to be the subject of a detailed invitation to tender. The responsibilities of each of those
involved in the construction work are hereby to be clearly regulated.
The approval of the working platform in good time is to be documented in writing and handed to the
each of those involved in the construction work in good time as a prerequisite for the commencement
of the construction work. Delays to the commencement of the construction work or work interruptions
could impend otherwise.
It is to be taken into consideration that the aforementioned standards are deemed to be recognised
states of the art and that the adherence to such are the responsibility of the principal in addition to
them being technical construction regulations as defined in DIN EN 1997-1.
DIN EN 1997-2:2010-10
2 PLANNING OF FOUNDATION SOIL • the deformation of the foundation soil by the buil-
INVESTIGATIONS ding structure or by construction work, its spatial
extent and its timly progression;
2.1.1 GENERAL ASPECTS • the safety with regard to the boundary conditions
• (1)P Geotechnical investigations are to be planned (e.g. soil subsidence, soil uplift, buoyancy, soil
so that the fundamental geotechnical information slides and rockslides, a buckling of piles, etc.):
and parameters are certain to be available during • […]
the various project phases. The geotechnical • Effects of the construction work on the environ-
information have to be sufficient so that known or ment.
anticipated risks for the construction project can • In the scope of his performance, the planner /
be dealt with. As far as the states of construction project controller also has a liability to enabling
and the final state are concerned, information and the construction work to be carried out without
data are to be made available in order to cover the risks. He therefore also actively controlls the pro-
risk of accidents, construction delays and damage. cess up to the installation of a work formation level
that is capable of load bearing and is suitable. It is
2.1.2 FOUNDATION SOIL especially the case that the bearing capacity of the
existing soil is to be ensured as a result of a cla-
• (1)P The foundation soil investigations are to pro- rification of the soil situation in good time, so that
vide a description of the foundation soil situations the planning can be adhered to both in economical
that are decisive for the intended construction and construction duration terms and all of those
project in addition to them providing a basis for the involved in the construction work can work without
determination of the geotechnical parameters that risks.
have validity for all of the states of the construc-
• (2) If possible, the information that is gained,
should enable the evaluation of the following
aspects.: […]
DIN EN 1997-1:2014-03
DIN EN 1997-1 is a technical construction regulation.
• […]
• […] • (6)P The planning is to be carried out so that all
• (2)P The effects of the following circumstances of the on-site construction activities are planned
are to be included in the considerations if approp- and executed so that an occurrence of boundary
riate: conditions in connection with the load-bearing
• the construction method; capacity and the suitability for use are sufficiently
• […]. unlikely. […]
Sufficient information such as the relevant parameters for the special civil engineering equipment
and the work processes (also refer to the table in Annex 1) exists for the stated planning tasks.
Should isolated information nevertheless be missing, these need to be requested from the executing
building contractor by the client and his planner.
It is hereby to be ensured that the latest state of the execution planning takes the actual equipment
and the construction method into account.
There is also an obligation to provide information and instructions with regard to the potential
risks that are posed to the own employees on the construction site by the use of heavy equipment
(Sections 4 and 12 of the German Health and Safety at Work Act - ArbSchG). This instruction is to
be documented.
The following is especially to be taken into account should the person concerned also be the site
manager: an obligation to provide information and instructions with regard to the risk posed by an in-
stability in the subsoil also exists towards the other companies and persons that work on the construc-
tion site should numerous companies or different trades (including structural engineering or finishing
trades) work parallel or subsequent to each other on the construction site. The information concerned
is also to be made available to the health and safety coordinator.
Should instabilities resulting from subsoil conditions be encountered in the course of the construction
work, or should there be a presumption that such instabilities could exist, suitable measures are to
be taken without delay. This even includs a stopping of the construction work if necessary.
A suitable form of appropriate securing measures are to be adopted.
The costs incurred for such measures are to be borne by the principal/client, unless otherwise
stated in the contract.
It is fundamentally the case that prior to commencement of the construction work, the contractor is
to ensure that he is in possession of adequate information pursuant to ATV DIN 18299, Sections 0.1.9
and 0.1.10 VOB/C. This information is normally to be provided by a suitable specialist planner/foundati-
on soil expert, commissioned by the principal/client.
In the event of adequate foundation soil and groundwater information not being provided (including
such regarding obstructions or inhomogeneities in isolated cases), a concerns report pursuant to
Section 4 (3) VOB/B in conjunction with an impediment report pursuant to Section 6 (1) VOB/B are to
be sent to the client and his construction supervisor/planner. Both the written form requirement and
the proof of receipt are hereby to be taken into account.
