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Sub-chronic exposure to EOMABRS leachate induces germinal epithelial cell lesions, sperm
abnormalities and oxidative damage in rats
Article history: Objectives: To explore the possible link between reproductive abnormalities among men
Received 25 May 2015 and exposure of toxic chemicals in the environment.
Received in revised form 20 Jun 2015 Methods: The study investigated the sperm functions and the antioxidant defence system
Accepted 10 Jul 2015 of rats exposed to leachate obtained from Elewi Odo municipal battery recycling site
Available online 4 Aug 2015 (EOMABRSL) via oral route.
Results: EOMABRSL had significant effects on both absolute and relative testicular
weight. Formation of sperm abnormalities was observed following EOMABRSL expo-
sure. Antioxidant enzymes including superoxide dismutase and catalase were signifi-
cantly altered in the testes resulting into increased lipid peroxidation. Reduced glutathione
Sperm abnormalities
(GSH) levels were found to be significantly (P < 0.05) depleted relative to the control
Oxidative damage
group. Considerable necrosis of leydig cells and loss of germ cells in the seminiferous
Germinal epithelial cells
tubules with the clumping of interstitial space were seen in EOMABRSL-treated rats. The
Male rats
mechanism of toxicity is linked to individual, synergistic, antagonistic, competitive or
collective interaction of the metals with normal testicular biochemical processes.
Conclusion: The study concluded that possible mechanisms by which EOMABRSL at
the investigated doses elicits spermatotoxicity could be linked to the testicular oxidative
stress and damage to germinal epithelial cells by mixed-metal exposure. However, this
may suggest possible reproductive health hazards in subjects with environmental or in-
dustrial exposure.
2305-0500/Copyright © 2015 Hainan Medical College. Production and hosting by Elsevier (Singapore) Pte Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND
license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/).
J.K. Akintunde et al./Asian Pacific Journal of Reproduction 2015; 4(4): 288–297 289
However, the search for the lead as raw material has increased its EOMABRSL. Sample waters were collected from well around
recycling rates in the societies. the site. They were designated as WELL-A and WELL-B. The
Previous studies in our laboratory have implicated leachate stream water collected near the site was regarded as STREAM;
sources with cadmium (Cd), cobalt (Co), copper (Cu), iron (Fe), the drinking water sample (8 km far from recycling site) was
manganese (Mn), nickel (Ni), lead (Pb) and zinc (Zn) [11,12], and collected and used as reference control (designated as CDW).
these metals have also been reported to exceed the maximum
permissible concentration for drinking water [13,14]. Moreover, 2.2. Heavy metal analysis
high levels of Cd, Cr, Fe, Mn, Pb and Ni in leachate have
been reported to cause in vitro oxidative damage in livers, Nine metals viz copper (Cu), lead (Pb), cadmium (Cd), cobalt
hearts and kidneys; also as evidence of environmental (Co), chromium (Cr), zinc (Zn), iron (Fe), nickel (Ni) and
contamination [12]. The possible sub-chronic deleterious effects manganese (Mn) were analyzed in the EOMABRSL, well and
of this effluent/leachate in exposed rats on prostate, steroido- control water sample. Briefly, 100 mL each of EOMABRSL and
genesis and sex hormones have also been reported [15,16]. water sample was digested by heating with concentrated HNO3
Likewise, the leachate from small scale industry in Nigeria has and the volume was reduced to 2–3 mL. This volume was made
been reported to activate key enzymes linked to Non-insulin up to 10 mL with 0.1 N HNO3 and the concentrations of the
dependent diabetes mellitus (NIDDM) [17]. metals were estimated using atomic absorption spectrophotom-
In Nigeria today, the recycling rate for batteries containing Co, eter (AAS) [21]. The levels of these metals were assessed because
Ni, Cr and Cd is generally low. Even, the few common methods of their reported occurrences in both solid and liquid wastes in
of waste recovery currently being practiced contradict the Nigeria [11].
approved standard recommended by the regulatory agencies [18].
