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Master Thesis: Moving Biofiles in Sequential Discharge Reactor (SBR)

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Master Thesis



Arzu Kilic
Selcuk University
Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences
Environmental Engineering Department
Supervisor: Assist. Assoc. Dr. Bilgehan NAS

Jury: Assoc. M. Faik SEVİMLİ

Asst. Assoc. Dr. Bilgehan NAS
Asst. Assoc. Dr. Ali TOR

Sequencing Batch Reactors (AKR) is an activated sludge modification that works according to the fill-empty
system, and where the aeration and sedimentation process take place in the same tank. One of the most
important problems encountered in activated sludge system is that the system cannot balance the increasing
organic and hydraulic loads over time. This causes the system efficiency to decrease.
is happening. In order to solve this problem, synthetic carrier materials, which can increase the efficiency of
the system without requiring additional construction costs, have recently been used.
In this study; 3 laboratory scale AKRs were used for the treatment of dairy industry
wastewater. 2 of the reactors were filled with different synthetic carrier materials.
The third one was operated as classical AKR and system performances were compared. The
wastewater used is the composite sample obtained by mixing the wastewater from the production
processes of a dairy industry in certain proportions.

In the study, pH, temperature, CR in reactors. measurements, composite wastewater and outlet
COD, filtered COD, NO in wastewater samples 3- N, NH 4- N, PO 4, TN, AKM, UAKM
analyzes have been made. Hydraulic retention time (HRT) 8 days, sludge age (Ө c) For 5
days, the same HRT, SRT and organic loadings were run in all 3 reactors. Used
COD value of dairy industry wastewater is on average 17750 mg / L. It was observed that the COD
removal efficiency was 66% in classical AKR, 75% in AKR with kaldnes carrier material and 56% in AKR
with linpore carrier material. TP removal in AKR, AKR with caldnes carrier material and AKR with
linpore carrier material were 88, 94 and 86%, respectively.
It was observed that AKR with Kladnes carrier material was more successful in organic matter
removal and biomass formation on the material compared to classical AKR. In AKR with Linpor carrier
material, biomass formation on the material remained at lower levels compared to AKR with Kaldnes
carrier material. Although there are many reasons for this, the most important reason can be said
that the porosity and surface properties of synthetic carrier materials are different.

Keywords: wastewater treatment, tandem batch reactor, biofilm, dairy industry.




Arzu Kilic
Selcuk University
Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences
Department of Environmental Engineering
Supervisor: Assist. Prof. Bilgehan NAS

Jurry: Assoc. Prof. M. Faik SEVİMLİ

Assists. Prof. Bilgehan NAS
Assist. Prof. Ali TOR

Sequencing Batch Reactors (SBR) is a modification of activated sludge process in a which

aeration and sedimentation are carried out in a same tank. One of the most imported problems
in activated sludge system is that it can't balance rising organic and hydraulic loadings. Owing to
this, there is lach of productivity. To solve this problems, lately hybrid media which can increase
the productivity of system without additional construction cost started being used.

In this research 3 laboratory scale SBR was used so that we treat the wastewater of dairy
industry. The two of reactors are filled with different hybrid media. The third one is run as
classical SBR and all the system performances are compared.

The wastewater that was used is a composed sample obtained from a mixture with
certain proportions of wastewaters taken from Aygın Süt A.Ş. dairy industry's production

In the research pH, temperature, DO measures, composed wastewater analyses was
mineral reactors. COD, sCOD, NO 3- N, NH 4- N, PO 4, TN, MLSS, MLVSS analyzes was mine in
sample of effulent wastewaters. It was studied on all the reactors with the same
hydraulic retention time (HRT), solid retention time (SRT) and organic loadings as HRT was 8
days, SRT was 5 days. The COD of dairy wastewater is 17741 mg / L on an average. The COD
removal effulent wastewater in classical SBR is 66%, in Kaldnes SBR is 75%, in
Linpor SBR is 56%. The PO 4 removal of SBR, Kaldnes SBR and Linpor SBR is 88%, 94, 86 in
It is observed that MLSS increase in SBR with Kaldnes hybrid media is more successful than
classical SBR. The MLSS existence on the hybrid media in SBR with Linpor has stayed at lower
levels. The reason of this is porozite and the surface properties of both two hybrid medias are
being different.

Key words: wastewater treatment, sequencing batch reactors, biofilm, dairy industry.

- one -


1.1. The aim of the study

rapidly developing industrial activities in the world and Turkey and the pollution

they create, the protection of the environment and ecological balance, for this purpose

also requires the treatment of wastewaters. Usable water resources are being polluted

unconsciously at an increasing level. With this pollution, surface and groundwater

resources become unusable. For this reason, the issue of wastewater treatment is on

the agenda and serious studies need to be done in this regard.

The most widely used method in the biological treatment of industrial wastewater in our country

is the Activated Sludge process and its modifications. Activated Sludge process is a very attractive

system for the removal of carbonaceous and nitrogenous substances.

The oxygen demand required for the removal of carbonaceous substances is usually

calculated by Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD). Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) is

mostly used to determine the oxygen demand in industrial wastewater. BOD in wastewater 5 The

rate of removal depends on the dissolved, colloidal and suspended fractions of the BOD. A

domestic wastewater can generally settle at 30-40% BOD 5, colloidal BOD in the same

proportions 5,% Dissolved BOD at the rate of 20-30 5 includes. In industrial wastewater, these

values vary according to the type of industry. In order to obtain a good discharge quality, it

is desirable to have AKM concentrations of 15-20 mg / L in the effluent. Biomass in effluent

BOD 5 It also increases the concentration. This necessitates final precipitation, especially in

activated sludge.

A certain part of the oxygen required for the treatment of wastewater

in the activated sludge system is used in oxidizing ammonia to nitrate.
Nitrosomonas and Nitrobacter, which are nitrifying bacteria, are used here.
Nitrification bacteria obtain their necessary energy by first oxidizing
ammonia to nitrite and nitrite to nitrate. Temperature, pH, Sludge age (Ө c), Many
factors such as AKM and toxic substances have an effect.
- 2nd -

Due to the increase in organic and hydraulic loading, the activated sludge process

may not operate at the desired efficiency and additional construction costs may be

required for nitrogen removal. In such cases, instead of building an additional pool,

synthetic carrier materials are added to the activated sludge pools to create

environments where connected growth will take place and more economical solutions

can be obtained. In addition, synthetic carrier materials are used in the aerobic and

anaerobic treatment of industrial wastewater.

In this study; Laboratory scale treatability of wastewater from a dairy industry in

sequential batch reactors (AKR) and the effect of synthetic carrier materials on treatment

efficiency were investigated. The wastewater used was taken from different processes of the

industry in proportion to the wastewater from each process, and it was formed by preparing

composites at values that will represent the wastewater characterization of the industry.

Three AKR systems have been established in the Wastewater Analysis and Research

Laboratory of the Environmental Engineering Department. While the first reactor was

working as a classical AKR, synthetic carrier material was added to the other two reactors in

determined proportions, KALDNES carrier material was used in the second reactor and

LINPOR carrier material was used in the third reactor. Classic AKR, Performance differences

of AKR modifications created by adding different synthetic carrier materials in the treatment

of dairy industry wastewater have been investigated. Same hydraulic holding time (HRT) and

sludge age (Ө c) values were studied and temperature, DO, pH values were monitored.

COD, filtered COD, NH in purified water from reactors 4- N, NO 3- N, PO 4- P, TN values were

measured and changes in temperature, DO, pH, AKM, UAKM were observed in the reactors.

With the obtained data, treatment efficiencies in all three AKRs were compared with each


1.2. Importance of the Study

The dairy industry is an industry that can have many different processes.

Wastewater characterization changes according to the process applied by the industry.

For this reason, characterization of dairy industry wastewater in our country and all

over the world is very diverse. This has led to the emergence of many treatment

alternatives. Numerous dairy industries operate in our country and in Konya.

In the treatment of milk industry wastewater, besides the classical aerobic and

anaerobic treatment methods, the modifications of these methods have been

investigated on a laboratory scale in many studies in recent years. Especially within the

scope of these studies, the use of synthetic carrier materials is increasing rapidly. These

systems using synthetic materials can work with higher organic and hydraulic loads, do

not require additional construction for nitrogen removal, and nitrogen removal can be

achieved efficiently. However, the system can be shock and toxic.

downloads opposite may occur problems minimized

(Sriwiriyarat, 1999)
These synthetic carrier materials used can be polyethylene, as well as
spongy ones. It is also found in full-scale systems using these spongy materials
(Linpor). Examples of such studies are Moundsville in West Virginia (Golla et al.
1993), Wyr wastewater treatment plant (Morper et al. 1989) and Cox Creek
wastewater treatment plant in America (Sen and Randall, 1994) PHILLIPS in
Texas Borger. MBBR system with Kaldnes carrier material used by the oil
company, MBBR system with Kaldnes carrier material used by LEPRINO FOOD
in USA New Mexico can be mentioned.
The characterization of dairy wastewaters, depending on the production
process and the variety of production, shows a lot of different and release and
contains high organic impurities, and the application of synthetic carrier materials
that can be advantageous in such cases reveals the application.
In this study, the treatability of dairy wastewater, which is one of the most common

industries and one of the most important industries in terms of pollutant properties, in

classical sequential batch reactors and moving biofilm sequential batch reactors will be



In this section, the operation of activated sludge process, sequential batch

reactors using synthetic carrier materials, studies on the use and application of
these processes, and research on the advantages and disadvantages of the system
are included in the study.

2.1. Dairy Industry

2.1.1 General characteristics

The dairy industry is a branch of the food industry that processes raw milk to produce drinking milk

and other by-products. The products produced are very diverse. These;

• Drinking milk,

• Cheese,

• Butter,
• Milk powder,

• Cream,
• Ice cream,
• Yoghurt,

• It is buttermilk.

The raw material of the industry is raw milk. The source of raw materials is milk

production facilities with a fixed yield where fattening is made. Therefore, the dairy industry in

regions where farming is widespread in Turkey were also widespread.

The industry consists of two main sections: milk intake and milk production. The

milk processing unit follows the milk intake unit.


Milk processing units;

• Bottling unit,
• Ready-made milk, -Cream- Butter production,

• Yoghurt - Ayran production,

• Cheese production,

• Ice cream production,

• Concentrated milk production,

• Milk powder production,

• Thickening of cheese water,

• Whey drying consists of units.
The product types produced by a dairy industry are given in the figure below.

Figure 2.1. Products made in a dairy industry.

In the dairy industry, wastewater consists of both production processes and milk

intake and bottling units.

In the Milk Buying Process; Raw milk is collected from producers. Milk is poured

into weighing barrels, samples are taken and sent to factories. Wastewater is produced

from milk cans, storage tanks, floor washing and water from cooling systems.

In the bottling unit; the raw milk is weighed, purified and filtered. It is pasteurized,

cooled and packaged. Wastewater is generated during the cleaning of bottles, cans, tanks

and similar places.

In the cream production unit; Cream butter is produced from sour / sweet cream. To

separate the cream from the milk, the milk is centrifuged. While the milk without cream is sent to

the processes needed, butter is produced by mixing the cream. Wastewater is generated during

the washing of floors and cleaning of tools.

In the cheese production unit; Cream / non-cream milk and cream are filled
into cheese molds and fermented. In addition, acid and sour substances are added
to separate the casein into cream. The cheese in the molds is shaped and packaged.

The most important wastewater source in the unit is whey. However,

whey can be dried and reused. For this reason, it is used again in
ready-made food production (biscuit, chocolate, etc.) rather than being
given as wastewater.
In the ice cream production unit; cream and non-cream milk, additives, sugar and

thickeners are mixed. It is packaged by adding flavors after pasteurization and cooling.

Detergent and disinfectant-containing wastewater is generated in the unit during

cleaning and disinfection.

Concentrated milk production; Concentrated milk is obtained by evaporating cream or

non-cream milk. With this technique; The heated skimmed milk is evaporated and homogenized,

resulting in unsweetened milk. Sweet (condensed) milk is also obtained by this method.

In milk powder production; Milk powder is obtained by drying the milk by applying vacuum or

spraying. Skim milk is also obtained by these techniques.


2.1.2. Wastewater resources

The pollution degree of dairy industry wastewater varies widely in the world and in

our country. According to the production process, the characteristics of dairy industry

wastewater also change.

In Table 2.1, characterization of dairy industry wastewater is given in a

study by Turan (2000).

Table 2.1. Characterization of dairy industry wastewater (Turan, 2000).

