LR Chapter 4 - Selections

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In this category of questions, a small group of items or team with four members as the first team and the team
persons has to be selected from a larger group satisfying the with three members as the second team. The third team
given conditions. The conditions will specify as to when should have two persons.
a particular item or person can be included or cannot be
included in the subgroup. For example, the condition may Number of members
specify that two particular persons should always be together 4 3 2
or that two particular persons should not be together. Chintu Dumpy Saurav
Sometimes, the conditions given for selection or non-selection
of items or persons may be based on logical connectives Saurav
like if-then, either-or, unless, etc. You should be careful in
interpreting the logical connectives used in the conditions.
Now let us take the other conditions and fill them up in
Directions for questions 1 to 5: These questions are the table above.
based on the following information. Chintu and Saurav cannot be in the same team.
Amit, Bittu, Chintu, Dumpy, Falgun, Hitesh, Ronit, Purav and  Saurav will be in the second or the third team.
Saurav are nine players from among whom three teams
Purav and Bittu cannot be in the same team.
consisting respectively of 4 members, 3 members and 2
Hitesh and Ronit must be in the same team.
members must be formed subject to the following conditions.
We cannot represent these two conditions right now in
Chintu must have three more players with him while the table above but we will use them as we go along.
Dumpy must have only two more with him.
Chintu and Saurav cannot be in the same team. 1. If Dumpy, Falgun, Purav form the team of
Purav and Bittu cannot be in the same team. 3 members, then Saurav should be in the third team.
Ronit and Hitesh must be in the same team. Since Hitesh and Ronit must be in the same team,
they have to be in the first team. That leaves only Amit
1. If Dumpy, Falgun, Purav form the team of 3 members,
or Bittu to be with Saurav in the third team.
then which of the following must be TRUE?
Choice (C)
(A) Hitesh must be in a team with Bittu.
(B) Saurav must form a two-member team with Amit (Also, note that we can eliminate choice (B) easily.)
or Chintu. 2. Dumpy takes Amit as a member of his team.
(C) Saurav must form a two-member team with Bittu If we take Hitesh and Ronit as the two members of
or Amit. the third team, then Saurav has to be in the second
(D) Chintu should form a team of 4 members with team, in which case we will have both Purav and Bittu
Hitesh, Ronit and Amit. coming into the same team – the first team – which is
2. If Dumpy takes Amit as a part of his three-member team, not possible.
which of the following must go into Chintu’s team? Since Saurav cannot be in Chintu’s team and Purav
(A) Bittu and Hitesh (B) Hitesh and Ronit and Bittu cannot be in the same team, the three
(C) Purav and Ronit (D) Purav and Falgun people required for Chintu’s team will have to be
Hitesh and Ronit checkfont Falgun or Purav or Bittu.
3. If Chintu and Falgun are together and Saurav is in the Choice (B)
team of two members, then how many sets of
different teams are possible? 3. Let us analyse the conditions. It is given that Chintu
(A) 4 (B) 3 (C) 2 (D) 1 and Falgun are together, whereas Saurav is in the
team of two members. Let us fill up these details in the
4. If Chintu does not have Purav in his team and the two box that we made above and then see in how many
member team consists of Saurav and Amit, then ways we can fill up the remaining cells in the box.
Chintu should take
(A) Hitesh, Bittu and Ronit. Chintu Dumpy Saurav
(B) Bittu but not Ronit. Falgun
(C) Bittu and Falgun.
(D) Hitesh and Ronit.
5. If Purav is in the same team as Chintu and Falgun,
then Saurav must be in the same team as First let us look at Hitesh and Ronit who must be in
(A) Bittu (B) Bittu and Amit. the same team.
(C) Amit (D) Bittu and Dumpy. They can go into the first team or the second team.
Let us consider these two cases.
Solutions for questions 1 to 5: Case 1: Hitesh and Ronit go into the first team.
It is given that: Then, one out of Bittu and Purav will to go into the
Chintu must form a team of 4 members only third team and the other into the second team.
Dumpy must form a team of 3 members only. This gives rise to two ways of forming the teams –
Since Chintu and Dumpy are in two different teams, let one with Bittu in the second team and the other with
us, for convenience, denote the two teams as the Bittu in the third team.
respective teams of these two persons. Let us call the Case 2: Hitesh and Ronit go into the second team.
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In this case too, one out of Bittu and Purav will go into Solutions for questions 6 to 9:
the third team and the other into the second team.
Hence, this will also give rise to two ways of forming the Let Team Ι be of 3 players, Team ΙΙ be of 2 players and
teams. Team ΙΙΙ be of 2 players.
Hence, there are total four ways of forming the teams. It is given that A and B cannot be together. We will
Choice (A) represent it as A x B.
Similarly, we have B x C and G x D.
4. Let us use the table that we built in the initial analysis E and F must be in the same team. So E and F can form
and fill up the details that we have in this problem. a team of 2 members on their own or can form a team of
Since the two member team is already formed and 3 members with another person.
Chintu does not take Purav, hence Purav will have Let us now take up the questions and work them out.
to go into the second team.
6. Given that C, D, A form a team of 3 members, one of
Chintu Dumpy Saurav the other teams has to have E and F together.
Purav Hence, B and G should form one team. Choice (D)
Amit 7. Given that E, F, G form a team of 3 players. Since A
and B or B and C cannot be in the same team, we
Since Ronit and Hitesh have to be in the same team, must necessarily have A and C together in one team
they should go into the first team. Since Bittu cannot and B and D in the other team. So the teams can be
go with Purav, he should also be in the first team. This formed only in one way. Choice (D)
leaves Falgun for the second team. Thus, we can fill 8. Given that A and D are not in the same team.
up the table as follows: Hence A x B, B x C, G x D and A x D.
We already know that E and F must be in the same
Chintu Dumpy Saurav
team. They may form a team of 3 members or they
Ronit Purav themselves be a team of 2 members. Let us consider
Hitesh Amit the above two possibilities and then fill up the other
Bittu teams. They can be formed as follows:
Choice (A) Team Ι Team ΙΙ Team ΙΙΙ
5. If Purav is with Chintu and Falgun, then Bittu cannot 1. AEF BD CG
be with them. Since Ronit and Hitesh should be 2. AEF CD BG
together, the only other person left is Amit. These 3. BEF AG CD
four members form the first team. 4. CEF AG BD
If Hitesh and Ronit together form the two member 5. DEF AC BG
team, then Bittu and Saurav will be part of the three 6. GEF AC BD
member team. 7. ACG BD EF
Instead, if Hitesh and Ronit are in the three-member Thus the teams can be formed in 7 ways.
team, then Saurav and Bittu will form the two- Choice (B)
member team.
In either case, Saurav and Bittu are together in one 9. If B, E, F form a team of 3 members, then the two
team. Choice (A) members teams must be formed from A, C, D, G. The
Directions for questions 6 to 9: These questions are teams can be AD & CG or AG & CD. As D and G
based on the following information. cannot form a team, AC & GD cannot be formed.
Choice (A)
A, B, C, D, E, F and G are seven players. They form two
{Please note that we can answer this question from
teams of two players each and one team of three players.
the answer choices – from choice (A), we find that G
A and B cannot be in the same team. B and C cannot be
and D are together in one team which is not possible.
in the same team whereas E and F must be in the same
Thus, choice (A) is the answer. Choice (A)
team. G and D cannot be in the same team.
6. If C, D and A form a team of three players, which of Directions for question 10: Select the correct alternative
the following can be the members of one of the other from the given choices.
teams? 10. At least two boys out of A, B, C and D and at least
(A) A and E (B) G and B two girls out of P, Q, R and S have to be chosen to
(C) E and F (D) Both (B) and (C) form a group of 5 members.
7. If E, F and G form a team of three members, then in Neither A nor C can go with Q.
how many ways can the remaining two teams of two Neither P nor S can go with B.
players each be formed? Q and R cannot be together.
(A) 2 (B) 4 (C) 3 (D) 1 Which of the following is an acceptable team?
8. If D and A are not in the same team, then altogether in
how many ways can the teams of two members be Solution for question 10:
formed? 10. The required group of 5 members must be formed
(A) 4 (B) 7 (C) 8 (D) 5 with at least two boys from A, B, C, D and at least
9. If B, E and F form a team of three members, which of 2 girls from P, Q, R, S.
the following cannot be the two teams of two Answers (A), (B) and (C) can be ruled out as A and Q
members each? cannot be together.
(A) AC, GD (B) AD, CG In choice (D), P, S, R, A, D can be together without
(C) AG, CD (D) Both (A) and (B) violating any of the given conditions. Choice (D)
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Exercise – 4(a)
Directions for questions 1 to 3: Select the correct Directions for questions 7 to 9: These questions are
alternative from the given choices. based on the following information.