Elewi odo municipal battery recycling site, located in ancient city 2.3. Chemicals and reagents
of Ibadan, Ibadan North Local Government Area (INLGA) of
Oyo State, Nigeria. The site is largely set aside for recycling of
Epinephrine, Reduced GSH, 5, 5-dithio-bis-2-nitrobenzoic
auto-battery wastes. It is sited at the back of a stream of the res-
acid, hydrogen peroxide and thiobarbituric acid (TBA) were
idential area. It covers about 2 acres of land which generates a
purchased from Sigma (St Louis, MO, USA). Except stated
liquid material. The liquid material is known as leachate; dis-
otherwise, all other chemicals and reagents were of analytical
charged from heap of auto-battery recycling wastes into the
grades and were obtained from the British Drug Houses (Poole,
drinking water body, thereby polluting the entire environment.
Dorset, UK) and the water used was glass distilled.
Information regarding the effects of sub-chronic exposure to
leachate (mixture of chemicals) from Elewi Odo municipal auto-
battery recycling site (EOMABRSL) on relevant antioxidant 2.4. Experimental protocol
enzymes in the testes is scanty [19]. Also its resultant effects on
sperm parameters are not fully elucidated. This poses a great Thirty adult male wistar rats weighing approximately
concern to Nigeria regulatory agencies and the entire 128 ± 19.24 g obtained from the Department of Physiology,
communities. This study was aimed to evaluate the toxic effect University of Ibadan, Nigeria were randomly assigned into 6
of EOMABRS-leachate on both enzymatic and non-enzymatic groups of 5 animals per group. They were housed in a plastic
antioxidants and to fully know its resultant effects on sperm in- suspended cage placed in a well ventilated rat house, provided
dex using male rats. rat pellets and water ad libitum, and subjected to a natural
photoperiod of 12 h light and 12 h dark cycle. All the animals
2. Materials and methods received humane care according to the criteria outlined in the
‘Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals’ prepared by
the National Academy of Science and published by the National
2.1. Sampling site and leachate preparation
Institute of Health. Ethic regulations have been followed in
accordance with National and institutional guidelines for the
The leachate was obtained from Elewi Odo municipal battery
protection of animal welfare during experiments [22].
recycling site, located at Ibadan North LGA of Oyo State,
The rats in group 1 served as control and were administered
Nigeria (latitude7 25.080 N and 7 25.110 N and longitudes 3
1 mL of distilled water by gastric intubation. Animals in groups
56.450 E and 3 56.420 E). A randomized sampling technique was
2–6 received 1 ml each of 20%, 40%, 60%, 80%, and 100% of
employed to collect the first horizon solid soils (0–15 cm deep)
EOMABRL, respectively, by gastric intubation. The experiment
from different points on the municipal auto-battery recycling
lasted for 60 days (sub-chronic exposure).The animals were
site. At least five randomly collected samples from each site
fasted overnight, weighed and sacrificed by decapitation 24 h
were pooled to make a single representative sample. The sample
after the last treatment, testes and epididymes were removed and
was air-dried, finely ground with a mortar and pestle, and sifted
cleared of adhering tissues, washed in ice-cold 1.15% potassium
through a 63-mm (pore size) sieve to obtain a homogenous
chloride and dried with blotting paper. The absolute weights of
the rats and relative weight of testes were recorded in gram (g).
