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Strater 5 User Guide

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Strater 5 ®

Superior well log, borehole & cross section plotting

Golden Software, LLC
809 14th Street
Golden, Colorado 80401 USA

Phone +1 303 279 1021

User’s Guide
Fax +1 303 279 0909


© Copyright 2016 Golden Software, LLC. All Rights Reserved. Golden Software®, the Golden Software® mark, Strater® and the Strater® logo marks are owned
by Golden Software and may be registered. All other trademarks and logos are the property of their respective companies. Software developed in the USA.
Strater® Registration Information

Your Strater serial number is located on the CD cover or in the email download
instructions, depending on how you purchased Strater.

Register your Strater serial number online at

www.GoldenSoftware.com. This information will not be redistributed.

Registration entitles you to free technical support, free minor updates, and upgrade
pricing on future Strater releases. The serial number is required when you run
Strater the first time, contact technical support, or purchase Strater upgrades.

For future reference, write your serial number on the line below.


Copyright Golden Software, LLC 2016

The Strater® program is furnished under a license agreement. The Strater software, user’s guide,
and quick start guide may be used or copied only in accordance with the terms of the agreement.
It is against the law to copy the software, user’s guide, or quick start guide on any medium except
as specifically allowed in the license agreement. Contents are subject to change without notice.

Strater is a registered trademark of Golden Software, LLC. All other trademarks are the property of
their respective owners.

June 2016
Table of Contents
Chapter 1 - Introducing Strater® ........................................................................................... 1
Introduction to Strater ........................................................................................................... 1
New Features ....................................................................................................................... 2
Check for Update .................................................................................................................. 5
Serial Number....................................................................................................................... 5
Sample Strater Files .............................................................................................................. 6
Using Strater ........................................................................................................................ 7
Welcome to Strater Dialog...................................................................................................... 8
New Project .........................................................................................................................11
Open ..................................................................................................................................11
Recent Documents ...............................................................................................................12
Strater User Interface ...........................................................................................................13
Title Bar ..............................................................................................................................16
Ribbon ................................................................................................................................16
Quick Access Toolbar Commands ...........................................................................................18
Menu and Tab Commands .....................................................................................................19
Keyboard Commands ............................................................................................................20
View Manager ......................................................................................................................23
Table Manager .....................................................................................................................24
Object Manager ...................................................................................................................25
Property Manager .................................................................................................................27
Hide/Show All Managers........................................................................................................29
Tabbed Documents...............................................................................................................30
Changing the Window Layout.................................................................................................30
Tabbed Managers .................................................................................................................32
Reset Windows ....................................................................................................................33
Status Bar ...........................................................................................................................33
View Window Types ..............................................................................................................33
Borehole View ......................................................................................................................35
Map View ............................................................................................................................37
Cross Section View ...............................................................................................................39
Log Types ...........................................................................................................................41
Strater® Help ......................................................................................................................42
Context Sensitive Help ..........................................................................................................43
Printing the Online Help ........................................................................................................44
Technical Support ................................................................................................................45
Chapter 2 - Tutorial ............................................................................................................. 47

Table of Contents

Tutorial Introduction .............................................................................................................47

Starting Strater....................................................................................................................48
Lesson 1 - Opening Data .......................................................................................................48
Lesson 2 - Creating Logs .......................................................................................................49
Lesson 3 - Changing Properties ..............................................................................................52
Lesson 4 - Creating and Editing Drawing Items ........................................................................57
Lesson 5 - Changing Boreholes ..............................................................................................59
Lesson 6 - Creating a Map View .............................................................................................60
Lesson 7 - Creating a Cross Section View ................................................................................64
Lesson 8 - Saving Information ...............................................................................................68
Advanced Tutorials ...............................................................................................................68
Chapter 3 - Data and Data Tables........................................................................................ 83
Table Types .........................................................................................................................84
Data, Schemes, and Log Properties ........................................................................................92
New Table ...........................................................................................................................93
Creating Data ......................................................................................................................93
Import Data ........................................................................................................................94
Data Preview .......................................................................................................................97
Import Source Data Columns .................................................................................................97
Current Table Mapped Columns..............................................................................................97
Mapping Columns .................................................................................................................97
Removing Mapped Columns ...................................................................................................98
Add Columns .......................................................................................................................98
Back, Import, and Cancel ......................................................................................................98
Paste Special - Table ............................................................................................................98
Open Multiple ......................................................................................................................99
Specify Worksheet Column Definitions .................................................................................. 101
Specify Data Type and Column Positions ............................................................................... 103
Data Import Options ........................................................................................................... 104
Create New Table ............................................................................................................... 108
Modifying Imported Data for use with Logs ............................................................................ 109
Close a Table or View ......................................................................................................... 113
Show/Hide All Tables .......................................................................................................... 113
Export - Table View ............................................................................................................ 113
Data Export Options Dialog ................................................................................................. 114
Export To Multi-Sheet XLSX ................................................................................................. 115
Multi-Sheet Selection Dialog ................................................................................................ 116
Export XYZ Data - Table View .............................................................................................. 116
Data Tab Commands .......................................................................................................... 119

Strater 5 User’s Guide

Table Tab Commands ......................................................................................................... 155

Chapter 4 - Boreholes and Borehole View ......................................................................... 173
Borehole View .................................................................................................................... 173
New Borehole View ............................................................................................................. 175
Creating a Borehole ............................................................................................................ 175
Borehole View Properties..................................................................................................... 176
Active Mode ....................................................................................................................... 181
Design Mode...................................................................................................................... 181
Multiple Boreholes in One Borehole View ............................................................................... 183
Update Borehole Data ......................................................................................................... 187
Update Borehole Data ......................................................................................................... 187
Inserting a Map View .......................................................................................................... 187
Chapter 5 - Maps and the Map View .................................................................................. 189
Map View .......................................................................................................................... 189
New Map View ................................................................................................................... 190
Map View Properties ........................................................................................................... 190
Map Tab Commands ........................................................................................................... 190
Create Well Map ................................................................................................................. 191
Create Base Map ................................................................................................................ 192
Add Well Layer................................................................................................................... 193
Add Base Layer .................................................................................................................. 194
Add Well Selector ............................................................................................................... 195
Inserting a Map View .......................................................................................................... 196
Assigning Coordinates to an Image Base Map ........................................................................ 197
Editing the Map .................................................................................................................. 199
Chapter 6 - Cross Sections and the Cross Section View ..................................................... 245
Cross Section View ............................................................................................................. 245
New Cross Section View ...................................................................................................... 246
Cross Section View Properties .............................................................................................. 246
Active Mode ....................................................................................................................... 251
Design Mode...................................................................................................................... 251
Adding a Well Header ......................................................................................................... 253
Data, Schemes, and Log Properties ...................................................................................... 254
Overlay Logs ..................................................................................................................... 255
Adjoin Logs ....................................................................................................................... 255
Cross Section Tab Commands .............................................................................................. 256
Export Cross Section to Voxler ............................................................................................. 256
Export XYZ Data ................................................................................................................ 259
Creating the Cross Section .................................................................................................. 261
Editing the Cross Section .................................................................................................... 276

Table of Contents

Well Header Properties........................................................................................................ 330

Chapter 7 - Logs and Log Items ........................................................................................ 345
Log Types ......................................................................................................................... 345
Data Formatting Requirements for Logs ................................................................................ 346
Modifying Imported Data for use with Logs ............................................................................ 348
Overlay Logs ..................................................................................................................... 353
Adjoin Logs ....................................................................................................................... 353
True Vertical Depth ............................................................................................................ 354
True Vertical Depth Calculation Methods ............................................................................... 358
Setting the Log Scale .......................................................................................................... 359
Setting Elevation ................................................................................................................ 359
Scale Bar .......................................................................................................................... 361
Legend ............................................................................................................................. 370
Inserting a Map View .......................................................................................................... 383
Chapter 8 - Depth Logs ..................................................................................................... 385
Depth Logs ........................................................................................................................ 385
Creating Multiple Depth Logs ............................................................................................... 386
Display Both Depth and Elevation ......................................................................................... 387
Depth Grid Lines ................................................................................................................ 388
Change the Numeric Format for Depth Logs .......................................................................... 389
Setting the Depth Scale ...................................................................................................... 390
Depth Log Properties .......................................................................................................... 390
Depth Log - Ticks Properties ................................................................................................ 392
Depth Log - Label Properties................................................................................................ 394
Depth Log Line Properties ................................................................................................... 397
Fill Properties..................................................................................................................... 397
Chapter 9 - Line/Symbol Logs ........................................................................................... 407
Line/Symbol Logs ............................................................................................................... 407
Filling Line/Symbol Logs with Variable Color .......................................................................... 408
Line/Symbol Log Properties ................................................................................................. 410
Select Columns Dialog ........................................................................................................ 416
Line/Symbol Log - Label Properties....................................................................................... 417
Line/Symbol Log - Line Properties ........................................................................................ 419
Line/Symbol Log - Fill Properties .......................................................................................... 422
Line/Symbol Log - Symbol Properties ................................................................................... 425
Water Level Properties ........................................................................................................ 427
Chapter 10 - Lithology Logs .............................................................................................. 431
Lithology Logs ................................................................................................................... 431
Lithology Data, Schemes, and Logs ...................................................................................... 432
Displaying Lithology Data .................................................................................................... 435

Strater 5 User’s Guide

Lithology Log Properties ...................................................................................................... 441

Lithology Log - Label Properties ........................................................................................... 445
Lithology Log - Line Properties ............................................................................................. 446
Lithology Log - Fill Properties ............................................................................................... 450
Water Level Properties ........................................................................................................ 458
Chapter 11 - Complex Text Logs ....................................................................................... 461
Complex Text Logs ............................................................................................................. 461
Complex Text Log Properties ............................................................................................... 462
Complex Text Log – Label Properties .................................................................................... 466
Complex Text Log - Line Properties ...................................................................................... 466
Water Level Properties ........................................................................................................ 467
Chapter 12 - Zone Bar Logs ............................................................................................... 471
Zone Bar Logs ................................................................................................................... 471
Zone Bar Log Properties ...................................................................................................... 472
Zone Bar Log - Label Properties ........................................................................................... 474
Zone Bar Log - Line Properties ............................................................................................. 476
Zone Bar Log - Fill Properties ............................................................................................... 478
Water Level Properties ........................................................................................................ 486
Chapter 13 - Bar Logs ....................................................................................................... 489
Bar Logs ........................................................................................................................... 489
Bar Log Properties .............................................................................................................. 490
Bar Log - Label Properties ................................................................................................... 494
Bar Log - Line Properties ..................................................................................................... 495
Bar Log - Fill Properties ....................................................................................................... 498
Water Level Properties ........................................................................................................ 507
Chapter 14 - Percentage Logs ........................................................................................... 511
Percentage Logs................................................................................................................. 511
Percentage Log Properties ................................................................................................... 512
Select Columns Dialog ........................................................................................................ 514
Percentage Log - Label Properties ........................................................................................ 516
Percentage Log - Line Properties .......................................................................................... 517
Percentage Log - Fill Properties ............................................................................................ 520
Water Level Properties ........................................................................................................ 529
Chapter 15 - Post Logs ...................................................................................................... 533
Post Logs .......................................................................................................................... 533
Post Log Properties............................................................................................................. 534
Post Log - Label Properties .................................................................................................. 536
Post Log - Line Properties .................................................................................................... 539
Post Log - Fill Properties...................................................................................................... 542
Post Log - Symbol Properties ............................................................................................... 550

Table of Contents

Water Level Properties ........................................................................................................ 552

Chapter 16 - Classed Post Logs ......................................................................................... 555
Classed Post Logs............................................................................................................... 555
Classed Post Log Properties ................................................................................................. 556
Classed Post Log - Label Properties ...................................................................................... 558
Classed Post Log - Line Properties ........................................................................................ 561
Classed Post Log - Fill Properties .......................................................................................... 564
Classed Post Log - Symbol Properties ................................................................................... 572
Water Level Properties ........................................................................................................ 574
Chapter 17 - Graphic Logs ................................................................................................. 577
Graphic Logs ..................................................................................................................... 577
Get Image File Name .......................................................................................................... 578
Graphic Log Properties ........................................................................................................ 579
Graphic Log - Line Properties ............................................................................................... 581
Graphic Log - Fill Properties ................................................................................................. 584
Water Level Properties ........................................................................................................ 593
Chapter 18 - Well Construction Logs ................................................................................. 597
Well Construction Logs........................................................................................................ 597
Well Construction Data, Schemes, and Logs .......................................................................... 598
Creating a Well Construction Log .......................................................................................... 602
Well Construction Log Properties .......................................................................................... 607
Well Construction Log - Line Properties ................................................................................. 609
Well Construction Log - Fill Properties ................................................................................... 612
Water Level Properties ........................................................................................................ 621
Chapter 19 - Raster Logs................................................................................................... 625
Registered Raster Logs ....................................................................................................... 625
Log Section Dialog.............................................................................................................. 626
Unregistered Raster Logs .................................................................................................... 627
Depth Registering a Raster Log ............................................................................................ 628
Log Registration Table Dialog............................................................................................... 631
Adding Layer Marks to a Raster Log ...................................................................................... 631
Layer Marks Table Dialog .................................................................................................... 632
Create a Collar from a Range Table ...................................................................................... 633
Create a Raster Log from a Multi-Page PDF............................................................................ 634
Raster Log Properties.......................................................................................................... 637
Raster Log - Label Properties ............................................................................................... 639
Raster Log - Line Properties................................................................................................. 640
Raster Log - Fill Properties .................................................................................................. 642
Water Level Properties ........................................................................................................ 651
Chapter 20 - Tadpole Logs ................................................................................................ 655

Strater 5 User’s Guide

Tadpole Logs ..................................................................................................................... 655

Tadpole Log Properties........................................................................................................ 656
Tadpole Log - Label Properties ............................................................................................. 659
Tadpole Log - Line Properties ............................................................................................... 661
Tadpole Log - Fill Properties ................................................................................................ 664
Tadpole Log - Symbol Properties .......................................................................................... 672
Water Level Properties ........................................................................................................ 674
Chapter 21 - Crossplot Logs .............................................................................................. 677
Crossplot Logs ................................................................................................................... 677
Crossplot Log Properties...................................................................................................... 678
Crossplot Log - Line Properties............................................................................................. 681
Crossplot Log - Fill Properties .............................................................................................. 684
Crossplot Log - Symbol Properties ........................................................................................ 686
Water Level Properties ........................................................................................................ 688
Chapter 22 - Function Logs ............................................................................................... 691
Function Logs .................................................................................................................... 691
Function Log Dialog ............................................................................................................ 692
Set the Depth Variable for a Function Log ............................................................................. 696
Function Log Properties ....................................................................................................... 696
Function Log - Label Properties ............................................................................................ 701
Function Log - Line Properties .............................................................................................. 703
Function Log - Fill Properties................................................................................................ 706
Function Log - Symbol Properties ......................................................................................... 709
Water Level Properties ........................................................................................................ 711
Chapter 23 - Drawing Objects ........................................................................................... 715
Draw Tab Commands.......................................................................................................... 715
Polygon............................................................................................................................. 715
Polyline ............................................................................................................................. 716
Point................................................................................................................................. 716
Rectangle .......................................................................................................................... 717
Rounded Rectangle............................................................................................................. 717
Ellipse ............................................................................................................................... 718
Unconformity ..................................................................................................................... 718
Text ................................................................................................................................. 720
Linked Text ....................................................................................................................... 734
Reshape ............................................................................................................................ 739
Break Apart ....................................................................................................................... 742
Common Properties ............................................................................................................ 742
Chapter 24 - Schemes ....................................................................................................... 779
Introduction to Schemes ..................................................................................................... 779

Table of Contents

Create Scheme .................................................................................................................. 779

Data, Schemes, and Log Properties ...................................................................................... 781
New Scheme ..................................................................................................................... 782
Scheme Editor ................................................................................................................... 784
Modify a Scheme ................................................................................................................ 788
Keyword Scheme ............................................................................................................... 789
Lithology Keyword Scheme .................................................................................................. 792
Indent Keyword Scheme ..................................................................................................... 794
Range Scheme ................................................................................................................... 799
Well Construction Scheme ................................................................................................... 800
Chapter 25 - Editing, Selecting, and Arranging Objects ..................................................... 803
Selecting Objects ............................................................................................................... 803
Block Select....................................................................................................................... 804
Home Tab Commands ......................................................................................................... 804
Scroll Page ........................................................................................................................ 814
View Tab Commands .......................................................................................................... 814
Arrange Tab Commands ...................................................................................................... 829
Chapter 26 - Importing, Exporting, and Printing ............................................................... 839
Save ................................................................................................................................. 839
Save As ............................................................................................................................ 839
Templates ......................................................................................................................... 840
Template Wizard ................................................................................................................ 842
Columns In Table Dialog ..................................................................................................... 843
Import Graphic .................................................................................................................. 844
Import Data ...................................................................................................................... 845
Export .............................................................................................................................. 847
Export - Table View ............................................................................................................ 849
Export Multiple Logs ........................................................................................................... 850
Export to LAS .................................................................................................................... 851
Create VolRender ............................................................................................................... 855
Create WellRender.............................................................................................................. 857
Copy View ......................................................................................................................... 860
Page Setup ........................................................................................................................ 860
Print - Borehole View, Cross Section View, and Map View ........................................................ 863
Print – Table View .............................................................................................................. 864
Print Multiple Logs .............................................................................................................. 866
Chapter 27 - Options, Defaults, and Customizations ......................................................... 867
Options ............................................................................................................................. 867
Options - General ............................................................................................................... 867
Options - Updates .............................................................................................................. 871

Strater 5 User’s Guide

Options - User Interface ...................................................................................................... 872

Options - Selection ............................................................................................................. 874
Options - Rendering ........................................................................................................... 875
Options - Rulers and Grid .................................................................................................... 875
Options - Default Properties................................................................................................. 877
Options - Pane Line ............................................................................................................ 877
Customize ......................................................................................................................... 879
Customize Keyboard ........................................................................................................... 881
Chapter 28 - Coordinate Systems and Map Projections ..................................................... 885
Map Coordinate System Overview ........................................................................................ 885
What is a Coordinate System? ............................................................................................. 885
Displaying Data with Different Coordinate Systems in a Single Map .......................................... 886
Coordinate System Frequently Asked Questions ..................................................................... 886
Coordinate System Notes .................................................................................................... 887
Golden Software Reference Files .......................................................................................... 887
Latitude and Longitude Coordinates ...................................................................................... 888
Latitude and Longitude in Decimal Degrees ........................................................................... 889
Using Scaling to Minimize Distortion on Latitude/Longitude Maps ............................................. 889
How to Convert from NAD27 to NAD83 Using NTv2 ................................................................ 892
Projection References ......................................................................................................... 893
Layer [Source] Coordinate System - Map Layer...................................................................... 893
Map [Target] Coordinate System .......................................................................................... 894
Assign Coordinate System ................................................................................................... 895
Introduction to Map Projections............................................................................................ 902
Types of Predefined Coordinate Systems ............................................................................... 909
Supported Projections ......................................................................................................... 911
Appendix A - Mathematical Functions ............................................................................... 943
Data Types ........................................................................................................................ 943
Variable Names .................................................................................................................. 943
Precedence ........................................................................................................................ 943
Trigonometric Functions ...................................................................................................... 944
Bessel Functions ................................................................................................................ 944
Exponential Functions ......................................................................................................... 944
Miscellaneous Functions ...................................................................................................... 944
Appendix B - Math Text Instructions ................................................................................. 951
Math Text Instruction Syntax ............................................................................................... 951
Appendix C - File Formats ................................................................................................. 957
File Format Chart ............................................................................................................... 957
File Format Descriptions ...................................................................................................... 958
Import Options ................................................................................................................ 1001

Table of Contents

Export Options ................................................................................................................. 1037

Index .............................................................................................................................. 1081

Chapter 1 - Introducing Strater®
Introduction to Strater
Welcome to Strater, a powerful well log, borehole, and cross section plotting software package.
Strater creates 14 different log types: depth, line/symbol, crossplot, zone bar, bar, percentage,
tadpole, post, classed post, complex text, graphic, lithology, well construction, and function logs.
Each of the logs can be modified to suit your needs. Strater also creates maps to display the well
locations and cross sections that interpolate between wells. Strater exports to a variety of formats,
including a direct export to Golden Software's Voxler program.

Create individual logs or create

cross sections connecting multiple logs.
Data can be imported from many sources, including ASCII text files, LAS files, and just about any
database. Strater's internal data structure can contain multiple tables. Multiple boreholes can be
stored in the data tables at one time.

Multiple Boreholes, Multiple Views

Strater can have multiple boreholes displayed in a single view, and create multiple borehole views
in a single project. You can specify a different borehole for each log in a borehole view with a few
mouse clicks.

Chapter 1 - Introducing Strater®

Reuse, Reuse, Reuse

Once you design a borehole view, you can use the design repeatedly with other data. There are
several features in Strater designed to save time with borehole graphic processing. After creating
an initial design, you can take advantage of templates and schemes, which can be used in different
projects with different data or in the same project multiple ways. Templates store the design
elements of a project, including log items, header and footer items, data tables, and schemes.

Schemes contain detailed information of how the data relate to drawing properties. For example, a
lithology log uses lithology schemes, which contain keywords, such as granite, clay, etc. Each of
these keywords is assigned a fill pattern, contact line properties, line properties, and font
properties. Schemes can be reused; therefore, you do not have to go through the process of
assigning properties each time you create a log.

Strater Projects
A project file consists of all borehole views, data tables, and optional schemes, and is saved in a
single .SDG file. When Strater first opens you see a blank, unnamed project to which you can add
all the components necessary to create the borehole design. Once the borehole design is complete,
use File | Save to save it to an .SDG project file. View visibility and table cell formatting is saved
with the .SDG project file.

Strater also provides batch printing and exporting. You can design a log and then print or export
the log with multiple borehole data.

System Requirements
The minimum system requirements for Strater are:
• Microsoft Windows® XP SP2 or higher, Vista, 7, 8, 10 or higher
• 1024 x 768 x 16-bit color minimum monitor resolution
• At least 500 MB of free hard disk space
• At least 512 MB RAM above the Windows requirement for simple data sets, 1 GB RAM

Strater Demo Functionality

The Strater demo version is a fully functioning read-only demo. This means that most commands
work exactly as the command works in the full program. Saving, exporting, printing, and copying
are disabled in the demo version.

The demo has no further restrictions on use. Any data set or image can be used to create any
project. All properties can be changed in the demo version. The demo does not have a “time-out
period” so will not expire after a certain number of hours or days of use. The demo can be installed
on any computer that meets the system requirements.

New Features

The following is a list of new or improved features in Strater. Click the links for more information
about these features.

User Friendly
• New Ribbon and Quick Access Toolbar layout to improve usability and customization.

Strater 5 User’s Guide

• New Fill Style Editor and Fill Style Manager to create, modify, and share custom fill
• New custom line styles in the line palette.
• Specify different header heights for the first and subsequent pages for the borehole and
cross section views.
• Select to show header/footer pane objects in all pages or only on the first page.
• Tab visibility is saved with Strater project .SDG files
• Jump to a specific page with the page controls while in page view mode.
• Edit shared properties for logs, drawn objects, legends, and scale bars.
• New Welcome to Strater dialog to quickly start Strater the way you want.
• Side selection handles move with the zoom and view, so they are always visible.
• Break apart metafiles after pasting or import.
• Search for coordinate systems in the Assign Coordinate System dialog.
• Easily add and edit date/time formats with the Date/Time Format Builder.
• List items in the Property Manager always show the drop arrow.
• Set whether or not scheme items are case sensitive.

Data Table Enhancements

• Quickly view and manage tables in the project with the Table Manager.
• Cell formatting is saved with the Strater Project .SDG file.
• Convert an interval table to a lithology table.
• Include mode in the calculated statistics.
• Include or exclude specific values or ranges of values when calculating statistics.
• Improved Sort speed.
• Double-click a column header dividing line to auto-size the column width.

Borehole View Enhancements

• Add Unregistered Raster Logs to the borehole view.
• Add Registered Raster Logs to the borehole view.
• Easily add an end depth line.

Log Feature Enhancements

• Display water level symbols on all log types, excluding depth logs.
• Display multiple variables (plots) on a single line/symbol log.
• Link scale bar line color to the log/symbol, crossplot, or function log line color.
• Display zone bar and bar log labels from a worksheet column.
• Display units with the scale bar title.
• Repeat text blocks that break across pages for complex text logs.
• Omit unused scheme items from a legend.
• Set longer tick lengths and specify the tick side for depth log tick marks.
• Border lines end at the ending borehole depth.
• Use date/time formats for log labels.

Chapter 1 - Introducing Strater®

Map View Enhancements

• Create custom unreferenced local coordinate systems.

Cross Section View Enhancements

• Create a depth-registered raster log cross section.
• Display the water level and water level symbols on all cross section types.
• Deviated line/symbol cross section logs display curve traces.
• Create linked scale bars for line/symbol log cross sections.
• Draw layer lines horizontally across logs in the cross section.
• Display well names in horizontal alignment with the top or bottom of the well.

Import and Export Format Improvements

• Import and export Google Earth KML/KMZ files.
• Import GPS Exchange Format GPX files.
• Import compressed (ZIP, TAR, TAR.GZ) Esri .SHP Shapefiles.
• More control when importing SID and ECW image files.
• Improved transparency and fill support for GSI file import and export.
• Export Raster PDFs with the page size specified by the project page setup.
• Export TIF Image files with transparency.
• Open, import, and export MID files in a table.
• Specify a custom resolution when importing PDF files.
• Improved transparency and fill handling when exporting Vector PDF files.

Projections, Coordinate Systems, and Datums

• Specify the units for the Local Unreferenced Coordinate System.
• Search for coordinate systems by text or EPSG code in the Assign Coordinate System
• Renamed Germany PD83 and RD83 Streifen Nährwert to PD83 and RD83 Gauss-Krüger
• New Coordinate Systems
• ATF / Nord De Guerre
• Jamaica National Grid
• Kandawala Sri Lanka Grid
• NTF (Paris) / France I
• NTF (Paris) / France II
• NTF (Paris) / France III
• NTF (Paris) / France IV
• NTF (Paris) / Lambert Centre France
• NTF (Paris) / Lambert Corse
• NTF (Paris) / Lambert I
• NTF (Paris) / Lambert II
• NTF (Paris) / Lambert III

Strater 5 User’s Guide

• NTF (Paris) / Lambert IV

• NTF (Paris) / Lambert Nord France
• NTF (Paris) / Lambert Sud France
• RGF 1993 Lambert CC42
• RGF 1993 Lambert CC43
• RGF 1993 Lambert CC44
• RGF 1993 Lambert CC45
• RGF 1993 Lambert CC46
• RGF 1993 Lambert CC47
• RGF 1993 Lambert CC48
• RGF 1993 Lambert CC49
• RGF 1993 Lambert CC50
• SIRGAS-ROU98 / UTM zone 22S (Uruguay)
• SLD99 / Sri Lanka Grid 1999
• New Datums
• Kandawala - Sri Lanka
• RGF93 (WGS84 base)

Check for Update

Click the File | Online | Check for Update command to download and install an update for
Strater if you do not have the most current version. An update (i.e. version 5.1 to 5.2) contains
minor changes to the program. There are no new features added in updates. A list of changes is
located at http://www.goldensoftware.com/Strater-Version-Info.

Before using this command, make sure your computer is connected to the Internet. Follow the
directions in the dialog to complete the update if an update is available.

To obtain a full upgrade when available (i.e. Strater version 5 to Strater version 6), contact
Golden Software.

Serial Number
Your Strater® serial number is located on the CD cover. If you purchased Strater with the
download only option, the serial number was emailed to you with the download directions. Please
take a minute to register your copy of Strater with us.

To register go online to www.GoldenSoftware.com.

Registering your serial number entitles you to free technical support, upgrade pricing
announcements, and Strater upgrade pricing. Our database is confidential.
Three-Minute Tour
We have included several example files with Strater so that you can quickly see some of Strater’s
capabilities. Only a few example files are discussed here, and these examples do not include all of
Strater’s many log types and features. The Object Manager is a good source of information as to
what is included in each file.

Chapter 1 - Introducing Strater®

Sample Strater Files

To see the sample Strater files:
1. Open Strater.
2. Click the File | Open command.
3. Click on a .SDG file located in the Samples folder. By default, the Strater Samples folder is
located in C:\Program Files\Golden Software\Strater 5\Samples.
4. Click Open and the file opens.
The primary graphical component to a document is a borehole view. A borehole view is either based
on a template file or created from scratch by adding the necessary log, header and footer items.
Boreholes views, map views, and cross section views display logs, well and base maps, and cross
sections of the selected data when the tab is selected. When a data table tab is selected its data
appears in the workspace.

Lith Secton-1 .sdg

The Lith Section-1.sdg sample file contains a sample lithology log column. Age, formation, lithology
type, and lithology description appear in the borehole view. Four data tables are included in
the .SDG file and include the information being displayed in the borehole view.

The Lith Section-1.sdg file contains

several zone bar logs and a lithology log.

Strater 5 User’s Guide

Example Logs.sdg
The Example Logs.sdg sample file contains every type of log file that Strater can create. Click on a
log and the Property Manager updates to show only that log’s properties. Experiment with the
properties for the logs to see how the log changes. Click on the map and cross section tabs to
experiment with the properties for the map and cross section views.

The Example Logs.sdg file displays an example of each log type in the same borehole view.

One purpose of the sample files is to discover the effects of changes made in the Property
Manager – to experiment so that the functionality is closer to second nature and you do not need
to search for the correct setting. Use these sample files, especially this file, to discover the breadth
of options available. If you want to save any changes we recommend keeping the original file and
using the File | Save As command to save a copy of the file to a new name.

Using Strater
The general steps to progress from a data file to a borehole are as follows.
1. Open Strater.
2. Click the File | Open command or click the button.
3. In the Open dialog, select the data file and click the Open button. For this example, the data
should have From and To columns because of the type of log created. The sample Tutorial
1.xls file can be used with the Lithology sheet.

Chapter 1 - Introducing Strater®

4. In the Specify Worksheet Column Definitions and Specify Data Type and Column
Positions dialogs, set the column names and rows to import. The data opens into Strater
and is displayed in a table view.
5. Click on the Borehole 1 tab.

Click on the Borehole 1 tab.

6. Click the Log | Create Log | Depth command to create a depth log.
7. Click on the screen in the location where you want the depth log to be displayed.
8. In the Open dialog, verify that Use current table is selected and click Open. The depth log is

Verify that the table is selected.

9. Click the Log | Create Log | Zone Bar command to create a zone bar log.
10. Click on the screen where you want the zone bar log to be displayed.
11. In the Open dialog, verify that Use current table is selected and click Open. The zone bar log
is displayed.
12. Click the File | Save As command. Enter a File name in the Save As dialog and click the
Save button to save your Strater project.
To proceed from the borehole to a map view and cross section view, these steps are used.
1. Click the Home | New | Map View command to create a new blank map window.
2. Click the Map | Create | Well Map to display the wells on the map. Select and open a
collars table, if prompted. The sample Example Data.xls file can be used with the Collars
3. Click on the Wells layer in the Object Manager.
4. Click the Map | Add | Well Selector command.
5. Click on the wells in the order they should appear in a cross section.
6. Click the Home | New | Cross Section View command to create a new blank cross
7. Click the Cross Section | Create/Add | Create Cross Section command to create the
default cross section from the well selector.

Welcome to Strater Dialog

When Strater is first opened, the Welcome to Strater dialog appears. The Welcome to Strater
dialog provides a way to start Strater in your desired method. The dialog reappears every time
Strater opens.

Strater 5 User’s Guide

The Welcome to Strater dialog appears when you open Strater.

New Options
The New list, on the left side of the dialog, controls the method that this instance of Strater will
begin with.

Click any of the buttons to open Strater using the method described below.
• New Borehole View opens a new empty borehole view. This is the default starting state for
• New Map View opens a new empty map view in addition to the starting borehole view.
• New Cross Section opens a new empty cross section view in addition to the starting borehole
• New Table opens the Create a New Table dialog. Once the new table has been defined,
Strater is launched with the new table in addition to the starting borehole view.

Files List and Preview

The Files list, in the middle of the dialog, contains options to open specific files. Click the current file
type selection and select the desired file type from the list. Available options are Recent Files,
Sample Files, Project Files, and Browse. Select the desired option and the list updates to show all
files in the selected type.
• Recent Files lists the most recent 10 files that have been opened in Strater. This is similar to
the file list under the File menu. Click on any file in the list and click the Open button to
open the selected file. Files that are pinned to the Recent Documents list will be displayed at
the top of the Recent Files list, including pinned data files.
• Sample Files lists all of the Strater project files and data files in the Strater samples
directory. This is C:\Program Files\Golden Software\Strater 5\Samples, by default. Click on
any file in the list and click the Open button to open the selected file.

Chapter 1 - Introducing Strater®

• Project Files lists all of the files in the selected project directory. After clicking Project Files
the first time, a Select Folder dialog appears. Select the directory on the computer that
should be used as the Project Files directory and click Select Folder. All of the files from the
selected directory are listed. Click on any file in the list and click the Open button to open the
selected file. Click the Set Project Folder button to change the directory, or change the
Default path directory in the Options dialog General page.
• Browse opens the Open dialog, where you can select the file to open to start this instance of
Strater. Select Browse to start Strater with a file that is not in the Recent Files list, Sample
Files list, or Project Folder.
Click a file name to select to file. A preview of the selected file is displayed for Strater project .SDG
files. The selected file can be opened by clicking the Open button. Click on another file or press the
UP ARROW or DOWN ARROW keys to change the file selection.

Project Folder
Clicking the Set Project Folder button opens the Select Folder dialog. The Browse for Folder
dialog will open for Windows XP users. The selected directory is used for the Project Files file list.
The Project Folder can also be changed in the Options dialog. If the Project Folder specification is
removed in the Options dialog, the Windows default (C:\Users\<username>\Documents) folder is
used until a new project folder is selected.

After clicking on a file in the file type list, click the Open button to open the selected file. The
Welcome to Strater dialog closes and the action is performed. The Open button is disabled until a
file is selected in the Files list. To open a file that is not located in any of the lists select Browse in
the file type list.

The Welcome to Strater dialog displays a useful tip on the right side of the dialog.

Start with the Tutorial

Click the Tutorials button to start Strater with a new empty borehole view and the help open to the
Tutorial Introduction topic.

Turn Welcome Dialog Off

The Show this dialog at start up check box is checked by default. Click the Show this dialog at
startup to remove the check and open Strater without the Welcome to Strater dialog in all future
instances. After closing Strater and reopening, the Welcome to Strater dialog will not be

This option can be changed by clicking the Options command. In the Options dialog, click on User
Interface on the left side. On the right side, check the box next to Show welcome screen at startup.
Click OK and the next time Strater is opened, the Welcome to Strater dialog is displayed.

Click the Close button to close the Welcome to Strater dialog without selecting any option.
Strater will start with an empty borehole view.

Strater 5 User’s Guide

New Project
A new project can be created with the File | New Project command.

Click the File | New Project command, click the button, or press CTRL+N on the keyboard to
create a new Strater project.

Only one project can be open at a time. If an existing file is open, you will be prompted to save any
unsaved changes. If multiple .SDG files need to be opened at the same time, open multiple
instances of Strater.

Click the File | Open command, click the button, or press CTRL+O on the keyboard to open a
Strater project .SDG file, Strater .TSF template file, or a worksheet file. Select the file in the
Open dialog and the new project opens. When a project opens, the borehole views, cross section
views, map views, and data table tabs that were visible when the SDG was saved are opened. The
views and tables that were hidden when the SDG was saved are hidden when the project is opened.

The Open Dialog

Use the File | Open command to open an existing Strater project or template file or any
worksheet file.

Click on the desired file name in the Open dialog.

Look In
The Look in field shows the current folder. Click the down arrow to choose a new folder. Click on
the folders to change directories.

The buttons to the right of the Look in field allow you to create new folders and change the view of
the file list.

Chapter 1 - Introducing Strater®

File List
The File list displays files in the current folder. The current folder is listed in the Look in field. The
Files of type field controls the display of the file list. To see all files in the folder, choose All Files
(*.*) from the Files of type list. Double-click on a file to open it or single click the file and then click
the Open button.

File Name
The File name field shows the name of the selected file. You can also type a path and file name into
the box to open a file

Files of Type
The Files of type field shows the file format to be opened. To change the file format click the down
arrow and select the file type from the list. All Files (*.*) display all files in a folder.

Use Open Table

The Use Open Table list is displayed when the Open dialog is accessed via one of the Log | Create
Log commands, the Map | Create | Well Map command, or the Map | Add | Well Layer
command. To use an open table for the log or well map, click the table name in the Use Open Table
list. Only table types that are supported for the selected log type are displayed in the Use Open
Table list when creating a new log. Only open collars tables are included in the Use Open Table list
when creating a new well map or well layer.

Load Database
Click the Load Database button in the Open dialog to open the data linking function. Data linking
provides a method to link to virtually any database supported by Microsoft via an OLE DB Provider,
ODBC, or some other supported format. Set the database information in the dialogs Data Link
Properties, Database Tables and Fields, and Specify Data Type and Column Positions.

Open Multiple Sheets or Multiple Data Files

The File | Open command opens a single worksheet in a new table. Click the File | Open Multiple
command to open multiple data files into multiple tables. Click the File | Import command in an
existing table to import a single data file into an existing table. File | Import also allows multiple
sheets from a single data file to be imported at once.

Recent Documents
Use the numbers and file names listed on the right side of the File menu to open the most recently
used files. You can type a number that corresponds with the document or click on the document
name to open it.

Strater 5 User’s Guide

Click on any of the document names listed in the Recent Documents list to open that file.

You can pin documents to the Recent Documents list. Pinned files will be moved to the top of the
Recent Documents list and will not be removed as new files are added to the list.

To pin a file, click the gray pin to the right of the file name. The pin is displayed as , and the
file is pinned to the top of the Recent Documents list.

To unpin a file from the Recent Documents list, click the blue pin to the right of the file name.
The pin is displayed as , and the file is unpinned.

Strater User Interface

Strater contains four document window types: borehole view, map view, cross section, and table
windows. Borehole views display various log types. Map views display post and base maps that can
be used to identify where individual wells are located. Cross sections are created and edited in the
cross section view. The data is opened, edited, and transformed, and saved in the table windows.

Left-click on the image below to see detailed information about the various parts of the Strater

Chapter 1 - Introducing Strater®

This is the Strater borehole view with the tabbed View and Table Managers, Object Manager,
and Property Manager windows displayed on the left side. Tabs displaying the view windows and
tables are displayed above the horizontal ruler. Left-click anywhere in the image to see detailed
information about each part of the Strater window.

Opening Windows
Clicking the File | New command opens a new project, or adds a new borehole view, map view,
cross section view, or table to the existing project.

Strater 5 User’s Guide

Strater Layout
The following table summarizes the function of the Strater layout components.
Title Bar The title bar lists the program name plus the saved
Strater .SDG file name. An asterisk (*) after the file
name indicates the file has been modified since it
was last saved.
Ribbon The ribbon contains the commands used to run

Quick Access Toolbar The Quick Access Toolbar contains Strater tool
buttons, which are shortcuts to menu commands.
Move the cursor over each button to display a tool tip
describing the command. The Quick Access Toolbar
can be customized with the File | Customize
Ribbon command.

View Manager The View Manager displays a list of all of the

borehole view, map view, and cross section windows
open in the existing project.

Table Manager The Table Manager displays a list of all the data
tables open in the existing project.
Object Manager The Object Manager contains a hierarchical list of
the objects in a Strater borehole view, map view, or
cross section window. These objects can be selected,
added, arranged, edited, and renamed in the Object
Manager. The Object Manager is initially docked
on the left side above the Property Manager and
below the View Manager. Changes made in the
Object Manager are immediately reflected in the
borehole view, map view, or cross section window.
The Object Manager can be dragged and placed at
any location on the screen.
Property Manager The Property Manager allows you to edit any of the
properties of the selected object. When no objects
are selected in the borehole view or cross section,
the general properties for the window are displayed.
Tabbed Documents Multiple borehole views, map views, cross sections,
and tables can be displayed as tabs. Click on the tab
to display that window.
View window The view window is the area where the selected
borehole view, map view, cross section, or table is

Status Bar The status bar displays information about the activity
in Strater. The status bar is divided into five sections
that contain information about the selected command
or object, depth or XY position, size of the selected
object, and the page number that is currently

Chapter 1 - Introducing Strater®

Title Bar
The title bar is the top part of the Strater window and contains the name of the current project or
template and the active tab, if any. Use the title bar to drag the window to reposition. Double-click
the title bar to maximize or restore a window. Use the three buttons on the right to minimize,
maximize, or close Strater

The Ribbon is the strip of buttons and icons located above the manager and view windows. The
Ribbon replaces the menus and toolbars found in earlier versions of Strater. The ribbon is designed
to help you quickly find the commands that you need to complete a task.

Above the Ribbon are a number of tabs, such as Home, Draw, and Log. Clicking or scrolling to a
tab displays the options located in this section of the ribbon. The tabs have commands that are
organized into a group. For instance, all the drawing object related commands are on the Draw

The Ribbon is displayed with the Home tab selected.

Minimizing the Ribbon

The ribbon can be minimized to take up less space on the screen. To minimize the ribbon, right-
click on the ribbon and select Minimize the Ribbon or click the button in the top right portion
of the Strater window. When displayed in a minimized mode, only the tabs at the top of the screen
are visible. To see the commands on each tab, click the tab name. After selecting a command, the
ribbon automatically minimizes again.

The Ribbon displayed with the Minimize the Ribbon option selected. Clicking any tab name displays
the ribbon.

Customizing the Ribbon

The ribbon is customizable in Strater. To customize the commands in the ribbon, right-click on the
ribbon and select Customize the Ribbon.

In the Customize Ribbon dialog, you can add new tabs, add groups, hide existing tabs or custom
groups, and add commands to any custom group. You can also rearrange the tabs into an order
that fits your needs better.

Strater 5 User’s Guide

To customize the commands in the Customize Ribbon dialog, right-click on the ribbon and select
Customize the Ribbon. In the Customize Ribbon dialog, use the following options.

Tab options:
1. To add a custom tab, set the Customize the Ribbon section to All Tabs. Click in the list on the
right side of the dialog where the custom tab should be located and click the New Tab
2. To delete custom tab, right-click on the tab name in the list on the right side of the dialog
and select Delete.
3. To rename a default or custom tab, click on the tab name in the list on the right side of the
dialog. Click the Rename button. Type the new name and press OK to make the change.
4. To hide a default or custom tab, uncheck the box next to the tab name on the right side of
the dialog. Only checked tabs will be displayed.
5. To change the order of default or custom tabs, click on the tab name that should be moved
in the list on the right side of the dialog. Click the up and down arrow buttons on the far right
side of the dialog to move the selected tab up or down. Default tabs must remain in their
major group.

Group options:
1. To add a custom group to a default or custom tab, click on the next to the tab name. Click
in the list of group names where the new group should be located and click the New Group
2. To delete a default or custom group on any tab, right-click on the group name in the list on
the right side of the dialog and select Delete.
3. To rename a default or custom group on any tab, click on the group name in the list on the
right side of the dialog. Click the Rename button. Type the new name and click OK to make
the change.
4. To change the order of default or custom groups on any tab, click on the group name that
should be moved in the list on the right side of the dialog. Click the up and down arrow
buttons on the far right side of the dialog to move the selected group up or down in the list.
5. To replace a default group with a custom group, right-click on the default group name and
select Delete. Click the New Group button. Add the desired commands to the new group
that you want displayed. Rename the new group, if desired.

Command options:
Commands can only be added to or deleted from custom groups. Commands can only be
rearranged or renamed in custom groups. If commands in default groups are desired to be edited,
the default group should be hidden and a new custom group should be created with the same
1. To add a command to a custom group, set the choose commands from list to All Tabs so that
all commands are listed on the left side of the dialog. Select the desired command that
should be added. On the right side of the dialog, click the next to the custom group name.
Click on the desired position in the list of commands. If no commands exist in the group yet,
click on the group name. Click the Add>> button and the command is added to the custom
2. To delete a command from a custom group, right-click on the command name in the list on
the right side of the dialog and select Delete. Only commands from custom groups can be
3. To rename a command in a custom group, click on the command name in the list on the
right side of the dialog. Click the Rename button. Type the new name and click OK to make
the change. Only commands in custom groups can be renamed.
4. To change the order of commands in a custom group, click on the command name that
should be moved in the list on the right side of the dialog. Click the up and down arrow
buttons on the far right side of the dialog to move the selected command up or down in the

Chapter 1 - Introducing Strater®

Reset the Ribbon

To reset all customizations on the ribbon, click the Reset button at the bottom of the Customize
Ribbon dialog.

Quick Access Toolbar Commands

The Quick Access Toolbar is at the top of the Strater window. This toolbar has frequently used
commands and can be customized by the user. The commands in the Quick Access Toolbar are the
same regardless of the type of window displayed in Strater.

The Quick Access Toolbar is displayed

at the top of the Strater window.

Customizing the Quick Access Toolbar

The Quick Access Toolbar is a customizable toolbar. One method that can be used to add
commands to the Quick Access Toolbar is to right-click on the command in the ribbon and choose
Add to Quick Access Toolbar. The command is automatically added to the end of the toolbar.

To customize the commands on the Quick Access Toolbar, right-click on the Quick Access Toolbar
or ribbon and select Customize Quick Access Toolbar.

In the Quick Access Toolbar dialog,

1. To add a command, select the command from the list on the left that you want to add. Click
the Add>> button and the command is added to the list on the right.
2. To add a separator between commands, set the Choose commands from to Main on the left
side of the dialog. Select <Separator> and click Add>>. Move the separator to the desired
3. To delete a command, select the command from the list on the right. Click the <<Remove
button and the command is removed from the list on the right.
4. To rearrange commands or move separators, click on the command or separator name from
the list on the right that you want to move. Click the up and down arrow buttons on the far
right to move the command up or down the list. Commands are shown in the exact order
that they are displayed in the Quick Access Toolbar.
5. To reset the Quick Access Toolbar to the default display, click the Reset button below the list
on the right side of the dialog.
6. Click OK and all changes are made.
Note: to add individual log types as buttons to the Quick Access Toolbar, set the Choose commands
from to Log. Then on the left side of the dialog, select the desired log type, such as Classed Post
Log. Click Add>> and the log type is added with an icon to the right side. Click OK and the log type
is displayed in the Quick Access Toolbar.

Displaying the Quick Access Toolbar Below the Ribbon

To display the Quick Access Toolbar below the ribbon, right-click on the Quick Access Toolbar or
ribbon and select Show Quick Access Toolbar Below the Ribbon. This setting is useful if you
have added many commands to the Quick Access Toolbar. More commands display, by default,
when the Quick Access Toolbar is below the ribbon. When combined with the minimized ribbon
appearance, this can give single click access to all your most used commands and maximize the
viewing area for the plot.

Strater 5 User’s Guide

Customize the Quick Access Toolbar to display all the commands you frequently use. Then, display
the Quick Access Toolbar below the ribbon bar. When the ribbon bar is minimized, it appears that
all of your commands are in a single toolbar, ready to create exactly what you want with a single

Menu and Tab Commands

The ribbon bar contents change, depending upon the current active window in Strater.

Regardless of which view is currently active, clicking the Strater icon in the top left of the Strater
window displays commands to restore, move, size, maximize, minimize, and close Strater.

Shared Commands
The shared commands are displayed regardless of the currently active view. However some
commands may be disabled for specific view types. For example all of the Draw, Log, and
Arrange tab commands are disabled when in the table view.

Contains commands for opening,

saving, exporting, and printing files
Contains clipboard, project, help, and
miscellaneous editing commands

Provides tools to draw objects and

Provides commands to create each of
Log the log types and to switch between
active and design modes
Controls the display of toolbars,
status bar, managers, resets window
positions, and controls the zoom level
of objects in the visible window

Contains commands to arrange

objects on the page

Map Commands
The Map tab commands are available when a map view is currently active. The Map tab commands
add base maps and layers, add well maps and layers, and select wells for a cross section.

Cross Section Commands

The Cross Section tab commands are available when a cross section view is currently active. The
Cross Section tab commands create a cross section and connect, overlay, and adjoin logs in a
cross section.

Chapter 1 - Introducing Strater®

Table Commands
The Table and Data tab commands are available when a table view is currently active.

Contains commands to sort, filter,

Data and transform data, create TVD, and
export data.
Contains commands to delete,
rename, and convert tables, add or
change hole IDs, create schemes, and
update borehole names

Keyboard Commands

You can use the keyboard to move the pointer within the borehole view, to select and move
objects, and perform commands.
• The ARROW keys move the cursor within the borehole view.
• Pressing the SPACEBAR is equivalent to clicking the left mouse button.
• Double-pressing the SPACEBAR is the same as double-clicking the mouse.
Menu Access
Use the keyboard to access menu commands by holding down the ALT key and pressing an
underlined letter in the menu bar. When the drop-down menu is displayed, you can access a
command by pressing the underlined letter in the command.

Dialog Access
You can also use the keyboard to move around within a dialog. The TAB key moves between the
options in the dialog. The SPACEBAR is used to simulate mouse clicks, allowing you to toggle check
boxes or press buttons that provide you with access to other dialogs or close the current dialog. As
you use the TAB key to move through the dialog, the options are highlighted as they become
active. You can also use the underlined hotkeys by holding down the ALT key and typing the letter.
This moves you immediately to the desired option. Note that not all of the dialogs have ALT key

These keyboard commands are used in both borehole views and data tables.

View and Menu Control

CTRL+F4 Close the view
ALT+F4 Close Strater
ALT+SPACE Display the application control menu
ALT+HYPHEN Display the view control menu
CTRL+F6 Next view or table
CTRL+SHIFT+F6 Previous view or table
CTRL+TAB Switch between Strater views
ALT+ENTER Move from the borehole view to an open Property Manager
ALT Activate the menu bar
CTRL+ESC Display the Windows start menu

Strater 5 User’s Guide

ALT+TAB Switch to the last active application

F1 Open help
SHIFT+F1 Open context sensitive help on a highlighted command or open
SHIFT+F10 Open the context-menu for the selected object(s)

CTRL+N Open a new view
CTRL+O Open a file into a new view
CTRL+S Save a file
CTRL+P Print the view
ALT+F4 Close Strater

CTRL+X or SHIFT+DEL Cut the selected objects to the clipboard
CTRL+C or Copy the selected objects to the clipboard
CTRL+V or Paste the clipboard contents into the view
CTRL+A Select All (borehole view)
CTRL+SHIFT+A Deselect All (borehole view)
CTRL+Y Redo the previous undo command
CTRL+Z or Undo the last command
DEL Delete the selected objects (clears cells in a data table)
F2 Rename Object (borehole view)

These keyboard commands are specific to the borehole view.

CTRL+A Select all objects in the current borehole view
CTRL+SHIFT+A, F3 Deselect all
CTRL+I Import an object
CTRL+E Export an object
CTRL+F5 Update logs after tables change

PAGE DOWN Scroll to the next page in a multi-page log
PAGE UP Scroll to the previous page in a multi-page log

Chapter 1 - Introducing Strater®

HOME Scroll to the first page in a multi-page log

END Scroll to the last page in a multi-page log
F5 Redraw the screen
CTRL++ Zoom in twice the scale at the center of the screen
CTRL+- Zoom out twice the scale from the center of the screen
CTRL+R Zoom on a selected rectangle
CTRL+L Zoom in on selected objects so they fill the view
CTRL+T Zoom by dragging the mouse, drag up to zoom in and drag
down to zoom out
CTRL+G Zoom to the extents of the page

SHIFT+PGUP Move to front
SHIFT+PGDN Move to back
CTRL+PGUP Move forward
CTRL+PGDN Move backward

F4 Toggle between active and design modes

Cross Section
CTRL+SHIFT+D Connect logs with Layers


These keyboard commands are specific to working inside data tables.

DEL Delete the contents of the selected cell, numeric cells are replaced
with 0 (zero)
ARROW KEYS Move to adjacent cell
ENTER Preserve the typed contents in the cell
HOME Go to the first column containing data
END Go to the last column containing data
PAGE UP Scroll the table up by the number of visible rows
PAGE DOWN Scroll the table down by the number of visible rows
TAB Move the active cell right one column
CTRL+HOME Move the active cell to the top cell of the left most column
CTRL+END Move the active cell to the bottom occupied row and right most
CTRL+O Sort the data
CTRL+U Move the row containing the active cell up
CTRL+R Insert Rows
CTRL+D Delete

Strater 5 User’s Guide


View Manager
In Strater you can have multiple view window types in one project. This is useful in displaying
multiple graphics for multiple wells, displaying different layouts for the same data, or displaying
maps or cross sections. Click the View | Managers | View command to display the View
Manager. The View Manager contains a list of the various borehole views, cross section views,
and map views. You can open or close views, add or delete views, and save or load template files in
the View Manager.

The check box to the left of a view name indicates if that view is displayed or hidden. If a view is
not visible either check the box next to the view name or click the view name. Unchecking all view
check boxes in the View Manager closes the entire project. When the last check box is unchecked
a window appears asking you to save any unsaved work in the project. The project then closes.

To display the view properties associated with any view in the View Manager menu, click on the
view name. The view properties are listed in the Property Manager.

Click and drag a view name in the View Manager to rearrange the order of the views in the list.
The pointer changes to a black arrow if the object can be moved to the pointer location or a red
circle with a diagonal line if the object cannot be moved to the indicated location. The view tabs will
also rearrange to reflect the new ordering. The topmost view in the View Manager is the left-most
document tab in the view window.

The View Manager allows you to create

new views, delete existing views,
or save and load templates.

Right-click in the View Manager to see options available for adding or deleting views or for loading
• New Borehole View creates a new blank borehole view in the current project.
• New Map View creates a new blank map view in the current project.
• New Cross Section View creates a new blank cross section view in the current project.
• Delete deletes the currently highlighted view from the project. There is no Undo for this
operation so use caution when deleting views.
• Rename allows you to type a new name for the view.
• Sort Views Top to Bottom sorts the views in descending order from the top to the bottom
of the View Manager, i.e. ascending order from bottom to top. Sorting the views in the
View Manager also updates the order of the document tabs. The topmost view in the View
Manager is the left-most document tab in the view window.
• Sort Views Bottom to Top sorts the views in descending order from the bottom to the top
of the View Manager, i.e. ascending order from top to bottom. Sorting the views in the
View Manager also updates the order of the document tabs. The topmost view in the View
Manager is the left-most document tab in the view window.

Chapter 1 - Introducing Strater®

• Save Template of Current View saves the current view window as a template .TSF file.
• Load Template opens a template into a new borehole view.
• View Properties displays the currently selected view window's borehole, map, or cross
section view properties in the Property Manager.

Table Manager
In Strater you can have multiple data tables in one project. This is useful in displaying graphics for
multiple wells or data types. The Table Manager includes a list of all the tables in the project. Click
the View | Managers | Table command to display the Table Manager. You can open or close
tables, add or delete tables, and change the table order in the Table Manager.

Click a table name in the Table Manager to make the table the active document. If you click a
hidden table, the table will be opened and made the active view.

Toggle table visibility, create and

remove tables, or change table
order with the Table Manager.

Table Visibility
The check box to the left of a table name indicates if the table is displayed or hidden. If a table is
not visible either check the box next to the table name or click the table name. Click the View |
Display | Hide All Tables command or right-click in the Table Manager and select Hide All
Tables to hide all the tables in the project. Click the View | Display | Show All Tables command
or right-click in the Table Manager and select Show All Tables to open all the tables in the

Renaming Tables
Tables can be renamed in the Table Manager by slowly clicking the table name twice. Pause
between the two clicks to ensure the application does not interpret the two clicks as a double-click.
Alternatively, click a table name and press F2, click the Table | Table | Rename command, or
right-click the table name in the Table Manager and select Rename to rename the table. Type a
new name for the selected table and press ENTER to rename a table.

Strater 5 User’s Guide

Changing the Table Order

The table tabs are listed from left to right in the same order as in the Table Manager from top to
bottom. Click and drag a table name to a new location to change the order of the tables in the
Table Manager. The tab order will also update with the new table order. You can also change the
order of the tables by clicking and dragging a table tab to a new location. This will automatically
update the order in Table Manager. Right-click in the Table Manager and select Sort Ascending
or Sort Descending to sort the tables alphabetically. The table order and view orders are not
linked. When a table or view visibility is changed, the table and view tabs are displayed in two

Creating and Deleting Tables

Right-click in the Table Manager and select New to create a new table, similar to the Home |
New | Table command. Right-click in the Table Manager and select Delete to permanently
remove the table from the project, similar to the Table | Table | Delete command.

Object Manager
The Object Manager contains a list of all objects, separated into a list of each pane in the borehole
view and cross section view. The objects can be selected, arranged, and edited in both the Object
Manager and through the menu commands. Changes made in the Object Manager are reflected
in the view window, and vice versa.

When an object is highlighted in the Object Manager it is also selected in the view window,
indicated by a bounding box surrounding the object.

Opening and Closing the Object Manager

The Object Manager is opened and closed by clicking the View | Managers | Object command.
Alternatively, you can click in the title bar of the Object Manager to close the window.

There are three groupings in the borehole view: Log Pane Objects, Header Pane Objects and Footer
Pane Objects. There are three groupings in the cross section view: Cross Section Pane Objects,
Header Pane Objects, and Footer Pane Objects. Each object is listed in the Object Manager
according to its location in the view window. For example, if there is a rectangle in the footer, it is
listed under the Footer Pane Objects section.

Use the or located to the left of the pane name to expand or collapse the list of pane objects.

Object Visibility
Each item in the list consists of an icon indicating the type of object, a text label for the object, and
a check box that indicates if the object is visible. To change the visible status of an object, click the
check box to the left of the object icon. Invisible objects do not appear in the view window and do
not appear on printed or exported output.

Chapter 1 - Introducing Strater®

A check mark next to an object indicates that

the object is visible. In this instance, the
depth log associated with DH-1 is
unchecked, so not visible.

Grouped and Ungrouped Objects

When two or more objects have been grouped, the objects appear under a special Group object.
Grouped objects can be edited by clicking on the object in the group and editing in the Property
Manager as normal. All grouped objects move together. Ungroup the grouped object to move
individual objects outside the group.

Grouped objects appear under a special

Group object in the Object Manager.

To ungroup the objects from the Object Manager, select the Group name, right-click and select
Ungroup. The objects are no longer grouped.

Selecting Objects
To select an object, click the object name and the object name is highlighted. The selection handles
in the graphical borehole view change to indicate the selected item.

Strater 5 User’s Guide

To select multiple objects in a pane, hold down the CTRL key and click on each object. To select
multiple contiguous objects, select the first object, and then hold down the SHIFT key and click on
the last object. Change the shared properties for the multiple object selection in the Property

If you select an object in the view window, its name is selected in the Object Manager as well.
Note that multiple objects cannot be selected in multiple pane groups. For example, an object in the
Footer Pane Object section and an object in the Log Pane Object section cannot be selected at the
same time.

Opening Object Properties

To display the properties for an object, click the object name. The properties are displayed in the
Property Manager.

Renaming Objects
To edit the text ID associated with an object in the Object Manager, select the object and click
again on the selected item (two slow clicks). You must allow enough time between the two clicks so
it is not interpreted as a double-click. Enter the new name into the box that appears. Alternatively,
you can right-click on the object and select the Rename Object command or go to Edit | Rename

Arranging Objects
To change the display order of the objects in a pane grouping with the mouse, select an object and
drag it to a new position in the list. The pointer changes to a black arrow if the object can be moved
to the pointer location or a red circle with a diagonal line if the object cannot be moved to the
indicated location. These actions are analogous to the Arrange | Move commands, which include
the To Front, To Back, Forward, and Backward options. These menu items are accessed
through the borehole view Arrange menu or by right-clicking on an object in the Object Manager.

Deleting Objects
To delete an object, select the object and press the DELETE key on the keyboard. Some objects
cannot be deleted.

Property Manager
The Property Manager allows you to edit the properties of an object. See the specific online help
topic for the object you have selected for more information on the properties unique to that object.

Opening and Closing the Property Manager

The Property Manager is opened and closed with the View | Managers | Property command.
You can also click in the title bar of the Property Manager to close it.

Chapter 1 - Introducing Strater®

Opening and Closing Sections

Click the appropriate tab to open pages in the tab view.

In both tab and horizontal views, individual sections can be expanded or collapsed. A or is
located to the left of the name if the section can be expanded or collapsed. To expand the section,
click the , click the section name and press the plus key ( + ) on the numeric keypad, or press
the right arrow key on your keyboard. To collapse a section, click the , click the section name and
press the minus key ( - ) on the numeric keypad, or press the left arrow key.

Display info area

To display an area with field hints check the Show property manager info area check box in the
Options dialog User Interface page. When a field or label is selected a hint describing the
function or type of data is displayed:

The infor area shows hints about the currently

highlighted field in the Property Manager.

Keyboard Commands
When working with the Property Manager the up and down ARROW keys move up and down in
the Property Manager list. The ENTER key activates the highlighted property. The right arrow key
expands collapsed sections (i.e. Fill Properties) and the left arrow collapses the section.

Changing Properties
The Property Manager displays the properties for selected objects. For example, this selected well
selector line has Style, Color, Foreground Opacity, Width, Start Style, End Style, and Scale

Strater 5 User’s Guide

Change any of the properties for

the object in the Property Manager.

To change a property, click the property's value and select a new property from the pop-up box,
scroll to a new number using the buttons, or type new numbers or text. The method used to
change a property depends on the property type. In the polyline example, changing the color
requires clicking the current color box and selecting a new color from the color palette; changing
the width requires typing a new number or scrolling to a new number. When you type the new
number, press ENTER or click somewhere in the Property Manager to make the change

Occasionally, some properties are dependent on other selections. For example, in the fill properties
there is a Scale option. This option is disabled (grayed out) unless you have selected an image fill
type as the Pattern and Cover Areas By set to Tile.

Properties Tips
• If multiple objects are selected, only features common to all objects appear in the Property
• To change the default line, fill, symbol, or text properties for all borehole views and all
sessions of Strater, use File | Options.

Hide/Show All Managers

Click the View | Managers | Hide All command to hide all manager windows and maximize the
space available for viewing the window. This command is especially useful if you want to zoom in
on the current display.

Click the View | Managers | Show All command to change the view to include the window and all
managers. Note: This command returns all managers to their respective locations before the Hide
All Managers command was used; it does not restore their default positions. Use the View |
Windows | Reset Windows command to restore the default window layout.

Chapter 1 - Introducing Strater®

Tabbed Documents
Each tab represents a view window or a table. To select a tab to view, click the tab name. To close
a tab, right-click and select Close or click the X next to the tab name. The tab is no longer
displayed. This does not delete the information on the tab; this action simply removes a tab from
display. To display the tab again click the View | Display | Show All Tables command, click on
the view window name in the View Manager, or click on the table name in the Table Manager.

To delete the tab and all information contained in the view or table from a project, right-click on the
tab and select Delete. Alternatively, click the Table | Table | Delete command, right-click on the
view name in the View Manager and select Delete, or right-click on the table name in the Table
Manager and select Delete.

Rename a view window or table by right-clicking the document tab and selecting Rename. You
may also rename a table by right-clicking the table in the Table Manager and selecting Rename
or by clicking the Table | Table | Rename command. You may also rename a view by right-
clicking the view in the View Manager and selecting Rename.

Tab Colors
Each type of window displays the name of the window on the tab in a different color. Borehole
views are displayed with blue text, map views are displayed with red text, cross section views are
displayed with green text, and tables are displayed with black text. This can be changed from the
File | Options dialog in the Display section.

Change Order of Tabs

You can change the order of tabs by clicking on the tab name. Hold down the left mouse button and
drag the tab to the desired location in the tab array.

Select the tab to move by clicking it and not releasing the mouse button.

Drag the tab to the desired location and release the mouse button.

Changing the Window Layout

The windows and managers display in a docked view by default; however, they can also be
displayed as floating windows. The visibility, size, and position of each item may also be changed.

Use the View | Managers commands to toggle the display of the Object Manager, Property
Manager, Table Manager, and View Manager. Alternatively, you can click the button in the
title bar of the Object Manager, Property Manager, Table Manager, or View Manager to close
the manager window. The Property Manager can also be opened by double-clicking on an object.

Auto-Hiding Managers
Click the button to auto-hide a docked manager. The manager slides to the side or bottom of
the main Strater window and a tab appears with the window name.

Strater 5 User’s Guide

The Object Manager appears

as a tab on the side of the window.

Position the mouse pointer over the tab to view the manager. Move your mouse away from the
manager and the manager "hides" again. You can also click inside the manager to anchor it at its
current position. Click in another manager to release the anchor and hide the manager. Click the
button to disable the auto-hide feature.

Drag the sides of a floating window or manager to change its size. If a window or manager is
docked, its upper and lower bounds are indicated by a or cursor. Move the cursor to
change the size.

To change the position of a docked manager, click the title bar and drag it to a new location. The
entire manager is displayed if the manager is floating. To dock the manager, use the docking
mechanism. You can also double-click the manager's title bar to toggle between floating and docked
modes. A tabbed manager view is also an option. The Table Manager and View Manager are
displayed as tabbed managers by default.

Docking Mechanism
Left-click the title bar of a manager and drag it to a new location while holding the left mouse
button. The docking mechanism displays with arrow indicators as you move the manager.

The docking indicator

can lock the location of
the Object Manager.

When the cursor touches one of the docking indicators in the docking mechanism, a blue rectangle
shows the window docking position. Release the left mouse button to allow the manager to be
docked in the specified location.

Chapter 1 - Introducing Strater®

This image displays the Table Manager being docked to the right side of the Strater window.

Tabbed Managers
To create tabbed managers:
1. Drag one manager on top of another window.
2. Hover over the center section of the docking mechanism. The blue area shows where the
tabbed manager will display.
3. Release the mouse button.
To return to individual managers from the tabbed view:
1. Click on the manager's name on the tab.
2. Drag the tab to a new position.

Click on a manager's tab and drag it to a

new position to separate the managers.

Strater 5 User’s Guide

Reset Windows
Click the View | Windows | Reset Windows command to change the display of the program.
This command resets the Object Manager, Property Manager, Table Manager, and View
Manager windows back to the default size and position. It also resets all ribbon customizations and
custom shortcuts back to the defaults.

This command is especially handy if your windows or managers become hidden by mistake.

You must restart Strater in order for this command to take effect. Click Yes in the dialog, close the
program, and reopen Strater. The managers, Ribbon, Quick Access Toolbar, and accelerators are
now restored to the default states.

Status Bar
Click the View | Display | Status Bar check box to show or hide the status bar. A check mark
next to Status Bar indicates that the status bar is displayed.

The status bar displays information about the current command or activity in Strater. The status
bar is divided into five sections. Click each section in the graphic to display additional information.

View Window Types

There are four different view types available in a Strater workspace: borehole views, map views,
cross section views, and tables. There is no limit to the number of views that can be associated with
a Strater project.

Borehole View
The primary graphical component to a Strater document is a borehole view. A borehole view
represents a collection of logs and drawing objects used to graphically display data for one or more
boreholes. A borehole view may be derived from a template file or it can be created from a default
view window with the necessary log items defined to create the borehole. The borehole view
displays the true data for the project once data are defined in the project file.

You are presented with an empty borehole view when you first start Strater.

Opening a New Borehole View

During a Strater session, new projects with an empty borehole view are created with the File |
New Project command. New borehole views in an existing project are created with the Home |

New | Borehole View command, clicking the button, or right-clicking in the View Manager
and selecting New Borehole View.

Opening an Existing Borehole View

Existing borehole views are opened by clicking the appropriate Borehole tab, clicking on the
borehole name in the View Manager, or by selecting Window | [Borehole name]. By default,
the first borehole view is named Borehole 1 so this borehole view would be opened by choosing
the Window | Borehole 1 command. To open an existing project, use the File | Open command.

Chapter 1 - Introducing Strater®

Map View
Map views graphically display wells on a map. Map views display any wells listed in the collars
table. Wells can be removed individually to customize the appearance of the map view. Map views
also can display base maps, such as field outlines or exported Surfer maps. Drawing objects and
labels can be added to a map view. Map views can have maps from different projections and can
convert the map into any supported projection.

Opening a New Map View

New map views are created in an existing project by clicking the Home | New | Map View

command, clicking the button, or right-clicking in the View Manager and choosing New Map

Opening an Existing Map View

Existing map views are opened by clicking the appropriate Map tab, clicking the map view name in
the View Manager, or by clicking Window | [Map name]. By default, the first map view is
named Map 1 so this map view would be opened by clicking the Window | Map 1 command.

Cross Section View

Cross section views display multiple wells on a page. Each well can have a variety of curves, similar
to a borehole view. Wells are connected to display layers, zones, or lithologies across the page,
connecting information from the wells. Automatic connections between wells or manual connections
between wells can be made. Well spacing and elevation hanging can be altered to give you the look
you need to display your data. Deviated wells can be displayed as vertical or with the deviation
displayed in the cross section. The cross section view also allows data to be exported to a data file
for use in Surfer or exported to a Voxler 3D display to create fence diagrams. Drawing objects and
labels can be added to a cross section view.

Opening a New Cross Section View

New cross section views are created in an existing project by clicking the File | New | Cross

Section View command, clicking the button, or right-clicking in the View Manager and
choosing New Cross Section View to add a new blank cross section view to the existing project.

A new cross section window can also be created with the Cross Section | Create/Add | Create
Cross Section command.

Opening an Existing Cross Section View

Existing cross section views are opened by clicking the appropriate Cross Section tab, clicking the
cross section view name in the View Manager, or by clicking Window | [Cross Section name].
By default, the first cross section view is named Cross Section 1 so this cross section view would
be opened by clicking the Window | Cross Section 1 command.

Data Table View

All data used to generate logs in a borehole view must be opened or imported into a Strater
project. These data tables are represented by data tabs. Collar tables, depth tables, interval
tables, lithology tables, project settings tables, survey tables, text item tables, and well
construction tables can be created in Strater. Each table type has a different function in Strater.
Refer to the Table Types page for an in-depth discussion of the types.

Strater 5 User’s Guide

Opening a New Table View

During a Strater session, new blank tables are created by clicking the Home | New | Table

command, clicking the button, or by pressing CTRL+W on the keyboard.

Opening an Existing Table in a New View

To open existing data into the current project, click the File | Open command. If you want the
worksheet to appear in a new data table, select the worksheet and click Open. Step through the
opening process and a new data table is added.

To import existing data into the current project in an existing table, click on the table where you
want the data to appear. Click File | Import. In the Import Data dialog, select the data file and
click Open. Step through the importing process and the data is added to the current table.

Borehole View
A borehole view represents a collection of logs and drawing objects used to graphically display data
for one or more boreholes. A borehole view may be derived from a template file or it can be created
from a default view window with the necessary log items defined to create the borehole. The
borehole view displays the true data for the project once data are defined in the project file.

You are presented with an empty borehole view when you first start Strater.

Opening a New Borehole View

During a Strater session, new projects with an empty borehole view are created with the File |
New Project command. New borehole views in an existing project are created with the Home |
New | Borehole View command. Alternatively, you can right-click in the View Manager and
select New Borehole View.

Opening an Existing Borehole View

Existing borehole views are opened by clicking the appropriate Borehole tab, checking the box
next to the borehole name in the View Manager, or by selecting Window |[Borehole name]. By
default, the first borehole view is named Borehole 1 so this borehole view would be opened by
choosing the Window | Borehole 1 command. To open an existing project, use the File | Open

Chapter 1 - Introducing Strater®

There are three main components of a borehole view: the log pane,
header pane, and footer pane. The panes are outlined when you open
a blank borehole view. The upper rectangle is the header pane, the
middle rectangle is the log pane, and the bottom rectangle is the footer
pane. You can change the rectangle line properties in the View
Properties. The size of the header, log, and footer panes is defined by
clicking File | Page Setup.

The header and footer panes generally contain static, unlinked

information. The header and footer items are used repeatedly with
minimal changes when different borehole data are applied to the view.
Two objects are exceptions to the static unlinked information "rule":
linked text and some scale bars. Linked text data changes as new data
is applied to the view. Horizontal scale bars can be associated with
some log items, a cross section, or they can be created as a stand-
alone, static object. When the scale bar is linked to a log or cross
section, the scale bar changes as changes are made to the linked item.

The log pane contains all the graphical log items to display the borehole data. This pane is
dependent on linked tables and columns to create the graphical view. The log pane is also
dependent on depth and scaling values. These values determine the size of the pane rectangle
and/or the number of pages. The log pane can also contain legends, text and linked text, drawn
objects, and imported images, as well.

Multiple Boreholes in the Borehole View

Strater permits multiple boreholes to appear in the same borehole view. You can define multiple
boreholes with a single table, distinguished by a hole ID, or you can create several tables that
define different boreholes in each table. This allows you to quickly change the borehole graphics in
the borehole view.

Appended to the borehole view name is the borehole ID associated with the data displayed in the
view. In the following example, the Hole ID of this borehole view is DH-2:

Click the borehole tab at the top of the

Strater window to open a borehole view.

If there is more than one borehole represented by the logs in a borehole view, the associated
borehole view tab's name ends with -Multi-.

If there is more than one borehole in the borehole

view, the label of the tab reads -Multi-.

Strater 5 User’s Guide

Types of Logs
Strater creates 15 different types of logs in the borehole view. Click on the links below for more
information on each of the log types.
• Depth Log
• Line/Symbol Log
• Lithology Log
• Complex Text Log
• Zone Bar Log
• Bar Log
• Percentage Log
• Post Log
• Classed Post Log
• Graphic Log
• Well Construction Log
• Registered Raster Log
• Unregistered Raster Log
• Tadpole Log
• Crossplot Log
• Function Log

Adding Additional Information to the Borehole View

Scale bars, linked text, drawing objects, legends, and images can be added to the borehole view at
any location.

Creating a Log in the Borehole View

For detailed information, refer to the Creating a Borehole topic. In general, you can add a log to
any borehole view by following these steps:
1. Click the Log | Create Log | [log type] command for the object you want to create. For
instance, if you want to create a line/symbol log, click the Log | Create Log | Line/Symbol
2. Click on the log pane where you want the log to be located.
3. In the dialog, select the data file to use. An existing table can be selected in the Use Current
Table list.
4. If a new data file was selected, step through the importing process. The log will be displayed.
5. Any customizations can be made by selecting the log and making changes in the Property

Map View
Map views graphically display wells or base map files on a map. Map views display any wells listed
in the collars table as a symbol on the map. Each well in the collars table is displayed as a separate
symbol. Wells can display deviation as a line with a symbol at the end of the well or only show the
collar location of the well. Wells can be edited as a group or individually. Individual wells can be
unchecked in the Object Manager to customize the appearance of the map view. The map also
contains a set of four axes, that can be edited individually. Maps can add base layers, such as field
outlines or exported Surfer maps, additional well layers, or well selector lines.

All map layers are positioned according to the map layer's coordinate system. Each layer can have
a separate source coordinate system. All layers are reprojected into the Map target coordinate

Chapter 1 - Introducing Strater®

Drawing objects and labels can be added to a map view.

This map view contains wells with names and elevations,

a well selector line, and a contour map loaded as a base map.

Opening a New Map View

New map views in an existing project are created by clicking the Home | New | Map View

command, clicking the button, pressing CTRL+M on the keyboard, or right-clicking in the View
Manager and selecting New Map View. A new blank map view is created.

Opening an Existing Map View

Existing map views are opened by clicking the appropriate Map tab, checking the box next to the
map view name in the View Manager, or by selecting Window | [Map name]. By default, the
first map view is named Map 1 so this map view would be opened by choosing the Window | Map
1 command. To open an existing project, use the File | Open command.

Creating Map Layers

Create the first map layer with the Map | Create | Well Map or Map | Create | Base Map

If creating a well map and a single collars table already has been created, the map view
automatically uses that Collars table. If no Collars table exists, you are prompted for the data file. A
Collars table is automatically created. If multiple Collars table exist, you are prompted to select one

If an existing map has already been created and the well map or base map should be added to the
existing map, click the Map | Add | Well Layer or Map | Add | Base Layer commands. If the
Create Well Map or Create Base Map command is used and a blank map view is available, the
map is created in that map view, otherwise, the map is created in a new map view.

Adding Additional Information to the Map View

Base maps, additional well maps, and well selector maps can be added to an existing map view.
Drawing objects can also be added to a map layer.

Strater 5 User’s Guide

Cross Section View

Cross section views display multiple wells on a page. Cross sections can be created from zone bar,
lithology, or line/symbol log types. Other log types can be added to the display, similar to a
borehole view, but these logs are not included in the automatic cross section connections.

Wells can be automatically connected to display layers, zones, or lithologies from a table view,
connecting information from the wells across the page. The wells can also be displayed without
connections or with manual connections, connecting the wells where you select.

Wells can be displayed vertically or with deviations calculated from Inclination (or Dip) and Azimuth
columns from a table. Well spacing and elevation hanging can be altered to give you the look you
need to display your data.

The cross section view also allows data to be exported to a data file for use in Surfer or exported
to a Voxler 3D display to create a fence diagram. Drawing objects, labels and other logs can be
added to a cross section view.

This cross section displays two wells and the layers between.

Opening a New Cross Section View

Click the File | New | Cross Section View command, click the button, or right-click in the
View Manager and choose New Cross Section View to add a new blank cross section view to
the existing project.

A new cross section view window can also be created with the Cross Section | Create/Add |
Create Cross Section command.

Opening an Existing Cross Section View

Existing cross section views are opened by clicking the appropriate Cross Section tab, checking
the box next to the cross section view name in the View Manager, or by selecting Window
| [Cross Section name]. By default, the first cross section view is named Cross Section 1 so
this cross section view would be opened by choosing the Window | Cross Section 1 command.

Chapter 1 - Introducing Strater®

Adding Additional Information to the Cross Section View

Drawing objects and inserted map layers can be added to a cross section view.
There are several table types in Strater: collars, depth, interval, and text item. There are also a
few specialized table types based on the four main table types: lithology, project settings, survey
table, and well construction. Most of these table types contain required columns. For example,
interval tables require From and To depth or elevation columns.

Creating New Tables

To create a new table select Home | New | Table or click . The Create New Table dialog
opens. You can add data to the new table by clicking its tab and selecting File | Import.

Data Organization
The data to be represented in boreholes needs to be in column and row (record) format.

Each column contains three properties: a name, description, and units. The description and units
are optional for every column.

If a column is required for a particular table type, for example the To column in an interval table,
the column name cannot be changed. However, optional column names can be changed. If the
Column Name has a gray background in the Column Editor, the column is required and the name
cannot be changed.

Columns can be added and deleted by either selecting Data | Edit | Append or selecting a row,
right-clicking, and selecting Append Column.

Typically, each row in the data is devoted to a depth or an interval in the borehole. Rows can be
added by clicking the Data | Edit | Insert command, right-clicking and selecting the Insert Rows
command, or by typing data into a new row.

Schemes and Tables

Strater uses schemes when "linking" the data in a table to a borehole design. A scheme associates
information from the data table (such as text entries (keywords) or number ranges) with fill
properties, line properties, font properties, etc. When Strater locates a keyword or number range
in the column, the borehole is assigned the keyword or number range properties for the depth,
interval, or well construction item. Scheme item names can be automatically created with Table |
Table | Create Scheme.

Data Selection
Use the cursor to drag and select any number of conterminous cells and rows.

File Formats
Strater can read numerous file formats such as data files (including Excel spreadsheets and ASCII
text files), databases, and LAS files. Strater can also link to virtually any database system installed
on your computer using the Data Link Source.

Strater 5 User’s Guide

Log Types
Both borehole views and cross section views display logs. Several different log types can be created
in Strater. To create a log in either the borehole view or cross section view, click the Log | Create
Log | [log type] command. Click on the screen where the log should be created. In the Open
dialog, select the table to use or data file to import and click Open. The log is displayed with the
default options.

Click the Example numbers for sample log illustrations:

Depth logs are used as a scale bar to display the depth or elevation of the data in the log or cross
section pane. True vertical depth can be displayed on a depth log, if azimuth and inclination (or dip)
are available for the wells. Examples: 1, 2

Line/symbol logs are used to display data as a symbols with connected lines. Line/symbol logs are
useful for displaying assay values, geophysical parameters, moisture content, etc. Example 1

Crossplot logs are used to display intersections of two data curves on a graph. Crossplot logs can be
used to characterize properties such as porosity, water saturation, or clay content by comparing
where two logs intersect. Example 1

Zone Bar
Zone bar logs display data as filled blocks within intervals, and can show a wide variety of logging
data. For instance, zone bars can represent sample intervals, alteration zones, contamination
layers, etc. Examples: I, 2

There are two types of bar logs: standard bars and polarity bars. Standard bar logs plot a bar from
the data minimum value to the row's data value. Polarity bar logs plot data based upon zero so
there are bars on both sides of zero if there is a mix of negative and positive data. Examples: 1, 2.

Percentage logs are similar to bar logs. Percentage logs display the percentage of each alteration in
a sample; the amounts of sand, clay, gravel, silt, etc. The percentage log uses data to create either
a series of blocks (interval data) or polygons (depth data) that always add up to 100%.
Examples: 1, 2, 3.

Tadpole logs are used to display dip and dip direction down the borehole. This gives an indication of
strike and dip of bedding planes, fractures, or any other structure along the depth of the borehole.
The symbols, colors, and labels can be altered to display the most useful information along the well.


Chapter 1 - Introducing Strater®

Post logs are used to display a symbol and text at the data position. The symbols can represent
sample locations at depth or intervals, and in the case of monitoring wells, the depth to water,
contamination, etc.

Classed Post
Classed post logs are similar to the post logs, except classed post logs use range schemes and
numerical values to determine the symbol properties. Example: 1

Complex Text
Complex text logs show text in intervals. This type of complex text is generally used for rock
descriptions, alteration descriptions, or any general descriptive text that represents interval data.
Long text blocks are wrapped to fit within the log width. Separator styles can be used to separate
text in long descriptions, and if adjacent sections contain the same text they can be combined into
a single, larger section. Examples 1, 2

Graphic logs allow you to specify image file names and show the images at specified intervals. This
is useful in displaying photos of the core, rock type, alteration, etc. Example 1

Lithology logs show the various stratigraphic layers in the borehole. The display can be as simple as
a filled block from the top to bottom, or the display can be more elaborate and show weathering
patterns and line types. Example: 1

Well Construction
Well construction logs replicate a well construction diagram for the log, and is generally used in the
environmental industry. This log type shows items such as screen, packing material, end caps, and

Registered and Unregistered Raster

An unregistered raster log is a scanned image of a paper or electric log without depth-registration
information. It is easy to depth-register the unregistered raster log with Strater. Once the depth
registration is complete the log can be used in cross sections and modified with the properties in
the Property Manager. A registered raster log is a scanned image of a paper or electric log with a
depth registration file. Registered raster logs can be used in cross sections and modified with the
properties in the Property Manager.

Function logs combine multiple existing log variables into a new log using mathematical formulas.
The log variables being combined can contain different depth spacings and be from different tables.
A new table is created from the output data of the input logs. Example: 1

Strater® Help
There are several ways to obtain help in Strater:

Getting Help from the Help Menu

Within Strater, the online help file is opened through Home | Help | Contents or Home | Help |
Tutorial. Alternatively, press F1 at anytime to open the help. You can navigate help using the

Strater 5 User’s Guide

Contents, Index, Search, and Favorites pages in the navigation pane to the left of the topic
• The Contents page allows you to search the predefined table of contents. The table of
contents has a variety of help books and help topic pages. Double-click on a help book, or
click the button to the left of a book to open it.
• The Index page allows you to search index words to find a help topic. If you do not find a
topic with an index word, try a search on the Search page.
• The Search page offers advanced search options including phrases, wildcards, boolean, and
nested searching.
• The Favorites page allows you add help pages to a custom list. This allows you to quickly
find favorite help topics that you reference frequently.

Navigating the Help

The navigation pane shows the Contents, Index, Search, and Favorites pages. The navigation

page is displayed by default. The navigation pane can be displayed with the button and

hidden with the button.

Internet Help Resources

There are several Internet help resources.

• Click the or buttons in online help to research a question or to

post a question.
• Use the Help | Feedback commands to send a problem report, suggestion, or information
request by email.
• Search our web page at www.goldensoftware.com or use the Help | Golden Software on
the Web commands for links to the Golden Software Home Page, Strater Product Page, and
Frequently Asked Questions.
• The Golden Software website has a variety of resources including training videos, a support
forum, a newsletter, a user image gallery, a blog, and a variety of free downloads.

Obtaining Information on Dialogs and Commands

To obtain information about dialogs or highlighted commands:
• Press F1 at anytime to open help.

• Click in dialogs to open the help topic pertaining to that dialog.

• Find out the function of highlighted menu commands or open dialogs by pressing F1.

• Click , or press SHIFT+F1 on your keyboard, then click a menu command, toolbar
button, or screen region to view information regarding that item.

Strater Overview
For general information on Strater, select Introduction to Strater, Borehole View, Creating a
Borehole, and Log Items.

Context Sensitive Help

Chapter 1 - Introducing Strater®

Press SHIFT+F1 on your keyboard to change the cursor to the context sensitive help cursor. Click
on a command, tool button, or screen regions for help on the item. This method will produce a
detailed help page for the item of interest. Not all items can be linked to the context-sensitive help.

F1 Key
Alternatively, you can obtain help for specific commands or items by hovering the mouse over the
command and pressing the F1 key on the keyboard.

Printing the Online Help

The online help topics may be printed. You can print a single topic, a section of the table of
contents, or all topics in the table of contents. Open the online help by choosing the Home | Help |
Contents command in Strater.

Printing One Topic

To print one topic:
1. Open the online help by clicking the Home | Help | Contents command in the Strater
2. Click on the topic you wish to print.

3. Click the button.

4. If the Contents tab is open in the help navigation pane, the Print Topics dialog appears.
Select Print the selected topic and click OK.
5. The Print dialog opens. Click the Print button, and the individual topic is printed.

Printing One Book

To print one help book, such as the tutorial:
1. Open the online help file by clicking the Home | Help | Contents command in the Strater
2. Click the Contents tab on the left side navigation pane.
3. Expand the Strater 3 book and click on the Tutorial book.

4. Click the button.

5. The Print Topics dialog appears. Select Print the selected heading and all subtopics and
click OK.
6. The Print dialog opens. Click the Print button and all the topics included in the Tutorial book
are printed.

Printing the Entire Help File

To print all of the topics in the help file table of contents:
1. Open the online help by clicking the Home | Help | Contents command in the Strater
2. Click the Contents tab on the left side navigation pane.
3. Select the top-level book in the help file, Strater 3.

4. Click the button.

5. The Print Topics dialog opens. Select Print the selected heading and all subtopics and click
6. The Print dialog opens. Click the Print button, and all the topics included in the online help
table of contents are printed.

Strater 5 User’s Guide

WARNING: Printing the entire help file takes hundreds of letter-sized sheets of paper and is very
time consuming to print. There is no table of contents or index printed with the file.

For a full length guide that is arranged in a book-format with an index and table of contents, it is
recommended that you purchase the additional user's guide. You can place your order for this guide
on our website at www.goldensoftware.com.

Technical Support
Golden Software's technical support is free to registered users of our products. Our technical
support staff is trained to help you find answers to your questions quickly and accurately. We are
happy to answer any of your questions about any of our products, both before and after your
purchase. We also welcome suggestions for improvements to our software and encourage you to
contact us with any ideas you may have for adding new features and capabilities to our programs.
To allow us to support all customers equitably, an individual user's daily support time may be

Technical support is available Monday through Friday 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM Mountain Time, excluding
major United States holidays. We respond to email and fax technical questions within one business
day. When contacting us with your question please have the following information available:
• Your Strater serial number
• Your Strater version number, found in File | About Strater
• The operating system you are using (Windows XP, Vista, 7, or 8)
• The steps taken to produce the issue
• The exact wording of the first error message (if any) that appears
If you cannot find the answer to your question in the online help, on our web page frequently asked
questions, in our support forums, on the knowledge base, or in the quick start guide please do not
hesitate to contact us:

Phone: 303-279-1021
Fax: 303-279-0909
Email: [email protected]
Web: www.GoldenSoftware.com
Mail: Golden Software, LLC, 809 14th Street, Golden, Colorado, 80401-1866, USA

Chapter 2 - Tutorial
Tutorial Introduction
This tutorial is designed to introduce you to some of Strater's basic features. After you have
completed the tutorial, you should be able to begin to use Strater with your own data, creating
your own boreholes, maps, and cross sections. We strongly encourage completion of the tutorial
before proceeding with Strater. The lessons should be completed in order; however, they do not
need to be completed in one session. The tutorial should take approximately one hour to complete.

The following is an overview of lessons included in the tutorial.

• Lesson 1 - Opening Data shows how to open a data file in a table view.
• Lesson 2 - Creating Logs shows how to create a Depth log, Line/Symbol log, and Zone Bar
• Lesson 3 - Changing Properties shows how to edit the log properties.
• Lesson 4 - Creating and Editing Drawing Items shows how to add text, linked text, and a
legend to the borehole view.
• Lesson 5 - Changing Boreholes shows how to change all of the logs to another borehole and
how to change an individual log to a different borehole.
• Lesson 6 - Creating a Map View shows how to import collar data into a table and create a
map view with a well layer and a well selector line.
• Lesson 7 - Creating a Cross Section View shows how to create and edit a cross section view.
• Lesson 8 - Saving Information shows how to save the Strater project and how to create a

Advanced Tutorial Lessons

The advanced tutorial lessons are optional, but give additional information about working with
legends, design mode, and LAS files.
• Lesson 9 - Editing Legends shows how to edit many of the properties of the legend object.
• Lesson 10 - Design Mode and Activating Boreholes shows how to create a log in design mode
and activate the borehole with data after all of the logs are created.
• Lesson 11 - Creating Logs from LAS files shows how to import LAS data and create logs from
• Lesson 12 - Creating a Cross Section from Line/Symbol Logs shows how to create a cross
section from line/symbol logs. It also steps through the process of creating manual layers
and editing layers.
• Lesson 13 - Displaying Deviated Maps and Cross Sections shows how to change the display
of wells on maps and cross sections to display deviation paths.

A Note about the Documentation

Various font styles are used throughout the Strater quick start guide and online help. Bold text
indicates menu commands, dialog names, and page names. Italic text indicates items within a
dialog such as group box names, options, and field names. For example, the Save As dialog
contains a Save as type drop-down list. Bold and italic text may occasionally be used for emphasis.

In addition, menu commands appear as Home | Undo | Undo. This means, "click on the Edit
menu at the top of the Strater window, then click Undo within the Edit menu list." The first word
is always the menu name, followed by the commands within the menu list.

Chapter 2 - Tutorial

Topic Links
Each topic contains several links to other topics. Click the link for an in-depth discussion on the

subject. Use the button in the help file to return to the tutorial topic.

Using the Tutorial with the Demo Version

If you are using the demo version of Strater, you will not be able to complete some of the steps
due to disabled save, export, print, and copy features. The demo version is a fully functional read-
only version of the program. When this is a factor it is noted in the text and you are directed to
proceed to the next step that can be accomplished with the demo.

Starting Strater
To begin a Strater session:
1. Navigate to the installation folder, which is C:\Program Files\Golden Software\Strater 5 by
2. Double-click on the Strater.exe application file.
3. Click New Borehole View in the Welcome to Strater dialog. A new project is created with an
empty borehole view. If this is the first time that you have opened Strater, you will be
prompted for your serial number. Your serial number is located on the CD cover, or in the
email download instructions, depending on how you purchased Strater.

If Strater is already open, click the File | New Project command or the button to open a new
empty project before continuing with the tutorial.

Lesson 1 - Opening Data

Data can be opened in Strater before any logs are created, while creating the logs, or after the
logs have been created. In this section, the initial data is opened before any logs are created. If you
prefer to create a log design first, use design mode. Design mode is discussed in Lesson 10.

To open an existing data file into a table:

1. Click the File | Open command or click the button on the Quick Access Toolbar.
2. In the Open dialog, navigate to the Strater Samples folder. By default, this is located in
C:\Program Files\Golden Software\Strater 5\Samples. Click on the Tutorial 1.xls file and click
3. In the XLS Import Options dialog, select the Depth sheet and click OK.
4. In the Specify Worksheet Column Definitions dialog, check the box next to Specify
Column Header Row. This tells Strater that the specified row number contains text
indicating the column name.
5. Click Next.
6. In the Specify Data Type and Column Positions dialog, set the Data type to Depth
(Single Depth).
7. Set the Hole ID, Depth, Hole Inclination, and Hole Azimuth columns to the appropriate
a. Set Hole ID to the Hole ID column.
b. Set Depth to the Depth column.
c. Set Hole Inclination and Hole Azimuth to [Unspecified].
8. Click Finish.
The data is displayed in a table view named Depth. This table can now be used to create logs.

Strater 5 User’s Guide

Lesson 2 - Creating Logs

The most common types of logs that are created are depth logs and line/symbol logs. Data are
immediately associated with the log when creating log items in active mode, providing an
immediate image representing the log. This section will use the previously opened data file to
create a line/symbol and depth log. Another table will be opened to create a zone bar log.

To create the logs in the borehole view, click on the Borehole 1 tab.

Click on the Borehole 1 tab to switch to the

borehole view, where logs are created.

Creating a Depth Log - Tutorial

Depth logs display the borehole's depth or elevation information. For deviated wells, the depth log
can be adjusted so that the true vertical depth can be displayed.

To create a depth log:

1. Click the Log | Create Log | Depth command.
2. Click on the left side of the log pane, where you want the depth log to be located.
3. In the Open dialog, make sure that Depth is selected in the Use Open Table option and in
the File name box.

Select the Depth table in the Use Open Table section and
make sure it is selected in the File name box.
4. Click Open.
The depth log is created with the default properties.

Chapter 2 - Tutorial

The depth log is created where you clicked on the screen.

Creating a Line/Symbol Log - Tutorial

Line/symbol logs display table data vertically at a depth value and horizontally at a data value.
Lines, symbols, or both lines and symbols can be displayed.

To create a line/symbol log:

1. Click the Log | Create Log | Line/Symbol command.
2. Click in the log pane in the location you want the line/symbol log drawn. For this tutorial,
click near the center of the log pane. You will position the log item more exactly later.
3. In the Open dialog, make sure that Depth is selected in the Use Open Table option and in
the File name box.

Select the Depth table in the Use Open Table section and
make sure it is selected in the File name box.
4. Click Open.
The line/symbol log is created with the default properties.

Strater 5 User’s Guide

Note that a scale bar appears in the header pane. The default option for line/symbol logs is to
always create a scale bar. The scale bar shows the range of values for the variable being displayed.
If scale bars are not desired by default, click the File | Options command. Uncheck the box next to
the Auto Create Scale Bar option in the General section.

The borehole view should look similar to

this, after adding the line/symbol log. Both the
depth log and line/symbol log are shown,
with the scale bar above the line/symbol log.

Creating a Zone Bar Log - Tutorial

Zone bar logs can display a variety of well log information, such as lithology or layer information.
Zone bar logs include two columns of depth data, normally labeled as From and To. Because of this,
each row contains data that represents conditions in a depth range.

To create a zone bar log:

1. Click the Log | Create Log Zone Bar command.
2. Click in the log pane to the right of the line/symbol log.
3. In the Open dialog, select the Tutorial 1.xls file from the Samples folder and click Open.
4. In the XLS Import Options dialog, select the Lithology sheet and click OK.
5. In the Specify Worksheet Column Definitions dialog, check the box next to Specify
Column Header Row option to set the contents of row 1 as the header row.
6. Click Next.
7. In the Specify Data Type and Column Positions dialog, verify that Hole ID, From, and To
have the appropriate columns selected. The rest of the columns are not mapped to one of
the remaining predefined columns but will be imported into the table.
a. Set Hole ID to the Hole ID column.
b. Set From to the From column.
c. Set To to the To column.
d. Set Hole Inclination and Hole Azimuth to [Unspecified].
e. Set Data to [Auto].
8. Click Finish.

Chapter 2 - Tutorial

The zone bar log is created with the default properties. An interval table named Lithology is created
with the data from the selected sheet.

The zone bar is added to the existing borehole view.

Lesson 3 - Changing Properties

The properties of an object are edited by clicking on the object and changing the properties in the
Property Manager. The Property Manager is displayed by default on the lower left side of the
Strater window. If the Property Manager is not visible, click the View | Managers | Property
Manager command. A check mark appears next to Property Manager if it is visible.

When an object is selected, its properties are displayed in the Property Manager.

The Property Manager is displayed in the lower left corner of the Strater window, by default.

Strater 5 User’s Guide

Editing Log Item Position and Size - Tutorial

The easiest way to position or size a log is to click on the log in the Object Manager or in the log
pane and drag it to a new location or size. However, items can be more accurately positioned with

To accurately position and size the line/symbol log:

1. Click on the line/symbol log named Depth in the Object Manager or log pane to select it.
2. In the Arrange | Position | X field on the ribbon, highlight the number next to X and type
in 2.0.

Highlight the existing value in the X box and type the new location.
3. Press ENTER on the keyboard and the line/symbol log is moved in the borehole view so its
left edge is two inches from the left edge of the paper.
4. Highlight the number next to Width and type 1.5.
5. Press ENTER on the keyboard and the line/symbol log and its linked scale bar are sized so
that the log is one and a half inches wide.
6. Click the DepthLog depth log object in the Object Manager, hold CTRL, and then click the
Lithology Keyword zone bar log object
7. Click the Arrange | Size Objects | Specify Width command.
8. Type 1.5 in the Width of Multiple Objects dialog.
9. Click OK.
All of the logs in the log pane are now 1.5 inches wide, and the line/symbol log's horizontal position
is 2 inches left.

Spacing Objects
Log items can be positioned relative to one another with the Arrange tab commands.

To position the depth log relative to the line/symbol log:

1. The line/symbol log should be to the right of the depth log before completing the next
section. If the line/symbol log is to the left of the depth log, click on the depth log. Hold
down the left mouse button and drag the depth log to the left of the line/symbol log.
2. Select both the depth log and the line/symbol log. There are two ways to select multiple
items in the log pane:
• Click on the depth log in the borehole view window. Press the SHIFT key on the
keyboard. While holding the SHIFT key down, click the line/symbol log in the
borehole view window.
• In the Object Manager click the name of the depth log, DepthLog. Press the CTRL
key on the keyboard. While holding the CTRL key down, click the name of the
line/symbol log, Depth.
3. When both logs are highlighted, click the Arrange | Space Objects | Left to Right
The line/symbol log remains in the fixed location. The depth log is moved so that the right edge of
the depth log bounding box is at the same location as the left edge of the line/symbol log bounding

The Arrange | Space Objects | Right to Left command can be used when selecting the
line/symbol log and the zone bar log to move the zone bar log to the immediate right of the
line/symbol log.

Chapter 2 - Tutorial

The Right to Left and Left to Right commands remove the spaces
between adjacent objects to maximize the space available
in the view window.

Editing Line/Symbol Log Properties

Each object has unique properties that can be changed. Line/symbol logs can change the column
that is being displayed, the scaling, the line, fill, and symbol properties, add labels, and add a
background grid behind the line/symbol log.

To change the line/symbol log line properties:

1. Click on the line/symbol log in either the Object Manager or in the log pane to select it.
2. In the Property Manager, click on the Line tab.
3. Click the next to Log to open the log curve properties section.
4. Click the next to Line Properties to open the line properties section.
5. To increase the line thickness, highlight the value next to Width and type a new value, such
as 0.02 inches.
6. Press ENTER on the keyboard to make the change.
To change the line/symbol log fill properties:
1. Click the Fill tab in the Property Manager to open the log fill properties.
2. Click the next to Log to open the log curve properties section.
3. To open the log fill properties section, click the next to Log Fill.
4. To fill the curve to the left of the line with a blue color, make sure that the Fill log on option
is set to Left.
5. Click the next to Fill Properties to open the fill properties section.
6. Click the current Style selection, None, to open the fill palette.
7. Scroll to the top of the palette and click Solid.
8. Click the next to Layer 1 (Solid) to open the layer properties section.
9. Click the Black selection in the Color property field and select Blue from the color palette.
To change the line/symbol log symbol properties:
1. Click the Symbol tab in the Property Manager to open the log symbol properties.
2. Click the next to Log to open the log curve properties section, if necessary.
3. Click once on the up arrow next to Frequency. The frequency value changes to 1, and
symbols are displayed at each data point on the log curve.

Strater 5 User’s Guide

To change the line/symbol log label properties:

1. Click the Label tab in the Property Manager to open the log label properties.
2. Click the next to Log to open the log curve properties section, if necessary.
3. Change the Show label property to Data by clicking on the current option, None, and
selecting Data from the list.
4. Click the next to Layout to open the label layout section.
5. To reduce the number of labels, highlight the number next to Label frequency and type 3.
6. Press ENTER on the keyboard and every third label is displayed.
7. Click the word Center next to Offset method and select User defined from the list.
8. Highlight the value next to X offset and type 0.250 inches.
9. Press ENTER on the keyboard and the labels are moved to the right side of the symbols and
offset by 0.250 inches from the center of the symbol.

Display fill, symbols, and labels on the line/symbol log.

Editing Zone Bar Properties - Tutorial

Zone bar logs can change the column that is displayed, add labels, change line and fill properties,
and add grid lines behind the log. Normally, the fill is controlled by a scheme, which is discussed in
the next section.

To edit the zone bar log:

1. Click on the zone bar log in the Object Manager or
in the log pane to select it.
2. Click on the Label tab in the Property Manager.
3. To display the name of the lithological layer in each
zone on the zone bar, change the Show label option
to Show label with fill. The labels are added to the

Display labels
and colors in
the zone bar

Chapter 2 - Tutorial

Editing Schemes - Tutorial

Schemes are an important part of Strater. Schemes provide a mechanism to define drawing
properties, such as line, fill, symbol, and text properties, from a table value. Once a scheme is
created, it can be used in many logs, cross sections, and other projects. This avoids the need to
duplicate work.

Schemes are not used in all log types, but they are used in several, including the zone bar log.
Schemes are required for lithology, percentage, and well construction logs. Schemes are optional
for bar, classed post, post, and zone bar logs. Scheme properties can be edited from any view by
clicking the Home | Display | Scheme Editor command.

A zone bar log uses a keyword scheme to relate data table information to interval block properties,
such as fill color or fill pattern. When this log was created, Strater automatically created a basic,
default scheme to fill the log with random colors. To edit the scheme connected with the zone bar
1. Click the Home | Display | Scheme Editor command to open the Scheme Editor.
2. On the left side of the Scheme Editor, click the next to Lithology: Lithology Keyword. The
five scheme items are displayed below the scheme name.

Expand a scheme to view all scheme items. You can

select each item to set its properties.
3. Click the Jasperoid item. The item properties are displayed on the right side of the Scheme
4. Set the fill properties to any desired pattern and color you wish. For instance, you may click
next to Style and select the BIF image.
5. Select the Granite item on the left side of the dialog.
6. Set different fill properties. For instance, change the Style to Diagonal Cross and change the
Foreground color to Dark Green.
7. Continue changing the properties for each of the remaining items until the fill properties for
all five items have been changed.
8. Click OK and the Scheme Editor closes. The scheme properties are automatically applied to
the zone bar log.

Strater 5 User’s Guide

Change the fill

properties for each
item in the scheme.

Note that by default the scheme item names are case-sensitive. If you were to change Granite to
granite in one cell in the table, the scheme item properties would not be displayed for that interval.
The scheme item associations can be made case insensitive by changing the Scheme is case
sensitive option in the General page of the Options dialog.

Lesson 4 - Creating and Editing Drawing Items

The header and footer panes typically contain information about the company, borehole, etc. Most
of this information is static, and some of the information can change depending on data changes.
You can create a variety of objects such as rectangles, lines, and text to display information
anywhere in the view window.

This tutorial lesson creates a text object, creates multiple linked text objects, and aligns the text. A
legend is also added to the view.

Creating Text - Tutorial

The Draw | Shape | Text command is used to create text anywhere in the view window.

To add text to the borehole view:

1. Click the Draw | Shape | Text command.
2. Move the cursor into the borehole view. Click the left mouse button when the cursor is above
the depth log in the header pane.
3. The Text Editor opens. Type Depth (feet).
4. Click OK and Depth (feet) appears in the location where the mouse was clicked.
5. Press ESC on the keyboard to end drawing mode.
6. Click on the text. A bounding box appears. You can click and drag the text to move the text
to the desired location.
7. With the text selected, highlight the number next to the Points option in the Font section of
the Property Manager.
8. Type a new size value, such as 14, and press ENTER on the keyboard to increase the size of
the text.

Chapter 2 - Tutorial

Creating Linked Text - Tutorial

Linked text shows information that changes with the borehole being displayed, such as location
information, depth, driller name, or page number. Linked text is derived from a table or borehole
view property setting. So, when the data changes, the text automatically updates.
1. Click the Draw | Shape | Linked Text command.
2. Near the top left of the header section, click to add linked text. The default linked text object,
the Hole ID, appears.
3. Click a second time below the DH-1 text. Another DH-1 appears.
4. Press ESC on the keyboard to end drawing mode.
5. Click on the first DH-1 text in either the Object Manager or in the header pane.
6. In the Property Manager, click on the Label tab.
7. Click the next to Label Format to open the label format section.
8. Next to Prefix, type Borehole ID: with a space after the colon.
9. Press ENTER on the keyboard and the text appears to the left of the borehole ID number.
10. Click on the second DH-1 text in either the Object Manager or in the header pane.
11. Click on the Linked Text tab in the Property Manager.
12. Click the Hole ID text next to the Linked Text Type option and select Current Page from the
list. The page number is displayed.
13. Click on the Label tab.
14. Next to Prefix, type Page: with a space after the colon.
15. Press ENTER on the keyboard and the contents of the linked text box changes.

Before the text is aligned, it may look something like this,

with the text appearing at the locations where you
clicked on the screen. It is often desirable to
move the text to a specific location.

Aligning Text - Tutorial

There are several ways to position objects, including text boxes, in Strater.
• Click and drag objects to new locations.
• Click the Arrange | Align commands to automatically position objects relative to other
• Click the Arrange | Space Objects command to control spacing between objects.
• Use the Arrange | Position toolbar to manually and precisely position objects.

To align the text and linked text:

1. Select the first linked text box by clicking on the Linked Text 1 object in the Object
2. Press and hold the CTRL key on the keyboard.
3. In the Object Manager, click on Linked Text 2.
4. Click the Arrange | Align | Left command. The text blocks are now horizontally aligned
along the left edge of the text.
5. Click on the Text 1 object in the Object Manager.

Strater 5 User’s Guide

6. Press and hold the CTRL key on the keyboard.

7. Click on the Depth - Au object in the Object Manager.
8. Click the Arrange | Align | Middle command.
The depth text and the scale bar are now vertically aligned. The two linked text objects are
horizontally aligned.

Align text to create a more

organized layout for your borehole.

Creating a Legend - Tutorial

Legends can be added to explain information contained in a log, such as the zone bar log. To add a
1. Click on the zone bar log to select it.
2. Click the Log | Add | Legend command.
3. Click on the borehole view where the legend should be located. The legend can appear in any
of the panes. After clicking, the legend automatically appears.
4. Press the ESC key on the keyboard to end drawing mode.
The legend can be edited in the Property Manager to show fill properties, symbol properties, or
both. The options can appear in multiple columns and with the text on the left or right side. Refer to
the Advanced Tutorial Editing Legends lesson for additional information about formatting the

Add a legend to explain items

displayed in the borehole view.

Lesson 5 - Changing Boreholes

It is very easy to change boreholes in Strater. As mentioned earlier, the tables can contain data for
more than one borehole and the project can reference more than one table.

Changing All Logs to a New Borehole

In our example, the Lithology and Depth tables both contain DH-1 and DH-2 in the Hole ID column.
You can easily change the borehole from DH-1 data to DH-2 data. To change the borehole:
1. Click the View | Display | View Properties command, click in the white space in the log
pane, or click on the Borehole 1: DH-1 view name in the View Manager.
2. Click the View tab in the Property Manager.
3. Click DH-1 next to Hole ID filter and select DH-2 from the list. The borehole log items and
linked text change to reflect the DH-2 data.

Chapter 2 - Tutorial

Changing One Log to a New Borehole

To change only one log to a different borehole:
1. Click on the log that should be changed, such as the zone bar log.
2. In the Property Manager, click on the Log tab.
3. Click the well name next to Hole ID filter and select the appropriate borehole name, such as
DH-1. The zone bar log automatically updates to show the new borehole's data.
When changing only a single log, only the selected log changes to the new data. In this case, the
depth log, line/symbol log, and linked text continue to show DH-2 data. Only the zone bar log
shows the DH-1 data. The borehole view tab and the Hole ID Filter in the View properties show -
Multi- to indicate that multiple logs are displayed in this borehole view.

Lesson 6 - Creating a Map View

A map view represents each of the wells in a collars table as a symbol on a map. Each well in the
collars table is displayed as a separate symbol. Wells can be edited as a group or individually. The
map also contains a set of four axes, that can be edited individually. Base layers, additional well
layers, and well selector lines can be added to maps.

Opening a New Map View

New map views in an existing project are created by clicking the Home | New | Map View

command or clicking the button.

Displaying the Well Locations - Tutorial

In the new map view, wells can be displayed based on information in the collars table. A collars
table can be opened using the File | Open command or can be opened when creating the well
1. Click the Map | Create | Well Map command.
2. In the Open Collars File dialog, select the Example Data.xls file and click Open.
3. In the XLS Import Options dialog, select the Collars table and click OK.
4. In the Specify Worksheet Column Definitions dialog, make sure that Specify Column
Header Row is checked and click Next.
5. In the Specify Data Type and Column Positions dialog, set the Hole ID, Starting Depth,
Ending Depth, Elevation, Easting, and Northing columns to the appropriate columns and click
Finish. The two wells appear on the map.
The well map is displayed with the default properties. Because only two wells are visible, the wells
are located at the corners of the map.

Strater 5 User’s Guide

The two wells are shown at the top right

and bottom left corners of the map.

Changing the Well Properties - Tutorial

All of the well properties can be edited. To make changes to the well symbol and add well labels:
1. Click on the Wells 1 map layer in the Object Manager.
2. In the Property Manager, click on the Label tab.
3. Next to the Label 1 option, click on [None] and select Hole ID from the list. By default, the
name appears below the symbol.
4. Next to the Label 2 option, click on [None] and select Elevation from the list. This displays
the elevation of the well below the well name.
5. Currently, a scheme is used to display wells, but all symbols can be the same. To not use a
scheme, click on the Wells tab in the Property Manager.
6. Uncheck the box next to the Use keyword scheme for symbols option.
7. Click on the Symbol tab.
8. Change the Symbol by clicking on the existing symbol and select any desired symbol from
the list.

Chapter 2 - Tutorial

The wells are changed to use a

uniform symbol. Labels are also
displayed below the wells.

Changing the Map Properties - Tutorial

The map properties control the size of the map and the symbol, line, and font properties for all of
the objects in the map. To change the limits and scale of the map:
1. Click on the Map 1 object in the Object Manager.
2. In the Property Manager, click on the Scale tab.
3. To use different scales in the X and Y directions, uncheck the box next to Proportional XY
4. Set the Length (Page Units) to 7 inches for both the X Scale and Y Scale by highlighting the
existing value and typing 7.0.
5. Press ENTER on the keyboard to make the change. Creating a map that fits nicely within the
page boundaries is important if you are going to insert the map view in a borehole view or
cross section view because the entire map view page boundary is inserted.
6. Click on the Limits tab to set the size of the map.
7. Check the box next to Use Data Limits to have the limits controlled exactly by the objects in
the map.
8. Click the Fit All button to expand the limits to include all of the text associated with the wells.

Strater 5 User’s Guide

Reset the size and limits to show all of

the information for both wells in the map.

Adding a Well Selector Line - Tutorial

A well selector line can be used to create a cross section or to show multiple wells connected on the
map. Wells are selected in the order that they should appear in the cross section with the furthest
left well in the cross section selected first on the map. To connect wells:
1. Click the Map 1 map object or any of the layers or objects in the map.
2. Click the Map | Add | Well Selector command or right-click on the map and choose Add |
Well Selector.
3. The cursor changes to . As the cursor approaches a well, the well name appears in a
floating box. This makes selecting the right well easier. Click on the first well, DH-1, to select
4. Click on each additional well in the order that the logs will appear in the cross section. Click
on DH-2 next.
5. Press the ENTER key on the keyboard or double-click on the last well to end the current well
selector line.
6. Press ESC on the keyboard to end selector mode.
The order the wells will be displayed in the cross section is shown in the Object Manager by the
well order in the name for the well selector line. DH-1 appears first in the well selector name, so it
will appear on the left side of the cross section. DH-2 appears last, so it will appear on the right side
of the cross section. Had the wells been selected in the reverse order, DH-2 would be on the left
side in the Object Manager name and in the cross section.

Chapter 2 - Tutorial

The cross section will have two wells:

DH-1 on the left side of the cross section
and DH-2 on the right side of the cross section.

The wells are connected with a line. This line connects the wells that will be displayed in the cross

The well selector line is added to

the map, connecting the wells.

Lesson 7 - Creating a Cross Section View

A cross section can be created displaying lithology and zone bar logs or displaying line/symbol logs.
Wells can be connected with layers, representing lithologies or zones in the data. Layers can be
edited or manually created.

Opening a New Cross Section View

New cross section views in an existing project are created by clicking the Home | New | Cross

Section View command or clicking the button.

Strater 5 User’s Guide

Displaying Wells in the Cross Section View - Tutorial

To add the wells to the cross section view:

1. Click the Cross Section | Create/Add | Create Cross Section command.

2. On the right side of the Create Well Selector dialog, select the order the wells should be
displayed in the cross section. The Wells in selector should show DH-1 and then DH-2.
3. Click OK.
4. To create the cross section from lithology or zone bar logs, set the Cross section log type to
Lithology/Zone bar log in the Import Cross Section Data dialog.
5. Since the Table and Data Column are already defined for both logs, click OK.
The default cross section is created, displaying zone bar logs for both wells and connected

The default cross section is created from the wells in the

order they were selected in Create Well Selector dialog.

Editing Cross Section Properties - Tutorial

Some properties that can be controlled for the cross section include adding layer labels, well
headers, and distances between wells.
1. To add layer names, click on the Layers object in the Object Manager.
2. In the Property Manager, click on the Label tab.
3. Check the box next to Show layer labels and the layer names are automatically displayed.
4. To add well headers, click the Cross Section | Create/Add | Add Well Headers
command. The well name and symbol are automatically added to the header section.
5. To display distances between wells, click the Well Header 1 object in the Object Manager.
6. In the Property Manager, click on the Well Header tab.
7. Check the box next to Show distance. The distances are displayed between wells in map

Chapter 2 - Tutorial

The cross section can be updated to include

labels for each layer and well header information.

Inserting the Map View - Tutorial

The map view can be inserted into the cross section by clicking the Log | Add | Map View
command. After the map view appears, you can click on it and drag it to the desired location. To
edit the inserted map view, edit the original map view. The inserted map automatically updates.

The inserted map view can be added to any location in the cross section view,
as a reference to where the wells in the cross section are located.

Strater 5 User’s Guide

Reshaping the Cross Section Connections - Tutorial

The layers connecting wells in the cross section can be individually edited. After selecting a layer in
the cross section view window, click the Draw | Tools | Reshape command to enter reshape
mode. All the nodes that make up the layer polygon are viewable. Although all of the reshape
commands are applicable, there are a few key functions that make reshaping cross section layers
• Click on a node to select it and move it to a new location.
• Delete a node by selecting it and pressing DELETE on the keyboard.
• Add a new node by pressing and holding the CTRL key on the keyboard when clicking.
• If a node is shared (it affects more than one layer), you can separate it by holding the SHIFT
key down and then moving the node. This may be useful when editing pinchout nodes, or
when moving nodes that connect the layer to the log.
• Press the ALT key to link a node to a node in another layer so that the nodes move together.
Currently, two pinchouts are shown connecting toward the bottom of the cross section. To separate
these layers:
1. Click on the Granite pinchout on the left side of the cross section to select it.
2. Click the Draw | Tools | Reshape command.
3. Because the Granite and Basalt pinchouts share a common central node, you can separate
the two pinchouts by using the SHIFT key. Hold the SHIFT key down on the keyboard and
drag the right-most node toward the left side of the cross section.
4. Click on the Basalt pinchout on the right side of the cross section.
5. Hold down the SHIFT key on the keyboard and drag the left most nodes toward the right side
of the cross section. Holding down the SHIFT key separates the upper Basalt pinchout from
the Magnetite pinchout.
6. Let's assume that we know that the basalt layer near the center of the cross section has a
thick section in the middle. Click on the Basalt layer in the cross section view window to
select it.
7. Hold down the CTRL key on the keyboard. Click several points above the Basalt area to
create a curved area at the top of the layer.
8. Continuing to hold down the CTRL key on the keyboard, click several points below the
Basalt area to create a curved area at the bottom of the layer.
9. Press ESC on the keyboard to end reshape mode when all edits have been made.

The final cross section displays all edits made to the pinchouts and the central Basalt layer.

Chapter 2 - Tutorial

Refer to the Editing Individual Layers on a Cross Section for additional layer editing information.
Refer to Lesson 12 - Creating a Cross Section from Line/Symbol Logs for information on manually
picking layer tops or other cross section editing methods.

Lesson 8 - Saving Information

When you have completed the project, you can save the file to a Strater file or a template file.
Strater files save the schemes, data, and all view windows to the file. Templates can save a single
borehole or cross section view window or the entire project, but without the actual data. If you are
using the demo version, the save command is not available. To save the file:

1. Click the File | Save As command or click the button.

2. Set the Save as type to Strater Files (*.sdg) or to Strater Template Files (*.tsf). Saving a
template in this manner saves the entire project to the template.
3. Type a File name.
4. Click Save and the file is saved.

Congratulations, you have completed the Strater tutorial!

Advanced Tutorials
Lesson 9 - Editing Legends
In Lesson 4, a legend was created. Many of the properties of the legend can be edited, including the
text that is displayed, whether symbols or filled rectangles are displayed, and how many columns
are displayed. Legends are for any log type that uses a scheme.

If you have completed lesson 4 and the borehole view is available, click on the Borehole 1 tab. You
can then continue to the next lesson.

If you do not have a borehole view available with a legend:

1. Create a new borehole view by clicking the Home | New | Borehole View command or
clicking the button.
2. Create a zone bar log by completing the steps on the Creating a Zone Bar Log tutorial page.
3. Add a legend by following the steps on the Creating a Legend tutorial page.

The default legend displays

symbols and fill boxes. This
can be changed to be more
meaningful for the zone bar log.

Now that a log and legend exist, we are ready to edit the legend properties.

Strater 5 User’s Guide

Editing Legend Properties - Tutorial

To edit the legend, click once on the legend to select it in either the view window or the Object
Manager. Once the legend is selected, all the properties of the legend are available in the
Property Manager.

Changing Sample Layout

To change the sample layout:
1. Click on the Legend tab in the Property Manager.
2. The Number of columns contains the number of columns that should appear in the legend.
Highlight the 1 and type 2. Press ENTER on the keyboard to make the change. Two separate
columns appear.
3. The Sample options describe what should appear for each sample. Click on Both and select
Rectangle from the list. The symbols are removed and only the filled rectangles remain.
4. To remove the spaces between rows of the legend, uncheck the Space Between samples

The legend appears with two columns

without spaces between rows.

Changing Title Options

To change the title of the legend:
1. To change the title, click on the Label tab in the Property Manager.
2. Expand the Legend Title section by clicking the next to Legend Title.
3. Expand the Text Properties section by clicking the next to Text Properties.
4. Click the button in the Text field.
5. In the Text Editor, type the text that should appear, such as:

Type the text in the Text Editor that should appear as the legend title.
5. Click OK in the Text Editor and the legend title appears.

Chapter 2 - Tutorial

6. To change the size of all of the text in the title, open the Font Properties section by clicking
the next to Font Properties.
7. Highlight the 10 next to Size (points) and type 18.
8. Press ENTER on the keyboard to make the change.

Changing Frame Options

Legends can also include a frame with line and fill properties. A frame line must be specified before
any fill properties will be displayed. To set the line and fill style for the area behind the samples and
1. Click on the Line tab.
2. Next to Frame Style, click the word None and select Rectangle or Rounded Rectangle from
the list. The Rounded Rectangle option rounds the corners of the rectangle.
3. Click the next to Line Properties to open the frame line properties.
4. Increase the line thickness by highlighting the value next to Width and typing a new value,
such as 0.02.
5. Change the line color by clicking the color next to Color and selecting a different color from
the palette.
6. Click on the Fill tab.
7. Click the next to Fill Properties to open the frame fill properties.
8. To fill the area, click on the None next to Style and select the desired fill style from the
palette, such as Solid.
9. To change the frame background color, click on the color next to Color and select the desired
color from the color palette.

Legend properties are

edited in the Property Manager.

Lesson 10 - Design Mode and Activating Boreholes

This is an optional, advanced topic in Strater that shows how to work in design mode and then
attach data to the design.

There are two "modes" in the borehole view and cross section view: design mode and active mode.
Design mode is used to create placeholders for graphics without attaching them to data. Design
mode is useful when designing complex logs and designing templates when you do not want to
import any data. After loading a template and importing data, you can switch between design mode
and active mode.

Before proceeding with this lesson, open a new Strater project by selecting File | New Project or
clicking the button. If you are prompted to save the existing project, save it if desired.

Strater 5 User’s Guide

Entering Design Mode - Tutorial

To enter design mode, click the Log | Display | Design Mode command, press F4 on the
keyboard, or change the View Mode in the Property Manager on the View tab. When changed,
the View Mode should indicate Design Mode.

The borehole View Properties indicate if

you are in Design Mode or Active Mode.

Creating a Design - Tutorial

Design mode is useful when creating complex boreholes, creating templates, and when creating
more complex log items like lithology or well construction logs. We will create only a single log
item, a lithology log, for this lesson.

To add a lithology log in design mode:

1. Click the Log | Create Log | Lithology command.
2. Click in the log pane to position the lithology log. A lithology log place holder appears.

The patterns in
design mode are
placeholders only.

Chapter 2 - Tutorial

3. Notice that you are not prompted for data when creating log items in design mode.

Opening Data - Tutorial

Since you are not prompted for data in design mode, data needs to be added to the project. To
open existing data files into new tables:

1. Click the File | Open command or the button.

2. In the Open dialog, click on Tutorial 1.xls in the Samples folder and click Open.
3. In the XLS Import Options dialog, select Lithology and click OK.
4. In the Specify Worksheet Column Definitions dialog, check the box next to Specify
Column Header Row and click Next.
5. In the Specify Data Type and Column Positions dialog, select Lithology as the Data type.
6. Verify the columns are selected correctly and click Finish.
The data appears in a new table named Lithology. You can now attach the opened data to the
design you previously created.

Attaching a Table to the Design - Tutorial

Once a table is opened, you can assign data to the lithology log in the borehole view. First, switch
back to the borehole view by clicking the appropriate Borehole tab or by clicking the Borehole 1
object in the View Manager.

To assign data to the lithology log:

1. Click on the lithology log in either the view window or the Object Manager.
2. In the Property Manager, click on the Log tab.
3. The Lithology table field is blank. Click in the blank box and select Lithology from the list.
This is the table that was just opened.
4. Next to the Lithology keyword column option, click in the blank box and select Lithology
5. Next to the Indent percentage column option, click on [Unspecified] and select Indent
6. Next to the Indent keyword column option, click on [Unspecified] and select Indent Keyword.
7. Next to the Indent line scale column option, click on [Unspecified] and select Indent Line
At this point, the log is ready to be activated.

Activating the Borehole - Tutorial

Once the lithology log properties are assigned, you can activate the borehole by selecting a
borehole name. When a borehole name is selected, the data are linked to the borehole design. If
there are multiple items in the borehole, each of the items must have tables and columns specified
before activating the borehole.

To activate the borehole:

1. Click the View | Display | View Properties command.
2. In the Property Manager, click on the View tab.
3. Next to the Hole ID Filter option, click on the word -Empty- and select DH-1 from the list.
4. Activate the borehole by changing the View mode to Active mode in the Property Manager.
You may also click the Log | Display | Design Mode command or press F4 on the

The borehole is active, and the log displays empty fill patterns for each block. This is because fill
patterns have not yet been set for the lithologies.

Strater 5 User’s Guide

Creating a Lithology Scheme - Tutorial

This tutorial assumes you have completed the Editing Schemes lesson. You will now create a
lithology scheme and link it to the lithology log you have created.

Creating the Scheme

To create a new lithology scheme:
1. Click the Home | Display | Scheme Editor command.

2. Click the button at the bottom of the dialog to create a new scheme. The New Scheme
dialog opens.
3. In the New Scheme dialog, select the Base Scheme on Column Data option.
4. Select Lithology as the Table Name.
5. Select Lithology Keyword as the Column Name.
6. Enter the text Lithology Fill as the Scheme Name.
7. Select Lithology Keyword as the Scheme Type.

The New Scheme dialog lets you quickly

create schemes based on a column.
8. Click OK. The new scheme appears in the Scheme Editor under the Lithology Keyword
9. Edit the scheme item properties if desired, and then click OK.

Editing the Scheme Properties

The new Lithology Fill scheme appears under the Lithology Keyword scheme types. Click the
next to Lithology Fill to open the list of the scheme item names. These scheme item names
match the keywords in the table's Lithology Keyword column. You can click on each scheme item
name and edit the properties for the item.

Applying the Scheme

After creating the scheme, you can assign the lithology log to use the scheme in the Property
Manager. To apply the scheme:

Chapter 2 - Tutorial

1. Click on the lithology log in the view window or Object Manager, if it is not already
2. Click the Log tab In the Property Manager.
3. In the Data section, select Lithology Fill as the Lithology scheme.

Lesson 11 - Creating Logs from LAS Files

LAS Files contain curve information about a well. To display an LAS curve in just a few steps:

1. Create a new project by clicking the File | New Project command or the button.
2. Click the Log | Create Log | Line/Symbol command.
3. Click in the log pane area where the line/symbol log should appear.
4. In the Open dialog, select the SB16.LAS sample file and click Open.
5. In the LAS Import Options dialog, set any desired options and click Import.
The LAS data was opened into a new table and a line log was created using the first variable in the
LAS file. You can change the variable the line log displays.
1. Click on the line/symbol log in the view window or Object Manager.
2. In the Property Manager, click on the Log tab.
3. Click Edit in the Edit variable columns field. The Select Columns dialog opens.
4. Move the columns you wish to display into the Selected Columns list.
5. Click OK. The line/symbol log automatically updates to display the new data.
To create additional logs using the same LAS file:
1. Click the Log | Create Log | Line/Symbol command.
2. Click in the log pane area where the line/symbol log should appear.
3. In the Open dialog, select the existing SB16 table from the Use Open Table list and click
Open. The new curve is created from the existing table.

Lesson 12 - Creating a Cross Section from Line/Symbol Logs

Creating a Cross Section from Line/Symbol Logs - Tutorial
This is an optional, advanced topic in Strater that shows how to create cross sections from
line/symbol logs and manually create the layers.

Opening a New Project

Before proceeding with this lesson, open a new Strater project by clicking the File | New Project
command or clicking the button. If you are prompted to save the existing project, save it if

Downloading and Opening the Data - Tutorial

For this tutorial, let's use real world data, downloaded from the United States Geologic Survey
(USGS). Some good sample data is available at http://energy.cr.usgs.gov/OF00-
200/WELLS/WELLIDX.HTM. The location information displayed in the table has been copied to the
Strater samples directory. This information will be used for the collars table.

Click on Tunalik 1, Kugrua 1, Walakpa 2, and Walakpa 1 well names. After clicking on each well
name, click the LAS Format Log Data link. On the new page, right-click on the LAS File name link to
download the LAS data. Save all the LAS files to the same directory.

Opening the Data

Once the data is downloaded, open the location collars information into a new Strater table and
open the LAS data into a single depth table. Use these steps:
1. Click the File | Open command.

Strater 5 User’s Guide

2. Select the LAS Collars.xlsx file from the Strater Samples directory and click Open.
3. Select the Collars sheet and click OK.
4. In the Specify Worksheet Column Definitions dialog, check the box next to the Specify
Column Header Row option and click Next.
5. In the Specify Data Type and Column Positions dialog,
a. Set the Data type to Collars.
b. Set the Hole ID to Well Name.
c. Set the Starting Depth to Datum, Kelly Bushing, ft.
d. Set the Ending Depth to Total Depth, ft.
e. Set the Elevation to Datum, sea level, ft.
f. Set the Easting to Longitude.
g. Set the Northing to Latitude.
h. Click Finish.
6. Click the Home | New | Table command.
7. Set the Table Name to LAS Data and the Base Table Type to Depth Table in the Create New
Table dialog and click Create.
8. Click the File | Import command. In the Import Data dialog,
a. Browse to the directory where the LAS files have been saved.
b. Click on the first LAS file in the directory.
c. Hold down the SHIFT key on the keyboard and click on the last LAS file in the
d. The KG1.LAS, TU1.LAS, WA1.LAS, and WA2.LAS files should be selected.
e. Click Open.
9. In the LAS Import Options dialog,
a. Check the box next to Import Well Data option.
b. Click the Create Table button.
c. Type LAS Information in the Select Name dialog and click OK.
d. Check the box next to the Use same settings for subsequent LAS files option.
e. Click Next.
10. In the Import Data Into Current Table dialog,
a. Click the Create Columns from Source button.
b. Click on Depth in the Current Table Mapped Columns list.
c. Select M_DEPTH in the Import Source Data Columns list.

d. Click the button and the M_DEPTH is mapped to the Depth column.
e. Click Import and the data is loaded into two tables, an LAS Data table and LAS
Information table.

Creating the Cross Section - Tutorial

New cross section views in an existing project are created by clicking the Home | New | Cross

Section View command or clicking the button.

Creating the Cross Section

1. Click the Cross Section | Create/Add | Create Cross Section command.
2. In the Create Well Selector dialog, click the Minimum button to remove all but two wells
from the list.
3. On the left side of the dialog,
a. Select the Tunalik 1 well and click Add.
b. Select Kugrua 1 and click Add.
c. Select Walakpa 2 and click Add.
d. Select Walakpa 1 and click Add.
4. On the right side of the dialog,
a. Select Awuna 1 and click Remove.
b. Select East Simpson 2 and click Remove.
c. The well order on the right side is the order the wells should be displayed in the cross
section. The Wells in selector should show Tunalik 1, Kugrua 1, Walakpa 2, and

Chapter 2 - Tutorial

Walakpa 1, in this order. If the wells are not in this order, click on the well name and
drag the wells so that the order is the same as listed here.
5. Click OK.
6. Click Yes in the warning dialog.
7. In the Import Cross Section Data dialog,
a. To create the cross section from line/symbol logs, set the Cross section log type to
Line/symbol log.
b. Since the Table is set to LAS Data, the table is defined correctly.
c. Set the Data Column for each well to SP.
d. Click OK and the line logs are displayed for each well.

The line logs are displayed for each well.

Importing and Filling Layers - Tutorial

To add the layers, you can either click on each log at the top or bottom of each layer or you can
import a table of top or bottom values.

Adding the Layers

Since the USGS already determined the top values for several layers in each of these logs, we will
import the layer tops.
1. Click on the Cross Section object in the Object Manager to select it.
2. Click on the Cross Section | Layer Marks | Import command.
3. In the Import Layer Marks dialog, select the LAS Collars.xlsx file.
4. Select the Tops sheet and click OK.
5. In the Specify Worksheet Column Definitions dialog, check the Specify Column Header
Row box and click Next.
6. In the Specify Data Type and Column Positions dialog,
a. Set the Data type to Depth (Single Depth).
b. Set the Hole ID to WELL NAME.
c. Set the Depth to DEPTH, feet.
d. Click Finish.
7. In the Select Layer Mark Column dialog, select ROCK UNIT as the Column Name and click
8. Click Yes in the warning dialog and the layer lines are displayed.

Strater 5 User’s Guide

The logs are connected with the layer marks from the Tops table.

Filling the Layers

To fill the layers, a scheme will need to be created and the layer fill property will need to be
1. Click the Home | Display | Scheme Editor command.

2. Click the button at the bottom of the Scheme Editor dialog.

3. In the New Scheme dialog,
a. Select Base Scheme on Column Data.
b. Set the Table Name to Tops.
c. Set the Column Name to ROCK UNIT.
d. Type a name for the scheme, such as Cross Section Units.
e. Click OK.
4. Click the next to the new scheme name.
5. Click on each scheme item and set the properties for that layer on the right side of the
6. Click OK to exit the Scheme Editor.
7. Click on the Layers object in the Object Manager.
8. In the Property Manager, click on the Layers tab.
9. Next to Keyword Scheme, click on the existing scheme name and select the Cross Section
Units scheme from the list.
10. Check the box next to Fill between Layer Lines to fill the layers with color.
11. Click Yes in the warning dialog and the layers are filled with the colors, as determined by the

Chapter 2 - Tutorial

The layers are filled with the information from the scheme.

Lesson 13 - Displaying Deviated Boreholes in Maps and Cross Sections

Strater can create boreholes as vertical or as deviated. To display boreholes as deviated in both
the map view and the cross section view, the deviation information is required. This data can be in
a deviated survey table, a collars table, or in a depth or interval table.

Opening the Data

Before creating a map or cross section, we will open all the data tables first. There is an easy way
to open multiple sheets from an Excel file in a Strater table. So, we will use this method to open all
the required sheets for this tutorial.

1. Click the File | New Project command or click the button to open a new blank project.
2. Click the File | Open Multiple Data Files command.
3. In the Open Data dialog, click on Tutorial 3.xlsx file and click Open.
4. In the Multi-Sheet Selection dialog, leave all three sheets selected and click OK. Because
the sheets are opened in the order listed, you will step through the next steps for each
5. For the Collars sheet:
a. In the Specify Worksheet Column Definitions dialog, make sure Specify Column
Header Row is checked and set to 1. Click Next.
b. In the Specify Data Type and Column Positions dialog, make sure that the Data
type is set to Collars and all of the columns are defined correctly. Click Finish.
6. For the Survey sheet:
a. In the Specify Worksheet Column Definitions dialog, make sure Specify Column
Header Row is checked and set to 1. Click Next.
b. In the Specify Data Type and Column Positions dialog, make sure that the Data
type is set to Survey and all of the columns are defined correctly. Click Finish.
7. For the Stratigraphy sheet:
a. In the Specify Worksheet Column Definitions dialog, make sure Specify Column
Header Row is checked and set to 1. Click Next.
b. In the Specify Data Type and Column Positions dialog, make sure that the Data
type is set to Lithology and all of the columns are defined correctly. Click Finish.
Now that all of the data tables are opened, the map and cross section can be created.

Strater 5 User’s Guide

Creating Deviated Boreholes in a Map View - Tutorial

To create the deviated boreholes in the map view, a new map view must be created with the wells
map layer. The properties of the wells layer are then edited to display the deviations from the
survey table.

Creating the Map

1. Click the Home | New | Map View command or click the button to open a new map
2. Click the Map | Create | Well Map command to create a new well map layer.
The wells map is created, showing a point at each well location on the map.

The map is created with the well locations

for each well in the collars table.

Displaying the Map with Deviated Wells

Once the map is created, the wells layer can be edited to show the deviations.
1. Click on the Wells 1 layer in the Object Manager to select the well map layer.
2. In the Property Manager, click on the Wells tab.
3. Check the box next to the Show Deviation Path option.
4. Click the empty box next to Deviation Table and select [Survey Table].
5. To show the well labels, click on the Label tab.
6. Click on the [None] option next to Label 1 and select Hole ID. The borehole names are added
to the map.
The wells map updates to show the deviation on the two center wells. The far right T-45 well's
deviation path is outside the limits of the map. To update the limits,
1. Click on the Map 1 object in the Object Manager to select the entire map.
2. Click on the Limits tab in the Property Manager.
3. Click the Fit All button next to the Fit All command. All of the wells and their deviations are

Chapter 2 - Tutorial

The well locations and deviation paths are displayed in the map view.

Creating Deviated Boreholes in a Cross Section View - Tutorial

To create the deviated boreholes in the cross section view, a new cross section view must be
created with the wells to be displayed. The properties of the cross section are then edited to display
the deviations from the survey table.

Creating the Cross Section

1. Click the Home | New | Cross Section View command or click the button to open a
new cross section view.
2. Click the Cross Section | Create/Add | Create Cross Section command to create a new
cross section.
3. In the Create Well Selector dialog,
a. Click on the T-4 well in the Wells in selector list. Click and hold the left mouse button
and drag the T-4 well to the top of the list.
b. Click on the T-45 well in the Wells in selector list. Click and hold the left mouse
button and drag the T-45 well to the bottom of the list.
c. Click OK.
4. In the Import Cross Section Data dialog, notice that Lithology/Zone bar log is selected and
that each Hole ID has a Table and Data Column defined. Click OK.
5. To show the well labels, click the Cross Section | Create/Add | Add Well Headers

Strater 5 User’s Guide

The cross section is created, showing a lithology log for each well and the connecting layers
between wells.

The original cross section is created with the wells displayed as vertical.

Displaying the Cross Section with Deviated Wells

To change the wells so that the deviation paths are displayed, the Logs layer, Cross Section object,
and cross section View properties need to be edited.
1. Click on the Logs item in the Object Manager.
2. In the Property Manager, click on the Logs tab.
3. Set the Hole Inclination Column to [From survey table]: Survey.
4. Notice that the Hole Azimuth Column automatically changes to the survey table.
5. Click on the Cross Section object in the Object Manager.
6. On the Cross Section tab, check the box next to the Display Logs As Deviated option.
7. If desired, click Yes in the dialog so that the Depth Method is automatically set to True
Vertical Depth. Alternatively, click No and set the Depth Method manually.
a. Click the View | Display | View Properties command.
b. Click on the View tab in the Property Manager.
c. Set the Depth Method to True Vertical Depth.
8. If prompted to recreate the cross section, click Yes and the deviated wells are displayed in
the cross section view.

The cross section is updated showing the deviations for the wells.

Chapter 2 - Tutorial

The wells in the cross section are updated to show the deviations.

Congratulations! You have now completed all of the advanced tutorial lessons.

Chapter 3 - Data and Data Tables
There are several table types in Strater: collars, depth, interval, and text item. There are also a
few specialized table types based on the four main table types: lithology, project settings, survey
table, and well construction. Most of these table types contain required columns. For example,
interval tables require From and To depth or elevation columns.

Creating New Tables

To create a new table select Home | New | Table or click . The Create New Table dialog
opens. You can add data to the new table by clicking its tab and selecting File | Import.

Data Organization
The data to be represented in boreholes needs to be in column and row (record) format.

Each column contains three properties: a name, description, and units. The description and units
are optional for every column.

If a column is required for a particular table type, for example the To column in an interval table,
the column name cannot be changed. However, optional column names can be changed. If the
Column Name has a gray background in the Column Editor, the column is required and the name
cannot be changed.

Columns can be added and deleted by either selecting Data | Edit | Append or selecting a row,
right-clicking, and selecting Append Column.

Typically, each row in the data is devoted to a depth or an interval in the borehole. Rows can be
added by clicking the Data | Edit | Insert command, right-clicking and selecting the Insert Rows
command, or by typing data into a new row.

Schemes and Tables

Strater uses schemes when "linking" the data in a table to a borehole design. A scheme associates
information from the data table (such as text entries (keywords) or number ranges) with fill
properties, line properties, font properties, etc. When Strater locates a keyword or number range
in the column, the borehole is assigned the keyword or number range properties for the depth,
interval, or well construction item. Scheme item names can be automatically created with Table |
Table | Create Scheme.

Data Selection
Use the cursor to drag and select any number of conterminous cells and rows.

File Formats
Strater can read numerous file formats such as data files (including Excel spreadsheets and ASCII
text files), databases, and LAS files. Strater can also link to virtually any database system installed
on your computer using the Data Link Source.

Chapter 3 - Data and Data Tables

Table Types
Collars tables, depth tables, interval tables, lithology tables, project settings tables, survey tables,
text item tables, and well construction tables can be created in Strater. Each table type has a
different function in Strater. Each table has different default required columns. Although these
columns are all created, all of the columns do not need to have data stored in the column to create
the logs.

Collars Table
Collars tables contain location information for each borehole. The default column definitions include
Hole ID, Easting, Northing, Elevation, Starting Depth, Ending Depth, Scale, Inclination (or Dip), and
Azimuth. The data in this table can be used for linked text, setting the scaling parameters for the
borehole view, or specifying the elevation of the borehole collar for depth logs. The Inclination (or
Dip) and Azimuth columns can be used to calculate true vertical depth for deviated borehole
displays. The collars table is also used for placing borehole locations in a map view and for
calculating distances in a cross section view.

In a collars table each row contains the information for a separate

borehole. All information for one borehole must be on a single line.

Note that a project can have multiple collars tables, but each borehole should be listed in only a
single collars table.

Column Definitions
Contains the borehole ID, one borehole
Hole ID per line. Each borehole should only be Required
listed in a single collars table.
Contains the X value, easting, longitude,
Easting or other horizontal location value of the Required
Contains the Y value, northing, latitude,
Northing or other vertical location value of the Required

Contains the Z value or elevation of the

Elevation Required

Contains the starting Z value for the

borehole in depth or elevation units. This
is useful when using the Print Multiple
Logs or Export Multiple Logs Required
commands with different boreholes. If all
boreholes have the same starting depth,
select [0] from the list.

Contains the ending Z value for the

borehole in depth or elevation units. This
is useful when using the Print Multiple Required
Logs or Export Multiple Logs
commands with different boreholes.

Strater 5 User’s Guide

Contains the Scaling Depth Per Inch

value. This is useful when using the
Scale Print Multiple Logs or Export Multiple Optional
Logs commands with different

The angle the borehole is oriented, in

degrees. Inclination varies from 0 to
180. 0 indicates vertical pointing down,
90 indicates horizontal, and 180
indicates vertical pointing up. When
recorded in a collars table, the azimuth
and inclination apply to the entire
borehole length. Negative and positive
inclination values are treated the same
for depth calculations. Negative
inclination values are treated differently
Inclination Optional
for well path calculations in the cross
section and map views. A negative
inclination changes the direction
(azimuth) to the opposite of the similar
positive inclination. For example, the
azimuth value of 90 and inclination of 45
describes the same orientation as the
azimuth value of 270 and inclination of -
45 degrees. Both combinations describe
an eastward direction at 45 degrees
down from the horizontal plane.
Dip is an alternate method of calculating
the angle the borehole is oriented. Dip is
oriented in degrees and varies from -90
Dip Optional
to 90. -90 indicates vertical pointing
down, 0 indicates horizontal, and +90
indicates vertical pointing up

The compass orientation of the borehole.

Azimuth is in degrees and varies from 0
(true vertical north) to 360. When
Azimuth Optional
recorded in a collars table, the azimuth
and inclination (or dip) apply to the
entire borehole length.

Depth Table
Depth tables are used for depth and variable information. The default column definitions include
Hole ID, Depth, and additional parameter columns. The depth information is contained in one
column. All variable information relates to that specific depth. Depth tables are used for depth,
line/symbol, crossplot, bar, percentage, tadpole, post, classed post, and function logs. Depth
columns are also used for specifying water levels in a water level table.

Chapter 3 - Data and Data Tables

Depth tables include a single depth

measurement and parameter values
associated with that specific measurement.

Column Definitions
Contains the borehole ID associated
Hole ID Required
with the depth.

Contains the depth or elevation of

Depth Required
the recorded parameter.
One or more columns that contain
information, such as contamination,
Parameter(s) chemical concentration, etc. The Optional
parameter value is recorded at the

Interval Table
Interval tables are used to show a variable that occurs over a distance interval. There are two
depth columns (From and To) in an interval table. The default column definitions are Hole ID, From,
To, and any additional parameter columns. The interval lengths can vary in the table. Interval
tables are used for depth, line/symbol, crossplot, zone bar, bar, percentage, tadpole, post, classed
post, complex text, graphic, lithology, well construction, and function logs.

Interval tables measure variables within a defined

interval depth based on From and To measurements.

Column Definitions
Contains the borehole ID associated with the
Hole ID Required

Strater 5 User’s Guide

Contains the top depth or elevation of the

From Required
recorded parameter.
Contains the bottom depth or elevation of
To Required
the recorded parameter.
One or more columns that contain
information, such as contamination,
Parameter(s) Optional
chemical concentration, etc. The parameter
value is recorded across at the interval.

Range Table
A range table is a special type of interval table. A range table is created when depth-registering an
unregistered raster log or when creating a registered raster log. If you have the registration
information for a raster log and do not wish to use Strater's depth registration process, you can
manually create an interval table and then add the necessary parameter columns. The parameter
columns for a range table are described in the following table.

Pixel Y coordinate for the log top in the image. 0 is

Log Top the top of the image, and the coordinate increases
Pixel Y coordinate for the log bottom in the image. 0
Log Bottom is the top of the image, and the coordinate
increases downward.

Pixel X coordinate for the left edge of the log in the

Log Left image. 0 of is the left edge of the image, and the
coordinate increases to the right.

Pixel X coordinate for the right edge of the log in

Log Right the image. 0 is the right edge of the image, and the
coordinate increases to the right.
Raster Log Path and file name for the associated image file

Ref 1 Depth Depth value for the reference 1 depth

Ref 2 Depth Depth value for the reference 2 depth

Ref 1 Pixel Pixel Y coordinate for the reference 1 depth

Ref 2 Pixel Pixel Y coordinate for the reference 2 depth

Lithology Table
Lithology tables are a special type of interval table. These tables define the properties of lithology
logs using keywords and schemes. The default column definitions include Hole ID, From, To,
Lithology Keyword, Lithology Description, Indent Percentage, Indent Keyword, and Indent Scale.
Although the primary purpose of a lithology table is to create a lithology log, the lithology table can
also be used for depth, line/symbol, crossplot, zone bar, bar, percentage, tadpole, post, classed
post, complex text, graphic, well construction, and function logs.

Chapter 3 - Data and Data Tables

Lithology tables use schemes extensively and describe lithographic features in great detail.

Column Definitions
Contains the borehole ID associated with the
Hole ID Required

Contains the top depth or elevation of the

From Required
recorded parameter.
Contains the bottom depth or elevation of the
To Required
recorded parameter.
Contains keywords to match the
corresponding lithology scheme items. This is
usually the rock name. This column is used to Required
create fill patterns for the various interval blocks
in the log.
Lithology Contains full text descriptions, typically for the
Description rock type, and can be used for complex text logs.

Contains the percentage of the interval block to

display in the left-right direction. The normal
range is zero to 100. None of the block is
displayed with a zero percentage and 100 percent Optional
displays the whole block. The indent percentage
can be used to display weathering resistance in a
lithological unit.
Contains keywords for the lithology keyword
scheme items. The indent keyword can be used to Optional
define the shape of the indent line.