1. Adam, Andy, Anil, Ann, Jack, John, James and Jill Eleven players, out of a total of sixteen players, have to be
want to go to a nearby city. Only two vehicles, a van selected for a cricket match. Among these sixteen players,
and a car, are available. Only Alen and Jack know there are twelve batsmen, nine bowlers and two wicket-
how to drive the van, hence at least one of them must keepers. There are six allrounders (players who can both
be in the van. bat and bowl are known as allrounders) and one wicket-
keeper who is also a batsman. An ideal eleven consists of
Each vehicle has a seating capacity of exactly four
at least 6 batsmen, at least six bowlers and exactly one
wicketkeeper. No wicket-keeper bowls.
Adam and Anil cannot go in the same vehicle and
John and James must go in the same vehicle. 7. If the wicket-keeper, who is also a batsman, is
Which of the following cannot be the list of persons selected in the ideal eleven, then what is the minimum
who are in the car? possible number of players in the team who can only
(A) John, James, Andy, Alen bowl?
(B) Adam, James, John, Jack (A) Zero (B) One
(C) Anil, James, John, Jill (C) Two (D) More than two
(D) Anil, Andy, Jill, Alen
8. If the number of allrounders should be kept at
2. A group of five is to be formed from a group of nine a minimum while selecting the team, then what is the
students A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H and I. least number of players who can only bat?
If A is selected, then F is selected. If F is selected, (A) Six (B) Five
then D is not selected. (C) Four (D) None of these
G is selected only if I is selected.
If H is selected, then C is not selected. If B is not 9. Which of the following statements is never true?
selected, then C is selected. (A) All the eleven players can bat in a team.
If D is selected, then who among the following must (B) In a team, 8 players can bat and 8 players can
be selected? bowl.
(A) C (B) G (C) D (D) I (C) In a team, 7 players can bat and 7 players can
3. Each of P, Q and R has to select two items from the (D) In a team, when the number of allrounders is kept
six items – A, B, C, D, E and F. at a minimum, then the number of players who
If P selects A, then Q does not select E. Only if R can only bat is less to those who can only bowl.
selects E, Q does not select B.
If P selects D, then R will not select C. If P does not Directions for questions 10 to 12: These questions are
select F, then R will select B. based on the following information.
If Q selects E, then P selects
(A) B and D. (B) F and D. A team of three persons is to be selected from a group of
(C) C and D. (D) F and C. five persons – A, B, C, D and E under the following
Directions for questions 4 to 6: These questions are (i) If A is selected, then B must be selected.
based on the following data. (ii) If C is not selected, then E must be selected.
A team of five players is to be selected from a group of ten 10. In how many ways can the team be selected?
players − A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I and J. (A) Eight (B) Six
(i) Exactly one of G and H must be selected. (C) Seven (D) None of these
(ii) H and A must be selected together, if selected.
(iii) B and F must be selected together, if selected. 11. If D is not selected, then who must always be selected?
(iv) F and J cannot be selected together. (A) A (B) B (C) C (D) E
(v) C and D cannot be selected together.