Leachate (100%) was prepared from homogenous mixture
according to the procedure of Ferrari et al. [20] with little
modification by adding 100 g of sample to 100 mL of distilled 2.5. Biochemical assay
water (w/v) and shaken for 48 h at 32 C. Thereafter, the
sample was left to sediment for 30 min, and the supernatant The testes were homogenized in 50 mM Tris–HCl buffer (pH
was filtered with a 2.5-mm filter paper; the filtrate was stored 7.4) containing 1.15% KCl and the homogenate was centrifuged
at 4 C for further use. The leachate from Elewi Odo at 10 000 g for 15 min at 4 C.The supernatant was collected for
municipal auto-battery recycling site was designated as the estimation of catalase (CAT) activity using hydrogen
290 J.K. Akintunde et al./Asian Pacific Journal of Reproduction 2015; 4(4): 288–297
peroxide (H2O2) as substrate according to the method of Clair- 2.7. Statistical analysis
borne, [23]. Also, H2O2 level was estimated using the method
described by Clairborne, [23]. Superoxide dismutase (SOD) The results of the replicates were pooled and expressed as
activity was determined by measuring the inhibition of mean ± standard deviation. A one way analysis of variance
autoxidation of epinephrine at pH 10.2 at 30± 1 C according (ANOVA) was used to analyze the results and Duncan multiple
to Misra and Fridovich, [24]. Protein concentration was test was used for the post hoc [32]. Statistical package for Social
determined by the method of Lowry et al. [25]. Science (SPSS) 17.0 for windows was used for the analysis and
the least significance difference (LSD) was accepted at P < 0.05.
2.5.1. Reduced glutathione (GSH) assay
Reduced glutathione (GSH) was determined at 412 nm using 3. Results
the method described by Jollow et al. [26].
3.1. Heavy metal concentration in the leachate and
2.5.2. Lipid peroxidation assay water samples [15,16]
Lipid peroxidation was quantified as malondialdehyde
(MDA) according to the method described by Ohkawa et al., [27] The results of nine heavy metals such as copper (Cu), zinc
and expressed as mmol/mg tissue. (Zn), Lead (Pb), cadmium (Cd), manganese (Mn), Cobalt (Co),
chromium (Cr) Iron (Fe) and nickel (Ni), obtained from
2.5.3. Sperm analysis EOMABRSL, STREAM, WELL-A, WELL-B and CDW
A small quantity of semen was collected from the caudal (control) are presented in Table 1. The heavy metal contents of
epididymis using needle and dropped onto the slide for 2 h to the EOMABRSL ranged from 0.006 mg/L (Cadmium) to
liquefy. 0.02 mL liquefied semen was diluted in 0.38 ml of 5% 7.842 mg/L (Manganese). The heavy metal contents of the
formol saline solution to make 0.4 ml solution (1 in 20 di- STREAM around the recycling site ranged from 0.002 mg/L
lutions). Sperm motility was assessed by the method described (Cadmium) to 1.548 mg/L (Lead). The heavy metal contents of
by Zemjanis [28]. Epididymal sperm count or number was the WELL-A and WELL-B ranged from 0.002 mg/L (Cad-
obtained as described by Pant and Srivastava [29]. Dead mium) to 0.239 mg/L (Manganese) and 0.002 mg/L (Cobalt) to
sperms and total sperm deformity were microscopically 0.239 mg/L (Manganese) respectively. And, the heavy metal
determined according to the method described by Wells and contents of the control drinking water (CDW) ranged from
Awa [30]. Furthermore, daily sperm production was estimated below detection level (Chromium, Copper and Manganese) to
according to method explained by Joyce et al. [31].The results 0.027 mg/L (Nickel). In addition, EOMABRSL: Cd (0.006 mg/
were expressed as percentage. L), Cr (0.068 mg/L), Fe (2.667 mg/L), Ni (0.05 mg/L), Pb
(0.015 mg/L) and Mn (7.842 mg/L) were higher by 2.00, 1.36,
2.6. Histopathological examination 8.89, 2.50, 1.50 and 19.61-folds respectively (Table 1) when
compared with the acceptable limits set by World Health
The testes were fixed in Bouin's fluid for 24 h, before they Organisation (WHO). Also, similar trend occurred when
were cut longitudinally into 2 equal halves and again post-fixed compared with regulatory limits given by National Environ-
in fresh Bouin's fluid for next 24 h. The tissues were dehydrated mental Standard and Regulatory Enforcement Agency (NES-
in the ascending strengths of alcohol, cleared in xylene. Infil- REA). STREAM: Fe (1.076 mg/L), Ni (0.048 mg/L) and Pb
trated and embedded in paraffin wax, the tissue blocks were (1.548 mg/L) were higher than WHO permissible limits by
made, cut into 5 mm thick sections using rotatory microtome. 3.59, 2.40 and 154.8-folds respectively (Table 1). WELL A: Ni
The sections were mounted on albumenized glass slides and (0.044 mg/L) and Pb (0.068 mg/L) exceeded the WHO
stained with eosin and hematoxylin. Morphological study of permitted limits in the drinking water by 2.20 and 6.80-folds
testes was done with the help of ocular micrometer scale under respectively. A similar trend was observed in WELL B as Ni
light microscope. (0.049 mg/L) and Pb (0.306 mg/L) exceeded WHO permissible
Table 1
Concentration of heavy metals detected in EOMABRSL, STREAM, WELL-A, WELL-B and CDW [16].
