U8d1 Flyer
U8d1 Flyer
U8d1 Flyer
Faculty &
Motivation is considered one of the most
Self- important foundations that is essential for
Efficacy students' academic development. The school
climate, students' beliefs and perceptions, and
Beliefs family and social values have been demonstrated
Motivation as important factors affecting student motivation.
Autonomy Lack of motivation leads not only to
disengagement with school in general, but to
underachievement and dropping out of school.
Therefore, it is our goal to spark motivation to
support students' overall success.
Academic Motivation
Academic Motivation is the foundation of student development and the key to achieving social, personal, academic, & career
Any questions please
contact the school
How to gain motivation? counselors at
[email protected]
Enhance students’ self-efficacy beliefs and competence, help students develop attributional References
Rowell, L., & Hong, E. (2013). Academic motivation:
beliefs that lead to successful outcomes, see task value, develop mastery/learning goals, set Concepts, strategies, and counseling approaches.
Professional School Counseling, 16(3), 158–171
realistic goals, develop autonomy, and assist in relating to peers and school staff