125 - Fetal Biophysical Profile
125 - Fetal Biophysical Profile
125 - Fetal Biophysical Profile
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*These indications are considered relative, because antepartum fetal Nonreactive NST
surveillance results have not been definitively demonstrated to
improve perinatal outcome.
Fig. 125.1 Fetal functional responses to hypoxemia. CNS, Central
nervous system; NST, nonstress test.
uterine activity over 20+ minutes. Relative indications for Decreased fetal breathing is defined by the absence of at least
antepartum fetal surveillance, including BPP, are listed in Table one 30-second segment of continuous fetal breathing over a
125.1. The BPP is usually initiated only after 32 weeks for patients 30-minute real-time examination. Some experts accept fetal
at risk of stillbirth.2,3 In patients with multiple or severe comor- hiccups as equivalent to breathing, although no data are available
bidities, BPP testing may begin at even earlier gestational ages on the reliability of this sign.
if delivery would be considered for fetal benefit.4
Five variables—breathing, movement, tone, amniotic fluid PREVALENCE AND EPIDEMIOLOGY
volume, and NST—are included in the test. Table 125.2 describes
the specific parameters required to obtain a score of 2 in each Fetal breathing occurs intermittently and usually develops around
category. A reassuring BPP score is 8 or 10 out of 10, whereas a 20 weeks’ gestation,8 fluctuating throughout the day. In a study
score of 6 is equivocal, and 4 or less is abnormal.4 These param- continuously evaluating fetal breathing behavior in 11 healthy
eters are indicators of a functional fetal central nervous system women at 34–35 weeks of gestation, breathing frequency changes
and absence of hypoxemia (Fig. 125.1).5,6 were seen with meals (increase 2–3 hours following consumption)
The composite score is better at differentiating normal from and during the night (between 1 and 7 a.m.).9 Fetal gross move-
compromised fetuses than any single parameter. In a study ments and breathing movements are present for periods of 20–60
evaluating patients undergoing elective prelabor cesarean delivery, minutes out of every 1–1.5 hours of observation time, likely
predelivery BPP yielded 90% sensitivity, 96% specificity, and reflecting biologic changes of sleep state in the fetus.
82% positive and 98% negative predictive value in predicting
fetal acidosis, defined by an umbilical cord arterial pH <7.20.7 ETIOLOGY AND PATHOPHYSIOLOGY
The efficacy of composite BPP to indicate fetal acidosis was
found to be superior to the 1- and 5-minute Apgar scores in Factors implicated in altered fetal breathing are noted in Table
sensitivity and positive predictive value. A modified BPP, using 125.3. When a fetus is acidotic, the first fetal behavior changes
125 Fetal Biophysical Profile 539
Synopsis of Treatment Options
Neonatal resuscitation may be required in fetuses delivered for
abnormal BPP. Delivery plans should be coordinated with a Decision on expectant management, repeat surveillance, or
pediatric resuscitation team. delivery should be based made on the composite BPP score,
factoring in gestational age and other relevant clinical
Abnormal BPP result. Neonatal resuscitation may be required in fetuses delivered for
abnormal BPP. Delivery plans should be coordinated with a
pediatric resuscitation team.
A BPP score of 6/10 is most commonly caused by deductions
from fetal breathing movement and nonreactive fetal heart tracing. WHAT THE REFERRING PHYSICIAN NEEDS TO KNOW
However, oligohydramnios may replace one of the other deduc- The examination should continue until completion of 30 minutes if
tions. A BPP of 6/10 without oligohydramnios is considered an the fetus does not meet criteria, to allow for completion of a sleep
equivocal test. A BPP of 6/10 with oligohydramnios is a pathologic cycle.
result, with increased risk of fetal asphyxia within one week of
test result.13 A BPP score of 0, 2 or 4/10 is considered abnormal,
and delivery is usually indicated, although management decisions KEY POINTS
at early gestational age may be individualized because of the
risks of extreme prematurity.4 • Multiple indications exist for use of BPP in antepartum
• The examination should continue until completion of 30
PREVALENCE AND EPIDEMIOLOGY minutes if the fetus does not meet criteria, to allow for
completion of a sleep cycle.
Perinatal mortality associated with each BPP result is listed in • External factors, including medications, exposures, and
Table 125.4. gestational age, may affect BPP scores.
• Perinatal mortality and morbidity is inversely proportional to
BPP score.
Loss of fetal breathing, movement, or tone are described earlier. SUGGESTED READINGS
Etiology of oligohydramnios is described in Chapter 120. ACOG Practice Bulletin Number 145: antepartum fetal surveillance. Obstet
Gynecol. 2014;124:182-192.
MANIFESTATIONS OF DISEASE Manning FA. Fetal biophysical profile: a critical appraisal. Clin Obstet Gynecol.
Clinical Presentation
Diagnosis is made during routine testing for high-risk indications, All references available online at
or upon patient complaint of decreased fetal movement. www.expertconsult.com
125 Fetal Biophysical Profile 540.e1
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