Cadmium 0.006 0.002 0.002 0.003 BDL 0.003 0.01
Cobalt 0.049 0.004 0.003 0.002 BDL 0.05 –
Chromium 0.068 0.011 0.015 0.014 BDL 0.05 0.05
Copper 0.341 0.012 0.010 0.010 BDL 2.00 –
Iron 2.667 1.076 0.011 0.030 0.050 0.30 0.3
Manganese 7.842 0.223 0.239 0.239 BDL 0.40 –
Nickel 0.050 0.048 0.044 0.049 0.027 0.02 0.05
Lead 0.015 1.548 0.068 0.306 BDL 0.01 0.01
Zinc 0.010 0.126 0.053 0.011 0.010 3.00 –
EOMABRSL: Elewi Odo municipal battery recycling site leachate, CDW: Drinking water sample was used as control. All values are in mg/L.The
contents of heavy metals detected in EOMABRSL, STREAM and WELLS around the site were higher than the drinking water sample (CDW) [14].
BDL- Below detection level [15], Least Observable Effective Concentration (LOEC) set by World Health Organisation [58,62]; Permissible limits set
by National Environmental Standard and Regulatory Enforcement Agency [59]. Values in the brackets: increase than the permissible limits in drinking
J.K. Akintunde et al./Asian Pacific Journal of Reproduction 2015; 4(4): 288–297 291
Table 2
Effect of EOMABRSL on absolute and relative testicular weight gain of treated rats [15].
Groups Dose % Body weight gain (g) Testes weight gain (g) Relative weight gain (g/b.wt)
a a
Control 0 206.000 ± 19.500 1.980 ± 0.210 0.010 ± 0.001
Group 1 20 194.000 ± 32.100b 1.870 ± 0.400b 0.008 ± 0.002b
Group 2 40 180.000 ± 16.300c 1.880 ± 0.040b 0.009 ± 0.001a
Group 3 60 179.000 ± 20.200c 1.710 ± 0.060c 0.008 ± 0.000b
Group 4 80 190.000 ± 5.300b 1.880 ± 0.230b 0.009 ± 0.000a
Group 5 100 174.000 ± 36.300c 1.660 ± 0.130d 0.007 ± 0.001c
EOMABRSL significantly (P < 0.05) decreased body weight, testicular and relative weight of treated rats. n = 5; Values with different superscript
(P < 0.05) are significantly different.
limits in drinking water by 2.45 and 30.60-folds respectively. 3.3. Antioxidant status in the testes
More so, there was a considerable increase in the heavy metal
contents of WELL A, WELL B and STREAM when compared The antioxidant levels, testicular marker enzymes and
with National Environmental Standard and Regulatory markers of oxidative stress were evaluated. The activity of SOD
Enforcement Agency (NESREA). In contrast, Co, Cu and Zn in the post-mitochondrial fraction of rat testes increased signif-
were lower in all the samples when compared with the Least icantly (P < 0.05) by 20.6%, 24.4%, 23.0%, 19.8% and 63.6%
Observable Effective Concentration (LOEC) set by WHO and respectively compared with the control group (Figure 1A).