Controls the overall scaling width of the lithology

indent line definition. The range is zero to 100. All
values greater than 100 are set to 100 and all
values less than zero are set to zero. A zero scale
flattens the line and a 100 scale sets the width of
Indent Scale Optional
the line to half the width of the lithology log.
Therefore, if the lithology log is three inches wide,
the range of the lithology line represents 1.5
inches. The indent scale should be used with the
indent percentage.

Project Settings Table

The project settings table is a special type of text table. It is used to store project information, such
as the project name, project location, project leader, and miscellaneous comments. The default
column definitions are Project Name, Company Name, Location, Project Leader, Drilling Date, and
Comments. The information stored in this table is for the whole project; it is not borehole specific.
This table stores data that is often used in linked text objects.

Strater 5 User’s Guide

A single row in the project settings table includes all pertinent information for the entire project.

Column Definitions
Project Contains the name or description of
Name the project.
Company Contains the company name or
Name identifying feature.

Location Contains the location of the project. Optional

Project Contains the name of the person or
Leader group leading the project.
Drilling Contains the date that the project or
Date borehole was started.

Contains any additional comments

Comments that should be recorded for the Optional

Survey Table
Survey tables are a special type of depth table used to indicate the direction and azimuth of a
directional borehole as it changes down the hole. The default column definitions include Hole ID,
Depth, Inclination, and Azimuth. The survey table Inclination and Azimuth columns can be used for
calculating the true vertical depth of boreholes. The survey table is used in conjunction with depth
or interval tables for deviated boreholes.

The survey table contains inclination (or dip) and

azimuth information down the borehole.

Note that a project can have multiple survey tables, but each borehole should only be listed in a
single survey table.

If deviated boreholes are defined, the inclination (or dip) and azimuth should both come from the
same table. The order Strater looks for the inclination (or dip) and azimuth is first measured depth

Chapter 3 - Data and Data Tables

table, then in the survey table, then from a collars table. If inclination (or dip) and azimuth are not
found in any location, the measured depth is used as the true vertical depth.

Column Definitions
Contains the borehole ID, one borehole per
Hole ID line. Each borehole should only be listed in a Required
single survey table.
Contains the depth or elevation for the
Depth Required
recorded deviation.
The angle the borehole is oriented in degrees.
Inclination varies from 0 to 180. 0 indicates
vertical pointing down, 90 indicates horizontal,
Inclination and 180 indicates vertical pointing up. When Required
recorded in a survey table, the azimuth and
inclination apply from the depth to the next
recorded depth.
Dip is an alternate method of calculating the
angle the borehole is oriented. Dip is oriented
in degrees and varies from -90 to 90. -90
Dip Required
indicates vertical pointing down, 0 indicates
horizontal, and +90 indicates vertical pointing

The compass orientation of the borehole's

deviation. Azimuth is in degrees and varies
from 0 (true vertical north) to 360. When
Azimuth Required
recorded in a survey table, the azimuth and
inclination (or dip) apply from the depth to the
next recorded depth.

Text Item Table

Text tables are tables designed to store attributes for the particular borehole. The default column
definitions include Hole ID and Depth. Other columns can be added, depending on the project. For
example, drilling date, temperature, geologist, location, etc. can be stored in a text item table. Any
type of data can be imported into this table. If there is a Hole ID defined in the table, the data can
be used for linked text.

The text item table is a good place to

store miscellaneous information
about the various boreholes.

Strater 5 User’s Guide

Column Definitions
Contains the borehole ID associated with
Hole ID Required
the depth.
Contains the depth or elevation of the
Depth Required
recorded text.

One or more columns that contain

information, such as contamination,
Text Optional
chemical concentration, notes, etc. The
parameter value is recorded at the depth.

Well Construction Table

Well construction tables are a special type of interval table used to define the geometry of specific
items in a well construction log, such as casing and cap information. The default column definitions
include Hole ID, From, To, Outer Diameter, Inner Diameter, Offset, and Item information. Well
construction logs use keywords and schemes to define the properties for each item in the well
construction table. You can have any number of well construction tables with different schemes
within the project. Although the primary purpose of a well construction table is to create a well
construction log, the well construction table can also be used to create depth, line/symbol,
crossplot, zone bar, bar, percentage, tadpole, post, classed post, complex text, graphic, lithology,
and function logs.

Well construction tables include all information necessary to create well construction logs.

The order in which these items are listed in the table is the order they will be created. Therefore,
solid items or items to be layered in the back must be added first in the borehole order.

Column Definitions
Contains the borehole ID associated with the
Hole ID Required

Contains the top depth or elevation of the

From Required
recorded well construction item.
Contains the bottom depth or elevation of the
To Required
recorded well construction item.

Contains the outside diameter of the item. Required

Inner Contains the inside diameter of the item, used Required

Diameter to create a cut-out section out of the middle of

Chapter 3 - Data and Data Tables

the items so that the center has no line or fill

Contains the offset of the item within the well.
Offset Positive values move the item away from the Required
Contains the keyword for the well construction
Item scheme items. This is usually the name of the Required
item (fill, cement, screen, etc).

Math Text and Linked Text

You can use math text to alter the appearance or add mathematical concepts or symbols to text
entries in a data table. For example, if collar table data or lithology table data is actually displayed
in a borehole view you can modify its appearance (or add symbols, etc.) using math text. See Math
Text Instructions for detailed information.

Data, Schemes, and Log Properties

The data, scheme, and log, map, or cross section properties are all related in the process of
creating a log in a borehole view or cross section view, creating a map Wells layer, or creating
layers in a cross section. The data contains depth information (either single depth or from-to
interval depth), borehole names, and the data to be displayed on the log. Schemes contain line,
symbol, label, and fill property information that links the data to the log. When scheme information
(keywords or numeric ranges) is found in the data, the logs in the borehole or cross section
displays the properties of the scheme. The Property Manager determines which data table and
column are used to create the log, the scheme to use (if any), and properties such as the log width.
Each log item can use a different data table, column, scheme, and properties.

Project data, schemes, and log properties are all related in the process of creating a borehole log.
1. The data in each row is linked to a scheme item. This scheme links the Au (ppb) values from
column C. In this case, the data in row 12 has a value of 492 and appears at a depth of 24.
The data in row 12 falls within the range scheme item of 250 to 500. Note the fill is a solid
light orange.
2. A bar log is created displaying the Au (ppb) data column. The Au Concentration scheme is
3. The bar log is displayed. The Au Concentration scheme determines the appearance of the
log. The color at the depth 24 is light orange, as indicated by the scheme.

Strater 5 User’s Guide

This diagram shows the connection between a value in the table column, the scheme, and the log
being displayed.

New Table
Click the Home | New | Table command, click the button, or press CTRL+W on the keyboard
to add a new table to the existing project. The Create New Table dialog appears, where you can
select the type of table to add to the project.

Creating Data
Data can be opened, imported into an existing project data table or entered into a new, blank table.
Strater can read numerous file formats such as data files (including Excel spreadsheets and ASCII
text files), databases, and LAS files. Strater can also link to virtually any database system installed
on your computer using the Windows Data Link Source options.

Creating a Blank Table

During a Strater session, new blank tables are created by clicking the Home | New | Table
command, clicking the button, or pressing CTRL+W on the keyboard. The Create New Table
dialog opens. Set any options for the table type, click Create, and a new blank table is created. You
can enter data manually or import data into this table.

Chapter 3 - Data and Data Tables

Importing Data
Strater allows you to import data from various data sources. You can maintain your data in other
applications, such as a database, and import the tables you need into Strater to create boreholes.
Any changes made to the data in the original application can be updated in Strater with the Data |
Reload | Data or Data | Reload | All commands. Data imported into Strater can be edited and
transformed. When changes are made to data in Strater the original data external to Strater is
not changed.

Opening Data into a New Table

To open data into a new data table in the current project:

1. Click the File | Open command, click the button, or press CTRL+O on the keyboard.
2. In the Open dialog, select the file and click Open.
3. Set any options in the dialog:
a. If the file is an Excel file containing multiple worksheets, the XLS or XLSX Import
Options dialog opens. Select the data sheet to open and click OK.
b. In the Specify Worksheet Column Definitions dialog enter the column definition
information and click Next.
c. In the Specify Data Type and Column Positions dialog enter the definition
information and click Finish.
4. The data is added to the project as a new data table tab.

Importing Data into an Existing Table

To add data to any existing data table:
1. Click the table tab that should have the new data.
2. Type data directly in the table view.

3. To import data from an existing file, click the File | Import Data command or click the
4. In the Import Data dialog, select the data file and click Open.
5. Set any options in the dialog:
a. If the file is an Excel file containing multiple worksheets, the XLS or XLSX Import
Options dialog opens. Select the data sheet to import and click OK.
b. In the Specify Worksheet Column Definitions dialog enter the column definition
information and click Next.
c. In the Specify Data Type and Column Positions dialog enter the definition
information and click Finish.
6. The data is added to the current data table.

Note About Importing Data Into an Existing Table

Data are imported into a current table when that data table is selected in the workspace. If you
open data during log item creation, the data are always opened into a new table.

Import Data
Strater allows you to import data from various data sources. You can maintain your data in other
applications, such as a database, and import the tables you need into Strater to create boreholes.
Any changes made to the data in the original application can be updated in Strater with the Data |
Reload | Data or Data | Reload | All commands. Data imported into Strater can be edited and
transformed. When changes are made to data in Strater the original data external to Strater is
not changed.

Strater 5 User’s Guide

Open Data into a New Table

To open data into a new table:

1. Click the File | Open command, click the button, or press CTRL+O on the keyboard.
2. In the Open dialog, select a data file and click Open.
3. Set the information in the dialogs that follow. Specify options in each of the dialogs and click
a. For .XLS, .XLSX, .SLK, .CSV, .TXT, .DAT, .DBF, .DB, .BNA, and .BLN files set the
information in the dialogs Specify Worksheet Column Definitions and Specify
Data Type and Column Positions.
b. For ACCDB and .MDB files first select the specific table or query in the Database
Tables and Fields dialog. Then set the information in the dialogs Specify
Worksheet Column Definitions and Specify Data Type and Column Positions.
c. For .LAS files use the LAS Import Options dialog to set the LAS-specific (Log ASCII
Standard) importing options.
d. For Data Link Source (use the Load Database button in the Open dialog to use this
function) set the information in the dialogs Data Link Properties, Database Tables
and Fields, and Specify Data Type and Column Positions.
4. After the data importing process is complete, a new table is created. The new table becomes
the active window in the borehole view.

Import Data into an Existing Table

To import data into an existing table:
1. Select the tab for the desired data table. You can import data only into the currently active
data table.
2. Click the File | Import Data command or right-click inside the data table and select the
Import command.
3. In the Import Data dialog, select the appropriate data file and click Open.

These options are available only when importing a data file.

Chapter 3 - Data and Data Tables

5. Set the information in the dialogs that follow. Strater imports the data for the columns
already existing in the current table and optionally adds new columns specified in the
Import Data Into Current Table dialog. The dialogs that appear are dependent upon the
type of file you selected for importing:
a. For .XLS, .XLSX .SLK, .CSV, .TXT, .DAT, .BNA, and .BLN files set the information in
the dialogs Specify Worksheet Column Definitions and Import Into Current
Table. The latter dialog maps column data in the source data table to the correct
column in the Strater data table.
b. For multisheet .XLS and .XLSX files, the Multisheet Export Selection dialog will
appear. Select all sheets to import.
c. For database files ( ACCDB, .MDB, .DBF, and .DB) files first select the specific table
or query in the Database Tables and Fields dialog. Set the dialogs Specify
Worksheet Column Definitions and Import Into Current Table.
d. For LAS files (.LAS) set the options in the LAS Import Options dialog.
e. For Data Link Source (use the Load Database button to open this function) set the
information in the dialogs Data Link Properties, Database Tables and Fields, and
Specify Data Type and Column Positions.
6. When data is imported into an existing table it is automatically the active table in the
borehole view.

Note About Importing Data Into an Existing Table

Data are imported into a current table when that data table is selected in the workspace. If you
import data during log item creation, the data are always imported into a new table. For more
information see Import Data Into Current Table.

Loading a Database
Click the Load Database button in the Open or Import Data dialogs to open the data linking
function. Data linking provides a method to link to virtually any database supported by Microsoft via
an OLE DB Provider, ODBC, or some other supported format. Set the database information in the
dialogs Data Link Properties, Database Tables and Fields, and Specify Data Type and Column

Import Data Into Current Table

Data can be imported into an existing table by clicking the File | Import Data command. In the
Import Data dialog, select the data file and click Open. The Specify Worksheet Column
Definitions dialog opens. Select the column header row and the starting and ending rows to import
and click Next. The Import Data Into Current Table dialog is used to assign imported data into
the current table columns.

Strater 5 User’s Guide

Use the Import Data Into Current Table dialog to map the columns of data in
the source file to the appropriate column in the existing data table.

Data Preview
The Data Preview section displays the data contents of the file to import.

Import Source Data Columns

The Import Source Data Columns has a list of all column in the file being imported.

Current Table Mapped Columns

The Current Table Mapped Columns shows columns in the current table and the data that will be
imported into those columns. If the new data columns have the same names as the current table
columns, the columns are automatically mapped to each other. For example, if the current table
contains a Hole ID column and the data being imported contains a Hole ID column, these columns
are automatically mapped to one another and the ID data are imported into the Hole ID column.

Mapping Columns
If the imported data columns and current table columns do not match or if you do not want a
column mapped to a existing column, you can manually map the columns.

To map columns:
1. Highlight a data table column name in the Strater Column list on the right.
2. Highlight the corresponding column name in the Import Source Data Columns list on the left.

3. To map these columns click the button or double-click the column name in the Import
Source Data Columns list.

Chapter 3 - Data and Data Tables

Removing Mapped Columns

To remove column mapping:
1. Click the column name in the Strater Column list you wish to remove.

2. Click the button and the imported data column is removed from the Strater Column list.

Add Columns
If there are columns in the Import Source Data Columns that are not present in the existing table
you can add columns to the table and import into these new columns.

Click Create Columns from Source to add all columns in the source data that do not exist in the
existing Strater table.

Click Add Column to open the Append Column dialog. In the dialog, create a new column by
defining a Column Name, Column Description, and Column Units. Once an added column is defined
it can be mapped as described in the Mapping Columns section above.

Back, Import, and Cancel

Click the Back button to return to the previous dialog. Click the Import button to finish the
importing process. The data is displayed in the selected table. Click Cancel to cancel the importing

Paste Special - Table

When data are copied to the clipboard, special formatting information is also copied. The Paste
Special dialog determines the format in which the contents are pasted into the table view. The
Paste Special command can also be used to remove text formatting. This topic explains the Paste
Special command for the table view. See Paste Special for using the Paste Special command with
the borehole, map, and cross section views.

Paste Special Dialog

The Home | Clipboard | Paste Special command in the table opens the Paste Special dialog.

Select a paste special format in the Paste Special

dialog. This example shows options after copying
worksheet data and using paste special.

Strater 5 User’s Guide

The clipboard formats displayed may vary depending the original location of the information being
copied. For example, data copied from a Strater table may yield different options than data copied
from Excel.

Biff8 [Excel Spreadsheet]

The Biff8 [Excel Spreadsheet] format is a Microsoft Excel Binary Interchange File Format (BIFF)
version 8.

Biff5 [Excel Spreadsheet]

The Biff5 [Excel Spreadsheet] format is a Microsoft Excel Binary Interchange File Format (BIFF)
version 5.

Biff4 [Excel Spreadsheet]

The Biff4 [Excel Spreadsheet] format is a Microsoft Excel Binary Interchange File Format (BIFF)
version 4.

Biff3 [Excel Spreadsheet]

The Biff3 [Excel Spreadsheet] format is a Microsoft Excel Binary Interchange File Format (BIFF)
version 3.

Biff [Excel Spreadsheet]

The Biff [Excel Spreadsheet] format is a Microsoft Excel Binary Interchange File Format (BIFF).

Sylk [Microsoft SYLK]

The Sylk [Microsoft SYLK] format is a symbolic link Microsoft file format typically used to exchange
data between applications, specifically spreadsheets. The Sylk file format is composed of only
displayable ANSI characters, allowing it to be easily created and processed by other applications,
such as databases.

Unicode Text [Clipboard]

The Unicode Text [Clipboard Text] format is unformatted text from a Unicode source.

Text [Clipboard]
The Text [Clipboard Text] format is unformatted text.

Show Import Options

When Unicode Text [Clipboard] or Text [Clipboard] is selected, the Show Import Options option is
available. Check the box to open the Data Import Options dialog before importing the data.

Open Multiple
Click the File | Open Multiple Data Files command to open multiple data files with a single
command. Use the CTRL and SHIFT keys in the dialog to select multiple files in the Open Data

The Open Data Dialog

Use the File | Open Multiple Data Files command to open multiple data files into separate tables.

Chapter 3 - Data and Data Tables

Click on the desired file names in the Open Data dialog.

Look In
The Look in field shows the current folder. Click the down arrow to choose a new folder. Click on
the folders to change directories.

The buttons to the right of the Look in field allow you to create new folders and change the view of
the file list.

File List
The File list displays files in the current folder. The current folder is listed in the Look in field. The
Files of type field controls the display of the file list. To see all files in the folder, choose All Files
(*.*) from the Files of type list. To select multiple files, hold down the CTRL key on the keyboard
and select any files in the list. Hold the SHIFT button to select the first and last files and import all
files between the two selected files. Click Open after the files are selected and the import options
dialogs appear. The file name is listed in the import options dialogs so options can be set for each
file. Each file opens into a new table.

For LAS files, if multiple selected LAS files are imported at once, check the Use same settings for
subsequent LAS files option in the LAS Import Options dialog so that the options only have to be
set once. All LAS files imported at this time will use the same options.

For XLS and XLSX files, the Multi-Sheet Selection dialog appears if more than one sheet appears
in the file.

File Name
The File name field shows the names of the selected files.

Strater 5 User’s Guide

Files of Type
The Files of type field shows the file format to be opened. To change the file format click the down
arrow and select the file type from the list. All Files (*.*) display all files in a folder.

Load Database
Click the Load Database button in the Open dialog to open the data linking function. Data linking
provides a method to link to virtually any database supported by Microsoft via an OLE DB Provider,
ODBC, or some other supported format. Set the database information in the dialogs Data Link
Properties, Database Tables and Fields, and Specify Data Type and Column Positions.

Specify Worksheet Column Definitions

The Specify Worksheet Column Definitions dialog is used to select the column names and
number of rows to import.

Set the rows to import and the header row in the Specify Worksheet Column Definitions dialog.

Data File Preview

The Data File Preview section displays the contents of the data being imported. The Data File
Preview box is also used in manually defining column names.

Chapter 3 - Data and Data Tables

Define Column Names

When importing data, you have the option of manually defining column names or using the column
headers (if any) in a row. If the column names match the default Strater table column names, they
are automatically matched in the next Specify Data Type and Column Positions dialog.

To manually define column names:

1. Click in a cell in the Data File Preview section.
2. Type the desired column name in the box next to the Column Name option.
3. Click in a cell in another column. Notice that the previously selected column has the new
name listed.
4. Type the desired column name in the Column Name option.
5. Repeat until all of the columns are named.
To automatically define column names, check the box next to the Specify Column Header Row
option. To change the row to use for the header names, highlight the existing row number and type
the row number containing the header names. Alternatively, click the to increase or decrease
the row.

Import Options
When importing data, you can import all rows or limit the rows to a specified range. By default, all
rows are imported.

To limit the row range:

1. Check the box to the left of the Specify Starting Row option.
2. In the box to the right of Specify Starting Row, highlight the existing row number and type
the row number that contains the first row to import. Alternatively, click the button to
increase or decrease the starting row.
3. Check the box to the left of the Specify Ending Row option.
4. In the box to the right of Specify Ending Row, highlight the existing row number and type the
row number that contains the last row to import. Alternatively, click the button to
increase or decrease the ending row.

Strater 5 User’s Guide

Specify Data Type and Column Positions

The Specify Data Type and Column Position dialog is used to define the table type and match
the data to the table's required columns.

Set the Data type and columns in the Specify Data Type and Column Positions dialog.

Data Table Preview

The Data Table Preview section displays the data contents.

Data Type
The data should fall into one of six types of tables: Depth (Single Depth), Interval (From-To),
Lithology, Well Construction, Collars, Survey, or Text (General). Select the desired table type.
Notice that the Specify Column Definitions change based on the type of table selected. To set the
type, click on the existing type and select the desired table type from the list. A description of the
selected type appears to the right of the Data type list.

Specify Column Definitions

Once the data type is determined in the Data type section, the required data column for the data
type are shown in the Specify Column Definitions section. Match the data to the columns for the
table type. Each column definition can be set to any column in the file by clicking on the existing
column name and selecting the desired column from the list. If a column should not be imported,
select [Unspecified]. The column is created, but contains no data. If you are unsure which column is

Chapter 3 - Data and Data Tables

appropriate for a required column definition you can select the [Unspecified] option and make the
selection after the data appears in a table.
• Depth (Single Depth) tables have a single column containing depth information. You must
assign a data column to the Hole ID and Depth columns. The Depth column information is
required. The Hole Inclination (or Hole Dip) and Hole Azimuth columns can remain
• Interval (From-To) tables have two columns containing depth information: From and To. You
must assign data to the Hole ID, From, and To columns. The From and To columns are
required. The Hole Inclination (or Hole Dip) and Hole Azimuth columns can remain
• Lithology tables have two columns containing depth information: From and To. You must
assign data to the Hole ID, From, To, and Lithology Keyword columns. The Lithology
Description, Hole Inclination (or Hole Dip), Hole Azimuth, Indent Percentage, Indent
Keyword, and Indent Line Scale columns can remain [Unspecified]. The columns are created,
but can remain empty.
• Well Construction tables have two columns containing depth information: From and To. You
must assign data to the Hole ID, From, To, Offset, Well Item, Inner Diameter, and Outer
Diameter columns. The Hole Inclination (or Hole Dip) and Hole Azimuth columns can remain
• Collars tables are informational tables that typically contain information about a borehole
such as the location. You can assign data to the Hole ID, Starting Depth, Ending Depth,
Elevation, Hole Inclination (or Hole Dip), Hole Azimuth, Easting, Northing, and Scale
columns. The Hole ID is the only required column. All other columns can remain
[Unspecified]. The Starting Depth can be set to [0] if all boreholes have the same starting
depth and the starting depth is not listed in a column in the file.
• Survey tables are information tables that contain downhole directional information. You can
assign data to the Hole ID, Depth, Hole Inclination (or Hole Dip), and Hole Azimuth columns.
All four columns are required if you wish to use the Survey table for true vertical depth
• Text tables are general tables. You can assign to the Hole ID column. There are no required
columns in this table.
All other data are imported into columns with the column title indicated in the Specify Worksheet
Column Definitions or Database Tables and Fields dialogs.

Data Column
When a line/symbol, zone bar, bar, post, classed post, complex text, or graphic log is selected
before the Specify Data Type and Column Positions dialog appears, an extra Data column is
available. Click on the existing column name and select the desired column from the list. The log
type is automatically created with the Data Column set to the selected column. If left to [Auto], the
first column of data is displayed for the log.

Data Import Options

If a file is in an ASCII text format with an unrecognized file extension, the Data Import Options
dialog appears when opening the file. Choose the Delimiters used in the file (Tab, Comma,
Semicolon, Space, or Other), and the Text Qualifiers used in the file (Double Quote or Single

The Data Import Options Dialog

The Data Import Options dialog may appear when importing tabular data from delimited text files
(i.e. .DAT, .CSV, .TXT). These file formats are assumed to have one record per line in which each
record contains a fixed number of numeric data fields.

Strater 5 User’s Guide

The Data Import Options dialog allows you to specify import options.

Field Format
Specify the format of the input fields in the Field Format group. The options are Delimited or Fixed

Choose Delimited (fields are separated by tabs or other characters) if the imported data uses
delimiters (tab, semicolon, comma, space, other) to separate data fields. The Delimiters group is
used to specify how the fields are separated if Delimited (fields are separated by tabs or other
characters) is the selected Field Format.

Fixed Width
Choose Fixed Width (each field is a fixed number of characters wide) if the imported data uses a
fixed width to separate data fields.

Start Import at Row

Specify the row number at which to start the data import in the Start import at row box. To change
the first row to import, highlight the existing value and type a new value or click the buttons to
increase or decrease the value. For example, a value of one will start the data import at row one. A
value of five will start the data import at row five and ignore the data in rows one through four.

Chapter 3 - Data and Data Tables

Choose the desired delimiters to be used during the import process by checking the box next to
Tab, Comma, Semicolon, or Space. You may also enter a custom delimiter in the Other box. More
than one delimiter may be checked.

Text Qualifiers
Check the box next to Double Quote or Single Quote in the Text Qualifiers group to indicate the
correct qualifier to identify text values in the data file. Everything between the selected characters
will be interpreted as a single value, and any delimiter characters between text qualifiers are
ignored and treated as part of the text.

Double Quote
Check the box next to "Double Quote" to specify that everything between those marks should be
interpreted as a single value, and any delimiter characters between any two quote characters are
not treated as a delimiter.

For example, if Space is chosen as the delimiter and Double Quote is chosen as the text qualifier,
the string "Aspen Park" is treated as a single data value due to the double quotes surrounding it,
and the space delimiter between the words is treated as part of the value.

Single Quote
Check the box next to 'Single Quote' to specify that everything between those marks should be
interpreted as a single value, and any delimiter characters between any two quote characters are
not treated as a delimiter.

For example, if Space is chosen as the delimiter and Single Quote is chosen as the text qualifier,
the string 'Aspen Park' is treated as a single data value due to the single quotes surrounding it, and
the space delimiter between the words is treated as part of the value.

Skip Leading Spaces

Check the box next to Skip leading spaces to tell the software to ignore spaces that appear before
initial text.

Treat Consecutive Delimiters as One

Check the box next to Treat consecutive delimiters as one to instruct the software to interpret any
consecutive delimiters into a single delimiter rather than breaking to a new column for each
consecutive delimiter.

Use Comma as Decimal Symbol

Check the box next to Use comma as decimal symbol to interpret every comma as the decimal
symbol. The number 123,45 in the file would be displayed as 123.45 in the program worksheet with
this option checked.

The parsed data are shown in the Preview section.

The Encoding section allows the choice of Unicode data or ANSI data when importing or opening an
ASCII data file. Unicode data is often referred to as international data. It would include character
sets from Russia, Israel, China, Greece, Hungary, among others. After selecting Unicode, select the

Strater 5 User’s Guide

ANSI text translation [codepage] option that will read the data correctly. If the data does not
appear correctly in the Preview window, the Encoding may be specified incorrectly.

ANSI encoding contains characters within the first 256 characters of a font. These are normally in

The locale section of the dialog contains options for determining date/time values. The Language
(Country) setting determines which month names are interpreted as part of a date. For example, if
German (Germany) is selected, "Oktober" will be recognized as a valid month name. English month
names are always recognized as valid month names. The default Language (Country) is determined
by the user locale set in the Windows Control Panel. To change the Language (Country), click the
current option and select a language from the list.

The Date order option specifies the order in which dates are written in the data file. The date
02/03/04 is ambiguous and could be Month-Day-Year, Day-Month-Year, Year-Month-Day, etc. The
Date order option ensures dates in the data file are imported correctly into Surfer. The default
Date order is Auto. The standard date order for the Language (Country) setting is used when Date
order is set to Auto. Specify the Date order for the data file import by clicking the current Date
order selection and then selecting the desired Date order from the list. All six combinations of Day
(D), Month (M), and Year (Y) are included in the Date order list.

OK or Cancel
Click OK to proceed with the import process. Click Cancel to close the dialog without importing the
data set.

Chapter 3 - Data and Data Tables

Create New Table

To create a new, empty table in the project, select Home | New | Table or click the button.
The Create New Table dialog opens:

You can define all aspects of a new table in the Create New Table dialog.

The Create New Table dialog contains options for naming the table, selecting the table type, and
defining the table columns.

Table Name
Enter the name of the new table in the Table Name field. The table name cannot be a duplicate of
an existing table name in the project.

Base Table Type

Select the table type from the Base Table Type list. There are eight table types: Collars, Depth,
Interval, Lithology, Project Settings, Survey, Text Item, and Well Construction.

Column List
The Column List shows the pre-defined columns for the table, based on the table type you selected.
The tables have a specified set of columns that are required. Each column contains:
• A column name, such as Hole ID. The column name can be modified for non-required or
custom columns.
• An optional Column Description, that gives additional information about the column.
• A Required Column option which indicates whether or not the column is required.

Strater 5 User’s Guide

Adding Additional Columns

To add additional columns click the button. A new row appears in the Column List. Enter a
name in the Modify Column Name box and an optional Column Description. It is not necessary to
add additional columns in the dialog for each column in an existing worksheet, as all data in the
worksheet are imported into appropriate columns.

Deleting Custom Columns

To delete an optional column in the table, click the button. Only non-required or custom
columns can be deleted.

Create or Cancel
To create the table and place it in the current project click Create. To close the dialog without
creating a new table click Cancel or the X in the upper right corner of the dialog.

Modifying Imported Data for use with Logs

Many users have data in external tables (such as .XLS) that they want to import into Strater to be
used in logs. Use the following information to make this importing process as easy as possible.

Strater Data Table Requirements

Strater data tables have specific requirements for column names and types of data in columns,
and each log type has required columns that must be present in order for Strater to even
recognize the table as usable for a particular log type.

In some cases, the external data is not formatted in a manner usable by Strater. However, the
data importing process includes dialog boxes that allow you to modify and adjust the data being
imported to conform with the data table requirements.

Using Data Tables Without Headers

Strater assumes that the first row is the default location for column header information. If a
imported data table does not include this information you can add it during the import process or
edit the row number for the row containing the header. Column header labels are not required, but
do make working with data easier.

As an example, the following is a data table that does not include header column information:

Strater can use data tables that do

not have column header information.

Chapter 3 - Data and Data Tables

There is usable data in this table, but because the columns are not labeled you can add the column
headers during the import function:
1. Click the Log | Create Log | Line/Symbol command.
2. Click inside the log pane to fix the position where a line/symbol log will be displayed.
3. The Open dialog is displayed. Navigate to the location of the file to open, click on the file
name to select it, and click Open.
4. The Specify Worksheet Column Definitions dialog opens. Note the content of the Column
Name field:

The Specify Worksheet Column Definitions dialog allows

you to name each column in an imported data table.

5. Enter a name for the first column in the Column Name field.
6. Click a cell in column 2, which changes the contents of the Column Name field.
7. Enter the name for column 2 in the Column Name field.
8. Repeat this process for Column 3.
9. Do not click the Specify Column Header Row check box because the actual column header is
not in a table row.
10. Click Next.
11. In the Specify Data Type and Column Positions dialog, link the data columns and click
Finish. The data appears in the table, ready to use.

Strater 5 User’s Guide

Associating Data Table Columns to Required Log Columns

Each log type has specific required columns of data that must appear in a specific location in the
table. As an example, the Hole ID column is always in the first (far left) position in the Strater data

You can specify which column of data in the data file corresponds to the required column in the
data table. Strater will then change the location of the columns to match the position you specified
during the import process.

Let us use as an example an Excel spreadsheet data table, such as the one below:

You can import from .XLS files even if the columns are not
named or placed in accordance with Strater default values.

All the required columns (Hole ID, Depth) are present for a line/symbol log, but they are named
differently and not in the default order.

To import into Strater for a line/symbol log:

1. Click the Log | Create Log | Line/Symbol command.
2. Click inside the log pane to fix the position where a line/symbol log will be displayed.
3. The Open dialog is displayed. Navigate to the location of the file to import, highlight the file
and click Open.
4. The Specify Worksheet Column Definitions dialog opens. Click the Specify Column
Header Row check box because the column header information (Drill Depth, Au, Borehole
Name) is in row 1, which is the default row for header information.
5. Click Next. The Specify Data Type and Column Positions dialog opens:
6. Note that the contents of the Hole ID and Depth fields are incorrect. They display the column
names associated with the default positions for these two required data columns. Because
the columns of the imported .XLS file has these required columns in different locations you
must change these two fields.
7. Use the drop-down menus to select the appropriate columns for Hole ID and Depth:

Chapter 3 - Data and Data Tables

Change the required column definitions to match the column locations in the imported data table.
7. Click Finish. The log is correctly displayed.
8. Click the Sheet1 tab. Note that the names of the required columns have changed from their
names in the imported .XLS file. In addition, their positions have changed:

The required column names will always appear as

the default names, even when the source data has
different names for these columns.

By using this technique you can adapt data files in Strater without having to go into the source
data file location and make edits in the original file. As long as the required data is present in
columns, you can make the necessary adjustments during the data importing process.

Strater 5 User’s Guide

Close a Table or View

Closing a table means removing its tab from the array of tabs. It does not mean deleting the table
from the current project. When a table is closed it is still part of the project but is simply not

To close a table, either:

• Right-click the table's tab and select Close, or
• Select the table's tab and click the X to the right of the tab name:

To close a selected tab click the X to the right of the tab array.

To open a closed table, click the View | Display | Show All Tables command.

To close a view window, either:

• Right-click the view's tab and select Close,
• Select the view's tab and click the X to the right of the tab name, or
• Uncheck the box in the View Manager next to the view name.
To open a closed view window, check the box in the View Manager next to the view name.

Show/Hide All Tables

Click the View | Display | Show All Tables command to display every data table imported into
the current project. When one ore more tables are displayed for the project the Show All Tables
command is replaced by the View | Display | Hide All Tables command. Click the Hide All
Tables command to hide every data table imported into the current project.

Toggle the visibility of individual tables in the Table Manager.

Export - Table View

With a table view selected, click the File | Export Data | Worksheet command to export the
current table into one of several common data file types.

To export a table in .SDG format click the File | Save or File | Save As commands.

To export the data in a table:

1. Click the File | Export Data | Worksheet command. The Save As dialog opens.
2. Set the Save in field to the folder where you want to save the data.
3. Enter a File name for the new data file.
4. Set the Save as type to the desired type of file to save. The default type is .XLS. File types
include .BLN, .BNA, .CSV, .DAT, . SLK, .TXT, .XLS, and .XLSX.
5. Click Save and the data is saved to the file.

Chapter 3 - Data and Data Tables

Data Export Options Dialog

The Data Export Options dialog may appear when exporting tabular data from delimited text files
(i.e. .DAT, .TXT). These file formats are assumed to have one record per line in which each record
contains a fixed number of numeric data fields.

Specify the delimiter and text qualifier in

the Data Export Options dialog.

Choose Comma, Tab, Space, or Semicolon as the character to use to delimit fields in the
saved .DAT, or .TXT file.

Text Qualifier
Select (none) for no qualifiers in the export file. Select Double quotes to place double quote
characters “” around fields in the export file. Select Single quotes to place single quote characters ‘’
around fields in the export file.

Decimal Symbol
Decimal symbol is the symbol used as the decimal point. This can be a comma or period. This
option is only available with .TXT files.

Encoding Method
The Encoding method section allows the choice of Windows Unicode data, Encoded UTF-8 data, or
Unencoded ANSI translated using data when exporting or saving an ASCII data file. Windows
Unicode and Encoded UTF-8 data are often referred to as international data. It would include
character sets from Russia, Israel, China, Greece, Hungary, among others. If the data does not
appear correctly in the exported file, the Encoding method may be specified incorrectly.

ANSI encoding contains characters within the first 256 characters of a font. These are normally in
English. After selecting Unencoded ANSI translated using [codepage], select the codepage from the
list that will read the data correctly.

Strater 5 User’s Guide

OK and Cancel Buttons

Click the OK button to proceed with the export process, or click the Cancel button to close the
dialog without exporting the data set.

Export To Multi-Sheet XLSX

The File | Export Data | Multi-Sheet XLSX command exports one or more tables in the project
to a multi-sheet Excel file. To save the tables to a multiple sheet Excel file, first verify the tables
you wish to export are currently open. Click on any of the open tables and select the File | Export
Data | Multi-Sheet XLSX command. In the Export To Multi-Sheet XLSX dialog, set the File
name and file location and click Save. Tables are selected in the Multi-Sheet Export Selection
dialog, and the multi-sheet XLSX file is created.

Special Characters
Strater can include special characters in a table name. Excel cannot have sheet names containing a
colon (:), backslash (\), forwardslash (/), question mark (?), asterisk (*), or left ([) and right (])
brackets. If a table with special characters is exported to a multi-sheet XLSX file, the file will open
with errors in Excel. The sheet will be renamed to Recovered_Sheet1, but the data will be

Multi-Sheet Export Selection Dialog

Each table is exported to a separate worksheet in the Excel file. Select the tables to export in the
Multi-Sheet Export Selection dialog. Only open tables are included in the Multi-Sheet Export
Selection dialog. Verify the tables you wish to export are open before clicking the Export to
Multi-Sheet XLSX command. Use the Show All Tables command to quickly open all tables to
ensure the tables you wish to export are included.

Select the sheets to export in the Multi-Sheet Export Selection dialog.

Worksheet List
The Multi-Sheet Export Selection dialog displays a list of open tables. The check box indicates
whether the table will be included in the output file. The list displays the table name. The sheet
name in the XLSX file will be the table name displayed in the Multi-Sheet Export Selection

Chapter 3 - Data and Data Tables

Selecting Tables
Click a table name or check box in the list to check or uncheck the box. Tables with a check will be
included in the output Excel file. Select or deselect multiple contiguous sheets by clicking the first
desired sheet. Next hold SHIFT and click the last desired sheet. The boxes are either all checked or
all unchecked between the clicked sheets.

Click the Select / Deselect All check box to change the selection between all sheets and no sheets.
The Select / Deselect All check box will display a check when all sheets are selected, a black square
when some sheets are selected, and nothing when no sheets are selected.

OK and Cancel
Click OK and the multi-sheet XLSX file is created. Click Cancel to close the dialog without saving
the tables to a multi-sheet Excel file.

Multi-Sheet Selection Dialog

The Multi-Sheet Selection dialog appears when importing or opening an Excel file with multiple
sheets into a table.

Select all of the sheets to import in the Multi-Sheet Selection dialog.

After the Multi-Sheet Selection dialog appears, select all of the worksheets that should be
imported. Click the Select / Deselect All check box to select or deselect all sheets in the Excel file.
Check the box next to a sheet name to select it by clicking the check box or sheet name. Uncheck
the check box next to a sheet name to exclude it from import. To select or deselect a contiguous
group of sheets, click the first desired sheet, hold SHIFT, and click the last desired sheet. The first,
last, and all sheets in between will be selected or deselected, depending on their current state. Only
selected sheets are imported into tables in Strater.

Export XYZ Data - Table View

The File | Export Data | XYZ Data command creates a data file with the Hole ID, X, Y, and Z
coordinates of the true vertical depth. This command is available for all table types except collars

After clicking the File | Export Data | XYZ Data command, the Export XYZ Data dialog appears.
Type a File name and click Save.

Strater 5 User’s Guide

Type a File name to save the calculated borehole locations to an XYZ data file.

The Export XYZ Data dialog appears.

Set the inclination (or dip), azimuth, and TVD calculation method and click OK.

Sample Data
The Sample data section contains a portion of the table. The top line contains the header row, for
ease in setting the inclination (or dip), azimuth, and hole ID columns.

Chapter 3 - Data and Data Tables

Include All Boreholes

Check the box next to Include all boreholes to calculate the true vertical depth for all boreholes in
the table. When the box is not checked, the Hole ID option becomes available.

Hole ID
When the Include all boreholes option is not checked, the Hole ID option becomes available. Click
on the existing borehole name and select the appropriate borehole from the list. Only the selected
borehole's true vertical depth is calculated.

Hole Inclination or Dip Source

The Hole inclination source or Hole dip source contains the source of the inclination or dip column.
Click on the existing table name and select the desired table from the list. Available options are
None, Collars table, Data table, and Survey table. Setting the option to None does not calculate the
true vertical depth. The Collars table option reads all collars tables in the project and selects the
appropriate inclination column for each borehole. The Survey table option reads all survey tables in
the project and select the appropriate inclination or dip column for each borehole. Set the source to
Data table to read the Hole inclination column or Hole dip column from the currently selected table.
The Hole inclination column or Hole dip column option becomes available.

If either the Hole inclination source, Hole dip source, or Hole azimuth source is set to Survey table,
both sources are set to Survey table.

Inclination or Dip Column

When the Hole inclination source or Hole dip source is set to Data table, the Hole inclination column
or Hole dip column option is available. Click on the existing column name and select the column
that contains the inclination or dip information from the list.

Azimuth Source
The Hole azimuth source contains the source of the azimuth column. Click on the existing table
name and select the desired table from the list. Available options are None, Collars table, Data
table, and Survey table. Setting the option to None does not calculate the true vertical depth. The
Collars table option reads all collars tables in the project and selects the appropriate azimuth
column for each borehole. The Survey table option reads all survey tables in the project and select
the appropriate azimuth column for each borehole. Set the source to Data table to read the Hole
azimuth column from the currently selected table. The Hole azimuth column option becomes

If either the Hole inclination source, Hole dip source, or Hole azimuth source is set to Survey table,
both sources are set to Survey table.

Azimuth Column
When the Hole azimuth source is set to Data table, the Hole azimuth column option is available.
Click on the existing column name and select the column that contains the azimuth information
from the list.

Depth Units
The Depth units option determines the units used in the exported data file. By default, the Depth
units are set to the same units as the units on the Depth column. Changing the Depth units allows a
data file to be created with a different unit, such as meters instead of feet.

Strater 5 User’s Guide

TVD Calculation Method

The TVD calculation method is the method used to calculate the true vertical depth. Refer to the
True Vertical Depth Calculation Methods page for information on each method.

Include All Data

Check the box next to Include all data to include all data in all columns in the existing table in the
exported data file. Uncheck the box to only export the Hole ID and X, Y, and Z coordinates.

Export Depths as Ascending

When a data table contains depth values that increase down the borehole, checking the box next to
Export Depths as Ascending will make the depth values negative, so that the values increase up.
This is useful when working in other programs, such as Voxler, Surfer, or Grapher with the
exported data. As an example, a borehole that ranges from 0 at the top of the borehole to 2400 at
the bottom of the borehole will be exported as 0 to -2400 when this option is checked.

OK or Cancel
Click OK to calculate the true vertical depth values and create the new data file. Click Cancel to exit
out of the dialog without creating the data file.

Data File Contents

The data file that is created contains at least four columns: X, Y, Z, and Hole ID. If the Include all
data option is checked, other columns may exist.

The data file created contains four columns, with

XYZ location information for each point along the borehole.

The X, Y Z columns are calculated by transforming the measured depth along the borehole with the
azimuth and inclination values to create the true vertical depth.

Data Tab Commands

The Data tab is available when a data table is selected. The following commands are included in
the Data tab:

Reload Data Reload data from the original source

Reload All Reload original data for all tables
Insert Insert rows in the active table
Append Append a new column to the table
Delete Remove rows and columns from the table
Clear Clear data from the table cells

Chapter 3 - Data and Data Tables

Open the Find and Replace dialog Find

Find the next matching text in the current
Find Next

Replace Open the Find and Replace dialog

Replace page.
Format Cells Apply formatting to the selected cells
Column Width Change the width of the selected columns
Row Height Change the height of the selected rows

Transform Apply a mathematical transformation to

columns, rows, or cells
Sort Sort selected cells
Statistics Compute statistics on selected cells

Transpose Converts rows to columns and columns to

Text to Number Convert numbers stored as text to numbers
Number to Text Convert numbers to numbers stored as text

Create TVD Create true vertical depth (TVD) from

measured depth

Reload Data
Click the Data | Reload | Data command or right-click in a table and choose Reload Data to
reload data from the original data source. When the data are reloaded, any previous changes made
to the original data in the data table are overwritten.

If you import data and plan to make changes to the data within Strater do not use Data | Reload
| Data. Undo is not available for this command.

If you do not want a data table to update ever again with the Reload Data or Reload All
commands, you can unlink the data from the original source with the Table | Table | Browser

When reloading data, only the data that was originally imported into the data table is reloaded. Any
new data added to the data file will not be loaded into the data table.

When a data table cannot be found, the Reload Data dialog appears. The header bar in the dialog
displays the original external source name. Select the new appropriate data file and click Open to
update the data. If a table is not linked to an external file, the Data | Reload | Data command will
not be available. Use the Table | Table | Browser command to link the data to the new external
data file.

Reload All
Click the Data | Reload | All command to reload all the data for all data tables in a Strater
project. When the data are reloaded, any previous changes made to the original data in the data
table are overwritten.

Strater 5 User’s Guide

If you import data and plan to make changes to the data within Strater do not use Reload All.
Undo is not available for this command.

If you do not want a data table to update ever again with the Reload Data or Reload All
commands, you can unlink the data from the original source with the Table | Table | Browser

When reloading data, only the data that was originally imported into the data table is reloaded. Any
new data added to the data file will not be loaded into the data table.

When a data table cannot be found, the Reload Data dialog appears. The header bar in the dialog
displays the original external source name. Select the new appropriate data file and click Open to
update the data. If a table is not linked to an external file, the Data | Reload | All command will
not be prompt for a new data file. Use the Table | Table | Browser command to link the data to
the new external data file.

Insert Rows
Click the Data | Edit | Insert command, right-click in a table and choose Insert Rows, or press
CTRL+R on the keyboard to add an additional row above the current row in a table.

The number of inserted rows is determined by the number of highlighted rows in the data table. For
example, if you highlight five rows and click the Data | Edit | Insert command, five blank rows
will be inserted above the highlighted rows.

There is no need to insert or append rows at the end of the table. These rows are already available.
Scroll down to the final row in your data table and continue to scroll. Only those rows with data are
considered part of the active data table.

Append Column
To append (add) a column to a data table:
• Manually type or paste data into blank cells in an unused column.
• Click the Data | Edit | Append command to add a column.
• Right-click in the table and choose Append Column.

Manually Enter Data into a Data Tab

You can add data manually to a currently blank column in a data table by either pasting information
from multiple cells or typing data into blank cells individually.

When you enter data into a cell and click off of that cell the column is automatically named New
Column, and subsequent new columns are named New Column 1, New Column 2, and so on.

To rename a manually created column, click the Table | Table | Column Properties command.

Append Column Command

Click the Data | Edit | Append command, right-click in a table view and select Append Column to
add a column to the selected data table tab.
1. With a data tab highlighted, click the Data | Edit | Append command. The Append
Column dialog opens.

Chapter 3 - Data and Data Tables

Use the Append Column dialog to add a new

column to the selected tab in a project.

2. Enter the Column Name, which is the name of the column that will appear above Row 1. The
new name cannot duplicate the name of an existing column in this data table.
3. Optionally enter the Column Description, which appears in the Column Editor dialog.
4. Optionally enter the Column Units, which appears in the Column Editor dialog.
5. Click Create to create the new column and close the dialog. The new column appears in the
data table. Click Close to exit the dialog without creating a new column.

Delete - Table View

The Data | Edit | Delete command is used to remove rows or columns from a table or clear the
contents of selected cells. When an entire row or entire column is selected, click the Data | Edit |
Delete command to remove the row or column from the table. When the selection does not include
an entire row or column, the Delete command clears the contents of the selected cells, similar to
the Clear command.

There are three methods for deleting data from a data table:
• Delete data from cells: To delete data from cells, select the cells with the data to delete.
When the desired cells are selected, click the Data | Edit | Delete command, right-click and
select Delete, or press the CTRL+D keys on the keyboard . The data in the cells is deleted,
leaving blank cells. Note: When using this method make sure to highlight only cells
containing data and not the row or column headers.
• Delete data from rows: To delete rows from the worksheet, highlight the row number(s) at
the far left you want to delete and press the DELETE key on the keyboard or click the Data |
Edit | Clear command. This will remove the data from the cells but leave the blank rows in
• Delete rows from a data table: To remove the information in the rows and the entire row,
highlight the row number(s) to delete. Right-click and select Delete or click the Data | Edit
| Delete command. The rows AND the data are deleted, with the rows beneath the deleted
rows moving up in the table.
• Delete data from columns: To delete columns from the worksheet, highlight the column
header(s) you want to delete and press the DELETE key or select Data | Edit | Clear. This
will remove the data from the columns but leave the blank columns in place, even for
required columns.
• Delete columns from a data table: To remove the information in the columns and the
entire column, highlight the column header(s) to delete. Right-click and select Delete or
click the Data | Edit | Delete command. The columns AND the data are deleted. Required
columns cannot be deleted. In addition, if you attempt to delete a column a warning will

Strater 5 User’s Guide

Click Yes to delete the column. Click No to not delete the column and return to the table.

Deleting a column cannot be undone. Click Yes in the warning dialog to delete the column. Click No
to not delete the column and return to the table.

Click the Data | Edit | Clear command or right-click in a table view and choose Clear to delete the
data from the selected table cells.

This differs from the Data | Edit | Delete command because Clear simply removes the data and
leaves the blank cells intact. If you highlight several rows and use Data | Edit | Delete, the rows
themselves are deleted as well. For example, if you highlight row 1 and use Clear a blank row 1
will remain. If you highlight row 1 and use Delete the row itself is deleted and the data in row 2
moves up to fill row 1, the data from row 3 moves up to fill row 2, and so on.

Click the Data | Find | Find command to find a particular word or phrase in the table. The Find
and Replace dialog opens to allow entry of search parameters.

Find Next
Click the Data | Find | Find Next command to find the next instance of a particular number,
word, or phrase in the worksheet. Each cell matching the search parameters remains selected.

If the Data | Find | Find command was not used initially, the Find and Replace dialog opens so
that you can define your search criteria.

Click the Data | Find | Replace command to replace a word or phrase with specified text. The
Find and Replace dialog opens to allow entry of the replacement text.

Find and Replace Dialog

The Find and Replace dialog displays when the Data | Find | Find, Data | Find | Find Next, or
Data | Find | Replace commands are chosen. The Find and Replace dialog is used to search for
and replace specific text in the worksheet.

The Find Page

The Data | Find | Find and Data | Find | Find Next commands open the Find page of the Find
and Replace dialog.

Chapter 3 - Data and Data Tables

Search for and replace specific text in the

worksheet with the Find and Replace dialog.

To find a word or phrase, type the text you want to search for in the Find field. Click the arrow at
the right to select from a list of the most recently used text strings. The asterisk * and question
mark ? wildcards can be used in the Find box. Click the arrow at the right to select from a list of the
most recently used criteria.
• A question mark ? finds a single character in the specified location. For example, 200? finds
2009, 2008, 200a, etc.
• An asterisk * finds any number of characters at the specified location. For example, *01 finds
601, 1201, c01, etc.
Next to In, choose the parameters of the search from the list. Choices include The column where
active cell is, The row where active cell is, and The entire limits.
• Select The column where the active cell is to search only the column (i.e. column B) of the
active cell (i.e. cell B2) for the information listed in the Find field.
• Select The row where active cell is to search only the row (i.e. row _2) of the active cell (i.e.
cell B2) for the information listed in the Find field.
• Select The entire limits to search the entire worksheet for the information listed in the Find

Search Order
The Search order controls the direction of the search: down through columns by selecting By
columns or to the right across rows by selecting By rows.

Strater 5 User’s Guide

In this example, cell A1 is selected.

If the Find criteria is "7", and
By Column is the Search order, cell
A5 is found first. If By row is the
Search order, cell B1 is found first.

Match Case
If you have case sensitive characters in the Find text string, check the Match case check box.
Selecting Match case distinguishes between uppercase and lowercase characters. For example, a
search for "Elevation" with the Match case option selected will not find entries for "elevation", but
will find entries for "Elevation".

Deselect All First

Check the Deselect all first box to deselect all selected cells before performing the search. All
previously selected cells will be deselected prior to the search when the Deselect all first check box
is checked. If the Deselect all first box is deselected, the results of a previous search will remain
highlighted when performing the next search.

Choose the search Method from the list to determine how the search is performed.

This examples assume "Golden, CO" is in the Find field.

• Select Cell matches target exactly to require that the exact criteria in the Find box is present
in a cell before it is selected. For example, only cells that have exactly "Golden, CO" will be
• Select Cell contains target phrase to require that the phrase in the Find box is present in a
cell before it is selected. For example, cells that have "Golden CO", "Golden Company", or
"Golden Colorado" will be selected.
• Select Cell contains all of the target words to require that all of the Find words are present in
a cell before it is selected. For example, cells that have "Golden" and "CO" somewhere in the
cell (i.e. "Golden is the best city in Colorado" will be selected).
• Select Cell contains any of the target words to require that any of the Find criteria words are
present in a cell before it is selected. For example, cells that have "Golden is a city" or "CO is
a state" will be selected.

Find All Button

Click the Find All button to find all occurrences of the Find criteria in the worksheet. All of the cells
that contain the Find criteria will be highlighted.

Chapter 3 - Data and Data Tables

Find Next Button

Click the Find Next button to find the next occurrence of the characters specified in the Find box.
This allows you to meet the criteria one at a time. The next instance of the Find criteria will be

Close Button
Click the Close button to exit the Find and Replace dialog.

The Replace Page

The Data | Find | Replace command opens the Replace page of the Find and Replace dialog.
The Replace page has all of the Find page fields, with the addition of the Replace with field. The
Replace page, Method field has only two options.

Replace numbers or text in the worksheet

with the Find and Replace dialog.

Replace With
Type the text you want to replace in the Find box. To delete the characters in the Find box from
your worksheet, leave the Replace with box blank. Click the arrow at the right to select from a list
of the most recently searched items.

Replace Button
Click the Replace button to replace the selected occurrence of the criteria in the Find box with the
criteria in the Replace with box, find the next occurrence of the criteria in the Find box, and then
stop. If you want to automatically replace all occurrences of the search criteria in the worksheet,
click the Replace All button.

Replace All Button

Click the Replace All button to replace all occurrences of the Find criteria in your document with the
Replace with criteria. If you want to review and selectively replace each occurrence, click the
Replace button.

Strater 5 User’s Guide

Format Cells
Cell numbers, alignment, or background color can be formatted through the Cell Format dialog. To
format a cell, select the cells to be formatted and click the Data | Format | Format Cells
command or right-click and select Format Cells. The Format Cells dialog opens.

Format Cells Dialog

The Format Cells dialog has three pages; Number, Alignment, and Background.

Number Page
Use the Number page to change the numeric data display in the worksheet.

Alignment Page
Use the Alignment page to set the cell alignment.

Background Page
Select cell background color on the Background page.

Text String
Number formatting has no effect on a numeric text string (numbers entered as text). A number
with an apostrophe in front of it ('8123) is a text string. The apostrophe only shows in the active
cell edit box. For example, an ASCII data file might contain the digits "8123" (digits surrounded by
quotes), '8123 (digits preceded with an apostrophe), numbers with letters, or numbers with
symbols (i.e. a backslash "\"). These "numbers" are read as text and not as a number. The Data |
Transform command can be used to perform a mathematical function, such as ATOI(X), to convert
a text string to an integer value.

Preserve Cell Formatting

The only formats that preserve cell formatting information are the Strater Project .SDG,
Excel .XLS, .XLSX, or SYLK .SLK file formats. ASCII file formats (.CSV, .TXT, .DAT, .BNA, .BLN) do
not preserve file format information.

Format Cells - Number

Cell numbers, alignment, or background color can be formatted through the Format Cells dialog.
To format a cell, select the cells to be formatted, then click Data | Format | Format Cells. Use
the Number page to change the numeric data display in the worksheet. This includes setting the
numeric format for numbers and the date/time entries.

Number formatting has no effect on a numeric text string (numbers entered as text). For example,
an ASCII data file might contain the numbers '8123 (numbers preceded by single quote) which are
read as text and not as a number. The Data | Data | Text to Number command can be used to
convert numbers stored as text to numeric values.

Chapter 3 - Data and Data Tables

Use the Number page to change the numeric

data display in the worksheet.

The Type section contains the numeric format for the selected cells. Available options are General,
Fixed, Exponential, Currency, Percent, and Date/Time. Click on the desired option.
• General displays numbers as fixed or exponential, whichever is shorter.
• Fixed displays numbers as d.ddd. The number to the left of the decimal can vary. Set the
number to the right of the decimal in the Decimal Digits box.
• Exponential displays numbers as d.ddde+dd. Set the number of digits to the right of the
decimal in the Decimal Digits box.
• Currency displays fixed numbers with a currency symbol such as the dollar sign ($).
• Percent displays numeric values (such as 0.13) as percentages with a percent symbol suffix
• Date/Time formats the cells as dates and/or time. Select Date/Time and then either type the
desired Date/Time format or click the button to create the desired date/time format in
the Date/Time Format Builder dialog.

Decimal Digits
The Decimal Digits controls the number of digits to the right of the decimal when the Type is set to
Fixed, Exponential, Currency, or Percent. To change the Decimal Digits, highlight the existing value
and type a new value. Alternatively, click the to increase or decrease the value.

Thousands Separator
The Thousands separator option controls whether a comma appears in the number, indicating
thousands. When checked, a comma appears every three digits to the left of the decimal point.
When unchecked, the number appears without the comma. Do not type a comma when entering
data as this causes the number to be read as text.

If the File | Options Decimal separator is set to Comma or System default when comma is the
system default, a period (.) will be displayed for the Thousands separator.

Strater 5 User’s Guide

The Sample box displays the current number format.

OK or Cancel
Click OK to make the change to the cell format. Click Cancel to return to the worksheet without
making the change.

Date/Time Format Builder Dialog

In the Text Editor dialog, click the button to open the Date/Time Format Builder dialog.
From the worksheet, click the button in the Format Cells dialog Number page. The
Date/Time Format Builder dialog is also accessed by clicking the button in the Date/Time
format field in the Label Format Properties section of the Property Manager when the label format
Type is Date/time. When the Date/Time Format Builder is used to insert date/time math text
instruction with the Text Editor, the date/time will update every time the project updates.

The Date/Time Format Builder dialog is used to insert or

create date/time formats for worksheet cells or text objects.

Date/Time Format
Type a Date/Time Format into the Date/Time format (edit to change) field to set the date/time
format. You can also use the Language (Country) and Predefined date/time formats lists to insert
multiple date/time formats and languages.

Language (Country)
By default, the program will use the computer's default language settings for displaying the
date/time options in the worksheet. The computer default is controlled by the Windows Control
Panel. Refer to your Windows documentation for information about setting the locale. The Language
(Country) uses the same codes to override the display. For instance, if the date/time values should
always be displayed in English, regardless of locale, you could select English (United States) - [$-
409] and click the Insert button. Insert the locale setting first in the Date/Time format box. Any
cells with the specified language will appear in that language. In addition, the options in the

Chapter 3 - Data and Data Tables

Predefined date/time formats will change to show the common formats for that locale. Locale IDs
are input as [$-####] in the Date/Time format field, where the #### is the locale identifier.

Note: The Insert button must be clicked after selecting the Language (Country) option. Simply
selecting the Language (Country) does not change the Date/Time format. The Date/Time format
does not change until Insert is clicked.

Predefined Date/Time Formats

The Predefined date/time formats list contains the common formats for the selected Language
(Country) option or for your Windows locale. Available formats are made of combinations of year,
month, day, hours, minutes, seconds, and AM/PM designation. Years are shown as yy or yyyy.
Months are shown as M, MM, MMM, MMMM, or MMMMM. Days are shown as d, dd, ddd, or dddd.
Hours are shown as h, hh, H, HH, or [h]. Minutes are shown as m, mm, or [mm]. Seconds are
shown as ss, ss.0, ss.00, ss.000, ss.0000, or [ss]. AM/PM designation is shown as tt or TT. BC/AD
designation is shown as gg or GG. BCE/CE designation is shown as g, G, ggg, or GGG. Refer to
formats for information about each specific option.

Note: The Insert button must be clicked after selecting the Predefined date/time formats option.
Simply selecting the Predefined date/time formats does not change the Date/Time format. The
Date/Time format does not change until Insert is clicked.

The Sample text updates to show a sample of the current entry in the Date/Time format (edit to
change) field.

Format Cells - Alignment

Cell numbers, alignment, or background color can be formatted through the Format Cells dialog.
To format a cell, select the cells to be formatted, then select Data | Format | Format Cells. Use
the Alignment page to align the cell in one of four ways. By default, imported ASCII text files
automatically align numbers to the right and text to the left.

Strater 5 User’s Guide

Use the Alignment page of the Format Cells dialog

to select the Horizontal alignment of cells.

General aligns text on the left side of the cell and numbers, dates, and times on the right side of
the cell.

Left aligns text, numbers, dates, and times on the left side of the cell.

Center aligns text, numbers, dates, and time in the center of the cell.

Right aligns text, numbers, dates, and time on the right side of the cell.

Chapter 3 - Data and Data Tables

Format Cells - Background

Cell numbers, alignment, or background color can be formatted through the Format Cells dialog.
To format a cell, select the cells to be formatted, then select Data | Format | Format Cells. You
can set cell background color on the Background page. Save the worksheet in the Strater Project
or Excel format to save background color in the file.

Select the cell background color the Background page

of the Format Cells dialog.

Click the None button to remove any previously assigned background colors.

Color Palette
Select a cell background color from the color palette.

A sample of the color is displayed in the Sample box.

Column Width
Change the column width by clicking the Data | Format | Column Width command or by using
the mouse to resize the column. You can double-click the column line to automatically set the
column width, or you can manually change the column width by clicking and dragging the column
header dividing line. When automatically setting the column width, the column narrows or widens
to the smallest size necessary to completely display the data and column name.

Strater 5 User’s Guide

The Excel .XLS, .XLSX, or SYLK .SLK file format must be used to save the column width in the file
because ASCII file formats (.CSV, .TXT, .DAT, .BNA, .BLN) do not preserve file format information.

Column Width Dialog

To set column widths or to hide columns, highlight either the entire column or individual cells within
the columns and select Data | Format | Column Width. Enter the width for the selected column
or cells into the Column Width field. Columns can range from zero to 512 characters wide. The
value zero (0) hides the column. Click OK to make the changes.

Change the column width by selecting columns,

choosing Data | Format | Column Width, and then
entering a number into the Column Width dialog.

Changing Column Widths with the Mouse

Column width can also be changed using the mouse. When the cursor is moved to the line that
defines the right boundary of the column header, the cursor changes to . Double-click to
automatically size the column to the smallest width necessary to show all the data in the cells and
the complete column name. Press and hold the left mouse button and move the cursor to the left or
right to manually change the width of the column.

Hide a Column
You can hide a column by moving the cursor to the left until the next dividing line is reached. In the
Column Width dialog, a Column Width value of zero (0) hides the column.

Display Hidden Columns

To display hidden columns, press and hold the left mouse button at the right edge of the hidden
column and move the cursor to the right to widen the column.

Row Height
You can change row height of selected cells in a data table by clicking the Data | Format | Row
Height command or by using the mouse to size the row. The Excel XLS, XLSX, or SYLK SLK file
format must be used to save the row height and numeric format information with the file since
ASCII file formats (.CSV, .TXT, .DAT, .BNA, .BLN) do not preserve file format information.

The Row Height Dialog

To set row heights or to hide rows, select either the entire row or individual cells within the rows
and select Data | Format | Row Height. Enter the height, measured in pixels, for the selected
row or cells in the Row Height field. Rows can range from zero to 512 pixels in height. A value of
zero (0) hides the row.

Chapter 3 - Data and Data Tables

Change the row height by selecting rows,

clicking the Data | Format | Row Height command, and
entering a number into the Row Height dialog.

Changing Row Heights with the Mouse

Row height can also be changed using the mouse. When the cursor is moved to the line that defines
the lower boundary of the row header, the cursor changes to a line with two arrows . Press and
hold the left mouse button, move the cursor up or down to change the height of the row.

Hide a Column with the Mouse

You can hide a row by moving the cursor up until the next dividing line is reached. In the Row
Height dialog, a Row Height value of zero (0) hides the row.

Display Hidden Columns with the Mouse

To display hidden rows, press and hold the left mouse button at the bottom of the hidden row and
move the cursor down to stretch the row height.

Transform Data
Click the Data | Data | Transform command to apply mathematical transformations to data. Valid
math operators include addition (+), subtraction (-), multiplication (*), and division (/) as well as a
large library of built-in mathematical functions. Parentheses should be used to override precedence.
Parentheses can also be used for clarification.

Click the Data | Data | Transform command in the worksheet to open the Transform dialog.

The Transform dialog allows the user to apply mathematical

transformations to data. In this image the dialog is
expanded to show the Functions options.

Strater 5 User’s Guide

Transform with
Select the type of transform from the Transform with list. Column variables (e.g., C = A + B)
applies the transform equation to the specified rows in the Transform equation column. Row
variables (i.e., _3 = _1 + _2) applies the transform equation to the specified columns in the
Transform equation row. Cell variables (i.e., C3 = A1 + B2) applies the transform equation only to
the cell specified in the Transform equation.

Transform Equation
Type the formula into the Transform equation box. Formulas consist of a destination column, row,
or cell on the left side of the equation and a mathematical manipulation on the right side of the
equation. Use the column label letters, row numbers, or cell locations on both sides of the equation.
Click the down arrow to use previously entered equations. For columns, a sample equation may be
C = A + B. For rows, a sample equation is _4=_1+_2. For cells, a sample equation would look like

If the transform method is by column, the range functions (sum, avg, std, rowmin and rowmax)
take column indices only, i.e., sum(A...C). If transform method is by variable rows, the range
functions take row indices only, i.e., sum(_1..._3). If transform method is by variable cells, the
range functions are not supported.

The last ten functions are stored in the Transform equation field. After ten functions are included in
the list, the oldest function is replaced when a new function is added. The Transform equations are

stored between sessions. To use a stored function, click the in the Transform equation box and
select a function from the list. Note that the First row and Last row or First col and Last col values
are not saved with the stored Transform equations.

First and Last Columns and Rows

When calculating transformations on columns, enter the First row and the Last row to limit the
calculation to the specified rows. When calculating transformations on rows, enter the First col and
Last col to limit the calculation to the specified columns. When calculating transformations on cells,
the First row, Last row, First col, and Last col options are not available.

By default, these are set to the first row and last row (or first column and last column) with text or
numbers entered into a cell for the entire worksheet.

Empty Cells
The Empty cells option controls how empty cells are treated in the calculations of formulas.
Available options are Blank the result, Are treated as the number zero (0), and Are treated as
empty text (""). The default option is Blank the result, which results in the formula not being
calculated for any row that contains a blank cell in any of transform equation rows or columns.
• Setting the Empty cells option to Blank the result results in a blank cell for the transform
when the cells on the right side of the equation are empty.
• Setting the Empty cells option to Are treated as the number zero (0) results in the transform
creating a number when all of the cells on the right side of the equation are empty or
numeric. When the right side of the equation combines text and blank cells, the equation is
• Setting the Empty cells option to Are treated as empty text ("") results in the transform
creating a text string when all of the cells on the right side of the equation are empty or text.
When the right side of the equation combines numeric and blank cells, the equation is blank.

Chapter 3 - Data and Data Tables

Text Cells
The Text cells option controls how text cells are treated in the calculations of formulas. Available
options are Blank the result, Are treated as text, Are converted to numbers (if possible), and Are
treated as the number zero (0). The default option is Blank the result, which results in the formula
not being calculated for any row that contains a text cell in any of transform equation rows or
• Setting the Text cells option to Blank the result results in a blank cell for the transform when
any of the cells on the right side of the equation contain text strings (including numbers
formatted as text).
• Setting the Text cells option to Are treated as text results in the transform creating a text
string when all of the cells on the right side of the equation are text (or treated as text). If a
mix of text cells and numbers or empty cells (that are not treated as text) are in the cells on
the right side of the equation, the transform results in a blank cell. This option allows text
strings to be concatenated.
• Setting the Text cells option to Are converted to numbers (if possible) results in the
transform creating a number when all of the cells on the right side of the equation are
numeric or treated as numbers. Any cells with numbers formatted as text are treated as the
number. For example, the text string '05 would be treated as the number 5 if this option is
• Setting the Text cells option to Are treated as the number zero (0) results in the transform
creating a number when all of the cells on the right side of the equation are numeric or
treated as numbers. Any cells with text are replaced with the value zero for the transform.
For example, if you are using the equation C=A+B and A has Colorado and B has 45, the
value in cell C will be 45.

Number Cells
The Number cells option controls how numeric cells are treated in the calculations of formulas.
Available options are Blank the result, Are treated as numeric values, Are converted to text, and
Are treated as empty text (""). The default option is Are treated as numeric values, which results in
the formula being calculated for any row that contains numbers in any of transform equation rows
or columns.
• Setting the Number cells option to Blank the result results in a blank cell for the transform
when any of the cells on the right side of the equation contain numbers. This option is useful
when you only want to combine text cells or blank cells.
• Setting the Number cells option to Are treated as numeric values results in the transform
creating a number when all of the cells on the right side of the equation are number (or
treated as numbers). If a mix of text cells and numbers or empty cells (that are not treated
as numbers) are in the cells on the right side of the equation, the transform results in a
blank cell.
• Setting the Number cells option to Are converted to text results in the transform creating a
text string when all of the cells on the right side of the equation are text or treated as text.
Any cells with numbers are treated as the text string of the number. For example, number 5
is in the cell, so the text string would appear as '5 if this option is selected.
• Setting the Number cells option to Are treated as empty text ("") results in the transform
creating a text string when all of the cells on the right side of the equation are text or treated
as text. Any cells with numbers are replaced with "" for the transform. For example, if you
are using the equation C=A+B and A has Colorado and B has 45, the value in cell C will be

Combining Text, Numbers, and Empty Cells

Many possible combinations of the Empty cells, Text cells, and Number cells exist to allow
combining these different types of cells in a Transform equation. If the transform result is not what
you expect, check the settings for these options and adjust if necessary.

Strater 5 User’s Guide

Click the Functions >> button to display a list of predefined mathematical functions. Click the
Functions << button again to hide the list of predefined mathematical functions.

To use a function, place the cursor in the location to add a function, select a function from the list,
click the Insert button, and then replace the X in the function with a column letter (A); underscore
and row number (_1); or cell location (A1). Also, be sure to use proper mathematical operators
(+_*/) between the function and the rest of the equation. The definition of the function is listed
below the Function name list when a function is selected.

When the Functions are expanded, the Insert button is visible. Click the Insert button to add a
function to the Transform equation box. In the Transform equation box, manually change the
variable (i.e. X or Y) in the listed functions to a column letter, row number (_1), or cell location.

This example used the Functions button to choose a

predefined function from the Function name list. The Insert
button was used to add the selected function to the
Transform equation box. The values were changed
to fit the desired column variables.

Chapter 3 - Data and Data Tables

An example of a column formula is C = A + B. Columns A and B are added and inserted into column
C with this equation. The formula adds the contents of A and B in each row and places the results in
column C for that row.

An example of a row formula is _4=_1+_2. Rows 1 and 2 are added and inserted into row 4 with
this equation. The formula adds the contents of the 1 and 2 in each column listed between the First
col and Last col values and places the results in row 4 for that column.

An example of a cell formula is C2=A1+B1-C1. The value in C1 is subtracted from the sum of the
values in cells A1 and B1. The result is inserted into cell C2 with this equation.

Example Functions
This example shows how to use the built in functions. Consider, for example, taking the cosine of
data in column C. Column D is the first empty column, so we will use column D as the destination
1. Click the Data | Data | Transform command to open the Transform dialog. You do not
need to highlight any columns before selecting Transform.
2. In the Transform equation box, type "D = " without the quotes.
3. Click the Functions button.
4. Double-click on the function name COS(X) in the Function name group. Alternatively, you
could select a Function name and click the Insert button.
5. COS(X) is automatically placed in the equation as "D = COS(X)" without the quotes.
6. Replace the X in the function with the column letter containing the data to be transformed
(column C). The equation will be "D = COS(C)" without the quotes.
7. Change the First row and Last row if you wish.
8. Make sure that Empty cells and Text cells are set to Blank the result to only calculate values
with numbers.
9. Click OK to create a new data column with column C's data transformed with the cosine.

The Data | Data | Sort command arranges data according to rank in user-specified sort columns.
Sorting rank is based on numbers, ASCII text characters, and punctuation. Sort numeric data, text,
or mixed columns. Sorting specifications are made in the Sort dialog.

The Sort Dialog

Use the Data | Data | Sort command in the worksheet to open the Sort dialog.

Use the Data | Data | Sort command to sort data on multiple columns.

Strater 5 User’s Guide

Selecting Cells to Sort

Sorting is performed only on the selected columns. If only one column is selected, only that column
is sorted. To keep records (rows of data) together, select all columns containing data even if only
one column is sorted. To decrease sort time, select a block of cells rather than by clicking on the
row or column labels.

Sort Order
The Sort First By option defines the primary column on which the rows are sorted. The positions of
the sorted rows are determined by the Ascending or Descending rank in the Sort First By column.

Secondary Sort
When two or more rows have identical entries in the Sort First By column, the Sort Next By column
can further organize the data set. Duplicates in the Sort First By Column are then sorted according
to the rank in the Sort Next By column.

Final Sort
The Sort Last By column can be used when the Sort Next By column contains duplicates.

Ascending or Descending Sort

The sort order in an Ascending sort is based on the ASCII table. Numeric values are placed first,
followed in order by cells starting with a space character, common punctuation, numeric text
(numbers entered as text), uppercase letters, less common punctuation, lower case letters,
uncommon punctuation, and blank cells. Descending order is the opposite of ascending order
although blank cells are still listed last.

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
space ! " # $ % & ' ( )
* + , - . / "0" "1" "2" "3"
"4" "5" "6" "7" "8" "9" : ; < =
> ? @ A B C D E F G
R S T U V W X Y Z [
\ ] ^ _ ` a b c d e
f g h i j k l m n o
p q r s t u v w x y
z { | } ~ blank
This ASCII table shows the sort order in the worksheet, by row from left-to-right.

Ignore Case
Because sorting is based on an ASCII table, upper and lowercase letters are treated differently. For
example, "A" is sorted separately from "a." If the letters are to be treated as the same during the
sort, check the Ignore case option. When this check box is activated, "A" is considered identical to
"a" in the sorting rank.

Chapter 3 - Data and Data Tables

Labels in First Row

The data set may contain text identifying the data in the column (header information) in Row 1. In
this case, click the Labels in first row option to exclude the label row from the sort process.

To Sort Data:
Select Data | Data | Sort to order selected data.
1. With a data table selected, use the cursor to highlight data to order. You can highlight data
in as many as three columns in the data table.
2. Click the Data | Data | Sort command to open the Sort dialog.

The Sort dialog allows you to sort in ascending or descending

order up to three columns of selected data, in any column order.
3. Click the Sort First By drop-down menu arrow to select the first column to order. The drop
down menu is populated by up to three columns of highlighted data.
4. Select whether this column's data is sorted in Ascending or Descending order.
5. Repeat these steps for the second column (if at least two columns of data were highlighted)
in the Sort Next By field.
6. Repeat these steps for the third column (if three columns were highlighted) in the Sort Last
By field.
7. Click the Ignore case check box if you want to ignore upper and lower case in the sorted
8. Click the Labels in first row check box if the first row of sorted data includes the label
(column header) for the sorted data.
9. Click OK to save the data sort.
10. Click Cancel or click the X in the upper right corner to close the dialog without saving.

Statistics - Worksheet
The Data | Data | Statistics command calculates statistical values for a group of selected numeric
cells. Select an entire column or a continuous group of cells in a column to use the Statistics
command. If a rectangular block of rows and columns are selected, the Statistics command
calculates the statistics for each column separately. A warning message appears if a group of cells
cannot be used with the Statistics command. Non-numeric cell entries (empty cells or text) are
ignored in statistics calculations.

The Statistics Dialog

Use the Data | Data | Statistics command in the worksheet to open the Statistics dialog.

Strater 5 User’s Guide

Click in the box adjacent to the statistics name

to compute the statistics for the selected column.

Select Items to Compute

The Select items to compute list contains a list of statistics to choose from. Multiple statistics can be
• First input row reports the first row number in the selection. If the Labels in first row option
is checked, the First input row is the second row in the selection.
• Last input row reports the last row number containing data in the column.
• Number of values indicates the number of numeric cells in the column.
• Number of missing values indicates the number of non-numeric cells in the selection. If
columns are selected by clicking the column letters, the number of missing values includes
blank values up to the last used row in the worksheet, which may be different from the last
used row in the selected column. If cells are selected by highlighting specific cells, then only
the blank cells within the selection are counted.
• Sum is the sum of all numeric cells in the column.
• Minimum indicates the minimum value in the column.
• Maximum indicates the maximum value in the column.
• Range indicates the range of the numeric values in the column (Maximum – Minimum).
• Mean is the arithmetic average of the data values. It is the sum of the data values divided by
the number of data values.
• Median is the middle value among the data values. Half of the data values are larger than
the median and half are smaller than the median. When there are an even number of data
values the median is the average of the two middle values.
• Mode is the value that appears most often in a data set. If the data set contains multiple
modes, the modes will be displayed separated by a comma. #N/A will be displayed if no
mode exists for the data set, i.e. there is an equal number of each data value.

Chapter 3 - Data and Data Tables

• First quartile (25th percentile) is the value such that one-fourth of the data values are smaller
than the quartile and three-fourths of the data values are larger than the first quartile.
• Third quartile (75th percentile) is the value such that three-fourths of the data values are
smaller than the quartile and one-fourth of the data values are larger than the third quartile.
• Standard error of the mean
• 95% confidence interval for the mean
• 99% confidence interval for the mean
• Variance
• Average deviation
• Standard deviation
• Coefficient of variation
• Coefficient of skewness
• Coefficient of kurtosis
• Kolmogorov-Smirnov goodness of fit for normal distribution
• Critical Value of K-S statistic at 90% significance level
• Critical Value of K-S statistic at 95% significance level
• Critical Value of K-S statistic at 99% significance level

Data Group
The Data group is used to select Sample or Population statistics. The Labels in first row option is
also specified in the Data group.

Sample or Population
Select Sample or Population statistics, depending on whether the data represent a statistical sample
or the complete set of all possible members of a population.

Labels in the First Row

Check the Labels in first row box if the first row of the selection contains descriptive labels. If this
box is checked the label appears at the top of the statistics report for each column.

Results Group
The Results group is used to show the statistics report in a window or copy the results to a new
location of the worksheet.

Show in Window
Select Show in a window to write the statistics results to a Statistics Results dialog. The results in
this dialog can be copied to the clipboard to paste to other locations.

Copy to Worksheet
Select Copy to worksheet to write the statics report to a new location in the worksheet.

Starting in Cell
Use the Starting in cell box to specify the cell for the upper left corner of the statistics report. If the
destination cells contain data, a warning is displayed that data will be overwritten.

Strater 5 User’s Guide

Data Range to Include Group

The Data range to include contains options to limit the values where the statistics are calculated.
Available options are Use all values, Use values inside the range, Use values outside the range, and
Use all values except.

Use All Values

When the Data range to include is set to Use all values, all of the values in the highlighted section
are used to calculate the statistics.

Use Values Inside the Range

When the Data range to include is set to Use values inside the range, the Minimum >= and
Maximum <= options are available. Type in the data values that bracket the range of values where
the statistics should be calculated. For instance, if the Minimum >= is set to 15 and the Maximum
<= is set to 65, only data points between (and including) 15 and 65 are used for calculating the

Only the values that are inside the range

are included in the calculated statistics.

Use Values Outside the Range

When the Data range to include is set to Use values outside the range, the Minimum < and
Maximum > options are available. Type in the data values that bracket the range of values where
the statistics should be calculated. For instance, if the Minimum < is set to 15 and the Maximum >
is set to 65, only data points below 15 or greater than 65 (and excluding 15 and 65) are used for
calculating the statistics.

Only the values that are outside the range

are included in the calculated statistics.

Use All Values Except

When the Data range to include is set to Use all values except, the Value and Tolerance options are
available. Type in the data value that should be excluded in the Value box. The Tolerance value
gives a range on either side of the Value. Everything in the range Value-Tolerance to
Value+Tolerance is excluded from the statistics calculation. For instance, if the Value is set to -999
and the Tolerance is set to 10, all values between -1009 and -989 are excluded from the statistics.
This means that all values less than -1009 and greater than -989 are included in the statistics

Chapter 3 - Data and Data Tables

Only the values that are outside the range

Value-Tolerance to Value+Tolerance
are included in the calculated statistics.

The Use all values except option can be used to ignore the NULL data value in the Strater project.
For example, the NULL data value in the Cross Section.sdg sample file is -999. Two methods exist
for ignoring the NULL data value. One method is to enter the Null data value from the View
Properties Project page into the Value field. Another method is to enter an approximation of the
NULL data value and a tolerance that will include the NULL value while excluding the desired data.
Using this method with the previous example, -990 is entered into the Value field and 10 is entered
into the Tolerance field. Both of these methods result in the Statistics command returning results
for the non-NULL values only.

OK or Cancel
Click OK to overwrite the data. Click Cancel to set a new Starting in Cell location.

Statistics Results
When worksheet statistics are computed via the Data | Data | Statistics command, the results
can be displayed in the Statistics Results dialog. Once the statistics are displayed in a window,
they can be copied to the clipboard and pasted in a new location.

The Statistics Dialog

Select the Show in a window option in the Results section of the Statistics dialog and click the OK
button to display the Statistics Results dialog.

The Statistics Results dialog displays the statistics specified in

the Statistics dialog (Data | Statistics).

Strater 5 User’s Guide

Click the Copy button to copy the statistic results to the clipboard.

Click the Close button to close the Statistics Results dialog.

95% and 99% Confidence Interval for the Mean
If CI is the value of the confidence interval reported by the worksheet, the range of values between
the sample mean minus CI and the sample mean plus CI is expected to include the true mean of
the underlying population 95% of the time (for the 95% confidence interval) or 99% of the time
(for the 99% confidence interval). This formula assumes that the data set is sufficiently large for
the central limit theorem to apply.

tv,α = the value of the Student's t distribution with v degrees of freedom such that difference
between the cumulative probability function evaluated at tv,α and - tv,α is equal to 1- α.
SE = Standard Error of the Mean

Average Deviation
The average deviation is the average of the difference between the absolute values of data points
and the mean.

Population Mean Deviation (MD)

Sample Mean Deviation (MD)


= Population Mean

Chapter 3 - Data and Data Tables

= Sample Mean
N = number of data values for a population
n = number of data values for a sample
x1 = ith data value

Coefficient of Kurtosis
Kurtosis is a measure of how sharp the data peak is. Traditionally the value of this coefficient is
compared to a value of 0.0, which is the coefficient of kurtosis for a normal distribution (i.e. the
bell-shaped curve). A value greater than 0 indicates a peaked distribution and a value less than 0
indicates a flat distribution. Without a very large sample size, the use of this coefficient is of
questionable value.

Population Kurtosis ( )

Sample Kurtosis ( )

(adapted from King and Julstrom, 1982)


= Population Standard Deviation

S = Sample Standard Deviation

= Population Mean
= Sample Mean
N = number of data values for a population

Strater 5 User’s Guide

n = number of data values for a sample

xi = ith data value

Coefficient of Skewness
The coefficient of skewness is a measure of asymmetry in the distribution. A positive skew indicates
a longer tail to the right, while a negative skew indicates a longer tail to the left. A perfectly
symmetric distribution, like the normal distribution, has a skew equal to zero. For small data sets
this measure is unreliable.

Population Skew ( )

Sample Skew ( )

(adapted from King and Julstrom, 1982)

= Population Standard Deviation
S = Sample Standard Deviation

= Population Mean
= Sample Mean
N = number of data values for a population
n = number of data values for a sample
xi = ith data value

Coefficient of Variation
The coefficient of variation is the standard deviation divided by the mean. The worksheet reports
the quotient: it does not convert the value to a percentage. The coefficient of variation is a
dimensionless measure of variation. This statistic is not defined for the case of a zero mean and this
measure is only useful when dealing with strictly positive data.

Chapter 3 - Data and Data Tables

Population Coefficient of Variation (V)

Sample Coefficient of Variation (V)

= Population Standard Deviation
S = Sample Standard Deviation

= Population Mean

= Sample Mean

Critical Value of K-S Statistic at 90%, 95%, and 99% Significance Level
The critical value of K-S statistic at 90%, 95%, or 99% significance level are indicators of normal

For example, if a sample collected from a population has a normal frequency distribution, the K-S
statistic for that sample is less than the critical value 90, 95, or 99 percent of the time. If the K-S
statistic is larger than the critical value, the hypothesis that the underlying population is distributed
normally with a mean of and a standard deviation of s should be rejected.

Kolmogorov-Smirnov Goodness of Fit for Normal Distribution

The Kolmogorov-Smirnov statistic is the largest difference between an expected cumulative
probability distribution and an observed frequency distribution. The expected distribution used here
is the normal probability distribution with mean and variance equal to the mean and variance of the
sample data. The observed frequency distribution is a stepped function that increases by 1/n with
each step, where n is the number of values in the data set.

For example, suppose that there are five values in a data set. The observed frequency distribution
is 0 to the left of the first data point. At the first data point the observed distribution function jumps
to 0.2 (since there are five data values, the size of the step at each value is one divided by five). At
each successive data value the observed frequency distribution jumps by 0.2.

The K-S statistic is calculated as the largest difference (in absolute value) between the normal
cumulative probability function and the observed frequency distribution, as shown below. Note that
at each step it's necessary to compute the difference between bottom of the step and the normal
curve and also between the top of the step and the normal curve.

Strater 5 User’s Guide

The mean is the arithmetic average of the data values. It is the sum of the data values divided by
the number of data values.

Population Mean ( )

Sample Mean ( )

N = number of data values (for a
n = number of data values (for a sample)
xi = ith data value

Chapter 3 - Data and Data Tables

Standard Deviation
The standard deviation is the square root of the variance.

Population Standard Deviation ( )

Sample Standard Deviation (S)


= Population Variance
S2 = Sample Variance

Standard Error of the Mean

The standard error of the mean is an estimate of the standard deviation of means that would be
found if many samples of n items were repeatedly collected from the same population.

An alternate description: Suppose many samples of size n were repeatedly collected from the same
population and the means of these many samples were calculated. The means of the samples would
themselves form a data set. The standard error of the mean is an estimate of the standard
deviation of this theoretical sample of means.

Standard Error of the Mean (SE)

S = Sample Standard Deviation
n = number of data values (for a sample)

The population variance is the average of the squared deviations from the mean. The sample
variance is the sum of the squared deviations from the mean divided by one less than the number
of data values.

Population Variance ( )

Strater 5 User’s Guide

Sample Variance (s2)


= Population Mean

= Sample Mean
N = number of data values (for a population)
n = number of data values (for a sample)
xi = ith data value

Statistics References

Gilbert, Richard O. (1987) Statistical Methods for Environmental Pollution Monitoring. New York:
Van Nostrand Reinhold.

Hines, William W. and Douglas C. Montgomery. (1980) Probability and Statistics in Engineering and
Management Science, 2nd edition, New York: John Wiley and Sons.

King, Ronald S. and Bryant Julstrom. (1982) Applied Statistics Using the Computer. Sherman Oaks,
California: Alfred Publishing Company.

Press, William H. et al. (1992) Numerical Recipes in C: The Art of Scientific Computing. New York:
Cambridge University Press.

Sokal, Robert R. and F. James Rohlf. (1981) Biometry: Principles and Practices of Statistics in
Biological Research. New York: Freeman and Co.

Spiegel, Murry R. (1961) Schaum’s Outline of Theory and Problems of Statistics. New York:
McGraw-Hill Inc.

Zar, Jerrold H. (1974) Biostatistical Analysis. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey: Prentice Hall.

The Data | Data | Transpose command rearranges data from columns to rows or from rows to
columns. To quickly switch the layout of your data, highlight the data that should be flipped. Click
the Data | Data | Transpose command and the columns become rows and the rows become

Chapter 3 - Data and Data Tables

For example, consider the following data:

Categories A, B, and C are displayed with each category in a row.

Highlight the rows 1-4. Click the Data | Data | Transpose command and the data appears in

Categories A, B, and C are now displayed with each

category in a separate column. This makes it easier to
compare the data in a graph, such as a box-whisker plot.

Text to Number
The Data | Data | Text to Number command allows you to change selected alphanumeric
numbers in a data table back to numbers. For instance, the text 00032 can be changed to 32. In
addition, the cell justification changes from left (indicating text) to right (indicating numbers).

To change text-format alphanumeric numbers to number format:

1. Highlight the data table containing the text to change.
2. Click the Data | Data | Text to Number command.
3. The selected cell contents change to numbers, and their justification changes from left to

Number to Text
The Data | Data | Number to Text command allows you to change numbers in a data table to
alphanumeric text. For instance, the number 32 could be changed to 00032. In addition, the cell
justification changes from right (indicating numbers) to left (indicating text).

To change numbers to alphanumeric text:

1. Highlight the numbers to change in the data table.
2. Click the Data | Data | Number to Text command. The Number to Text dialog appears.

Strater 5 User’s Guide

Set the text format in the Number to Text dialog.

3. Check the box next to the Integer values will have a fixed number of digits option to have
all text numbers contain the same number of digits.
4. If the Integer values will have a fixed number of digits option is checked, enter the Number
of digits desired.
5. If you have selected a specific number of digits, click the check box next to Add leading
zeros (if necessary) to make all numbers have the same number of digits, even if leading
zeros are necessary.
6. Click OK to change the numbers to text. Click Cancel to exit the dialog without making any

Create TVD
The Data | Data | Create TVD command is used to convert measured depths, inclinations (or
dips), and azimuths into true vertical depths. This command is available for all table types except
collars tables. After clicking the Data | Data | Create TVD command, the Convert From
Measured Depth to True Vertical Depth dialog is displayed.

Set the true vertical depth calculation options in the dialog.

Chapter 3 - Data and Data Tables

Sample Data
The Sample data section contains a portion of the table. The top line contains the header row, for
ease in setting the inclination (or dip), azimuth, and hole ID columns.

Include All Boreholes

Check the box next to Include all boreholes to calculate the true vertical depth for all boreholes in
the table. When the box is not checked, the Hole ID option becomes available.

Hole ID
When the Include all boreholes option is not checked, the Hole ID option becomes available. Click
on the existing borehole name and select the appropriate borehole from the list. Only the selected
borehole's true vertical depth is calculated.

Hole Inclination or Dip Source

The Hole inclination source or Hole dip source contains the source of the inclination or dip column.
Click on the existing table name and select the desired table from the list. Available options are
None, Collars table, Data table, and Survey table. Setting this option to None does not export the
true vertical depth. The Collars table option reads all collars tables in the project and selects the
appropriate inclination or dip column for each borehole. The Survey table option reads all survey
tables in the project and select the appropriate inclination or dip column for each borehole. Set the
source to Data table to read the Hole inclination column or Hole dip column from the currently
selected table. The Hole inclination column or Hole dip column option becomes available.

If either the Hole inclination source, Hole dip source, or Hole azimuth source is set to Survey table,
both sources are set to Survey table.

Inclination or Dip Column

When the Hole inclination source or Hole dip source is set to Data table, the Hole inclination column
or Hole dip column option is available. Click on the existing column name and select the column
that contains the inclination or dip information from the list.

Azimuth Source
The Hole azimuth source contains the source of the azimuth column. Click on the existing table
name and select the desired table from the list. Available options are None, Collars table, Data
table, and Survey table. Setting the option to None does not result in the true vertical depth being
exported. The Collars table option reads all collars tables in the project and selects the appropriate
azimuth column for each borehole. The Survey table option reads all survey tables in the project
and select the appropriate azimuth column for each borehole. Set the source to Data table to read
the Hole azimuth column from the currently selected table. The Hole azimuth column option
becomes available.

If either the Hole inclination source, Hole dip source, or Hole azimuth source is set to Survey table,
both sources are set to Survey table.

Azimuth Column
When the Hole azimuth source is set to Data table, the Hole azimuth column option is available.
Click on the existing column name and select the column that contains the azimuth information
from the list.

Strater 5 User’s Guide

True Vertical Depth Calculation Method

The True vertical depth calculation method is the method used to calculate the true vertical depth.
Refer to the True Vertical Depth Calculation Methods page for information on each method.

OK or Cancel
Click OK to calculate the true vertical depth values. A new TVD column is added to the table. Click
Cancel to exit out of the dialog without calculating the true vertical depth.

Table Tab Commands

The Table tab is available when a data table or project settings table is selected. The following
commands are included in the Table tab:

Browser View information about all tables in the project

Delete Delete the current table
Rename Rename the current table
Column Properties Edit column properties (name, description, units)
Create Scheme Open the New Scheme dialog to create a scheme
To Interval Table Convert the current depth table into an interval table
To Lithology Table Convert the current interval table into a lithology table
Define New Define a new set of rows for a new Hole ID
Remove Data Remove the current set of borehole data
Refresh Names Updates borehole names if they have changed
Assign Empty Assigns a Hole ID to every empty Hole ID cell
Rename Rename the selected Hole IDs
Create WellRender Create a WellRender module in Voxler from the selected data
Create VolRender Create a VolRender module in Voxler from the selected data
Image File Path Supply image file names for the log

Table Browser
The Table | Table | Browser command is available only when a data table tab is selected. This is
a read-only dialog that provides information about all of the tables in the current project.

To open the Table Browser dialog click the Table | Table | Browser command.

Chapter 3 - Data and Data Tables

The Table Browser dialog provides quick access to information about every table in the current

Available Tables
Every table in the current project is listed in the Available Tables field. Click on a table in the
Available Tables section to display the properties for that table.

Select a table name in the Available Tables field. When highlighted, its properties and columns are
displayed in the Table Properties field, and its source data location is displayed in the Data Sources

Remove Link to External Data

To remove a data source from a table, select the table from the list of Available Tables, select the
data source you want to remove from the Data Source field, and press the Delete key on the
keyboard. When the data source is removed from a table, that data will not be reloaded when using
the Data | Reload | Data or the Data | Reload | All commands. This is useful if you have
changed the data in the selected table.

If you deleted the wrong data source by accident, click Cancel to cancel the deletion.

Changing the Link to External Data

To change the data source link for a table, select the table from the list of Available Tables, select
the data source you want to change in the Data Source field, and click the button to the right of
the external data source name. In the Data Source dialog, select the new external data source file

Strater 5 User’s Guide

and click Open. If necessary, select the sheet name and click OK. When the data is changed, click
OK and the project will update with the new data.

The new data source should have the same columns and format as the original file. If the new data
source has different columns or the data is formatted differently, the best way to import the data is
to use the File | Import command or open the data in a new table using the File | Open

If you changed the data source incorrectly and want to return to the original source, click Cancel to
cancel the change.

OK or Cancel
Click OK or Cancel to close the dialog and return to the table view.

Delete Table
To delete the current active table click the Table | Table | Delete command. A Strater warning
dialog appears.

Click Yes to delete the table and No to close the dialog without deleting the table.

Click Yes in the dialog to remove the table and its data from the current project. Click No to return
to the table without deleting it.

To undo the deletion, click on a borehole view or cross section view and click the Home | Undo |
Undo command.

Rename Table
To rename a table, click on the table to rename to make it the active sheet. Click the Table | Table
| Rename command. The current table name is displayed in the Rename Table dialog.

Type the new table name and click OK.

Chapter 3 - Data and Data Tables

Type the new name and click OK. To cancel the rename process, click the Cancel button.

Note: The new table name cannot be the same as any other table name in the project, including the
selected table. The table name cannot be empty, either. The process cannot be undone with the
Home | Undo | Undo command, although the table can be renamed as many times as desired.

Edit Column Properties

Click the Table | Table | Column Properties command or right-click in a table and select Edit
Column Properties to open the Column Editor dialog. The dialog presents the column properties
in a tabular format and allows you to review or change the names, descriptions, or units associated
with each of the columns in the current table. If you have a cell or column selected when you click
the Column Properties command, that column will be automatically selected in the Column
Properties Editor.

Column Properties Editor

The Column Properties Editor contains the column properties for all columns in the table. Each
row is a specific column property, i.e. Column Name, Column Description, and Column Units. Each
column corresponds to a column in the table. The columns in the Column Properties Editor are
listed in the same order as in the table.

Edit column properties in the Column Editor dialog.

Selecting Fields
Click on the desired cell to change the column property. The selected cell is displayed with a yellow
border. Once a cell is selected, type the desired information into the cell to change the property.

Column Name
Column Name is the name that appears on the column header. Required columns cannot have the
name changed and are displayed with gray text. Optional columns can have any name and are
displayed with black text.

Column Description
Column Description contains additional information about the information in the column. The
Column Description can be used in linked text.

Column Units
Column Units contain information about the units the column contains, such as meq/l or
meters/hour. This information can be used in linked text, as suffixes in the distance display for well

Strater 5 User’s Guide

headers in a cross section, or included in a scale bar title. The column units are also exported when
exporting logs to an LAS file.

OK or Cancel
To save your changes click OK. To exit this dialog without saving changes click Cancel.

Create Scheme
Creating a scheme is a multiple-step process. Each step is simple, and the steps vary depending
upon the type of scheme you want to create and whether you want to manually create the scheme
or have the creation process automated.

The first step in creating a scheme is to open the New Scheme dialog. Data can be determined
automatically from a column in a table or can be manually created.

Creating a Scheme From a Table Column

In a table view, click on any cell the column you want to use to create the scheme. Click the Table
| Table | Create Scheme command or right-click in the table and select Create Scheme. The
New Scheme dialog appears, with the selected table and column name.

The New Scheme dialog allows a scheme to

be created automatically from a table column.

Default Scheme
The Default Scheme option is selected if a scheme should be created manually. The Table Name
and Column Name options are then unavailable.

Base Scheme on Column Data

If a table and column were selected, the Base Scheme on Column Data option is selected. The
Table Name and Column Name are automatically set to the selected column. When the Base

Chapter 3 - Data and Data Tables

Scheme on Column Data option is selected, Strater automatically determines the number of items
in the scheme based on the column contents.

Table Name
Click on the table name next to Table Name to select a different table. In the list, select the table in
the current project that contains the column that is the basis of the scheme's contents.

Column Name
Click on the column name next to Column Name to select a different column. In the list, select the
column that contains the keywords or values to base the scheme.

Scheme Name
The Scheme Name is the name for the scheme. The name must be unique and not a duplicate of an
existing scheme name. When the scheme is created from a column, the column name is used for
the Scheme Name by default.

Scheme Type
The Scheme Type is the type of scheme being created. Click on the existing type and select the
desired scheme type from the list. If the scheme is based on column data, Strater automatically
scans the contents of the selected column and determines an appropriate Scheme Type, but this
can be changed. The scheme type can be Keyword, Range, Lithology Keyword, Indent Keyword,
and Well Construction.

Interval Count
The Interval Count is the number of separate items in the scheme.

When the Base Scheme on Column Data option is selected, Strater automatically determines the
number of items in the scheme based on the column contents. Except when Scheme Type is set to
Range, the Interval Count cannot be edited and is a read-only field when creating the scheme from
a table column.

If a Range scheme is being created, the default Interval Count is 10. This can be changed by either
using the up and down arrows or highlighting the 10 and typing a new number for the interval.

If the scheme is not based on a table column, the interval count can be set manually.

OK or Cancel
To create the scheme with the settings, click OK. To exit without creating a scheme click Cancel.

Information about Creating a Scheme Not Based on Current Column Data

Whenever possible it is advantageous to associate a new scheme with column data if you are
planning on using the new scheme in the current project. Creating a scheme from scratch has many
potential pitfalls. For example, keywords are case-sensitive and even the most minor typographical
error will make the scheme not work correctly. When creating a scheme automatically, the only
edits that are typically required are those to adjust the appearance (color, fill style, etc.) because
auto-created schemes include these properties for all items; these auto-created properties will
likely require adjusting to make the logs appear as desired.

Strater 5 User’s Guide

It is common to create a scheme from scratch when working in design mode, which is when you are
building a Strater project template you intend to use many times. In this case the time-consuming
nature of creating the scheme is rewarded because the process occurs only once. Remember, even
if you forget to include an item or include unnecessary items you can make these changes at any
time after the scheme is completed and saved by opening the Scheme Editor.

Convert to Interval Table

With a depth table selected, click the Table | Convert | To Interval Table command. The depth
table, with a single depth column, is copied and converted to an interval table, with two depth
columns: From and To.

To convert a depth table to an interval table:

1. Select a tab containing a depth table.

A Depth table has only one column associated with depth.

2. Click the Table | Convert | To Interval Table command. A new table is created, indicated
by the new tab Interval.Depth, where Depth was the original table name.
3. When this table is converted the resulting table looks like the following:

When a depth table is converted to an interval table Strater automatically

changes the original Depth column to a To column, and adds a
From column that is filled with the To values, but dropped one row.

The To Interval Table function automatically defines the interval from and to depths based upon
the supplied depth values. The first depth value for the new interval table always starts with zero.
Therefore, you need to manually modify the first "from" depth in the new table if the first interval
does not start a zero. In the above example, change the 2 in cell B1 to a 0.

The source depth table is not deleted after using this command. You can change the name of the
new column by selecting Table | Table | Column Properties.

Chapter 3 - Data and Data Tables

Convert to Lithology Table

With an interval table selected, click the Table | Convert | To Lithology Table command. The
interval table, with Hole ID, From, To, and parameter columns, is copied and converted to an
lithology table, with a lithology column: Lithology Keyword.

To convert an interval table to a lithology table:

1. Select a tab containing an interval table.

An interval table includes From, To, and parameter columns.

2. Click the Table | Convert | To Lithology Table command. A new table is created,
indicated by the new tab Lithology.Interval, where Interval was the original table name.
3. When this table is converted the resulting table looks like the following:

When an interval table is converted to a lithology table Strater automatically

adds a Lithology Keyword column to the newly created table.

The source interval table is not deleted after using this command. You can change the name of the
new table by selecting Table | Table | Rename.

Define New Hole

To add a new borehole to an active table click the Table | Borehole | Define New command or
right-click in a table and select Define New Hole to open the Define Hole dialog.

Strater 5 User’s Guide

Set the new borehole name, starting and ending

depth, and interval in the Define Hole dialog.

Hole Name
The Hole Name is the name of the borehole being added to the table. Type the name exactly as it
should appear in the table. If the borehole name exists in another table, be sure to type the name
exactly as it appears in the other table. The Hole Name should not be the same name of an existing
borehole in the current table if the depth interval is the same.

Starting Depth
The Starting Depth is the initial depth value for the rows being added.

Ending Depth
The Ending Depth is the final depth value for the rows being added. If the difference between the
Ending Depth and Starting Depth is not evenly divisible by the Interval, the Ending Depth is the
maximum allowed depth value for the rows being added.

The Interval is the difference between row depth values. For interval table types, the Interval is
also the difference between the From and To values for each row.

OK or Cancel
Click OK to add the new rows to the table. For depth tables, the Hole ID and Depth columns are
created. For interval tables, the Hole ID, From, and To columns are created.

To Define a New Borehole:

1. Click the Table | Borehole | Define New command. The Define Hole dialog appears.
2. Type a new borehole name next to the Hole Name option, such as MW-1.
3. Type a value in the Starting Depth box, such as 1000.
4. Type a value in the Ending Depth box, such as 5400.
5. Enter the Interval, which is the value between each row representing the new hole, such as
6. Click OK to add the new rows to the data table. The rows containing the new borehole are
added at the end of the currently active table. With the Starting Depth, Ending Depth, and
Interval, 30 new rows are added.

Chapter 3 - Data and Data Tables

Remove Hole Data

Click the Table | Borehole | Remove Data command or right-click in a table and select Remove
Hole Data to remove all information for a selected Hole ID. To remove borehole data, click in one
of the data table cells for the desired Hole ID and click the Table | Borehole | Remove Data
command. After clicking the command or button, a warning message appears:

Click Yes to remove the selected hole ID. Click No to cancel

the delete command and return to the table.

Click Yes in the dialog to remove all data for the selected hole ID from the table.

NOTE: The Home | Undo | Undo command is not available after deleting data with the Table |
Borehole | Remove Data command, so use caution.

Refresh Borehole Names

Click the Table | Borehole | Refresh Names command after editing Hole IDs in the data tables.
This command does not create new borehole IDs, it only updates the list of borehole IDs available
in borehole view and cross section view windows. Click the Table | Borehole | Define New
command to create a new borehole name.

To edit borehole names, select the desired Hole ID in a data table and type a new Hole ID or click
the Table | Hole ID | Rename command to edit the Hole ID for all rows for a selected borehole at

After editing all the desired borehole names click the Table | Borehole | Refresh Names to
update the list of all borehole names in the borehole view properties.

Assign Empty Hole ID

The Table | Hole ID | Assign Empty command creates a Hole ID for rows in the table that do not
have a Hole ID defined, but do have data in the remaining columns. This command does not create
a new Hole ID, it only gives a Hole ID to existing data.

Strater 5 User’s Guide

Assign a hole ID to every data row in the

selected table that does not contain a Hole ID.

Assign ID
In the dialog, highlight the word Default and type the Hole ID that should be assigned.

OK or Cancel
Click OK to update all empty Hole ID rows with the assigned Hole ID. Click Cancel to return to the
table without making any changes.

Assigning a Hole ID to Empty Hole ID Rows

1. Click the Table | Hole ID | Assign Empty command. The Assign Empty Hole ID dialog
2. Enter the Hole ID in the Assign ID to the empty Hole ID cells box.
3. Click OK to assign the new ID.

Rename Hole ID
Click the Table | Hole ID | Rename command to rename the Hole ID for all selected rows. After
clicking the command, the Rename Hole ID dialog appears. This command is designed to rename
selected cells in the hole ID column. To assign a Hole ID to all empty cells, use the Table | Assign
Empty Hole ID command. To add new rows with a new Hole ID, use the Table | Borehole |
Define New command.

Rename the hole ID in every selected cell in

a data table that currently contains a Hole ID.

Rename Hole ID
In the dialog, highlight the word Default and type the Hole ID that should be assigned to all
selected rows.

OK or Cancel
Click OK to update all selected Hole ID rows with the assigned Hole ID. Click Cancel to return to the
table without making any changes.

Chapter 3 - Data and Data Tables

Assigning a New Hole ID

1. Highlight the cells in the Hole ID column whole hole IDs you wish to change.
2. Click the Table | Hole ID | Rename command. The Rename Hole ID dialog opens.
3. Highlight the existing name and enter the new hole ID in the Rename the Hole ID in the
selected Hole ID cells box.
4. Click OK to assign the new ID. All the selected hole IDs update to the new name.

Create WellRender
Click the Table | Voxler | Create WellRender command to create a WellRender object in Voxler
(version 3, 4, or higher). In the Create WellRender in Voxler dialog, set the export options and
click OK. The data is imported into Voxler and a WellRender module is created.

Set the inclination (or dip), azimuth, units, and well color and size and click OK.

Sample Data
The Sample data section contains a portion of the table. The top line contains the header row, for
ease in setting the inclination (or dip), azimuth, hole ID, well color, and well size columns.

Include All Boreholes

Check the box next to Include all boreholes to create wells in Voxler from all boreholes in the
table. When the box is not checked, the Hole ID option becomes available.

Hole ID
When the Include all boreholes option is not checked, the Hole ID option becomes available. Click
on the existing borehole name and select the appropriate borehole from the list. Only the selected
borehole is exported and displayed in Voxler as a well.

Strater 5 User’s Guide

Hole Inclination or Dip Source

The Hole inclination source or Hole dip source contains the source of the inclination or dip column.
Click on the existing table name and select the desired table from the list. Available options are
None, Collars table, Data table, and Survey table. Setting the option to None does not calculate the
true vertical depth for the wells in the WellRender. The Collars table option reads all collars tables in
the project and selects the appropriate inclination column for each borehole. The Survey table
option reads all survey tables in the project and select the appropriate inclination or dip column for
each borehole. Set the source to Data table to read the Hole inclination column or Hole dip column
from the currently selected table. The Hole inclination column or Hole dip column option becomes

If either the Hole inclination source, Hole dip source, or Hole azimuth source is set to Survey table,
both sources are set to Survey table.

Inclination or Dip Column

When the Hole inclination source or Hole dip source is set to Data table, the Hole inclination column
or Hole dip column option is available. Click on the existing column name and select the column
that contains the inclination or dip information from the list.

Azimuth Source
The Hole azimuth source contains the source of the azimuth column. Click on the existing table
name and select the desired table from the list. Available options are None, Collars table, Data
table, and Survey table. Setting the option to None does not calculate the true vertical depth for the
wells in the WellRender. The Collars table option reads all collars tables in the project and selects
the appropriate azimuth column for each borehole. The Survey table option reads all survey tables
in the project and select the appropriate azimuth column for each borehole. Set the source to Data
table to read the Hole azimuth column from the currently selected table. The Hole azimuth column
option becomes available.

If either the Hole inclination source, Hole dip source, or Hole azimuth source is set to Survey table,
both sources are set to Survey table.

Azimuth Column
When the Hole azimuth source is set to Data table, the Hole azimuth column option is available.
Click on the existing column name and select the column that contains the azimuth information
from the list.

Depth Units
The Depth units option determines the units used in the exported data file. By default, the Depth
units are set to the same units as the units on the Depth column. Changing the Depth units allows a
data file to be created with a different unit, such as meters instead of feet.

TVD Calculation Method

The TVD calculation method is the method used to calculate the true vertical depth. Refer to the
True Vertical Depth Calculation Methods page for information on each method.

Well Color Data

The Well color data option determines the column in the table that sets the Color log option on the
Path Data tab for the WellRender in Voxler. The WellRender displays various colors along the
length of the log, based on the values in the selected Well color data column. To have the entire log
displayed the same color, set the Well color data option to [None]. To use different colors, set the
Well color data option to any of the columns listed. To change the Well color data option, click on

Chapter 3 - Data and Data Tables

the existing option and select the desired option from the list. Using a Well color data column can
increase the time it takes to create the Voxler WellRender module.

Well Size Data

The Well size data option determines the column in the table that sets the Size log option on the
Path Data tab for the WellRender in Voxler. The WellRender displays various widths along the
length of the log, based on the values in the selected Well size data column. To have the entire log
displayed the same width, set the Well size data option to [None]. To use different widths, set the
Well size data option to any of the columns listed. To change the Well size data option, click on the
existing option and select the desired option from the list. Using a Well size data column can
increase the time it takes to create the Voxler WellRender module.

Include All Data

Check the box next to Include all data to include all data in all columns in the existing table in the
exported data file. Uncheck the box to only export the Hole ID and X, Y, and Z coordinates. The
Include all data is checked by default.

Export Depths as Ascending

When a data table contains depth values that increase down the borehole, checking the box next to
Export Depths as ascending will make the depth values negative, so that the values increase up.
This is useful when working in other programs, such as Voxler, Surfer, or Grapher with the
exported data. As an example, a borehole that ranges from 0 at the top of the borehole to 2400 at
the bottom of the borehole will be exported as 0 to -2400 when this option is checked.

OK or Cancel
Click OK to create the WellRender module in Voxler. Click Cancel to exit out of the dialog without
creating the WellRender.

Cancel Sending Data to Voxler

Click the Cancel button at the far right of the status bar to cancel the creation of the WellRender
module in Voxler.

When the data is exported to Voxler to create a WellRender, data that contains the NULL value are
not included in the well data. NULL data is ignored.

Create VolRender
Click the Table | Voxler | Create VolRender command to create a VolRender object in Voxler
(3, 4, or higher). In the Create VolRender in Voxler dialog, set the export options and click OK.
The data is imported into Voxler, gridded, and a VolRender module is created.

Strater 5 User’s Guide

Set the inclination (or dip), azimuth, units, and well color and size and click OK.

Sample Data
The Sample data section contains a portion of the table. The top line contains the header row, for
ease in setting the inclination (or dip), azimuth, hole ID, well color, and well size columns.

Include All Boreholes

Check the box next to Include all boreholes to create the VolRender in Voxler from all boreholes in
the table. When the box is not checked, the Hole ID option becomes available.

Hole ID
When the Include all boreholes option is not checked, the Hole ID option becomes available. Click
on the existing borehole name and select the appropriate borehole from the list. Only the selected
borehole is exported and used for the calculations creating the VolRender in Voxler.

Hole Inclination or Dip Source

The Hole inclination source or Hole dip source contains the source of the inclination or dip column.
Click on the existing table name and select the desired table from the list. Available options are
None, Collars table, Data table, and Survey table. Setting the option to None does not calculate the
true vertical depth for the wells in the VolRender. The Collars table option reads all collars tables in
the project and selects the appropriate inclination column for each borehole. The Survey table
option reads all survey tables in the project and select the appropriate inclination or dip column for
each borehole. Set the source to Data table to read the Hole inclination column or Hole dip column
from the currently selected table. The Hole inclination column or Hole dip column option becomes

If either the Hole inclination source, Hole dip source, or Hole azimuth source is set to Survey table,
both sources are set to Survey table.

Chapter 3 - Data and Data Tables

Inclination or Dip Column

When the Hole inclination source or Hole dip source is set to Data table, the Hole inclination column
or Hole dip column option is available. Click on the existing column name and select the column
that contains the inclination or dip information from the list.

Azimuth Source
The Hole azimuth source contains the source of the azimuth column. Click on the existing table
name and select the desired table from the list. Available options are None, Collars table, Data
table, and Survey table. Setting the option to None does not calculate the true vertical depth for the
wells in the VolRender. The Collars table option reads all collars tables in the project and selects the
appropriate azimuth column for each borehole. The Survey table option reads all survey tables in
the project and select the appropriate azimuth column for each borehole. Set the source to Data
table to read the Hole azimuth column from the currently selected table. The Hole azimuth column
option becomes available.

If either the Hole inclination source, Hole dip source, or Hole azimuth source is set to Survey table,
both sources are set to Survey table.

Azimuth Column
When the Hole azimuth source is set to Data table, the Hole azimuth column option is available.
Click on the existing column name and select the column that contains the azimuth information
from the list.

Depth Units
The Depth units option determines the units used in the exported data file. By default, the Depth
units are set to the same units as the units on the Depth column. Changing the Depth units allows a
data file to be created with a different unit, such as meters instead of feet.

TVD Calculation Method

The TVD calculation method is the method used to calculate the true vertical depth. Refer to the
True Vertical Depth Calculation Methods page for information on each method.

Data Variable
The Data variable option determines the column in the table that is gridded and displayed as the
VolRender in Voxler. To change the Data variable option, click on the existing option and select the
desired option from the list.

Include All Data

Check the box next to Include all data to include all data in all columns in the existing table in the
exported data file. Uncheck the box to only export the Hole ID and X, Y, and Z coordinates. The
Include all data is checked by default.

Export Depths as Ascending

When a data table contains depth values that increase down the borehole, checking the box next to
Export Depths as ascending will make the depth values negative, so that the values increase up.
This is useful when working in other programs, such as Voxler, Surfer, or Grapher with the
exported data. As an example, a borehole that ranges from 0 at the top of the borehole to 2400 at
the bottom of the borehole will be exported as 0 to -2400 when this option is checked.

OK or Cancel

Strater 5 User’s Guide

Click OK to export the data and create the VolRender. Click Cancel to exit out of the dialog without
creating the VolRender in Voxler.

Cancel Sending Data to Voxler

Click the Cancel button at the far right of the status bar to cancel the creation of the VolRender
module in Voxler.

When the data is exported to Voxler to create a VolRender, data that contains the NULL value are
included in the data created in Voxler. An ExclusionFilter is created to remove any data that
contains the NULL value. The resulting gridded lattice and VolRender do not contain NULL

Get Image File Name

Click the Table | Graphic | Image File Path command or right-click in a table and select Get
Image File Name to select an image and input the full path and file name of the image in the
table's currently active cell. This makes using images in graphic logs easier, as it removes the
chance of a typo in the table column.

Select the image and click Open to insert the name into the cell.

To insert a file path and name into the cell:

1. In the table, click on the cell you want to insert the file name and path. In this example, click
on cell D1.
2. Click the Table | Graphic | Image File Path command. The Import dialog opens.

Chapter 3 - Data and Data Tables

3. Browse to the image file and click on the file to select it. In this example, click on the
Andesite.JPG image in the C:\Program Files\Golden Software\Strater 5\Samples directory.
4. Click Open and the path and file name are inserted into the selected cell.

The full path and file name of the selected image appears in the selected cell.

Chapter 4 - Boreholes and Borehole View
Borehole View
A borehole view represents a collection of logs and drawing objects used to graphically display data
for one or more boreholes. A borehole view may be derived from a template file or it can be created
from a default view window with the necessary log items defined to create the borehole. The
borehole view displays the true data for the project once data are defined in the project file.

You are presented with an empty borehole view when you first start Strater.

Opening a New Borehole View

During a Strater session, new projects with an empty borehole view are created with the File |
New Project command. New borehole views in an existing project are created with the Home |
New | Borehole View command. Alternatively, you can right-click in the View Manager and
select New Borehole View.

Opening an Existing Borehole View

Existing borehole views are opened by clicking the appropriate Borehole tab, checking the box
next to the borehole name in the View Manager, or by selecting Window |[Borehole name]. By
default, the first borehole view is named Borehole 1 so this borehole view would be opened by
choosing the Window | Borehole 1 command. To open an existing project, use the File | Open

There are three main components of a borehole view: the log pane,
header pane, and footer pane. The panes are outlined when you open
a blank borehole view. The upper rectangle is the header pane, the
middle rectangle is the log pane, and the bottom rectangle is the footer
pane. You can change the rectangle line properties in the View
Properties. The size of the header, log, and footer panes is defined by
clicking File | Page Setup.

The header and footer panes generally contain static, unlinked

information. The header and footer items are used repeatedly with
minimal changes when different borehole data are applied to the view.
Two objects are exceptions to the static unlinked information "rule":
linked text and some scale bars. Linked text data changes as new data
is applied to the view. Horizontal scale bars can be associated with
some log items, a cross section, or they can be created as a stand-
alone, static object. When the scale bar is linked to a log or cross
section, the scale bar changes as changes are made to the linked item.

The log pane contains all the graphical log items to display the borehole data. This pane is
dependent on linked tables and columns to create the graphical view. The log pane is also
dependent on depth and scaling values. These values determine the size of the pane rectangle
and/or the number of pages. The log pane can also contain legends, text and linked text, drawn
objects, and imported images, as well.

Multiple Boreholes in the Borehole View

Strater permits multiple boreholes to appear in the same borehole view. You can define multiple
boreholes with a single table, distinguished by a hole ID, or you can create several tables that

Chapter 4 - Boreholes and Borehole View

define different boreholes in each table. This allows you to quickly change the borehole graphics in
the borehole view.

Appended to the borehole view name is the borehole ID associated with the data displayed in the
view. In the following example, the Hole ID of this borehole view is DH-2:

Click the borehole tab at the top of the

Strater window to open a borehole view.

If there is more than one borehole represented by the logs in a borehole view, the associated
borehole view tab's name ends with -Multi-.

If there is more than one borehole in the borehole

view, the label of the tab reads -Multi-.

Types of Logs
Strater creates 14 different types of logs in the borehole view. Click on the links below for more
information on each of the log types.
• Depth Log
• Line/Symbol Log
• Lithology Log
• Complex Text Log
• Zone Bar Log
• Bar Log
• Percentage Log
• Post Log
• Classed Post Log
• Graphic Log
• Well Construction Log
• Registered Raster Log
• Unregistered Raster Log
• Tadpole Log
• Crossplot Log
• Function Log

Adding Additional Information to the Borehole View

Scale bars, linked text, drawing objects, legends, and images can be added to the borehole view at
any location.

Creating a Log in the Borehole View

For detailed information, refer to the Creating a Borehole topic. In general, you can add a log to
any borehole view by following these steps:
1. Click the Log | Create Log | [log type] command for the object you want to create. For
instance, if you want to create a line/symbol log, click the Log | Create Log | Line/Symbol
2. Click on the log pane where you want the log to be located.

Strater 5 User’s Guide

3. In the dialog, select the data file to use. An existing table can be selected in the Use Current
Table list.
4. If a new data file was selected, step through the importing process. The log will be displayed.
5. Any customizations can be made by selecting the log and making changes in the Property

New Borehole View

Click the Home | New | Borehole View command, click the button, right click in the View
Manager and choose New Borehole View, or press CTRL+B on the keyboard to add a new
borehole view in the existing project.

When a new borehole view is created, the new borehole view is not based upon existing borehole
view settings. It is essentially a blank canvas to which objects must be added and appropriate data
associated to the objects.

Creating a Borehole
Boreholes are graphical displays of log-type data. Displaying boreholes requires a borehole design,
data, and (for some log types) schemes. Boreholes are displayed in the log pane of a borehole
view, and more than one borehole can be represented in a single borehole view. You can have
multiple borehole views in each project file.

To create a new borehole view, click the Home | New | Borehole View, click the button,
right click in the View Manager and choose New Borehole View, or press CTRL+B on the

In general terms, to make a graphical borehole in Strater, you must:

• Select a log type or open a template.
• Open, import, or create data.
• Edit the borehole properties to select data, apply schemes, and change other properties.
There are two "modes" in the borehole view - design mode and active mode. Design mode is used
to create layouts and templates without attaching them to data. When the program is in active
mode, the graphics are linked to data as they are being created.

Objects are any individual log type, shape, or text that appears in the borehole view. All objects in
a borehole view are listed in the Object Manager where they are categorized by the borehole view
pane in which they appear.

Visible boreholes in the borehole view can consist of multiple objects, including log type, legend,
scale bar, a depth log, titles, text boxes, and rectangles to hold the text. Each instance of each of
these items is a separate object, and are listed separately in the Object Manager.

Creating Logs
To create log objects:
1. For logs, click the Log | [object type] command.

Chapter 4 - Boreholes and Borehole View

2. Click in the borehole view where you want the object to appear. Log items can be placed in

the log pane only; move the cursor to the desired location. If an object cannot be

placed in the position where the cursor is located, a cursor appears.

3. If the borehole is in active mode, a prompt appears to select data when creating a log item.
You can select new data in the Open dialog or select the existing data from the Use Current
Table section. Click the Open button.
Creating Drawing Objects
To create drawing objects in the borehole view:
1. Click the Draw | [object type] command.
2. Click on the screen where you want the object to be located. If an object cannot be placed in

the position where the cursor is located, a cursor appears.

3. If Insert Map View is selected and several map views exist in the project, select the desired
map view and click OK.

Linking Data to the Object

When creating objects in design mode or after loading a template file, data are not associated with
the objects. A borehole becomes "live" or active when data are applied.

The general steps to activate a borehole are:

1. Create objects in the borehole view.
2. Open, import, or create data.
3. To link all objects to a single borehole:
a. Click the View | Display | View Properties command.
b. Click on the View tab in the Property Manager.
c. Next to Hole ID Filter, click on the existing option and select the desired borehole
name from the list.
4. To link objects to different boreholes:
a. Click on the object in the borehole view or in the Object Manager.
b. Click on the Base tab in the Property Manager.
c. Next to the Hole ID Filter field, click on the existing option and select a borehole
name from the list.
5. In the Property Manager edit the properties including data tables, data columns, and
6. Switch to active mode by clicking the Log | Display | Design Mode command.

Many objects, such as drawing shapes and text boxes, are not associated with a specific borehole

If all objects are properly linked to data and the borehole scaling values are correct, the place
holders in the borehole view change to display your data. If the data or borehole scaling values are
not correct for the log you may end up with a blank log. Check the data and borehole view
properties in the event of a blank log.

Borehole View Properties

To view the general settings for a borehole view in the Property Manager, click the View |
Display | View Properties command, click Arrange | Selection | Deselect All, click on the view
name in the View Manager, right-click on the view name in the View Manager and choose View
Properties, or click the mouse in any white space in the borehole view that is not part of a log or

Strater 5 User’s Guide

The borehole view properties in the Property Manager contain the basic settings for the borehole
view, including the view name, view data range, scaling, units, display mode, and the associated
template name (if any). You can also define the line styles of the panes and define a project null
value in the borehole view properties.

The borehole view properties consists of five tabs: View, Line, and Project.

View Properties
The View tab contains the borehole and depth options.

Use the View tab to set depth options and the borehole ID.

Hole ID Filter
The Hole ID Filter displays the name of the Hole ID when every log pane item in the borehole view
represents a single Hole ID. If there is more than one borehole represented in the logs and you
have not selected an object in the log pane, the Hole ID Filter displays -Multi-. To change the Hole
ID of all objects in the log pane, click the text next to Hole ID Filter and select the desired Hole ID
from the list. When selected, all objects in the log pane will display information based on this
selected Hole ID.

Chapter 4 - Boreholes and Borehole View

When the Hole IDs for all log items in the borehole view are changed to a single Hole ID the Hole ID
Filter field automatically changes to reflect the revised single hole ID.

View Mode
The View mode property controls and displays whether the current project is in design mode or
active mode. Design mode is used to create graphics without attaching them to data. Design mode
is useful when designing complex logs or when designing templates. When the program is in active
mode, the graphics are linked to data as they are being created. To change the View Mode, click on
the existing option and select the desired option from the list. Alternatively, toggle back and forth
between design mode and active mode with the Log | Design Mode command.

View Name
The View Name is the label that appears in the borehole view tab to the left of the colon. Strater
projects can contain multiple borehole views, such as monitoring well views and sampling well
views. View Name is a way to separate the various views from one another and to clearly identify
the view. The default name of the tab is Borehole 1: X, in which X is the current Hole ID Filter
(described below). To change the view name, highlight the existing name and type the new desired
name of the view in the View Name field.

Log Display Mode

The Log display mode shows the current borehole in either Page view or Full view.

Page view separates the log into multiple pages with page breaks. The header and footer can be
shown on each page, on only the first or last pages, or not at all by setting the display and size of
the panes in the Page Setup dialog. If the Log display mode is set to Page view select View |
Zoom | Fit Page or click the page buttons to move among the pages.

The Full view shows the header and footer but expands the log pane to show the whole length of
the log with no breaks.

Template Name
The Template Name shows the template name, if any, attached to this borehole view. This is a
read-only field.

Depth Increases
The Depth increases property tells Strater whether values in the depth column increase down or
up. To change the orientation, click on the existing option and select the desired option from the
list. Set the borehole orientation to Downwards when the Starting borehole depth is less than the
Ending borehole depth. Set the borehole orientation to Upwards when the Starting borehole depth
is greater than the Ending borehole depth.

The borehole orientation will automatically change to reflect the current Starting borehole depth
and Ending borehole depth. For example, if the borehole orientation was originally set to Upwards
and a user changed the start depth to be less than the end depth, the borehole orientation field
automatically changes to Downwards.

The Depth increases property is not available when the borehole view includes a raster log.

Strater 5 User’s Guide

Depth Method
The Depth method sets the display of the view to either measured depth or true vertical depth. The
Measured depth is the depth values from the tables. The True vertical depth is calculated from the
depth values in the tables and the azimuth and inclination (or dip) values using the TVD calculation
method. To change the depth method, click on the existing option and select the desired option
from the list.

All logs except for depth logs are displayed using the specified depth method.

TVD Calculation Method

When the Depth method is set to True vertical depth, the displayed depth value is calculated using
the depth from the table and the azimuth and inclination (or dip). The TVD calculation method
determines how the values are combined to get the true vertical depth. Available options are
Tangential, Average Tangential, Balanced Tangential, Radius of Curvature, and Minimum Curvature.
The default is Minimum Curvature, which provides a good estimate of the true vertical depth. To
change the calculation method, click on the existing option and select the desired option from the

Depth Settings
The Depth settings option controls the starting and ending borehole depths. There are three
options: Automatic, Collars table, and User defined. To change the Depth settings, click on the
existing option and select the desired option from the list.
• By default, the Depth settings option is set to Automatic. When the Depth settings option is
Automatic, Strater scans the existing data tables to determine the starting and ending
borehole depths that will fit all data.
When the Depth settings option is set to Automatic and the Depth method is set to True vertical
depth, the deviation field in the depth or interval table is used to calculate the overall true vertical
depth. If the deviation field is missing from the depth/interval table, then the deviation field from
the collars table is used. If the deviation field is missing from the collars table, the deviation value
of 0 is used.
• When the Depth settings option is set to Collars table, the starting and ending borehole
depths are retrieved from a collars table. You can also specify the scale of the borehole view
in a collars table. Select a borehole in the Hole ID Filter list to update the Automatic and
Collars table selections.
When the Depth settings option is set to Collars table and the Depth method is set to True vertical
depth, the deviation field in the collars table is used to apply the starting and ending depths. If the
deviation field in the collars table is missing, the deviation value of 0 is used.
• When the Depth settings option is set to User defined, the Starting borehole depth and
Ending borehole depth are available.
When the Depth settings option is set to User defined and the Depth method is set to True vertical
depth, the deviation field in the depth or interval table is used to calculate the overall true vertical
depth. If the deviation field is missing from the depth/interval table, then the deviation field from
the collars table is used. If the deviation field is missing from the collars table, the deviation value
of 0 is used.

Starting Borehole Depth

If the Depth settings option is set to User defined, you can specify the starting borehole depth. The
Starting borehole depth is the depth to begin the data display. If the Starting borehole depth is
greater than zero, the Ending borehole depth must be greater than the starting value. Likewise, if
the Starting borehole depth is less than zero, the Ending borehole depth must be less than the
starting value. If the Starting borehole depth is zero, the Ending borehole depth can be either
negative or positive.

Chapter 4 - Boreholes and Borehole View

Ending Borehole Depth

If the Depth settings option is set to User defined, you can specify the borehole range. The Starting
borehole depth is the depth to begin the data display and the Ending borehole depth is the ending
depth for data display. If the Starting borehole depth is greater than zero, the Ending borehole
depth must be greater than the starting value. Likewise, if the Starting borehole depth is less than
zero, the Ending borehole depth must be less than the starting value. If the Starting borehole depth
is zero, the Ending borehole depth can be either negative or positive.

Depth Units
Select the borehole unit type from the Depth units list. The units selected here are the units of the
data in the data table and are the base units for the depth log.

Auto-recalculate Scale
Uncheck the box next to the Auto-recalculate Scale option if you want to manually adjust the
Scaling Depth per Centimeter/Inch and the Standard Scale 1 fields. Check the box next to Auto-
recalculate Scale to not edit these fields. Strater will automatically calculate the scale of the log
display so that all data fits on a single page. When these are automatically set by checking the
Auto-recalculate Scale option, the entire borehole fits in a single page.

Scale Depth Per Inch/Centimeter

Use the Scaling depth per inch (or centimeter) to scale the borehole in units of measurement on the
physical page. This value must be greater than zero. The page length limit is 2000 inches. To
change the units between inches and centimeters use the general settings in the Options dialog.

Standard Scale 1
The Standard scale 1 displays the ratio between the scale depth per inch and the depth units you
select. For example, if the Scaling depth per inch is set at 2 and the depth units are Feet the
standard scale automatically displays 24, which is the number of inches per unit of depth (12 inches
in a foot) multiplied by the scale depth per inch (2).

If you change the standard scale 1 number, the scale depth per inch automatically changes as well.
For example, if you change the standard scale 1 number from 24 to 36 the scale depth per inch
value changes to 3. If you change the depth unit to meters the standard scale value changes to
118.11, which is the number of inches in 3 meters.

Reference Datum
The Reference datum is the surface on the earth that defines the vertical reference for all wells in
the borehole view. Changing the reference datum results in the logs in the borehole view being
regenerated and "hung" on a different marker. The logs hang on an imaginary horizontal line that
runs across the borehole view. The reference datum follows this horizontal line. To change the
Reference datum, click on the existing option and select the desired option from the list. Available
options are [None], Mean sea level, and Marker bed. Selecting [None] plots all logs at the starting
depth. Elevations are not considered. Mean sea level places sea level (elevation = 0) on the
horizontal line. All other locations vary based on depths and elevations from seal level. The wells in
the borehole view will be placed at their respective elevations, as entered in the collars table.
Marker bed places the horizontal line at the top of the selected layer in the borehole view.

If Reference datum is set to Mean sea level or Marker bed and the Depth settings is set to Collars
table, the Starting borehole depth and Ending borehole depth values will be adjusted to account for
the elevation. That is, the Starting borehole depth equals the Elevation minus the Starting Depth.
For example, if the Elevation is 1000 and the Starting Depth is 700 in the collars table, the Starting
borehole depth will be 300 (1000-700=300).

Strater 5 User’s Guide

If you change the Reference datum to either Mean sea Level or Marker bed and if the Depth
settings are set to User defined, the Starting borehole depth and Ending borehole depth values will
not be updated. This may result in parts of the borehole view being created off the visible page.

Marker Bed
When the Reference datum is set to Marker bed, the Marker bed option becomes available. This is
the level in the borehole view that defines how all logs are compared. The marker bed is the bed
that is at the same vertical location across the borehole view and all logs.

Line Properties
Use Line page to adjust the line properties for the lines that surround the header, log, and footer
panes and the end depth line. Check the Show end depth line check box to add a horizontal line at
the log end depth.

Project Properties
This option allows you to store a null value with the Strater file .SDG, and this value can be
different from the null value set in File | Options. This NULL data value setting overrides the null
value in File | Options.

Active Mode
An active or "live" borehole or cross section is a view window design that shows information in logs
based on data in the data tables. All new boreholes created by clicking the File | New Project

command or clicking the button are automatically in active mode.

If you open an existing borehole or cross section view and are unsure if it is active or design mode:
• Check the Log | Display | Design Mode command. If the command button is depressed
you are in design mode. To change to active mode click this command or button again.
• Look in the Property Manager on the View tab and inspect the View Mode option. If this
field displays Design Mode you can change to Active Mode by clicking on the Design Mode
text and selecting Active Mode from the list.

Design Mode
There are two "modes" in the borehole view and cross section view: design mode and active mode.
Active mode is the default mode when a blank borehole or cross section is created. When creating
log items in active mode you are prompted for data to associate with each log.

If you prefer to design the borehole first and then associate data later, you can use design mode.
This is a good option if you wish to create a borehole design, but do not have any actual data.

Opening Design Mode

You can enter design mode using one of these methods:
• Click the Log | Display | Design Mode command. The command stays highlighted to
indicate you are in Design Mode.
• Press F4 on your keyboard to toggle between active mode and design mode.
• Change the View Mode in the Borehole View Properties and Cross Section View

Chapter 4 - Boreholes and Borehole View

The View Mode in the Borehole View Properties and Cross Section View Properties indicates if
you are in design mode or active mode.

Borehole View Design Mode Appearance

When designing a borehole view in design mode the screen shows generalized representations of
the various log types. The logs displayed in design mode are fictitious and intended to give an
impression of how the borehole view will look when actual data is attached.

This borehole view is displayed in design mode. The logs and linked text do not
display actual data. Instead placeholders representing the logs and text appear.

Cross Section Design Mode Appearance

When designing a cross section view in design mode the screen shows generalized representations
of the zone bar logs. The logs displayed in design mode are fictitious and intended to give an
impression of how the cross section view will look when actual data is attached. No layers are
displayed between wells.

Strater 5 User’s Guide

This cross section view is displayed in design mode. Zone bars are displayed
in design mode, but the layers between wells are not displayed.

Multiple Boreholes in One Borehole View

Strater allows users to place data from more than one borehole onto a single borehole view. The
concept and functionality is easy – users simply import data for multiple wells, add logs and then
associate the new log with the appropriate borehole data.

A Strater project can include multiple boreholes with many data attributes:
• You can import data from a single data file that has data from multiple boreholes into a
• You can import data from multiple source data files with each data file including one or more
• If importing data from multiple files, you also have the choice to import all the data together
into one data table, or you can import each file into a separate data table.
• You can import an LAS file for one borehole into one data table, and import another LAS file
for a different borehole into a different data table.
• You can easily change the borehole data source for a particular log to any borehole whose
data is imported into the project.
For this example we use the file Mining Example-1.sdg, which is found in the Samples folder in the
installation folder for the Strater software. The default directory is C:\Program Files\Golden
Software\Strater 5\Samples.

1. Click the File | Open command or click the button.

2. In the Open dialog, select the Mining Example-1.sdg file and click Open.
3. Click on the Interval data tab.

Chapter 4 - Boreholes and Borehole View

4. Scroll down and note the contents of the Hole ID column. There are two different borehole
Hole IDs in this one data table: DH-1 and DH-2. There is no limit to the number of separate
boreholes that can be part of a single data table.
5. Click the Mining: DH-1 tab.
6. Click the View | Display | View Properties command to view the borehole view properties
in the Property Manager.
7. Notice the content of the Hole ID Filter field: DH-1, indicating that all logs in the view window
are associated with the DH-1 Hole ID.

The Hole ID Filter on the View tab displays the Hole ID

of the borehole associated with the logs in the view window.

8. Let's change the borehole associated with one of the logs in the log pane from DH-1 to DH-2.
Select the log Mo % in the view window or in the Object Manager.
9. In the Property Manager, click on the Base tab.
10. Click on the DH-1 text next to the Hole ID Filter option. A list is displayed that contains all
borehole IDs found in every data table currently imported in the project. Select DH-2 from
the list.
11. Notice how the data in log Mo % has changed:

Strater 5 User’s Guide

When you change the Hole ID Filter in the

Property Manager the log changes from the
original DH-1data (left) to DH-2 data (right).

12. Click the View | Display | View Properties command to view the borehole view properties
in the Property Manager.
13. Look in the Hole ID Filter field:

Chapter 4 - Boreholes and Borehole View

The Hole ID Filter field shows which borehole is associated with the currently
selected object in the log pane. If no object is selected, -Multi- is displayed.

14. The -Multi- term indicates that there are multiple boreholes whose data is part of the logs in
this borehole view, and that no single object in the log pane is currently selected. -Multi- is
shown whenever there is data from more than one Hole ID in any log currently displayed in
the log pane.

Adding a Log from a Different Borehole to an Existing Project

Adding a log with a different borehole ID is simple. Strater makes no distinction to adding data
from any borehole. As an example we will add data from a third borehole to this existing project.
1. This example uses the data file TUTORIAL 2.XLS, which is located in the Samples folder in
the installation folder for Strater software. The default directory path is C:\Program
Files\Golden Software\Strater 5\Sample.

2. Click the Log | Create Log | Zone Bar command or click the command to add a zone
bar log to the view.
3. Place the cursor on the right side of the log pane and click the mouse button.
4. In the Open dialog, select the Tutorial 2.xls file and click Open.
5. In the Specify Worksheet Column Definitions dialog, notice in the Data File Preview
section that the Hole ID of the data is W17. Click Next.
6. In the Specify Data Type and Column Positions dialog, make sure the columns are
specified correctly and click Finish.

Strater 5 User’s Guide

The new zone bar log uses the data from the specified data file, which contains only one well:
W17. The new zone bar log uses the W17 data.

Update Borehole Data

With a borehole view or cross section view active, click the Home | Display | Update Borehole
Data command or press CTRL+F5 on the keyboard to force a redraw of the view window after
changing the data. This is not normally necessary, as views normally update automatically.

Update Borehole Data

With a borehole view or cross section view active, click the Home | Display | Update Borehole
Data command or press CTRL+F5 on the keyboard to force a redraw of the view window after
changing the data. This is not normally necessary, as views normally update automatically.

Inserting a Map View

An inserted map view provides location information for the boreholes displayed in a borehole view
or cross section view. To insert a map view into a borehole view or cross section view, click the Log
| Add | Map View command. If only one map view exists, the map is immediately displayed. If
multiple map views exist, select the desired map view from the dialog and click OK. The map is
added to the borehole view or the cross section view in the center of the selected pane.

Insert a map view into a cross section, to give the cross section spatial perspective.

Changing the Inserted Map

To change the map that is displayed in the inserted map, click on the Map View object in the
Object Manager. In the Property Manager, click on the name next to Map view name. In the
list, select the desired map view to display. The inserted map automatically updates. Click [None] if
no map view should be displayed.

Chapter 4 - Boreholes and Borehole View

Editing the Inserted Map

The inserted map displays exactly as it appears in the linked map view. To make any changes to
the inserted map, select the map view in the View Manager. Make any changes to the appearance
of the map and the inserted map automatically updates.

Insert Map View Unavailable

If no map view has been created in the project, the Log | Add | Map View command is not
available. Create a map view by clicking the Home | New | Map View command. In the map
view, creating a base map or well location map. Then insert the map in the borehole view or cross
section view using the Log | Add | Map View command.

Chapter 5 - Maps and the Map View
Map View
Map views graphically display wells or base map files on a map. Map views display any wells listed
in the collars table as a symbol on the map. Each well in the collars table is displayed as a separate
symbol. Wells can display deviation as a line with a symbol at the end of the well or only show the
collar location of the well. Wells can be edited as a group or individually. Individual wells can be
unchecked in the Object Manager to customize the appearance of the map view. The map also
contains a set of four axes, that can be edited individually. Maps can add base layers, such as field
outlines or exported Surfer maps, additional well layers, or well selector lines.

All map layers are positioned according to the map layer's coordinate system. Each layer can have
a separate source coordinate system. All layers are reprojected into the Map target coordinate

Drawing objects and labels can be added to a map view.

This map view contains wells with names and elevations,

a well selector line, and a contour map loaded as a base map.

Opening a New Map View

New map views in an existing project are created by clicking the Home | New | Map View

command, clicking the button, pressing CTRL+M on the keyboard, or right-clicking in the View
Manager and selecting New Map View. A new blank map view is created.

Opening an Existing Map View

Existing map views are opened by clicking the appropriate Map tab, checking the box next to the
map view name in the View Manager, or by selecting Window | [Map name]. By default, the
first map view is named Map 1 so this map view would be opened by choosing the Window | Map
1 command. To open an existing project, use the File | Open command.

Creating Map Layers

Create the first map layer with the Map | Create | Well Map or Map | Create | Base Map

Chapter 5 - Maps and the Map View

If creating a well map and a single collars table already has been created, the map view
automatically uses that Collars table. If no Collars table exists, you are prompted for the data file. A
Collars table is automatically created. If multiple Collars table exist, you are prompted to select one

If an existing map has already been created and the well map or base map should be added to the
existing map, click the Map | Add | Well Layer or Map | Add | Base Layer commands. If the
Create Well Map or Create Base Map command is used and a blank map view is available, the
map is created in that map view, otherwise, the map is created in a new map view.

Adding Additional Information to the Map View

Base maps, additional well maps, and well selector maps can be added to an existing map view.
Drawing objects can also be added to a map layer.

New Map View

Click the Home | New | Map View command, click the button, right-click in the View
Manager and choose New Map View, or press CTRL+M on the keyboard to add a new blank map
view to the existing project.

Creating Map Layers

Create the first map layer with the Map | Create | Well Map or Map | Create | Base Map

Map View Properties

To view the general settings for a map view in the Property Manager, click the View | Display |
View Properties command, click Arrange | Selection | Deselect All, click on the view name in
the View Manager, right-click on the view name in the View Manager and choose View
Properties, or click the mouse in any white space in the map view that is not part of a map or

The map view settings contain the name of the map view.

Map Tab Commands

The Map tab is available when a map view is selected. The Map tab includes the following

Well Map Create a new map with a wells layer

Base Map Create a new base map

Adds an additional wells layer to the existing

Well Layer

Base Layer Adds a base layer to the existing map

Well Selector Adds a well selector line to the existing map

Strater 5 User’s Guide

Create Well Map

Click the Map | Create | Well Map command to create a new well map. The Open Collars File
dialog is displayed, where you select the collars data from a data file or an open table. Only collars
tables are displayed in the Use Open Table section of the Open Collars File dialog when creating a
new well map. If a blank map view is available, the map is created in that map view, otherwise, the
map is created in a new map view.

A Wells map layer contains the wells and well selector lines in the map. The wells that appear are in
the same collars table.

Each well from the collars table is shown as a symbol, with labels.
The map also shows a well selector as a red line.

Adding a Well Layer to an Existing Map

New map containing a single Wells layer is created with the Map | Create | Well Map command.
Additional Wells layers can be added to the existing map with the Map | Add | Well Layer
command. Click the Map | Add | Well Layer command or right-click on an existing map and
choose Add | Well Layer to add a new Well Locations map layer to an existing map. Creating
multiple Wells maps allows wells from different collars files to be displayed on the same map. It
also allows different schemes to apply to different types of wells.

Editing a Wells Layer

If the properties of the Wells layer should be the same as the other objects in the Map, the wells
properties can be edited by clicking on the Map in the Object Manager and editing the properties
in the Property Manager. This changes the properties for all layers in the map.

If the properties of the Wells layer should be different than other objects in the Map, the Wells map
layer should be selected. When the properties are edited while the Wells layer is selected, all of the
objects in the wells layer are changed to reflect the new properties.

The sub-object well selector line and wells can be selected individually in the Object Manager and
edited in the Property Manager.

Wells Layer Properties

Wells layers have different properties available. The possible properties listed in the Property
Manager are:
• Wells
• Label
• Line

Chapter 5 - Maps and the Map View

• Symbol
• Coordinate System

Updating Well Data

Occasionally, a Wells layer will not update properly, leaving a deviation path for the well, but
removing the well symbol when changing the visibility of an individual well in the Object Manager.
When this happens, there are two things that can be done to make the wells appear correct:
• Click on the Wells layer and click the Deviation Path tab in the Property Manager.
Uncheck the box next to the Show Deviation Path option. Recheck the box and the well will
appear correctly.
• Click the File | Options command. Click on General on the left side of the dialog. On the
right side, check the box next to Reload Data When Opening Project. Close the file and
reopen it. The wells will display properly.

Create Base Map

Click the Map | Create | Base Map command to create a new base map. If a blank map view is
available, the map is created in that map view, otherwise, the map is created in a new map view.
In the Import dialog, select the base map file to import and click Open. The base map is created.
Base maps display geographic and political information such as roads, streams, lakes, or state and
county boundaries. Base map files draw objects at precise X, Y locations on a map and can contain
points, polygons, polylines, text, and images. Base maps can be created from many common map
formats, including DXF, SHP, PDF and a variety of image formats.

This base map contains polygons and a background image.

Adding a Base Layer to an Existing Map

To add a base map to an existing map, click the Map | Add | Base Layer command or right-click
on an existing map and choose Add | Base Map. In the Import dialog, select the base layer file to
import and click Open. The base layer is added to the map.

Strater 5 User’s Guide

Editing a Base Layer

If the properties of the base map should be the same as the other objects in the Map, the base map
properties can be edited by clicking on the Map in the Object Manager and editing the properties
in the Property Manager. This changes the properties for all layers in the map.

If the properties of the base map should be different than other objects in the Map, the Base map
layer should be selected. When the properties are edited while the Base layer is selected, all of the
objects in the base layer are changed to reflect the new properties.

Some base maps consist of multiple objects (i.e. polygons, polylines, text, etc.). The sub-objects
can be selected individually in the Object Manager and edited in the Property Manager.

Base Layer Properties

Base layers have different properties available, depending on the type of objects in the base layer.
The possible properties listed in the Property Manager are:
• Line
• Fill
• Text
• Symbol
• Coordinate System
• Info

Add Well Layer

Click the Map | Add | Well Layer command or right-click on an existing map and choose Add |
Well Layer to add a new Wells map layer to an existing map. The Open Collars File dialog is
displayed, where you select the collars data from a data file or an open table. Only collars tables
are displayed in the Use Open Table section of the Open Collars File dialog when adding a new
wells layer. Adding multiple Wells layers to the map allows wells from different collars files to be
displayed on the same map. It also allows different schemes to apply to different types of wells.