12. Which of the following is not a possible team?
4. Which of the following statements must be true? (A) C, E, D (B) E, A, B.
(A) If G is selected, then B is selected. (C) C, B, D (D) A, B, D
(B) If G is selected, then at least one of E and I is
selected. Directions for questions 13 to 15: These questions are
(C) If H and B are selected, then E cannot be based on the following information.
(D) If J is not selected, then B is selected. A team of four persons is to be selected from seven
5. If G is selected, then which of the following can be the persons – Anuj, Bindu, Chanti, Dheeraj, Eswar, Farhaan
group of players who are not selected? and Ganesh under the following constraints.
(A) H, A, F, D, I (B) H, A, D, E, I
(C) H, C, D, J, A (D) H, D, J, E, I (i) At most two of Chanti, Eswar and Ganesh can be
6. If G is not selected and J is selected, then the total (ii) Atleast one of Anuj and Bindu must be selected.
number of possible selections are (iii) If Farhaan is selected, then neither Anuj nor Chanti
(A) Four (B) Five (C) Two (D) Six can be selected.
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13. If Dheeraj is selected, then in how many ways can the 21. Which of the following can be the list of colours of
team be selected? pens selected by Ajay?
(A) Eight (B) Ten (C) Nine (D) Eleven (A) Yellow, Pink, White, Blue, Brown, Orange.
(B) Red, Blue, Orange, White, Grey, Yellow.
14. If atmost one of Farhaan and Ganesh can be (C) Black, Grey, Brown, Violet, Pink, White.
selected, then in how many ways can the team be (D) Red, Pink, Blue, Orange, Violet, White.
(A) 11 (B) 12 (C) 13 (D) 14 22. Which of the following can confirm the selection of
15. If Eswar is not selected, then in how many ways can (A) Blue and Yellow pens are selected.
the team be selected? (B) Red and Grey pens are selected.
(A) Six (B) Seven (C) Orange and Red pens are not selected.
(C) Eight (D) Nine (D) Grey pen is not selected, but the Orange pen is
Directions for questions 16 to 19: These questions are
based on the following information. Directions for questions 23 to 26: These questions are
based on the data given below.
A team of delegates has to be formed from a group of ten
people, N through W, subject to the following conditions. Four teams are to be formed from fourteen persons.
A team must consist of at least two persons and no two
(i) If Q is selected, then none among U, V or W can be teams can have the same number of persons. Each
selected. Also U, V and W cannot be selected person can be a member of exactly one team. Each of
together. Rama, Ramya, Radha and Raksha must be a member of
(ii) If R is selected, then either S or T must be selected. a different team. Each of Rohini, Padma, Priya and
But S and T cannot be selected together. Priyanka must be a member of a different team. Pratima,
(iii) At least one out of N, O and P must be selected. Pratibha and Sudha must be in the same team. Shreya
(iv) If P is selected, then neither N nor O can be selected. and Shalini must be in the same team. Rama cannot be
(v) N and R cannot be selected together. in the same team with any of Padma, Priya and Priyanka.
(vi) N and Q cannot be selected together. Ramya can be in the same team with neither Priyanka nor
(vii) P and V cannot be selected together. Priya. Radha cannot be in the same team with Priyanka.
(viii) P and W cannot be selected together. Swetha is in one of the teams.

