STAR Hackathon Brochure

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Bansilal Ramnath Agarwal Charitable Trust’s


(Autonomous Institute Affiliated to Savitribai Phule Pune University)

STAR Hackathon
Chief Patrons Patrons
Hon Shri Rajkumarji Agrawal
Agarwal Hon Shri Bharatji Agrawal
Chairman (BRACT), Pune
BRACT Pune Managing Trustee (BRACT), Pune

Chief Patrons Patrons

Hon Shri Rajkumarji Agrawal Hon Shri Bharatji Agrawal
Chairman BRACT Pune
Advisory Committee
Managing Trustee (BRACT), Pune

1. Mr. Mayuri dhavale

Dhavale 10.
8. Dr. Jagdish Choudhari
(Sr HR Windals Precision Private Limited) Head - Special Initiatives
(Analytics & Insights), TCS Pune)
2. Mr. Vijay Talele
Advisory Committee
(CEO of Bhau Institute COEP Pune ) 11.
9. Mr. Pravin Bhamare
1. Mr. Mayuri dhavale 8. Dr. Jagdish
Delivery HeadChoudhari
- Nordics and Swiss
3. (Sr
Dr. HR Windals Singh
Surendra Precision Private Limited) Head - Special
( Europe Initiatives TCS Pune
(Technical Advisor, AMMA-India) (Analytics & Insights), TCS Pune)
2. Mr. Vijay Talele 12.
10. Mr. Vikas Patil
4. (CEO of Bhau
Mr. Vikas Institute COEP Pune )
Patil 9. Mr. Pravin
(Director BhamareTraining & Extension, Pune)
(Director Extension, IT, RKVY, Pune) Delivery Head - Nordics and Swiss
3. Dr. Surendra Singh 11. (Mr.
13. Europe Manufacturing),
Girish Khilare TCS Pune
5. (Technical
Mr. SantoshAdvisor, AMMA-India)
Karanje (CTO and Director, Elliot Systems
(Subject Matter Expert, KVK Baramati) 10. Mr. Vikas
Private Patil
4. Mr. Vikas Patil (Director Agricultural Training & Extension, Pune)
6. (Director Extension,
Mr. Kailash TambeIT, RKVY, Pune) 14.
12. Mr. Sandip Shinde
(Professor, Computer, Zeal Education) 11. Mr. Girish
(Director, Khilare
Digital Square Impact)
5. Mr. Santosh Karanje (CTO and Director, Elliot Systems
7. (Subject
Mr. RamMatter Expert, KVK Baramati)
Choudhari 13. Private
15. Limited)
Mr. Kedar Deo
(Asso Professor, Agriculture Engineering, L & T Infotech
6. Mr. Kailash
College Tambe Pune)
of Agricultural 12. Mr. Sandip Shinde
(Managing Principal Director)
(Professor, Computer, Zeal Education) (Director, Digital Square Impact)
8. Mr. Dhruv Gupta 16. Mr. Dhiraj Gyani
7. Mr. Ram Choudhari
Professional services github, INC 13. Mr. Kedar
Director GovtDeo
& education engagement , Git-hub
(Asso Professor, Agriculture Engineering, L & T Infotech Chair
9. College
Mr. Punit Jain
of Agricultural Pune) (Managing Principal Director)
Co-Founder Incubate Ind
Dr. Vivek Deshpande Dr. A. P. Kulkarni Dr. J. V. Bagade
Director, VIIT, Pune (Dean Industry Relations) (Dean Student Affairs)
Director Organising Chair

Dr. Vivek Deshpande Atul

Dr. A. P. Kulkarni Dr. Jayashree Bagade
J. V. Bagade
Director, VIIT, Pune
Organising Committee
(Dean Industry Relations) (Dean Student Affairs)
Dr. Shrikant Joshi | Mr. Pawan Wawage | Mr. Aniket Katade
Mr. Piyush Mathurkar | Mr. Praveen Rathod | Ms. Archana Tanawade
Organising Committee
Dr. Shrikant Joshi | Mr. Pawan Wawage | Mr. Aniket Katade
Mr. Piyush Mathurkar | Mr. Praveen Rathod | Ms. Archana Tanawade
About Institute
Established inin2002
2002byby Bansilal
Bansilal Ramnath
Ramnath Agarwal
Agarwal Charitable
Charitable Trust,Trust, Vishwakarma
Vishwakarma Institute
Institute of Information
of Information Tech-
Technology (VIIT) is a renowned autonomous educational institute approved by AICTE and affiliated to Savitribai
Phule Pune
versity. VIIT University. VIIT Pune’s
Pune’s mission mission
is to impart is totechnical
quality impart quality technical
education education
to develop to shape
desired competent
engineers for theengineers
The the spiritoffers
of professionalism and to makeand
Graduate, Post-Graduate, them responsible
Doctorate citizens.
degrees across departments of Electronics and
The institute offersEngineering
Telecommunication Graduate (Eprograms in Electronics
&TC), Computer andInformation
Engineering, Telecommunication
Technology Engineering,
(IT), Computer
Civil Information
Engineering, Technology,
Mechanical Engineering, CivilE&TC
Engineering, Mechanical Water
(Signal processing), Engineering and and
Resources Artificial intelligence
Environmental and
Data science Engineering. Institute also offers post-graduate program in Electronics and Telecommunication
Engineering, Computer Engineering, Mechanical Engineering and Civil engineering. VIIT is an approved research
centre to pursue PhD program in Electronics and Telecommunication, Mechanical and Civil Engineering.
7)% 0GY&GNJK
All the
The departments
Department of the institute
of Computer and ITare accreditedby
is accredited bythe
(NBA)forand the institute
3 years and it
is also by NAAC
ranked underunder
by NAAC the ‘A’
‘A’ grade of institutes.