Parameter Wastewater Inlet Wastewater Outlet

Values Values

COD, (mg / L) 2,000--10,000 55--500

BOD 5, ( mg / L) 1,300--1,500 45
TSS, (mg / L) 8000--1,000 85
Total P (mg / L) - 4.1
Total N (mg / L) 40--65 20
Oil and Grease, (mg / L) - 35
Conductivity, µS / cm 1,800--2,000 1,750

Turbidity, NTU 120--300 1.5

60-90% of the volume of wastewater from the enterprises is sourced from

cooling water. The remainder is wash water and wastewater from other
processes. These;
• Washing and rinsing operations in milk receiving facilities,

• Careless raw material spills,

• Disinfection processes and disinfectants used in this process,
• Sludge pouring from tools and tanks,
• Process washes,
• Casein plant waste,

• Condensate from the evaporator,

• Coolant from condensers.

Some or all of the water used during production in the enterprises is discharged as

wastewater after it completes its function. Although dairy industry wastewater varies

according to the process, it is generally very high BOD 5 are waters that have value. Major

water pollutants in industries; milk and fat waste. Chemical substances such as detergent

and soda from disinfection are side pollutants.

2.1.3. Methods used in the treatment of dairy industry wastewater

Measures such as separation of solid wastes before wastewater treatment, reuse of

wastes, by-products and excess water can be taken in dairy and dairy producing enterprises. The

measures to be taken in the dairy industry to reduce the amount of wastewater and pollution

load can be listed as follows;

• Separating highly polluted wastes from less polluted wastes,

• Minimizing the raw material and product losses caused by overflows and

• Collecting washing water,

• Using advanced methods in milk processing processes,
• Careful and controlled study.

Dairy industry wastewater is largely composed of organic nutrient solutions.

Therefore, it is very easy to purify by aerobic processes. Long aerated activated
sludge systems, ventilated lagoons, drip filters are the most common treatment
technologies. In addition, with the development of technology and the increase in
studies in recent years, anaerobic systems are frequently encountered in the
treatment of dairy industry wastewater.

2.2. Activated Sludge Process

2.2.1. Process description

Activated sludge is a mixture of wastewater containing organic and inorganic

substances and both living and dead microorganisms. Activated sludge process is an

aerobic biological treatment system developed on the basis of microorganisms

decomposing organic matter using oxygen.

Purification is aimed at converting substances that need oxygen for

decomposition into final products by the metabolic activities of microorganisms
and obtaining high quality effluent.
Activated Sludge processes take place in secondary treatment and usually
have a pre-settling pond preceding it. Figure 2.2 shows a typical activated sludge

Login End Exit

Ventilation Precipitation

Mud recycle

Excess mud

Figure 2.2. Classical activated sludge process flow chart.

In the Activated Sludge process, the carbon source organic matter required
for cell growth is converted into end products. The mixed liquid in the aeration
basin is defined as the suspended solids concentration (AKM). Solid matter is
biologically produced from biomass, influent wastewater and internal respiration
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It consists of non-degradable volatile organic matter and inert organic total solid matter

originating from the inlet wastewater.

70-90% of microorganisms are organic and the rest are inorganic. The type of

cells depends on the chemical composition of the wastewater and the properties of the

organisms in the biological mass (Ertuğrul, 2004).

The most common method used to remove suspended solid (SSM) in treated water

after treatment is the precipitation method. In order for the effluent quality to be good, the

final settling pond must be well designed. BOD in purified water 5 The most important

component that makes up its value is AKM, which escapes from the system. Therefore, the

final sedimentation pond is an important unit that should be handled with the activated

sludge process (Toprak, 1999).

Active mud processes usually carbonaceous organic substances

used for parsing. In addition, the system is used for nitrogen and
phosphorus removal.
Mud age in the design of the process (Ө c), microorganism rate (F / M), hydraulic

holding time (HRT) and suspended solids concentration (AKM) are used.

Activated sludge systems can be operated under different operating conditions

based on the sludge age. Sludge age is the expression of the organic load per day per

unit mass of microorganisms in the system. Sludge age, which is widely used as an

operation and design parameter, is the residence time of the biomass in the system.

Sludge age also varies under different operating conditions:

• High Speed Activated sludge system works at the highest value of F / M.

The age of mud is 0.4-1.5 days.

• Classical Activated sludge system is the most used type. Mud age is 5-15

days. It is resistant to shock loading as well as providing good quality outlet


• Long ventilation A.Ç. systems running the most stable and the
least load. Mud age is over 20-30 days (Metcalf & Eddy, 2003).
- 11th -

The most commonly used method in the treatment of dairy industry wastewater is the

activated sludge process. Experience has shown that long hydraulic retention times of 15–40

hours give the most successful results. Although it is difficult to operate, it has high BOD removal


Batch fill-empty activated sludge systems are also widely used in the
treatment of dairy industry wastewater. Long dwell times are also applied in
these processes to control current and load distributions. The disadvantage
of activated sludge systems is the removal of sludge from the treatment of
dairy industry wastewater. Another problem is sludge swelling. In this case,
the CDI can rise up to 100-300. Insufficient ventilation or too high or too low
AKM values may cause this.

2.2.2. Microorganism growth in activated sludge process

In activated sludge systems, microorganisms are generally composed of

70-90% organic and 10-30% inorganic substances. Actually activated sludge; It is a
mixed culture containing bacteria, protozoa, rotifer and some worms, bacteria and
fungi. The properties of microorganisms depend on the chemical and physical
properties of the wastewater from which it is fed. The predominant microorganism
types in activated sludge systems are:

Bacteria: They are single-celled and are the main microorganisms operating in the

activated sludge process. Cells have one of three shapes:

• coccus- round or elliptical,

• basillus-cylindrical or rod,
• Sprillum - they are spiral or corkscrew shaped.

One of the most important bacteria in wastewater is E.coli bacteria and these

bacteria are found in the intestines of humans and warm-blooded animals. About

200 billion E.coli emerge from every person a day.

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Long Flaments: Many types of Long Flaments can be found in the activated
mud pool. They are usually found in small amounts in mud flocks. These
filaments help hold the flock particles together. Sludge blistering occurs
when the required filament types are more than the required amount.

Protozoa: They can be named as indicator organisms. Their presence or absence

indicates the amount of bacteria in the activated sludge and the degree of

purification. The most common types in activated sludge;

• Amoebas: They are low in many activated sludge systems.

Amoebas are seen in the initial commissioning period, from the time
the system is upside down until the recovery begins and when the
system is operating at high F / M.
• Mastigofora: These small microorganisms become dominant
in the high F / M ratio. The presence of mastigofora indicates low
DO in the aeration zone in the mixed suspension. The presence of
such microorganisms indicates high F / M and low sludge age.

• Free floating sillies: If there is a high amount of bacteria in the activated

sludge, they become dominant. Their presence indicates that the process is

approaching a stable state.

• Stalked sillis: With the increasing age of mud, they reproduce with a

single stalk in colonies that host other organisms. The presence of stalked

silies indicates the stable state that enables the formation of low turbidity

outlet water.

• Suctoria: These microorganisms mostly indicate the presence

of old sludge in long aerated systems and high sludge age.
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Rotifers: They consume large amounts of bacteria and feed on solid particles

such as flock particles. The size of the most common rotifers in activated sludge

ranges from 400 to 600 microns. Rotifers are indicative of high sludge age old

activated sludge with turbid outlet water.

Worms: There is not much information about worms in activated

sludge. Worms are restrictive by aerobic bacteria and can metabolize
organic substances that are not metabolized by other
microorganisms. They are generally seen in sludge coming from long
aeration facilities (Topacık, 2000).

2.3. Sequencing Batch Reactors

It is a modification of activated sludge process. They are fully mixed, fill-discharge type

reactors. Aeration and sedimentation take place in the same tank.

A typical AKR cycle consists of 5 stages.

1. Filling,
2. Reaction (Mixing or mixing + aeration),
3. Precipitation,

4. Wastewater Discharge,

5. Sludge Discharge.

Figure 2.3 shows the AKR cycle.

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Figure 2.3. Loop in the AKR.

Phase 1 Filling: At this stage, the AKR tank is filled with wastewater. With an appropriate F / M ratio,

wastewater is delivered to the tank in a controlled and sufficient rate.

Stage 2:
• Mixing: At this stage, only mixing is done to create the anoxic

environment and it is mostly for denitrification. It may not be applied

according to the intended expense in the system.

• Aeration / Mixing: At this stage, the wastewater is contacted with the

microorganisms in the tank by the aeration and mixing effect. While organic

matter is oxidized with the help of microorganisms, the available NH 4- N is the

less toxic NO 3- N and NO 2nd- It transforms into the N form. At this stage, the length

of the aeration period and the AKM value determine the treatment efficiency.
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Stage 3 Settling: During this phase aeration and mixing are stopped and sludge

settles. The treated water remains on the sludge layer. Sludge settling time varies

between 45-60 minutes depending on the cycle time applied per day.

Stage 4 Unloading: At this stage, the purified water after precipitation is removed from the tank

without mixing with the precipitated sludge.

Stage 5 Sludge Discharge: Excess sludge formed in the system is periodically

pulled during the operation to ensure the sludge age.

The AKR system has some advantages and disadvantages in operation. As its

• It is simple and reliable.

• Ideal for wide flow oscillations.

• High effluent quality is achieved.
• Provides operational flexibility for nitrogen removal.

• It does not require pre-sedimentation and a post settling pond.

• It requires lower cost than conventional biological wastewater treatment methods.

• It needs less land.

• It allows hydraulic and organic loading in a wide range.
• It requires less maintenance due to the small amount of equipment used.
• It can be built in fiberglass or reinforced concrete.

• The required number of reactors can be added or decommissioned depending on

the daily or seasonal wastewater load.

• Carbonaceous removal, nitrification and denitrification can be carried out in a single

tank with high efficiency.

• Sludge recycling is not possible. Therefore, there is no need for a pump.

• Afar control can be and operation changes easily
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As for the disadvantages;

• Cycle times are difficult to adjust for small residential units.

• Sludge should be removed frequently.

• Energy consumption is high (Ertuğrul, 2004).

2.3.1. Design criteria of AKRs

Although pre-sized AKR facilities are mostly used in the use of AKR,
AKRs are also designed by providing the necessary equipment and sizing.
Although a standard method has not yet been developed for AKRs, the
design criteria used are given in Table 2.2. However, in the literature, studies
have also been carried out with different values other than the F / M values
given in the table, and successful results have been obtained.

Table 2.2. General design criteria for the AKR system (EPA, 2000).

Parameter December

Total Tank Volume Volume to refine the total daily flow 0.5--2 times

Number of tanks Typically 2 or more

F / M (kg BOD 5 / kg UAKM. days) 0.04--0.2

SRT (Solid retention time) (days) 20--40

Cycle time (hours) 4--12 (typically)

Vent type Diffuser, surface aerators… etc.

The following steps can be applied sequentially in process design in AKR;

• Wastewater characterization data, effluent concentrations and safety factor are


• The number of AKR tanks is determined.

• Reaction / aeration, precipitation and evacuation times are determined. Filling time and

total cycle time are calculated, the number of cycles to be made per day is determined.

• From the total number of cycles per day, the full volume in each cycle is determined.
- 17 -

• The AKM concentration is selected and the filling volumes are determined according to the

total tank volume. The discharge depth is decided, and the AKR tank volume is determined

according to this depth.

• The age of mud is decided.

• Calculate the TKN concentration to be nitrified.

• The biomass concentration is calculated and the aeration time is selected.

• If necessary, iterations can be made to adjust the design.

• The discharge pumping rate is determined.

• Required oxygen and transfer rate are determined.

• The amount of sludge production is determined.

• F / M and BOD loading is calculated.

• Required alkalinity is determined.

2.4. Processes Using Synthetic Carrier Materials for Bound Growth in the Activated

Sludge Process

Due to the fact that the desired efficiency of activated sludge systems cannot be

achieved with the developing technology in recent years, performance enhancement studies

are continuing. One of these studies is the addition of synthetic carrier materials to the

aeration pool in activated sludge. The aim here is to increase the concentration of

microorganisms by realizing the attached growth as well as the suspended growth and to

optimize the treatment efficiency.

Some of the frequently used synthetic carrier materials are as follows.