NESREA as shown in Table 1. Similarly, CAT activity was significantly (P < 0.05) elevated by
18.6%, 27.5%, 22.4%, 27.9% and 83.1% respectively when
3.2. Absolute and relative testicular weight gain compared with the corresponding control group (Figure 1B).
Administration of EOMABRSL caused a significant increase
The absolute weights of testes are presented in Table 2. The (P < 0.05) in the production of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), a
group treated with EOMABRSL depicted significant (P < 0.05) testicular marker for reactive oxygen species (Figure 1C).
decrease in the absolute weights of testes in a non-dose depen- Conversely, the reduced glutathione (GSH) levels were signifi-
dent manner when compared with the control group. Similarly, cantly (P < 0.05) depleted in a dose-dependent manner by
the relative weights (organ-to-body weight ratio) of testis are 21.8%, 27.6%, 42.8%, 56.1% and 62.6% respectively relative to
presented in Table 2. The group treated with EOMABRSL the control group (Figure 1D). The level of testicular total pro-
showed a significant (P < 0.05) decrease in the relative weights tein was significantly (P < 0.05) decreased following exposure
of testis when compared with the control group. to EOMABRL (Figure 2A)
Figure 1. (a–d): Effect of EOMABRSL on the activity of superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase (CAT) activity, hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) level and
reduced glutathione (GSH) level in treated rats. Group 1 received 0%, Group 2 received 20%, Group 3 received 40%, Group 4 received 60%, Group 5
received 80% and Group 6 received 100%. Values represent mean ± standard deviation. n = 5; Values with different superscript (P < 0.05) are significantly
292 J.K. Akintunde et al./Asian Pacific Journal of Reproduction 2015; 4(4): 288–297
Figure 2. (a–b): Effect of EOMABRSL on level of total protein (TP) and testicular lipid peroxidation (MDA) in treated rats. Group 1 received 0%, Group 2
received 20%, Group 3 received 40%, Group 4 received 60%, Group 5 received 80% and Group 6 received 100%. Values represent mean ± standard
deviation. n = 5; Values with different superscript (P < 0.05) are significantly different.
3.4. Marker of oxidative damage significantly (P < 0.05) decreased sperm count (Figure 3A) and
sperm motility (Figure 3B) by 25%, 26%, 32%, 26%, 27% and
The levels of MDA (malondialdehyde), maker of lipid per- 25%, 23%, 21%, 14%, 18% respectively, when compared with
oxidation, in testes increased significantly (P < 0.05) in rats the corresponding control group. Conversely, percentage dead
exposed to EOMABRSL by 105%, 82%, 71%, 132% and 168% spermatozoa was significantly (P < 0.05) elevated following
respectively compared to the control group (Figure 2B). exposure to EOMABRSL by 111%, 46%, 46%, 349% and 349%
respectively, when compared with the corresponding control
3.5. Sperm function group (Figure 3C). Similarly, there was significant (P < 0.05)
increase in the total spermatozoa abnormalities/deformities in
Data on the sperm count, sperm motility and live/dead count the EOMABRSL-treated rats (Figure 3D) by 18.14%, 23.99%,
are presented in Figure 3(A–C), Administration of EOMABRSL 24.50%, 37.61% and 41.31% respectively when relative to the
Figure 3. (a–e): Effect of EOMABRSL on epididymal sperm count, sperm motility, dead sperm, total sperm deformity and daily sperm production in rat
treated. Group 1 received 0%, Group 2 received 20%, Group 3 received 40%, Group 4 received 60%, Group 5 received 80% and Group 6 received 100%.
Values represent mean ± standard deviation. n = 5; Values with different superscript (P < 0.05) are significantly different.
