Proposed Strategies To Enhance The Self-Esteem of The Student Nurses
Proposed Strategies To Enhance The Self-Esteem of The Student Nurses
Proposed Strategies To Enhance The Self-Esteem of The Student Nurses
aims to guide and offer tips and knowledge on how to boost their self-esteem in
and deal with the factors that affects their self-esteem thus affecting their
has an impact on the development of every student in a way that they can
carry when they finish schooling and proceed to their career professions. That’s
has been classified as high and low self-esteem. Children with good school
performance have high self-esteem, trust their abilities, are self-effective, and
feel valuable. In some studies, poor school performance has been associated
with feelings of ineffectiveness, lack of expectations, and also with feelings of
failure and frustration. In line with this, the school context is a significant
and of how he/she is valued to achieve the proposed goals. Both motivation
help the student nurses enhance and practice to improve their self-esteem in
Academic and RLE. The proposed strategies are different in both variables as
the activities are different. It also includes guidelines, tips, and objectives.
Academic area
Academic area is a term used from the study which is defined as one of
the variables where it is one of the areas that self-esteem affects. The student’s
lectures, recitation, homework. Its all included on the academic area. The
researchers studied what is the impact of self-esteem on the performance of the
nursing departments from University of Luzon Dagupan city. In this area, the
researchers tried to determine what’s the impact of self-esteem and what are
the factors met by the student nurses that affect their performance in the
school. Below includes the proposed strategies specifically made for the
academic area which will help these student nurses where they can use these
tips and guides to enhance their self-esteem to achieve better and optimal
Strategy Guidelines
The student nurses will learn from their mistakes. They should
remember that these failures indicates that they still have more room to
The student nurses utilize the skills and abilities they’re good at and use
situation like an upcoming exam, strict teacher, and fears. The thing is,
nursing course is not easy, life is our work, it is a delicate course. Being
attitude, being calmer even in times of problems that are school related
Always think that you are unique. This mindset alone will give you a
boost on your self-esteem because you know in yourself that you are
built different.
everyone. But that does not mean you cannot do it. If you’re not
Be nice to yourself
Focus on what you can change
Be happy.
additional knowledge to deal with the problems they are dealing with in
relation to self-esteem.
positive behavioral mindset with the help of the tips and guidelines that
enhance self-esteem.
To provide tips and guidelines which serves as a guide for the student
nurses to help them improve and enhance their self-esteem which can
To acquire and learn tips on how to deal with the factors that are mostly
met by the student nurses. Being familiar with the common factors on
self-esteem that affects their performance in the academic area will help
the student nurses to adapt and develop coping skills that will not only
RLE area
where the student nurses perform various skills learned from the academic
area. It is the area where the student nurses participate in a reality situation in
an actual practice like hospital or community settings. RLE is where they can
assess if the student nurses can apply the skills they are learning from the
glimpse of working as an actual nurse with real patients, real doctors, and
other nurses from the station and physicians. Performing duties of an actual
nurse with the supervision of their clinical instructor. All the activities from the
RLE programs are like a practice for the student nurses so they will be
students who need to perform their duties and responsibilities diligently and
competently in order to render quality service among the nursing students
(Candelasa, 2016).
With the mentioned activities that are done during the RLE. Self-esteem
is very crucial and plays a major role on how the student nurses operate in the
these things, self-esteem really matters, it shows how the student nurses
persevere during failures, communicating to people they are not familiar with.
These things have a big impact on their selves physically, mentally, and
Strategy Guidelines
The student nurses will learn how to communicate with their client
problems met during RLE activities where the student nurses hesitate to
talk on clients who are also a professional especially if these clients are
also in the medical field. The student nurses will apply their learned
The student nurses will work or improve their weaknesses on the RLE
area. Some student nurse’s problems during RLE sessions are being shy
to communicate to their clients, fear of being in front of the Doctors and
clinical instructors or their clients. If this is the case, the student nurses
weaknesses. If they are scared on the doctors, they should study before
their RLE session so they are prepared when they come to the hospitals.
clients, they should practice their skills until they can do it well so they
The student nurses will learn to coordinate and communicate with their
care services for their client. One of the problems for the student nurses
in the RLE settings is when they are grouped with their classmates or
know each other well so they withdraw to coordinate and talk to there
classmate. The student nurses should learn how to coordinate with their
already nurses as they will meet different people in the clinical setting.
being super nurse or being better than the other nurses. Performance is
not relative to others it is relevant to you. How can you improve for
yourself and for your clients? There will always be someone better than
you, faster than you, more knowledgeable than you, prettier than you.
slippery slope that doesn’t end well at the bottom. Be confident that
every day you perform to the best of your ability for that day.