A Wells layer contains the wells and well selector lines in the map. The wells that appear are in the
same collars table. New Wells maps are created with the Map | Create | Well Map command.
Additional Wells layers can be added to the existing map with the Map | Add | Well Layer

Each well from the collars table is shown as a symbol, with labels.
The map also shows a well selector as a red line.

Chapter 5 - Maps and the Map View

Editing a Wells Layer

If the properties of the Wells layer should be the same as the other objects in the Map, the wells
properties can be edited by clicking on the Map in the Object Manager and editing the properties
in the Property Manager. This changes the properties for all layers in the map.

If the properties of the Wells layer should be different than other objects in the Map, the Wells map
layer should be selected. When the properties are edited while the Wells layer is selected, all of the
objects in the wells layer are changed to reflect the new properties.

The sub-object well selector line and wells can be selected individually in the Object Manager and
edited in the Property Manager.

Wells Layer Properties

Wells layers have different properties available. The properties listed in the Property Manager
• Wells
• Label
• Line
• Symbol
• Coordinate System

Add Base Layer

To add a base map to an existing map, click the Map | Add | Base Layer command or right-click
on an existing map and choose Add | Base Layer. Base maps display geographic and political
information such as roads, streams, lakes, or state and county boundaries. Base map files draw
objects at precise X, Y locations on a map and can contain points, polygons, polylines, text, and
images. Base maps can be created from many common map formats, including DXF, SHP, and a
variety of image formats.

The contours on this map are imported as a base map.

Base map files can be georeferenced with a georeferenced format, such as .GSR2 or .TFW, or by
referencing the base map after it is created as a base map on the Coordinate System tab. Images
in base maps can be georeferenced by clicking on the Image in the Object Manager and setting
the Image Properties in the Property Manager.

Strater 5 User’s Guide

Editing a Base Layer

If the properties of the base map should be the same as the other objects in the Map, the base map
properties can be edited by clicking on the Map in the Object Manager and editing the properties
in the Property Manager. This changes the properties for all layers in the map.

If the properties of the base map should be different than other objects in the Map, the Base map
layer should be selected. When the properties are edited while the Base layer is selected, all of the
objects in the base layer are changed to reflect the new properties.

Some base maps consist of multiple objects (i.e. polygons, polylines, text, etc.). The sub-objects
can be selected individually in the Object Manager and edited in the Property Manager.

Base Layer Properties

Base layers have different properties available, depending on the type of objects in the base layer.
The possible properties listed in the Property Manager are:
• Line
• Fill
• Symbol
• Font
• Coordinate System
• Info

Images in a base map have an Image Properties page, where extents for the image can be set.

Add Well Selector

Once a map view exists, wells can be connected for creation of a cross section. Wells are selected in
the order that they should appear in the cross section. The first selected well will be on the left of
the cross section, and the last well in the well selector will be the furthest right well in the cross

The well selector appears as a red line on the above map.

To connect wells,
1. Click the Wells map layer.
2. Click the Map | Add | Well Selector command or right-click on an existing map and choose
Add | Well Selector.
3. The cursor changes to . As the cursor approaches a well, the well name appears in a
floating box. This makes selecting the right well easier. Click on the first well to select it. In
the map above, this would be well DH-4.

Chapter 5 - Maps and the Map View

4. Click on each additional well. The order the wells are selected is the order that the logs will
appear in the cross section. The order the wells were selected above would be DH-2, DH-1,
and finally DH-3.
5. After the last well is selected, press the ENTER key on the keyboard or double-click on the
last well to end the current well selector line.

6. Press ESC on the keyboard or the button to end selector mode.

The well selector is displayed on the map as a line and in the Object Manager as a line with the
names of the selected wells. The wells are listed in the name of the line in the order the wells are

The well selector object is shown in the

Object Manager as a line with the name
displaying the order of the selected wells .

Creating Multiple Well Selectors

Each well selector can be used to create a new cross section, so multiple well selector lines can be
added to the same map view. To add the next well selector, follow the steps above again. Strater
allows an unlimited number of well selector lines to be in a single map view.

Inserting a Map View

An inserted map view provides location information for the boreholes displayed in a borehole view
or cross section view. To insert a map view into a borehole view or cross section view, click the Log
| Add | Map View command. If only one map view exists, the map is immediately displayed. If
multiple map views exist, select the desired map view from the dialog and click OK. The map is
added to the borehole view or the cross section view in the center of the selected pane.

Strater 5 User’s Guide

Insert a map view into a cross section, to give the cross section spatial perspective.

Changing the Inserted Map

To change the map that is displayed in the inserted map, click on the Map View object in the
Object Manager. In the Property Manager, click on the name next to Map view name. In the
list, select the desired map view to display. The inserted map automatically updates. Click [None] if
no map view should be displayed.

Editing the Inserted Map

The inserted map displays exactly as it appears in the linked map view. To make any changes to
the inserted map, select the map view in the View Manager. Make any changes to the appearance
of the map and the inserted map automatically updates.

Insert Map View Unavailable

If no map view has been created in the project, the Log | Add | Map View command is not
available. Create a map view by clicking the Home | New | Map View command. In the map
view, creating a base map or well location map. Then insert the map in the borehole view or cross
section view using the Log | Add | Map View command.

Assigning Coordinates to an Image Base Map

If your image is already georeferenced, when you import the image as a base map, the image will
be referenced accordingly. If your image is not georeferenced, you can assign coordinates to the
image. To create the base map, click the Map | Create | Base Map command. Select the image
file and click Open. To redefine the image coordinates click on the Image object in the Base layer in
the Object Manager. By default, image files that are not georeferenced are assigned a coordinate
system that corresponds to the rows and columns of the raster image. For .TIF files, if the .TIF
contains an image size in the .TIF file, the size is used for the object coordinates. Under most
circumstances the pixel coordinates or page coordinates do not match the coordinate systems used
on other types of maps. In order to include this base layer with other base layers or well layers, you
will need to redefine the coordinates for the image. After the image coordinates are redefined, the
image base layers will overlay with other types of maps correctly.

Chapter 5 - Maps and the Map View

To change the base map image coordinates:

1. Click the Map | Create | Base Map command. The Import dialog opens.
2. Select the image to create the base map. For example, click on NAIP_Image.tif located in the
Samples folder.
3. Click Open.
4. In the Object Manager, click on the Image 1 object to open the image properties in the
Property Manager.

Click on the Image 1 object

to open the base map properties
in the Property Manager.

5. On the Image Properties page in the Property Manager, you can change the Spatial

Use the Spatial Extents section on the Image properties page

to change the coordinates of the base map image.

6. In the Spatial Extents section, type the Left, Right, Top, and Bottom values to apply to the
The image is updated using the new coordinates. After setting the Spatial Extents, you will need to
reset the map's Limits and Scale. To change the base map extents and set the coordinate system:

Strater 5 User’s Guide

1. In the Object Manager, click on the Base 1 object to open the base map properties in the
Property Manager.
2. Click on the Coordinate System tab.
3. Click the Set button.
4. Set the coordinate system for the image and click OK.
5. Click on the Map object in the Object Manager.
6. Click on the Limits tab.
7. Check the Fit All button.
8. Click on the Scale tab.
9. Change the scale properties, if necessary.

Editing the Map

Parts of a Map
The Object Manager in map view window contains all of objects that are in the view. Drawn
objects, such as rectangles, legends, and text appear in the Object Manager. When a well map or
base map is created, a map object, several axis objects, and various map layers are also created.

The Object Manager contains a list of all

objects in the map view. The individual
well DH-2 is selected in this example.
Map Object
The Map object is created when a new well map or base map is created in the map view. The Map
object controls properties for the entire map. This include the scale, limits, and target map
projection for the entire map and the line, fill, symbol, and font properties for features on the map.
These default properties control all of the objects in the map that have not been specifically

The Left Axis, Right Axis, Top Axis, and Bottom Axis are the axes that surround the map object.
Click on any axis to set the axis properties in the Property Manager. The ticks,labels, and grid or

Chapter 5 - Maps and the Map View

axis lines can be edited for each axis individually. The location of the of the cursor in axis
coordinates is shown in the status bar.

Base Layer
The Base layer is created when a new base map is created or when a base map is added to an
existing map. The Base layer controls properties for all items in the base map. To see a list of all of
the items in the base layer, click the next to Base in the Object Manager. Depending on the
items in the base layer, clicking on Base in the Object Manager, there could be Line, Fill,
Symbol, Font, and Coordinate System tab available for the Base layer. Changing these
properties changes the properties for all items in the base map. To change an individual item in the
base layer, click on that item in the list and make the changes in the Object Manager. Multiple
base map layers can be added to a Map with the Map | Add | Base Layer command.

Wells Layer
The Wells layer is created when a new well map is created or when a well map is added to an
existing map. The Wells layer controls properties for all items in the wells map. To see a list of all of
the items in the well layer, click the next to Wells in the Object Manager. Depending on the
items in the well layer, clicking on Wells in the Object Manager, there could will be a Wells,
Symbol, Label, Line and Coordinate System tab for the Wells layer. Changing these properties
changes the properties for all wells and well selector lines in the Wells map. To change an individual
well or well selector line, click on that item in the list and make the changes in the Object
Manager. Multiple well map layers can be added to a Map with the Map | Add | Well Layer

Well Item
An individual well item can be selected from the list. The well's symbol and label properties can be
set separately from all other objects in the Wells list. To make changes to individual well symbols,
uncheck the Use Keyword Scheme item on the Symbol page for the Wells item. The label location
properties for each individual well can be changed by clicking on the individual well and setting the
layout options on the Label Layout tab. The display of individual wells can be turned on or off by
checking or unchecking the well name in the Object Manager.

Occasionally, a Wells layer will not update properly, leaving a deviation path for the well, but
removing the well symbol when changing the visibility of an individual well in the Object Manager.
When this happens, there are two things that can be done to make the wells appear correct:
• Click on the Wells layer and click the Deviation Path tab in the Property Manager.
Uncheck the box next to the Show Deviation Path option. Recheck the box and the well will
appear correctly.
• Click the File | Options command. Click on General on the left side of the dialog. On the
right side, check the box next to Reload Data When Opening Project. Close the file and
reopen it. The wells will display properly.

Well Selector Line

A well selector item is added to the Wells layer with the Map | Add | Well Selector command. A
Wells layer must be selected before this command can be used. Individual well selector line
properties can be altered by clicking on the well selector line in the Object Manager. To add,
delete, or rearrange the order of wells in the well selector line, click on the Well Selector tab in
the Property Manager and click the button.

Common Map Properties

Some map properties edit the entire map view. These include the scale, limits, and coordinate
system for the entire map and the symbol and line properties for features on the map. Individual

Strater 5 User’s Guide

symbols and lines can be changed, but these default properties control all of the objects that have
not been specifically changed.

Map scale controls the size of a map on the printed page. This is accomplished by defining a
correspondence between length on the map (in map units) and length on the printed page (in page
units). For example, one mile on the map corresponds to one inch on the page. The map scale is
set using the Scale tab in the Property Manager. The map scale for the X axis and the map scale
for the Y axis can be set in unison (proportionally), or they can be set independently.

Map limits are defined as the X and Y extents of the map. When a map is first created, the map
limits are set to the minimum and maximum X and Y coordinate values of the collars table used to
create the map. You can accept these as the limits for the map, or you can specify custom limits
using the Limits page. Custom limits are useful when plotting only a portion of a map.

Coordinate System
The map coordinate system is the target coordinate system for the map. A coordinate system has a
defined projection and datum. If some map layers are using a different coordinate system, the layer
is converted to the map coordinate system. The map's Coordinate System is the new coordinate
system that you want to use to project your X, Y coordinate data.

The line properties control the default look of all axes, and well selector lines.

The fill properties control the fill patterns of any polygons in the base map.

The symbol properties control the default look of all wells in the map.

The font properties control the default text for all labels and text in the map.

The Info tab contains the name of the source file and the number of any objects in the group.

Map Properties
Map - Scale Page
The scale controls the size of a map on the printed page. This is accomplished by defining a
correspondence between lengths on the map (in map units) and lengths on the printed page (in
page units). The map scale is specified using the Scale page in the map properties. The scale for
the X axis and the scale for the Y axis can be set in unison (proportionally), or they can be set

Axes are part of the map on which they are drawn. Therefore, when the scale is redefined, the axes
are modified accordingly. Because Strater calculates reasonable tick spacing based on the map
lengths and map limits, redefining the scales can result in different tick spacing along the axis.

Chapter 5 - Maps and the Map View

Default Scale
By default, map scales are defined proportionally in the X and Y dimensions, with the longest side
almost filling the printed page.

Resizing Maps
One method to resize the map is to use the Scale tab and set the size. These options are described

Another method is to click on the Map object. Click and drag one of the corners of the map to resize
the map proportionally. To resize the map non-proportionally, click on one of the side handles when
the map is selected. The map scale is automatically updated to show the new size. The Proportional
XY Scaling box is automatically unchecked if the sides are moved.

Another method of resizing maps is to type in the size and location in the Position/Size toolbar. This
resizes all selected items. The Scale tab is automatically updated to reflect the new size.

Scale Page
The Scale page is located in the map properties. To set the scale, click on the Map object in the
Object Manager to select it. In the Property Manager, click on the Scale tab.

Set the X and Y scale for the map on the Scale tab.

Proportional XY Scaling
The Proportional XY scaling option ensures that the X and Y dimensions are scaled equally, i.e. the
Map units per inch values are the same for both the X Scale and Y Scale. When the box is checked,
the Map units per inch values are updated to be the same for both the X Scale and Y Scale. If the
scales are already the same, the X Scale and Y Scale values are not changed when the Proportional
XY scaling check box is checked. A change in either the X or Y dimension automatically changes the
other scale to maintain the same Map units per inch value when the Proportional XY scaling box is
checked. To scale the axes independently, uncheck the Proportional XY scaling check box.

Strater 5 User’s Guide

X Scale and Y Scale

The X Scale and Y Scale sections specify the scale along the indicated axis. Each axis can be scaled
independently. When the Proportional XY Scaling box is checked, any changes made to the scale for
the X or Y dimensions is automatically reflected in the other dimension.

Map Units Per Inch

The Map Units Per Inch or Map Units Per Centimeter option sets the number of map units per page
unit in the associated dimension. For example, to draw a map at a scale of 1000 map units per
inch, type the value 1000 into the box. The Length (Page Units) value is automatically updated to
reflect the change. For example, if the map is 8000 units in the dimension you are setting, the map
is 8 inches long in that dimension.

The Length (Page Units) option sets the length of the map in the X or Y dimension. When the
Length (Page Units) value is changed, the Map Units Per Inch or Map Units Per Centimeter box is
automatically updated to reflect the change.

Map - Limits Page

The Limits page in the map properties lets you define the X and Y minimum and maximum map
coordinates. When a map is created, the limits are automatically defined by the well collar locations
in the Collars table used to create the map. The limits of the map can be adjusted on the Limits
page of the map properties. The scale of the map is adjusted on the Scale page.

Limits and Map Scale

When new map limits are defined for a map, the map scale is not changed. For example, if the map
uses a scaling of 1 inch = 1000 meters, the new map uses this same scale. This can result in maps
much smaller or larger than the original map. In this case, click on the map and set the new scale
on the Scale page.

Limits and Changing Coordinate Systems

If the map has custom limits and an unreferenced coordinate system, changing the coordinate
system will change the map limits to the default limits.

If the map has custom limits and is currently referenced, changing the coordinate system will not
change the map limits to the default limits. Instead, the axis limits are converted to the new
coordinate system and properly limited in the new coordinate system.
Symbols or Labels Cutoff
Limits can be set on maps to values that are smaller than the entire collar extents. When a well lies
outside the map limits, a portion of the symbol or label may still appear on the map. The symbol
and label will not extend beyond the limits. If a partial symbol or label is visible, the limits may
need to be altered.

Limits, Scale, and Visible Layers

When a new base map or Wells map layer is added to an existing map, the map limits automatically
adjust to use all of the data limits from all layers. If the locations change in the Collars table so that
no items are visible, the map limits automatically adjust to show all of the objects.

Chapter 5 - Maps and the Map View

The Limits Page

The Limits page is located in the map properties.

Specify the map limits in the

Property Manager on the Limits page.

X Minimum
Set a custom X Minimum value by highlighting the existing value and typing a new value. The value
is in X data units (easting, longitude, etc). The minimum value must be less than the maximum

X Maximum
Set a custom X Maximum value by highlighting the existing value and typing a new value. The
value is in X data units (easting, longitude, etc). The maximum value must be greater than the
minimum value.

Y Minimum
Set a custom Y Minimum value by highlighting the existing value and typing a new value. The value
is in Y data units (northing, latitude, etc). The minimum value must be less than the maximum

Y Maximum
Set a custom Y Maximum value by highlighting the existing value and typing a new value. The
value is in Y data units (northing, latitude, etc). The maximum value must be greater than the
minimum value.

Use Data Limits

Check the box next to the Use Data Limits option to reset the map limits to the limits of all base
map and Wells layers. The scale of the map does not change automatically, so a change may be
necessary on the Scale tab.

Strater 5 User’s Guide

Fit All
Click the button to adjust the map limits to fit all of the objects into the view. This extends
the minimum and maximum values so that all labels and symbols are fully visible.

Map - Coordinate System

Maps can be displayed in any coordinate system. The map is displayed in the coordinate system
defined as the Target Coordinate System for the map. A coordinate system normally has a defined
projection and datum. If some map layers are using a different source coordinate system than the
map's target coordinate system, the map layer is converted to the map's Target Coordinate
System. The map's Target Coordinate System is the new coordinate system that you want to use to
project your X, Y coordinate data.

The Coordinate System page is located in the Property Manager when a Map object is selected.

Specify the map coordinate system on the Coordinate System page.

Coordinate System
Click the Change button next to Coordinate System to open the Assign Coordinate System
dialog. This dialog lets you set the desired target coordinate system. This is the coordinate system
in which you want the map to be displayed.

Map Limits and Changing Coordinate Systems

If the map has custom limits and an unreferenced coordinate system, changing the coordinate
system will change the map limits to the default limits.

If the map has custom limits and is currently referenced, changing the coordinate system will not
change the map limits to the default limits. Instead, the axis limits are converted to the new
coordinate system and properly limited in the new coordinate system.

Chapter 5 - Maps and the Map View

Info Page
The Info page for the Map or map layer contains information about the entire map or the selected

The Info tab contains information about the Base layer.

Source Name
The Source Name is the name of the file used to create the layer. The Source Name is not listed for
a Map object.

Objects in Group
The Objects in Group option displays the number of Base, Wells, and Axes that are in the current
Map or the number of individual items that are in the selected map layer.

Using Different Scaling in the X and Y Directions

Under some conditions, different map units are used for the X and Y directions.

Consider a map of the state of Montana. When you plot the map on a one to one scale, the map
appears stretched in the east-west direction. To understand this problem, consider that for Montana
the latitude ranges from 44.36° to 49°. The latitude for the center of the map is determined from
this to be 46.68°. The cosine of 46.68° is 0.686. The distance covered by one degree of longitude
at this latitude is only 0.686 times the distance covered by one degree of latitude. To reduce the
distortion on this map, you must correct for this difference.

You uncheck the Proportional XY scaling box on the Scale page and then set the map scaling so 1
unit in the X direction is not equal to 1 unit in the Y direction. The map is then plotted with different
scales in the X and Y directions.

Map Axes
Four axes are automatically created for each map in Strater. Axes are named by their relative
positions on the map and are called the Left Axis, Right Axis, Top Axis, and Bottom Axis. The Left
Axis and Right Axis are Y axes and display northing or latitude values. The Top Axis and Bottom
Axis are X axes and display easting or longitude values.

Strater 5 User’s Guide

The map axes are automatically created with default values that fit the wells.

By default, axis limits match the X, Y limits of all of the wells in the collars table used to create the
map. When a map is first created, the Left Axis and Bottom Axis display major ticks and tick labels.
The Top Axis and Right Axis display only major ticks. The tick spacing is automatically scaled so a
reasonable number of ticks are drawn along each axis. Tick scaling and label format parameters can
be independently specified for the axes on the map.

Editing Axes
To edit axes, click on the axis to select it. The axis properties are listed in the Property Manager
on the Ticks, Label, and Line tabs.

Axis Visibility
When the map is created, the axes are displayed automatically. You can turn off the display of any
or all of the axes on the map by enabling the visibility of the axis with the Object Manager. Check
the box adjacent to the axis name to turn on or off the axis.

Axis Position
Individual axes cannot be moved with the mouse. Open the axis properties by clicking on the axis
name in the Object Manager. To change the axis limits, click on the Map object and change the

Map axes can display both major and minor ticks. Major ticks can display tick labels. Minor ticks are
displayed at regular intervals between major ticks, and do not have associated tick labels. When
tick labels are displayed, all major ticks along the axis are represented with a label. The display and
spacing of tick marks is controlled from the Ticks page in the axis properties.

On this axis, two minor ticks are displayed between major ticks.

Selecting an Axis
Click an axis in the Object Manager or in the map view to select it. When selecting in the map
view, place the pointer on the tick marks or tick labels when clicking. Cyan circles appear at each
end of the selected axis. Because the axes are part of the map on which they are drawn, the eight
solid green square handles appear around the entire map. The axis is also highlighted in the Object
Manager. The properties for the axis are shown in the Property Manager.

Chapter 5 - Maps and the Map View

Other Axis Features

Other axis features are axis titles and grid lines. Axis titles can be placed on any of the axes and
are drawn in relation to the associated axis. Grid lines are drawn at the same position as the axis
tick marks.

Map View Axis Properties - Ticks Page

Axes can display both major and minor ticks. When a map is created, the display of major ticks is
on by default. Major ticks display tick labels along the axis. Minor ticks on an axis are not
represented with a tick label, and are not drawn on an axis by default. Minor ticks are defined as
the number of minor ticks to be drawn between adjacent major ticks.

Ticks Properties
The Ticks page controls the display of major and minor ticks, the position, and length of ticks.

Specify the axis tick properties in the

Property Manager on the Ticks page.

Tick Positions
Axes are a part of the map on which they are placed. Axes are drawn at the edge of the map,
covering the entire limits of the map. To set the tick positions to custom values, click the next to
Tick Positions to open the Tick Positions section.

Automatic Tick Marks

The Automatic Ticks option uses the limits of the map as the limits for the axes and uses a
reasonable tick mark spacing along the axis. When any parameters in the Tick Positions section are
changed, the Automatic Ticks check box is automatically unchecked. After making any changes, you
can return to the automatic settings by checking the Automatic Ticks box.

Strater 5 User’s Guide

First Major Tick

The First Major Tick option controls the major tick mark minimum value. This value is expressed in
data units. The First Major Tick does not need to be the same as the map minimum value, but it
cannot be less than the minimum value. To set the tick value, highlight the existing value and type
a new value. Press ENTER on the keyboard to make the change.

Last Major Tick

The Last Major Tick box controls the major tick mark maximum value. This value is expressed in
data units. The Last Major Tick does not need to be the same as the map maximum value but it
cannot be greater than the maximum value. To set the tick value, highlight the existing value and
type a new value. Press ENTER on the keyboard to make the change.

Major Interval
The Major Interval option controls the spacing, in data units, between major ticks along the
selected axis. The major tick marks occur at values

Tick = First major tick + n* Major interval n = 0, 1, ..., N

where N is the largest integer such that Tick ≤ Last Major Tick. Thus, a tick mark is placed at the
value of the Last Major Tick only if the interval (Last Major Tick - First Major Tick) is evenly divisible
by Major Interval. To change the interval, highlight the existing value and type a new value.

Major Ticks
The Major Ticks section controls the display of the major tick marks. Click the next to Major Ticks
to open the Major Ticks section.

Click the Style option to display a list of available styles for the tick marks. In the list, select the
desired tick mark location. Options include None, Outside, Inside, and Cross. If you do not want to
display ticks, select None from the list. Outside places the ticks on the outside of the axis. Inside
places ticks on the inside of the axis (in the map area). Cross places ticks on both the outside and
inside of the axis.

The Length option controls the length of the major tick marks. The tick lengths are in page units. To
change the length, highlight the existing value and type a new value or click the to increase or
decrease the value.

Minor Ticks
The Minor Ticks section controls the display of the minor tick marks. Click the next to Minor Ticks
to open the Minor Ticks section.

Click the Style option to display a list of available styles for the tick marks. In the list, select the
desired tick mark location. Options include None, Outside, Inside, and Cross. If you do not want to
display ticks, select None from the list. Outside places the ticks on the outside of the axis. Inside

Chapter 5 - Maps and the Map View

places ticks on the inside of the axis (in the map area). Cross places ticks on both the outside and
inside of the axis.

The Length box controls the length of the minor tick marks. The tick lengths are in page units. To
change the length, highlight the existing value and type a new value or click the to increase or
decrease the value.

Minor Ticks Per Major

To specify the number of minor ticks to draw between adjacent major ticks, enter the number into
the Minor Ticks Per Major box. This should be one less than the number of minor divisions you want
to appear between adjacent major ticks. Specify a value between 1 and 20.

For example, if you want the minor ticks to indicate 2 divisions, the Minor Ticks Per Major value
should be set to 1.

Map View Axis Properties - Label Page

Axes can display labels at each major tick marks. Axis labels can use any text properties.

Label Properties
The Label page controls the display, layout, format, and font properties of the axis tick labels and

Check the Show Label box to display labels

at the major tick marks for an axis.

Strater 5 User’s Guide

Tick Labels
The Tick Labels section contains the properties for the tick labels. Click the button to expand the
Tick Labels section.

Show Label
Tick labels are the numbers or text that appear at major tick mark locations. Tick labels indicate the
axis values in data units. Check the box next to the Show Label option to display labels at all major
tick marks for the selected axis.

Click the next to Layout to control the offset from the axis and the angle for the tick mark labels.

The Offset option controls how far away the tick labels are drawn from the tick marks. Positive
offset values move the tick mark label away from the axis. The offset values are set in page units.
To change the offset, highlight the existing value and type a new value or click the to increase
or decrease the offset spacing.

Label Angle
The Label angle option specifies the angle at which the tick labels are drawn. Positive angles rotate
each axis tick label in a counterclockwise direction. Values must be between 0 and 359 degrees. To
change the Label angle, highlight the existing value and type a new number or click the to
increase or decrease the angle.

Label Format
Click the next to Label Format to specify the numeric format properties for the axis labels.

Font Properties
Click the next to Font Properties to specify the font properties for the axis labels.

Axis Title
The Axis Title section contains the properties for the axis title. Click the button to expand the
Axis Title section.

Axis titles can use any text properties including math text formatting instructions. Click in the
empty box next to Axis Title to type the axis title. To add a new line of text, press the ENTER key
on the keyboard. When finished, click off the Axis Title input section to see the change on the map.

Offset Along Axis

The Title offset along axis controls the placement of the title along the axis. Positive offset values
move the axis title in the positive direction along the axis. The offset values are set in page units.

Chapter 5 - Maps and the Map View

To change the offset, highlight the existing value and type a new value or click the to increase
or decrease the offset value.

Offset From Axis

The Title offset from axis controls the placement of the title towards or away from the axis. Positive
offset values move the axis title away from the axis. The offset values are set in page units. To
change the offset, highlight the existing value and type a new value or click the to increase or
decrease the offset value.

Title Angle
The Title angle controls the angle at which the title is drawn. Positive angles rotate the title in a
counterclockwise direction. Values must be between 0 and 359 degrees. To change the Title angle,
highlight the existing value and type a new number or click the to increase or decrease the
angle value.

Font Properties
Click the next to Font Properties to specify the font properties for the axis title.

Map View Axis Properties - Line Page

The Line page for a selected axis controls the axis line and grid line properties for the axis. The
axis line is the line representing the axis and tick marks. Grid lines are a mesh over the top of the
map. Along an axis, grid lines can originate from the major ticks, minor ticks, or both. The major
and minor grid lines can use different line properties. Grid lines are drawn over the extent of the
map. For example, if you draw grid lines for an X axis (the Bottom Axis), the grid lines are drawn
parallel to the Y axis (Left Axis) over the entire map.

The axis Line page controls the

grid line properties for the selected axis.

Strater 5 User’s Guide

Axis Line Properties

The Line Properties under the Axis Line section of the Line page controls the display of the axis line
and tick marks. See the Line Properties topic for more information on editing line properties.

Major Grid Lines

If you want grid lines to extend from the major ticks, check the box next to the Show option in the
Major Grid Lines section.

Major Grid Lines Properties

The Line Properties under the Major Grid Line section controls the display of the major grid lines.
See the Line Properties topic for more information on editing line properties.

Minor Grid Lines

If you want grid lines to extend from the minor ticks, check the box next to the Show option in the
Minor Grid Lines section.

Minor Grid Lines Properties

The Line Properties under the Minor Grid Line section controls the display of the minor grid lines.
See the Line Properties topic for more information on editing line properties.

Add Base Layer

To add a base map to an existing map, click the Map | Add | Base Layer command or right-click
on an existing map and choose Add | Base Layer. Base maps display geographic and political
information such as roads, streams, lakes, or state and county boundaries. Base map files draw
objects at precise X, Y locations on a map and can contain points, polygons, polylines, text, and
images. Base maps can be created from many common map formats, including DXF, SHP, and a
variety of image formats.

The contours on this map are imported as a base map.

Base map files can be georeferenced with a georeferenced format, such as .GSR2 or .TFW, or by
referencing the base map after it is created as a base map on the Coordinate System tab. Images
in base maps can be georeferenced by clicking on the Image in the Object Manager and setting
the Image Properties in the Property Manager.

Chapter 5 - Maps and the Map View

Editing a Base Layer

If the properties of the base map should be the same as the other objects in the Map, the base map
properties can be edited by clicking on the Map in the Object Manager and editing the properties
in the Property Manager. This changes the properties for all layers in the map.

If the properties of the base map should be different than other objects in the Map, the Base map
layer should be selected. When the properties are edited while the Base layer is selected, all of the
objects in the base layer are changed to reflect the new properties.

Some base maps consist of multiple objects (i.e. polygons, polylines, text, etc.). The sub-objects
can be selected individually in the Object Manager and edited in the Property Manager.

Base Layer Properties

Base layers have different properties available, depending on the type of objects in the base layer.
The possible properties listed in the Property Manager are:
• Line
• Fill
• Symbol
• Font
• Coordinate System
• Info

Images in a base map have an Image Properties page, where extents for the image can be set.

Base Layer Properties

Line Properties
Use line properties to change line properties for selected lines in the view. To edit the line
properties, click on the object in the Object Manager or plot window to select it. The properties
are listed in the Property Manager. Default line properties are set in the File | Options dialog on
the Line page.

If the options on the Line tab are not available, a scheme is likely being used. Uncheck the
appropriate Use Keyword Scheme, Use Range Scheme, or Use Indent Keyword Scheme option to
turn off the display of the scheme properties and set the line properties on the Line tab.

The Line Properties section controls the

line properties for the selected object.

Strater 5 User’s Guide

Use Log Line Color

When editing the line properties of a scale bar for a line/symbol log, crossplot log, or function log,
the Use log line color property is available. When the Use log line color check box is checked, the
scale bar line color and opacity is linked to the log line color. The Color and Opacity properties on
the Line page are disabled when Use log line color is checked.

Click the line next Style to open the line style palette. Click on a style to use it for the selected line.
The line style sample updates to show the new selection. Click on the Custom button at the bottom
of the line style palette to specify a custom line style.

Click the color next to Color to open the color palette. Click on a color to use it for the selected line.
The color box and the sample line update to show the new selection. Click on the Custom button at
the bottom of the color palette to choose a custom color.

The Opacity changes the opacity (transparency) of the line. Values range between 0% (completely
transparent) to 100% (completely opaque). To change the opacity, highlight the existing value and
type a new value or click the to increase or decrease the opacity level.

Change the line Width by highlighting the existing value and typing a new number or by clicking the
to increase or decrease the line width. The line width can be zero to 0.5 inches (1.27 cm) wide.
A width of zero is one pixel wide.

End Styles
The End Styles section controls the arrow styles for the ends of the line. Click the button to
expand the End Styles section.

For polylines the Start style option is available. The Start adds an arrow to the starting point of the
polyline. To set the arrow style, click on the existing option and select the desired option. Available
options are None (no arrow drawn), Simple head, Filled head, Triangle head, and 2-Stick head.

End Style
For polylines the End style option is available. The End adds an arrow to the ending point of the
polyline. To set the arrow style, click on the existing option and select the desired option. Available
options are None (no arrow drawn), Simple head, Filled head, Triangle head, and 2-Stick head.

For polylines the Scale option is available. The Scale controls the relative size of the selected start
and end arrow styles. Values are between 0.001 and 100. To change the scale, highlight the
existing value and type a new value or click the to increase or decrease the arrow scale.

Chapter 5 - Maps and the Map View

Fill Properties
Fill properties can be changed for selected objects. To edit the fill properties, click on the object in
the Object Manager or plot window. The properties are listed in the Property Manager. Default
fill properties are set in the File | Options dialog by clicking on the Fill page.

If the options on the Fill tab are not available, a scheme is likely being used. Uncheck the
appropriate Use Keyword Scheme, Use Range Scheme, or Use Indent Keyword Scheme option to
turn off the display of the scheme properties and set the fill properties on the Fill tab.

Schemes and Fill Properties

Note that if a scheme is used in a log item, the fill properties will be unavailable on the Fill tab. You
must change the fill properties for the scheme in the Scheme Editor or turn off the display of the

Fill Properties Page

The object's fill is composed of layers of various fill types. All of the predefined fills have only one
layer. Custom fills created with the Fill Style Editor may have multiple layers of any type. Each
layer in the fill style has its own section in the Property Manager. The layers are listed in
descending order, i.e. the topmost layer is listed first, Layer 1 (<type>), followed by additional
layers. The following properties are displayed on the Fill page of the Property Manager.

Only the layer properties displayed in the Property Manager are included in this topic. To see
information about properties that are included in the Fill Style Editor, see the Fill Style Editor
topic. The image layer Load from property and the vector layer drawing area are only available in
the Fill Style Editor.

Log Fill Background

For many of the log objects, the Fill page includes a Fill background check box. If the box next to
Fill background is checked, the background area is filled. If the box next to Fill background is
unchecked, the background is not filled. To change the Fill background, check or uncheck the box.
The Fill Properties section below the Fill background property controls the background fill.
Legend Fill Background
When a legend is selected, the Fill page contains the fill options for the legend background. The
Frame style on the Line page must be set to Rectangle or Rounded Rectangle for the legend to
display a background fill. When the Frame style is set to None, the background fill is not displayed
regardless of the Fill page settings. If you wish to display a background fill but not a frame line,
then set the Frame style to Rectangle or Rounded Rectangle. Next set Style in the Line Properties
section to Invisible. Finally set the desired background properties on the Fill page.

Strater 5 User’s Guide

The Fill page in the Property Manager controls the

fill properties for the selected object.

Fill Style
The Style indicates the way that an object is filled. To change the Style, click on the existing fill
style next to Style. In the list, select a new style from the fill palette. Create custom fill styles with
the Fill Style Editor. Click the next to the Style field to open the Fill Style Editor to modify or
create a fill style.

Each layer in the selected fill style is displayed in its own section. The layers are listed in order from
top to bottom. The layer name is Layer n (type), where n is the layer position and type is the layer
type. A layer preview is displayed to the right of the layer name. The six layer types are Solid,
Stock, Image, Gradient, Vector, and Line. Click the button to expand the layer properties.

Solid Layer Properties

The properties for a solid layer are Color and Opacity.

Expand a Solid layer to edit the layer's properties.

Chapter 5 - Maps and the Map View

The Color is the color of the solid fill. Click the existing color sample next to Color to open the color
palette. Click on a color in the palette to use it for the layer's fill color. Click the button to open
the Colors dialog and create custom colors, use the dropper to select a color, or select the color
from a color wheel.

The Opacity controls the transparency of the solid fill style. To change the Opacity, highlight the
existing value and type a new value. Press ENTER on the keyboard to make the change.
Alternatively, click and drag the slider to increase or decrease the opacity value. Opacity
values are between 0% (zero opacity, full transparency) to 100% (full opacity, zero transparency).

Stock Layer Properties

The properties for a stock layer are Pattern, Foreground color, Foreground opacity, Background
color, and Background opacity.

Expand a Stock layer to edit the layer's properties.

The Pattern indicates the way the stock layer is filled. To change the Pattern, click on the existing
pattern sample next to Pattern. Select a new style from the pattern palette.

Foreground Color
The Foreground color is the color of the pattern. Click the existing color sample next to Foreground
color to open the color palette. Click on a color in the palette to use it for the selected foreground
fill color. Click the button to open the Colors dialog and create custom colors, use the dropper
to select a color, or select the color from a color wheel.

Strater 5 User’s Guide

Foreground Opacity
The Foreground opacity controls the transparency of the foreground portion of the pattern. To
change the Foreground opacity, highlight the existing value and type a new value. Press ENTER on
the keyboard to make the change. Alternatively, click and drag the slider to increase or
decrease the opacity value. Opacity values are between 0% (zero opacity, full transparency) to
100% (full opacity, zero transparency).

Background Color
The Background color is the color behind the pattern. Click the existing color sample next to
Background color to open the color palette. Click on a color in the palette to use it for the
background fill color. Click the button to open the Colors dialog and create custom colors.

Background Opacity
The Background opacity controls the transparency of the background portion of the pattern. To
change the Background opacity, highlight the existing value and type a new value. Press ENTER on
the keyboard to make the change. Alternatively, click and drag the slider to increase or
decrease the opacity value. Opacity values are between 0% (zero opacity, full transparency) to
100% (full opacity, zero transparency).

If the stock layer is above other layers in the fill style, the Background opacity must be less than
100% to see the layers below. To make a fill pattern appear transparent with only the foreground
portion of the fill pattern showing, change the Background Opacity value to 0%.

Image Layer Properties

The properties for an image layer are Pattern, Opacity, Stretch, Image Offset (X and Y), and Image
Scale (X, Y, and Proportional).

Expand an Image layer to edit the layer's properties.

Chapter 5 - Maps and the Map View

The Pattern property is used to add image layers from predefined or custom image fill styles. To
change the image layer, click the current option for an image layer Pattern and select a predefined
image layer or a custom image layer from the image palette. Only image fills with a single layer are
included in the image palette.

The Opacity controls the transparency of the image fill style. To change the Opacity, highlight the
existing value and type a new value. Press ENTER on the keyboard to make the change.
Alternatively, click and drag the slider to increase or decrease the opacity value. Opacity
values are between 0% (zero opacity, full transparency) to 100% (full opacity, zero transparency).

The Stretch is used with image patterns. The Stretch determines how the image is used to fill the
desired area. When the Stretch check box is checked, the image is stretched to fit the fill area.
When the Stretch check box is not checked the image is tiled in the fill area.

The image fill on the left has the Stretch box checked. The image on
the right has the Stretch box unchecked.

Image Offset
Offset the image in the fill layer by typing a value in pixels in the X or Y fields in the Image Offset
section. You can also change the X and Y image offset values by clicking the buttons.

Image Scale
The Image Scale properties control the density of the image fill. Change the image scale by typing
a value in the X or Y fields in the Image Scale section. The Image Scale properties are ignored
when the Stretch property is checked. You can also change the X and Y image scale values by
clicking the buttons.

When the Proportional check box is checked, the X and Y values automatically update to maintain
the current aspect ratio. Uncheck the Proportional check box to apply different scaling in the X and
Y directions.

Strater 5 User’s Guide

Note that the Proportional property does not lock the X and Y values to any specific aspect ratio but
to whichever ratio is in use when the box is checked. For example, assume you want the X:Y ratio
to be 2:1, but you do not know which Image Scale values are desired. You can uncheck the
Proportional check box. Next set the X value to 2 and the Y value to 1. Check the Proportional
check box. Now when you adjust one of the X or Y values, the other value updates automatically to
maintain the 2:1 ratio.

Gradient Layer Properties

The properties for a gradient layer are Type, Direction, and Colormap.

Expand a Gradient layer to edit the layer's properties.

The Type controls how a gradient fill pattern is used to fill the selected area. To change the Type,
click on the current type and select the new type in the list. Select Linear or Radial for the Type.
When the Type is set to Linear, a linear color gradient fills the area. The colors change in a linear
manner from the top to the bottom or from the left to the right of the area. When the Type is set to
Radial, a radial color gradient fills the area. The colors change in concentric circles, either
expanding from the interior and going out or from the exterior and going in.

The Radial type is shown on the left and

the Linear type is shown on the right.

Chapter 5 - Maps and the Map View

The Direction option sets the direction the gradient fills. When the Type is set to Linear, choose
either Vertical or Horizontal for the Direction. The Vertical option sets the gradient to change along
the Y axis. The Horizontal option sets the gradient to change along the X axis. When Radial is
selected as the Type, the Direction options are Inward and Outward. This reverses the color


The Colormap option sets the colors to use in the gradient pattern. Click the button to select or
create a color gradient in the Colormap dialog.

Vector Layer Properties

The properties for a vector layer are Color and Opacity.

Expand a Vector layer to edit the layer's properties.

The Color is the color of the lines in the vector fill. Click the existing color sample next to Color to
open the color palette. Click on a color in the palette to use it for the layer's line color. Click the
button to open the Colors dialog and create custom colors, use the dropper to select a color, or
select the color from a color wheel.

The Opacity controls the transparency of the lines in the vector fill. To change the Opacity, highlight
the existing value and type a new value. Press ENTER on the keyboard to make the change.
Alternatively, click and drag the slider to increase or decrease the opacity value. Opacity
values are between 0% (zero opacity, full transparency) to 100% (full opacity, zero transparency).

Strater 5 User’s Guide

Line Layer Properties

The properties for a Line layer are Color, Opacity, Angle, Offset, Separation, and Width.

Expand a Line layer to edit the layer's properties.

The Color is the color of the lines in the line fill layer. Click the existing color sample next to Color
to open the color palette. Click on a color in the palette to use it for the layer's line color. Click the
button to open the Colors dialog and create custom colors, use the dropper to select a color, or
select the color from a color wheel.

The Opacity controls the transparency of the lines in the line fill layer. To change the Opacity,
highlight the existing value and type a new value. Press ENTER on the keyboard to make the
change. Alternatively, click and drag the slider to increase or decrease the opacity value.
Opacity values are between 0% (zero opacity, full transparency) to 100% (full opacity, zero

Change the angle of the lines by typing a value in degrees in the Angle field or clicking and
dragging the slider . Positive values rotate the lines clockwise.

Chapter 5 - Maps and the Map View

Change the vertical offset between the lines and the pattern's origin by typing a value between -
0.25 and 0.25 inches in the Offset field. You can also change the Offset value by clicking the

Change the separation between the lines by typing a value between 0 and 0.25 inches in the
Separation field. You can also change the Separation value by clicking the buttons.

Change the line Width by highlighting the existing value and typing a new number or by clicking the
to increase or decrease the line width. The line width can be zero to 0.5 inches (1.27 cm) wide.
A width of zero is one pixel wide.

Symbol Properties
Symbol properties can be changed for selected objects in the borehole, map view, or cross section
view windows. Default symbol properties are set by clicking the File | Options command.

Custom symbols can be created using a third party TrueType font editing software.

If the options on the Symbol tab are not available, a scheme is likely being used. Uncheck the
appropriate Use Keyword Scheme, Use Range Scheme, or Use Indent Keyword Scheme option to
turn off the display of the scheme properties and set the symbol properties on the Symbol tab.

Set the symbol properties for the

selected object in the Property Manager.

Strater 5 User’s Guide

Log Symbol Properties

The following two properties are available for the curves on a line/symbol log or function log. The
Frequency property is available for the curves on a crossplot log.

Active Variable
The symbol properties are independently controlled for each of the variables in the log. Edit a
variable's line/symbol plot by selecting the variable the Active variable field. Select the desired
variable by clicking the current selection in the Active variable field and select the variable from the

Symbol Frequency
In addition to the standard symbol options, the line/symbol log has a Frequency option. Symbols
can be displayed on the log by setting the Frequency to a number greater than zero. A frequency of
1 posts every point as a symbol on the log. A frequency of 2 posts every other point, etc.
Frequency can be used to thin the number of displayed data points to avoid overwriting each other.
The Frequency value can be from 0 to 1000.

Symbol Properties
Click the button to expand the Symbol Properties section and edit the selected object's symbol

The Symbol is the symbol that is displayed for the selected object. To change the Symbol, click on
the existing symbol. The symbol palette is displayed. Click on the new symbol. The object is
automatically updated to show the new symbol.

The symbol index is the symbol or glyph number as it appears in the title bar above the palette and
adjacent to the symbol in the Property Manager.

Symbol Set
The Symbol Set displays the font that is currently used for the symbol. To change the Symbol Set,
click on the existing symbol set name. In the list, select a new font from the list. All TrueType fonts
are listed in the Symbol Set.

Fill Color
The Fill Color is the inside color of the symbol, when the selected symbol is a solid filled symbol. To
change the Fill Color of the symbol, click on the existing Fill Color and select a new color from the
color palette. Create new colors by clicking the Custom button at the bottom of the color palette.

Fill Opacity
The Fill Opacity controls the transparency of the filled portion of the symbol. To change the Fill
Opacity, highlight the existing value and type a new value. Press ENTER on the keyboard to make
the change. Alternatively, click on the button to increase or decrease the opacity value. Opacity
values are between 0% (zero opacity, full transparency) to 100% (full opacity, zero transparency).

Chapter 5 - Maps and the Map View

Line Color
The Line Color is the outside edge color of the symbol. To change the symbol outline color, click on
the existing Line Color and select a new color from the color palette. Create new colors by clicking
the Custom button at the bottom of the color palette.

Line Opacity
The Line Opacity controls the transparency of the line around the symbol. To change the Line
Opacity, highlight the existing value and type a new value. Press ENTER on the keyboard to make
the change. Alternatively, click on the button to increase or decrease the opacity value. Opacity
values are between 0% (zero opacity, full transparency) to 100% (full opacity, zero transparency).

The Size controls the symbol size. This is the size of the full symbol box, not just the symbol glyph.
To change the Size of the symbol, highlight the existing value and type a new number in the box.
Alternatively, click on the button to increase or decrease the size of the symbol. Symbol sizes
are between 0.0 and 4.0 inches (0.0 and 10.16 centimeters) and are shown in page units.

Font Properties
Font properties can be changed for most text objects, including labels. Use the following options to
change the text values.

The Font section displays the options for setting the font properties.

Strater 5 User’s Guide

Use the Face option to change the font for the text. All TrueType fonts are listed in the font list. to
change the font, click on the existing option and select the desired font from the list.


Set the text size in the Points field by scrolling to a new number using the or by highlighting the
existing value and typing a number into the box. Sizes are in points.

Foreground Color
Change the Foreground Color of the text by clicking on the color box. Select a new color by clicking
on a color in the color palette. You can create new colors by clicking the Custom button at the
bottom of the color palette.

Foreground Opacity
Use the Foreground Opacity to change the opacity of the text. 0% is completely transparent and
100% is completely opaque. To change the value, highlight the existing value and type a new value

or click the to increase or decrease the value.

Use Background to change the color fill of a background rectangle that surrounds the text. Click the
color box and select from the palette or click Custom to select a custom color.

Background Opacity
Use Background Opacity to change the opacity of the background. 0% is completely transparent
and 100% is completely opaque. To change the value, highlight the existing value and type a new

value or click the to increase or decrease the value.

In most places text options will appear in the Property Manager. In these case, check the box
next to the Bold, Italic, Underline, and Strikethrough options to apply one or more of those text
styles. Note that some typefaces, such as Symbol, do not support bold or italicized text.

Horizontal Alignment
Use Horizontal Alignment to place text horizontally in the selected object. The reference point for
alignment is the exact center of the object.
• Left horizontally aligns a text box so that the reference point is to the left of the text box. For
labels in bar, zone bar, and complex text logs, Left aligns the label to the left side of the bar.
• Center horizontally centers the text box on the reference point. For labels in bar, zone bar,
and complex text logs, Center aligns the label in the center of the bar.
• Right horizontally aligns the text box so that the reference point is to the right of the text
box. For labels in bar, zone bar, and complex text logs, Right aligns the label to the right side
of the bar.

Vertical Alignment
Use Vertical Alignment to place default text vertically in the selected object. The reference point for
alignment is the exact center of the object.

Chapter 5 - Maps and the Map View

• Top vertically aligns the text box so that the reference point is above the text box. For labels
in bar, zone bar, and complex text logs, Top aligns the label at the top of the bar.
• Center vertically centers the text box on the reference point. For labels in bar, zone bar, and
complex text logs, Center aligns the label in the center of the bar.
• Baseline vertically aligns the text box so that the reference point is located at the base of the
text. The baseline is the imaginary line along which characters are positioned as they are
drawn. Descenders on characters are drawn below the baseline. For labels in bar, zone bar,
and complex text logs, Baseline aligns the baseline of the label at the center of the bar.
• Bottom vertically aligns the text box so that the reference point is below the text box. For
labels in bar, zone bar, and complex text logs, Bottom aligns the label at the bottom of the

Source Coordinate System - Map Layer

Maps can be created from data loaded in a table view or base map files in any coordinate
system. The Source Coordinate System is the coordinate system for the collars table data or base
map used to create a map layer. A coordinate system normally has a defined projection and
datum. If some map layers are using a different source coordinate system than what you want the
map to display, the map layer is converted to the map's Target Coordinate System.

The Coordinate System Page

The Coordinate System page is located in the Property Manager when a base or well layer
object is selected.

Specify the map layer coordinate system on the Coordinate System page.

Coordinate System
Click the Set button next to Coordinate System to open the Assign Coordinate System dialog.
This dialog lets you set the source coordinate system. This is the coordinate system for the original
data or base map.

Info Page
The Info page for the Map or map layer contains information about the entire map or the selected

Strater 5 User’s Guide

The Info tab contains information about the Base layer.

Source Name
The Source Name is the name of the file used to create the layer. The Source Name is not listed for
a Map object.

Objects in Group
The Objects in Group option displays the number of Base, Wells, and Axes that are in the current
Map or the number of individual items that are in the selected map layer.

Create Well Map

Click the Map | Create | Well Map command to create a new well map. The Open Collars File
dialog is displayed, where you select the collars data from a data file or an open table. Only collars
tables are displayed in the Use Open Table section of the Open Collars File dialog when creating a
new well map. If a blank map view is available, the map is created in that map view, otherwise, the
map is created in a new map view.

A Wells map layer contains the wells and well selector lines in the map. The wells that appear are in
the same collars table.

Each well from the collars table is shown as a symbol, with labels.
The map also shows a well selector as a red line.

Adding a Well Layer to an Existing Map

New map containing a single Wells layer is created with the Map | Create | Well Map command.
Additional Wells layers can be added to the existing map with the Map | Add | Well Layer
command. Click the Map | Add | Well Layer command or right-click on an existing map and
choose Add | Well Layer to add a new Well Locations map layer to an existing map. Creating

Chapter 5 - Maps and the Map View

multiple Wells maps allows wells from different collars files to be displayed on the same map. It
also allows different schemes to apply to different types of wells.

Editing a Wells Layer

If the properties of the Wells layer should be the same as the other objects in the Map, the wells
properties can be edited by clicking on the Map in the Object Manager and editing the properties
in the Property Manager. This changes the properties for all layers in the map.

If the properties of the Wells layer should be different than other objects in the Map, the Wells map
layer should be selected. When the properties are edited while the Wells layer is selected, all of the
objects in the wells layer are changed to reflect the new properties.

The sub-object well selector line and wells can be selected individually in the Object Manager and
edited in the Property Manager.

Wells Layer Properties

Wells layers have different properties available. The possible properties listed in the Property
Manager are:
• Wells
• Label
• Line
• Symbol
• Coordinate System

Updating Well Data

Occasionally, a Wells layer will not update properly, leaving a deviation path for the well, but
removing the well symbol when changing the visibility of an individual well in the Object Manager.
When this happens, there are two things that can be done to make the wells appear correct:
• Click on the Wells layer and click the Deviation Path tab in the Property Manager.
Uncheck the box next to the Show Deviation Path option. Recheck the box and the well will
appear correctly.
• Click the File | Options command. Click on General on the left side of the dialog. On the
right side, check the box next to Reload Data When Opening Project. Close the file and
reopen it. The wells will display properly.

Wells Layer Properties

Wells Layer - Wells Page
A Wells layer contains the wells and well selector lines in the map. The wells that appear are in the
same collars table. Wells maps are created with the Map | Create | Well Map command.
Additional Wells maps can be added to the existing map with the Map | Add | Well Layer
command. The Wells page of the Property Manager contains general wells properties and
deviation path properties.

Strater 5 User’s Guide

Each well from the collars table is shown as a symbol, with labels.
The map also shows a well selector as a red line.

Collars Table
The Collars table displays the name of the collars table. To change the collars table, click on the
existing collar table name and select the desired collars table from the list. All collars tables in the
project will be included in the list.

Use Keyword Scheme For Symbols

Check the box next to Use keyword scheme for symbols to use a keyword scheme to assign
symbols to the wells. When this box is checked, the options on the Symbol tab are not available
and the symbols vary, as determined by the selected Keyword column and Keyword scheme. When
this box is unchecked, all symbols are the same and are determined by the symbol properties set
on the Symbol page.

The keyword scheme is used by default and is based on the type, keyword, or symbol column found
in the collars table. If these columns are not found, the default symbol properties are used for all
symbols in the well map.

Use Keyword Scheme For Label Font

Check the box next to Use keyword scheme for label font to use a keyword scheme for the font
label properties for the wells. When this box is checked, the Font options on the Label tab are not
available and the font properties vary, as determined by the selected Keyword column and Keyword
scheme. When this box is unchecked, all label font properties are the same and are determined by
the font properties set on the Label page.

Chapter 5 - Maps and the Map View

Keyword Column
The Keyword column is the column in the collars table that is used to determine the symbol and
font label properties. Any column can be used. To change the column, click on the existing option
and select the desired column from the list. If no keyword column is desired, uncheck the box next
to Use keyword scheme for symbols or Use keyword scheme for label font options.

Keyword Scheme
The Keyword scheme is the scheme currently used to determine the symbol or font label properties
for all of the wells in the Wells layer. To change the scheme, click on the existing scheme. In the
list, select the desired scheme and the wells automatically update to the new scheme name.
Alternatively, click on the scheme name. Click the to open the Scheme Editor.

Objects in Group
The Objects in group option lists the number of objects in the currently selected Wells layer. This
includes all wells and all well selector lines. This option is not editable.

Show Deviation Path

Check the box next to Show deviation path to turn on the display of deviation lines on the map.
Uncheck the box to turn off the deviation lines on the map, showing only the top of the well

Deviation Table
The Deviation table is the table from which the Hole inclination column (or Hole dip column), and
Hole azimuth column are read. Available options are [Collars Table], [Survey Table], and any other
depth or interval tables that have already been loaded into the project. [Collars Table] loads the
collars table used to create the well location map. The collars table is specified on the Wells tab
when a well location map is selected. [Survey Table] loads the information from all survey tables in
the project. A well should only be included in a single survey table. Selecting any of the other tables
activates the Hole inclination column (or Hole dip column) and the Hole azimuth column. To change
the Deviation table, click on the existing option and select the desired option from the list. If no
table should be used, uncheck the box next to Show deviation path.

When recorded in a collars table, the inclination (or dip) and azimuth apply to the entire well
length. When recorded in a survey table, the inclination (or dip) and azimuth apply from the depth
to the next recorded depth. When set to one of the depth or interval tables, each well is updated
independently from each other well using the information in the specific tables.

Hole Inclination, Hole Dip, and Azimuth Columns

The Hole Inclination Column (or Hole Dip Column) is used in combination with the Hole Azimuth
Column to calculate the true vertical depth for the hole. Either Hole Inclination Column or Hole Dip
Column is displayed. To control whether inclination or dip is used, click the File | Options
command. In the Options dialog, check or uncheck the Use Hole Dip Instead Of Inclination option.

Inclination is the angle the borehole is oriented in degrees and varies from 0 to 180. 0 indicates
vertical pointing down, 90 indicates horizontal, and 180 indicates vertical pointing up. Negative and
positive inclination values are treated the same for depth calculations. Negative inclination values
are treated differently for well path calculations in the cross section and map views. A negative
inclination changes the direction (azimuth) to the opposite of the similar positive inclination. For
example, the azimuth value of 90 and inclination of 45 describes the same orientation as the
azimuth value of 270 and inclination of -45 degrees. Both combinations describe an eastward
direction at 45 degrees down from the horizontal plane.

Strater 5 User’s Guide

Dip is an alternate method of calculating the angle the borehole is oriented. Dip is oriented in
degrees and varies from -90 to 90. -90 indicates vertical pointing down, 0 indicates horizontal, and
+90 indicates vertical pointing up.

Azimuth is the compass orientation of the well's deviation, in degrees and varies from 0 (true
vertical north) to 360. Azimuth values are measured relative to true north (not grid north in the
local coordinate system).

To set the Hole Inclination Column or Hole Dip Column, click on the existing option and select the
desired option from the list. Available options are [Unspecified], [From collars table:collars name],
[From survey table: survey name], or data columns in the existing Curve Table. When one column
is set to unspecified or survey table, the other column automatically changes to the same option.
When recorded in a collars table, the inclination/dip and azimuth apply to the entire well length.
When recorded in a survey table, the inclination/dip and azimuth apply from the depth to the next
recorded depth. When set to one of the columns in the existing table, each log is updated
independently from each other log using the information in the specific depth or interval tables. If
the Hole Inclination Column for the log is set to [Unspecified], an inclination value of 0 is used for
the calculations. No difference will be visible for the log when changing the Depth Method to True
Vertical Depth.

TVD Calculation Method

When the Show deviation path is checked, the displayed depth value is calculated using the depth
from the table and the azimuth and inclination. The TVD calculation method determines how the
values are combined to get the true vertical depth. Available options are Tangential, Average
Tangential, Balanced Tangential, Radius of Curvature, and Minimum Curvature. The default is
Minimum Curvature, which provides a good estimate of the true vertical depth. To change the
calculation method, click on the existing option and select the desired option from the list.

Depth Units
Select the depth unit type from the Depth units list. The units selected here should match the units
of the depth data in the Deviation table. To change the Depth units, click on the existing option and
selected the desired measurement from the list.

Well Deviation Remains after Turning Off Display of Well

Occasionally, a Wells layer will not update properly, leaving a deviation path for the well, but
removing the well symbol when changing the visibility of an individual well in the Object Manager.
When this happens, there are two things that can be done to make the wells appear correct:
• Click on the Wells layer and click the Deviation Path tab in the Property Manager.
Uncheck the box next to the Show Deviation Path option. Recheck the box and the well will
appear correctly.
• Click the File | Options command. Click on General on the left side of the dialog. On the
right side, check the box next to Reload Data When Opening Project. Close the file and
reopen it. The wells will display properly.

Wells Layer - Label Page

A Wells layer contains the wells and well selector lines in the map. The wells that appear are in the
same collars table. Wells maps are created with the Map | Create | Well Map command.
Additional Wells layers can be added to the existing map with the Map | Add | Well Layer

Chapter 5 - Maps and the Map View

To edit the labels displayed on the Wells layer, click on the Wells map layer in the Object
Manager. The Wells properties are listed in the Property Manager. Click on the Label tab to
display labels for all wells and change the label properties.

To move the label for an individual well, click on that well name in the Object Manager. Then, set
the Label Layout in the Property Manager.

Display well ID labels, coordinate labels, or any column

from the collars table as labels on the Wells map layer.

Label 1, Label 2, Label 3

Each well can have up to three different labels. To display a label, click on the existing option and
select the desired label from the list. Available options are [None], Coordinates, Hole ID, and all
columns listed in the collars table on the Wells tab for the well location map. If no labels are
desired, set Label 1, Label 2, and Label 3 to [None]. Select Coordinates to display the X and Y
coordinates for all wells on the Wells layer. The coordinates are shown as (X,Y) for each well. Select
Hole ID to show the well name for each well. Select any of the other columns to display labels from
that column for each well.

Click the next to Layout to open the Layout section. This section positions the labels around the

Offset Method
The Offset method lists the locations around the wells where the labels are positioned. Available
options are Center, Left, Top, Right, Bottom, or User defined. To change the position, click on the
existing option and select the desired location from the list.

Strater 5 User’s Guide

Custom Offset Amount

The X offset and Y offset control how far away the labels are drawn from the well location when the
Offset method is set to User defined. Changing the X offset moves the labels horizontally. Changing
the Y offset moves the labels vertically. Positive values move the labels right and up on the page.
The offset amount is in page units and refers to the location away from the well location where the
center of the labels will be located. To change the value, highlight the existing value and type a new
value or click the to increase or decrease the distance from the well. Values are between -2 and
2 inches.

Label Angle
The Label angle option specifies the angle at which the labels are drawn. Positive angles rotate label
in a counterclockwise direction. Values must be between 0 and 360 degrees. To change the Label
angle, highlight the existing value and type a new number or click the to increase or decrease
the angle.

Label Format
Click the next to Label Format to open the numeric format properties section. The format
properties apply to all of the well labels in the Wells map layer.

Font Properties
Click the next to Font Properties to open the font properties section. The font properties apply to
all of the well labels in the Wells map layer. The size, color, text properties and horizontal alignment
of the multiple lines of labels can be set. If the options in the font properties section are not
available, click on the Wells tab and uncheck the box next to the Use keyword scheme for label
font option.

Line Properties
Use line properties to change line properties for selected lines in the view. To edit the line
properties, click on the object in the Object Manager or plot window to select it. The properties
are listed in the Property Manager. Default line properties are set in the File | Options dialog on
the Line page.

If the options on the Line tab are not available, a scheme is likely being used. Uncheck the
appropriate Use Keyword Scheme, Use Range Scheme, or Use Indent Keyword Scheme option to
turn off the display of the scheme properties and set the line properties on the Line tab.

Chapter 5 - Maps and the Map View

The Line Properties section controls the

line properties for the selected object.

Use Log Line Color

When editing the line properties of a scale bar for a line/symbol log, crossplot log, or function log,
the Use log line color property is available. When the Use log line color check box is checked, the
scale bar line color and opacity is linked to the log line color. The Color and Opacity properties on
the Line page are disabled when Use log line color is checked.

Click the line next Style to open the line style palette. Click on a style to use it for the selected line.
The line style sample updates to show the new selection. Click on the Custom button at the bottom
of the line style palette to specify a custom line style.

Click the color next to Color to open the color palette. Click on a color to use it for the selected line.
The color box and the sample line update to show the new selection. Click on the Custom button at
the bottom of the color palette to choose a custom color.

The Opacity changes the opacity (transparency) of the line. Values range between 0% (completely
transparent) to 100% (completely opaque). To change the opacity, highlight the existing value and
type a new value or click the to increase or decrease the opacity level.

Change the line Width by highlighting the existing value and typing a new number or by clicking the
to increase or decrease the line width. The line width can be zero to 0.5 inches (1.27 cm) wide.
A width of zero is one pixel wide.

End Styles
The End Styles section controls the arrow styles for the ends of the line. Click the button to
expand the End Styles section.

Strater 5 User’s Guide

For polylines the Start style option is available. The Start adds an arrow to the starting point of the
polyline. To set the arrow style, click on the existing option and select the desired option. Available
options are None (no arrow drawn), Simple head, Filled head, Triangle head, and 2-Stick head.

End Style
For polylines the End style option is available. The End adds an arrow to the ending point of the
polyline. To set the arrow style, click on the existing option and select the desired option. Available
options are None (no arrow drawn), Simple head, Filled head, Triangle head, and 2-Stick head.

For polylines the Scale option is available. The Scale controls the relative size of the selected start
and end arrow styles. Values are between 0.001 and 100. To change the scale, highlight the
existing value and type a new value or click the to increase or decrease the arrow scale.

Wells Layer - Symbol Page

A Wells map contains the wells and well selector lines in the map. The wells that appear are in the
same collars table. Well maps are created with the Map | Create | Well Map command. Additional
Wells maps can be added to the existing map with the Map | Add | Well Layer command.

Editing Symbols
There are four ways to edit the symbols displayed on the Wells layer: editing the symbols for the
Map object, for the Wells layer, individually, or through a scheme.

If the symbol properties should be the same as the other objects in the Map, the symbol properties
can be edited by clicking on the Map in the Object Manager and editing the symbol properties in
the Property Manager. This changes the symbol properties for all layers in the map.

If the symbol properties for the wells map should be different than other objects in the Map, but all
wells in the current wells map should be edited together, the Wells map layer should be selected.
When the symbol properties are edited while the Wells layer is selected, all of the symbols in the
wells layer are changed to reflect the new properties. To edit all of the symbols in a single wells
layer, click on the Wells map layer in the Object Manager. The Wells properties are listed in the
Property Manager. Click on the Symbol tab to display symbols for all wells and change the
symbol properties. If a scheme should be used, click on the Wells tab and check the Use Keyword
Scheme For Symbols option. Uncheck this box to set the symbol properties on the Symbol tab.

The individual wells can have different symbol properties. To edit individual wells, click on the well
name in the Object Manager and edit the symbol properties in the Property Manager. If the
options on the Symbol tab are not available, uncheck the Use Keyword Scheme For Symbols option
on the Wells tab.

If changing the Map symbols, Wells symbols, or the individual well symbols shows no change on the
wells in the map, a keyword scheme may be in use by the Wells layer. To turn off the display of the
keyword scheme, click on the Wells layer to select it. Click on the Wells tab. Uncheck the box next
to Use Keyword Scheme For Symbols and the wells can be set to the symbol from the Map or Wells,
or individual wells edited separately.

Chapter 5 - Maps and the Map View

Specify the Wells symbol properties in the

Property Manager on the Symbol page.

Show Path End Symbol

Check the box next to Show path end symbol to place a symbol at the bottom of each well's
deviation path. Click the next to Show path end symbol to set the end symbol properties,
including the symbol size and color.

Symbol Properties
Click the next to Symbol to set the symbol properties, including the symbol size and color, when
a keyword scheme is not used. Set the Keyword Scheme on the Wells tab.

Source Coordinate System - Map Layer

Maps can be created from data loaded in a table view or base map files in any coordinate
system. The Source Coordinate System is the coordinate system for the collars table data or base
map used to create a map layer. A coordinate system normally has a defined projection and
datum. If some map layers are using a different source coordinate system than what you want the
map to display, the map layer is converted to the map's Target Coordinate System.

The Coordinate System Page

The Coordinate System page is located in the Property Manager when a base or well layer
object is selected.

Strater 5 User’s Guide

Specify the map layer coordinate system on the Coordinate System page.

Coordinate System
Click the Set button next to Coordinate System to open the Assign Coordinate System dialog.
This dialog lets you set the source coordinate system. This is the coordinate system for the original
data or base map.

Well - Symbol Page

To edit individual well symbols on a map, click on the well in the Object Manager.

Click on the individual well, such as

DH-9, to edit only that well's symbol properties.

The symbol properties for the selected well are located in the Property Manager. Editing
individual wells allows each well to have separate symbol properties. The Label Layout for the
selected well can also be changed.

Chapter 5 - Maps and the Map View

Editing All Wells in the Wells Layer

If the properties of the Wells layer should be the same as the other objects in the Map, the wells
properties can be edited by clicking on the Map in the Object Manager and editing the properties
in the Property Manager. This changes the symbol properties for all layers in the map.

If the symbol properties of the wells layer should be different than other objects in the Map, the
Wells map layer should be selected. When the properties are edited while the Wells layer is
selected, all of the objects in the wells layer are changed to reflect the new properties.

If changing the Map symbols or the individual well symbols shows no change on the wells in the
map, a keyword scheme may be in use by the Wells layer. To turn off the display of the keyword
scheme, click on the Wells layer to select it. Click on the Symbol tab. Uncheck the box next to Use
Keyword Scheme and the wells can be set to the symbol from the Map or individual wells edited

Wells Layer - Label Page

To move the label for an individual well, click on that well name in the Object Manager.

Click on the individual well, such as

DH-9, to edit only that well's properties.

Then, set the Labels properties in the Property Manager.

Set the position for individual

wells on the Labels tab.

Strater 5 User’s Guide

Offset Types
The Offset Types lists the locations around the wells where the labels are positioned. Available
options are Center, Left, Top, Right, Bottom, or User Defined. To change the position, click on the
existing option and select the desired location from the list.

Custom Offset Amount

The X Offset and Y Offset control how far away the labels are drawn from the well location when the
Offset Types is set to User Defined. Changing the X Offset moves the labels horizontally. Changing
the Y Offset moves the labels vertically. Positive values move the labels right and up on the page.
The offset amount is in page units and refers to the location away from the well location where the
center of the labels will be located. To change the value, highlight the existing value and type a new

value or click the to increase or decrease the distance from the well. Values are between -2 and
2 inches.

The Angle option specifies the angle at which the labels are drawn. Positive angles rotate label in a
counterclockwise direction. Values must be between 0 and 360 degrees. To change the Angle,

highlight the existing value and type a new number or click the to increase or decrease the

Moving All Well Labels at Once

To edit the labels displayed on the Wells layer, click on the Wells map layer in the Object
Manager. The Wells properties are listed in the Property Manager. Click on the Label tab to
display labels for all wells and change the label properties.

Editing the Well Selector

To edit the well selector, click on the well selector object in the Object Manager. The line
properties for the well selector are located in the Property Manager. The wells displayed on the
line can also be edited.

Click on the well selector object The properties for the well selector are
in the Object Manager. displayed in the Property Manager.

Chapter 5 - Maps and the Map View

Edit Wells in the Well Selector

To add wells to the well selector, click the on the well selector line in the Object Manager to select
it. In the Property Manager, click on the Well Selector tab. To modify the wells, click the Edit
button. The Well Selector Editor dialog appears. Wells can be added, deleted, or rearranged in
the dialog.

If the well selector is currently in use by a cross section, the cross section can be updated by
clicking the Recreate button in the Cross Section properties. When the cross section is recreated, it
will use the updated well selector.

Well Selector Line Properties

To modify the appearance of the line on the map, click on the well selector in the Object Manager.
In the Property Manager, click on the Line tab. Change any line properties and the well selector
line immediately updates to show the changes.

Creating the Cross Section

To create a cross section, click on the well selector in the Object Manager. Click the Cross
Section | Create/Add | Create Cross Section command or right-click on the well selector line
and choose Create | Cross Section. The cross section view is created from the wells in the well

Well Selector Dialog

In the Create Well Selector dialog or Well Selector Editor dialog, wells can be rearranged,
added, and deleted from the well selector line. The Create Well Selector dialog appears when
creating a cross section. The Well Selector Editor dialog appears when editing a well selector line
from a map view.

Strater 5 User’s Guide

The left side contains a list of all available wells in the map.
The right side contains a list of wells in the current well selector.

Searching for Wells

The Create Well Selector or Well Selector Editor dialog contains a search box to quickly locate
wells. Start typing a well name in the Search available wells box, and the first match will be
highlighted in the Available wells list. Click Find Next to move the selection to the next matching
well name. The search is not case sensitive.

The search string must match the beginning of the well name. The search will not return results for
intermediate matching characters. Using the image above for example, if South is typed into the
Search available wells box, the South Barrow 16 well is selected in the Available wells list. Clicking
Find Next will move the selection to South Barrow 17, then South Barrow 18, etc. However, if
Barrow is typed into the Search available wells box, no matching wells are found.

The search string does not need to be a complete word. Again using the image above as an
example, if tu is typed in the Search available wells box, the Tulageak 1 well is selected in the
Available wells list. Clicking Find Next moves the selection to Tunalik 1.

An asterisk (*) can be appended to the end of the search string to select all matching results. Using
the image above as an example, if South* is typed in the Search available wells box, the South
Barrow 16, South Barrow 17, South Barrow 18, South Barrow 19, and South Barrow 20 wells are all

Click the to open a list of previous search terms. Click Find Next to add a search string to the
previous searches list. Up to ten search terms are saved in the list.

Chapter 5 - Maps and the Map View

Adding Wells
To add wells, open the Create Well Selector or Well Selector Editor dialog. Click on the well
name that should be added in the Available wells list. To select multiple wells that are not located
above or below other wells in the list, press and hold the CTRL key on the keyboard. Click and
select each well to add multiple wells. To select multiple wells that are located above or below other
wells, click the first well, press and hold the SHIFT key on the keyboard, and press the last well. All

wells between the first and last are selected. Once all wells are selected, click the
button. The selected wells are added to the bottom of the list of Wells in selector list. Click OK when
all of the wells are in the Wells in selector list and the well selector line updates.

A well can be added to the Create Well Selector or Well Selector Editor more than once.
However, two adjacent wells cannot have the same hole ID. That is, the well cannot be next to
itself in the list.

Modifying Well Order

To modify the order the wells in the well selector are connected, open the Well Selector Editor
dialog. On the right side of the dialog in the Wells in selector list, change the wells so that the wells
are in the order they should appear in the cross section. To move wells, click on the well to move,
hold down the left mouse button, and drag the well to the desired location. A indicates a location
where the well can be moved. a appears in a location where the selected well cannot be moved.
Click OK when all of the wells are in the proper order and the well selector line updates.

Deleting Wells
To delete wells from the well selector, open the Well Selector Editor dialog. Click on the well to be

removed in the Wells in selector list. Click the button and the selected well is removed
from the list. Click OK and the well selector line is updated to not include the deleted wells.

To remove all wells but the top two, click the button. After clicking the Minimum button,
all wells except for the top two are removed from the Wells in selector list. This is a quick way to
recreate the well selector line or delete multiple wells at once.

Chapter 6 - Cross Sections and the Cross Section
Cross Section View
Cross section views display multiple wells on a page. Cross sections can be created from zone bar,
lithology, or line/symbol log types. Other log types can be added to the display, similar to a
borehole view, but these logs are not included in the automatic cross section connections.

Wells can be automatically connected to display layers, zones, or lithologies from a table view,
connecting information from the wells across the page. The wells can also be displayed without
connections or with manual connections, connecting the wells where you select.

Wells can be displayed vertically or with deviations calculated from Inclination (or Dip) and Azimuth
columns from a table. Well spacing and elevation hanging can be altered to give you the look you
need to display your data.

The cross section view also allows data to be exported to a data file for use in Surfer or exported
to a Voxler 3D display to create a fence diagram. Drawing objects, labels and other logs can be
added to a cross section view.

This cross section displays two wells and the layers between.

Opening a New Cross Section View

Click the File | New | Cross Section View command, click the button, or right-click in the
View Manager and choose New Cross Section View to add a new blank cross section view to
the existing project.

A new cross section view window can also be created with the Cross Section | Create/Add |
Create Cross Section command.

Opening an Existing Cross Section View

Existing cross section views are opened by clicking the appropriate Cross Section tab, checking
the box next to the cross section view name in the View Manager, or by selecting Window

Chapter 6 - Cross Sections and the Cross Section View

| [Cross Section name]. By default, the first cross section view is named Cross Section 1 so this
cross section view would be opened by choosing the Window | Cross Section 1 command.

Adding Additional Information to the Cross Section View

Drawing objects and inserted map layers can be added to a cross section view.

New Cross Section View

Click the Home | New | Cross Section View command, click the button, right-click in the
View Manager and choose New Cross Section View, or press CTRL+SHIFT+C on the keyboard
to add a new blank cross section view to the existing project.

A new cross section window can also be created with the Cross Section | Create/Add | Create
Cross Section command when a well selector map layer is selected.

Cross Section View Properties

The depth method, reference datum, and depth settings for the entire cross section are controlled
on the cross section View properties. To view and edit the general settings for a cross section view
in the Property Manager,
• Click the View | Display | View Properties command,
• Click Arrange | Selection | Deselect All,
• Click on the view name in the View Manager,
• Right-click on the view name in the View Manager and choose View Properties, or
• Click the mouse in any white space in the cross section view that is not part of a cross
section or object.
The cross section view settings contain the name of the basic settings for the cross section,
including the cross section name, depth range, scaling, units, display mode, the reference datum,
and any vertical exaggeration that may exist in the cross section. You can also manage the cross
section items and recreate the cross section.

Strater 5 User’s Guide

View Properties
The View tab contains the borehole and depth options.

Use the View tab to set depth options and the borehole ID.

View Mode
The View mode property controls and displays whether the current project is in design mode or
active mode. Design mode is used to create graphics without attaching them to data. Design mode
is useful when designing complex logs or when designing templates. When the program is in active
mode, the graphics are linked to data as they are being created. To change the View mode, click on
the existing option and select the desired option from the list. Alternatively, toggle back and forth
between design mode and active mode with the Log | Display | Design Mode command.

View Name
The View name is the label that appears in the cross section view tab. Strater projects can contain
multiple cross section views. View name is a way to separate the various views from one another
and to clearly identify the view. The default name of the tab is Cross Section 1. To change the view
name, highlight the existing name and type the new desired name of the view in the View
name field.

Chapter 6 - Cross Sections and the Cross Section View

Log Display Mode

The Log display mode shows the current borehole in either Page view or Full view.

Page view separates the log into multiple pages with page breaks. The header and footer can be
shown on each page, on only the first or last pages, or not at all by setting the display and size of
the panes in the Page Setup dialog. If the Log display mode is set to Page view select View |
Zoom | Fit Page or click the page buttons to move among the pages.

The Full view shows the header and footer but expands the log pane to show the whole length of
the log with no breaks.

Depth Increases
The Depth increases property tells Strater whether values in the depth column increase down or
up. To change the orientation, click on the existing option and select the desired option from the
list. Set the borehole orientation to Downwards when the Starting borehole depth is less than the
Ending borehole depth. Set the borehole orientation to Upwards when the Starting borehole depth
is greater than the Ending borehole depth.

The borehole orientation will automatically change to reflect the current Starting borehole depth
and Ending borehole depth. For example, if the borehole orientation was originally set to Upwards
and a user changed the start depth to be less than the end depth, the borehole orientation field
automatically changes to Downwards.

The Depth increases property is not available for depth-registered raster log cross sections or other
cross sections that include a raster log.

Depth Method
The Depth method sets the display of the view to either measured depth or true vertical depth. The
Measured depth is the depth values from the tables. The True vertical depth is calculated from the
depth values in the tables and the azimuth and inclination (or dip) values using the TVD calculation
method. To change the depth method, click on the existing option and select the desired option
from the list.

All logs except for depth logs are displayed using the specified depth method.

TVD Calculation Method

When the Depth method is set to True vertical depth, the displayed depth value is calculated using
the depth from the table and the azimuth and inclination (or dip). The TVD calculation method
determines how the values are combined to get the true vertical depth. Available options are
Tangential, Average Tangential, Balanced Tangential, Radius of Curvature, and Minimum Curvature.
The default is Minimum Curvature, which provides a good estimate of the true vertical depth. To
change the calculation method, click on the existing option and select the desired option from the

Depth Settings
The Depth settings option controls the starting and ending borehole depths. There are three
options: Automatic, Collars table, and User defined. To change the Depth settings, click on the
existing option and select the desired option from the list.
• By default, the Depth settings option is set to Automatic. When the Depth settings option is
Automatic, Strater scans the existing data tables to determine the starting and ending
borehole depths that will fit all data.

Strater 5 User’s Guide

When the Depth settings option is set to Automatic and the Depth method is set to True vertical
depth, the deviation field in the depth or interval table is used to calculate the overall true vertical
depth. If the deviation field is missing from the depth/interval table, then the deviation field from
the collars table is used. If the deviation field is missing from the collars table, the deviation value
of 0 is used.
• When the Depth settings option is set to Collars table, the starting and ending borehole
depths are retrieved from a collars table. You can also specify the scale of the borehole view
in a collars table. Select a borehole in the Hole ID Filter list to update the Automatic and
Collars table selections.
When the Depth settings option is set to Collars table and the Depth method is set to True vertical
depth, the deviation field in the collars table is used to apply the starting and ending depths. If the
deviation field in the collars table is missing, the deviation value of 0 is used.

If Reference datum is set to Mean sea level or Marker bed and the Depth settings is set to Collars
table, the Starting borehole depth and Ending borehole depth values will be adjusted to account for
the elevation. That is, the Starting borehole depth equals the Elevation minus the Starting Depth.
For example, if the Elevation is 1000 and the Starting Depth is 700 in the collars table, the Starting
borehole depth will be 300 (1000-700=300).
• When the Depth settings option is set to User defined, the Starting borehole depth and
Ending borehole depth are available.
When the Depth settings option is set to User defined and the Depth method is set to True vertical
depth, the deviation field in the depth or interval table is used to calculate the overall true vertical
depth. If the deviation field is missing from the depth/interval table, then the deviation field from
the collars table is used. If the deviation field is missing from the collars table, the deviation value
of 0 is used.

If Reference datum is set to Mean sea level or Marker bed and the Depth settings is set to User
defined, the Starting borehole depth and Ending borehole depth values will not be updated. This
may result in parts of the cross section, or the entire cross section, being created off the visible

Starting Borehole Depth

If the Depth settings option is set to User defined, you can specify the starting borehole depth. The
Starting borehole depth is the depth to begin the data display. If the Starting borehole depth is
greater than zero, the Ending borehole depth must be greater than the starting value. Likewise, if
the Starting borehole depth is less than zero, the Ending borehole depth must be less than the
starting value. If the Starting borehole depth is zero, the Ending borehole depth can be either
negative or positive.

Ending Borehole Depth

If the Depth settings option is set to User defined, you can specify the borehole range. The Starting
borehole depth is the depth to begin the data display and the Ending borehole depth is the ending
depth for data display. If the Starting borehole depth is greater than zero, the Ending borehole
depth must be greater than the starting value. Likewise, if the Starting borehole depth is less than
zero, the Ending borehole depth must be less than the starting value. If the Starting borehole depth
is zero, the Ending borehole depth can be either negative or positive.

Depth Units
Select the borehole unit type from the Depth units list. The units selected here are the base units
for the depth log. These units are converted in the cross section view to the units for any depth

Chapter 6 - Cross Sections and the Cross Section View

Auto-recalculate Scale
Uncheck the box next to the Auto-recalculate scale option if you want to manually adjust the
Scaling depth per [centimeter/inch], Vertical exaggeration, and the Standard scale 1 fields. Check
the box next to Auto-recalculate scale to not edit these fields. Strater will automatically calculate
the scale of the cross section display so that all data fits on a single page.

Scale Depth Per Inch/Centimeter

Use the Scaling depth per inch (or centimeter) to scale the borehole in units of measurement on the
physical page. This value must be greater than zero. The page length limit is 2000 inches. To
change the units between inches and centimeters use the general settings in the Options dialog.

Vertical Exaggeration
The Vertical exaggeration sets the ratio of the X scale (distance between wells) over the Y scale
(depth down the hole). To change the Vertical exaggeration, highlight the existing value and type
the desired value. Press ENTER on the keyboard to make the change.

The Y scale is displayed by the Scaling depth per inch and Depth units options. The X scale is
defined as the distance between the farthest left and farthest right wells in map units divided by the
physical distance between the centers of the farthest left and farthest right wells in page units. The
map units are determined by the Map coordinate system for the map from which the cross section
was created or by the collars table Easting and Northing column units.

A Vertical exaggeration of 1 is considered no vertical exaggeration when the X, Y, and depth units
are the same. This means that the distance covered by one page unit vertically is the same as the
distance covered by the same page unit horizontally, when the units are the same. For instance,
when all of the values are reported in feet or all of the values are reported in meters, a Vertical
exaggeration of 1 shows one foot or meter the same vertically and horizontally.

When the X, Y, and depth units are not the same, the map units (X and Y) are converted to the
depth units internally. The Vertical exaggeration value should then be altered to include the
difference in units. For instance, if the map units are in meters and the depth units are in feet, a
Vertical exaggeration of 3.28084 will provide the same distance equally in the horizontal and
vertical directions.

If the X, Y, or depth units are unspecified, the units should be the same.

Standard Scale 1
The Standard scale 1 displays the ratio between the scale depth per inch and the depth units you
select. For example, if the scale depth per inch is set at 2 and the depth units are Feet the standard
scale automatically displays 24, which is the number of inches per unit of depth (12 inches in a
foot) multiplied by the scale depth per inch (2).

If you change the standard scale 1 number, the scale depth per inch automatically changes as well.
For example, if you change the standard scale 1 number from 24 to 36 the scale depth per inch
value changes to 3. If you change the depth unit to meters the standard scale value changes to
118.11, which is the number of inches in 3 meters.

Reference Datum
The Reference datum is the surface on the earth that defines the vertical reference for all wells in
the cross section. Changing the reference datum results in the cross section being regenerated and
"hung" on a different marker. A cross section hangs on an imaginary horizontal line that runs across

Strater 5 User’s Guide

the cross section. The reference datum follows this horizontal line. To change the Reference datum,
click on the existing option and select the desired option from the list. Available options are [None],
Mean sea level, and Marker bed. Selecting [None] plots all boreholes at the starting depth.
Elevations are not considered. Mean sea level places sea level (elevation = 0) on the horizontal line.
All other locations vary based on depths and elevations from seal level. The wells in the cross
section will be placed at their respective elevations, as entered in the collars table. Marker bed
places the horizontal line at the top of the selected layer in the cross section.

If Reference datum is set to Mean sea level or Marker bed and the Depth settings is set to Collars
table, the Starting borehole depth and Ending borehole depth values will be adjusted to account for
the elevation. That is, the Starting borehole depth equals the Elevation minus the Starting Depth.
For example, if the Elevation is 1000 and the Starting Depth is 700 in the collars table, the Starting
borehole depth will be 300 (1000-700=300).

If you change the Reference datum to either Mean sea Level or Marker bed and if the Depth
settings are set to User defined, the Starting borehole depth and Ending borehole depth values will
not be updated. This may result in parts of the cross section, or the entire cross section, being
created off the visible page.

Marker Bed
When the Reference datum is set to Marker bed, the Marker bed option becomes available. This is
the level in the cross section that defines how all wells are compared. The marker bed is the bed
that is at the same vertical location across the cross section and all wells.

Line Tab
Use the line tab to adjust the line styles that surrounds the header, cross section, and footer panes
and end depth line.

Project Tab
This option allows you to store a null value with the Strater file .SDG, and this value can be
different from the null value set in File | Options. This NULL Data Value setting overrides the null
value in File | Options.

Active Mode
An active or "live" borehole or cross section is a view window design that shows information in logs
based on data in the data tables. All new boreholes created by clicking the File | New Project

command or clicking the button are automatically in active mode.

If you open an existing borehole or cross section view and are unsure if it is active or design mode:
• Check the Log | Display | Design Mode command. If the command button is depressed
you are in design mode. To change to active mode click this command or button again.
• Look in the Property Manager on the View tab and inspect the View Mode option. If this
field displays Design Mode you can change to Active Mode by clicking on the Design Mode
text and selecting Active Mode from the list.

Design Mode
There are two "modes" in the borehole view and cross section view: design mode and active mode.
Active mode is the default mode when a blank borehole or cross section is created. When creating
log items in active mode you are prompted for data to associate with each log.

Chapter 6 - Cross Sections and the Cross Section View

If you prefer to design the borehole first and then associate data later, you can use design mode.
This is a good option if you wish to create a borehole design, but do not have any actual data.

Opening Design Mode

You can enter design mode using one of these methods:
• Click the Log | Display | Design Mode command. The command stays highlighted to
indicate you are in Design Mode.
• Press F4 on your keyboard to toggle between active mode and design mode.
• Change the View Mode in the Borehole View Properties and Cross Section View
The View Mode in the Borehole View Properties and Cross Section View Properties indicates if
you are in design mode or active mode.

Borehole View Design Mode Appearance

When designing a borehole view in design mode the screen shows generalized representations of
the various log types. The logs displayed in design mode are fictitious and intended to give an
impression of how the borehole view will look when actual data is attached.

This borehole view is displayed in design mode. The logs and linked text do not
display actual data. Instead placeholders representing the logs and text appear.

Strater 5 User’s Guide

Cross Section Design Mode Appearance

When designing a cross section view in design mode the screen shows generalized representations
of the zone bar logs. The logs displayed in design mode are fictitious and intended to give an
impression of how the cross section view will look when actual data is attached. No layers are
displayed between wells.

This cross section view is displayed in design mode. Zone bars are displayed
in design mode, but the layers between wells are not displayed.

Adding a Well Header

The Cross Section | Create/Add | Add Well Headers command displays a well header in the
header pane, the footer pane if there is no header pane, or the cross section pane if there are no
header or footer panes in the cross section view. Up to five different header lines can be displayed
for each well, in addition to the well symbol. To edit the well header, click on the Well Header object
in the Header Pane Objects section of the Object Manager.

The well header object has six pages in the Property Manager: Well Header, Label, Line, Fill,
Symbol, and Info

Chapter 6 - Cross Sections and the Cross Section View

The well header displays

up to five lines of text
and the well symbol.

Data, Schemes, and Log Properties

The data, scheme, and log, map, or cross section properties are all related in the process of
creating a log in a borehole view or cross section view, creating a map Wells layer, or creating
layers in a cross section. The data contains depth information (either single depth or from-to
interval depth), borehole names, and the data to be displayed on the log. Schemes contain line,
symbol, label, and fill property information that links the data to the log. When scheme information
(keywords or numeric ranges) is found in the data, the logs in the borehole or cross section
displays the properties of the scheme. The Property Manager determines which data table and
column are used to create the log, the scheme to use (if any), and properties such as the log width.
Each log item can use a different data table, column, scheme, and properties.

Project data, schemes, and log properties are all related in the process of creating a borehole log.
1. The data in each row is linked to a scheme item. This scheme links the Au (ppb) values from
column C. In this case, the data in row 12 has a value of 492 and appears at a depth of 24.
The data in row 12 falls within the range scheme item of 250 to 500. Note the fill is a solid
light orange.
2. A bar log is created displaying the Au (ppb) data column. The Au Concentration scheme is
3. The bar log is displayed. The Au Concentration scheme determines the appearance of the
log. The color at the depth 24 is light orange, as indicated by the scheme.

This diagram shows the connection between a value in the table column, the scheme, and the log
being displayed.

Strater 5 User’s Guide

Overlay Logs
The Log | Display | Overlay Logs command overlays all logs that use the same borehole ID in
the borehole view or cross section view. The Overlay Logs command places all of the logs for each
well directly on top of one another. The Overlay Logs command works on all logs in the borehole
view or cross section view at the same time.

For instance, in a cross section view with several zone bar logs, draw additional line/symbol logs
using the Log | Create Log | Line/Symbol command. The logs are automatically placed at the
center of the cross section. To change the Hole ID for each line/symbol log, click on the line/symbol
log and change the Hole ID Filter on the Log tab in the Property Manager. After all line/symbol
logs have been assigned a Hole ID, click the Log | Display | Overlay Logs command. The
line/symbol logs are placed on top of the zone bar logs.

This cross section shows a blue line/symbol log for DH-1 and a red
line/symbol log for DH-2 overlaid onto the zone bar logs for the same wells.

Adjoin Logs
The Log | Display | Adjoin Logs command places all logs that use the same Hole ID side-by-side
in the borehole view or cross section view. The Adjoin Logs command places all of the logs for
each well with the bounding boxes for each log touching the previous bounding box. The Adjoin
Logs command works on all logs in the borehole view or cross section view at the same time.

For instance, in a cross section view with several zone bar logs, draw additional line/symbol logs
using the Log | Create Log | Line/Symbol command. The logs are automatically placed at the
center of the cross section. To change the Hole ID for each line/symbol log, click on the line/symbol
log and change the Hole ID Filter on the Log tab in the Property Manager. After all line/symbol
logs have been assigned a Hole ID, click the Log | Display | Adjoin Logs command. The
line/symbol logs are placed beside the zone bar logs.

Chapter 6 - Cross Sections and the Cross Section View

This cross section shows a blue line/symbol log for DH-1 and a red
line/symbol log for DH-2 adjoined beside the zone bar logs for the same wells.

Cross Section Tab Commands

The Cross Section tab is available when a cross section view is selected. The Cross Section tab
includes the following commands:

Create Cross Create a cross section with connections from the

Section selected well selector

Connect Logs with

Draw cross section manually between logs
Add Well Headers Add information to the header area for each well

Import Import cross section bed marks from a data file

Create/Edit Manually create or edit cross section marks

Clear Clear all cross section marks

XYZ Data Export well XYZ data to a data file

Cross Section to
Export cross section to Voxler

Export Cross Section to Voxler

The Cross Section | Export | Cross Section to Voxler command creates a geometry object from
the cross section for use in Voxler (version 3, 4, or higher). You have the option to also save the
exported cross section as an .IV file. Only the contents of the cross section pane will be exported.
The contents of the header and footer panes will not be exported.

For best display, the X, Y, and Z data should all be in the same units in the cross section. For
example, the X and Y coordinates could be in UTM (meters) and the depth could be in meters. If
the units are not the same, Strater will attempt to automatically convert X and Y units to match Z

Strater 5 User’s Guide

units. X and Y units are determined based on the map's target Coordinate System. Z units are
determined based on the cross section's depth units. If no information about the map units exists,
the column units for the collars table type are used. If no column unit information is available, no
automatic conversion is done. The Depth Units for the cross section should be set for each cross
section, otherwise the conversion may not be accurate.

The Cross Section to Voxler command presents the option to save the cross section in the SGI
Open Inventor .IV file format. The geometry object created by Strater is opened in Voxler. The
properties set in the Export Options dialog will also apply to the .IV file.

To export a cross section to Voxler:

1. Click the Cross Section | Export | Cross Section to Voxler command. The Export
Options dialog appears.
2. Set the export options in the Export Options Size and Color and Scaling pages.
3. Click OK in the Export Options dialog.
4. If you also wish to save the cross section as an SGI Open Inventor .IV file, click Yes in the
Strater message dialog. Otherwise, click No.
5. If you decided to save an .IV file, specify the file name and location in the Save As dialog
and click Save.
6. The cross section is loaded into Voxler. The exported geometry object appears in 3D space
in the Voxler program.

Export Options - Size and Color Page

The Export Options dialog contains a Size and Color page, similar to all image export formats.
However, the Export Options dialog Size and Color page does not include the Color Format
options. The cross section will be exported with a 32-bit color depth.

Export Options - Scaling Page

The Export Options dialog contains a Scaling page. This scaling page includes more options than
the standard export Scaling page.

Chapter 6 - Cross Sections and the Cross Section View

Set the export options in the Export Options dialog.

Scaling Source
Scaling information can be retrieved from two sources: Application, and Saved. Strater provides
potentially useful scaling info from the collars table, whenever possible. Otherwise, the application
sets the scaling rectangles so the coordinates will be the same as the document page units.
Application will load scaling info calculated by the application based on the collars table and
elevation and depth information from the well. Saved will use the previously saved values.

Source and File Coordinates

Source scaling is accomplished by specifying the corner points of a rectangle (in cross section units)
in the application document and the corner points of a rectangle in the desired File units. The
document coordinates will be offset and/or scaled so the corner points of the document rectangle
will have the desired coordinates.

The Source lists two points on the page in the X, Y, and Z coordinates. The File lists the same two
points on the page in the coordinates to be exported. Normally, the File coordinates should not be

The Z coordinates will be adjusted to always have the Z values increase upwards for conformity
with Voxler. This may mean the coordinates are changed if the depth coordinates increase down in

Save Scaling Info

Checking Save scaling info will cause the scaling information to be stored for future use.

Strater 5 User’s Guide

Export Cross Sections Only

Checking the Export cross sections only box exports only the cross section to the Voxler file. All
drawn objects, logs, text, or other items in the cross section pane are ignored in the export.
Unchecking the box exports all objects in the cross section pane to the Voxler file.

The Defaults button sets all buttons and check boxes to default conditions. The scaling rectangles
will, in turn, be reloaded with values from the default scaling source.

If the X and Y ranges are very different from the Z range, a warning message appears. Click Yes in
the warning to export the cross section to Voxler regardless of the units. This may make an object
in Voxler that is long and thin, making it difficult to determine what the cross section contains.
Click No in the warning to not export the cross section to Voxler. You may wish to edit the X, Y,
and Z values in the collars table and recreate the cross section before exporting.

Cancel Sending Data to Voxler

Click the Cancel button at the far right of the status bar to cancel the creation of the cross section
in Voxler.

Export XYZ Data

The Cross Section | Export | XYZ Data command creates a data file of the cross section
connections for use in Voxler or Surfer.

After clicking the Cross Section | Export | XYZ Data command, the Export Cross Section as
XYZ Data dialog appears. Type a File name and click Save to create the data file.

Type a File name and click Save to save the cross section connections to an XYZ data file.

Chapter 6 - Cross Sections and the Cross Section View

The data file that is created contains seven columns: X, Y, Z-top, Z-bottom, Z-thickness, Hole ID,
and Key.

The data file created contains seven columns, with

information needed for gridding in Surfer or Voxler.

Column Information
If the Depth Method for the cross section is Measured Depth,
then the X is the X value from the collar table. If the Depth
X Method is set to True Vertical Depth, then the X is adjusted
with respect to the azimuth and inclination (or dip) along the
If the Depth Method for the cross section is Measured Depth,
then the Y is the Y value from the collar table. If the Depth
Y Method is set to True Vertical Depth, then the Y is adjusted
with respect to the azimuth and inclination (or dip) along the
The Z-top column contains the top of each interval in the cross

The Z-bottom information contains the bottom of each interval

in the cross section.

The Z-thickness is the Z-bottom value minus the Z-top value.

This column contains the layer thickness.
The Hole ID column contains the Hole ID for the recorded
Hole ID

The Key column contains the layer names from the cross

The X, Y and one of the Z columns can be used to create surface maps or contours in Surfer. The
data can also be loaded into Voxler for gridding. If depth is being used for the Borehole
Orientation, the Z-top and Z-bottom values will need to be multiplied by -1 for use in Surfer and

Strater 5 User’s Guide

Creating the Cross Section

Parts of a Cross Section
The Object Manager in a cross section view window contains all of objects that are in the view.
The Object Manager is split into three sections: Cross Section Pane Objects, Header Pane Objects,
and Footer Pane Objects. Drawn objects, such as rectangles, legends, and text can appear in the
Object Manager in any of the three panes. When a cross section is created, a Cross Section object
is added to the Cross Section Pane Objects. The Cross Section object contains a Logs object and a
Layers object. The Logs object contains all of the logs that are part of the cross section. The Layers
object contains all of the layers that are part of the cross section. When logs are added to the cross
section by clicking the Log menu commands, the logs are added to the Cross Section Pane Objects,
but are not part of the Cross Section object.

The Object Manager contains a list of all

objects in the cross section view. The
Layers object is selected in this example.
Cross Section Object
The Cross Section object is created when a new cross section is created with the Cross Section |
Create/Add | Create Cross Section command. The Cross Section object controls properties for
the entire cross section. This include the spacing for the cross section, the ability to recreate the
cross section, and whether the logs are deviated or vertical on the cross section.

Water Level Object

The WaterLevel object is created when the cross section is created and contains the water level
lines in the cross section. The water levels are added to the cross section by first specifying the

Chapter 6 - Cross Sections and the Cross Section View

Water level table in the Water Level properties for either the Logs object or individual log items.
Next the Display water level(s) check box must be checked in the Cross Section properties.

The shared line properties of the water level lines can be edited by clicking the WaterLevel object in
the Object Manger. To see a list of all of the individual water level lines in the cross section, click
the next to WaterLevel in the Object Manager. The individual water level lines can be edited by
clicking on the individual water level object and making the changes in the Property Manager.
Shared line properties are saved when recreating the cross section.

Strater connects the water level layers specified in the water level table automatically. If you also
specify the Water level name column in the Water Level properties, the water level lines will be
controlled by the water level names.

Water Level Item

An individual water level item can be selected from the WaterLevel list in the Object Manager.
Each water level item's properties can be set independently. See the Line Properties topic for
information on the water level line properties. Individual water level items can be deleted by
selecting the water level item and pressing DELETE.

Changing the line properties for an individual water level line is a layer customization. If you
recreate the cross section, the Keep customized layers check box must be checked in the cross
section properties to maintain the individual water level line changes.

Logs Object
The Logs object is created when the cross section is created and contains all of the lithology, zone
bar, line/symbol, or raster logs that are a part of the cross section. These are the logs defined when
the cross section is created, either by the selected well selector line in the map view or by the logs
selected in the Create Well Selector dialog.

Some shared log properties of all logs in the cross section can be set by clicking on the Logs object.
To see a list of all of the individual logs in the cross section, click the next to Logs in the Object
Manager. The individual logs can be edited by clicking on the individual log object and making the
changes in the Property Manager.

To change the order of the logs in the cross section, click on an individual log in the Object
Manager and drag it to the desired position. The bottom log in the Object Manager is located on
the left side of the cross section. The top log in the Object Manager is located on the right side of
the cross section. Click Yes in the warning dialog to automatically recreate the layers.

Log Item
An individual log item can be selected from the Logs list in the Object Manager. The log's
properties can be set separately from all other objects. See the lithology, zone bar, or line/symbol
log properties for information on individual log properties. Individual logs can be removed from the
cross section by clicking on the log name and pressing the DELETE key on the keyboard.

To change the order of the logs in the cross section, click on an individual log in the Object
Manager and drag it to the desired position. The bottom log in the Object Manager is located on
the left side of the cross section. The top log in the Object Manager is located on the right side of
the cross section. Click Yes in the dialog to automatically recreate the layers.

Strater 5 User’s Guide

Layers Object
The Layers object is created when the cross section is created and contains all of the layers that are
defined by the intervals in the lithology or zone bar logs in the cross section. The layers can be
controlled with a keyword scheme on the Layers tab in the Property Manager. The line, fill, and
label properties for all layers can also be controlled by clicking on the Layers object if a scheme is
not used. The Info tab contains the number of layers in the cross section. To see a list of all the
layers in the cross section, click the next to Layers in the Object Manager. The individual layers
can be edited by clicking on the individual layer name and making the changes in the Property

Layer Item
An individual layer item can be selected from the Layers list in the Object Manager. The layer's
line and fill properties can be set as part of the scheme on the Layers object, or individually. To set
the layer properties individually, be sure to first uncheck the Use Scheme For Line/Fill box on the
Layers tab of the Layers object.

To change the order of the layers in the cross section, click on an individual layer and drag it to the
desired position. It is recommended that the pinchout layers stay above the non-pinchout layers so
that the cross section is drawn correctly. If the layer order is changed and results in a cross section
that is not appropriate, click on the Cross Section object and click the button in the
Property Manager.

When wells are displayed as deviated, additional layers are displayed in the Object Manager. Each
layer is broken into multiple pieces, so that the areas between wells can be individually edited.

If automatic layers are not desired, manual layers can be created using the Connect Logs with
Layers, and layer mark Import and Create/Edit commands. When using layer marks, the layer
lines and layer fill objects are listed in the Layers list in the Object Manager.

Well Header
The Well Header object is added by clicking the Cross Section | Create/Add | Add Well
Headers command. The well header properties control the items that are displayed in the well
header, including the distance between wells, well symbol symbol, and the text that is displayed in
the header for each well.

Drawn Logs
Any log type can be added to the cross section by clicking the appropriate command under the Log
menu. These logs are not used in the automatic interpolation of the cross section layers. But, they
can be used when picking layer marks. To position these logs in the appropriate spot on the cross
section, make sure the appropriate Hole ID is selected for the Hole ID Filter on the Log tab for the
log. Then, click the Log | Display | Overlay Logs command to move all of the logs for each
borehole directly on top of each other or the Log | Display | Adjoin Logs to move all of the logs
for each borehole directly beside each other. When the Reference Datum changes in the Cross
Section View Properties, these logs also move, if layers can be found for each log.

Cross Section View Properties

The depth method, reference datum, and depth settings for the entire cross section are controlled
on the Cross Section View Properties. To edit the view properties, click the View | Display |
View Properties command.

Chapter 6 - Cross Sections and the Cross Section View

Creating a Lithology/Zone Bar Cross Section

To create a cross section, click the Cross Section | Create/Add | Create Cross Section
command. The program will step you through the process of importing data and selecting the wells
to display in the cross section.

Creating a Cross Section

This example will use the Example Data.xlsx sample file to demonstrate creating a cross section in
1. Click the Cross Section | Create/Add | Create Cross Section command.
2. Select the collars table:
a. If a single collars table exists, it is automatically selected.
b. If multiple collars tables exist, select the appropriate collars table in the Look for
Well Locations dialog and click OK.
c. If no collars table exists, select the file that contains the collars information in
the Open Collars File dialog and click Open. For example, select Example Data.xls
from the Samples folder and click Open.
d. In the XLS Import Options dialog, select the Collars sheet and click OK.
e. In the Specify Worksheet Column Definitions dialog, make sure that Specify
Column Header Row is checked and that the row number is set to 1. Click Next.
f. In the Specify Data Type and Column Positions dialog, make sure that all
columns are listed correctly. Click Finish.
3. At this point, a map view is created with the wells in the collars table. In the Create Well
Selector dialog,
a. Set the order the wells are displayed in the list on the right side of the dialog. The
first well listed is on the far left side of the cross section. The last well listed is on the
far right side of the cross section. Wells are displayed in the cross section in the
order listed on the right side of the dialog. To rearrange the order, click on a well on
the right side of the dialog and drag it to the desired location in the list.
b. To add wells to the cross section, click on the well name on the left side of the dialog
in the Available wells list. Click the Add button to add the well to the right side of the
c. To remove wells from the cross section, click on the well name on the right side of
the dialog in the Wells in selector list. Click Remove to remove the selected well.
d. When all the wells are in the proper order, click OK. The wells should be listed as DH-
1 first and then DH-2 for this example. After clicking OK, the well selector line is
created in the map view.
4. In the Import Cross Section Data dialog,
a. Set the Cross section log type to Lithology/Zone bar log.
b. Click the Import Data button for DH-1.
c. In the Import Data dialog, select the Example Data.xls file and click Open.
d. In the Multi-Sheet Selection dialog, select the Lithology sheet and click OK.
e. In the Specify Worksheet Column Definitions dialog, make sure that Specify
Column Header Row is checked and that the row number is set to 1. Click Next.
f. In the Specify Data Type and Column Positions dialog, make sure that all
columns are listed correctly. Click Finish.
g. Since both logs now have a Table and Data Column defined, click OK.
The default cross section is created. Because the cross section was created from Lithology/Zone bar
log, the logs are displayed showing the wells that were selected and the connected layers between
the wells are also displayed. If Line/Symbol log had been selected in step 4a for the Cross section
log type, the cross section would only display the line/symbol logs.

Map and Well Selector Line Notes

If a well selector line already has been created and is selected, the cross section automatically uses
that well selector line when creating the cross section. Cross sections are automatically created
connecting all the wells in the well selector line. Wells are connected in the cross section from left to
right in the order they are connected in the well selector line.

Strater 5 User’s Guide

Connecting Wells
Refer to the Connect Logs with Layers, and layer marks Import and Create/Edit pages for
information on connecting wells or changing connections between wells.

Data Table Requirements

Strater requires that a lithology or interval table for lithology/zone bar log cross sections or a
depth, interval, or lithology table for a line/symbol log cross section.

Creating a Line/Symbol Cross Section

To create a line/symbol cross section, click the Cross Section | Create/Add | Create Cross
Section command. The program will step you through the process of importing data and selecting
the wells to display in the cross section.

Creating a Line/Symbol Cross Section

To create a cross section in Strater:
1. Click the Cross Section | Create/Add | Create Cross Section command.
2. Select the collars table:
a. If a single collars table exists, it is automatically selected.
b. If multiple collars tables exist, select the appropriate collars table in the Look for
Well Locations dialog and click OK.
c. If no collars table exists, select the file that contains the collars information in
the Open Collars File dialog and click Open. For example, select Example Data.xls
from the Samples folder and click Open.
i. In the XLS Import Options dialog, select the Collars sheet and click OK.
ii. In the Specify Worksheet Column Definitions dialog, make sure that Specify
Column Header Row is checked and that the row number is set to 1. Click Next.
iii. In the Specify Data Type and Column Positions dialog, make sure that all
columns are listed correctly. Click Finish.
3. At this point, a map view is created with the wells in the collars table. In the Create Well
Selector dialog,
a. Set the order the wells are displayed in the list on the right side of the dialog. The
first well listed is on the far left side of the cross section. The last well listed is on the
far right side of the cross section. Wells are displayed in the cross section in the
order listed on the right side of the dialog. To rearrange the order, click on a well on
the right side of the dialog and drag it to the desired location in the list.
b. To add wells to the cross section, click on the well name on the left side of the dialog
in the Available wells list. Click the Add button to add the well to the right side of the
c. To remove wells from the cross section, click on the well name on the right side of
the dialog in the Wells in selector list. Click Remove to remove the selected well.
d. When all the wells are in the proper order, click OK. The wells should be listed as DH-
1 first and then DH-2 for this example. After clicking OK, the well selector line is
created in the map view.
4. In the Import Cross Section Data dialog,
a. Set the Cross section log type to Line/Symbol log.
b. Click the Import Data button for DH-1.
c. In the Import Data dialog, select the Example Data.xls file and click Open.
d. In the Multi-Sheet Selection dialog, select the Depth sheet and click OK.
e. In the Specify Worksheet Column Definitions dialog, make sure that Specify
Column Header Row is checked and that the row number is set to 1. Click Next.
f. In the Specify Data Type and Column Positions dialog, make sure that all
columns are listed correctly. Click Finish.
g. Since both logs now have a Table and Data Column defined, click OK.
h. Click OK.
5. In the Import Layer Marks dialog,

Chapter 6 - Cross Sections and the Cross Section View

a. Check the Specify layer data check box if you wish to include layer marks from the
layer marks table or tables.
b. Set the Table for each Hole ID to the layer marks table. Layer marks tables are depth
tables containing depths for the tops (or bottoms) of layers.
c. Set the Data Column for each Hole ID to the layer column in the layer marks table.
d. Click OK.

The default cross section is created. Because the cross section was created from Line/Symbol log,
the logs are displayed showing only the line/symbol logs and no layers are created. If
Lithology/Zone bar log had been selected in step 4a, the logs would be displayed showing the wells
that were selected and the connected layers between the wells in the cross section would also be

Connecting Wells
With line/symbol log cross sections, wells are manually connected by using layer marks. Layer
marks can be created in another program, such as Excel and imported into the cross section. Or
layer marks can be selected directly on the line/symbol logs displayed on the cross section. To
manually click each layer mark:
1. Click on the Cross Section object in the Object Manager.
2. Click the Cross Section | Layer Marks | Create/Edit command to start picking locations
on each log where a layer should be located. The cursor changes to .
3. Click on either log in any locations to make a layer mark. Generally, the top or bottom of the
layers should be clicked to create a data file of tops. As the mouse hovers over a log, the log
name and depth appear in a large box beside the log. This makes it easier to select the
precise location of each layer mark.
4. After clicking on the log, the Name The Layer dialog appears. Type a name for the location
where you clicked, such as Layer 1, or the actual name of the layer. Click OK in the dialog
after naming the location.
5. Continue clicking on each log in the cross section to assign the layer top or bottom locations.
Not all layers need to be assigned for each well, but in order for the wells to be connected
some of the same layer names should be assigned to each log in the cross section.
6. If the area from the top of the well to the first layer should be filled, be sure to click on the
top of each well and assign a layer name, such as Top, Overburden, or KB.
7. If the area below the last layer should be filled, be sure to click on the bottom of each well
and assign a layer name, such as End.
8. If a location is selected incorrectly, right-click on the same location to remove the layer

After clicking a few layer marks on each log, your

cross section may look something like this.

Strater 5 User’s Guide

9. After selecting all layer marks, press ENTER on the keyboard to end layer mark
creation/editing mode.
10. In the Save Layer Marks To Table dialog, check the Save layer marks to table option to
save the marks to a table. You can select any of the existing tables, or type a new table
name next to Table name. Click OK and the layer marks are saved to the table.
11. Click Yes in the warning message which indicates that the cross section will be redrawn. The
layer marks are now connected across the logs.

The layer marks are now connected across the logs. Layer labels have
been added by checking the Show Layer Labels option in the Property Manager.

10. Notice that the Potential zone layer mark on DH-1 does not have a layer. This is because the
same mark does not exist on DH-2. A new layer can be created named Potential zone. With
the Cross Section object selected, click the Cross Section | Create/Add | Connect Logs
with Layers command.
11. In the Select Or Enter Layer Name dialog, click on the existing name and select Potential
zone from the list. Click OK.
12. Click on the DH-1 log near where the Potential zone layer mark was created.
13. Hold down the SHIFT key and click on locations between the two logs to make a pinchout
14. Click on the DH-1 log above the Basement layer line.
15. Press ENTER on the keyboard or double click the last point to end the layer creation mode. A
Potential zone layer is created and automatically filled.
16. To fill the rest of the layers, make sure that the Layers object is selected in the Object
Manager. In the Property Manager, click on the Layers tab and check the box next to Fill
between Layer Lines.
17. Since the Potential zone layer was created before filling the layers, it is now at the bottom of
the list of layers in the Object Manager. Click on the Potential zone layer and click Arrange
| Move | To Front.
18. To change the colors of the layers, the scheme can be edited. Click the Home | Display |
Scheme Editor command.
19. Open the Cross Section Scheme by clicking on the next to Cross Section Scheme.
20. Click on the first item in the scheme. Assign fill colors and properties.
21. Repeat steps 19 and 20 for each additional item in the scheme. When the scheme colors are
set appropriately, click OK to close the Scheme Editor.
22. When all edits have been made, the layer lines can be unchecked in the Object Manager.
This leaves only a single label in the center of each layer. The cross section may look like the

Chapter 6 - Cross Sections and the Cross Section View

After editing the layer colors and label properties, the final cross section may look like this.

Creating a Depth-Registered Raster Cross Section

To create a cross section, click the Cross Section | Create/Add | Create Cross Section
command. The program will step you through the process of importing data and selecting the wells
to display in the cross section. To create a depth-registered raster cross section, two or more raster
logs must have been added to the project. The raster logs can be any combination of unregistered
raster logs that have been manually depth-registered and registered raster logs. Additionally, you
must have imported or created a collars table for the raster log boreholes/wells.

Creating a Cross Section

To create a cross section in Strater:
1. Click the Home | New | Cross Section View command.
2. Click the Cross Section | Create/Add | Create Cross Section command.
3. Select the collars table:
a. If a single collars table exists, it is automatically selected.
b. If multiple collars tables exist, select the appropriate collars table in the Look for
Well Locations dialog and click OK.
c. If no collars table exists, select the file that contains the collars information in
the Open Collars File dialog and click Open.
4. In the XLS Import Options dialog, select the Collars sheet and click OK.
5. In the Specify Worksheet Column Definitions dialog, make sure that Specify Column
Header Row is checked and that the row number is set to 1. Click Next.
6. In the Specify Data Type and Column Positions dialog, make sure that all columns are
listed correctly. Click Finish.
7. At this point, a map view is created with the wells in the collars table. In the Create Well
Selector dialog,
a. Set the order the wells are displayed in the list on the right side of the dialog. The
first well listed is on the far left side of the cross section. The last well listed is on the
far right side of the cross section. To rearrange the order, click on a well on the right
side of the dialog and drag it to the desired location in the list.

Strater 5 User’s Guide

b. To add wells to the cross section, click on the well name on the left side of the dialog
in the Available wells list. Click the Add button to add the well to the right side of the
c. To remove wells from the cross section, click on the well name on the right side of
the dialog in the Wells in selector list. Click Remove to remove the selected well.
d. When all the wells are in the proper order, click OK. After clicking OK, the well
selector line is created in the map view.
8. In the Import Cross Section Data dialog,
a. Set the Cross section log type to Depth-registered raster log.
b. Set the Table for each Hole ID to the range table. Range tables are created
automatically when a registered raster log is created or when an unregistered raster
log is depth-registered.
c. Click OK.
9. In the Import Layer Marks dialog,
a. Check the Specify layer data check box if you wish to include layer marks from the
layer marks table or tables.
b. Set the Table for each Hole ID to the layer marks table. Layer marks tables may be
created when a registered or unregistered raster log is created.
c. Set the Data Column for each Hole ID to the layer column in the layer marks table.
d. Click OK.

The default cross section is created. Because the cross section was created from raster logs, the
logs are displayed showing the wells that were selected and the connected layers between the wells
are also displayed.

Map and Well Selector Line Notes

If a well selector line already has been created and is selected, the cross section automatically uses
that well selector line when creating the cross section. Cross sections are automatically created
connecting all the wells in the well selector line. Wells are connected in the cross section from left to
right in the order they are connected in the well selector line.

Connecting Wells
Refer to the Connect Logs with Layers, and layer marks Import and Create/Edit pages for
information on connecting wells or changing connections between wells.

Data Table Requirements

Strater requires a range table for depth-registered raster cross sections.

Connect Logs with Layers

Click the Cross Section | Create/Add | Connect Logs with Layers command to create new
layers in a lithology, zone bar, line/symbol, or depth-registered raster log cross section. If the
command is unavailable, click on the Cross Section, Logs, or Layers object in the Object Manager
before selecting the command. The Connect Logs with Layers command can be used to draw all
layers on a cross section or can be used as an editing tool to add additional layers or pinchouts to
existing layers on a cross section.

Manually Drawing Layers

1. Click on the Cross Section object to select the cross section.
2. Click the Cross Section | Create/Add | Connect Logs with Layers command.
3. In the Select Or Enter Layer Name dialog, type a layer name or select a layer name from
the list and click OK.
4. The cross section is now in layer drawing mode:
a. Click on a log where the layer should connect with the log.

Chapter 6 - Cross Sections and the Cross Section View

b. Hold down the SHIFT key on the keyboard and click between logs to add points.
c. Hold down the CTRL key to click on another layer and constrain the connecting line
to a 45 degree angle (0, 45, 90, etc).
d. Hold down the SHIFT and ALT keys on the keyboard and click between logs to snap
the new point to an existing point on a different layer.
e. Hold down the SHIFT and CTRL keys on the keyboard to connect two points with a
line at a 45 degree angle.
5. Draw points around the entire area, including the sides, top surface, and bottom surface.
6. Double-click the last point or press ENTER on the keyboard to accept the changes.
7. Additional layers with this same layer name can be created by following the steps 4, 5, and 6
to draw additional polygons.
8. Press ESC to end drawing layers mode.

Import Layer Marks

Click the Cross Section | Layer Marks | Import command to import a table that contains the
layer marks. Layer marks are the tops or bottoms of the zones or layers that should be connected
in the line/symbol plot cross section. The table that the top or bottom values are in should be
imported into Strater as a depth or text table type.

Importing Layer Marks

1. Click the Cross Section | Layer Marks | Import command.
2. In the Import Layer Marks dialog, select the existing table or a new file that contains the
layer marks and click Open.
3. If a new file was selected, step through the import data dialogs to import the data into a new
depth type table.
4. In the Select Layer Mark Column dialog, select the column in the table that contains the
layer mark names and click OK.

Select the appropriate column in

the Column Name list and click OK.

5. Click Yes in the warning that the user modifications will be lost to create the cross section
from the imported layer marks.
The layers are connected with lines in the cross section, showing the layer names and locations
from the table.

Filling Layers
To fill the areas between the layer lines, check the Fill between Layer Lines option in the Layers

Create/Edit Layer Marks

Click the Cross Section | Layer Marks | Create/Edit command to manually create or edit layer
marks. Layer marks are the tops or bottoms of the zones or layers that should be connected in the
line/symbol cross section. After all layer marks are selected on the cross section, the marks can be
saved to a table. See Adding Layer Marks to a Raster Log for information on adding layer marks to
a raster log.

Strater 5 User’s Guide

Creating Layer Marks

1. Click the Cross Section | Layer Marks | Create/Edit command.
2. Click on the first log in the location where the layer top or bottom should be located. As the
cursor nears a log, the log name and depth are displayed in a pop-up window.
3. In the Name The Layer dialog, select an existing layer name from the list or type a new
name in the box. Click OK.
4. Continue clicking on the various logs and naming the layers until all layer marks have been
created. Not all layer marks need be clicked in each log.
5. When finished creating layer marks, press ENTER on the keyboard. Press ESC to cancel ALL
layer marks.
6. In the Save Layer Marks To Table dialog, select the Table name to save the layer marks or
type a new table name.
7. Click OK.
8. Click Yes in the warning that the user modifications will be lost to create the cross section
from the imported layer marks.
The layers are connected with lines in the cross section, showing the layer names and locations
from the table.

Editing Layer Marks

1. Click the Cross Section | Layer Marks | Create/Edit command.
2. To add a new layer mark,
a. Click on the location in the log where the layer top or bottom should be located. As
the cursor nears a log, the log name and depth are displayed in a pop-up window.
When the cursor nears an existing layer mark, that layer mark name is also
displayed in the pop-up window.
b. In the Name The Layer dialog, select an existing layer name from the list or type a
new name in the box.
c. Click OK.
3. If an existing layer mark name should be changed,
a. Click on the layer mark to select it.
b. In the Update Layer Name dialog, type a new layer name or select an existing
layer name from the list.
c. Click OK to update the layer mark name.
4. If an existing layer mark should be deleted,
a. Click on the layer mark to select it.
b. In the Update Layer Name dialog, check the box next to the Delete this mark
c. Click OK and the layer mark is deleted.
5. When finished creating layer marks, press ENTER on the keyboard. Press ESC to cancel ALL
layer marks.
6. In the Save Layer Marks To Table dialog, select the Table name to save the layer marks or
type a new table name.
7. Click OK.
8. Click Yes in the warning that the user modifications will be lost to create the cross section
from the imported layer marks.

The layer lines in the cross section are updated, showing the new layer names and locations from
the table.

Look For Well Locations

In the Look For Well Locations dialog, select the appropriate collars table and click OK. The map
well layer or the cross section well locations are created from the selected collars table.

Chapter 6 - Cross Sections and the Cross Section View

Select the appropriate collars table and click OK.

Well Selector Dialog

In the Create Well Selector dialog or Well Selector Editor dialog, wells can be rearranged,
added, and deleted from the well selector line. The Create Well Selector dialog appears when
creating a cross section. The Well Selector Editor dialog appears when editing a well selector line
from a map view.

The left side contains a list of all available wells in the map.
The right side contains a list of wells in the current well selector.

Searching for Wells

The Create Well Selector or Well Selector Editor dialog contains a search box to quickly locate
wells. Start typing a well name in the Search available wells box, and the first match will be

Strater 5 User’s Guide

highlighted in the Available wells list. Click Find Next to move the selection to the next matching
well name. The search is not case sensitive.

The search string must match the beginning of the well name. The search will not return results for
intermediate matching characters. Using the image above for example, if South is typed into the
Search available wells box, the South Barrow 16 well is selected in the Available wells list. Clicking
Find Next will move the selection to South Barrow 17, then South Barrow 18, etc. However, if
Barrow is typed into the Search available wells box, no matching wells are found.

The search string does not need to be a complete word. Again using the image above as an
example, if tu is typed in the Search available wells box, the Tulageak 1 well is selected in the
Available wells list. Clicking Find Next moves the selection to Tunalik 1.

An asterisk (*) can be appended to the end of the search string to select all matching results. Using
the image above as an example, if South* is typed in the Search available wells box, the South
Barrow 16, South Barrow 17, South Barrow 18, South Barrow 19, and South Barrow 20 wells are all

Click the to open a list of previous search terms. Click Find Next to add a search string to the
previous searches list. Up to ten search terms are saved in the list.

Adding Wells
To add wells, open the Create Well Selector or Well Selector Editor dialog. Click on the well
name that should be added in the Available wells list. To select multiple wells that are not located
above or below other wells in the list, press and hold the CTRL key on the keyboard. Click and
select each well to add multiple wells. To select multiple wells that are located above or below other
wells, click the first well, press and hold the SHIFT key on the keyboard, and press the last well. All

wells between the first and last are selected. Once all wells are selected, click the
button. The selected wells are added to the bottom of the list of Wells in selector list. Click OK when
all of the wells are in the Wells in selector list and the well selector line updates.

A well can be added to the Create Well Selector or Well Selector Editor more than once.
However, two adjacent wells cannot have the same hole ID. That is, the well cannot be next to
itself in the list.

Modifying Well Order

To modify the order the wells in the well selector are connected, open the Well Selector Editor
dialog. On the right side of the dialog in the Wells in selector list, change the wells so that the wells
are in the order they should appear in the cross section. To move wells, click on the well to move,
hold down the left mouse button, and drag the well to the desired location. A indicates a location
where the well can be moved. a appears in a location where the selected well cannot be moved.
Click OK when all of the wells are in the proper order and the well selector line updates.

Deleting Wells
To delete wells from the well selector, open the Well Selector Editor dialog. Click on the well to be

removed in the Wells in selector list. Click the button and the selected well is removed
from the list. Click OK and the well selector line is updated to not include the deleted wells.

Chapter 6 - Cross Sections and the Cross Section View

To remove all wells but the top two, click the button. After clicking the Minimum button,
all wells except for the top two are removed from the Wells in selector list. This is a quick way to
recreate the well selector line or delete multiple wells at once.

Import Cross Section Data Dialog

The Import Cross Section Data dialog appears when creating a cross section. This dialog allows
you to set the type of cross section to create and set the table and data column for each log in the
cross section. To open the Import Cross Section Data dialog, click the Cross Section |
Create/Add | Create Cross Section command. Click through the dialogs and the Import Cross
Section Data dialog will appear.

Set the type of cross section, tables, and data columns for each well in the
Import Cross Section Data dialog.

Cross Section Type

To change the type of cross section created, click on the existing option in the Cross section log
type list. Select the type of cross section desired. Available options are Lithology/Zone bar log,
Line/Symbol log, or Depth-registered raster log. When Lithology/Zone bar log is selected, either
zone bar logs or lithology logs are created, based on the type of table selected.

Assigning Tables to Boreholes

To assign data to a borehole, click on the existing table name and click the down arrow button to
the right of the Table name. Any open table that can create either the lithology/zone bar logs or
line/symbol logs are listed. Select the appropriate table and the Table option updates to show the
selected table. If no tables are listed, a new data file must be opened.

Strater 5 User’s Guide

Click on the arrow to the right of the

table name to select a different table.

Assigning Data Columns to Boreholes

To change the data that the borehole displays in the log, click on the existing column name and
click the down arrow button to the right of the Data Column name. All available columns are listed.
Select the appropriate column and the Data Column option updates to show the selected column. If
no columns are listed, select a different Table or open a new data file.

Opening a New Data File

If a table is not listed, a new table needs to be opened in the project. Click the
button. In the Import Data dialog, select the appropriate data file and
click Open. Step through the data import options dialogs. When the table is imported, it will be
listed under the Table column, if the table type matches the type needed for the log type.

Removing Boreholes
A cross section cannot be created unless all boreholes are associated with a table. If you do not
have data for a borehole in the well selector and wish to continue creating the cross section, you
can remove a borehole from the Import Cross Section Data dialog by clicking the Hole ID and
pressing DELETE. Once the cross section is created the Well selectors field in the Cross Section
properties contains the original well selector. You cannot recreate the cross section while the data is
missing for boreholes in the well selector. You can create a new well selector and update the Well
selectors property in the cross section properties, or you can add the data for the missing wells to
the project if you wish to recreate the cross section.

OK or Cancel
When all boreholes have a Table and Data Column listed, click OK to display the cross section. If a
lithology/zone bar log cross section is created, the logs and connected layers are displayed. If a
line/symbol log cross section or depth-registered raster log cross section is created, the logs are
displayed without connected layers.

Click Cancel to cancel the creation of the cross section. The map and well selector line will still be

Adding a Well Header

The Cross Section | Create/Add | Add Well Headers command displays a well header in the
header pane, the footer pane if there is no header pane, or the cross section pane if there are no
header or footer panes in the cross section view. Up to five different header lines can be displayed
for each well, in addition to the well symbol. To edit the well header, click on the Well Header object
in the Header Pane Objects section of the Object Manager.

The well header object has six pages in the Property Manager: Well Header, Label, Line, Fill,
Symbol, and Info

Chapter 6 - Cross Sections and the Cross Section View

The well header displays

up to five lines of text
and the well symbol.

Editing the Cross Section

Resizing Cross Sections
Cross section views can be resized in a few different ways. The horizontal and vertical location and
size are controlled separately because the vertical location is based on the depth, while the
horizontal location is based only the well's collar position.

Horizontal Well Position

Initially, the wells are positioned so that all wells fit on the page. The horizontal well position is
controlled by the Well Spacing. To edit the well spacing, click on the Cross Section object in the
Object Manager. The Well Spacing can either be Proportional or Uniform. The distance between
wells is the same between all adjacent wells if the spacing is Uniform. If the spacing is Proportional,
the distance between wells is calculated with the collar location for each well. A scale is then applied
based on the vertical exaggeration.

Horizontal Width
To change the width of the entire cross section, click on the Cross Section item in the Object
Manager. With the cross section selected, you can either click and drag the side handles on the
bounding box to make the cross section smaller or larger or you can edit the W: value in the
Position/Size toolbar.

Vertical Position
Wells are located vertically on the cross section based on the starting borehole depth and the
reference datum. The cross section can be moved up or down in the cross section pane by opening
the cross section View properties, setting the Depth Settings option to User Defined, and adjusting
the Starting Borehole Depth value.

To edit the reference datum, open the cross section View properties. To have all wells start at the
top of the cross section pane, regardless of elevation, set the Reference Datum to [None]. To have
all wells based on elevation, set the Reference Datum to Mean Sea Level. To have all well vertical
locations based on a layer in the cross section, set the Reference Datum to Marker Bed. Then, set
the Marker Bed option to the desired layer name.

Vertical Length
The length of the cross section is determined by the scaling. To change the scaling, open the cross
section View properties. To automatically use a single sheet of paper and have the cross section fill
the entire cross section pane, set the Depth Settings option to Automatic and check the box next to
the Auto-recalculate Scale option. To change the length, uncheck the box next to the Auto-
recalculate Scale option and set the Vertical Exaggeration, Scaling Depth Per Inch, and Standard
Scale 1. The Depth Settings can be set to User Defined to manually set the Starting Borehole Depth
or Ending Borehole Depth.

Strater 5 User’s Guide

Recreate Cross Section

After most vertical and horizontal changes to the wells, the cross section will need to be recreated.
Click on the Cross Section object in the Object Manager. Click the Cross Section tab in the
Property Manager. Click the Recreate button. In the dialog, click Yes to automatically recreate the
cross section.

Editing Individual Logs on a Cross Section

To edit individual logs on a cross section, click on the well log name in the Object Manager.

The zone bar, lithology log, or line/symbol log properties for the selected well are located in the
Property Manager. Editing individual logs allows each well to have separate properties.

Editing All Wells in the Logs Layer

The shared properties for all the cross section logs can be edited by clicking on the Logs object in
the Object Manager and editing the properties in the Property Manager. This changes the
properties for all cross section logs at once. User-created logs that have been added to the cross
section must be edited individually.

Editing Individual Layers on a Cross Section

To edit individual layers on a cross section, click on the layer in the Object Manager.

Changing All Layer Properties

The cross section layer properties are normally controlled by a scheme. To change the scheme,
click on the Layers object in the Object Manager. Click on the name of the scheme next to
Keyword Scheme. In the list, click on the desired scheme and the entire cross section updates to
display the new scheme colors.

Changing Individual Layer Properties

Editing individual layers allows each layer to have separate custom properties. To use individual
properties, the scheme must be turned off for the Layers object.
1. Click on the Layers object in the Object Manager.
2. On the Layers tab, uncheck the box next to the Use Scheme For Line/Fill option.
3. Click on the desired layer name, such as Granite, to select only that layer.
4. The line and fill properties for the selected layer are located in the Property Manager.

Reshaping Layers
Cross section layers can be edited with the Draw | Tools | Reshape command. To enter the
reshape mode, click on any of the layers in the cross section view window or click on the specific
layer name in the Object Manager. The layer is selected. Click the Draw | Tools | Reshape
command to enter reshape mode. To change the shape of the layer:
1. Click on any of the vertices, indicated by the hollow blue squares.
2. Hold down the left mouse button and drag the vertex to the new location.
3. If the vertex is shared between different layers and you only want to move it for one layer,
press and hold the SHIFT key on the keyboard. Click on the vertex and drag it to the desired
location. The vertex only moves for the selected layer.
4. If a vertex should be shared between different layers, press and hold the SHIFT and ALT
keys on the keyboard. Click on the vertex and drag it near the other vertex. The vertices will
snap together and be linked.
5. To add a vertex, hold down the CTRL key on the keyboard and click the area on the layer to
add the point.
6. To delete a vertex, click on the vertex and press the DELETE key on the keyboard.

Chapter 6 - Cross Sections and the Cross Section View

7. To snap a vertex to the closest point of another layer, click on the vertex. Hold the left
mouse button down and begin moving the vertex. Press the ALT key on the keyboard and
the vertex snaps to the closest point of the layer nearest the cursor.
8. After reshaping the layer, click on another layer to select it.
9. Press ESC on the keyboard or click on Cross Section, Logs, or Layers object in the Object
Manager to end reshape mode.
Recreating the Cross Section
If all of the edits should be removed from the cross section, click on the Cross Section object in the
Object Manager. In the Property Manager, click on the Cross Section tab. Click the
button. Click Yes in the dialog warning that all modifications are lost to return to the default look.
Click No to keep the customizations and not redraw the layers.

Example Cross Section Editing

1. Click the File | Open command.
2. Select the Example Logs.sdg file in the Samples folder. By default, the Samples folder is
located at C:\Program Files\Golden Software\Strater 5\Samples. Click Open.
3. Create a new cross section view by clicking the Home | New | Cross Section View
4. Create the default cross section by clicking the Cross Section | Create/Add | Create
Cross Section command.
5. In the Create Well Selector dialog, click OK.
6. In the Import Cross Section Data dialog,
a. Set the Table for both wells to Lithology by clicking on the existing table name and
selecting Lithology from the list.
b. Make sure that the Data Column is set to Lithology Keyword for both wells.
c. Click OK.

The default cross section is created by connecting

the two wells at the far ends of the cross section.

7. Let's assume that we know that the basalt layer (the wavy line purplish colored layer in the
center of the cross section) has a thick section in the center of the cross section. Click on the
Basalt layer in the Object Manager or in the cross section view window.
8. Click the Draw | Tools | Reshape command to enter reshape mode.
9. Hold down the CTRL key on the keyboard. Click several points above the purple area to
create a curved area at the top of the basalt layer.
10. Continuing to hold down the CTRL key on the keyboard, click several points below the purple
area to create a curved area at the bottom of the layer.

Strater 5 User’s Guide

Add points to the layer by pressing the CTRL key and

clicking on the screen. This makes the layer thicker or thinner.

8. Click on the Magnetite-pinchouts layer in the Object Manager or in the cross section view
window. The magnetite pinchout is the small thin black layer on the far right side cross
9. The magnetite pinchout and the basalt pinchout below it share the same left end. To reshape
these separately, press the SHIFT key on the keyboard. Click on the left point and drag it
upward, toward the Granite pink layer.
10. Click on the Basalt-pinchouts layer in the Object Manager or in the cross section view
window. Notice that both purplish colored pinchouts on the right side are selected.

Both Basalt-pinchouts are selected.

11. Click on the upper left point and drag it down and to the right slightly to create more
separation between it and the magnetite pinchout above it.
12. Hold down the SHIFT key. Click and drag the lower left point down and to the right. Holding
the SHIFT key enables the purple pinchout on the right side of the cross section and the pink
pinchout on the left side of the cross section to be separated.
13. Click on the Granite-pinchouts on the left side of the cross section. Pinchouts can appear
however you want them to in the cross section. You can add points by holding down the
CTRL key on the keyboard and clicking on the screen or you can move points by clicking and
dragging points. Add a few points and change the right side of the Granite-pinchouts.

Chapter 6 - Cross Sections and the Cross Section View

Add points and move them to reshape

the layer to the desired shape.
11. When the cross section appears as you want it, press the ESC key on the keyboard to end
reshape mode.

Editing Individual Water Levels on a Cross Section

To edit individual water levels on a cross section, click on the water level in the Object Manager.

Changing All Water Level Properties

The zone bar, lithology, line/symbol, or raster log water level properties can be edited by clicking
the WaterLevel object in the Object Manager. When the WaterLevel object is selected, the line
properties for all water level lines are changed at once.

Changing Individual Water Level Properties

Editing individual water levels allows each water level line to have separate properties.
1. Click on the desired water level name in the Object Manager, or click the water level in the
cross section view.
2. The line properties for the selected water level are located in the Property Manager.

Reshaping Water Levels

Cross section water levels can be edited with the Draw | Tools | Reshape command. To enter the
reshape mode, click on any of the water levels in the cross section view window or click on the
specific water level name in the Object Manager. Click the Draw | Tools | Reshape command to
enter reshape mode. To change the shape of the water level:
1. Click on any of the vertices, indicated by the hollow blue squares.
2. Hold down the left mouse button and drag the vertex to the new location.
3. If the vertex is shared between different water levels and you only want to move it for one
water level, press and hold the SHIFT key on the keyboard. Click on the vertex and drag it to
the desired location. The vertex only moves for the selected water level.
4. If a vertex should be shared between different water levels, press and hold the SHIFT and
ALT keys on the keyboard. Click on the vertex and drag it near the other vertex. The vertices
will snap together and be linked.
5. To add a vertex, hold down the CTRL key on the keyboard and click the area on the layer to
add the point.
6. To delete a vertex, click on the vertex and press the DELETE key on the keyboard.
7. To snap a vertex to the closest point of another water level, click on the vertex. Hold the left
mouse button down and begin moving the vertex. Press the ALT key on the keyboard and
the vertex snaps to the closest point of the water level nearest the cursor.
8. After reshaping the water level, click on another water level to select it.
9. Press ESC on the keyboard or click on Cross Section, Logs, Layers, or WaterLevel object in
the Object Manager to end reshape mode.

Strater 5 User’s Guide

Recreating the Cross Section

If all of the edits should be removed from the cross section, click on the Cross Section object in the
Object Manager. In the Property Manager, click on the Cross Section tab. Click the
button. Click Yes in the dialog warning that all modifications are lost to return to the default look.
Click No to keep the customizations and not redraw the layers.

Displaying Deviated Logs on a Cross Section

To display deviated logs on a cross section, you will need inclination (or dip) and azimuth data for
each log that should be displayed as deviated.

To display a cross section as deviated:

1. Create the lithology,or zone bar, or line/symbol cross section as normal.

This line/symbol cross section has multiple layers displayed.

1. Click on the Logs item in the Object Manager.

2. In the Property Manager, click on the Logs tab.
3. Set the Hole Inclination Column or Hole Dip Column to the table that contains the deviation
4. Set the Hole Azimuth Column to the table that contains the deviation information.
5. Click on the Cross Section object in the Object Manager.
6. On the Cross Section tab, check the box next to the Display Logs As Deviated option.
7. If desired, click Yes in the dialog so that the Depth Method is automatically set to True
Vertical Depth. Alternatively, click No and set the Depth Method manually.
a. Click the View | Display | View Properties command.
b. Click on the View tab in the Property Manager.
c. Set the Depth Method to True Vertical Depth.

The example cross section with deviations shown.

When a line/symbol log is displayed, the
log is displayed as a straight line.

Chapter 6 - Cross Sections and the Cross Section View

Cross Section Properties

Some cross section properties edit the entire cross section view. These include the well spacing and
whether the logs are displayed as deviated. Individual objects can still be changed, but these
default properties control all of the objects that have not been specifically changed.

To edit the common cross section properties, click on the Cross Section object in the Object
Manager. The properties are listed in the Property Manager.

Set the cross section properties on the Cross Section tab.

Display Logs As Deviated

Check the box next to the Display logs as deviated to show all deviated logs as non-vertical in the
cross section. In addition to checking this box, make sure that the Depth method on the cross
section View properties page is set to True Vertical Depth and set the Hole inclination column (or
Hole dip column) and Hole azimuth column on the Logs page. To display all wells as vertical,
uncheck the Display logs as deviated box.

When displayed as deviated, lithology and zone bar display the log with all properties deviated.
Line/symbol logs are displayed with the properties and trace deviated.

Line/symbol logs cannot display grid lines while they are deviated. Variable and depth grid lines are
removed when the Display logs as deviated check box is checked. The variable and depth grid line
settings are remembered and are displayed automatically when the Display logs as deviated check
box is unchecked. Line/symbol logs also cannot display fills when they are deviated. The Logs
object and individual line/symbol log item Fill page is removed from the Property Manager when
the Display logs as deviated check box is checked. Fill settings are remembered and are displayed
automatically if the Display logs as deviated check box is unchecked.

The horizontal location of well headers and scale bars are controlled by the well top. If the cross
section Starting borehole depth on the View properties page is different than the well top, the well
header and/or scale bars may not be in same location as the visible portion of the log.

Strater 5 User’s Guide

The cross section on the left shows lithology logs as deviated.

The cross section on the right shows line/symbol logs
as deviated.

Connect Water Level(s) by Names

If a Water level table has been specified for some or all of the logs on the Water Level page, the
water levels can be connect by a line on the cross section by checking the Connect water level(s) by
names check box. Strater connects the water level layers specified in the water level table
automatically when the water level table does not include a label column. When Strater
automatically connects the water levels, the top water level in each well is connected, the second
water level in each level is connected, etc. The water level name column is used to specify the
water level connections between wells. If you also specify the Water level name column in the
Water Level properties, the water level lines will be controlled by the water level names. Water level
lines are drawn left to right and will not cross. See the Parts of a Cross Section topic for more
information on the WaterLevel object and the individual water level layer items. Uncheck the
Connect water level(s) by names check box to remove the water level lines from the cross section.

Well Spacing
The Well Spacing sets the method to use to place wells on the page. The options are Proportional
and Uniform. Setting the spacing to Proportional makes 1 unit of distance the same between all
wells. So, two wells that are 200 units apart will be twice as far apart in the cross section as two
wells that are 100 units apart. Setting the spacing to Uniform places all wells an equal distance
from all neighboring wells, regardless of the actual distance between wells. To change the spacing,
click on the existing option and select the desired option from the list.

When the Display Logs As Deviated option is checked, the Well Spacing is automatically set to
Proportional and cannot be changed.

Cross section linked scale bars should only be used when the Well Spacing is set to Proportional.
When a linked scale bar is attached to a cross section that has a Proportional well spacing that is
changed to Uniform, a warning message appears indicating that the cross section scale bar may not
be accurate with the Uniform well spacing. In this case, the distances will not be accurate across
the entire cross section. Click Yes to continue changing the Well Spacing to uniform. It is then
recommended that the scale bar be deleted. Click No to keep the cross section as Proportional so
that the scale bar is accurate.

When a scale bar is added to a cross section that already has Well Spacing set to Uniform, a
warning message appears indicating that the scale bar measurement will not be accurate. Click Yes
to add the scale bar. Click No to not add the scale bar.

Keep Customized Layers

If you have made layer customizations, for example with Reshape, check the Keep customized
layers check box to maintain the customizations when recreating the cross section. When the Keep

Chapter 6 - Cross Sections and the Cross Section View

customized layers check box is not checked, the customizations will be discarded if the cross
section is recreated.

Recreate Cross Section

To recreate the connections between the wells in the cross section, click the Recreate button. Cross
section customizations can be maintained when recreating the cross section by checking the Keep
customized layers check box. If you have added or removed wells, you may wish to clear the layer
customizations. Recreate the cross section without layer customizations by clicking Recreate when
the Keep customized layers check box is not checked. A warning message will be displayed when
recreating the cross section while Keep customized layers is not checked.

Add Logs to the Cross Section

A well selector is automatically added when creating a cross section. You can add logs to the cross
section by editing the well selector. To add logs to the cross section:
1. Click the Cross Section object in the Object Manager.
2. In the Cross Section page, find the map view for the selected well selector in the Well
selectors field. The value in the Well selectors field will display the well names and the
location of the well selector in the map view. For example, in the Cross Section_LineLogs.sdg
sample file, the Well selectors field displays South Barrow 19 - South Barrow 18 - South
Barrow 17 (in Map 1 - Detail).
3. Click the map view that contains the well selector. To continue the example from step two,
we click the Map 1 - Detail document tab or click Map 1 - Detail in the View Manager.
4. Click the well selector in the Object Manager. The name of the well selector was found in
step two.
5. Click the Edit button on the Well Selector page of the Property Manager.
6. Add, remove, and/or reorder the wells as desired in the Well Selector Editor.
7. Click OK.
8. Return to the cross section view by clicking the document tab or clicking the cross section in
the View Manager.
9. Click the Cross Section object in the Object Manager.
10. Click the Recreate button in the Recreate cross section field.
The cross section is recreated with the updated well selector.

Editing the Layers

Cross Section Layers
Click on the Layers item in the Object Manager to edit properties for all layers in the cross
section. Scheme properties, layer names, layers to compare, line properties, fill properties, and
label properties can be edited. The Info tab displays information about the number of layers in the
cross section.

Tip For Changing Layer Properties

If the individual layer line and fill properties or the Layers line, fill, or label properties are not
available, a keyword scheme may be in use by the Layers object. To turn off the display of the
keyword scheme, click on the Layers object to select it. Click on the Layers tab in the Property
Manager. Uncheck the boxes next to Use Scheme for Line/Fill and Use Scheme For Label
Font. The layers line, fill, and font properties can now be edited separately.

Click the Draw | Tools | Reshape command to move, add, or delete vertices from polylines and
polygons. The Draw | Tools | Reshape command is also used to edit cross section connections.

Strater 5 User’s Guide

Entering the Reshape Mode

Click on the polyline, polygon, or cross section layers either in the Object Manager or the view
window to select the object. Click the Draw | Tools | Reshape command or right-click on the
object and choose Reshape to enter the reshape mode. After selecting Reshape, the cursor
changes to to indicate reshape mode. For a cross section, click on the layer name in the Object
Manager or in the cross section view window and click the Draw | Tools | Reshape command to
edit a specific layer. The object's vertices appear as hollow blue squares. Reshape mode is
persistent and you can reshape multiple items until you exit the reshape mode. After you reshape
an object, select another object to reshape or exit reshape mode.

When Reshape is activated the lines of the

object turns blue, with blue squares for vertices.

Exiting the Reshape Mode

To exit reshape mode and save the changes made to the object, press ENTER on the keyboard,
press ESC on the keyboard, select another command or toolbar button, or double-click in the white
space in the view window.

Selecting Vertices
• Left-click on a vertex to select it. The selected vertex is indicated by a solid cyan square.
• To select the first vertex, press the HOME key. To select the last vertex, press the END key.
• To shift the selected vertices forward by one position, press the TAB key. To shift the
selected vertices backward by one position, hold the SHIFT key and press the TAB key.
• Hovering the mouse over an unselected vertex will display a grey highlight around the vertex
indicating it may be selected or dragged.

• The cursor will change to when it is over a vertex to indicate the vertex may be selected
or dragged.

A selected vertex
turns cyan.
Deselecting Vertices
All vertices can be deselected by clicking in an unused space in the view window.

Moving Vertices

When a vertex is selected and the cursor displays as , hold the left mouse button down and
drag the vertex to a new location. As the vertex is dragged its prior position is still visible as a cyan
square. The location of the former line segments are displayed in yellow, and the current location
of the line segments is displayed in black. Release the left mouse button to place the vertex in the
new location. Alternatively, place the cursor over the vertex, hold the SPACEBAR, and use the
ARROW keys on the keyboard to move the vertex to a new location.