16. If a team of four is selected and Q being one of them, 23. How many possible ways are there to form the four
then which of the following must be selected? teams?
(A) R (B) O (C) T (D) S (A) 24 (B) 120 (C) 64 (D) 6

17. What is the maximum possible size of a selected 24. Which of the following statements is not definitely true?
team? (A) Swetha is in a three member team.
(A) Four (B) Five (C) Six (D) Seven (B) There is a two member team.
(C) Sudha is in a five member team.
18. What is the maximum possible size of the team if P is (D) Shreya is in the two member team.
(A) Four (B) Five (C) Six (D) Seven 25. Which of the following additional statements is
sufficient to know the composition of teams?
19. In how many different ways can the team be selected (A) Rohini and Padma are in teams with five and four
if Q is selected? members respectively and Radha is not in
(A) Seven (B) Eight (C) Nine (D) Ten a three member team.
(B) Sudha and Shalini are in teams with five and four
members respectively and Swetha is not in a two
Directions for questions 20 to 22: These questions are
member team.
based on the following information.
(C) Pratima and Swetha are in teams with five and
Vijay asked Ajay to select 6 pens of different colours from three members respectively and Shreya is not in
the available ten colours – Orange, Red, Blue, White, a two member team.
Pink, Yellow, Black, Grey, Violet and Brown. (D) None of these
Vijay has laid down some conditions for Ajay, as given
below: 26. Who of the following must be a member of a five
member team?
(i) If Ajay selects the Blue pen, then he must select the (A) Priya (B) Priyanka
Orange pen also, and vice versa. (C) Pratima (D) Shreya
(ii) If Ajay selects the Grey pen, then he must select the
Black pen also, and vice versa. Directions for questions 27 to 30: These questions are
(iii) If Ajay selects the Yellow pen, then he cannot select based on the following data.
the Grey pen.
(iv) Exactly one of Red and Violet pens must be selected. A cricket team consisting of 11 players has to be selected
from amongst 16 players, A through P.
20. If Ajay does not select the Grey or the Brown pen, Among these 16 players
then among the following choices he can reject the (a) A, C, E, G, I, K, M, J and O are batsmen.
(A) Pink pen. (B) White pen. (b) B, D, F, G, H, J, M and P are bowlers.
(C) Red pen. (D) Orange pen. (c) L and N are wicket-keepers.
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(d) Any player who is both a bowler and a batsman is 28. Who are the three bowlers selected in the team?
called an allrounder. The Captain and the Vice- (A) F, H and P (B) D, F and H
Captain are the allrounders. The team is selected as (C) F, H and B (D) B, D and F
per the following restrictions.
(1) The team should contain 5 batsmen, 3 bowlers, 29. Which of the following is definitely false?
2 allrounders and a wicket-keeper and the Captain (A) J, O, P, A, L and I are selected.
and the Vice-Captain must be selected. (B) L, O, F, H and C are not selected.
(2) Neither G nor M is the Captain and neither J nor G is (C) B, D, E and N are not selected.
the Vice-Captain. (D) M, I, K, P and O are selected.
(3) The players mentioned in the following pairs must not 30. If after the first match, in every following match, the
get selected together: Captain and the Vice-Captain exchange their job -
J and N; B and F; D and H; D and P; E and I; A and E; responsibilities (i.e., Captain takes up the Vice-
and B and C. Captaincy and the Vice-Captain takes up the
27. Which two players are the Captain and the Vice- Captaincy), then who would be the Vice-Captain in
Captain of the team respectively? the 86th match?
(A) J and G (B) G and M (A) J (B) M
(C) J and M (D) G and K (C) Either J or M (D) L

