8992 Level 1 Sample Papers

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Sample Paper 1

Candidate’s name (Block letters please)

Centre no Date

Time allowed: 1 hour (Plus 5 minutes reading time)

Section A Answer all 12 questions in Section A. Your answers

should be written in the spaces provided.

Section B Answer all questions in Section B.

All final answers must be in blue or black ink.

If additional separate sheets of paper are used, make
sure each page is clearly labelled with your name.

Calculators and English and mother tongue dictionaries can be used.

For examiner’s use only

Section A Section B Total

24 16 40

© The City and Guilds of London Institute 2008 V1

8992-11-011 -2- Sample 1

Section A – 24 marks

Answer all questions in this section.

1. Describe what is meant by an

a) internal customer.…………………………………………………………………………………
(1 mark)

b) external customer.…………………………………………………………………………………
(1 mark)

2. Give one example of a request from an

a) internal customer.……………………………………………………………….
(1 mark)

b) external customer.……………………………………………………………..
(1 mark)

3. Identify two expectations when a customer first enters a shop.


(2 marks)

4. Identify two positive non-verbal signals that could be used to show interest, when dealing with a


(2 marks)

5. Identify two negative non-verbal signals that might show disinterest when dealing with a


(2 marks)

6. There are a number of ways of communicating with customers.

a) State one verbal method that could be used to communicate with customers.


(1 mark)
b) State one non-verbal method that could be used to communicate with customers.

(1 mark)

8992-11-011 -3- Sample 1

7. Indicate which of the following pieces of information are confidential by inputting ‘yes’ or ‘no’ in
the table below.

Information Confidential (yes or no)

Customer telephone number
Date of delivery of customer’s laptop
Name of salesperson
Number on customer’s credit card
(4 marks)

8. State one source of information which would help to deal with a customer query

(1 mark)

9. Give one feature of an electric toaster which is ‘fit for purpose’.

(1 mark)

10. State two guidelines for dealing with a difficult and angry customer



(2 marks)

11. State two examples of a customer complaint.



(2 marks)

12. Identify two pieces of information that should be recorded in a customer complaint log.


(2 marks)
(Total 24 marks)

8992-11-011 -4- Sample 1

SECTION B – 16 marks

You work as a junior sales assistant for Priti Patel, The Senior Customer Services Advisor. You are
spending today on the Customer Service desk and you have the following tasks to complete:

• Write an email
• Draft an in-store notice
• Create a list of questions to help an undecided customer

1. You have received the following email from customer, John Petersham. You have been unable
to find the information required. Use the flow chart to identify your next course of action and use
the blank email over the page and contacts information below to follow up the enquiry.


Enquirer uses

Accesses on-
line catalogue

Finds product Needs further

required and help

[email protected]

Customer Services
Team handles

Needs guidance on
Finds info required
and responds to enquiry

Customer Services
SUCCESS contacts Senior
Customer Service
8992-11-011 -5- Sample 1

(6 marks)

2. The PC Verso desk has not been selling in black. You have been asked to draft the wording for an
in-store notice to try to sell the remaining stock at half price. Use the space below to draft a notice
outlining its features and don’t forget to include the offer price.

PC Verso desk with pull-

out keyboard shelf. On
castors; available in black or
pine effect. £60.00

8992-11-011 -6- Sample 1

3. A customer has approached you for advice on buying a computer desk and is unsure how
to select from the range available. List three questions to ask in order to help him decide
which desk to buy.

1 ………………………………………………………………………………………


2 ………………………………………………………………………………………


3 ………………………………………………………………………………………


(6 marks)
(Total 16 marks)


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