Effects of Temperature On Tribological Properties of Al O - Tio Coating
Effects of Temperature On Tribological Properties of Al O - Tio Coating
Effects of Temperature On Tribological Properties of Al O - Tio Coating
The Al2O3-TiO2 coating for turbine blades is being used since long. During the last decades,
a large number of papers have been published, but work on property assessment of Al2O3-TiO2
coating on rotating component from tribological point of view is very less. This paper assesses
the wear behaviour of Al2O3-TiO2 coating on inconel 601. The Al2O3-TiO2 coating on inconel 601
is deposited by plasma spray process. The SEM results show that above 300 oC, the friction
coefficient decreases due to softening of coating material. The wear rate increases with increase
in temperature. The coating showed brittle fracture at higher temperature. Other test results have
shown the drastic changes in property due to load and temperature.
carried out in the unlubricated condition and at 0.9
temperatures ranging from room temperature, i.e., 0.88
30 100 400 600
about 27 oC to 600 oC. The disc sample was mounted At room temperature, the wear rate of coatings
on a stainless steel holder and was heated to the was too small to be measured accurately, and gradually
required temperature. The relative humidity varied it increased with increase in temperature.
from 40 per cent to 60 per cent. Prior to the test, 6
WEAR RATE (x 10-5mm3N-1m-1)
presented friction coefficients and wear rates were Figure 3. Effect of temperature on wear rate of the coating
the average of the three specimens. The microstructure material (x 10-5 mm3 N-1 m-1).
of as-sprayed coatings was investigated by field
3.2 SEM of Worn Surface and Wear Debris
emission scanning electron microscope (JSM-5800,
JEOL, Japan). The worn surface and wear debris Figure 4 shows the micrographs of the worn
were examined by a SEM (EPMA-8705QH2, Shimadzu, surfaces of a conventional Al 2O 3 -3 Wt percent
Japan) equipped with an EDAX attachment (Oxford TiO2 coatings sliding against a silicon nitride ball
Instruments, Model 6841, UK). at room temperature. The worn surfaces of coatings
DEF SCI J, VOL. 58, NO. 4, JULY 2008
(a) (b)
Figure 4. SEM micrographs of worn surface of Al2O3-3 Wt Figure 5. SEM micrographs of worn surface of Al 2O3-3 Wt
per cent TiO2 coating surface at room tempreture. per cent TiO 2 coating surface at: (a) 100 0C, and
(b) 400 0C.
were covered with a discontinuous compact layer. 4 . DISCUSSIONS
The EDS analysis revealed that the compact layer
Tribochemical reaction of Al 2O 3-3 wt per cent
contained large amounts of silicon but no nitrogen,
TiO2 coating is considered to be an important factor
suggesting that silicon nitride was oxidised and
that influences the wear of ceramic materials 13,18 .
transferred to the worn surface of the coatings 7,18.
At room temperature, the worn surfaces of the
There were many cracks existing on the worn
conventional Al 2O 3 -3 Wt per cent TiO 2 coating
surface of the coatings and the compact layer was
were covered with a compact layer consisting of
in the process of delamination as flake-like debris,
silicon oxide for the tests performed in an atmosphere
due to the effect of the cyclic stress. In some
with a humidity level of 40-50 per cent. Compared
places, the delamination occurred in coatings, and
with alumina, silicon oxide is softer 17 . This softer
large craters were found. It was thought that the
layer was effective in distributing contact stress,
cracks would propagate along areas of weakness
and the shear and slipping in the soft layer could
in the underlying material under cyclic stress due
act to accommodate the velocity mismatch between
to the strong adhesion between the transferred
the two wear surfaces. Thus, the presence of the
surface layer and the underlying material, i.e., a
softer layer on the worn surface prevented the
fatigue process was involved 19 . Since the inter-
coating from undergoing brittle fracture.