Chapter 6 - Cross Sections and the Cross Section View

Click on a vertex and drag it to the new location. Release the mouse button and the vertex is

Undo Moving Vertices

Each individual edit can be undone using the Home | Undo | Undo command.

Adding Vertices

To enter insert mode, hold down the CTRL key. The cursor will change to . Left-click anywhere
in the view window, or on the existing object and a new node will be added at that location to the
closes point on the existing object.

Deleting Vertices
To delete a vertex, select the vertex and press the DELETE key on the keyboard.

Unlinking Vertices
If two or more vertices are linked together, you can unlink them by pressing the SHIFT key on the
keyboard, selecting one vertex and moving it to a new location.

Linking Vertices
If two or more vertices should be linked together, you can press the SHIFT and ALT keys on the
keyboard. Then, click on the first vertex and drag it near the other vertex. The point will snap to
the nearby point.

While in reshape mode you can move the page by holding down the left mouse button in an area
where there are no vertices and dragging the mouse.

Status Bar
When the reshape tool is active, the status bar displays tips on reshaping objects on the far left
side. The fourth section indicates how far the selected vertex has been moved.

The far left side of the status bar shows tips on how to reshape items. The fourth section shows
how far the vertex has been moved (4.50 inches to the right in the X direction and 4.62 inches
down in the Y direction).

To Reshape a Polyline or Polygon

To edit a polyline or polygon:
1. Click on the polyline or polygon in the view window or Object Manager to select it.
2. Click the Draw | Tools | Reshape command.
3. The cursor changes to and all the vertices in the selected polyline or polygon appear as
small hollow squares.

Strater 5 User’s Guide

4. To move a vertex, left-click on the vertex with the mouse and drag it to a new location.
5. To add a vertex, hold down the CTRL key and click the area on the polygon or polyline where
the point should be added.
6. To delete a vertex, click on the vertex to delete and press the DELETE key on the keyboard.
7. After reshaping the object, press the ENTER or ESC key to exit edit mode.
To Edit a Cross Section Layer
Cross section layers can be edited with the Draw | Tools | Reshape command. To enter the
reshape mode, click on any of the layers in the cross section view window or click on the specific
layer to edit in the Object Manager. Click the Draw | Tools | Reshape command to enter
reshape mode. To change the shape of the layer:
1. Click on any of the vertices, indicated by the hollow blue squares.
2. Hold down the left mouse button and drag the vertex to the new location.
3. If the vertex is shared between different layers and you only want to move it for one layer,
press and hold the SHIFT key on the keyboard. Click on the vertex and drag it to the desired
location. The vertex only moves for the selected layer. This is very useful for pinchouts that
4. If a vertex should be shared between different layers, press and hold the SHIFT and ALT
keys on the keyboard. Click on the vertex and drag it near the other vertex. The vertices will
snap together and be linked.
5. To add a vertex, hold down the CTRL key on the keyboard and click the area on the layer to
add the point.
6. To delete a vertex, click on the vertex and press the DELETE key on the keyboard.
7. To snap a vertex to the closest point of another layer, click on the vertex. Hold the left
mouse button down and begin moving the vertex. Press the ALT key on the keyboard and
the vertex snaps to the closest point of the layer nearest the cursor.
8. After reshaping the layer, click on another layer to select it.
9. Press ESC on the keyboard or click on Cross Section, Logs, or Layers object in the Object
Manager to end reshape mode.

Import Layer Marks

Click the Cross Section | Layer Marks | Import command to import a table that contains the
layer marks. Layer marks are the tops or bottoms of the zones or layers that should be connected
in the line/symbol plot cross section. The table that the top or bottom values are in should be
imported into Strater as a depth or text table type.

Importing Layer Marks

1. Click the Cross Section | Layer Marks | Import command.
2. In the Import Layer Marks dialog, select the existing table or a new file that contains the
layer marks and click Open.
3. If a new file was selected, step through the import data dialogs to import the data into a new
depth type table.
4. In the Select Layer Mark Column dialog, select the column in the table that contains the
layer mark names and click OK.

Select the appropriate column in

the Column Name list and click OK.

Chapter 6 - Cross Sections and the Cross Section View

5. Click Yes in the warning that the user modifications will be lost to create the cross section
from the imported layer marks.
The layers are connected with lines in the cross section, showing the layer names and locations
from the table.

Filling Layers
To fill the areas between the layer lines, check the Fill between Layer Lines option in the Layers

Connect Logs with Layers

Click the Cross Section | Create/Add | Connect Logs with Layers command to create new
layers in a lithology, zone bar, line/symbol, or depth-registered raster log cross section. If the
command is unavailable, click on the Cross Section, Logs, or Layers object in the Object Manager
before selecting the command. The Connect Logs with Layers command can be used to draw all
layers on a cross section or can be used as an editing tool to add additional layers or pinchouts to
existing layers on a cross section.

Manually Drawing Layers

1. Click on the Cross Section object to select the cross section.
2. Click the Cross Section | Create/Add | Connect Logs with Layers command.
3. In the Select Or Enter Layer Name dialog, type a layer name or select a layer name from
the list and click OK.
4. The cross section is now in layer drawing mode:
a. Click on a log where the layer should connect with the log.
b. Hold down the SHIFT key on the keyboard and click between logs to add points.
c. Hold down the CTRL key to click on another layer and constrain the connecting line
to a 45 degree angle (0, 45, 90, etc).
d. Hold down the SHIFT and ALT keys on the keyboard and click between logs to snap
the new point to an existing point on a different layer.
e. Hold down the SHIFT and CTRL keys on the keyboard to connect two points with a
line at a 45 degree angle.
5. Draw points around the entire area, including the sides, top surface, and bottom surface.
6. Double-click the last point or press ENTER on the keyboard to accept the changes.
7. Additional layers with this same layer name can be created by following the steps 4, 5, and 6
to draw additional polygons.
8. Press ESC to end drawing layers mode.

Create/Edit Layer Marks

Click the Cross Section | Layer Marks | Create/Edit command to manually create or edit layer
marks. Layer marks are the tops or bottoms of the zones or layers that should be connected in the
line/symbol cross section. After all layer marks are selected on the cross section, the marks can be
saved to a table. See Adding Layer Marks to a Raster Log for information on adding layer marks to
a raster log.

Creating Layer Marks

1. Click the Cross Section | Layer Marks | Create/Edit command.
2. Click on the first log in the location where the layer top or bottom should be located. As the
cursor nears a log, the log name and depth are displayed in a pop-up window.
3. In the Name The Layer dialog, select an existing layer name from the list or type a new
name in the box. Click OK.
4. Continue clicking on the various logs and naming the layers until all layer marks have been
created. Not all layer marks need be clicked in each log.

Strater 5 User’s Guide

5. When finished creating layer marks, press ENTER on the keyboard. Press ESC to cancel ALL
layer marks.
6. In the Save Layer Marks To Table dialog, select the Table name to save the layer marks or
type a new table name.
7. Click OK.
8. Click Yes in the warning that the user modifications will be lost to create the cross section
from the imported layer marks.
The layers are connected with lines in the cross section, showing the layer names and locations
from the table.

Editing Layer Marks

1. Click the Cross Section | Layer Marks | Create/Edit command.
2. To add a new layer mark,
a. Click on the location in the log where the layer top or bottom should be located. As
the cursor nears a log, the log name and depth are displayed in a pop-up window.
When the cursor nears an existing layer mark, that layer mark name is also
displayed in the pop-up window.
b. In the Name The Layer dialog, select an existing layer name from the list or type a
new name in the box.
c. Click OK.
3. If an existing layer mark name should be changed,
a. Click on the layer mark to select it.
b. In the Update Layer Name dialog, type a new layer name or select an existing
layer name from the list.
c. Click OK to update the layer mark name.
4. If an existing layer mark should be deleted,
a. Click on the layer mark to select it.
b. In the Update Layer Name dialog, check the box next to the Delete this mark
c. Click OK and the layer mark is deleted.
5. When finished creating layer marks, press ENTER on the keyboard. Press ESC to cancel ALL
layer marks.
6. In the Save Layer Marks To Table dialog, select the Table name to save the layer marks or
type a new table name.
7. Click OK.
8. Click Yes in the warning that the user modifications will be lost to create the cross section
from the imported layer marks.

The layer lines in the cross section are updated, showing the new layer names and locations from
the table.

Clear Layer Marks

Click the Cross Section | Layer Marks | Clear command to remove all layer marks from the
current cross section. The cross section is redrawn without any layer marks. Layers created with
layer marks are completely removed from the cross section. Layer mark tables are not deleted.

Layer marks can be recreated by clicking the Home | Undo | Undo command, clicking the Cross
Section | Layer Marks | Import command, or clicking the Cross Section | Layer Marks |
Create/Edit command. Layers can also be created with the Cross Section | Create/Add |
Connect Logs with Layers command.

Select Or Enter Layer Name Dialog

The Select Or Enter Layer Name dialog appears after clicking the Cross Section | Create/Add
| Connect Logs with Layers command.

Chapter 6 - Cross Sections and the Cross Section View

Select the layer name from the list or type any

layer name in the box to create a new layer.

After the dialog appears, click on the existing layer name to select a layer from the list.
Alternatively, type any new layer name in the box. When all changes are made, click OK and draw
the layer on the cross section. To quit without drawing a new layer, click Cancel.

Add Layer Dialog

The Add Layer dialog appears after creating a layer mark with the Cross Section | Layer Marks
| Create/Edit command or when adding layer marks to a raster log.

Select the layer name from the list or type any

layer name in the box to create a new layer.

After the dialog appears, click on the existing layer name to select a layer from the list.
Alternatively, type any new layer name in the box. When all changes are made, click OK and draw
the layer on the cross section or raster log. To quit without drawing a new layer, click Cancel.

Layer Marks Table Dialog

The Layer Marks Table dialog appears after pressing ENTER on the keyboard when creating or
editing cross section layer marks or raster log layer marks. The Layer Marks Table dialog is also
displayed after changing the depth registration for a raster log.

Strater 5 User’s Guide

Select the table name from the list or type any

table name in the box to create a new table.

Save Layer Marks to Table

Check the box next to Save layer marks to table to save the manual layer marks to a table. This is
useful if you want to edit the mark locations or import into other cross sections. Uncheck the box to
not store the cross section layer marks in a table. Strater will internally save the locations of the

Table Name
Click on the existing Table name to select an existing table from the list. Alternatively, type any
new table name in the box to save the layer marks to a new table.

Pre-Clear Old Content

Select a Pre-clear option to specify which, if any, content to remove from the existing table and
replace it with the current layer mark locations. The Pre-clear option is enabled when the Table
name matches the name of an existing table.
• Select None to append the layer mark information to the end of the existing table.
• Select Table to overwrite the entire table with the new layer mark information.
• Select Rows with... to overwrite only rows matching hole IDs.

OK or Cancel
When all changes are made, click OK to save the changes. To quit without saving, click Cancel.

Update Layer Name Dialog

The Update Layer Name dialog appears after clicking on an existing layer mark in a cross section
or raster log.

Select the action and layer name from the list or type any
layer name in the box.

Chapter 6 - Cross Sections and the Cross Section View

Adding a New Layer Mark

Select Add new layer in the Action list to add a new layer to the raster log or cross section. Type a
name for the new layer in the Layer name field or select an existing name from the Layer name list.

Renaming a Layer Mark

Select Update existing layer name in the Action list to rename the layer. Click on the current Layer
name to select a layer from the list. Alternatively, type any new Layer name in the box.

Deleting a Layer Mark

To delete this mark, select Delete existing layer in the Action list. Only this mark is deleted. To
delete all layer marks in a cross section, click the Cross Section | Layer Marks | Clear command.

OK or Cancel
When all changes are made, click OK and the layer mark name is updated on the cross section or
raster log. To quit without updating the layer mark name, click Cancel.

Layer Properties
Click on the Layers item in the Object Manager to edit properties for all layers in the cross
section. Scheme properties, layer names, layers to compare, line properties, fill properties, and
label properties can be edited. The Info tab displays information about the number of layers in the
cross section.

Click on the Layers tab in the Property Manager to

load a scheme for the layers in a cross section.

Use Scheme For Line/Fill

Check the box next to Use Scheme For Line/Fill to use a keyword scheme to determine the line and
fill properties for each layer in the cross section. Uncheck the box to set the layer properties using
the Line and Fill tabs for all layers at the same time. Or, uncheck the box and set the layer
properties for each layer individually.

Strater 5 User’s Guide

Keyword Scheme
The Keyword Scheme is the scheme that determines the fill and line properties when Use Scheme
For Line/Fill is checked and the font properties when Use Scheme For Label Font is checked. The
items in the selected scheme should match the text that appears in the interval or lithology table.
To change the scheme, click on the existing scheme name and select the desired scheme from the
list. Click the next to the scheme name to open the Scheme Editor, where the scheme can be
created or edited.

Layers to Compare
A cross section is created by matching layers between neighboring wells. Sometimes a layer doesn't
have a match in the neighboring borehole and a pinchout is created. The Layers To Compare option
determines the number of layers from each neighboring borehole that each layer in a log should
examine before a pinchout is created. The default option is 3. The larger this option is, the less
pinchouts will appear on the cross section, but the more likely that layers will connect when they
should not. To change the number of layers to compare, highlight the existing value and type the

new value. Alternatively, click the to increase or decrease the value. Press ENTER on the
keyboard to make the change.

Draw Layers Across Logs

Check the Draw layers across logs check box to draw layer lines horizontally across the width of the
logs in the cross section. The Draw layers across logs property is only available for a line/symbol
cross section. After importing or creating layer marks, click the check box next to Draw layers
across logs and the layer lines will be horizontal across the log or logs for each borehole in the cross

After enabling the Draw layers across logs property the layer lines do not automatically update if
you make further customizations, such as changing the log width, adding user-created logs,
changing the log order, etc. You must uncheck the Draw layers across logs check box and re-check
the Draw layers across logs check box to update the layer lines after making log changes.

The layers will be drawn horizontally across user created logs as well, regardless of type. However,
logs added with the Log | Create Logs commands must be next to the logs used to create the
line/symbol cross section for the layers to be drawn across all logs. That is, the logs from each
borehole must be adjacent to one another for the layer lines to be drawn across all logs. There can
be space between the logs from the same borehole, but there cannot be a log from a different
borehole between the logs. When the user created logs are in a different order than the line/symbol
logs, the user created logs are ignored and the layers are only drawn across the original
line/symbol logs.

Chapter 6 - Cross Sections and the Cross Section View

When Draw layers across logs is checked the

When Draw layers across logs is not checked a
layer lines are drawn horizontally across the
straight line is drawn between layer marks on
line/symbol logs and any adjacent user created
the line/symbol logs.
logs with the same Hole ID.

Fill Between Layer Lines

The Fill between Layer Lines option is only available for a line/symbol cross section. After importing
or creating layer marks, check the box next to Fill between Layer Lines to fill the areas between the
layer marks. When the box is unchecked, layer lines will appear, but the areas between layer lines
will not be filled.

When the Fill between Layer Lines is checked, the fill colors for the layers come from the Keyword
Scheme if the Use Scheme For Line/Fill is checked. If the Use Scheme For Line/Fill is unchecked, set
the layer properties using the Line and Fill tabs for all layers at the same time or set the layer
properties for each layer individually.

Layer Line Marks Layer Top

The Layer Line Marks Layer Top option controls whether the imported or created layer marks are
the location for the layer's top or bottom location. When the box next to Layer Line Marks Layer Top
is checked, the layer marks are the top of the layer. When the box is unchecked, the layer marks
are the bottom of the layer.

Tip for Layer Display

If changing the individual layer line and fill properties or changing the Layers line, fill, or font
properties shows no change on the layers in the cross section, a keyword scheme may be in use by
the Layers object. To turn off the display of the keyword scheme, click on the Layers object to
select it. Click on the Layers tab in the Property Manager. Uncheck the boxes next to Use
Scheme for Line/Fill and Use Scheme For Label Font. The layers line, fill, and font properties can
now be edited separately.

Layers Label Properties

Click on the Layers item in the Object Manager to edit properties for all layers in the cross
section. General layers properties, line properties, fill properties, and label properties can be edited.

Strater 5 User’s Guide

The Info tab displays information about the number of layers in the cross section. The layers label
properties are edited on the Label page of the Property Manager.

Show labels and edit the font properties on the Label

page of the Property Manager.

Show Layer Labels

Check the box next to Show layer labels to display the names of the layers in the cross section.
Uncheck the box to remove the layer names. The layer names are determined by the scheme item

Show Layer Line Labels

Check the box next to Show layer line labels to display the names of the layer lines in the cross
section. Uncheck the box to remove the layer line labels. The layer line names are determined by
the scheme item names.

Use Scheme For Label Font

Check the box next to Use Scheme For Label Font to set the font properties for the layer names
using the keyword scheme. Uncheck the box to set the layer name font properties Font tab for all
layers at the same time. Using the scheme allows each layer to have a different size font, which
may work better for displaying names on thin layers.

Font Properties
The Font Properties section of the Label page contains the font properties for the layer labels. The
properties in the Font Properties section are disabled when Use scheme for label font is checked. To
change the label font when Use scheme for label font is checked, edit the font properties in the
Scheme Editor. Uncheck the Use scheme for label font check box to edit the label font properties
in the Label page. See the Font Properties topic for more information on editing font properties.

Font Properties
Font properties can be changed for most text objects, including labels. Use the following options to
change the text values.

Chapter 6 - Cross Sections and the Cross Section View

The Font section displays the options for setting the font properties.

Use the Face option to change the font for the text. All TrueType fonts are listed in the font list. to
change the font, click on the existing option and select the desired font from the list.


Set the text size in the Points field by scrolling to a new number using the or by highlighting the
existing value and typing a number into the box. Sizes are in points.

Foreground Color
Change the Foreground Color of the text by clicking on the color box. Select a new color by clicking
on a color in the color palette. You can create new colors by clicking the Custom button at the
bottom of the color palette.

Foreground Opacity
Use the Foreground Opacity to change the opacity of the text. 0% is completely transparent and
100% is completely opaque. To change the value, highlight the existing value and type a new value

or click the to increase or decrease the value.

Use Background to change the color fill of a background rectangle that surrounds the text. Click the
color box and select from the palette or click Custom to select a custom color.

Strater 5 User’s Guide

Background Opacity
Use Background Opacity to change the opacity of the background. 0% is completely transparent
and 100% is completely opaque. To change the value, highlight the existing value and type a new

value or click the to increase or decrease the value.

In most places text options will appear in the Property Manager. In these case, check the box
next to the Bold, Italic, Underline, and Strikethrough options to apply one or more of those text
styles. Note that some typefaces, such as Symbol, do not support bold or italicized text.

Horizontal Alignment
Use Horizontal Alignment to place text horizontally in the selected object. The reference point for
alignment is the exact center of the object.
• Left horizontally aligns a text box so that the reference point is to the left of the text box. For
labels in bar, zone bar, and complex text logs, Left aligns the label to the left side of the bar.
• Center horizontally centers the text box on the reference point. For labels in bar, zone bar,
and complex text logs, Center aligns the label in the center of the bar.
• Right horizontally aligns the text box so that the reference point is to the right of the text
box. For labels in bar, zone bar, and complex text logs, Right aligns the label to the right side
of the bar.
Vertical Alignment
Use Vertical Alignment to place default text vertically in the selected object. The reference point for
alignment is the exact center of the object.
• Top vertically aligns the text box so that the reference point is above the text box. For labels
in bar, zone bar, and complex text logs, Top aligns the label at the top of the bar.
• Center vertically centers the text box on the reference point. For labels in bar, zone bar, and
complex text logs, Center aligns the label in the center of the bar.
• Baseline vertically aligns the text box so that the reference point is located at the base of the
text. The baseline is the imaginary line along which characters are positioned as they are
drawn. Descenders on characters are drawn below the baseline. For labels in bar, zone bar,
and complex text logs, Baseline aligns the baseline of the label at the center of the bar.
• Bottom vertically aligns the text box so that the reference point is below the text box. For
labels in bar, zone bar, and complex text logs, Bottom aligns the label at the bottom of the

Line Properties
Use line properties to change line properties for selected lines in the view. To edit the line
properties, click on the object in the Object Manager or plot window to select it. The properties
are listed in the Property Manager. Default line properties are set in the File | Options dialog on
the Line page.

If the options on the Line tab are not available, a scheme is likely being used. Uncheck the
appropriate Use Keyword Scheme, Use Range Scheme, or Use Indent Keyword Scheme option to
turn off the display of the scheme properties and set the line properties on the Line tab.

Chapter 6 - Cross Sections and the Cross Section View

The Line Properties section controls the

line properties for the selected object.

Use Log Line Color

When editing the line properties of a scale bar for a line/symbol log, crossplot log, or function log,
the Use log line color property is available. When the Use log line color check box is checked, the
scale bar line color and opacity is linked to the log line color. The Color and Opacity properties on
the Line page are disabled when Use log line color is checked.

Click the line next Style to open the line style palette. Click on a style to use it for the selected line.
The line style sample updates to show the new selection. Click on the Custom button at the bottom
of the line style palette to specify a custom line style.

Click the color next to Color to open the color palette. Click on a color to use it for the selected line.
The color box and the sample line update to show the new selection. Click on the Custom button at
the bottom of the color palette to choose a custom color.

The Opacity changes the opacity (transparency) of the line. Values range between 0% (completely
transparent) to 100% (completely opaque). To change the opacity, highlight the existing value and
type a new value or click the to increase or decrease the opacity level.

Change the line Width by highlighting the existing value and typing a new number or by clicking the
to increase or decrease the line width. The line width can be zero to 0.5 inches (1.27 cm) wide.
A width of zero is one pixel wide.

Strater 5 User’s Guide

End Styles
The End Styles section controls the arrow styles for the ends of the line. Click the button to
expand the End Styles section.

For polylines the Start style option is available. The Start adds an arrow to the starting point of the
polyline. To set the arrow style, click on the existing option and select the desired option. Available
options are None (no arrow drawn), Simple head, Filled head, Triangle head, and 2-Stick head.

End Style
For polylines the End style option is available. The End adds an arrow to the ending point of the
polyline. To set the arrow style, click on the existing option and select the desired option. Available
options are None (no arrow drawn), Simple head, Filled head, Triangle head, and 2-Stick head.

For polylines the Scale option is available. The Scale controls the relative size of the selected start
and end arrow styles. Values are between 0.001 and 100. To change the scale, highlight the
existing value and type a new value or click the to increase or decrease the arrow scale.

Fill Properties
Fill properties can be changed for selected objects. To edit the fill properties, click on the object in
the Object Manager or plot window. The properties are listed in the Property Manager. Default
fill properties are set in the File | Options dialog by clicking on the Fill page.

If the options on the Fill tab are not available, a scheme is likely being used. Uncheck the
appropriate Use Keyword Scheme, Use Range Scheme, or Use Indent Keyword Scheme option to
turn off the display of the scheme properties and set the fill properties on the Fill tab.

Schemes and Fill Properties

Note that if a scheme is used in a log item, the fill properties will be unavailable on the Fill tab. You
must change the fill properties for the scheme in the Scheme Editor or turn off the display of the

Fill Properties Page

The object's fill is composed of layers of various fill types. All of the predefined fills have only one
layer. Custom fills created with the Fill Style Editor may have multiple layers of any type. Each
layer in the fill style has its own section in the Property Manager. The layers are listed in
descending order, i.e. the topmost layer is listed first, Layer 1 (<type>), followed by additional
layers. The following properties are displayed on the Fill page of the Property Manager.

Only the layer properties displayed in the Property Manager are included in this topic. To see
information about properties that are included in the Fill Style Editor, see the Fill Style Editor
topic. The image layer Load from property and the vector layer drawing area are only available in
the Fill Style Editor.

Log Fill Background

For many of the log objects, the Fill page includes a Fill background check box. If the box next to
Fill background is checked, the background area is filled. If the box next to Fill background is

Chapter 6 - Cross Sections and the Cross Section View

unchecked, the background is not filled. To change the Fill background, check or uncheck the box.
The Fill Properties section below the Fill background property controls the background fill.

Legend Fill Background

When a legend is selected, the Fill page contains the fill options for the legend background. The
Frame style on the Line page must be set to Rectangle or Rounded Rectangle for the legend to
display a background fill. When the Frame style is set to None, the background fill is not displayed
regardless of the Fill page settings. If you wish to display a background fill but not a frame line,
then set the Frame style to Rectangle or Rounded Rectangle. Next set Style in the Line Properties
section to Invisible. Finally set the desired background properties on the Fill page.

The Fill page in the Property Manager controls the

fill properties for the selected object.

Fill Style
The Style indicates the way that an object is filled. To change the Style, click on the existing fill
style next to Style. In the list, select a new style from the fill palette. Create custom fill styles with
the Fill Style Editor. Click the next to the Style field to open the Fill Style Editor to modify or
create a fill style.

Each layer in the selected fill style is displayed in its own section. The layers are listed in order from
top to bottom. The layer name is Layer n (type), where n is the layer position and type is the layer
type. A layer preview is displayed to the right of the layer name. The six layer types are Solid,
Stock, Image, Gradient, Vector, and Line. Click the button to expand the layer properties.

Solid Layer Properties

The properties for a solid layer are Color and Opacity.

Strater 5 User’s Guide

Expand a Solid layer to edit the layer's properties.

The Color is the color of the solid fill. Click the existing color sample next to Color to open the color
palette. Click on a color in the palette to use it for the layer's fill color. Click the button to open
the Colors dialog and create custom colors, use the dropper to select a color, or select the color
from a color wheel.

The Opacity controls the transparency of the solid fill style. To change the Opacity, highlight the
existing value and type a new value. Press ENTER on the keyboard to make the change.
Alternatively, click and drag the slider to increase or decrease the opacity value. Opacity
values are between 0% (zero opacity, full transparency) to 100% (full opacity, zero transparency).

Stock Layer Properties

The properties for a stock layer are Pattern, Foreground color, Foreground opacity, Background
color, and Background opacity.

Expand a Stock layer to edit the layer's properties.

Chapter 6 - Cross Sections and the Cross Section View

The Pattern indicates the way the stock layer is filled. To change the Pattern, click on the existing
pattern sample next to Pattern. Select a new style from the pattern palette.

Foreground Color
The Foreground color is the color of the pattern. Click the existing color sample next to Foreground
color to open the color palette. Click on a color in the palette to use it for the selected foreground
fill color. Click the button to open the Colors dialog and create custom colors, use the dropper
to select a color, or select the color from a color wheel.

Foreground Opacity
The Foreground opacity controls the transparency of the foreground portion of the pattern. To
change the Foreground opacity, highlight the existing value and type a new value. Press ENTER on
the keyboard to make the change. Alternatively, click and drag the slider to increase or
decrease the opacity value. Opacity values are between 0% (zero opacity, full transparency) to
100% (full opacity, zero transparency).

Background Color
The Background color is the color behind the pattern. Click the existing color sample next to
Background color to open the color palette. Click on a color in the palette to use it for the
background fill color. Click the button to open the Colors dialog and create custom colors.

Background Opacity
The Background opacity controls the transparency of the background portion of the pattern. To
change the Background opacity, highlight the existing value and type a new value. Press ENTER on
the keyboard to make the change. Alternatively, click and drag the slider to increase or
decrease the opacity value. Opacity values are between 0% (zero opacity, full transparency) to
100% (full opacity, zero transparency).

If the stock layer is above other layers in the fill style, the Background opacity must be less than
100% to see the layers below. To make a fill pattern appear transparent with only the foreground
portion of the fill pattern showing, change the Background Opacity value to 0%.

Image Layer Properties

The properties for an image layer are Pattern, Opacity, Stretch, Image Offset (X and Y), and Image
Scale (X, Y, and Proportional).

Strater 5 User’s Guide

Expand an Image layer to edit the layer's properties.

The Pattern property is used to add image layers from predefined or custom image fill styles. To
change the image layer, click the current option for an image layer Pattern and select a predefined
image layer or a custom image layer from the image palette. Only image fills with a single layer are
included in the image palette.

The Opacity controls the transparency of the image fill style. To change the Opacity, highlight the
existing value and type a new value. Press ENTER on the keyboard to make the change.
Alternatively, click and drag the slider to increase or decrease the opacity value. Opacity
values are between 0% (zero opacity, full transparency) to 100% (full opacity, zero transparency).

The Stretch is used with image patterns. The Stretch determines how the image is used to fill the
desired area. When the Stretch check box is checked, the image is stretched to fit the fill area.
When the Stretch check box is not checked the image is tiled in the fill area.

Chapter 6 - Cross Sections and the Cross Section View

The image fill on the left has the Stretch box checked. The image on
the right has the Stretch box unchecked.

Image Offset
Offset the image in the fill layer by typing a value in pixels in the X or Y fields in the Image Offset
section. You can also change the X and Y image offset values by clicking the buttons.

Image Scale
The Image Scale properties control the density of the image fill. Change the image scale by typing
a value in the X or Y fields in the Image Scale section. The Image Scale properties are ignored
when the Stretch property is checked. You can also change the X and Y image scale values by
clicking the buttons.

When the Proportional check box is checked, the X and Y values automatically update to maintain
the current aspect ratio. Uncheck the Proportional check box to apply different scaling in the X and
Y directions.

Note that the Proportional property does not lock the X and Y values to any specific aspect ratio but
to whichever ratio is in use when the box is checked. For example, assume you want the X:Y ratio
to be 2:1, but you do not know which Image Scale values are desired. You can uncheck the
Proportional check box. Next set the X value to 2 and the Y value to 1. Check the Proportional
check box. Now when you adjust one of the X or Y values, the other value updates automatically to
maintain the 2:1 ratio.

Gradient Layer Properties

The properties for a gradient layer are Type, Direction, and Colormap.

Strater 5 User’s Guide

Expand a Gradient layer to edit the layer's properties.

The Type controls how a gradient fill pattern is used to fill the selected area. To change the Type,
click on the current type and select the new type in the list. Select Linear or Radial for the Type.
When the Type is set to Linear, a linear color gradient fills the area. The colors change in a linear
manner from the top to the bottom or from the left to the right of the area. When the Type is set to
Radial, a radial color gradient fills the area. The colors change in concentric circles, either
expanding from the interior and going out or from the exterior and going in.

The Radial type is shown on the left and

the Linear type is shown on the right.

The Direction option sets the direction the gradient fills. When the Type is set to Linear, choose
either Vertical or Horizontal for the Direction. The Vertical option sets the gradient to change along
the Y axis. The Horizontal option sets the gradient to change along the X axis. When Radial is
selected as the Type, the Direction options are Inward and Outward. This reverses the color


The Colormap option sets the colors to use in the gradient pattern. Click the button to select or
create a color gradient in the Colormap dialog.

Chapter 6 - Cross Sections and the Cross Section View

Vector Layer Properties

The properties for a vector layer are Color and Opacity.

Expand a Vector layer to edit the layer's properties.

The Color is the color of the lines in the vector fill. Click the existing color sample next to Color to
open the color palette. Click on a color in the palette to use it for the layer's line color. Click the
button to open the Colors dialog and create custom colors, use the dropper to select a color, or
select the color from a color wheel.

The Opacity controls the transparency of the lines in the vector fill. To change the Opacity, highlight
the existing value and type a new value. Press ENTER on the keyboard to make the change.
Alternatively, click and drag the slider to increase or decrease the opacity value. Opacity
values are between 0% (zero opacity, full transparency) to 100% (full opacity, zero transparency).

Line Layer Properties

The properties for a Line layer are Color, Opacity, Angle, Offset, Separation, and Width.

Strater 5 User’s Guide

Expand a Line layer to edit the layer's properties.

The Color is the color of the lines in the line fill layer. Click the existing color sample next to Color
to open the color palette. Click on a color in the palette to use it for the layer's line color. Click the
button to open the Colors dialog and create custom colors, use the dropper to select a color, or
select the color from a color wheel.

The Opacity controls the transparency of the lines in the line fill layer. To change the Opacity,
highlight the existing value and type a new value. Press ENTER on the keyboard to make the
change. Alternatively, click and drag the slider to increase or decrease the opacity value.
Opacity values are between 0% (zero opacity, full transparency) to 100% (full opacity, zero

Change the angle of the lines by typing a value in degrees in the Angle field or clicking and
dragging the slider . Positive values rotate the lines clockwise.

Change the vertical offset between the lines and the pattern's origin by typing a value between -
0.25 and 0.25 inches in the Offset field. You can also change the Offset value by clicking the

Chapter 6 - Cross Sections and the Cross Section View

Change the separation between the lines by typing a value between 0 and 0.25 inches in the
Separation field. You can also change the Separation value by clicking the buttons.

Change the line Width by highlighting the existing value and typing a new number or by clicking the
to increase or decrease the line width. The line width can be zero to 0.5 inches (1.27 cm) wide.
A width of zero is one pixel wide.

Cross Section Info Page

The Info page for the Logs, Layers, or WaterLevel contains information about the number of logs,
number of layers, or number of water level layers in the cross section.

The Info tab contains information about the Logs layer.

Objects in Group
The Objects in Group option displays the number of Logs, number of Layers, or number of
WaterLevels that are in the current Cross Section.

Editing the Logs

Logs Properties
Click on the Logs item in the Object Manager to edit shared properties for all logs in the cross
section. Log width, hole inclination, dip, and azimuth columns, keywords, and some log type
specific properties can be edited on the Logs tab. Some properties are only available by clicking on
the individual log objects in the Object Manager. Click on an individual log to set that log's
properties separately.

The label, line, fill, symbol, and water level properties can also be edited for all logs at once by
clicking the Logs object in the Object Manager. Which pages are displayed in the Property
Manager and which properties are contained on each page depends on the cross section type. See
the following topics for information on the shared properties for each cross section log type.

Lithology: Label, Line, Fill, Water Level

Zone Bar: Label, Line, Fill, Water Level
Line/Symbol:Label, Line, Fill, Symbol, Water Level
Depth-registered Raster: Water Level

Strater 5 User’s Guide

Click on the Logs item to edit the shared log properties for
all logs in the cross section at once. The properties
displayed above are available for a Lithology Cross Section

Log Width
The log width controls the width for all logs in the cross section. Highlight the existing value and
type a new value. Alternatively, click the button to increase or decrease the size of the logs.
Press ENTER on the keyboard to make the change. Click Yes in the dialog to recreate the cross
section and the log width updates for all logs. The Log width property is only displayed when the
Logs object is selected. Use the Arrange | Size controls to adjust the width of an individual log.

Objects in Group
The Objects in group property displays the number of individual log objects in the Logs group. The
individual logs are visible on the cross section and in the Object Manager.

Shared Properties
The following table lists the properties displayed for each cross section type when the Logs object is
selected. Click the links in the table to learn more about the log properties. Notice that more
properties are displayed when editing an individual log in the cross section or borehole view. Only
shared properties are displayed when the Logs object is selected in the Object Manager.

Section Log Shared Logs Properties
Log width, Hole inclination/dip column, Hole azimuth column,
Lithology scheme, Merge intervals, and Objects in group
Log width, Hole inclination/dip column, Hole azimuth column,
Zone Bar Use keyword scheme, Keyword scheme, Merge intervals, and
Objects in group
Log width, Edit variable columns, Hole inclination/dip
Line/Symbol column, Hole azimuth column, Use all columns for range,
Data direction, Missing data, and Objects in group
Log width, Hole inclination/dip column, Hole azimuth column,
Use keyword scheme, Keyword scheme, Raster log opacity,
and Objects in group

Chapter 6 - Cross Sections and the Cross Section View

Selecting a Log
You can select a single log to edit the logs properties separately. Click on any log in the Object
Manager or in the cross section view to select it. When selecting in the cross section view, place
the pointer directly over the log when clicking. Cyan circles appear at each end of the selected log.
Because the log is part of the cross section on which it is drawn, the eight solid green square
handles appear around the entire cross section. The log is also highlighted in the Object Manager.
The properties for the log are shown in the Property Manager.

Label Properties - Line/Symbol

Label properties change the appearance of labels on line/symbol, post, classed post, and function
logs. Click on the Label tab in the Property Manager to edit label properties.

Set label properties on the Label

tab in the Property Manager.

Active Variable
Whether or not the labels are displayed and the label properties are independently controlled for
each variable in the log. Changing the Show label and other label properties for one Active variable
does not change the label properties for the other variables in the log. Edit a variable's line/symbol
or function log labels by selecting the variable the Active variable field. Select the desired variable
by clicking the current selection in the Active variable field and select the variable from the list. The
Active variable property is not displayed for post and classed post logs.

Show Label
The Show label option determines if labels are displayed at the point locations on the log. For
classed post and post logs, check the box next to Show label to show the labels. Data values are
displayed at each point along the log.

Strater 5 User’s Guide

For line/symbol and function logs, click on the existing option and select the desired option from the
Show label list. Available label types are None and Data for borehole views. Available label types
are None, Data, Layer Mark, and Data and Layer Mark for cross section views. None turns off label
display. Data displays only the data value from the column for each point. Layer Mark displays only
the layer mark names. Data and Layer Mark displays all data points and layer marks for the
line/symbol log.

Changing the Show label property for one Active variable does not change the label state for any of
the other variables in the line/symbol or function log.

Click the next to Layout to set the label layout options.

The Frequency option controls how many labels appear on the log. Setting the value to zero
displays no labels on the log. Setting the value to one displays a label at all values. Change the
Frequency to two to display a label at every other data value or three to display a label at every
third value. To change the Frequency, highlight the existing value and type a new number. Enter a
number between 0 and 1000. Press ENTER on the keyboard to make the change. Alternatively, click

on the to increase or decrease the value.

Offset Method
The Offset method determines the location of the label relative to the symbol. To change the
location, click on the existing option and select the desired option from the list. Available options
are Center, Left, Top, Right, Bottom, and User Defined.

X Offset
The X Offset field is active only when the Offset method is set to User Defined. The X Offset moves
the label number to the right (positive offset) or left (negative offset) by the number entered, in

Y Offset
The Y Offset field is active only when the selected offset type is User Defined. The Y Offset moves
the label numbers up (positive offset) or down (negative offset) by the number entered, in inches.

The Angle option sets the displayed labels at an angle. The numbers are in degrees offset from
horizontal moving in a counter-clockwise direction. For example, an angle of 90 displays the
numbers vertically, and an angle of 180 displays the numbers upside-down. To change the angle,
highlight the existing option and type the desired angle. Press ENTER on the keyboard to make the

change. Alternatively, click the button to increase or decrease the value. Angle values must be
between zero and 360 degrees.

Chapter 6 - Cross Sections and the Cross Section View

Nudge End Values

The Nudge End Values option moves the starting and ending labels away from the edges of the log
pane so that they are completely visible. This 'nudging' occurs only if the label is near the edge of
the log pane, otherwise the location of the label does not change. Check the box next to Nudge End
Values to move the labels. Uncheck the box to keep the labels in the depth location specified.

Click the next to Label Format to set the numeric format options for the labels.

Click the next to Font Properties to set the font properties for the labels.

If the options in the Font section are not available, a scheme is likely being used. Uncheck the Use
Keyword Scheme option on the Post Log tab to turn off the display of the scheme properties and
set the font properties in the Font section.

Label Properties – Lithology/Zone Bar and Raster

Label properties change the appearance of labels on zone bar logs and lithology logs in a cross
section. Click on the Logs object in the Object Manager and click on the Label tab in the Property
Manager to edit label properties for all logs in the cross section at once.

Set label properties on the Label

tab in the Property Manager.

Lithology Logs
The options in the Lithology Logs apply only to the lithology logs in the cross section. Click the
next to Lithology Logs to open the section.

Show Label
Check the box next to Show Label to display labels on the lithology log.

Fit Label To Block

The Fit Label To Block option determines the size of the label for each interval block in the log.
Check the box to automatically fit the label inside the interval block. The label size will become
smaller if the label is long so that the entire label fits in the width of the log. Uncheck the box for all
labels to use the font size defined in the keyword scheme, regardless of whether the label will fit in

Strater 5 User’s Guide

the width of the log. When this option is unchecked, the size is set by the Lithology Scheme on the
Logs tab. When this option is checked, the maximum size for the font is the font size reported by
the Lithology Scheme.

Label Angle
The Label Angle option sets the displayed labels at an angle. The numbers are in degrees offset
from horizontal moving in a counter-clockwise direction. For example, an angle of 90 displays the
numbers vertically, and an angle of 180 displays the numbers upside-down. To change the angle,
highlight the existing option and type the desired angle. Press ENTER on the keyboard to make the

change. Alternatively, click the button to increase or decrease the value. Angle values must be
between zero and 360 degrees.

Zone Bar Logs

The options in the Zone Bar Logs apply only to the lithology logs in the cross section. Click the
next to Zone Bar Logs to open the section.

Show Label
The Show Label option determines whether labels are displayed on all of the zone bar logs in the
cross section. Available options are No Label, Show Label With Fill, and Show Label Without Fill.
• Show Label to No Label turns off display of labels for the log.
• Show Label With Fill turns on the display of labels on the log. The fill property, as set in the
scheme or on the Fill tab, continues to display.
• Show Label Without Fill turns on the display of the labels on the log, but disables the fill
To change the label display setting, click on the existing option and select the desired option from
the list.

Fit Label To Block

The Fit Label To Block option determines the size of the label for each interval in the log. Check the
box to automatically fit the label inside the interval box. The label size will become smaller if the
label is long so that the entire label fits in the width of the log. Uncheck the box for all labels to be
the same size, regardless of whether the label will fit in the width of the log. When this option is
unchecked, the size is reported in the Font section. When this option is checked, the maximum size
for the font is reported in the Font section.

Label Angle
The Label Angle option sets the displayed labels at an angle. The numbers are in degrees offset
from horizontal moving in a counter-clockwise direction. For example, an angle of 90 displays the
numbers vertically, and an angle of 180 displays the numbers upside-down. To change the angle,
highlight the existing option and type the desired angle. Press ENTER on the keyboard to make the
change. Alternatively, click the button to increase or decrease the value. Angle values must be
between zero and 360 degrees.

Line Properties
Use line properties to change line properties for selected lines in the view. To edit the line
properties, click on the object in the Object Manager or plot window to select it. The properties
are listed in the Property Manager. Default line properties are set in the File | Options dialog on
the Line page.

Chapter 6 - Cross Sections and the Cross Section View

If the options on the Line tab are not available, a scheme is likely being used. Uncheck the
appropriate Use Keyword Scheme, Use Range Scheme, or Use Indent Keyword Scheme option to
turn off the display of the scheme properties and set the line properties on the Line tab.

The Line Properties section controls the

line properties for the selected object.

Use Log Line Color

When editing the line properties of a scale bar for a line/symbol log, crossplot log, or function log,
the Use log line color property is available. When the Use log line color check box is checked, the
scale bar line color and opacity is linked to the log line color. The Color and Opacity properties on
the Line page are disabled when Use log line color is checked.

Click the line next Style to open the line style palette. Click on a style to use it for the selected line.
The line style sample updates to show the new selection. Click on the Custom button at the bottom
of the line style palette to specify a custom line style.

Click the color next to Color to open the color palette. Click on a color to use it for the selected line.
The color box and the sample line update to show the new selection. Click on the Custom button at
the bottom of the color palette to choose a custom color.

The Opacity changes the opacity (transparency) of the line. Values range between 0% (completely
transparent) to 100% (completely opaque). To change the opacity, highlight the existing value and
type a new value or click the to increase or decrease the opacity level.

Strater 5 User’s Guide

Change the line Width by highlighting the existing value and typing a new number or by clicking the
to increase or decrease the line width. The line width can be zero to 0.5 inches (1.27 cm) wide.
A width of zero is one pixel wide.

End Styles
The End Styles section controls the arrow styles for the ends of the line. Click the button to
expand the End Styles section.

For polylines the Start style option is available. The Start adds an arrow to the starting point of the
polyline. To set the arrow style, click on the existing option and select the desired option. Available
options are None (no arrow drawn), Simple head, Filled head, Triangle head, and 2-Stick head.

End Style
For polylines the End style option is available. The End adds an arrow to the ending point of the
polyline. To set the arrow style, click on the existing option and select the desired option. Available
options are None (no arrow drawn), Simple head, Filled head, Triangle head, and 2-Stick head.

For polylines the Scale option is available. The Scale controls the relative size of the selected start
and end arrow styles. Values are between 0.001 and 100. To change the scale, highlight the
existing value and type a new value or click the to increase or decrease the arrow scale.

Fill Properties
Fill properties can be changed for selected objects. To edit the fill properties, click on the object in
the Object Manager or plot window. The properties are listed in the Property Manager. Default
fill properties are set in the File | Options dialog by clicking on the Fill page.

If the options on the Fill tab are not available, a scheme is likely being used. Uncheck the
appropriate Use Keyword Scheme, Use Range Scheme, or Use Indent Keyword Scheme option to
turn off the display of the scheme properties and set the fill properties on the Fill tab.

Schemes and Fill Properties

Note that if a scheme is used in a log item, the fill properties will be unavailable on the Fill tab. You
must change the fill properties for the scheme in the Scheme Editor or turn off the display of the

Fill Properties Page

The object's fill is composed of layers of various fill types. All of the predefined fills have only one
layer. Custom fills created with the Fill Style Editor may have multiple layers of any type. Each
layer in the fill style has its own section in the Property Manager. The layers are listed in
descending order, i.e. the topmost layer is listed first, Layer 1 (<type>), followed by additional
layers. The following properties are displayed on the Fill page of the Property Manager.

Only the layer properties displayed in the Property Manager are included in this topic. To see
information about properties that are included in the Fill Style Editor, see the Fill Style Editor

Chapter 6 - Cross Sections and the Cross Section View

topic. The image layer Load from property and the vector layer drawing area are only available in
the Fill Style Editor.

Log Fill Background

For many of the log objects, the Fill page includes a Fill background check box. If the box next to
Fill background is checked, the background area is filled. If the box next to Fill background is
unchecked, the background is not filled. To change the Fill background, check or uncheck the box.
The Fill Properties section below the Fill background property controls the background fill.

Legend Fill Background

When a legend is selected, the Fill page contains the fill options for the legend background. The
Frame style on the Line page must be set to Rectangle or Rounded Rectangle for the legend to
display a background fill. When the Frame style is set to None, the background fill is not displayed
regardless of the Fill page settings. If you wish to display a background fill but not a frame line,
then set the Frame style to Rectangle or Rounded Rectangle. Next set Style in the Line Properties
section to Invisible. Finally set the desired background properties on the Fill page.

The Fill page in the Property Manager controls the

fill properties for the selected object.

Fill Style
The Style indicates the way that an object is filled. To change the Style, click on the existing fill
style next to Style. In the list, select a new style from the fill palette. Create custom fill styles with
the Fill Style Editor. Click the next to the Style field to open the Fill Style Editor to modify or
create a fill style.

Each layer in the selected fill style is displayed in its own section. The layers are listed in order from
top to bottom. The layer name is Layer n (type), where n is the layer position and type is the layer
type. A layer preview is displayed to the right of the layer name. The six layer types are Solid,
Stock, Image, Gradient, Vector, and Line. Click the button to expand the layer properties.

Strater 5 User’s Guide

Solid Layer Properties

The properties for a solid layer are Color and Opacity.

Expand a Solid layer to edit the layer's properties.

The Color is the color of the solid fill. Click the existing color sample next to Color to open the color
palette. Click on a color in the palette to use it for the layer's fill color. Click the button to open
the Colors dialog and create custom colors, use the dropper to select a color, or select the color
from a color wheel.

The Opacity controls the transparency of the solid fill style. To change the Opacity, highlight the
existing value and type a new value. Press ENTER on the keyboard to make the change.
Alternatively, click and drag the slider to increase or decrease the opacity value. Opacity
values are between 0% (zero opacity, full transparency) to 100% (full opacity, zero transparency).

Stock Layer Properties

The properties for a stock layer are Pattern, Foreground color, Foreground opacity, Background
color, and Background opacity.

Chapter 6 - Cross Sections and the Cross Section View

Expand a Stock layer to edit the layer's properties.

The Pattern indicates the way the stock layer is filled. To change the Pattern, click on the existing
pattern sample next to Pattern. Select a new style from the pattern palette.

Foreground Color
The Foreground color is the color of the pattern. Click the existing color sample next to Foreground
color to open the color palette. Click on a color in the palette to use it for the selected foreground
fill color. Click the button to open the Colors dialog and create custom colors, use the dropper
to select a color, or select the color from a color wheel.

Foreground Opacity
The Foreground opacity controls the transparency of the foreground portion of the pattern. To
change the Foreground opacity, highlight the existing value and type a new value. Press ENTER on
the keyboard to make the change. Alternatively, click and drag the slider to increase or
decrease the opacity value. Opacity values are between 0% (zero opacity, full transparency) to
100% (full opacity, zero transparency).

Background Color
The Background color is the color behind the pattern. Click the existing color sample next to
Background color to open the color palette. Click on a color in the palette to use it for the
background fill color. Click the button to open the Colors dialog and create custom colors.

Background Opacity
The Background opacity controls the transparency of the background portion of the pattern. To
change the Background opacity, highlight the existing value and type a new value. Press ENTER on
the keyboard to make the change. Alternatively, click and drag the slider to increase or

Strater 5 User’s Guide

decrease the opacity value. Opacity values are between 0% (zero opacity, full transparency) to
100% (full opacity, zero transparency).

If the stock layer is above other layers in the fill style, the Background opacity must be less than
100% to see the layers below. To make a fill pattern appear transparent with only the foreground
portion of the fill pattern showing, change the Background Opacity value to 0%.

Image Layer Properties

The properties for an image layer are Pattern, Opacity, Stretch, Image Offset (X and Y), and Image
Scale (X, Y, and Proportional).

Expand an Image layer to edit the layer's properties.

The Pattern property is used to add image layers from predefined or custom image fill styles. To
change the image layer, click the current option for an image layer Pattern and select a predefined
image layer or a custom image layer from the image palette. Only image fills with a single layer are
included in the image palette.

The Opacity controls the transparency of the image fill style. To change the Opacity, highlight the
existing value and type a new value. Press ENTER on the keyboard to make the change.
Alternatively, click and drag the slider to increase or decrease the opacity value. Opacity
values are between 0% (zero opacity, full transparency) to 100% (full opacity, zero transparency).

Chapter 6 - Cross Sections and the Cross Section View

The Stretch is used with image patterns. The Stretch determines how the image is used to fill the
desired area. When the Stretch check box is checked, the image is stretched to fit the fill area.
When the Stretch check box is not checked the image is tiled in the fill area.

The image fill on the left has the Stretch box checked. The image on
the right has the Stretch box unchecked.

Image Offset
Offset the image in the fill layer by typing a value in pixels in the X or Y fields in the Image Offset
section. You can also change the X and Y image offset values by clicking the buttons.

Image Scale
The Image Scale properties control the density of the image fill. Change the image scale by typing
a value in the X or Y fields in the Image Scale section. The Image Scale properties are ignored
when the Stretch property is checked. You can also change the X and Y image scale values by
clicking the buttons.

When the Proportional check box is checked, the X and Y values automatically update to maintain
the current aspect ratio. Uncheck the Proportional check box to apply different scaling in the X and
Y directions.

Note that the Proportional property does not lock the X and Y values to any specific aspect ratio but
to whichever ratio is in use when the box is checked. For example, assume you want the X:Y ratio
to be 2:1, but you do not know which Image Scale values are desired. You can uncheck the
Proportional check box. Next set the X value to 2 and the Y value to 1. Check the Proportional
check box. Now when you adjust one of the X or Y values, the other value updates automatically to
maintain the 2:1 ratio.

Gradient Layer Properties

The properties for a gradient layer are Type, Direction, and Colormap.

Strater 5 User’s Guide

Expand a Gradient layer to edit the layer's properties.

The Type controls how a gradient fill pattern is used to fill the selected area. To change the Type,
click on the current type and select the new type in the list. Select Linear or Radial for the Type.
When the Type is set to Linear, a linear color gradient fills the area. The colors change in a linear
manner from the top to the bottom or from the left to the right of the area. When the Type is set to
Radial, a radial color gradient fills the area. The colors change in concentric circles, either
expanding from the interior and going out or from the exterior and going in.

The Radial type is shown on the left and

the Linear type is shown on the right.

The Direction option sets the direction the gradient fills. When the Type is set to Linear, choose
either Vertical or Horizontal for the Direction. The Vertical option sets the gradient to change along
the Y axis. The Horizontal option sets the gradient to change along the X axis. When Radial is
selected as the Type, the Direction options are Inward and Outward. This reverses the color


The Colormap option sets the colors to use in the gradient pattern. Click the button to select or
create a color gradient in the Colormap dialog.

Chapter 6 - Cross Sections and the Cross Section View

Vector Layer Properties

The properties for a vector layer are Color and Opacity.

Expand a Vector layer to edit the layer's properties.

The Color is the color of the lines in the vector fill. Click the existing color sample next to Color to
open the color palette. Click on a color in the palette to use it for the layer's line color. Click the
button to open the Colors dialog and create custom colors, use the dropper to select a color, or
select the color from a color wheel.

The Opacity controls the transparency of the lines in the vector fill. To change the Opacity, highlight
the existing value and type a new value. Press ENTER on the keyboard to make the change.
Alternatively, click and drag the slider to increase or decrease the opacity value. Opacity
values are between 0% (zero opacity, full transparency) to 100% (full opacity, zero transparency).

Line Layer Properties

The properties for a Line layer are Color, Opacity, Angle, Offset, Separation, and Width.

Strater 5 User’s Guide

Expand a Line layer to edit the layer's properties.

The Color is the color of the lines in the line fill layer. Click the existing color sample next to Color
to open the color palette. Click on a color in the palette to use it for the layer's line color. Click the
button to open the Colors dialog and create custom colors, use the dropper to select a color, or
select the color from a color wheel.

The Opacity controls the transparency of the lines in the line fill layer. To change the Opacity,
highlight the existing value and type a new value. Press ENTER on the keyboard to make the
change. Alternatively, click and drag the slider to increase or decrease the opacity value.
Opacity values are between 0% (zero opacity, full transparency) to 100% (full opacity, zero

Change the angle of the lines by typing a value in degrees in the Angle field or clicking and
dragging the slider . Positive values rotate the lines clockwise.

Change the vertical offset between the lines and the pattern's origin by typing a value between -
0.25 and 0.25 inches in the Offset field. You can also change the Offset value by clicking the

Chapter 6 - Cross Sections and the Cross Section View

Change the separation between the lines by typing a value between 0 and 0.25 inches in the
Separation field. You can also change the Separation value by clicking the buttons.

Change the line Width by highlighting the existing value and typing a new number or by clicking the
to increase or decrease the line width. The line width can be zero to 0.5 inches (1.27 cm) wide.
A width of zero is one pixel wide.

Cross Section Info Page

The Info page for the Logs, Layers, or WaterLevel contains information about the number of logs,
number of layers, or number of water level layers in the cross section.

The Info tab contains information about the Logs layer.

Objects in Group
The Objects in Group option displays the number of Logs, number of Layers, or number of
WaterLevels that are in the current Cross Section.

Water Level Properties

Symbols indicating water level can be added to all logs types except depth logs. Water level
symbols can be displayed in the borehole view and the cross section view. The lower point of the
triangle, i.e. the bottom vertex, is aligned with the depth in the water level table. This is different
than symbols in a post log, where the symbol center is aligned with the depth specified in the depth
table. Additionally the water level can be displayed between logs on a cross section in the cross
section properties. Add the symbols and edit their properties on the Water Level page in the
Property Manager.

Strater 5 User’s Guide

Edit water level data, symbol, and label properties

on the Water Level page.

General Properties
The General section of the Water Level page contains properties for the water label table and
symbol properties.

Display Water Level Symbol

Check the Display water level symbol check box to display water level symbols on the log. A depth
table containing water level information must be selected in the Water level table field for the water
level symbols to be displayed.

Chapter 6 - Cross Sections and the Cross Section View

Water Level Table

The water level table is a depth table containing at a minimum hole IDs and depths. An additional
parameter column can be included to specify the water level names and water level connections
between the logs. If the water level table is already loaded, click the Water level table field and
select the table from the list. Click the button to load the Water level table with the Open

Symbol Size
The Symbol size property controls the size of the water level symbol. Type a value in page units in
the Symbol size field or click the button to change the Symbol size value.

Symbol Alignment
The Symbol alignment property aligns the symbol on the left, center, or right of the log. Click the
current selection in the Symbol alignment and select Left, Center, or Right from the list.

Symbol Style
The water level symbol is an inverted triangle with between one and three lines at the point. The
Symbol style property specifies the number of lines. Click the current Symbol style selection and
select One line, Two lines, or Three lines from the list.

Line Properties
The Line Properties section of the Water Level page controls the line properties for the water level
symbol. See the Line Properties topic for more information on line properties.

Fill Properties
The Fill Properties section of the Water Level page controls the fill properties for the water level
symbol. See the Fill Properties topic for more information on fill properties.

Label Properties
The Label Properties section of the Water Level page controls the water level symbol labels.

Show Water Level Name

Check the Show water level name check box to display labels next to the water level symbols. The
labels are specified by the Water level name column. Uncheck the Show water level name check
box to hide the water level labels.

Water Level Name Column

The water level table can include a name column which is used to connect water levels across logs
and display labels for the water level symbols. Select the column containing the water level names
by clicking the Water level name column field and selecting a column from the list. The water level
labels will be populated by the names in the Water level name column.

Connect water levels by name by checking the Connect water level(s) by names check box in the
cross section properties. When the Water level name column does not contain data, Strater
connects the water levels automatically. The Water level name column is also used to connect

Strater 5 User’s Guide

specific water levels between the logs. For example, if borehole 1 contains two water level names A
and B and borehole 2 contains three water level names A, B, and C, the two A water level symbols
and two B water level symbols will be connected by a line. When the Water level name column
contains unique names for the water levels, no water level symbols will be connected as this
indicates these are separate water levels.

Offset Method
The Offset method property controls the label offset direction from the water table symbol. Click the
current selection and select Center, Left, Top, Right, Bottom, or User defined from the list to
change the label offset. Selecting User defined enables the X offset and Y offset properties.

X Offset
The X offset property moves the label to the left or right when the Offset method is set to User
defined. Type a value in page units or click the buttons to change the X offset value.

Y Offset
The Y offset property moves the label up or down when the Offset method is set to User defined.
Type a value in page units or click the buttons to change the Y offset value.

Label Angle
The Label angle property rotates the water level symbol labels. Type a value in degrees in the Label
angle field or click and drag the slider to rotate the labels. Positive angle values rotate the labels

Nudge End Values

The Nudge End Values option moves the starting and ending labels away from the edges of the log
pane so that they are completely visible. This 'nudging' occurs only if the label is near the edge of
the log pane, otherwise the location of the label does not change. Check the box next to Nudge End
Values to move the labels. Uncheck the box to keep the labels in the depth location specified.

Label Format
The Label Format section includes label formatting properties. See the Format Properties topic for
more information on label format properties.

Font Properties
The Font Properties section includes label font formatting properties. See the Font Properties topic
for more information on font format properties.

Editing the Water Level

Line Properties
Use line properties to change line properties for selected lines in the view. To edit the line
properties, click on the object in the Object Manager or plot window to select it. The properties
are listed in the Property Manager. Default line properties are set in the File | Options dialog on
the Line page.

Chapter 6 - Cross Sections and the Cross Section View

If the options on the Line tab are not available, a scheme is likely being used. Uncheck the
appropriate Use Keyword Scheme, Use Range Scheme, or Use Indent Keyword Scheme option to
turn off the display of the scheme properties and set the line properties on the Line tab.

The Line Properties section controls the

line properties for the selected object.

Use Log Line Color

When editing the line properties of a scale bar for a line/symbol log, crossplot log, or function log,
the Use log line color property is available. When the Use log line color check box is checked, the
scale bar line color and opacity is linked to the log line color. The Color and Opacity properties on
the Line page are disabled when Use log line color is checked.

Click the line next Style to open the line style palette. Click on a style to use it for the selected line.
The line style sample updates to show the new selection. Click on the Custom button at the bottom
of the line style palette to specify a custom line style.

Click the color next to Color to open the color palette. Click on a color to use it for the selected line.
The color box and the sample line update to show the new selection. Click on the Custom button at
the bottom of the color palette to choose a custom color.

The Opacity changes the opacity (transparency) of the line. Values range between 0% (completely
transparent) to 100% (completely opaque). To change the opacity, highlight the existing value and
type a new value or click the to increase or decrease the opacity level.

Strater 5 User’s Guide

Change the line Width by highlighting the existing value and typing a new number or by clicking the
to increase or decrease the line width. The line width can be zero to 0.5 inches (1.27 cm) wide.
A width of zero is one pixel wide.

End Styles
The End Styles section controls the arrow styles for the ends of the line. Click the button to
expand the End Styles section.

For polylines the Start style option is available. The Start adds an arrow to the starting point of the
polyline. To set the arrow style, click on the existing option and select the desired option. Available
options are None (no arrow drawn), Simple head, Filled head, Triangle head, and 2-Stick head.

End Style
For polylines the End style option is available. The End adds an arrow to the ending point of the
polyline. To set the arrow style, click on the existing option and select the desired option. Available
options are None (no arrow drawn), Simple head, Filled head, Triangle head, and 2-Stick head.

For polylines the Scale option is available. The Scale controls the relative size of the selected start
and end arrow styles. Values are between 0.001 and 100. To change the scale, highlight the
existing value and type a new value or click the to increase or decrease the arrow scale.

Cross Section Info Page

The Info page for the Logs, Layers, or WaterLevel contains information about the number of logs,
number of layers, or number of water level layers in the cross section.

The Info tab contains information about the Logs layer.

Objects in Group
The Objects in Group option displays the number of Logs, number of Layers, or number of
WaterLevels that are in the current Cross Section.

Chapter 6 - Cross Sections and the Cross Section View

Well Header Properties

The cross section well header is created with the Cross Section | Create/Add | Add Well
Headers command. Click on the Well Header object in the Object Manager and the Well Header
tab in the Property Manager to edit the general well header properties.

Edit the text that appears in the cross section well

headers on the Well Header tab in the Property Manager.

Header 1
The Header 1 text is the first line of text that can be displayed above the symbol in the well header.
To set the text, click on the existing option and select the desired option from the list. Click [None]
if the line of text should not be created.

Header 2
The Header 2 text is the second line of text that can be displayed above the symbol in the well
header. This text appears above the borehole symbol and below the Header 1 text. To set the text,
click on the existing option and select the desired option from the list. Click [None] if the line of text
should not be created.

Header 3
The Header 3 text is the third line of text that can be displayed above the symbol in the well
header. This text appears above the borehole symbol and below the Header 2 text. To set the text,
click on the existing option and select the desired option from the list. Click [None] if the line of text
should not be created.

Header 4
The Header 4 text is the first line of text that can be displayed below the symbol in the well header.
This text appears below the borehole symbol and above the Header 5 text. To set the text, click on

Strater 5 User’s Guide

the existing option and select the desired option from the list. Click [None] if the line of text should
not be created.

Header 5
The Header 5 text is the second line of text that can be displayed below the symbol in the well
header. This text appears below the borehole symbol at the bottom of the well header. To set the
text, click on the existing option and select the desired option from the list. Click [None] if the line
of text should not be created.

Align Header With

The Align header with property specifies if the well header is in horizontal alignment with the Well
start or Well end. The Align header with property also determines the distance value when Show
distance is checked. To change the Align header with property, click the current selection and select
Well start or Well end from the list.

Show Distance
Check the box next to Show Distance to show distance values between boreholes on the cross
section. Uncheck the box to not display distances. When Align header with is set to Well start, the
distance value is the XY distance between the well tops. When Align header with is set to Well end,
the distance value is the XY distance between the well ends.

Distance Units
The Distance Units option controls the units used to display the distance on the cross section well
header. To change the units, click on the existing option and select the desired option from the list.
Setting the Units to Automatic reads the units from the coordinate system of the map in the
associated map view.

If the units are not specified for the Map, the Column units from the Easting and Northing column in
the collars table are used. If the units are different in these columns, the Easting column is used. If
only one of the Easting or Northing column has units, that column's units are used. If the Easting
and Northing columns do not have column units, a Numeric Suffix can be added in the Format
section of the Label page to display the units.

When the column units are not recognized, conversion between units is not done properly. The
label will not display properly in this instance.

Well Header Label Properties

The cross section well header is created with the Cross Section | Create/Add | Add Well
Headers command. Click on the Well Header object in the Object Manager and the Label tab in
the Property Manager to edit the well header label properties.

Chapter 6 - Cross Sections and the Cross Section View

The Label page contains properties for the well header

and distance label properties.

Well Headers
The Well Headers section contains the properties for the well header labels. Change the angle,
format, and font properties for the well header labels in the Well Headers section. Click the
button to expand the Well Headers section.

Click the next to Layour to open the Layout section, where the well header text angle can be

Label Angle
The Label angle option sets the displayed labels at an angle. The numbers are in degrees offset
from horizontal moving in a counter-clockwise direction. For example, an angle of 90 displays the
numbers vertically, and an angle of 180 displays the numbers upside-down. To change the angle,
highlight the existing option and type the desired angle. Press ENTER on the keyboard to make the
change. Alternatively, click and drag the slider to increase or decrease the value. Angle values must
be between zero and 360 degrees.

Label Format
Click the next to Label Format to set the well header label format properties.

Font Properties
Click the next to Font Properties to set the well header label font properties.

Click the next to Distance to open the Distance section, where the distance text can be

Label Format
Click the next to Label Format to set the distance text format properties.

Strater 5 User’s Guide

Well Header Line Properties

The cross section header is created with the Cross Section | Create/Add | Add Well Headers
command. Click on the Well Header object in the Object Manager to edit the well header
properties. Click on the Line tab to set the frame line properties that surround the well header.
Also, the Show frame box on the Line page must be checked to enable the Fill properties for the
well header frame.

Turn on the display of the frame around the well

header by checking the Show Frame option
on the Line tab in the Property Manager.

Show Frame
Check the box next to Show frame to create a box around each borehole's header information in
the well header. Uncheck the box to turn off the display of the box. The Fill page properties will be
enabled when Show frame is checked. When Show frame is not checked, the fill properties are

Line Properties
Click the next to Line Properties to set the well header frame line properties.

Fill Properties
Fill properties can be changed for selected objects. To edit the fill properties, click on the object in
the Object Manager or plot window. The properties are listed in the Property Manager. Default
fill properties are set in the File | Options dialog by clicking on the Fill page.

If the options on the Fill tab are not available, a scheme is likely being used. Uncheck the
appropriate Use Keyword Scheme, Use Range Scheme, or Use Indent Keyword Scheme option to
turn off the display of the scheme properties and set the fill properties on the Fill tab.

Schemes and Fill Properties

Note that if a scheme is used in a log item, the fill properties will be unavailable on the Fill tab. You
must change the fill properties for the scheme in the Scheme Editor or turn off the display of the

Chapter 6 - Cross Sections and the Cross Section View

Fill Properties Page

The object's fill is composed of layers of various fill types. All of the predefined fills have only one
layer. Custom fills created with the Fill Style Editor may have multiple layers of any type. Each
layer in the fill style has its own section in the Property Manager. The layers are listed in
descending order, i.e. the topmost layer is listed first, Layer 1 (<type>), followed by additional
layers. The following properties are displayed on the Fill page of the Property Manager.

Only the layer properties displayed in the Property Manager are included in this topic. To see
information about properties that are included in the Fill Style Editor, see the Fill Style Editor
topic. The image layer Load from property and the vector layer drawing area are only available in
the Fill Style Editor.

Log Fill Background

For many of the log objects, the Fill page includes a Fill background check box. If the box next to
Fill background is checked, the background area is filled. If the box next to Fill background is
unchecked, the background is not filled. To change the Fill background, check or uncheck the box.
The Fill Properties section below the Fill background property controls the background fill.

Legend Fill Background

When a legend is selected, the Fill page contains the fill options for the legend background. The
Frame style on the Line page must be set to Rectangle or Rounded Rectangle for the legend to
display a background fill. When the Frame style is set to None, the background fill is not displayed
regardless of the Fill page settings. If you wish to display a background fill but not a frame line,
then set the Frame style to Rectangle or Rounded Rectangle. Next set Style in the Line Properties
section to Invisible. Finally set the desired background properties on the Fill page.

The Fill page in the Property Manager controls the

fill properties for the selected object.

Fill Style
The Style indicates the way that an object is filled. To change the Style, click on the existing fill
style next to Style. In the list, select a new style from the fill palette. Create custom fill styles with
the Fill Style Editor. Click the next to the Style field to open the Fill Style Editor to modify or
create a fill style.

Strater 5 User’s Guide

Each layer in the selected fill style is displayed in its own section. The layers are listed in order from
top to bottom. The layer name is Layer n (type), where n is the layer position and type is the layer
type. A layer preview is displayed to the right of the layer name. The six layer types are Solid,
Stock, Image, Gradient, Vector, and Line. Click the button to expand the layer properties.

Solid Layer Properties

The properties for a solid layer are Color and Opacity.

Expand a Solid layer to edit the layer's properties.

The Color is the color of the solid fill. Click the existing color sample next to Color to open the color
palette. Click on a color in the palette to use it for the layer's fill color. Click the button to open
the Colors dialog and create custom colors, use the dropper to select a color, or select the color
from a color wheel.

The Opacity controls the transparency of the solid fill style. To change the Opacity, highlight the
existing value and type a new value. Press ENTER on the keyboard to make the change.
Alternatively, click and drag the slider to increase or decrease the opacity value. Opacity
values are between 0% (zero opacity, full transparency) to 100% (full opacity, zero transparency).

Stock Layer Properties

The properties for a stock layer are Pattern, Foreground color, Foreground opacity, Background
color, and Background opacity.

Chapter 6 - Cross Sections and the Cross Section View

Expand a Stock layer to edit the layer's properties.

The Pattern indicates the way the stock layer is filled. To change the Pattern, click on the existing
pattern sample next to Pattern. Select a new style from the pattern palette.

Foreground Color
The Foreground color is the color of the pattern. Click the existing color sample next to Foreground
color to open the color palette. Click on a color in the palette to use it for the selected foreground
fill color. Click the button to open the Colors dialog and create custom colors, use the dropper
to select a color, or select the color from a color wheel.

Foreground Opacity
The Foreground opacity controls the transparency of the foreground portion of the pattern. To
change the Foreground opacity, highlight the existing value and type a new value. Press ENTER on
the keyboard to make the change. Alternatively, click and drag the slider to increase or
decrease the opacity value. Opacity values are between 0% (zero opacity, full transparency) to
100% (full opacity, zero transparency).

Background Color
The Background color is the color behind the pattern. Click the existing color sample next to
Background color to open the color palette. Click on a color in the palette to use it for the
background fill color. Click the button to open the Colors dialog and create custom colors.

Background Opacity
The Background opacity controls the transparency of the background portion of the pattern. To
change the Background opacity, highlight the existing value and type a new value. Press ENTER on
the keyboard to make the change. Alternatively, click and drag the slider to increase or

Strater 5 User’s Guide

decrease the opacity value. Opacity values are between 0% (zero opacity, full transparency) to
100% (full opacity, zero transparency).

If the stock layer is above other layers in the fill style, the Background opacity must be less than
100% to see the layers below. To make a fill pattern appear transparent with only the foreground
portion of the fill pattern showing, change the Background Opacity value to 0%.

Image Layer Properties

The properties for an image layer are Pattern, Opacity, Stretch, Image Offset (X and Y), and Image
Scale (X, Y, and Proportional).

Expand an Image layer to edit the layer's properties.

The Pattern property is used to add image layers from predefined or custom image fill styles. To
change the image layer, click the current option for an image layer Pattern and select a predefined
image layer or a custom image layer from the image palette. Only image fills with a single layer are
included in the image palette.

The Opacity controls the transparency of the image fill style. To change the Opacity, highlight the
existing value and type a new value. Press ENTER on the keyboard to make the change.
Alternatively, click and drag the slider to increase or decrease the opacity value. Opacity
values are between 0% (zero opacity, full transparency) to 100% (full opacity, zero transparency).

Chapter 6 - Cross Sections and the Cross Section View

The Stretch is used with image patterns. The Stretch determines how the image is used to fill the
desired area. When the Stretch check box is checked, the image is stretched to fit the fill area.
When the Stretch check box is not checked the image is tiled in the fill area.

The image fill on the left has the Stretch box checked. The image on
the right has the Stretch box unchecked.

Image Offset
Offset the image in the fill layer by typing a value in pixels in the X or Y fields in the Image Offset
section. You can also change the X and Y image offset values by clicking the buttons.

Image Scale
The Image Scale properties control the density of the image fill. Change the image scale by typing
a value in the X or Y fields in the Image Scale section. The Image Scale properties are ignored
when the Stretch property is checked. You can also change the X and Y image scale values by
clicking the buttons.

When the Proportional check box is checked, the X and Y values automatically update to maintain
the current aspect ratio. Uncheck the Proportional check box to apply different scaling in the X and
Y directions.

Note that the Proportional property does not lock the X and Y values to any specific aspect ratio but
to whichever ratio is in use when the box is checked. For example, assume you want the X:Y ratio
to be 2:1, but you do not know which Image Scale values are desired. You can uncheck the
Proportional check box. Next set the X value to 2 and the Y value to 1. Check the Proportional
check box. Now when you adjust one of the X or Y values, the other value updates automatically to
maintain the 2:1 ratio.

Gradient Layer Properties

The properties for a gradient layer are Type, Direction, and Colormap.

Strater 5 User’s Guide

Expand a Gradient layer to edit the layer's properties.

The Type controls how a gradient fill pattern is used to fill the selected area. To change the Type,
click on the current type and select the new type in the list. Select Linear or Radial for the Type.
When the Type is set to Linear, a linear color gradient fills the area. The colors change in a linear
manner from the top to the bottom or from the left to the right of the area. When the Type is set to
Radial, a radial color gradient fills the area. The colors change in concentric circles, either
expanding from the interior and going out or from the exterior and going in.

The Radial type is shown on the left and

the Linear type is shown on the right.

The Direction option sets the direction the gradient fills. When the Type is set to Linear, choose
either Vertical or Horizontal for the Direction. The Vertical option sets the gradient to change along
the Y axis. The Horizontal option sets the gradient to change along the X axis. When Radial is
selected as the Type, the Direction options are Inward and Outward. This reverses the color


The Colormap option sets the colors to use in the gradient pattern. Click the button to select or
create a color gradient in the Colormap dialog.

Chapter 6 - Cross Sections and the Cross Section View

Vector Layer Properties

The properties for a vector layer are Color and Opacity.

Expand a Vector layer to edit the layer's properties.

The Color is the color of the lines in the vector fill. Click the existing color sample next to Color to
open the color palette. Click on a color in the palette to use it for the layer's line color. Click the
button to open the Colors dialog and create custom colors, use the dropper to select a color, or
select the color from a color wheel.

The Opacity controls the transparency of the lines in the vector fill. To change the Opacity, highlight
the existing value and type a new value. Press ENTER on the keyboard to make the change.
Alternatively, click and drag the slider to increase or decrease the opacity value. Opacity
values are between 0% (zero opacity, full transparency) to 100% (full opacity, zero transparency).

Line Layer Properties

The properties for a Line layer are Color, Opacity, Angle, Offset, Separation, and Width.

Strater 5 User’s Guide

Expand a Line layer to edit the layer's properties.

The Color is the color of the lines in the line fill layer. Click the existing color sample next to Color
to open the color palette. Click on a color in the palette to use it for the layer's line color. Click the
button to open the Colors dialog and create custom colors, use the dropper to select a color, or
select the color from a color wheel.

The Opacity controls the transparency of the lines in the line fill layer. To change the Opacity,
highlight the existing value and type a new value. Press ENTER on the keyboard to make the
change. Alternatively, click and drag the slider to increase or decrease the opacity value.
Opacity values are between 0% (zero opacity, full transparency) to 100% (full opacity, zero

Change the angle of the lines by typing a value in degrees in the Angle field or clicking and
dragging the slider . Positive values rotate the lines clockwise.

Change the vertical offset between the lines and the pattern's origin by typing a value between -
0.25 and 0.25 inches in the Offset field. You can also change the Offset value by clicking the

Chapter 6 - Cross Sections and the Cross Section View

Change the separation between the lines by typing a value between 0 and 0.25 inches in the
Separation field. You can also change the Separation value by clicking the buttons.

Change the line Width by highlighting the existing value and typing a new number or by clicking the
to increase or decrease the line width. The line width can be zero to 0.5 inches (1.27 cm) wide.
A width of zero is one pixel wide.

Well Header Symbol Properties

The cross section header is created with the Cross Section | Create/Add | Add Well Headers
command. Click on the Well Header object in the Object Manager to edit the well header
properties. Click on the Symbol tab to set the well header symbol properties that are displayed
above each well.

Edit the well header symbol properties on the Symbol page

of the Property Manager.

Well Header
Click the next to Well Header to set the symbol properties. Symbols can be determined from a
keyword scheme or all symbols can appear the same in the well header. To show symbols, check
the box next to Show Symbol.

Strater 5 User’s Guide

Show Symbol
Check the box next to Show symbol to show symbols for each borehole in the well header. Symbols
can be determined from a keyword scheme or all symbols in the well header can appear the same.

Use Keyword Scheme

The Use keyword scheme option sets whether the symbol properties should be based on a keyword
scheme or all symbols should use the same properties. To use a keyword scheme, check the box
next to Use keyword scheme. To use the same properties for all symbols in the cross section well
header, uncheck the box next to the Use keyword scheme option. The keyword scheme should
match the text that appears in the Keyword column.

Keyword Column
The Keyword column is the column used for keyword matching. To use a keyword scheme for
symbol properties, check the Use keyword scheme box and set the Keyword column to the column
that contains the keyword to match to the scheme. If you do not want to use a keyword scheme
and simply want to plot all symbols the same in the well header, uncheck the Use keyword scheme
box. You can use the settings in the Symbol Properties section to specify the symbol properties for
the all items in the well header.

Keyword Scheme
The Keyword scheme is the scheme that determines the symbol properties when the Use keyword
scheme option is checked. The selected scheme should match the keyword text in the Keyword
column. To change the scheme, click on the existing scheme name and select the desired scheme
from the list. Click the next to the scheme name to open the Scheme Editor, where the
scheme can be created or edited.

Symbol Properties
Click the next to Symbol Properties to set the symbol properties for all wells in the well header
when the Use keyword scheme option is unchecked.

Info Page - Header/ Footer Pane Objects

Drawn objects, scale bars, legends, and well headers can be added to the borehole view and cross
section view header panes and footer panes to supply additional information. Select whether or not
the object is only displayed on the first page or rename the object on the Info page of the
Property Manager.

Select whether to show the object on all pages or only

the first page and rename the object on the Info page.

Chapter 6 - Cross Sections and the Cross Section View

Page Option
Header and footer objects are displayed on all plot pages by default. Objects can be displayed on
only the first page header or footer by checking the Display on first page only check box. The
header pane can be made larger on the first page. For example, you can make a large first page
header that includes a legend, map view, linked text, and scale bars, and then include only the
scale bars on the subsequent page headers to maximize plot space. To display the object on all
pages, uncheck the Display on first page only check box.

To rename an object, type a new name for the selected object in the PID field and press ENTER.
See the Object Manager topic for other methods for renaming objects.

Chapter 7 - Logs and Log Items
Log Types
Both borehole views and cross section views display logs. Several different log types can be created
in Strater. To create a log in either the borehole view or cross section view, click the Log | Create
Log | [log type] command. Click on the screen where the log should be created. In the Open
dialog, select the table to use or data file to import and click Open. The log is displayed with the
default options.

Click the Example numbers for sample log illustrations:

Depth logs are used as a scale bar to display the depth or elevation of the data in the log or cross
section pane. True vertical depth can be displayed on a depth log, if azimuth and inclination (or dip)
are available for the wells. Examples: 1, 2

Line/symbol logs are used to display data as a symbols with connected lines. Line/symbol logs are
useful for displaying assay values, geophysical parameters, moisture content, etc. Example 1

Crossplot logs are used to display intersections of two data curves on a graph. Crossplot logs can be
used to characterize properties such as porosity, water saturation, or clay content by comparing
where two logs intersect. Example 1

Zone Bar
Zone bar logs display data as filled blocks within intervals, and can show a wide variety of logging
data. For instance, zone bars can represent sample intervals, alteration zones, contamination
layers, etc. Examples: I, 2

There are two types of bar logs: standard bars and polarity bars. Standard bar logs plot a bar from
the data minimum value to the row's data value. Polarity bar logs plot data based upon zero so
there are bars on both sides of zero if there is a mix of negative and positive data. Examples: 1, 2.

Percentage logs are similar to bar logs. Percentage logs display the percentage of each alteration in
a sample; the amounts of sand, clay, gravel, silt, etc. The percentage log uses data to create either
a series of blocks (interval data) or polygons (depth data) that always add up to 100%.
Examples: 1, 2, 3.

Tadpole logs are used to display dip and dip direction down the borehole. This gives an indication of
strike and dip of bedding planes, fractures, or any other structure along the depth of the borehole.
The symbols, colors, and labels can be altered to display the most useful information along the well.

Chapter 7 - Logs and Log Items

Post logs are used to display a symbol and text at the data position. The symbols can represent
sample locations at depth or intervals, and in the case of monitoring wells, the depth to water,
contamination, etc.

Classed Post
Classed post logs are similar to the post logs, except classed post logs use range schemes and
numerical values to determine the symbol properties. Example: 1

Complex Text
Complex text logs show text in intervals. This type of complex text is generally used for rock
descriptions, alteration descriptions, or any general descriptive text that represents interval data.
Long text blocks are wrapped to fit within the log width. Separator styles can be used to separate
text in long descriptions, and if adjacent sections contain the same text they can be combined into
a single, larger section. Examples 1, 2

Graphic logs allow you to specify image file names and show the images at specified intervals. This
is useful in displaying photos of the core, rock type, alteration, etc. Example 1

Lithology logs show the various stratigraphic layers in the borehole. The display can be as simple as
a filled block from the top to bottom, or the display can be more elaborate and show weathering
patterns and line types. Example: 1

Well Construction
Well construction logs replicate a well construction diagram for the log, and is generally used in the
environmental industry. This log type shows items such as screen, packing material, end caps, and

Registered and Unregistered Raster

An unregistered raster log is a scanned image of a paper or electric log without depth-registration
information. It is easy to depth-register the unregistered raster log with Strater. Once the depth
registration is complete the log can be used in cross sections and modified with the properties in
the Property Manager. A registered raster log is a scanned image of a paper or electric log with a
depth registration file. Registered raster logs can be used in cross sections and modified with the
properties in the Property Manager.

Function logs combine multiple existing log variables into a new log using mathematical formulas.
The log variables being combined can contain different depth spacings and be from different tables.
A new table is created from the output data of the input logs. Example: 1

Data Formatting Requirements for Logs

There are specific data table setup requirements for each log type in Strater. The actual source file
type of the data is not important as long as the resulting data table in Strater is formatted
appropriately to create the desired log(s). The following table provides information on data
formatting for each log type.

Strater 5 User’s Guide

Data Log Properties - General Concepts

Required data columns must be present in an imported data file. However, they do not have to be
named the default names found in Strater or positioned in their default Strater position. For
example, the default name for the column containing the identification number for the borehole is
named Hole ID and is located in the first (far left) column in Strater; however, the actual column
containing this data in the data file can have any name and be in any column position.

Many users have data in external tables (such as .XLS) that they want to import into Strater to be
used in logs. Use the information in Modifying Loaded Data for Logs to make this importing process
as easy as possible.

Table of Required Columns for Strater Logs

Use the following table to determine the types of data columns required for each log type.

Log Type: Click the log type name for additional information about the log type and data needed
for that log.

Table Columns Required: Required columns are automatically created in the data table when you
create this type of log. They cannot be deleted from the data table. In the case of Lithology, Well
Construction, and Registered Raster logs the required columns also include the data columns
because the full functionality of the logs requires these specific columns.

Data Columns Needed: These columns contain the data that is displayed in the logs in the
borehole view. They are not required to create the data table, although they must be present (with
data) to display a functioning log in the borehole view.

Log Type Table Columns Required Data Columns Needed

Depth Hole ID, Depth None
Line/Symbol Hole ID, Depth One data column (numeric)
Crossplot Hole ID, Depth Two data columns (numeric)
Zone Bar Hole ID, From, To Keyword
Bar Hole ID, Depth One data column (numeric)
Percentage Hole ID, Depth At least two data columns (numeric)
Tadpole Hole ID, Depth Two data columns (numeric),
optional keyword
Post Hole ID, Depth One data column (numeric)
Classed Post Hole ID, Depth One data column (numeric)
Complex Hole ID, From, To or Hole ID, One data column (numeric or
Text Depth alphanumeric)
Graphic Hole ID, From, To One data column (contains image
file names)
Lithology Hole ID, From, To, Lithology Lithology Keyword (alphanumeric),
Keyword, Lithology optional Lithology Description
Description, Indent (alphanumeric), optional Indent
Percentage, Indent Keyword, Keyword (alphanumeric), optional
Indent Line Scale Indent Percentage (numeric),
optional Indent Line Scale (numeric)

Chapter 7 - Logs and Log Items

Registered registration file OR range table <none>

Raster (Hole ID, From, To, Log Top,
Log Bottom, Log Left, Log
Right, Raster Log, Ref 1
Depth, Ref 2 Depth, Ref 1
Pixel, Ref 2 Pixel)
Unregistered <none> <none>
Well Hole ID, From, To, Well Item, Well Item (alphanumeric), Offset
Construction Offset, Inner Diameter, Outer (numeric), Inner Diameter
Diameter (numeric), Outer Diameter
Function Hole ID, Depth One data column (numeric -
calculated from function)

Strater default settings are controlled through the File | Options dialog.

Modifying Imported Data for use with Logs

Many users have data in external tables (such as .XLS) that they want to import into Strater to be
used in logs. Use the following information to make this importing process as easy as possible.

Strater Data Table Requirements

Strater data tables have specific requirements for column names and types of data in columns,
and each log type has required columns that must be present in order for Strater to even
recognize the table as usable for a particular log type.

In some cases, the external data is not formatted in a manner usable by Strater. However, the
data importing process includes dialog boxes that allow you to modify and adjust the data being
imported to conform with the data table requirements.

Using Data Tables Without Headers

Strater assumes that the first row is the default location for column header information. If a
imported data table does not include this information you can add it during the import process or
edit the row number for the row containing the header. Column header labels are not required, but
do make working with data easier.

As an example, the following is a data table that does not include header column information:

Strater 5 User’s Guide

Strater can use data tables that do

not have column header information.

There is usable data in this table, but because the columns are not labeled you can add the column
headers during the import function:
1. Click the Log | Create Log | Line/Symbol command.
2. Click inside the log pane to fix the position where a line/symbol log will be displayed.
3. The Open dialog is displayed. Navigate to the location of the file to open, click on the file
name to select it, and click Open.
4. The Specify Worksheet Column Definitions dialog opens. Note the content of the Column
Name field:

Chapter 7 - Logs and Log Items

The Specify Worksheet Column Definitions dialog allows

you to name each column in an imported data table.

5. Enter a name for the first column in the Column Name field.
6. Click a cell in column 2, which changes the contents of the Column Name field.
7. Enter the name for column 2 in the Column Name field.
8. Repeat this process for Column 3.
9. Do not click the Specify Column Header Row check box because the actual column header is
not in a table row.
10. Click Next.
11. In the Specify Data Type and Column Positions dialog, link the data columns and click
Finish. The data appears in the table, ready to use.

Associating Data Table Columns to Required Log Columns

Each log type has specific required columns of data that must appear in a specific location in the
table. As an example, the Hole ID column is always in the first (far left) position in the Strater data

You can specify which column of data in the data file corresponds to the required column in the
data table. Strater will then change the location of the columns to match the position you specified
during the import process.

Let us use as an example an Excel spreadsheet data table, such as the one below:

Strater 5 User’s Guide

You can import from .XLS files even if the columns are not
named or placed in accordance with Strater default values.

All the required columns (Hole ID, Depth) are present for a line/symbol log, but they are named
differently and not in the default order.

To import into Strater for a line/symbol log:

1. Click the Log | Create Log | Line/Symbol command.
2. Click inside the log pane to fix the position where a line/symbol log will be displayed.
3. The Open dialog is displayed. Navigate to the location of the file to import, highlight the file
and click Open.
4. The Specify Worksheet Column Definitions dialog opens. Click the Specify Column
Header Row check box because the column header information (Drill Depth, Au, Borehole
Name) is in row 1, which is the default row for header information.
5. Click Next. The Specify Data Type and Column Positions dialog opens:
6. Note that the contents of the Hole ID and Depth fields are incorrect. They display the column
names associated with the default positions for these two required data columns. Because
the columns of the imported .XLS file has these required columns in different locations you
must change these two fields.
7. Use the drop-down menus to select the appropriate columns for Hole ID and Depth:

Chapter 7 - Logs and Log Items

Change the required column definitions to match the column locations in the imported data table.

7. Click Finish. The log is correctly displayed.

8. Click the Sheet1 tab. Note that the names of the required columns have changed from their
names in the imported .XLS file. In addition, their positions have changed:

The required column names will always appear as

the default names, even when the source data has
different names for these columns.

Strater 5 User’s Guide

By using this technique you can adapt data files in Strater without having to go into the source
data file location and make edits in the original file. As long as the required data is present in
columns, you can make the necessary adjustments during the data importing process.

Overlay Logs
The Log | Display | Overlay Logs command overlays all logs that use the same borehole ID in
the borehole view or cross section view. The Overlay Logs command places all of the logs for each
well directly on top of one another. The Overlay Logs command works on all logs in the borehole
view or cross section view at the same time.

For instance, in a cross section view with several zone bar logs, draw additional line/symbol logs
using the Log | Create Log | Line/Symbol command. The logs are automatically placed at the
center of the cross section. To change the Hole ID for each line/symbol log, click on the line/symbol
log and change the Hole ID Filter on the Log tab in the Property Manager. After all line/symbol
logs have been assigned a Hole ID, click the Log | Display | Overlay Logs command. The
line/symbol logs are placed on top of the zone bar logs.

This cross section shows a blue line/symbol log for DH-1 and a red
line/symbol log for DH-2 overlaid onto the zone bar logs for the same wells.

Adjoin Logs
The Log | Display | Adjoin Logs command places all logs that use the same Hole ID side-by-side
in the borehole view or cross section view. The Adjoin Logs command places all of the logs for
each well with the bounding boxes for each log touching the previous bounding box. The Adjoin
Logs command works on all logs in the borehole view or cross section view at the same time.

For instance, in a cross section view with several zone bar logs, draw additional line/symbol logs
using the Log | Create Log | Line/Symbol command. The logs are automatically placed at the
center of the cross section. To change the Hole ID for each line/symbol log, click on the line/symbol
log and change the Hole ID Filter on the Log tab in the Property Manager. After all line/symbol

Chapter 7 - Logs and Log Items

logs have been assigned a Hole ID, click the Log | Display | Adjoin Logs command. The
line/symbol logs are placed beside the zone bar logs.

This cross section shows a blue line/symbol log for DH-1 and a red
line/symbol log for DH-2 adjoined beside the zone bar logs for the same wells.

True Vertical Depth

When boreholes are not completely vertical, the measured depth (MD) and true vertical depth
(TVD) of the borehole are different. The measured depth is the total distance travelled along the
borehole from the starting point (usually the collar) to the bottom of the borehole. The measured
depth is used in combination with azimuth and inclination or dip information to calculate the true
vertical depth, the actual depth below the starting point where a measured value should be

Inclination or dip and azimuth are indicators of how far off vertical a borehole is. When recorded in
a collars table, the azimuth and inclination or dip apply to the entire borehole length. When
recorded in a survey table, the azimuth and inclination or dip apply from the depth to the next
recorded depth.

Inclination is the angle the borehole is oriented in degrees and varies from 0 to 180. 0 indicates
vertical pointing down, 90 indicates horizontal, and 180 indicates vertical pointing up. Negative and
positive inclination values are treated the same for depth calculations. Negative inclination values
are treated differently for well path calculations in the cross section and map views. A negative
inclination changes the direction (azimuth) to the opposite of the similar positive inclination. For
example, the azimuth value of 90 and inclination of 45 describes the same orientation as the
azimuth value of 270 and inclination of -45 degrees. Both combinations describe an eastward
direction at 45 degrees down from the horizontal plane.

Dip is an alternate method of calculating the angle the borehole is oriented. Dip is oriented in
degrees and varies from -90 to 90. -90 indicates vertical pointing down, 0 indicates horizontal, and
+90 indicates vertical pointing up.

Strater 5 User’s Guide

Azimuth is the compass orientation of the well's deviation, in degrees and varies from 0 (true
vertical north) to 360. Azimuth values are measured relative to true north (not grid north in the
local coordinate system).

In the borehole view properties or cross section view properties, when the Depth Method is set to
True Vertical Depth, the individual log depths are calculated using the azimuth and inclination or dip
values. These values can be set from a depth, interval, survey, or collars table. There are three
ways to enter the inclination or dip and azimuth data:
1. A single set of azimuth and inclination or dip data can be entered for each borehole in the
collars table. The azimuth and inclination or dip data would apply to all points throughout the
2. A deviation survey could be imported for each borehole into a survey table. The deviation or
survey data does not have to have the same sample interval as the wireline or depth/interval
3. Azimuth and inclination or dip data can be entered for each data point in the borehole
directly in the depth or interval table as additional columns with the rest of the borehole
Once inclination or dip data is entered into a data table, the Hole Inclination Column or Hole Dip
Column and Hole Azimuth Column need to be specified for each log in the borehole view or cross
section view in the Property Manager. When the inclination or dip and azimuth data is entered in
the table and the columns are specified for each log in the view window, the view window can be
set to true vertical depth measurements. Click on the View | Display | View Properties
command. The view properties are listed in the Property Manager. Change the Depth Method
from Measured Depth (the default) to True Vertical Depth. All the logs in the view will update with
the selected depth method.

Depth logs are the only log types that have their own depth method selection, so you can set the
depth scope of the depth log independently of the depth method for the view. This allows you to
create one depth log showing measured depth and another showing true vertical depth side-by-
side. To set the depth log to true vertical depth, click on the depth log in the Object Manager or
view window to select it. In the Property Manager, set the Depth Scope to Hole True Vertical

Example True Vertical Depth

To create boreholes in true vertical depth requires having data for the borehole that includes
azimuth and inclination or dip. The azimuth and inclination or dip values can be in a survey table, a
collars table, or in the depth table. Once the azimuth and inclination or dip data are entered, the
view window and logs can all be set to display true vertical depth. This example imports two tables:
a survey table with inclination or dip and azimuth and a depth table. A line/symbol log is created
from the depth table. Two depth logs are then created: one display true vertical depth and one
displays measured depth.

1. Click the File | New Project command or click the button to open a new project.
2. Open the data tables:
a. Click the File | Open Multiple command.
b. In the Open Data dialog, click on the Example Data.xls file in the Samples directory.
By default, the Samples directory is located at C:\Program Files\Golden
Software\Strater 5\Samples.
c. Click Open.
d. Select the Deviation Survey sheet.
e. Press and hold the CTRL key on the keyboard and select the Depth sheet.
f. Click OK.
g. For the Depth table:
a. In the Specify Worksheet Column Definitions dialog, make sure that the
Specify Column Header Row is checked and set to 1. Click Next.

Chapter 7 - Logs and Log Items

b. In the Specify Data Type and Column Positions dialog, make sure that
the Data type to Depth (Single Depth) and that all of the columns are set
correctly and click Finish.
h. For the Deviation Survey:
a. In the Specify Worksheet Column Definitions dialog, make sure that the
Specify Column Header Row is checked and set to 1. Click Next.
b. In the Specify Data Type and Column Positions dialog, set the Data type
to Survey. Make sure all of the columns are set correctly and click Finish.
3. Click on the Borehole 1 tab or click Window | Borehole 1 to return to the borehole view.
4. Create a line/symbol log by clicking the Log | Create Log | Line/Symbol command.
a. Click near the center of the log pane to position the line/symbol log.
b. In the Open dialog, select Depth in the Use Current Table list.
c. Make sure that Depth is listed in the File name option.
d. Click Open.
5. Set the line/symbol log to use true vertical depth measurements.
. Click on the line/symbol log in the view window or in the Object Manager to select
a. In the Property Manager, click on the Line/Symbol Log tab.
b. Next to Hole Inclination Column or Hole Dip Column, click on [Unspecified] and select
[From survey table]: Deviation Survey.
c. Notice that the Hole Azimuth Column automatically is set to [From survey table]:
Deviation Survey. When using a survey table, the inclination or dip or dip and azimuth
columns must come from the same table.
6. Create a depth log by clicking the Log | Create Log | Depth command.
7. Click on the far left side of the page in the log pane to position the first depth log.

Strater 5 User’s Guide

8. Set the depth log to use measured depth.

. With the depth log selected, in the
Property Manager, click on the Depth
Log tab.
a. Set the Depth Scope to Hole
Measured Depth by clicking on the existing
option and select Hole Measured Depth
from the list.
b. Next to Hole Inclination Column or
Hole Dip Column, click on [Unspecified]
and select [From survey table]: Deviation
c. Notice that the Hole Azimuth
Column automatically is set to [From
survey table]: Deviation Survey. When
using a survey table, the inclination or dip
and azimuth columns must come from the
same table.
9. Click the Draw | Shape | Text command.
. Click above the depth log to
position the text.
a. In the Text Editor, type Measured
Depth and click OK.
b. Press ESC on the keyboard to end
drawing mode.
10. Create a depth log by clicking the Log |
Create Log | Depth command.
11. Click between the existing depth log and
the line/symbol log to position the second
depth log.
12. Set the depth log to use true vertical
. With the new depth log selected,
in the Property Manager, click on the
Depth Log tab.
a. Set the Depth Scope to Hole True
Vertical Depth by clicking on the existing
option and select Hole True Vertical Depth
from the list.
b. Next to Hole Inclination Column or
Hole Dip Column, click on [Unspecified]
and select [From survey table]: Deviation Survey.
c. Notice that the Hole Azimuth Column automatically is set to [From survey table]:
Deviation Survey. When using a survey table, the inclination or dip and azimuth columns
must come from the same table.
13. Click the Draw | Shape | Text command.
0. Click above the second depth log to position the text.
1. In the Text Editor, type True Vertical Depth and click OK.
2. Press ESC on the keyboard to end drawing mode.
14. Click the View | Display | View Properties command to display the borehole view
15. Click on the Measured Depth option next to Depth Method and select True Vertical Depth
from the list.
The view is displayed in true vertical depth. The first depth log shows measured depth and the
second depth log shows true vertical depth. The log is also shown with true vertical depth.

Chapter 7 - Logs and Log Items

True Vertical Depth Calculation Methods

When boreholes are deviated, the true vertical depth can be calculated by Strater. Several
calculation methods are available. Each method creates a mathematical approximation of the true
X, Y, and Z value along the borehole path. Each technique is used in different circumstances.
Available options are Tangential, Average Tangential, Balanced Tangential, Radius of Curvature,
and Minimum Curvature.

The tangential method is probably the most simple method for computing true vertical depth. This
method uses only the inclination and direction measured at the lower end of the borehole. The
borehole path is assumed to be a straight line throughout the course. This method has historically
been used more than any other, but is the least accurate. Boreholes calculated with the tangential
method often appear too shallow and the lateral displacement along the borehole is too large. In a
typical deviated borehole, the true vertical depth can be wrong by more than 50 feet. The error is
minimized if short intervals are used between points.

Average Tangential
The average tangential method uses the inclination and direction measured at the top and bottom
of the borehole and averages the two sets of measured angles. This averaged angle is used over
the course of the borehole. This method is very simple and provides a more accurate calculation
than the tangential method. The longer the distance between survey points, the greater the error in
the true vertical depth.

Balanced Tangential
The balanced tangential method uses the inclination and direction at the top and bottom of the
borehole and averages the two sets of measured angles. Unlike the average tangential method, this
method calculates the inclination at the top and bottom and combines them in the proper sine or
cosine functions before averaging. This technique provides a smoother curve than either the
tangential method or the average tangential method and more closely approximates the actual
borehole trace between surveys points. The longer the distance between survey points, the greater
the error in the true vertical depth.

Radius of Curvature
The radius of curvature assumes that the borehole follows a smooth, spherical arc between survey
points and passes through the measured angles at both ends. This method is one of the more
accurate means of calculating the position when the survey spacing is large. This method is less
sensitive to placement of the survey points. When the survey data is closely spaced or if a single
inclination value is used (from a collars table, for example), this method is not recommended.

Minimum Curvature
The minimum curvature method is the default method in Strater. This method assumes that the
borehole follows the smoothest possible circular arc between points. This method is very similar to
the Balanced Tangential Method, with each result multiplied by a ratio factor.

True Vertical Depth Reference

For additional information on these methods, refer to the following locations.
Crain's Petrophysical Handbook at http://www.spec2000.net/19-dip13.htm#b1
"Bulletin on Directional Drilling Survey Calculation Methods and Terminology," American Petroleum
Institute (API) Bulletin D20, December 31, 1985.

Strater 5 User’s Guide

Setting the Log Scale

There are a few ways to set the scaling depth in Strater.

Setting the Scale to Show 1"=10'

You can set the scale of the map in the view properties. To open the view properties, click the View
| Display | View Properties command. Then, in the Property Manager, the method depends on
what is set for the Depth Settings.

If the Depth Settings is set to:

• Automatic, then uncheck the box next to the Auto-recalculate Scale option. Set the Scaling
Depth Per Inch to 10.
• Collars Table, then click on the collars table and enter 10 in the Scale column for that Hole
ID. Or, uncheck the box next to Auto-recalculate Scale, and set the Scaling Depth Per Inch to
• User Defined, then uncheck the box next to the Auto-recalculate Scale option. Set the
Scaling Depth Per Inch to 10.

Setting the Scale to 1:500

To set a proportional scale where 1 inch on the page is 500 log inches (1"= 500", or 1:500), click
the View | Display | View Properties command. Then, in the Property Manager, set the
Standard Scale 1 to 500. If this option is not available, uncheck the box next to the Auto-
recalculate Scale option first.

Setting Elevation
There are multiple methods used to set elevation in Strater. In all of the examples below, the
borehole being displayed has a total depth of 200 units from the top of the borehole to the bottom,
with a starting elevation of 567 units, based on the Elevation column in the Collars table.

Depth Logs
The depth log Orientation option controls only the display of labels on the depth log. Labels can be
displayed in elevations or depth down the borehole in Strater. This does not change the "hanging"
elevation or convert depths in the cross section to elevation. It only changes the display of the
labels on the depth log. The Orientation option uses the starting elevation in the collars table and
the data in the data table. This requires you have Elevation values specified in the Collars table.

In this example, the data in the depth column has values between 0 and 200. The elevation in the
collars column is 567.

Chapter 7 - Logs and Log Items

Both depth logs are created from the same data.

The log on the left displays depth increasing
down the borehole. The log on the right shows
elevation based on the Collars table Elevation column.

Borehole Orientation
The borehole view properties Orientation option tells Strater if the data in the table is elevation
data (increasing upwards) or depth data (increasing downwards). This does change the display of
all the logs in the view. However, you must select the appropriate option for the existing data in the
data table (so do not select "Elevation" if your data in the data table is really depth data).

In this example, the data in the depth column has values between 567 and 367. The elevation in
the collars column is 567.

When the borehole view properties Orientation is set to Elevation,

the largest value in the data column is displayed at the top of the log and
the values decrease going down the borehole. Note that the depth
log on the right shows elevation values that do not make sense
in this situation. The depth log Orientation should be set to Depth.

Reference Datum
The Reference Datum option in the borehole view properties tells Strater whether the data
contains depth or elevation. If the data in the data table is really depth data, but you want to see

Strater 5 User’s Guide

the boreholes in their elevation, set the Reference Datum to Mean Sea Level. That will adjust the
logs to be displayed in their real world elevation position, with respect to their elevation in the
Collars table. If you do this, you probably want to put the depth log Orientation to Elevation as well.
This does require you have Elevation specified in the Collars table.

In this example, the data in the depth column has values between 0 and 200. The elevation in the
collars column is 567.

The Reference Datum is set to Mean Sea Level.

Scale Bar
A scale bar is used to show variables in log items in the borehole or cross section view or distance
in cross sections. Scale bars can be placed in any location in a borehole view or cross section view.
Scale bars can be linked to line/symbol, crossplot, bar, tadpole, or function logs or cross sections.
You can also create a scale bar that is not associated with any log or cross section. Scale bars can
be automatically created when creating a log or manually created by clicking the Log | Add |
Scale Bar command.

Scale bars show variable

ranges in log items.

Scale Bar Properties

Scale bars contain scale bar properties, ticks properties, label properties, line properties, and info
properties. You can change these properties in the Property Manager when the scale bar is

Drawing a Scale Bar

To create a scale bar:
1. Click the Log | Add | Scale Bar command.
2. Click in the view window where the scale bar should appear.

Chapter 7 - Logs and Log Items

A scale bar is created using the default properties. If a line/symbol, crossplot, bar, tadpole, or
function log was selected before adding the scale bar, the scale bar is automatically linked to the
selected log item. If any other item was selected before adding the scale bar or if no log was
selected before adding the scale bar, a scale bar is created that is not linked to any log.

Moving a Scale Bar

You can move a scale bar that was automatically created vertically by clicking on the scale bar to
select it and dragging it to the desired location. A scale bar that is linked to a log cannot be moved
horizontally away from its associated log.

For scale bars that are not linked to a log, the scale bar can be moved anywhere in the view
window. Click on the scale bar to select it and drag the scale bar to any location.

All scale bars can also be moved by clicking on the scale bar and setting the position and size
options in the Position/Size toolbar.

Unlinking a Scale Bar from a Log

To change a scale bar so that it is not linked to a log, click on the scale bar to select it. In the
Property Manager, click on the Scale Bar tab. Change the Type to User Defined.

Disabling Automatic Scale Bars

By default, when you create line/symbol, crossplot, bar logs, tadpole, or function logs, a scale bar is
automatically placed in the header, linked to the log. To turn off the automatic scale bar creation,
open the Options dialog and uncheck the Auto Create Scale Bar option on the General page.

Uniform Spaced Cross Section Scale Bars

Cross section linked scale bars should only be used when the Well Spacing is set to Proportional.
When a linked scale bar is attached to a cross section that has a Proportional well spacing that is
changed to Uniform, a warning message appears indicating that the cross section scale bar may not
be accurate with the Uniform well spacing. In this case, the distances will not be accurate across
the entire cross section. Click Yes to continue changing the Well Spacing to uniform. It is then
recommended that the scale bar be deleted. Click No to keep the cross section as Proportional so
that the scale bar is accurate.

When a scale bar is added to a cross section that already has Well Spacing set to Uniform, a
warning message appears indicating that the scale bar measurement will not be accurate. Click Yes
to add the scale bar. Click No to not add the scale bar.

Scale Bar Properties

The Scale Bar tab in the Property Manager includes scale bar options such as the type of scale
bar, scale bar range, axis type, data direction, and tick mark properties.

Strater 5 User’s Guide

Set the scale bar properties on the

Scale Bar tab in the Property Manager.

Scale Type
The scale bar Scale type determines how the scale bar is created. Available options are User
defined, Log item, or Cross section. The Log item type creates a scale bar for line/symbol,
crossplot, bar, tadpole, or function logs where the scale is linked to the log. The User defined type
creates a scale bar that is not linked to a particular log item. This is useful for displaying general
information. The Cross section type creates a scale bar that is linked to a cross section. To change
the type, click on the existing option and select the desired option from the list.

Linked Item
When the Scale type is set to Log item or Cross section, the Linked item option becomes available.
The Linked item is the log that contains the variable that should be used to set the scale on the
scale bar, or the Linked item is the cross section that should be used to set the scale on the scale
bar. To change the log item, click on the existing log name and select the desired log name from
the Linked item list. The list contains all line/symbol, crossplot, bar, tadpole, and function logs that
exist in the current borehole view. Once a log item is selected, the scale bar is moved horizontally
so that it is aligned with the log item. In addition, the scale bar resizes to the same width as the log
item. Scale bars attached to log items can be moved vertically, but not horizontally. By default the
scale bar line color and opacity is updated to match the linked log line color. To set the scale bar
line color independently of the log line color, uncheck the Use log line color check box on the Line

Variable Name
Line/Symbol logs can have more than one variable displayed on the plot. When the Scale type is set
to Log item, the Variable name property is enabled. The Variable name property specifies which
variable is used to set the scale of the scale bar. The Variable name list is populated by the
variables displayed on the line/symbol log. Click the current selection and select the desired
variable from the list to change the Variable name.

Axis Type
The Axis type is available when the Scale type is set to User defined. The Axis type is the method
used to space values on the scale bar. Available options are Linear and Logarithmic. To change the
axis type, click on the existing option and select the desired option from the list. When the axis type
is linear, values are evenly spaced along the scale bar. When the axis type is logarithmic, a Log
(base 10) scale is used to space the values. The distance between 1 and 100 covers the same
amount of the axis as the distance between 100 and 1000 or 1000 and 10,000. When set to
Logarithmic, data values equal to and less than zero are ignored.

Chapter 7 - Logs and Log Items

To control the scaling type for a scale bar linked to a log item, click on the log to select it. In the
Property Manager, click on the log's property tab. This is the line/symbol Log, crossplot Log, or
bar Log tab. Change the Axis type option. The scale bar updates and the log displays the values
with the selected scaling type.

Data Direction
The Data Direction is available when the Scale type is set to User defined or Cross section. The
Data direction determines which side of the scale displays the lower and higher values. Available
options are Low to High and High to Low. To change the Data direction, click on the existing option
and select the desired option from the list. Low to High creates a scale bar with the minimum value
on the left and the maximum value on the right. High to Low creates the scale bar with the
minimum value on the right and the maximum value on the left.

To control the data direction for a scale bar linked to a log item, click on the log to select it. In the
Property Manager, click on the log's property tab. This is the line/symbol Log, crossplot Log, or
bar Log Property Manager page. Change the Data direction option. The scale bar updates and the
data reverses direction, if needed. The Data direction is not available for a tadpole plot.

Scale Bar - Ticks Properties

The Ticks page in the Property Manager includes options for setting the tick scaling, interval, and
length of the ticks for a scale bar. To view and edit scale bar tick properties, click on the scale bar
in the view window or Object Manager to select the scale bar. Then, click on the Ticks tab in the
Property Manager.

Set the scale bar tick properties on the

Ticks tab in the Property Manager.

The Scaling option is only available when the Type is set to Cross Section on the Scale Bar tab.
The Scaling controls how tick marks appear on the scale bar. To change the Scaling, click on the
existing option and select the desired option from the list. Available options are Automatic and User
Interval. Set the Scaling to Automatic to automatically define the starting and ending ticks, based

Strater 5 User’s Guide

on all of the logs in the cross section. Set the Scaling to User Interval if you want the tick range
calculated automatically, but want to set the Major Interval to a custom value.

To set the Axis Minimum or Axis Maximum, click on the Scale Bar tab and set the Type to User
Defined. Then, click on the Ticks tab and set the Axis Minimum and Axis Maximum values.

To control the Axis Minimum, Axis Maximum, and Major Interval for a log linked scale bar, click on
the log and click the Line tab. Set the Grid Minimum, Grid Maximum, and Grid Interval in the in the
Variable Grid Lines section.

Axis Minimum and Maximum

When the Scale Bar Type is set to User Defined, you can enter an Axis Minimum and an Axis
Maximum. The Axis Minimum must be less than the Axis Maximum. To change the Axis Minimum or
Axis Maximum value, highlight the existing number and type the desired value. Press ENTER on the
keyboard to make the change.

To control the minimum and maximum values for a scale bar linked to a log item, click on the log to
select it. In the Property Manager, click on the log's Grid Line tab. In the Variable Grid Lines
section, set the Scaling to User Defined. Then, set the Grid Minimum or Grid Maximum values to
the smallest and largest values that should be shown on the scale bar. The scale bar updates and
the log only displays the points that are within the range.

Major Interval
When the Scale Bar Type is set to User Defined or Cross Section and the Scaling option is set to
User Defined, use the Major Interval setting to control the spacing between major tick marks. The
interval value is in the same units as the Axis Minimum and Axis Maximum. The interval must be
greater than zero. A Too many intervals warning message appears is the number typed in the Major
Interval creates more than 1000 tick marks on the scale bar. To change the interval, set the Scaling
option to User Defined. Then, highlight the existing value next to Major Interval and type the
desired number. Press ENTER on the keyboard to make the change.

To control the major interval for a scale bar linked to a log item, click on the log to select it. In the
Property Manager, click on the Line tab. Change the Scaling to User Defined. In the Show Major
Variable Grid Lines section, set the Grid Interval to the desired major interval. The scale bar

Major Tick Length

The length of the major tick marks is set in the Major Ticks section with the Length option. Values
are in page units and range between 0.0 to 2.0 inches (0 and 5.08 centimeters). To change the
value, highlight the existing value and type the desired length. Press ENTER on the keyboard to
make the change. Alternatively, click the to increase or decrease the tick length.

Minor Tick Length

The length of the minor tick marks is set in the Minor Ticks section with the Length option. Values
are in page units and range between 0.0 to 2.0 inches (0 and 5.08 centimeters). To change the
value, highlight the existing value and type the desired length. Press ENTER on the keyboard to
make the change. Alternatively, click the to increase or decrease the tick length.

Chapter 7 - Logs and Log Items

Minor Divisions
The Divisions are the number of divisions (gaps) between the major tick marks. The value should
be between 1 and 20. A value of one creates no minor tick marks and one gap. A value of 10 is
entered into the Divisions box, there are nine minor tick marks and 10 gaps between major ticks.
To change the number of divisions, highlight the existing value and type the desired value. Press
ENTER on the keyboard to make the change. Alternatively, click the to increase or decrease the
number of divisions.

To control the number of tick mark divisions for a scale bar linked to a log item, click on the log to
select it. In the Property Manager, click on the Line tab. Change the Scaling to User Defined. In
the Show Minor Variables Grid Lines section, set the Grid Division to the desired number of
divisions. The scale bar updates.

Scale Bar - Label Properties

The Label page in the Property Manager includes options for setting the label side, units, and
label range for the ticks on a scale bar. To view and edit scale bar label properties, click on the
scale bar in the view window or Object Manager to select the scale bar. Then, click on the Label
tab in the Property Manager.

Set label properties on the Label

tab in the Property Manager.

Strater 5 User’s Guide

Label Side
The Label side changes the location of the ticks and labels from above the scale bar (the default
location) to below the scale bar. Normally, when the scale bar appears in the footer, the Label side
is set to Below and when the scale bar appears in the header, the Label side is set to Above. To
change the label side, click on the existing option and select the desired option from the list.

The Units option is available when the Scale Bar Scale type is set to Cross Section. The Units option
controls the tick mark values displayed on the cross section scale bar. To change the units, click on
the existing option and select the desired option from the list. Setting the Units to Automatic reads
the units from the coordinate system of the map in the associated map view.

If the units are not specified for the Map, the Column units from the Easting and Northing column
are used. If the units are different in these columns, the Easting column is used. If only one of the
Easting or Northing column has units, that column's units are used. When the column units are not
recognized, conversion between units is not done properly.

Auto Label Range

Check the box next to Auto label range to have the starting and stopping labels set to the starting
and ending tick marks. When unchecked, the Start showing labels from and Stop showing labels
after options become available.

Start Showing Labels From

When the Auto label range is unchecked, the Start showing labels from option lists the first tick
value on the scale bar that should contain a label. To change the first label value, uncheck the Auto
label range option. Then, highlight the number next to showing labels from and type the desired
starting label value. Press ENTER on the keyboard to make the change. The label value is specified
in the Units for a cross section scale bar or in the units displayed on the Ticks tab for a log or user
defined scale bar.

Stop Showing Labels After

When the Auto label range is unchecked, the Stop showing labels after option lists the last tick
value on the scale bar that should contain a label. To change the last label value, uncheck the Auto
label range option. Then, highlight the number next to Stop showing labels after and type the
desired ending label value. Press ENTER on the keyboard to make the change. The label value is
specified in the Units for a cross section scale bar or in the units displayed on the Ticks tab for a
log or user defined scale bar.

Click the next to Layout to set the label layout options.

The Offset moves the label numbers up (positive offset) or down (negative offset). To change the
offset, highlight the existing value and type a new value. Press ENTER on the keyboard to make the
change. Alternatively, click the to increase or decrease the offset. Numbers are in page units
and range from -2 to 2 inches (-5.08 to 5.08 centimeters).

Label Frequency
The Label frequency option controls how many major labels appear on the scale bar. Setting the
value to zero displays no labels on the scale bar. Setting the value to one displays a label at all
major tick mark values. Change the Label frequency to two to display a label at every other value

Chapter 7 - Logs and Log Items

or three to display a label at every third value. To change the Label frequency, highlight the
existing value and type a new number. Enter a number between 0 and 200. Press ENTER on the
keyboard to make the change. Alternatively, click on the to increase or decrease the value.

Label Angle
The Label angle option sets the displayed data at an angle. The numbers are in degrees offset from
horizontal moving in a counter-clockwise direction. For example, an angle of 90 displays the
numbers vertically, and an angle of 180 displays the numbers upside-down.

Nudge End Values

The Nudge end values option moves the starting and ending labels away from the edges of the log
pane so that they are completely visible. This 'nudging' occurs only if the label is near the edge of
the log pane, otherwise the location of the label does not change.

Label Format
Click the next to Label Format to open the label format section.

Font Properties
Click the next to Font Properties to open the font properties section.

Scale Bar Title

The Scale Bar Title section of the Label page contains the text and font properties for the scale bar
title. Click the button to expand the Scale Bar Title section.

Display Units
Check the box next to Display units to display the units below the scale bar title. The units display
uses the same font properties as the scale bar title. The scale bar units are specified by the column
properties for the table and column in use by the linked log item. This is the linked variable column
for line/symbol and function logs, Data column for bar logs, Keyword column for tadpole logs, and
the Curve 1 Data column for crossplot logs.

Type the scale bar title text into the Text field to set the scale bar title. Math text instructions can
be included in the Text field. Click the button to add or edit the text with the Text Editor.

Font Properties
Click the next to Font Properties to open the font properties section. The font properties apply to
the entire scale bar title. Use the Text Editor to apply different styles, sizes, and colors to the scale
bar title text.

Line Properties
Use line properties to change line properties for selected lines in the view. To edit the line
properties, click on the object in the Object Manager or plot window to select it. The properties
are listed in the Property Manager. Default line properties are set in the File | Options dialog on
the Line page.

Strater 5 User’s Guide

If the options on the Line tab are not available, a scheme is likely being used. Uncheck the
appropriate Use Keyword Scheme, Use Range Scheme, or Use Indent Keyword Scheme option to
turn off the display of the scheme properties and set the line properties on the Line tab.

The Line Properties section controls the

line properties for the selected object.

Use Log Line Color

When editing the line properties of a scale bar for a line/symbol log, crossplot log, or function log,
the Use log line color property is available. When the Use log line color check box is checked, the
scale bar line color and opacity is linked to the log line color. The Color and Opacity properties on
the Line page are disabled when Use log line color is checked.

Click the line next Style to open the line style palette. Click on a style to use it for the selected line.
The line style sample updates to show the new selection. Click on the Custom button at the bottom
of the line style palette to specify a custom line style.

Click the color next to Color to open the color palette. Click on a color to use it for the selected line.
The color box and the sample line update to show the new selection. Click on the Custom button at
the bottom of the color palette to choose a custom color.

The Opacity changes the opacity (transparency) of the line. Values range between 0% (completely
transparent) to 100% (completely opaque). To change the opacity, highlight the existing value and
type a new value or click the to increase or decrease the opacity level.

Chapter 7 - Logs and Log Items

Change the line Width by highlighting the existing value and typing a new number or by clicking the
to increase or decrease the line width. The line width can be zero to 0.5 inches (1.27 cm) wide.
A width of zero is one pixel wide.

End Styles
The End Styles section controls the arrow styles for the ends of the line. Click the button to
expand the End Styles section.

For polylines the Start style option is available. The Start adds an arrow to the starting point of the
polyline. To set the arrow style, click on the existing option and select the desired option. Available
options are None (no arrow drawn), Simple head, Filled head, Triangle head, and 2-Stick head.

End Style
For polylines the End style option is available. The End adds an arrow to the ending point of the
polyline. To set the arrow style, click on the existing option and select the desired option. Available
options are None (no arrow drawn), Simple head, Filled head, Triangle head, and 2-Stick head.

For polylines the Scale option is available. The Scale controls the relative size of the selected start
and end arrow styles. Values are between 0.001 and 100. To change the scale, highlight the
existing value and type a new value or click the to increase or decrease the arrow scale.

Legends explain information contained in a log, such as a zone bar log or classed post log. Legends
display symbols and fill options from a scheme. Any scheme in the project can be displayed with a
legend. If no scheme exists in the project, the legend is displayed as Scheme not found. Click the
Log | Add | Legend command and click in the view window to create a legend.

Create legends of different styles, based

on the schemes in your project.

Legend Properties
Legends contain legend, label, line, fill, and info properties. You can change these properties in the
Property Manager when the legend is selected.

Drawing a Legend
To create a legend:
1. Click the Log | Add | Legend command.
2. Click in the view window where the legend should appear.
The legend appears with the default properties, based on the first scheme listed in the Scheme
Editor. If a specific log and scheme should be displayed, click on the log before clicking the Log |
Add | Legend command.

Strater 5 User’s Guide

Changing the Scheme Associated with a Legend

A legend can be associated with any scheme in the project. To change the scheme associated with
a legend:
1. Click on the legend in the Object Manager or view window to select it.
2. In the Property Manager, click on the Legend tab.
3. Click the name next to the Schemes option. In the list, select the desired scheme.
The legend automatically updates to display the newly selected scheme.

Ordering Legend Items

Legends are displayed in the same order that the scheme items appears in the Scheme Editor. To
display items in the legend in a particular order, sort the scheme items.

Legend Properties
The Legend tab in the Property Manager includes legend options such as selecting the scheme,
defining number of columns, and controlling legend content placement.

Set legend properties in the

Property Manager on the Legend tab.

The Schemes option sets the scheme associated with the legend. To change the scheme, click on
the existing scheme name and select the desired scheme from the list. All schemes in the existing
project appear in the list.

Omit Unused Items

Items that are included in the scheme but not used in the logs or layers can be omitted from the
legend by clicking the Omit unused items check box. Any scheme items that are not used by the
logs or layers are removed from the legend. Uncheck the Omit unused items check box to include
all scheme items in the legend.

Chapter 7 - Logs and Log Items

Number of Columns
The Number of columns changes the display of the legend to use multiple columns. To change how
many columns the legend has, highlight the existing value and type a new value. Press ENTER on
the keyboard. Alternatively, click the button to increase or decrease the number of columns.
The value must be a whole number between 1 and 20. The program then takes the number of
scheme items and separates them into the number of columns. For instance, if the scheme has 20
items, and the Number of columns is set to 4, each column will have 5 rows. If the Number of
columns is set to 5, each column will have 4 rows.

Sample Options
The Sample options determines how scheme items are displayed in the legend. To change the
sample option, click on the existing option and select the desired option from the list. The available
options are Rectangle, Symbol, and Both. Rectangle shows small rectangles displaying the scheme's
fill and line properties. This is useful when displaying legends for a zone bar, bar, percentage, well
construction, or lithology logs. Symbol shows the symbol properties specified in the scheme. This is
useful for displaying the scheme information for a post or classed post log. Both displays both the
filled rectangle and the symbol.

Sample Width
The Sample width controls the width of the rectangle next to each entry in the legend. The width is
displayed in page units, ranging from 0.1 to 2.0 inches (0.254 to 5.08 centimeters). To change the
width, highlight the existing value and type a new value. Press ENTER on the keyboard to make the
change. Alternatively, click the button to increase or decrease the width of the filled rectangles.
Sample width is not available if the Sample options is set to Symbol.

Space Between Samples

The Space between samples option controls the display of the space between the rectangle or
symbol samples in a legend. Check the box next to Space between samples to display a small space
between adjacent rows. Uncheck the box to have the filled rectangles or symbols in adjacent rows

Label Sample on Left

The Label sample on left option controls the location of the labels relative to the filled rectangles or
symbols. To display the labels on the left side of the rectangles and symbols, check the box next to
Label sample on left. To display the labels on the right side, uncheck the box.

Legend - Label Properties

The Label page in the Property Manager includes options for setting the label font and format
and title text and font for a legend. To view and edit legend label properties, click on the legend in
the view window or Object Manager to select the legend. Then, click on the Label tab in the
Property Manager.

Strater 5 User’s Guide

Set label and title properties on the Label

tab in the Property Manager.

Legend Labels
The Legend Labels section of the Label page contains the format and font properties for the legend
labels. Click the button to expand the Legend Labels section.

Label Format
Click the next to Label Format to open the label format section.

Font Properties
Click the next to Font Properties to open the font properties section.

Legend Title
The Legend Title section of the Label page contains the text and font properties for the legend title.
Click the button to expand the Legend Title section.

Type the legend title text into the Text field to set the legend title. Math text instructions can be
included in the Text field. Click the button to add or edit the text with the Text Editor.

Font Properties
Click the next to Font Properties to open the font properties section. The font properties apply to
the entire legend title. Use the Text Editor to apply different styles, sizes, and colors to the legend

Chapter 7 - Logs and Log Items

Legend Line Properties

Set the frame style and line properties for the legend frame on the Line tab.

Set the legend frame line properties on

the Line tab in the Property Manager.

Frame Style
The Frame style sets the display of the line surrounding the legend. To change the Frame style,
click on the existing option and select the desired option from the list. Available options are None,
Rectangle, and Rounded Rectangle. Setting the style to None removes the line around the legend.
Rectangle places a rectangle around the legend. The Rounded Rectangle option places a rectangle
with rounded edges around the legend.

The Frame style must be set to Rectangle or Rounded Rectangle for the legend to display
background fill properties as well. When the Frame style is set to None, the background fill is not
displayed regardless of the Fill page settings. If you wish to display a background fill but not a
frame line, then set the Frame style to Rectangle or Rounded Rectangle. Next set Style in the Line
Properties section to Invisible. Finally set the desired background properties on the Fill page.

Line Properties
The Line Properties section controls the legend frame line display. Click the button to expand the
Line Properties section. See the Line Properties topic for more information on editing line

Fill Properties
Fill properties can be changed for selected objects. To edit the fill properties, click on the object in
the Object Manager or plot window. The properties are listed in the Property Manager. Default
fill properties are set in the File | Options dialog by clicking on the Fill page.

If the options on the Fill tab are not available, a scheme is likely being used. Uncheck the
appropriate Use Keyword Scheme, Use Range Scheme, or Use Indent Keyword Scheme option to
turn off the display of the scheme properties and set the fill properties on the Fill tab.

Schemes and Fill Properties

Note that if a scheme is used in a log item, the fill properties will be unavailable on the Fill tab. You
must change the fill properties for the scheme in the Scheme Editor or turn off the display of the

Strater 5 User’s Guide

Fill Properties Page

The object's fill is composed of layers of various fill types. All of the predefined fills have only one
layer. Custom fills created with the Fill Style Editor may have multiple layers of any type. Each
layer in the fill style has its own section in the Property Manager. The layers are listed in
descending order, i.e. the topmost layer is listed first, Layer 1 (<type>), followed by additional
layers. The following properties are displayed on the Fill page of the Property Manager.

Only the layer properties displayed in the Property Manager are included in this topic. To see
information about properties that are included in the Fill Style Editor, see the Fill Style Editor
topic. The image layer Load from property and the vector layer drawing area are only available in
the Fill Style Editor.

Log Fill Background

For many of the log objects, the Fill page includes a Fill background check box. If the box next to
Fill background is checked, the background area is filled. If the box next to Fill background is
unchecked, the background is not filled. To change the Fill background, check or uncheck the box.
The Fill Properties section below the Fill background property controls the background fill.

Legend Fill Background

When a legend is selected, the Fill page contains the fill options for the legend background. The
Frame style on the Line page must be set to Rectangle or Rounded Rectangle for the legend to
display a background fill. When the Frame style is set to None, the background fill is not displayed
regardless of the Fill page settings. If you wish to display a background fill but not a frame line,
then set the Frame style to Rectangle or Rounded Rectangle. Next set Style in the Line Properties
section to Invisible. Finally set the desired background properties on the Fill page.

The Fill page in the Property Manager controls the

fill properties for the selected object.

Fill Style
The Style indicates the way that an object is filled. To change the Style, click on the existing fill
style next to Style. In the list, select a new style from the fill palette. Create custom fill styles with
the Fill Style Editor. Click the next to the Style field to open the Fill Style Editor to modify or
create a fill style.

Chapter 7 - Logs and Log Items

Each layer in the selected fill style is displayed in its own section. The layers are listed in order from
top to bottom. The layer name is Layer n (type), where n is the layer position and type is the layer
type. A layer preview is displayed to the right of the layer name. The six layer types are Solid,
Stock, Image, Gradient, Vector, and Line. Click the button to expand the layer properties.

Solid Layer Properties

The properties for a solid layer are Color and Opacity.

Expand a Solid layer to edit the layer's properties.

The Color is the color of the solid fill. Click the existing color sample next to Color to open the color
palette. Click on a color in the palette to use it for the layer's fill color. Click the button to open
the Colors dialog and create custom colors, use the dropper to select a color, or select the color
from a color wheel.

The Opacity controls the transparency of the solid fill style. To change the Opacity, highlight the
existing value and type a new value. Press ENTER on the keyboard to make the change.
Alternatively, click and drag the slider to increase or decrease the opacity value. Opacity
values are between 0% (zero opacity, full transparency) to 100% (full opacity, zero transparency).

Stock Layer Properties

The properties for a stock layer are Pattern, Foreground color, Foreground opacity, Background
color, and Background opacity.

Strater 5 User’s Guide

Expand a Stock layer to edit the layer's properties.

The Pattern indicates the way the stock layer is filled. To change the Pattern, click on the existing
pattern sample next to Pattern. Select a new style from the pattern palette.

Foreground Color
The Foreground color is the color of the pattern. Click the existing color sample next to Foreground
color to open the color palette. Click on a color in the palette to use it for the selected foreground
fill color. Click the button to open the Colors dialog and create custom colors, use the dropper
to select a color, or select the color from a color wheel.

Foreground Opacity
The Foreground opacity controls the transparency of the foreground portion of the pattern. To
change the Foreground opacity, highlight the existing value and type a new value. Press ENTER on
the keyboard to make the change. Alternatively, click and drag the slider to increase or
decrease the opacity value. Opacity values are between 0% (zero opacity, full transparency) to
100% (full opacity, zero transparency).

Background Color
The Background color is the color behind the pattern. Click the existing color sample next to
Background color to open the color palette. Click on a color in the palette to use it for the
background fill color. Click the button to open the Colors dialog and create custom colors.

Background Opacity
The Background opacity controls the transparency of the background portion of the pattern. To
change the Background opacity, highlight the existing value and type a new value. Press ENTER on
the keyboard to make the change. Alternatively, click and drag the slider to increase or

Chapter 7 - Logs and Log Items

decrease the opacity value. Opacity values are between 0% (zero opacity, full transparency) to
100% (full opacity, zero transparency).

If the stock layer is above other layers in the fill style, the Background opacity must be less than
100% to see the layers below. To make a fill pattern appear transparent with only the foreground
portion of the fill pattern showing, change the Background Opacity value to 0%.

Image Layer Properties

The properties for an image layer are Pattern, Opacity, Stretch, Image Offset (X and Y), and Image
Scale (X, Y, and Proportional).

Expand an Image layer to edit the layer's properties.

The Pattern property is used to add image layers from predefined or custom image fill styles. To
change the image layer, click the current option for an image layer Pattern and select a predefined
image layer or a custom image layer from the image palette. Only image fills with a single layer are
included in the image palette.

The Opacity controls the transparency of the image fill style. To change the Opacity, highlight the
existing value and type a new value. Press ENTER on the keyboard to make the change.
Alternatively, click and drag the slider to increase or decrease the opacity value. Opacity
values are between 0% (zero opacity, full transparency) to 100% (full opacity, zero transparency).

Strater 5 User’s Guide

The Stretch is used with image patterns. The Stretch determines how the image is used to fill the
desired area. When the Stretch check box is checked, the image is stretched to fit the fill area.
When the Stretch check box is not checked the image is tiled in the fill area.

The image fill on the left has the Stretch box checked. The image on
the right has the Stretch box unchecked.

Image Offset
Offset the image in the fill layer by typing a value in pixels in the X or Y fields in the Image Offset
section. You can also change the X and Y image offset values by clicking the buttons.

Image Scale
The Image Scale properties control the density of the image fill. Change the image scale by typing
a value in the X or Y fields in the Image Scale section. The Image Scale properties are ignored
when the Stretch property is checked. You can also change the X and Y image scale values by
clicking the buttons.

When the Proportional check box is checked, the X and Y values automatically update to maintain
the current aspect ratio. Uncheck the Proportional check box to apply different scaling in the X and
Y directions.

Note that the Proportional property does not lock the X and Y values to any specific aspect ratio but
to whichever ratio is in use when the box is checked. For example, assume you want the X:Y ratio
to be 2:1, but you do not know which Image Scale values are desired. You can uncheck the
Proportional check box. Next set the X value to 2 and the Y value to 1. Check the Proportional
check box. Now when you adjust one of the X or Y values, the other value updates automatically to
maintain the 2:1 ratio.

Gradient Layer Properties

The properties for a gradient layer are Type, Direction, and Colormap.

Chapter 7 - Logs and Log Items

Expand a Gradient layer to edit the layer's properties.

The Type controls how a gradient fill pattern is used to fill the selected area. To change the Type,
click on the current type and select the new type in the list. Select Linear or Radial for the Type.
When the Type is set to Linear, a linear color gradient fills the area. The colors change in a linear
manner from the top to the bottom or from the left to the right of the area. When the Type is set to
Radial, a radial color gradient fills the area. The colors change in concentric circles, either
expanding from the interior and going out or from the exterior and going in.

The Radial type is shown on the left and

the Linear type is shown on the right.

The Direction option sets the direction the gradient fills. When the Type is set to Linear, choose
either Vertical or Horizontal for the Direction. The Vertical option sets the gradient to change along
the Y axis. The Horizontal option sets the gradient to change along the X axis. When Radial is
selected as the Type, the Direction options are Inward and Outward. This reverses the color


The Colormap option sets the colors to use in the gradient pattern. Click the button to select or
create a color gradient in the Colormap dialog.

Strater 5 User’s Guide

Vector Layer Properties

The properties for a vector layer are Color and Opacity.

Expand a Vector layer to edit the layer's properties.

The Color is the color of the lines in the vector fill. Click the existing color sample next to Color to
open the color palette. Click on a color in the palette to use it for the layer's line color. Click the
button to open the Colors dialog and create custom colors, use the dropper to select a color, or
select the color from a color wheel.

The Opacity controls the transparency of the lines in the vector fill. To change the Opacity, highlight
the existing value and type a new value. Press ENTER on the keyboard to make the change.
Alternatively, click and drag the slider to increase or decrease the opacity value. Opacity
values are between 0% (zero opacity, full transparency) to 100% (full opacity, zero transparency).

Line Layer Properties

The properties for a Line layer are Color, Opacity, Angle, Offset, Separation, and Width.

Chapter 7 - Logs and Log Items

Expand a Line layer to edit the layer's properties.

The Color is the color of the lines in the line fill layer. Click the existing color sample next to Color
to open the color palette. Click on a color in the palette to use it for the layer's line color. Click the
button to open the Colors dialog and create custom colors, use the dropper to select a color, or
select the color from a color wheel.

The Opacity controls the transparency of the lines in the line fill layer. To change the Opacity,
highlight the existing value and type a new value. Press ENTER on the keyboard to make the
change. Alternatively, click and drag the slider to increase or decrease the opacity value.
Opacity values are between 0% (zero opacity, full transparency) to 100% (full opacity, zero

Change the angle of the lines by typing a value in degrees in the Angle field or clicking and
dragging the slider . Positive values rotate the lines clockwise.

Change the vertical offset between the lines and the pattern's origin by typing a value between -
0.25 and 0.25 inches in the Offset field. You can also change the Offset value by clicking the

Strater 5 User’s Guide

Change the separation between the lines by typing a value between 0 and 0.25 inches in the
Separation field. You can also change the Separation value by clicking the buttons.

Change the line Width by highlighting the existing value and typing a new number or by clicking the
to increase or decrease the line width. The line width can be zero to 0.5 inches (1.27 cm) wide.
A width of zero is one pixel wide.

Inserting a Map View

An inserted map view provides location information for the boreholes displayed in a borehole view
or cross section view. To insert a map view into a borehole view or cross section view, click the Log
| Add | Map View command. If only one map view exists, the map is immediately displayed. If
multiple map views exist, select the desired map view from the dialog and click OK. The map is
added to the borehole view or the cross section view in the center of the selected pane.

Insert a map view into a cross section, to give the cross section spatial perspective.

Changing the Inserted Map

To change the map that is displayed in the inserted map, click on the Map View object in the
Object Manager. In the Property Manager, click on the name next to Map view name. In the
list, select the desired map view to display. The inserted map automatically updates. Click [None] if
no map view should be displayed.

Editing the Inserted Map

The inserted map displays exactly as it appears in the linked map view. To make any changes to
the inserted map, select the map view in the View Manager. Make any changes to the appearance
of the map and the inserted map automatically updates.

Chapter 7 - Logs and Log Items

Insert Map View Unavailable

If no map view has been created in the project, the Log | Add | Map View command is not
available. Create a map view by clicking the Home | New | Map View command. In the map
view, creating a base map or well location map. Then insert the map in the borehole view or cross
section view using the Log | Add | Map View command.

Chapter 8 - Depth Logs
Depth Logs
Click the Log | Create Log | Depth command to create a depth log. The depth log is used as
a scale to display the depth or elevation of the data in the borehole view or cross section view.

Depth logs can display depth or elevation.

Data Requirements
Depth logs use depth or interval data tables. In the data table, there are two required columns. The
required columns are Hole ID and Depth. The depth log displays from the minimum depth value to
them maximum depth value listed in the table.

The Hole ID, and Depth are

required for a depth log.

Creating a Depth Log

To create a depth log:

Chapter 8 - Depth Logs

1. Click the Log | Create Log | Depth command.

2. Click inside the log pane where you want the depth log to appear. If other logs exist in the
current view window, the depth log is created.
3. If a depth log is the first log item created in this view window, in the Open dialog, click on
the data file. If the data was already opened, click on the table name in the Use Current
Table section. Click Open.
4. Set the data importing options in the Specify Worksheet Column Definitions dialog, if
necessary, and click Next.
5. Finish the importing of data in the Specify Data Type and Column Positions dialog and
click Finish.
6. The depth log appears in the view window.
If you are in active mode a depth log is created using the default properties. If you are in design
mode, a depth log graphic is displayed as a place holder after step 2.

Editing Depth Log Properties

To change the features of a depth log, including the depth orientation, units, and tick interval
properties, click on the depth log in the Object Manager or view window. The properties are listed
in the Property Manager.

The following tabs are listed in the Property Manager:

• Log
• Ticks
• Label
• Line
• Fill

Creating Multiple Depth Logs

Depth logs are used as scale bars to display the depth or elevation of the data in the view window.
You can include multiple depth logs with multiple units in your borehole graphics. For example, you
may want to include a depth log with feet and another depth log with meters.

Original Units
First, set the project data units so Strater has a basis to perform the conversions.

To set the data units:

1. Open the view window.
2. Click the View | Display | View Properties command.
3. Set the Depth Units to the data's depth units in the Property Manager.

Create the First Depth Log

Once the base units are set, you can create the first depth log. To create a depth log:
1. Click the Log | Create Log | Depth command.
2. Click in the log pane where you want the depth log to appear.
3. If there are no other logs in the log pane, you are prompted to import data.
4. Click on the depth log in the Object Manager or view window, if it is not already selected.
5. Edit the depth log Display Units in the Property Manager. If, for example, you want one
scale bar in feet then set the Display Units to Feet.
6. To display the labels and ticks on the left side of the log, change the Display Side to Left.

Create the Second Depth Log

The second depth log is created just like the first depth log:

Strater 5 User’s Guide

1. Click the Log | Create Log | Depth command.

2. Click in the log pane where you want the depth log to appear.
3. Select the depth log if it is not already selected.
4. Edit the depth log Display Units in the Property Manager. If, for example, you want one
scale bar in meters then set the Display Units to Meters.

Positioning the Depth Logs

Position the depth logs by dragging them to a new location or by setting the position in the
Position/Size toolbar. The following directions show how to position a depth log on the left side of
the borehole.

To position the depth log:

1. Click once on the depth log to select it.
2. Hold down the left mouse button and drag the depth log to the desired location at the far left
side of the page. Release the mouse button when the log is in the desired position.
3. Alternatively, in the Position/Size toolbar, highlight the value next to X: and type the desired
value. In the default borehole view, the furthest left an object can be placed is at the page
margin which is 0.25 inches, by default. Type 0.25 and press ENTER on the keyboard.

Spacing the Depth Logs

The depth logs can be automatically spaced after setting the first depth log's position. To
automatically space the depth logs on the left side of the page:
1. Click on the first depth log name in the Object Manager.
2. Press and hold the CTRL key on your keyboard.
3. Click on the second depth log name in the Object Manager. Both names are highlighted.
4. Click the Arrange | Space Objects | Right to Left command. This aligns the right depth
log bounding box edge to the right side of the left depth log bounding box edge.

Different scales can be

displayed on two adjacent logs.

The depth log line appears with feet on one side and meters on the other.

Display Both Depth and Elevation

To display the elevation, you just need to have a collars table with the elevation of the top of the
hole defined. Be sure that the data is in a collars table, not an interval, text, or depth table type.

Chapter 8 - Depth Logs

Then, use these steps to create two depth logs. One will show depth and one will show elevation.

Create the First Depth Log

Create the first depth log showing depth units:
1. Click the Log | Create Log | Depth command.
2. Click in the log pane where you want the depth log to appear.
3. If there are no other logs in the log pane, you are prompted to import data.
4. Click on the depth log in the Object Manager or view window, if it is not already selected.
5. In the Property Manager, set the Orientation to Depth.

Create the Second Depth Log

The second depth log is created just like the first depth log, except the units will be elevation:
1. Click the Log | Create Log | Depth command.
2. Click in the log pane where you want the depth log to appear.
3. Select the new depth log if it is not already selected.
4. Set the Orientation to Elevation.

Two depth logs are displayed. The one on the left

shows depth and the one on the right shows elevation.

Depth Grid Lines

Grid lines are typically shown for individual logs. You can, however, display depth grid lines across
the entire page. To create grid lines across the width of the page, you need to create a log item
that spans the width of the page. See LAS Example-1.sdg for an example, which is located in the
Strater Samples directory. The Depth Grid log is as wide as the page and displays only the grid

To reproduce the depth grid lines that span the entire page, follow these steps:

1. Click the File | New Project command or click the button to open a new blank project.
2. Create a line/symbol log:
a. Click the Log | Create Log | Line/Symbol command.
b. Click in the view window where the log should be placed.
c. In the Open dialog, select the data file. The data file should contain depth data that
matches the desired depth range. Select Example Data.xls as an example and click
d. Select the Depth sheet and click OK.

Strater 5 User’s Guide

e. Click Next in the Specify Worksheet Column Definitions dialog, accepting the
f. In the Specify Data Type and Column Positions dialog, verify the columns are set
correctly and click Finish.
3. Set the line/symbol log to display the depth data and no lines or symbols.
a. Click on the line/symbol log in the Object Manager or view window, if it is not
already selected.
b. Click on the Display Properties tab in the Property Manager.
c. Click the next to Line Properties.
d. Click the solid line next to Style. Select the invisible line from the list.
4. Set the log position and width:
a. With the log selected, highlight the number next to X: in the Position/Size toolbar.
Type 0.00 and press ENTER on the keyboard. The value will automatically update to
the minimum value (0.25 inches, if the margins are set to the default values).
b. Highlight the value next to W: in the Position/Size toolbar. Type the maximum value,
depending on the page size and margins. For instance, if you are using a letter size
page (8.5 inches x 11 inches) and have a 0.25 inch margin on the left and right
sides, you would type 8.0. Press ENTER on the keyboard to make the change and the
log fills the entire view window.
5. Add grid lines that extend the entire width of the log:
a. Click on the Grid Line tab in the Property Manager.
b. Click the next to the Depth Grid Lines.
c. Click Hide next to Grid Line Display Order and select Top.
d. Change the Scaling to User Defined.
e. Set the Grid Minimum and Grid Maximum values to the desired first and last grid line
f. Check the box next to Show Major Depth Grid Lines. The grid lines are now displayed
on the page.
g. Click the next to the Show Major Depth Grid Lines.
h. Set the Grid Interval to the interval that you want to see depth grid lines on the
page. 50 would place a grid line every 50 depth units.
i. Set the line Style, Color, Foreground Opacity, and Width.
6. Delete the scale bar by clicking on the scale bar in either the view window or Object
Manager and pressing DELETE on the keyboard.
• After adding all other logs, you can position the grid lines to be on top of all logs by clicking
on the grid line log and clicking the Arrange | Move | To Front. The grid will now appear
on top of all other logs.
• You can move the grid behind individual logs by selecting these other logs and clicking the
Arrange | Move | To Front command. Only these logs will appear over the grid.
• Use the instructions in Log Line Properties to adjust the appearance of the grid.

Change the Numeric Format for Depth Logs

A depth log currently shows labels reading 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, etc. The log should show 0, 0.25, 0.5,
0.75, 1, 1.25, 1.5, etc. How do I change the format?

This is related to the number of decimal digits specified for the depth log labels. If the number of
decimal digits is set to 0, your log would only show whole numbers. So instead of labels like 0,
0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1, 1.25, 1.5, they would be rounded to 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2.

To check the number of decimal digits, follow these steps.

1. Click on the depth log to select it.
2. In the Property Manager, click the Label tab.
3. Click the next to Format to open the label format section.
4. Set the Numeric Format Types to Fixed.

Chapter 8 - Depth Logs

5. Set the Decimal Places to 1 or 2, depending on how many decimal digits you want to see.
6. Press ENTER and the log is updated to show the desired values.

Setting the Depth Scale

Strater scales logs based on a scaling depth per inch (or centimeter, depending on how you have
your Page Units set). To set it up so that there are exactly a certain number of depth units per
page, follow these steps:
1. Click the File | New Project command.
2. In the borehole view, click the File | Page Setup command.
3. In the Page Setup dialog, note the Height of the Log Pane.
4. Divide the scale you want per page (20 m in this case) by the height of the log pane. For
example, if the log pane height is 7.8”, you would divide 20 by 7.8 to get 2.56.
5. Click Cancel to exit out of the Page Setup dialog.
6. Click the View | Display | View Properties command.
7. In the Property Manager, click on the View tab.
8. Uncheck the box next to Auto-recalculate Scale.
9. Set the Scaling Depth per Inch value to the number calculated in Step 3. Type 2.56 and
press ENTER to make the change.

