Acc 61 1stsem Sy2021 Gutierrez, Ferdinand

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College of Business Administration and Accountancy

Accountancy Department

JRU will be a market leader in the use of technology for innovation in teaching and learning to produce graduates of social importance.


The University aims to develop its students to become useful and responsible citizens through the effective transfer of relevant knowledge and
desirable values.

A JRU graduate has the competencies and values in the disciplinal area completed such that he/she is a useful and responsible citizen of the country.


Course Title: Accounting for Government, Not-for-Profit Entities & Special Industries
Course Code: ACC 61
Credit Units: 3 units

Course Description: This course is the last part of the advanced financial accounting and reporting for government and not-for-profit
organizations such as universities, NGOs and hospitals accounting and specialized industries like banking, insurance and
extractive industries. A large part of the course is concentrated on the New Government Accounting System (NGAS)
prescribed by the Commission on Audit.

Pre-Requisite: ACC 60
Placement: Fourth Year, 1st semester

Program Educational Objectives (PEO):

Three to five years after completing the Bachelor of Science in Accountancy (BSA) program, the graduate will:

1. excel in their profession/career utilizing the knowledge acquired in the BS Accountancy program;
2. become effective collaborators and innovators in solving accounting issues, applying professional/technical skills and competencies to
make a positive impact on society; and
3. be engaged in life-long learning and professional development through self-study, continuing education, or graduate and professional
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College of Business Administration and Accountancy
Accountancy Department

Student Outcomes (SO):

After the completion of the program, the graduates of the Bachelor of Science in Accountancy (BSA) program shall be able to:

a. take the Certified Public Accountant (CPA) examination by showing excellence in financial accounting and reporting, auditing,
advanced financial accounting and reporting, management advisory services, regulatory framework for business transactions and
b. exhibit accounting and auditing skills for employment in private establishments and government agencies; and
c. express oneself clearly and effectively with stakeholders in oral or written form using information and communication technology (ICT)
skills; and
d. demonstrate social responsibility with high personal, moral and ethical standard.

Course Learning Outcomes (CLO):

At the end of this course, the students shall be able to:

CLO1: describe the basic features of accounting applied to the government under the new government accounting system (NGAS);to
non-government organization or NGO and to specialized industries and identify the accounting responsibility of these organization
required by the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS)
CLO2: differentiate between government accounting and accounting for not for profit organization and accounting for specialized
industries, and apply accounting principles to present reliable information.
CLO3: prepare financial statements for the government, NGO, and specialized industries, based on financial accounting and reporting
standards to ensure fair presentation and reliable information needed by the government agencies and by the management of
NGO and specialized industries.

CLO Grid: Each CLO vis-à-vis SO and PEO:

CLO1 a, b 1,2
CLO2 a, b, c 1,2
CLO3 a, b, d 1,2

Course Outline:

Timeframe Topic/Content Course Learning Teaching /Learning Assessment Evaluation

Outcome Activity
Week 1 JRU vision-mission, core Virtual instruction
3 hr values, program educational
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College of Business Administration and Accountancy
Accountancy Department
objectives, student outcomes,
course outcomes, grading Powerpoint
system, course policies presentation

Nature and Scope of the New Group Case Analysis

Week 2 Government Accounting CLO2 Virtual Case 50% of the students
3 hr System (NGAS) . Cybernetic discussion Presentation got a rating of ≥ 2.5 on
Accounting for Budgetary (Using Google Meet) (PT1) a 5-pooint scale.

Accounting for Disbursements Virtual instruction

Week 3 and Related Accounts CLO1 Summative test 50% of the students
3 hr (Using Google Meet) (WW1) got a rating of ≥ 2.5
Accounting for Income, Case analysis Virtual Case 50% of the students
Week 4 Collections and Related CLO2 (power-point presentation got a rating of ≥ 2.5 on
3 hr Transactions presentation) (PT2) a 5-point scale.