Technical characteristics of synthetic carrier materials are given in Table 2.3.
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Table 2.3. Technical properties of synthetic carrier materials. [ 12]

Synthetic Carrier Specific Surface Density Dimensions Fullness

Name of the material Type Area (kg / m 3) Rate

(m 2nd/ m 3) (mm) (%)

Kaldnes K1 Polyethylene 500 960 h / d = 7/9 30-70

Flocor-rpm Polyethylene 160 960 h / d = 30/15 30-70

Linpor Polyurethane * 950 10 x 10 x 10 10-30

Captor Polyurethane * 950 30 x 25 x 25 20-30

Ringlace PVC 120-500 * d=5 25-35

* no data

In this section, detailed information about LINPOR and KALDNES synthetic

carrier materials used in the study will be given.

2.4.1. LINPOR ®

The LINPOR process was developed by Linde AG in the mid-1970s and has
been used in Europe since the 1980s. The system is used to increase the
treatment capacity in wastewater treatment in pilot scale facilities and full scale
facilities. The system is particularly effective in increasing biomass and effluent
quality. LINPOR ® main characteristics of technology

LINPOR ® In technology, swimmers with high porosity are added as carriers

for growth microorganisms related to the classical activated sludge process.
LINPOR ® cubes occupy 10 to 30% of the aeration pools of activated sludge
processes. Synthetic carrier material used LINPOR ® The dimensions of the are
1x1x1 cm. Density 950 kg / m 3 ' (Figure 2.4.).
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Figure 2.4. Synthetic carrier material (LINPOR ®).

With the biomass attached on the cubes, they can double the total biomass in
the tank to its previous value. At the same time, the system compensates for higher
total sludge age and lower sludge loadings. The separation (escape) of LINPOR
cubes from the tank is prevented by the sieve. Thus, there is no need to take any
special measures in the next part of the treatment plant. In Figure 2.5. LINPOR in an
activated sludge aeration basin. ® cubes are seen.

Figure 2.5. LINPOR in activated sludge aeration tank ® cubes, Germany.

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Since the tanks and mechanical equipment of classical activated sludge processes

are also used in LINPOR systems, this technology can be used in the development and

improvement of facilities without requiring additional construction work, and it can also

be applied to new treatment plants. Various LINPOR® applications

It provides an advantage in solving the problems related to treatment in industries that apply

biological treatment (Figure 2.6.).

Figure 2.6. LINPOR ®- C applications.

It is especially attractive for the treatment of domestic wastewater. In addition to carbon

removal, nitrogen removal is also carried out efficiently. Nitrification and denitification steps in the

system can be planned without the need for new tank construction. In addition, on-site workarounds

can be quickly planned economically (Figure

- 21 -

Figure 2.7. LINPOR ®- CN application.

• LINPOR ®- N;
These processes only work with bound biomass and do not require either a

sedimentation tank or a return sludge system following this unit. These processes are used

for nitrification with high efficiency removal of hardly biodegradable substances. As the

wastewater passes through the sand filter, it is ensured that water and solid materials are

completely separated (Figure 2.8.) In addition, the phosphorus concentration in the outlet

can be reduced by chemical precipitation (Metcalf & Eddy, 2003).

Figure 2.8. LINPOR ®- N application.

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There are many advantages for the system where LINPOR Process is used.


• It improves the output water quality by increasing the tank capacity.

• It minimizes the space requirement.
• It can be applied to many facilities.
• It prevents the nitrification bacteria from being washed out.
• Eliminates the need for a final sedimentation pool. The
disadvantages are;

• There is not enough data available for all applications in the world.

2.4.2. KALDNES ®

The process was first developed by a Norwegian company in a moving

bed biofilm reactor (MBBR). The process involves small cylindrical shaped
polyethylene carrier elements in an aerated or unventilated tank to support
biofilm growth. These small cylinders are approximately 10 mm in diameter
and 7 mm in height. Internal specific surface area of the filling material 500
m 2nd/ m 3 (Figure 2.9.). Air mixing or mixers are used to circulate the filling
material continuously. The fill material fills 3070% of the tank volume.

There is no need for active sludge recycling in MBRR. The final

precipitation is used only to settle the sludge. The MBRR process is currently
advantageous as it reduces the solids loading on the sedimentation ponds. The
presence of filler material reduces the need to use smaller bubble ventilation
- 23 -

Figure 2.9. KALDNES ® carrier material.

Studies on aerobic biological treatment of dairy industry wastewater are common.

When these studies are examined, it can be seen that there has been an increase in the

use of synthetic carrier materials recently.

Studying the treatability of whey using an anaerobic-aerobic biological

wastewater treatment system, Lo et al. (1987), on the other hand, used anaerobic

biological contact discs and aerobic sequential batch reactors. With the combination of

these two systems, they have obtained methane gas with very high COD removal


Carta et al. (1998) conducted an aerobic biological treatment study with synthetic milk

wastewater. The reactor volume is 80 L and the temperature is 30 he is It was kept constant at

C. Bacteria culture, milk mixture and water were introduced into the reactor. The system

started to be operated after the adaptation was achieved. At different flow rates (8,

10, 12.6 L / day) with different hydraulic retention times (6, 8, 10 days). At the end of
the study, a COD yield of 92–98% was obtained. The optimum performance of the
reactor has been achieved after approximately 20 days. Ammonium, nitrate and
nitrogen values in the effluent are low.
In a study using synthetic carrier materials developed and widely used in
recent years, Cannon et al. (2000). In the study, a pilot-scale bioreactor was
developed for the treatment of dairy industry wastewater. These 2 reactors
developed can be operated in series or in parallel. Made of fiberglass material,
the reactor has a diameter of 0.5 m, a height of 2.4 m and a volume of 400
- 24 -

It is L. The reactor was designed and operated upstream. The packed bed in
the reactor is 1.2 m high and placed 40 cm above the diffusers.
Package bed with a diameter of 5 cm and a diameter of 100 m 2nd/ m 3 Pall Rings

(PVC or PP material) with a surface area and a diameter of 2 cm, 230 m 2nd/ m 3 Flocor RS

(PVC material) materials with surface area are used. Organic loading 0.7 kg BOD in the

study 5 / m 3. It has been reported that keeping HRT at levels less than 4 days and 4 days

would be appropriate for nitrification to occur.

Turan et al. (2000), on the other hand, worked on the treatment and recovery of dairy

wastewater using nanofiltration (NF) and reverse osmosis (RO) membranes. Pilot plant

operation, 2 m 2nd The system is run with film composite type NF (TFC-S) and RO (TFC-HR)

membranes with a surface area, and the system is equipped with flow meters, pressure

sensors, cartridge filters and pumps. Turbidity, conductivity, COD, AKM and total hardness

values were measured at the feed inlet and filtrate outlet of each membrane.

The COD removal in NF is 95–98% and the COD removal in RO is 97–99%.

While AKM removal was between 99-100% for NF, 100% removal was provided for
RO. The applicability of the membrane processes in the dairy industry both before
treatment plant and in the effluent has been demonstrated, and it has been
revealed that the produced water has the potential to be reused.
In another study using membrane sequential batch reactors, TaeHyun et
al. (2003) studied the treatment of dairy wastewater in a 60 L volume
membrane sequential batch reactor (MAKR). Surface area 1.0 m inside an AKR
reactor 2nd A membrane module made of 0.1 µm polysulphon was placed. With
the diffuser system placed just below the membrane module, the reactor was
vented and mixed with the help of a mixer. BOD of used wastewater 5 its value is
2500 mg / L. The reactor was operated at a rate of 0.22 F / M. The reactor was
operated for 110 days and yielded 97-98% BOD, 96% TN and 80%
In another study in which the AKR system was used, Arrojo (2004) conducted treatment studies

of dairy industry wastewater by installing two pilot-scale AKR systems. Throughout the experiments,

both reactors were operated under similar conditions. Organic loading and N loading were> 7 g COD /

L day and 0.7 gN / L day in both systems. Nitrogen removal efficiency is 70% in both reactors under

aerobic conditions.
- 25 -

values. Both AKR (R one give 2nd) The total volume is 2.5 L and 1.5 L of this
volume is used in. The reactors are 465mm high and 85mm inside diameter.
The height / diameter ratio is 5.5. Reactors at room temperature (15-20 C he is) has been operated.

Oxygen delivered to reactors 0--8 mg O 2nd / L and pH between 7.4 and 8.5. Two different feeds were given in

both ACRs during the studies. It has been worked with synthetic wastewater and industrial milk wastewater.

The COD of synthetic wastewater varies between 500 mg / L, and the COD of industrial milk wastewater varies

between 500- 3000 mg / L. First

as R one reactor was put into operation and was fed with synthetic wastewater for 27
days. Industrial plants with a COD value close to synthetic after 27 days
Wastewater After 48 days, only industrial wastewater was given. R on day 50 2nd
reactor and only industrial wastewater is supplied.
In this study, 70% COD removal and 80% N removal were obtained.
Both AKR systems have been successful in treating industrial milk
In another study using synthetic wastewater, Carta-Escobar et al. (2004), 30 C he
is They established two different reactor systems and carried out purification
studies. Properties of the prepared synthetic wastewater; 4000 mg / L COD, COD /
TKN ratio of 4 and pH 11.5. The first system consists of a single 80 L reactor. The
second system consists of reactors with a volume of 30 L, consisting of 3 stages.
High organic matter removal (> 96.8%) has been successfully achieved with both
systems. However, the system performance can show very variable features in
biomass increase, foam formation, change of wastewater characteristics and
operating conditions. The system consists of a, 80 L rectangular reactor,
thermostat, feed tank, compressor and peristaltic pump. In system Π, borasilicate
consisting of flexible tubes is formed by connecting three reactors in series. Each
reactor has a volume of 10 L. Inside the reactor are ceramic air diffusers and these
are connected to air blowers. Reactors with very good mixing work like a CSTR tank.
High organic loading to System Ι during the study (0.741 kg / m 3) has been made.
However, the treatment efficiency of the system reaches 96.8%. In System Π, the
TKOI and sKOI values were reduced 50-70% more than the first system, and the
treatment efficiency was greater than 98.5%.
- 26 -

In a study where carrier material was used in ACRs, Sirianuntapiboon et al. (2005),

on a pilot scale. In this study, the treatment of wastewater from a dairy industry has

been studied by supporting the AKR reactor with plastic filling materials that achieve

the connected growth. The MAKR and AKR reactor are both 25 L in volume. The reactor

has an internal diameter of 0.29 m and a height of 0.35 m and a working volume of 20

L. The MAKR system is 2.7 m to the bottom of the reactor. 2nd It is based on the

placement of plastic material to cover the area and the growth of microorganisms

there. COD, BOD 5, TKN and oil-grease efficiency was monitored. The COD of treated milk

wastewater is 11000 mg / L. HRT was studied for 3, 4, 6, and 8 days. 1340 g BOD in HRT

3 in MAKR 5 / m 3. COD removal efficiency of 89.3% was obtained in daily organic loading. In

AKR, HRT is 1340 g BOD in 3 days 5 / m 3. COD removal efficiency of 87% was obtained at

organic loading of 1 day.

At the end of the study, high organic matter and N removal was achieved in MAKR and it

was stated that the system could be used successfully in the treatment of dairy industry


In addition to the use of aerobic systems in the treatment of dairy industry

wastewater, the use of anaerobic systems has also increased. There are many

laboratory-scale studies on anaerobic treatment of the dairy industry.

Another anaerobic treatment study in which 90% treatment efficiency was

obtained is Lebrato et al. (1990). In their laboratory work with a
semi-continuous anaerobic treatment system, they worked with a wastewater
containing 80% washing water and 20% whey. Temperature 36 C he is was also
kept constant. COD concentration of the wastewater is 17120 mg / L and its pH
value is 4.1. 78, 85% for holding times of 10, 15, 25 and 27 days, respectively,
COD removal efficiency of 89, 90 and 94; COD removal efficiency of 90% was obtained at

maximum holding times.

Öztürk et al. (1992), in their study with the upstream anaerobic sludge blanket
reactor, 8.5 kg COD / m 3. They obtained 87% COD removal efficiency with daily
organic loading speed. System 17 kg COD / m 3. It tolerated the daily organic loading
rate with 75% COD removal for two weeks. The hydraulic retention time was
changed between 0.21 and 0.96 days. The COD of the wastewater used in this study
varied between 2000 and 6000 mg / L, with lamellar for sludge separation.
- 27 -

It was stated that it would be appropriate to recycle biomass using a

In anaerobic treatment studies conducted by Pala and Sponza (1994),
chemical and biological (batch anaerobic) purification of whey with very high
pollution concentration was investigated by laboratory tests. Since the ratio
of dissolved COD concentration of raw whey to total COD concentration is
high (0.75), maximum 30% COD removal efficiency with chemical treatment;
When diluting 1/1 by volume, a maximum of 60% COD removal efficiency
was obtained. In anaerobic treatment studies, 90% treatment efficiency was
obtained. Anaerobic batch reactor studies were carried out using 500 mL
flasks. Chicken manure under anaerobic conditions was first considered to
whey wastewater for a period of 15 days and adaptation was achieved. he is Purification
was carried out in a shaker with a water bath in. Different organic loadings
were studied in each flask. At the end of the study, it was observed that as
the loading speed decreased, the COD removal efficiency increased.