Depth Log Properties

The Log page in the Property Manager includes options for defining the style of the depth scale,
display unit type, and depth orientation of a depth log. To view and edit depth log properties, click
on the depth log in the view window or Object Manager to select the log. Then, click on the
Depth Log tab in the Property Manager.

Set the depth log properties on the

Depth Log tab in the Property Manager.

Hole ID Filter
The Hole ID filter is used to select the borehole to associate with this log. Only those Hole IDs that
are currently associated with data tables in this project are listed. To change the Hole ID filter, click

Strater 5 User’s Guide

on the existing Hole ID and select the desired Hole ID from the list. The log automatically updates
to show the new borehole.

For a depth log, the Hole ID filter is not available if the Depth scope is set to Overall depth. If the
Depth scope is set to Hole measured depth or Hole true vertical depth, the Hole ID filter is
available. Select the Hole ID from which the measured depth or true vertical depth values should be

When the Logs object is selected in a cross section view, the Hole ID filter is not available. To set a
specific log to a particular Hole ID, click on that individual log and set the Hole ID filter to the
appropriate log.

Depth Log Table

Use the Table property to define the data table for the depth log. The table type can be an interval,
lithology, well construction, or a depth table. The Table option is not available if the Depth scope is
set to Overall depth. If the Depth scope is set to Hole measured depth or Hole true vertical depth,
the Table defines the table from which the measured values should be read.

Hole Inclination, Dip, and Azimuth Columns

The Hole inclination column (or Hole dip column) is used in combination with the Hole azimuth
column to calculate the true vertical depth for the hole. Either Hole inclination column or Hole dip
column is displayed. To control whether inclination or dip is used, click the File | Options
command. In the Options dialog, check or uncheck the Use hole dip instead of inclination option.

Inclination is the angle the borehole is oriented in degrees and varies from 0 to 180. 0 indicates
vertical pointing down, 90 indicates horizontal, and 180 indicates vertical pointing up. Negative and
positive inclination values are treated the same for depth calculations. Negative inclination values
are treated differently for well path calculations in the cross section and map views. A negative
inclination changes the direction (azimuth) to the opposite of the similar positive inclination. For
example, the azimuth value of 90 and inclination of 45 describes the same orientation as the
azimuth value of 270 and inclination of -45 degrees. Both combinations describe an eastward
direction at 45 degrees down from the horizontal plane.

Dip is an alternate method of calculating the angle the borehole is oriented. Dip is oriented in
degrees and varies from -90 to 90. -90 indicates vertical pointing down, 0 indicates horizontal, and
+90 indicates vertical pointing up.

Azimuth is the compass orientation of the well's deviation, in degrees and varies from 0 (true
vertical north) to 360. Azimuth values are measured relative to true north (not grid north in the
local coordinate system).

To set the Hole inclination column or Hole dip column, click on the existing option and select the
desired option from the list. Available options are [Unspecified], [From collars table:collars name],
or data columns in the existing Table selection. When one column is set to unspecified or survey
table, the other column automatically changes to the same option. When recorded in a collars table,
the inclination/dip and azimuth apply to the entire well length. When recorded in a survey table, the
inclination/dip and azimuth apply from the depth to the next recorded depth. When set to one of
the columns in the existing table, each log is updated independently from each other log using the
information in the specific depth or interval tables. If the Hole inclination column for the log is set to
[Unspecified], an inclination value of 0 is used for the calculations. No difference will be visible for
the log when changing the Depth method to True vertical depth.

Chapter 8 - Depth Logs

Depth Scope
The Depth scope determines how the depth on the depth log is shown. Available options are Overall
depth, Hole measured depth, and Hole true vertical depth. When Overall depth is selected, the
depth is reported for all boreholes in the view window. The depth shown is the reported depths in
the tables. The Hole measured depth option sets the depth to a single borehole and the labels are
displayed as the measured depth values in the table. The Hole true vertical depth option sets the
depth to a single borehole and the labels are displayed as the calculated true vertical depths, based
on the Hole inclination column (or Hole dip column) and Hole azimuth column.

When the Depth scope is set to Hole measured depth or Hole true vertical depth, the Table, Hole
inclination column (or Hole dip column), and Hole azimuth column options become available. Set
the Hole ID filter to the desired borehole that should be used to display the depth values on the
depth log.

TVD Calculation Method

When the Depth scope is set to Hole measured depth or Hole true vertical depth, the displayed
depth value is calculated using the depth from the table and the azimuth and inclination. The TVD
calculation method determines how the values are combined to get the true vertical depth.
Available options are Auto, Tangential, Average Tangential, Balanced Tangential, Radius of
Curvature, and Minimum Curvature. The default is Auto, which uses the method from the borehole
view properties or cross section view properties to calculate the true vertical depth for the depth
log. To change the calculation method, click on the existing option and select the desired option
from the list.

Strater allows the depth log to have a different TVD calculation method than the other log items so
that the depth log can display measured depth, true vertical depth, or overall depth for the entire
view window. Refer to the True Vertical Depth page for an example of when this might be useful.

The Orientation option sets whether the labels on the depth log are in depth units or elevation
units. Depth units start at a small value and increase down the borehole. Elevation units are
generally in feet or meters above sea level. Elevation for each borehole must be specified in the
collars table. If the elevation is not specified the value is assumed to be zero, creating a depth log
rather than an elevation log. To change the Orientation, click on the existing option and select the
desired option from the list.

Set the Hole ID Filter to the desired borehole that should be used to display the elevation values on
the depth log when the Depth scope is set to Hole measured depth or Hole true vertical depth.

Depth Units
Select the Depth units to specify the units the depth log tick labels should display. If the units are
different than the units in the borehole view properties or cross section view properties, the labels
are automatically converted to the units specified here. For example, if the borehole view properties
units are feet and you select Inches as the display units, Strater multiplies the values in the data
table by 12. In addition, by using multiple units with multiple depth logs, you can show depth as
feet and meters in one borehole, as in this example. To change the units, click on the existing
option and select the desired option from the list.

Depth Log - Ticks Properties

The Ticks page in the Property Manager includes options for setting the tick scaling, interval, and
length of the ticks for a depth log. To view and edit depth log tick properties, click on the depth log

Strater 5 User’s Guide

in the view window or Object Manager to select the log. Then, click on the Ticks tab in the
Property Manager.

Set the depth log tick properties on the

Ticks tab in the Property Manager.

Tick Side
Use the Tick side option to move tick marks to the Left or Right side of the depth log. Positioning
the tick marks on opposite sides of the line is useful when displaying multiple depth logs side by
side or on opposite sides of the page. To change the side, click on the existing option and select the
desired option from the list. Change the location of the labels on the Labels page.

The Scaling controls how tick marks appear on the depth log. To change the Scaling, click on the
existing option and select the desired option from the list. Available options are Automatic, User
Defined, and User Interval. Set the Scaling to Automatic to automatically define the starting and
ending ticks, based on all of the logs and depth settings in the view window. Set the Scaling to User
Defined if you want to manually define the tick range and interval. Set the Scaling to User Interval
if you want the tick range calculated automatically, but want to set the Major Interval to a custom

Axis Minimum and Maximum

When Scaling is set to User Defined, you can enter an Axis minimum and an Axis maximum. The
Axis minimum must be less than the Axis maximum. Values are in Display units, as set on the Log
tab. To change the Axis minimum or Axis maximum value, highlight the existing number and type
the desired value. Press ENTER on the keyboard to make the change.

Major Interval
When Scaling is set to User Defined or User Interval, change the Major interval setting to control
the spacing between major tick marks. The interval value is specified in Display units, as set on the
Log tab. The interval must be greater than zero. A Too many intervals warning message appears is

Chapter 8 - Depth Logs

the number typed in the Major interval creates more than 200 tick marks on the depth log. To
change the interval, set the Scaling option to User Defined or User Interval. Then, highlight the
existing value next to Major interval and type the desired number. Press ENTER on the keyboard to
make the change.

Major Tick Length

The length of the major tick marks is set in the Major Ticks section with the Length option. Values
are in page units and range between 0.0 to 100.0 inches (0 and 254 centimeters). To change the
value, highlight the existing value and type the desired length. Press ENTER on the keyboard to
make the change. Alternatively, click the to increase or decrease the tick length.

Minor Tick Length

The length of the minor tick marks is set in the Minor Ticks section with the Length option. Values
are in page units and range between 0.0 to 100.0 inches (0 and 254 centimeters). To change the
value, highlight the existing value and type the desired length. Press ENTER on the keyboard to
make the change. Alternatively, click the to increase or decrease the tick length.

Minor Divisions
The Divisions are the number of divisions (gaps) between the major tick marks. The value should
be between 1 and 20. A value of one creates no minor tick marks and one gap. A value of 10 is
entered into the Divisions box, there are nine minor tick marks and 10 gaps between major ticks.
To change the number of divisions, highlight the existing value and type the desired value. Press
ENTER on the keyboard to make the change. Alternatively, click the to increase or decrease the
number of divisions.

Depth Log - Label Properties

The Label page in the Property Manager includes options for defining the tick mark label range,
layout, font, and format. To view and edit depth log properties, click on the depth log in the view
window or Object Manager to select the log. Then, click on the Label tab in the Property

Strater 5 User’s Guide

Set the tick label properties for a depth

log on the Label tab in the Property Manager.

Label Side
Use the Label side option to move labels to the Left or Right side of the depth log. Positioning the
labels on opposite sides of the line is useful when displaying multiple depth logs side by side or on
opposite sides of the page. To change the side, click on the existing option and select the desired
option from the list. Change the location of the tick marks on the Ticks page.

Auto Label Range

Check the box next to Auto label range to have the starting and stopping labels set to the starting
and ending tick marks. When unchecked, the Start showing labels from and Stop showing labels
after options become available.

Start Showing Labels From

When the Auto label range is unchecked, the Start showing labels from option lists the first tick
value on the depth log that should contain a label. To change the first label value, uncheck the Auto
label range option. Then, highlight the number next to Start showing labels from and type the
desired starting label value. Press ENTER on the keyboard to make the change. The label value is
specified in Display units, as set on the Log tab.

Stop Showing Labels From

When the Auto label range is unchecked, the Stop showing labels after option lists the last tick
value on the depth log that should contain a label. To change the last label value, uncheck the Auto
label range option. Then, highlight the number next to Stop showing labels after and type the
desired ending label value. Press ENTER on the keyboard to make the change. The label value is
specified in Display units, as set on the Log tab.

Chapter 8 - Depth Logs

X Offset
The X offset option moves the label number away from the tick mark, in the direction the tick mark
is pointing. Larger values move the label further from the tick mark. Smaller values move the label
closer to the tick mark. Values range from zero to 2 inches (0 to 5.08 centimeters). To change the
offset, highlight the existing number and type a new value. Press ENTER on the keyboard to make

the change. Alternatively, click the to increase or decrease the X offset value.

Click the next to Layout to set the label layout options.

Offset Method
The Offset method determines the location of the label relative to the tick mark. To change the
location, click on the existing option and select the desired option from the list. Available options
are Center, Top, Bottom, and User Defined.

Y Offset
The Y offset field is active only when the Offset method is User Defined. The Y offset moves the
label numbers up (positive offset) or down (negative offset).

Label Frequency
The Label frequency option controls how many labels appear on the log. Setting the value to zero
displays no labels on the log. Setting the value to one displays a label at all tick marks. Change the
Label frequency to two to display a label at every other tick mark or three to display a label at
every third tick mark. To change the Label frequency, highlight the existing value and type a new
number. Enter a number between 0 and 1000. Press ENTER on the keyboard to make the change.

Alternatively, click on the to increase or decrease the value.

Label Angle
The Label angle option sets the displayed data at an angle. The numbers are in degrees offset from
horizontal moving in a counter-clockwise direction. For example, an angle of 90 displays the
numbers vertically, and an angle of 180 displays the numbers upside-down. To change the angle,
highlight the existing option and type the desired angle. Press ENTER on the keyboard to make the

change. Alternatively, click the button to increase or decrease the value. Angle values must be
between zero and 360 degrees.

Nudge End Values

The Nudge end values option moves the starting and ending labels away from the edges of the log
pane so that they are completely visible. This 'nudging' occurs only if the label is near the edge of
the log pane, otherwise the location of the label does not change.

Click the next to Label Format to set the numeric format options for the labels.

Click the next to Font Properties to set the font properties for the labels.

Strater 5 User’s Guide

Depth Log Line Properties

The Line page in the Property Manager includes options for defining the depth log and border line
properties. To view and edit depth log line properties, click on the depth log in the view window or
Object Manager to select the log. Then, click on the Line tab in the Property Manager.

Edit the Log and Border line properties in the Line

page of the Property Manager.

Major Ticks Properties

The Line Properties in the Major Ticks section control the display of the log line and major tick
marks. See Line Properties for more information on editing line properties.

Minor Ticks Properties

The Line Properties in the Minor Ticks section control the minor tick marks. See Line Properties for
more information on editing line properties.

Border Line Properties

Check the Display border line check box to display a border line around the depth log. The Line
Properties in the Border section control the display of the border line. See Line Properties for more
information on editing line properties.

Fill Properties
Fill properties can be changed for selected objects. To edit the fill properties, click on the object in
the Object Manager or plot window. The properties are listed in the Property Manager. Default
fill properties are set in the File | Options dialog by clicking on the Fill page.

If the options on the Fill tab are not available, a scheme is likely being used. Uncheck the
appropriate Use Keyword Scheme, Use Range Scheme, or Use Indent Keyword Scheme option to
turn off the display of the scheme properties and set the fill properties on the Fill tab.

Chapter 8 - Depth Logs

Schemes and Fill Properties

Note that if a scheme is used in a log item, the fill properties will be unavailable on the Fill tab. You
must change the fill properties for the scheme in the Scheme Editor or turn off the display of the

Fill Properties Page

The object's fill is composed of layers of various fill types. All of the predefined fills have only one
layer. Custom fills created with the Fill Style Editor may have multiple layers of any type. Each
layer in the fill style has its own section in the Property Manager. The layers are listed in
descending order, i.e. the topmost layer is listed first, Layer 1 (<type>), followed by additional
layers. The following properties are displayed on the Fill page of the Property Manager.

Only the layer properties displayed in the Property Manager are included in this topic. To see
information about properties that are included in the Fill Style Editor, see the Fill Style Editor
topic. The image layer Load from property and the vector layer drawing area are only available in
the Fill Style Editor.

Log Fill Background

For many of the log objects, the Fill page includes a Fill background check box. If the box next to
Fill background is checked, the background area is filled. If the box next to Fill background is
unchecked, the background is not filled. To change the Fill background, check or uncheck the box.
The Fill Properties section below the Fill background property controls the background fill.
Legend Fill Background
When a legend is selected, the Fill page contains the fill options for the legend background. The
Frame style on the Line page must be set to Rectangle or Rounded Rectangle for the legend to
display a background fill. When the Frame style is set to None, the background fill is not displayed
regardless of the Fill page settings. If you wish to display a background fill but not a frame line,
then set the Frame style to Rectangle or Rounded Rectangle. Next set Style in the Line Properties
section to Invisible. Finally set the desired background properties on the Fill page.

The Fill page in the Property Manager controls the

fill properties for the selected object.

Strater 5 User’s Guide

Fill Style
The Style indicates the way that an object is filled. To change the Style, click on the existing fill
style next to Style. In the list, select a new style from the fill palette. Create custom fill styles with
the Fill Style Editor. Click the next to the Style field to open the Fill Style Editor to modify or
create a fill style.

Each layer in the selected fill style is displayed in its own section. The layers are listed in order from
top to bottom. The layer name is Layer n (type), where n is the layer position and type is the layer
type. A layer preview is displayed to the right of the layer name. The six layer types are Solid,
Stock, Image, Gradient, Vector, and Line. Click the button to expand the layer properties.

Solid Layer Properties

The properties for a solid layer are Color and Opacity.

Expand a Solid layer to edit the layer's properties.

The Color is the color of the solid fill. Click the existing color sample next to Color to open the color
palette. Click on a color in the palette to use it for the layer's fill color. Click the button to open
the Colors dialog and create custom colors, use the dropper to select a color, or select the color
from a color wheel.

The Opacity controls the transparency of the solid fill style. To change the Opacity, highlight the
existing value and type a new value. Press ENTER on the keyboard to make the change.
Alternatively, click and drag the slider to increase or decrease the opacity value. Opacity
values are between 0% (zero opacity, full transparency) to 100% (full opacity, zero transparency).

Stock Layer Properties

The properties for a stock layer are Pattern, Foreground color, Foreground opacity, Background
color, and Background opacity.

Chapter 8 - Depth Logs

Expand a Stock layer to edit the layer's properties.

The Pattern indicates the way the stock layer is filled. To change the Pattern, click on the existing
pattern sample next to Pattern. Select a new style from the pattern palette.

Foreground Color
The Foreground color is the color of the pattern. Click the existing color sample next to Foreground
color to open the color palette. Click on a color in the palette to use it for the selected foreground
fill color. Click the button to open the Colors dialog and create custom colors, use the dropper
to select a color, or select the color from a color wheel.

Foreground Opacity
The Foreground opacity controls the transparency of the foreground portion of the pattern. To
change the Foreground opacity, highlight the existing value and type a new value. Press ENTER on
the keyboard to make the change. Alternatively, click and drag the slider to increase or
decrease the opacity value. Opacity values are between 0% (zero opacity, full transparency) to
100% (full opacity, zero transparency).

Background Color
The Background color is the color behind the pattern. Click the existing color sample next to
Background color to open the color palette. Click on a color in the palette to use it for the
background fill color. Click the button to open the Colors dialog and create custom colors.

Background Opacity
The Background opacity controls the transparency of the background portion of the pattern. To
change the Background opacity, highlight the existing value and type a new value. Press ENTER on
the keyboard to make the change. Alternatively, click and drag the slider to increase or
decrease the opacity value. Opacity values are between 0% (zero opacity, full transparency) to
100% (full opacity, zero transparency).

Strater 5 User’s Guide

If the stock layer is above other layers in the fill style, the Background opacity must be less than
100% to see the layers below. To make a fill pattern appear transparent with only the foreground
portion of the fill pattern showing, change the Background Opacity value to 0%.

Image Layer Properties

The properties for an image layer are Pattern, Opacity, Stretch, Image Offset (X and Y), and Image
Scale (X, Y, and Proportional).

Expand an Image layer to edit the layer's properties.

The Pattern property is used to add image layers from predefined or custom image fill styles. To
change the image layer, click the current option for an image layer Pattern and select a predefined
image layer or a custom image layer from the image palette. Only image fills with a single layer are
included in the image palette.

The Opacity controls the transparency of the image fill style. To change the Opacity, highlight the
existing value and type a new value. Press ENTER on the keyboard to make the change.
Alternatively, click and drag the slider to increase or decrease the opacity value. Opacity
values are between 0% (zero opacity, full transparency) to 100% (full opacity, zero transparency).

The Stretch is used with image patterns. The Stretch determines how the image is used to fill the
desired area. When the Stretch check box is checked, the image is stretched to fit the fill area.
When the Stretch check box is not checked the image is tiled in the fill area.

Chapter 8 - Depth Logs

The image fill on the left has the Stretch box checked. The image on
the right has the Stretch box unchecked.

Image Offset
Offset the image in the fill layer by typing a value in pixels in the X or Y fields in the Image Offset
section. You can also change the X and Y image offset values by clicking the buttons.

Image Scale
The Image Scale properties control the density of the image fill. Change the image scale by typing
a value in the X or Y fields in the Image Scale section. The Image Scale properties are ignored
when the Stretch property is checked. You can also change the X and Y image scale values by
clicking the buttons.

When the Proportional check box is checked, the X and Y values automatically update to maintain
the current aspect ratio. Uncheck the Proportional check box to apply different scaling in the X and
Y directions.

Note that the Proportional property does not lock the X and Y values to any specific aspect ratio but
to whichever ratio is in use when the box is checked. For example, assume you want the X:Y ratio
to be 2:1, but you do not know which Image Scale values are desired. You can uncheck the
Proportional check box. Next set the X value to 2 and the Y value to 1. Check the Proportional
check box. Now when you adjust one of the X or Y values, the other value updates automatically to
maintain the 2:1 ratio.

Gradient Layer Properties

The properties for a gradient layer are Type, Direction, and Colormap.

Strater 5 User’s Guide

Expand a Gradient layer to edit the layer's properties.

The Type controls how a gradient fill pattern is used to fill the selected area. To change the Type,
click on the current type and select the new type in the list. Select Linear or Radial for the Type.
When the Type is set to Linear, a linear color gradient fills the area. The colors change in a linear
manner from the top to the bottom or from the left to the right of the area. When the Type is set to
Radial, a radial color gradient fills the area. The colors change in concentric circles, either
expanding from the interior and going out or from the exterior and going in.

The Radial type is shown on the left and

the Linear type is shown on the right.

The Direction option sets the direction the gradient fills. When the Type is set to Linear, choose
either Vertical or Horizontal for the Direction. The Vertical option sets the gradient to change along
the Y axis. The Horizontal option sets the gradient to change along the X axis. When Radial is
selected as the Type, the Direction options are Inward and Outward. This reverses the color


The Colormap option sets the colors to use in the gradient pattern. Click the button to select or
create a color gradient in the Colormap dialog.

Chapter 8 - Depth Logs

Vector Layer Properties

The properties for a vector layer are Color and Opacity.

Expand a Vector layer to edit the layer's properties.

The Color is the color of the lines in the vector fill. Click the existing color sample next to Color to
open the color palette. Click on a color in the palette to use it for the layer's line color. Click the
button to open the Colors dialog and create custom colors, use the dropper to select a color, or
select the color from a color wheel.

The Opacity controls the transparency of the lines in the vector fill. To change the Opacity, highlight
the existing value and type a new value. Press ENTER on the keyboard to make the change.
Alternatively, click and drag the slider to increase or decrease the opacity value. Opacity
values are between 0% (zero opacity, full transparency) to 100% (full opacity, zero transparency).

Line Layer Properties

The properties for a Line layer are Color, Opacity, Angle, Offset, Separation, and Width.

Strater 5 User’s Guide

Expand a Line layer to edit the layer's properties.

The Color is the color of the lines in the line fill layer. Click the existing color sample next to Color
to open the color palette. Click on a color in the palette to use it for the layer's line color. Click the
button to open the Colors dialog and create custom colors, use the dropper to select a color, or
select the color from a color wheel.

The Opacity controls the transparency of the lines in the line fill layer. To change the Opacity,
highlight the existing value and type a new value. Press ENTER on the keyboard to make the
change. Alternatively, click and drag the slider to increase or decrease the opacity value.
Opacity values are between 0% (zero opacity, full transparency) to 100% (full opacity, zero

Change the angle of the lines by typing a value in degrees in the Angle field or clicking and
dragging the slider . Positive values rotate the lines clockwise.

Change the vertical offset between the lines and the pattern's origin by typing a value between -
0.25 and 0.25 inches in the Offset field. You can also change the Offset value by clicking the


Chapter 8 - Depth Logs

Change the separation between the lines by typing a value between 0 and 0.25 inches in the
Separation field. You can also change the Separation value by clicking the buttons.

Change the line Width by highlighting the existing value and typing a new number or by clicking the
to increase or decrease the line width. The line width can be zero to 0.5 inches (1.27 cm) wide.
A width of zero is one pixel wide.

Chapter 9 - Line/Symbol Logs
Line/Symbol Logs
Click the Log | Create Log | Line/Symbol command to create a log that is used to display data
as a line, as symbols, or as a combination of line and symbols. The line connects the data in the
depth order. Line/Symbol logs can display labels, and can be filled to a cutoff value. Line/symbol
logs are useful for displaying assay values, geophysical parameters, moisture content, etc. Data
from multiple columns can be displayed as multiple line/symbol plots on a single log.

This line/symbol log displays a

green fill that extends from
the log to the left at a cutoff value.

Data Requirements
Line/symbol logs use depth or interval data tables. In the data table, there are three required
columns. The required columns are Hole ID, Depth, and the data column being displayed. Points are
plotted along the horizontal axis at the value recorded in the data column. Points are plotted at the
depth recorded in the depth column for each row.

Interval table types can be used. When an interval table type is used, the point is plotted at the
center point of the interval. For instance, if the interval goes From 1 To 4, the point is plotted at 2.5
on the depth axis.

The Hole ID, Depth, and one column of data

are required for a line/symbol log.

Creating a Line/Symbol Log

To create a line/symbol log:

Chapter 9 - Line/Symbol Logs

1. Click the Log | Create Log | Line/Symbol command.

2. Click inside the log pane where you want the line/symbol log to appear.
3. In the Open dialog, click on the data file. If the data was already imported, click on the table
name in the Use Current Table section. Click Open.
4. Set the data importing options in the Specify Worksheet Column Definitions dialog, if
necessary, and click Next.
5. Finish the importing of data in the Specify Data Type and Column Positions dialog and
click Finish.
6. The log appears in the borehole window.
If you are in active mode a line/symbol log is created using the default properties. If you are in
design mode, a line/symbol log graphic is displayed as a place holder after step 2. The line/symbol
log is named after the data table used to create the log, since the line/symbol log can contain more
than one variable. By default a scale bar is created for each variable in the line/symbol log.

Editing Line/Symbol Log Properties

To change the features of a line/symbol log, including the data column used to create the log, click
on the line/symbol log in the Object Manager or view window. The properties are listed in the
Property Manager.

The following tabs are listed in the Property Manager:

• Log
• Label
• Line
• Fill
• Symbol
• Water Level

The Fill page is not available for deviated line/symbol logs in a cross section, i.e. the Display logs
as deviated property is checked in the cross section properties for a line/symbol log cross section.

Filling Line/Symbol Logs with Variable Color

One way to display geophysical data is to fill geophysical line/symbol logs (such as gamma logs)
with a color gradient relative to the data value, or variable. To create a line/symbol log filled with a
variable fill, you can overlay a bar log and a line log.

Creating the Bar Log

1. Click the File | New Project command or click the button.

2. Click the Log | Create Log | Bar command.
3. Click in the log pane where you want the log to be placed.
4. In the Open dialog, select the data file to use for the bar log, such as an LAS file, and click
Open. In this example, I will use SB20.las, obtained from the USGS.
5. In the LAS Import Options dialog, accept the defaults and click Import. This loads the data
from the LAS file into a table and creates the bar log from that data.
6. Click on the log to select it.
7. To change the column of data being displayed, In the Property Manager, change the Data
Column to GR.

Creating the Color Scheme for the Bars

1. Click the Home | Display | Scheme Editor command.

2. Click the button at the bottom of the dialog to create a new scheme.

Strater 5 User’s Guide

3. In the New Scheme dialog:

a. Select Base Scheme on Column Data.
b. Select SB20 as the Table Name.
c. Select GR as the Column Name.
d. Type the Scheme Name, such as SB20 - GR.
e. Select Range as the Scheme Type.
f. Set the Interval Count to 5.
g. Click OK to create the scheme.
4. Click the to expand the Range scheme SB20 - GR. There are five items in this range
scheme, each with its own properties.
5. Select the first item in this scheme. The properties for that item are displayed on the right
side of the screen. You can change the Lower Range Value and Upper Range Value, if
1. In the Fill Properties section, change the fill properties to be what you want for this
data range. For example, click the Foreground color and change it to Forest Green.
2. In the Line Properties section, click on the existing Style and select Invisible to turn
off the line display.
6. Select the next item in the scheme and repeat changing the fill color and setting the line
style to Invisible.
7. Click OK to close the Scheme Editor.
8. Click on the log to select it.
9. In the Property Manager, check the box next to the Use Range Scheme option and the log
is filled with the scheme colors.

Adding the Line/Symbol Log

Now we want to overlay a line log to show a smooth line for the data.
1. Click the Log | Create Log | Line/Symbol command.
2. Click anywhere in the log pane.
3. In the Open dialog, make sure that SB20 is listed in the Use Current Table list and in the File
name box.
4. Click Open and the line/symbol log is created.
5. Click once on the line/symbol log to select it.
6. In the Property Manager, change the Data Column to the same column the bar log uses,
7. To align the line/symbol log exactly with the bar log, click Arrange | Selection | Select All.
8. Click Arrange | Align | Left. The line/symbol log is on top of the bar log and the logs
overlay exactly.
9. In the Object Manager, in the Header Pane Objects section, there are two scale bars. One
was created for the bar log, and one was created for the line log. We only need one scale
bar, so we can delete the second one. Select the scale bar called Scale Bar – GR 1 and press
DELETE on the keyboard.

Finalizing the Display

Add any additional items to enhance the appearance of the log. A depth log and grid lines will finish
the log nicely.

Chapter 9 - Line/Symbol Logs

1. Click the Log | Create Log | Depth

command to add a depth log.
2. Click in the borehole view to the right of
the overlaid line/bar log and the depth
log is added.
3. To space the depth log right next to the
line/symbol log by selecting both the
line/symbol log and the depth log and
going to Arrange | Space Objects |
Right to Left.
4. To add grid lines to the log, click on the
bar log.
5. Click on the Grid Line tab in the
Property Manager.
6. In the Variable Grid Lines section, change
the Grid Line Display Order to Bottom.
7. Check the box next to the Show Major
Variable Grid Lines option.
8. Check the box next to the Show Minor
Variable Grid Lines option.
9. In the Depth Grid Lines section, change
the Grid Line Display Order to Bottom.
10. Check the box next to the Show Major
Depth Grid Lines option.
11. Check the box next to the Show Minor
Depth Grid Lines option.
12. You can change the properties for these
grid lines, if desired.
13. You can adjust the starting depth of the
borehole view by clicking the View |
Display | View Properties command.
14. In the Property Manager, set the Depth
Settings to User Defined.
15. Change the Starting Borehole Depth to
another value, such as 200.
Overlay a line log and a bar log to
show a line log with variable fill.

Line/Symbol Log Properties

The Log page in the Property Manager includes options for defining the data, scaling, range, data
direction, and wrap style for line/symbol logs and function logs. To view and edit line/symbol or
function log properties, click on the log in the view window or Object Manager to select the log.
Then, click on the Log tab in the Property Manager.

Strater 5 User’s Guide

Edit line/symbol log properties on the

Line/Symbol Log tab in the Property Manager.

Hole ID Filter
The Hole ID Filter is used to select the borehole to associate with this log. Only those Hole IDs that
are currently associated with data tables in this project are listed. To change the Hole ID Filter, click
on the existing Hole ID and select the desired Hole ID from the list. The log automatically updates
to show the new borehole.

When the Logs object is selected in a cross section view, the Hole ID Filter is not available. To set a
specific log to a particular Hole ID, click on that individual log and set the Hole ID Filter to the
appropriate log.

Use the Table to define the data table for the line/symbol log. The table type can be an interval
table or a depth table. If the table is a depth table, the points are plotted at the depth listed in the
table. If the table type is an interval type table, the depth is determined by calculating the mid-
point position between the To and From columns in the corresponding table. To change the table,
click on the existing table name and select the desired table from the list.

Chapter 9 - Line/Symbol Logs

Variable Column(s)
Each variable column is represented by a line/symbol plot on the log. Add or change the variable
column or columns in the log by clicking Edit in the Edit variable columns field. Select the variables
to include in the plot in the Select Columns dialog. When the Table is changed to another table,
the Data Column list is automatically updated to display the column names in the newly selected
table. To change the column, click on the existing column name next to Data Column and select the
desired column from the list.

Scale bars are created automatically for each variable in the line/symbol log by default. When
adding variables to the line/symbol log, the new scale bar or bars use the same position and
properties as the existing scale bar. The new scale bars are linked to the added variables. The Scale
Bar Title properties are not shared. The scale bar minimum, maximum, and minor divisions are not
shared, as these are controlled by the Variable Grid Lines properties on the Line page in the
Property Manager separately for each variable in the line/symbol log. When a variable is removed
from the line/symbol log, the linked scale bar is automatically removed.

Hole Inclination, Hole Dip, and Azimuth Columns

The Hole Inclination Column (or Hole Dip Column) is used in combination with the Hole Azimuth
Column to calculate the true vertical depth for the hole. Either Hole Inclination Column or Hole Dip
Column is displayed. To control whether inclination or dip is used, click the File | Options
command. In the Options dialog, check or uncheck the Use Hole Dip Instead Of Inclination option.

Inclination is the angle the borehole is oriented in degrees and varies from 0 to 180. 0 indicates
vertical pointing down, 90 indicates horizontal, and 180 indicates vertical pointing up. Negative and
positive inclination values are treated the same for depth calculations. Negative inclination values
are treated differently for well path calculations in the cross section and map views. A negative
inclination changes the direction (azimuth) to the opposite of the similar positive inclination. For
example, the azimuth value of 90 and inclination of 45 describes the same orientation as the
azimuth value of 270 and inclination of -45 degrees. Both combinations describe an eastward
direction at 45 degrees down from the horizontal plane.

Dip is an alternate method of calculating the angle the borehole is oriented. Dip is oriented in
degrees and varies from -90 to 90. -90 indicates vertical pointing down, 0 indicates horizontal, and
+90 indicates vertical pointing up.

Azimuth is the compass orientation of the well's deviation, in degrees and varies from 0 (true
vertical north) to 360. Azimuth values are measured relative to true north (not grid north in the
local coordinate system).

To set the Hole Inclination Column or Hole Dip Column, click on the existing option and select the
desired option from the list. Available options are [Unspecified], [From collars table:collars name],
[From survey table: survey name], or data columns in the existing Curve Table. When one column
is set to unspecified or survey table, the other column automatically changes to the same option.
When recorded in a collars table, the inclination/dip and azimuth apply to the entire well length.
When recorded in a survey table, the inclination/dip and azimuth apply from the depth to the next
recorded depth. When set to one of the columns in the existing table, each log is updated
independently from each other log using the information in the specific depth or interval tables. If
the Hole Inclination Column for the log is set to [Unspecified], an inclination value of 0 is used for
the calculations. No difference will be visible for the log when changing the Depth Method to True
Vertical Depth.

Strater 5 User’s Guide

Axis Type
The Axis Type is Linear or Logarithmic. The data must be greater than zero when using a
Logarithmic axis. Values equal to and less than zero are ignored in the log when Logarithmic is
selected. Logarithmic uses a log (base 10) scale for the horizontal axis. To change the axis type,
click on the existing option and select the desired option from the list.

Missing Data
The Missing data option controls how rows of empty data are displayed on the log. Set Missing data
to Continuous to show rows of missing data as a continuous line between the data values on each
side of the missing data. Select Discontinuous to show the missing data as a gap in the line of the
log. To set the Missing data option, click on the existing option and select the desired option from
the list.

Discontinuous Line Log Example

Strater has the option to display missing data in a line log as either a continuous or discontinuous
1. For this example use the sample file SAMPLE VIEW 1.SDG, which is found in the Strater
Samples. By default, this directory is located at C:\Program Files\Golden Software\Strater
2. Click on the Depth data table tab.
3. In Column C (Au) delete the contents of rows 12 to 18 by highlighting them and pressing the
DELETE key on the keyboard.

Delete some variable data from the table.

4. Click the Borehole 1 tab to view the logs.
5. Click on the line/symbol log in the Object Manager or view window.
6. In the Property Manager, click on the Line/Symbol Log tab. The Missing Data option is
set to Continuous.
7. Change the Missing Data property from Continuous to Discontinuous to create a gap in the
missing data section.
The line log changes to discontinuous, with a gap in the line where the data is missing.

Chapter 9 - Line/Symbol Logs

Missing data Missing data is

can be plotted to
displayed as a create a
continuous discontinuous
line. line.

Wrap Style
Wrapping is unique to log plotting and is only available when the [Variable] Auto data range check
box is not checked. Wrapping determines how values that are larger than the [Variable] maximum
value are displayed. Available options are None, Truncate, Wrap, Wrap - 10X, Wrap - 100X.
• Select None to not have the log wrapped. If points are outside the data range, the points are
removed from the display of the log, as if they were not in the data table. New data points
are created where the line intersects the edge of the log.
• When Truncate is selected, the bounding box of the log clips any data out of range and a
straight line is created at the edge of the log. New data points are created where the line
intersects the edge of the log.
• Select Wrap to bring the part of the log that extends beyond the range to the other side of
the log and continue. If the wrapping continues more than once, the edge of the graph is
truncated. Wrapping more than once makes the graph difficult to follow and in this case, one
of the other wrapping scales should be used.
• Wrap - 10X wraps the data as with Wrap, but the scale for the wrapped portion is 10 times
the range of the main data. For instance, the original graph goes from 0 to 10, the wrapped
range represents 10 to 110.
• Wrap - 100X is similar to Wrap - 10X but the wrapped scale ranges from 10 to 1010.
Note that fill properties are disabled when the Wrap style is set to Wrap, Wrap - 10X, or Wrap -

Curve Type
The Curve type determines how the line is displayed. Available options are Line and Stair Step. Line
draws a simple line log, directly connecting adjacent points using the shortest path. Stair Step
draws connecting lines between adjacent points using horizontal and vertical lines. To change the
curve type, click on the existing option and select the desired option from the list.

Use All Columns for Range

Check the Use all columns for range check box to display all the line/symbol plots on one scale.
When the Use all columns for range check box is checked, the following range and direction
properties are the same for all plots on the line/symbol log.

Strater 5 User’s Guide

Uncheck the Use all columns for range check box to display each line/symbol plot with an individual
scale. When the Use all columns range check box is not checked, the following range and direction
properties are edited for each plot independently: Variable auto data range, Variable minimum
value, Variable maximum value, and Variable data direction properties.

Active Variable
The Active variable property is used to select a column for further editing. The Active variable is
displayed when the Use all columns for range check box is not checked. Select the variable column
you wish to edit in the Active variable list, and then change the Variable auto data range, Variable
minimum value, Variable maximum value, and Variable data direction properties do the desired
values. Change the Active variable to change the range and direction properties for a different
variable column.

[Variable] Auto Data Range

The Auto data range property is displayed when the Use all columns for range check box is
checked. The horizontal scale can be set manually or automatically with the Auto data range option.
When Auto data range is checked, Strater calculates a best-fit range of the data across all variable
columns displayed in the log. When the Auto data range is not checked, the Minimum value and
Maximum value properties are enabled, allowing manual control over the log's minimum and
maximum values. The Wrap style property is also enabled when Auto data range is not checked.
Click the check box to check or uncheck the Auto data range property.

The Variable auto data range property is displayed when the Use all columns for range check box is
not checked. The horizontal scale can be set manually or automatically with the Variable auto data
range option. When Variable auto data range is checked, Strater calculates a best-fit range of the
data for the Active variable column. When the Variable auto data range is not checked, the
Minimum value and Maximum value properties are enabled, allowing manual control over the Active
variable column plot's minimum and maximum values. The Wrap style property is also enabled
when Variable auto data range is not checked. Click the check box to check or uncheck the Variable
auto data range property.

[Variable] Minimum and [Variable] Maximum Values

The Minimum value and Maximum value properties are displayed when the Use all columns for
range check box is checked. The Minimum value and Maximum value are only available if the Auto
data range check box is not checked. The Minimum value is the smallest value that should be
displayed on the log. The Maximum value is the largest value that should be displayed on the log.
To change the minimum and maximum values, uncheck the Auto data range check box. Then,
highlight the existing value in Minimum value or Maximum value field and type the desired value.

The Variable minimum value and Variable maximum value properties are displayed when the Use
all columns for range check box is not checked. The Variable minimum value and Variable
maximum value are only available if the Variable auto data range check box is not checked. The
Variable minimum value is the smallest value that should be displayed on the plot for the Active
variable column. The Variable maximum value is the largest value that should be displayed on the
log for the Active variable column. To change the minimum and maximum values for the Active
variable column, uncheck the Variable auto data range check box. Then, highlight the existing value
in Variable minimum value or Variable maximum value field and type the desired value.

If the Hole ID is changed for the log, the new data may or may not fit into the user-defined range.
If the data does not fit inside the range, change the Minimum Value and Maximum Value to new
values or set the Data Range to Auto.

Chapter 9 - Line/Symbol Logs

[Variable] Data Direction

The Data direction property is displayed when the Use all columns for range check box is checked.
The Data direction is used to determine whether data should be displayed with low values on the
left or right side of the log. Available options are Low to high and High to low. Low to high creates a
log with the minimum data value on the left and the maximum data value on the right. High to
low creates the log with the minimum data value on the right and the maximum data value on the
left. To change the direction for the log, click on the existing option and select the desired option
from the list.

The Variable data direction property is displayed when the Use all columns for range check box is
not checked. The Variable data direction is used to determine whether data should be displayed
with low values on the left or right side of the log for the Active variable column. Different variable
columns can have different Variable data direction settings. Available options are Low to high and
High to low. Low to high displays the plot with the minimum data value on the left and the
maximum data value on the right. High to low displays the plot with the minimum data value on the
right and the maximum data value on the left. To change the direction for the Active variable
column plot, click on the existing option and select the desired option from the list.

Select Columns Dialog

Select the variable columns to display on the line/symbol log or the percentage columns to display
on the percentage log in the Select Columns dialog. Open the Select Columns dialog by clicking
the Edit button in the Line/Symbol Log Properties or the Percentage Log Properties.

Use the Select Columns dialog to select the columns to

appear in the percentage log. The order in which the columns
are displayed in Selected Percentage Columns is the
order the columns are displayed in the log.

Use the Select Columns dialog to not only determine the columns that appear in the log but to
determine the order in which you want the individual components in a row to appear. You should
determine the order in which you want the components to display before using this dialog.

The left side of the dialog has all Available Columns that are in the table that can be used for the
log. The right side of the dialog has the Selected Columns. The column order from top to bottom is
the order of the percentage bars or lines.

Strater 5 User’s Guide

• To add columns to the log, click on the column name in the Available Columns list. Place the

cursor in the desired location on the right side in the Selected Columns list. Click the
button. The selected column name appears in the Selected Columns section below the
previously highlighted column name.
• To remove columns from the log, click on the column name in the Selected Column list. Click

the button. The name is removed from the Selected Column list.
• Select multiple columns by holding CTRL and clicking the desired column names. To select a
group of contiguous columns, click the first column name in the group, hold SHIFT, and then
click the last column name. The first, last, and all column names in between will be selected.
You can also select a group of column names by clicking and dragging in the Available
Columns or Selected Columns list.
• If a column is in an incorrect order, click on the column name in the Selected Column list and

click the button. Click on the item name in the Selected Column list before which the
item should be placed. Click on the column name in the Available Columns list and click the


Click OK to close the Select Columns dialog and update the log. Click Cancel to not make any
changes to the columns.

Line/Symbol Log - Label Properties

Label properties change the appearance of labels on line/symbol, post, classed post, and function
logs. Click on the Label tab in the Property Manager to edit label properties.

Set label properties on the Label

tab in the Property Manager.

Chapter 9 - Line/Symbol Logs

Active Variable
Whether or not the labels are displayed and the label properties are independently controlled for
each variable in the log. Changing the Show label and other label properties for one Active variable
does not change the label properties for the other variables in the log. Edit a variable's line/symbol
or function log labels by selecting the variable the Active variable field. Select the desired variable
by clicking the current selection in the Active variable field and select the variable from the list. The
Active variable property is not displayed for post and classed post logs.

Show Label
The Show label option determines if labels are displayed at the point locations on the log. For
classed post and post logs, check the box next to Show label to show the labels. Data values are
displayed at each point along the log.

For line/symbol and function logs, click on the existing option and select the desired option from the
Show label list. Available label types are None and Data for borehole views. Available label types
are None, Data, Layer Mark, and Data and Layer Mark for cross section views. None turns off label
display. Data displays only the data value from the column for each point. Layer Mark displays only
the layer mark names. Data and Layer Mark displays all data points and layer marks for the
line/symbol log.

Changing the Show label property for one Active variable does not change the label state for any of
the other variables in the line/symbol or function log.

Click the next to Layout to set the label layout options.

The Frequency option controls how many labels appear on the log. Setting the value to zero
displays no labels on the log. Setting the value to one displays a label at all values. Change the
Frequency to two to display a label at every other data value or three to display a label at every
third value. To change the Frequency, highlight the existing value and type a new number. Enter a
number between 0 and 1000. Press ENTER on the keyboard to make the change. Alternatively, click

on the to increase or decrease the value.

Offset Method
The Offset method determines the location of the label relative to the symbol. To change the
location, click on the existing option and select the desired option from the list. Available options
are Center, Left, Top, Right, Bottom, and User Defined.

X Offset
The X Offset field is active only when the Offset method is set to User Defined. The X Offset moves
the label number to the right (positive offset) or left (negative offset) by the number entered, in

Y Offset
The Y Offset field is active only when the selected offset type is User Defined. The Y Offset moves
the label numbers up (positive offset) or down (negative offset) by the number entered, in inches.

Strater 5 User’s Guide

The Angle option sets the displayed labels at an angle. The numbers are in degrees offset from
horizontal moving in a counter-clockwise direction. For example, an angle of 90 displays the
numbers vertically, and an angle of 180 displays the numbers upside-down. To change the angle,
highlight the existing option and type the desired angle. Press ENTER on the keyboard to make the

change. Alternatively, click the button to increase or decrease the value. Angle values must be
between zero and 360 degrees.

Nudge End Values

The Nudge End Values option moves the starting and ending labels away from the edges of the log
pane so that they are completely visible. This 'nudging' occurs only if the label is near the edge of
the log pane, otherwise the location of the label does not change. Check the box next to Nudge End
Values to move the labels. Uncheck the box to keep the labels in the depth location specified.

Click the next to Label Format to set the numeric format options for the labels.

Click the next to Font Properties to set the font properties for the labels.

If the options in the Font section are not available, a scheme is likely being used. Uncheck the Use
Keyword Scheme option on the Log tab to turn off the display of the scheme properties and set the
font properties in the Font section.

Line/Symbol Log - Line Properties

The curves in a line/symbol log can be represented by lines, most logs can be surrounded by a
border, and grid lines are used to show data increments on individual log items. There is a variable
grid that represents the X axis data and another grid for depth or Y axis data. Most log items
include a depth grid option but not all log items have variable grid options. The Line page of the
Property Manager contains the properties for the log curve, border, and grid lines.

To edit the line properties, select a log item. Click on the Line tab in the Property Manager.
Which of the Log, Curve 1 and Curve 2, Border, Variable Grid Lines, and Depth Grid Lines sections
are displayed depends on the type of log selected. For example the Line page for line/symbol logs
includes Log, Border, Variable Grid Lines, and Depth Grid Lines sections while the Line page for
well construction logs includes only the Border section.

Chapter 9 - Line/Symbol Logs

Edit the log curve, border, and grid line

properties on the Line page.

Log Properties
The Log section of the Line page controls the line properties for the curve or curves in the
line/symbol log or function log. The Log section also controls the line properties for layer marks
lines on an unregistered or registered raster log.

Active Variable
The line properties are independently controlled for each of the variables in the log. Edit a variable's
line/symbol plot by selecting the variable the Active variable field. Select the desired variable by
clicking the current selection in the Active variable field and select the variable from the list.

Log Line Properties

The Line Properties section contains the line properties for the log curve selected in the Active
variable field. See the Line Properties topic for more information on editing line properties.

Strater 5 User’s Guide

Curve 1 and Curve 2 Properties

The Curve 1 and Curve 2 sections control the line properties for the curves in a crossplot log.

Curve 1 and Curve 2 Line Properties

The Line Properties section contains the line properties for the log curve. See the Line Properties
topic for more information on editing line properties.

Border Properties
The Border section of the Line page controls the line properties for the log border.

Display Border Line

Check the Disply border line check box to draw a border line around the log. Uncheck the Display
border line check box to hide the log border line. The log border is displayed from the Starting
borehole depth to the Ending borehole depth and around the entirety of the log.

Border Line Properties

The Line Properties section contains the line properties for the log border. See the Line Properties
topic for more information on editing line properties.

Variable Grid Lines and Depth Grid Lines Properties

The Variable Grid Lines and Depth Grid Lines sections have identical settings, with the exception of
the Active variable property, but represent the settings for the different grids. The following
properties are displayed in both the Variable Grid Lines and Depth Grid Lines sections.

Active Variable
Variable grid lines can be added for each of the variables in the log. Variable grid lines are added
one at a time by selecting the variable in the Active variable field. Select the desired variable by
clicking the current selection in the Active variable field and select the variable from the list.

The Active variable property is only displayed when the Use all columns for range check box on the
Line/Symbol Log page is not checked. When Use all columns for range is checked there is only one
variable scale, and therefore can only be one set of variable grid lines.

Grid Line Display Order

Grid lines can be positioned above the log (Top), beneath the log (Bottom), or not displayed (Hide)
with the Grid line display order options. If Top is selected, the grid is the last item drawn for a
specific log item. Bottom means the grid is under the log item, but above the fill background. Hide
means do not show the grid. To change the Grid line display order, click on the existing option and
select the desired option from the list.

After setting the Grid line display order, turn on the grid lines by checking the box next to the Show
in the Major Grid Line and/or Minor Grid Line sections.

Auto Grid Range

The Auto grid range option controls the first and last grids shown for the grid lines. When the Auto
grid range check box is checked, Strater creates settings based upon the log data. Uncheck the
Auto grid range check box to manually set the grid's minimum and maximum values in the Grid
minimum and Grid maximum settings.

Chapter 9 - Line/Symbol Logs

If the borehole is changed, the new data may or may not fit into the user defined grid range so use
caution in setting these values.

Grid Minimum
When Auto grid range is not checked, the Grid minimum defines the minimum value of the grid. To
change the minimum grid line value, highlight the existing value and type a new value. Press
ENTER on the keyboard and the grid lines update.

Grid Maximum
When Auto grid range is not checked, the Grid maximum defines the maximum value of the grid. To
change the maximum grid line value, highlight the existing value and type a new value. Press
ENTER on the keyboard and the grid lines update.

Show Major Grid Lines

To show major grid lines, check the box next to the Show in the Major Grid Line section. To hide
the major grid lines, uncheck the box.

Major Grid Interval

To change the Major interval the Auto grid range option must be unchecked. The Major interval is
the spacing between the major grid lines.

Major Line Properties

Set the major grid line properties with the Style, Color, Foreground Opacity, and Width options.

Show Minor Grid Lines

To show minor grid lines, check the box next to the Show in the Minor Grid Line section. To hide the
minor grid lines, uncheck the box.

Grid Division
The Divisions property determines how many minor divisions (gaps) are between major tick marks.
If the value is 1, no minor grid lines will appear. If the value is 2, one minor grid line will appear. To
change the value, highlight the existing value and type a new value. Press ENTER on the keyboard
to make the change.

Minor Line Properties

Set the minor grid line properties with the Style, Color, Foreground Opacity, and Width options.

Line/Symbol Log - Fill Properties

The curves in a line/symbol or function log can include a fill and log background can be filled. The
Fill page of the Property Manager contains the properties for the curve fills and background fill.

The Fill page is not available for deviated line/symbol logs in a cross section, i.e. the Display logs
as deviated property is checked in the cross section properties for a line/symbol log cross section.

To edit the fill properties, select a line/symbol or function log item. Click on the Fill tab in the
Property Manager.

Strater 5 User’s Guide

Edit the log curve and background fill properties in the Fill
page of the Property Manager.

Log Properties
The Log section of the Fill page contains the properties for the log curve fills. Click the to expand
the Log section.

Active Variable
The fill properties are independently controlled for each of the variables in the log. Edit a variable's
line/symbol plot by selecting the variable the Active variable field. Select the desired variable by
clicking the current selection in the Active variable field and select the variable from the list.

Fill Log On
In addition to the standard fill options, the line/symbol log has a Fill log on option to control which
way the fill goes from the log. Available options are Left and Right. For example, setting the Fill log
on property to Left fills from the log line to the left side of the bounding box or cutoff value.

Display fill can be used as a masking tool when two or more logs overlay each other.

Log Fill Properties

Click the next to Fill Properties to set the fill properties for the log curve specified by the Active
variable field.

Cutoff Fill Properties

Click the next to Cutoff Fill Properties to set the fill properties for the cutoff portion of the log.

Chapter 9 - Line/Symbol Logs

Cutoff Value
In addition to the standard fill options, the cutoff fill has a Cutoff Value option. The cutoff value is a
way to fill the log to a specific value. The Cutoff Value is the value where the cutoff fill properties
stop. To change the Cutoff Value, highlight the existing value and type a new value. Values are in
Data Column units.

Display Cutoff Fill

The cutoff fill properties also has a Display Cutoff Fill option. The Display Cutoff Fill option controls
which way the cutoff fill goes from the Cutoff Value. Available options are None, Left, and Right.
Setting the Display Cutoff Fill option to None turns off the display of the cutoff fill. Setting the
Display Cutoff Fill to Left fills from the Cutoff Value to the left side of the bounding box or log.
Setting the Display Cutoff Fill to Right fills from the Cutoff Value to the right side of the bounding
box or log. The cutoff fill properties overwrite the log fill properties.

Cutoff Fill Properties

Click the next to Fill Properties to set the fill properties for the cutoff fill.

Cutoff Fill Example

Set a cutoff fill property for a line/symbol log to display the area in the log that is either greater or
less than a specified cutoff value.

1. Click the File | Open command or click the button.

2. In the Open dialog, select the Sample View 1.sdg file from the Samples directory. The
default directory location is C:\Program Files\Golden Software\Strater 5\Samples.
3. Click Open.
4. Select the line/symbol log in the Object Manager or view window.
5. In the Property Manager click on the Display Properties tab.
6. Click the next to Cutoff Fill Properties to open the Cutoff Fill Properties section.
7. Highlight the zero next to the Cutoff Value and type 175. Press ENTER on the keyboard to
make the change.
8. Click on the None next to the Display Cutoff Fill option and select Right from the list.
9. Click on the box next to Pattern and select Solid.
10. Click on the black color next to Foreground and select red.

A cutoff fill set to

the right A cutoff fill set to
highlights the the left highlights
area of the log the area less
greater than Au than 175 on the
(ppb) of 175. log.

Strater 5 User’s Guide

Background Properties
The Background section of the Fill page contains the properties for the log background fill. Click the
to expand the Background section.

Fill Background
Check the Fill background check box to apply a fill to the log background. Uncheck the Fill
background check box to remove the background fill.

Background Fill Properties

Click the next to Fill Properties to set the fill properties for the background fill.

Line/Symbol Log - Symbol Properties

Symbol properties can be changed for selected objects in the borehole, map view, or cross section
view windows. Default symbol properties are set by clicking the File | Options command.

Custom symbols can be created using a third party TrueType font editing software.

If the options on the Symbol tab are not available, a scheme is likely being used. Uncheck the
appropriate Use Keyword Scheme, Use Range Scheme, or Use Indent Keyword Scheme option to
turn off the display of the scheme properties and set the symbol properties on the Symbol tab.

Set the symbol properties for the

selected object in the Property Manager.

Chapter 9 - Line/Symbol Logs

Log Symbol Properties

The following two properties are available for the curves on a line/symbol log or function log. The
Frequency property is available for the curves on a crossplot log.

Active Variable
The symbol properties are independently controlled for each of the variables in the log. Edit a
variable's line/symbol plot by selecting the variable the Active variable field. Select the desired
variable by clicking the current selection in the Active variable field and select the variable from the

Symbol Frequency
In addition to the standard symbol options, the line/symbol log has a Frequency option. Symbols
can be displayed on the log by setting the Frequency to a number greater than zero. A frequency of
1 posts every point as a symbol on the log. A frequency of 2 posts every other point, etc.
Frequency can be used to thin the number of displayed data points to avoid overwriting each other.
The Frequency value can be from 0 to 1000.

Symbol Properties
Click the button to expand the Symbol Properties section and edit the selected object's symbol

The Symbol is the symbol that is displayed for the selected object. To change the Symbol, click on
the existing symbol. The symbol palette is displayed. Click on the new symbol. The object is
automatically updated to show the new symbol.

The symbol index is the symbol or glyph number as it appears in the title bar above the palette and
adjacent to the symbol in the Property Manager.

Symbol Set
The Symbol Set displays the font that is currently used for the symbol. To change the Symbol Set,
click on the existing symbol set name. In the list, select a new font from the list. All TrueType fonts
are listed in the Symbol Set.

Fill Color
The Fill Color is the inside color of the symbol, when the selected symbol is a solid filled symbol. To
change the Fill Color of the symbol, click on the existing Fill Color and select a new color from the
color palette. Create new colors by clicking the Custom button at the bottom of the color palette.

Fill Opacity
The Fill Opacity controls the transparency of the filled portion of the symbol. To change the Fill
Opacity, highlight the existing value and type a new value. Press ENTER on the keyboard to make
the change. Alternatively, click on the button to increase or decrease the opacity value. Opacity
values are between 0% (zero opacity, full transparency) to 100% (full opacity, zero transparency).

Line Color
The Line Color is the outside edge color of the symbol. To change the symbol outline color, click on
the existing Line Color and select a new color from the color palette. Create new colors by clicking
the Custom button at the bottom of the color palette.

Strater 5 User’s Guide

Line Opacity
The Line Opacity controls the transparency of the line around the symbol. To change the Line
Opacity, highlight the existing value and type a new value. Press ENTER on the keyboard to make
the change. Alternatively, click on the button to increase or decrease the opacity value. Opacity
values are between 0% (zero opacity, full transparency) to 100% (full opacity, zero transparency).

The Size controls the symbol size. This is the size of the full symbol box, not just the symbol glyph.
To change the Size of the symbol, highlight the existing value and type a new number in the box.
Alternatively, click on the button to increase or decrease the size of the symbol. Symbol sizes
are between 0.0 and 4.0 inches (0.0 and 10.16 centimeters) and are shown in page units.

Water Level Properties

Symbols indicating water level can be added to all logs types except depth logs. Water level
symbols can be displayed in the borehole view and the cross section view. The lower point of the
triangle, i.e. the bottom vertex, is aligned with the depth in the water level table. This is different
than symbols in a post log, where the symbol center is aligned with the depth specified in the depth
table. Additionally the water level can be displayed between logs on a cross section in the cross
section properties. Add the symbols and edit their properties on the Water Level page in the
Property Manager.

Edit water level data, symbol, and label properties

on the Water Level page.

Chapter 9 - Line/Symbol Logs

General Properties
The General section of the Water Level page contains properties for the water label table and
symbol properties.

Display Water Level Symbol

Check the Display water level symbol check box to display water level symbols on the log. A depth
table containing water level information must be selected in the Water level table field for the water
level symbols to be displayed.

Water Level Table

The water level table is a depth table containing at a minimum hole IDs and depths. An additional
parameter column can be included to specify the water level names and water level connections
between the logs. If the water level table is already loaded, click the Water level table field and
select the table from the list. Click the button to load the Water level table with the Open

Symbol Size
The Symbol size property controls the size of the water level symbol. Type a value in page units in
the Symbol size field or click the button to change the Symbol size value.

Symbol Alignment
The Symbol alignment property aligns the symbol on the left, center, or right of the log. Click the
current selection in the Symbol alignment and select Left, Center, or Right from the list.

Symbol Style
The water level symbol is an inverted triangle with between one and three lines at the point. The
Symbol style property specifies the number of lines. Click the current Symbol style selection and
select One line, Two lines, or Three lines from the list.

Line Properties
The Line Properties section of the Water Level page controls the line properties for the water level
symbol. See the Line Properties topic for more information on line properties.

Fill Properties
The Fill Properties section of the Water Level page controls the fill properties for the water level
symbol. See the Fill Properties topic for more information on fill properties.

Label Properties
The Label Properties section of the Water Level page controls the water level symbol labels.

Show Water Level Name

Check the Show water level name check box to display labels next to the water level symbols. The
labels are specified by the Water level name column. Uncheck the Show water level name check
box to hide the water level labels.

Water Level Name Column

The water level table can include a name column which is used to connect water levels across logs
and display labels for the water level symbols. Select the column containing the water level names

Strater 5 User’s Guide

by clicking the Water level name column field and selecting a column from the list. The water level
labels will be populated by the names in the Water level name column.

Connect water levels by name by checking the Connect water level(s) by names check box in the
cross section properties. When the Water level name column does not contain data, Strater
connects the water levels automatically. The Water level name column is also used to connect
specific water levels between the logs. For example, if borehole 1 contains two water level names A
and B and borehole 2 contains three water level names A, B, and C, the two A water level symbols
and two B water level symbols will be connected by a line. When the Water level name column
contains unique names for the water levels, no water level symbols will be connected as this
indicates these are separate water levels.

Offset Method
The Offset method property controls the label offset direction from the water table symbol. Click the
current selection and select Center, Left, Top, Right, Bottom, or User defined from the list to
change the label offset. Selecting User defined enables the X offset and Y offset properties.

X Offset
The X offset property moves the label to the left or right when the Offset method is set to User
defined. Type a value in page units or click the buttons to change the X offset value.

Y Offset
The Y offset property moves the label up or down when the Offset method is set to User defined.
Type a value in page units or click the buttons to change the Y offset value.

Label Angle
The Label angle property rotates the water level symbol labels. Type a value in degrees in the Label
angle field or click and drag the slider to rotate the labels. Positive angle values rotate the labels

Nudge End Values

The Nudge End Values option moves the starting and ending labels away from the edges of the log
pane so that they are completely visible. This 'nudging' occurs only if the label is near the edge of
the log pane, otherwise the location of the label does not change. Check the box next to Nudge End
Values to move the labels. Uncheck the box to keep the labels in the depth location specified.

Label Format
The Label Format section includes label formatting properties. See the Format Properties topic for
more information on label format properties.

Font Properties
The Font Properties section includes label font formatting properties. See the Font Properties topic
for more information on font format properties.

Chapter 10 - Lithology Logs
Lithology Logs
Click the Log | Create Log | Lithology command to create a lithology log. Most borehole plots
include a lithology log, which is a way to show the various stratigraphic layers in the borehole. The
display can be as simple as a filled block from the top to bottom, or the display can be more
elaborate and show weathering patterns and line types.

For additional information on Lithology Logs see Lithology Data, Schemes, and Logs.

This sample lithology log

includes a legend based on
its scheme and a scale bar.

Data Requirements
Lithology logs require a special type of interval data table, called a lithology table. In the data table,
there are eight required columns. The required columns are Hole ID, From, To, and Lithology
Keyword, Lithology Description, Indent Percentage, Indent Keyword, and Indent Line Scale. The
Lithology Keyword column should contain keyword text for each depth interval row. The text can be
mapped to a lithology keyword scheme. Although the above columns are required (in that they are
automatically created when you import data to make a lithology log and cannot be deleted) they do
not have to hold any data when the lithology log is created. The columns need to be present in the
data table.

Chapter 10 - Lithology Logs

The lithology log requires Hole ID, From, To, and Lithology Keyword columns.
The other columns are required, but filling them with data is optional.

Creating a Lithology Log

To create a lithology log:
1. Click the Log | Create Log | Lithology command.
2. Click inside the log pane where you want the lithology log to appear.
3. In the Open dialog, click on the data file. If the data was already imported, click on the table
name in the Use Current Table section. Click Open.
4. Set the data importing options in the Specify Worksheet Column Definitions dialog, if
necessary, and click Next.
5. Finish the importing of data in the Specify Data Type and Column Positions dialog and
click Finish.
6. The log appears in the borehole window.
If you are in active mode a lithology log is created using the default properties. If you are in design
mode, a lithology log graphic is displayed as a place holder after step 2.

Editing Lithology Log Properties

To change the features of a lithology log, including the data column used to create the log, click on
the lithology log in the Object Manager or view window. The properties are listed in the Property

The following tabs are listed in the Property Manager:

• Log
• Label
• Line
• Fill
• Water Level

Lithology Data, Schemes, and Logs

Lithology logs require interval type data, and at a minimum, a lithology keyword scheme. More
complex lithologies can be created by using indent percentages, indent scales, and indent styles.

To create a complex lithology log, the following data are necessary:
• Interval data, which are entered in From and To columns. This is typically depth data and
displays the height of each block.
• Lithology keywords, which are text entries that indicate the line and fill properties of each
block. These keywords are linked to scheme keywords to create the block properties. Usually
these are the layer names of each block.
• Indent percentages, which show the width of each block. Zero percent indicates none of the
block is displayed and 100 percent indicates the whole block is displayed.
• Indent keywords show the type of indent line for each block. These keywords are linked to a
indent keyword scheme to create the indents on each block.
• Indent line scale to show the amount of exaggeration of the indent line.

Strater 5 User’s Guide

There are two schemes for lithology logs: lithology keyword and indent keyword. The lithology
keyword scheme is required to create the log. Lithology keyword schemes include the line, fill, and
font properties for each block. The indent keyword scheme is optional and used to create line
patterns on the left or right edge of each block.

Example Data
This is one example of log properties and their associated data.

This example file is used in the following properties and graphics. The red highlighted
columns indicate columns that are required to contain data.

Lithology Keyword Column

This lithology log displays From, To, and Lithology Keyword columns shown in the example data.
This is the most basic lithology log you can construct. This log requires the Lithology Table,
Lithology Keyword Column, and Lithology Scheme properties to be defined in the Property
Manager. This lithology log uses a lithology table named Lithology, a Lithology Keyword Column
named Lithology Keyword, and a Lithology Scheme named Lithology Keyword. The scheme is based
on the Lithology Keyword column shown in the example data above. The log is filled based on the
keyword scheme item properties for the interval. For example, the first interval (0 to 40) has a
Jasperoid keyword, so the 0 to 40 interval is filled according the pattern and colors defined for the
Jasperoid keyword in the Lithology Keyword scheme.

This is a simple lithology log.

Chapter 10 - Lithology Logs

Indent Percentage Column

To show blocks with variable widths, an indent percentage column needs to be defined in the data.
In the example data, this information is in the Indent Percentage column. Zero percent means that
none of the block is displayed and 100 percent means the entire width of the block is displayed.
This log requires the Lithology Table, Lithology Keyword Column, Indent Percentage Column, and
Lithology Scheme properties to be defined. In addition, check the box next to the Use Indent
Percentage option.

The Indent Percentage column contains information on the block width. Set
the Indent Percentage Column and Use Indent Percentage to create this log.

Indent Keyword and Indent Scale Columns

The Indent Keyword and Indent Scale columns are used to define the lines and line scales on the
right side of the example log. The indent keyword scheme is for the display of line patterns as
shown on the right side of the blocks. This log requires the Lithology Table, Lithology Keyword
Column, Indent Percentage Column, Indent Keyword Column, Indent Line Scale Column, Lithology
Scheme, and Indent Keyword Scheme properties to be defined. In addition, check the boxes next to
the Use Indent Percentage and Use Indent Keyword Scheme options .

Strater 5 User’s Guide

The Indent Keyword and Indent Scale columns are used to

define the patterns on the right side of the log.

Displaying Lithology Data

There are two ways to display lithology data with logs. You can create a basic lithology log using a
zone bar log, or you can create a detailed lithology log using the specific lithology log type. In most
cases, a simple zone bar log is sufficient to display lithology data. However, when you want to show
varying indent amounts for each lithology block, different line shapes for each lithology block, or
varying contact information, a lithology log with the specific settings is required.

Basic and complex lithology logs

are easy to create in Strater.
Basic Lithology Logs
To create a basic lithology log, you need four columns of data: Hole ID (well name), From, To, and
Keyword. You can enter this data in Excel, Access, or another program and load the data file into
Strater. Or, you can enter it directly into a table in Strater. In this example, we will type it in
directly into the data table. To create the data table and zone bar log:

1. Click the Home | New | Table or click the button

Chapter 10 - Lithology Logs

2. In the Create New Table dialog,

a. Type a Table Name such as Basic Lithology.
b. Set the Base Table Type to Interval Table. This is because the blocks in a zone bar
log are based on intervals and have From and To data.
c. Click Create and the data table is created.
3. Type in a well name such as MW-1 for the first five rows in the Hole ID column (Column A).
The Hole ID must be the same for all rows, indicating this data is for the same well.
4. Type in the From and To interval data for each row in Columns B and C. For example, type in
0, 10, 20, 30 and 40 for the From data and 10, 20, 30, 40, 50 for the To data. This shows
five intervals of data (or 5 lithologic units), with each interval 10 units thick. In general,
lithologic units are not this uniform, but we can use this for example.
5. In the Parameter 1 column (Column D), enter in a single keyword indicating the type of unit.
The keyword could be any keyword identifying that interval, from the type of lithology to the
formation name or age of the rock. For example, a combination of Sandstone, Mudstone, and
Siltstone could be used as the keywords.

The four columns of data will create a simple lithology log or zone bar log.
1. Click on the Borehole 1 tab at the top of the window to open the borehole view.

2. Click the Log | Create Log | Zone Bar command or click the button.
3. Click in the log pane where you want the log to be placed.
4. In the Open dialog, make sure that the Basic Lithology table is selected in the Use Current
Table list and in the File name box.
5. Click Open and the log is created.
6. Click once on the log to select it.
7. In the Property Manager click on the Label tab.
8. To display the keyword names on the log, click on the existing option next to Show Label and
select Show Label with Fill.
9. To show the depths on the screen, click the Log | Create Log | Depth command and click
in the log pane next to the zone bar log.

Strater 5 User’s Guide

The zone bar log displays the basic lithologies.

The color fills were created automatically by Strater. When the log was created, Strater
automatically created a scheme containing items for each of the keywords entered into the data
table, and specific fill colors for each of those items. You can easily change them in the Scheme
1. Click the Home | Display | Scheme Editor command.
2. In the Scheme Editor, click the next to Keyword to see the keyword schemes.
3. Click the next to Basic Lithology:Parameter1. There are three items in this keyword
scheme because there were only three unique keywords in the Parameter 1 column of the
table. Each of these keywords has its own drawing properties.
4. Select the Sandstone item. The properties are displayed on the right side of the screen.
5. In the Fill Properties section, change the fill properties to be what you want for this keyword.
For example, click on the existing Pattern and select a new pattern for the keyword. Click in
the Foreground color and change it to Brown.
6. In the Font Properties section, change the font properties for the label text that is displayed
on the log. For example, you can increase the font size by changing the Points or change the
Foreground Color.
7. Select the next item in the scheme and repeat changing the fill pattern and color for that
8. Click OK when you are done and the changes are applied to the log.

Chapter 10 - Lithology Logs

Edit the keyword scheme properties

in the Scheme Editor to customize
the fill and font properties.

Detailed Lithology Logs

Lithology logs are more detailed versions of the zone bar log. To create a detailed lithology log,
your data file should have 8 columns of data: Hole ID (well name), From, To, Lithology Keyword,
Lithology Description, Indent Percentage, Indent Keyword, and Indent Scale. The first four data
columns are the same as those for the zone bar log, you are defining the well name for the data,
the interval for each unit, and giving that unit a keyword. The last four columns contain the data
specific to the lithology log type and define the details for the log:
• The Lithology Description column contains full text descriptions, typically for the rock type,
and can be used for complex text logs.
• The Indent Percentage column controls the width of the block. The range of values can be
from zero to 100. None of the block is displayed with a zero percentage (it has 0 width), and
100 percent displays the whole block (the width of the block is 100% of the log).
• The Indent Keyword column contains keywords for the lithology indent line scheme items.
The right side of the block can have a different shape line (called the “indent line”). The
shape of the indent line is defined in a scheme based on this keyword.
• The Indent Scale column is used to control the overall scaling width of the indent line. The
range is zero to 100. A zero scale flattens the line and makes it appear vertical. A 100 scale
sets the width of the indent line to half the width of the lithology log.

Strater 5 User’s Guide

Indent Percentage
controls the width of the Indent Scale controls the
Indent Keyword specifies the
block. In this example, width of the indent line. In
keyword for the block. The
the top block has an this example, the top and
keyword is used to determine
Indent Percentage of bottom blocks have an
the shape of the line on the
50, the middle is 100, Indent Scale of 35 and the
right side of the block.
and the bottom block is middle block is 50.

You can enter this data in Excel, Access, or another program and load the data file into Strater. Or,
you can enter it directly into a table in Strater. In this example, we will load the data from one of
the sample XLS files included with Strater.

To create the lithology log:

1. Click the Home | New | Borehole View command or click

the button.
2. Click the Log | Create Log | Lithology command.
3. Click in the log pane where you want the log to be placed.
4. In the Open dialog, select Tutorial 2.xls from the Samples
directory and click Open.
5. In the Specify Worksheet Column Definitions dialog,
accept the defaults and click Next.
6. In the Specify Data Type and Column Positions dialog,
accept the defaults and click Finish. The log is created with
default colors.
7. To show the depths on the screen, click the Log | Create
Log | Depth command and click in the log pane next to the
zone bar log.
8. Click once on the lithology log to select it.
9. In the Property Manager, click on the Lithology Log tab.
a. Set the Indent Percentage Column, the Indent
Keyword Column and the Indent Line Scale Column
to the data columns with these names.
b. Check the box next to the Use Indent Percentage
c. Check the box next to Use Indent Keyword Scheme
Now the indent percentage is visibly applied (the blocks are The lithology log is created
different widths), but the indent line shapes are not. This is with the default fill colors
because we do not have a lithology indent line scheme. and the indent percentage is
visibly applied.

1. Click the Home | Display | Scheme Editor command.

2. Click the button at the bottom of the dialog to create a new scheme.

Chapter 10 - Lithology Logs

3. In the New Scheme dialog:

a. Select Base Scheme on Column Data.
b. Select Lithology as the Table Name.
c. Select Indent Keyword as the Column Name.
d. Type the Scheme Name, such as Indent Lines.
e. Select Indent Keyword as the Scheme Type.
f. Click OK to create the scheme.
4. In the Scheme Editor,
a. Click the to expand the Indent Lines scheme. There are nine items in this scheme
because there are nine unique keywords in the Indent Keyword data column. Each of these
keywords has its own drawing properties.
i. Select the Wasatch item in this scheme. The properties for that item are
displayed on the right side of the screen.
ii. In the Indent Keyword Properties section, click on the existing option next to
Lithology Indent Lines and select a different line shape, such as Limestone.
iii. Repeat for all items in the Indent Lines scheme.
b. Click the to expand the Lithology:Lithology Keyword scheme. There are six items
in this scheme because there are six unique keywords in the Lithology Keyword data column.
Each of these keywords has its own drawing properties.
i. Select the Silty Shale item in this scheme. The properties for that item are
displayed on the right side of the screen.
ii. In the Fill Properties section, change the fill properties to be what you want
for this lithology unit. For example, click in the Pattern field and select a new
pattern for the keyword. Click in the Foreground color and change it to Baby
iii. The Contact Line Properties section controls the contact line at the bottom of
the blocks that have this keyword. In most cases, the default is fine. For this
first example, change the Style to .1 in. dash, the Color to Blue, and the
Width to 0.04.
iv. Repeat changing the properties for all items in the Lithology:Lithology
Keyword scheme.
c. Click OK when you are done and the changes are applied to the log.
5. If the log does not show the indent line styles, click on the lithology log. In the Property
Manager, click in the Indent Keyword Scheme option and select the Indent Lines scheme
that was just created. The indent lines are now applied to the log.

Strater 5 User’s Guide

Create and apply a lithology indent line scheme to define

the line shape on the right side of the lithology blocks.

Lithology Log Properties

The Log page in the Property Manager includes options for defining the data, data direction and
indents for a lithology log. To view and edit the lithology log properties, click on the lithology log in
the view window or Object Manager to select the log. Then, click on the Log tab in the Property

Chapter 10 - Lithology Logs

line/symbol log properties on the

Lithology Log tab in the Property Manager.

Hole ID Filter
The Hole ID filter is used to select the borehole to associate with this log. Only those Hole IDs that
are currently associated with data tables in this project are listed. To change the Hole ID filter, click
on the existing Hole ID and select the desired Hole ID from the list. The log automatically updates
to show the new borehole.

When the Logs object is selected in a cross section view, the Hole ID filter is not available. To set a
specific log to a particular Hole ID, click on that individual log and set the Hole ID filter to the
appropriate log.

Lithology Table
Use the Lithology table to define the data table for the lithology log. The table type must be an
interval table. To change the table, click on the existing table name and select the desired table
from the list.

Lithology Keyword Column

The Lithology keyword column is the column in the selected Lithology table that is being displayed
by the lithology log. When the Lithology table is changed to another table, the Lithology keyword
column list is automatically updated to display the column names in the newly selected table. To

Strater 5 User’s Guide

change the column, click on the existing column name next to Lithology keyword column and select
the desired column from the list.

The Lithology keyword column is required and is used for lithology keyword scheme matching to the
Lithology scheme. Select the column containing lithology keywords, which is usually the rock name.
This column is used to create fill patterns, etc. for the various interval blocks in the log.

Indent Percentage Column

The Indent percentage column is the column in the Lithology table where the indent percentages
are stored. The value in the column determines how to display weathering resistance in a
lithological unit. The more weathered the unit, the larger the indent percentage value. The value
ranges from zero to 100. The weathered display percentage of the interval block is typically shown
in the left-right direction. Zero percentage displays none of the block and is fully weathered. 100
percent displays the entire block and is fully resistant. The Indent percentage column is created in
the table, but is optional in the log.

To set the indent percentage, click on the existing column name next to Indent percentage column
and select the appropriate column from the list. Then, check the box next to the Use indent
percentage option. Select [Unspecified] in the indent percentage column if there is not an indent
percentage column.

Indent Keyword Column

Use the Indent keyword column to select the data table column to match to the indent keyword
scheme items. The Indent keyword column is optional. The indent keyword column determines the
shape of the indent line on one side of the log.

This lithology log contains different indent

keyword items, as displayed by various
indent line styles on the right side of the log.

To change the indent keyword column, click on the existing column name and select the desired
column from the list. Then, check the box next to the Use indent keyword scheme option. Select
[Unspecified] if there is not an indent keyword column.

Indent Line Scale Column

Use the Indent line scale column to select the data table column that includes the indent scale
values. The indent scale column controls the overall scaling of the lithology indent line. The range
is zero to 100. A zero scale flattens the line to zero variation and a 100 scale sets the indentation of
shape of the line to half the width of the lithology log. For example, if the lithology log is three

Chapter 10 - Lithology Logs

inches wide the range of the lithology line is 1.5 inches. Use the Indent line scale column in
conjunction with the Indent percentage column. This is an optional column. To change the Indent
line scale column, click on the existing column name and select the desired column from the list.
Select [Unspecified] if there is not an indent line scale column.

Hole Inclination, Hole Dip, and Azimuth Columns

The Hole inclination column (or Hole dip column) is used in combination with the Hole azimuth
column to calculate the true vertical depth for the hole. Either Hole inclination column or Hole dip
column is displayed. To control whether inclination or dip is used, click the File | Options
command. In the Options dialog, check or uncheck the Use Hole dip instead of inclination option.

Inclination is the angle the borehole is oriented in degrees and varies from 0 to 180. 0 indicates
vertical pointing down, 90 indicates horizontal, and 180 indicates vertical pointing up. Negative and
positive inclination values are treated the same for depth calculations. Negative inclination values
are treated differently for well path calculations in the cross section and map views. A negative
inclination changes the direction (azimuth) to the opposite of the similar positive inclination. For
example, the azimuth value of 90 and inclination of 45 describes the same orientation as the
azimuth value of 270 and inclination of -45 degrees. Both combinations describe an eastward
direction at 45 degrees down from the horizontal plane.

Dip is an alternate method of calculating the angle the borehole is oriented. Dip is oriented in
degrees and varies from -90 to 90. -90 indicates vertical pointing down, 0 indicates horizontal, and
+90 indicates vertical pointing up.

Azimuth is the compass orientation of the well's deviation, in degrees and varies from 0 (true
vertical north) to 360. Azimuth values are measured relative to true north (not grid north in the
local coordinate system).

To set the Hole inclination column or Hole dip column, click on the existing option and select the
desired option from the list. Available options are [Unspecified], [From collars table:collars name],
[From survey table: survey name], or data columns in the selected Lithology table. When one
column is set to unspecified or survey table, the other column automatically changes to the same
option. When recorded in a collars table, the inclination/dip and azimuth apply to the entire well
length. When recorded in a survey table, the inclination/dip and azimuth apply from the depth to
the next recorded depth. When set to one of the columns in the existing table, each log is updated
independently from each other log using the information in the specific depth or interval tables. If
the Hole inclination column for the log is set to [Unspecified], an inclination value of 0 is used for
the calculations. No difference will be visible for the log when changing the Depth method to True
vertical depth.

Lithology Scheme
The Lithology scheme is the scheme that determines the fill and line properties for the lithology log
item. The selected scheme should contain items that match the keyword text in the Lithology
keyword column. To change the scheme, click on the existing scheme name and select the desired
scheme from the list. Click the next to the scheme name to open the Scheme Editor, where
the scheme can be created or edited.

Use Indent Keyword Scheme

The Use indent keyword scheme option sets whether the line shape on one side of the lithology log
should be based on an indent keyword scheme or all intervals should use a vertical line. To use an
indent keyword scheme, check the box next to the Use indent keyword scheme option. To use the
same width for all intervals on the lithology log, uncheck the box next to the Use indent keyword

Strater 5 User’s Guide

scheme option. The indent keyword scheme should contain items that match the keyword text in
the Indent keyword column. Note that if the Indent keyword column is set to [Unspecified], the Use
indent keyword scheme option is not available.

When the box is checked next to Use indent keyword scheme, the line and fill settings are
unavailable. Uncheck the box next to Use indent keyword scheme to set the border line and
background fill properties.

Indent Keyword Scheme

The Indent keyword scheme is the scheme that links the lithology indent line styles to the lithology
log intervals when the box next to the Use indent keyword scheme option is checked. The selected
scheme should contain items that match the keyword text in the Indent keyword column. To
change the scheme, click on the existing scheme name and select the desired scheme from the list.
Click the next to the scheme name to open the Scheme Editor, where the scheme can be
created or edited.

Use Indent Percentage

The Use indent percentage option sets whether the Indent percentage column should be used to
determine the width of each block in the lithology log. To use the indent percentages, check the box
next to the Use indent percentage option. To use the same width for all intervals on the lithology
log, uncheck the box next to the Use indent percentage option. Note that if the Indent percentage
column is set to [Unspecified], the Use indent percentage option is not available.

Indent Side
The Indent side is the side of the lithology log that displays the indent line styles if the box next to
the Use indent keyword scheme option is checked. Available options are Right and Left. The default
option is Right, which displays the indent lines on the right side of the log. To change the side, click
on the existing option and select the desired option from the list.

Merge Intervals
The Merge intervals option merges consecutive intervals that contain the same data. Check the box
next to the Merge intervals option to merge consecutive intervals that are the same. Uncheck the
box next to the Merge intervals option to keep all intervals separate.

Lithology Log - Label Properties

Label properties change the appearance of labels on lithology, unregistered raster, and registered
raster logs. Click on the Label tab in the Property Manager to edit label properties.

Chapter 10 - Lithology Logs

Set label properties on the Label

tab in the Property Manager.

Show Label
Check the box next to Show Label to display labels on the log.

Fit Label To Block

The Fit Label To Block option determines the size of the label for each interval block in the log.
Check the box to automatically fit the label inside the interval block. The label size will become
smaller if the label is long so that the entire label fits in the width of the log. Uncheck the box for all
labels to use the font size defined in the keyword scheme, regardless of whether the label will fit in
the width of the log. When this option is unchecked, the size is set by the Lithology Scheme on the
lithology Log tab or the Keyword scheme on the raster Log tab. When this option is checked, the
maximum size for the font is the font size reported by the Lithology Scheme or Keyword scheme.

Label Angle
The Label Angle option sets the displayed labels at an angle. The numbers are in degrees offset
from horizontal moving in a counter-clockwise direction. For example, an angle of 90 displays the
numbers vertically, and an angle of 180 displays the numbers upside-down. To change the angle,
highlight the existing option and type the desired angle. Press ENTER on the keyboard to make the
change. Alternatively, click the button to increase or decrease the value. Angle values must be
between zero and 360 degrees.

Font Properties
The Label page includes font properties for the raster log labels. See the Font Properties topic for
information on the font properties. Use the Scheme Editor to change font properties for lithology

Lithology Log - Line Properties

The curves in a line/symbol log can be represented by lines, most logs can be surrounded by a
border, and grid lines are used to show data increments on individual log items. There is a variable
grid that represents the X axis data and another grid for depth or Y axis data. Most log items
include a depth grid option but not all log items have variable grid options. The Line page of the
Property Manager contains the properties for the log curve, border, and grid lines.

Strater 5 User’s Guide

To edit the line properties, select a log item. Click on the Line tab in the Property Manager.
Which of the Log, Curve 1 and Curve 2, Border, Variable Grid Lines, and Depth Grid Lines sections
are displayed depends on the type of log selected. For example the Line page for line/symbol logs
includes Log, Border, Variable Grid Lines, and Depth Grid Lines sections while the Line page for
well construction logs includes only the Border section.

Edit the log curve, border, and grid line

properties on the Line page.

Log Properties
The Log section of the Line page controls the line properties for the curve or curves in the
line/symbol log or function log. The Log section also controls the line properties for layer marks
lines on an unregistered or registered raster log.

Chapter 10 - Lithology Logs

Active Variable
The line properties are independently controlled for each of the variables in the log. Edit a variable's
line/symbol plot by selecting the variable the Active variable field. Select the desired variable by
clicking the current selection in the Active variable field and select the variable from the list.

Log Line Properties

The Line Properties section contains the line properties for the log curve selected in the Active
variable field. See the Line Properties topic for more information on editing line properties.

Curve 1 and Curve 2 Properties

The Curve 1 and Curve 2 sections control the line properties for the curves in a crossplot log.

Curve 1 and Curve 2 Line Properties

The Line Properties section contains the line properties for the log curve. See the Line Properties
topic for more information on editing line properties.

Border Properties
The Border section of the Line page controls the line properties for the log border.

Display Border Line

Check the Disply border line check box to draw a border line around the log. Uncheck the Display
border line check box to hide the log border line. The log border is displayed from the Starting
borehole depth to the Ending borehole depth and around the entirety of the log.

Border Line Properties

The Line Properties section contains the line properties for the log border. See the Line Properties
topic for more information on editing line properties.

Variable Grid Lines and Depth Grid Lines Properties

The Variable Grid Lines and Depth Grid Lines sections have identical settings, with the exception of
the Active variable property, but represent the settings for the different grids. The following
properties are displayed in both the Variable Grid Lines and Depth Grid Lines sections.

Active Variable
Variable grid lines can be added for each of the variables in the log. Variable grid lines are added
one at a time by selecting the variable in the Active variable field. Select the desired variable by
clicking the current selection in the Active variable field and select the variable from the list.

The Active variable property is only displayed when the Use all columns for range check box on the
Line/Symbol Log page is not checked. When Use all columns for range is checked there is only one
variable scale, and therefore can only be one set of variable grid lines.

Grid Line Display Order

Grid lines can be positioned above the log (Top), beneath the log (Bottom), or not displayed (Hide)
with the Grid line display order options. If Top is selected, the grid is the last item drawn for a
specific log item. Bottom means the grid is under the log item, but above the fill background. Hide
means do not show the grid. To change the Grid line display order, click on the existing option and
select the desired option from the list.

Strater 5 User’s Guide

After setting the Grid line display order, turn on the grid lines by checking the box next to the Show
in the Major Grid Line and/or Minor Grid Line sections.

Auto Grid Range

The Auto grid range option controls the first and last grids shown for the grid lines. When the Auto
grid range check box is checked, Strater creates settings based upon the log data. Uncheck the
Auto grid range check box to manually set the grid's minimum and maximum values in the Grid
minimum and Grid maximum settings.

If the borehole is changed, the new data may or may not fit into the user defined grid range so use
caution in setting these values.

Grid Minimum
When Auto grid range is not checked, the Grid minimum defines the minimum value of the grid. To
change the minimum grid line value, highlight the existing value and type a new value. Press
ENTER on the keyboard and the grid lines update.

Grid Maximum
When Auto grid range is not checked, the Grid maximum defines the maximum value of the grid. To
change the maximum grid line value, highlight the existing value and type a new value. Press
ENTER on the keyboard and the grid lines update.

Show Major Grid Lines

To show major grid lines, check the box next to the Show in the Major Grid Line section. To hide
the major grid lines, uncheck the box.

Major Grid Interval

To change the Major interval the Auto grid range option must be unchecked. The Major interval is
the spacing between the major grid lines.

Major Line Properties

Set the major grid line properties with the Style, Color, Foreground Opacity, and Width options.

Show Minor Grid Lines

To show minor grid lines, check the box next to the Show in the Minor Grid Line section. To hide the
minor grid lines, uncheck the box.

Grid Division
The Divisions property determines how many minor divisions (gaps) are between major tick marks.
If the value is 1, no minor grid lines will appear. If the value is 2, one minor grid line will appear. To
change the value, highlight the existing value and type a new value. Press ENTER on the keyboard
to make the change.

Minor Line Properties

Set the minor grid line properties with the Style, Color, Foreground Opacity, and Width options.

Chapter 10 - Lithology Logs

Lithology Log - Fill Properties

Fill properties can be changed for selected objects. To edit the fill properties, click on the object in
the Object Manager or plot window. The properties are listed in the Property Manager. Default
fill properties are set in the File | Options dialog by clicking on the Fill page.

If the options on the Fill tab are not available, a scheme is likely being used. Uncheck the
appropriate Use Keyword Scheme, Use Range Scheme, or Use Indent Keyword Scheme option to
turn off the display of the scheme properties and set the fill properties on the Fill tab.

Schemes and Fill Properties

Note that if a scheme is used in a log item, the fill properties will be unavailable on the Fill tab. You
must change the fill properties for the scheme in the Scheme Editor or turn off the display of the

Fill Properties Page

The object's fill is composed of layers of various fill types. All of the predefined fills have only one
layer. Custom fills created with the Fill Style Editor may have multiple layers of any type. Each
layer in the fill style has its own section in the Property Manager. The layers are listed in
descending order, i.e. the topmost layer is listed first, Layer 1 (<type>), followed by additional
layers. The following properties are displayed on the Fill page of the Property Manager.

Only the layer properties displayed in the Property Manager are included in this topic. To see
information about properties that are included in the Fill Style Editor, see the Fill Style Editor
topic. The image layer Load from property and the vector layer drawing area are only available in
the Fill Style Editor.

Log Fill Background

For many of the log objects, the Fill page includes a Fill background check box. If the box next to
Fill background is checked, the background area is filled. If the box next to Fill background is
unchecked, the background is not filled. To change the Fill background, check or uncheck the box.
The Fill Properties section below the Fill background property controls the background fill.

Legend Fill Background

When a legend is selected, the Fill page contains the fill options for the legend background. The
Frame style on the Line page must be set to Rectangle or Rounded Rectangle for the legend to
display a background fill. When the Frame style is set to None, the background fill is not displayed
regardless of the Fill page settings. If you wish to display a background fill but not a frame line,
then set the Frame style to Rectangle or Rounded Rectangle. Next set Style in the Line Properties
section to Invisible. Finally set the desired background properties on the Fill page.

Strater 5 User’s Guide

The Fill page in the Property Manager controls the

fill properties for the selected object.

Fill Style
The Style indicates the way that an object is filled. To change the Style, click on the existing fill
style next to Style. In the list, select a new style from the fill palette. Create custom fill styles with
the Fill Style Editor. Click the next to the Style field to open the Fill Style Editor to modify or
create a fill style.

Each layer in the selected fill style is displayed in its own section. The layers are listed in order from
top to bottom. The layer name is Layer n (type), where n is the layer position and type is the layer
type. A layer preview is displayed to the right of the layer name. The six layer types are Solid,
Stock, Image, Gradient, Vector, and Line. Click the button to expand the layer properties.

Solid Layer Properties

The properties for a solid layer are Color and Opacity.

Expand a Solid layer to edit the layer's properties.

Chapter 10 - Lithology Logs

The Color is the color of the solid fill. Click the existing color sample next to Color to open the color
palette. Click on a color in the palette to use it for the layer's fill color. Click the button to open
the Colors dialog and create custom colors, use the dropper to select a color, or select the color
from a color wheel.

The Opacity controls the transparency of the solid fill style. To change the Opacity, highlight the
existing value and type a new value. Press ENTER on the keyboard to make the change.
Alternatively, click and drag the slider to increase or decrease the opacity value. Opacity
values are between 0% (zero opacity, full transparency) to 100% (full opacity, zero transparency).

Stock Layer Properties

The properties for a stock layer are Pattern, Foreground color, Foreground opacity, Background
color, and Background opacity.

Expand a Stock layer to edit the layer's properties.

The Pattern indicates the way the stock layer is filled. To change the Pattern, click on the existing
pattern sample next to Pattern. Select a new style from the pattern palette.

Foreground Color
The Foreground color is the color of the pattern. Click the existing color sample next to Foreground
color to open the color palette. Click on a color in the palette to use it for the selected foreground
fill color. Click the button to open the Colors dialog and create custom colors, use the dropper
to select a color, or select the color from a color wheel.

Foreground Opacity
The Foreground opacity controls the transparency of the foreground portion of the pattern. To
change the Foreground opacity, highlight the existing value and type a new value. Press ENTER on

Strater 5 User’s Guide

the keyboard to make the change. Alternatively, click and drag the slider to increase or
decrease the opacity value. Opacity values are between 0% (zero opacity, full transparency) to
100% (full opacity, zero transparency).

Background Color
The Background color is the color behind the pattern. Click the existing color sample next to
Background color to open the color palette. Click on a color in the palette to use it for the
background fill color. Click the button to open the Colors dialog and create custom colors.

Background Opacity
The Background opacity controls the transparency of the background portion of the pattern. To
change the Background opacity, highlight the existing value and type a new value. Press ENTER on
the keyboard to make the change. Alternatively, click and drag the slider to increase or
decrease the opacity value. Opacity values are between 0% (zero opacity, full transparency) to
100% (full opacity, zero transparency).

If the stock layer is above other layers in the fill style, the Background opacity must be less than
100% to see the layers below. To make a fill pattern appear transparent with only the foreground
portion of the fill pattern showing, change the Background Opacity value to 0%.

Image Layer Properties

The properties for an image layer are Pattern, Opacity, Stretch, Image Offset (X and Y), and Image
Scale (X, Y, and Proportional).

Expand an Image layer to edit the layer's properties.

Chapter 10 - Lithology Logs

The Pattern property is used to add image layers from predefined or custom image fill styles. To
change the image layer, click the current option for an image layer Pattern and select a predefined
image layer or a custom image layer from the image palette. Only image fills with a single layer are
included in the image palette.

The Opacity controls the transparency of the image fill style. To change the Opacity, highlight the
existing value and type a new value. Press ENTER on the keyboard to make the change.
Alternatively, click and drag the slider to increase or decrease the opacity value. Opacity
values are between 0% (zero opacity, full transparency) to 100% (full opacity, zero transparency).

The Stretch is used with image patterns. The Stretch determines how the image is used to fill the
desired area. When the Stretch check box is checked, the image is stretched to fit the fill area.
When the Stretch check box is not checked the image is tiled in the fill area.

The image fill on the left has the Stretch box checked. The image on
the right has the Stretch box unchecked.

Image Offset
Offset the image in the fill layer by typing a value in pixels in the X or Y fields in the Image Offset
section. You can also change the X and Y image offset values by clicking the buttons.

Image Scale
The Image Scale properties control the density of the image fill. Change the image scale by typing
a value in the X or Y fields in the Image Scale section. The Image Scale properties are ignored
when the Stretch property is checked. You can also change the X and Y image scale values by
clicking the buttons.

When the Proportional check box is checked, the X and Y values automatically update to maintain
the current aspect ratio. Uncheck the Proportional check box to apply different scaling in the X and
Y directions.

Note that the Proportional property does not lock the X and Y values to any specific aspect ratio but
to whichever ratio is in use when the box is checked. For example, assume you want the X:Y ratio
to be 2:1, but you do not know which Image Scale values are desired. You can uncheck the
Proportional check box. Next set the X value to 2 and the Y value to 1. Check the Proportional

Strater 5 User’s Guide

check box. Now when you adjust one of the X or Y values, the other value updates automatically to
maintain the 2:1 ratio.

Gradient Layer Properties

The properties for a gradient layer are Type, Direction, and Colormap.

Expand a Gradient layer to edit the layer's properties.

The Type controls how a gradient fill pattern is used to fill the selected area. To change the Type,
click on the current type and select the new type in the list. Select Linear or Radial for the Type.
When the Type is set to Linear, a linear color gradient fills the area. The colors change in a linear
manner from the top to the bottom or from the left to the right of the area. When the Type is set to
Radial, a radial color gradient fills the area. The colors change in concentric circles, either
expanding from the interior and going out or from the exterior and going in.

The Radial type is shown on the left and

the Linear type is shown on the right.

The Direction option sets the direction the gradient fills. When the Type is set to Linear, choose
either Vertical or Horizontal for the Direction. The Vertical option sets the gradient to change along
the Y axis. The Horizontal option sets the gradient to change along the X axis. When Radial is
selected as the Type, the Direction options are Inward and Outward. This reverses the color

Chapter 10 - Lithology Logs


The Colormap option sets the colors to use in the gradient pattern. Click the button to select or
create a color gradient in the Colormap dialog.

Vector Layer Properties

The properties for a vector layer are Color and Opacity.

Expand a Vector layer to edit the layer's properties.

The Color is the color of the lines in the vector fill. Click the existing color sample next to Color to
open the color palette. Click on a color in the palette to use it for the layer's line color. Click the
button to open the Colors dialog and create custom colors, use the dropper to select a color, or
select the color from a color wheel.

The Opacity controls the transparency of the lines in the vector fill. To change the Opacity, highlight
the existing value and type a new value. Press ENTER on the keyboard to make the change.
Alternatively, click and drag the slider to increase or decrease the opacity value. Opacity
values are between 0% (zero opacity, full transparency) to 100% (full opacity, zero transparency).

Line Layer Properties

The properties for a Line layer are Color, Opacity, Angle, Offset, Separation, and Width.

Strater 5 User’s Guide

Expand a Line layer to edit the layer's properties.

The Color is the color of the lines in the line fill layer. Click the existing color sample next to Color
to open the color palette. Click on a color in the palette to use it for the layer's line color. Click the
button to open the Colors dialog and create custom colors, use the dropper to select a color, or
select the color from a color wheel.

The Opacity controls the transparency of the lines in the line fill layer. To change the Opacity,
highlight the existing value and type a new value. Press ENTER on the keyboard to make the
change. Alternatively, click and drag the slider to increase or decrease the opacity value.
Opacity values are between 0% (zero opacity, full transparency) to 100% (full opacity, zero

Change the angle of the lines by typing a value in degrees in the Angle field or clicking and
dragging the slider . Positive values rotate the lines clockwise.

Change the vertical offset between the lines and the pattern's origin by typing a value between -
0.25 and 0.25 inches in the Offset field. You can also change the Offset value by clicking the

Chapter 10 - Lithology Logs

Change the separation between the lines by typing a value between 0 and 0.25 inches in the
Separation field. You can also change the Separation value by clicking the buttons.

Change the line Width by highlighting the existing value and typing a new number or by clicking the
to increase or decrease the line width. The line width can be zero to 0.5 inches (1.27 cm) wide.
A width of zero is one pixel wide.

Water Level Properties

Symbols indicating water level can be added to all logs types except depth logs. Water level
symbols can be displayed in the borehole view and the cross section view. The lower point of the
triangle, i.e. the bottom vertex, is aligned with the depth in the water level table. This is different
than symbols in a post log, where the symbol center is aligned with the depth specified in the depth
table. Additionally the water level can be displayed between logs on a cross section in the cross
section properties. Add the symbols and edit their properties on the Water Level page in the
Property Manager.

Edit water level data, symbol, and label properties

on the Water Level page.

Strater 5 User’s Guide

General Properties
The General section of the Water Level page contains properties for the water label table and
symbol properties.

Display Water Level Symbol

Check the Display water level symbol check box to display water level symbols on the log. A depth
table containing water level information must be selected in the Water level table field for the water
level symbols to be displayed.

Water Level Table

The water level table is a depth table containing at a minimum hole IDs and depths. An additional
parameter column can be included to specify the water level names and water level connections
between the logs. If the water level table is already loaded, click the Water level table field and
select the table from the list. Click the button to load the Water level table with the Open

Symbol Size
The Symbol size property controls the size of the water level symbol. Type a value in page units in
the Symbol size field or click the button to change the Symbol size value.

Symbol Alignment
The Symbol alignment property aligns the symbol on the left, center, or right of the log. Click the
current selection in the Symbol alignment and select Left, Center, or Right from the list.

Symbol Style
The water level symbol is an inverted triangle with between one and three lines at the point. The
Symbol style property specifies the number of lines. Click the current Symbol style selection and
select One line, Two lines, or Three lines from the list.

Line Properties
The Line Properties section of the Water Level page controls the line properties for the water level
symbol. See the Line Properties topic for more information on line properties.

Fill Properties
The Fill Properties section of the Water Level page controls the fill properties for the water level
symbol. See the Fill Properties topic for more information on fill properties.

Label Properties
The Label Properties section of the Water Level page controls the water level symbol labels.

Show Water Level Name

Check the Show water level name check box to display labels next to the water level symbols. The
labels are specified by the Water level name column. Uncheck the Show water level name check
box to hide the water level labels.

Water Level Name Column

The water level table can include a name column which is used to connect water levels across logs
and display labels for the water level symbols. Select the column containing the water level names

Chapter 10 - Lithology Logs

by clicking the Water level name column field and selecting a column from the list. The water level
labels will be populated by the names in the Water level name column.

Connect water levels by name by checking the Connect water level(s) by names check box in the
cross section properties. When the Water level name column does not contain data, Strater
connects the water levels automatically. The Water level name column is also used to connect
specific water levels between the logs. For example, if borehole 1 contains two water level names A
and B and borehole 2 contains three water level names A, B, and C, the two A water level symbols
and two B water level symbols will be connected by a line. When the Water level name column
contains unique names for the water levels, no water level symbols will be connected as this
indicates these are separate water levels.

Offset Method
The Offset method property controls the label offset direction from the water table symbol. Click the
current selection and select Center, Left, Top, Right, Bottom, or User defined from the list to
change the label offset. Selecting User defined enables the X offset and Y offset properties.

X Offset
The X offset property moves the label to the left or right when the Offset method is set to User
defined. Type a value in page units or click the buttons to change the X offset value.

Y Offset
The Y offset property moves the label up or down when the Offset method is set to User defined.
Type a value in page units or click the buttons to change the Y offset value.

Label Angle
The Label angle property rotates the water level symbol labels. Type a value in degrees in the Label
angle field or click and drag the slider to rotate the labels. Positive angle values rotate the labels

Nudge End Values

The Nudge End Values option moves the starting and ending labels away from the edges of the log
pane so that they are completely visible. This 'nudging' occurs only if the label is near the edge of
the log pane, otherwise the location of the label does not change. Check the box next to Nudge End
Values to move the labels. Uncheck the box to keep the labels in the depth location specified.

Label Format
The Label Format section includes label formatting properties. See the Format Properties topic for
more information on label format properties.

Font Properties
The Font Properties section includes label font formatting properties. See the Font Properties topic
for more information on font format properties.

Chapter 11 - Complex Text Logs
Complex Text Logs
Click the Log | Create Log | Complex Text command to create a complex text log. Complex text
logs are generally used for rock descriptions, alteration descriptions, and any general text that
represents interval data. The text is usually more complex than one or two words; it is often a
sentence or series of sentences. The long sentences are wrapped to fit within the bounds specified
for the log item, and there are special separator styles for long descriptions. Each text block can be
individually edited. The text properties as well as the text block contents can be edited. Edited
blocks can also be set back to the default values.

Complex text is not limited by length,

so text entries can be of sufficient length
to provide a necessary description.

Data Requirements
Complex text logs are created from interval or depth data tables.

In the interval data table, there are four required columns. The required columns are Hole ID,
From, and To and the data column being displayed. Text from the data column is displayed in the
From-To interval on the log.

In the depth data table, there are three required columns: Hole ID, Depth, and the data column
being displayed. Text from the data column is displayed at the Depth value. If the text spans
several lines, the text is vertically centered at the depth value. If the text spans several lines and is
too long to display before the next depth value, the next text block will be moved down. When
using a depth data table, it is recommended that separator and bracket line styles be set to

Chapter 11 - Complex Text Logs

The Hole ID, Depth, and one column of

The Hole ID, From, To, and one column of text are
text are required for a complex text
required for a complex text log.
log created from a depth table.

Creating a Complex Text Log

To create a complex text log:
1. Click the Log | Create Log | Complex Text command.
2. Click inside the log pane where you want the complex text log to appear.
3. In the Open dialog, click on the data file. If the data was already opened, click on the table
name in the Use Current Table section. Click Open.
4. Set the data importing options in the Specify Worksheet Column Definitions dialog, if
necessary, and click Next.
5. Finish the importing of data in the Specify Data Type and Column Positions dialog and
click Finish.
6. The log appears in the borehole window.
If you are in active mode a complex text log is created using the default properties. If you are in
design mode, a complex text log graphic is displayed as a place holder after step 2.

Editing Complex Text Log Properties

To change the features of a complex text log, including the data column used to create the log, click
on the complex text log in the Object Manager or view window. The properties are listed in the
Property Manager.

The following tabs are listed in the Property Manager:

• Log
• Label
• Line
• Fill
• Water Level

Complex Text Log Properties

The Log page in the Property Manager includes options for defining the text data table and
column, separator style and margin width for complex text logs. To view and edit complex text log
properties, click on the complex text log in the view window or Object Manager to select the log.
Then, click on the Log tab in the Property Manager.

Strater 5 User’s Guide

Edit complex text log properties on the

Complex Text Log tab in the Property Manager.

Hole ID Filter
The Hole ID Filter is used to select the borehole to associate with this log. Only those Hole IDs that
are currently associated with data tables in this project are listed. To change the Hole ID Filter, click
on the existing Hole ID and select the desired Hole ID from the list. The log automatically updates
to show the new borehole.

When the Logs object is selected in a cross section view, the Hole ID Filter is not available. To set a
specific log to a particular Hole ID, click on that individual log and set the Hole ID Filter to the
appropriate log.

Use the Table to define the data table for the complex text log. The table type must be an interval
or depth data table type. To change the table, click on the existing table name and select the
desired table from the list.

Data Column
The Data column is the column in the selected Table that is being displayed by the complex text
log. When the Table is changed to another table, the Data column list is automatically updated to
display the column names in the newly selected table. To change the column, click on the existing
column name next to Data column and select the desired column from the list.

Chapter 11 - Complex Text Logs

Hole Inclination, Hole Dip, and Azimuth Columns

The Hole inclination column (or Hole dip column) is used in combination with the Hole azimuth
column to calculate the true vertical depth for the hole. Either Hole inclination column or Hole dip
column is displayed. To control whether inclination or dip is used, click the File | Options
command. In the Options dialog, check or uncheck the Use Hole dip instead of inclination option.

Inclination is the angle the borehole is oriented in degrees and varies from 0 to 180. 0 indicates
vertical pointing down, 90 indicates horizontal, and 180 indicates vertical pointing up. Negative and
positive inclination values are treated the same for depth calculations. Negative inclination values
are treated differently for well path calculations in the cross section and map views. A negative
inclination changes the direction (azimuth) to the opposite of the similar positive inclination. For
example, the azimuth value of 90 and inclination of 45 describes the same orientation as the
azimuth value of 270 and inclination of -45 degrees. Both combinations describe an eastward
direction at 45 degrees down from the horizontal plane.

Dip is an alternate method of calculating the angle the borehole is oriented. Dip is oriented in
degrees and varies from -90 to 90. -90 indicates vertical pointing down, 0 indicates horizontal, and
+90 indicates vertical pointing up.

Azimuth is the compass orientation of the well's deviation, in degrees and varies from 0 (true
vertical north) to 360. Azimuth values are measured relative to true north (not grid north in the
local coordinate system).

To set the Hole inclination column or Hole dip column, click on the existing option and select the
desired option from the list. Available options are [Unspecified], [From collars table:collars name],
[From survey table: survey name], or data columns in the selected Lithology table. When one
column is set to unspecified or survey table, the other column automatically changes to the same
option. When recorded in a collars table, the inclination/dip and azimuth apply to the entire well
length. When recorded in a survey table, the inclination/dip and azimuth apply from the depth to
the next recorded depth. When set to one of the columns in the existing table, each log is updated
independently from each other log using the information in the specific depth or interval tables. If
the Hole inclination column for the log is set to [Unspecified], an inclination value of 0 is used for
the calculations. No difference will be visible for the log when changing the Depth method to True
vertical depth.

Block Item
Use the Block item option to open a list of all text objects in the complex text log. The text of a
block is displayed as it appears in the borehole view. The list contains data intervals on the left and
the beginning of the text block to the right. Select a block of text to edit in the list and click the Edit
button in the Block item field. The Edit Block Item dialog opens. In the dialog, make any edits to
the text and click OK.

Making any changes to the text in this field does not change the text in the actual data table and
only modifies the text for use in this log. If you want to make permanent text changes to the data
table they must be made inside the data table itself. It is more common to use the Block item
option to change the style and format (color, font, size, etc.) of text.

Once the text or text properties have been changed with the Block item, the font properties set on
the Label page do not apply to the edited block. The text properties for this text block must be
edited in the Edit Block Item dialog by clicking Edit in the Block item field.

Strater 5 User’s Guide

Reset Edited Blocks

Click the Reset button next to Reset edited blocks to reset all edited blocks back to the text from
the data table. This resets all edited blocks.

Merge Intervals
The Merge intervals option merges consecutive intervals that contain the same text. Check the box
next to the Merge intervals option to merge consecutive intervals that are the same. Uncheck the
box next to the Merge intervals option to keep all intervals separate.

Show Separator And Brackets

Check the box next to the Show separator and brackets option to show separator lines. Uncheck the
box to hide separator lines. To change the behavior, click on the existing option and select the
desired option from the list. Set the separator and bracket line properties on the Line page.

Bracket Style
The Bracket style list determines how brackets are drawn between intervals along the sides of the
log. Available options are Offset ticks, arrows, and brackets. To change the bracket style, click on
the existing option and select the desired option from the list. Set the bracket line properties on the
Line page.

Bracket Margin Width

The Bracket margin width adjusts the width of the bracket style. This is the spacing between the
edge of the log item and the bounding rectangle of each text block. The margin can be between 0
and 0.5 inches (1.27 centimeters) wide. The margins are set on the left and right edges of the log.
To change the width, highlight the existing value and type a new value. Press ENTER on the
keyboard to make the change. Alternatively, click the to increase or decrease the width.

Bracket Side
The Bracket side option determines where brackets are located relative to the intervals. Available
options are Left, Right, or Both sides of the log. To change the bracket side, click on the existing
option and select the desired option from the list.

Editing Complex Text Log Items

The individual text blocks in a complex text log can be modified in several ways:
• Modify the text block contents in the data table itself. The complex text log contents
automatically update if Auto update table changes is checked on the General page of the
File | Options dialog. If this option is not checked, use Home | Display | Update
Borehole Data to show the data change in the view window. Note that any previous
formatting changes are lost when making changes in the data table.
• Modify the text block font or add symbols (including math symbols) in the data table using
Math Text commands. When math text is applied it changes the appearance of the data
table text in every log where the text is visible.
• Select the appropriate text entry using the Block item option in the Property Manager. The
list contains the data intervals on the left and the beginning of the text block to the right.
When a text block is selected, make text content and format changes in the Edit Block Item
dialog. NOTE: If the text content is changed in the Text Editor, these changes are not
written to Strater's data tables.

Chapter 11 - Complex Text Logs

Complex Text Log – Label Properties

Label properties change the appearance of labels on complex text logs. Click on the Label tab in
the Property Manager to edit label properties.

Set label properties on the Label

tab in the Property Manager.

Label Angle
The Label angle option sets the displayed labels at an angle. The numbers are in degrees offset
from horizontal moving in a counter-clockwise direction. For example, an angle of 90 displays the
numbers vertically, and an angle of 180 displays the numbers upside-down. To change the angle,
highlight the existing option and type the desired angle. Press ENTER on the keyboard to make the
change. Alternatively, click and drag the slider to increase or decrease the value. Angle values must
be between zero and 360 degrees.

Nudge End Values

The Nudge end values option moves the starting and ending labels away from the edges of the log
pane so that they are completely visible. This 'nudging' occurs only if the label is near the edge of
the log pane, otherwise the location of the label does not change. Check the box next to Nudge end
values to move the labels. Uncheck the box to keep the labels in the depth location specified.

When the Nudge end values option is checked, text is repeated on multiple pages when the page
break splits the text block.

Click the next to Label Format to set the numeric format options for the labels.

Click the next to Font Properties to set the font properties for the labels.

Complex Text Log - Line Properties

Use Line properties to change the separator, bracket, and border line properties for a complex text
log. The separator and bracket lines are displayed by checking the box next to the Show separator

Strater 5 User’s Guide

and brackets option on the Log tab. When using a depth data table, it is recommended that
separator and bracket line styles be set to Invisible.

Set the separator line properties for a complex text

log on the Separator tab in the Property Manager.

Line Properties Scope

The Line properties scope property changes the separator line properties for All text blocks or only
from the specified text block. For all separator line properties to be the same, set the Line
properties scope to All and then change the line properties. The properties are applied to all
separator lines. To have a different line style for one text block, click on the current option and
select that text block from the list before changing the line properties. The properties are applied
only to the separator below the selected text block.

Display Border Line

Check the Display border Line check box to display a border line around the log. This section allows
you to set the line properties for the box that goes around the log. If the box next to Display border
line is checked, a rectangle surrounds the log. If the box next to Display border line is unchecked,
no line is drawn. To change the display of the border, check or uncheck the box.

Separator, Bracket, and Border Line Properties

Click the button next to Line Properties to expand the line properties for the Separator, Bracket,
or Border sections of the Line page. Use the Line Properties section to edit the line properties of the
separator lines, bracket lines, or border line.

Water Level Properties

Symbols indicating water level can be added to all logs types except depth logs. Water level
symbols can be displayed in the borehole view and the cross section view. The lower point of the
triangle, i.e. the bottom vertex, is aligned with the depth in the water level table. This is different
than symbols in a post log, where the symbol center is aligned with the depth specified in the depth
table. Additionally the water level can be displayed between logs on a cross section in the cross
section properties. Add the symbols and edit their properties on the Water Level page in the
Property Manager.

Chapter 11 - Complex Text Logs

Edit water level data, symbol, and label properties

on the Water Level page.

General Properties
The General section of the Water Level page contains properties for the water label table and
symbol properties.

Display Water Level Symbol

Check the Display water level symbol check box to display water level symbols on the log. A depth
table containing water level information must be selected in the Water level table field for the water
level symbols to be displayed.

Strater 5 User’s Guide

Water Level Table

The water level table is a depth table containing at a minimum hole IDs and depths. An additional
parameter column can be included to specify the water level names and water level connections
between the logs. If the water level table is already loaded, click the Water level table field and
select the table from the list. Click the button to load the Water level table with the Open

Symbol Size
The Symbol size property controls the size of the water level symbol. Type a value in page units in
the Symbol size field or click the button to change the Symbol size value.

Symbol Alignment
The Symbol alignment property aligns the symbol on the left, center, or right of the log. Click the
current selection in the Symbol alignment and select Left, Center, or Right from the list.

Symbol Style
The water level symbol is an inverted triangle with between one and three lines at the point. The
Symbol style property specifies the number of lines. Click the current Symbol style selection and
select One line, Two lines, or Three lines from the list.

Line Properties
The Line Properties section of the Water Level page controls the line properties for the water level
symbol. See the Line Properties topic for more information on line properties.

Fill Properties
The Fill Properties section of the Water Level page controls the fill properties for the water level
symbol. See the Fill Properties topic for more information on fill properties.

Label Properties
The Label Properties section of the Water Level page controls the water level symbol labels.

Show Water Level Name

Check the Show water level name check box to display labels next to the water level symbols. The
labels are specified by the Water level name column. Uncheck the Show water level name check
box to hide the water level labels.

Water Level Name Column

The water level table can include a name column which is used to connect water levels across logs
and display labels for the water level symbols. Select the column containing the water level names
by clicking the Water level name column field and selecting a column from the list. The water level
labels will be populated by the names in the Water level name column.

Connect water levels by name by checking the Connect water level(s) by names check box in the
cross section properties. When the Water level name column does not contain data, Strater
connects the water levels automatically. The Water level name column is also used to connect
specific water levels between the logs. For example, if borehole 1 contains two water level names A
and B and borehole 2 contains three water level names A, B, and C, the two A water level symbols
and two B water level symbols will be connected by a line. When the Water level name column

Chapter 11 - Complex Text Logs

contains unique names for the water levels, no water level symbols will be connected as this
indicates these are separate water levels.

Offset Method
The Offset method property controls the label offset direction from the water table symbol. Click the
current selection and select Center, Left, Top, Right, Bottom, or User defined from the list to
change the label offset. Selecting User defined enables the X offset and Y offset properties.

X Offset
The X offset property moves the label to the left or right when the Offset method is set to User
defined. Type a value in page units or click the buttons to change the X offset value.

Y Offset
The Y offset property moves the label up or down when the Offset method is set to User defined.
Type a value in page units or click the buttons to change the Y offset value.

Label Angle
The Label angle property rotates the water level symbol labels. Type a value in degrees in the Label
angle field or click and drag the slider to rotate the labels. Positive angle values rotate the labels

Nudge End Values

The Nudge End Values option moves the starting and ending labels away from the edges of the log
pane so that they are completely visible. This 'nudging' occurs only if the label is near the edge of
the log pane, otherwise the location of the label does not change. Check the box next to Nudge End
Values to move the labels. Uncheck the box to keep the labels in the depth location specified.

Label Format
The Label Format section includes label formatting properties. See the Format Properties topic for
more information on label format properties.

Font Properties
The Font Properties section includes label font formatting properties. See the Font Properties topic
for more information on font format properties.

Chapter 12 - Zone Bar Logs
Zone Bar Logs
Click the Log | Create Log | Zone Bar command to create a log that is filled rectangles along the
length of the borehole. Zone bars can display a wide variety of logging data. For example, zone
bars can represent sample intervals, alteration zones, contamination layers, etc. They also provide
a mechanism to display simple keyword text objects either with or without background fill.

Zone bar logs can In this example,

display both text two zone bar logs
and colors to are combined with a
represent separate lithology and depth
zones. log.

Data Requirements
Zone bar logs use interval data tables. In the data table, there are four required columns. The
required columns are Hole ID, From, To, and the data column being displayed. The data column
should contain text for each depth interval row. The text can be mapped to a keyword scheme.
Bars are plotted the full width of the zone bar log and extend vertically over the interval: From the
top depth and To the bottom depth.

The Hole ID, From, To, and one column of data

are required for a zone bar log.

Creating a Zone Bar Log

To create a zone bar log:

Chapter 12 - Zone Bar Logs

1. Click the Log | Create Log | Zone Bar command.

2. Click inside the log pane where you want the zone bar log to appear.
3. In the Open dialog, click on the data file. If the data was already imported, click on the table
name in the Use Current Table section. Click Open.
4. Set the data importing options in the Specify Worksheet Column Definitions dialog, if
necessary, and click Next.
5. Finish the importing of data in the Specify Data Type and Column Positions dialog and
click Finish.
6. The log appears in the borehole window.
If you are in active mode a zone bar log is created using the default properties. If you are in design
mode, a zone bar log graphic is displayed as a place holder after step 2.

Editing Zone Bar Log Properties

To change the features of a zone bar log, including the data column used to create the log, click on
the zone bar log in the Object Manager or view window. The properties are listed in the Property

The following tabs are listed in the Property Manager:

• Log
• Label
• Line
• Fill
• Water Level

Zone Bar Log Properties

The Log page in the Property Manager includes options for defining data, keyword schemes, and
keyword text for zone bar logs. To view and edit zone bar log properties, click on the zone bar log
in the view window or Object Manager to select the log. Then, click on the Log tab in the
Property Manager.

Edit line/symbol log properties on the

Log tab in the Property Manager.

Strater 5 User’s Guide

Hole ID Filter
The Hole ID Filter is used to select the borehole to associate with this log. Only those Hole IDs that
are currently associated with data tables in this project are listed. To change the Hole ID Filter, click
on the existing Hole ID and select the desired Hole ID from the list. The log automatically updates
to show the new borehole.

When the Logs object is selected in a cross section view, the Hole ID Filter is not available. To set a
specific log to a particular Hole ID, click on that individual log and set the Hole ID Filter to the
appropriate log.

Use the Table to define the data table for the zone bar log. The table type must be an interval
table. Bars extend from the From value at the top and to the To value at the bottom. To change the
table, click on the existing table name and select the desired table from the list.

Data Column
The Data column is the column in the selected Table that is being displayed by the zone bar log.
When the Table is changed to another table, the Data column list is automatically updated to
display the column names in the newly selected table. To change the column, click on the existing
column name next to Data column and select the desired column from the list.

The data column is used for keyword matching. If you do not want to use a keyword scheme and
simply want to plot intervals of data, you can select any data column, uncheck the box next to the
Use keyword scheme option, and use the settings on the Line and Fill tabs to specify the line and
fill properties for the entire log.

Hole Inclination, Hole Dip, and Azimuth Columns

The Hole inclination column (or Hole dip column) is used in combination with the Hole azimuth
column to calculate the true vertical depth for the hole. Either Hole inclination column or Hole dip
column is displayed. To control whether inclination or dip is used, click the File | Options
command. In the Options dialog, check or uncheck the Use Hole dip instead of inclination option.

Inclination is the angle the borehole is oriented in degrees and varies from 0 to 180. 0 indicates
vertical pointing down, 90 indicates horizontal, and 180 indicates vertical pointing up. Negative and
positive inclination values are treated the same for depth calculations. Negative inclination values
are treated differently for well path calculations in the cross section and map views. A negative
inclination changes the direction (azimuth) to the opposite of the similar positive inclination. For
example, the azimuth value of 90 and inclination of 45 describes the same orientation as the
azimuth value of 270 and inclination of -45 degrees. Both combinations describe an eastward
direction at 45 degrees down from the horizontal plane.

Dip is an alternate method of calculating the angle the borehole is oriented. Dip is oriented in
degrees and varies from -90 to 90. -90 indicates vertical pointing down, 0 indicates horizontal, and
+90 indicates vertical pointing up.

Azimuth is the compass orientation of the well's deviation, in degrees and varies from 0 (true
vertical north) to 360. Azimuth values are measured relative to true north (not grid north in the
local coordinate system).

To set the Hole inclination column or Hole dip column, click on the existing option and select the
desired option from the list. Available options are [Unspecified], [From collars table:collars name],

Chapter 12 - Zone Bar Logs

[From survey table: survey name], or data columns in the selected Lithology table. When one
column is set to unspecified or survey table, the other column automatically changes to the same
option. When recorded in a collars table, the inclination/dip and azimuth apply to the entire well
length. When recorded in a survey table, the inclination/dip and azimuth apply from the depth to
the next recorded depth. When set to one of the columns in the existing table, each log is updated
independently from each other log using the information in the specific depth or interval tables. If
the Hole inclination column for the log is set to [Unspecified], an inclination value of 0 is used for
the calculations. No difference will be visible for the log when changing the Depth method to True
vertical depth.

Use Keyword Scheme

The Use keyword scheme option sets whether the line and fill properties should be based on a
keyword scheme or all intervals should use the same properties. To use a keyword scheme, check
the box next to the Use keyword scheme option. To use the same properties for all intervals on the
zone bar log, uncheck the box next to the Use keyword scheme option. The keyword scheme should
match the text that appears in the Data column.

If the Use keyword scheme option is checked, the options on the Line and Fill tabs and Font
section on the Label tab are not available because a scheme is in use. Uncheck the Use keyword
scheme option to turn off the display of the scheme properties and set the line, fill, and font
properties on the Line and Fill tabs.

Keyword Scheme
The Keyword scheme is the scheme that determines the fill and line properties when the box next
to the Use keyword scheme option is checked. The selected scheme should match the text that
appears in the Data column. To change the scheme, click on the existing scheme name and select
the desired scheme from the list. Click the next to the scheme name to open the Scheme
Editor, where the scheme can be created or edited.

Merge Intervals
The Merge intervals option merges consecutive intervals that contain the same data. Check the box
next to the Merge intervals option to merge consecutive intervals that are the same. Uncheck the
box next to the Merge intervals option to keep all intervals separate.

Zone Bar Log - Label Properties

Label properties change the appearance of labels on zone bar and bar logs. Click on the Label tab
in the Property Manager to edit label properties for zone bar or bar logs.

Strater 5 User’s Guide

Set label properties on the Label

tab in the Property Manager.

Show Label
The Show label option determines whether labels are displayed on the log. Available options are No
label, Show label with fill, and Show label without fill.
• No label turns off display of labels for the log.
• Show label with fill turns on the display of labels on the log. The fill property, as set in the
scheme or on the Fill tab, continues to display.
• Show label without fill turns on the display of the labels on the log, but disables the fill
To change the label display setting, click on the existing option and select the desired option from
the list.

Label Column
The Label column option sets the column to use for the labels. All of the columns in the currently
selected Table are listed in the Label column. When the Table is changed on the Log tab to another
table, the Label column list is automatically updated to display the column names in the newly
selected table. To change the column, click on the existing column name next to Label column and
select the desired column from the list.

If the value in the column specified by the Label column is text, the label will appear exactly as it
does in the table. If the value in the column is a number, the Label Format properties control how
the number is displayed in the label.

Fit Label To Block

The Fit label to block option determines the size of the label for each interval in the log. Check the
box to automatically fit the label inside the interval box. The label size will become smaller if the
label is long so that the entire label fits in the width of the log. Uncheck the box for all labels to be
the same size, regardless of whether the label will fit in the width of the log. When this option is
unchecked, the size is reported in the Font Properties section. When this option is checked, the
maximum size for the font is reported in the Font Properties section.

Chapter 12 - Zone Bar Logs

Label Angle
The Label angle option sets the displayed labels at an angle. The numbers are in degrees offset
from horizontal moving in a counter-clockwise direction. For example, an angle of 90 displays the
numbers vertically, and an angle of 180 displays the numbers upside-down. To change the angle,
highlight the existing option and type the desired angle. Press ENTER on the keyboard to make the
change. Alternatively, click and drag the slider to increase or decrease the value. Angle values must
be between zero and 360 degrees.

Click the next to Label Format to set the label format properties.

Click the next to Font Properties to set the font properties for the labels.

If the options in the Font Properties section are not available, a scheme is likely being used.
Uncheck the Use keyword scheme option on the Log tab to turn off the display of the scheme
properties and set the font properties in the Font Properties section.

Zone Bar Log - Line Properties

Use line properties to change line properties for selected lines in the view. To edit the line
properties, click on the object in the Object Manager or plot window to select it. The properties
are listed in the Property Manager. Default line properties are set in the File | Options dialog on
the Line page.

If the options on the Line tab are not available, a scheme is likely being used. Uncheck the
appropriate Use Keyword Scheme, Use Range Scheme, or Use Indent Keyword Scheme option to
turn off the display of the scheme properties and set the line properties on the Line tab.

The Line Properties section controls the

line properties for the selected object.

Strater 5 User’s Guide

Use Log Line Color

When editing the line properties of a scale bar for a line/symbol log, crossplot log, or function log,
the Use log line color property is available. When the Use log line color check box is checked, the
scale bar line color and opacity is linked to the log line color. The Color and Opacity properties on
the Line page are disabled when Use log line color is checked.

Click the line next Style to open the line style palette. Click on a style to use it for the selected line.
The line style sample updates to show the new selection. Click on the Custom button at the bottom
of the line style palette to specify a custom line style.

Click the color next to Color to open the color palette. Click on a color to use it for the selected line.
The color box and the sample line update to show the new selection. Click on the Custom button at
the bottom of the color palette to choose a custom color.

The Opacity changes the opacity (transparency) of the line. Values range between 0% (completely
transparent) to 100% (completely opaque). To change the opacity, highlight the existing value and
type a new value or click the to increase or decrease the opacity level.

Change the line Width by highlighting the existing value and typing a new number or by clicking the
to increase or decrease the line width. The line width can be zero to 0.5 inches (1.27 cm) wide.
A width of zero is one pixel wide.

End Styles
The End Styles section controls the arrow styles for the ends of the line. Click the button to
expand the End Styles section.

For polylines the Start style option is available. The Start adds an arrow to the starting point of the
polyline. To set the arrow style, click on the existing option and select the desired option. Available
options are None (no arrow drawn), Simple head, Filled head, Triangle head, and 2-Stick head.

End Style
For polylines the End style option is available. The End adds an arrow to the ending point of the
polyline. To set the arrow style, click on the existing option and select the desired option. Available
options are None (no arrow drawn), Simple head, Filled head, Triangle head, and 2-Stick head.

For polylines the Scale option is available. The Scale controls the relative size of the selected start
and end arrow styles. Values are between 0.001 and 100. To change the scale, highlight the
existing value and type a new value or click the to increase or decrease the arrow scale.

Chapter 12 - Zone Bar Logs

Zone Bar Log - Fill Properties

Fill properties can be changed for selected objects. To edit the fill properties, click on the object in
the Object Manager or plot window. The properties are listed in the Property Manager. Default
fill properties are set in the File | Options dialog by clicking on the Fill page.

If the options on the Fill tab are not available, a scheme is likely being used. Uncheck the
appropriate Use Keyword Scheme, Use Range Scheme, or Use Indent Keyword Scheme option to
turn off the display of the scheme properties and set the fill properties on the Fill tab.

Schemes and Fill Properties

Note that if a scheme is used in a log item, the fill properties will be unavailable on the Fill tab. You
must change the fill properties for the scheme in the Scheme Editor or turn off the display of the

Fill Properties Page

The object's fill is composed of layers of various fill types. All of the predefined fills have only one
layer. Custom fills created with the Fill Style Editor may have multiple layers of any type. Each
layer in the fill style has its own section in the Property Manager. The layers are listed in
descending order, i.e. the topmost layer is listed first, Layer 1 (<type>), followed by additional
layers. The following properties are displayed on the Fill page of the Property Manager.

Only the layer properties displayed in the Property Manager are included in this topic. To see
information about properties that are included in the Fill Style Editor, see the Fill Style Editor
topic. The image layer Load from property and the vector layer drawing area are only available in
the Fill Style Editor.

Log Fill Background

For many of the log objects, the Fill page includes a Fill background check box. If the box next to
Fill background is checked, the background area is filled. If the box next to Fill background is
unchecked, the background is not filled. To change the Fill background, check or uncheck the box.
The Fill Properties section below the Fill background property controls the background fill.
Legend Fill Background
When a legend is selected, the Fill page contains the fill options for the legend background. The
Frame style on the Line page must be set to Rectangle or Rounded Rectangle for the legend to
display a background fill. When the Frame style is set to None, the background fill is not displayed
regardless of the Fill page settings. If you wish to display a background fill but not a frame line,
then set the Frame style to Rectangle or Rounded Rectangle. Next set Style in the Line Properties
section to Invisible. Finally set the desired background properties on the Fill page.

Strater 5 User’s Guide

The Fill page in the Property Manager controls the

fill properties for the selected object.

Fill Style
The Style indicates the way that an object is filled. To change the Style, click on the existing fill
style next to Style. In the list, select a new style from the fill palette. Create custom fill styles with
the Fill Style Editor. Click the next to the Style field to open the Fill Style Editor to modify or
create a fill style.

Each layer in the selected fill style is displayed in its own section. The layers are listed in order from
top to bottom. The layer name is Layer n (type), where n is the layer position and type is the layer
type. A layer preview is displayed to the right of the layer name. The six layer types are Solid,
Stock, Image, Gradient, Vector, and Line. Click the button to expand the layer properties.

Solid Layer Properties

The properties for a solid layer are Color and Opacity.

Expand a Solid layer to edit the layer's properties.

Chapter 12 - Zone Bar Logs

The Color is the color of the solid fill. Click the existing color sample next to Color to open the color
palette. Click on a color in the palette to use it for the layer's fill color. Click the button to open
the Colors dialog and create custom colors, use the dropper to select a color, or select the color
from a color wheel.

The Opacity controls the transparency of the solid fill style. To change the Opacity, highlight the
existing value and type a new value. Press ENTER on the keyboard to make the change.
Alternatively, click and drag the slider to increase or decrease the opacity value. Opacity
values are between 0% (zero opacity, full transparency) to 100% (full opacity, zero transparency).

Stock Layer Properties

The properties for a stock layer are Pattern, Foreground color, Foreground opacity, Background
color, and Background opacity.

Expand a Stock layer to edit the layer's properties.

The Pattern indicates the way the stock layer is filled. To change the Pattern, click on the existing
pattern sample next to Pattern. Select a new style from the pattern palette.

Foreground Color
The Foreground color is the color of the pattern. Click the existing color sample next to Foreground
color to open the color palette. Click on a color in the palette to use it for the selected foreground
fill color. Click the button to open the Colors dialog and create custom colors, use the dropper
to select a color, or select the color from a color wheel.

Foreground Opacity
The Foreground opacity controls the transparency of the foreground portion of the pattern. To
change the Foreground opacity, highlight the existing value and type a new value. Press ENTER on

Strater 5 User’s Guide

the keyboard to make the change. Alternatively, click and drag the slider to increase or
decrease the opacity value. Opacity values are between 0% (zero opacity, full transparency) to
100% (full opacity, zero transparency).

Background Color
The Background color is the color behind the pattern. Click the existing color sample next to
Background color to open the color palette. Click on a color in the palette to use it for the
background fill color. Click the button to open the Colors dialog and create custom colors.

Background Opacity
The Background opacity controls the transparency of the background portion of the pattern. To
change the Background opacity, highlight the existing value and type a new value. Press ENTER on
the keyboard to make the change. Alternatively, click and drag the slider to increase or
decrease the opacity value. Opacity values are between 0% (zero opacity, full transparency) to
100% (full opacity, zero transparency).

If the stock layer is above other layers in the fill style, the Background opacity must be less than
100% to see the layers below. To make a fill pattern appear transparent with only the foreground
portion of the fill pattern showing, change the Background Opacity value to 0%.

Image Layer Properties

The properties for an image layer are Pattern, Opacity, Stretch, Image Offset (X and Y), and Image
Scale (X, Y, and Proportional).

Expand an Image layer to edit the layer's properties.

Chapter 12 - Zone Bar Logs

The Pattern property is used to add image layers from predefined or custom image fill styles. To
change the image layer, click the current option for an image layer Pattern and select a predefined
image layer or a custom image layer from the image palette. Only image fills with a single layer are
included in the image palette.

The Opacity controls the transparency of the image fill style. To change the Opacity, highlight the
existing value and type a new value. Press ENTER on the keyboard to make the change.
Alternatively, click and drag the slider to increase or decrease the opacity value. Opacity
values are between 0% (zero opacity, full transparency) to 100% (full opacity, zero transparency).

The Stretch is used with image patterns. The Stretch determines how the image is used to fill the
desired area. When the Stretch check box is checked, the image is stretched to fit the fill area.
When the Stretch check box is not checked the image is tiled in the fill area.

The image fill on the left has the Stretch box checked. The image on
the right has the Stretch box unchecked.

Image Offset
Offset the image in the fill layer by typing a value in pixels in the X or Y fields in the Image Offset
section. You can also change the X and Y image offset values by clicking the buttons.

Image Scale
The Image Scale properties control the density of the image fill. Change the image scale by typing
a value in the X or Y fields in the Image Scale section. The Image Scale properties are ignored
when the Stretch property is checked. You can also change the X and Y image scale values by
clicking the buttons.

When the Proportional check box is checked, the X and Y values automatically update to maintain
the current aspect ratio. Uncheck the Proportional check box to apply different scaling in the X and
Y directions.

Note that the Proportional property does not lock the X and Y values to any specific aspect ratio but
to whichever ratio is in use when the box is checked. For example, assume you want the X:Y ratio
to be 2:1, but you do not know which Image Scale values are desired. You can uncheck the
Proportional check box. Next set the X value to 2 and the Y value to 1. Check the Proportional

Strater 5 User’s Guide

check box. Now when you adjust one of the X or Y values, the other value updates automatically to
maintain the 2:1 ratio.

Gradient Layer Properties

The properties for a gradient layer are Type, Direction, and Colormap.

Expand a Gradient layer to edit the layer's properties.

The Type controls how a gradient fill pattern is used to fill the selected area. To change the Type,
click on the current type and select the new type in the list. Select Linear or Radial for the Type.
When the Type is set to Linear, a linear color gradient fills the area. The colors change in a linear
manner from the top to the bottom or from the left to the right of the area. When the Type is set to
Radial, a radial color gradient fills the area. The colors change in concentric circles, either
expanding from the interior and going out or from the exterior and going in.

The Radial type is shown on the left and

the Linear type is shown on the right.

The Direction option sets the direction the gradient fills. When the Type is set to Linear, choose
either Vertical or Horizontal for the Direction. The Vertical option sets the gradient to change along
the Y axis. The Horizontal option sets the gradient to change along the X axis. When Radial is
selected as the Type, the Direction options are Inward and Outward. This reverses the color

Chapter 12 - Zone Bar Logs


The Colormap option sets the colors to use in the gradient pattern. Click the button to select or
create a color gradient in the Colormap dialog.

Vector Layer Properties

The properties for a vector layer are Color and Opacity.

Expand a Vector layer to edit the layer's properties.

The Color is the color of the lines in the vector fill. Click the existing color sample next to Color to
open the color palette. Click on a color in the palette to use it for the layer's line color. Click the
button to open the Colors dialog and create custom colors, use the dropper to select a color, or
select the color from a color wheel.

The Opacity controls the transparency of the lines in the vector fill. To change the Opacity, highlight
the existing value and type a new value. Press ENTER on the keyboard to make the change.
Alternatively, click and drag the slider to increase or decrease the opacity value. Opacity
values are between 0% (zero opacity, full transparency) to 100% (full opacity, zero transparency).

Line Layer Properties

The properties for a Line layer are Color, Opacity, Angle, Offset, Separation, and Width.

Strater 5 User’s Guide

Expand a Line layer to edit the layer's properties.

The Color is the color of the lines in the line fill layer. Click the existing color sample next to Color
to open the color palette. Click on a color in the palette to use it for the layer's line color. Click the
button to open the Colors dialog and create custom colors, use the dropper to select a color, or
select the color from a color wheel.

The Opacity controls the transparency of the lines in the line fill layer. To change the Opacity,
highlight the existing value and type a new value. Press ENTER on the keyboard to make the
change. Alternatively, click and drag the slider to increase or decrease the opacity value.
Opacity values are between 0% (zero opacity, full transparency) to 100% (full opacity, zero

Change the angle of the lines by typing a value in degrees in the Angle field or clicking and
dragging the slider . Positive values rotate the lines clockwise.

Change the vertical offset between the lines and the pattern's origin by typing a value between -
0.25 and 0.25 inches in the Offset field. You can also change the Offset value by clicking the

Chapter 12 - Zone Bar Logs

Change the separation between the lines by typing a value between 0 and 0.25 inches in the
Separation field. You can also change the Separation value by clicking the buttons.

Change the line Width by highlighting the existing value and typing a new number or by clicking the
to increase or decrease the line width. The line width can be zero to 0.5 inches (1.27 cm) wide.
A width of zero is one pixel wide.

Water Level Properties

Symbols indicating water level can be added to all logs types except depth logs. Water level
symbols can be displayed in the borehole view and the cross section view. The lower point of the
triangle, i.e. the bottom vertex, is aligned with the depth in the water level table. This is different
than symbols in a post log, where the symbol center is aligned with the depth specified in the depth
table. Additionally the water level can be displayed between logs on a cross section in the cross
section properties. Add the symbols and edit their properties on the Water Level page in the
Property Manager.

Edit water level data, symbol, and label properties

on the Water Level page.

Strater 5 User’s Guide

General Properties
The General section of the Water Level page contains properties for the water label table and
symbol properties.

Display Water Level Symbol

Check the Display water level symbol check box to display water level symbols on the log. A depth
table containing water level information must be selected in the Water level table field for the water
level symbols to be displayed.

Water Level Table

The water level table is a depth table containing at a minimum hole IDs and depths. An additional
parameter column can be included to specify the water level names and water level connections
between the logs. If the water level table is already loaded, click the Water level table field and
select the table from the list. Click the button to load the Water level table with the Open

Symbol Size
The Symbol size property controls the size of the water level symbol. Type a value in page units in
the Symbol size field or click the button to change the Symbol size value.

Symbol Alignment
The Symbol alignment property aligns the symbol on the left, center, or right of the log. Click the
current selection in the Symbol alignment and select Left, Center, or Right from the list.

Symbol Style
The water level symbol is an inverted triangle with between one and three lines at the point. The
Symbol style property specifies the number of lines. Click the current Symbol style selection and
select One line, Two lines, or Three lines from the list.

Line Properties
The Line Properties section of the Water Level page controls the line properties for the water level
symbol. See the Line Properties topic for more information on line properties.

Fill Properties
The Fill Properties section of the Water Level page controls the fill properties for the water level
symbol. See the Fill Properties topic for more information on fill properties.

Label Properties
The Label Properties section of the Water Level page controls the water level symbol labels.

Show Water Level Name

Check the Show water level name check box to display labels next to the water level symbols. The
labels are specified by the Water level name column. Uncheck the Show water level name check
box to hide the water level labels.

Water Level Name Column

The water level table can include a name column which is used to connect water levels across logs
and display labels for the water level symbols. Select the column containing the water level names

Chapter 12 - Zone Bar Logs

by clicking the Water level name column field and selecting a column from the list. The water level
labels will be populated by the names in the Water level name column.

Connect water levels by name by checking the Connect water level(s) by names check box in the
cross section properties. When the Water level name column does not contain data, Strater
connects the water levels automatically. The Water level name column is also used to connect
specific water levels between the logs. For example, if borehole 1 contains two water level names A
and B and borehole 2 contains three water level names A, B, and C, the two A water level symbols
and two B water level symbols will be connected by a line. When the Water level name column
contains unique names for the water levels, no water level symbols will be connected as this
indicates these are separate water levels.

Offset Method
The Offset method property controls the label offset direction from the water table symbol. Click the
current selection and select Center, Left, Top, Right, Bottom, or User defined from the list to
change the label offset. Selecting User defined enables the X offset and Y offset properties.

X Offset
The X offset property moves the label to the left or right when the Offset method is set to User
defined. Type a value in page units or click the buttons to change the X offset value.

Y Offset
The Y offset property moves the label up or down when the Offset method is set to User defined.
Type a value in page units or click the buttons to change the Y offset value.

Label Angle
The Label angle property rotates the water level symbol labels. Type a value in degrees in the Label
angle field or click and drag the slider to rotate the labels. Positive angle values rotate the labels

Nudge End Values

The Nudge End Values option moves the starting and ending labels away from the edges of the log
pane so that they are completely visible. This 'nudging' occurs only if the label is near the edge of
the log pane, otherwise the location of the label does not change. Check the box next to Nudge End
Values to move the labels. Uncheck the box to keep the labels in the depth location specified.

Label Format
The Label Format section includes label formatting properties. See the Format Properties topic for
more information on label format properties.

Font Properties
The Font Properties section includes label font formatting properties. See the Font Properties topic
for more information on font format properties.

Chapter 13 - Bar Logs
Bar Logs
Click the Log | Create Log | Bar command to create a log that displays data as bars drawn from
the base value to the data value. There are two types of bar logs: standard bars and polarity bars.
A standard bar sets the base value to the minimum value. The polarity bar sets the base value to
zero. Bars extend either to the left or right of zero, creating a mix of negative and positive data
bars on both sides of the zero line.

Use bar logs alone or in Polarity bar logs

groups to display are made with a
information. few mouse clicks.

Data Requirements
Bar logs use depth or interval data tables. In the data table, there are three required columns. The
required columns are Hole ID, Depth, and the data column being displayed. Bars are plotted
horizontally from the base value to the value recorded in the data column. Bars are plotted
vertically with the center of the bar at the depth recorded in the depth column for each row. The
bar can have font, line, and fill properties determined by a range scheme.

Interval table types can be used. When an interval table type is used, the vertical center bar is
plotted at the center point of the interval. For instance, if the interval goes From 1 To 4, the center
of the bar is plotted at 2.5 on the depth axis.

The Hole ID, Depth, and one column of data

are required for a bar log. An additional keyword
column can be used to set keyword scheme properties.

Chapter 13 - Bar Logs

Creating a Bar Log

To create a bar log:
1. Click the Log | Create Log | Bar command.
2. Click inside the log pane where you want the bar log to appear.
3. In the Open dialog, click on the data file. If the data was already imported, click on the table
name in the Use Current Table section. Click Open.
4. Set the data importing options in the Specify Worksheet Column Definitions dialog, if
necessary, and click Next.
5. Finish the importing of data in the Specify Data Type and Column Positions dialog and
click Finish.
6. The log appears in the borehole window.
If you are in active mode a bar log is created using the default properties. If you are in design
mode, a bar log graphic is displayed as a place holder after step 2.

Editing Bar Log Properties

To change the features of a bar log, including the data column used to create the log, click on the
bar log in the Object Manager or view window. The properties are listed in the Property

The following tabs are listed in the Property Manager:

• Log
• Label
• Line
• Fill
• Water Level

Bar Log Properties

The Log page in the Property Manager includes options for defining data, range schemes, bar
type, scaling, data direction, and bar size for bar logs. To view and edit bar log properties, click on
the bar log in the view window or Object Manager to select the log. Then, click on the Log tab in
the Property Manager.

Strater 5 User’s Guide

Edit log properties on the

Log tab in the Property Manager.

Hole ID Filter
The Hole ID Filter is used to select the borehole to associate with this log. Only those Hole IDs that
are currently associated with data tables in this project are listed. To change the Hole ID Filter, click
on the existing Hole ID and select the desired Hole ID from the list. The log automatically updates
to show the new borehole.

When the Logs object is selected in a cross section view, the Hole ID Filter is not available. To set a
specific log to a particular Hole ID, click on that individual log and set the Hole ID Filter to the
appropriate log.

Use the Table to define the data table for the bar log. The table type can be an interval table or a
depth table. If the table is a depth table, the bars are plotted at the depth listed in the table. If the
table type is an interval type table, the depth is determined by calculating the mid-point position
between the To and From columns in the corresponding table. To change the table, click on the
existing table name and select the desired table from the list.

Data Column
The Data column is the column in the selected Table that is being displayed by the bar log. When
the Table is changed to another table, the Data column list is automatically updated to display the

Chapter 13 - Bar Logs

column names in the newly selected table. To change the column, click on the existing column
name next to Data column and select the desired column from the list.

Hole Inclination, Hole Dip, and Azimuth Columns

The Hole inclination column (or Hole dip column) is used in combination with the Hole azimuth
column to calculate the true vertical depth for the hole. Either Hole inclination column or Hole dip
column is displayed. To control whether inclination or dip is used, click the File | Options
command. In the Options dialog, check or uncheck the Use Hole dip instead of inclination option.

Inclination is the angle the borehole is oriented in degrees and varies from 0 to 180. 0 indicates
vertical pointing down, 90 indicates horizontal, and 180 indicates vertical pointing up. Negative and
positive inclination values are treated the same for depth calculations. Negative inclination values
are treated differently for well path calculations in the cross section and map views. A negative
inclination changes the direction (azimuth) to the opposite of the similar positive inclination. For
example, the azimuth value of 90 and inclination of 45 describes the same orientation as the
azimuth value of 270 and inclination of -45 degrees. Both combinations describe an eastward
direction at 45 degrees down from the horizontal plane.