splat bonding is weak in the plasma-sprayed ceramic
coating 20,21, the delamination was along the splat Consequently, the coating wear at room temperature
boundary, and accordingly, a large crater was produced. was very less but, fatigue delamination occurred
It was inferred that the wear rate of the coating along the splat boundaries in coatings under the
would increase if the sliding distance was increased. cyclic stress due to the strong adhesion between
the transferred layer and the coating. As for silicon
It can be seen that the morphology of the worn
nitride, the humidity in the atmosphere affects the
surface of the coating is strongly dependent on the
formation of oxides. The activation energies of
testing temperature. From Fig. 5, it can be seen that
reactivity of silicon nitride with wet oxygen and
at 100 oC and 400 o C, smooth areas were absent
dry oxygen are 488 ±30 kJ-mol-1 and 375 ±25 kJ-mol-1,
in the coating and the worn surface was covered
respectively, and the oxidation rate of Si 3 N4 is
with a layer of fine wear debris particles [Figs 5(a)
much more accelerated in the presence of water
and 5(b)]. At 100 o C, most of the wear debris
vapours 22 .
particles were < 1 µm and were globular, whilst
their size was up to several µm at 400 oC and their Another effect of humidity is to increase the
morphology was angular. It was found that the adhesion between the wear debris particles and
composition of the wear debris at 100 oC was similar the worn surface/wear debris particles 23-25 , which
to that at 400 oC and it was mainly alumina. is beneficial to compact the particles to form a
dense layer. The adsorption tendency of water is such as porosity and grain size. A high hardness,
reduced as the temperature is increased. As a low porosity, and small grain size are desirable to
result, the worn surfaces of conventional Al2O3-3 Wt improve the wear resistance of polycrystalline
per cent TiO2 coating were not covered with the ceramics 5,29,30 . On the worn surfaces of the coating,
compact layer at 100 o C and the friction stress the existence of pits indicate that brittle fracture
could not be distributed. Brittle fracture occurred mostly occurs along the grain boundary, which is
on the worn surface of the coating, and alumina directly related to the strength of grain boundaries 8.
wear debris particles were produced. However, The strength of grain boundaries is weakened by
adsorbed water on the surface cannot be completely the residual stresses from the thermal expansion/
removed 26 100 o C. Therefore, the wear debris still elastic anisotropy. According to the Hall-Petch
remained a part of its adhesive capability and was relationship, the stresses increase with the grain
trapped on the wear track. size, resulting in higher stress in the grain
boundaries of coarser grain size materials and an
During the subsequent sliding, the wear debris increasing tendency for intercrystalline fracture 29 .
that remained on the wear track was subjected to Below 700 oC, the increase in the wear rate of
continuous fracture and was composed of fine particles. alumina with grain size was interpreted in term of
For temperatures up to 400 oC, the adhesion capability decrease in strength of grain boundaries with grain
of the wear debris further decreased. Under the size 8.
effect of centrifugal force, the wear debris particles
could be swept away from the contact zone after
these were produced, and further fracture of the
wear debris could not happen. Thus, wear debris I n t h i s s t u d y, w e a r t e s t s a t e l e v a t e d
consisted of coarse particles at 400 o C. temperatures have been conducted for both
conventional Al 2O 3-3 Wt per cent TiO2 coatings.
It is generally assumed that the presence of The wear rates of coating sliding against a silicon
wear debris in the contact zone increases wear. But, nitride ball increased with an increase of temperature
this is far from truth in dry friction, especially for in the range room temperature to 600 oC. At room
ceramic materials27,28. Fretting experiments have clearly temperature, the wear of coating was too low to
shown that wear debris decreases the wear of materials 27. be measure of using the test condition because a
Compared with ceramic materials, wear debris is layer consisting of oxidation products of silicon
looser and can also respond kinematically to the velocity nitride appeared on the worn surface of both the
mismatch, and accordingly, causes less damage than coatings. When the temperature was increased up
that occasioned by locked asperities of the mated to 100 o C, brittle fracture occurred on the worn
material with identical hardness28 . In this study, the surface of the coating, which was enhanced with
hardness of the Si3N4 ball was about 1600 HV 0.2 , the increase in temperature due to the desorption
which is much higher than that of the coating (830 of the moisture on the worn surface.
HV 0.2 ). Thus, the wear of the coatings from the
particle abrasion was less than that from the direct REFERENCES
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