Exercise – 4(b)
Directions for questions 1 to 3: These questions are (vii) He must carry either a matchstick or a lighter.
based on the following data.
4. What is the maximum possible number of items that
In a class of ten students − A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I and J, can be packed in the bag?
ranks are given to the top five students, such that the (A) Seven (B) Eight
student who gets the highest marks will get the 1st rank, (C) Six (D) None of these
student getting the second highest marks will get the 5. If he carries five items, then in how many possible
2nd rank and so on. It is also known that no two students ways can he select the items considering his
get equal marks. D gets less marks than G and H gets intension to pack such items which would serve the
less marks than I. maximum possible number of purposes?
(A) Three (B) Four
If F gets a rank, then D will not get a rank. Exactly one of
(C) Six (D) None of these
B and G gets a rank.
6. If he carries five items with him which item will he
If I gets a rank, then C will get a rank, and vice-versa. definitely not carry, considering his intention to carry
such items which would serve maximum possible
1. If E did not get a rank and I got less marks than F, number of purposes?
then which of the following is definitely false? (A) Matchstick and Glue
(A) J or A gets a rank. (B) D gets a rank. (B) Mosquito net Candle, Paper and Matchstick
(C) B gets a rank. (D) F gets a rank. (C) Mosquito net and Matchstick
(D) None of these
2. If D and H got two consecutive ranks, then C would
not get the Directions for questions 7 to 10: These questions are
(A) 1st rank. (B) 2nd rank. based on the following information.
(C) 3rd rank. (D) 4th rank.
A group of four persons is to be selected from eight
3. If F is not ranked and H gets more marks than G, then persons – Agni, Ravi, Tarum, Daman, Mohan, Nikesh,
who among the following must be ranked? Lalit and Bindu, under the following conditions.
(A) C (B) G
(C) A or E or J (D) B (i) Nikesh and Ravi cannot be selected together.
(ii) At least, one between Tarun and Lalit must be
Directions for questions 4 to 6: These questions are selected.
based on the following information. (iii) At most, one among Agni, Daman and Bindu can be
Mr. Forest wants to pack his bag. He wants to pack at (iv) Unless Mohan is selected, Tarun cannot be selected.
least one item among – glue, paper, lantern, candle,
matchstick, lighter, medicine, mosquito net and snacks. 7. Who must always be there in the team?
He packed his bag as per the instructions given by his (A) Mohan
mother which are given below. (B) Tarun
(i) If he his carrying a match stick, he should also carry (C) Lalit
a lighter. (D) More than one of the above
(ii) Paper and glue cannot be taken together.
(iii) He must carry medicine. 8. Which of the following is not a possible team?
(iv) Mosquito net cannot be taken with lighter or lantern. (A) Mohan, Tarun, Lalit, Agni
(v) He must take either a lantern or a candle. (B) Nikesh, Mohan, Tarun, Daman
(vi) Matchstick and lighter serve the same purpose. (C) Bindu, Nikesh, Mohan, Lalit
Similarly, lantern and candle serve the same purpose. (D) Lalit, Nikesh, Tarun, Bindu
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9. In how many ways can the team be selected, if Lalit Directions for questions 16 to 19: These questions are
is not selected? based on the following information.
(A) Eight (B) Six
(C) Ten (D) None of these A team of five delegates must be selected from a group of
Americans (Jack, Michael, Brenda and Cindy), Russians
10. Which of the following conditions would help to get (Dmitri, Vlad, Karla and Ana) and Indians (Rohan, Shyam,
only one possible way to select the team? Pooja and Neha) such that there is at least one
(A) Tarun and Daman should always be selected representative from each country. Neither Americans nor
together. the Russians want their number to be less than the other
(B) At most, one among Agni and Rani can be in a team. A few more conditions have to be satisfied.
selected. (i) Neither Brenda nor Cindy wants to be in the same
team as either Pooja or Neha.
(C) Unless Agni is selected, Nikesh is not to be
(ii) Neither Dmitri nor Vlad wants to be in the same team
selected. as either Shyam or Pooja.
(D) None of these (iii) Michael, Karla and Rohit should not be selected
Directions for questions 11 to 13: These questions are (iv) Jack and Ana must be selected together.
based on the following information.
16. If Rohit is the only Indian not selected, then in how
Three girls – Anjali, Bharathi and Chandrika and four boys many different ways can the team be selected?
– Kiran, Lala, Manoj and Naveen are to be divided into (A) One (B) Two
two teams under the following constraints. (C) Three (D) More than three
(i) Each team must have at least one girl and at least
one boy and at least three persons in total. 17. If the only Indian not selected is not Rohit, then who
among the following must be selected?
(ii) If Anjali and Bharathi are selected in a team, then the
(A) Michael (B) Karla
team must have only one boy.
(C) Vlad (D) Jack
(iii) Kiran and Lala cannot be in the same team.
(iv) Chandrika and Naveen can be in the same team, only 18. If the only Indian selected is Shyam, then which
if Bharathi is selected in that team. among the following cannot be the pair of Americans
11. If Kiran and Chandrika are in the same team, then in (A) Jack, Michael (B) Jack, Brenda
how many ways can the other team be selected? (C) Jack, Cindy (D) Brenda, Cindy
(A) Six (B) Three
(C) Four (D) Five 19. If Karla and Ana are selected, then in how many
different ways can the team be selected?
12. If Manoj is not in the same team as Bharathi, then in (A) Six (B) Seven
how many ways can the teams be selected? (C) Eight (D) None of these
(A) Three (B) Four
(C) Five (D) Six Directions for questions 20 to 23: These questions are
based on the following information.
13. If three boys are selected into one team, then in how
many ways can the teams be selected? Two different teams of four persons each are to be
(A) Four (B) Five selected from twelve persons A through L. Among them 6
(C) Three (D) Six persons A through F play cricket and the remaining
persons play football. In a team there must be two
Directions for questions 14 and 15: These questions cricketers and two football players. We have to select the
are based on the following information. team based on the following information.