Should the contractor assume that there are obstacles/instabilities in the foundation soil in isolated
cases, suitable measures are to be adopted without delay, even including a stopping of the construction
work if necessary and the construction site is to be secured correspondingly. It is also the case here
that a corresponding written concerns report pursuant to Section 4 (3) VOB/B and a written impedi-
ment report pursuant to Section 6 (1) VOB/B are to be sent to the client and his construction supervi-
sor/planner without delay.
Should it be determined during the construction work that there are signs that the equipment and the
employees on the working platform could be subjected to instability, the work is to be stopped without
delay, the construction site is to be secured accordingly and the further procedures are to be discussed
with the client and his specialist planner.
It is fundamentally the case that there is an information and instruction obligation towards all of the
employees that work on the construction site with regard to possible instabilities (Sections 4 and 12
ArbSchG). The entire construction site personnel is hereby to be sensitized on the risk of equipment
tipping over. These instructions are to be documented accordingly.
Companies and their employees have to inform each other of working platforms that do not have a
load-bearing capacity and equipment that tips over. Agreement is to be reached on possible measures
to prevent risk situations.
Sensitization and adequate qualification of the construction site personnel with regard to the risk of
equipment tipping over.
Upon request: supporting the planner by forwarding the specific equipment and work data for the
planning and invitation to tender for the working platform on the construction site.
The installation of a secure working platform that This is also to include water retentions and/or
Geotechnical report or geotechnical also to be carried out in connection with this.
Specific equipment data for evaluation Typical large equipment that is used in special ci-
of the stability vil engineering generates average max. bearing
pressures of approx. 600 kN/m². Extreme wor-
DIN EN 16228-1: 2014 “Drilling and Foundation king positions can however generate maximum
Equipment - Safety“ forms the basis for the values that exceed this, that need to be especially
stability evaluation of equipment used in civil taken into account. These bearing pressures can
engineering – especially large equipment in special exceed 1.500 kN/m².
civil engineering. In addition the manufacturer is
being placed under an obligation of Chapter 5.2.3. NOTE:
to provide proof of the stability based on calculati- The information provided in Annex 1 (table) is
ons made. All conceivable operating statuses and initially deemed to be rough orientation values for
transfer operations are hereby to be recorded. The an initial estimation of a stability evaluation (pre-
calculations are made under the assumption that planning) and do not replace the specific proof of
the equipment is on solid ground. Chapter the necessary bearing pressures for the specific
“Bearing pressure“ in DIN EN 16228 refer to Annex machine that is in use on the construction site.
F with regard to the calculation of the bearing This data needs to be put in more specific terms in
pressure. the course of the execution planning with regard
to the equipment that is used and the construction
The maximum bearing pressure is to be calculated method.
conform with Annex F of the aforementioned DIN
EN 16228. The manufacturer is to state the calcu- As far as older equipment is concerned, for which
lated max. bearing pressure in kN/m² for all of the a calculation of the max. bearing pressure does
operating conditions, load positions and transfers not exist, the planner is to at least request the
made and is to document these in the operating following equipment data for the calculation of the
instructions. The datasheet for the special civil en- decisive operating statuses:
gineering equipment is to present the max. bearing
pressures for the decisive operating statuses in a • the force P applied to a chassis in Newtons
pictorial and clear manner. • the eccentricity e of the force in metres
• the length d of the contact surface
(e.g. crawler track unit) in metres
• the width b of the contact surface in metres.
Principle representation of the surface pressure under the chains of a rotary drilling rig with
Kelly equipment for different load positions
The specific geometry of the used equipment is elements that are to be installed can be reached
also to be taken into account when planning the without difficulty when taking the inclinations and
working platform. This has an influence on the the position of the equipment into account, also
permissible inclination of ramps for example (the having an adequate safety clearance from the edge
standard inclination is between 1:6 and 1:10) de- of the working platform (this is normally a mini-
pending on the machine, the width of the working mum of 1.00 m from the outer edge of the crawler).
platforms and the driving surfaces and the location The required safety clearances in the area of slope
of the equipment in relation to the member that edges, etc. are also to be taken into account.
is to be constructed (inclined piles, piles in cornet
areas, etc.). Adequately sized manoeuvring and While planning, the professional drainage of the
erection surfaces that have a load-bearing capa- working platform is also to be planned by installing
city, minimum clearances from members, secure drainage/material that is able to drain water and/or
standing surfaces for the operating personnel and the installation of drainage trenches. This is valid
surfaces for the use of any auxiliary equipment both for precipitation water and for water from the
that might be required (mini-excavators, telescopic work process.
forklifts, mobile cranes etc.).
The following values are to be adhered to as a minimum on the basis of ZTV E-StB 17:
Developed bearing course Ev2 ≥ 80 – 100 MN/m² depending on the size of the equipment
The permissible ratio value of Ev1 and Ev2 is hereby to be taken into account.