Anaerobic treatment is widely used among biological treatment

methods. Previous studies have shown that due to growth filler materials,
physical characteristics and surface area of these materials greatly affect
the performance of the anaerobic filter.
Vartak et al. (1997) in this study also due to growth filling

materials, on the performance of the anaerobic filter has been investigated. Each

reactor used had an inner diameter of 15.2 cm, a height of 30.5 cm and a volume of 5 L.

In order to retain the filling material, a grid plate made of PVC of 0.6 cm was placed 5

cm high from the reactor base and on top of the material. There are 42 holes on these

plates with a diameter of approximately 1.3 cm. Temperature in reactors 10 - 37 C he is ranges

between. The temperature in the reactors is 37 C at the beginning he is dir. Then the

temperature is gradually lowered (1 C every two days). he is) and 10 C he is brought to. The

reactors operated in this way stabilized after 5 weeks. This working system in the

reactors is 37 C he is It took 1 year in. In the system

- 28 -

The specific surface areas and high porosity of the plastic filling materials used play
an important role in the increase of the microorganism population. Analysis 10 C he is at
37 C he is It showed that there was no significant change in% UACC and% COD values
compared to those in.
Gavala et al. (1998) successfully treated dairy industry wastewater with the
UASB reactor in their study. The volume of the UASB reactor used in the study is
10 L. In the treatment studies, performance efficiency, pH control, COD
removal, biogas concentration were studied in various organic loads. Organic
loading was made 6.2 g COD / L day and safely increased up to a maximum of
7.5 g COD / L day. . Characterization of the wastewater used is COD 60 g / L,
TKN 830 mg / L and pH 4-7. The system was built by adding plexiglass material
into a 10L UASB reactor. Diluted milk wastewater (2500 mg COD / L) was given
first, then the COD concentration was gradually increased. Two reactors in
mesophilic conditions (35C he is) in full period
It has been operated. A 98% COD removal efficiency was achieved at HRT 6 days and 37

g / L COD. When the COD was increased to 42 g / L, the removal efficiency was 85–90%

and the exit COD concentration was reduced to 5 g / L.

In another study in which the AKR system was used under anaerobic conditions,

Dugba and Zang (1999) showed that two-stage thermophilic (55C) in the treatment of dairy

industry wastewater. he is) - mesophilic (35 C he is) and investigated the relationship between

mesophilic - mesophilic anaerobic tandem batch reactor (AAKR) with HRT, temperature and

volatile solids. The 3 parallel reactors installed have a total volume of 15 L in 2 stages. In the

system, HRT was studied for 3 and 6 days. Two-stage AAKR systems have been determined

to be suitable for the treatment of dairy industry wastewater in short HRTs.

Ramasamy et al. (2000), BSS (biofilm support system) was used to

increase the performance of the CSTR (fully mixed reactor) reactor and
studied under anaerobic conditions. In BSS, small cylindrical plastic
materials of 2 cm diameter and 5 cm length were used to increase
microorganism activity in biofilm. These materials used 0.9 cm 3

in volume and 0.87 g / cm 3 density. Surface area of the reactor 0.30 cm 2nd/ cm 3 It covers

its reputation. First HRT was studied for 15 days, then HRT was reduced to 10 days,
- 29 -

the wastewater concentration has been changed. At the end of the study, removal efficiency

of 99% was obtained for HRT 10 days. It has been seen in the study that the BSS system can

be successfully implemented in CSTR.

Omil et al. (2003) studied the treatment of wastewater from laboratories

where the quality of raw milk was measured and containing chemicals such as
sodium azide and chlorampherical added to preserve the milk before analysis. 3 volume
anaerobic filter (AF) and 28 m 3 They worked in full scale reactor with AKR in volume.
36.5 kg / m to AF 3 density PVC material is added. Success was achieved in anaerobic
treatment of wastewater used in the 2-year study and 5--6 g COD / m 3. 90% of COD
removal was achieved with organic loading on the 1st day. The water from AF was
fed to AKR and the COD was reduced to 200 mg / L and TN to less than 10 mg / L.

Luostarinen and Rintala (2004), that the wastewater produced by

washing milking machines from a Finnish farm with alkaline detergent at pH
= 12 and acidic detergent with pH = 1.5 at low temperatures (10-20 C he is) studied
two-stage upflow anaerobic sludge bed treatment in laboratory scale
reactors. The first of the two-stage UASB reactor is 70 cm high, made of 15
cm diameter PVC material and filled with a 44 mm diameter Flootek RF 438
synthetic carrier material. The second one is 50 cm in height and 9 cm in
diameter, made of acrylic plastic. The reactors were operated for 398 days.
Over 80% COD removal and 90% TSS removal efficiency were obtained at all
Moir et al. (2005), on the other hand, designed a laboratory-scale facility, and studies

were conducted on systems related to the treatment of agricultural wastes and their

development. N, BOD, nitrate and nitrite have high values in wastewater from dairy

industry and farms. As a result of laboratory studies, a full-scale milk treatment system was

installed in a farm. 5.5 m in the system 3 volume, with ventilation, with two AKRs of 1700 L

each. At the end of the treatment, the effluent is between pH 7-6 and the BOD is on average

34-65 mg / L.

Nadais et al. (2005) investigated the efficiency of dairy industry wastewater with batch

operation in a laboratory scale mesophilic UASB reactor for COD removal. In the study, organic

products in 5 different cycles between 24--144 hours and between 2.5--29 g COD / L / day
- 30 -

loads have been studied. It was emphasized that 22 g COD / L / day can be
loaded in batch reactors, while 3–6 g COD / L / day can be loaded in continuous
İnce (1993), in a study he conducted, stated that in anaerobic contact treatment

systems, it was possible to recycle sludge by using a steep-flow ultra filtration unit

instead of a sedimentation pool, and also that a treatment up to 92% could be achieved

in whey wastewater with a COD value of 55000 mg / L. stated.

- 31 -


3.1. Aygin Milk Inc.

Aygın Milk Inc. It started producing dairy products in 1980. 5900 m 2nd
It has been producing in a closed area since 1996.
The establishment capacity of the facility is 80-85 tons of milk / day per day. The

capacity used varies between 45-50 tons of milk / day. Products such as white cheese, curd

cheese and cottage yoghurt are produced at the facility. White cheese is produced 20-25

tons / day, curd cheese 12-15 tons / day, and strained yogurt 5-7.5 tons / day. 20-25 boats of

white cheese are produced daily and 700 L of wastewater is generated in each boat. In the

production of curd, 2 batches are produced per day and 5000 L wastewater is generated per


2005 annual production data of the facility; Raw milk processing amount is 22032 tons / year.

From raw milk, 1634 tons / year of white cheese, 408 tons / year of cheddar cheese, 168.48 tons / year

of butter, 535.5 tons / year of strained yogurt, 408 tons / year of bowl yogurt, 745.2 tons / year of ayran

are produced.

Distribution is made by 16 cars per day and cars are washed at the end of the
day. Approximately 100 L of water is used for washing each car. In addition, the
facility is cleaned 4 times daily with acid and base solutions. An average of 500 L of
water is used for each cleaning. The amount of wastewater generated in the
processes in which each product is prepared is given in Table 3.1.
- 32 -

Table 3.1. Amount of wastewater generated in Aygın Süt A.Ş. processes.

Operation Amount of Wastewater Generated (m 3 / day)

Milk intake 3

Cleaning the Pasteurization Unit 4

White Cheese Production 10

Cheddar Cheese Production 10

Butter Production 3

Buttermilk Production 3

Pasteurized Milk Production 3

Yoghurt Production (Bowl + Filtering) 10

Amount of Wastewater from Washing 32

Other Devices


The cleaning of the machines used in the production processes in the facility is made

according to the formation scheme in Figure 3.1.



Waste water Waste water


Waste water
Waste water

Figure 3.1. Cleaning of machines used in production in dairy industry.

- 33 -

Process flow diagrams of dairy products produced in the facility are given in

Figure 3.1.2.-3.1.5. Here, as mentioned above, products such as white cheese, cheddar

cheese, cottage yoghurt and butter are produced. The production units of the facility

are as follows:

1. Raw Material Acceptance Procedures,

2. White Cheese Production,

3. Production of Cheddar Cheese,

4. Production of Strained Yoghurt,

5. Bowl Yoghurt Production,

6. Buttermilk Production,

7. Butter Production,

8. Cream Production,

9. Production of Curd Cheese.

- 34 -










Figure 3.2. Strained yoghurt production flow chart

- 35 -













Figure 3.3. Curd cheese production flow chart

- 36 -
















Figure 3.4. Cheddar cheese production flow chart

- 37 -

















Figure 3.5. White cheese manufacturing flow chart

- 38 -

3.2. Wastewater Composition

In the study, the wastewater composition prepared in certain volumes from all

production processes of Aygın Süt A.Ş., operating in Konya, was used as wastewater.

The components of the prepared composite wastewater are given in the table below.

Table 3.2. Composite wastewater components.

Process Amount used (mL)

Curd cheese production 650

Whey 300
Strained yoghurt production 250
Milk delivery vehicle washing waste water 1200
Caustic washing waste water 1200
Acid washing wastewater 1200
Total 4800

Composite wastewater generated using the amounts given in the chart 4 C he is It

was kept in the refrigerator and used for 7 days. The above values have been chosen

to ensure that the COD value of composite wastewater is approximately 17000 mg / L.

After 7 days, sampling was renewed and new composite wastewater was prepared.

Each process wastewater of the industry has different pollution values.

Therefore, COD, BOD, pH, PO 4- P, TN parameters were measured and
composite wastewater was prepared accordingly.

Parameters of process wastewater are given in Table 3.3. Measured parameters of

composite wastewater are given in Table 3.4.

- 39 -

Table 3.3. Characterization of process wastewater dated 14.07.2005.

Waste water Parameter

COD BOD 5 TN PO 4- P C.O pH Temperature

(mg / L) (mg / L) (mg / L) (mg / L) (C he is)

Curd cheese 66739 18000 436,5 350 3.84 4.40 30.9

production of

Whey 51955 17000 352,5 291 3.44 5.98 28,8

Strained yoghurt 44774 15500 320,5 298 1.11 3.82 25,8

production of

Milk delivery vehicle 1248 440 19,5 23.25 0,27 7,10 25,4
knock down. wastewater

Wash with caustic. 178 - 0,190 3.71 4.25 7.41 31,4


Acid wash 17 - 0 2.74 3.88 7.31 32,8


Table 3.4. Characterization of prepared composite wastewater.

Parameter December Cover

COD (mg / L) 14800--22272 17750

BOD (mg / L) 9000--12500 10833

PO 4- P (mg / L) 325--356.5 345,8

TN (mg / L) 207--290.5 240,8

pH 4.64--5.27 4.94

During the experimental studies, differences were observed in the COD values of the

composite wastewater prepared with the wastewater taken from the dairy industry in 7-day

periods. The COD concentration of composite wastewater prepared with the first

wastewater was higher than the others. The reason for this is that the wastewater taken

from car washing is the first washing wastewater of the car and its COD value is
- 40 -

that is high. The COD values of the composite wastewater prepared later were found to be

close to each other (Figure 3.6.).


COD (mg / l)


12.07.05 19.07.05 26.07.05 02.08.05

Figure 3.6. COD values of composite wastewater fed to reactors

During the experimental studies in composite wastewater, the COD value as well as the PO 4-

P and TN values were also measured. Composite wastewater PO in Figure 3.7. 4- P values are

seen. Phosphorus content of dairy industry wastewater is very high

are in values. Therefore, phosphorus is a parameter that needs to be removed. Average

total phosphorus amount of domestic wastewater varies between 8-10 mg / L. This

value is the total BOD 5 It is 1:20. Activated sludge processes can only biologically remove

1–3 mg / L of total phosphorus (Toprak, 1999). The amount of phosphorus in industrial

wastewater varies according to the industry. Dairy industry wastewater is rich in

phosphorus content. Phosphorus content in milk industry wastewater is approximately

0.2–48 mg / L (Andreottola, 2002). However, these values may differ significantly

according to the production process of the industry. PO in wastewater used in the study 4-

P value is 300-350 mg / L (Figure 3.7.).