About STAR Hackathon

VIIT in collaboration with IEEE Education Society
Education chapter
Society, Puneof IEEE Pune section
has undertaken anhas undertaken
initiative an initiative
to promote to promote
social innovation
social innovation
through throughthe
conceptualizing theIdea
of theevent STAR
S.T.A.R hackathon
hackathon (Science
as the Technology for Agriculture and Rural
The The main
S.T.A.R stands objective
for “fusion of this and
of Science event is to showcase
Technology the effective
for Agriculture anduse of Development”.
Rural science and technology in the
development of Agriculture and Rural sector of India.
sector eitherisdirectly
a backbone of Indian
or directly. Food economy with more than
security, employment, and seventy
support percent population
of technology involved directly
for environmentally sus-or
tainable in thissociety
essential. the
growing needdiversity in India, most
for a sustainable of the regions
environment of the country
makes agricultural andfall
rural rural category. To boost
a very big areathefor
Indian economy,
investment, it is vitaland
research, to uplift the agriculture and rural sector through the
use of technology. Considering the rapid growth in the field of Telecommunication and Information technology, it
is then natural to extend the concepts and ideas which are developed in science and technology for the
The objective
development of STAR
of agriculture Hackathon
and rural sector.
1. Toevent
Connectpromotes the active
communities thatparticipation from theofenthusiastic
will enable fostering technological andadvancement
motivated students/research
for agriculture andscholars
rural to
propose innovative solutions towards the challenges faced by the agriculture and rural sector.
2. To support rumination for social innovation and sustainable development.
3. To create a platform for the support and promotion of ecological (Local) innovations and development.
The Objectives
4. To conceive resilientof STARwithHackathon
solutions the effective synergy of science and technology for sustainable Agri
1. culture and Rural
To understand theDevelopment.
problems and challenges faced by agriculture and rural sector.
2. To promote students/researchers to propose innovative solutions for the real life problems
3. To provide robust solutions under changing environmental conditions across the country.
4. To encourage the use of Telecommunication and Information technology in offering the novel
Eligibility to Enter the Hackathon
solution to the current live problems.
5. Anyone
To appreciate the interdisciplinary
passionate about improvingnature of the
the state of problems
educationfor proposing
in India the solutions.
is welcome to participate.
Participants can be from any vocational/disciplinary background.
Only teams/groups of individuals can register for the event, each team should have 3 to 4 individuals.

Any team/group of enthusiastic and motivated students/research scholars.

Maximum 4 members are allowed in a team/group.
Problem Statements
1. Mobile App for plant/crop diseases identification and 17.Perishable crop wastage, storage management
prediction using Machine Learning Techniques. 18.Application for farming as a service (rural)
2. Stored grain insect identification: Mobile App for grain 19.Affordable drone technology for spraying in indian
sack analysis/scanning for identification of bugs. scenario
3. Women friendly improved farm tools for small 20.Affordable solution for food processing in indian
operations. Scenario(rural)
4. Colour Sorter: Image Processing based affordable grain 21.Supply chain management for agro product and services
colour sorting system. in indian scenario(rural)
5. Micro-climate identification Identification and prediction 22.Telemedicine for rural health care management
of local climate of a usually small site or habitat. 23.Build an online system for monitoring water quality,
6. Soil Moisture Monitoring: Wireless system for alerting leaks, contamination, and managing pipeline networks.
farmers on the smartphone about how much, when, and 24.Smart Garbage systems
where to water their plants or crops. 25.Smart education system
7. Soil nutrients Analyzer Automated Soil micro/ macro- 26.Development of Low Cost Solar Dryer for Hygienic
nutrient analyzer drying.
8. Food Grain Analysis: Automated system for classification 27.Design and Development of Integrated curing and
and quality analysis of food grains. storage structure for onions.
9. Cotton picking Automated system for intelligent cotton 28.Cold Storage Facility for Post-harvest Preservation of
harvesting machine. Fruits and Vegetables using Solar and Biomethane Heat
10.Seed Sowing Robot Automatic seeding sowing and Based Refrigeration.
ploughing machine. 29.Enhancement of Shelf-life of Perishable Agro Produce
11.Automatic weeders for row crops using Evaporative Cooling Technology.
12.Post harvest trash management system(eg.Sugarcane, 30.Cost effective mechanism to treat waste water in small
Maize) (Rural) villages
13.Application for Agro Product & services 31.Artificial intelligence enabled robotic trash boat to drive
14.Application for management & Marketing of agro foods & & harvest floating trash from urban drain.
artifacts(rural) 32.Priority Road List for Maintenance
15.Replacement to traditional fuel by biodegradable fuel 33.Automatic Assessment of Pavement condition based on
(rural) road photographs
16.Technique for early detection of pest in cotton

Innovative Ideas Submission Deadline: 15th May 2021

Important Dates Grand Finale: 15th June 2021

Rregistration Link


Prizes for 1st Prize 2nd Prize 3rd Prize

Winnig Teams Rs. 25,000/- Rs. 15,000/- Rs. 10,000/-
Partners and Sponsors

S. No. 2/3/4, Kondhwa Bk., Pune 411 048. MAHARASHTRA, INDIA

Contact us : [email protected] |

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