A terrain/slope failure calculation or shear failure The proof is provided pursuant to EC7-1 (DIN EN
proof is to be provided in the event of complicated 1997-1) and the corresponding national regulations
foundation soil, e.g. due to the soil being cohesive or in DIN 1054, DIN 4017 and DIN 4084.
when working in trenches and on slopes.
The results of the planning are to provide the con- • Measures designed to drain off or carry off surface
tractor with specific information that is required water. If necessary, drainage measures or a lowering
for the erection of the working platform and the of the groundwater down to a minimum of 0.50 m
adherence to the suitability for use. The following beneath the work level.
measures are to be determined and described in • If necessary, additional measures that are desi-
details should it be determined that the load-bearing gned to secure/remove underground installations,
capacity of the foundation soil is inadequate: channels or lines by means of load distribution ele-
ments (e.g. steel sheets, excavator support mats).
• measures that are required in order to improve
the foundation soil, e.g. compacting, soil replace- The working platform is to be planned with sufficient
ment, lime stabilisation or the insertion of space for manoeuvring and for the changing of
geosynthetics. positions. For inclined piles or inclined boreholes
• Soil engineering methods that are designed to or inclined driven elements, the set up of the
develop a load bearing stratum, stating the layer´s equipment has to take place behind the drilling
density, the degree of compaction and the compac- location in the direction of the inclination. It is highly
ting in layers, the material requirements for the bulk recommended that a detailed coordination of the
materials and the minimum scope of the proofs of space requirement is carried out with the contractor
the test certificates (Evdyn, Ev2). (building contractor).
• Ensuring a non-existence of contamination and • Maintaining of the working platform during con-
unexploded ordnance (please also refer to the struction work with assurance of the suitability for
“Merkblatt Kampfmittelfrei Bauen“ (Information use (incl. materials/equipment for reworking, incl.
leaflet “Construction Free from Unexploded Ord- performances for ensuring the functionality of the
nance”) at water discharge and drainage system, incl. the re-
• Clearing the construction field, removal of unsui- moval of drilling mud, hourly wage performances,
table top soil – if necessary. allocation of responsibilities) – as long as this work
• Final calculation of the working platforms, ac- is not deemed to be supplementary work in part or
cess roads, ramps, etc. for the use of special civil as a whole as defined in VOB/C.
engineering equipment by a geotechnical expert • Dismantling and disposal of the working platform
on the basis of the foundation soil expertise or the considering the contamination due to the construc-
geotechnical report. (Note: the characteristics of tion work and any installed geosynthetics.
the decisive equipment that is actually used on
the construction site serve as a basis for the final It is hereby reiterated that the performances for
calculation pursuant to DIN 16228-1 Annex F. When the “manufacturing, paving, reinforcing and remo-
requested to do so, the contractor is to provide the val of the work level, of floor and storage spaces,
client/principal with the corresponding characte- access roads …“ etc. are deemed to be “special
ristics for the final planning of the working plat- performances” as defined in ATV DIN 18304 pile
form in the scope of the awarding of the contract.) driving, vibrating and pressing work.
• Creation of the installation concept for the
intended materials incl. a drawing showing a plan
view and a cross-sectional view. The positions of
slope faces, ramps and underground installations
are especially to be included. The working plat-
forms are to be clearly identified and permanently
marked on the site.
• Installation of the working platform conform with
specialist planner specifications: incl. material
requirements, information regarding any geosyn-
thetics that might be required and the use of (hyd-
raulic) binding agents, layer densities, surcharges
and alternative positions for any necessary amend-
ments/adaptations to the actual situation on the
construction site, determination of the installation
and compacting requirements and the specific
testing requirements.
The professional installation of the working and the special civil engineering company be
platform on the basis of the planning and detailed documented with a report. A validation is to be
tendering as per Chapters 5 and 6 is of essential carried out and a confirmation be provided that the
importance. Not only does this include the quality working platform has been created conform with
assurance for the materials that are to be inserted, the stipulations in the latest execution planning/
but also the meeting of the installation and com- invitation to tender, i.e. that the equipment and load
pacting requirements. Proof is to be provided of the situations that actually exist were considered.
adherence to the requirements by using suitable The working platforms are to be clearly identified
test procedures (e.g. dynamic or static plate load and permanently marked during the handover/
tests, standard penetration tests). acceptance at the latest. Peculiarities (areas with
special load-bearing capacity characteristics, etc.)