Cybernetic discussion
(Using Google Meet)

Case Analysis Online submission of 50% of the students

Week 5 Trial Balance, Financial CLO3 FS prepared of any got a rating of ≥ 2.5 on
3 hr Reports and Statements Collaborative government agencies. a 5-point scale.
CLO1 presentation using the (P1)
WEBSITE Summative test 50% of the students
(WW2) got a rating of ≥ 2.5
50 % of the students
Week 6 CLO1 Preliminary Examination got a rating of ≥2.5

Accounting for voluntary Virtual instruction

health and welfare Virtual Case 50% of the students
Week 7 organizations (VHWO) CLO2, Case Analysis presentation got a rating of ≥ 2.5 on
3 hr (PT1) a 5-point scale.
presentation using the
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College of Business Administration and Accountancy
Accountancy Department
and the accounting

Hospitals and other health Virtual instruction

Week 8 care organizations CLO1 Summative test 50% of the students
3 hr Cybernetic discussion (WW1) got a rating of ≥ 2.5
(Using Google Meet) Using CANVAS
Week 9 Colleges and Universities Virtual instruction T
3 hr 50% of the students
CLO2 Case Analysis Virtual Case got a rating of ≥ 2.5 on
presentation a 5-point scale.
Collaborative (PT2)
presentation using the
Other not – for – profit Virtual instruction Online submission of
Week 10-11 organizations such as CLO3 FS prepared of any 50% of the students
6 hr churches, museums, Cybernetic discussion NGO’s or nonprofit got a rating of ≥ 2.5 on
fraternity association, etc. (Using Google Meet) organizations. a 5-point scale.
CLO1 (P2)

Summative test 50% of the students

(WW2) got a rating of ≥ 2.5
Week 12
Midterm examination 50% of the students
got a rating of ≥ 2.5
Week 13 Statement of Affairs and Virtual instruction
3 hr Deficiency Statement 50% of the students
CLO2 Case Analysis Virtual Case got a rating of ≥ 2.5 on
presentation a 5-point scale.
Collaborative (PT1)
presentation using the

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College of Business Administration and Accountancy
Accountancy Department
Week 14-15 Statement of realization and Virtual instruction 50% of the students
6 hr Liquidation CLO2 Summative test got a rating of ≥ 2.5 on
Cybernetic discussion (WW1) a 5-point scale.
(Using Google Meet)
CLO1 Using CANVAS 50% of the students
got a rating of ≥ 2.5

Accounting for insurance CLO1 Virtual instruction

Week 16 contracts by insurers (PFRS 4) Virtual Case 50% of the students
3 hr Case Analysis presentation got a rating of ≥ 2.5
presentation using the Summative test
Cybernetic discussion Online submission of
Week 17 Accounting for build, operate & (Using Google Meet) FS prepared of any 50% of the students
3 hr transfer (IFRIC 12) specialized industries got a rating of ≥ 2.5 on
CLO3 Collaborative (P3) a 5-point scale.
presentation using the Using CANVAS
Week 18 Final examination 50% of the students
got a rating of ≥ 2.5

Course Requirements: Summative tests, Written Case analysis, Major Exams

Grading System:

First Prelim Grade 30%

Class Standing 70%
Prelim Exam 30%

Second Prelim Grade 30%

Class Standing 70%
Midterm Exam 30%

Final Term Grade 40%

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College of Business Administration and Accountancy
Accountancy Department
Class Standing 70%
Final Exam 30%
Final Grade 100%

Class Standing Includes:

Written Works 40%
Performance Tasks 20%
Product 10%

Textbook Adopted: Dayag, Antonio J., Advanced Accounting Vol. 2, Lajara Publishing House c2018

References: 1.Punzalan and Cardona, Government Accounting (NGAS), c2018 Call#657.835.P984 2018
2.Guerrero, Pedro P., Advanced Accounting v2, GIC Enterprises & Co., Inc. c2017Call#657.45.G937.2017 v2
3. Punzalan, Angelito, Procedural and comprehensive approach in government accounting, GIC Enterprises, c2015
Call#657.835.P984 2015
4. Ruppel, Warren Wiley GAAP for governments: John Wiley & Sons, c2016 Call#657.835.R946 2016
5. Millan, Zeus Vernon Government Accounting & Accounting for Non-Profit Organizations, Bandolin Enterprise, c2018
Call#657.835.M645 2018

Prepared BY: Recommending Approval: Approved by: Date of Effectivity:

ANTONIO S. ABEL Department Chair Dean
Faculty Members

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