- 41 -


PO4, TN (mg / L)



one hundred


12.07.05 19.07.05 26.07.05 02.08.05

Figure 3.7. PO of composite wastewater fed to reactors 4- P and TN values

Domestic wastewater contains ammonia nitrogen in the order of 20-30 mg / L. 1 mg ammonia

4.3-4.6 mg O for nitrogen removal 2nd / mg NO 3 It has an oxygen requirement.

This shows how high the amount of oxygen required for complete
nitrification to occur.

Total nitrogen varies according to the type of industry in industrial

wastewater. This value is approximately 13–170 mg / L in dairy industry
wastewater (Andreottola, 2002). The TN value in the wastewater used in the
study is 200-290 mg / L (Figure 4.2.).
- 42 -

3.3. The experimental setup

Three AKR reactors were used in the study. The reactors were built with a volume of 2

L and 1.6 L of this volume was used. While the first reactor was operating as the classical

AKR, synthetic carrier material was added to the other two reactors. KALDNES carrier

material was used in the 2nd reactor and LINPOR carrier material was used in the 3rd


30% of the 2nd reactor was filled with the KALDNES carrier material. Norway

(Kaldnes Militeknologi), the synthetic small cylindrical shaped polyethylene

carrier material is approximately 10 mm in diameter and 7 mm in height.
Density 960 kg / m 3 and total specific surface area 800 m 2nd/ m 3 (Table 3.5).

30% of the 3rd reactor is also LINPOR ® filled with carrier material.
Spongy synthetic carrier LINPOR from the German company
LİNDE-KCA-DRESDEN GMBH ® The dimensions of the are 1x1x1 cm. Density
960 kg / m 3 (Table 3.5).

Table 3.5 General properties of synthetic carrier materials.


Height (mm) 10 7
Diameter (mm) - 10
Density (kg / m 3) 950 960

Air was supplied to the system by an aquarium pump, which was attached to the end

of an air stone, allowing the air to be delivered in bubbles. The air supplied to all three

reactors is constant, It is 0.5 L / min. The mixing process is done with a adjustable mixer.

Equal mixing was achieved in all three reactors. Mixer speed is 80 rpm.
- 43 -

With the prepared composite milk industry wastewater, the reactors were fed with 200 mL

wastewater in 0.5 hour. The schematic representation of the AKR reactors used in the

experiments is given in Figure 3.8. The layout of the experiment setup and equipment is given in

Figure 3.9. In Figure 3.10, a picture of the experimental setup prepared for the jar test setup and

the equipment used is given.

Figure 3.8. AKR experiment setup used in the study.

- 44 -

Figure 3.9. AKR setup and equipment used in the study.

Figure 3.10. A view from the AKR test setup used in the study.

Figure 3.11 shows LINPOR and Kaldnes carrier materials added to

- 45 -

LINPOR Kaldnes

Figure 3.11. AKRs with Kaldnes and LINPOR carrier material.

System in the study; reaction time is 22 hours, precipitation is 1.5 hours. After the

specified reaction time, the air supplied to the AKRs was cut off and the mixing process

was stopped. Left to precipitation for 1.5 hours, 200 mL of purified water was taken

from the supernatant part accumulated in the upper part at the end of the precipitation

(Figure 3.12.). Treated water and sludge extraction were run for 0.5 hours, and

wastewater dosing for 0.5 hours, 1 cycle per day. Sirianuntapiboon et al. (2005), in their

dairy industry wastewater treatment studies using synthetic carrier materials in AKRs,

have obtained a COD removal efficiency of over 87% under similar operating conditions

with HRT 8 values. The operating conditions of the AKR system used in the study are

given in Table 3.6.

- 46 -

Table 3.6. Operating conditions of the AKRs used in the study

Parameter AKR 1 AKR 2 AKR 3

Synthetic carrier material No LINPOR Kaldnes

Synthetic stone used. - 90 450

Material (pcs)
Solidity ratio - 30% 30%
Reactor volume (mL) 2000 2000 2000
Reactor operated volume (mL) Flow 1600 1600 1600
rate (mL / day) 200 200 200
Number of cycles (pieces / day) one one one
Charging (hour) 0.5 0.5 0.5
Ventilation (hour) 22 22 22
Precipitation (hour) 1.5 1.5 1.5
Water & sludge withdrawal 0.5 0.5 0.5
(hour) Operation phases (hour) 24 24 24
Hydraulic Holding Time 8 8 8
(HRT) (days)

Sludge Retention Time (days) 5 5 5

Hydraulic loading (m 3 / m 3. day) 0.125 0.125 0.125

Volumetric organic loading

(g BOD 5 / m 3. day) 1130-1560 1130-1560 1130-1560

Volumetric organic loading

(g COD / m 3. day) 1850-2780 1850-2780 1850-2780

* The filling process takes place within the duration of the ventilation process.
- 47 -

Figure 3.12. View of the AKR in the precipitation phase.

3.4. Microorganism

The microorganism used as vaccine in the study was taken from the ventilation

unit of Konya Başarakavak Wastewater Treatment Plant and was fed with synthetic

wastewater with a COD value of 1000 mg / L under laboratory conditions for 7 days for

adaptation. During this time, the mud was aerated.

3.5. Laboratory Studies

3.5.1. Analysis methods

Under laboratory conditions, DO, Temperature, pH measurements and NH 4- N, NO 3- N, COD,

BOİ, AKM, UAKM, ÇHİ, PO 4- P, TN analyzes were made. BOD 5 WTW brand OxiTop, CDI,

AKM, UAKM and COD analyzes were performed according to the methods expressed

in Standard Methods (APHA, 2005).

- 48 - Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD)

COD; express the amount of oxygen required for the oxidation of carbonaceous substances


COD analysis and filtered COD analysis were performed in the study. The analyzes were

made according to the methods expressed in Standard Methods (APHA, 2005).

The sample taken was filtered through 0.45 µm filter paper and filtered COD analysis was

performed. With the filtered COD analysis, suspended solid and particulate matter that may be in

the purified water is removed from the purified water by filtering. Thus, these substances are

prevented from increasing the measured COD value. Suspended solid (AKM)

Active mud in the processes waste water, microorganisms high

It is given to the aeration pool where it is concentrated. Organic matter
serves as both a carbon and energy source for microbial growth and is used
in the synthesis of new cells. Here, the contents of the reactor are defined as
"mixed liquor suspended solids (MLSS)" (mixed liquor suspended solids
(MLSS) "or" mixed liquor volatile suspended solids (MLVSS) "(mixed liquor
volatile suspended solids, MLVSS). and substances that are not
biodegradable. Microorganisms generally consist of 70–90% organic and
10–30% inorganic substances (Toprak, 1999).

In the study, determination of AKM was made according to standard methods. Filter

paper (Sartorius brand 0.45 µm diameter, cellulose acetate filter) 103--105 C he is It was dried in

the oven for 1 hour and brought to constant weight. The filter paper from the oven was

cooled in a desiccator for 30 minutes and weighed. This value obtained is (A). Then the

mixed liquid, which was placed in a 100 mL cylinder for CDI analysis, was mixed after 30

minutes of sedimentation and filtered through filter paper and again at 103--105 C. he is It was

dried in the oven for 1 hour and weighed (B).

- 49 -

For AKM and UAKM, 6 synthetic carrier materials were taken from the reactor with

Kalnes carrier material, the biomass accumulated on it was removed by mechanical

methods and transferred to pure water. The same process was done in the reactor with

LINPOR carrier material. 3 synthetic carrier materials were taken from the reactor, the

biomass accumulated on it was removed by mechanical methods and passed into pure

water. The liquid was then filtered through filter paper. Filter paper 103--105 0 It was dried

again for 1 hour at C. It was cooled in the desiccator for 30 minutes and weighed again after

being brought to the constant weight (B ”). This value obtained was added to the B values of

the reactor with Kaldnes carrier material and the reactor with LINPOR carrier material.

AKM (mg / L) = A ( - x thousand …………………………………………………….

B )one (4.1)

A = Filter paper + Filterable material (mg) B =

Weight of filter paper (mg)
C = Sample volume (ml) Volatile Suspended Solids (UAKM)

Total solids analysis was performed according to the method specified in

Standard Methods (APHA, 2005) 2540.

After the total solid matter test is carried out, the filter paper is put into the crucible

that has been brought to constant weight and is weighed. 15- 20 mins 550 0 After keeping it

in the oven at C, 15 min. it is kept in a desiccator and weighed once more.

(- B )x 1000 ………………………………………………… (4.2)

UAKM (mg / L) = A

A = Crucible + Filter paper

B = Crucible + Filter paper burned in the oven

C = Sample volume (ml)

- 50 - Sludge volume index (ÇHİ)

Sludge is generally characterized by its settling properties. Dilute sludges

settle faster, concentrated sludges slower. The ability of sludge to settle is one of
the most important parameters, especially in the operation of an activated sludge
plant. "Sludge volume index, ÇHI", which is a cheap and easy method, is used to
determine the settling properties of sludge during operation. ÇHI is expressed as
the volume occupied by 1 g of dry matter in ml (Filibeli, 2002).
Since MPC is a measure of the settling properties of the sludge, it affects
the recycling rate and MLSS concentration. Common CCI values in activated
sludge processes with MLSS concentrations of 2000–3000 mg / L are between
80–150 mL / g. Low MPI values cause some problems.
Low MPI is an indicator of rapidly settling sludge and / or high inorganic
TSS and insufficient biomass (Toprak, 1999).
Sludge Volume Index analysis was performed according to the method specified in

Standard Methods (APHA, 2005) 2710.D.

It was taken from the mixed liquid in the reactor in 100 mL cylinders. It was allowed to

settle for 30 minutes. After the sedimentation, the volume deposited in the measure was read

and recorded.

Crashing Volume ( mL)

ÇHI (ml / g) = ………………………………………………. (4.3)
AKM ( g) Dissolved Oxygen (DO)

In activated sludge systems, aeration is done to give oxygen to the system

and to keep the pool content in a mixture (Topacık, 2000). Oxygen is used to
decompose the substrate for the production of high energy compounds required
for cell synthesis and respiration. In processes with high sludge age value,
- 51 -

The energy required for cell maintenance is the same as the amount of oxygen required

for substrate metabolism. In order not to limit substrate removal, a minimum dissolved

oxygen concentration of at least 0.5-2.0 mg / L should be maintained in the aeration


Oxygen, as necessary for biological activity, must also form the mixture that will

prevent the precipitation of suspended substances (Toprak, 1999).

In AKR systems, the dissolved oxygen value is required to be greater than

2 mg / L for nitrification to occur. In denitrification, the desired dissolved
oxygen value is 0.3-0.5 mg / L (Metcalf & Eddy, 2003).
In the study, DO measurements were made with the WTW brand Multiparameter 340i
device. pH

PH is very important in activated sludge systems. PH is a determining

parameter in the formation of nitrification and denitrification. The desired pH
value for nitrification to take place is 6.8-8. As the pH decreases, the nitrification
rate decreases, and if the pH drops below 6.5, high ammonia concentrations
occur in the effluent (Metcalf & Eddy, 2003).
In the study, pH measurements were made with the WTW brand Multiparameter 340i
device. PO 4- P analysis

- 3), polyphosphate (P 2nd HE IS 7) and in organic bonded form

Orthophosphate (PO) in phosphorus wastewater 4

can be found. Polyphosphates and organically bonded phosphates are formed by hydrolysis reactions.

to phosphates and independent to phosphates crumbling to pieces microorganisms

it is converted into a form that it can use. In addition to the phosphorus found in wastewater, the

sludge formed by microorganisms by their absorption of phosphorus contains 10-30%

phosphorus. For this reason, these biological systems that remove phosphorus are called

biological excess phosphorus removal systems (BAPGS).

- 52 -

Events and phases occurring in BAPG Systems:

1. Anaerobic / aerobic sequential processes

2. Acetate or acetic acid-Glucose type carbohydrates in the anaerobic stage acetic

acid is converted into volatile fatty acids such as propionic acid, butyric acid and valeric acid.

3.PO in the anaerobic stage phosphorus bacteria 4- It releases its P to the

environment. In the aerobic phase, phosphorus bacteria PO 4- It takes its P into the cell.

4. Phosphorus bacteria contain organic substances that do not turn into acetate.

It stores in the form of polyhydroxybiturate (PHB) granules.

5. Energy is needed for PHB to form. This energy is Poly-P,

PO 4 and PO 4 It occurs during the release of. PHBs are formed from the energy generated

during the decomposition of Poly-P compounds in an anaerobic environment. In other

words, PHB occurs in the anaerobic stage.