In order to secure the process quality, it is re- are to be noted in the report. The handover/accep-
commended that the handover/acceptance of the tance of the working platform should take place
working platform between the client/principal or with an adequate lead-time.
the executing earthworks contractor respectively
The working platform is to be conform with the are to be avoided. The intended drainage options
planning specifications and present an adequate are to be cleaned and kept in operation during their
load-bearing capacity in all weather conditions provision if necessary. The working platform is to
throughout the execution of the construction work. be protected from silting. Unavoidable spoil that
A regular visual inspection is recommended. The results from the work process is to be removed at
suitability for use of the working platform is es- regular intervals.
pecially to be inspected after exceptional weather
conditions (e.g. heavy rainfall, freeze-thaw chan- Should the working platform be used by numerous
ges) or special load conditions. Special measures contractors, clear rules are to be defined in advan-
might need to be adopted in the event of deviations ce with regard to the responsibility for the working
from the planning specifications if determined. platform maintenance.
Accumulations of water on the working platform
• ATV DIN 18299 Allgemeine Regelungen für Bauarbeiten jeder Art
• ATV DIN 18300 Erdarbeiten
• ATV DIN 18301 Bohrarbeiten
• ATV DIN 18303 Verbauarbeiten
• ATV DIN 18304 Ramm-, Rüttel- und Pressarbeiten
• ATV DIN 18305 Wasserhaltungsarbeiten
• ATV DIN 18309 Einpressarbeiten
• ATV DIN 18313 Schlitzwandarbeiten
• ATV DIN 18321 Düsenstrahlarbeiten
• DIN EN 14731 Baugrundverbesserungsarbeiten
• DIN 18459 Abbruch- und Rückbauarbeiten
• DIN EN 16228 Geräte für Bohr- und Gründungsarbeiten
• DIN EN 1997-2: 2010-10 Eurocode 7: Entwurf, Berechnung und Bemessung in der Geotechnik -
Teil 2: Erkundung und Untersuchung des Baugrunds
• DIN EN 1997-1: 2014-03 Eurocode 7 - Entwurf, Berechnung und Bemessung in der Geotechnik -
Teil 1: Allgemeine Regeln
• DIN 1054: 2010-12 Baugrund - Sicherheitshinweise im Erd- und Grundbau
• DIN 4017: 2006-3 Baugrund - Berechnung des Grundbruchwiderstands von Flachgründungen
• DIN 4020: 2010-12 Geotechnische Untersuchungen für bautechnische Zwecke
• DIN 4084: 2009-01 Baugrund - Geländebruchberechnungen
• DIN EN 1997-2: 2010-10 und DIN EN 1997-1: 2014-03; Beuth Verlag, Berlin (
Appendix 1 Load data for standard devices (orientation values)
The data below are initially rough orientation values for the first assessment of a stability assessment (preliminary
planning) and do not replace, if necessary, concrete proof of the soil pressure for the equipment used in the respective
construction site situation. In the course of the detailed design, these details must be specified in accordance with the
equipment and construction methods used.
diaphragm wall D = 40 to 80 cm 70 - 80 to 200 - 230 310 Diaphragm wall grab tool
diaphragm wall D >/= 100 cm 140 to 240 320 Diaphragm wall grab tool
Vibro compaction or Cable excavator
Vibro replacement dry 60 to 220 290 Leader device
Thermal use of
groundwater 25 - 30 to 170 170 TRUCK
* Guideline value from the information provided by the ** Possible ground pressure in special situations taking *** For all trucks, truck mixers, mobile cranes, wheel loa-
equipment manufacturer on the ground pressure (2/3 of into account unfavourable mast inclination and torsion of ders, etc. registered in traffi c, the proof of Ev2 = 45 MN/m
the usable track surface under its own weight and max. the upper carriage relative to the running gear. In extreme is generally considered suffi cient in accordance with ZTV
tractive force) in operating condition. situations, (e.g. cramped conditions, unusual mast inclina- E-StB 17 - see also comments under item 5.3.
tion with inclined piles, maximum outreach starting point),
signifi cantly higher ground pressures can occur locally,
which must be considered separately. Values >= 1,000
kN/m are possible.
Appendix 2: Sample data sheet showing the load cases
Published by the Verein zur EDITORIAL OFFICE: Geotechnical consulting:
Förderung fairer Bedingungen Dipl.-Ing. Dirk Siewert, Prof. Dr.-Ing. von Wolffersdorff
am Bau e.V. in cooperation with Federation of the German Const-
the Hauptverband der Bau e.V. ruction Industry e.V. Legal advice:
(Main Association of the German Prof. Dr. jur. Bastian Fuchs,
Construction Industry) German LL. M. (CWSL), University of the
construction industry e.V. the members of the Working Federal Armed Forces, Munich
(Federal Department of Special Group „Avoidance of machine
Civil Engineering). overturns in special foundation Dr. Manfred Mayer, jurist,
engineering“ in the BFA special Lecturer for building law at the
foundation engineering TU Munich