J.K. Akintunde et al./Asian Pacific Journal of Reproduction 2015; 4(4): 288–297 293
control group. Conversely, the treatment of EOMABRSL and relative testicular weight further validates its toxicity.
significantly (P < 0.05) induced low daily sperm production as Similarly, the considerable drop of relative testicular weight in
presented in Figure 3E by 34%, 38%, 37%, 35% and 34% experimental rat suggests testis toxicity [33]. This may
respectively when compared with the control group. Addition- consequently results to low sperm count [34]. It has been
ally, animals that were exposed to EOMABRSL caused established that the weight of testes is largely dependent on
considerable significant abnormalities in sperm functions as the mass of the differentiated spermatogonia [19,35]. However,
depicted in Table 3. The major abnormalities consisted of the reduction in the relative weight of the testes may be
headless tails, bent tails, folded tail, curved mid-piece, amor- traced to the depleted number of germ cells. This may be
phous head and bent mid-piece (Table 3). Amorphous head and linked to inhibition of spermatogenesis and steroidogenic
headless tails occurred less frequently in the treated animals, enzyme activity [36,15]. Also, the observed weight loss of
while bent tails, folded tail, curved mid piece and bent mid piece relative testicular organ may be linked to drastic reduction of
constituted the major abnormalities in the treated animal sex/serum hormones in circulations [16]. This observation is in
(Table 3). line with the finding of Schrade [37]. It also supported the
reports of Gupta et al., [38] which stated that administration of
3.6. Germinal epithelial cells and sperm damage pro-oxidants to wistar rats by oral route caused significant
testicular weight loss. Hence, the significant weight loss in
In the control group, there was normal arrangement of tu- testes of EOMABRSL-treated rats speculates its reproductive
bules with intact interstitium (Figure 4A). Also, large number of toxicity.
seminiferous tubules with regular and intact basement mem- SOD generally dismutases the superoxide anion radicals into
brane was observed in control animals. The germ cells were H2O2. This is degraded by CAT and GSH peroxidase using
arranged regularly. The line of cells was present from sper- reduced GSH. Antioxidant enzymes CAT, peroxidases and SOD
matogonia to spermatid. The spermatids attached normally to the protect against tissue damage by inhibiting superoxide anions
sertoli cells. And the lumen contained the spermatozoa without [39]. Reactive oxygen metabolites had been considered cytotoxic
slough. In the testes of animals treated with 20% EOMABRSL because of their ability to induce lipid peroxidation in membrane
(Figure 4B), testes showed shrinkage of seminiferous tubules. tissues [40]. As observed in the present study, EOMABRSL
The interstitial space was degenerated coupled with necrosis. significantly overwhelmed the defence capacity of the
Basement membranes of the tubules were ruptured. Arrange- testicular antioxidant enzymes of the treated rats. This further
ment of germinal epithelium was distorted. The lumen contained suggests that EOMABRSL could cause impairment to male
slough with dead spermatozoa. For animals exposed to 40% testes through induction of oxidative stress after sub-chronic
EOMABRSL (Figure 4C), there was cellular lesions and exposure. The increased activity of SOD may be linked to the
degeneration of spermatids with dark “ring-like’’. Also, nuclear high level of superoxide anions (O2−) induced by EOMABRSL.
chromatins clumping were seen in the epithelium and present Similarly, high activity of CAT suggests the precipitation of
free in the luminal of the tubules. Furthermore, severe damage reacting oxygen species, H2O2 in the testicular tissue. This may
was done to multinucleated giant cells of the seminiferous tu- leads to production of hydroxyl radical (OH), causing damages
bules (as shown in Figure 4D). Also, there was considerable loss to proteins; bio-membrane and DNA molecule of the testis. In
of germ cells. Additionally, the damaged spermatids were inter- the same vein, increase in the activity of CAT could also be
mixed with matured spermatozoa. Following 80% EOMABRSL linked to its induction to counter the effect of oxidative stress.
exposure (as shown in Figure 4E), severe lesions had occurred The present investigation is consistent with earlier report of
which include loss of spermatids. Spermatocytes and Sper- Guangke et al. [41] and Farombi et al. [11].