6. In the aerobic phase, microorganisms are removed from the wastewater. 4 They take the flour

into their bodies. Energy is needed to absorb phosphates from wastewater into the cell. This is

obtained from the breakdown of PHBs formed in the anaerobic stage.

7. PHB forms in the anaerobic phase, while PHBs are broken down in the aerobic phase.

The phases of the phosphorus removal process in the Sequencing Batch Reactor (AKR) are;

1. If carbon, nitrogenous substance and phosphorus removal is to be done, autotrophic and

Heterotrophic microorganism and Acinetobacter-phosphorus bacteria are inoculated.

2. Ç.O. carbonaceous matter is removed with continuous mixing by cutting and

phosphorus is released.
3. With continuous mixing by giving a DIC, COD in aerobic conditions 2nd O and
CO 2nd It is mineralized to. NH 4- N is NH in aerobic conditions 3- It turns into its N.
Meanwhile, PO from wastewater to sludge by Acinetobacter bacteria 4- P is taken.
4. NH by mixing in the anoxic conditions that occur 3- NO by denitrification
of N 3- N of N 2nd It is converted to. Some of the COD in wastewater is used as a
carbon source for denitrification microorganisms.
5. COD is sampled from the upper liquid after precipitation and a holding period,

NO 3- N, NH 4- N and PO 4- P is left to their removal.

- 53 -

6. If suitable removal efficiencies are obtained, the residual NH with

COD's residual mineralization by giving DO again 4- N of NO 3- Nitrification event
provided. PO to N 4- P 'is taken into the mud.
7. Ç.O is cut off. NO remaining from previous stage in anoxic conditions 3- Of the

denitrification is provided.

8. After precipitation and a certain waiting period, carbon, nitrogen and

de-phosphorous water is taken. To adjust the sludge concentration in the reactor, sludge is

discarded or regenerated when necessary.

Removed COD / used PO for optimum phosphorus release and uptake in

anaerobic and aerobic pools 4 ratio should be 50-59 maximum. COD removed / used
PO when the sludge age is taken between 8--10 days 4 ratio should be between
In the anaerobic stage, the DO concentration should be close to zero.
Phosphorus release may occur if the DO is up to 0.5 mg / L (Metcalf & Eddy,
PO in study 4- P analyzes were made with Dr LANGE brand LCK 349 kit. TN analyzes

Nitrification and denitrification are processes based on the nitrogen cycle in the aquatic


Natural nitrifying bacteria responsible for nitrification taking place; It consists of

two types of organisms as nitrosomanas and nitrobacter.

NH 4 NO-2nd NO 3
Ammonia Nitrite Nitrate

Denitrification is an anaerobic process in which ammonia nitrogen is

oxidized to nitrate.
NO 3 NO 2nd NO N 2nd HE IS N 2nd
Nitrate Nitrite Nitric Oxide Nitrogen Dioxide Nitrogen Gas
- 54 -

• Nitrosomanas bacteria ammonia nitrite; nitrobacter to nitrite to nitrate

they convert.
• Nitrification bacteria are autotrophic bacteria that can use carbon
dioxide as a carbon source and grow slower than other microorganisms.

Nitrogenous substances are nutritious elements that must be present in certain proportions in

biological treatment plants. The nitrogenous substance should be added to the waste water from the

outside, in a way that the current BOD: N ratio exceeds 100: 5 of the waste water to be treated. This is a

factor that naturally affects the business economy.

It is possible to list important parameters in nitrification as follows:

1. Ç.O. : Low MR. reduces the nitrification rate. Nitrosomonas and nitrobacter are

obligate aerobes. Ç.O. When it goes below 2 mg / L, nitrification is inhibited. 0.5 mg / L

C.O. nitrification does not occur in concentration.

2. TKN load: Since almost all of the organic nitrogen will be converted into ammonia

nitrogen, TKN is a more effective measure than the total amount of ammonia in the system.

3.Temperature: 30 0 As it falls below C, the nitrification rate decreases. For this

reason, nitrification occurs faster in summer than in winter.

4. Alkalinity and pH: Nitrification bacteria consume bicarbonate alaalinity

and produce carbonic acid. As the pH decreases, the nitrification rate decreases.
If it falls below 6.5, high ammonia concentrations occur in the effluent
(Metcalf & Eddy, 2003).
TN analyzes in the study were made with Dr LANGE brand LCK 138 kit, NH 4- N,

NO 3- N parameters were measured with Thermo brand Orion 710A device.

- 55 -


4.1. Research Results

4.1.1. COD removal

During the experimental studies, total COD and filtered COD analyzes were

performed daily in the purified water from the reactors.

In AKR reactors with AKR, Kaldnes carrier material and AKR reactors with LINPOR

carrier material, COD value in the effluent effluent in the first 6 days generally gave

results below 500 mg / L (Figure 4.1.).

AKR (Linpor) AKR (Kaldnes) AKR


COD (mg / L)




one thousand

one 3 5 7 9 11th 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27
time (days)

Figure 4.1. Output COD values in AKRs.

The microorganisms used in the study were adapted with synthetic

wastewater at 1000 mg / L COD for a week. The high removal efficiency
obtained in all three reactors in the first week is due to this dilution in the
reactors. Hydraulic waiting time (HRT) in operation as 8 days
- 56 -

was determined. At the end of the first 8 days, the wastewater in the reactors was

completely changed and all reactors continued to be fed with milk wastewater with an

average COD value of 17750 mg / L. After this process, COD values increased in the mixed

liquid in the reactors.

While the COD removal efficiency in the first 6 days in the AKR without carrier
material was approximately 88%, this value remained approximately 66% in the
entire study (Figure 4.2).
In the first 6 days in the Kaldnes carrier material AKR reactor, COD removal
efficiency was 90%, while the removal efficiency was approximately 75%
throughout the entire study (Figure 4.2.). In the AKR reactor with Kaldnes carrier
material, microorganism growth started to be observed on the material after
the first 4 days.
COD removal could not be monitored regularly in this reactor during the operation. After

the first week, there was a serious increase in the formation of AKM, although the sludge age was

studied as 5 days, this increase could not be prevented. In the last week, the output COD values

were not measured in the AKR reactor with Kaldnes carrier material. Although filtered COD

analyzes were made in the purified water, healthy results could not be obtained due to the AKM

mixed with the effluent.

In AKR reactor with LINPOR carrier material, COD values have lower
values compared to the other two reactors. In the first week, a good removal
was achieved as in other reactors.
The COD removal efficiency of the first week is 91% in the AKR reactor with

LINPOR carrier material. Removal efficiency remained approximately 56% throughout

the entire study (Figure 4.2.). Although the biomass increased on the materials in the

reactor, the desired increase in AKM could not be achieved in the mixed liquid. In AKR

with LINPOR carrier material, since the mixing process in the reactor could not be

carried out homogeneously in the first days of the study due to its material properties,

the biomass formed in the reactor remained on the material. This caused decreases in

COD removal efficiency in the reactor. After the mixing mechanism was adjusted to

ensure a good mixing of the LINPOR carrier material, similar results were obtained with

the other AKRs in the AKR with LINPOR carrier material (Figure 4.1. And Figure 4.2.).
- 57 -

In the study, the lowest removal efficiency was realized in the AKR reactor with

LINPOR carrier material. With the renewal of the weekly composite wastewater in all three

ACRs, significant decreases were experienced in removal efficiency due to the changes in the

COD values of the composite (Figure 4.2). The low yield points shown in Figure 4.2 are the

yields obtained on the dates when the renewed composite is introduced to the system.

120 AKR (Linpor) AKR (Kaldnes) AKR

1 week 2 weeks Three weeks 4th week

one hundred

COD removal%




one 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27

Figure 4.2. % COD removal efficiency in AKRs. Filtered COD

During the study, the filtered COD values in the reactors were also
measured and monitored daily. Filtered COD values measured for all three
reactors are given in Figure 4.3. COD values in treated wastewater and
filtered COD values gave parallel results in AKRs.
- 58 -

However, in the last weeks of the study, there were AKM leaks in the
treated water in the AKR reactor with Kaldnes carrier material, which caused the
filtered COD value to exceed the expected.


AKR (Linpor) AKR (Kaldnes) AKR



COD (mg / L)




one thousand

one 3 5 7 9 11th 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27
time (days)

Figure 4.3. Filtered COD values in purified water in AKRs.

4.1.2. Dissolved Oxygen (DO)

In the study, during the first 15 days, the use of oxygen in all three reactors
remained at approximately the same values. With the wastewater feeding to the
reactors, the DO values decreased and oxygen usage continued in all three
reactors for a period of 8-9 hours, and the oxygen level in the reactors remained
below 1 mg / L. In Figure 4.4, DO concentrations monitored between 9.30 am and
17.00 pm for 27 days are given. In Figure 4.5, in the 24-hour period, DO. values are
- 59 -

6 6
AKR (Linpor) AKR (Kaldnes) AKR AKR (Linpor) AKR (Kaldnes) AKR
5 5

4 4
Ç. O (mg / L)

Ç. O (mg / L)
3 3

2nd 2nd

one one

0 0
09:30 13:00 14:30 15:30 16:00 17:00 09:30 10:00 12:00 13:00 14:00 15:00 16:00 17:00
time (hour)
time (hour)

a) 1st day CH profile (13.07.05) b) 2nd day CH profile (14.07.05)

4 6
AKR (Linpor) AKR (Kaldnes) AKR AKR (Linpor) AKR (Kaldnes) AKR
Ç .O (mg / L)

Ç .O (mg / L)

2nd 3


0 0
09:30 10:00 12:00 13:00 14:00 15:00 16:00 17:00
09:30 10:00 12:00 13:00 14:00 15:00 16:00 17:00
time (hour) time (hour)

c) 3rd day CH profile (15.07.05) d) 4th day CH profile (16.07.05)

7 6

6 AKR (Linpor) AKR (Kaldnes) AKR

5 AKR (Linpor) AKR (Kaldnes) AKR

DO (mg / L)

Ç .O (mg / L)



one one

0 0
09:30 10:00 12:00 13:00 14:00 15:00 16:00 17:00
09:30 10:00 12:00 13:00 14:00 15:00 16:00 17:00

time (hour) time (hour)

e) 5th day DO profile (17.07.05) f) 6th day CH profile (18.07.05)

Figure 4.4. AKRs also have daily CH profiles.

- 60 -

7 6
AKR (Linpor) AKR (Kaldnes) AKR AKR (Linpor) AKR (Kaldnes) AKR
6 5
Ç .O (mg / L)

Ç .O (mg / L)

one one

0 0
09:30 10:00 12:00 13:00 14:00 15:00 16:00 17:00 09:30 10:00 12:00 13:00 14:00 15:00 16:00 17:00

time (hour) time (hour)

g) 7th day CH profile (19.07.05) h) 8. day DO profile (20.07.05)

3 2nd
AKR (Linpor) AKR (Kaldnes) AKR AKR (Linpor) AKR (Kaldnes) AKR

Ç .O (mg / L)
Ç .O (mg / L)



0 0
09:30 10:00 12:00 13:00 14:00 15:00 16:00 17:00 09:30 10:00 12:00 13:00 14:00 15:00 16:00 17:00

time (hour) time (hour)

ı) 11th day CH profile (23.07.05) i) 12. day CH profile (24.07.05)

5 5
AKR (Linpor) AKR (Kaldnes) AKR AKR (Linpor) AKR (Kaldnes) AKR
4 4
Ç .O (mg / L)
Ç .O (mg / L)

3 3

2nd 2nd

one one

0 0
09:30 10:00 12:00 13:00 14:00 15:00 16:00 17:00
09:30 10:00 12:00 13:00 14:00 15:00 16:00 17:00

time (hour) time (hour)

k) 13. day CH profile (25.07.05) l) 15th day CH profile (26.07.05)

Figure 4.4. AKRs also have daily CH profiles.

- 61 -

After the first half of the study, due to the low DO values of the wastewater given

after the feeding in the ACRs, there was a decrease in the DO values in the first hours,

and then the DO values in all three reactors during the whole day were 3--4 mg / L.

also watched (Figure 4.4.).