Dip is an alternate method of calculating the angle the borehole is oriented. Dip is oriented in
degrees and varies from -90 to 90. -90 indicates vertical pointing down, 0 indicates horizontal, and
+90 indicates vertical pointing up.

Azimuth is the compass orientation of the well's deviation, in degrees and varies from 0 (true
vertical north) to 360. Azimuth values are measured relative to true north (not grid north in the
local coordinate system).

To set the Hole inclination column or Hole dip column, click on the existing option and select the
desired option from the list. Available options are [Unspecified], [From collars table:collars name],
[From survey table: survey name], or data columns in the selected Lithology table. When one
column is set to unspecified or survey table, the other column automatically changes to the same
option. When recorded in a collars table, the inclination/dip and azimuth apply to the entire well
length. When recorded in a survey table, the inclination/dip and azimuth apply from the depth to
the next recorded depth. When set to one of the columns in the existing table, each log is updated
independently from each other log using the information in the specific depth or interval tables. If
the Hole inclination column for the log is set to [Unspecified], an inclination value of 0 is used for
the calculations. No difference will be visible for the log when changing the Depth method to True
vertical depth.

Use Range Scheme

The Use range scheme option sets whether the line and fill properties should be based on a range
scheme or all bars should use the same properties. To use a range scheme, check the box next to
the Use range scheme option. To use the same properties for all bars on the bar log, uncheck the
box next to the Use range scheme option. The data column is used for determine the properties, as
set by the range scheme.

If the Use range scheme option is checked, the options on the Line and Fill tabs and Font section
on the Label tab are not available because a scheme is in use. Uncheck the Use range scheme
option to turn off the display of the scheme properties and set the line, fill, and font properties on
the Line, Fill, and Label tabs.

Strater 5 User’s Guide

Range Scheme
The Range scheme is the scheme that determines the fill and line properties when the box next to
the Use range scheme option is checked. The selected scheme should contain ranges that match
the values that appear in the Data column. To change the scheme, click on the existing scheme
name and select the desired scheme from the list. Click the next to the scheme name to open
the Scheme Editor, where the scheme can be created or edited.

Axis Type
The Axis type is Linear or Logarithmic. The data must be greater than zero when using a
Logarithmic axis. Values equal to and less than zero are ignored in the log when Logarithmic is
selected. Logarithmic uses a log (base 10) scale for the horizontal axis. To change the axis type,
click on the existing option and select the desired option from the list.

Auto Data Range

The horizontal scale can be set manually or automatically with the Auto data range option. Check
the Auto data range check box to calculate a best-fit range of the data. When Auto data range is
unchecked, the Minimum value and Maximum value fields are available, allowing manual control
over the log's minimum and maximum values. To change the data range, check or uncheck the
Auto data range check box.

Minimum and Maximum Values

The Minimum value and Maximum value are only available if the Auto Data Range check box is not
checked. The Minimum value is the smallest value that should be displayed on the log. The
Maximum value is the largest value that should be displayed on the log. To change the minimum
and maximum values, highlight the existing value in Minimum value or Maximum value field and
type the desired value.

If the borehole is changed, the new data may or may not fit into the user-defined range. If the data
does not fit inside the range, change the Minimum value and Maximum value to new values or
check the Auto Data Range check box.

Data Direction
The Data direction is used to determine whether data should be displayed with low values on the
left or right side of the log. Available options are Low to High and High to Low. Low to High creates
a log with the minimum data value on the left and the maximum data value on the right. High to
Low creates the log with the minimum data value on the right and the maximum data value on the
left. To change the direction, click on the existing option and select the desired option from the list.

Bar Type
The Bar type determines the base value from which bars are drawn. Available options are Standard
bar and Polarity bar. Standard bars use the Minimum value as the base value and draws bars from
the Minimum value to the row's data value. Polarity bars use zero as the base value and draw bars
from zero to the row's data value. Typically, negative values are plotted to the left of zero and
positive values are plotted to the right of zero. The directions are reversed if the Data direction is
set to High to Low. To set the bar type, click on the existing option and select the desired option
from the list.

Size Method
The Size method determines how the thickness of the bars is set. Available options are Default
sizing and User defined. Select Default sizing from the Size method list to have the bars
automatically sized. For depth data, default height is the mid-point between the current depth and

Chapter 13 - Bar Logs

the previous depth to the mid-point of the current depth to the next depth. For interval data, the
height is simply the From and To depths. Select User defined to manually set the bar height. If User
defined is selected, the Bar size option becomes available. To change the bar size method, click on
the existing option and select the desired option from the list.

Bar Size
The Bar size sets the thickness of the bars when the Size method is set to User defined. All bars are
the thickness listed, regardless of whether the bars overlap. The bar is horizontally centered on the
depth or the midpoint of the depth interval. The bar size is in page units and varies from zero to 2
inches. To change the bar size, highlight the existing value and type a new value. Press ENTER on
the keyboard to make the change. Alternatively, click the to increase or decrease the bar size.

Bar Log - Label Properties

Label properties change the appearance of labels on zone bar and bar logs. Click on the Label tab
in the Property Manager to edit label properties for zone bar or bar logs.

Set label properties on the Label

tab in the Property Manager.

Show Label
The Show label option determines whether labels are displayed on the log. Available options are No
label, Show label with fill, and Show label without fill.
• No label turns off display of labels for the log.
• Show label with fill turns on the display of labels on the log. The fill property, as set in the
scheme or on the Fill tab, continues to display.
• Show label without fill turns on the display of the labels on the log, but disables the fill
To change the label display setting, click on the existing option and select the desired option from
the list.

Label Column
The Label column option sets the column to use for the labels. All of the columns in the currently
selected Table are listed in the Label column. When the Table is changed on the Log tab to another
table, the Label column list is automatically updated to display the column names in the newly

Strater 5 User’s Guide

selected table. To change the column, click on the existing column name next to Label column and
select the desired column from the list.

If the value in the column specified by the Label column is text, the label will appear exactly as it
does in the table. If the value in the column is a number, the Label Format properties control how
the number is displayed in the label.

Fit Label To Block

The Fit label to block option determines the size of the label for each interval in the log. Check the
box to automatically fit the label inside the interval box. The label size will become smaller if the
label is long so that the entire label fits in the width of the log. Uncheck the box for all labels to be
the same size, regardless of whether the label will fit in the width of the log. When this option is
unchecked, the size is reported in the Font Properties section. When this option is checked, the
maximum size for the font is reported in the Font Properties section.

Label Angle
The Label angle option sets the displayed labels at an angle. The numbers are in degrees offset
from horizontal moving in a counter-clockwise direction. For example, an angle of 90 displays the
numbers vertically, and an angle of 180 displays the numbers upside-down. To change the angle,
highlight the existing option and type the desired angle. Press ENTER on the keyboard to make the
change. Alternatively, click and drag the slider to increase or decrease the value. Angle values must
be between zero and 360 degrees.

Click the next to Label Format to set the label format properties.

Click the next to Font Properties to set the font properties for the labels.

If the options in the Font Properties section are not available, a scheme is likely being used.
Uncheck the Use keyword scheme option on the Log tab to turn off the display of the scheme
properties and set the font properties in the Font Properties section.

Bar Log - Line Properties

The curves in a line/symbol log can be represented by lines, most logs can be surrounded by a
border, and grid lines are used to show data increments on individual log items. There is a variable
grid that represents the X axis data and another grid for depth or Y axis data. Most log items
include a depth grid option but not all log items have variable grid options. The Line page of the
Property Manager contains the properties for the log curve, border, and grid lines.

To edit the line properties, select a log item. Click on the Line tab in the Property Manager.
Which of the Log, Curve 1 and Curve 2, Border, Variable Grid Lines, and Depth Grid Lines sections
are displayed depends on the type of log selected. For example the Line page for line/symbol logs
includes Log, Border, Variable Grid Lines, and Depth Grid Lines sections while the Line page for
well construction logs includes only the Border section.

Chapter 13 - Bar Logs

Edit the log curve, border, and grid line

properties on the Line page.

Log Properties
The Log section of the Line page controls the line properties for the curve or curves in the
line/symbol log or function log. The Log section also controls the line properties for layer marks
lines on an unregistered or registered raster log.

Active Variable
The line properties are independently controlled for each of the variables in the log. Edit a variable's
line/symbol plot by selecting the variable the Active variable field. Select the desired variable by
clicking the current selection in the Active variable field and select the variable from the list.

Log Line Properties

The Line Properties section contains the line properties for the log curve selected in the Active
variable field. See the Line Properties topic for more information on editing line properties.

Strater 5 User’s Guide

Curve 1 and Curve 2 Properties

The Curve 1 and Curve 2 sections control the line properties for the curves in a crossplot log.

Curve 1 and Curve 2 Line Properties

The Line Properties section contains the line properties for the log curve. See the Line Properties
topic for more information on editing line properties.

Border Properties
The Border section of the Line page controls the line properties for the log border.

Display Border Line

Check the Disply border line check box to draw a border line around the log. Uncheck the Display
border line check box to hide the log border line. The log border is displayed from the Starting
borehole depth to the Ending borehole depth and around the entirety of the log.

Border Line Properties

The Line Properties section contains the line properties for the log border. See the Line Properties
topic for more information on editing line properties.

Variable Grid Lines and Depth Grid Lines Properties

The Variable Grid Lines and Depth Grid Lines sections have identical settings, with the exception of
the Active variable property, but represent the settings for the different grids. The following
properties are displayed in both the Variable Grid Lines and Depth Grid Lines sections.

Active Variable
Variable grid lines can be added for each of the variables in the log. Variable grid lines are added
one at a time by selecting the variable in the Active variable field. Select the desired variable by
clicking the current selection in the Active variable field and select the variable from the list.

The Active variable property is only displayed when the Use all columns for range check box on the
Line/Symbol Log page is not checked. When Use all columns for range is checked there is only one
variable scale, and therefore can only be one set of variable grid lines.

Grid Line Display Order

Grid lines can be positioned above the log (Top), beneath the log (Bottom), or not displayed (Hide)
with the Grid line display order options. If Top is selected, the grid is the last item drawn for a
specific log item. Bottom means the grid is under the log item, but above the fill background. Hide
means do not show the grid. To change the Grid line display order, click on the existing option and
select the desired option from the list.

After setting the Grid line display order, turn on the grid lines by checking the box next to the Show
in the Major Grid Line and/or Minor Grid Line sections.

Auto Grid Range

The Auto grid range option controls the first and last grids shown for the grid lines. When the Auto
grid range check box is checked, Strater creates settings based upon the log data. Uncheck the
Auto grid range check box to manually set the grid's minimum and maximum values in the Grid
minimum and Grid maximum settings.

Chapter 13 - Bar Logs

If the borehole is changed, the new data may or may not fit into the user defined grid range so use
caution in setting these values.

Grid Minimum
When Auto grid range is not checked, the Grid minimum defines the minimum value of the grid. To
change the minimum grid line value, highlight the existing value and type a new value. Press
ENTER on the keyboard and the grid lines update.

Grid Maximum
When Auto grid range is not checked, the Grid maximum defines the maximum value of the grid. To
change the maximum grid line value, highlight the existing value and type a new value. Press
ENTER on the keyboard and the grid lines update.

Show Major Grid Lines

To show major grid lines, check the box next to the Show in the Major Grid Line section. To hide
the major grid lines, uncheck the box.

Major Grid Interval

To change the Major interval the Auto grid range option must be unchecked. The Major interval is
the spacing between the major grid lines.

Major Line Properties

Set the major grid line properties with the Style, Color, Foreground Opacity, and Width options.

Show Minor Grid Lines

To show minor grid lines, check the box next to the Show in the Minor Grid Line section. To hide the
minor grid lines, uncheck the box.

Grid Division
The Divisions property determines how many minor divisions (gaps) are between major tick marks.
If the value is 1, no minor grid lines will appear. If the value is 2, one minor grid line will appear. To
change the value, highlight the existing value and type a new value. Press ENTER on the keyboard
to make the change.

Minor Line Properties

Set the minor grid line properties with the Style, Color, Foreground Opacity, and Width options.

Bar Log - Fill Properties

Fill properties can be changed for selected objects. To edit the fill properties, click on the object in
the Object Manager or plot window. The properties are listed in the Property Manager. Default
fill properties are set in the File | Options dialog by clicking on the Fill page.

If the options on the Fill tab are not available, a scheme is likely being used. Uncheck the
appropriate Use Keyword Scheme, Use Range Scheme, or Use Indent Keyword Scheme option to
turn off the display of the scheme properties and set the fill properties on the Fill tab.

Strater 5 User’s Guide

Schemes and Fill Properties

Note that if a scheme is used in a log item, the fill properties will be unavailable on the Fill tab. You
must change the fill properties for the scheme in the Scheme Editor or turn off the display of the

Fill Properties Page

The object's fill is composed of layers of various fill types. All of the predefined fills have only one
layer. Custom fills created with the Fill Style Editor may have multiple layers of any type. Each
layer in the fill style has its own section in the Property Manager. The layers are listed in
descending order, i.e. the topmost layer is listed first, Layer 1 (<type>), followed by additional
layers. The following properties are displayed on the Fill page of the Property Manager.

Only the layer properties displayed in the Property Manager are included in this topic. To see
information about properties that are included in the Fill Style Editor, see the Fill Style Editor
topic. The image layer Load from property and the vector layer drawing area are only available in
the Fill Style Editor.

Log Fill Background

For many of the log objects, the Fill page includes a Fill background check box. If the box next to
Fill background is checked, the background area is filled. If the box next to Fill background is
unchecked, the background is not filled. To change the Fill background, check or uncheck the box.
The Fill Properties section below the Fill background property controls the background fill.

Legend Fill Background

When a legend is selected, the Fill page contains the fill options for the legend background. The
Frame style on the Line page must be set to Rectangle or Rounded Rectangle for the legend to
display a background fill. When the Frame style is set to None, the background fill is not displayed
regardless of the Fill page settings. If you wish to display a background fill but not a frame line,
then set the Frame style to Rectangle or Rounded Rectangle. Next set Style in the Line Properties
section to Invisible. Finally set the desired background properties on the Fill page.

The Fill page in the Property Manager controls the

fill properties for the selected object.

Chapter 13 - Bar Logs

Fill Style
The Style indicates the way that an object is filled. To change the Style, click on the existing fill
style next to Style. In the list, select a new style from the fill palette. Create custom fill styles with
the Fill Style Editor. Click the next to the Style field to open the Fill Style Editor to modify or
create a fill style.

Each layer in the selected fill style is displayed in its own section. The layers are listed in order from
top to bottom. The layer name is Layer n (type), where n is the layer position and type is the layer
type. A layer preview is displayed to the right of the layer name. The six layer types are Solid,
Stock, Image, Gradient, Vector, and Line. Click the button to expand the layer properties.

Solid Layer Properties

The properties for a solid layer are Color and Opacity.

Expand a Solid layer to edit the layer's properties.

The Color is the color of the solid fill. Click the existing color sample next to Color to open the color
palette. Click on a color in the palette to use it for the layer's fill color. Click the button to open
the Colors dialog and create custom colors, use the dropper to select a color, or select the color
from a color wheel.

The Opacity controls the transparency of the solid fill style. To change the Opacity, highlight the
existing value and type a new value. Press ENTER on the keyboard to make the change.
Alternatively, click and drag the slider to increase or decrease the opacity value. Opacity
values are between 0% (zero opacity, full transparency) to 100% (full opacity, zero transparency).

Stock Layer Properties

The properties for a stock layer are Pattern, Foreground color, Foreground opacity, Background
color, and Background opacity.

Strater 5 User’s Guide

Expand a Stock layer to edit the layer's properties.

The Pattern indicates the way the stock layer is filled. To change the Pattern, click on the existing
pattern sample next to Pattern. Select a new style from the pattern palette.

Foreground Color
The Foreground color is the color of the pattern. Click the existing color sample next to Foreground
color to open the color palette. Click on a color in the palette to use it for the selected foreground
fill color. Click the button to open the Colors dialog and create custom colors, use the dropper
to select a color, or select the color from a color wheel.

Foreground Opacity
The Foreground opacity controls the transparency of the foreground portion of the pattern. To
change the Foreground opacity, highlight the existing value and type a new value. Press ENTER on
the keyboard to make the change. Alternatively, click and drag the slider to increase or
decrease the opacity value. Opacity values are between 0% (zero opacity, full transparency) to
100% (full opacity, zero transparency).

Background Color
The Background color is the color behind the pattern. Click the existing color sample next to
Background color to open the color palette. Click on a color in the palette to use it for the
background fill color. Click the button to open the Colors dialog and create custom colors.

Background Opacity
The Background opacity controls the transparency of the background portion of the pattern. To
change the Background opacity, highlight the existing value and type a new value. Press ENTER on
the keyboard to make the change. Alternatively, click and drag the slider to increase or
decrease the opacity value. Opacity values are between 0% (zero opacity, full transparency) to
100% (full opacity, zero transparency).

Chapter 13 - Bar Logs

If the stock layer is above other layers in the fill style, the Background opacity must be less than
100% to see the layers below. To make a fill pattern appear transparent with only the foreground
portion of the fill pattern showing, change the Background Opacity value to 0%.

Image Layer Properties

The properties for an image layer are Pattern, Opacity, Stretch, Image Offset (X and Y), and Image
Scale (X, Y, and Proportional).

Expand an Image layer to edit the layer's properties.

The Pattern property is used to add image layers from predefined or custom image fill styles. To
change the image layer, click the current option for an image layer Pattern and select a predefined
image layer or a custom image layer from the image palette. Only image fills with a single layer are
included in the image palette.

The Opacity controls the transparency of the image fill style. To change the Opacity, highlight the
existing value and type a new value. Press ENTER on the keyboard to make the change.
Alternatively, click and drag the slider to increase or decrease the opacity value. Opacity
values are between 0% (zero opacity, full transparency) to 100% (full opacity, zero transparency).

The Stretch is used with image patterns. The Stretch determines how the image is used to fill the
desired area. When the Stretch check box is checked, the image is stretched to fit the fill area.
When the Stretch check box is not checked the image is tiled in the fill area.

Strater 5 User’s Guide

The image fill on the left has the Stretch box checked. The image on
the right has the Stretch box unchecked.

Image Offset
Offset the image in the fill layer by typing a value in pixels in the X or Y fields in the Image Offset
section. You can also change the X and Y image offset values by clicking the buttons.

Image Scale
The Image Scale properties control the density of the image fill. Change the image scale by typing
a value in the X or Y fields in the Image Scale section. The Image Scale properties are ignored
when the Stretch property is checked. You can also change the X and Y image scale values by
clicking the buttons.

When the Proportional check box is checked, the X and Y values automatically update to maintain
the current aspect ratio. Uncheck the Proportional check box to apply different scaling in the X and
Y directions.

Note that the Proportional property does not lock the X and Y values to any specific aspect ratio but
to whichever ratio is in use when the box is checked. For example, assume you want the X:Y ratio
to be 2:1, but you do not know which Image Scale values are desired. You can uncheck the
Proportional check box. Next set the X value to 2 and the Y value to 1. Check the Proportional
check box. Now when you adjust one of the X or Y values, the other value updates automatically to
maintain the 2:1 ratio.

Chapter 13 - Bar Logs

Gradient Layer Properties

The properties for a gradient layer are Type, Direction, and Colormap.

Expand a Gradient layer to edit the layer's properties.

The Type controls how a gradient fill pattern is used to fill the selected area. To change the Type,
click on the current type and select the new type in the list. Select Linear or Radial for the Type.
When the Type is set to Linear, a linear color gradient fills the area. The colors change in a linear
manner from the top to the bottom or from the left to the right of the area. When the Type is set to
Radial, a radial color gradient fills the area. The colors change in concentric circles, either
expanding from the interior and going out or from the exterior and going in.

The Radial type is shown on the left and

the Linear type is shown on the right.

The Direction option sets the direction the gradient fills. When the Type is set to Linear, choose
either Vertical or Horizontal for the Direction. The Vertical option sets the gradient to change along
the Y axis. The Horizontal option sets the gradient to change along the X axis. When Radial is
selected as the Type, the Direction options are Inward and Outward. This reverses the color


The Colormap option sets the colors to use in the gradient pattern. Click the button to select or
create a color gradient in the Colormap dialog.

Strater 5 User’s Guide

Vector Layer Properties

The properties for a vector layer are Color and Opacity.

Expand a Vector layer to edit the layer's properties.

The Color is the color of the lines in the vector fill. Click the existing color sample next to Color to
open the color palette. Click on a color in the palette to use it for the layer's line color. Click the
button to open the Colors dialog and create custom colors, use the dropper to select a color, or
select the color from a color wheel.

The Opacity controls the transparency of the lines in the vector fill. To change the Opacity, highlight
the existing value and type a new value. Press ENTER on the keyboard to make the change.
Alternatively, click and drag the slider to increase or decrease the opacity value. Opacity
values are between 0% (zero opacity, full transparency) to 100% (full opacity, zero transparency).

Chapter 13 - Bar Logs

Line Layer Properties

The properties for a Line layer are Color, Opacity, Angle, Offset, Separation, and Width.

Expand a Line layer to edit the layer's properties.

The Color is the color of the lines in the line fill layer. Click the existing color sample next to Color
to open the color palette. Click on a color in the palette to use it for the layer's line color. Click the
button to open the Colors dialog and create custom colors, use the dropper to select a color, or
select the color from a color wheel.

The Opacity controls the transparency of the lines in the line fill layer. To change the Opacity,
highlight the existing value and type a new value. Press ENTER on the keyboard to make the
change. Alternatively, click and drag the slider to increase or decrease the opacity value.
Opacity values are between 0% (zero opacity, full transparency) to 100% (full opacity, zero

Change the angle of the lines by typing a value in degrees in the Angle field or clicking and
dragging the slider . Positive values rotate the lines clockwise.

Strater 5 User’s Guide

Change the vertical offset between the lines and the pattern's origin by typing a value between -
0.25 and 0.25 inches in the Offset field. You can also change the Offset value by clicking the

Change the separation between the lines by typing a value between 0 and 0.25 inches in the
Separation field. You can also change the Separation value by clicking the buttons.

Change the line Width by highlighting the existing value and typing a new number or by clicking the
to increase or decrease the line width. The line width can be zero to 0.5 inches (1.27 cm) wide.
A width of zero is one pixel wide.

Water Level Properties

Symbols indicating water level can be added to all logs types except depth logs. Water level
symbols can be displayed in the borehole view and the cross section view. The lower point of the
triangle, i.e. the bottom vertex, is aligned with the depth in the water level table. This is different
than symbols in a post log, where the symbol center is aligned with the depth specified in the depth
table. Additionally the water level can be displayed between logs on a cross section in the cross
section properties. Add the symbols and edit their properties on the Water Level page in the
Property Manager.

Edit water level data, symbol, and label properties

on the Water Level page.

Chapter 13 - Bar Logs

General Properties
The General section of the Water Level page contains properties for the water label table and
symbol properties.

Display Water Level Symbol

Check the Display water level symbol check box to display water level symbols on the log. A depth
table containing water level information must be selected in the Water level table field for the water
level symbols to be displayed.

Water Level Table

The water level table is a depth table containing at a minimum hole IDs and depths. An additional
parameter column can be included to specify the water level names and water level connections
between the logs. If the water level table is already loaded, click the Water level table field and
select the table from the list. Click the button to load the Water level table with the Open

Symbol Size
The Symbol size property controls the size of the water level symbol. Type a value in page units in
the Symbol size field or click the button to change the Symbol size value.

Symbol Alignment
The Symbol alignment property aligns the symbol on the left, center, or right of the log. Click the
current selection in the Symbol alignment and select Left, Center, or Right from the list.

Symbol Style
The water level symbol is an inverted triangle with between one and three lines at the point. The
Symbol style property specifies the number of lines. Click the current Symbol style selection and
select One line, Two lines, or Three lines from the list.

Line Properties
The Line Properties section of the Water Level page controls the line properties for the water level
symbol. See the Line Properties topic for more information on line properties.

Fill Properties
The Fill Properties section of the Water Level page controls the fill properties for the water level
symbol. See the Fill Properties topic for more information on fill properties.

Label Properties
The Label Properties section of the Water Level page controls the water level symbol labels.

Show Water Level Name

Check the Show water level name check box to display labels next to the water level symbols. The
labels are specified by the Water level name column. Uncheck the Show water level name check
box to hide the water level labels.

Water Level Name Column

The water level table can include a name column which is used to connect water levels across logs
and display labels for the water level symbols. Select the column containing the water level names

Strater 5 User’s Guide

by clicking the Water level name column field and selecting a column from the list. The water level
labels will be populated by the names in the Water level name column.

Connect water levels by name by checking the Connect water level(s) by names check box in the
cross section properties. When the Water level name column does not contain data, Strater
connects the water levels automatically. The Water level name column is also used to connect
specific water levels between the logs. For example, if borehole 1 contains two water level names A
and B and borehole 2 contains three water level names A, B, and C, the two A water level symbols
and two B water level symbols will be connected by a line. When the Water level name column
contains unique names for the water levels, no water level symbols will be connected as this
indicates these are separate water levels.

Offset Method
The Offset method property controls the label offset direction from the water table symbol. Click the
current selection and select Center, Left, Top, Right, Bottom, or User defined from the list to
change the label offset. Selecting User defined enables the X offset and Y offset properties.

X Offset
The X offset property moves the label to the left or right when the Offset method is set to User
defined. Type a value in page units or click the buttons to change the X offset value.

Y Offset
The Y offset property moves the label up or down when the Offset method is set to User defined.
Type a value in page units or click the buttons to change the Y offset value.

Label Angle
The Label angle property rotates the water level symbol labels. Type a value in degrees in the Label
angle field or click and drag the slider to rotate the labels. Positive angle values rotate the labels

Nudge End Values

The Nudge End Values option moves the starting and ending labels away from the edges of the log
pane so that they are completely visible. This 'nudging' occurs only if the label is near the edge of
the log pane, otherwise the location of the label does not change. Check the box next to Nudge End
Values to move the labels. Uncheck the box to keep the labels in the depth location specified.

Label Format
The Label Format section includes label formatting properties. See the Format Properties topic for
more information on label format properties.

Font Properties
The Font Properties section includes label font formatting properties. See the Font Properties topic
for more information on font format properties.

Chapter 14 - Percentage Logs
Percentage Logs
Click the Log | Create Log | Percentage command to create a log that is used to display multiple
data columns as different length bars, based on the relative percentages. The percentage log is
commonly used to show the different percentage of alterations in a sample; the amounts of sand,
clay, gravel, silt, etc. relative to each other. The percentage log uses data columns to create a
series of blocks (interval data) or polygons (depth data).

You can add

Percentage logs can Percentage logs can labels,
display bars. display lines. indicating the

Data Requirements
Percentage logs use depth or interval data tables. In the data table, there are at least three
required columns. The required columns are Hole ID, Depth, and the data column(s) being
displayed. Bars are displayed for interval tables, with the center of the bar positioned at the center
of the interval. Lines are displayed for depth tables, with each point displayed at the depth value.

Any number of numerical columns can be used from the table. If you select five columns, five
different blocks or lines are created for each row. You do not need to input normalized data. If the
data are normalized, Strater still calculates the values. The data for each row automatically add to
100 percent, so the data in each row's column can be any value because the 100% is based on the
data in each row.

For example, there are three columns with gold, silver, and copper concentrations in the data. The
gold value is 22 ppb, the silver value is 33 ppb, and the copper value is 66 ppb. Strater
automatically adds all the values together for a total of 121. Each component is then divided by this
amount to determine the percentage of the block should be created for this component. Gold would
represent 18 percent of this total, silver 27 percent, and copper 55 percent.

Chapter 14 - Percentage Logs

The Hole ID, Depth (or From and To), and at least two columns
of data are required for a percentage log.

Creating a Percentage Log

To create a percentage log:
1. Click the Log | Create Log | Percentage command.
2. Click inside the log pane where you want the percentage log to appear.
3. In the Open dialog, click on the data file. If the data was already imported, click on the table
name in the Use Current Table section. Click Open.
4. Set the data importing options in the Specify Worksheet Column Definitions dialog, if
necessary, and click Next.
5. Finish the importing of data in the Specify Data Type and Column Positions dialog and
click Finish.
6. The log appears in the borehole window.
If you are in active mode a percentage log is created using the default properties. If you are in
design mode, a percentage log graphic is displayed as a place holder after step 2.

Editing Percentage Log Properties

To change the features of a percentage log, including the data columns used to create the log, click
on the percentage log in the Object Manager or view window. The properties are listed in the
Property Manager.

To change the columns associated with the percentage log, click on the Percentage Log tab in the
Property Manager. Click the Percentage Columns button and select the columns in the dialog.

The following tabs are listed in the Property Manager:

• Log
• Label
• Line
• Fill
• Water Level

Percentage Log Properties

The Log page in the Property Manager includes options for defining data and keyword schemes
for percentage logs. To view and edit percentage log properties, click on the percentage log in the
view window or Object Manager to select the log. Then, click on the Log tab in the Property

Strater 5 User’s Guide

Edit percentage log properties on the

Log tab in the Property Manager.

Hole ID Filter
The Hole ID Filter is used to select the borehole to associate with this log. Only those Hole IDs that
are currently associated with data tables in this project are listed. To change the Hole ID Filter, click
on the existing Hole ID and select the desired Hole ID from the list. The log automatically updates
to show the new borehole.

When the Logs object is selected in a cross section view, the Hole ID Filter is not available. To set a
specific log to a particular Hole ID, click on that individual log and set the Hole ID Filter to the
appropriate log.

Use the Table to define the data table for the percentage log. The table type can be an interval
table or a depth table. If the table is a depth table, the values from each column are plotted as a
line at the depth listed in the table. If the table type is an interval type table, the values are plotted
as bars with the depth determined by calculating the mid-point position between the To and From
columns in the corresponding table. To change the table, click on the existing table name and select
the desired table from the list.

Edit Variable Columns

Select the columns in the selected Table that are displayed by the percentage log with the Edit
variable columns field. To change the columns, click the Edit button. The Select Columns dialog
opens. Select the desired data columns in the Select Columns dialog. When the Table is changed
to another table, the Select Columns dialog automatically updates to display the column names in
the newly selected table.

Hole Inclination, Hole Dip, and Azimuth Columns

The Hole inclination column (or Hole dip column) is used in combination with the Hole azimuth
column to calculate the true vertical depth for the hole. Either Hole inclination column or Hole dip

Chapter 14 - Percentage Logs

column is displayed. To control whether inclination or dip is used, click the File | Options
command. In the Options dialog, check or uncheck the Use Hole dip instead of inclination option.

Inclination is the angle the borehole is oriented in degrees and varies from 0 to 180. 0 indicates
vertical pointing down, 90 indicates horizontal, and 180 indicates vertical pointing up. Negative and
positive inclination values are treated the same for depth calculations. Negative inclination values
are treated differently for well path calculations in the cross section and map views. A negative
inclination changes the direction (azimuth) to the opposite of the similar positive inclination. For
example, the azimuth value of 90 and inclination of 45 describes the same orientation as the
azimuth value of 270 and inclination of -45 degrees. Both combinations describe an eastward
direction at 45 degrees down from the horizontal plane.

Dip is an alternate method of calculating the angle the borehole is oriented. Dip is oriented in
degrees and varies from -90 to 90. -90 indicates vertical pointing down, 0 indicates horizontal, and
+90 indicates vertical pointing up.

Azimuth is the compass orientation of the well's deviation, in degrees and varies from 0 (true
vertical north) to 360. Azimuth values are measured relative to true north (not grid north in the
local coordinate system).

To set the Hole inclination column or Hole dip column, click on the existing option and select the
desired option from the list. Available options are [Unspecified], [From collars table:collars name],
[From survey table: survey name], or data columns in the selected Lithology table. When one
column is set to unspecified or survey table, the other column automatically changes to the same
option. When recorded in a collars table, the inclination/dip and azimuth apply to the entire well
length. When recorded in a survey table, the inclination/dip and azimuth apply from the depth to
the next recorded depth. When set to one of the columns in the existing table, each log is updated
independently from each other log using the information in the specific depth or interval tables. If
the Hole inclination column for the log is set to [Unspecified], an inclination value of 0 is used for
the calculations. No difference will be visible for the log when changing the Depth method to True
vertical depth.

Keyword Scheme
Check the Use keyword scheme check box to apply the properties from the Keyword scheme to the
percentage log. The Keyword Scheme is the scheme that determines the font and fill properties for
each column in the percentage log. When Use keyword scheme is not checked, the line properties
are determined by the options on the Line page, not by the keyword scheme. The selected
keyword scheme should match the column names that appear in the columns selected in the Select
Columns dialog. To change the scheme, click on the existing scheme name and select the desired
scheme from the list. Click the next to the scheme name to open the Scheme Editor, where
the scheme can be created or edited.

Select Columns Dialog

Select the variable columns to display on the line/symbol log or the percentage columns to display
on the percentage log in the Select Columns dialog. Open the Select Columns dialog by clicking
the Edit button in the Line/Symbol Log Properties or the Percentage Log Properties.

Strater 5 User’s Guide

Use the Select Columns dialog to select the columns to

appear in the percentage log. The order in which the columns
are displayed in Selected Percentage Columns is the
order the columns are displayed in the log.

Use the Select Columns dialog to not only determine the columns that appear in the log but to
determine the order in which you want the individual components in a row to appear. You should
determine the order in which you want the components to display before using this dialog.

The left side of the dialog has all Available Columns that are in the table that can be used for the
log. The right side of the dialog has the Selected Columns. The column order from top to bottom is
the order of the percentage bars or lines.

• To add columns to the log, click on the column name in the Available Columns list. Place the

cursor in the desired location on the right side in the Selected Columns list. Click the
button. The selected column name appears in the Selected Columns section below the
previously highlighted column name.
• To remove columns from the log, click on the column name in the Selected Column list. Click

the button. The name is removed from the Selected Column list.
• Select multiple columns by holding CTRL and clicking the desired column names. To select a
group of contiguous columns, click the first column name in the group, hold SHIFT, and then
click the last column name. The first, last, and all column names in between will be selected.
You can also select a group of column names by clicking and dragging in the Available
Columns or Selected Columns list.
• If a column is in an incorrect order, click on the column name in the Selected Column list and

click the button. Click on the item name in the Selected Column list before which the
item should be placed. Click on the column name in the Available Columns list and click the


Click OK to close the Select Columns dialog and update the log. Click Cancel to not make any
changes to the columns.

Chapter 14 - Percentage Logs

Percentage Log - Label Properties

Label properties change the appearance of labels on percentage logs. Click on the Label tab in the
Property Manager to edit the percentage log label properties.

Set label properties on the Label

tab in the Property Manager.

Show Label
Check the box next to Show Label to display labels on the log or map axis.

Fit Label To Block

The Fit label to block option determines the size of the label for each bar in the log. Check the box
to automatically fit the label inside the bar when interval data is used. The label size will become
smaller if the label is long so that the entire label fits in the width of the log. Uncheck the box for all
labels to be the size specified by the scheme on the Log tab, regardless of whether the label will fit
in the width of the log. When this option is checked, the maximum size for the font is reported in
the scheme.

The Fit label to block option is not available for percentage logs created from depth tables.

Click the next to Layout to set the label layout options.

The Offset field moves the label number to the right (positive offset) or left (negative offset) by the
number entered, in inches.

Label Frequency
The Label frequency option controls how many labels appear on the log. Setting the value to zero
displays no labels on the log. Setting the value to one displays a label at all values. Change the
Label frequency to two to display a label at every other data value or three to display a label at

Strater 5 User’s Guide

every third value. To change the Label frequency, highlight the existing value and type a new
number. Enter a number between 0 and 1000. Press ENTER on the keyboard to make the change.
Alternatively, click on the to increase or decrease the value.

Label Angle
The Label angle option sets the displayed labels at an angle. The numbers are in degrees offset
from horizontal moving in a counter-clockwise direction. For example, an angle of 90 displays the
numbers vertically, and an angle of 180 displays the numbers upside-down. To change the angle,
highlight the existing option and type the desired angle. Press ENTER on the keyboard to make the
change. Alternatively, click the button to increase or decrease the value. Angle values must be
between zero and 360 degrees.

Nudge End Values

The Nudge end values option moves the starting and ending labels away from the edges of the log
pane so that they are completely visible. This 'nudging' occurs only if the label is near the edge of
the log pane, otherwise the location of the label does not change. Check the box next to Nudge end
values to move the labels. Uncheck the box to keep the labels in the depth location specified.

Click the next to Label Format to set the label format properties.

Click the next to Font Properties to set the font properties for the labels.

Percentage Log - Line Properties

The curves in a line/symbol log can be represented by lines, most logs can be surrounded by a
border, and grid lines are used to show data increments on individual log items. There is a variable
grid that represents the X axis data and another grid for depth or Y axis data. Most log items
include a depth grid option but not all log items have variable grid options. The Line page of the
Property Manager contains the properties for the log curve, border, and grid lines.

To edit the line properties, select a log item. Click on the Line tab in the Property Manager.
Which of the Log, Curve 1 and Curve 2, Border, Variable Grid Lines, and Depth Grid Lines sections
are displayed depends on the type of log selected. For example the Line page for line/symbol logs
includes Log, Border, Variable Grid Lines, and Depth Grid Lines sections while the Line page for
well construction logs includes only the Border section.

Chapter 14 - Percentage Logs

Edit the log curve, border, and grid line

properties on the Line page.

Log Properties
The Log section of the Line page controls the line properties for the curve or curves in the
line/symbol log or function log. The Log section also controls the line properties for layer marks
lines on an unregistered or registered raster log.

Active Variable
The line properties are independently controlled for each of the variables in the log. Edit a variable's
line/symbol plot by selecting the variable the Active variable field. Select the desired variable by
clicking the current selection in the Active variable field and select the variable from the list.

Log Line Properties

The Line Properties section contains the line properties for the log curve selected in the Active
variable field. See the Line Properties topic for more information on editing line properties.

Strater 5 User’s Guide

Curve 1 and Curve 2 Properties

The Curve 1 and Curve 2 sections control the line properties for the curves in a crossplot log.

Curve 1 and Curve 2 Line Properties

The Line Properties section contains the line properties for the log curve. See the Line Properties
topic for more information on editing line properties.

Border Properties
The Border section of the Line page controls the line properties for the log border.

Display Border Line

Check the Disply border line check box to draw a border line around the log. Uncheck the Display
border line check box to hide the log border line. The log border is displayed from the Starting
borehole depth to the Ending borehole depth and around the entirety of the log.

Border Line Properties

The Line Properties section contains the line properties for the log border. See the Line Properties
topic for more information on editing line properties.

Variable Grid Lines and Depth Grid Lines Properties

The Variable Grid Lines and Depth Grid Lines sections have identical settings, with the exception of
the Active variable property, but represent the settings for the different grids. The following
properties are displayed in both the Variable Grid Lines and Depth Grid Lines sections.

Active Variable
Variable grid lines can be added for each of the variables in the log. Variable grid lines are added
one at a time by selecting the variable in the Active variable field. Select the desired variable by
clicking the current selection in the Active variable field and select the variable from the list.

The Active variable property is only displayed when the Use all columns for range check box on the
Line/Symbol Log page is not checked. When Use all columns for range is checked there is only one
variable scale, and therefore can only be one set of variable grid lines.

Grid Line Display Order

Grid lines can be positioned above the log (Top), beneath the log (Bottom), or not displayed (Hide)
with the Grid line display order options. If Top is selected, the grid is the last item drawn for a
specific log item. Bottom means the grid is under the log item, but above the fill background. Hide
means do not show the grid. To change the Grid line display order, click on the existing option and
select the desired option from the list.

After setting the Grid line display order, turn on the grid lines by checking the box next to the Show
in the Major Grid Line and/or Minor Grid Line sections.

Auto Grid Range

The Auto grid range option controls the first and last grids shown for the grid lines. When the Auto
grid range check box is checked, Strater creates settings based upon the log data. Uncheck the
Auto grid range check box to manually set the grid's minimum and maximum values in the Grid
minimum and Grid maximum settings.

Chapter 14 - Percentage Logs

If the borehole is changed, the new data may or may not fit into the user defined grid range so use
caution in setting these values.

Grid Minimum
When Auto grid range is not checked, the Grid minimum defines the minimum value of the grid. To
change the minimum grid line value, highlight the existing value and type a new value. Press
ENTER on the keyboard and the grid lines update.

Grid Maximum
When Auto grid range is not checked, the Grid maximum defines the maximum value of the grid. To
change the maximum grid line value, highlight the existing value and type a new value. Press
ENTER on the keyboard and the grid lines update.

Show Major Grid Lines

To show major grid lines, check the box next to the Show in the Major Grid Line section. To hide
the major grid lines, uncheck the box.

Major Grid Interval

To change the Major interval the Auto grid range option must be unchecked. The Major interval is
the spacing between the major grid lines.

Major Line Properties

Set the major grid line properties with the Style, Color, Foreground Opacity, and Width options.

Show Minor Grid Lines

To show minor grid lines, check the box next to the Show in the Minor Grid Line section. To hide the
minor grid lines, uncheck the box.

Grid Division
The Divisions property determines how many minor divisions (gaps) are between major tick marks.
If the value is 1, no minor grid lines will appear. If the value is 2, one minor grid line will appear. To
change the value, highlight the existing value and type a new value. Press ENTER on the keyboard
to make the change.

Minor Line Properties

Set the minor grid line properties with the Style, Color, Foreground Opacity, and Width options.

Percentage Log - Fill Properties

Fill properties can be changed for selected objects. To edit the fill properties, click on the object in
the Object Manager or plot window. The properties are listed in the Property Manager. Default
fill properties are set in the File | Options dialog by clicking on the Fill page.

If the options on the Fill tab are not available, a scheme is likely being used. Uncheck the
appropriate Use Keyword Scheme, Use Range Scheme, or Use Indent Keyword Scheme option to
turn off the display of the scheme properties and set the fill properties on the Fill tab.

Strater 5 User’s Guide

Schemes and Fill Properties

Note that if a scheme is used in a log item, the fill properties will be unavailable on the Fill tab. You
must change the fill properties for the scheme in the Scheme Editor or turn off the display of the

Fill Properties Page

The object's fill is composed of layers of various fill types. All of the predefined fills have only one
layer. Custom fills created with the Fill Style Editor may have multiple layers of any type. Each
layer in the fill style has its own section in the Property Manager. The layers are listed in
descending order, i.e. the topmost layer is listed first, Layer 1 (<type>), followed by additional
layers. The following properties are displayed on the Fill page of the Property Manager.

Only the layer properties displayed in the Property Manager are included in this topic. To see
information about properties that are included in the Fill Style Editor, see the Fill Style Editor
topic. The image layer Load from property and the vector layer drawing area are only available in
the Fill Style Editor.

Log Fill Background

For many of the log objects, the Fill page includes a Fill background check box. If the box next to
Fill background is checked, the background area is filled. If the box next to Fill background is
unchecked, the background is not filled. To change the Fill background, check or uncheck the box.
The Fill Properties section below the Fill background property controls the background fill.
Legend Fill Background
When a legend is selected, the Fill page contains the fill options for the legend background. The
Frame style on the Line page must be set to Rectangle or Rounded Rectangle for the legend to
display a background fill. When the Frame style is set to None, the background fill is not displayed
regardless of the Fill page settings. If you wish to display a background fill but not a frame line,
then set the Frame style to Rectangle or Rounded Rectangle. Next set Style in the Line Properties
section to Invisible. Finally set the desired background properties on the Fill page.

The Fill page in the Property Manager controls the

fill properties for the selected object.

Chapter 14 - Percentage Logs

Fill Style
The Style indicates the way that an object is filled. To change the Style, click on the existing fill
style next to Style. In the list, select a new style from the fill palette. Create custom fill styles with
the Fill Style Editor. Click the next to the Style field to open the Fill Style Editor to modify or
create a fill style.

Each layer in the selected fill style is displayed in its own section. The layers are listed in order from
top to bottom. The layer name is Layer n (type), where n is the layer position and type is the layer
type. A layer preview is displayed to the right of the layer name. The six layer types are Solid,
Stock, Image, Gradient, Vector, and Line. Click the button to expand the layer properties.

Solid Layer Properties

The properties for a solid layer are Color and Opacity.

Expand a Solid layer to edit the layer's properties.

The Color is the color of the solid fill. Click the existing color sample next to Color to open the color
palette. Click on a color in the palette to use it for the layer's fill color. Click the button to open
the Colors dialog and create custom colors, use the dropper to select a color, or select the color
from a color wheel.

The Opacity controls the transparency of the solid fill style. To change the Opacity, highlight the
existing value and type a new value. Press ENTER on the keyboard to make the change.
Alternatively, click and drag the slider to increase or decrease the opacity value. Opacity
values are between 0% (zero opacity, full transparency) to 100% (full opacity, zero transparency).

Stock Layer Properties

The properties for a stock layer are Pattern, Foreground color, Foreground opacity, Background
color, and Background opacity.

Strater 5 User’s Guide

Expand a Stock layer to edit the layer's properties.

The Pattern indicates the way the stock layer is filled. To change the Pattern, click on the existing
pattern sample next to Pattern. Select a new style from the pattern palette.

Foreground Color
The Foreground color is the color of the pattern. Click the existing color sample next to Foreground
color to open the color palette. Click on a color in the palette to use it for the selected foreground
fill color. Click the button to open the Colors dialog and create custom colors, use the dropper
to select a color, or select the color from a color wheel.

Foreground Opacity
The Foreground opacity controls the transparency of the foreground portion of the pattern. To
change the Foreground opacity, highlight the existing value and type a new value. Press ENTER on
the keyboard to make the change. Alternatively, click and drag the slider to increase or
decrease the opacity value. Opacity values are between 0% (zero opacity, full transparency) to
100% (full opacity, zero transparency).

Background Color
The Background color is the color behind the pattern. Click the existing color sample next to
Background color to open the color palette. Click on a color in the palette to use it for the
background fill color. Click the button to open the Colors dialog and create custom colors.

Background Opacity
The Background opacity controls the transparency of the background portion of the pattern. To
change the Background opacity, highlight the existing value and type a new value. Press ENTER on
the keyboard to make the change. Alternatively, click and drag the slider to increase or
decrease the opacity value. Opacity values are between 0% (zero opacity, full transparency) to
100% (full opacity, zero transparency).

Chapter 14 - Percentage Logs

If the stock layer is above other layers in the fill style, the Background opacity must be less than
100% to see the layers below. To make a fill pattern appear transparent with only the foreground
portion of the fill pattern showing, change the Background Opacity value to 0%.

Image Layer Properties

The properties for an image layer are Pattern, Opacity, Stretch, Image Offset (X and Y), and Image
Scale (X, Y, and Proportional).

Expand an Image layer to edit the layer's properties.

The Pattern property is used to add image layers from predefined or custom image fill styles. To
change the image layer, click the current option for an image layer Pattern and select a predefined
image layer or a custom image layer from the image palette. Only image fills with a single layer are
included in the image palette.

The Opacity controls the transparency of the image fill style. To change the Opacity, highlight the
existing value and type a new value. Press ENTER on the keyboard to make the change.
Alternatively, click and drag the slider to increase or decrease the opacity value. Opacity
values are between 0% (zero opacity, full transparency) to 100% (full opacity, zero transparency).

The Stretch is used with image patterns. The Stretch determines how the image is used to fill the
desired area. When the Stretch check box is checked, the image is stretched to fit the fill area.
When the Stretch check box is not checked the image is tiled in the fill area.

Strater 5 User’s Guide

The image fill on the left has the Stretch box checked. The image on
the right has the Stretch box unchecked.

Image Offset
Offset the image in the fill layer by typing a value in pixels in the X or Y fields in the Image Offset
section. You can also change the X and Y image offset values by clicking the buttons.

Image Scale
The Image Scale properties control the density of the image fill. Change the image scale by typing
a value in the X or Y fields in the Image Scale section. The Image Scale properties are ignored
when the Stretch property is checked. You can also change the X and Y image scale values by
clicking the buttons.

When the Proportional check box is checked, the X and Y values automatically update to maintain
the current aspect ratio. Uncheck the Proportional check box to apply different scaling in the X and
Y directions.

Note that the Proportional property does not lock the X and Y values to any specific aspect ratio but
to whichever ratio is in use when the box is checked. For example, assume you want the X:Y ratio
to be 2:1, but you do not know which Image Scale values are desired. You can uncheck the
Proportional check box. Next set the X value to 2 and the Y value to 1. Check the Proportional
check box. Now when you adjust one of the X or Y values, the other value updates automatically to
maintain the 2:1 ratio.

Gradient Layer Properties

The properties for a gradient layer are Type, Direction, and Colormap.

Chapter 14 - Percentage Logs

Expand a Gradient layer to edit the layer's properties.

The Type controls how a gradient fill pattern is used to fill the selected area. To change the Type,
click on the current type and select the new type in the list. Select Linear or Radial for the Type.
When the Type is set to Linear, a linear color gradient fills the area. The colors change in a linear
manner from the top to the bottom or from the left to the right of the area. When the Type is set to
Radial, a radial color gradient fills the area. The colors change in concentric circles, either
expanding from the interior and going out or from the exterior and going in.

The Radial type is shown on the left and

the Linear type is shown on the right.

The Direction option sets the direction the gradient fills. When the Type is set to Linear, choose
either Vertical or Horizontal for the Direction. The Vertical option sets the gradient to change along
the Y axis. The Horizontal option sets the gradient to change along the X axis. When Radial is
selected as the Type, the Direction options are Inward and Outward. This reverses the color


The Colormap option sets the colors to use in the gradient pattern. Click the button to select or
create a color gradient in the Colormap dialog.

Vector Layer Properties

The properties for a vector layer are Color and Opacity.

Strater 5 User’s Guide

Expand a Vector layer to edit the layer's properties.

The Color is the color of the lines in the vector fill. Click the existing color sample next to Color to
open the color palette. Click on a color in the palette to use it for the layer's line color. Click the
button to open the Colors dialog and create custom colors, use the dropper to select a color, or
select the color from a color wheel.

The Opacity controls the transparency of the lines in the vector fill. To change the Opacity, highlight
the existing value and type a new value. Press ENTER on the keyboard to make the change.
Alternatively, click and drag the slider to increase or decrease the opacity value. Opacity
values are between 0% (zero opacity, full transparency) to 100% (full opacity, zero transparency).

Line Layer Properties

The properties for a Line layer are Color, Opacity, Angle, Offset, Separation, and Width.

Chapter 14 - Percentage Logs

Expand a Line layer to edit the layer's properties.

The Color is the color of the lines in the line fill layer. Click the existing color sample next to Color
to open the color palette. Click on a color in the palette to use it for the layer's line color. Click the
button to open the Colors dialog and create custom colors, use the dropper to select a color, or
select the color from a color wheel.

The Opacity controls the transparency of the lines in the line fill layer. To change the Opacity,
highlight the existing value and type a new value. Press ENTER on the keyboard to make the
change. Alternatively, click and drag the slider to increase or decrease the opacity value.
Opacity values are between 0% (zero opacity, full transparency) to 100% (full opacity, zero

Change the angle of the lines by typing a value in degrees in the Angle field or clicking and
dragging the slider . Positive values rotate the lines clockwise.

Change the vertical offset between the lines and the pattern's origin by typing a value between -
0.25 and 0.25 inches in the Offset field. You can also change the Offset value by clicking the

Strater 5 User’s Guide

Change the separation between the lines by typing a value between 0 and 0.25 inches in the
Separation field. You can also change the Separation value by clicking the buttons.

Change the line Width by highlighting the existing value and typing a new number or by clicking the
to increase or decrease the line width. The line width can be zero to 0.5 inches (1.27 cm) wide.
A width of zero is one pixel wide.

Water Level Properties

Symbols indicating water level can be added to all logs types except depth logs. Water level
symbols can be displayed in the borehole view and the cross section view. The lower point of the
triangle, i.e. the bottom vertex, is aligned with the depth in the water level table. This is different
than symbols in a post log, where the symbol center is aligned with the depth specified in the depth
table. Additionally the water level can be displayed between logs on a cross section in the cross
section properties. Add the symbols and edit their properties on the Water Level page in the
Property Manager.

Chapter 14 - Percentage Logs

Edit water level data, symbol, and label properties

on the Water Level page.

General Properties
The General section of the Water Level page contains properties for the water label table and
symbol properties.

Display Water Level Symbol

Check the Display water level symbol check box to display water level symbols on the log. A depth
table containing water level information must be selected in the Water level table field for the water
level symbols to be displayed.

Water Level Table

The water level table is a depth table containing at a minimum hole IDs and depths. An additional
parameter column can be included to specify the water level names and water level connections

Strater 5 User’s Guide

between the logs. If the water level table is already loaded, click the Water level table field and
select the table from the list. Click the button to load the Water level table with the Open

Symbol Size
The Symbol size property controls the size of the water level symbol. Type a value in page units in
the Symbol size field or click the button to change the Symbol size value.

Symbol Alignment
The Symbol alignment property aligns the symbol on the left, center, or right of the log. Click the
current selection in the Symbol alignment and select Left, Center, or Right from the list.

Symbol Style
The water level symbol is an inverted triangle with between one and three lines at the point. The
Symbol style property specifies the number of lines. Click the current Symbol style selection and
select One line, Two lines, or Three lines from the list.

Line Properties
The Line Properties section of the Water Level page controls the line properties for the water level
symbol. See the Line Properties topic for more information on line properties.

Fill Properties
The Fill Properties section of the Water Level page controls the fill properties for the water level
symbol. See the Fill Properties topic for more information on fill properties.

Label Properties
The Label Properties section of the Water Level page controls the water level symbol labels.

Show Water Level Name

Check the Show water level name check box to display labels next to the water level symbols. The
labels are specified by the Water level name column. Uncheck the Show water level name check
box to hide the water level labels.

Water Level Name Column

The water level table can include a name column which is used to connect water levels across logs
and display labels for the water level symbols. Select the column containing the water level names
by clicking the Water level name column field and selecting a column from the list. The water level
labels will be populated by the names in the Water level name column.

Connect water levels by name by checking the Connect water level(s) by names check box in the
cross section properties. When the Water level name column does not contain data, Strater
connects the water levels automatically. The Water level name column is also used to connect
specific water levels between the logs. For example, if borehole 1 contains two water level names A
and B and borehole 2 contains three water level names A, B, and C, the two A water level symbols
and two B water level symbols will be connected by a line. When the Water level name column
contains unique names for the water levels, no water level symbols will be connected as this
indicates these are separate water levels.

Chapter 14 - Percentage Logs

Offset Method
The Offset method property controls the label offset direction from the water table symbol. Click the
current selection and select Center, Left, Top, Right, Bottom, or User defined from the list to
change the label offset. Selecting User defined enables the X offset and Y offset properties.

X Offset
The X offset property moves the label to the left or right when the Offset method is set to User
defined. Type a value in page units or click the buttons to change the X offset value.

Y Offset
The Y offset property moves the label up or down when the Offset method is set to User defined.
Type a value in page units or click the buttons to change the Y offset value.

Label Angle
The Label angle property rotates the water level symbol labels. Type a value in degrees in the Label
angle field or click and drag the slider to rotate the labels. Positive angle values rotate the labels

Nudge End Values

The Nudge End Values option moves the starting and ending labels away from the edges of the log
pane so that they are completely visible. This 'nudging' occurs only if the label is near the edge of
the log pane, otherwise the location of the label does not change. Check the box next to Nudge End
Values to move the labels. Uncheck the box to keep the labels in the depth location specified.

Label Format
The Label Format section includes label formatting properties. See the Format Properties topic for
more information on label format properties.

Font Properties
The Font Properties section includes label font formatting properties. See the Font Properties topic
for more information on font format properties.

Chapter 15 - Post Logs
Post Logs
Click the Log | Create Log | Post command to create a post log. Post logs are used to
display symbol position and text. The symbols can represent sample locations at depth or intervals,
and in the case of monitoring wells, the depth to water, contamination, etc. You can use a keyword
scheme to define the symbols, or use the default symbol. The log also allows placing text at one of
five positions relative to the symbol position.

Data Requirements
Post logs use depth or interval data tables. In the data table, there are two required columns. The
required columns are Hole ID and Depth. If you wish to base the symbol properties on a keyword
scheme, then a data column is also required. Symbols are plotted at the center of the post log
width. Symbols are plotted at the depth recorded in the depth column for each row.

Interval table types can be used. When an interval table type is used, the symbol is plotted at the
center point of the interval. For instance, if the interval goes From 1 To 4, the symbol is plotted at
2.5 on the depth axis.

The Hole ID and Depth are required for a post log.

If symbol properties are based on a keyword
scheme, a data column is also required.

Creating a Post Log

To create a post log:
1. Click the Log | Create Log | Post command.
2. Click inside the log pane where you want the post log to appear.

Chapter 15 - Post Logs

3. In the Open dialog, click on the data file. If the data was already imported, click on the table
name in the Use Current Table section. Click Open.
4. Set the data importing options in the Specify Worksheet Column Definitions dialog, if
necessary, and click Next.
5. Finish the importing of data in the Specify Data Type and Column Positions dialog and
click Finish.
6. The log appears in the borehole window.
If you are in active mode a post log is created using the default properties. If you are in design
mode, a post log graphic is displayed as a place holder after step 2.

Editing Post Log Properties

To change the features of a post log, including the data column used to create the log, click on the
post log in Object Manager or view window and edit its properties in the Property Manager.

The following tabs are listed in the Property Manager:

• Log
• Label
• Line
• Fill
• Symbol
• Water Level

Post Log Properties

The Log page in the Property Manager includes options for defining data and keyword schemes
for post logs. To view and edit post log properties, click on the post log in the view window or
Object Manager to select the log. Then, click on the Log tab in the Property Manager.

Edit post log properties on the

Log tab in the Property Manager.

Strater 5 User’s Guide

Hole ID Filter
The Hole ID filter is used to select the borehole to associate with this log. Only those Hole IDs that
are currently associated with data tables in this project are listed. To change the Hole ID Filter, click
on the existing Hole ID and select the desired Hole ID from the list. The log automatically updates
to show the new borehole.

When the Logs object is selected in a cross section view, the Hole ID filter is not available. To set a
specific log to a particular Hole ID, click on that individual log and set the Hole ID filter to the
appropriate log.

Use the Table to define the data table for the post log. The table type can be an interval table or a
depth table. If the table is a depth table, the symbols are plotted at the depth listed in the table. If
the table type is an interval type table, the depth is determined by calculating the mid-point
position between the To and From columns in the corresponding table. To change the table, click on
the existing table name and select the desired table from the list.

Data Column
The Data column is the column in the selected Table that is being displayed by the post log. When
the Table is changed to another table, the Data column list is automatically updated to display the
column names in the newly selected table. To change the column, click on the existing column
name next to Data column and select the desired column from the list.

The Data column is used for keyword matching. If you do not want to use a keyword scheme and
simply want to plot symbols at depth, you can select any data column and use the settings on the
Symbol tab to specify the symbol properties for the entire log.

Angle Column
The Angle column is the column in the selected Table that determines the angle that the symbol in
the post log is pointing. When the Table is changed to another table, the Angle column list is
automatically updated to display the column names in the newly selected table. To change the
column, click on the existing column name next to Angle column and select the desired column
from the list. The Angle column should contain rotation in degrees with a range of zero to 360. 0
and 360 are vertical pointing up. Angles increase in a clockwise rotation. Strater automatically
resets values above 360. If a data cell contains a null or text, the rotation is set to zero. If there are
no rotation values in the data, select [Unspecified].

Hole Inclination, Hole Dip, and Azimuth Columns

The Hole inclination column (or Hole dip column) is used in combination with the Hole azimuth
column to calculate the true vertical depth for the hole. Either Hole inclination column or Hole dip
column is displayed. To control whether inclination or dip is used, click the File | Options
command. In the Options dialog, check or uncheck the Use Hole dip instead of inclination option.

Inclination is the angle the borehole is oriented in degrees and varies from 0 to 180. 0 indicates
vertical pointing down, 90 indicates horizontal, and 180 indicates vertical pointing up. Negative and
positive inclination values are treated the same for depth calculations. Negative inclination values
are treated differently for well path calculations in the cross section and map views. A negative
inclination changes the direction (azimuth) to the opposite of the similar positive inclination. For
example, the azimuth value of 90 and inclination of 45 describes the same orientation as the
azimuth value of 270 and inclination of -45 degrees. Both combinations describe an eastward
direction at 45 degrees down from the horizontal plane.

Chapter 15 - Post Logs

Dip is an alternate method of calculating the angle the borehole is oriented. Dip is oriented in
degrees and varies from -90 to 90. -90 indicates vertical pointing down, 0 indicates horizontal, and
+90 indicates vertical pointing up.

Azimuth is the compass orientation of the well's deviation, in degrees and varies from 0 (true
vertical north) to 360. Azimuth values are measured relative to true north (not grid north in the
local coordinate system).

To set the Hole inclination column or Hole dip column, click on the existing option and select the
desired option from the list. Available options are [Unspecified], [From collars table:collars name],
[From survey table: survey name], or data columns in the selected Lithology table. When one
column is set to unspecified or survey table, the other column automatically changes to the same
option. When recorded in a collars table, the inclination/dip and azimuth apply to the entire well
length. When recorded in a survey table, the inclination/dip and azimuth apply from the depth to
the next recorded depth. When set to one of the columns in the existing table, each log is updated
independently from each other log using the information in the specific depth or interval tables. If
the Hole inclination column for the log is set to [Unspecified], an inclination value of 0 is used for
the calculations. No difference will be visible for the log when changing the Depth method to True
vertical depth.

Use Keyword Scheme

The Use keyword scheme option sets whether the symbol properties should be based on a keyword
scheme or all symbols should use the same properties. To use a keyword scheme, check the box
next to the Use keyword scheme option. To use the same properties for all symbols on the post log,
uncheck the box next to the Use keyword scheme option. The keyword scheme should contain
items that match the keyword text in the Data column.

If the options on the Symbol tab or the Font properties on the Label tab are not available, a
scheme is likely being used. Uncheck the Use keyword scheme option to turn off the display of the
scheme properties and set the symbol and font properties on the Symbol and Label tabs.

Keyword Scheme
The Keyword scheme is the scheme that determines the symbol properties when the box next to
the Use keyword scheme option is checked. The selected scheme should contain items that match
the keyword text in the Data column. To change the scheme, click on the existing scheme name
and select the desired scheme from the list. Click the next to the scheme name to open the
Scheme Editor, where the scheme can be created or edited.

Post Log - Label Properties

Label properties change the appearance of labels on line/symbol, post, classed post, and function
logs. Click on the Label tab in the Property Manager to edit label properties.

Strater 5 User’s Guide

Set label properties on the Label

tab in the Property Manager.

Active Variable
Whether or not the labels are displayed and the label properties are independently controlled for
each variable in the log. Changing the Show label and other label properties for one Active variable
does not change the label properties for the other variables in the log. Edit a variable's line/symbol
or function log labels by selecting the variable the Active variable field. Select the desired variable
by clicking the current selection in the Active variable field and select the variable from the list. The
Active variable property is not displayed for post and classed post logs.

Show Label
The Show label option determines if labels are displayed at the point locations on the log. For
classed post and post logs, check the box next to Show label to show the labels. Data values are
displayed at each point along the log.

For line/symbol and function logs, click on the existing option and select the desired option from the
Show label list. Available label types are None and Data for borehole views. Available label types
are None, Data, Layer Mark, and Data and Layer Mark for cross section views. None turns off label
display. Data displays only the data value from the column for each point. Layer Mark displays only
the layer mark names. Data and Layer Mark displays all data points and layer marks for the
line/symbol log.

Changing the Show label property for one Active variable does not change the label state for any of
the other variables in the line/symbol or function log.

Click the next to Layout to set the label layout options.

Chapter 15 - Post Logs

The Frequency option controls how many labels appear on the log. Setting the value to zero
displays no labels on the log. Setting the value to one displays a label at all values. Change the
Frequency to two to display a label at every other data value or three to display a label at every
third value. To change the Frequency, highlight the existing value and type a new number. Enter a
number between 0 and 1000. Press ENTER on the keyboard to make the change. Alternatively, click

on the to increase or decrease the value.

Offset Method
The Offset method determines the location of the label relative to the symbol. To change the
location, click on the existing option and select the desired option from the list. Available options
are Center, Left, Top, Right, Bottom, and User Defined.

X Offset
The X Offset field is active only when the Offset method is set to User Defined. The X Offset moves
the label number to the right (positive offset) or left (negative offset) by the number entered, in

Y Offset
The Y Offset field is active only when the selected offset type is User Defined. The Y Offset moves
the label numbers up (positive offset) or down (negative offset) by the number entered, in inches.

The Angle option sets the displayed labels at an angle. The numbers are in degrees offset from
horizontal moving in a counter-clockwise direction. For example, an angle of 90 displays the
numbers vertically, and an angle of 180 displays the numbers upside-down. To change the angle,
highlight the existing option and type the desired angle. Press ENTER on the keyboard to make the

change. Alternatively, click the button to increase or decrease the value. Angle values must be
between zero and 360 degrees.

Nudge End Values

The Nudge End Values option moves the starting and ending labels away from the edges of the log
pane so that they are completely visible. This 'nudging' occurs only if the label is near the edge of
the log pane, otherwise the location of the label does not change. Check the box next to Nudge End
Values to move the labels. Uncheck the box to keep the labels in the depth location specified.

Click the next to Label Format to set the numeric format options for the labels.

Click the next to Font Properties to set the font properties for the labels.

If the options in the Font section are not available, a scheme is likely being used. Uncheck the Use
Keyword Scheme option on the Post Log tab to turn off the display of the scheme properties and
set the font properties in the Font section.

Strater 5 User’s Guide

Post Log - Line Properties

The curves in a line/symbol log can be represented by lines, most logs can be surrounded by a
border, and grid lines are used to show data increments on individual log items. There is a variable
grid that represents the X axis data and another grid for depth or Y axis data. Most log items
include a depth grid option but not all log items have variable grid options. The Line page of the
Property Manager contains the properties for the log curve, border, and grid lines.

To edit the line properties, select a log item. Click on the Line tab in the Property Manager.
Which of the Log, Curve 1 and Curve 2, Border, Variable Grid Lines, and Depth Grid Lines sections
are displayed depends on the type of log selected. For example the Line page for line/symbol logs
includes Log, Border, Variable Grid Lines, and Depth Grid Lines sections while the Line page for
well construction logs includes only the Border section.

Edit the log curve, border, and grid line

properties on the Line page.

Chapter 15 - Post Logs

Log Properties
The Log section of the Line page controls the line properties for the curve or curves in the
line/symbol log or function log. The Log section also controls the line properties for layer marks
lines on an unregistered or registered raster log.

Active Variable
The line properties are independently controlled for each of the variables in the log. Edit a variable's
line/symbol plot by selecting the variable the Active variable field. Select the desired variable by
clicking the current selection in the Active variable field and select the variable from the list.

Log Line Properties

The Line Properties section contains the line properties for the log curve selected in the Active
variable field. See the Line Properties topic for more information on editing line properties.

Curve 1 and Curve 2 Properties

The Curve 1 and Curve 2 sections control the line properties for the curves in a crossplot log.

Curve 1 and Curve 2 Line Properties

The Line Properties section contains the line properties for the log curve. See the Line Properties
topic for more information on editing line properties.

Border Properties
The Border section of the Line page controls the line properties for the log border.

Display Border Line

Check the Disply border line check box to draw a border line around the log. Uncheck the Display
border line check box to hide the log border line. The log border is displayed from the Starting
borehole depth to the Ending borehole depth and around the entirety of the log.

Border Line Properties

The Line Properties section contains the line properties for the log border. See the Line Properties
topic for more information on editing line properties.

Variable Grid Lines and Depth Grid Lines Properties

The Variable Grid Lines and Depth Grid Lines sections have identical settings, with the exception of
the Active variable property, but represent the settings for the different grids. The following
properties are displayed in both the Variable Grid Lines and Depth Grid Lines sections.

Active Variable
Variable grid lines can be added for each of the variables in the log. Variable grid lines are added
one at a time by selecting the variable in the Active variable field. Select the desired variable by
clicking the current selection in the Active variable field and select the variable from the list.

The Active variable property is only displayed when the Use all columns for range check box on the
Line/Symbol Log page is not checked. When Use all columns for range is checked there is only one
variable scale, and therefore can only be one set of variable grid lines.

Strater 5 User’s Guide

Grid Line Display Order

Grid lines can be positioned above the log (Top), beneath the log (Bottom), or not displayed (Hide)
with the Grid line display order options. If Top is selected, the grid is the last item drawn for a
specific log item. Bottom means the grid is under the log item, but above the fill background. Hide
means do not show the grid. To change the Grid line display order, click on the existing option and
select the desired option from the list.

After setting the Grid line display order, turn on the grid lines by checking the box next to the Show
in the Major Grid Line and/or Minor Grid Line sections.

Auto Grid Range

The Auto grid range option controls the first and last grids shown for the grid lines. When the Auto
grid range check box is checked, Strater creates settings based upon the log data. Uncheck the
Auto grid range check box to manually set the grid's minimum and maximum values in the Grid
minimum and Grid maximum settings.

If the borehole is changed, the new data may or may not fit into the user defined grid range so use
caution in setting these values.

Grid Minimum
When Auto grid range is not checked, the Grid minimum defines the minimum value of the grid. To
change the minimum grid line value, highlight the existing value and type a new value. Press
ENTER on the keyboard and the grid lines update.

Grid Maximum
When Auto grid range is not checked, the Grid maximum defines the maximum value of the grid. To
change the maximum grid line value, highlight the existing value and type a new value. Press
ENTER on the keyboard and the grid lines update.

Show Major Grid Lines

To show major grid lines, check the box next to the Show in the Major Grid Line section. To hide
the major grid lines, uncheck the box.

Major Grid Interval

To change the Major interval the Auto grid range option must be unchecked. The Major interval is
the spacing between the major grid lines.

Major Line Properties

Set the major grid line properties with the Style, Color, Foreground Opacity, and Width options.

Show Minor Grid Lines

To show minor grid lines, check the box next to the Show in the Minor Grid Line section. To hide the
minor grid lines, uncheck the box.

Grid Division
The Divisions property determines how many minor divisions (gaps) are between major tick marks.
If the value is 1, no minor grid lines will appear. If the value is 2, one minor grid line will appear. To
change the value, highlight the existing value and type a new value. Press ENTER on the keyboard
to make the change.

Chapter 15 - Post Logs

Minor Line Properties

Set the minor grid line properties with the Style, Color, Foreground Opacity, and Width options.

Post Log - Fill Properties

Fill properties can be changed for selected objects. To edit the fill properties, click on the object in
the Object Manager or plot window. The properties are listed in the Property Manager. Default
fill properties are set in the File | Options dialog by clicking on the Fill page.

If the options on the Fill tab are not available, a scheme is likely being used. Uncheck the
appropriate Use Keyword Scheme, Use Range Scheme, or Use Indent Keyword Scheme option to
turn off the display of the scheme properties and set the fill properties on the Fill tab.

Schemes and Fill Properties

Note that if a scheme is used in a log item, the fill properties will be unavailable on the Fill tab. You
must change the fill properties for the scheme in the Scheme Editor or turn off the display of the

Fill Properties Page

The object's fill is composed of layers of various fill types. All of the predefined fills have only one
layer. Custom fills created with the Fill Style Editor may have multiple layers of any type. Each
layer in the fill style has its own section in the Property Manager. The layers are listed in
descending order, i.e. the topmost layer is listed first, Layer 1 (<type>), followed by additional
layers. The following properties are displayed on the Fill page of the Property Manager.

Only the layer properties displayed in the Property Manager are included in this topic. To see
information about properties that are included in the Fill Style Editor, see the Fill Style Editor
topic. The image layer Load from property and the vector layer drawing area are only available in
the Fill Style Editor.

Log Fill Background

For many of the log objects, the Fill page includes a Fill background check box. If the box next to
Fill background is checked, the background area is filled. If the box next to Fill background is
unchecked, the background is not filled. To change the Fill background, check or uncheck the box.
The Fill Properties section below the Fill background property controls the background fill.

Legend Fill Background

When a legend is selected, the Fill page contains the fill options for the legend background. The
Frame style on the Line page must be set to Rectangle or Rounded Rectangle for the legend to
display a background fill. When the Frame style is set to None, the background fill is not displayed
regardless of the Fill page settings. If you wish to display a background fill but not a frame line,
then set the Frame style to Rectangle or Rounded Rectangle. Next set Style in the Line Properties
section to Invisible. Finally set the desired background properties on the Fill page.

Strater 5 User’s Guide

The Fill page in the Property Manager controls the

fill properties for the selected object.

Fill Style
The Style indicates the way that an object is filled. To change the Style, click on the existing fill
style next to Style. In the list, select a new style from the fill palette. Create custom fill styles with
the Fill Style Editor. Click the next to the Style field to open the Fill Style Editor to modify or
create a fill style.

Each layer in the selected fill style is displayed in its own section. The layers are listed in order from
top to bottom. The layer name is Layer n (type), where n is the layer position and type is the layer
type. A layer preview is displayed to the right of the layer name. The six layer types are Solid,
Stock, Image, Gradient, Vector, and Line. Click the button to expand the layer properties.

Solid Layer Properties

The properties for a solid layer are Color and Opacity.

Expand a Solid layer to edit the layer's properties.

Chapter 15 - Post Logs

The Color is the color of the solid fill. Click the existing color sample next to Color to open the color
palette. Click on a color in the palette to use it for the layer's fill color. Click the button to open
the Colors dialog and create custom colors, use the dropper to select a color, or select the color
from a color wheel.

The Opacity controls the transparency of the solid fill style. To change the Opacity, highlight the
existing value and type a new value. Press ENTER on the keyboard to make the change.
Alternatively, click and drag the slider to increase or decrease the opacity value. Opacity
values are between 0% (zero opacity, full transparency) to 100% (full opacity, zero transparency).

Stock Layer Properties

The properties for a stock layer are Pattern, Foreground color, Foreground opacity, Background
color, and Background opacity.

Expand a Stock layer to edit the layer's properties.

The Pattern indicates the way the stock layer is filled. To change the Pattern, click on the existing
pattern sample next to Pattern. Select a new style from the pattern palette.

Foreground Color
The Foreground color is the color of the pattern. Click the existing color sample next to Foreground
color to open the color palette. Click on a color in the palette to use it for the selected foreground
fill color. Click the button to open the Colors dialog and create custom colors, use the dropper
to select a color, or select the color from a color wheel.

Foreground Opacity
The Foreground opacity controls the transparency of the foreground portion of the pattern. To
change the Foreground opacity, highlight the existing value and type a new value. Press ENTER on

Strater 5 User’s Guide

the keyboard to make the change. Alternatively, click and drag the slider to increase or
decrease the opacity value. Opacity values are between 0% (zero opacity, full transparency) to
100% (full opacity, zero transparency).

Background Color
The Background color is the color behind the pattern. Click the existing color sample next to
Background color to open the color palette. Click on a color in the palette to use it for the
background fill color. Click the button to open the Colors dialog and create custom colors.

Background Opacity
The Background opacity controls the transparency of the background portion of the pattern. To
change the Background opacity, highlight the existing value and type a new value. Press ENTER on
the keyboard to make the change. Alternatively, click and drag the slider to increase or
decrease the opacity value. Opacity values are between 0% (zero opacity, full transparency) to
100% (full opacity, zero transparency).

If the stock layer is above other layers in the fill style, the Background opacity must be less than
100% to see the layers below. To make a fill pattern appear transparent with only the foreground
portion of the fill pattern showing, change the Background Opacity value to 0%.

Image Layer Properties

The properties for an image layer are Pattern, Opacity, Stretch, Image Offset (X and Y), and Image
Scale (X, Y, and Proportional).

Expand an Image layer to edit the layer's properties.

Chapter 15 - Post Logs

The Pattern property is used to add image layers from predefined or custom image fill styles. To
change the image layer, click the current option for an image layer Pattern and select a predefined
image layer or a custom image layer from the image palette. Only image fills with a single layer are
included in the image palette.

The Opacity controls the transparency of the image fill style. To change the Opacity, highlight the
existing value and type a new value. Press ENTER on the keyboard to make the change.
Alternatively, click and drag the slider to increase or decrease the opacity value. Opacity
values are between 0% (zero opacity, full transparency) to 100% (full opacity, zero transparency).

The Stretch is used with image patterns. The Stretch determines how the image is used to fill the
desired area. When the Stretch check box is checked, the image is stretched to fit the fill area.
When the Stretch check box is not checked the image is tiled in the fill area.

The image fill on the left has the Stretch box checked. The image on
the right has the Stretch box unchecked.

Image Offset
Offset the image in the fill layer by typing a value in pixels in the X or Y fields in the Image Offset
section. You can also change the X and Y image offset values by clicking the buttons.

Image Scale
The Image Scale properties control the density of the image fill. Change the image scale by typing
a value in the X or Y fields in the Image Scale section. The Image Scale properties are ignored
when the Stretch property is checked. You can also change the X and Y image scale values by
clicking the buttons.

When the Proportional check box is checked, the X and Y values automatically update to maintain
the current aspect ratio. Uncheck the Proportional check box to apply different scaling in the X and
Y directions.

Note that the Proportional property does not lock the X and Y values to any specific aspect ratio but
to whichever ratio is in use when the box is checked. For example, assume you want the X:Y ratio
to be 2:1, but you do not know which Image Scale values are desired. You can uncheck the
Proportional check box. Next set the X value to 2 and the Y value to 1. Check the Proportional

Strater 5 User’s Guide

check box. Now when you adjust one of the X or Y values, the other value updates automatically to
maintain the 2:1 ratio.

Gradient Layer Properties

The properties for a gradient layer are Type, Direction, and Colormap.

Expand a Gradient layer to edit the layer's properties.

The Type controls how a gradient fill pattern is used to fill the selected area. To change the Type,
click on the current type and select the new type in the list. Select Linear or Radial for the Type.
When the Type is set to Linear, a linear color gradient fills the area. The colors change in a linear
manner from the top to the bottom or from the left to the right of the area. When the Type is set to
Radial, a radial color gradient fills the area. The colors change in concentric circles, either
expanding from the interior and going out or from the exterior and going in.

The Radial type is shown on the left and

the Linear type is shown on the right.

The Direction option sets the direction the gradient fills. When the Type is set to Linear, choose
either Vertical or Horizontal for the Direction. The Vertical option sets the gradient to change along
the Y axis. The Horizontal option sets the gradient to change along the X axis. When Radial is
selected as the Type, the Direction options are Inward and Outward. This reverses the color

Chapter 15 - Post Logs


The Colormap option sets the colors to use in the gradient pattern. Click the button to select or
create a color gradient in the Colormap dialog.

Vector Layer Properties

The properties for a vector layer are Color and Opacity.

Expand a Vector layer to edit the layer's properties.

The Color is the color of the lines in the vector fill. Click the existing color sample next to Color to
open the color palette. Click on a color in the palette to use it for the layer's line color. Click the
button to open the Colors dialog and create custom colors, use the dropper to select a color, or
select the color from a color wheel.

The Opacity controls the transparency of the lines in the vector fill. To change the Opacity, highlight
the existing value and type a new value. Press ENTER on the keyboard to make the change.
Alternatively, click and drag the slider to increase or decrease the opacity value. Opacity
values are between 0% (zero opacity, full transparency) to 100% (full opacity, zero transparency).

Line Layer Properties

The properties for a Line layer are Color, Opacity, Angle, Offset, Separation, and Width.

Strater 5 User’s Guide

Expand a Line layer to edit the layer's properties.

The Color is the color of the lines in the line fill layer. Click the existing color sample next to Color
to open the color palette. Click on a color in the palette to use it for the layer's line color. Click the
button to open the Colors dialog and create custom colors, use the dropper to select a color, or
select the color from a color wheel.

The Opacity controls the transparency of the lines in the line fill layer. To change the Opacity,
highlight the existing value and type a new value. Press ENTER on the keyboard to make the
change. Alternatively, click and drag the slider to increase or decrease the opacity value.
Opacity values are between 0% (zero opacity, full transparency) to 100% (full opacity, zero

Change the angle of the lines by typing a value in degrees in the Angle field or clicking and
dragging the slider . Positive values rotate the lines clockwise.

Change the vertical offset between the lines and the pattern's origin by typing a value between -
0.25 and 0.25 inches in the Offset field. You can also change the Offset value by clicking the

Chapter 15 - Post Logs

Change the separation between the lines by typing a value between 0 and 0.25 inches in the
Separation field. You can also change the Separation value by clicking the buttons.

Change the line Width by highlighting the existing value and typing a new number or by clicking the
to increase or decrease the line width. The line width can be zero to 0.5 inches (1.27 cm) wide.
A width of zero is one pixel wide.

Post Log - Symbol Properties

Symbol properties can be changed for selected objects in the borehole, map view, or cross section
view windows. Default symbol properties are set by clicking the File | Options command.

Custom symbols can be created using a third party TrueType font editing software.

If the options on the Symbol tab are not available, a scheme is likely being used. Uncheck the
appropriate Use Keyword Scheme, Use Range Scheme, or Use Indent Keyword Scheme option to
turn off the display of the scheme properties and set the symbol properties on the Symbol tab.

Set the symbol properties for the

selected object in the Property Manager.

Log Symbol Properties

The following two properties are available for the curves on a line/symbol log or function log. The
Frequency property is available for the curves on a crossplot log.

Strater 5 User’s Guide

Active Variable
The symbol properties are independently controlled for each of the variables in the log. Edit a
variable's line/symbol plot by selecting the variable the Active variable field. Select the desired
variable by clicking the current selection in the Active variable field and select the variable from the

Symbol Frequency
In addition to the standard symbol options, the line/symbol log has a Frequency option. Symbols
can be displayed on the log by setting the Frequency to a number greater than zero. A frequency of
1 posts every point as a symbol on the log. A frequency of 2 posts every other point, etc.
Frequency can be used to thin the number of displayed data points to avoid overwriting each other.
The Frequency value can be from 0 to 1000.

Symbol Properties
Click the button to expand the Symbol Properties section and edit the selected object's symbol

The Symbol is the symbol that is displayed for the selected object. To change the Symbol, click on
the existing symbol. The symbol palette is displayed. Click on the new symbol. The object is
automatically updated to show the new symbol.

The symbol index is the symbol or glyph number as it appears in the title bar above the palette and
adjacent to the symbol in the Property Manager.

Symbol Set
The Symbol Set displays the font that is currently used for the symbol. To change the Symbol Set,
click on the existing symbol set name. In the list, select a new font from the list. All TrueType fonts
are listed in the Symbol Set.

Fill Color
The Fill Color is the inside color of the symbol, when the selected symbol is a solid filled symbol. To
change the Fill Color of the symbol, click on the existing Fill Color and select a new color from the
color palette. Create new colors by clicking the Custom button at the bottom of the color palette.

Fill Opacity
The Fill Opacity controls the transparency of the filled portion of the symbol. To change the Fill
Opacity, highlight the existing value and type a new value. Press ENTER on the keyboard to make
the change. Alternatively, click on the button to increase or decrease the opacity value. Opacity
values are between 0% (zero opacity, full transparency) to 100% (full opacity, zero transparency).

Line Color
The Line Color is the outside edge color of the symbol. To change the symbol outline color, click on
the existing Line Color and select a new color from the color palette. Create new colors by clicking
the Custom button at the bottom of the color palette.

Line Opacity
The Line Opacity controls the transparency of the line around the symbol. To change the Line
Opacity, highlight the existing value and type a new value. Press ENTER on the keyboard to make

Chapter 15 - Post Logs

the change. Alternatively, click on the button to increase or decrease the opacity value. Opacity
values are between 0% (zero opacity, full transparency) to 100% (full opacity, zero transparency).

The Size controls the symbol size. This is the size of the full symbol box, not just the symbol glyph.
To change the Size of the symbol, highlight the existing value and type a new number in the box.
Alternatively, click on the button to increase or decrease the size of the symbol. Symbol sizes
are between 0.0 and 4.0 inches (0.0 and 10.16 centimeters) and are shown in page units.

Water Level Properties

Symbols indicating water level can be added to all logs types except depth logs. Water level
symbols can be displayed in the borehole view and the cross section view. The lower point of the
triangle, i.e. the bottom vertex, is aligned with the depth in the water level table. This is different
than symbols in a post log, where the symbol center is aligned with the depth specified in the depth
table. Additionally the water level can be displayed between logs on a cross section in the cross
section properties. Add the symbols and edit their properties on the Water Level page in the
Property Manager.

Edit water level data, symbol, and label properties

on the Water Level page.

Strater 5 User’s Guide

General Properties
The General section of the Water Level page contains properties for the water label table and
symbol properties.

Display Water Level Symbol

Check the Display water level symbol check box to display water level symbols on the log. A depth
table containing water level information must be selected in the Water level table field for the water
level symbols to be displayed.

Water Level Table

The water level table is a depth table containing at a minimum hole IDs and depths. An additional
parameter column can be included to specify the water level names and water level connections
between the logs. If the water level table is already loaded, click the Water level table field and
select the table from the list. Click the button to load the Water level table with the Open

Symbol Size
The Symbol size property controls the size of the water level symbol. Type a value in page units in
the Symbol size field or click the button to change the Symbol size value.

Symbol Alignment
The Symbol alignment property aligns the symbol on the left, center, or right of the log. Click the
current selection in the Symbol alignment and select Left, Center, or Right from the list.

Symbol Style
The water level symbol is an inverted triangle with between one and three lines at the point. The
Symbol style property specifies the number of lines. Click the current Symbol style selection and
select One line, Two lines, or Three lines from the list.

Line Properties
The Line Properties section of the Water Level page controls the line properties for the water level
symbol. See the Line Properties topic for more information on line properties.

Fill Properties
The Fill Properties section of the Water Level page controls the fill properties for the water level
symbol. See the Fill Properties topic for more information on fill properties.

Label Properties
The Label Properties section of the Water Level page controls the water level symbol labels.

Show Water Level Name

Check the Show water level name check box to display labels next to the water level symbols. The
labels are specified by the Water level name column. Uncheck the Show water level name check
box to hide the water level labels.

Water Level Name Column

The water level table can include a name column which is used to connect water levels across logs
and display labels for the water level symbols. Select the column containing the water level names

Chapter 15 - Post Logs

by clicking the Water level name column field and selecting a column from the list. The water level
labels will be populated by the names in the Water level name column.

Connect water levels by name by checking the Connect water level(s) by names check box in the
cross section properties. When the Water level name column does not contain data, Strater
connects the water levels automatically. The Water level name column is also used to connect
specific water levels between the logs. For example, if borehole 1 contains two water level names A
and B and borehole 2 contains three water level names A, B, and C, the two A water level symbols
and two B water level symbols will be connected by a line. When the Water level name column
contains unique names for the water levels, no water level symbols will be connected as this
indicates these are separate water levels.

Offset Method
The Offset method property controls the label offset direction from the water table symbol. Click the
current selection and select Center, Left, Top, Right, Bottom, or User defined from the list to
change the label offset. Selecting User defined enables the X offset and Y offset properties.

X Offset
The X offset property moves the label to the left or right when the Offset method is set to User
defined. Type a value in page units or click the buttons to change the X offset value.

Y Offset
The Y offset property moves the label up or down when the Offset method is set to User defined.
Type a value in page units or click the buttons to change the Y offset value.

Label Angle
The Label angle property rotates the water level symbol labels. Type a value in degrees in the Label
angle field or click and drag the slider to rotate the labels. Positive angle values rotate the labels

Nudge End Values

The Nudge End Values option moves the starting and ending labels away from the edges of the log
pane so that they are completely visible. This 'nudging' occurs only if the label is near the edge of
the log pane, otherwise the location of the label does not change. Check the box next to Nudge End
Values to move the labels. Uncheck the box to keep the labels in the depth location specified.

Label Format
The Label Format section includes label formatting properties. See the Format Properties topic for
more information on label format properties.

Font Properties
The Font Properties section includes label font formatting properties. See the Font Properties topic
for more information on font format properties.

Chapter 16 - Classed Post Logs
Classed Post Logs
Click the Log | Create Log | Classed Post command to create a classed post log. Classed post
logs are similar to the post logs, except that class post logs can use range schemes and numerical
values to determine symbol properties.

Select from several hundred different symbols

to customize the scheme for your classed post log.

Data Requirements
Classed post logs use depth or interval data tables. In the data table, there are three required
columns. The required columns are Hole ID, Depth, and the data column being displayed. Symbols
are plotted at the center of the horizontal width of the classed post log. Symbols are plotted at the
depth recorded in the depth column for each row.

Interval table types can be used. When an interval table type is used, the symbol is plotted at the
center point of the interval. For instance, if the interval goes From 1 To 4, the symbol is plotted at
2.5 on the depth axis.

The Hole ID, Depth, and one column of data

are required for a classed post log.

Creating a Classed Post Log

To create a classed post log:
1. Click the Log | Create Log | Classed Post command.
2. Click inside the log pane where you want the classed post log to appear.

Chapter 16 - Classed Post Logs

3. In the Open dialog, click on the data file. If the data was already imported, click on the table
name in the Use Current Table section. Click Open.
4. Set the data importing options in the Specify Worksheet Column Definitions dialog, if
necessary, and click Next.
5. Finish the importing of data in the Specify Data Type and Column Positions dialog and
click Finish.
6. The log appears in the borehole window.
If you are in active mode a classed post log is created using the default properties. If you are in
design mode, a classed post log graphic is displayed as a place holder after step 2.

Editing Classed Post Log Properties

To change the features of a classed post log, including the data column used to create the log,
select the classed post log in the log pane and edit its properties in the Property Manager.

Classed Post Log Properties

To change the features of a classed post log, including the data column used to create the log, click
on the classed post log in Object Manager or view window and edit its properties in the Property

The following tabs are listed in the Property Manager:

• Log
• Label
• Line
• Fill
• Symbol
• Water Level

Classed Post Log Properties

The Log page in the Property Manager includes options for defining data and range schemes for
classed post logs. To view and edit classed post log properties, click on the classed post log in the
view window or Object Manager to select the log. Then, click on the Log tab in the Property

Edit classed post log properties on the

Classed Post tab in the Property Manager.

Strater 5 User’s Guide

Hole ID Filter
The Hole ID filter is used to select the borehole to associate with this log. Only those Hole IDs that
are currently associated with data tables in this project are listed. To change the Hole ID Filter, click
on the existing Hole ID and select the desired Hole ID from the list. The log automatically updates
to show the new borehole.

When the Logs object is selected in a cross section view, the Hole ID filter is not available. To set a
specific log to a particular Hole ID, click on that individual log and set the Hole ID filter to the
appropriate log.

Use the Table to define the data table for the post log. The table type can be an interval table or a
depth table. If the table is a depth table, the symbols are plotted at the depth listed in the table. If
the table type is an interval type table, the depth is determined by calculating the mid-point
position between the To and From columns in the corresponding table. To change the table, click on
the existing table name and select the desired table from the list.

Data Column
The Data column is the column in the selected Table that is being displayed by the post log. When
the Table is changed to another table, the Data column list is automatically updated to display the
column names in the newly selected table. To change the column, click on the existing column
name next to Data column and select the desired column from the list.

The Data column is used for keyword matching. If you do not want to use a keyword scheme and
simply want to plot symbols at depth, you can select any data column and use the settings on the
Symbol tab to specify the symbol properties for the entire log.

Angle Column
The Angle column is the column in the selected Table that determines the angle that the symbol in
the post log is pointing. When the Table is changed to another table, the Angle column list is
automatically updated to display the column names in the newly selected table. To change the
column, click on the existing column name next to Angle column and select the desired column
from the list. The Angle column should contain rotation in degrees with a range of zero to 360. 0
and 360 are vertical pointing up. Angles increase in a clockwise rotation. Strater automatically
resets values above 360. If a data cell contains a null or text, the rotation is set to zero. If there are
no rotation values in the data, select [Unspecified].

Hole Inclination, Hole Dip, and Azimuth Columns

The Hole inclination column (or Hole dip column) is used in combination with the Hole azimuth
column to calculate the true vertical depth for the hole. Either Hole inclination column or Hole dip
column is displayed. To control whether inclination or dip is used, click the File | Options
command. In the Options dialog, check or uncheck the Use Hole dip instead of inclination option.

Inclination is the angle the borehole is oriented in degrees and varies from 0 to 180. 0 indicates
vertical pointing down, 90 indicates horizontal, and 180 indicates vertical pointing up. Negative and
positive inclination values are treated the same for depth calculations. Negative inclination values
are treated differently for well path calculations in the cross section and map views. A negative
inclination changes the direction (azimuth) to the opposite of the similar positive inclination. For
example, the azimuth value of 90 and inclination of 45 describes the same orientation as the
azimuth value of 270 and inclination of -45 degrees. Both combinations describe an eastward
direction at 45 degrees down from the horizontal plane.

Chapter 16 - Classed Post Logs

Dip is an alternate method of calculating the angle the borehole is oriented. Dip is oriented in
degrees and varies from -90 to 90. -90 indicates vertical pointing down, 0 indicates horizontal, and
+90 indicates vertical pointing up.

Azimuth is the compass orientation of the well's deviation, in degrees and varies from 0 (true
vertical north) to 360. Azimuth values are measured relative to true north (not grid north in the
local coordinate system).

To set the Hole inclination column or Hole dip column, click on the existing option and select the
desired option from the list. Available options are [Unspecified], [From collars table:collars name],
[From survey table: survey name], or data columns in the selected Lithology table. When one
column is set to unspecified or survey table, the other column automatically changes to the same
option. When recorded in a collars table, the inclination/dip and azimuth apply to the entire well
length. When recorded in a survey table, the inclination/dip and azimuth apply from the depth to
the next recorded depth. When set to one of the columns in the existing table, each log is updated
independently from each other log using the information in the specific depth or interval tables. If
the Hole inclination column for the log is set to [Unspecified], an inclination value of 0 is used for
the calculations. No difference will be visible for the log when changing the Depth method to True
vertical depth.

Use Range Scheme

The Use range scheme option sets whether the symbol properties should be based on a range
scheme or all symbols should use the same properties. To use a range scheme, check the box next
to the Use range scheme option. To use the same properties for all symbols on the classed post log,
uncheck the box next to the Use range scheme option. The contents of the Data column are used to
determine the properties, as set by the range scheme.

If you do not want to use a range scheme and simply want to plot all symbols with the same
properties, uncheck the Use range scheme option and use the settings on the Symbol tab to
specify the symbol properties for the entire log.

If the Use range scheme option is checked, the options on the Symbol tab and Font section on the
Label tab are not available because a scheme is in use. Uncheck the Use range scheme option to
turn off the display of the scheme properties and set the symbol and font properties on the Symbol
and Label tabs.

Range Scheme
The Range scheme is the scheme that determines the symbol properties when the box next to the
Use range scheme option is checked. The selected scheme should contain ranges that match the
values that appear in the Data column. To change the scheme, click on the existing scheme name
and select the desired scheme from the list. Click the next to the scheme name to open the
Scheme Editor, where the scheme can be created or edited.

Classed Post Log - Label Properties

Label properties change the appearance of labels on line/symbol, post, classed post, and function
logs. Click on the Label tab in the Property Manager to edit label properties.

Strater 5 User’s Guide

Set label properties on the Label

tab in the Property Manager.

Active Variable
Whether or not the labels are displayed and the label properties are independently controlled for
each variable in the log. Changing the Show label and other label properties for one Active variable
does not change the label properties for the other variables in the log. Edit a variable's line/symbol
or function log labels by selecting the variable the Active variable field. Select the desired variable
by clicking the current selection in the Active variable field and select the variable from the list. The
Active variable property is not displayed for post and classed post logs.

Show Label
The Show label option determines if labels are displayed at the point locations on the log. For
classed post and post logs, check the box next to Show label to show the labels. Data values are
displayed at each point along the log.

For line/symbol and function logs, click on the existing option and select the desired option from the
Show label list. Available label types are None and Data for borehole views. Available label types
are None, Data, Layer Mark, and Data and Layer Mark for cross section views. None turns off label
display. Data displays only the data value from the column for each point. Layer Mark displays only
the layer mark names. Data and Layer Mark displays all data points and layer marks for the
line/symbol log.

Changing the Show label property for one Active variable does not change the label state for any of
the other variables in the line/symbol or function log.

Click the next to Layout to set the label layout options.

Chapter 16 - Classed Post Logs

The Frequency option controls how many labels appear on the log. Setting the value to zero
displays no labels on the log. Setting the value to one displays a label at all values. Change the
Frequency to two to display a label at every other data value or three to display a label at every
third value. To change the Frequency, highlight the existing value and type a new number. Enter a
number between 0 and 1000. Press ENTER on the keyboard to make the change. Alternatively, click

on the to increase or decrease the value.

Offset Method
The Offset method determines the location of the label relative to the symbol. To change the
location, click on the existing option and select the desired option from the list. Available options
are Center, Left, Top, Right, Bottom, and User Defined.

X Offset
The X Offset field is active only when the Offset method is set to User Defined. The X Offset moves
the label number to the right (positive offset) or left (negative offset) by the number entered, in

Y Offset
The Y Offset field is active only when the selected offset type is User Defined. The Y Offset moves
the label numbers up (positive offset) or down (negative offset) by the number entered, in inches.

The Angle option sets the displayed labels at an angle. The numbers are in degrees offset from
horizontal moving in a counter-clockwise direction. For example, an angle of 90 displays the
numbers vertically, and an angle of 180 displays the numbers upside-down. To change the angle,
highlight the existing option and type the desired angle. Press ENTER on the keyboard to make the

change. Alternatively, click the button to increase or decrease the value. Angle values must be
between zero and 360 degrees.

Nudge End Values

The Nudge End Values option moves the starting and ending labels away from the edges of the log
pane so that they are completely visible. This 'nudging' occurs only if the label is near the edge of
the log pane, otherwise the location of the label does not change. Check the box next to Nudge End
Values to move the labels. Uncheck the box to keep the labels in the depth location specified.

Click the next to Label Format to set the numeric format options for the labels.

Click the next to Font Properties to set the font properties for the labels.

If the options in the Font section are not available, a scheme is likely being used. Uncheck the Use
Keyword Scheme option on the Post Log tab to turn off the display of the scheme properties and
set the font properties in the Font section.

Strater 5 User’s Guide

Classed Post Log - Line Properties

The curves in a line/symbol log can be represented by lines, most logs can be surrounded by a
border, and grid lines are used to show data increments on individual log items. There is a variable
grid that represents the X axis data and another grid for depth or Y axis data. Most log items
include a depth grid option but not all log items have variable grid options. The Line page of the
Property Manager contains the properties for the log curve, border, and grid lines.

To edit the line properties, select a log item. Click on the Line tab in the Property Manager.
Which of the Log, Curve 1 and Curve 2, Border, Variable Grid Lines, and Depth Grid Lines sections
are displayed depends on the type of log selected. For example the Line page for line/symbol logs
includes Log, Border, Variable Grid Lines, and Depth Grid Lines sections while the Line page for
well construction logs includes only the Border section.

Edit the log curve, border, and grid line

properties on the Line page.

Chapter 16 - Classed Post Logs

Log Properties
The Log section of the Line page controls the line properties for the curve or curves in the
line/symbol log or function log. The Log section also controls the line properties for layer marks
lines on an unregistered or registered raster log.

Active Variable
The line properties are independently controlled for each of the variables in the log. Edit a variable's
line/symbol plot by selecting the variable the Active variable field. Select the desired variable by
clicking the current selection in the Active variable field and select the variable from the list.

Log Line Properties

The Line Properties section contains the line properties for the log curve selected in the Active
variable field. See the Line Properties topic for more information on editing line properties.

Curve 1 and Curve 2 Properties

The Curve 1 and Curve 2 sections control the line properties for the curves in a crossplot log.

Curve 1 and Curve 2 Line Properties

The Line Properties section contains the line properties for the log curve. See the Line Properties
topic for more information on editing line properties.

Border Properties
The Border section of the Line page controls the line properties for the log border.

Display Border Line

Check the Disply border line check box to draw a border line around the log. Uncheck the Display
border line check box to hide the log border line. The log border is displayed from the Starting
borehole depth to the Ending borehole depth and around the entirety of the log.

Border Line Properties

The Line Properties section contains the line properties for the log border. See the Line Properties
topic for more information on editing line properties.

Variable Grid Lines and Depth Grid Lines Properties

The Variable Grid Lines and Depth Grid Lines sections have identical settings, with the exception of
the Active variable property, but represent the settings for the different grids. The following
properties are displayed in both the Variable Grid Lines and Depth Grid Lines sections.

Active Variable
Variable grid lines can be added for each of the variables in the log. Variable grid lines are added
one at a time by selecting the variable in the Active variable field. Select the desired variable by
clicking the current selection in the Active variable field and select the variable from the list.

The Active variable property is only displayed when the Use all columns for range check box on the
Line/Symbol Log page is not checked. When Use all columns for range is checked there is only one
variable scale, and therefore can only be one set of variable grid lines.

Strater 5 User’s Guide

Grid Line Display Order

Grid lines can be positioned above the log (Top), beneath the log (Bottom), or not displayed (Hide)
with the Grid line display order options. If Top is selected, the grid is the last item drawn for a
specific log item. Bottom means the grid is under the log item, but above the fill background. Hide
means do not show the grid. To change the Grid line display order, click on the existing option and
select the desired option from the list.

After setting the Grid line display order, turn on the grid lines by checking the box next to the Show
in the Major Grid Line and/or Minor Grid Line sections.

Auto Grid Range

The Auto grid range option controls the first and last grids shown for the grid lines. When the Auto
grid range check box is checked, Strater creates settings based upon the log data. Uncheck the
Auto grid range check box to manually set the grid's minimum and maximum values in the Grid
minimum and Grid maximum settings.

If the borehole is changed, the new data may or may not fit into the user defined grid range so use
caution in setting these values.

Grid Minimum
When Auto grid range is not checked, the Grid minimum defines the minimum value of the grid. To
change the minimum grid line value, highlight the existing value and type a new value. Press
ENTER on the keyboard and the grid lines update.

Grid Maximum
When Auto grid range is not checked, the Grid maximum defines the maximum value of the grid. To
change the maximum grid line value, highlight the existing value and type a new value. Press
ENTER on the keyboard and the grid lines update.

Show Major Grid Lines

To show major grid lines, check the box next to the Show in the Major Grid Line section. To hide
the major grid lines, uncheck the box.

Major Grid Interval

To change the Major interval the Auto grid range option must be unchecked. The Major interval is
the spacing between the major grid lines.

Major Line Properties

Set the major grid line properties with the Style, Color, Foreground Opacity, and Width options.

Show Minor Grid Lines

To show minor grid lines, check the box next to the Show in the Minor Grid Line section. To hide the
minor grid lines, uncheck the box.

Grid Division
The Divisions property determines how many minor divisions (gaps) are between major tick marks.
If the value is 1, no minor grid lines will appear. If the value is 2, one minor grid line will appear. To
change the value, highlight the existing value and type a new value. Press ENTER on the keyboard
to make the change.

Chapter 16 - Classed Post Logs

Minor Line Properties

Set the minor grid line properties with the Style, Color, Foreground Opacity, and Width options.

Classed Post Log - Fill Properties

Fill properties can be changed for selected objects. To edit the fill properties, click on the object in
the Object Manager or plot window. The properties are listed in the Property Manager. Default
fill properties are set in the File | Options dialog by clicking on the Fill page.

If the options on the Fill tab are not available, a scheme is likely being used. Uncheck the
appropriate Use Keyword Scheme, Use Range Scheme, or Use Indent Keyword Scheme option to
turn off the display of the scheme properties and set the fill properties on the Fill tab.

Schemes and Fill Properties

Note that if a scheme is used in a log item, the fill properties will be unavailable on the Fill tab. You
must change the fill properties for the scheme in the Scheme Editor or turn off the display of the

Fill Properties Page

The object's fill is composed of layers of various fill types. All of the predefined fills have only one
layer. Custom fills created with the Fill Style Editor may have multiple layers of any type. Each
layer in the fill style has its own section in the Property Manager. The layers are listed in
descending order, i.e. the topmost layer is listed first, Layer 1 (<type>), followed by additional
layers. The following properties are displayed on the Fill page of the Property Manager.

Only the layer properties displayed in the Property Manager are included in this topic. To see
information about properties that are included in the Fill Style Editor, see the Fill Style Editor
topic. The image layer Load from property and the vector layer drawing area are only available in
the Fill Style Editor.

Log Fill Background

For many of the log objects, the Fill page includes a Fill background check box. If the box next to
Fill background is checked, the background area is filled. If the box next to Fill background is
unchecked, the background is not filled. To change the Fill background, check or uncheck the box.
The Fill Properties section below the Fill background property controls the background fill.

Legend Fill Background

When a legend is selected, the Fill page contains the fill options for the legend background. The
Frame style on the Line page must be set to Rectangle or Rounded Rectangle for the legend to
display a background fill. When the Frame style is set to None, the background fill is not displayed
regardless of the Fill page settings. If you wish to display a background fill but not a frame line,
then set the Frame style to Rectangle or Rounded Rectangle. Next set Style in the Line Properties
section to Invisible. Finally set the desired background properties on the Fill page.

Strater 5 User’s Guide

The Fill page in the Property Manager controls the

fill properties for the selected object.

Fill Style
The Style indicates the way that an object is filled. To change the Style, click on the existing fill
style next to Style. In the list, select a new style from the fill palette. Create custom fill styles with
the Fill Style Editor. Click the next to the Style field to open the Fill Style Editor to modify or
create a fill style.

Each layer in the selected fill style is displayed in its own section. The layers are listed in order from
top to bottom. The layer name is Layer n (type), where n is the layer position and type is the layer
type. A layer preview is displayed to the right of the layer name. The six layer types are Solid,
Stock, Image, Gradient, Vector, and Line. Click the button to expand the layer properties.

Solid Layer Properties

The properties for a solid layer are Color and Opacity.

Expand a Solid layer to edit the layer's properties.

Chapter 16 - Classed Post Logs

The Color is the color of the solid fill. Click the existing color sample next to Color to open the color
palette. Click on a color in the palette to use it for the layer's fill color. Click the button to open
the Colors dialog and create custom colors, use the dropper to select a color, or select the color
from a color wheel.

The Opacity controls the transparency of the solid fill style. To change the Opacity, highlight the
existing value and type a new value. Press ENTER on the keyboard to make the change.
Alternatively, click and drag the slider to increase or decrease the opacity value. Opacity
values are between 0% (zero opacity, full transparency) to 100% (full opacity, zero transparency).

Stock Layer Properties

The properties for a stock layer are Pattern, Foreground color, Foreground opacity, Background
color, and Background opacity.

Expand a Stock layer to edit the layer's properties.

The Pattern indicates the way the stock layer is filled. To change the Pattern, click on the existing
pattern sample next to Pattern. Select a new style from the pattern palette.

Foreground Color
The Foreground color is the color of the pattern. Click the existing color sample next to Foreground
color to open the color palette. Click on a color in the palette to use it for the selected foreground
fill color. Click the button to open the Colors dialog and create custom colors, use the dropper
to select a color, or select the color from a color wheel.

Foreground Opacity
The Foreground opacity controls the transparency of the foreground portion of the pattern. To
change the Foreground opacity, highlight the existing value and type a new value. Press ENTER on

Strater 5 User’s Guide

the keyboard to make the change. Alternatively, click and drag the slider to increase or
decrease the opacity value. Opacity values are between 0% (zero opacity, full transparency) to
100% (full opacity, zero transparency).

Background Color
The Background color is the color behind the pattern. Click the existing color sample next to
Background color to open the color palette. Click on a color in the palette to use it for the
background fill color. Click the button to open the Colors dialog and create custom colors.

Background Opacity
The Background opacity controls the transparency of the background portion of the pattern. To
change the Background opacity, highlight the existing value and type a new value. Press ENTER on
the keyboard to make the change. Alternatively, click and drag the slider to increase or
decrease the opacity value. Opacity values are between 0% (zero opacity, full transparency) to
100% (full opacity, zero transparency).

If the stock layer is above other layers in the fill style, the Background opacity must be less than
100% to see the layers below. To make a fill pattern appear transparent with only the foreground
portion of the fill pattern showing, change the Background Opacity value to 0%.

Image Layer Properties

The properties for an image layer are Pattern, Opacity, Stretch, Image Offset (X and Y), and Image
Scale (X, Y, and Proportional).

Expand an Image layer to edit the layer's properties.

Chapter 16 - Classed Post Logs

The Pattern property is used to add image layers from predefined or custom image fill styles. To
change the image layer, click the current option for an image layer Pattern and select a predefined
image layer or a custom image layer from the image palette. Only image fills with a single layer are
included in the image palette.

The Opacity controls the transparency of the image fill style. To change the Opacity, highlight the
existing value and type a new value. Press ENTER on the keyboard to make the change.
Alternatively, click and drag the slider to increase or decrease the opacity value. Opacity
values are between 0% (zero opacity, full transparency) to 100% (full opacity, zero transparency).

The Stretch is used with image patterns. The Stretch determines how the image is used to fill the
desired area. When the Stretch check box is checked, the image is stretched to fit the fill area.
When the Stretch check box is not checked the image is tiled in the fill area.

The image fill on the left has the Stretch box checked. The image on
the right has the Stretch box unchecked.

Image Offset
Offset the image in the fill layer by typing a value in pixels in the X or Y fields in the Image Offset
section. You can also change the X and Y image offset values by clicking the buttons.

Image Scale
The Image Scale properties control the density of the image fill. Change the image scale by typing
a value in the X or Y fields in the Image Scale section. The Image Scale properties are ignored
when the Stretch property is checked. You can also change the X and Y image scale values by
clicking the buttons.

When the Proportional check box is checked, the X and Y values automatically update to maintain
the current aspect ratio. Uncheck the Proportional check box to apply different scaling in the X and
Y directions.

Note that the Proportional property does not lock the X and Y values to any specific aspect ratio but
to whichever ratio is in use when the box is checked. For example, assume you want the X:Y ratio
to be 2:1, but you do not know which Image Scale values are desired. You can uncheck the
Proportional check box. Next set the X value to 2 and the Y value to 1. Check the Proportional

Strater 5 User’s Guide

check box. Now when you adjust one of the X or Y values, the other value updates automatically to
maintain the 2:1 ratio.

Gradient Layer Properties

The properties for a gradient layer are Type, Direction, and Colormap.

Expand a Gradient layer to edit the layer's properties.

The Type controls how a gradient fill pattern is used to fill the selected area. To change the Type,
click on the current type and select the new type in the list. Select Linear or Radial for the Type.
When the Type is set to Linear, a linear color gradient fills the area. The colors change in a linear
manner from the top to the bottom or from the left to the right of the area. When the Type is set to
Radial, a radial color gradient fills the area. The colors change in concentric circles, either
expanding from the interior and going out or from the exterior and going in.

The Radial type is shown on the left and

the Linear type is shown on the right.

The Direction option sets the direction the gradient fills. When the Type is set to Linear, choose
either Vertical or Horizontal for the Direction. The Vertical option sets the gradient to change along
the Y axis. The Horizontal option sets the gradient to change along the X axis. When Radial is
selected as the Type, the Direction options are Inward and Outward. This reverses the color

Chapter 16 - Classed Post Logs


The Colormap option sets the colors to use in the gradient pattern. Click the button to select or
create a color gradient in the Colormap dialog.

Vector Layer Properties

The properties for a vector layer are Color and Opacity.

Expand a Vector layer to edit the layer's properties.

The Color is the color of the lines in the vector fill. Click the existing color sample next to Color to
open the color palette. Click on a color in the palette to use it for the layer's line color. Click the
button to open the Colors dialog and create custom colors, use the dropper to select a color, or
select the color from a color wheel.

The Opacity controls the transparency of the lines in the vector fill. To change the Opacity, highlight
the existing value and type a new value. Press ENTER on the keyboard to make the change.
Alternatively, click and drag the slider to increase or decrease the opacity value. Opacity
values are between 0% (zero opacity, full transparency) to 100% (full opacity, zero transparency).

Line Layer Properties

The properties for a Line layer are Color, Opacity, Angle, Offset, Separation, and Width.

Strater 5 User’s Guide

Expand a Line layer to edit the layer's properties.

The Color is the color of the lines in the line fill layer. Click the existing color sample next to Color
to open the color palette. Click on a color in the palette to use it for the layer's line color. Click the
button to open the Colors dialog and create custom colors, use the dropper to select a color, or
select the color from a color wheel.

The Opacity controls the transparency of the lines in the line fill layer. To change the Opacity,
highlight the existing value and type a new value. Press ENTER on the keyboard to make the
change. Alternatively, click and drag the slider to increase or decrease the opacity value.
Opacity values are between 0% (zero opacity, full transparency) to 100% (full opacity, zero

Change the angle of the lines by typing a value in degrees in the Angle field or clicking and
dragging the slider . Positive values rotate the lines clockwise.

Change the vertical offset between the lines and the pattern's origin by typing a value between -
0.25 and 0.25 inches in the Offset field. You can also change the Offset value by clicking the

Chapter 16 - Classed Post Logs

Change the separation between the lines by typing a value between 0 and 0.25 inches in the
Separation field. You can also change the Separation value by clicking the buttons.

Change the line Width by highlighting the existing value and typing a new number or by clicking the
to increase or decrease the line width. The line width can be zero to 0.5 inches (1.27 cm) wide.
A width of zero is one pixel wide.

Classed Post Log - Symbol Properties

Symbol properties can be changed for selected objects in the borehole, map view, or cross section
view windows. Default symbol properties are set by clicking the File | Options command.

Custom symbols can be created using a third party TrueType font editing software.

If the options on the Symbol tab are not available, a scheme is likely being used. Uncheck the
appropriate Use Keyword Scheme, Use Range Scheme, or Use Indent Keyword Scheme option to
turn off the display of the scheme properties and set the symbol properties on the Symbol tab.

Set the symbol properties for the

selected object in the Property Manager.

Log Symbol Properties

The following two properties are available for the curves on a line/symbol log or function log. The
Frequency property is available for the curves on a crossplot log.

Strater 5 User’s Guide

Active Variable
The symbol properties are independently controlled for each of the variables in the log. Edit a
variable's line/symbol plot by selecting the variable the Active variable field. Select the desired
variable by clicking the current selection in the Active variable field and select the variable from the

Symbol Frequency
In addition to the standard symbol options, the line/symbol log has a Frequency option. Symbols
can be displayed on the log by setting the Frequency to a number greater than zero. A frequency of
1 posts every point as a symbol on the log. A frequency of 2 posts every other point, etc.
Frequency can be used to thin the number of displayed data points to avoid overwriting each other.
The Frequency value can be from 0 to 1000.

Symbol Properties
Click the button to expand the Symbol Properties section and edit the selected object's symbol

The Symbol is the symbol that is displayed for the selected object. To change the Symbol, click on
the existing symbol. The symbol palette is displayed. Click on the new symbol. The object is
automatically updated to show the new symbol.

The symbol index is the symbol or glyph number as it appears in the title bar above the palette and
adjacent to the symbol in the Property Manager.

Symbol Set
The Symbol Set displays the font that is currently used for the symbol. To change the Symbol Set,
click on the existing symbol set name. In the list, select a new font from the list. All TrueType fonts
are listed in the Symbol Set.

Fill Color
The Fill Color is the inside color of the symbol, when the selected symbol is a solid filled symbol. To
change the Fill Color of the symbol, click on the existing Fill Color and select a new color from the
color palette. Create new colors by clicking the Custom button at the bottom of the color palette.

Fill Opacity
The Fill Opacity controls the transparency of the filled portion of the symbol. To change the Fill
Opacity, highlight the existing value and type a new value. Press ENTER on the keyboard to make
the change. Alternatively, click on the button to increase or decrease the opacity value. Opacity
values are between 0% (zero opacity, full transparency) to 100% (full opacity, zero transparency).

Line Color
The Line Color is the outside edge color of the symbol. To change the symbol outline color, click on
the existing Line Color and select a new color from the color palette. Create new colors by clicking
the Custom button at the bottom of the color palette.

Line Opacity
The Line Opacity controls the transparency of the line around the symbol. To change the Line
Opacity, highlight the existing value and type a new value. Press ENTER on the keyboard to make

Chapter 16 - Classed Post Logs

the change. Alternatively, click on the button to increase or decrease the opacity value. Opacity
values are between 0% (zero opacity, full transparency) to 100% (full opacity, zero transparency).

The Size controls the symbol size. This is the size of the full symbol box, not just the symbol glyph.
To change the Size of the symbol, highlight the existing value and type a new number in the box.
Alternatively, click on the button to increase or decrease the size of the symbol. Symbol sizes
are between 0.0 and 4.0 inches (0.0 and 10.16 centimeters) and are shown in page units.

Water Level Properties

Symbols indicating water level can be added to all logs types except depth logs. Water level
symbols can be displayed in the borehole view and the cross section view. The lower point of the
triangle, i.e. the bottom vertex, is aligned with the depth in the water level table. This is different
than symbols in a post log, where the symbol center is aligned with the depth specified in the depth
table. Additionally the water level can be displayed between logs on a cross section in the cross
section properties. Add the symbols and edit their properties on the Water Level page in the
Property Manager.

Edit water level data, symbol, and label properties

on the Water Level page.

Strater 5 User’s Guide

General Properties
The General section of the Water Level page contains properties for the water label table and
symbol properties.

Display Water Level Symbol

Check the Display water level symbol check box to display water level symbols on the log. A depth
table containing water level information must be selected in the Water level table field for the water
level symbols to be displayed.

Water Level Table

The water level table is a depth table containing at a minimum hole IDs and depths. An additional
parameter column can be included to specify the water level names and water level connections
between the logs. If the water level table is already loaded, click the Water level table field and
select the table from the list. Click the button to load the Water level table with the Open

Symbol Size
The Symbol size property controls the size of the water level symbol. Type a value in page units in
the Symbol size field or click the button to change the Symbol size value.

Symbol Alignment
The Symbol alignment property aligns the symbol on the left, center, or right of the log. Click the
current selection in the Symbol alignment and select Left, Center, or Right from the list.

Symbol Style
The water level symbol is an inverted triangle with between one and three lines at the point. The
Symbol style property specifies the number of lines. Click the current Symbol style selection and
select One line, Two lines, or Three lines from the list.

Line Properties
The Line Properties section of the Water Level page controls the line properties for the water level
symbol. See the Line Properties topic for more information on line properties.

Fill Properties
The Fill Properties section of the Water Level page controls the fill properties for the water level
symbol. See the Fill Properties topic for more information on fill properties.

Label Properties
The Label Properties section of the Water Level page controls the water level symbol labels.

Show Water Level Name

Check the Show water level name check box to display labels next to the water level symbols. The
labels are specified by the Water level name column. Uncheck the Show water level name check
box to hide the water level labels.

Water Level Name Column

The water level table can include a name column which is used to connect water levels across logs
and display labels for the water level symbols. Select the column containing the water level names

Chapter 16 - Classed Post Logs

by clicking the Water level name column field and selecting a column from the list. The water level
labels will be populated by the names in the Water level name column.

Connect water levels by name by checking the Connect water level(s) by names check box in the
cross section properties. When the Water level name column does not contain data, Strater
connects the water levels automatically. The Water level name column is also used to connect
specific water levels between the logs. For example, if borehole 1 contains two water level names A
and B and borehole 2 contains three water level names A, B, and C, the two A water level symbols
and two B water level symbols will be connected by a line. When the Water level name column
contains unique names for the water levels, no water level symbols will be connected as this
indicates these are separate water levels.

Offset Method
The Offset method property controls the label offset direction from the water table symbol. Click the
current selection and select Center, Left, Top, Right, Bottom, or User defined from the list to
change the label offset. Selecting User defined enables the X offset and Y offset properties.

X Offset
The X offset property moves the label to the left or right when the Offset method is set to User
defined. Type a value in page units or click the buttons to change the X offset value.

Y Offset
The Y offset property moves the label up or down when the Offset method is set to User defined.
Type a value in page units or click the buttons to change the Y offset value.

Label Angle
The Label angle property rotates the water level symbol labels. Type a value in degrees in the Label
angle field or click and drag the slider to rotate the labels. Positive angle values rotate the labels

Nudge End Values

The Nudge End Values option moves the starting and ending labels away from the edges of the log
pane so that they are completely visible. This 'nudging' occurs only if the label is near the edge of
the log pane, otherwise the location of the label does not change. Check the box next to Nudge End
Values to move the labels. Uncheck the box to keep the labels in the depth location specified.

Label Format
The Label Format section includes label formatting properties. See the Format Properties topic for
more information on label format properties.

Font Properties
The Font Properties section includes label font formatting properties. See the Font Properties topic
for more information on font format properties.

Chapter 17 - Graphic Logs
Graphic Logs
Click the Log | Create Log | Graphic command to create a graphic log. The graphic log allows you
to specify and show images of rocks, minerals, etc. at appropriate intervals. This is useful in
displaying photos of the core, rock type, alteration, etc.

Graphic logs use images to

display log data. You can use
any image to represent each layer.

Data Requirements
Graphic logs use interval data tables. In the data table, there are four required columns. The
required columns are Hole ID, From, To, and the data column being displayed. The data column
should contain the full path and file name for the image file being displayed in the interval. Use
Table | Get Image File Name command to browse for image files and insert the path and file
name into the graphic name field. Alternatively, you can manually type the file name and path into
a cell, for example:

The Hole ID, From, To, and one column of data containing the full path and file name
for the image being displayed are required for a graphic log.

Chapter 17 - Graphic Logs

Creating a Graphic Log

To create a graphic log:
1. Click the Log | Create Log | Graphic command.
2. Click inside the log pane where you want the graphic log to appear.
3. In the Open dialog, click on the data file. If the data was already imported, click on the table
name in the Use Current Table section. Click Open.
4. Set the data importing options in the Specify Worksheet Column Definitions dialog, if
necessary, and click Next.
5. Finish the importing of data in the Specify Data Type and Column Positions dialog and
click Finish.
6. The log appears in the borehole window.
If you are in active mode a graphic log is created using the default properties. If you are in design
mode, a graphic log graphic is displayed as a place holder after step 2.

Editing Graphic Log Properties

To change the features of a graphic log, including the data column used to create the log, click on
the graphic log in the Object Manager or view window. The properties are listed in the Property

The following tabs are listed in the Property Manager:

• Log
• Line
• Fill
• Water Level

Get Image File Name

Click the Table | Graphic | Image File Path command or right-click in a table and select Get
Image File Name to select an image and input the full path and file name of the image in the
table's currently active cell. This makes using images in graphic logs easier, as it removes the
chance of a typo in the table column.

Select the image and click Open to insert the name into the cell.

Strater 5 User’s Guide

To insert a file path and name into the cell:

1. In the table, click on the cell you want to insert the file name and path. In this example, click
on cell D1.
2. Click the Table | Graphic | Image File Path command. The Import dialog opens.
3. Browse to the image file and click on the file to select it. In this example, click on the
Andesite.JPG image in the C:\Program Files\Golden Software\Strater 5\Samples directory.
4. Click Open and the path and file name are inserted into the selected cell.

The full path and file name of the selected image appears in the selected cell.

Graphic Log Properties

The Log page in the Property Manager includes options for defining the data source and image
sizing for graphic logs. To view and edit graphic log properties, click on the graphic log in the view
window or Object Manager to select the log. Then, click on the Log tab in the Property

Edit graphic log properties on the

Log tab in the Property Manager.

Hole ID Filter
The Hole ID filter is used to select the borehole to associate with this log. Only those Hole IDs that
are currently associated with data tables in this project are listed. To change the Hole ID Filter, click
on the existing Hole ID and select the desired Hole ID from the list. The log automatically updates
to show the new borehole.

When the Logs object is selected in a cross section view, the Hole ID filter is not available. To set a
specific log to a particular Hole ID, click on that individual log and set the Hole ID filter to the
appropriate log.

Chapter 17 - Graphic Logs

Stretch Image
Use the Stretch Image field to determine if the images are stretched to fit the space available in a
log block. To stretch the images to fit the whole extents of the log block, check the box next to
Stretch Image To keep the images unstretched, uncheck the box. When the box is unchecked, the
image is inserted with a "best fit" based on the aspect ratio of the image and log block. The image
is centered in the log block. To change the stretching behavior, click on the existing option and
select the desired option from the list.

This image shows the effect of the

Stretch Image option. The example
on the left shows the graphic images
stretched to fill the blocks in the log.
The example on the right shows the
images unstretched, in their
original aspect ratio.

Use the Table to define the data table for the graphic log. The table type must be an interval type

Data Column
The Data column is the column in the selected Table that contains the full path and file name of the
images being displayed by the graphic log. When the Table is changed to another table, the Data
column list is automatically updated to display the column names in the newly selected table. To
change the column, click on the existing column name next to Data column and select the desired
column from the list.

Hole Inclination, Hole Dip, and Azimuth Columns

The Hole inclination column (or Hole dip column) is used in combination with the Hole azimuth
column to calculate the true vertical depth for the hole. Either Hole inclination column or Hole dip
column is displayed. To control whether inclination or dip is used, click the File | Options
command. In the Options dialog, check or uncheck the Use Hole dip instead of inclination option.

Inclination is the angle the borehole is oriented in degrees and varies from 0 to 180. 0 indicates
vertical pointing down, 90 indicates horizontal, and 180 indicates vertical pointing up. Negative and
positive inclination values are treated the same for depth calculations. Negative inclination values
are treated differently for well path calculations in the cross section and map views. A negative
inclination changes the direction (azimuth) to the opposite of the similar positive inclination. For
example, the azimuth value of 90 and inclination of 45 describes the same orientation as the
azimuth value of 270 and inclination of -45 degrees. Both combinations describe an eastward
direction at 45 degrees down from the horizontal plane.

Strater 5 User’s Guide

Dip is an alternate method of calculating the angle the borehole is oriented. Dip is oriented in
degrees and varies from -90 to 90. -90 indicates vertical pointing down, 0 indicates horizontal, and
+90 indicates vertical pointing up.

Azimuth is the compass orientation of the well's deviation, in degrees and varies from 0 (true
vertical north) to 360. Azimuth values are measured relative to true north (not grid north in the
local coordinate system).

To set the Hole inclination column or Hole dip column, click on the existing option and select the
desired option from the list. Available options are [Unspecified], [From collars table:collars name],
[From survey table: survey name], or data columns in the selected Lithology table. When one
column is set to unspecified or survey table, the other column automatically changes to the same
option. When recorded in a collars table, the inclination/dip and azimuth apply to the entire well
length. When recorded in a survey table, the inclination/dip and azimuth apply from the depth to
the next recorded depth. When set to one of the columns in the existing table, each log is updated
independently from each other log using the information in the specific depth or interval tables. If
the Hole inclination column for the log is set to [Unspecified], an inclination value of 0 is used for
the calculations. No difference will be visible for the log when changing the Depth method to True
vertical depth.

Graphic Log - Line Properties

The curves in a line/symbol log can be represented by lines, most logs can be surrounded by a
border, and grid lines are used to show data increments on individual log items. There is a variable
grid that represents the X axis data and another grid for depth or Y axis data. Most log items
include a depth grid option but not all log items have variable grid options. The Line page of the
Property Manager contains the properties for the log curve, border, and grid lines.

To edit the line properties, select a log item. Click on the Line tab in the Property Manager.
Which of the Log, Curve 1 and Curve 2, Border, Variable Grid Lines, and Depth Grid Lines sections
are displayed depends on the type of log selected. For example the Line page for line/symbol logs
includes Log, Border, Variable Grid Lines, and Depth Grid Lines sections while the Line page for
well construction logs includes only the Border section.

Chapter 17 - Graphic Logs

Edit the log curve, border, and grid line

properties on the Line page.

Log Properties
The Log section of the Line page controls the line properties for the curve or curves in the
line/symbol log or function log. The Log section also controls the line properties for layer marks
lines on an unregistered or registered raster log.

Active Variable
The line properties are independently controlled for each of the variables in the log. Edit a variable's
line/symbol plot by selecting the variable the Active variable field. Select the desired variable by
clicking the current selection in the Active variable field and select the variable from the list.

Log Line Properties

The Line Properties section contains the line properties for the log curve selected in the Active
variable field. See the Line Properties topic for more information on editing line properties.

Strater 5 User’s Guide

Curve 1 and Curve 2 Properties

The Curve 1 and Curve 2 sections control the line properties for the curves in a crossplot log.

Curve 1 and Curve 2 Line Properties

The Line Properties section contains the line properties for the log curve. See the Line Properties
topic for more information on editing line properties.

Border Properties
The Border section of the Line page controls the line properties for the log border.

Display Border Line

Check the Disply border line check box to draw a border line around the log. Uncheck the Display
border line check box to hide the log border line. The log border is displayed from the Starting
borehole depth to the Ending borehole depth and around the entirety of the log.

Border Line Properties

The Line Properties section contains the line properties for the log border. See the Line Properties
topic for more information on editing line properties.

Variable Grid Lines and Depth Grid Lines Properties

The Variable Grid Lines and Depth Grid Lines sections have identical settings, with the exception of
the Active variable property, but represent the settings for the different grids. The following
properties are displayed in both the Variable Grid Lines and Depth Grid Lines sections.

Active Variable
Variable grid lines can be added for each of the variables in the log. Variable grid lines are added
one at a time by selecting the variable in the Active variable field. Select the desired variable by
clicking the current selection in the Active variable field and select the variable from the list.

The Active variable property is only displayed when the Use all columns for range check box on the
Line/Symbol Log page is not checked. When Use all columns for range is checked there is only one
variable scale, and therefore can only be one set of variable grid lines.

Grid Line Display Order

Grid lines can be positioned above the log (Top), beneath the log (Bottom), or not displayed (Hide)
with the Grid line display order options. If Top is selected, the grid is the last item drawn for a
specific log item. Bottom means the grid is under the log item, but above the fill background. Hide
means do not show the grid. To change the Grid line display order, click on the existing option and
select the desired option from the list.

After setting the Grid line display order, turn on the grid lines by checking the box next to the Show
in the Major Grid Line and/or Minor Grid Line sections.

Auto Grid Range

The Auto grid range option controls the first and last grids shown for the grid lines. When the Auto
grid range check box is checked, Strater creates settings based upon the log data. Uncheck the
Auto grid range check box to manually set the grid's minimum and maximum values in the Grid
minimum and Grid maximum settings.

Chapter 17 - Graphic Logs

If the borehole is changed, the new data may or may not fit into the user defined grid range so use
caution in setting these values.

Grid Minimum
When Auto grid range is not checked, the Grid minimum defines the minimum value of the grid. To
change the minimum grid line value, highlight the existing value and type a new value. Press
ENTER on the keyboard and the grid lines update.

Grid Maximum
When Auto grid range is not checked, the Grid maximum defines the maximum value of the grid. To
change the maximum grid line value, highlight the existing value and type a new value. Press
ENTER on the keyboard and the grid lines update.

Show Major Grid Lines

To show major grid lines, check the box next to the Show in the Major Grid Line section. To hide
the major grid lines, uncheck the box.

Major Grid Interval

To change the Major interval the Auto grid range option must be unchecked. The Major interval is
the spacing between the major grid lines.

Major Line Properties

Set the major grid line properties with the Style, Color, Foreground Opacity, and Width options.

Show Minor Grid Lines

To show minor grid lines, check the box next to the Show in the Minor Grid Line section. To hide the
minor grid lines, uncheck the box.

Grid Division
The Divisions property determines how many minor divisions (gaps) are between major tick marks.
If the value is 1, no minor grid lines will appear. If the value is 2, one minor grid line will appear. To
change the value, highlight the existing value and type a new value. Press ENTER on the keyboard
to make the change.

Minor Line Properties

Set the minor grid line properties with the Style, Color, Foreground Opacity, and Width options.

Graphic Log - Fill Properties

Fill properties can be changed for selected objects. To edit the fill properties, click on the object in
the Object Manager or plot window. The properties are listed in the Property Manager. Default
fill properties are set in the File | Options dialog by clicking on the Fill page.

If the options on the Fill tab are not available, a scheme is likely being used. Uncheck the
appropriate Use Keyword Scheme, Use Range Scheme, or Use Indent Keyword Scheme option to
turn off the display of the scheme properties and set the fill properties on the Fill tab.

Strater 5 User’s Guide

Schemes and Fill Properties

Note that if a scheme is used in a log item, the fill properties will be unavailable on the Fill tab. You
must change the fill properties for the scheme in the Scheme Editor or turn off the display of the

Fill Properties Page

The object's fill is composed of layers of various fill types. All of the predefined fills have only one
layer. Custom fills created with the Fill Style Editor may have multiple layers of any type. Each
layer in the fill style has its own section in the Property Manager. The layers are listed in
descending order, i.e. the topmost layer is listed first, Layer 1 (<type>), followed by additional
layers. The following properties are displayed on the Fill page of the Property Manager.

Only the layer properties displayed in the Property Manager are included in this topic. To see
information about properties that are included in the Fill Style Editor, see the Fill Style Editor
topic. The image layer Load from property and the vector layer drawing area are only available in
the Fill Style Editor.

Log Fill Background

For many of the log objects, the Fill page includes a Fill background check box. If the box next to
Fill background is checked, the background area is filled. If the box next to Fill background is
unchecked, the background is not filled. To change the Fill background, check or uncheck the box.
The Fill Properties section below the Fill background property controls the background fill.
Legend Fill Background
When a legend is selected, the Fill page contains the fill options for the legend background. The
Frame style on the Line page must be set to Rectangle or Rounded Rectangle for the legend to
display a background fill. When the Frame style is set to None, the background fill is not displayed
regardless of the Fill page settings. If you wish to display a background fill but not a frame line,
then set the Frame style to Rectangle or Rounded Rectangle. Next set Style in the Line Properties
section to Invisible. Finally set the desired background properties on the Fill page.

The Fill page in the Property Manager controls the

fill properties for the selected object.

Chapter 17 - Graphic Logs

Fill Style
The Style indicates the way that an object is filled. To change the Style, click on the existing fill
style next to Style. In the list, select a new style from the fill palette. Create custom fill styles with
the Fill Style Editor. Click the next to the Style field to open the Fill Style Editor to modify or
create a fill style.

Each layer in the selected fill style is displayed in its own section. The layers are listed in order from
top to bottom. The layer name is Layer n (type), where n is the layer position and type is the layer
type. A layer preview is displayed to the right of the layer name. The six layer types are Solid,
Stock, Image, Gradient, Vector, and Line. Click the button to expand the layer properties.

Solid Layer Properties

The properties for a solid layer are Color and Opacity.

Expand a Solid layer to edit the layer's properties.

The Color is the color of the solid fill. Click the existing color sample next to Color to open the color
palette. Click on a color in the palette to use it for the layer's fill color. Click the button to open
the Colors dialog and create custom colors, use the dropper to select a color, or select the color
from a color wheel.

The Opacity controls the transparency of the solid fill style. To change the Opacity, highlight the
existing value and type a new value. Press ENTER on the keyboard to make the change.
Alternatively, click and drag the slider to increase or decrease the opacity value. Opacity
values are between 0% (zero opacity, full transparency) to 100% (full opacity, zero transparency).

Stock Layer Properties

The properties for a stock layer are Pattern, Foreground color, Foreground opacity, Background
color, and Background opacity.

Strater 5 User’s Guide

Expand a Stock layer to edit the layer's properties.

The Pattern indicates the way the stock layer is filled. To change the Pattern, click on the existing
pattern sample next to Pattern. Select a new style from the pattern palette.

Foreground Color
The Foreground color is the color of the pattern. Click the existing color sample next to Foreground
color to open the color palette. Click on a color in the palette to use it for the selected foreground
fill color. Click the button to open the Colors dialog and create custom colors, use the dropper
to select a color, or select the color from a color wheel.

Foreground Opacity
The Foreground opacity controls the transparency of the foreground portion of the pattern. To
change the Foreground opacity, highlight the existing value and type a new value. Press ENTER on
the keyboard to make the change. Alternatively, click and drag the slider to increase or
decrease the opacity value. Opacity values are between 0% (zero opacity, full transparency) to
100% (full opacity, zero transparency).

Background Color
The Background color is the color behind the pattern. Click the existing color sample next to
Background color to open the color palette. Click on a color in the palette to use it for the
background fill color. Click the button to open the Colors dialog and create custom colors.

Background Opacity
The Background opacity controls the transparency of the background portion of the pattern. To
change the Background opacity, highlight the existing value and type a new value. Press ENTER on
the keyboard to make the change. Alternatively, click and drag the slider to increase or
decrease the opacity value. Opacity values are between 0% (zero opacity, full transparency) to
100% (full opacity, zero transparency).

Chapter 17 - Graphic Logs

If the stock layer is above other layers in the fill style, the Background opacity must be less than
100% to see the layers below. To make a fill pattern appear transparent with only the foreground
portion of the fill pattern showing, change the Background Opacity value to 0%.

Image Layer Properties

The properties for an image layer are Pattern, Opacity, Stretch, Image Offset (X and Y), and Image
Scale (X, Y, and Proportional).

Expand an Image layer to edit the layer's properties.

The Pattern property is used to add image layers from predefined or custom image fill styles. To
change the image layer, click the current option for an image layer Pattern and select a predefined
image layer or a custom image layer from the image palette. Only image fills with a single layer are
included in the image palette.

The Opacity controls the transparency of the image fill style. To change the Opacity, highlight the
existing value and type a new value. Press ENTER on the keyboard to make the change.
Alternatively, click and drag the slider to increase or decrease the opacity value. Opacity
values are between 0% (zero opacity, full transparency) to 100% (full opacity, zero transparency).

The Stretch is used with image patterns. The Stretch determines how the image is used to fill the
desired area. When the Stretch check box is checked, the image is stretched to fit the fill area.
When the Stretch check box is not checked the image is tiled in the fill area.

Strater 5 User’s Guide

The image fill on the left has the Stretch box checked. The image on
the right has the Stretch box unchecked.

Image Offset
Offset the image in the fill layer by typing a value in pixels in the X or Y fields in the Image Offset
section. You can also change the X and Y image offset values by clicking the buttons.

Image Scale
The Image Scale properties control the density of the image fill. Change the image scale by typing
a value in the X or Y fields in the Image Scale section. The Image Scale properties are ignored
when the Stretch property is checked. You can also change the X and Y image scale values by
clicking the buttons.

When the Proportional check box is checked, the X and Y values automatically update to maintain
the current aspect ratio. Uncheck the Proportional check box to apply different scaling in the X and
Y directions.

Note that the Proportional property does not lock the X and Y values to any specific aspect ratio but
to whichever ratio is in use when the box is checked. For example, assume you want the X:Y ratio
to be 2:1, but you do not know which Image Scale values are desired. You can uncheck the
Proportional check box. Next set the X value to 2 and the Y value to 1. Check the Proportional
check box. Now when you adjust one of the X or Y values, the other value updates automatically to
maintain the 2:1 ratio.

Gradient Layer Properties

The properties for a gradient layer are Type, Direction, and Colormap.

Chapter 17 - Graphic Logs

Expand a Gradient layer to edit the layer's properties.

The Type controls how a gradient fill pattern is used to fill the selected area. To change the Type,
click on the current type and select the new type in the list. Select Linear or Radial for the Type.
When the Type is set to Linear, a linear color gradient fills the area. The colors change in a linear
manner from the top to the bottom or from the left to the right of the area. When the Type is set to
Radial, a radial color gradient fills the area. The colors change in concentric circles, either
expanding from the interior and going out or from the exterior and going in.

The Radial type is shown on the left and

the Linear type is shown on the right.

The Direction option sets the direction the gradient fills. When the Type is set to Linear, choose
either Vertical or Horizontal for the Direction. The Vertical option sets the gradient to change along
the Y axis. The Horizontal option sets the gradient to change along the X axis. When Radial is
selected as the Type, the Direction options are Inward and Outward. This reverses the color


The Colormap option sets the colors to use in the gradient pattern. Click the button to select or
create a color gradient in the Colormap dialog.

Vector Layer Properties

The properties for a vector layer are Color and Opacity.

Strater 5 User’s Guide

Expand a Vector layer to edit the layer's properties.

The Color is the color of the lines in the vector fill. Click the existing color sample next to Color to
open the color palette. Click on a color in the palette to use it for the layer's line color. Click the
button to open the Colors dialog and create custom colors, use the dropper to select a color, or
select the color from a color wheel.

The Opacity controls the transparency of the lines in the vector fill. To change the Opacity, highlight
the existing value and type a new value. Press ENTER on the keyboard to make the change.
Alternatively, click and drag the slider to increase or decrease the opacity value. Opacity
values are between 0% (zero opacity, full transparency) to 100% (full opacity, zero transparency).

Line Layer Properties

The properties for a Line layer are Color, Opacity, Angle, Offset, Separation, and Width.

Chapter 17 - Graphic Logs

Expand a Line layer to edit the layer's properties.

The Color is the color of the lines in the line fill layer. Click the existing color sample next to Color
to open the color palette. Click on a color in the palette to use it for the layer's line color. Click the
button to open the Colors dialog and create custom colors, use the dropper to select a color, or
select the color from a color wheel.

The Opacity controls the transparency of the lines in the line fill layer. To change the Opacity,
highlight the existing value and type a new value. Press ENTER on the keyboard to make the
change. Alternatively, click and drag the slider to increase or decrease the opacity value.
Opacity values are between 0% (zero opacity, full transparency) to 100% (full opacity, zero

Change the angle of the lines by typing a value in degrees in the Angle field or clicking and
dragging the slider . Positive values rotate the lines clockwise.

Change the vertical offset between the lines and the pattern's origin by typing a value between -
0.25 and 0.25 inches in the Offset field. You can also change the Offset value by clicking the

Strater 5 User’s Guide

Change the separation between the lines by typing a value between 0 and 0.25 inches in the
Separation field. You can also change the Separation value by clicking the buttons.

Change the line Width by highlighting the existing value and typing a new number or by clicking the
to increase or decrease the line width. The line width can be zero to 0.5 inches (1.27 cm) wide.
A width of zero is one pixel wide.

Water Level Properties

Symbols indicating water level can be added to all logs types except depth logs. Water level
symbols can be displayed in the borehole view and the cross section view. The lower point of the
triangle, i.e. the bottom vertex, is aligned with the depth in the water level table. This is different
than symbols in a post log, where the symbol center is aligned with the depth specified in the depth
table. Additionally the water level can be displayed between logs on a cross section in the cross
section properties. Add the symbols and edit their properties on the Water Level page in the
Property Manager.

Edit water level data, symbol, and label properties

on the Water Level page.

Chapter 17 - Graphic Logs

General Properties
The General section of the Water Level page contains properties for the water label table and
symbol properties.

Display Water Level Symbol

Check the Display water level symbol check box to display water level symbols on the log. A depth
table containing water level information must be selected in the Water level table field for the water
level symbols to be displayed.

Water Level Table

The water level table is a depth table containing at a minimum hole IDs and depths. An additional
parameter column can be included to specify the water level names and water level connections
between the logs. If the water level table is already loaded, click the Water level table field and
select the table from the list. Click the button to load the Water level table with the Open

Symbol Size
The Symbol size property controls the size of the water level symbol. Type a value in page units in
the Symbol size field or click the button to change the Symbol size value.

Symbol Alignment
The Symbol alignment property aligns the symbol on the left, center, or right of the log. Click the
current selection in the Symbol alignment and select Left, Center, or Right from the list.

Symbol Style
The water level symbol is an inverted triangle with between one and three lines at the point. The
Symbol style property specifies the number of lines. Click the current Symbol style selection and
select One line, Two lines, or Three lines from the list.

Line Properties
The Line Properties section of the Water Level page controls the line properties for the water level
symbol. See the Line Properties topic for more information on line properties.

Fill Properties
The Fill Properties section of the Water Level page controls the fill properties for the water level
symbol. See the Fill Properties topic for more information on fill properties.

Label Properties
The Label Properties section of the Water Level page controls the water level symbol labels.

Show Water Level Name

Check the Show water level name check box to display labels next to the water level symbols. The
labels are specified by the Water level name column. Uncheck the Show water level name check
box to hide the water level labels.

Water Level Name Column

The water level table can include a name column which is used to connect water levels across logs
and display labels for the water level symbols. Select the column containing the water level names

Strater 5 User’s Guide

by clicking the Water level name column field and selecting a column from the list. The water level
labels will be populated by the names in the Water level name column.

Connect water levels by name by checking the Connect water level(s) by names check box in the
cross section properties. When the Water level name column does not contain data, Strater
connects the water levels automatically. The Water level name column is also used to connect
specific water levels between the logs. For example, if borehole 1 contains two water level names A
and B and borehole 2 contains three water level names A, B, and C, the two A water level symbols
and two B water level symbols will be connected by a line. When the Water level name column
contains unique names for the water levels, no water level symbols will be connected as this
indicates these are separate water levels.

Offset Method
The Offset method property controls the label offset direction from the water table symbol. Click the
current selection and select Center, Left, Top, Right, Bottom, or User defined from the list to
change the label offset. Selecting User defined enables the X offset and Y offset properties.

X Offset
The X offset property moves the label to the left or right when the Offset method is set to User
defined. Type a value in page units or click the buttons to change the X offset value.

Y Offset
The Y offset property moves the label up or down when the Offset method is set to User defined.
Type a value in page units or click the buttons to change the Y offset value.

Label Angle
The Label angle property rotates the water level symbol labels. Type a value in degrees in the Label
angle field or click and drag the slider to rotate the labels. Positive angle values rotate the labels

Nudge End Values

The Nudge End Values option moves the starting and ending labels away from the edges of the log
pane so that they are completely visible. This 'nudging' occurs only if the label is near the edge of
the log pane, otherwise the location of the label does not change. Check the box next to Nudge End
Values to move the labels. Uncheck the box to keep the labels in the depth location specified.

Label Format
The Label Format section includes label formatting properties. See the Format Properties topic for
more information on label format properties.

Font Properties
The Font Properties section includes label font formatting properties. See the Font Properties topic
for more information on font format properties.

Chapter 18 - Well Construction Logs
Well Construction Logs
Click the Log | Create Log | Well Construction command to create a well construction log. A
well construction log is a visual representation of the well rather than a detailed engineering
drawing to scale. It replicates what the well might look like and is generally used in the
environmental industry. The well construction log shows how the monitoring well or piezometer was
created and displays items such as screen, packing material, end caps, and covers. Well
construction logs require extensive use of the Scheme Editor, because all the items to construct
the log must be defined in a scheme.

Well construction logs can

display detailed representations
of one or many wells.
Data Requirements
Well construction logs require a special type of interval data table, called a well construction table.
In the data table, there are seven required columns. The required columns are Hole ID, From, To,
Outer Diameter, Inner Diameter, Offset, and Item. These data interact with the well construction
scheme to produce the log. For detailed information on the data, properties, and schemes see Well
Construction Data, Schemes, and Logs.

The well construction data table requires each item to have a From and To depth that the
determine the length of each interval. The Outer Diameter, Inner Diameter, and
Offset determine the width of the item in the log.