A team is to be selected from eight persons – P, Q, R, S, (i) If A is selected, then L should not be selected.
T, U, V and W under the following constraints. (ii) If B is selected in a team, then H must be selected in
the other team.
(i) Atleast one of P, Q and R must be selected. (iii) If J is selected in a team, then K must be selected in
(ii)At most two of S, T and U can be selected. the same team.
V and W cannot be selected together. (iv) Exactly one among C, D and K must be selected.
(iv)If one of Q, S and V is selected, then the other two (v) only if D is selected, I can be selected.
(vi) At most one of D and H can be selected.
must not be selected.
(v) If one of R, U and W is selected, then the other two 20. If K is selected in team Ι, then in how many ways team
must be selected. ΙΙ can be selected?
(A) One (B) Two
14. What can be the maximum size of the team? (C) Three (D) Four
(A) Six (B) Five
(C) Four (D) Three 21. Which of the following is a possible team?
15. If W is selected, then at most how many more (C) ABJH (D) HAEG
persons can be selected along with him?
22. If J is selected in a team, then who among the
(A) Six (B) Five
following must be selected in that team?
(C) Four (D) Three
(A) B (B) E (C) F (D) A
Triumphant Institute of Management Education Pvt. Ltd. (T.I.M.E.) HO: 95B, 2nd Floor, Siddamsetty Complex, Secunderabad – 500 003.
Tel : 040–40088400 Fax : 040–27847334 email : [email protected] website : SM1002105/28
23. If the persons who are not selected form a team, what The following additional information is known about them:
is the team?
(A) CDIL (B) CDGK 1. No two teams are selected to play the same set of
(C) AEGI (D) None of these four matches.
2. K is selected for Kolkata, Ahmedabad and Bengaluru
Directions for questions 24 to 26: These questions are but did not team up with either C or D.
based on the following information. 3. Each of B and N are selected for Bengaluru and
Hyderabad, but are in different teams.
A team of three is to be selected from six persons – Amar, 4. M is not paired up with either B or C.
Bhavan, Chetan, Dawan, Ekta and Farheen under the 5. N is not paired up with D or E.
following constraints. 6. Each of L and C is selected for Bengaluru or
(i) If Amar or Bhavan is selected, then Chetan must not Hyderabad, but not both.
be selected.
(ii) If Chetan or Dawan is selected, then at least one of 27. If K is selected for Chennai, then C will not be
Ekta and Farheen must be selected. selected for ______.
(A) Chennai (B) Kolkata
24. If Dawan is selected, then who must not be selected? (C) Ahmedabad (D) BCR.
(A) Amar (B) Bhavan
(C) Chetan (D) None of these 28. For which of the following matches is M definitely
selected, if K is selected for Chennai?
25. If Amar is selected, then in how many ways the team (A) Chennai and Ahmedabad
can be selected? (B) Ahmedabad and Bengaluru
(A) Five (B) Six (C) Bengaluru and Hyderabad
(C) Four (D) Seven (D) Kolkata and Hyderabad

26. If Bhavan is selected, then who must be selected? 29. Who is the paired with N?
(A) Dawan (B) Ekta (A) A
(C) Farheen (D) Either (B) or (C) (B) B
(C) C
Directions for Questions 27 to 30: These questions are (D) Either (B) or (C)
based on the following information.
30. Which of the following statement about L is false?
A, B, C, D and E are bowlers who play for Ranji Trophy (A) C is teamed up with him.
only. Each of them has to team up with exactly one among (B) L is selected for either Chennai or Kolkata.
K, L, M, N and O, who play in the national squads. The (C) C is selected for one venue between Bengaluru
selection committee decided that one team has to be and Hyderabad.
selected for each of four out of five test matches in Chennai, (D) C and L are selected for Chennai, Kolkata and
Kolkata, Ahmedabad, Bengaluru and Hyderabad. Ahmedabad.


Exercise – 4(a)
1. A 6. B 11. B 16. A 21. C 26. C
2. D 7. A 12. D 17. B 22. C 27. C
3. D 8. C 13. D 18. A 23. A 28. A
4. B 9. D 14. C 19. D 24. D 29. B
5. C 10. B 15. A 20. C 25. A 30. A

Exercise – 4(b)

1. B 6. C 11. D 16. B 21. D 26. D

2. D 7. A 12. D 17. D 22. A 27. D
3. A 8. D 13. A 18. D 23. A 28. C
4. A 9. B 14. A 19. B 24. D 29. A
5. B 10. D 15. B 20. C 25. A 30. B

Triumphant Institute of Management Education Pvt. Ltd. (T.I.M.E.) HO: 95B, 2nd Floor, Siddamsetty Complex, Secunderabad – 500 003.
Tel : 040–40088400 Fax : 040–27847334 email : [email protected] website : SM1002105/29

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