Konsep Diri Remaja Difabel Di Sekolah Inklusi Pekanbaru (Studi Kasus Pada SMPN 31 Pekanbaru) Oleh: Nirma Redisa Pembimbing: Dr. Welly Wirman, S.IP, M.Si
Konsep Diri Remaja Difabel Di Sekolah Inklusi Pekanbaru (Studi Kasus Pada SMPN 31 Pekanbaru) Oleh: Nirma Redisa Pembimbing: Dr. Welly Wirman, S.IP, M.Si
Konsep Diri Remaja Difabel Di Sekolah Inklusi Pekanbaru (Studi Kasus Pada SMPN 31 Pekanbaru) Oleh: Nirma Redisa Pembimbing: Dr. Welly Wirman, S.IP, M.Si
In general, diffable students will study at special school, but now there is innovation
which called inclusive school. Through inclusive school, teenager student can study at public
school and interaction with students that has a normal physical and mental. The condition of
difable make acceptance from their friends diverse, some people accept them in a good way
and be friends with them, but there are some people bullying their deficiency. Good or bad the
communication from their environment, will affect teenagers difable self concept. The main
purpose of this research is to determined and understand the perceptual components, the
conceptual components, the attitude components and communication experience of diffable
teenagers in SMPN 31 Pekanbaru.
This research used qualitative research method with phenomenology. Subject in this
research were three people. Technique to collect data was through observation, interview, and
documentation. This research used data validation technique through the extend of
participation and triangulation.
The result of this research explained that diffable teenagers in SMPN 31 had diverse
self concept. In the perceptual component, the positive side were their physical looks normal,
showed neat and beatifull appearance and thinking that they were pretty and had ideal body.
While negative side were they felt different from their friends. Then the conceptual components,
teenager had positive self concept were confident, independent, be responsible, diligent and
polite. The negative side were shy, lazy, unconfident, and spoiled. In the attitude component
the positive side were diffable teenager able to socialize, friendly and easy to interact. But the
alienated and distinguished feeling were the negative side. And then diffable teenager had a
pleasure communication experience was like had happy and proudly feeling, be accepted,
given attention and motivation. But also they had a bad communication experience was like
insulted, be damned and their friends taken forcibly their money at school.
Setiap manusia berkeinginan untuk secara fisik ataupun mental. Seseorang
memiliki tubuh yang lengkap dan yang memiliki kecacatan dan
sempurna. Pada kenyataannya, tidak semua ketidaknormalan bentuk tubuh dinamakan
manusia dianugerahi anggota tubuh yang difabel. Difabel adalah istilah yang meliputi
lengkap alias cacat. Kecacatan tersebut gangguan, keterbatasan aktivitas, dan
dapat dialami sejak lahir ataupun dapat pembatasan partisipasi. Para penyandang
terjadi karena kecelakaan, hal ini difabel memiliki gangguan dan masalah
mengakibatkan cacatnya tubuh seseorang pada fungsi tubuh atau strukturnya,
Skripsi :
Rifqi Ramadhan Pratama. 2015. Resistensi
Siswa Difabel Terhadap Perilaku
Bullying.Program Studi Sosiologi.
Universitas Airlangga Surabaya.