S C O U T: Now Describe / Analyze How These Choices Above Help To Develop, Establish, Reiterate (One or More)

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SPACECAT SCOUTing THIS IS rhetorical analysis!

The CHOICES & APPEALS are tools a writer uses to create their argument and/or point.
To help us remember the many choices available to writers we can categorize them into the acronym:

choice of details metaphors/similes sequential things that don’t make sense or (for lit)
diction: connotation allusions first / last: why? seem weird motifs
intertextuality spatial: repetition and contrast things that seem out of place or quotes
people transitions time symbols
places syntax anachronism characters
TROPES juxtapositions ambiguities character actions
Aristotelian appeals paradoxes things that should have been epiphanies
thesis/antithesis/synthesis said or written, but weren’t By David Theriault & Sean Ziebarth
*logos catharsis under Creative Commons
parallels Attribution International 4.0
*pathos SCHEMES (CC BY 4.0)
Now describe / analyze how these choices above help to develop, establish, reiterate (one or more):
What are the What is the essay’s thesis, Who does the author How does the writer An issue, problem, or How does the author feel
tributes/values/ideals of main point? What is the imagine her audience to acknowledge and employ a situation that causes or towards the audience or
the speaker that influence author’s argument? be? What assumptions larger context to create prompts someone to write the subject? Note: tone is
the perceived meaning of does she make about her their argument? or speak. a result, not a tool. So
the piece. audience and their you wouldn’t say a
In literature we often values/ideals/knowledge? An event or situation that writer uses tone to xyz…
Literature: don’t confuse refer to theme: the insight catches the writer's
the speaker with the into the human condition attention and triggers a
author. Authors often take the work offers, or insight PURPOSE & TONE are the main response.
The atmosphere of the
on a persona, like a into the nature of elements to analyze for. Be sure to work. The feelings evoked
narrating character that humanity.
presents the work.
characterize/describe the element. in the reader while reading
the work or passage.

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