matogonia were brutally injured. Lastly, massive loss of germ The GSH plays a crucial role in protecting the cells from
cells (necrospermia) in 100% exposed animals (Figure 4F). oxidative damage [42]. In our study, testicular GSH content was
Seminiferous tubules and sertoli cells were devoid of germ cells. considerably depleted after EOMABRSL administration. This
decline in GSH content under the present experimental model
4. Discussion suggests unbalanced glutathione system. This is by causing
oxidative stress under the influence of ROS generated from
The exposed animals showed psychomotor behavioral EOMABRSL in the testes. Consequently brings about the
symptoms in the course of the experiment. This includes body diminution of sperm counts [43].
weakness, loss of body hair, pus or discharge from the eyes and Lipid peroxidation (LPO) has been associated with testicular
light weight. This suggests that EOMABRSL exposure could toxicity and carcinogenicity [15]. Increased lipid peroxidation as
have some lethal effects in mammals. Also, the loss in absolute observed in the present finding potentiates H2O2 and O2− to
Table 3
Some morphology characteristics of spermatozoa in rats exposed to EOMABRSL (%).
Groups Dose (%) Amorphous head Headless tail Bent tail Folded tail Curved mid piece Bent mid piece
a a a a a
Group 1 0 0.74 ± 0.01 0.98 ± 0.03 1.72 ± 0.03 1.93 ± 0.30 1.80 ± 0.14 1.84 ± 0.13a
Group 2 20 1.33 ± 0.13b 1.24 ± 0.02b 2.36 ± 0.13b 2.57 ± 0.13b 2.48 ± 0.27b 2.42 ± 0.14b
Group 3 40 1.49 ± 0.01c 1.34 ± 0.17c 2.30 ± 0.24b 2.47 ± 0.03c 2.68 ± 0.17c 2.45 ± 0.02b
Group 4 60 1.47 ± 0.02c 1.34 ± 0.15c 2.42 ± 0.24c 2.57 ± 0.13b 2.55 ± 0.17b 2.42 ± 0.16b
Group 5 80 1.48 ± 0.03c 1.38 ± 0.18c 2.49 ± 0.02d 2.89 ± 0.13d 2.73 ± 0.22c 2.89 ± 0.18c
Group 6 100 1.38 ± 0.18b 1.38 ± 0.18c 3.03 ± 0.34e 2.80 ± 0.18d 2.60 ± 0.27b 3.15 ± 0.34d
Values represent Mean ± Standard deviation; n = 5; Values with different superscript (P < 0.05) are significantly different.
294 J.K. Akintunde et al./Asian Pacific Journal of Reproduction 2015; 4(4): 288–297
Figure 4. (A–F): Microscopic findings of eosin and hematoxylin 5 mm thick stained section of rat testes after EOMABRSL administration for 60 days,
sub-chronic exposure (× 400) (CONTROL) Showed normal developmental stages of spermatogenesis. (20% exposure) EOMABRSL exposed rats
showed necrosis of the spermatogonial cells and the arrangements are disturbed in seminiferous tubules. (40% exposure) EOMABRSL exposed rats
showed necrospermia i.e. apoptotic damage of the spermatocyte and degeneration of spermatids with dark “ring-like” are seen in the seminiferous tubules.
(60% exposure) EOMABRSL exposed rats showed altered development of spermatocytes and loss of germ cells in the lumen of seminiferous tubules.
(80% exposure) EOMABRSL exposed rats showed altered development of spermatocytes and loss of germ cells in the lumen of seminiferous tubules.