Chapter 18 - Well Construction Logs

Creating a Well Construction Log

To create a well construction log:
1. Click the Log | Create Log | Well Construction command.
2. Click inside the log pane where you want the well construction log to appear.
3. In the Open dialog, click on the data file. If the data was already imported, click on the table
name in the Use Current Table section. Click Open.
4. Set the data importing options in the Specify Worksheet Column Definitions dialog, if
necessary, and click Next.
5. Finish the importing of data in the Specify Data Type and Column Positions dialog and
click Finish.
6. The log appears in the borehole window.
If you are in active mode a well construction log is created using the default properties. If you are
in design mode, a well construction log graphic is displayed as a place holder after step 2.

Editing Well Construction Log Properties

To change the features of a line/symbol log, including the data column used to create the log, click
on the line/symbol log in the Object Manager or view window. The properties are listed in the
Property Manager.

The following tabs are listed in the Property Manager:

• Log
• Line
• Fill
• Water Level

Well Construction Data, Schemes, and Logs

Well construction logs require specific data columns (From, To, Item, Offset, Inner Diameter, and
Outer Diameter), a well construction scheme, and a well size. All of these pieces of information
work together to create complex well construction logs.

The following data and properties are used in this example.

This example file is used in the following graphic.

Strater 5 User’s Guide

Several table columns, a well construction scheme, and

the Well Size are needed to create a well construction log.

The following diagram explains the association between the data, scheme, well size, and log graphic
by showing a well log object based on the above data.

Chapter 18 - Well Construction Logs

Well Width and Well Object Positioning

The Well Size is set in the well construction log's Well Construction Properties in the Property
Manager. This number can represent any units you wish. The Well Size and the width (as set in
the Position/Size toolbar) provide a scaling mechanism for the log's objects. In this example, the
Well Size is 20. If the Width of the log is set to 2.00 inches, this means one horizontal inch on the
log equals 10 units. The object's Outer Diameter of 8 translates into 0.8 inches on the screen.

The Well Size is also important in determining the position of the objects within the well. The center
of the log is zero. Since the Well Size in this example is 20, the numeric positioning range is -10 to
10. The Offset data field controls the horizontal positioning of objects relative to these numbers. In
this example, the object's offset is 5, so the object is located 5 units right of center.

Well Object Height

Well construction logs require interval data. The interval's From and To columns control the height
of the well object. In the diagram above, the object's height is 3.5 units since the From column
value is 0.5 and the To column value is -3.

Well Object Width

The well object width is controlled by the Outer Diameter column. In this example, the object's
width is 8, so the object is displayed on the log as 8 units wide. Since the object has an Offset value
of 5 (see the Well Width and Well Object Positioning section above), the item is centered on 5.

Well Object Fill and Line Properties

Some well objects need "cutouts" for proper display. The Inner Diameter column is a region where
no line and fill properties exist for the object. In this example, the object's Inner Diameter is 2, so
there is a gap in the fill pattern between 4 and 6 (since the item is centered on 5). The inner
diameter is not used with all well property item types.

Strater 5 User’s Guide

Well construction schemes control the shape, line properties, and fill properties of the well objects.
In this example, the data column's Item entry is Concrete. This entry, called a keyword, matches a
keyword in the well construction scheme. In the scheme, the Well Cover scheme item contains a
"Standard" shape (filled rectangle), and a 90% Black Horizontal fill pattern.

The Well Construction scheme is used to determine the well properties.

When this information is combined you have all the data required to build a well construction log.

The simple well construction log is based on the data displayed above. Note the From and To levels
of the log are aligned with 0.5 and -3.0 in the depth log that was added for greater clarity.

The final well construction log

is based on scheme, Property
Manager, and data table information.

Chapter 18 - Well Construction Logs

Strater provides many customizable options for well construction logs, including scheme entries to
customize screen, casing, cover, and cap styles.

Creating a Well Construction Log

A well construction log is a visual representation
of the well. It replicates a well construction
diagram and is generally used in the
environmental industry. The well construction
log shows how the monitoring well or
piezometer was created and displays items such
as screen, packing material, end caps, and
covers. The data for each part of the well are
listed in the data table with specific information.

To begin, you need to have a clear idea of how

you want the well diagram to look like, and
what parts of the well need to be included. In
this example we will walk through creating a
well construction log that looks like the example
to the right.

The first step is determining what items need to

be included in the well construction log. You
can determine this by looking at an existing
diagram (one that is hand drawn, included in
another report, or drawn by another program
such as a CAD program) or by envisioning the
diagram and noting the components you will
need. We will use the well construction image
above as a template. You can see in the image
that there are 8 items that need to be
included: concrete, bentonite, sand, gravel,
filter sand, cap ,casing, and screen.

Understanding the Data Parts

The next step is creating a data table from
which the well construction log will be drawn.
Data for each of the well items need to be
included in the data table. Well construction
This article will walk through how to create a
logs in Strater can be created from two table
well construction log as shown above.
types: a Well Construction table or an Interval
table. The columns of data that need to be
present in the data table are: Hole ID, From,
To, Outer Diameter, Inner Diameter, Offset, and
Item. Before we create the data table, let’s go
over what these columns mean:
• The Hole ID column tells Strater which well the data refers to. In the data table, you can
enter the well construction items for multiple holes. You can select which Hole ID to display
in the log properties.
• The From and To columns specifies the vertical depth interval to display the item.

Strater 5 User’s Guide

The item filled with the diagonal cross

hatch has data From = 25 and To = 40.

• The Outer Diameter and Inner Diameter columns tell Strater the width of the item. If you
can imagine a line running down the center of the diagram, this is the “0” line. You can tell
Strater how thick to draw the item on both sides of this 0 line. When you specify an inner or
outer diameter, half that diameter will be on one side of the 0 line, and the other half of the
diameter will be on the other side of the 0 line. So, if you enter a diameter of 4, Strater will
display the item from 2 units to the left to 2 units to the right of the center line. You can
specify a solid item centered in the log (i.e. a pipe or casing in the center of the diagram,
Inner Diameter = 0 and Outer Diameter is however thick you want it), or you can start the
item some distance from the center 0 line so that it has a hole in the center (i.e. sand or
filters, Inner Diameter is some number greater than 0, and Outer Diameter is a number
greater than that).

The center solid white item has an Inner Diameter = 0

and an Outer Diameter = 4. This creates a solid item
in the center of the log. The item filled with the diagonal
cross hatch has an Inner Diameter = 4 and an Outer
Diameter = 10. This draws the item on either side of
the center line with the center portion cut out.

• The Offset value specifies any horizontal offset for a particular item. It shifts the center line
for that item from 0 to whatever value is entered. A positive Offset value shifts the item to
the right. A negative Offset value shifts the item to the left. The example we are working
with does not have an offset to any of the items. If you do not have an offset, you still need
to enter 0 for this column. If you do not enter an Offset value, then the well construction log
is not drawn.

Chapter 18 - Well Construction Logs

A positive value of 2 is entered for the Offset of

the item filled with the diagonal cross hatch pattern.

• The Item gives Strater a keyword for that particular log item. This could be a simple name
of what the item is, such as “sand”, “gravel” or “end cap”. This item keyword is used in the
well construction scheme to apply fill and line properties to that item when the well
construction log is drawn.

Creating the Data

To create a well construction table:

1. Click the Home | New | Table command, click the button, or press CTRL+W on the
keyboard to create a new table.
2. In the Create New Table dialog, enter a Table Name such as Well Construction, set the
Base Table Type to Well Construction Table, and click Create. The new table is displayed.
3. In the Hole ID column (Column A), type a hole ID such as Sample for the first 8 rows since
there are 8 items in the well construction diagram.
4. Strater will draw the items on the well construction log in the order they are listed in the
data table, from top down. The items at the bottom of the list are drawn last and on top of
all the previous items. Entering the Item data next makes it easy to organize the items in the
right order before filling in all the other data. We want to list the background items first so
they are not drawn on top of all the other items and cover them up. Looking at the image at
the top of this page as a guide, you can see that the concrete, bentonite, sand, gravel and
filter sand are all in the “background”, and the cap, casing and screen are drawn “on top”.
That means, I’m going to make sure the cap, casing, and screen items are entered last in my
data table. In the Item column (Column G), put the fill names in this order: Row 1 =
concrete, Row 2 = bentonite, Row 3 = sand, Row 4 = gravel, Row 5 = filter sand, Row 6 =
cap, Row 7 = casing, and Row 8 = screen.

Strater 5 User’s Guide

5. Enter data in the From and To columns (columns B and C) for

each item. Using the depth values displayed on the image at the
top of this article as a guide, enter: Row 1 = 3 to 5, Row 2 = 5 to
25, Row 3 = 25 to 40, Row 4 = 40 to 60, Row 5 = 40 to 60, Row
6 = 0 to 5, Row 7 = 5 to 42, and Row 8 = 42 to 60.
6. Since the items are not offset in this diagram, enter 0 for all rows
in the Offset column (Column F).
7. To determine the diameter for each item, we need to define a
maximum “width” for the log. This can be any number, as long
as all the items in the well are proportional. Since the concrete is
the widest item, we can choose an arbitrary number for it, such
as 15. The Outer Diameter is entered in Column D. The Inner
Diameter is entered in Column E.
a. Row 1 = The concrete Outer Diameter = 15. The Inner
Diameter for the concrete will be the same as the Outer
Diameter for the cap. Again, this is an arbitrary value,
such as 4. Enter 4 as the Inner Diameter.
b. Row 6 and 7 = The cap and casing have the same width,
and they are solid and centered. So the Inner Diameter =
0, and the Outer Diameter = 4.
c. Row 2 and 3 = The bentonite and sand have the same
width. They are on the outside of the casing, so the Inner
Diameter for these items is going to be the same as the
Outer Diameter of the casing. Enter 4 for the inner
Diameter. Since they are not quite as wide as the
concrete, the Outer Diameter needs to be less than 15.
Enter 10 as the Outer Diameter.
d. Row 5 = The filter sand has the same Outer Diameter as
the sand and bentonite, so enter 10. But it is about half
as wide as those items, so enter an Inner Diameter of
7.5 for this item.
e. Row 4 = The gravel has the Outer Diameter value as the
filter sand’s Inner Diameter. Enter 7.5 for the Outer Enter values for the
Diameter. The Inner Diameter is the same as the Outer outer and inner edges
Diameter for the casing. Enter 4 for the Inner Diameter. of each item in the
f. Row 8 = The screen is centered in the middle, so the Outer Diameter and
Inner Diameter is 0. The Outer Diameter is slightly wider Inner Diameter data
than the casing and cap. Since the casing and cap have columns.
an Outer Diameter of 4, enter 5 for the Outer Diameter.
8. Click File | Save to save the project now that the data is
created. In the Save As dialog, type a name for the project,
such as Well Construction.

Enter the data for each well item into the data table.

Chapter 18 - Well Construction Logs

Creating the Log

Now that the data has been created, the well construction log can be created.
1. Click on Borehole 1 tab at the top of the
project window.
2. Click the Log | Create Log | Well

Construction command or click the

3. Click in the log pane where you want the log to
be placed.
4. In the Open dialog, make sure the Well
Construction table is selected in the Use
Current Table and in the File name boxes.
5. Click Open and the log is created using the
existing data table and the default settings.
6. The default settings do not necessarily fit all
cases. In this case, the well size we created
should be 15. The default value is 10, so we
need to change this. Click on the well
construction log, if it is not already selected.
Set the Well Size to include the maximum
7. In the Property Manager, change the Well
Outer Diameter entered in the data table
Size to 15. Now the entire log is displayed.
to fully see all items.

Creating the Well Construction Scheme

The well construction log is created, but the log items are not filled with any color or patterns. The
line and fill properties are controlled by the well construction scheme. This scheme was
automatically created when we created the log, so all you have to do is specify in the scheme which
fill and line properties you want for each item. To edit the line and fill properties in the scheme:
1. Click the Home | Display | Scheme Editor command.
2. In the Scheme Editor, click the next to Well Construction, if it is not already expanded.
3. Click the next to Well Construction: Well Construction scheme name to see all of the items
in the scheme.
4. When you select one of the items, the properties for that item will be displayed on the right
side of the dialog. For example, select concrete on the left side and on the right side, change
the Foreground color in the Fill Properties section to 70% Black.
5. Set the line and fill patterns for all of the items. When all properties are set, click OK and the
log is updated with the new line and fill settings.
Finalizing the Log
The well construction log is created and custom color and patterns are applied. You can now add
other logs or customize your log design in other ways. In this example, we will add a depth log and
a legend.
1. Click the Log | Create Log | Depth command.
2. Click in the log pane where you want the log to be placed.
3. You can make adjustments to the depth log properties in the Property Manager. For
example, you can:
a. Change the starting and ending depths for the ticks and the tick interval on the Ticks
b. Decrease the number of decimal digits shown and increase the font size on the Label
4. You can also create a legend of the scheme items to help clarify the log. Click the Log | Add
| Legend command.
5. Click anywhere in the borehole view where you want the legend to be placed. You can place
it in the header, footer or log panes.
6. You can make adjustments to the legend in the Property Manager. For example, you can:

Strater 5 User’s Guide

a. Change the number of columns used to display the legend items on the Legend tab.
b. Change the legend title on the Label tab.
Other well construction log examples exist in the Samples directory.

Well Construction Log Properties

The Log page in the Property Manager includes options for defining the data table and well size
for a well construction log. To view and edit well construction log properties, click on the well
construction log in the view window or Object Manager to select the log. Then, click on the Log
tab in the Property Manager.

Edit well construction log properties on the

Well Construction tab in the Property Manager.

Hole ID Filter
The Hole ID filter is used to select the borehole to associate with this log. Only those Hole IDs that
are currently associated with data tables in this project are listed. To change the Hole ID Filter, click
on the existing Hole ID and select the desired Hole ID from the list. The log automatically updates
to show the new borehole.

When the Logs object is selected in a cross section view, the Hole ID filter is not available. To set a
specific log to a particular Hole ID, click on that individual log and set the Hole ID filter to the
appropriate log.

Use the Table to define the data table for the well construction log. The table type must be a well
construction table type.

Chapter 18 - Well Construction Logs

Well Item Column

The Well item column is the column in the selected Table that sets the well construction
component. When the Table is changed to another table, the Well item column list is automatically
updated to display the column names in the newly selected table. To change the column, click on
the existing column name next to Well item column and select the desired column from the list.

The Well item column is used for linking the table item name to the matching item in a well
construction scheme. This column is used to define shapes, fill patterns, etc. for the various well
construction components.

Offset Column
Use the Offset column to select the column in the well table that contains the horizontal offsets for
the item within the well construction log. The width of the log is based on the Well size, with zero at
the center of the log. For example, if the Well size is 20, an offset value of -5 places the well item 5
units to the left of center of the log. To change the offset column, click on the existing column name
and select the desired column from the list.

Inner Diameter Column

Use the Inner diameter column to select the column in the well table that contains information to
cut a section out of the middle of the items so that it is line- and fill-free. To change the inner
diameter column, click on the existing column name and select the desired column from the list.

Outer Diameter Column

Use the Outer diameter column to select the column in the well table that contains the outer size
(width) of the items. To change the outer diameter column, click on the existing column name and
select the desired column from the list.

Hole Inclination, Hole Dip, and Azimuth Columns

The Hole inclination column (or Hole dip column) is used in combination with the Hole azimuth
column to calculate the true vertical depth for the hole. Either Hole inclination column or Hole dip
column is displayed. To control whether inclination or dip is used, click the File | Options
command. In the Options dialog, check or uncheck the Use Hole dip instead of inclination option.

Inclination is the angle the borehole is oriented in degrees and varies from 0 to 180. 0 indicates
vertical pointing down, 90 indicates horizontal, and 180 indicates vertical pointing up. Negative and
positive inclination values are treated the same for depth calculations. Negative inclination values
are treated differently for well path calculations in the cross section and map views. A negative
inclination changes the direction (azimuth) to the opposite of the similar positive inclination. For
example, the azimuth value of 90 and inclination of 45 describes the same orientation as the
azimuth value of 270 and inclination of -45 degrees. Both combinations describe an eastward
direction at 45 degrees down from the horizontal plane.

Dip is an alternate method of calculating the angle the borehole is oriented. Dip is oriented in
degrees and varies from -90 to 90. -90 indicates vertical pointing down, 0 indicates horizontal, and
+90 indicates vertical pointing up.

Azimuth is the compass orientation of the well's deviation, in degrees and varies from 0 (true
vertical north) to 360. Azimuth values are measured relative to true north (not grid north in the
local coordinate system).

Strater 5 User’s Guide

To set the Hole inclination column or Hole dip column, click on the existing option and select the
desired option from the list. Available options are [Unspecified], [From collars table:collars name],
[From survey table: survey name], or data columns in the selected Lithology table. When one
column is set to unspecified or survey table, the other column automatically changes to the same
option. When recorded in a collars table, the inclination/dip and azimuth apply to the entire well
length. When recorded in a survey table, the inclination/dip and azimuth apply from the depth to
the next recorded depth. When set to one of the columns in the existing table, each log is updated
independently from each other log using the information in the specific depth or interval tables. If
the Hole inclination column for the log is set to [Unspecified], an inclination value of 0 is used for
the calculations. No difference will be visible for the log when changing the Depth method to True
vertical depth.

Well Construction Scheme

The Well construction scheme is the scheme that determines the shape, fill, and line properties of
each item in the well construction log. The selected scheme should contain items that match the
keyword text in the Well item column. To change the scheme, click on the existing scheme name
and select the desired scheme from the list. Click the next to the scheme name to open the
Scheme Editor, where the scheme can be created or edited.

Well Size
The Well size is a scaling factor that defines the width of the log contents. Strater scales the widths
of the well construction items based on this value. All diameter and offset values in the log are
based on this dimension. Therefore, it is very important to specify an appropriate value here and it
is also important to specify the appropriate diameters in the log data. For example, if the Well size
is set to 17, a diameter value of 8.5 in the data table would represent half the width of the log. To
change the well size, highlight the existing value and type a new value. Press ENTER on the
keyboard to make the change.

Screen Scale
The Screen scale setting is used for the screen items. The Screen scale controls the scaling offset
and size of the pattern. The Screen scale varies between 0.1 and 2.0 inches (0.254 and 5.08
centimeters.) For small wells, for example well construction logs only six inches long, the Screen
scale may require a smaller scale setting, around 0.5 to show enough lines in the screen zone. For
longer well construction logs, a value of one or higher may be necessary to make the lines

Well Construction Log - Line Properties

The curves in a line/symbol log can be represented by lines, most logs can be surrounded by a
border, and grid lines are used to show data increments on individual log items. There is a variable
grid that represents the X axis data and another grid for depth or Y axis data. Most log items
include a depth grid option but not all log items have variable grid options. The Line page of the
Property Manager contains the properties for the log curve, border, and grid lines.

To edit the line properties, select a log item. Click on the Line tab in the Property Manager.
Which of the Log, Curve 1 and Curve 2, Border, Variable Grid Lines, and Depth Grid Lines sections
are displayed depends on the type of log selected. For example the Line page for line/symbol logs
includes Log, Border, Variable Grid Lines, and Depth Grid Lines sections while the Line page for
well construction logs includes only the Border section.

Chapter 18 - Well Construction Logs

Edit the log curve, border, and grid line

properties on the Line page.

Log Properties
The Log section of the Line page controls the line properties for the curve or curves in the
line/symbol log or function log. The Log section also controls the line properties for layer marks
lines on an unregistered or registered raster log.

Active Variable
The line properties are independently controlled for each of the variables in the log. Edit a variable's
line/symbol plot by selecting the variable the Active variable field. Select the desired variable by
clicking the current selection in the Active variable field and select the variable from the list.

Log Line Properties

The Line Properties section contains the line properties for the log curve selected in the Active
variable field. See the Line Properties topic for more information on editing line properties.

Strater 5 User’s Guide

Curve 1 and Curve 2 Properties

The Curve 1 and Curve 2 sections control the line properties for the curves in a crossplot log.

Curve 1 and Curve 2 Line Properties

The Line Properties section contains the line properties for the log curve. See the Line Properties
topic for more information on editing line properties.

Border Properties
The Border section of the Line page controls the line properties for the log border.

Display Border Line

Check the Disply border line check box to draw a border line around the log. Uncheck the Display
border line check box to hide the log border line. The log border is displayed from the Starting
borehole depth to the Ending borehole depth and around the entirety of the log.

Border Line Properties

The Line Properties section contains the line properties for the log border. See the Line Properties
topic for more information on editing line properties.

Variable Grid Lines and Depth Grid Lines Properties

The Variable Grid Lines and Depth Grid Lines sections have identical settings, with the exception of
the Active variable property, but represent the settings for the different grids. The following
properties are displayed in both the Variable Grid Lines and Depth Grid Lines sections.

Active Variable
Variable grid lines can be added for each of the variables in the log. Variable grid lines are added
one at a time by selecting the variable in the Active variable field. Select the desired variable by
clicking the current selection in the Active variable field and select the variable from the list.

The Active variable property is only displayed when the Use all columns for range check box on the
Line/Symbol Log page is not checked. When Use all columns for range is checked there is only one
variable scale, and therefore can only be one set of variable grid lines.

Grid Line Display Order

Grid lines can be positioned above the log (Top), beneath the log (Bottom), or not displayed (Hide)
with the Grid line display order options. If Top is selected, the grid is the last item drawn for a
specific log item. Bottom means the grid is under the log item, but above the fill background. Hide
means do not show the grid. To change the Grid line display order, click on the existing option and
select the desired option from the list.

After setting the Grid line display order, turn on the grid lines by checking the box next to the Show
in the Major Grid Line and/or Minor Grid Line sections.

Auto Grid Range

The Auto grid range option controls the first and last grids shown for the grid lines. When the Auto
grid range check box is checked, Strater creates settings based upon the log data. Uncheck the
Auto grid range check box to manually set the grid's minimum and maximum values in the Grid
minimum and Grid maximum settings.

Chapter 18 - Well Construction Logs

If the borehole is changed, the new data may or may not fit into the user defined grid range so use
caution in setting these values.

Grid Minimum
When Auto grid range is not checked, the Grid minimum defines the minimum value of the grid. To
change the minimum grid line value, highlight the existing value and type a new value. Press
ENTER on the keyboard and the grid lines update.

Grid Maximum
When Auto grid range is not checked, the Grid maximum defines the maximum value of the grid. To
change the maximum grid line value, highlight the existing value and type a new value. Press
ENTER on the keyboard and the grid lines update.

Show Major Grid Lines

To show major grid lines, check the box next to the Show in the Major Grid Line section. To hide
the major grid lines, uncheck the box.

Major Grid Interval

To change the Major interval the Auto grid range option must be unchecked. The Major interval is
the spacing between the major grid lines.

Major Line Properties

Set the major grid line properties with the Style, Color, Foreground Opacity, and Width options.

Show Minor Grid Lines

To show minor grid lines, check the box next to the Show in the Minor Grid Line section. To hide the
minor grid lines, uncheck the box.

Grid Division
The Divisions property determines how many minor divisions (gaps) are between major tick marks.
If the value is 1, no minor grid lines will appear. If the value is 2, one minor grid line will appear. To
change the value, highlight the existing value and type a new value. Press ENTER on the keyboard
to make the change.

Minor Line Properties

Set the minor grid line properties with the Style, Color, Foreground Opacity, and Width options.

Well Construction Log - Fill Properties

Fill properties can be changed for selected objects. To edit the fill properties, click on the object in
the Object Manager or plot window. The properties are listed in the Property Manager. Default
fill properties are set in the File | Options dialog by clicking on the Fill page.

If the options on the Fill tab are not available, a scheme is likely being used. Uncheck the
appropriate Use Keyword Scheme, Use Range Scheme, or Use Indent Keyword Scheme option to
turn off the display of the scheme properties and set the fill properties on the Fill tab.

Strater 5 User’s Guide

Schemes and Fill Properties

Note that if a scheme is used in a log item, the fill properties will be unavailable on the Fill tab. You
must change the fill properties for the scheme in the Scheme Editor or turn off the display of the

Fill Properties Page

The object's fill is composed of layers of various fill types. All of the predefined fills have only one
layer. Custom fills created with the Fill Style Editor may have multiple layers of any type. Each
layer in the fill style has its own section in the Property Manager. The layers are listed in
descending order, i.e. the topmost layer is listed first, Layer 1 (<type>), followed by additional
layers. The following properties are displayed on the Fill page of the Property Manager.

Only the layer properties displayed in the Property Manager are included in this topic. To see
information about properties that are included in the Fill Style Editor, see the Fill Style Editor
topic. The image layer Load from property and the vector layer drawing area are only available in
the Fill Style Editor.

Log Fill Background

For many of the log objects, the Fill page includes a Fill background check box. If the box next to
Fill background is checked, the background area is filled. If the box next to Fill background is
unchecked, the background is not filled. To change the Fill background, check or uncheck the box.
The Fill Properties section below the Fill background property controls the background fill.

Legend Fill Background

When a legend is selected, the Fill page contains the fill options for the legend background. The
Frame style on the Line page must be set to Rectangle or Rounded Rectangle for the legend to
display a background fill. When the Frame style is set to None, the background fill is not displayed
regardless of the Fill page settings. If you wish to display a background fill but not a frame line,
then set the Frame style to Rectangle or Rounded Rectangle. Next set Style in the Line Properties
section to Invisible. Finally set the desired background properties on the Fill page.

The Fill page in the Property Manager controls the

fill properties for the selected object.

Chapter 18 - Well Construction Logs

Fill Style
The Style indicates the way that an object is filled. To change the Style, click on the existing fill
style next to Style. In the list, select a new style from the fill palette. Create custom fill styles with
the Fill Style Editor. Click the next to the Style field to open the Fill Style Editor to modify or
create a fill style.

Each layer in the selected fill style is displayed in its own section. The layers are listed in order from
top to bottom. The layer name is Layer n (type), where n is the layer position and type is the layer
type. A layer preview is displayed to the right of the layer name. The six layer types are Solid,
Stock, Image, Gradient, Vector, and Line. Click the button to expand the layer properties.

Solid Layer Properties

The properties for a solid layer are Color and Opacity.

Expand a Solid layer to edit the layer's properties.

The Color is the color of the solid fill. Click the existing color sample next to Color to open the color
palette. Click on a color in the palette to use it for the layer's fill color. Click the button to open
the Colors dialog and create custom colors, use the dropper to select a color, or select the color
from a color wheel.

The Opacity controls the transparency of the solid fill style. To change the Opacity, highlight the
existing value and type a new value. Press ENTER on the keyboard to make the change.
Alternatively, click and drag the slider to increase or decrease the opacity value. Opacity
values are between 0% (zero opacity, full transparency) to 100% (full opacity, zero transparency).

Stock Layer Properties

The properties for a stock layer are Pattern, Foreground color, Foreground opacity, Background
color, and Background opacity.

Strater 5 User’s Guide

Expand a Stock layer to edit the layer's properties.

The Pattern indicates the way the stock layer is filled. To change the Pattern, click on the existing
pattern sample next to Pattern. Select a new style from the pattern palette.

Foreground Color
The Foreground color is the color of the pattern. Click the existing color sample next to Foreground
color to open the color palette. Click on a color in the palette to use it for the selected foreground
fill color. Click the button to open the Colors dialog and create custom colors, use the dropper
to select a color, or select the color from a color wheel.

Foreground Opacity
The Foreground opacity controls the transparency of the foreground portion of the pattern. To
change the Foreground opacity, highlight the existing value and type a new value. Press ENTER on
the keyboard to make the change. Alternatively, click and drag the slider to increase or
decrease the opacity value. Opacity values are between 0% (zero opacity, full transparency) to
100% (full opacity, zero transparency).

Background Color
The Background color is the color behind the pattern. Click the existing color sample next to
Background color to open the color palette. Click on a color in the palette to use it for the
background fill color. Click the button to open the Colors dialog and create custom colors.

Background Opacity
The Background opacity controls the transparency of the background portion of the pattern. To
change the Background opacity, highlight the existing value and type a new value. Press ENTER on
the keyboard to make the change. Alternatively, click and drag the slider to increase or
decrease the opacity value. Opacity values are between 0% (zero opacity, full transparency) to
100% (full opacity, zero transparency).

Chapter 18 - Well Construction Logs

If the stock layer is above other layers in the fill style, the Background opacity must be less than
100% to see the layers below. To make a fill pattern appear transparent with only the foreground
portion of the fill pattern showing, change the Background Opacity value to 0%.

Image Layer Properties

The properties for an image layer are Pattern, Opacity, Stretch, Image Offset (X and Y), and Image
Scale (X, Y, and Proportional).

Expand an Image layer to edit the layer's properties.

The Pattern property is used to add image layers from predefined or custom image fill styles. To
change the image layer, click the current option for an image layer Pattern and select a predefined
image layer or a custom image layer from the image palette. Only image fills with a single layer are
included in the image palette.

The Opacity controls the transparency of the image fill style. To change the Opacity, highlight the
existing value and type a new value. Press ENTER on the keyboard to make the change.
Alternatively, click and drag the slider to increase or decrease the opacity value. Opacity
values are between 0% (zero opacity, full transparency) to 100% (full opacity, zero transparency).

The Stretch is used with image patterns. The Stretch determines how the image is used to fill the
desired area. When the Stretch check box is checked, the image is stretched to fit the fill area.
When the Stretch check box is not checked the image is tiled in the fill area.

Strater 5 User’s Guide

The image fill on the left has the Stretch box checked. The image on
the right has the Stretch box unchecked.

Image Offset
Offset the image in the fill layer by typing a value in pixels in the X or Y fields in the Image Offset
section. You can also change the X and Y image offset values by clicking the buttons.

Image Scale
The Image Scale properties control the density of the image fill. Change the image scale by typing
a value in the X or Y fields in the Image Scale section. The Image Scale properties are ignored
when the Stretch property is checked. You can also change the X and Y image scale values by
clicking the buttons.

When the Proportional check box is checked, the X and Y values automatically update to maintain
the current aspect ratio. Uncheck the Proportional check box to apply different scaling in the X and
Y directions.

Note that the Proportional property does not lock the X and Y values to any specific aspect ratio but
to whichever ratio is in use when the box is checked. For example, assume you want the X:Y ratio
to be 2:1, but you do not know which Image Scale values are desired. You can uncheck the
Proportional check box. Next set the X value to 2 and the Y value to 1. Check the Proportional
check box. Now when you adjust one of the X or Y values, the other value updates automatically to
maintain the 2:1 ratio.

Chapter 18 - Well Construction Logs

Gradient Layer Properties

The properties for a gradient layer are Type, Direction, and Colormap.

Expand a Gradient layer to edit the layer's properties.

The Type controls how a gradient fill pattern is used to fill the selected area. To change the Type,
click on the current type and select the new type in the list. Select Linear or Radial for the Type.
When the Type is set to Linear, a linear color gradient fills the area. The colors change in a linear
manner from the top to the bottom or from the left to the right of the area. When the Type is set to
Radial, a radial color gradient fills the area. The colors change in concentric circles, either
expanding from the interior and going out or from the exterior and going in.

The Radial type is shown on the left and

the Linear type is shown on the right.

The Direction option sets the direction the gradient fills. When the Type is set to Linear, choose
either Vertical or Horizontal for the Direction. The Vertical option sets the gradient to change along
the Y axis. The Horizontal option sets the gradient to change along the X axis. When Radial is
selected as the Type, the Direction options are Inward and Outward. This reverses the color


The Colormap option sets the colors to use in the gradient pattern. Click the button to select or
create a color gradient in the Colormap dialog.

Strater 5 User’s Guide

Vector Layer Properties

The properties for a vector layer are Color and Opacity.

Expand a Vector layer to edit the layer's properties.

The Color is the color of the lines in the vector fill. Click the existing color sample next to Color to
open the color palette. Click on a color in the palette to use it for the layer's line color. Click the
button to open the Colors dialog and create custom colors, use the dropper to select a color, or
select the color from a color wheel.

The Opacity controls the transparency of the lines in the vector fill. To change the Opacity, highlight
the existing value and type a new value. Press ENTER on the keyboard to make the change.
Alternatively, click and drag the slider to increase or decrease the opacity value. Opacity
values are between 0% (zero opacity, full transparency) to 100% (full opacity, zero transparency).

Line Layer Properties

The properties for a Line layer are Color, Opacity, Angle, Offset, Separation, and Width.

Chapter 18 - Well Construction Logs

Expand a Line layer to edit the layer's properties.

The Color is the color of the lines in the line fill layer. Click the existing color sample next to Color
to open the color palette. Click on a color in the palette to use it for the layer's line color. Click the
button to open the Colors dialog and create custom colors, use the dropper to select a color, or
select the color from a color wheel.

The Opacity controls the transparency of the lines in the line fill layer. To change the Opacity,
highlight the existing value and type a new value. Press ENTER on the keyboard to make the
change. Alternatively, click and drag the slider to increase or decrease the opacity value.
Opacity values are between 0% (zero opacity, full transparency) to 100% (full opacity, zero

Change the angle of the lines by typing a value in degrees in the Angle field or clicking and
dragging the slider . Positive values rotate the lines clockwise.

Change the vertical offset between the lines and the pattern's origin by typing a value between -
0.25 and 0.25 inches in the Offset field. You can also change the Offset value by clicking the

Strater 5 User’s Guide

Change the separation between the lines by typing a value between 0 and 0.25 inches in the
Separation field. You can also change the Separation value by clicking the buttons.

Change the line Width by highlighting the existing value and typing a new number or by clicking the
to increase or decrease the line width. The line width can be zero to 0.5 inches (1.27 cm) wide.
A width of zero is one pixel wide.

Water Level Properties

Symbols indicating water level can be added to all logs types except depth logs. Water level
symbols can be displayed in the borehole view and the cross section view. The lower point of the
triangle, i.e. the bottom vertex, is aligned with the depth in the water level table. This is different
than symbols in a post log, where the symbol center is aligned with the depth specified in the depth
table. Additionally the water level can be displayed between logs on a cross section in the cross
section properties. Add the symbols and edit their properties on the Water Level page in the
Property Manager.

Edit water level data, symbol, and label properties

on the Water Level page.

Chapter 18 - Well Construction Logs

General Properties
The General section of the Water Level page contains properties for the water label table and
symbol properties.

Display Water Level Symbol

Check the Display water level symbol check box to display water level symbols on the log. A depth
table containing water level information must be selected in the Water level table field for the water
level symbols to be displayed.

Water Level Table

The water level table is a depth table containing at a minimum hole IDs and depths. An additional
parameter column can be included to specify the water level names and water level connections
between the logs. If the water level table is already loaded, click the Water level table field and
select the table from the list. Click the button to load the Water level table with the Open

Symbol Size
The Symbol size property controls the size of the water level symbol. Type a value in page units in
the Symbol size field or click the button to change the Symbol size value.

Symbol Alignment
The Symbol alignment property aligns the symbol on the left, center, or right of the log. Click the
current selection in the Symbol alignment and select Left, Center, or Right from the list.

Symbol Style
The water level symbol is an inverted triangle with between one and three lines at the point. The
Symbol style property specifies the number of lines. Click the current Symbol style selection and
select One line, Two lines, or Three lines from the list.

Line Properties
The Line Properties section of the Water Level page controls the line properties for the water level
symbol. See the Line Properties topic for more information on line properties.

Fill Properties
The Fill Properties section of the Water Level page controls the fill properties for the water level
symbol. See the Fill Properties topic for more information on fill properties.

Label Properties
The Label Properties section of the Water Level page controls the water level symbol labels.

Show Water Level Name

Check the Show water level name check box to display labels next to the water level symbols. The
labels are specified by the Water level name column. Uncheck the Show water level name check
box to hide the water level labels.

Water Level Name Column

The water level table can include a name column which is used to connect water levels across logs
and display labels for the water level symbols. Select the column containing the water level names

Strater 5 User’s Guide

by clicking the Water level name column field and selecting a column from the list. The water level
labels will be populated by the names in the Water level name column.

Connect water levels by name by checking the Connect water level(s) by names check box in the
cross section properties. When the Water level name column does not contain data, Strater
connects the water levels automatically. The Water level name column is also used to connect
specific water levels between the logs. For example, if borehole 1 contains two water level names A
and B and borehole 2 contains three water level names A, B, and C, the two A water level symbols
and two B water level symbols will be connected by a line. When the Water level name column
contains unique names for the water levels, no water level symbols will be connected as this
indicates these are separate water levels.

Offset Method
The Offset method property controls the label offset direction from the water table symbol. Click the
current selection and select Center, Left, Top, Right, Bottom, or User defined from the list to
change the label offset. Selecting User defined enables the X offset and Y offset properties.

X Offset
The X offset property moves the label to the left or right when the Offset method is set to User
defined. Type a value in page units or click the buttons to change the X offset value.

Y Offset
The Y offset property moves the label up or down when the Offset method is set to User defined.
Type a value in page units or click the buttons to change the Y offset value.

Label Angle
The Label angle property rotates the water level symbol labels. Type a value in degrees in the Label
angle field or click and drag the slider to rotate the labels. Positive angle values rotate the labels

Nudge End Values

The Nudge End Values option moves the starting and ending labels away from the edges of the log
pane so that they are completely visible. This 'nudging' occurs only if the label is near the edge of
the log pane, otherwise the location of the label does not change. Check the box next to Nudge End
Values to move the labels. Uncheck the box to keep the labels in the depth location specified.

Label Format
The Label Format section includes label formatting properties. See the Format Properties topic for
more information on label format properties.

Font Properties
The Font Properties section includes label font formatting properties. See the Font Properties topic
for more information on font format properties.

Chapter 19 - Raster Logs
Registered Raster Logs
Click the Log | Create Log | Registered Raster command to add a registered raster log. A
registered raster log is a scanned image of a paper or electric log with a depth registration file.
Layer marks can also be imported with a registered raster log. Registered raster logs can be used in
cross sections and modified with the properties in the Property Manager.

Registered raster logs can be added to the borehole

or cross section view and used in analysis.

Data Requirements
Registered raster logs are created from a registration file and raster or image file. If the registration
file includes only the image file name, the registration file and image file must be in the same file
folder or share the same path. Select the registration file in the Open dialog and click Open to
create the registered raster log. If the registration file also includes layer marks, a layer mark table
can be created. Otherwise layer marks can be added or imported after creating the raster log.

Supported registration file formats include the following:

• Geographix Depth Registration ASCII (*.dra)
• LIC Petra Log Image Calibration (*.lic)
• XML IHS Log Image Calibration (*.xml)
Other data file formats, such as CSV, DAT, TXT, XLSX, etc., can be used as a registration file when
the data is formatted as a range table.

See the File Format Chart for a list of supported image/raster formats.

Chapter 19 - Raster Logs

Creating a Registered Raster Log

To create a registered raster log:
1. Click the Log | Create Log | Registered Raster command.
2. Click in the log pane where you want the registered raster log to appear.
3. In the Open dialog, click the depth-registration file or range table file and then click Open.
4. If the log contains multiple sections, select the log section to use in the Log Section dialog
and click OK.
5. In the Log Registration Table dialog, specify a Hole ID and Table name.
6. Click Save.
7. If the depth-registration file includes layer marks, select the desired action for the layer
marks table in the Layer Marks Table dialog.
8. Click OK.
The log is displayed in the log pane with the settings from the depth-registration file. A range table
is created from the depth-registration file. If the Save layer marks to table option was checked in
the Layer Marks Table dialog, a layer marks table is also created. The raster log can be used in
cross sections and edited with the raster log properties. If you wish to view the tables, select the
table in the Table Manager.

Editing Raster Log Properties

Raster logs are edited by changing properties in the Property Manager. The properties are the
same for both registered and unregistered raster log types. To change the appearance and data
settings for a raster log, click the log in the Object Manager or borehole view. The properties are
displayed in the Property Manager.

The following pages are displayed in the Property Manager.

• Log
• Label
• Line
• Fill
• Water Level

Log Section Dialog

The Log Section dialog is opened when a registered raster log registration file contains more than
one log section.

Select a log in the Log Section dialog.

Click the current log section and select the desired log section from the list.

Click OK to continue creating the registered raster log. Click Cancel to close the dialog and stop the
registered raster log creation.

Strater 5 User’s Guide

Unregistered Raster Logs

Click the Log | Create Log | Unregistered Raster command to add an unregistered raster log.
An unregistered raster log is a scanned image of a paper or electric log without depth-registration
information. After adding the unregistered raster log, the depth registration mode is activated. It is
easy to register the raster log with Strater. Once the depth registration is complete the log can be
used in cross sections and modified with the properties in the Property Manager.

Unregistered raster logs can be added to the borehole

view, depth registered, and used in analysis.

Data Requirements
Unregistered raster logs can be created from any of the supported raster or image file formats.
Once the depth registration is complete, the log becomes a registered raster log, and a range table
is created for the raster log. If you also specify layers for the raster log, a layer mark table is
created. Raster logs should be created from a single image. See the Create a Raster Log from a
Multi-Page PDF help topic for an example on how to stitch together multiple images for use as a
raster log.

Creating an Unregistered Raster Log

To create an unregistered raster log:
1. Click the Log | Create Log | Unregistered Raster command.
2. Click in the log pane where you want the unregistered raster log to appear.
3. In the Import dialog, click the raster/image file and then click Open. The raster log is added
to the log pane and depth-registration mode is enabled.
4. Depth register the raster log. Click the preceding link for detailed depth-registration
5. Press ENTER to save the depth-registration specifications for the raster log.
6. In the Log Registration Table dialog, specify a Hole ID and Table name.
7. Click Save to complete the depth registration.
A range table is created from the depth-registration settings. The log is cropped, if applicable, and
displayed in the log pane. The raster log is now registered and can be used in cross sections and
edited with the raster log properties. You can cancel the depth-registration process by pressing
ESC, selecting a different object or view, selecting a command, or exiting Strater. When the depth
registration is cancelled before the log has been registered, the default registration settings are

Chapter 19 - Raster Logs

used for the depth-registration. If you cancel the depth-registration mode on a raster log that has
been previously registered, any changes are ignored and the depth registration is returned to the
previous settings.

If desired, you can add layer marks to the raster log. A layer marks table is created after you are
finished adding layer marks.

Saving the Range Table

A range table is created once the depth-registration is complete. The range table can be exported
to a data file with the File | Export Data | Worksheet command. The data file can then be used
to create registered raster logs.

Undo and Unregistered Raster Logs

The Undo command must be used at least twice to completely remove an unregistered raster log.
The first time you click Undo or press CTRL+Z, the Hole ID filter, Range table, Layer mark table,
and Layer mark column properties are cleared on the Log page in the Property Manager. The
second time you use the Undo command, the registration First reference depth and Second
reference depth values on the Log page are returned to the default value, or the log may be
removed. If necessary, the third time you use the Undo command the log is removed from the
view. The Undo command will not delete any range or layer mark tables you created during the
raster log creation process.

It is much faster to select the log in the Object Manager or view window and press DELETE to
remove the raster log. The range and layer marks tables can be deleted by right-clicking the table
in the Table Manager and selecting Delete.

Editing Raster Log Properties

Raster logs are edited by changing properties in the Property Manager. Unregistered raster logs
become registered raster logs once the depth-registration process is complete. The properties are
the same for both raster log types. To change the appearance and data settings for a raster log,
click the log in the Object Manager or borehole view. The properties are displayed in the
Property Manager.

The following pages are displayed in the Property Manager.

• Log
• Label
• Line
• Fill
• Water Level

Depth Registering a Raster Log

An unregistered raster log is depth registered immediately after importing the raster log. A
registered raster log can be updated at any time by clicking the Register button in the Depth-
register log field of the Log page in the Property Manager. The following images use the
RasterPorosityLog.tif sample file. However, the steps explain the general depth-registration

Strater 5 User’s Guide

The default registration settings after an unregistered raster log has been added to the log pane.

Start depth registration for an unregistered raster log by clicking the Log | Create Log |
Unregistered Raster command and importing a raster/image file. Update depth registration for a
registered raster log by clicking Register in the Log page of the Property Manager. To depth
register a raster log:
1. Click the top-left red arrow, labeled Log starts here, and drag the arrow to the desired start
location for the log. You may wish to zoom in to the top of the log to precisely place the Log
starts here arrow.
2. Click the top-right blue arrow, labeled Reference Depth 1: 0, and drag the arrow to the first
known depth on the log. Generally this is the first labeled grid line. You may wish to zoom in
to the top of the log to precisely place the Reference Depth 1 arrow.
3. Click the Log tab in the Property Manager if the Log page is not already selected.
4. Click the next to Registration to expand the registration properties.
5. Type the known depth for the Reference Depth 1 arrow in the First reference depth field.
6. Click the bottom-left red arrow, labeled Log ends here, and drag the arrow to the desired
end location for the log. You may wish to zoom in to the bottom of the log to precisely place
the Log ends here arrow.
7. Click the bottom-right blue arrow, labeled Reference Depth 2: 10000, and drag the arrow to
the last known depth on the log. Generally this is the last labeled grid line. You may wish to
zoom in to the bottom of the log to precisely place the Reference Depth 2 arrow.
8. In the Registration page of the Property Manager, type the known depth for the
Reference Depth 2 arrow in the Second reference depth field.

Chapter 19 - Raster Logs

9. Hover the cursor over the left purple hatched area and drag the bar to the right to crop out
unnecessary or undesired space from the left side of the log.
10. Hover the cursor over the right purple hatched area and drag the bar to the left to crop out
unnecessary or undesired space from the right side of the log.
11. Press ENTER to save the depth-registration specifications for the raster log.
12. In the Log Registration Table dialog, specify a Hole ID, Table name, and Pre-clear setting.
13. Click Save.
14. If the registration is being changed and a layers mark table exists, the Layer Marks Table
dialog is displayed.
15. Click Save to complete the depth registration.

The depth registration settings have been specified and depth registration
can now be completed by pressing ENTER.

A range table is created from the depth-registration settings. The image is cropped, if applicable,
and displayed in the log pane. The raster log is now registered and can be used in cross sections
and edited with the raster log properties. You can cancel the depth-registration process by pressing
ESC, selecting a different object or view, selecting a command, or exiting Strater. When the depth
registration is cancelled before the log has been registered, the default registration settings are
used for the depth-registration. If you cancel the depth-registration mode on a raster log that has
been previously registered, any changes are ignored and the depth registration is returned to the
previous settings.

Strater 5 User’s Guide

Log Registration Table Dialog

The Log Registration Table dialog is displayed when finishing making changes to a registered or
unregistered raster log's depth registration.

Specify settings for the depth-registration table in the

Log Registration Table dialog.

Hole ID
Type the desired name for the well or borehole in the Hole ID field. The default Hole ID is the
imported file name.

Table Name
Type the name for the range table in the Table name field. The default Table name is the imported
file name followed by "_Range".

The Pre-clear setting is enabled when the Table name matches an existing table. The Pre-clear
settings determines which, if any, information in the table is overwritten by the new depth
• Select None to append the new depth registration to the end of the existing table.
• Select Table to overwrite the entire existing table.
• Select Rows of this hole ID to overwrite any rows that contain the same hole ID as the Hole
ID setting in the Log Registration Table dialog.
Save and Cancel
Click Save to save the depth registration settings to the range table. Click Cancel to end depth-
registration mode without saving any changes. Cancelling the first registration process for an
unregistered raster log will return all registration settings to default.

Adding Layer Marks to a Raster Log

Layer marks can be added to a raster log. Layer marks are the tops or bottoms of the zones or
layers that should be connected in the cross section. Layer marks are specified by a depth table. A
layer mark table may be automatically added when creating a registered raster log from a
registration file. A layer mark table can be imported by specifying the table in the Log page, or the
layer marks can be manually added to the log.

Importing Layer Marks

The layer marks are imported by specifying the Layer mark table and Layer mark column in the
Property Manager.
1. Click on the raster log in the borehole view or Object Manager.

Chapter 19 - Raster Logs

2. Click the Log tab to view the Log page in the Property Manager.
3. Click the button in the Layer mark table field.
4. In the Open dialog, select the file containing the layer mark data.
5. Click Open.
6. Specify the column definitions in the Specify Worksheet Column Definitions dialog.
7. Specify the data positions in the Specify Data Type and Column Positions dialog.
8. Select the correct column in the Layer mark column field in the Log page.
The layer marks are imported and added to the raster log.

Adding Layer Marks

The layer marks can also be manually added to the raster log. To add layer marks to a raster log,
1. Select the raster log in the borehole view or Object Manager.
2. Click the Log tab in the Property Manager to view the Log page.
3. Click the Pick Layers button in the Pick layers field. The cursor will change to to indicate
layer marks can be added to the log. Existing layers will be indicated by a blue line in the log
with the layer name> (<depth>) displayed in blue to the right.
4. Click the raster log in the location you wish to add a layer mark. You may wish to zoom in to
precisely place the layer mark.
5. Type a layer name in the Add Layer dialog or select a layer name from the Please name this
layer list.
6. Click OK in the Add Layer dialog. The layer mark is added and indicated by a blue line in the
log. The layer name and depth is displayed to the right of the log.
7. Repeat steps 4 through 6 to create additional layer marks.
8. Press ENTER to finish adding layer marks to the raster log.
9. In the Layer Marks Table dialog, specify whether or not to save the layer marks to a table,
the table name, and Pre-clear option.
10. Click OK to save the changes and add the layer marks to the raster log.
The layer marks have now been added to the raster log. If the layer marks were saved to a table, a
new table is created or an existing table is updated depending on the selections in the Layer
Marks Table dialog.

Editing Existing Layer Marks

Existing layer marks can be edited or removed by clicking the existing layer mark while in pick
layers mode. To edit or remove a layer mark:
1. Select the raster log in the borehole view or Object Manager.
2. Click the Log tab in the Property Manager to view the Log page.
3. Click the Pick Layers button in the Pick layers field. The cursor will change to to indicate
layer marks can be added to the log. Existing layers will be indicated by a blue line in the log
with the layer name> (<depth>) displayed in blue to the right.
4. Click the existing layer mark you wish to edit or remove.
5. In the Update Layer Name dialog, select an Action and, if necessary, a Layer name.
6. Click OK in the Update Layer Name dialog.
7. Repeat steps 4 through 6 for all existing layer marks you wish to change or remove.
8. Press ENTER to finish editing layer marks on the raster log.
9. In the Layer Marks Table dialog, specify whether or not to save the layer marks to a table,
the table name, and Pre-clear option.
10. Click OK to save the changes.

Layer Marks Table Dialog

The Layer Marks Table dialog appears after pressing ENTER on the keyboard when creating or
editing cross section layer marks or raster log layer marks. The Layer Marks Table dialog is also
displayed after changing the depth registration for a raster log.

Strater 5 User’s Guide

Select the table name from the list or type any

table name in the box to create a new table.

Save Layer Marks to Table

Check the box next to Save layer marks to table to save the manual layer marks to a table. This is
useful if you want to edit the mark locations or import into other cross sections. Uncheck the box to
not store the cross section layer marks in a table. Strater will internally save the locations of the

Table Name
Click on the existing Table name to select an existing table from the list. Alternatively, type any
new table name in the box to save the layer marks to a new table.

Pre-Clear Old Content

Select a Pre-clear option to specify which, if any, content to remove from the existing table and
replace it with the current layer mark locations. The Pre-clear option is enabled when the Table
name matches the name of an existing table.
• Select None to append the layer mark information to the end of the existing table.
• Select Table to overwrite the entire table with the new layer mark information.
• Select Rows with... to overwrite only rows matching hole IDs.

OK or Cancel
When all changes are made, click OK to save the changes. To quit without saving, click Cancel.

Create a Collar from a Range Table

You can create depth-registered raster cross sections. First however you must import or create a
collars table. The following process can be used to quickly create a collars table from a range table.

1. Click the Home | New | Table command.

2. In the Create New Table dialog, specify a Table Name and verify that Collars Table is
selected in the Base Table Type list.
3. Click Create.
4. Click the range table in the Table Manager or click the range table document tab. A range
table is created after you manually depth-register an unregistered raster log or when
creating a registered raster log.
5. Copy the values in the Hole ID column, column A by default.
6. Click the collars table document tab or click the collars table in the Table Manager.
7. Paste the values in the Hole ID column, column A by default.
8. Click the range table in the Table Manager or click the range table document tab.

Chapter 19 - Raster Logs

9. Copy the values in the From and To columns, columns B and C by default.
10. Click the collars table document tab or click the collars table in the Table Manager.
11. Paste the values in the Starting Depth and Ending Depth columns, columns E and F by
12. Add information to the Easting and Northing columns (columns B and C by default) at a
minimum. Add information to the remaining collars table columns if it is available.
The collars table is now complete and can be used to create a depth-registered raster cross section.

Create a Raster Log from a Multi-Page PDF

Strater imports multiple PDF pages as separate images. You can use Strater to create a single
image from the multiple pages before using the file to create an unregistered raster log. Generally,
the process is performed in four steps. First, create a base map with the PDF file. Next, align the
pages correctly using the spatial references. Third, export the image. Finally, create the raster log.
The following steps provide the process for going from a multi-page PDF to a raster log.

Create a Base Map

The first thing we need to do is create a base map from the PDF file.
1. Create a new map view in your project by clicking the Home | New | Map View command.
2. Create a new base map by clicking the Map | Create | Base Map command.
3. Select your PDF file in the Import dialog.
4. Click Open.
5. In the PDF Import Options dialog, select a Render resolution or specify a custom
resolution. Make a note of the resolution you select.
6. In the PDF Import Options dialog, select the Import all pages button.
7. Click OK.
Now the PDF is imported as a base map. Each page is a separate image in the base layer. The
pages are imported in order from the first page to the last page. This order is reflected in the
Object Manager. Only the last page will be visible, as the images are all overlaid because they
share the same spatial extents.

Create a Table of Top and Bottom Values

Next we create a table to give us the correct spatial extent values. These steps will explain how to
create the table in Strater. At the end of this section, a similar process will be explained for using
Excel. You may wish to create the table in a new Strater instance or in Excel. Later, you will have
to read the table values and type them into the Property Manager. This will require fewer clicks if
each window is in a separate monitor or if the application widows are tiled on the same monitor.
1. In your map view, click on the topmost image in the Base 1 object in the Object Manager.
2. Note the object name, Image #. The number will indicate the number of images. This value
will be used to determine the number of rows in the table.
3. Click the Info tab in the Property Manager.
4. Note the width and height of the image in the Size (pixels) field. The height value will be
used to create the Top and Bottom values in the table. The width will be needed when
exporting the map.
5. Create a table by clicking the Home | New | Table command.
6. In the Create New Table dialog, select Text Item Table in the Base Table Type list.
7. Click Create.
8. Click the Data | Data | Transform command.
9. In the Transform dialog:
• Set Transform with to Column variables (e.g., C = A + B)
• Type A = (<height>-1) * (ROW()-1) in the Transform equation field, where
<height> = image height from step 4.
• Ensure the First row is set to 1.
• Type the number of images into the Last row field you noted in step 2.
10. Click OK.

Strater 5 User’s Guide

11. Click the Data | Data | Transform command.

12. In the Transform dialog:
• Set Transform with to Column variables (e.g., C = A + B)
• Type B = (<height>-1) * ROW() in the Transform equation field, where <height> =
image height from step 4.
• Ensure the First row is set to 1.
• Type the number of images into the Last row field you noted in step 2.
13. Click OK.

You can see from this example, the image height is 585 pixels
and the PDF file consisted of 12 pages.

Now we have a table of Top and Bottom values for each image in the base layer. You may wish to
create this table in Excel. One method to do so is to type the image height in cell A1. Type =($A$1-
1)*(ROW()-1) in cell B1 and auto-fill down until you reach the number of pages. Type =($A$1-
1)*ROW() in cell C1 and auto-fill again. Now you have a table of values in Excel.

Aligning the Images

Next we will use these values to align the images in the correct position in the map view.
1. Click on the Map 1 tab to return to the map view.
2. In the Object Manager, click the topmost image under the Base 1 layer.
3. Click the General tab in the Property Manager.
4. If necessary, click the button to expand the Spatial Extents section.
5. Verify that the Bottom and Top values match the values in the first row of your table, i.e. the
Bottom value is 0 and the Top value is the image height minus 1.
6. Click the next image down in the Property Manager.
7. Change the Bottom value to the bottom value in row 2 of your table.
8. Change the Top value to the top value in row 2 of your table.
9. Repeat steps 6-8 for each image and corresponding row in your table.
10. Click on the Map 1 object in the Object Manager.
11. Click the Limits tab in the Property Manager.
12. Check the Use data limits check box.
13. Click the Scale tab in the Property Manager.
14. Change the Y Scale section's Length (page units) property to about 7 or 8 inches (17-20

Chapter 19 - Raster Logs

Now the page images should be aligned correctly. You can zoom into the map view to verify the
image looks correct.

Exporting the Map

Next we will export the map to a single image for use as a raster log.
1. Click the Left Axis object in the Object Manager.
2. Click the Home | Clipboard | Delete command.
3. Delete the Right Axis, Top Axis, and Bottom Axis in the same manner.
4. Click the Map 1 object in the Object Manager.
5. Click the File | Export | Graphic command.
6. Select a File name and location in the Export dialog.
7. Select an image file type in the Save as type list.
8. Check the Selected objects only and Show options dialog check boxes.
9. Click Save.
10. On the Size and Color page of the Export Options dialog:
• Uncheck the Maintain aspect ratio and Maintain pixel dimensions options.
• Set the Pixels per inch to the value you used when you imported the PDF.
• Set the Width to the width of the images you noted earlier.
• Set the Height to the largest value in the top column of your table plus one.
• Set the Color depth and Reduction method, if desired.
11. On the other Export Options dialog pages, make any necessary adjustments to the image
export options.
12. Click OK.
Now you have a single image ready for use with the Log | Create Log | Unregistered Raster
command. You may wish to delete the map view and table from your project. They will not be
needed now that you have created the single image. This same general process can be used to
stitch together multiple images of any file format.

Strater 5 User’s Guide

Raster Log Properties

Access the properties for a raster log by clicking the raster log in the borehole view or Object
Manager. Next click the Log tab in the Property Manager. The Log properties control the
general, table, and data properties of the raster log.

Edit the raster log properties on the Log page of the

Property Manager.

Hole ID Filter
The General section of the Log page contains the Hole ID filter property. Select the borehole you
wish to display by clicking the current hole ID and selecting the desired hole ID from the Hole ID
filter list. The image and depth-registration will automatically update to the new borehole. If the
selected borehole does not have data in a range table, the log will be empty.

Table and Columns Section

The Table and Columns section of the Log page contains the table and column specifications for the
location of the log data.

Chapter 19 - Raster Logs

Range Table
Specify the Range table for the raster log in the Range table field. To change the Range table, click
the current selection and select a new Range table from the list. The range table is created upon
depth-registration of an unregistered raster log or during import and creation of a registered raster

Layer Marks from Table Only

The Layer marks from table only field is visible when viewing the raster log properties from the
cross section view. Check the Layer marks from table only check box to only display layer marks
added to the layer marks table manually or via the Pick Layers command in the Log page. Table
marks manually added to the cross section will not be visible when Layer marks from table only is
checked. When Layer marks from table only is not checked, the layer marks added with the
Create/Edit command are visible on the cross section.

Layer Mark Table

Specify the Layer mark table for the raster log in the Layer mark table field. To change the Layer
mark table, click the current selection and select a new Layer mark table from the list. The layer
mark table may be imported with the registered raster log or created by adding layer marks to the
raster log.

Layer Mark Column

Specify the column with the layer mark data in the layer mark table in the Layer mark column field.
To change the Layer mark column, click the current selection and select a column from the list.

Hole Inclination Column

Specify the column with the hole inclination data in the range or other table in the Hole inclination
column field. To change the Hole inclination column, click the current selection and select a column
from the list.

Hole Azimuth Column

Specify the column with the hole azimuth data in the range or other table in the Hole azimuth
column field. To change the Hole azimuth column, click the current selection and select a column
from the list.

Data Section
The Data section contains options for the raster log appearance, depth-registration, and layer

Image Path
The Image path property displays the image path for the raster log.

Depth Marks Layer Top

The Depth marks layer top check box indicates if the layer marks are at the layer top. The Depth
marks layer top property is only available in the borehole view. Check the Depth marks layer
top check box if the layer marks coincide with the layer tops. Uncheck the Depth marks layer top
check box if the layer marks coincide with the layer bottoms.

Strater 5 User’s Guide

Use Keyword Scheme

Check the Use keyword scheme check box to use a keyword scheme to link the layer fill properties
to the Keyword scheme properties. When the Use keyword scheme check box is not checked, all
layers use the same fill properties selected on the Fill page.

Keyword Scheme
Specify the keyword scheme for the layer fill and line properties in the Keyword scheme list. The
Use keyword scheme check box must be checked for the Keyword scheme to be applied to the layer
properties. Click the current selection in the list and select the desired scheme. Click the button
to open the Scheme Editor and add or modify the Keyword scheme.

Image Opacity
Control the raster log image opacity with the Image opacity property. Type a value between 0%
(fully transparent) and 100% (fully opaque) in the Image opacity field or click and drag the slider to
change the Image opacity value. The layer fills are drawn beneath the raster log. Therefore the
opacity must be less than 100% to see the layer fills. The default Image opacity is 70%.

First Reference Depth

When depth registering a raster log, two reference depths must be selected. The First reference
depth specifies the depth of the Reference Depth 1 arrow during depth registration. To change the
First reference depth value, type the desired value in the First reference depth field and press
ENTER. The First reference depth value can be changed while in depth-registration mode.

Second Reference Depth

When depth registering a raster log, two reference depths must be selected. The Second reference
depth specifies the depth of the Reference Depth 2 arrow during depth registration. To change the
Second reference depth value, type the desired value in the Second reference depth field and press
ENTER. The Second reference depth value can be changed while in depth-registration mode.

Depth-Register Log
Click the Register button in the Depth-register log field to change the depth registration of the
raster log. See Depth Registering a Raster Log for a more information on the depth-registration

Pick Layers
Click the Pick Layers button in the Pick layers field to add or change the layers in the raster log. See
Adding Layer Marks to a Raster Log for more information on adding, editing, and removing layer

Raster Log - Label Properties

Label properties change the appearance of labels on lithology, unregistered raster, and registered
raster logs. Click on the Label tab in the Property Manager to edit label properties.

Chapter 19 - Raster Logs

Set label properties on the Label

tab in the Property Manager.

Show Label
Check the box next to Show Label to display labels on the log.

Fit Label To Block

The Fit Label To Block option determines the size of the label for each interval block in the log.
Check the box to automatically fit the label inside the interval block. The label size will become
smaller if the label is long so that the entire label fits in the width of the log. Uncheck the box for all
labels to use the font size defined in the keyword scheme, regardless of whether the label will fit in
the width of the log. When this option is unchecked, the size is set by the Lithology Scheme on the
lithology Log tab or the Keyword scheme on the raster Log tab. When this option is checked, the
maximum size for the font is the font size reported by the Lithology Scheme or Keyword scheme.

Label Angle
The Label Angle option sets the displayed labels at an angle. The numbers are in degrees offset
from horizontal moving in a counter-clockwise direction. For example, an angle of 90 displays the
numbers vertically, and an angle of 180 displays the numbers upside-down. To change the angle,
highlight the existing option and type the desired angle. Press ENTER on the keyboard to make the
change. Alternatively, click the button to increase or decrease the value. Angle values must be
between zero and 360 degrees.

Font Properties
The Label page includes font properties for the raster log labels. See the Font Properties topic for
information on the font properties. Use the Scheme Editor to change font properties for lithology

Raster Log - Line Properties

Use line properties to change line properties for selected lines in the view. To edit the line
properties, click on the object in the Object Manager or plot window to select it. The properties
are listed in the Property Manager. Default line properties are set in the File | Options dialog on
the Line page.

If the options on the Line tab are not available, a scheme is likely being used. Uncheck the
appropriate Use Keyword Scheme, Use Range Scheme, or Use Indent Keyword Scheme option to
turn off the display of the scheme properties and set the line properties on the Line tab.

Strater 5 User’s Guide

The Line Properties section controls the

line properties for the selected object.

Use Log Line Color

When editing the line properties of a scale bar for a line/symbol log, crossplot log, or function log,
the Use log line color property is available. When the Use log line color check box is checked, the
scale bar line color and opacity is linked to the log line color. The Color and Opacity properties on
the Line page are disabled when Use log line color is checked.

Click the line next Style to open the line style palette. Click on a style to use it for the selected line.
The line style sample updates to show the new selection. Click on the Custom button at the bottom
of the line style palette to specify a custom line style.

Click the color next to Color to open the color palette. Click on a color to use it for the selected line.
The color box and the sample line update to show the new selection. Click on the Custom button at
the bottom of the color palette to choose a custom color.

The Opacity changes the opacity (transparency) of the line. Values range between 0% (completely
transparent) to 100% (completely opaque). To change the opacity, highlight the existing value and
type a new value or click the to increase or decrease the opacity level.

Change the line Width by highlighting the existing value and typing a new number or by clicking the
to increase or decrease the line width. The line width can be zero to 0.5 inches (1.27 cm) wide.
A width of zero is one pixel wide.

Chapter 19 - Raster Logs

End Styles
The End Styles section controls the arrow styles for the ends of the line. Click the button to
expand the End Styles section.

For polylines the Start style option is available. The Start adds an arrow to the starting point of the
polyline. To set the arrow style, click on the existing option and select the desired option. Available
options are None (no arrow drawn), Simple head, Filled head, Triangle head, and 2-Stick head.

End Style
For polylines the End style option is available. The End adds an arrow to the ending point of the
polyline. To set the arrow style, click on the existing option and select the desired option. Available
options are None (no arrow drawn), Simple head, Filled head, Triangle head, and 2-Stick head.

For polylines the Scale option is available. The Scale controls the relative size of the selected start
and end arrow styles. Values are between 0.001 and 100. To change the scale, highlight the
existing value and type a new value or click the to increase or decrease the arrow scale.

Raster Log - Fill Properties

Fill properties can be changed for selected objects. To edit the fill properties, click on the object in
the Object Manager or plot window. The properties are listed in the Property Manager. Default
fill properties are set in the File | Options dialog by clicking on the Fill page.

If the options on the Fill tab are not available, a scheme is likely being used. Uncheck the
appropriate Use Keyword Scheme, Use Range Scheme, or Use Indent Keyword Scheme option to
turn off the display of the scheme properties and set the fill properties on the Fill tab.

Schemes and Fill Properties

Note that if a scheme is used in a log item, the fill properties will be unavailable on the Fill tab. You
must change the fill properties for the scheme in the Scheme Editor or turn off the display of the

Fill Properties Page

The object's fill is composed of layers of various fill types. All of the predefined fills have only one
layer. Custom fills created with the Fill Style Editor may have multiple layers of any type. Each
layer in the fill style has its own section in the Property Manager. The layers are listed in
descending order, i.e. the topmost layer is listed first, Layer 1 (<type>), followed by additional
layers. The following properties are displayed on the Fill page of the Property Manager.

Only the layer properties displayed in the Property Manager are included in this topic. To see
information about properties that are included in the Fill Style Editor, see the Fill Style Editor
topic. The image layer Load from property and the vector layer drawing area are only available in
the Fill Style Editor.

Log Fill Background

For many of the log objects, the Fill page includes a Fill background check box. If the box next to
Fill background is checked, the background area is filled. If the box next to Fill background is
unchecked, the background is not filled. To change the Fill background, check or uncheck the box.
The Fill Properties section below the Fill background property controls the background fill.

Strater 5 User’s Guide

Legend Fill Background

When a legend is selected, the Fill page contains the fill options for the legend background. The
Frame style on the Line page must be set to Rectangle or Rounded Rectangle for the legend to
display a background fill. When the Frame style is set to None, the background fill is not displayed
regardless of the Fill page settings. If you wish to display a background fill but not a frame line,
then set the Frame style to Rectangle or Rounded Rectangle. Next set Style in the Line Properties
section to Invisible. Finally set the desired background properties on the Fill page.

The Fill page in the Property Manager controls the

fill properties for the selected object.

Fill Style
The Style indicates the way that an object is filled. To change the Style, click on the existing fill
style next to Style. In the list, select a new style from the fill palette. Create custom fill styles with
the Fill Style Editor. Click the next to the Style field to open the Fill Style Editor to modify or
create a fill style.

Each layer in the selected fill style is displayed in its own section. The layers are listed in order from
top to bottom. The layer name is Layer n (type), where n is the layer position and type is the layer
type. A layer preview is displayed to the right of the layer name. The six layer types are Solid,
Stock, Image, Gradient, Vector, and Line. Click the button to expand the layer properties.

Chapter 19 - Raster Logs

Solid Layer Properties

The properties for a solid layer are Color and Opacity.

Expand a Solid layer to edit the layer's properties.

The Color is the color of the solid fill. Click the existing color sample next to Color to open the color
palette. Click on a color in the palette to use it for the layer's fill color. Click the button to open
the Colors dialog and create custom colors, use the dropper to select a color, or select the color
from a color wheel.

The Opacity controls the transparency of the solid fill style. To change the Opacity, highlight the
existing value and type a new value. Press ENTER on the keyboard to make the change.
Alternatively, click and drag the slider to increase or decrease the opacity value. Opacity
values are between 0% (zero opacity, full transparency) to 100% (full opacity, zero transparency).

Stock Layer Properties

The properties for a stock layer are Pattern, Foreground color, Foreground opacity, Background
color, and Background opacity.

Expand a Stock layer to edit the layer's properties.

Strater 5 User’s Guide

The Pattern indicates the way the stock layer is filled. To change the Pattern, click on the existing
pattern sample next to Pattern. Select a new style from the pattern palette.

Foreground Color
The Foreground color is the color of the pattern. Click the existing color sample next to Foreground
color to open the color palette. Click on a color in the palette to use it for the selected foreground
fill color. Click the button to open the Colors dialog and create custom colors, use the dropper
to select a color, or select the color from a color wheel.

Foreground Opacity
The Foreground opacity controls the transparency of the foreground portion of the pattern. To
change the Foreground opacity, highlight the existing value and type a new value. Press ENTER on
the keyboard to make the change. Alternatively, click and drag the slider to increase or
decrease the opacity value. Opacity values are between 0% (zero opacity, full transparency) to
100% (full opacity, zero transparency).

Background Color
The Background color is the color behind the pattern. Click the existing color sample next to
Background color to open the color palette. Click on a color in the palette to use it for the
background fill color. Click the button to open the Colors dialog and create custom colors.

Background Opacity
The Background opacity controls the transparency of the background portion of the pattern. To
change the Background opacity, highlight the existing value and type a new value. Press ENTER on
the keyboard to make the change. Alternatively, click and drag the slider to increase or
decrease the opacity value. Opacity values are between 0% (zero opacity, full transparency) to
100% (full opacity, zero transparency).

If the stock layer is above other layers in the fill style, the Background opacity must be less than
100% to see the layers below. To make a fill pattern appear transparent with only the foreground
portion of the fill pattern showing, change the Background Opacity value to 0%.

Chapter 19 - Raster Logs

Image Layer Properties

The properties for an image layer are Pattern, Opacity, Stretch, Image Offset (X and Y), and Image
Scale (X, Y, and Proportional).

Expand an Image layer to edit the layer's properties.

The Pattern property is used to add image layers from predefined or custom image fill styles. To
change the image layer, click the current option for an image layer Pattern and select a predefined
image layer or a custom image layer from the image palette. Only image fills with a single layer are
included in the image palette.

The Opacity controls the transparency of the image fill style. To change the Opacity, highlight the
existing value and type a new value. Press ENTER on the keyboard to make the change.
Alternatively, click and drag the slider to increase or decrease the opacity value. Opacity
values are between 0% (zero opacity, full transparency) to 100% (full opacity, zero transparency).

The Stretch is used with image patterns. The Stretch determines how the image is used to fill the
desired area. When the Stretch check box is checked, the image is stretched to fit the fill area.
When the Stretch check box is not checked the image is tiled in the fill area.

Strater 5 User’s Guide

The image fill on the left has the Stretch box checked. The image on
the right has the Stretch box unchecked.

Image Offset
Offset the image in the fill layer by typing a value in pixels in the X or Y fields in the Image Offset
section. You can also change the X and Y image offset values by clicking the buttons.

Image Scale
The Image Scale properties control the density of the image fill. Change the image scale by typing
a value in the X or Y fields in the Image Scale section. The Image Scale properties are ignored
when the Stretch property is checked. You can also change the X and Y image scale values by
clicking the buttons.

When the Proportional check box is checked, the X and Y values automatically update to maintain
the current aspect ratio. Uncheck the Proportional check box to apply different scaling in the X and
Y directions.

Note that the Proportional property does not lock the X and Y values to any specific aspect ratio but
to whichever ratio is in use when the box is checked. For example, assume you want the X:Y ratio
to be 2:1, but you do not know which Image Scale values are desired. You can uncheck the
Proportional check box. Next set the X value to 2 and the Y value to 1. Check the Proportional
check box. Now when you adjust one of the X or Y values, the other value updates automatically to
maintain the 2:1 ratio.

Chapter 19 - Raster Logs

Gradient Layer Properties

The properties for a gradient layer are Type, Direction, and Colormap.

Expand a Gradient layer to edit the layer's properties.

The Type controls how a gradient fill pattern is used to fill the selected area. To change the Type,
click on the current type and select the new type in the list. Select Linear or Radial for the Type.
When the Type is set to Linear, a linear color gradient fills the area. The colors change in a linear
manner from the top to the bottom or from the left to the right of the area. When the Type is set to
Radial, a radial color gradient fills the area. The colors change in concentric circles, either
expanding from the interior and going out or from the exterior and going in.

The Radial type is shown on the left and

the Linear type is shown on the right.

The Direction option sets the direction the gradient fills. When the Type is set to Linear, choose
either Vertical or Horizontal for the Direction. The Vertical option sets the gradient to change along
the Y axis. The Horizontal option sets the gradient to change along the X axis. When Radial is
selected as the Type, the Direction options are Inward and Outward. This reverses the color


The Colormap option sets the colors to use in the gradient pattern. Click the button to select or
create a color gradient in the Colormap dialog.

Strater 5 User’s Guide

Vector Layer Properties

The properties for a vector layer are Color and Opacity.

Expand a Vector layer to edit the layer's properties.

The Color is the color of the lines in the vector fill. Click the existing color sample next to Color to
open the color palette. Click on a color in the palette to use it for the layer's line color. Click the
button to open the Colors dialog and create custom colors, use the dropper to select a color, or
select the color from a color wheel.

The Opacity controls the transparency of the lines in the vector fill. To change the Opacity, highlight
the existing value and type a new value. Press ENTER on the keyboard to make the change.
Alternatively, click and drag the slider to increase or decrease the opacity value. Opacity
values are between 0% (zero opacity, full transparency) to 100% (full opacity, zero transparency).

Chapter 19 - Raster Logs

Line Layer Properties

The properties for a Line layer are Color, Opacity, Angle, Offset, Separation, and Width.

Expand a Line layer to edit the layer's properties.

The Color is the color of the lines in the line fill layer. Click the existing color sample next to Color
to open the color palette. Click on a color in the palette to use it for the layer's line color. Click the
button to open the Colors dialog and create custom colors, use the dropper to select a color, or
select the color from a color wheel.

The Opacity controls the transparency of the lines in the line fill layer. To change the Opacity,
highlight the existing value and type a new value. Press ENTER on the keyboard to make the
change. Alternatively, click and drag the slider to increase or decrease the opacity value.
Opacity values are between 0% (zero opacity, full transparency) to 100% (full opacity, zero

Change the angle of the lines by typing a value in degrees in the Angle field or clicking and
dragging the slider . Positive values rotate the lines clockwise.

Strater 5 User’s Guide

Change the vertical offset between the lines and the pattern's origin by typing a value between -
0.25 and 0.25 inches in the Offset field. You can also change the Offset value by clicking the

Change the separation between the lines by typing a value between 0 and 0.25 inches in the
Separation field. You can also change the Separation value by clicking the buttons.

Change the line Width by highlighting the existing value and typing a new number or by clicking the
to increase or decrease the line width. The line width can be zero to 0.5 inches (1.27 cm) wide.
A width of zero is one pixel wide.

Water Level Properties

Symbols indicating water level can be added to all logs types except depth logs. Water level
symbols can be displayed in the borehole view and the cross section view. The lower point of the
triangle, i.e. the bottom vertex, is aligned with the depth in the water level table. This is different
than symbols in a post log, where the symbol center is aligned with the depth specified in the depth
table. Additionally the water level can be displayed between logs on a cross section in the cross
section properties. Add the symbols and edit their properties on the Water Level page in the
Property Manager.

Edit water level data, symbol, and label properties

on the Water Level page.

Chapter 19 - Raster Logs

General Properties
The General section of the Water Level page contains properties for the water label table and
symbol properties.

Display Water Level Symbol

Check the Display water level symbol check box to display water level symbols on the log. A depth
table containing water level information must be selected in the Water level table field for the water
level symbols to be displayed.

Water Level Table

The water level table is a depth table containing at a minimum hole IDs and depths. An additional
parameter column can be included to specify the water level names and water level connections
between the logs. If the water level table is already loaded, click the Water level table field and
select the table from the list. Click the button to load the Water level table with the Open

Symbol Size
The Symbol size property controls the size of the water level symbol. Type a value in page units in
the Symbol size field or click the button to change the Symbol size value.

Symbol Alignment
The Symbol alignment property aligns the symbol on the left, center, or right of the log. Click the
current selection in the Symbol alignment and select Left, Center, or Right from the list.

Symbol Style
The water level symbol is an inverted triangle with between one and three lines at the point. The
Symbol style property specifies the number of lines. Click the current Symbol style selection and
select One line, Two lines, or Three lines from the list.

Line Properties
The Line Properties section of the Water Level page controls the line properties for the water level
symbol. See the Line Properties topic for more information on line properties.

Fill Properties
The Fill Properties section of the Water Level page controls the fill properties for the water level
symbol. See the Fill Properties topic for more information on fill properties.

Label Properties
The Label Properties section of the Water Level page controls the water level symbol labels.

Show Water Level Name

Check the Show water level name check box to display labels next to the water level symbols. The
labels are specified by the Water level name column. Uncheck the Show water level name check
box to hide the water level labels.

Water Level Name Column

The water level table can include a name column which is used to connect water levels across logs
and display labels for the water level symbols. Select the column containing the water level names

Strater 5 User’s Guide

by clicking the Water level name column field and selecting a column from the list. The water level
labels will be populated by the names in the Water level name column.

Connect water levels by name by checking the Connect water level(s) by names check box in the
cross section properties. When the Water level name column does not contain data, Strater
connects the water levels automatically. The Water level name column is also used to connect
specific water levels between the logs. For example, if borehole 1 contains two water level names A
and B and borehole 2 contains three water level names A, B, and C, the two A water level symbols
and two B water level symbols will be connected by a line. When the Water level name column
contains unique names for the water levels, no water level symbols will be connected as this
indicates these are separate water levels.

Offset Method
The Offset method property controls the label offset direction from the water table symbol. Click the
current selection and select Center, Left, Top, Right, Bottom, or User defined from the list to
change the label offset. Selecting User defined enables the X offset and Y offset properties.

X Offset
The X offset property moves the label to the left or right when the Offset method is set to User
defined. Type a value in page units or click the buttons to change the X offset value.

Y Offset
The Y offset property moves the label up or down when the Offset method is set to User defined.
Type a value in page units or click the buttons to change the Y offset value.

Label Angle
The Label angle property rotates the water level symbol labels. Type a value in degrees in the Label
angle field or click and drag the slider to rotate the labels. Positive angle values rotate the labels

Nudge End Values

The Nudge End Values option moves the starting and ending labels away from the edges of the log
pane so that they are completely visible. This 'nudging' occurs only if the label is near the edge of
the log pane, otherwise the location of the label does not change. Check the box next to Nudge End
Values to move the labels. Uncheck the box to keep the labels in the depth location specified.

Label Format
The Label Format section includes label formatting properties. See the Format Properties topic for
more information on label format properties.

Font Properties
The Font Properties section includes label font formatting properties. See the Font Properties topic
for more information on font format properties.

Chapter 20 - Tadpole Logs
Tadpole Logs
Click the Log | Create Log | Tadpole command to create a tadpole log. Tadpole logs plot symbols
representing dip and dip direction as a function of depth. This gives an indication of strike and dip
of the bedding planes, fractures, or any other structure along the depth of the borehole.

The tadpole plot displays

symbols, representing
dip and dip direction.
Data Requirements
In the data table, there are four required columns and an optional type column. The required
columns are Hole ID, Depth, Dip, and Dip Direction. Dip is measured from zero to 90 degrees. Dip
direction is measured from zero to 360 degrees. The symbol is plotted along the horizontal axis at
the dip value. The dip direction is indicated by the direction the tail on the symbol is pointing. Zero
degrees is directly up. Positive angles increase in a clockwise direction. The optional Type column
can include the type or structure class of the measurement (a keyword) and can be used to create
a keyword scheme, to color the symbols or use a different shaped symbol for each type.

The Hole ID, Depth, Dip, and Dip Direction are required columns for a tadpole log.

Creating a Tadpole Log

To create a tadpole log:
1. Click the Log | Create Log | Tadpole command.
2. Click inside the log pane where you want the tadpole log to appear.
3. In the Open dialog, click on the data file. If the data was already imported, click on the table
name in the Use Current Table section. Click Open.
4. Set the data importing options in the Specify Worksheet Column Definitions dialog, if
necessary, and click Next.

Chapter 20 - Tadpole Logs

5. Finish the importing of data in the Specify Data Type and Column Positions dialog and
click Finish.
6. The log appears in the borehole window.
If you are in active mode a tadpole log is created using the default properties. If you are in design
mode, a tadpole log graphic is displayed as a place holder after step 2.

Editing Tadpole Log Properties

To change the features of a tadpole log, including the symbol properties, click on the tadpole log in
the Object Manager. The properties are listed in the Property Manager.

The following tabs are listed in the Property Manager:

• Log
• Label
• Line
• Fill
• Symbol
• Water Level

Tadpole Log Properties

The Log page in the Property Manager includes options for defining dip column, dip direction
column, dip range, and keyword column for a tadpole log. To view and edit tadpole log properties,
click on the tadpole log in the view window or Object Manager to select the log. Then, click on the
Log tab in the Property Manager.

Set the tadpole properties on the

Log tab in the Property Manager.

Strater 5 User’s Guide

Hole ID Filter
The Hole ID filter is used to select the borehole to associate with this log. Only those Hole IDs that
are currently associated with data tables in this project are listed. To change the Hole ID Filter, click
on the existing Hole ID and select the desired Hole ID from the list. The log automatically updates
to show the new borehole.

When the Logs object is selected in a cross section view, the Hole ID filter is not available. To set a
specific log to a particular Hole ID, click on that individual log and set the Hole ID filter to the
appropriate log.

Use the Table to define the data table for the tadpole log. The table type can be an interval table or
a depth table. If the table is a depth table, the points are plotted at the depth listed in the table. If
the table type is an interval type table, the depth is determined by calculating the mid-point
position between the To and From columns in the corresponding table. To change the table, click on
the existing table name and select the desired table from the list.

Tadpole Dip Column

The Tadpole dip column is the column in the selected Table that is being displayed by the tadpole
log. The Tadpole dip column determines the location of the symbol horizontally. When the Table is
changed to another table, the Tadpole dip column list is automatically updated to display the
column names in the newly selected table. To change the column, click on the existing column
name next to Tadpole dip column and select the desired column from the list.

Tadpole Dip Direction Column

The Tadpole dip direction column is the column in the selected Table that determines the angle that
the symbol in the tadpole log is pointing. When the Table is changed to another table, the Tadpole
dip direction column list is automatically updated to display the column names in the newly selected
table. To change the column, click on the existing column name next to Tadpole dip direction
column and select the desired column from the list.

Keyword Column
The Keyword column is the column in the selected Table that specifies the type of measurement or
structural class of the data, and is used to set the properties of the symbol in the tadpole log. When
the Table is changed to another table, the Keyword column list is automatically updated to display
the column names in the newly selected table. To change the column, click on the existing column
name next to Keyword column and select the desired column from the list.

The Keyword column is used for keyword matching. If you do not want to use a keyword scheme
and simply want to plot intervals of data, uncheck the box next to the Use keyword scheme option
and all symbols will have the same properties, as set on the Symbol tab.

If the options on the Symbol tab and the Font section on the Label tab are not available, a scheme
is likely being used. Uncheck the Use keyword scheme option to turn off the display of the scheme
properties and set the line properties on the Line tab and the font properties on the Label tab.

Hole Inclination, Hole Dip, and Azimuth Columns

The Hole inclination column (or Hole dip column) is used in combination with the Hole azimuth
column to calculate the true vertical depth for the hole. Either Hole inclination column or Hole dip
column is displayed. To control whether inclination or dip is used, click the File | Options
command. In the Options dialog, check or uncheck the Use Hole dip instead of inclination option.

Chapter 20 - Tadpole Logs

Inclination is the angle the borehole is oriented in degrees and varies from 0 to 180. 0 indicates
vertical pointing down, 90 indicates horizontal, and 180 indicates vertical pointing up. Negative and
positive inclination values are treated the same for depth calculations. Negative inclination values
are treated differently for well path calculations in the cross section and map views. A negative
inclination changes the direction (azimuth) to the opposite of the similar positive inclination. For
example, the azimuth value of 90 and inclination of 45 describes the same orientation as the
azimuth value of 270 and inclination of -45 degrees. Both combinations describe an eastward
direction at 45 degrees down from the horizontal plane.

Dip is an alternate method of calculating the angle the borehole is oriented. Dip is oriented in
degrees and varies from -90 to 90. -90 indicates vertical pointing down, 0 indicates horizontal, and
+90 indicates vertical pointing up.

Azimuth is the compass orientation of the well's deviation, in degrees and varies from 0 (true
vertical north) to 360. Azimuth values are measured relative to true north (not grid north in the
local coordinate system).

To set the Hole inclination column or Hole dip column, click on the existing option and select the
desired option from the list. Available options are [Unspecified], [From collars table:collars name],
[From survey table: survey name], or data columns in the selected Lithology table. When one
column is set to unspecified or survey table, the other column automatically changes to the same
option. When recorded in a collars table, the inclination/dip and azimuth apply to the entire well
length. When recorded in a survey table, the inclination/dip and azimuth apply from the depth to
the next recorded depth. When set to one of the columns in the existing table, each log is updated
independently from each other log using the information in the specific depth or interval tables. If
the Hole inclination column for the log is set to [Unspecified], an inclination value of 0 is used for
the calculations. No difference will be visible for the log when changing the Depth method to True
vertical depth.

Use Keyword Scheme

The Use keyword scheme option sets whether the symbol properties should be based on a keyword
scheme or all symbols should use the same properties. To use a keyword scheme, check the box
next to the Use keyword scheme option. To use the same properties for all symbols on the tadpole
log, uncheck the box next to the Use keyword scheme option. The keyword scheme should match
the text that appears in the Keyword column.

Keyword Scheme
The Keyword scheme is the scheme that determines the symbol properties when the box next to
the Use keyword scheme option is checked. The selected scheme should match the text that
appears in the Keyword column. To change the scheme, click on the existing scheme name and
select the desired scheme from the list. Click the next to the scheme name to open the
Scheme Editor, where the scheme can be created or edited.

Axis Type
The Axis type is Linear or Logarithmic. The data must be greater than zero when using a
Logarithmic axis. Values equal to and less than zero are ignored in the log when Logarithmic is
selected. Logarithmic uses a log (base 10) scale for the horizontal axis. To change the axis type,
click on the existing option and select the desired option from the list.

Auto Dip Range

The horizontal scale can be set manually or automatically with the Auto dip range option. Check the
Auto dip range check box to calculate a best-fit range of the data. When Auto dip range is

Strater 5 User’s Guide

unchecked, the Minimum value and Maximum value properties are enabled allowing manual control
over the log's minimum and maximum values. To change the data range, click on the existing
option and select the desired option from the list.

Minimum and Maximum Values

The Minimum value and Maximum value are only available if the Auto dip range check box is not
checked. The Minimum value is the smallest value that should be displayed on the log. The
Maximum value is the largest value that should be displayed on the log. To change the minimum
and maximum values, uncheck the Auto dip range check box. Then, highlight the existing value in
Minimum value or Maximum value and type the desired value.

If the borehole is changed, the new data may or may not fit into the user-defined range. If the data
does not fit inside the range, change the Minimum value and Maximum value to new values or
check the Auto dip range check box.

Tadpole Log - Label Properties

Label properties change the appearance of labels on tadpole logs. Click on the Label tab in the
Property Manager to edit label properties.

Set label properties on the Label

tab in the Property Manager.

Show Label
Check the box next to Show Label to display labels at the point locations on the log or at tick mark
locations on the map axis.

Chapter 20 - Tadpole Logs

Label Column
The Label Column is the column that is displayed next to the tadpole symbol. To change the
column, click on the current option and select the desired column from the list. All columns from
the Table are listed.

Click the next to Layout to set the label layout options.

Offset Method
The Offset method determines the location of the label relative to the symbol. To change the
location, click on the existing option and select the desired option from the list. Available options
are Center, Left, Top, Right, Bottom, and User Defined.

X Offset
The X offset field is active only when the Offset method is set to User Defined. The X offset moves
the label number to the right (positive offset) or left (negative offset) by the number entered, in

Y Offset
The Y offset field is active only when the selected Offset method is User Defined. The Y offset
moves the label numbers up (positive offset) or down (negative offset) by the number entered, in

Label Frequency
The Label frequency option controls how many labels appear on the log. Setting the value to zero
displays no labels on the log. Setting the value to one displays a label at all values. Change the
Label frequency to two to display a label at every other data value or three to display a label at
every third value. To change the Label frequency, highlight the existing value and type a new
number. Enter a number between 0 and 1000. Press ENTER on the keyboard to make the change.
Alternatively, click on the to increase or decrease the value.

Label Angle
The Label angle option sets the displayed labels at an angle. The numbers are in degrees offset
from horizontal moving in a counter-clockwise direction. For example, an angle of 90 displays the
numbers vertically, and an angle of 180 displays the numbers upside-down. To change the angle,
highlight the existing option and type the desired angle. Press ENTER on the keyboard to make the
change. Alternatively, click the button to increase or decrease the value. Angle values must be
between zero and 360 degrees.

Nudge End Values

The Nudge end values option moves the starting and ending labels away from the edges of the log
pane so that they are completely visible. This 'nudging' occurs only if the label is near the edge of
the log pane, otherwise the location of the label does not change. Check the box next to Nudge end
values to move the labels. Uncheck the box to keep the labels in the depth location specified.

Label Format
Click the next to Label Format to set the numeric format options for the labels.

Strater 5 User’s Guide

Font Properties
Click the next to Font Properties to set the font properties for the labels.

If the options in the Font Properties section are not available, a scheme is likely being used.
Uncheck the Use keyword scheme option on the Log tab to turn off the display of the scheme
properties and set the font properties in the Font Properties section.

Tadpole Log - Line Properties

The curves in a line/symbol log can be represented by lines, most logs can be surrounded by a
border, and grid lines are used to show data increments on individual log items. There is a variable
grid that represents the X axis data and another grid for depth or Y axis data. Most log items
include a depth grid option but not all log items have variable grid options. The Line page of the
Property Manager contains the properties for the log curve, border, and grid lines.

To edit the line properties, select a log item. Click on the Line tab in the Property Manager.
Which of the Log, Curve 1 and Curve 2, Border, Variable Grid Lines, and Depth Grid Lines sections
are displayed depends on the type of log selected. For example the Line page for line/symbol logs
includes Log, Border, Variable Grid Lines, and Depth Grid Lines sections while the Line page for
well construction logs includes only the Border section.

Edit the log curve, border, and grid line

properties on the Line page.

Chapter 20 - Tadpole Logs

Log Properties
The Log section of the Line page controls the line properties for the curve or curves in the
line/symbol log or function log. The Log section also controls the line properties for layer marks
lines on an unregistered or registered raster log.

Active Variable
The line properties are independently controlled for each of the variables in the log. Edit a variable's
line/symbol plot by selecting the variable the Active variable field. Select the desired variable by
clicking the current selection in the Active variable field and select the variable from the list.

Log Line Properties

The Line Properties section contains the line properties for the log curve selected in the Active
variable field. See the Line Properties topic for more information on editing line properties.

Curve 1 and Curve 2 Properties

The Curve 1 and Curve 2 sections control the line properties for the curves in a crossplot log.

Curve 1 and Curve 2 Line Properties

The Line Properties section contains the line properties for the log curve. See the Line Properties
topic for more information on editing line properties.

Border Properties
The Border section of the Line page controls the line properties for the log border.

Display Border Line

Check the Disply border line check box to draw a border line around the log. Uncheck the Display
border line check box to hide the log border line. The log border is displayed from the Starting
borehole depth to the Ending borehole depth and around the entirety of the log.

Border Line Properties

The Line Properties section contains the line properties for the log border. See the Line Properties
topic for more information on editing line properties.

Variable Grid Lines and Depth Grid Lines Properties

The Variable Grid Lines and Depth Grid Lines sections have identical settings, with the exception of
the Active variable property, but represent the settings for the different grids. The following
properties are displayed in both the Variable Grid Lines and Depth Grid Lines sections.

Active Variable
Variable grid lines can be added for each of the variables in the log. Variable grid lines are added
one at a time by selecting the variable in the Active variable field. Select the desired variable by
clicking the current selection in the Active variable field and select the variable from the list.

The Active variable property is only displayed when the Use all columns for range check box on the
Line/Symbol Log page is not checked. When Use all columns for range is checked there is only one
variable scale, and therefore can only be one set of variable grid lines.

Strater 5 User’s Guide

Grid Line Display Order

Grid lines can be positioned above the log (Top), beneath the log (Bottom), or not displayed (Hide)
with the Grid line display order options. If Top is selected, the grid is the last item drawn for a
specific log item. Bottom means the grid is under the log item, but above the fill background. Hide
means do not show the grid. To change the Grid line display order, click on the existing option and
select the desired option from the list.

After setting the Grid line display order, turn on the grid lines by checking the box next to the Show
in the Major Grid Line and/or Minor Grid Line sections.

Auto Grid Range

The Auto grid range option controls the first and last grids shown for the grid lines. When the Auto
grid range check box is checked, Strater creates settings based upon the log data. Uncheck the
Auto grid range check box to manually set the grid's minimum and maximum values in the Grid
minimum and Grid maximum settings.

If the borehole is changed, the new data may or may not fit into the user defined grid range so use
caution in setting these values.

Grid Minimum
When Auto grid range is not checked, the Grid minimum defines the minimum value of the grid. To
change the minimum grid line value, highlight the existing value and type a new value. Press
ENTER on the keyboard and the grid lines update.

Grid Maximum
When Auto grid range is not checked, the Grid maximum defines the maximum value of the grid. To
change the maximum grid line value, highlight the existing value and type a new value. Press
ENTER on the keyboard and the grid lines update.

Show Major Grid Lines

To show major grid lines, check the box next to the Show in the Major Grid Line section. To hide
the major grid lines, uncheck the box.

Major Grid Interval

To change the Major interval the Auto grid range option must be unchecked. The Major interval is
the spacing between the major grid lines.

Major Line Properties

Set the major grid line properties with the Style, Color, Foreground Opacity, and Width options.

Show Minor Grid Lines

To show minor grid lines, check the box next to the Show in the Minor Grid Line section. To hide the
minor grid lines, uncheck the box.

Grid Division
The Divisions property determines how many minor divisions (gaps) are between major tick marks.
If the value is 1, no minor grid lines will appear. If the value is 2, one minor grid line will appear. To
change the value, highlight the existing value and type a new value. Press ENTER on the keyboard
to make the change.

Chapter 20 - Tadpole Logs

Minor Line Properties

Set the minor grid line properties with the Style, Color, Foreground Opacity, and Width options.

Tadpole Log - Fill Properties

Fill properties can be changed for selected objects. To edit the fill properties, click on the object in
the Object Manager or plot window. The properties are listed in the Property Manager. Default
fill properties are set in the File | Options dialog by clicking on the Fill page.

If the options on the Fill tab are not available, a scheme is likely being used. Uncheck the
appropriate Use Keyword Scheme, Use Range Scheme, or Use Indent Keyword Scheme option to
turn off the display of the scheme properties and set the fill properties on the Fill tab.

Schemes and Fill Properties

Note that if a scheme is used in a log item, the fill properties will be unavailable on the Fill tab. You
must change the fill properties for the scheme in the Scheme Editor or turn off the display of the

Fill Properties Page

The object's fill is composed of layers of various fill types. All of the predefined fills have only one
layer. Custom fills created with the Fill Style Editor may have multiple layers of any type. Each
layer in the fill style has its own section in the Property Manager. The layers are listed in
descending order, i.e. the topmost layer is listed first, Layer 1 (<type>), followed by additional
layers. The following properties are displayed on the Fill page of the Property Manager.

Only the layer properties displayed in the Property Manager are included in this topic. To see
information about properties that are included in the Fill Style Editor, see the Fill Style Editor
topic. The image layer Load from property and the vector layer drawing area are only available in
the Fill Style Editor.

Log Fill Background

For many of the log objects, the Fill page includes a Fill background check box. If the box next to
Fill background is checked, the background area is filled. If the box next to Fill background is
unchecked, the background is not filled. To change the Fill background, check or uncheck the box.
The Fill Properties section below the Fill background property controls the background fill.

Legend Fill Background

When a legend is selected, the Fill page contains the fill options for the legend background. The
Frame style on the Line page must be set to Rectangle or Rounded Rectangle for the legend to
display a background fill. When the Frame style is set to None, the background fill is not displayed
regardless of the Fill page settings. If you wish to display a background fill but not a frame line,
then set the Frame style to Rectangle or Rounded Rectangle. Next set Style in the Line Properties
section to Invisible. Finally set the desired background properties on the Fill page.

Strater 5 User’s Guide

The Fill page in the Property Manager controls the

fill properties for the selected object.

Fill Style
The Style indicates the way that an object is filled. To change the Style, click on the existing fill
style next to Style. In the list, select a new style from the fill palette. Create custom fill styles with
the Fill Style Editor. Click the next to the Style field to open the Fill Style Editor to modify or
create a fill style.

Each layer in the selected fill style is displayed in its own section. The layers are listed in order from
top to bottom. The layer name is Layer n (type), where n is the layer position and type is the layer
type. A layer preview is displayed to the right of the layer name. The six layer types are Solid,
Stock, Image, Gradient, Vector, and Line. Click the button to expand the layer properties.

Solid Layer Properties

The properties for a solid layer are Color and Opacity.

Expand a Solid layer to edit the layer's properties.

Chapter 20 - Tadpole Logs

The Color is the color of the solid fill. Click the existing color sample next to Color to open the color
palette. Click on a color in the palette to use it for the layer's fill color. Click the button to open
the Colors dialog and create custom colors, use the dropper to select a color, or select the color
from a color wheel.

The Opacity controls the transparency of the solid fill style. To change the Opacity, highlight the
existing value and type a new value. Press ENTER on the keyboard to make the change.
Alternatively, click and drag the slider to increase or decrease the opacity value. Opacity
values are between 0% (zero opacity, full transparency) to 100% (full opacity, zero transparency).

Stock Layer Properties

The properties for a stock layer are Pattern, Foreground color, Foreground opacity, Background
color, and Background opacity.

Expand a Stock layer to edit the layer's properties.

The Pattern indicates the way the stock layer is filled. To change the Pattern, click on the existing
pattern sample next to Pattern. Select a new style from the pattern palette.

Foreground Color
The Foreground color is the color of the pattern. Click the existing color sample next to Foreground
color to open the color palette. Click on a color in the palette to use it for the selected foreground
fill color. Click the button to open the Colors dialog and create custom colors, use the dropper
to select a color, or select the color from a color wheel.

Foreground Opacity
The Foreground opacity controls the transparency of the foreground portion of the pattern. To
change the Foreground opacity, highlight the existing value and type a new value. Press ENTER on

Strater 5 User’s Guide

the keyboard to make the change. Alternatively, click and drag the slider to increase or
decrease the opacity value. Opacity values are between 0% (zero opacity, full transparency) to
100% (full opacity, zero transparency).

Background Color
The Background color is the color behind the pattern. Click the existing color sample next to
Background color to open the color palette. Click on a color in the palette to use it for the
background fill color. Click the button to open the Colors dialog and create custom colors.

Background Opacity
The Background opacity controls the transparency of the background portion of the pattern. To
change the Background opacity, highlight the existing value and type a new value. Press ENTER on
the keyboard to make the change. Alternatively, click and drag the slider to increase or
decrease the opacity value. Opacity values are between 0% (zero opacity, full transparency) to
100% (full opacity, zero transparency).

If the stock layer is above other layers in the fill style, the Background opacity must be less than
100% to see the layers below. To make a fill pattern appear transparent with only the foreground
portion of the fill pattern showing, change the Background Opacity value to 0%.

Image Layer Properties

The properties for an image layer are Pattern, Opacity, Stretch, Image Offset (X and Y), and Image
Scale (X, Y, and Proportional).

Expand an Image layer to edit the layer's properties.

Chapter 20 - Tadpole Logs

The Pattern property is used to add image layers from predefined or custom image fill styles. To
change the image layer, click the current option for an image layer Pattern and select a predefined
image layer or a custom image layer from the image palette. Only image fills with a single layer are
included in the image palette.

The Opacity controls the transparency of the image fill style. To change the Opacity, highlight the
existing value and type a new value. Press ENTER on the keyboard to make the change.
Alternatively, click and drag the slider to increase or decrease the opacity value. Opacity
values are between 0% (zero opacity, full transparency) to 100% (full opacity, zero transparency).

The Stretch is used with image patterns. The Stretch determines how the image is used to fill the
desired area. When the Stretch check box is checked, the image is stretched to fit the fill area.
When the Stretch check box is not checked the image is tiled in the fill area.

The image fill on the left has the Stretch box checked. The image on
the right has the Stretch box unchecked.

Image Offset
Offset the image in the fill layer by typing a value in pixels in the X or Y fields in the Image Offset
section. You can also change the X and Y image offset values by clicking the buttons.

Image Scale
The Image Scale properties control the density of the image fill. Change the image scale by typing
a value in the X or Y fields in the Image Scale section. The Image Scale properties are ignored
when the Stretch property is checked. You can also change the X and Y image scale values by
clicking the buttons.

When the Proportional check box is checked, the X and Y values automatically update to maintain
the current aspect ratio. Uncheck the Proportional check box to apply different scaling in the X and
Y directions.

Note that the Proportional property does not lock the X and Y values to any specific aspect ratio but
to whichever ratio is in use when the box is checked. For example, assume you want the X:Y ratio
to be 2:1, but you do not know which Image Scale values are desired. You can uncheck the
Proportional check box. Next set the X value to 2 and the Y value to 1. Check the Proportional

Strater 5 User’s Guide

check box. Now when you adjust one of the X or Y values, the other value updates automatically to
maintain the 2:1 ratio.

Gradient Layer Properties

The properties for a gradient layer are Type, Direction, and Colormap.

Expand a Gradient layer to edit the layer's properties.

The Type controls how a gradient fill pattern is used to fill the selected area. To change the Type,
click on the current type and select the new type in the list. Select Linear or Radial for the Type.
When the Type is set to Linear, a linear color gradient fills the area. The colors change in a linear
manner from the top to the bottom or from the left to the right of the area. When the Type is set to
Radial, a radial color gradient fills the area. The colors change in concentric circles, either
expanding from the interior and going out or from the exterior and going in.

The Radial type is shown on the left and

the Linear type is shown on the right.

The Direction option sets the direction the gradient fills. When the Type is set to Linear, choose
either Vertical or Horizontal for the Direction. The Vertical option sets the gradient to change along
the Y axis. The Horizontal option sets the gradient to change along the X axis. When Radial is
selected as the Type, the Direction options are Inward and Outward. This reverses the color

Chapter 20 - Tadpole Logs


The Colormap option sets the colors to use in the gradient pattern. Click the button to select or
create a color gradient in the Colormap dialog.

Vector Layer Properties

The properties for a vector layer are Color and Opacity.

Expand a Vector layer to edit the layer's properties.

The Color is the color of the lines in the vector fill. Click the existing color sample next to Color to
open the color palette. Click on a color in the palette to use it for the layer's line color. Click the
button to open the Colors dialog and create custom colors, use the dropper to select a color, or
select the color from a color wheel.

The Opacity controls the transparency of the lines in the vector fill. To change the Opacity, highlight
the existing value and type a new value. Press ENTER on the keyboard to make the change.
Alternatively, click and drag the slider to increase or decrease the opacity value. Opacity
values are between 0% (zero opacity, full transparency) to 100% (full opacity, zero transparency).

Strater 5 User’s Guide

Line Layer Properties

The properties for a Line layer are Color, Opacity, Angle, Offset, Separation, and Width.

Expand a Line layer to edit the layer's properties.

The Color is the color of the lines in the line fill layer. Click the existing color sample next to Color
to open the color palette. Click on a color in the palette to use it for the layer's line color. Click the
button to open the Colors dialog and create custom colors, use the dropper to select a color, or
select the color from a color wheel.

The Opacity controls the transparency of the lines in the line fill layer. To change the Opacity,
highlight the existing value and type a new value. Press ENTER on the keyboard to make the
change. Alternatively, click and drag the slider to increase or decrease the opacity value.
Opacity values are between 0% (zero opacity, full transparency) to 100% (full opacity, zero

Change the angle of the lines by typing a value in degrees in the Angle field or clicking and
dragging the slider . Positive values rotate the lines clockwise.

Chapter 20 - Tadpole Logs

Change the vertical offset between the lines and the pattern's origin by typing a value between -
0.25 and 0.25 inches in the Offset field. You can also change the Offset value by clicking the

Change the separation between the lines by typing a value between 0 and 0.25 inches in the
Separation field. You can also change the Separation value by clicking the buttons.

Change the line Width by highlighting the existing value and typing a new number or by clicking the
to increase or decrease the line width. The line width can be zero to 0.5 inches (1.27 cm) wide.
A width of zero is one pixel wide.

Tadpole Log - Symbol Properties

Symbol properties can be changed for selected objects in the borehole, map view, or cross section
view windows. Default symbol properties are set by clicking the File | Options command.

Custom symbols can be created using a third party TrueType font editing software.

If the options on the Symbol tab are not available, a scheme is likely being used. Uncheck the
appropriate Use Keyword Scheme, Use Range Scheme, or Use Indent Keyword Scheme option to
turn off the display of the scheme properties and set the symbol properties on the Symbol tab.

Set the symbol properties for the

selected object in the Property Manager.

Strater 5 User’s Guide

Log Symbol Properties

The following two properties are available for the curves on a line/symbol log or function log. The
Frequency property is available for the curves on a crossplot log.

Active Variable
The symbol properties are independently controlled for each of the variables in the log. Edit a
variable's line/symbol plot by selecting the variable the Active variable field. Select the desired
variable by clicking the current selection in the Active variable field and select the variable from the

Symbol Frequency
In addition to the standard symbol options, the line/symbol log has a Frequency option. Symbols
can be displayed on the log by setting the Frequency to a number greater than zero. A frequency of
1 posts every point as a symbol on the log. A frequency of 2 posts every other point, etc.
Frequency can be used to thin the number of displayed data points to avoid overwriting each other.
The Frequency value can be from 0 to 1000.

Symbol Properties
Click the button to expand the Symbol Properties section and edit the selected object's symbol

The Symbol is the symbol that is displayed for the selected object. To change the Symbol, click on
the existing symbol. The symbol palette is displayed. Click on the new symbol. The object is
automatically updated to show the new symbol.

The symbol index is the symbol or glyph number as it appears in the title bar above the palette and
adjacent to the symbol in the Property Manager.

Symbol Set
The Symbol Set displays the font that is currently used for the symbol. To change the Symbol Set,
click on the existing symbol set name. In the list, select a new font from the list. All TrueType fonts
are listed in the Symbol Set.

Fill Color
The Fill Color is the inside color of the symbol, when the selected symbol is a solid filled symbol. To
change the Fill Color of the symbol, click on the existing Fill Color and select a new color from the
color palette. Create new colors by clicking the Custom button at the bottom of the color palette.

Fill Opacity
The Fill Opacity controls the transparency of the filled portion of the symbol. To change the Fill
Opacity, highlight the existing value and type a new value. Press ENTER on the keyboard to make
the change. Alternatively, click on the button to increase or decrease the opacity value. Opacity
values are between 0% (zero opacity, full transparency) to 100% (full opacity, zero transparency).

Line Color
The Line Color is the outside edge color of the symbol. To change the symbol outline color, click on
the existing Line Color and select a new color from the color palette. Create new colors by clicking
the Custom button at the bottom of the color palette.

Chapter 20 - Tadpole Logs

Line Opacity
The Line Opacity controls the transparency of the line around the symbol. To change the Line
Opacity, highlight the existing value and type a new value. Press ENTER on the keyboard to make
the change. Alternatively, click on the button to increase or decrease the opacity value. Opacity
values are between 0% (zero opacity, full transparency) to 100% (full opacity, zero transparency).

The Size controls the symbol size. This is the size of the full symbol box, not just the symbol glyph.
To change the Size of the symbol, highlight the existing value and type a new number in the box.
Alternatively, click on the button to increase or decrease the size of the symbol. Symbol sizes
are between 0.0 and 4.0 inches (0.0 and 10.16 centimeters) and are shown in page units.

Water Level Properties

Symbols indicating water level can be added to all logs types except depth logs. Water level
symbols can be displayed in the borehole view and the cross section view. The lower point of the
triangle, i.e. the bottom vertex, is aligned with the depth in the water level table. This is different
than symbols in a post log, where the symbol center is aligned with the depth specified in the depth
table. Additionally the water level can be displayed between logs on a cross section in the cross
section properties. Add the symbols and edit their properties on the Water Level page in the
Property Manager.

Edit water level data, symbol, and label properties

on the Water Level page.

Strater 5 User’s Guide

General Properties
The General section of the Water Level page contains properties for the water label table and
symbol properties.

Display Water Level Symbol

Check the Display water level symbol check box to display water level symbols on the log. A depth
table containing water level information must be selected in the Water level table field for the water
level symbols to be displayed.

Water Level Table

The water level table is a depth table containing at a minimum hole IDs and depths. An additional
parameter column can be included to specify the water level names and water level connections
between the logs. If the water level table is already loaded, click the Water level table field and
select the table from the list. Click the button to load the Water level table with the Open

Symbol Size
The Symbol size property controls the size of the water level symbol. Type a value in page units in
the Symbol size field or click the button to change the Symbol size value.

Symbol Alignment
The Symbol alignment property aligns the symbol on the left, center, or right of the log. Click the
current selection in the Symbol alignment and select Left, Center, or Right from the list.

Symbol Style
The water level symbol is an inverted triangle with between one and three lines at the point. The
Symbol style property specifies the number of lines. Click the current Symbol style selection and
select One line, Two lines, or Three lines from the list.

Line Properties
The Line Properties section of the Water Level page controls the line properties for the water level
symbol. See the Line Properties topic for more information on line properties.

Fill Properties
The Fill Properties section of the Water Level page controls the fill properties for the water level
symbol. See the Fill Properties topic for more information on fill properties.

Label Properties
The Label Properties section of the Water Level page controls the water level symbol labels.

Show Water Level Name

Check the Show water level name check box to display labels next to the water level symbols. The
labels are specified by the Water level name column. Uncheck the Show water level name check
box to hide the water level labels.

Water Level Name Column

The water level table can include a name column which is used to connect water levels across logs
and display labels for the water level symbols. Select the column containing the water level names

Chapter 20 - Tadpole Logs

by clicking the Water level name column field and selecting a column from the list. The water level
labels will be populated by the names in the Water level name column.

Connect water levels by name by checking the Connect water level(s) by names check box in the
cross section properties. When the Water level name column does not contain data, Strater
connects the water levels automatically. The Water level name column is also used to connect
specific water levels between the logs. For example, if borehole 1 contains two water level names A
and B and borehole 2 contains three water level names A, B, and C, the two A water level symbols
and two B water level symbols will be connected by a line. When the Water level name column
contains unique names for the water levels, no water level symbols will be connected as this
indicates these are separate water levels.

Offset Method
The Offset method property controls the label offset direction from the water table symbol. Click the
current selection and select Center, Left, Top, Right, Bottom, or User defined from the list to
change the label offset. Selecting User defined enables the X offset and Y offset properties.

X Offset
The X offset property moves the label to the left or right when the Offset method is set to User
defined. Type a value in page units or click the buttons to change the X offset value.

Y Offset
The Y offset property moves the label up or down when the Offset method is set to User defined.
Type a value in page units or click the buttons to change the Y offset value.

Label Angle
The Label angle property rotates the water level symbol labels. Type a value in degrees in the Label
angle field or click and drag the slider to rotate the labels. Positive angle values rotate the labels

Nudge End Values

The Nudge End Values option moves the starting and ending labels away from the edges of the log
pane so that they are completely visible. This 'nudging' occurs only if the label is near the edge of
the log pane, otherwise the location of the label does not change. Check the box next to Nudge End
Values to move the labels. Uncheck the box to keep the labels in the depth location specified.

Label Format
The Label Format section includes label formatting properties. See the Format Properties topic for
more information on label format properties.

Font Properties
The Font Properties section includes label font formatting properties. See the Font Properties topic
for more information on font format properties.

Chapter 21 - Crossplot Logs
Crossplot Logs
Click the Log | Create Log | Crossplot command to create a crossplot log. Crossplot logs display
two intersecting line/symbol logs. Each log has separate options and can be displayed as lines, as
symbols, or as a combination of line and symbols. The line connects the data for each log in the
depth order. Crossplot logs can display labels, and can be filled. Crossplot logs are useful for
displaying intersections of two data curves on a graph.

This crossplot log shows the area

where one plot intersects and is
greater than the values of another plot.

Data Requirements
Crossplot logs use depth or interval data tables. In the data table, there are four required columns.
The required columns are Hole ID, Depth, and the two data columns being displayed. Points are
plotted along the horizontal axis at the value recorded in the data columns. Each line has a
separate scale. Points are plotted at the depth recorded in the depth column for each row.

Interval table types can be used. When an interval table type is used, the point is plotted at the
center point of the interval. For instance, if the interval goes From 1 To 4, the point is plotted at 2.5
on the depth axis.

Crossplot logs require Hole ID,

Depth, and two columns of data.

Chapter 21 - Crossplot Logs

Creating a Crossplot Log

To create a crossplot log:
1. Click the Log | Create Log | Crossplot command.
2. Click inside the log pane where you want the crossplot log to appear.
3. In the Open dialog, click on the data file. If the data was already opened, click on the table
name in the Use Current Table section. Click Open.
4. Set the data importing options in the Specify Worksheet Column Definitions dialog, if
necessary, and click Next.
5. Finish the importing of data in the Specify Data Type and Column Positions dialog and
click Finish.
6. The log appears in the borehole window.
If you are in active mode a crossplot log is created using the default properties. If you are in design
mode, a crossplot log graphic is displayed as a place holder after step 2.

Editing Crossplot Log Properties

To change the features of a crossplot log, including the data columns used to create the logs, click
on the crossplot log in the Object Manager or view window. The properties are listed in the
Property Manager.

To change the columns associated with each curve, click on the Log tab in the Property Manager.
Set the overlapping fill properties on the Fill tab.

The following tabs are listed in the Property Manager:

• Log
• Line
• Fill
• Symbol
• Water Level

Crossplot Log Properties

The Log page in the Property Manager includes options for defining which curve to associate with
the grid, how to display missing data, and the tables and data for the curves in crossplot logs. To
view and edit crossplot log properties, click on the crossplot log in the view window or Object
Manager to select the log. Then, click on the Log tab in the Property Manager.

Strater 5 User’s Guide

Edit crossplot log properties on the

Log tab in the Property Manager.

Hole ID Filter
The Hole ID filter is used to select the borehole to associate with this log. Only those Hole IDs that
are currently associated with data tables in this project are listed. To change the Hole ID Filter, click
on the existing Hole ID and select the desired Hole ID from the list. The log automatically updates
to show the new borehole.

When the Logs object is selected in a cross section view, the Hole ID filter is not available. To set a
specific log to a particular Hole ID, click on that individual log and set the Hole ID filter to the
appropriate log.

Associate Grid To
The Associate grid to option determines which curve is associated with both the grid lines and the
scale bar for this log. Select either Curve One or Curve Two.

Missing Data
The Missing data option controls how rows of empty data are displayed on the log. Set Missing data
to Continuous to show rows of missing data as a continuous line between the data values on each
side of the missing data. Select Discontinuous to show the missing data as a gap in the line of the
log. To set the missing data option, click on the existing option and select the desired option from
the list.

Chapter 21 - Crossplot Logs

Curve 1 and Curve 2 Properties

The Curve 1 and Curve 2 sections of the Log page contain the table, column, and data properties
for the two curves in the crossplot log. Each section contains the same properties. Click the
button to expand the sections.

Use the Table to define the data table for the curve. The table type can be an interval table or a
depth table. If the table is a depth table, the points are plotted at the depth listed in the table. If
the table type is an interval type table, the depth is determined by calculating the mid-point
position between the To and From columns in the corresponding table. To change the table, click on
the existing table name and select the desired table from the list.

Data Column
The Data column is the column in the selected Table that is being displayed by the curve. When the
Table is changed to another table, the Data column list is automatically updated to display the
column names in the newly selected table. To change the column, click on the existing column
name next to Data column and select the desired column from the list.

Hole Inclination, Hole Dip, and Azimuth Columns

The Hole inclination column (or Hole dip column) is used in combination with the Hole azimuth
column to calculate the true vertical depth for the hole. Either Hole inclination column or Hole dip
column is displayed. To control whether inclination or dip is used, click the File | Options
command. In the Options dialog, check or uncheck the Use Hole dip instead of inclination option.

Inclination is the angle the borehole is oriented in degrees and varies from 0 to 180. 0 indicates
vertical pointing down, 90 indicates horizontal, and 180 indicates vertical pointing up. Negative and
positive inclination values are treated the same for depth calculations. Negative inclination values
are treated differently for well path calculations in the cross section and map views. A negative
inclination changes the direction (azimuth) to the opposite of the similar positive inclination. For
example, the azimuth value of 90 and inclination of 45 describes the same orientation as the
azimuth value of 270 and inclination of -45 degrees. Both combinations describe an eastward
direction at 45 degrees down from the horizontal plane.

Dip is an alternate method of calculating the angle the borehole is oriented. Dip is oriented in
degrees and varies from -90 to 90. -90 indicates vertical pointing down, 0 indicates horizontal, and
+90 indicates vertical pointing up.

Azimuth is the compass orientation of the well's deviation, in degrees and varies from 0 (true
vertical north) to 360. Azimuth values are measured relative to true north (not grid north in the
local coordinate system).

To set the Hole inclination column or Hole dip column, click on the existing option and select the
desired option from the list. Available options are [Unspecified], [From collars table:collars name],
[From survey table: survey name], or data columns in the selected Lithology table. When one
column is set to unspecified or survey table, the other column automatically changes to the same
option. When recorded in a collars table, the inclination/dip and azimuth apply to the entire well
length. When recorded in a survey table, the inclination/dip and azimuth apply from the depth to
the next recorded depth. When set to one of the columns in the existing table, each log is updated
independently from each other log using the information in the specific depth or interval tables. If
the Hole inclination column for the log is set to [Unspecified], an inclination value of 0 is used for
the calculations. No difference will be visible for the log when changing the Depth method to True
vertical depth.

Strater 5 User’s Guide

Axis Type
The Axis type is Linear or Logarithmic. The data must be greater than zero when using a
Logarithmic axis. Values equal to and less than zero are ignored in the log when Logarithmic is
selected. Logarithmic uses a log (base 10) scale for the horizontal axis. To change the axis type,
click on the existing option and select the desired option from the list.

Auto Data Range

The horizontal scale can be set manually or automatically with the Auto data range option. Check
the Auto data range check box to calculate a best-fit range of the data. When Auto data range is
not checked, the Minimum value and Maximum value properties are enabled allowing manual
control over the log's minimum and maximum values. To change the data range, check or uncheck
the Auto data range check box.

Minimum and Maximum Values

The Minimum value and Maximum value are only available if the Auto data range is not checked.
The Minimum value is the smallest value that should be displayed on the log. The Maximum value is
the largest value that should be displayed on the log. To change the minimum and maximum
values, highlight the existing value in Minimum value or Maximum value field and type the desired

If the borehole is changed, the new data may or may not fit into the user-defined range. If the data
does not fit inside the range, change the Minimum value and Maximum value to new values or
check the Auto data range check box.

Data Direction
The Data direction is used to determine whether data should be displayed with low values on the
left or right side of the log. Available options are Low to High and High to Low. Low to High creates
a log with the minimum data value on the left and the maximum data value on the right. High to
Low creates the log with the minimum data value on the right and the maximum data value on the
left. To change the direction, click on the existing option and select the desired option from the list.

By default, curve one uses a data direction of low to high and curve two uses a data direction of
high to low.

Crossplot Log - Line Properties

The curves in a line/symbol log can be represented by lines, most logs can be surrounded by a
border, and grid lines are used to show data increments on individual log items. There is a variable
grid that represents the X axis data and another grid for depth or Y axis data. Most log items
include a depth grid option but not all log items have variable grid options. The Line page of the
Property Manager contains the properties for the log curve, border, and grid lines.

To edit the line properties, select a log item. Click on the Line tab in the Property Manager.
Which of the Log, Curve 1 and Curve 2, Border, Variable Grid Lines, and Depth Grid Lines sections
are displayed depends on the type of log selected. For example the Line page for line/symbol logs
includes Log, Border, Variable Grid Lines, and Depth Grid Lines sections while the Line page for
well construction logs includes only the Border section.

Chapter 21 - Crossplot Logs

Edit the log curve, border, and grid line

properties on the Line page.

Log Properties
The Log section of the Line page controls the line properties for the curve or curves in the
line/symbol log or function log. The Log section also controls the line properties for layer marks
lines on an unregistered or registered raster log.

Active Variable
The line properties are independently controlled for each of the variables in the log. Edit a variable's
line/symbol plot by selecting the variable the Active variable field. Select the desired variable by
clicking the current selection in the Active variable field and select the variable from the list.

Log Line Properties

The Line Properties section contains the line properties for the log curve selected in the Active
variable field. See the Line Properties topic for more information on editing line properties.

Strater 5 User’s Guide

Curve 1 and Curve 2 Properties

The Curve 1 and Curve 2 sections control the line properties for the curves in a crossplot log.

Curve 1 and Curve 2 Line Properties

The Line Properties section contains the line properties for the log curve. See the Line Properties
topic for more information on editing line properties.

Border Properties
The Border section of the Line page controls the line properties for the log border.

Display Border Line

Check the Disply border line check box to draw a border line around the log. Uncheck the Display
border line check box to hide the log border line. The log border is displayed from the Starting
borehole depth to the Ending borehole depth and around the entirety of the log.

Border Line Properties

The Line Properties section contains the line properties for the log border. See the Line Properties
topic for more information on editing line properties.

Variable Grid Lines and Depth Grid Lines Properties

The Variable Grid Lines and Depth Grid Lines sections have identical settings, with the exception of
the Active variable property, but represent the settings for the different grids. The following
properties are displayed in both the Variable Grid Lines and Depth Grid Lines sections.

Active Variable
Variable grid lines can be added for each of the variables in the log. Variable grid lines are added
one at a time by selecting the variable in the Active variable field. Select the desired variable by
clicking the current selection in the Active variable field and select the variable from the list.

The Active variable property is only displayed when the Use all columns for range check box on the
Line/Symbol Log page is not checked. When Use all columns for range is checked there is only one
variable scale, and therefore can only be one set of variable grid lines.

Grid Line Display Order

Grid lines can be positioned above the log (Top), beneath the log (Bottom), or not displayed (Hide)
with the Grid line display order options. If Top is selected, the grid is the last item drawn for a
specific log item. Bottom means the grid is under the log item, but above the fill background. Hide
means do not show the grid. To change the Grid line display order, click on the existing option and
select the desired option from the list.

After setting the Grid line display order, turn on the grid lines by checking the box next to the Show
in the Major Grid Line and/or Minor Grid Line sections.

Auto Grid Range

The Auto grid range option controls the first and last grids shown for the grid lines. When the Auto
grid range check box is checked, Strater creates settings based upon the log data. Uncheck the
Auto grid range check box to manually set the grid's minimum and maximum values in the Grid
minimum and Grid maximum settings.

Chapter 21 - Crossplot Logs

If the borehole is changed, the new data may or may not fit into the user defined grid range so use
caution in setting these values.

Grid Minimum
When Auto grid range is not checked, the Grid minimum defines the minimum value of the grid. To
change the minimum grid line value, highlight the existing value and type a new value. Press
ENTER on the keyboard and the grid lines update.

Grid Maximum
When Auto grid range is not checked, the Grid maximum defines the maximum value of the grid. To
change the maximum grid line value, highlight the existing value and type a new value. Press
ENTER on the keyboard and the grid lines update.

Show Major Grid Lines

To show major grid lines, check the box next to the Show in the Major Grid Line section. To hide
the major grid lines, uncheck the box.

Major Grid Interval

To change the Major interval the Auto grid range option must be unchecked. The Major interval is
the spacing between the major grid lines.

Major Line Properties

Set the major grid line properties with the Style, Color, Foreground Opacity, and Width options.

Show Minor Grid Lines

To show minor grid lines, check the box next to the Show in the Minor Grid Line section. To hide the
minor grid lines, uncheck the box.

Grid Division
The Divisions property determines how many minor divisions (gaps) are between major tick marks.
If the value is 1, no minor grid lines will appear. If the value is 2, one minor grid line will appear. To
change the value, highlight the existing value and type a new value. Press ENTER on the keyboard
to make the change.

Minor Line Properties

Set the minor grid line properties with the Style, Color, Foreground Opacity, and Width options.

Crossplot Log - Fill Properties

The curves in a crossplot log can include a fill, the intersection areas can have an independent
fill, and log background can be filled. The Fill page of the Property Manager contains the
properties for the curve fills and background fill.

To edit the fill properties, select a crossplot log item. Click on the Fill tab in the Property

Strater 5 User’s Guide

Edit the curve, intersection, and background fill properties

on the Fill page of the Property Manager.

Curve 1 and Curve 2 Properties

The Curve 1 and Curve 2 sections control the fill properties for the curves in a crossplot log. Click
the button to expand the Curve 1 or Curve 2 sections.

Fill Log On
In addition to the standard fill options, the crossplot log curve has a Fill log on option. The Fill log
on option controls which way the fill goes from the curve. Available options are Left and Right. For
example, setting the Fill log on to Left fills from the log line to the left side of the bounding box.

Curve 1 and Curve 2 Fill Properties

The Fill Properties section contains the fill properties for the log curve. See the Fill Properties topic
for more information on editing fill properties.

Intersection Properties
The Intersection section controls the fill properties for the areas where the curves overlap in a
crossplot log. Click the button to expand the Intersection section.

Intersection Fill Properties

The Fill Properties section contains the fill properties for the intersecting regions of the log curves.
See the Fill Properties topic for more information on editing fill properties.

Background Properties
The Background section controls the fill properties background of the crossplot log. Click the
button to expand the Background section.

Chapter 21 - Crossplot Logs

Background Fill Properties

The Fill Properties section contains the fill properties for the log background. See the Fill Properties
topic for more information on editing fill properties.

Crossplot Log - Symbol Properties

Symbol properties can be changed for selected objects in the borehole, map view, or cross section
view windows. Default symbol properties are set by clicking the File | Options command.

Custom symbols can be created using a third party TrueType font editing software.

If the options on the Symbol tab are not available, a scheme is likely being used. Uncheck the
appropriate Use Keyword Scheme, Use Range Scheme, or Use Indent Keyword Scheme option to
turn off the display of the scheme properties and set the symbol properties on the Symbol tab.

Set the symbol properties for the

selected object in the Property Manager.

Log Symbol Properties

The following two properties are available for the curves on a line/symbol log or function log. The
Frequency property is available for the curves on a crossplot log.

Active Variable
The symbol properties are independently controlled for each of the variables in the log. Edit a
variable's line/symbol plot by selecting the variable the Active variable field. Select the desired
variable by clicking the current selection in the Active variable field and select the variable from the

Strater 5 User’s Guide

Symbol Frequency
In addition to the standard symbol options, the line/symbol log has a Frequency option. Symbols
can be displayed on the log by setting the Frequency to a number greater than zero. A frequency of
1 posts every point as a symbol on the log. A frequency of 2 posts every other point, etc.
Frequency can be used to thin the number of displayed data points to avoid overwriting each other.
The Frequency value can be from 0 to 1000.

Symbol Properties
Click the button to expand the Symbol Properties section and edit the selected object's symbol

The Symbol is the symbol that is displayed for the selected object. To change the Symbol, click on
the existing symbol. The symbol palette is displayed. Click on the new symbol. The object is
automatically updated to show the new symbol.

The symbol index is the symbol or glyph number as it appears in the title bar above the palette and
adjacent to the symbol in the Property Manager.

Symbol Set
The Symbol Set displays the font that is currently used for the symbol. To change the Symbol Set,
click on the existing symbol set name. In the list, select a new font from the list. All TrueType fonts
are listed in the Symbol Set.

Fill Color
The Fill Color is the inside color of the symbol, when the selected symbol is a solid filled symbol. To
change the Fill Color of the symbol, click on the existing Fill Color and select a new color from the
color palette. Create new colors by clicking the Custom button at the bottom of the color palette.

Fill Opacity
The Fill Opacity controls the transparency of the filled portion of the symbol. To change the Fill
Opacity, highlight the existing value and type a new value. Press ENTER on the keyboard to make
the change. Alternatively, click on the button to increase or decrease the opacity value. Opacity
values are between 0% (zero opacity, full transparency) to 100% (full opacity, zero transparency).

Line Color
The Line Color is the outside edge color of the symbol. To change the symbol outline color, click on
the existing Line Color and select a new color from the color palette. Create new colors by clicking
the Custom button at the bottom of the color palette.

Line Opacity
The Line Opacity controls the transparency of the line around the symbol. To change the Line
Opacity, highlight the existing value and type a new value. Press ENTER on the keyboard to make
the change. Alternatively, click on the button to increase or decrease the opacity value. Opacity
values are between 0% (zero opacity, full transparency) to 100% (full opacity, zero transparency).

The Size controls the symbol size. This is the size of the full symbol box, not just the symbol glyph.
To change the Size of the symbol, highlight the existing value and type a new number in the box.

Chapter 21 - Crossplot Logs

Alternatively, click on the button to increase or decrease the size of the symbol. Symbol sizes
are between 0.0 and 4.0 inches (0.0 and 10.16 centimeters) and are shown in page units.

Water Level Properties

Symbols indicating water level can be added to all logs types except depth logs. Water level
symbols can be displayed in the borehole view and the cross section view. The lower point of the
triangle, i.e. the bottom vertex, is aligned with the depth in the water level table. This is different
than symbols in a post log, where the symbol center is aligned with the depth specified in the depth
table. Additionally the water level can be displayed between logs on a cross section in the cross
section properties. Add the symbols and edit their properties on the Water Level page in the
Property Manager.

Edit water level data, symbol, and label properties

on the Water Level page.

Strater 5 User’s Guide

General Properties
The General section of the Water Level page contains properties for the water label table and
symbol properties.

Display Water Level Symbol

Check the Display water level symbol check box to display water level symbols on the log. A depth
table containing water level information must be selected in the Water level table field for the water
level symbols to be displayed.

Water Level Table

The water level table is a depth table containing at a minimum hole IDs and depths. An additional
parameter column can be included to specify the water level names and water level connections
between the logs. If the water level table is already loaded, click the Water level table field and
select the table from the list. Click the button to load the Water level table with the Open

Symbol Size
The Symbol size property controls the size of the water level symbol. Type a value in page units in
the Symbol size field or click the button to change the Symbol size value.

Symbol Alignment
The Symbol alignment property aligns the symbol on the left, center, or right of the log. Click the
current selection in the Symbol alignment and select Left, Center, or Right from the list.

Symbol Style
The water level symbol is an inverted triangle with between one and three lines at the point. The
Symbol style property specifies the number of lines. Click the current Symbol style selection and
select One line, Two lines, or Three lines from the list.

Line Properties
The Line Properties section of the Water Level page controls the line properties for the water level
symbol. See the Line Properties topic for more information on line properties.

Fill Properties
The Fill Properties section of the Water Level page controls the fill properties for the water level
symbol. See the Fill Properties topic for more information on fill properties.

Label Properties
The Label Properties section of the Water Level page controls the water level symbol labels.

Show Water Level Name

Check the Show water level name check box to display labels next to the water level symbols. The
labels are specified by the Water level name column. Uncheck the Show water level name check
box to hide the water level labels.

Water Level Name Column

The water level table can include a name column which is used to connect water levels across logs
and display labels for the water level symbols. Select the column containing the water level names

Chapter 21 - Crossplot Logs

by clicking the Water level name column field and selecting a column from the list. The water level
labels will be populated by the names in the Water level name column.

Connect water levels by name by checking the Connect water level(s) by names check box in the
cross section properties. When the Water level name column does not contain data, Strater
connects the water levels automatically. The Water level name column is also used to connect
specific water levels between the logs. For example, if borehole 1 contains two water level names A
and B and borehole 2 contains three water level names A, B, and C, the two A water level symbols
and two B water level symbols will be connected by a line. When the Water level name column
contains unique names for the water levels, no water level symbols will be connected as this
indicates these are separate water levels.

Offset Method
The Offset method property controls the label offset direction from the water table symbol. Click the
current selection and select Center, Left, Top, Right, Bottom, or User defined from the list to
change the label offset. Selecting User defined enables the X offset and Y offset properties.

X Offset
The X offset property moves the label to the left or right when the Offset method is set to User
defined. Type a value in page units or click the buttons to change the X offset value.

Y Offset
The Y offset property moves the label up or down when the Offset method is set to User defined.
Type a value in page units or click the buttons to change the Y offset value.

Label Angle
The Label angle property rotates the water level symbol labels. Type a value in degrees in the Label
angle field or click and drag the slider to rotate the labels. Positive angle values rotate the labels

Nudge End Values

The Nudge End Values option moves the starting and ending labels away from the edges of the log
pane so that they are completely visible. This 'nudging' occurs only if the label is near the edge of
the log pane, otherwise the location of the label does not change. Check the box next to Nudge End
Values to move the labels. Uncheck the box to keep the labels in the depth location specified.

Label Format
The Label Format section includes label formatting properties. See the Format Properties topic for
more information on label format properties.

Font Properties
The Font Properties section includes label font formatting properties. See the Font Properties topic
for more information on font format properties.

Chapter 22 - Function Logs
Function Logs
Click the Log | Create Log | Function command to create a function log. Function logs allow
multiple log variables to be combined into a single log using a mathematical equation. The log
variables being combined can contain different depth spacings and be from different tables. After
the function is defined, a new data table is created and a line/symbol plot is displayed in the view

In this example, the log values in log A are multiplied

by the log values in log B to create the purple function log.
Data Requirements
Function logs use existing line/symbol and bar logs to create the function log. No data table is
initially required, beyond those used to create the line/symbol and bar logs. The data table that is
created is a depth table that contains Hole ID, Depth, and the Math Results columns. See the
Function Log dialog page for information on selecting the logs and functions.

Creating a Function Log

To create a function log:
1. Click the Log | Create Log | Function command.
2. Click inside the log pane where you want the function log to appear.
3. The Function Log dialog appears. Use the Log Variables, Operator, and Functions to create
a Function Expression and click OK.
4. The new Math Results data table is created and the log appears in the view window.
If you are in active mode a line/symbol log is created using the default properties. If you are in
design mode, a line/symbol log graphic is displayed as a place holder after step 4.

Editing Function Log Properties

To change the features of a function log, click on the line/symbol log in the Object Manager or
view window. The properties are listed in the Property Manager.

The following tabs are listed in the Property Manager:

• Log
• Label
• Line
• Fill
• Symbol
• Water Level

Chapter 22 - Function Logs

Function Properties
The actual function is not editable in the view window. The Math Results table that is created can be
edited and the log will update, but the function is not editable. To see the function used to create a
function log, click on the Math Results table. Click the Table | Edit Column Properties command.

Click the button twice, until column 3 is displayed. The function is listed in the Column
Description option. This function could be copied and used to create a new function log.

The function used to create the log

is displayed in the Column Description.

Function Log Dialog

The Function Log dialog contains the options needed to set the mathematical functions combining
multiple line/symbol and bar logs in the view window.

Set the Log Variables, the Operator, and the Functions in the Function Log dialog.

Strater 5 User’s Guide

Log Variables
The Log Variables section includes all of the line/symbol and bar logs included in the current view
window. If logs exist in other view windows, the function log must be created in that window. To
add a log to the expression, double-click on the log name in the Log Variables list. The log name is
added at the cursor location in the Function Expression. To use the depth value in the function, click

the button. The Depth is added to the Function Expression.

If no logs are listed or if the data that you want to use is not in the Log Variables section, click
Cancel. Create line/symbol or bar logs from the data that should be combined into the function log.
Once all variables are defined as a line/symbol or bar log, click the Log | Create Log | Function
command again.

Each log can use a different borehole ID or a different table.

The Operator list contains the mathematical values that can be used in the Function Expression. To
add an operator to the function, double-click on the symbol. The symbol is added to the Function
Expression in the location where the cursor is located. Available operators are equal (=), not equal
(<>), greater than (>), less than (<), greater than or equal to (>=), less than or equal to (<=),
addition (+), subtraction (-), multiplication (*), division (/), and the logical operators AND, OR, and
NOT. AND means that the result is true if the options on both sides of the AND are true. OR means
that the result is true if the options on either side of the OR are true. NOT means that the if both
sides of the NOT are true, the result is false.

The Functions list contains the list of mathematical functions that can be used in the Function
Expression. To determine what a function does, click on the function name. The explanation is
included in the Function Description section. To add a function to the expression, double click on
the function. The function is added to the Function Expression in the location where the cursor is

The X, Y, and Z in the Functions should be changed to either a number of a log name in the
Function Expression. For instance, if you want to take the base 10 logarithm of Log A, you would
type LOG10([Log A]) in the Function Expression. Note that the log name needs to be enclosed in

Function Expression
The Function Expression is the location where the function being used to create the new log is
displayed. Log variables must be enclosed in brackets in the Function Expression.

Rules for Function Expression

Some rules for function expressions may make it easier to input new functions:
• Log names must be included in brackets. For instance, if you are adding Log A and Log B,
you would type the expression [Log A] + [Log B].
• When using the Depth Variable, the word Depth should not be included in brackets. For
instance, if you are multiplying Log A times Depth, you would type the expression
Depth*[Log A].
• IF functions can be used in the Function Expression with the format IF(condition, if_true,
if_false). For instance, if you want to use the Log A value for depths less than 50 feet and
the Log B value for depths greater than 50 feet, you would type the expression IF(Depth <
50, [Log A], [Log B]).

Chapter 22 - Function Logs

• Depth values are interpolated at the Depth Interval specified for the new log.

Clear Expression
Click the Clear Expression button to remove all text from the Function Expression box.

Expression History
Click the Expression History button to open the Expression History dialog. This contains a list of
the most recent expression functions that have been used. To reuse a function, double-click on the
expression. Click OK or Cancel to close the Expression History dialog.

Load Expression
If an expression has been saved to a Log Math Expression File (*.lme), it can be reloaded into the
current function expression by clicking the Load Expression button. After clicking the Load
Expression dialog, select the .LME file from the Open dialog and click Open. The equation appears
in the Function Expression box.

Save Expression
To save an expression, type the expression into the Function Expression box. Click the Save
Expression button. In the Save As dialog, type a File name and click Save. The file is saved for
future use as a Log Math Expression File (*.lme). The expression in the file can be used by loading
the expression with the Load Expression button.

The .LME file is an ASCII file that contains the name of the expression and the equation used for
the expression. This file can be edited in any text editor program, such as Windows Notepad.

Depth Limits
The Depth Limits section determines how the minimum and maximum values are set for the new
log. When Depth limits from logs in expression is selected, all of the logs used in the Function
Expression are examined. The new log minimum value is the smallest minimum value off all logs
used in the expression. The new log maximum value is the largest maximum value of all logs used
in the expression. When User-defined depth limits is selected, the Start Depth and End Depth
options become available. Highlight the existing values and type the desired minimum value in the
Start Depth and maximum value in the End Depth. Data outside this range will be ignored when
creating the new log.

New Log Hole ID

Any log can be used in the current view window to create the function log. This means that logs
with different borehole IDs can be combined. So, the function log creates a new borehole ID for the
function that is created. If [Auto Assigned] is selected, the table and function will use a borehole
named NewID. Alternatively, you can click on [Auto Assigned] and select one of the borehole IDs
from the list. If all logs use the same borehole ID, only that borehole is listed in the New Log Hole
ID list. To use a specific new name, highlight the existing text and type the desired name in the

Depth Interval
The Depth Interval is the interval that the new function log data will have between depth values.
The first value is specified by the Start Depth. The next value will be the Start Depth + Depth
Interval, and so on until the last End Depth value is reached. By default, the Depth Interval is
calculated by:
• The interval used in the Log Variables, if the interval is the same for all selected logs.

Strater 5 User’s Guide

• The maximum evenly spaced interval used for all of the Log Variables if the interval is
different for all Log Variables,
• A value of 10 is used if none of the Log Variables selected are evenly spaced in the original
data files, or
• A value of 10 is used if no Log Variables are used in the Function Expression.

Log Data Interpolation

Data from the log variables are interpolated to get the values at the desired depth intervals, if the
log data does not fall on the value. To calculate the interpolated values for the log variables, the
data value before and data value after each depth point is evaluated using a linear interpolation.
This creates a temporary uniformed depth point for each log. Once the data are on the appropriate
interval, the Function Expression is applied.

OK or Cancel
Click OK to create the new Math Results table and new line/symbol log based on the math results.
Click Cancel to exit the Function Log dialog without creating the new log and data.

If an error message is displayed, the function in the Function Expression resulted in no data. Click
OK in the error message. Click the Log | Create Log | Function Log command and click on the
screen. In the Function Log dialog, click the Expression History button. Double-click on the
expression at the top of the list. The expression is added to the Function Expression box. Check the
Depth Limits, and the Depth Interval to ensure that these values are set correctly for the logs
specified. If an error occurs again, check the logs to make sure that data is displayed for each log in
the Function Expression.

Example 1: Altering One Log with a Function or Constant

To create a new function log that is based on existing data, but altered by a constant value or
mathematical equation, follow these steps. This could also be done in the data table with the Data
| Data | Transform command.
1. Click the Log | Create Log | Function command.
2. Click inside the log pane where you want the function log to appear.
3. The Function Log dialog appears.
4. Double-click on the log name. The log name is added to the Function Expression.
5. In the Function Expression box, type the remainder of the equation. For instance, if you
double-clicked on Log A, and you want the arccosine of the log, type ACOS( before the [Log
A] text and ) after the Log A text. The Function Expression should look like ACOS([Log A]).
6. Click OK and the new Math Results table is created and the log appears in the view window.

Example 2: Combining Multiple Logs

To create a new function based on multiple logs of data, follow these steps:
1. Click the Log | Create Log | Function command.
2. Click inside the log pane where you want the function log to appear.
3. The Function Log dialog appears.
4. Double-click on the first log name. The log name is added to the Function Expression.
5. Double-click on any Operator or Function in the lists.
6. Place the cursor in the desired location in the Function Expression and double-click on the
second log name.
7. Type any additional part of the equation. For instance, if you want to add the logarithmic
value of Log A and the square root value of Log B, the Function Expression should look like
LOG10([Log A]) + SQRT([Log B]).
8. Click OK and the new Math Results table is created and the log appears in the view window.

Chapter 22 - Function Logs

Set the Depth Variable for a Function Log

In the Function Log dialog, the Depth Variable is the depth value.

For example, suppose you have a line/symbol log that shows Au (ppb) concentration values. You
want to multiply the concentration by the depth.
1. Click the Log | Create Log | Function command.
2. Click on the view window where the log should be located.
3. In the Function Log dialog, double-click on Au (ppb) in the Log Variables list. The log name
is automatically added to the New Log = equation.
4. Type an asterisk, * after the [Au (ppb)] text to multiple the log value.
5. Click the Depth Variable button and Depth is added after the *. The function is: [Au (ppb)]
6. Click OK.

The calculated results are in the Math Results table and in the function log. The results display the
the Au concentration value multiplied by the associated depth value.

Function Log Properties

The Log page in the Property Manager includes options for defining the data, scaling, range, data
direction, and wrap style for line/symbol logs and function logs. To view and edit line/symbol or
function log properties, click on the log in the view window or Object Manager to select the log.
Then, click on the Log tab in the Property Manager.

Edit line/symbol log properties on the

Line/Symbol Log tab in the Property Manager.

Strater 5 User’s Guide

Hole ID Filter
The Hole ID Filter is used to select the borehole to associate with this log. Only those Hole IDs that
are currently associated with data tables in this project are listed. To change the Hole ID Filter, click
on the existing Hole ID and select the desired Hole ID from the list. The log automatically updates
to show the new borehole.

When the Logs object is selected in a cross section view, the Hole ID Filter is not available. To set a
specific log to a particular Hole ID, click on that individual log and set the Hole ID Filter to the
appropriate log.

Use the Table to define the data table for the line/symbol log. The table type can be an interval
table or a depth table. If the table is a depth table, the points are plotted at the depth listed in the
table. If the table type is an interval type table, the depth is determined by calculating the mid-
point position between the To and From columns in the corresponding table. To change the table,
click on the existing table name and select the desired table from the list.

Variable Column(s)
Each variable column is represented by a line/symbol plot on the log. Add or change the variable
column or columns in the log by clicking Edit in the Edit variable columns field. Select the variables
to include in the plot in the Select Columns dialog. When the Table is changed to another table,
the Data Column list is automatically updated to display the column names in the newly selected
table. To change the column, click on the existing column name next to Data Column and select the
desired column from the list.

Scale bars are created automatically for each variable in the line/symbol log by default. When
adding variables to the line/symbol log, the new scale bar or bars use the same position and
properties as the existing scale bar. The new scale bars are linked to the added variables. The Scale
Bar Title properties are not shared. The scale bar minimum, maximum, and minor divisions are not
shared, as these are controlled by the Variable Grid Lines properties on the Line page in the
Property Manager separately for each variable in the line/symbol log. When a variable is removed
from the line/symbol log, the linked scale bar is automatically removed.

Hole Inclination, Hole Dip, and Azimuth Columns

The Hole Inclination Column (or Hole Dip Column) is used in combination with the Hole Azimuth
Column to calculate the true vertical depth for the hole. Either Hole Inclination Column or Hole Dip
Column is displayed. To control whether inclination or dip is used, click the File | Options
command. In the Options dialog, check or uncheck the Use Hole Dip Instead Of Inclination option.

Inclination is the angle the borehole is oriented in degrees and varies from 0 to 180. 0 indicates
vertical pointing down, 90 indicates horizontal, and 180 indicates vertical pointing up. Negative and
positive inclination values are treated the same for depth calculations. Negative inclination values
are treated differently for well path calculations in the cross section and map views. A negative
inclination changes the direction (azimuth) to the opposite of the similar positive inclination. For
example, the azimuth value of 90 and inclination of 45 describes the same orientation as the
azimuth value of 270 and inclination of -45 degrees. Both combinations describe an eastward
direction at 45 degrees down from the horizontal plane.

