Medicinal Uses of Wonderful Kola
Medicinal Uses of Wonderful Kola
Medicinal Uses of Wonderful Kola
This work shall examine differrent uses of Wonderful kola in Yoruba Herbal medicine. Gofa kola or Wonderful
kola wish will called Obi Iyanu /Obi Awogbaarun (that is miracle kola or kola that cure 200 diseases )
popularly known as “Wonderful Kola” is a perennial plant which grows as a tree. It belongs to the family
Capparaceae and its local name include ‘uworo’ ‘(Yoruba)’, ‘owi’ (Edo), ‘uke’ (Igbo).
but this crop is popularly called Wonderful kola with scientific name Hydrocotyle Asiata/Buccholzia coricea
.This crop had been proof to be very effective in curing various diseases such as pile, unpure blood, poor
memory, stroke,hypertension,migraine head ache, chest pain, cough, irregular menstruation. etc. Bababalwo
obanifa will be using the medium of this work to reaveal various herbal use of this Wonderful kola.
*.To Cure Impotency: Get 3 wonderful kola , cut it into pieces, prepare with hot (local gin) for two days, after
that take a shot cup before breakfast and one after meal in the night for three days.
Impotency: Get 3 Wonderful cola, cut it into pieces, prepare with hot (local gin) for 2 days, after that take a shot
cup before breakfast and one after meal in the night for 3 days.
*.For Blood Cleansing: Get 3 Wonderful kola, three lime Orange (osan wewe) 3 ginger (atale). Grind the
Wonderful kola and the Ginger together. Mix it with lime Orange Juice and half litre of original wild honey.
Uses; put four table spoon of it Inside a médium bottle of Coke beverage. To be drink after meal in the
morning and night.
*.To Cure Ear Diseases: Grind a kola with hot (local gin) or water for a day, the next day, put two drops in
each ear.
*. For strong Erection : Wonderful kola, one Onion, The garlic, grind the three together mix it with one litre of
original wild honey. Uses; take Two table spoon of it three times per day.
*. To Cure Intestinal worms: Get 2 wonderful cola, grind and put in tonic water for two days. Adult: two
tablespoon and Children: one tablespoon, two times daily.
*.To Cure Rheumatism: Get 4 wonderful kola, four ginger, five bitter cola, 2 alligator pepper, scent leaf, pound
together and prepare with dry gin. Take two spoon in the morning and in the evening.
*.To Cure Hernia :Get Wonderful kola, garlic, ginger, grind the 3 together.mix it with original wild honey.
Uses; take it three table spoon three times a day.
* To Cure Gonorrhea: Wonderful cola, potash, tobacco leaf, 15 ampicillin capsules, prepare with dry gin. Take
two spoons in the morning and at night.
*.To Cure Cholera: Buy 3 wonderful cola, prepare with lime juice and scent juice for 2 days. Adult should take
two spoons; children, one spoon fou times daily.
*.To Cure Asthma : Get 3 wonderful kola balls and a small amount of ginger. Grind all these together and mix
with 50cl pure honey and 25cl lime juice. Take a tablespoon full, three times daily for a month.
*.To Cure Ulcer : Get 3 wonderful kolas and 3 unripe plantain, pound everything together. Pour 3 litre of water
on it for 2 days, then filter after the two days have elapsed. Take half a glass twice daily for a month.
To Cure Impotency: Slice 3 wonderful kola, soak in gin for several days. You should take for 3 days in a small
cup two times a day.
*.To Cure Toothache: Pound one kola, soak gin for several minutes and put on the tooth for five minutes.
*. To Cure Malaria: Take 4 bitter kola, 4 ginger roots, 4 wonder kola, cut all them into small pieces, soak in any
fizzy drink. Use 1 spoonful.
*. To Cure Ear Disease: Pound one wonderful kola with gin or water for 1 day, on the following day, drop 2
drops in each ear.
*.To Cure Rheumatism: Take and chop 4 wonder kola, 4 ginger roots, scent leaf, 5 bitter kola, 2 alligator
pepper, and soak in dry gin. Take 2 spoons two times per day.
*.To Cure Rheumatism: Get 4 wonderful kola, 4 ginger, 5 bitter kola, 2 alligator pepper, little iyere spice, scent
leaf, pound together and prepare with hot. Take 2 spoon in the morning and in the evening.
*. To Deworms: Take 2 wonder kola, chop, then soak in mineral water for two days. Take twice per day: kids:
1 table spoon adults: 2 table spoon
*.To Cure Gonorrhoea: 1 wonder kola, tobacco leaf, soda ash, 15 ampicillin capsules, soak in dry gin. Use 2
spoonfuls twice a day.
*.To Cure Cholera: Take three miracle kola, soak in lime and scent juice for several days. Adults: 2 table spoon
kids: 1 table spoon
*.To Cure High Blood Pressure: Take 4 kola and 3 wonderful kola, 1 lime, soak for two days. Adults should
take it 2 table spoon ., kids: 1 table spoon . two times per day.
*.To Manage Diabetes: Chop into small pieces 3 wonderful kola and leave for two days in palm wine. Drink 2
table spoon three times per day.
*. To Cure Asthma: Chop three wonder kola and several garlic cloves, mix with honey. Adults should take it 2
table spoon .children 1 tablespoon. three times per day.
*.To Cure Irregular menstruation: Soak 4 grinned wonderful kola in lime juice. Take 2 tbsp. two times per day
one week before the periods.
*.To Cure Cough: Cut five wonderful kola and 5 astringent kola, soak in water for one day.
*.To Cure Chest pain: Slice four wonderful kola into small pieces and soak in water, leave for one day. Take it
three times per day.
*.7To Cure Whit-low: Chop 1 wonder kola and soak in lime juice. Place on the finger for about 10 minutes,
repeat several times and it will disappear.
*.To Burn belly fat: Take three wonder kola and soak in lime juice. Take 4 tablespoon. two times per day for
several weeks.
*.To Cure Typhoid and Malaria: Get 4 wonderful kola, 4 ginger, 4 bitter kola, cut them into pieces and prepare
with 2 bottles of 7up for 2 days. Adult: 2 spoonful, children: 1 tablespoon.
*.To Cure Irregular Menstration:Get 4 pieces of wonderful kola slice it and put it in a container and grind ginger
into it and fill the container with water allow fermenting before taken, one short twice daily.
*. To Cure Hepatitis : Get Wonderful kola, egbo Ata (english name not avaliable) cut it into bottle. Pour 7 up
beverages to it allow it to Soak For 48 hours. Uses :drink ut one glass three times a day for a week.