(100% exposure) EOMABRSL exposed rats showed necrosis of the spermatogonial cells and the arrangement is disturbed in seminiferous tubules. (L =
lumen, ST = Spermatids, SC = Spermatocyte, SG = Spermatogonia, S = Sperm. LG = Leydig cell, CY = Cytoplasm, IS = Interstitial space, BM =
Basement membrane).
produce OH− in the presence of transition metals. However, This supports the earlier work that a decrease in epididymal
OH− diffuses freely across biological membranes to initiate sperm count and increase in sperm deformities have been
lipid damage [44]. The observation corroborates the earlier associated with immature differentiation of spermatocytes [49,50].
work which reported that elevated lipid peroxidation directly Also, low daily sperm production in the sub-chronic exposed
results from free radical-mediated toxicity [45–47]. Therefore, rats may not be unconnected to the sertoli cells that have been
the mechanism by which EOMABRSL exerts its oxidative harmfully distorted [51]. In addition, the observed infertile semen
stress in male germinal cells may be related to its ability to might be linked to its contamination with leukocytes; mainly
increase lipid peroxidation. More so, the decrease in total neutrophils and macrophages. However, EOMABRSL is
protein content may be attributed to the direct inhibitory effect suspected as apoptotic and mutagenic agent to spermatozoa
of EOMABRSL on protein synthesis [48]. because Neutrophil-derived HOCl was recently reported to
The abnormalities of sperm parameters observed in the study induce apoptosis in human spermatozoa [52]. Besides, necrotic
may be linked to the division and differentiation of immature damage of leydig and sertoli cells of the interstitial cells as
spermatogonia into mature elongated spermatid within the testis. revealed from the study may again lead to deformed
J.K. Akintunde et al./Asian Pacific Journal of Reproduction 2015; 4(4): 288–297 295
spermatids and folded sperms. This could lead to motionless supported the previous investigation which stated that increase
spermatozoa without flagella (amorphous head) in the lumen. in lipid peroxidation products had been associated with abnor-
Hypothalamic hypophysis axis responsible for the develop- malities in sperm morphology [61].
ment of spermatogenesis had been considered to be highly Humans and animals are exposed to combined toxicants from
susceptible to lead and cadmium intoxication [53]. However, the the environment. Also, quest for industrial development of recy-
direct injury on germ cells could be linked to the stable cling products to boost economy in Nigeria is raising a serious
metabolites and other organic pollutants/species in the burden of heavy metals and several organic pollutants to the
EOMABRS leachate. Cd had been implicated in prostate environment. This might pose some threats to the reproductive
cancer [54,55]. Pb, Fe and Mn were known to reduce sperm health. However, administration of EOMABRSL had significant
count and sperm motility [56]. Cr and Ni were identified as effects on both absolute and relative testicular weight. Formation
agents of enlarged intracellular spaces and dramatic loss of of sperm abnormalities was increased. Antioxidant enzymes
gametes in treated rats [57]. The spermatotoxic effect of this including superoxide dismutase and catalase were significantly
study may be attributed to high doses of Cd, Cr, Pb, Mn, Fe altered in the testes resulting into increased lipid peroxidation. A
and Ni in EOMABRS leachate when compared with No reduced response on glutathione level in the testes was also
Observable Effective Limit (NOEL) set by World Health observed. The mechanism of toxicity is not unlinked to individual,
Organisation [58] and National Environmental Standard and synergistic, antagonistic, competitive or collective interaction of
Regulatory Enforcement Agency [59]. The levels of inorganic the metals with normal testicular biochemical processes. Taken
elements in EOMABRSL were higher than STREAM, WELL- together, we conclude that the possible mechanism by which in-
A, WELL-B and CDW. Their high levels may be because soil teractions of heavy metals with other organic environmental
can easily form ligands with metals or it has high capacity to pollutants in leachate at the investigated doses elicits sperm
retain heavy metals than inorganic solvents [14,16]. The bio-metal damage in rats could be through induction of oxidative stress and
effects could be linked to individual, synergistic, antagonistic, damage to germinal epithelial cells.
competitive or collective interaction of the metals with normal
body biochemical processes. When these metals are ingested, Conflict of interest statement
they are converted into their stable oxidation states (Fe2+, Pb2+,
Cd2+ etc). They consequently combine with the body's bio- We declare that we have no conflict of interest.
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