Aztec Empire Lucille
Aztec Empire Lucille
Aztec Empire Lucille
[email protected]
Class H423
Ancient empire
Aztec empire
INTRO (page 2 of ppts)
What do you know about Aztecs? make the class participate
Many of the tribes (notably the Toltecs) that populated the central plateaus had the same origin,
the Chicomoztoc ('place of the seven caves') from where they would have left one after the other.
The Aztecs would also have come from this cave, but they would have left Aztlan, a mysterious
city built on an island that gave its name to this people. Their departure seems to have been in the
year 1116. Guided by Huitzilopochtli, they wandered for several generations before settling on the
shores of Lake Texcoco, in Chapultepec.
Settled in Chapultepec, the Aztecs fell under the domination of the Colhuacas. They soon rebelled
and saved their lives by taking refuge in the marshy areas of the lake. In a place designated by
Huitzilopochtli, a rock bearing a cactus where an eagle was perched, they founded their capital
Tenochtitlán, in the year 2 house (1325).
Between Cortes' arrival in Mexico and his meeting with Moctezuma, Cortes and his men
continued to make rapid advances towards Mexico City
The first step in the fall of the Aztecs was the meeting of Moctezuma and Hernan Cortes on 8
November 1519 (remember that a decade earlier a bad omen predicted the arrival of the
conquistadors). Capture of Moctezuma by Cortes after a battle between the Aztecs and the
Spanish in which Cortes annexed the royal palace.
July 1521 – August 1521: After eliminating a large part of the Indian aristocracy, Cortes
suffered heavy reprisals. However, with the help of dissident tribes (Tlaxaltecs, Tontones,
Texconans and Calchas), Cortes managed to retake the capital and killed all the members of the
Indian aristocracy.
Ometeotl represents all the dualities encountered in nature: Masculine and Feminine; Order and
Chaos; Light and Darkness; Matter and Spirit...
Quetzalcoatl, whose name means "feathered serpent" and "precious twin", was a major deity of
the Aztec pantheon with archaic origins. As one of the four creator gods, he played a key role in
the myth of the Five Suns.
Tezcatlipoca, (Smoking Mirror), was a very important god of the Mesoamerican pantheon. Many of
the creative deities were in fact only an aspect of this all-powerful god. His emblem is the obsidian
blade, which represents the cold, the darkness, the icy north wind.