5 5
AKR (Linpor) AKR (Kaldnes) AKR AKR (Linpor) AKR (Kaldnes) AKR
4 4

Ç .O (mg / L)

Ç .O (mg / L)
2nd 2nd

one one

0 0
09:30 10:00 12:00 13:00 14:00 15:00 16:00 17:00
09:30 10:00 12:00 13:00 14:00 15:00 16:00 17:00

time (hour) time (hour)

m) 16. day DO profile (27.07.05) n) 17th day CH profile (28.07.05)

5 5
AKR (Linpor) AKR (Kaldnes) AKR AKR (Linpor) AKR (Kaldnes) AKR

4 4
Ç .O (mg / L)

Ç .O (mg / L)

2nd 2nd

one one

09:30 10:00 12:00 13:00 14:00 15:00 16:00 17:00
09:30 10:00 12:00 13:00 14:00 15:00 16:00 17:00
time (hour) time (hour)

o) 18. day CH profile (30.07.05) p) 19. day DO profile (31.07.05)

- 62 -

6 5
AKR (Linpor) AKR (Kaldnes) AKR AKR (Linpor) AKR (Kaldnes) AKR
5 4

Ç .O (mg / L)
Ç .O (mg / L)



0 0
09:30 10:00 12:00 13:00 14:00 15:00 16:00 17:00 09:30 10:00 12:00 13:00 14:00 15:00 16:00 17:00

time (hour) time (hour)

r) 20th day CH profile (01.08.05) s) 21st day CH profile (02.08.05)

Figure 4.4. AKRs also have daily CH profiles.

It did not continue for a long time to keep the DO values at 3-4 mg / L values.

After the 22nd day of the study, the DO values in all three reactors returned to the

values in the first weeks of the study (Figure 4.6).

5 5
AKR (Linpor) AKR (Kaldnes) AKR AKR (Linpor) AKR (Kaldnes) AKR

4 4
DO (mg / L)

DO (mg / L)

2nd 2nd

one one

0 0
09:30 10:00 12:00 13:00 14:00 15:00 16:00 17:00
09:30 10:00 12:00 13:00 14:00 15:00 16:00 17:00
time (hour) time (hour)

t) 22nd day CH profile (03.08.05) u) 23rd day CH profile (04.08.05)

- 63 -

5 5
AKR (Linpor) AKR (Kaldnes) AKR
AKR (Linpor) AKR (Kaldnes) AKR
4 4

3 3
Ç .O (mg / L)

Ç .O (mg / L)
2nd 2nd

one one

0 0
09:30 10:00 12:00 13:00 14:00 15:00 16:00 17:00
09:30 10:00 12:00 13:00 14:00 15:00 16:00 17:00
time (hour) time (hour)

ü) 24th day CH profile (05.08.05) v) 25th day CH profile (06.08.05)

5 5
AKR (Linpor) AKR (Kaldnes) AKR AKR (Linpor) AKR (Kaldnes) AKR

4 4

Ç .O (mg / L)
Ç .O (mg / L)

2nd 2nd

one one

0 0
09:30 10:00 12:00 13:00 14:00 15:00 16:00 17:00 09:30 10:00 12:00 13:00 14:00 15:00 16:00 17:00

time (hour) time (hour)

y) 26th day CH profile (07.08.05) z) 27th day CH profile (08.08.05)

Figure 4.4. AKRs also have daily CH profiles.

3,5 10:00 Reaction end

11:30 precipitation

3 12:00 Start of reaction



1.5 AKR (Linpor)

AKR (Kaldnes)

09:30 10:00 12:00 13:00 14:00 16:00 20:00 22:00 24:00 06:00 08:00
time (hour)

Figure 4.5. In AKR's 24-hour period, Ç.O. values (09.08.05)

- 64 -

4.1.3. pH

During the first 4 days in the experimental study, the pH was between 6.5 and
8 in all three AKR reactors with the Kaldnes carrier material and the AKR reactors
with the LINPOR carrier material. However, with the increase in the COD value in
the mixed liquid in the reactors, the pH value in the AKR reactor with LINPOR carrier
material decreased from 7.5-6 to pH 5 (Figure 4.6.). Since the pH value below 6.5 will
adversely affect both nitrification and removal of carbonaceous matter, the pH
value of the AKR reactor with LINPOR carrier material has been regulated by adding
NaOH to the system, and with the 13th day, the pH value has started to rise and the
pH will be the same as the other AKRs. (Figure 4.6.). With the regulation of
nitrification and denitrification in the system, pH remained between 6.5-9 in all
three reactors (Figure 4.6.).
In the study, the pH level in all three reactors was the same during the 24-hour period

and did not change. There was a decrease in a period of 1-2 hours only at the first feeding

time, the pH value decreased from 8.5 to 7 and then increased back to the old value (Figure


9 9

8 8

7 7

6 6

5 5

AKR (Linpor) AKR (Kaldnes) AKR AKR (Linpor) AKR (Kaldnes) AKR
4 4

3 3
09:30 10:00 12:00 13:00 14:00 15:00 16:00 17:00
09:30 10:00 12:00 13:00 14:00 15:00 16:00 17:00

time (hour) time (hour)

a) pH values on the 1st day (14.07.05) b) 2nd day pH values (15.07.05)

Figure 4.6. PH values in AKRs.

- 65 -

9 9

8 8

7 7

6 6

5 5

AKR (Linpor) AKR (Kaldnes) AKR AKR

4 4 AKR (Linpor) AKR (Kaldnes)

3 3
09:30 10:00 12:00 13:00 14:00 15:00 16:00 17:00 09:30 10:00 12:00 13:00 14:00 15:00 16:00 17:00
time (hour) time (hour)

c) 3rd day pH values (16.07.05) d) pH values on the 4th day (17.07.05)

9 9

8 8

7 7


5 5

4 AKR (Linpor) AKR (Kaldnes) AKR

4 AKR (Linpor) AKR (Kaldnes) AKR

3 3
09:30 10:00 12:00 13:00 14:00 15:00 16:00 17:00 09:30 10:00 12:00 13:00 14:00 15:00 16:00 17:00

time (hour) time (hour)

e) 5th day pH values (18.07.05) f) pH values on the 6th day (19.07.05)

9 9

8 8

7 7



5 5

4 AKR (Linpor) AKR (Kaldnes) AKR 4 AKR (Linpor) AKR (Kaldnes) AKR

3 3
09:30 10:00 12:00 13:00 14:00 15:00 16:00 17:00 09:30 10:00 12:00 13:00 14:00 15:00 16:00 17:00

time (hour) time (hour)

g) 7th day pH values (20.07.05) h) pH values on the 8th day (21.07.05)

Figure 4.6. PH values in AKRs.

- 66 -

9 9

8 8

7 7


5 5

4 4
AKR (Linpor) AKR (Kaldnes) AKR
AKR (Linpor) AKR (Kaldnes) AKR

3 3
09:30 10:00 12:00 13:00 14:00 15:00 16:00 17:00
09:30 10:00 12:00 13:00 14:00 15:00 16:00 17:00
time (hour)

ı) pH values on the 9th day (22.07.05) i) pH values on the 10th day (23.07.05)

9 9

8 8

7 7


6 6

5 5

AKR (Linpor) AKR (Kaldnes) AKR AKR (Linpor) AKR (Kaldnes) AKR
4 4

3 3
09:30 10:00 12:00 13:00 14:00 15:00 16:00 17:00 09:30 10:00 12:00 13:00 14:00 15:00 16:00 17:00 18:00
time (hour) time (hour)

k) 11th day pH values (24.07.05) l) pH values on the 12th day (25.07.05)

10 10

9 9

8 8

7 7


6 6

5 5
AKR (Linpor) AKR (Kaldnes) AKR
AKR (Linpor) AKR (Kaldnes) AKR
4 4

3 3
09:30 10:00 12:00 13:00 14:00 15:00 16:00 17:00 09:30 10:00 12:00 13:00 14:00 15:00 16:00 17:00

time (hour) time (hour)

m) pH values on the 13th day (27.07.05) n) pH values on the 14th day (28.07.05)

Figure 4.6. PH values in AKRs.

- 67 -

9 9

8 8

7 7

6 6

5 5
AKR (Linpor) AKR (Kaldnes) AKR
4 4 AKR (Linpor) AKR (Kaldnes) AKR

3 3
09:30 10:00 12:00 13:00 14:00 15:00 16:00 17:00 09:30 10:00 12:00 13:00 14:00 15:00 16:00 17:00

Time (hour) time (hour)

o) 15th day pH values (29.07.05) p) 16th day pH values (30.07.05)

9 9

8 8

7 7


5 5
AKR (Linpor) AKR (Kaldnes) AKR
4 4 AKR (Linpor) AKR (Kaldnes) AKR

3 3
09:30 10:00 12:00 13:00 14:00 15:00 16:00 17:00 09:30 10:00 12:00 13:00 14:00 15:00 16:00 17:00

time (hour) time (hour)

r) 17th day pH values (31.07.05) s) 18th day pH values (01.08.05)

9 9

8 8

7 7


5 5

4 AKR (Linpor) AKR (Kaldnes) AKR 4 AKR (Linpor) AKR (Kaldnes) AKR

3 3
09:30 10:00 12:00 13:00 14:00 15:00 16:00 17:00
09:30 10:00 12:00 13:00 14:00 15:00 16:00 17:00
Time (Hour) time (hour)

t) 19th day pH values (02.08.05) u) 20th day pH values (03.08.05)

Figure 4.6. PH values in AKRs.

- 68 -

9 9

8 8

7 7

6 6

5 5

4 AKR (Linpor) AKR (Kaldnes) AKR 4 AKR (Linpor) AKR (Kaldnes) AKR

3 3
09:30 10:00 12:00 13:00 14:00 15:00 16:00 17:00 09:30 10:00 12:00 13:00 14:00 15:00 16:00 17:00

time (hour) time (hour)

Ü) 21st day pH values (04.08.05) v) pH values on the 22nd day (05.08.05)

9 9

8 8

7 7
pH (06.08.05)

pH (07.08.05)
6 6

5 5

4 AKR (Linpor) AKR (Kaldnes) AKR 4 AKR (Linpor) AKR (Kaldnes) AKR

3 3
09:30 10:00 12:00 13:00 14:00 15:00 16:00 17:00 09:30 10:00 12:00 13:00 14:00 15:00 16:00 17:00

time (hour) time (hour)

y) 23rd day pH values (06.08.05) z) 24th day pH values (07.08.05)

Figure 4.6. PH values in AKRs.


AKR (Linpor) AKR (Kaldnes) AKR

09:30 10:00 12:00 13:00 14:00 16:00 20:00 22:00 24:00 06:00 08:00

time (hour)

Figure 4.7. PH values in the 24-hour period in AKRs (09.08.05).

- 69 -

4.1.4. Suspended Solids (AKM)

During the experimental studies, in the reactors, in addition to the measurement of

suspended solids in the mixed liquid, the reactors with carrier materials were also measured

in the solids formed on the LINPOR and Kaldnes carrier materials, and the AKM values

formed on the material were also added to the mixed liquid suspended solid content. Thus,

the AKM concentration formed in all the reactors could be determined and controlled.

In the study, the initial amount of AKM in AKRs was 2000-2500 mg / L.

With the start of the reactors, there was not a big increase in the AKM values
during the first week (Figure 4.8.).
During the first 7 days, the amount of AKM in AKR with LINPOR carrier material

remained at approximately 2800 mg / L. It was observed that microorganism growth in

the reactor was slower than AKR with Kaldnes carrier material. AKM increase developed

differently in both carrier material reactors. In AKR with LINPOR carrier material, the

AKM increase in the mixed liquid remained at lower levels compared to the AKR with

Kaldnes carrier material, while the microorganism formation on the material occurred

faster in AKR with LINPOR carrier material. The microorganism increase that occurred

on the LINPOR carrier material increased up to 1500 mg / L as of the first week (Figure


In AKR with Kaldnes carrier material, a good increase was observed in the
formation of AKM in the reactor in the first week. The amount of AKM in the reactor
has increased to approximately 4000 mg / L. Although the increase of
microorganisms on the Kaldnes carrier material is not very rapid, the formation of
AKM in the mixed liquid is high. The amount of AKM formed on the carrier material
during the first week was approximately 1000 mg / L. The reason for the difference
in microorganism growth on the carrier materials may be that the surface
properties and porosities of both materials are different (Figure 4.9.).
- 70 -

AKR (Linpor) AKR (Kaldnes) AKR


AKM (mg / L))














Time (days)

Figure 4.8. AKM concentrations in AKRs.

In AKR with Kaldnes carrier material, the AKM formed on the material increased

during the study. In AKR with LINPOR carrier material, although the amount of AKM

formed on the material shows oscillations, it has increased similarly to the Kaldnes

carrier material. In AKR with LINPOR carrier material, it is observed that composite

wastewater changed again at the dates when declines occurred in the formation of

AKM on the material (Figure 4.9.).

Linpor T. Material
Kaldnes T. Material
AKM (mg / L)


one thousand

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26
time (days)

Figure 4.9. AKM concentrations formed on carrier materials in AKRs.

- 71 -

In addition to AKM measurements in AKRs, UAKM measurements were also

performed for the determination of volatile organic matter in suspended solids.
Figure 4.10 shows UAKM values in ACRs.


AKR (Linpor) AKR (Kaldnes) AKR

UAKM (mg / L)



one 3 5 7 9 11th 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27
time (days)

Figure 4.10. UAKM concentrations in AKRs.

4.1.5. Sludge Volume Index (ÇHI)

During the experimental studies, ACRs were measured regularly on a daily

basis. During the whole study, sludge properties of AKRs exhibited different
properties from each other (Figure 4.11.). In the first week when AKM concentration
increased to 4000 mg / L in ACR, CDI values changed between 125 and 160 mL / g.
In the following weeks, when the SSM increase was taken under control, CDI
became regular and the average values of 130 mL / g were achieved. In the last
week of the study, after the new composite wastewater was given, the CDI was
measured as 50 mL / g.
- 72 -

Having remained at the desired values in the first week in ARR with Kaldnes carrier

material, the CDI increased from 130 to 180 mL / g with the rapid increase in the AKM

concentration and the change in sludge properties and remained at these levels until the

end of the study (Figure 4.11). The increase in AKM and the increase in the ÇHI value in the

AKR with Kaldnes carrier material also deteriorated the sludge properties. The sludge taken

from the reactor is very dense, dark in color and its ability to give water is very low (Figure


AKR (Linpor) AKR (Kaldnes) AKR

CDI (mL / g)



one hundred


one 3 5 7 9 11th 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27
Time (Days)

Figure 4.11. ACRs are also MPI values.


Figure 4.12. On 21.07.05, ÇHİ.

- 73 -

How the sludge properties change during the experimental study can also be understood

from the appearance of the sludge at the time of precipitation at the time of precipitation just

after the reaction time in AKRs and from the CDI graph given (Figures 4.13. And 4.14.).

The change of sludge properties and ÇHI is clearly seen on 13.07.05

and 25.07.05 in the reactors as shown in Figure 4.14.

30 35
AKR (Linpor) AKR (Kaldnes) AKR AKR (Linpor) AKR (Kaldnes) AKR
25 30
Destroyed volume (m L)


i kelenhac im (m L)

0 0
t=0 t=5 t = 10 t = 15 t = 20 t = 25 t = 30 t=0 t=5 t = 10 t = 15 t = 20 t = 25 t = 30
time (minutes) time (minutes)

a) In samples dated 15.07.05, ÇHİ b) For the samples dated 01.08.05, ÇHİ

Figure 4.13. Change of ÇHI in AKRs.


a) On 13.07.05 in reactors b) On 25.07.05 in reactors

precipitation moment precipitation moment

Figure 4.14. Precipitation moment in AKRs.

- 74 -

4.1.6. Nitrogen removal in AKRs

Nitrogen removal, nitrification and denitrification formation were observed in ACRs

throughout the study. NH in composite wastewater and purified water 4- N and NO 3- N

parameters were regularly monitored. NH in composite wastewater 4 and NO 3

values are shown in Figure 4.15. Composite milk wastewater at high values
NO 3 contains. Therefore, at the first time the reactors are fed, NO 3 their
values are high. This value is on average 40 mg / L in composite
wastewater (Figure 4.15.).
In the study, with the start of the reaction process in the reactors, oxygen was
started to be used with the removal of organic matter, and oxygen values fell
below 0.5 mg / L in this process. Here denitrification together with organic matter
removal to happen is likely. In wastewater available NO 3
with denitrification N 2nd and then nitrification formation may have started.

60 60

50 50

40 40
NO 3 (mg / L)
NH 4 (mg / L)

30 30

20 20

composite NO3
10 composite NH4 10

0 0
12.07.2005 26.07.2005 02.08.05 12.07.2005 26.07.2005 02.08.05

time time

Figure 4.15. NH in composite wastewater 4 and NO 3 values.

In 24-hour measurements at AKRs, NH in all three reactors 4 There is a

decrease in the change. NO in AKRs 3 In the measurements, the analysis could not

be made due to the lack of purified water in AKR with Kaldnes carrier material. In

AKR with LINPOR carrier material, NO 3 There was a decrease in the formation of NO

in the reactor in the following hours 3 approximately the same

- 75 -

He watched. In AKR, after the feeding, unlike AKR with LINPOR carrier material,
an increase was observed. When the feeding was completed and the reaction
time started, NO 3 change came to approximately the same values as LINPOR
AKR (Figure 4.16).

50 50
AKR (Linpor) AKR (Linpor)

40 AKR (Kaldnes) 40 AKR

30 30
NH4 (mg / L)

NO 3 (mg / L)
20 20

10 10

0 0
11:30 12:30 14:00 16:00 20:00 00:00 06:00 11:30 12:30 14:00 16:00 20:00 00:00 06:00

time (hour) time (hour)

Figure 4.16. At the AKRs for 24 hours on 09.08.05

NH 4 and NO 3 change.

During the experimental study, the analysis of NHRs in AKRs 4 and NO 3 'of

Changes in treated water are shown in Figure 4.17 and Figure 4.18. First study
NO in half 3 Its elimination fluctuates continuously. NO in the outlet water in
AKRs with Kaldnes and LINPOR carrier material 3 values vary between 15-35
mg / L, while NO 3 values showed oscillations and rose up to 55-60 mg / L.
NO in AKR 3 values start to oscillate
With the start of the reaction time after the 11th day, oxygen was not used
in the reactor and organic matter was not removed. In this process, with no
denitrification in the reactor, NO 3 values are also high. NO obtained in the
effluent of all three AKRs during the next week 3 values dropped to 20 mg /
L. NO 3 There has been an increase in values (Figure 4.17.).

Looking at the whole study, the output NH in the last week in AKRs 4 It has been observed

that the values are high. However, the average NH in the inflow waste water 4 amount 40
- 76 -

Although it is mg / L, approximately 50% NH in all three AKRs 4 removal

It can be thought to have occurred (Figure 4.18.).


AKR (Linpor)
AKR (Kaldnes)
11 ..haaffttaa
h 2 weeks Three weeks AKR 4th week

NO3 (mg / L)




one 3 5 7 9 11th 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27

Figure 4.17. NO in the effluent at AKRs 3 change.


AKR (Linpor)
AKR (Kaldnes)


1 week 2 weeks Three weeks 4th week

NH4 (mg / L)





one 3 5 7 9 11th 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27

Figure 4.18. NH in the outlet water at AKRs 4 change.

- 77 -

4.1.7. Phosphorus removal in AKRs

Milk wastewater used in treatment in the study has a high phosphorus content

is a water. PO in composite wastewater 4- The P content is approximately 350 mg / L. As

seen in Figure 4.19, this value did not show much emission in each change of composite

wastewater, remained at approximately 350 mg / L.



PO4-P (mg / L)



one hundred
12.07.05 19.07.05 26.07.05 02.08.05
Time (days)

Figure 4.19. PO in composite wastewater 4- P values.

During the experimental study, at 3-day periods, AKRs are also regularly
PO in outlet water 4- P analyzes were made. As can be seen in Figure 4.20, good

phosphorus removal was achieved in all three AKRs. With LINPOR carrier material only

In AKR on 23.07.05 on the day when composite wastewater changes, PO 4- There has been a

significant increase in the P value . However, this problem is in the AKR and Kaldnes carrier

It is not formed in the material AKR. PO in effluent in both reactors 4- P varied

between 17–90 mg / L (Figure 4.20.).
- 78 -

one hundred

90 Linpor Kaldnes AKR

PO4-P (mg / L)

0 one 2nd 3 4 5 6 7 8
Time (Days)

Figure 4.20. PO in the outlet water at AKRs 4- P values.

In the 24-hour analysis, phosphorus removal is clearly seen in all three

ACRs. The total phosphorus, which was 60-85 mg / L in the reactors with the
wastewater feed, decreased to 20 mg / L at the end of the reaction at the
end of the reaction with Kaldnes carrier material. In AKR with LINPOR carrier
material, this value remained at 40 mg / L (Figure 4.21).

AKR (Linpor) AKR (Kaldnes) AKR

one hundred
PO4-P (mg / L)





12:30 14:00 16:00 20:00 24:00 06:00 10:00 11:30

time (hour)

Figure 4.21. According to time in 24-hour period in AKRs

PO 4- P change (09.08.05).
- 79 -

All AKRs are also PO 4- P expense efficiencies were above 85%. Anaerobic
/ anoxic / aerobic steps are successive in phosphorus (P) removal. The final
step is aerobic, so that the released P can be taken back into the sludge and
removed from the wastewater. Morning in reactors in operation
At 9.30, Ç.O. measurements in all three reactors Ç.O. values are seen to be
in the range of 2–3 mg / L. Therefore good phosphorus removal
It can be said that it has been carried out. Throughout the study, AKRs are also PO 4- P

removal efficiencies are given in Table 4.1.

Table 4.1. AKRs also PO 4- P expense efficiencies

Login Cover.
Reactor Efficiency (%)
PO 4- P (mg / L) PO 4- P (mg / L)

AKR 350 41 88
AKR with Kaldnes carrier material 350 19 94
AKR LINPOR carrier material AKR 350 48 86
- 80 -


It is possible to summarize the results obtained as follows.

• The COD removal efficiency of the treated water in the AKR

reactor is approximately 66% throughout the study. This value was 75%
for AKR with Kaldnes carrier material. In AKR with LINPOR carrier
material, the COD removal efficiency in the exit water remained at
approximately 56%.
• Throughout the entire study, the best COD removal efficiency was
obtained with the Kaldnes carrier material AKR. The reason for this can be
thought to be the Kaldnes synthetic carrier material. The high surface
properties and high porosity of the material caused a high rate of
microorganism growth on the material. In addition, the growth of
suspended microorganisms in the mixed liquid in the reactor was higher
than the other two AKRs. Although microorganism formation occurred on
the synthetic carrier material in AKR with LINPOR carrier material, sufficient
AKM increase could not be observed in the reactor. It can be said that the
low AKM value causes the treatment efficiency of AKR with LINPOR carrier
material to remain at lower values compared to other AKRs.

• In the study, although all three AKRs have different values in

ammonia removal, they exhibited similar properties. In 24-hour data, while
it was observed that ammonia nitrogen in AKRs decreased with time, nitrate
values remained constant. Considering all the data of the study, NO 3 a
decrease in, NH 4 On the other hand, there is an increase. NH with 50--55 mg
/ L in inflow wastewater 4 While this value decreased to 10–15 mg / L in the
first weeks of the study in the effluent, this value was 25–40 mg / L in the
following weeks. NO 3 The value is high in the input wastewater due to the
nature of the dairy industry wastewater. While this value was between 40-45
mg / L at the inlet, it gave results below 20 mg / L at the outlet.
- 81 -

• In the study, high phosphorus removal was obtained in all three AKRs.
PO with 350 mg / L in inflow wastewater 4- P to 50 mg / L on average at outlet

it has dropped up. All AKRs are also PO 4- P expense efficiencies were
above 85%.
• In the study, the initial amount of AKM in AKRs was 2000–2500 mg /
L. The amount of AKM in AKR with Kaldnes carrier material increased to
approximately 5500 mg / L towards the end of the study. This value was
3500 mg / L in classical AKR and 3300 mg / L in AKR with LINPOR carrier

In the studies (Sirianuntapiboon, 2005), 80-90% COD removal efficiency was

obtained in the treatment of dairy industry wastewater in AKR. The input COD value
of the wastewater treated in this study is approximately 7500 mg / L. In another
study conducted by Andreottola (2002), FLOCOR-RPM synthetic carrier material was
used in the MBBR system for the increase of dairy industry wastewater. In the
wastewater with an inlet COD value of 2500 mg / L, a COD removal efficiency of
80–97% was obtained. Again, in another study in which synthetic carrier materials
were used, treatment studies were carried out by placing LINPOR synthetic carrier
material and Kaldnes synthetic carrier material in two separate reactors. In the
treatment of wastewater with a total COD value of 3000 mg / L, 39-47% COD was
removed. The study lasted 204 days. In the study, successful results were obtained
in ammonia removal. In the wastewater with an inlet ammonia value of 400 mg / L,
72% ammonia removal was achieved in both reactors.
- 82 -


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[one] www.LINPOR.com

[2nd] www.anoxkaldnes.com

[3] www.suurunleri.camu.edu.tr

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