Dip is an alternate method of calculating the angle the borehole is oriented. Dip is oriented in
degrees and varies from -90 to 90. -90 indicates vertical pointing down, 0 indicates horizontal, and
+90 indicates vertical pointing up.

Chapter 22 - Function Logs

Azimuth is the compass orientation of the well's deviation, in degrees and varies from 0 (true
vertical north) to 360. Azimuth values are measured relative to true north (not grid north in the
local coordinate system).

To set the Hole Inclination Column or Hole Dip Column, click on the existing option and select the
desired option from the list. Available options are [Unspecified], [From collars table:collars name],
[From survey table: survey name], or data columns in the existing Curve Table. When one column
is set to unspecified or survey table, the other column automatically changes to the same option.
When recorded in a collars table, the inclination/dip and azimuth apply to the entire well length.
When recorded in a survey table, the inclination/dip and azimuth apply from the depth to the next
recorded depth. When set to one of the columns in the existing table, each log is updated
independently from each other log using the information in the specific depth or interval tables. If
the Hole Inclination Column for the log is set to [Unspecified], an inclination value of 0 is used for
the calculations. No difference will be visible for the log when changing the Depth Method to True
Vertical Depth.

Axis Type
The Axis Type is Linear or Logarithmic. The data must be greater than zero when using a
Logarithmic axis. Values equal to and less than zero are ignored in the log when Logarithmic is
selected. Logarithmic uses a log (base 10) scale for the horizontal axis. To change the axis type,
click on the existing option and select the desired option from the list.

Missing Data
The Missing data option controls how rows of empty data are displayed on the log. Set Missing data
to Continuous to show rows of missing data as a continuous line between the data values on each
side of the missing data. Select Discontinuous to show the missing data as a gap in the line of the
log. To set the Missing data option, click on the existing option and select the desired option from
the list.

Discontinuous Line Log Example

Strater has the option to display missing data in a line log as either a continuous or discontinuous
1. For this example use the sample file SAMPLE VIEW 1.SDG, which is found in the Strater
Samples. By default, this directory is located at C:\Program Files\Golden Software\Strater
2. Click on the Depth data table tab.
3. In Column C (Au) delete the contents of rows 12 to 18 by highlighting them and pressing the
DELETE key on the keyboard.

Delete some variable data from the table.

Strater 5 User’s Guide

4. Click the Borehole 1 tab to view the logs.

5. Click on the line/symbol log in the Object Manager or view window.
6. In the Property Manager, click on the Line/Symbol Log tab. The Missing Data option is
set to Continuous.
7. Change the Missing Data property from Continuous to Discontinuous to create a gap in the
missing data section.
The line log changes to discontinuous, with a gap in the line where the data is missing.

Missing data Missing data is

can be plotted to
displayed as a create a
continuous discontinuous
line. line.

Wrap Style
Wrapping is unique to log plotting and is only available when the [Variable] Auto data range check
box is not checked. Wrapping determines how values that are larger than the [Variable] maximum
value are displayed. Available options are None, Truncate, Wrap, Wrap - 10X, Wrap - 100X.
• Select None to not have the log wrapped. If points are outside the data range, the points are
removed from the display of the log, as if they were not in the data table. New data points
are created where the line intersects the edge of the log.
• When Truncate is selected, the bounding box of the log clips any data out of range and a
straight line is created at the edge of the log. New data points are created where the line
intersects the edge of the log.
• Select Wrap to bring the part of the log that extends beyond the range to the other side of
the log and continue. If the wrapping continues more than once, the edge of the graph is
truncated. Wrapping more than once makes the graph difficult to follow and in this case, one
of the other wrapping scales should be used.
• Wrap - 10X wraps the data as with Wrap, but the scale for the wrapped portion is 10 times
the range of the main data. For instance, the original graph goes from 0 to 10, the wrapped
range represents 10 to 110.
• Wrap - 100X is similar to Wrap - 10X but the wrapped scale ranges from 10 to 1010.
Note that fill properties are disabled when the Wrap style is set to Wrap, Wrap - 10X, or Wrap -

Curve Type
The Curve type determines how the line is displayed. Available options are Line and Stair Step. Line
draws a simple line log, directly connecting adjacent points using the shortest path. Stair Step
draws connecting lines between adjacent points using horizontal and vertical lines. To change the
curve type, click on the existing option and select the desired option from the list.

Chapter 22 - Function Logs

Use All Columns for Range

Check the Use all columns for range check box to display all the line/symbol plots on one scale.
When the Use all columns for range check box is checked, the following range and direction
properties are the same for all plots on the line/symbol log.

Uncheck the Use all columns for range check box to display each line/symbol plot with an individual
scale. When the Use all columns range check box is not checked, the following range and direction
properties are edited for each plot independently: Variable auto data range, Variable minimum
value, Variable maximum value, and Variable data direction properties.

Active Variable
The Active variable property is used to select a column for further editing. The Active variable is
displayed when the Use all columns for range check box is not checked. Select the variable column
you wish to edit in the Active variable list, and then change the Variable auto data range, Variable
minimum value, Variable maximum value, and Variable data direction properties do the desired
values. Change the Active variable to change the range and direction properties for a different
variable column.

[Variable] Auto Data Range

The Auto data range property is displayed when the Use all columns for range check box is
checked. The horizontal scale can be set manually or automatically with the Auto data range option.
When Auto data range is checked, Strater calculates a best-fit range of the data across all variable
columns displayed in the log. When the Auto data range is not checked, the Minimum value and
Maximum value properties are enabled, allowing manual control over the log's minimum and
maximum values. The Wrap style property is also enabled when Auto data range is not checked.
Click the check box to check or uncheck the Auto data range property.

The Variable auto data range property is displayed when the Use all columns for range check box is
not checked. The horizontal scale can be set manually or automatically with the Variable auto data
range option. When Variable auto data range is checked, Strater calculates a best-fit range of the
data for the Active variable column. When the Variable auto data range is not checked, the
Minimum value and Maximum value properties are enabled, allowing manual control over the Active
variable column plot's minimum and maximum values. The Wrap style property is also enabled
when Variable auto data range is not checked. Click the check box to check or uncheck the Variable
auto data range property.

[Variable] Minimum and [Variable] Maximum Values

The Minimum value and Maximum value properties are displayed when the Use all columns for
range check box is checked. The Minimum value and Maximum value are only available if the Auto
data range check box is not checked. The Minimum value is the smallest value that should be
displayed on the log. The Maximum value is the largest value that should be displayed on the log.
To change the minimum and maximum values, uncheck the Auto data range check box. Then,
highlight the existing value in Minimum value or Maximum value field and type the desired value.

The Variable minimum value and Variable maximum value properties are displayed when the Use
all columns for range check box is not checked. The Variable minimum value and Variable
maximum value are only available if the Variable auto data range check box is not checked. The
Variable minimum value is the smallest value that should be displayed on the plot for the Active
variable column. The Variable maximum value is the largest value that should be displayed on the
log for the Active variable column. To change the minimum and maximum values for the Active
variable column, uncheck the Variable auto data range check box. Then, highlight the existing value
in Variable minimum value or Variable maximum value field and type the desired value.

Strater 5 User’s Guide

If the Hole ID is changed for the log, the new data may or may not fit into the user-defined range.
If the data does not fit inside the range, change the Minimum Value and Maximum Value to new
values or set the Data Range to Auto.

[Variable] Data Direction

The Data direction property is displayed when the Use all columns for range check box is checked.
The Data direction is used to determine whether data should be displayed with low values on the
left or right side of the log. Available options are Low to high and High to low. Low to high creates a
log with the minimum data value on the left and the maximum data value on the right. High to
low creates the log with the minimum data value on the right and the maximum data value on the
left. To change the direction for the log, click on the existing option and select the desired option
from the list.

The Variable data direction property is displayed when the Use all columns for range check box is
not checked. The Variable data direction is used to determine whether data should be displayed
with low values on the left or right side of the log for the Active variable column. Different variable
columns can have different Variable data direction settings. Available options are Low to high and
High to low. Low to high displays the plot with the minimum data value on the left and the
maximum data value on the right. High to low displays the plot with the minimum data value on the
right and the maximum data value on the left. To change the direction for the Active variable
column plot, click on the existing option and select the desired option from the list.

Function Log - Label Properties

Label properties change the appearance of labels on line/symbol, post, classed post, and function
logs. Click on the Label tab in the Property Manager to edit label properties.

Set label properties on the Label

tab in the Property Manager.

Chapter 22 - Function Logs

Active Variable
Whether or not the labels are displayed and the label properties are independently controlled for
each variable in the log. Changing the Show label and other label properties for one Active variable
does not change the label properties for the other variables in the log. Edit a variable's line/symbol
or function log labels by selecting the variable the Active variable field. Select the desired variable
by clicking the current selection in the Active variable field and select the variable from the list. The
Active variable property is not displayed for post and classed post logs.

Show Label
The Show label option determines if labels are displayed at the point locations on the log. For
classed post and post logs, check the box next to Show label to show the labels. Data values are
displayed at each point along the log.

For line/symbol and function logs, click on the existing option and select the desired option from the
Show label list. Available label types are None and Data for borehole views. Available label types
are None, Data, Layer Mark, and Data and Layer Mark for cross section views. None turns off label
display. Data displays only the data value from the column for each point. Layer Mark displays only
the layer mark names. Data and Layer Mark displays all data points and layer marks for the
line/symbol log.

Changing the Show label property for one Active variable does not change the label state for any of
the other variables in the line/symbol or function log.

Click the next to Layout to set the label layout options.

The Frequency option controls how many labels appear on the log. Setting the value to zero
displays no labels on the log. Setting the value to one displays a label at all values. Change the
Frequency to two to display a label at every other data value or three to display a label at every
third value. To change the Frequency, highlight the existing value and type a new number. Enter a
number between 0 and 1000. Press ENTER on the keyboard to make the change. Alternatively, click

on the to increase or decrease the value.

Offset Method
The Offset method determines the location of the label relative to the symbol. To change the
location, click on the existing option and select the desired option from the list. Available options
are Center, Left, Top, Right, Bottom, and User Defined.

X Offset
The X Offset field is active only when the Offset method is set to User Defined. The X Offset moves
the label number to the right (positive offset) or left (negative offset) by the number entered, in

Y Offset
The Y Offset field is active only when the selected offset type is User Defined. The Y Offset moves
the label numbers up (positive offset) or down (negative offset) by the number entered, in inches.

Strater 5 User’s Guide

The Angle option sets the displayed labels at an angle. The numbers are in degrees offset from
horizontal moving in a counter-clockwise direction. For example, an angle of 90 displays the
numbers vertically, and an angle of 180 displays the numbers upside-down. To change the angle,
highlight the existing option and type the desired angle. Press ENTER on the keyboard to make the

change. Alternatively, click the button to increase or decrease the value. Angle values must be
between zero and 360 degrees.

Nudge End Values

The Nudge End Values option moves the starting and ending labels away from the edges of the log
pane so that they are completely visible. This 'nudging' occurs only if the label is near the edge of
the log pane, otherwise the location of the label does not change. Check the box next to Nudge End
Values to move the labels. Uncheck the box to keep the labels in the depth location specified.

Click the next to Label Format to set the numeric format options for the labels.

Click the next to Font Properties to set the font properties for the labels.

If the options in the Font section are not available, a scheme is likely being used. Uncheck the Use
Keyword Scheme option on the Post Log tab to turn off the display of the scheme properties and
set the font properties in the Font section.

Function Log - Line Properties

The curves in a line/symbol log can be represented by lines, most logs can be surrounded by a
border, and grid lines are used to show data increments on individual log items. There is a variable
grid that represents the X axis data and another grid for depth or Y axis data. Most log items
include a depth grid option but not all log items have variable grid options. The Line page of the
Property Manager contains the properties for the log curve, border, and grid lines.

To edit the line properties, select a log item. Click on the Line tab in the Property Manager.
Which of the Log, Curve 1 and Curve 2, Border, Variable Grid Lines, and Depth Grid Lines sections
are displayed depends on the type of log selected. For example the Line page for line/symbol logs
includes Log, Border, Variable Grid Lines, and Depth Grid Lines sections while the Line page for
well construction logs includes only the Border section.

Chapter 22 - Function Logs

Edit the log curve, border, and grid line

properties on the Line page.

Log Properties
The Log section of the Line page controls the line properties for the curve or curves in the
line/symbol log or function log. The Log section also controls the line properties for layer marks
lines on an unregistered or registered raster log.

Active Variable
The line properties are independently controlled for each of the variables in the log. Edit a variable's
line/symbol plot by selecting the variable the Active variable field. Select the desired variable by
clicking the current selection in the Active variable field and select the variable from the list.

Log Line Properties

The Line Properties section contains the line properties for the log curve selected in the Active
variable field. See the Line Properties topic for more information on editing line properties.

Strater 5 User’s Guide

Curve 1 and Curve 2 Properties

The Curve 1 and Curve 2 sections control the line properties for the curves in a crossplot log.

Curve 1 and Curve 2 Line Properties

The Line Properties section contains the line properties for the log curve. See the Line Properties
topic for more information on editing line properties.

Border Properties
The Border section of the Line page controls the line properties for the log border.

Display Border Line

Check the Disply border line check box to draw a border line around the log. Uncheck the Display
border line check box to hide the log border line. The log border is displayed from the Starting
borehole depth to the Ending borehole depth and around the entirety of the log.

Border Line Properties

The Line Properties section contains the line properties for the log border. See the Line Properties
topic for more information on editing line properties.

Variable Grid Lines and Depth Grid Lines Properties

The Variable Grid Lines and Depth Grid Lines sections have identical settings, with the exception of
the Active variable property, but represent the settings for the different grids. The following
properties are displayed in both the Variable Grid Lines and Depth Grid Lines sections.

Active Variable
Variable grid lines can be added for each of the variables in the log. Variable grid lines are added
one at a time by selecting the variable in the Active variable field. Select the desired variable by
clicking the current selection in the Active variable field and select the variable from the list.

The Active variable property is only displayed when the Use all columns for range check box on the
Line/Symbol Log page is not checked. When Use all columns for range is checked there is only one
variable scale, and therefore can only be one set of variable grid lines.

Grid Line Display Order

Grid lines can be positioned above the log (Top), beneath the log (Bottom), or not displayed (Hide)
with the Grid line display order options. If Top is selected, the grid is the last item drawn for a
specific log item. Bottom means the grid is under the log item, but above the fill background. Hide
means do not show the grid. To change the Grid line display order, click on the existing option and
select the desired option from the list.

After setting the Grid line display order, turn on the grid lines by checking the box next to the Show
in the Major Grid Line and/or Minor Grid Line sections.

Auto Grid Range

The Auto grid range option controls the first and last grids shown for the grid lines. When the Auto
grid range check box is checked, Strater creates settings based upon the log data. Uncheck the
Auto grid range check box to manually set the grid's minimum and maximum values in the Grid
minimum and Grid maximum settings.

Chapter 22 - Function Logs

If the borehole is changed, the new data may or may not fit into the user defined grid range so use
caution in setting these values.

Grid Minimum
When Auto grid range is not checked, the Grid minimum defines the minimum value of the grid. To
change the minimum grid line value, highlight the existing value and type a new value. Press
ENTER on the keyboard and the grid lines update.

Grid Maximum
When Auto grid range is not checked, the Grid maximum defines the maximum value of the grid. To
change the maximum grid line value, highlight the existing value and type a new value. Press
ENTER on the keyboard and the grid lines update.

Show Major Grid Lines

To show major grid lines, check the box next to the Show in the Major Grid Line section. To hide
the major grid lines, uncheck the box.

Major Grid Interval

To change the Major interval the Auto grid range option must be unchecked. The Major interval is
the spacing between the major grid lines.

Major Line Properties

Set the major grid line properties with the Style, Color, Foreground Opacity, and Width options.

Show Minor Grid Lines

To show minor grid lines, check the box next to the Show in the Minor Grid Line section. To hide the
minor grid lines, uncheck the box.

Grid Division
The Divisions property determines how many minor divisions (gaps) are between major tick marks.
If the value is 1, no minor grid lines will appear. If the value is 2, one minor grid line will appear. To
change the value, highlight the existing value and type a new value. Press ENTER on the keyboard
to make the change.

Minor Line Properties

Set the minor grid line properties with the Style, Color, Foreground Opacity, and Width options.

Function Log - Fill Properties

The curves in a line/symbol or function log can include a fill and log background can be filled. The
Fill page of the Property Manager contains the properties for the curve fills and background fill.

The Fill page is not available for deviated line/symbol logs in a cross section, i.e. the Display logs
as deviated property is checked in the cross section properties for a line/symbol log cross section.

To edit the fill properties, select a line/symbol or function log item. Click on the Fill tab in the
Property Manager.

Strater 5 User’s Guide

Edit the log curve and background fill properties in the Fill
page of the Property Manager.

Log Properties
The Log section of the Fill page contains the properties for the log curve fills. Click the to expand
the Log section.

Active Variable
The fill properties are independently controlled for each of the variables in the log. Edit a variable's
line/symbol plot by selecting the variable the Active variable field. Select the desired variable by
clicking the current selection in the Active variable field and select the variable from the list.

Fill Log On
In addition to the standard fill options, the line/symbol log has a Fill log on option to control which
way the fill goes from the log. Available options are Left and Right. For example, setting the Fill log
on property to Left fills from the log line to the left side of the bounding box or cutoff value.

Display fill can be used as a masking tool when two or more logs overlay each other.

Log Fill Properties

Click the next to Fill Properties to set the fill properties for the log curve specified by the Active
variable field.

Cutoff Fill Properties

Click the next to Cutoff Fill Properties to set the fill properties for the cutoff portion of the log.

Chapter 22 - Function Logs

Cutoff Value
In addition to the standard fill options, the cutoff fill has a Cutoff Value option. The cutoff value is a
way to fill the log to a specific value. The Cutoff Value is the value where the cutoff fill properties
stop. To change the Cutoff Value, highlight the existing value and type a new value. Values are in
Data Column units.

Display Cutoff Fill

The cutoff fill properties also has a Display Cutoff Fill option. The Display Cutoff Fill option controls
which way the cutoff fill goes from the Cutoff Value. Available options are None, Left, and Right.
Setting the Display Cutoff Fill option to None turns off the display of the cutoff fill. Setting the
Display Cutoff Fill to Left fills from the Cutoff Value to the left side of the bounding box or log.
Setting the Display Cutoff Fill to Right fills from the Cutoff Value to the right side of the bounding
box or log. The cutoff fill properties overwrite the log fill properties.

Cutoff Fill Properties

Click the next to Fill Properties to set the fill properties for the cutoff fill.

Cutoff Fill Example

Set a cutoff fill property for a line/symbol log to display the area in the log that is either greater or
less than a specified cutoff value.

1. Click the File | Open command or click the button.

2. In the Open dialog, select the Sample View 1.sdg file from the Samples directory. The
default directory location is C:\Program Files\Golden Software\Strater 5\Samples.
3. Click Open.
4. Select the line/symbol log in the Object Manager or view window.
5. In the Property Manager click on the Display Properties tab.
6. Click the next to Cutoff Fill Properties to open the Cutoff Fill Properties section.
7. Highlight the zero next to the Cutoff Value and type 175. Press ENTER on the keyboard to
make the change.
8. Click on the None next to the Display Cutoff Fill option and select Right from the list.
9. Click on the box next to Pattern and select Solid.
10. Click on the black color next to Foreground and select red.

A cutoff fill set to

the right A cutoff fill set to
highlights the the left highlights
area of the log the area less
greater than Au than 175 on the
(ppb) of 175. log.

Strater 5 User’s Guide

Background Properties
The Background section of the Fill page contains the properties for the log background fill. Click the
to expand the Background section.

Fill Background
Check the Fill background check box to apply a fill to the log background. Uncheck the Fill
background check box to remove the background fill.

Background Fill Properties

Click the next to Fill Properties to set the fill properties for the background fill.

Function Log - Symbol Properties

Symbol properties can be changed for selected objects in the borehole, map view, or cross section
view windows. Default symbol properties are set by clicking the File | Options command.

Custom symbols can be created using a third party TrueType font editing software.

If the options on the Symbol tab are not available, a scheme is likely being used. Uncheck the
appropriate Use Keyword Scheme, Use Range Scheme, or Use Indent Keyword Scheme option to
turn off the display of the scheme properties and set the symbol properties on the Symbol tab.

Set the symbol properties for the

selected object in the Property Manager.

Log Symbol Properties

The following two properties are available for the curves on a line/symbol log or function log. The
Frequency property is available for the curves on a crossplot log.

Chapter 22 - Function Logs

Active Variable
The symbol properties are independently controlled for each of the variables in the log. Edit a
variable's line/symbol plot by selecting the variable the Active variable field. Select the desired
variable by clicking the current selection in the Active variable field and select the variable from the

Symbol Frequency
In addition to the standard symbol options, the line/symbol log has a Frequency option. Symbols
can be displayed on the log by setting the Frequency to a number greater than zero. A frequency of
1 posts every point as a symbol on the log. A frequency of 2 posts every other point, etc.
Frequency can be used to thin the number of displayed data points to avoid overwriting each other.
The Frequency value can be from 0 to 1000.

Symbol Properties
Click the button to expand the Symbol Properties section and edit the selected object's symbol

The Symbol is the symbol that is displayed for the selected object. To change the Symbol, click on
the existing symbol. The symbol palette is displayed. Click on the new symbol. The object is
automatically updated to show the new symbol.

The symbol index is the symbol or glyph number as it appears in the title bar above the palette and
adjacent to the symbol in the Property Manager.

Symbol Set
The Symbol Set displays the font that is currently used for the symbol. To change the Symbol Set,
click on the existing symbol set name. In the list, select a new font from the list. All TrueType fonts
are listed in the Symbol Set.

Fill Color
The Fill Color is the inside color of the symbol, when the selected symbol is a solid filled symbol. To
change the Fill Color of the symbol, click on the existing Fill Color and select a new color from the
color palette. Create new colors by clicking the Custom button at the bottom of the color palette.

Fill Opacity
The Fill Opacity controls the transparency of the filled portion of the symbol. To change the Fill
Opacity, highlight the existing value and type a new value. Press ENTER on the keyboard to make
the change. Alternatively, click on the button to increase or decrease the opacity value. Opacity
values are between 0% (zero opacity, full transparency) to 100% (full opacity, zero transparency).

Line Color
The Line Color is the outside edge color of the symbol. To change the symbol outline color, click on
the existing Line Color and select a new color from the color palette. Create new colors by clicking
the Custom button at the bottom of the color palette.

Line Opacity
The Line Opacity controls the transparency of the line around the symbol. To change the Line
Opacity, highlight the existing value and type a new value. Press ENTER on the keyboard to make

Strater 5 User’s Guide

the change. Alternatively, click on the button to increase or decrease the opacity value. Opacity
values are between 0% (zero opacity, full transparency) to 100% (full opacity, zero transparency).

The Size controls the symbol size. This is the size of the full symbol box, not just the symbol glyph.
To change the Size of the symbol, highlight the existing value and type a new number in the box.
Alternatively, click on the button to increase or decrease the size of the symbol. Symbol sizes
are between 0.0 and 4.0 inches (0.0 and 10.16 centimeters) and are shown in page units.

Water Level Properties

Symbols indicating water level can be added to all logs types except depth logs. Water level
symbols can be displayed in the borehole view and the cross section view. The lower point of the
triangle, i.e. the bottom vertex, is aligned with the depth in the water level table. This is different
than symbols in a post log, where the symbol center is aligned with the depth specified in the depth
table. Additionally the water level can be displayed between logs on a cross section in the cross
section properties. Add the symbols and edit their properties on the Water Level page in the
Property Manager.

Edit water level data, symbol, and label properties

on the Water Level page.

Chapter 22 - Function Logs

General Properties
The General section of the Water Level page contains properties for the water label table and
symbol properties.

Display Water Level Symbol

Check the Display water level symbol check box to display water level symbols on the log. A depth
table containing water level information must be selected in the Water level table field for the water
level symbols to be displayed.

Water Level Table

The water level table is a depth table containing at a minimum hole IDs and depths. An additional
parameter column can be included to specify the water level names and water level connections
between the logs. If the water level table is already loaded, click the Water level table field and
select the table from the list. Click the button to load the Water level table with the Open

Symbol Size
The Symbol size property controls the size of the water level symbol. Type a value in page units in
the Symbol size field or click the button to change the Symbol size value.

Symbol Alignment
The Symbol alignment property aligns the symbol on the left, center, or right of the log. Click the
current selection in the Symbol alignment and select Left, Center, or Right from the list.

Symbol Style
The water level symbol is an inverted triangle with between one and three lines at the point. The
Symbol style property specifies the number of lines. Click the current Symbol style selection and
select One line, Two lines, or Three lines from the list.

Line Properties
The Line Properties section of the Water Level page controls the line properties for the water level
symbol. See the Line Properties topic for more information on line properties.

Fill Properties
The Fill Properties section of the Water Level page controls the fill properties for the water level
symbol. See the Fill Properties topic for more information on fill properties.

Label Properties
The Label Properties section of the Water Level page controls the water level symbol labels.

Show Water Level Name

Check the Show water level name check box to display labels next to the water level symbols. The
labels are specified by the Water level name column. Uncheck the Show water level name check
box to hide the water level labels.

Water Level Name Column

The water level table can include a name column which is used to connect water levels across logs
and display labels for the water level symbols. Select the column containing the water level names

Strater 5 User’s Guide

by clicking the Water level name column field and selecting a column from the list. The water level
labels will be populated by the names in the Water level name column.

Connect water levels by name by checking the Connect water level(s) by names check box in the
cross section properties. When the Water level name column does not contain data, Strater
connects the water levels automatically. The Water level name column is also used to connect
specific water levels between the logs. For example, if borehole 1 contains two water level names A
and B and borehole 2 contains three water level names A, B, and C, the two A water level symbols
and two B water level symbols will be connected by a line. When the Water level name column
contains unique names for the water levels, no water level symbols will be connected as this
indicates these are separate water levels.

Offset Method
The Offset method property controls the label offset direction from the water table symbol. Click the
current selection and select Center, Left, Top, Right, Bottom, or User defined from the list to
change the label offset. Selecting User defined enables the X offset and Y offset properties.

X Offset
The X offset property moves the label to the left or right when the Offset method is set to User
defined. Type a value in page units or click the buttons to change the X offset value.

Y Offset
The Y offset property moves the label up or down when the Offset method is set to User defined.
Type a value in page units or click the buttons to change the Y offset value.

Label Angle
The Label angle property rotates the water level symbol labels. Type a value in degrees in the Label
angle field or click and drag the slider to rotate the labels. Positive angle values rotate the labels

Nudge End Values

The Nudge End Values option moves the starting and ending labels away from the edges of the log
pane so that they are completely visible. This 'nudging' occurs only if the label is near the edge of
the log pane, otherwise the location of the label does not change. Check the box next to Nudge End
Values to move the labels. Uncheck the box to keep the labels in the depth location specified.

Label Format
The Label Format section includes label formatting properties. See the Format Properties topic for
more information on label format properties.

Font Properties
The Font Properties section includes label font formatting properties. See the Font Properties topic
for more information on font format properties.

Chapter 23 - Drawing Objects
Draw Tab Commands
The Draw tab commands are available when a borehole view, map view, or cross section view is
selected in a project. The following commands are included in the Draw tab:

Text Creates a text block

Creates a text block that is linked to a
Linked Text

Point Creates a symbol

Polyline Creates a polyline

Unconformity Creates an unconformity line

Polygon Creates a polygon

Ellipse Creates an ellipse or circle

Rectangle Creates a rectangle or square

Rounded Creates a rectangle or square with

Rectangle rounded corners
Select Returns the cursor to the select tool.

Moves, adds, or deletes points in the

selected polyline or polygon

Break Apart Breaks apart the selected metafile

Click the Draw | Shape | Polygon command to draw an irregularly shaped polygon in the view
window. Polygons must have at least three vertices (points).

Polygon Properties
Polygons contain two types of properties: line properties and fill properties. You can change these
properties in the Property Manager.

Drawing Polygons
To draw a polygon:
1. Click the Draw | Shape | Polygon command to begin drawing a polygon.
2. In the view window move the cross hair pointer to the location of the first vertex of the
polygon and click the left mouse button.
3. Move the pointer to the next position of the polygon and click again.
4. Continue this procedure until you click the final point.
5. To end the polygon, double-click on the last point or press ENTER on the keyboard. The first
and last points are automatically connected and the new polygon is drawn.
6. Press ESC on the keyboard to end drawing mode.

Chapter 23 - Drawing Objects

Drawing Tips
• Click points on the page to draw a polygon, or click and hold the left mouse button and drag
the pointer to draw a continuous stream of points.
• Right-click to remove the last drawn point. This can be done repeatedly.
• If the CTRL key is pressed while clicking points, the points are constrained to 45-degree
• Double-click the left mouse button or press ENTER on the keyboard to close the polygon.
• To cancel drawing a polygon, press the ESC key before closing the polygon.
• Edit the polygon shape by selecting the polygon and clicking the Draw | Tools | Reshape
• You can edit the selected polygon properties in the Property Manager.
• Line and fill default properties are set through the File | Options command.

Click the Draw | Shape | Polyline command to draw a polyline in the view window. A polyline is a
collection of one or more connected line segments. You can choose a line style, color, and
arrowheads for the polyline display.

Polyline Properties
Polylines contain line properties. You can change these properties in the Property Manager.

Drawing a Polyline
To draw a polyline:
1. Click the Draw | Shape | Polyline command to begin drawing a polyline.
2. In the view window, move the cross hair pointer to the location of the first vertex of the
polyline and click the left mouse button.
3. Move the pointer to the next vertex along the line and click again.
4. Continue this process until you click the final point for the line.
5. To end the polyline, double-click on the last point or press ENTER on the keyboard.
6. Press ESC on the keyboard to end drawing mode.

Drawing Tips
• Click the endpoints of the line to draw a straight line, or click several points to create an
irregularly shaped line.
• Click the right mouse button to remove the last drawn point. Repeatedly clicking right mouse
button removes all points in reverse order.
• Click and hold the left mouse button to create a continuous stream of vertices as you drag
the mouse.
• Press the CTRL key on the keyboard to constrain the points to 45-degree angles.
• To cancel drawing a polyline, press the ESC key before ending the polyline.
• Edit the selected polyline properties in the Property Manager.
• Set line property defaults through the File | Options command.

Points are markers that are used to indicate point positions. Points are represented by a symbol.
Any TrueType glyph can be used as a symbol, including several custom glyphs provided with
Strater. You can use the Draw | Shape | Point command to place points in the view window. You
can change the symbol color, size, set, and opacity in the Property Manager.

Strater 5 User’s Guide

Symbol Properties
Points contain symbol properties. You can change these properties in the Property Manager.

Drawing a Point
To draw a point:
1. Click the Draw | Shape | Point command.
2. Move the cross hair cursor to the desired location in the view window and click to position the
point. The default symbol appears.
3. Press ESC on the keyboard to end drawing mode.

Drawing Tips
• Set symbol properties for a selected point in the Property Manager.
• Set symbol property defaults with the File | Options command.

Click the Draw | Shape | Rectangle command to create a rectangle in the view window.

Rectangle Properties
Rectangles contain two types of properties: line properties and fill properties. You can change these
properties in the Property Manager.

Drawing a Rectangle
To draw a rectangle:
1. Click the Draw | Shape | Rectangle command.
2. In the view window move the cross hair pointer to the location of the first corner of the
rectangle. Click and hold the left mouse button.
3. Drag the pointer to the opposite corner of the rectangle.
4. Release the left mouse button when the rectangle is the preferred size and shape.
5. Press ESC on the keyboard to end drawing mode.

Drawing a Square
To draw a square, hold down the CTRL key on the keyboard while dragging the mouse. A square is
drawn instead of a rectangle.

Drawing Tips
• If the CTRL key is pressed while drawing a rectangle, a square is drawn.
• To cancel drawing a rectangle, press the ESC key while the left mouse button is pressed.
• You can edit the selected rectangle properties in the Property Manager.
• Line and fill default properties are set through the File | Options command.

Rounded Rectangle
Click the Draw | Shape | Rounded Rectangle command to create a rounded rectangle in the
view window.

Rounded Rectangle Properties

Rounded rectangles contain two types of properties: line properties and fill properties. You can
change these properties in the Property Manager.

Chapter 23 - Drawing Objects

Drawing a Rounded Rectangle

To draw a rounded rectangle:
1. Click the Draw | Shape | Rounded Rectangle command.
2. In the view window move the cross hair pointer to the location of the first corner of the
rounded rectangle. Click and hold the left mouse button.
3. Drag the pointer to the opposite corner of the rounded rectangle.
4. Release the left mouse button when the rounded rectangle is the preferred size and shape.
5. Press ESC on the keyboard to end drawing mode.
Drawing a Rounded Square
To draw a square, hold down the CTRL key on the keyboard while dragging the mouse. A rounded
square is drawn instead of a rounded rectangle.

Drawing Tips
• If the CTRL key is pressed while drawing a rounded rectangle, a rounded square is drawn.
• To cancel drawing a rounded rectangle, press the ESC key while the left mouse button is
• You can edit the selected rounded rectangle properties in the Property Manager.
• Line and fill default properties are set through the File | Options command.

Click the Draw | Shape | Ellipse command to create an ellipse or circle in the view window.

Ellipse Properties
Ellipses contain two types of properties: line properties and fill properties. You can change these
properties in the Property Manager.

Drawing an Ellipse
To draw an ellipse:
1. Click the Draw | Shape | Ellipse command.
2. In the view window, click and hold the left mouse button at one corner of the bounding box
of the ellipse.
3. Drag the pointer to the opposite corner of the ellipse.
4. Release the left mouse button when the ellipse is the preferred size and shape.
5. Press the ESC key on the keyboard to end drawing mode.

Drawing a Circle
To draw a circle, hold down the CTRL key on the keyboard while dragging the mouse. A circle is
drawn instead of an ellipse.

Drawing Tips
• If the CTRL key is pressed while drawing an ellipse, a circle is drawn.
• To cancel drawing the ellipse, press the ESC key while the left mouse button is pressed.
• You can edit the ellipse properties in the Property Manager.
• Line and fill default properties are set through the File | Options command.

Click the Draw | Shape | Unconformity command to draw an unconformity line in the view
window. An unconformity is a collection of one or more connected line segments. The lines are
wavy. Usually this line type is used to show unconformable surface contacts in a cross section view

Strater 5 User’s Guide

or borehole view. You can choose a line style, color, and arrowheads for the unconformity display.
The amplitude and wavelength of the line can also be set.

Unconformity Properties
Unconformities contain unconformity and line properties. You can change these properties in the
Property Manager.

Drawing an Unconformity
To draw an unconformity:
1. Click the Draw | Shape | Unconformity command to begin drawing an unconformity.
2. In the view window, move the cross hair pointer to the location of the first vertex and click
the left mouse button.
3. Move the pointer to the next vertex along the line and click again.
4. Continue this process until you click the final point for the unconformity.
5. To end the unconformity, double-click on the last point or press ENTER on the keyboard.
6. Press ESC on the keyboard to end drawing mode.

Drawing Tips
• Click the endpoints of the unconformity to draw a wavy line that various uniformly along the
entire length of the line, or click several points to create an irregularly shaped wavy line.
• Click the right mouse button to remove the last drawn point. Repeatedly clicking right mouse
button removes all points in reverse order.
• Click and hold the left mouse button to create a continuous stream of vertices as you drag
the mouse.
• Press the CTRL key on the keyboard to constrain the points to 45-degree angles.
• To cancel drawing an unconformity, press the ESC key before ending the unconformity.
• Edit the selected unconformity properties in the Property Manager.
• Set line property defaults through the File | Options command.
• Sharp changes in direction for the unconformity line bends the unconformity along the center
axis. Connections for the waves will bend, which may result in jaggedness.

Unconformity Properties
Use unconformity properties to change the amplitude and wavelength for selected unconformity
lines in the view window.

The Unconformity page controls the height and

length for the selected unconformity object.

The Amplitude of the unconformity is the height of the unconformity wave in page units. Values can
range between zero and 2.0 inches (zero and 5.08 centimeters). A value of zero makes a straight

Chapter 23 - Drawing Objects

line. The larger the value, the taller the wave. To change the value, highlight the existing value and

type a new value. Alternatively, click the to increase or decrease the value. Press ENTER on the
keyboard to make the change.

The Wavelength of the unconformity is the width of the unconformity wave in page units. This is the
distance between peaks on the wave. Values range between 0.1 and 2 inches (0.254 and 5.08
centimeters). The larger the value, the wider the wave. To change the value, highlight the existing

value and type a new value. Alternatively, click the to increase or decrease the value. Press
ENTER on the keyboard to make the change.

Click the Draw | Shape | Text command to create text in the view window. The typeface, size,
style, alignment, opacity, and color can be set for individual characters in a text blocks.

Drawing Text
To create text:
1. Click the Draw | Shape | Text command.
2. Click where you want text to appear.
3. Enter text into the Text Editor dialog.
4. Highlight the text to be changed and set the text properties by clicking the appropriate
button or option in the Text Editor dialog. The math text instructions are not used in this
5. Click OK to return to the view window.
6. Press the ESC key on the keyboard to end draw text mode.
The text appears inside a movable, sizable text box. Click on the box and drag it to move the box to
the desired location.

Setting Text Properties

The text can be edited in the Text Editor. To edit existing text content, double-click on the text to
open the Text Editor, or you can edit text content in the Property Manager:
1. Click on the text object in the view window or Object Manager to select it.
2. In the Property Manager, the text and font properties can be edited.
3. To change the font properties, click the next to Font. Set any font properties for all of the
text in the text block.
4. To change the text, click the next to Text. For a single line of text, highlight the
characters next to Text and type the desired text. Math text instructions can be added
directly to the Text line in the Property Manager.
5. To include multiple lines of text, press the ENTER key on the keyboard to create a new line.
6. For more complicated text, click the button next to Text. The Text Editor opens. Make
any desired edits. To change the text properties in the Text Editor, highlight the text and
make any adjustments. Each character can have different properties when edited in the Text
7. Click OK.
The text updates in the Text box in the Property Manager and on the view window. Click the
next to Font to set the font properties for the text.

Rotating Text
You can rotate text inside a text box.
1. Click on the text box to select it.

Strater 5 User’s Guide

2. Click Arrange | Rotate | Rotate or right-click on the text and select Rotate.
3. Set the rotation angle and click OK.
The text updates to the new angle.

Default Text Properties

Default text properties are set in the File | Options dialog on the Font page.

Text Editor
You can access the Text Editor by creating new text or by editing existing text.

Type or edit text in the Text Editor.

Text Appearance
The top row of tools and buttons change the appearance of currently selected text. Additionally,
subsequent text will appear with the selected options.

• Select a typeface from the list in the upper left corner of the dialog.
• Set the size (in points) of the typeface in the box to the right of the typeface list.
• Click the colored button to the right of the size box to display the color palette and change
the text color. Click the Custom button at the bottom of the color palette to use a custom

• Several styles (including bold , italic , underline , and strikethrough ) can be

applied to the text. Note that some typefaces, such as Symbol, do not support bold or
italicized text.

• You can left justify , center , or right justify the text in the bounding box. These
options only make a difference with multiple lines of text.

Superscripts and Subscripts

When working with superscripts and subscripts, you can type the character, highlight it, and then

click the superscript or subscript buttons. Alternatively, you can click the superscript or

Chapter 23 - Drawing Objects

subscript button and then type the characters. Click the superscript or subscript button a second
time to return to the normal size font and placement.

If the default superscript or subscript placement is not sufficient, you can highlight the text and

enter a number in the character position box to raise or lower text from the midpoint of
the existing line. You can also change the character position by clicking the buttons. Click the

reset button to reset the highlighted character's position to the default position.

You can click in any field in a template and use the boxes below Sub Position to modify the position
of the field in a template. The values are offsets from the main character's zero position and are in
pixels. How far each value moves the template field is determined in part by the font size. Positive
values move the field to the right and up.

Editing Tools
Text can be edited using the following tools:

• You can cut , copy , or paste selected text, or paste objects from the clipboard
into the Text Editor.

• Click the Insert Symbol button to open the Symbol Properties dialog and add a
symbol to the text block.

• Click the Insert Date/Time button to open the Date/Time Format Builder dialog and
enter a date and/or time format. The current date and/or time will be updated and displayed
in the project every time the Strater project is redrawn.

• Click Insert Template button to open the Template Library dialog and enter equations
based on a template.

• You can undo and redo actions.

• You can magnify text in the Text Editor by entering a new number in the Zoom box. By
default, the text is zoomed to a reasonable level.
• You can adjust the opacity of the selected text by entering a new number in the Opacity box.
Enter a value between zero (no opacity, full transparency) and 100% (full opacity, no

Click the Background button to open the Background Color dialog to set the background fill
properties for the text object. To edit the background fill for text that already exists, change the
Background and Background Opacity options in the Property Manager on the Font tab.

Set the background color and opacity

in the Background Color dialog.

Backgrounds cannot be added to text labels in a complex text log.

Strater 5 User’s Guide

Text Box Alignment

A reference point is the point clicked on in the view window after clicking the Draw | Shape | Text
command. The text box is horizontally and vertically aligned relative to the reference point. The
default position is that the reference point is at the upper left corner of the bounding box (left, top).
• Right horizontally aligns the text box so that the reference point is to the right of the text
• Left horizontally aligns the text box so that the reference point is to the left of the text box.
• Center horizontally centers the text box on the reference point.
• Bottom vertically aligns the text box so that the reference point is below the text box.
• Top vertically aligns the text box so that the reference point is above the text box.
• Baseline vertically aligns the text box so that the reference point is located at the base of the
text. The baseline is the imaginary line along which characters are positioned as they are
drawn. Descenders on characters are drawn below the baseline.
To edit the alignment for text that already exists, change the Horizontal Alignment and Vertical
Alignment options in the Property Manager on the Font tab.

The text box alignment cannot be changed for text labels in a complex text log.

Resize the Text Editor

To make the Text Editor larger or smaller, click and drag on the lower left corner of the dialog.
When the dialog is the desired size, release the mouse button.

OK or Cancel
Click the OK button to save your changes and close the Text Editor. Click the Cancel button to exit
the Text Editor without saving your changes.

Font Properties
Font properties can be changed for most text objects, including labels. The Font page is displayed
in the Property Manager for text objects. Use the following options to change the text values.

Click on the Font tab in the Property Manager

to set the text and font properties for drawn text.

Chapter 23 - Drawing Objects

Text Properties
Click the next to Text to open the Text section. You can set the text that appears by highlighting
the existing text next to Text and typing the desired text. The ENTER key on the keyboard can be
used to create multiple lines of text. Click anywhere else in the Property Manager for the change
to be displayed in the view window.

For text that uses different font properties for some characters, click the button next to Text.
The Text Editor opens, allowing each character to have different properties.

Font Properties
When an object has the Text section, the changes made in the Font section are considered the
baseline text properties and are applied to each line of a text block. Changes made here override
"normal" font options in the Text Editor. To have all text the same, click the button. Highlight
all the text and set all the properties in the Text Editor, as desired. Then, the changes in the Font
section will apply to all text in the text object.

For example, suppose you type the following in the Text Editor. After typing the text, you have
highlighted the first line and made the color red and font Cambria.

After clicking OK in the Text Editor, the following appears in the Text section of the Property
Manager: Log Item Name\n \black \f"Arial" Log Item Description. The two lines of text would
appear in the view window as:

Now, in the Property Manager in the Font section, set the Font to "Calibri", the Foreground Color
to Blue, and set the Bold and Italic to Yes. Because the second line contains a font name and color,
the font and color will not change. But, the first line will change to blue and Calibri.

Strater 5 User’s Guide

If the second line of text should remain without any text embellishments, such as bold or italics, in
the Property Manager, click before the Log Item Description text and add a \plain math text
option. This does not control the font name and color, so they will change. The Text field in the
Property Manager would appear as: Log Item Name\n \black \f"Arial" \plain Log Item Description

And, the text would appear in the view window as:

Use the Font option to change the font for the text. All TrueType fonts are listed in the font list. to
change the font, click on the existing option and select the desired font from the list.

Size (Points)

Set the text size in the Size (points) field by scrolling to a new number using the or by
highlighting the existing value and typing a number into the box. Sizes are in points.

Foreground Color
Change the Foreground Color of the text by clicking on the color box. Select a new color by clicking
on a color in the color palette. You can create new colors by clicking the Custom button at the
bottom of the color palette.

Foreground Opacity
Use the Foreground Opacity to change the opacity of the text. 0% is completely transparent and
100% is completely opaque. To change the value, highlight the existing value and type a new value
or click the to increase or decrease the value.

Use Background to change the color fill of a background rectangle that surrounds the text. Click the
color box and select from the palette or click Custom to select a custom color.

Background Opacity
Use Background Opacity to change the opacity of the background. 0% is completely transparent
and 100% is completely opaque. To change the value, highlight the existing value and type a new
value or click the to increase or decrease the value.

In most places text options will appear in the Property Manager. In these case, check the box
next to the Bold, Italic, Underline, and Strikethrough options to apply one or more of those text
styles. Note that some typefaces, such as Symbol, do not support bold or italicized text.

Chapter 23 - Drawing Objects

Horizontal Alignment
Use Horizontal Alignment to place text horizontally in the selected object.
• Left horizontally aligns the text box so that the reference point is to the left of the text box.
• Center horizontally centers the text box on the reference point.
• Right horizontally aligns the text box so that the reference point is to the right of the text

Vertical Alignment
Use Vertical Alignment to place default text vertically in the selected object. The reference point for
alignment is the exact center of the object.
• Top vertically aligns the text box so that the reference point is above the text box.
• Center vertically centers the text box on the reference point.
• Baseline vertically aligns the text box so that the reference point is located at the base of the
text. The baseline is the imaginary line along which characters are positioned as they are
drawn. Descenders on characters are drawn below the baseline.
• Bottom vertically aligns the text box so that the reference point is below the text box.

Symbol Properties Dialog

The Symbol Properties can be used to insert symbols from any font into a text block in the Text
Editor or change for selected objects in the text template.

You can set default symbol properties through the File | Options command. In the Options
dialog, scroll down to the Symbol section to access these defaults. Changes made in the Options
dialog affect all subsequent documents. Custom symbols can be created using a third party
TrueType font editing software.

Specify a Symbol Set and Symbol

in the Symbol Properties dialog.

Symbol Set
The Symbol Set displays all the fonts installed on the computer. Click on the symbol set name and
then you can choose a new font from the list.

Strater 5 User’s Guide

Click on the displayed symbol to choose a Symbol from the symbol palette. The number of the
selected symbol is indicated in the title bar above the palette and adjacent to the symbol in the
Property Manager. Add 32 if you are using font sets or TrueType symbols, such as GSI Default

The symbol index is the symbol or glyph number as it appears in the title bar above the palette and
adjacent to the symbol in the Property Manager.

Text Editor Template Library

You can use text templates from the Template Library to add equation formats into the Text

Template Library Dialog

Click the button in the Text Editor dialog to open the Template Library dialog.

Use the Template Library to insert templates that

can be used to input equations into the Text Editor.

Use the up and down buttons at the left side of the screen to reposition a selected template in the

Click the New button to create a new template. The Symbol Properties dialog opens. Select a
base symbol, click OK, and the Create\Edit Template dialog appears.

Click the Edit button to edit the selected template in the Create\Edit Template dialog.

Chapter 23 - Drawing Objects

Click the Copy button to duplicate the selected template. The copied template is automatically
pasted at the end of the template library.

Click the Delete button to delete a template.

Click the Import button to use a different Golden Software template library file [.LBT].

Click the Insert button to insert a template into the Text Editor.

Click the Close button to close the template library without inserting a template into the Text

For example, to use the Template Library to create an image of the square root of a number:
1. Click the Draw | Shape | Text command.
2. Click on the view window where you want the text to be displayed.

3. In the Text Editor dialog, click the button.

4. In the Template Library dialog, select the template and click the Insert

5. In the Text Editor, the template is inserted as . Enter the numeric value, for example

the number nine, and click OK to display the in the view window.

Text Editor Test Template

Click Test in the Create/Edit Template dialog to see what the final template will look like without
the string and line symbols.

The Test Template dialog displays the final template.

Strater 5 User’s Guide

Text Editor Create/Edit Template

To add custom templates to the Text Editor's template library, click the New button in the
Template Library dialog. To edit an existing template, select the template and click the Edit

If you are creating a new template select a symbol and click the OK button before the Create/Edit
Template dialog opens.

Use the Create/Edit Template dialog to create new templates

or edit existing templates from the template library.

Arrow Buttons
Click the arrow buttons on the left and top sides of the dialog to position a string or a line. The
numbers at the edge of the arrow buttons show the string location.

Add String
Click the Add String button to add a text string box. Text string boxes in the templates allow
numbers or letters to be entered into the template in the Text Editor.

Add Line
Click the Add Line button to add a line to the template.

Select a text string (#) and click the Font button to open the Text Properties dialog and set the
properties of the text string.

Chapter 23 - Drawing Objects

Set the properties of the text string in the Text Properties dialog.

Select a text string or a line, and then click the Delete button to remove it from the template.

String Alignment
Once a text string is created (#), you can set the String Alignment of the entered text. Text is
entered after the template has been inserted into the text editor. Refer to the Text Box Alignment
section of the Text Editor topic for more information on alignment.

Line Alignment
You can set the Line Alignment to extend to the right, left, top, or bottom of the marker by
selecting a line and clicking one of the Line Alignment buttons. The line length depends on the
bounding box size.

Use the Line Alignment buttons to

determine how lines are drawn.

Main Symbol
Click the Main Symbol button open the Symbol Properties dialog and change the main symbol
appearing in the template.

To delete the main symbol, click the Main Symbol button to open the Symbol Properties dialog.
Choose an empty symbol box, such as symbol number zero.

Click the Test button to open the Test Template dialog and see how the template will appear in
the Text Editor.
2. Use the Symbol Set drop-down menu to select a set of symbols or text.
3. Highlight the desired symbol and click OK. The Create/Edit Template dialog opens.
4. Use the following instructions with the Create/Edit Template dialog.

Strater 5 User’s Guide

Text Properties
In the Create/Edit Template dialog, click the Font button to open the Text Properties dialog.
Set the font attributes for the string.

The Text Properties dialog allows you to set the

text attributes for the template text string.

Text Editor Template Editor Example

When entering complex equations in a text box, it is sometimes necessary to create one or more
templates to create the equation. When the templates are created they can be inserted into the
text box. Templates can be imbedded within other templates. The following example contains two
templates: a square root template and a division template.

Example 1 - Square Root Template

This example creates a square root template that will be used in the second example.
1. In the borehole view, map view, or cross section view, click the Draw | Shape | Text
2. Click on the screen where the text should be located and the Text Editor opens.

3. Click the button in the Text Editor to open the Template Library dialog.
4. Click New in the Template Library dialog. The Symbol Properties dialog opens.
5. In the Symbol Properties dialog, scroll down and select the square root symbol and click
OK. (The square root symbol is number 182 near the bottom of the Symbol set.)
6. The Create/Edit Template dialog opens with the square root symbol in the center of the
main window. Click Add String in the Create/Edit Template dialog and a pound symbol

Chapter 23 - Drawing Objects

Clicking the Add String button creates a pound symbol.

7. Set the Horizontal String Alignment to Left so the top line will grow with the text entered into
the box.
8. Use the arrow buttons on the left and top sides of the dialog to position the string to the
right of the square root sign.

Use the up/down and left/right arrows to move the

pound sign to the right of the square root symbol.

9. Click Add Line.

10. Click Extend Right in the Line Alignment group box.

11. Use the up/down and left/right arrow buttons to position the line above the string and to the
upper right side of the square root sign.

Strater 5 User’s Guide

Position the line so it is next to the square root symbol.

12. Click Test to view the final template. Click Close in the Test Template dialog.
13. Click OK to add this template to the template library. Leave the Template Library dialog
open for the next example.

Example 2 - Division Template

This example uses the square root template created in the first example.
1. Click New in the Template Library dialog.
2. In the Symbol Properties dialog, Select empty symbol for the main symbol and click OK .
The empty symbol is the first symbol ( number zero) in the Symbol set.
3. Click Add Line in the Create/Edit Template dialog.

4. Click Extend Right in the Line Alignment group box.

5. Click Add String .
6. Use the up/down and left/right arrow buttons to position the string above the line, and to the
right of the line symbol.
7. Click Add String again.
8. Use the up/down and left/right arrow buttons to position the second string below and to the
right of the line symbol.

The two string symbols appear to the upper

right and lower right of the line symbol.

Chapter 23 - Drawing Objects

9. Click Test to view the template. Click Close in the Test Template dialog.
10. Click OK to add this template to the template library. Leave the Template Library dialog
open for the next example.

Using Multiple Templates

Once these templates have been created, they can be inserted into the Text Editor. Templates can
be inserted into other templates.

To create the dividing/square root equation:

1. If the template library is not open, in the Text Editor click the button to open the
Template Library.
2. Highlight the new square root template in the Template Library, and click Insert.
3. You will be asked to save the changes in the template library. Click Yes. The square root
symbol appears in the Text Editor.
4. You may want to make the symbol larger. Adjust the Zoom of the image with the zoom up
5. Click inside the text box underneath the square root sign.

6. Click to open the Template Library.

7. Click the newly created division template in the Template Library and click Insert.
8. The division template is inserted under the square root sign.
9. Click in the numerator box and type the letter X.
10. Click in the denominator box and type the number 2.
Once the text is entered into the templates the substrings (added lines or added symbols) can be
moved around. For example, the top line on the square root symbol may not quite touch the square
root. Select the line by clicking just to the left of the line where the pound sign (#) would be in the
Create/Edit Template dialog. Use the Sub Position boxes in the Text Editor to move the line

Linked Text
Linked text is text that is connected to information in a table or a view property. This text changes
automatically if changes are made to the table or view settings.

Click the Draw | Shape | Linked Text command to create linked text in any view window. The
typeface, size, style, alignment, opacity, and color can be set for text blocks.

Linked Text Properties

Linked text contain two types of properties: linked text properties and label properties. You can
change these properties in the Property Manager.

Drawing Linked Text

To create linked text:
1. Click the Draw | Shape | Linked Text command.
2. Click where you want text to appear in a view window. The words Linked Text appear as a
place holder if you are in design mode. If you are in active mode, the borehole name appears
if a borehole ID has been set in the Hole ID Filter option. Otherwise, -Empty- appears.
3. Press ESC on the keyboard to end drawing mode.
4. Click on the linked text in the view window or Object Manager to select it.
5. Set the linked text properties in the Property Manager to define the text information and

Strater 5 User’s Guide

Math Text and Linked Text

Math text can be used to alter the appearance or add mathematical concepts or symbols to linked
text. The Linked text type must be set to Column, Column Description, or Column Units to use
math text instructions with the linked text. See Math Text Instructions for detailed information.

Linked Text and Multiple Boreholes

Because linked text can only be associated with a single borehole ID, when there are multiple
boreholes in a view window, linked text should be used carefully. The last borehole to be used
before multiple boreholes were shown is the borehole that is used for linked text.

When there are multiple boreholes in a view window:

• The Hole ID should not be used with linked text because only one borehole ID can be
associated with linked text in a borehole view, regardless of the number of borehole IDs in
the view.
• The Column option should only be used if the column data is the same for all boreholes in
the view. Because of this, it is irrelevant which borehole the linked text is associated with,
because the column information is identical. In circumstances where you want column
information in text boxes to vary based upon different borehole IDs it is recommended to use
simple text boxes and cut/paste the desired information into the boxes.

In general, using linked text boxes with multiple boreholes works well when Current Page, Current
Page Of Total Pages, Total Pages, Column Description, and Column Units are the selected Linked
Text Type because this information is the same regardless of the borehole.

Linked Text Tips

• Set the Log Display Mode to Page View in the Borehole View Properties to show the
current page and the total number of pages.
• The page size is determined by your printer settings. Use File | Page Setup to set page
• Default text properties are set with the File | Options command.

Linked Text Properties

Linked text properties can be changed for all linked text objects. Use the following options to
change the linked text values.

Chapter 23 - Drawing Objects

The Linked Text tab contains options

for setting the linked text properties.

Linked Text Type

The Linked Text Type list contains the types of linking available for each linked text object.
Available options are Hole ID, Column, Column Description, Column Units, Current Page, Current
Page Of Total Pages, and Total Pages options. To change the type, click on the existing option.
Select the desired option from the list.

• The Hole ID is the borehole name defined in the borehole view properties. Note: This option
should not be used if there are multiple boreholes represented in the current borehole view.
• The Column option shows information from a table. When the Linked Text Type is set to
Column, select a table from the Linked Text Table and select a Data Column to display. The
table type can be a text, collars, or project settings data table.
• Column Description shows the table column description. You can enter or edit the column
descriptions with Table | Table | Column Properties command in the data table view.
• Column Units shows the table column units description. You can enter or edit the column
units with Table | Table | Column Properties command in the data table view.
• Current Page shows the current page number in a multi-page log.
• Current Page Of Total Pages shows the current page number, the word of, and the total
number of pages in a multi-page log.
• Total Pages shows the total number of pages in a multi-log page.

Linked Text Table

If the Linked Text Type is set to Column, Column Description, or Column Units, the Linked Text
Table option is available. This is the table in the project that contains the text that should be
displayed. Only collars, text item, and project settings table types can be selected. The text item
and collars tables must contain a Hole ID. The project settings table does not require a Hole ID.

Data Column
If the Linked Text Type is set to Column, Column Description, or Column Units the Data Column
option is available. This is the column in the Linked Text Table that contains the text that should be
displayed. Any defined column can be used from a collars, text item, or project settings table. For
text item and collars tables, the first row with the defined borehole ID is used.

Strater 5 User’s Guide

Hole ID Filter
The Hole ID filter property is used to override the hole ID selected in the borehole view properties.
The Hole ID filter is also used to specify the borehole for the linked text when multiple boreholes
are displayed in the log, i.e. the borehole view properties Hole ID filter is set to -Multi-. When a
hole ID is specified in the Hole ID filter field, the linked text always displays the text from the
selected hole ID. Setting the Hole ID filter to a specific hole ID makes the linked text object behave
as a static text object. To always display the text for a specific hole ID, click the current selection in
the Hole ID filter list and select the desired hole ID. To make the linked text change with the
borehole view hole ID, set the Hole ID filter to -Empty-.

The Hole ID filter value is -Empty- by default. When the Hole ID filter is set to -Empty-, the linked
text uses the hole ID selected in the borehole view properties. When the Hole ID filter is set to -
Empty- and the borehole view contains logs from multiple hole IDs, the linked text displays the text
from the last unique hole ID used by the borehole view properties. When loading a template, the
Hole ID filter is set to -Empty- for all linked text objects.

The linked text Hole ID filter property is ignored when you use the Export Multiple Logs or Print
Multiple Logs command. The linked text object will display the text from each of the hole IDs
selected for export or printing. If you wish to use the Export Multiple Logs or Print Multiple
Logs command and have the text stay the same for all of the output logs, consider using a Text
object instead.

If the Linked text table does not contain hole IDs, the Hole ID filter property is disabled.

Wrap Text
Check the box next to Wrap Text to wrap long linked text objects onto multiple lines. After checking
the box, set the Wrap Width option to set the length each line should appear. This value is
approximate, as some wide characters may cause the value to increase/decrease slightly.

To set the Wrap Width, highlight the existing value and type the new value. Alternatively, click the

button to the right of the value to increase or decrease the width. Press ENTER to make the
width change. The value is in page units and must be between 0.1 and 10 inches (0.254 and 25.4

If line breaks should occur between words, check the box next to Keep Whole Word When Possible.

Linked Text and Multiple Boreholes

Because linked text can only be associated with a single borehole ID, when there are multiple
boreholes in a view window, linked text should be used carefully. The last borehole to be used
before multiple boreholes were shown is the borehole that is used for linked text.

When there are multiple boreholes in a view window:

• The Hole ID should not be used with linked text because only one borehole ID can be
associated with linked text in a borehole view, regardless of the number of borehole IDs in
the view.
• The Column option should only be used if the column data is the same for all boreholes in
the view. Because of this, it is irrelevant which borehole the linked text is associated with,
because the column information is identical. In circumstances where you want column
information in text boxes to vary based upon different borehole IDs, it is recommended to
use simple text boxes and cut/paste the desired information into the boxes.

Chapter 23 - Drawing Objects

In general, using linked text boxes with multiple boreholes works well when Current Page, Current
Page Of Total Pages, Total Pages, Column Description, and Column Units are the selected Linked
Text Type because this information is the same regardless of the borehole.

Linked Text - Label Properties

Linked text properties can be changed for all linked text objects. Use the following options to
change the linked text values.

Set the linked text format and

font properties on the Label tab.

Click the next to Format to set the label format options for the linked text object. The Prefix and
Suffix and numeric format display are set in the Format section.

Click in the box next to Prefix to type the prefix for the linked text. Prefix adds text before the
linked text. For example, if the Linked Text Type is set to Hole ID, a Prefix that contains Borehole
ID: may be added to the text. If the borehole ID is set to DH-1, the linked text would show
Borehole ID: DH-1.

Click in the box next to Suffix to type the suffix for the linked text. Suffix adds text after the linked
text. For example, if the Linked Text Type is set to Total Pages, a Suffix that contains Pages may be
added to the text. If there were 14 pages, the linked text would show 14 Pages.

Click the next to Font to set the font properties for the linked text object.

Create Multiple Lines in Linked Text

To create multiple lines in linked text, math text commands need to be incorporated into the table
entry that is linked to the text.

Strater 5 User’s Guide

The commands of interest are:

\sp1 = this remembers the location of the character immediately following the \sp1 command.
\rp1 = this returns to the space remembered with the \sp1 command
\dn100 = this lowers the text by 100% of the current font size
\up100 = this raises the text by 100% of the current font size

The important thing to remember with math text is to always include a space after the command.
So, \sp1 is actually typed in as "\sp1 ", without the quote marks.

An example line of text that might appear in the table is:

\sp1 Here is a multiple line \rp1 \dn100 text field that uses \rp1 \dn200 linked text from a

The corresponding linked text in the borehole view will be on 3 lines:

Here is a multiple line
text field that uses
linked text from a worksheet

Click the Draw | Tools | Reshape command to move, add, or delete vertices from polylines and
polygons. The Draw | Tools | Reshape command is also used to edit cross section connections.

Entering the Reshape Mode

Click on the polyline, polygon, or cross section layers either in the Object Manager or the view
window to select the object. Click the Draw | Tools | Reshape command or right-click on the
object and choose Reshape to enter the reshape mode. After selecting Reshape, the cursor
changes to to indicate reshape mode. For a cross section, click on the layer name in the Object
Manager or in the cross section view window and click the Draw | Tools | Reshape command to
edit a specific layer. The object's vertices appear as hollow blue squares. Reshape mode is
persistent and you can reshape multiple items until you exit the reshape mode. After you reshape
an object, select another object to reshape or exit reshape mode.

When Reshape is activated the lines of the

object turns blue, with blue squares for vertices.

Exiting the Reshape Mode

To exit reshape mode and save the changes made to the object, press ENTER on the keyboard,
press ESC on the keyboard, select another command or toolbar button, or double-click in the white
space in the view window.

Selecting Vertices
• Left-click on a vertex to select it. The selected vertex is indicated by a solid cyan square.
• To select the first vertex, press the HOME key. To select the last vertex, press the END key.

Chapter 23 - Drawing Objects

• To shift the selected vertices forward by one position, press the TAB key. To shift the
selected vertices backward by one position, hold the SHIFT key and press the TAB key.
• Hovering the mouse over an unselected vertex will display a grey highlight around the vertex
indicating it may be selected or dragged.

• The cursor will change to when it is over a vertex to indicate the vertex may be selected
or dragged.

A selected vertex
turns cyan.
Deselecting Vertices
All vertices can be deselected by clicking in an unused space in the view window.

Moving Vertices

When a vertex is selected and the cursor displays as , hold the left mouse button down and
drag the vertex to a new location. As the vertex is dragged its prior position is still visible as a cyan
square. The location of the former line segments are displayed in yellow, and the current location
of the line segments is displayed in black. Release the left mouse button to place the vertex in the
new location. Alternatively, place the cursor over the vertex, hold the SPACEBAR, and use the
ARROW keys on the keyboard to move the vertex to a new location.

Click on a vertex and drag it to the new location. Release the mouse button and the vertex is

Undo Moving Vertices

Each individual edit can be undone using the Home | Undo | Undo command.

Adding Vertices

To enter insert mode, hold down the CTRL key. The cursor will change to . Left-click anywhere
in the view window, or on the existing object and a new node will be added at that location to the
closes point on the existing object.

Deleting Vertices
To delete a vertex, select the vertex and press the DELETE key on the keyboard.

Unlinking Vertices
If two or more vertices are linked together, you can unlink them by pressing the SHIFT key on the
keyboard, selecting one vertex and moving it to a new location.

Strater 5 User’s Guide

Linking Vertices
If two or more vertices should be linked together, you can press the SHIFT and ALT keys on the
keyboard. Then, click on the first vertex and drag it near the other vertex. The point will snap to
the nearby point.

While in reshape mode you can move the page by holding down the left mouse button in an area
where there are no vertices and dragging the mouse.

Status Bar
When the reshape tool is active, the status bar displays tips on reshaping objects on the far left
side. The fourth section indicates how far the selected vertex has been moved.

The far left side of the status bar shows tips on how to reshape items. The fourth section shows
how far the vertex has been moved (4.50 inches to the right in the X direction and 4.62 inches
down in the Y direction).

To Reshape a Polyline or Polygon

To edit a polyline or polygon:
1. Click on the polyline or polygon in the view window or Object Manager to select it.
2. Click the Draw | Tools | Reshape command.
3. The cursor changes to and all the vertices in the selected polyline or polygon appear as
small hollow squares.
4. To move a vertex, left-click on the vertex with the mouse and drag it to a new location.
5. To add a vertex, hold down the CTRL key and click the area on the polygon or polyline where
the point should be added.
6. To delete a vertex, click on the vertex to delete and press the DELETE key on the keyboard.
7. After reshaping the object, press the ENTER or ESC key to exit edit mode.

To Edit a Cross Section Layer

Cross section layers can be edited with the Draw | Tools | Reshape command. To enter the
reshape mode, click on any of the layers in the cross section view window or click on the specific
layer to edit in the Object Manager. Click the Draw | Tools | Reshape command to enter
reshape mode. To change the shape of the layer:
1. Click on any of the vertices, indicated by the hollow blue squares.
2. Hold down the left mouse button and drag the vertex to the new location.
3. If the vertex is shared between different layers and you only want to move it for one layer,
press and hold the SHIFT key on the keyboard. Click on the vertex and drag it to the desired
location. The vertex only moves for the selected layer. This is very useful for pinchouts that
4. If a vertex should be shared between different layers, press and hold the SHIFT and ALT
keys on the keyboard. Click on the vertex and drag it near the other vertex. The vertices will
snap together and be linked.
5. To add a vertex, hold down the CTRL key on the keyboard and click the area on the layer to
add the point.
6. To delete a vertex, click on the vertex and press the DELETE key on the keyboard.
7. To snap a vertex to the closest point of another layer, click on the vertex. Hold the left
mouse button down and begin moving the vertex. Press the ALT key on the keyboard and
the vertex snaps to the closest point of the layer nearest the cursor.
8. After reshaping the layer, click on another layer to select it.
9. Press ESC on the keyboard or click on Cross Section, Logs, or Layers object in the Object
Manager to end reshape mode.

Chapter 23 - Drawing Objects

Break Apart
The Draw | Tools | Break Apart command is used to separate a metafile into its component
parts. The Break Apart command allows you to manipulate a .WMF or an .EMF object if the Break
apart metafile option in the Windows Enhanced Metafile Import Options dialog or Clipboard
Formats dialog was not selected. After selecting Draw | Tools | Break Apart the image is
represented as a group of drawn objects, such as polylines, polygons, points, and text. The Break
Apart command is also available by right-clicking the metafile and selecting Break Apart

Common Properties
Strater allows you to make object properties transparent in percentage increments of opacity from
0% to 100%. An opacity value of 0% is completely transparent and 100% opacity is completely

Transparency is available for the following properties: Fill, Line, Font and Symbol.

What is Opacity?
Opacity allows you to overlap and ‘see through’ multiple objects simultaneously. For example, you
can display a zone bar log and a lithologic log superimposed on each other. If you add the
appropriate legends the result can look like the following:

Two logs can appear superimposed

over each other when you change
the opacity of their properties.

Changing the Opacity of a Property

For log objects whose properties are based on schemes, you must change the opacity property of
each item in the applied scheme.

Strater 5 User’s Guide

In this example we will use the file Example Logs.sdg, which is located in the Samples folder in the
Strater installation directory. The standard default directory path is C:\Program Files\Golden
Software\Strater 5\Samples.

Fill Opacity
This is a common opacity function, and is used in the sample image above.
1. With an open project that contains a log with fill, such as a zone bar log or lithology log,
select the log in the log pane. In the sample file Example Logs.sdg click on the Lithology log
in the Object Manager or view window.
2. In the Property Manager click the Log tab.
3. Locate the name of the Lithology scheme. In this example the scheme is Lithology Keyword:

Locate the scheme of the current object to change

the opacity properties of each item in the scheme.

4. Click the Home | Display | Scheme Editor command or click on the name of the scheme
and click the button. The Scheme Editor opens.
5. Locate and click the scheme name found in the Scheme Editor. Make sure you are selecting
the correct scheme; in this example below there are two schemes named Lithology Keyword
but one is in the Keyword scheme category and the other, the one we want, is in the
Lithology Keyword scheme category.
6. Select the first item in the scheme, Jasperoid in this example. The item's properties appear
on the right side of the Scheme Editor.

Chapter 23 - Drawing Objects

Selecting a scheme item opens the properties for that item; in this example the properties for
the scheme item Jasperoid are displayed.

7. Under Fill Properties, select the Opacity field and change its opacity value. In this example
we are changing the opacity value to30%. If the selected fill style has both a
Foreground color and Background color you must change both the Foreground opacity and
Background opacity. Stock fill style layers have both a Foreground opacity and Background
opacity. Some Image fill style layers have both opacities, but most only have an Opacity
property. The opacity for a Gradient fill style layer is set in the Colormap Editor.

The Basalt scheme item uses a Stock layer fill

The Jasperoid scheme item uses a Solid layer
style and has both the Foreground opacity and
fill style and has only an Opacity property.
Background opacity properties.

8. Click Apply.
9. Select the next item in the Scheme Editor and repeat the process of changing the Opacity
or both the Foreground opacity property and Background opacity depending on the fill style.
10. When the opacity property for all items in the scheme have been modified, click OK in the
Scheme Editor.

Strater 5 User’s Guide

11. To verify that the opacity of the log is acceptable, click on the log and drag it so that
overlaps another log. If the log moves beneath the other log, click the Arrange | Move | To
Front command.

This is a lithology log with 30% opacity

overlapping a percentage log.
13. It is possible that the first opacity value that is entered is not the best value for the desired
result. Repeat the above steps to modify the percentage of opacity to give the most
satisfying result.

Text, Line, and Symbol Properties Opacity

To change the opacity of the text, line, and symbol properties follow the same instructions as for
the fill pattern. For example, to change the opacity of symbols (in this example, the Class Post
Log 1 in the file Example Logs.sdg) you:
1. Select the object.
2. Locate the range scheme name used by the object in the Property Manager.
3. Click the Home | Display | Scheme Editor command or click on the name of the scheme
and click the button. The Scheme Editor dialog opens.
4. Expand the desired scheme.
5. Select the desired scheme item.
6. Locate the Symbols Properties section on the right side of the Scheme Editor.
7. Change the Fill opacity and Line opacity to the desired level and click Apply.
8. Make any further changes, and click OK to close the Scheme Editor.
9. Click on the object and move it over another object to verify the opacity change.
Use the same instructions above for Font and Line opacity properties.

Opacity for Objects without a Scheme

Some objects, such as line/symbol logs, do not have schemes. For these objects the opacity fields
are located in the Property Manager Line, Fill, Symbol, and Font sections rather than the Scheme

Color Palette
Change the color by selecting from the color palette.

Chapter 23 - Drawing Objects

The Color Palette includes

multiple predefined colors and
a link to a custom color tool.

• The name of the currently highlighted color appears at the top of the palette.
• Select a color from the palette by clicking on a color.
• Create new colors by clicking Custom at the bottom of the color palette or by clicking the
button in the Property Manager.

Custom Colors

Click the Custom button at the bottom of the color palette to select from more colors and create
new colors. You can add colors to the palette, remove colors from the palette, or replace existing
colors in the palette.

The Colors dialog consists of two tabbed pages, Standard and Custom.

Standard Tab
The Standard tab is open when the Custom button is selected.

Use the Standard tab's palette and selector to choose

any color that currently appears on your monitor.

Strater 5 User’s Guide

Move the cursor to the desired color in the expanded palette and click to select. The selected color
appears in the New section on the right. Click OK to make the selection.

To select a specific color anywhere on your screen, click Select. An eyedropper cursor appears.
Move this cursor to anywhere on your screen (even beyond the Colors dialog or the Strater
program). Click the mouse button when the eyedropper tip is touching the desired color. The
selected color appears in the New section.

Custom Tab
Click the Custom tab to create a specific RGB or Hue/Saturation/Luminosity-based color.

Create a custom color from one of over 16 million possible colors.

There are four methods for selecting a color in the custom page.
• Hue/Saturation/Luminosity: Use the arrows or type in the values for a particular color's hue,
saturation, and luminosity.
• Red/Green/Blue: Use the arrows or type in the RGB values.
• Palette Window: Click inside the colors pane to display a vertical array of colors to the right
of the pane. Click the desired color in the vertical array.
• To select a specific color anywhere on your screen, click the Select button. An eyedropper
cursor appears. Move this cursor to anywhere on your screen (even beyond the Colors
dialog or the Strater program). Click the mouse button when the eyedropper tip is touching
the desired color. The selected color appears in the New section.
When any of these methods is used the new color appears as the New color. Click OK to select the
new color.

Chapter 23 - Drawing Objects

Colormap Editor
The Colormap Editor is used to assign either preset or custom color spectrums to a gradient fill.

A colormap has specific colors assigned to nodes along the displayed color spectrum. Strater
automatically blends colors between the nodes to produce a smooth color gradation over the fill.
After you create a colormap, you can save the spectrum as a .CLR file for later use with other fills.
Several predefined colormaps are available in the fill properties menu and in the Presets field in
this dialog.

The Presets drop-down menu allows you to select a predefined gradient fill. Custom colormaps
cannot be added to the preset drop-down list. Presets can be the basis for custom .CLR files, but
cannot be changed and saved with the original Preset name. When you make any change to an
existing colormap its name automatically changes in the Preset field to Custom.

Blending Colors
A colormap spectrum consists of start and end Anchor Nodes that are associated with specific
colors. The colormap automatically linearly interprets the two colors in a seamless transition from
the first color to the last color. In addition, you can add multiple anchor nodes to any position in the
spectrum and assign different colors to each node. In all cases the nodes indicate the point where
color transitions begin between the nodes on each side of the new node.

The Value displays the numerical location of the selected node on line, which always begins with the
left-most node at 0.00 and the right-most node at 1.00.The numbers for these end nodes cannot be
changed. Accurately reposition the selected node by entering a new number in the Value box.

An Anchor Node is a point on the colormap spectrum that indicates a location where there is a
specified color. In the above example the cursor was placed on the green node and highlighted.
The Color field indicates the current color associated with the selected node. The Value field lists the
location of the node on the colormap line, in which the 0 point is the left-most node and 1.00 is the
right-most node.

Strater 5 User’s Guide

Adding a Node
To add an anchor node, left-click below or on the colormap where you want the new node added.
The new anchor is automatically assigned a color in the color palette, and the value is displayed in
the Value field. In the above example, the green node is at the .4000000596 point of the line
between the start 0.0 point and the end 1.0 point (or a bit over 40%). You can add as many anchor
nodes as you want. This lets you blend colors in many different ways on the colormap.

Editing a Node
Highlight an existing node to edit its color or location. When highlighted you can change its
associated color by clicking inside the Color box and using the Color Palette to select a new color.
To change its location on the colormap spectrum either drag it to its new location or click inside the
Value field and enter the specific numerical location in the colormap spectrum.

When any change is made to an anchor node's location or color the name of the colormap changes
to Custom.

Deleting a Node
To delete an existing node, select the node and press the DELETE key on the keyboard. Nodes can
also be dragged outside the top or bottom of the dialog to remove it from the spectrum. The first
(far left) and last (far right) anchor nodes cannot be deleted.

Loading a Preset Colormap

Click Load to open the Open dialog where you can select an existing colormap file .CLR. Double-
click the file you want to use with the current fill property, and the colormap is updated to show the
colormap file settings.

Saving a Colormap
Click Save in the Colormap dialog to open the Save As dialog where you can create a colormap
file .CLR based on the current colormap settings. Type the file name for the colormap file and click
Save. The file is saved for use with other data files.

Reversing a Colormap
The Reverse button flips the order of colors in the colormap so that colors currently associated with
low data values will be mapped to high values and colors currently associated with high values will
be mapped to low values. The sample colormap updates to show the new color order.

Scroll Control
The scroll control is a horizontal bar with draggable end handles. Use the scroll control to zoom into
an area of the colormap spectrum for more precise editing:

Drag a handle left or right to zoom the colormap in or out. Drag the center section to scroll the
visible portion left or right. Double-click the center section to return it to the fully visible state.

Changing the Opacity

Change the Opacity of a node by selecting the node and entering a value from 0% (completely
transparent) to 100% (completely opaque), using the arrow buttons to the right of the box, or
dragging the slider to change the opacity percentage. Uncheck the Apply opacity to ALL nodes
check box if you wish to change the opacity for only one node.

Chapter 23 - Drawing Objects

When Opacity is assigned to the spectrum its appearance changes. In the following example the
purple, green, and orange nodes were assigned opacity of 62% and the blue, yellow, and red nodes
were 100% opaque:

You can adjust the opacity of a colormap

spectrum to all nodes or to individual nodes.

Changing the Opacity of All Nodes

Click Apply Opacity to ALL nodes to change the opacity for all nodes. Un-check Apply opacity to ALL
nodes to change individual node opacity.

Colormap Data Range

The Data to Color Mapping group contains options for setting the minimum and maximum data
values to use in the colormap.

Use Data Limits

Check the Use data limits check box to use the data minimum and maximum values.

Colormap Data Minimum and Maximum

If you would prefer to set the colormap minimum and maximum values to other values, enter the
new numbers into the Minimum and Maximum boxes. This is useful when you are plotting different
data sets in a similar range and would like to have the same data values represented by the same
colors each time. If a data value within the log falls outside this range, it is assigned the minimum
or maximum color, whichever is closest.

Logarithmic Scaling
Check the box next to the Logarithmic scaling to set the intervals between the nodes to a log(10)
scale. The Minimum and Maximum values remain the same. The nodes between the minimum and
maximum and the color definitions adjust to fit the log(10) scale. On a log(10) scale, there is as
much distance on the colormap sample between 1 and 10 as between 10 and 100 or 100 and 1000.
To use a regular linear scale on the colormap, uncheck the box next to Logarithmic scaling.

OK and Cancel
When you have made all the edits you want click OK. To exit the Colormap Editor without saving
any changes click Cancel.

Fill Properties
Fill properties can be changed for selected objects. To edit the fill properties, click on the object in
the Object Manager or plot window. The properties are listed in the Property Manager. Default
fill properties are set in the File | Options dialog by clicking on the Fill page.

If the options on the Fill tab are not available, a scheme is likely being used. Uncheck the
appropriate Use Keyword Scheme, Use Range Scheme, or Use Indent Keyword Scheme option to
turn off the display of the scheme properties and set the fill properties on the Fill tab.

Strater 5 User’s Guide

Schemes and Fill Properties

Note that if a scheme is used in a log item, the fill properties will be unavailable on the Fill tab. You
must change the fill properties for the scheme in the Scheme Editor or turn off the display of the

Fill Properties Page

The object's fill is composed of layers of various fill types. All of the predefined fills have only one
layer. Custom fills created with the Fill Style Editor may have multiple layers of any type. Each
layer in the fill style has its own section in the Property Manager. The layers are listed in
descending order, i.e. the topmost layer is listed first, Layer 1 (<type>), followed by additional
layers. The following properties are displayed on the Fill page of the Property Manager.

Only the layer properties displayed in the Property Manager are included in this topic. To see
information about properties that are included in the Fill Style Editor, see the Fill Style Editor
topic. The image layer Load from property and the vector layer drawing area are only available in
the Fill Style Editor.

Log Fill Background

For many of the log objects, the Fill page includes a Fill background check box. If the box next to
Fill background is checked, the background area is filled. If the box next to Fill background is
unchecked, the background is not filled. To change the Fill background, check or uncheck the box.
The Fill Properties section below the Fill background property controls the background fill.

Legend Fill Background

When a legend is selected, the Fill page contains the fill options for the legend background. The
Frame style on the Line page must be set to Rectangle or Rounded Rectangle for the legend to
display a background fill. When the Frame style is set to None, the background fill is not displayed
regardless of the Fill page settings. If you wish to display a background fill but not a frame line,
then set the Frame style to Rectangle or Rounded Rectangle. Next set Style in the Line Properties
section to Invisible. Finally set the desired background properties on the Fill page.

The Fill page in the Property Manager controls the

fill properties for the selected object.

Chapter 23 - Drawing Objects

Fill Style
The Style indicates the way that an object is filled. To change the Style, click on the existing fill
style next to Style. In the list, select a new style from the fill palette. Create custom fill styles with
the Fill Style Editor. Click the next to the Style field to open the Fill Style Editor to modify or
create a fill style.

Each layer in the selected fill style is displayed in its own section. The layers are listed in order from
top to bottom. The layer name is Layer n (type), where n is the layer position and type is the layer
type. A layer preview is displayed to the right of the layer name. The six layer types are Solid,
Stock, Image, Gradient, Vector, and Line. Click the button to expand the layer properties.

Solid Layer Properties

The properties for a solid layer are Color and Opacity.

Expand a Solid layer to edit the layer's properties.

The Color is the color of the solid fill. Click the existing color sample next to Color to open the color
palette. Click on a color in the palette to use it for the layer's fill color. Click the button to open
the Colors dialog and create custom colors, use the dropper to select a color, or select the color
from a color wheel.

The Opacity controls the transparency of the solid fill style. To change the Opacity, highlight the
existing value and type a new value. Press ENTER on the keyboard to make the change.
Alternatively, click and drag the slider to increase or decrease the opacity value. Opacity
values are between 0% (zero opacity, full transparency) to 100% (full opacity, zero transparency).

Stock Layer Properties

The properties for a stock layer are Pattern, Foreground color, Foreground opacity, Background
color, and Background opacity.

Strater 5 User’s Guide

Expand a Stock layer to edit the layer's properties.

The Pattern indicates the way the stock layer is filled. To change the Pattern, click on the existing
pattern sample next to Pattern. Select a new style from the pattern palette.

Foreground Color
The Foreground color is the color of the pattern. Click the existing color sample next to Foreground
color to open the color palette. Click on a color in the palette to use it for the selected foreground
fill color. Click the button to open the Colors dialog and create custom colors, use the dropper
to select a color, or select the color from a color wheel.

Foreground Opacity
The Foreground opacity controls the transparency of the foreground portion of the pattern. To
change the Foreground opacity, highlight the existing value and type a new value. Press ENTER on
the keyboard to make the change. Alternatively, click and drag the slider to increase or
decrease the opacity value. Opacity values are between 0% (zero opacity, full transparency) to
100% (full opacity, zero transparency).

Background Color
The Background color is the color behind the pattern. Click the existing color sample next to
Background color to open the color palette. Click on a color in the palette to use it for the
background fill color. Click the button to open the Colors dialog and create custom colors.

Background Opacity
The Background opacity controls the transparency of the background portion of the pattern. To
change the Background opacity, highlight the existing value and type a new value. Press ENTER on
the keyboard to make the change. Alternatively, click and drag the slider to increase or

Chapter 23 - Drawing Objects

decrease the opacity value. Opacity values are between 0% (zero opacity, full transparency) to
100% (full opacity, zero transparency).

If the stock layer is above other layers in the fill style, the Background opacity must be less than
100% to see the layers below. To make a fill pattern appear transparent with only the foreground
portion of the fill pattern showing, change the Background Opacity value to 0%.

Image Layer Properties

The properties for an image layer are Pattern, Opacity, Stretch, Image Offset (X and Y), and Image
Scale (X, Y, and Proportional).

Expand an Image layer to edit the layer's properties.

The Pattern property is used to add image layers from predefined or custom image fill styles. To
change the image layer, click the current option for an image layer Pattern and select a predefined
image layer or a custom image layer from the image palette. Only image fills with a single layer are
included in the image palette.

The Opacity controls the transparency of the image fill style. To change the Opacity, highlight the
existing value and type a new value. Press ENTER on the keyboard to make the change.
Alternatively, click and drag the slider to increase or decrease the opacity value. Opacity
values are between 0% (zero opacity, full transparency) to 100% (full opacity, zero transparency).

Strater 5 User’s Guide

The Stretch is used with image patterns. The Stretch determines how the image is used to fill the
desired area. When the Stretch check box is checked, the image is stretched to fit the fill area.
When the Stretch check box is not checked the image is tiled in the fill area.

The image fill on the left has the Stretch box checked. The image on
the right has the Stretch box unchecked.

Image Offset
Offset the image in the fill layer by typing a value in pixels in the X or Y fields in the Image Offset
section. You can also change the X and Y image offset values by clicking the buttons.

Image Scale
The Image Scale properties control the density of the image fill. Change the image scale by typing
a value in the X or Y fields in the Image Scale section. The Image Scale properties are ignored
when the Stretch property is checked. You can also change the X and Y image scale values by
clicking the buttons.

When the Proportional check box is checked, the X and Y values automatically update to maintain
the current aspect ratio. Uncheck the Proportional check box to apply different scaling in the X and
Y directions.

Note that the Proportional property does not lock the X and Y values to any specific aspect ratio but
to whichever ratio is in use when the box is checked. For example, assume you want the X:Y ratio
to be 2:1, but you do not know which Image Scale values are desired. You can uncheck the
Proportional check box. Next set the X value to 2 and the Y value to 1. Check the Proportional
check box. Now when you adjust one of the X or Y values, the other value updates automatically to
maintain the 2:1 ratio.

Gradient Layer Properties

The properties for a gradient layer are Type, Direction, and Colormap.

Chapter 23 - Drawing Objects

Expand a Gradient layer to edit the layer's properties.

The Type controls how a gradient fill pattern is used to fill the selected area. To change the Type,
click on the current type and select the new type in the list. Select Linear or Radial for the Type.
When the Type is set to Linear, a linear color gradient fills the area. The colors change in a linear
manner from the top to the bottom or from the left to the right of the area. When the Type is set to
Radial, a radial color gradient fills the area. The colors change in concentric circles, either
expanding from the interior and going out or from the exterior and going in.

The Radial type is shown on the left and

the Linear type is shown on the right.

The Direction option sets the direction the gradient fills. When the Type is set to Linear, choose
either Vertical or Horizontal for the Direction. The Vertical option sets the gradient to change along
the Y axis. The Horizontal option sets the gradient to change along the X axis. When Radial is
selected as the Type, the Direction options are Inward and Outward. This reverses the color


The Colormap option sets the colors to use in the gradient pattern. Click the button to select or
create a color gradient in the Colormap dialog.

Strater 5 User’s Guide

Vector Layer Properties

The properties for a vector layer are Color and Opacity.

Expand a Vector layer to edit the layer's properties.

The Color is the color of the lines in the vector fill. Click the existing color sample next to Color to
open the color palette. Click on a color in the palette to use it for the layer's line color. Click the
button to open the Colors dialog and create custom colors, use the dropper to select a color, or
select the color from a color wheel.

The Opacity controls the transparency of the lines in the vector fill. To change the Opacity, highlight
the existing value and type a new value. Press ENTER on the keyboard to make the change.
Alternatively, click and drag the slider to increase or decrease the opacity value. Opacity
values are between 0% (zero opacity, full transparency) to 100% (full opacity, zero transparency).

Line Layer Properties

The properties for a Line layer are Color, Opacity, Angle, Offset, Separation, and Width.

Chapter 23 - Drawing Objects

Expand a Line layer to edit the layer's properties.

The Color is the color of the lines in the line fill layer. Click the existing color sample next to Color
to open the color palette. Click on a color in the palette to use it for the layer's line color. Click the
button to open the Colors dialog and create custom colors, use the dropper to select a color, or
select the color from a color wheel.

The Opacity controls the transparency of the lines in the line fill layer. To change the Opacity,
highlight the existing value and type a new value. Press ENTER on the keyboard to make the
change. Alternatively, click and drag the slider to increase or decrease the opacity value.
Opacity values are between 0% (zero opacity, full transparency) to 100% (full opacity, zero

Change the angle of the lines by typing a value in degrees in the Angle field or clicking and
dragging the slider . Positive values rotate the lines clockwise.

Change the vertical offset between the lines and the pattern's origin by typing a value between -
0.25 and 0.25 inches in the Offset field. You can also change the Offset value by clicking the

Strater 5 User’s Guide

Change the separation between the lines by typing a value between 0 and 0.25 inches in the
Separation field. You can also change the Separation value by clicking the buttons.

Change the line Width by highlighting the existing value and typing a new number or by clicking the
to increase or decrease the line width. The line width can be zero to 0.5 inches (1.27 cm) wide.
A width of zero is one pixel wide.

Fill Palette
The fill palette is opened by clicking on the fill style.
• The name of the style appears at the top of the palette.
• Select a style by clicking on it.
• The palette first includes the predefined fill styles sorted by type, and then both predefined
and custom fill styles sorted alphabetically.
• The top of the palette includes predefined styles sorted by type. First are Windows Stock
Patterns. Next are image fill styles. Finally the gradient fill styles are displayed.
• Custom fill styles are only displayed in the section sorted alphabetically.
• Open the Fill Style Editor to load an image from a file or from the clipboard as a fill style

Select the desired fill style from the list.

Fill Style Editor

The Fill Style Editor creates or modifies fill styles. Open the Fill Style Editor by clicking the
button in the fill Style field in the Property Manager or Scheme Editor or by clicking the New
Style or Modify Style buttons in the Fill Style Manager. Fill styles created with the Fill Style
Editor can incorporate multiple Solid, Stock, Image, Gradient, Vector, and Line layers.

Chapter 23 - Drawing Objects

Create and modify fill styles with the Fill Style Editor.

The Fill Style Editor includes a preview image of the fill style. The preview is created from the
visible fill style layers in the Layers section.

The Layers section displays all the layers in the fill style. Click a layer to edit the layer's

Adding and Removing Layers

Click the to add a new layer to the fill style. The selected layer is duplicated when the is
clicked. The new layer appears at the top of the Layers list. Click the to remove the selected
layer from the fill style. Deleting a layer cannot be undone.

Strater 5 User’s Guide

Changing Layer Order

Layers are drawn in order from bottom to top of the Layers list. Therefore the top layer in the
Layers list will be drawn on top of all the other layers. Click the to move the selected layer up
one position in the list. Click the to move the selected layer down one position in the list.

Layer Properties
The right side of the Fill Style Editor contains the layer properties. The displayed properties are
determined by the layer's Fill type. Select Solid, Stock, Image, Gradient, Vector, or Line from the
Fill type list to specify the layer type. Fill styles can include multiple layers of any fill type.

Nearly all of the properties in the Fill Style Editor are displayed in the Property Manager Fill
page. The explanation for these properties are located in the Fill Properties help topic. The Image
layer Load from property is only available in the Fill Style Editor. The Vector layer drawing area is
only available in the Fill Style Editor. These properties that are not located in the Property
Manager are explained below.

Load an Image to an Image Layer

Click the File or Clipboard buttons in the Load from field to load an image file to the fill layer. Click
File to select the image file in the Import dialog. Click Clipboard to load the image file that is
currently on the clipboard. An error message is displayed if the clipboard is empty or does not
contain image data.

Creating and Editing Vector Layer

Select Vector to apply a custom vector fill layer to the fill style. The Vector layer type includes a
drawing area in addition to the layer properties. Draw a pattern in the drawing area to create a
vector fill layer.

Drawing Lines
The drawing area is in draw mode and the cursor is a crosshair by default. Click once in the draw
area to begin drawing a line. A line is displayed in black as it is being drawn. Move the cursor to the
desired endpoint for the line and click once to finish drawing the line. The line is added to the fill
layer and displayed in blue. Continue drawing lines until the desired pattern is created.

Selecting and Erasing Lines

Quickly erase a single line by double-clicking the line with the drawing mode cursor (crosshair). If

you wish to select the line to ensure you are deleting the correct line, first click the button to
enable the select tool. Next click on the desired line. The selected line is displayed in red. If you

wish to remove the selected line, click the button. The delete button is disabled when no lines
are selected.

Clearing the Drawing Area

Click the button to clear all lines from the drawing area.

Chapter 23 - Drawing Objects


Click the button to undo changes to the drawing area. There are 10 undo levels in Fill Style

Saving the Fill Style

Depending on how the Fill Style Editor was accessed, the bottom of the Fill Style Editor may
contain a Name property or a Save to Style List button.

When the Fill Style Editor is opened via the Fill Style Manager New Style or Modify Style button,
enter a name for the custom fill style in the Name field.

When the Fill Style Editor is opened by clicking the button in the Property Manager or
Scheme Editor, click the Save to Style List button to save the custom fill style. Enter a name for
the fill style in the Style Name dialog. Click OK to save the fill style. Click Cancel to close the Style
Name dialog without saving the fill style. The default name for the new fill style is the original fill
style name with a number appended to the end. For example, if the Solid fill style is modified, Solid
1 is the default name in the Style Name dialog.

OK and Cancel
When the Fill Style Editor is opened via the Fill Style Manager, click the OK button to save the
new or modified fill style with the current Name. Click Cancel to close the Fill Style Editor without
making changes to the new or modified fill style. The OK button is disabled if the Name field is
empty or contains only spaces.

When the Fill Style Editor is opened via the Property Manager, click the OK button to make the
changes to the fill style for the selected object. These changes are NOT saved to the fill style, and
only apply to the selected object. To save the changes, click Save to Style List in the Fill Style
Editor and give the style a new name in the Style Name dialog. You cannot overwrite existing
styles with this method. To make changes to existing fill styles, use the Fill Style Manager. Click
Cancel to close the Fill Style Editor without making any changes to the selected object's fill.

Pattern Palette
The hatch layer pattern palette is opened by clicking on the hatch pattern.
• The name of the pattern appears at the top of the palette.
• Select a pattern by clicking on it.

Select the desired fill pattern from the list.

Strater 5 User’s Guide

Image Palette
Change the image layer by selecting a predefined or custom image layer from the image palette.
The image palette is only accessed via the Pattern property for an Image layer in the Fill Style

The Image Palette includes predefined

and custom image layers.

• The name of the currently highlighted image appears at the top of the palette.
• Select an image from the palette by clicking on a image.
• Only image fills with a single layer are included in the image palette.

Line Properties
Use line properties to change line properties for selected lines in the view. To edit the line
properties, click on the object in the Object Manager or plot window to select it. The properties
are listed in the Property Manager. Default line properties are set in the File | Options dialog on
the Line page.

If the options on the Line tab are not available, a scheme is likely being used. Uncheck the
appropriate Use Keyword Scheme, Use Range Scheme, or Use Indent Keyword Scheme option to
turn off the display of the scheme properties and set the line properties on the Line tab.

The Line Properties section controls the

line properties for the selected object.

Chapter 23 - Drawing Objects

Use Log Line Color

When editing the line properties of a scale bar for a line/symbol log, crossplot log, or function log,
the Use log line color property is available. When the Use log line color check box is checked, the
scale bar line color and opacity is linked to the log line color. The Color and Opacity properties on
the Line page are disabled when Use log line color is checked.

Click the line next Style to open the line style palette. Click on a style to use it for the selected line.
The line style sample updates to show the new selection. Click on the Custom button at the bottom
of the line style palette to specify a custom line style.

Click the color next to Color to open the color palette. Click on a color to use it for the selected line.
The color box and the sample line update to show the new selection. Click on the Custom button at
the bottom of the color palette to choose a custom color.

The Opacity changes the opacity (transparency) of the line. Values range between 0% (completely
transparent) to 100% (completely opaque). To change the opacity, highlight the existing value and
type a new value or click the to increase or decrease the opacity level.

Change the line Width by highlighting the existing value and typing a new number or by clicking the
to increase or decrease the line width. The line width can be zero to 0.5 inches (1.27 cm) wide.
A width of zero is one pixel wide.

End Styles
The End Styles section controls the arrow styles for the ends of the line. Click the button to
expand the End Styles section.

For polylines the Start style option is available. The Start adds an arrow to the starting point of the
polyline. To set the arrow style, click on the existing option and select the desired option. Available
options are None (no arrow drawn), Simple head, Filled head, Triangle head, and 2-Stick head.

End Style
For polylines the End style option is available. The End adds an arrow to the ending point of the
polyline. To set the arrow style, click on the existing option and select the desired option. Available
options are None (no arrow drawn), Simple head, Filled head, Triangle head, and 2-Stick head.

For polylines the Scale option is available. The Scale controls the relative size of the selected start
and end arrow styles. Values are between 0.001 and 100. To change the scale, highlight the
existing value and type a new value or click the to increase or decrease the arrow scale.

Strater 5 User’s Guide

Line Palette
The line palette is available when the Style field is present in the Line Properties section of the
Property Manager. Not every instance of line properties includes a style field.
• The name of the line appears at the top of the palette.
• Select a line style from the palette by clicking on a line.
• Create new lines by clicking the button in the Style field of the Property Manager.

Select a predefined or
custom line style from
the line palette.

Custom Line Style

Click the Custom button at the bottom of the line style palette to open the Custom Line dialog to
create new line styles.

The Enter dash pattern field determines the pattern of the custom line. To create custom lines,
specify the line and gap lengths. All line styles are entered numerically and begin with the first line
segment, or dash. The next value is a gap length, followed by a dash length, gap length, etc. until
all values are input. The Sample box shows the new line style as it is created.

Enter the dash pattern in the Custom Line dialog to create new line styles.

As an example, the following is a line pattern that is easily created in the Custom Line dialog:

1. Enter the first dash length in inches, such as 0.200 for the example above, followed by a
2. Enter the first gap length in inches, 0.251 for the example above, followed by a comma.

Chapter 23 - Drawing Objects

3. The second dash segment in this repeating pattern is a short 0.034 inches, followed by a
4. Another gap of length of 0.251 inches, followed by a comma.
5. The pattern repeats after the last value so no more dash or gap definitions are necessary.
6. Click OK to place the new line pattern in the palette as a custom style selection.

A combination of up to ten dashes and ten gaps can be used to create a new line style. Each
number in the dash or gap can have three decimal digits of precision.

Symbol Properties
Symbol properties can be changed for selected objects in the borehole, map view, or cross section
view windows. Default symbol properties are set by clicking the File | Options command.

Custom symbols can be created using a third party TrueType font editing software.

If the options on the Symbol tab are not available, a scheme is likely being used. Uncheck the
appropriate Use Keyword Scheme, Use Range Scheme, or Use Indent Keyword Scheme option to
turn off the display of the scheme properties and set the symbol properties on the Symbol tab.

Set the symbol properties for the

selected object in the Property Manager.

Log Symbol Properties

The following two properties are available for the curves on a line/symbol log or function log. The
Frequency property is available for the curves on a crossplot log.

Strater 5 User’s Guide

Active Variable
The symbol properties are independently controlled for each of the variables in the log. Edit a
variable's line/symbol plot by selecting the variable the Active variable field. Select the desired
variable by clicking the current selection in the Active variable field and select the variable from the

Symbol Frequency
In addition to the standard symbol options, the line/symbol log has a Frequency option. Symbols
can be displayed on the log by setting the Frequency to a number greater than zero. A frequency of
1 posts every point as a symbol on the log. A frequency of 2 posts every other point, etc.
Frequency can be used to thin the number of displayed data points to avoid overwriting each other.
The Frequency value can be from 0 to 1000.

Symbol Properties
Click the button to expand the Symbol Properties section and edit the selected object's symbol

The Symbol is the symbol that is displayed for the selected object. To change the Symbol, click on
the existing symbol. The symbol palette is displayed. Click on the new symbol. The object is
automatically updated to show the new symbol.

The symbol index is the symbol or glyph number as it appears in the title bar above the palette and
adjacent to the symbol in the Property Manager.

Symbol Set
The Symbol Set displays the font that is currently used for the symbol. To change the Symbol Set,
click on the existing symbol set name. In the list, select a new font from the list. All TrueType fonts
are listed in the Symbol Set.

Fill Color
The Fill Color is the inside color of the symbol, when the selected symbol is a solid filled symbol. To
change the Fill Color of the symbol, click on the existing Fill Color and select a new color from the
color palette. Create new colors by clicking the Custom button at the bottom of the color palette.

Fill Opacity
The Fill Opacity controls the transparency of the filled portion of the symbol. To change the Fill
Opacity, highlight the existing value and type a new value. Press ENTER on the keyboard to make
the change. Alternatively, click on the button to increase or decrease the opacity value. Opacity
values are between 0% (zero opacity, full transparency) to 100% (full opacity, zero transparency).

Line Color
The Line Color is the outside edge color of the symbol. To change the symbol outline color, click on
the existing Line Color and select a new color from the color palette. Create new colors by clicking
the Custom button at the bottom of the color palette.

Line Opacity
The Line Opacity controls the transparency of the line around the symbol. To change the Line
Opacity, highlight the existing value and type a new value. Press ENTER on the keyboard to make

Chapter 23 - Drawing Objects

the change. Alternatively, click on the button to increase or decrease the opacity value. Opacity
values are between 0% (zero opacity, full transparency) to 100% (full opacity, zero transparency).

The Size controls the symbol size. This is the size of the full symbol box, not just the symbol glyph.
To change the Size of the symbol, highlight the existing value and type a new number in the box.
Alternatively, click on the button to increase or decrease the size of the symbol. Symbol sizes
are between 0.0 and 4.0 inches (0.0 and 10.16 centimeters) and are shown in page units.

Symbol Palette
Change the symbol by selecting the symbol from the list.
• The number of the symbol appears at the top of the palette.
• Click on a symbol to select it.

Use the symbol palette

to select a symbol.

Font Properties
Font properties can be changed for most text objects, including labels. Use the following options to
change the text values.

Strater 5 User’s Guide

The Font section displays the options for setting the font properties.

Use the Face option to change the font for the text. All TrueType fonts are listed in the font list. to
change the font, click on the existing option and select the desired font from the list.


Set the text size in the Points field by scrolling to a new number using the or by highlighting the
existing value and typing a number into the box. Sizes are in points.

Foreground Color
Change the Foreground Color of the text by clicking on the color box. Select a new color by clicking
on a color in the color palette. You can create new colors by clicking the Custom button at the
bottom of the color palette.

Foreground Opacity
Use the Foreground Opacity to change the opacity of the text. 0% is completely transparent and
100% is completely opaque. To change the value, highlight the existing value and type a new value

or click the to increase or decrease the value.

Use Background to change the color fill of a background rectangle that surrounds the text. Click the
color box and select from the palette or click Custom to select a custom color.

Chapter 23 - Drawing Objects

Background Opacity
Use Background Opacity to change the opacity of the background. 0% is completely transparent
and 100% is completely opaque. To change the value, highlight the existing value and type a new

value or click the to increase or decrease the value.

In most places text options will appear in the Property Manager. In these case, check the box
next to the Bold, Italic, Underline, and Strikethrough options to apply one or more of those text
styles. Note that some typefaces, such as Symbol, do not support bold or italicized text.

Horizontal Alignment
Use Horizontal Alignment to place text horizontally in the selected object. The reference point for
alignment is the exact center of the object.
• Left horizontally aligns a text box so that the reference point is to the left of the text box. For
labels in bar, zone bar, and complex text logs, Left aligns the label to the left side of the bar.
• Center horizontally centers the text box on the reference point. For labels in bar, zone bar,
and complex text logs, Center aligns the label in the center of the bar.
• Right horizontally aligns the text box so that the reference point is to the right of the text
box. For labels in bar, zone bar, and complex text logs, Right aligns the label to the right side
of the bar.

Vertical Alignment
Use Vertical Alignment to place default text vertically in the selected object. The reference point for
alignment is the exact center of the object.
• Top vertically aligns the text box so that the reference point is above the text box. For labels
in bar, zone bar, and complex text logs, Top aligns the label at the top of the bar.
• Center vertically centers the text box on the reference point. For labels in bar, zone bar, and
complex text logs, Center aligns the label in the center of the bar.
• Baseline vertically aligns the text box so that the reference point is located at the base of the
text. The baseline is the imaginary line along which characters are positioned as they are
drawn. Descenders on characters are drawn below the baseline. For labels in bar, zone bar,
and complex text logs, Baseline aligns the baseline of the label at the center of the bar.
• Bottom vertically aligns the text box so that the reference point is below the text box. For
labels in bar, zone bar, and complex text logs, Bottom aligns the label at the bottom of the

Label Format Properties

Most labels can have different numeric formats. Use the following options to change the label
format options. Many of the label format properties only affect numeric labels, however a Prefix
and/or Suffix will be applied to both numeric and text labels.

Strater 5 User’s Guide

Set the Label Format options for labels.

Label Format
Click the next to Label Format to set the numeric format for the labels.

Numeric Format Types

Set the Type to the desired format. Options include Fixed, Exponential, Compact, and Date/time. To
change the format, click on the existing option and select the desired option from the list.

Fixed displays a numeric label with a fixed number of decimal digits. You can change the number of
digits to the right of the decimal by changing the Decimal Digits. For example, if you set the
decimal digits to 3, the number 24 is displayed as 24.000.

Exponential displays the numeric label in exponential format. You can change the number of digits
to the right of the decimal by changing the Decimal Digits. For example, if you set the decimal
digits to 3, the number 24 is displayed as 2.400E+01.

Compact is the default value and displays the labels in a format that requires the fewest digits [up
to 14 digits]. You can change the number of digits before and after the decimal by changing the
Significant Digits. For example, if you set the Significant Digits to 2, the number 172 is displayed as
1.7E+2. If the Significant Digits is set to 3, the number is displayed as 172.

Date/time displays the value in any date/time format. Predefined or custom date/time formats can
be used.

Chapter 23 - Drawing Objects

Decimal Digits or Significant Digits

The Decimal digits controls the number of digits displayed to the right of the decimal for Fixed and
Exponential numeric formats. The Significant digits controls the total number of digits before and
after the decimal for Compact numeric formats. The default value for Significant digits is 7. To
change the number, highlight the existing value and type a new value or click the to increase or
decrease the value.

Check the box next to Thousands to include a separator every 3 digits to the left of the decimal for
numbers greater than 999. Unchecking this box does not display the thousands separator. When
the Decimal separator in the Options dialog is set to Comma, the comma is used as the thousands
separator. When the Decimal separator is set to Period, the period is used as the thousands
separator. When the Decimal separator is set to System default, the Windows system settings
determine the thousands separator.

Absolute Value
Check the box next to Absolute value to display both negative and positive values identically, for
example -2 and 2 would both display as 2.

Trim Exponent Zeros

When the Trim exponent zeros box is checked, exponential numbers are written without preceding
zeros in the exponent, e.g.1.99E+2. When this box is not checked, exponential numbers are written
with two digits for the exponent, e.g. 1.99E+02.

Date/Time Format
When the Type is set to Date/time, the Date/Time format property is available. Type the desired
date/time format into the Date/Time format field. Alternatively, click the button to select or
create the date/time format in the Date Time Format Builder.

Click in the box next to Prefix to type the prefix for the value. Prefix adds a prefix to all displayed
values. For example, if the numbers displayed were in dollars you can add a $ in this field that is
placed in front of all numbers.

Click in the box next to Suffix to type the suffix for the value. Suffix adds a suffix to all displayed
values. For example, if you are displaying percentages you can add a % in this field that is placed
after each number.

Date Time Formats

Date and time formats can be set from the table and from many locations in Strater. Date and
time options are case sensitive. Months always need to be entered with upper case M and minutes
must always be entered with lower case m.

When dates are parsed during input/import, the month and day of week names must match those
of the local language as set in the Windows Control Panel, otherwise the entry will not be
recognized as a valid date and will be treated as a text string.

When the recognized format is ambiguous (i.e. 10/7/12), the month, day, and year order is
determined by the Windows locale. In some countries, this will be recognized as M/d/yy, in others

Strater 5 User’s Guide

as d/M/yy, and in others as YY/M/d. It is important to use non-ambiguous date/time formats when
the Windows locale may change.

Date/Time Formatting Tips

• In the table, save data files containing date/time formatting as Excel files to preserve the
date time formatting as seen in the table.
• You can save date/time-formatted data files as ASCII files (.DAT, .CSV, .TXT, .BNA, or BLN).
Sometimes this is necessary if you exceed the Excel row or column limits. When opening the
file in Strater, you can make the serial numbers appear as dates by using Data | Format |
Format Cells.
• If you have formatted the data as date/time in another spreadsheet program such as Excel,
the data are formatted as date/time in Strater.
• Whenever possible, enter and display dates and times in one of the many calendar formats,
e.g., "6/14/2009” or “14-June-2009”, and let the software handle converting to/from internal
numeric representations.
• When the recognized format is ambiguous (i.e. 10/7/12), the month, day, and year order is
determined by the Windows locale. In some countries, this will be recognized as M/d/yy, in
others as d/M/yy, and in others as YY/M/d. It is important to use non-ambiguous date/time
formats when the Windows locale may change. The date order and data file locale can be set
in the Data Import Options dialog when importing data files from different locales.
• If dates/times occur before 1/1/0000, use the BC or BCE suffix after the date. So, Alexander
III of Macedon's birthday would be listed as 20-July-356 BCE in the worksheet. Using AD or
CE is not necessary and the worksheet will automatically remove these in dates after
• The year 0 is defined, according to the ISO 8601:2004 standard.
• When a two digit year is input in the table (00 to 99), it means the year in the current
century. For instance, inputting 11/4/13, indicates that the year is 2013, not 0013. In order
to have the year 0013, the full four digits (0013) must be input for the date. So, the date
would be input as 11/4/0013 CE for November 4, 0013 CE or 11/4/0013 BCE for November
4, 0013 BCE.

Date/Time Formats
These are the defined date and time formats. These can be used in the worksheet Format Cells
dialog, in the Property Manager label format section, or from the Text Editor's Date/Time
Format Builder dialog. Any combination of these formats can be used in any of the locations.

All rows below use the date July 9, 2014 at 6:45:44.12345 in the evening for the Example.

Date/Time Code Example Description

d 9 Single digit day, excluding leading zero

dd 09 Double digit day, including leading zero

ddd Wed Shortened day of week name

dddd Wednesday Full day of week name

M 7 Single digit month, excluding leading zero

MM 07 Double digit month, including leading zero

MMM Jul Shortened month name

MMMM July Full month name

MMMMM J First letter of month name

Chapter 23 - Drawing Objects

yy 98 Two digit year

yyyy 1998 Full year

Before Common Era designator - Includes

space and bce or nothing if ce, lower case
BC/AD designator - Includes space and bc
gg ad
or ad, lower case

Before Common Era designator - Includes

ggg ce
space and bce or ce, lower case

Before Common Era designator - Includes

space and BCE or nothing if CE, upper case
BC/AD designator - Includes space and BC
or AD, upper case

Before Common Era designator - Includes

space and BCE or CE, upper case
Single digit hours - 1-12, excluding leading
h 6
Double digit hours - 01-12, including
hh 06
leading zero

Hours - 0-23 military, excluding leading

H 18
Hours - 00-23 military, including leading
HH 18
Hours portion of total time, excludes
[h] 1003914
leading zeros

m 45 Minutes - 0-60, excluding leading zero

mm 45 Minutes - 00 to 60, including leading zero

Minutes portion of total time, includes

[mm] 45
leading zeros
Seconds - 0-60, rounded to the nearest
ss 44

Seconds - 0-60, rounded to the nearest

ss.0 44.1
tenth of a second

Seconds - 0-60, rounded to the nearest

ss.00 44.12
hundredth of a second
Seconds - 0-60, rounded to the nearest
ss.000 44.123

ss.0000 44.12345 Seconds - 0-60, maximum precision

Seconds portion of total time, includes
[ss] 44
leading zeros

tt pm am or pm designator, lower case

TT PM AM or PM designator, upper case

escape character - output next character


Strater 5 User’s Guide

output ALL characters between single

'...' quotes verbatim, including escape

xxxx is an up to four hex digit

[$-xxxx] [$-409]
representation of a locale ID

Date/Time Format Builder Dialog

In the Text Editor dialog, click the button to open the Date/Time Format Builder dialog.
From the worksheet, click the button in the Format Cells dialog Number page. The
Date/Time Format Builder dialog is also accessed by clicking the button in the Date/Time
format field in the Label Format Properties section of the Property Manager when the label format
Type is Date/time. When the Date/Time Format Builder is used to insert date/time math text
instruction with the Text Editor, the date/time will update every time the project updates.

The Date/Time Format Builder dialog is used to insert or

create date/time formats for worksheet cells or text objects.

Date/Time Format
Type a Date/Time Format into the Date/Time format (edit to change) field to set the date/time
format. You can also use the Language (Country) and Predefined date/time formats lists to insert
multiple date/time formats and languages.

Language (Country)
By default, the program will use the computer's default language settings for displaying the
date/time options in the worksheet. The computer default is controlled by the Windows Control
Panel. Refer to your Windows documentation for information about setting the locale. The Language
(Country) uses the same codes to override the display. For instance, if the date/time values should
always be displayed in English, regardless of locale, you could select English (United States) - [$-
409] and click the Insert button. Insert the locale setting first in the Date/Time format box. Any
cells with the specified language will appear in that language. In addition, the options in the
Predefined date/time formats will change to show the common formats for that locale. Locale IDs
are input as [$-####] in the Date/Time format field, where the #### is the locale identifier.

Chapter 23 - Drawing Objects

Note: The Insert button must be clicked after selecting the Language (Country) option. Simply
selecting the Language (Country) does not change the Date/Time format. The Date/Time format
does not change until Insert is clicked.

Predefined Date/Time Formats

The Predefined date/time formats list contains the common formats for the selected Language
(Country) option or for your Windows locale. Available formats are made of combinations of year,
month, day, hours, minutes, seconds, and AM/PM designation. Years are shown as yy or yyyy.
Months are shown as M, MM, MMM, MMMM, or MMMMM. Days are shown as d, dd, ddd, or dddd.
Hours are shown as h, hh, H, HH, or [h]. Minutes are shown as m, mm, or [mm]. Seconds are
shown as ss, ss.0, ss.00, ss.000, ss.0000, or [ss]. AM/PM designation is shown as tt or TT. BC/AD
designation is shown as gg or GG. BCE/CE designation is shown as g, G, ggg, or GGG. Refer to
formats for information about each specific option.

Note: The Insert button must be clicked after selecting the Predefined date/time formats option.
Simply selecting the Predefined date/time formats does not change the Date/Time format. The
Date/Time format does not change until Insert is clicked.

The Sample text updates to show a sample of the current entry in the Date/Time format (edit to
change) field.

Image Properties
Click on an image that has been imported to select it. The Property Manager displays the Image

Click on the image to see image

properties in the Property Manager.

Pixel Format
The Pixel Format lists the type of image that is selected. This is a read-only option.

Strater 5 User’s Guide

Size (Pixels)
The Size (Pixels) lists the size in pixels of the currently selected image. This is a read-only option.
To change the size, use a photo-editing program to resample the file and reimport the saved file.

Size (Bytes)
The Size (Bytes) lists the size in bytes of the currently selected image. This is a read-only option.
This is an indication of the amount of memory needed to display the image in Strater. To change
the size, use a photo-editing program to resample the file and reimport the saved file.

Image Source
The Image Source lists the path and file name of the image that is currently selected. This is a
read-only option.

The Opacity indicates the amount of transparency on the image. The values can range between 0%
(fully transparent) to 100% (fully opaque). A partially transparent image can display objects behind
it. To change the opacity, highlight the existing value and type a new value. Press ENTER on the

keyboard to make the change. Alternatively, click the button to increase or decrease the level of

Spatial Extents
The Left, Right, Bottom, and Top values in the Spatial Extents section display the current extents of
the image. Enter a new value into the Left, Right, Bottom, and Top boxes to change the image

Changing the Spatial Extents does not update the map Limits or Scale. After changing the Spatial
Extents, you may need to click on the Map object and change the options on the Limits and Scale
pages in the Property Manager. After changing the Spatial Extents, it may also be necessary to
change the Coordinate System for the base layer.

Metafile Properties
Click on a metafile that has been imported to select it. The Property Manager displays the
Metafile Properties.

Click on the metafile to see metafile

properties in the Property Manager.

Chapter 23 - Drawing Objects

The Type lists the type of metafile that is selected. This is a read-only option.

The Description lists any additional information that is available about the metafile. This is a read-
only option.

Number of Records
The Number of Records indicates how many objects are in the metafile. This is a read-only option.

Size (Bytes)
The Size (Bytes) lists the size in bytes of the currently selected metafile. This is a read-only option.
This is an indication of the amount of memory needed to display the metafile in Strater. To change
the size, edit the object in the original program and reimport the saved file.

The Opacity indicates the amount of transparency on the metafile. The values can range between
0% (fully transparent) to 100% (fully opaque). A partially transparent metafile can display objects
behind it. To change the opacity, highlight the existing value and type a new value. Press ENTER on

the keyboard to make the change. Alternatively, click the button to increase or decrease the
level of opacity.

Chapter 24 - Schemes
Introduction to Schemes
Schemes provide a mechanism for defining drawing properties, such as fill properties, based on
data contained in a table. For example, you may have the word Granite in a lithology keyword
column in a table. You can create a lithology keyword scheme that links the name Granite from the
column to specific fill properties, line properties, contact line properties, and font properties. When
the scheme is assigned to a log in the borehole view or cross section view, every time the word
Granite appears in the table column, Strater uses the properties assigned in the scheme for the

Scheme Requirements
Some log items are dependent on schemes for display. For example, lithology and well construction
logs require schemes. Other logs, such as bar logs, can optionally use schemes. Wells layers in a
map view and cross section layers in a cross section view optionally use schemes.

Data and Schemes

Since schemes are linked to the data, be sure to understand the data requirements for the type of
log being created and the column requirements for the associated scheme type. For example, to
use schemes with lithology logs, you must have specific keywords defined in specific columns.

Making a Scheme
The scheme keywords are case-sensitive, so it is advisable to have Strater create the scheme item
names using column data in the New Scheme dialog. To do this, click on the table view. Highlight
the column that contains the scheme data or keywords and click the Table | Table | Create
Scheme command.

Making a scheme is a multi-step process:

1. Decide if the scheme will be automatically generated by Strater based on the contents of a
column of data in a current data table, or by manually creating the scheme.
2. Create the Scheme, which defines the basics of the scheme including the name, type, and
what data column is associated to the scheme.
3. Build the scheme in the Scheme Editor, which involves applying properties to each item in
the scheme.
4. Modify the fill and color of the items in the scheme. Schemes that are auto-created include
style properties for individual items that may require adjustment to make their appearance
the most appropriate for their use in the project.

Scheme Types
There are five main scheme types: Keyword, Range, Lithology Keyword, Indent Keyword, and Well
Construction. The settings for each scheme item vary depending on the scheme type.

Create Scheme
Creating a scheme is a multiple-step process. Each step is simple, and the steps vary depending
upon the type of scheme you want to create and whether you want to manually create the scheme
or have the creation process automated.

The first step in creating a scheme is to open the New Scheme dialog. Data can be determined
automatically from a column in a table or can be manually created.

Chapter 24 - Schemes

Creating a Scheme From a Table Column

In a table view, click on any cell the column you want to use to create the scheme. Click the Table
| Table | Create Scheme command or right-click in the table and select Create Scheme. The
New Scheme dialog appears, with the selected table and column name.

The New Scheme dialog allows a scheme to

be created automatically from a table column.

Default Scheme
The Default Scheme option is selected if a scheme should be created manually. The Table Name
and Column Name options are then unavailable.

Base Scheme on Column Data

If a table and column were selected, the Base Scheme on Column Data option is selected. The
Table Name and Column Name are automatically set to the selected column. When the Base
Scheme on Column Data option is selected, Strater automatically determines the number of items
in the scheme based on the column contents.

Table Name
Click on the table name next to Table Name to select a different table. In the list, select the table in
the current project that contains the column that is the basis of the scheme's contents.

Column Name
Click on the column name next to Column Name to select a different column. In the list, select the
column that contains the keywords or values to base the scheme.

Strater 5 User’s Guide

Scheme Name
The Scheme Name is the name for the scheme. The name must be unique and not a duplicate of an
existing scheme name. When the scheme is created from a column, the column name is used for
the Scheme Name by default.

Scheme Type
The Scheme Type is the type of scheme being created. Click on the existing type and select the
desired scheme type from the list. If the scheme is based on column data, Strater automatically
scans the contents of the selected column and determines an appropriate Scheme Type, but this
can be changed. The scheme type can be Keyword, Range, Lithology Keyword, Indent Keyword,
and Well Construction.

Interval Count
The Interval Count is the number of separate items in the scheme.

When the Base Scheme on Column Data option is selected, Strater automatically determines the
number of items in the scheme based on the column contents. Except when Scheme Type is set to
Range, the Interval Count cannot be edited and is a read-only field when creating the scheme from
a table column.

If a Range scheme is being created, the default Interval Count is 10. This can be changed by either
using the up and down arrows or highlighting the 10 and typing a new number for the interval.

If the scheme is not based on a table column, the interval count can be set manually.

OK or Cancel
To create the scheme with the settings, click OK. To exit without creating a scheme click Cancel.

Information about Creating a Scheme Not Based on Current Column Data

Whenever possible it is advantageous to associate a new scheme with column data if you are
planning on using the new scheme in the current project. Creating a scheme from scratch has many
potential pitfalls. For example, keywords are case-sensitive and even the most minor typographical
error will make the scheme not work correctly. When creating a scheme automatically, the only
edits that are typically required are those to adjust the appearance (color, fill style, etc.) because
auto-created schemes include these properties for all items; these auto-created properties will
likely require adjusting to make the logs appear as desired.

It is common to create a scheme from scratch when working in design mode, which is when you are
building a Strater project template you intend to use many times. In this case the time-consuming
nature of creating the scheme is rewarded because the process occurs only once. Remember, even
if you forget to include an item or include unnecessary items you can make these changes at any
time after the scheme is completed and saved by opening the Scheme Editor.

Data, Schemes, and Log Properties

The data, scheme, and log, map, or cross section properties are all related in the process of
creating a log in a borehole view or cross section view, creating a map Wells layer, or creating
layers in a cross section. The data contains depth information (either single depth or from-to
interval depth), borehole names, and the data to be displayed on the log. Schemes contain line,
symbol, label, and fill property information that links the data to the log. When scheme information
(keywords or numeric ranges) is found in the data, the logs in the borehole or cross section

Chapter 24 - Schemes

displays the properties of the scheme. The Property Manager determines which data table and
column are used to create the log, the scheme to use (if any), and properties such as the log width.
Each log item can use a different data table, column, scheme, and properties.

Project data, schemes, and log properties are all related in the process of creating a borehole log.
1. The data in each row is linked to a scheme item. This scheme links the Au (ppb) values from
column C. In this case, the data in row 12 has a value of 492 and appears at a depth of 24.
The data in row 12 falls within the range scheme item of 250 to 500. Note the fill is a solid
light orange.
2. A bar log is created displaying the Au (ppb) data column. The Au Concentration scheme is
3. The bar log is displayed. The Au Concentration scheme determines the appearance of the
log. The color at the depth 24 is light orange, as indicated by the scheme.

This diagram shows the connection between a value in the table column, the scheme, and the log
being displayed.

New Scheme

The New Scheme dialog is opened by clicking the button in the Scheme Editor command or
by clicking the Table | Table | Create Scheme command when a table is active in the project.

Strater 5 User’s Guide

The New Scheme dialog allows a scheme to

be created automatically from a table column.

Default Scheme
The Default Scheme option is selected if a scheme should be created manually. The Table Name
and Column Name options are then unavailable.

Base Scheme on Column Data

If a table and column were selected, the Base Scheme on Column Data option is selected. The
Table Name and Column Name are automatically set to the selected column. When the Base
Scheme on Column Data option is selected, Strater automatically determines the number of items
in the scheme based on the column contents.

Table Name
Click on the table name next to Table Name to select a different table. In the list, select the table in
the current project that contains the column that is the basis of the scheme's contents.

Column Name
Click on the column name next to Column Name to select a different column. In the list, select the
column that contains the keywords or values to base the scheme.

Scheme Name
The Scheme Name is the name for the scheme. The name must be unique and not a duplicate of an
existing scheme name. When the scheme is created from a column, the column name is used for
the Scheme Name by default.

Scheme Type
The Scheme Type is the type of scheme being created. Click on the existing type and select the
desired scheme type from the list. If the scheme is based on column data, Strater automatically

Chapter 24 - Schemes

scans the contents of the selected column and determines an appropriate Scheme Type, but this
can be changed. The scheme type can be Keyword, Range, Lithology Keyword, Indent Keyword,
and Well Construction.

Interval Count
The Interval Count is the number of separate items in the scheme.

When the Base Scheme on Column Data option is selected, Strater automatically determines the
number of items in the scheme based on the column contents. Except with a Range Scheme Type,
the Interval Count cannot be edited and is a read-only field when creating the scheme from a table

If a Range scheme is being created, the default Interval Count is 10. This can be changed by either
using the up and down arrows or highlighting the 10 and typing a new number for the interval.

If the scheme is not based on a table column, the interval count can be set manually.

OK or Cancel
To create the scheme with the settings, click OK. To exit without creating a scheme click Cancel.

Scheme Editor
Use the Scheme Editor to create or modify the contents of a scheme. To open the Scheme
• Click the Home | Display | Scheme Editor command.
• Select an object that uses a scheme. In the Property Manager, click in the scheme
selection field and click the button.
• Select a column or cell in a table. Right-click and select Create Scheme, or click the Table |
Create Scheme command. Click OK in the New Scheme dialog and the Scheme Editor

Scheme Editor Dialog

The Scheme Editor is divided into two sections. On the left is a hierarchical menu with all scheme
types, schemes, and items in schemes. On the right are the properties for the selected scheme

Strater 5 User’s Guide

The Scheme Editor allows users to create, load, modify, and save a scheme.

Scheme Editor - Schemes List

The Scheme Editor schemes list is displayed on the left side of the dialog. It contains a list of all of
the schemes loaded into the current project.

Each scheme type is indicated by the folder icon. To expand a scheme type section, click the , or
select the scheme type name and press the RIGHT ARROW or + key on the keyboard. To collapse a
scheme type, click the , or select the scheme type name and press the LEFT ARROW or - key on
the keyboard.

Each scheme has an icon indicating the type of scheme, either keyword, lithology keyword, indent
keyword, range, or well construction. Click the to expand a scheme and see the scheme items.
Click the to collapse the scheme.

Scheme items are the individual parts of a scheme. In the Cross Section Scheme above, there are
six scheme items. Each represents a range of lithology type values. The Surficial Deposits and/or
Gubik Formation scheme item is selected, as indicated by the blue highlight surrounding the item
name. When a scheme item is selected on the left side of the Scheme Editor, the properties for
that item are displayed in the right side.

There is no limit to the number of items a scheme can have.

Chapter 24 - Schemes

Scheme Item Properties

The properties for a selected scheme item are displayed on the right side of the Scheme Editor.

The properties are displayed on the right side of the Scheme Editor.

The available properties vary depending upon the scheme type being edited. Many scheme items
have line, fill, symbol, font, and contact line properties. Additionally, schemes have specific scheme
type options: Keyword, Lithology Keyword, Indent Keyword, Range, and Well Item properties. Use
the additional scheme item properties to rename the scheme item or define the range for that item.

Scheme Editor Tools

The buttons at the bottom of the scheme editor provide

additional tools for the user when editing schemes and scheme items.

Creating New Schemes

To create a new scheme, click the button. The New Scheme dialog opens, where you define
scheme properties such as the type of scheme and the number of scheme items. New schemes
created in this way can be based on column data by selecting Base Scheme on Column Data. This
ensures that the data matches the text in the selected table view.

Opening Schemes

Click the button to open a Strater Scheme .SCH File. Scheme files are created by saving an
existing scheme. Several sample schemes are saved in the Strater Samples directory, which is
located at C:\Program Files\Golden Software\Strater 5\Samples, by default. Several sample scheme
files are located in the Samples directory and can be opened into any project. Once a scheme is
opened, it appears in the appropriate scheme type section.

Saving Schemes
To reuse schemes with other projects or to share schemes with colleagues, save the scheme. Click

on the scheme name and click the button. The Scheme Files dialog appears. Type a File name
and click Save. The scheme is saved as a Strater Scheme .SCH File. The .SCH file can then be

Strater 5 User’s Guide

used with any other Strater project by selecting the .SCH file after clicking the button at the
bottom of the Scheme Editor.

If the button is not available, a scheme name is not selected.

Converting Schemes

Click the button to convert a lithology keyword scheme to a keyword scheme or a keyword
scheme to a lithology keyword scheme. This button is only available when a lithology keyword or
keyword scheme is selected. Highlight the scheme to convert and click the button. This is useful if
you wish to reuse schemes for different log types without the necessity of recreating complex

For example, if you created a zone bar log, a keyword scheme is created. You can design the
keyword scheme exactly how you want it to appear. To use the same scheme item names and
properties with a lithology log,
1. Click on the keyword scheme to select it.

2. Click the button to copy the keyword scheme. A duplicate keyword scheme is created.

3. With the duplicate scheme selected, click the button.

4. The duplicate scheme is converted to a lithology keyword scheme and moved under the
Lithology Keyword scheme type list. The lithology keyword scheme is created with the same
properties as the keyword scheme.

If the button is not available, a keyword or lithology keyword scheme is not selected. Click on
the appropriate keyword or lithology keyword scheme name to convert the scheme.

Copying Schemes

You can copy a scheme by selecting a scheme name and clicking the button. A duplicate of the
scheme appears in the scheme type list. You can edit the copy of the scheme, including the scheme
name and scheme item properties.

If the button is not available, a scheme is not currently selected.

Copying Scheme Items

Scheme items can be copied by clicking on the scheme item and clicking the button. A new
scheme item with the name New Item will appear. All of the properties from the original scheme
item are copied. Edit the new item properties on the right side of the scheme editor.

Creating New Scheme Items

To create a new scheme item in a scheme, select the scheme name or an existing item within the

scheme and click the button. The item will appear labeled as New Item. Edit the new item
properties on the right side of the scheme editor.

Chapter 24 - Schemes

Deleting Schemes

To delete a scheme, select the scheme name and click the button or press DELETE on the

keyboard. If the button is not available a scheme or scheme item is not currently selected.

Deleting Scheme Items

To delete an item in a scheme, click on the scheme item to be deleted and click the button or

press DELETE on the keyboard. If the button is not available a scheme or scheme item is not
currently selected.

Ordering Scheme Items

To order scheme items automatically, click on any scheme item in the scheme. Clicking the

button to order the scheme items in ascending order or click the button to order the scheme
items in descending order. Refer to the Sort page for information on the order that is used for

To manually order scheme items, click on the scheme item name. Hold down the left mouse button
and drag the scheme item to the desired position. The cursor changes to if the object can be
moved to the position. The cursor changes to if the scheme item cannot be moved to the
position. Scheme items can be dragged anywhere in the existing scheme or to another scheme of
the same scheme type.

Updating Schemes
After making any edits to a scheme, click the Apply button to apply the changes to the current view
window. Click OK to make the change in the view window and close the Scheme Editor. Click
Cancel to return to the view window without making the change.

Undoing Scheme Changes

Click OK to close the Scheme Editor. Click the Home | Undo | Undo command to undo all
changes that were made in the Scheme Editor from the time the Apply button was last clicked
until the OK button was clicked. If the Apply button was clicked multiple times, you may need to
click Home | Undo | Undo multiple times to undo all of the changes that were made in the
Scheme Editor.

Modify a Scheme
To modify an existing scheme you must open the project that includes the scheme you wish to

Open the Scheme Editor using one of the following methods:

• Click the Home | Display | Scheme Editor command.
• Select an object that uses a scheme. In the Property Manager, click in the scheme
selection field and click the button.
• Select a column or cell in a table. Right-click and select Create Scheme, or click the Table |
Table | Create Scheme command. Click OK in the New Scheme dialog and the Scheme
Editor appears.

Strater 5 User’s Guide

In the Scheme Editor, click the next to the scheme type and scheme name to expand the
scheme. Click on the buttons at the bottom of the Scheme Editor to make copy, save, convert,
and insert items into the scheme. Make property changes on the right side of the dialog.

See the Keyword, Lithology Keyword, Indent Keyword, Range, and Well Construction scheme pages
for information about specific scheme type requirements.

Keyword Scheme
Keyword schemes link words or numbers in a table column with line, fill, symbol, and font
properties. Each item in a keyword scheme has different properties that are displayed in the log,
map, or cross section. In map views, keyword schemes are used to define symbols on a well map.
In borehole views, keyword schemes are used with percentage, post, tadpole, and zone bar logs. In
cross section views, keyword schemes are used with zone bar logs, with the layers connecting
wells, and with the well headers.

Creating a Keyword Scheme

To create a keyword scheme based on existing data in the project:
1. Click the Home | Display | Scheme Editor command.

2. In the Scheme Editor, click the button to open the New Scheme dialog.
3. In the New Scheme dialog, select Base Scheme on Column Data, which allows you to
determine the source column of data on which to base the scheme.
4. Click the box next to Table Name and select the table that contains the scheme information
from the list.
5. Click the box next to Column Name and select the column that contains the scheme
information from the list.
6. Type a Scheme Name.
7. Select Keyword as the Scheme Type, if it is not already selected.
8. The Interval Count is automatically set to the number of unique items in the Column Name.
9. Click OK to close the New Scheme dialog.
10. In the Scheme Editor, click on the next to Keyword.
11. Click on the desired scheme name.
12. Click on the next to the scheme name in the Keyword list.
13. Select each scheme item and edit the properties on the right side of the dialog.
14. Click OK to exit the Scheme Editor and save the properties of the new scheme.

Editing a Keyword Scheme

To edit a keyword scheme:
1. Click the Home | Display | Scheme Editor command.
2. In the Scheme Editor, click on the next to Keyword.
3. Click on the desired scheme name.
4. To change the scheme name, on the right side of the dialog, type a new name next to Name
and press ENTER on the keyboard. The scheme name is updated.
5. To change a scheme item name,
a. Open the scheme by clicking the next to the scheme name.
b. Click a scheme item name.
c. On the right side of the dialog, click the next to Keyword Properties, if necessary.
d. Type a new name next to Keyword and press ENTER on the keyboard. The scheme
item name is updated.
6. To change scheme item properties,
a. Open the scheme by clicking the next to the scheme name.
b. Click a scheme item name.
c. On the right side of the dialog, edit the line, fill, symbol or font properties.
7. Click OK to exit the Scheme Editor and save the properties of the scheme.

Chapter 24 - Schemes

Important: the keyword scheme item names or numbers must match the keyword in the table
column for the scheme item properties to be shown on the log. Keywords are case-sensitive.

Percentage Keyword Schemes

Keyword schemes are required for percentage logs. Because more than one column is displayed in
this log, keyword schemes are used to differentiate between the columns. The names of each item
in the keyword scheme must match the titles of the data columns. For example, if you have Clay,
Silt, and Sand as three column titles in the table, Clay, Silt, and Sand must be used as your
keyword item names. You can define the fill, line, symbol, and font properties for each of these

The column titles in the table must match the keyword item
names exactly when creating a percentage log.

Set the keyword scheme for a percentage log on the Percentage Log tab in the Property Manager
in the Keyword Scheme option.

Post, Tadpole, and Zone Bar Keyword Schemes

Keyword schemes are optional with post, tadpole, and zone bar logs. Creating a keyword scheme
for post, tadpole, and zone bar logs means you can use multiple fill, line, symbol, and font
properties for the logs. If a keyword scheme is not used, the default properties are used for the
entire log. For example, if you create a keyword scheme for a post log, you can have more than
one symbol style displayed on the log. If you do not use a keyword scheme, the symbol properties
are derived from the Symbol tab in the Property Manager and only one symbol style is displayed
on the log. Therefore, depending on your needs you may or may not want to use keyword schemes
for these logs.

The zone bar log on the left is not using

a keyword scheme, so the fill color is set
to one color in the Property Manager. The
zone bar log on the right is using a keyword
scheme, therefore, multiple fill colors are used.

Strater 5 User’s Guide

Well Map Keyword Schemes

Keyword schemes are optional with well maps. Creating a keyword scheme for a well map means
that different symbol properties can be used for each well on the map. If a keyword scheme is not
used, all wells use the same symbol, set on the Symbol tab in the Property Manager.

Well maps display symbols based

on information from a table column.

Cross Section Layers Keyword Schemes

Keyword schemes are optional with layers on a cross section. Creating a keyword scheme for a
cross section layers means that different fill, line, symbol, and font properties can be used for each
layer on the map. If a keyword scheme is not used, all layers use the same line, fill, and font as set
on the Line, Fill, and Font tabs in the Property Manager.

The cross section on the left shows no schemes for the layers. All layers use the same properties.
The cross section on the right uses different properties for each layer, based on a keyword scheme.

Chapter 24 - Schemes

Cross Section Well Header

Keyword schemes are optional with well headers in cross sections. Creating a keyword scheme for a
well header means that different symbol properties can be used for each well on the map. If a
keyword scheme is not used, all wells use the same symbol, set in the Symbol section on the Well
Header tab in the Property Manager.

Data Requirements
Most keyword schemes use text from a single column as the keyword scheme item names. Keyword
schemes for percentage logs use column titles.

Reusing a Keyword Scheme

A keyword scheme can be used with multiple data tables in multiple projects. When selecting a data
table and data column, be sure that the data column titles (percentage logs) or column contents
match the keyword scheme's item names.

To use an existing keyword scheme, click on the log, layer, header, or well map. The properties are
displayed in the Property Manager. Check the box next to the Use Keyword Scheme option. Set
the Keyword (or Data) Column and Keyword Scheme to the appropriate options.

To use a keyword scheme with percentage logs, edit the log properties so that the selected
Percentage Columns contain the same names as the keyword items and then select the scheme
name from the Keyword Scheme list.

Converting a Keyword Scheme to a Lithology Keyword Scheme

Click the button to convert a keyword scheme to a lithology keyword scheme. This button is
only available when a lithology keyword or keyword scheme is selected. Highlight the scheme to
convert and click the button. This is useful if you wish to reuse schemes for different log types
without the necessity of recreating complex schemes.

For example, if you created a zone bar log, a keyword scheme is created. You can design the
keyword scheme exactly how you want it to appear. To use the same scheme item names and
properties with a lithology log,
1. Click on the keyword scheme to select it.

2. Click the button to copy the keyword scheme. A duplicate keyword scheme is created.

3. With the duplicate scheme selected, click the button.

4. The duplicate scheme is converted to a lithology keyword scheme and moved under the
Lithology Keyword scheme type list. The lithology keyword scheme is created with the same
properties as the keyword scheme.

If the button is not available, a keyword or lithology keyword scheme is not selected. Click on
the appropriate keyword or lithology keyword scheme name to convert the scheme.

Lithology Keyword Scheme

Lithology keyword schemes link words or numbers in a table column with contact line, fill, line, and
font properties. Each item in a keyword scheme has different properties that are displayed in
lithology logs in borehole views and cross section views. Lithology keyword schemes can define rock
type, alteration, layer information, etc.

Strater 5 User’s Guide

Creating a Lithology Scheme

To create a lithology keyword scheme based on existing data in a project:
1. Click the Home | Display | Scheme Editor command.

2. In the Scheme Editor, click the button to open the New Scheme dialog.
3. In the New Scheme dialog, select Base Scheme on Column Data, which allows you to
determine the source column of data on which to base the scheme.
4. Click the box next to Table Name and select the table that contains the scheme information
from the list.
5. Click the box next to Column Name and select the column that contains the scheme
information from the list.
6. Type a Scheme Name.
7. Select Lithology Keyword as the Scheme Type.
8. The Interval Count is automatically set to the number of unique items in the Column Name.
9. Click OK to close the New Scheme dialog.
10. In the Scheme Editor, click on the next to Lithology Keyword.
11. Click on the desired scheme name.
12. Click on the next to the scheme name in the Lithology Keyword list.
13. Select each scheme item and edit the properties on the right side of the dialog.
14. Click OK to exit the Scheme Editor and save the properties of the new scheme.

Editing a Lithology Keyword Scheme

To edit a lithology keyword scheme:
1. Click the Home | Display | Scheme Editor command.
2. In the Scheme Editor, click on the next to Lithology Keyword.
3. Click on the desired scheme name.
4. To change the scheme name, on the right side of the dialog, type a new name next to Name
and press ENTER on the keyboard. The scheme name is updated.
5. To change a scheme item name,
a. Open the scheme by clicking the next to the scheme name.
b. Click a scheme item name.
c. On the right side of the dialog, click the next to Lithology Keyword Properties, if
d. Type a new name next to Keyword and press ENTER on the keyboard. The scheme
item name is updated.
6. To change scheme item properties,
a. Open the scheme by clicking the next to the scheme name.
b. Click a scheme item name.
c. On the right side of the dialog, edit the contact line, fill, line, or font properties.
7. Click OK to exit the Scheme Editor and save the properties of the scheme.
Important: the lithology keyword scheme item names or numbers must match the names in the
table column for the scheme item properties to be shown on the log. Lithology keywords are case-

Contact Line Properties

The Contact Line Properties section sets the bottom line properties for the lithology block that uses
the scheme item.

Data Requirements
Lithology keyword schemes require a column of text or numbers. Note that lithology keywords are

Chapter 24 - Schemes

Reusing a Lithology Keyword Scheme

A lithology keyword scheme can be used with multiple data tables in multiple projects. When
selecting a data table and data column, be sure that the data column contents match the lithology
keyword scheme's item names.

To use an existing lithology keyword scheme, click on the lithology log. The properties are displayed
in the Property Manager. Set the Lithology Keyword Column and Lithology Scheme to the
appropriate column and scheme.

Converting a Lithology Keyword Scheme to a Keyword Scheme

Click the button to convert a lithology keyword scheme to a keyword scheme. This button is
only available when a lithology keyword or keyword scheme is selected. Highlight the scheme to
convert and click the button. This is useful if you wish to reuse schemes for different log types
without the necessity of recreating complex schemes.

For example, if you created a lithology log, a lithology keyword scheme is created. You can design
the lithology keyword scheme exactly how you want it to appear. To use the same scheme item
names and properties with a zone bar log,
1. Click on the keyword scheme to select it.

2. Click the button to copy the lithology keyword scheme. A duplicate lithology keyword
scheme is created.

3. With the duplicate scheme selected, click the button.

4. The duplicate scheme is converted to a lithology keyword scheme and moved under the
Lithology Keyword scheme type list. The lithology keyword scheme is created with the same
properties as the keyword scheme.

If the button is not available, a keyword or lithology keyword scheme is not selected. Click on
the appropriate keyword or lithology keyword scheme name to convert the scheme.

Indent Keyword Scheme

Indent keyword schemes link words and numbers in an table with indent line styles and line
properties for a lithology log. The indent line styles can show transgressive or regressive
sequences, can represent how eroded various layers are compared to other layers (for example,
shale is more highly eroded compared to the surrounding sandstones), or can use a wavy line to
represent undulations or cross bedding on layers.

Important: the indent keyword scheme item names must match the keyword in the table column
for the scheme item properties to be shown on the log. Keywords are case-sensitive.

Creating an Indent Keyword Scheme

To create an indent keyword scheme based on existing data in the project:
1. Click the Home | Display | Scheme Editor command.

2. In the Scheme Editor, click the button to open the New Scheme dialog.
3. In the New Scheme dialog, select Base Scheme on Column Data, which allows you to
determine the source column of data on which to base the scheme.
4. Click the box next to Table Name and select the table that contains the scheme information
from the list.
5. Click the box next to Column Name and select the column that contains the scheme
information from the list.

Strater 5 User’s Guide

6. Type a Scheme Name.

7. Select Indent Keyword as the Scheme Type.
8. The Interval Count is automatically set to the number of unique items in the Column Name.
9. Click OK to close the New Scheme dialog.
10. In the Scheme Editor, click on the next to Indent Keyword.
11. Click on the desired scheme name.
12. Click on the next to the scheme name in the Indent Keyword list.
13. Select each scheme item and edit the properties on the right side of the dialog.
14. Click OK to exit the Scheme Editor and save the properties of the new scheme.

Editing an Indent Keyword Scheme

To edit an indent keyword scheme:
1. Click the Home | Display | Scheme Editor command.
2. In the Scheme Editor, click on the next to Indent Keyword.
3. Click on the desired scheme name.
4. To change the scheme name, on the right side of the dialog, type a new name next to Name
and press ENTER on the keyboard. The scheme name is updated.
5. To change a scheme item name,
a. Open the scheme by clicking the next to the scheme name.
b. Click a scheme item name.
c. On the right side of the dialog, click the next to Indent Keyword Properties, if
d. Type a new name next to Keyword and press ENTER on the keyboard. The scheme
item name is updated.
6. To change scheme item properties,
a. Open the scheme by clicking the next to the scheme name.
b. Click a scheme item name.
c. On the right side of the dialog, edit the shape of the lithology indent line or the line
7. Click OK to exit the Scheme Editor and save the properties of the scheme.

Important: the keyword scheme item names or numbers must match the keyword in the table
column for the scheme item properties to be shown on the log. Keywords are case-sensitive.

Data Requirements
Indent keyword schemes require a column of text or numbers. Note that keywords are case-

Using Indent Keyword Schemes

Once a indent keyword scheme is defined you can use it with multiple data tables in multiple
projects. Click on the lithology log to select it. In the Property Manager, check the box next to the
Use Indent Keyword Scheme option and set the Indent Keyword Scheme to the desired scheme.

Lithology Indent Lines

The lithology indent lines form the shape of one side of the lithology layer in the lithology log.

Chapter 24 - Schemes

This lithology log displays various

indent line styles on the right side.

Choose an indent line style for each scheme item by clicking on the scheme item and then selecting
the Lithology Indent Lines type for that scheme item. To see available types, click on the line to the
right of Lithology Indent Lines and select the desired style from the list.

Select from a list of predefined indent lines.

Customizing Line Styles

If you wish to import a new line, click on the line style next to the Lithology Indent Lines option. In
the list that appears, click the Modify button.

Strater 5 User’s Guide

Click Modify in the list to

add new line styles.

The Lithology Indent Lines dialog opens:

The Lithology Indent Lines dialog allows you to manage,

save, and import lines used in Indent Keyword schemes.

Importing Lines
Line indent styles are simple vector line files. There are line styles available in Strater, or you can
create your own in another program or in a text editor. Strater imports Atlas Boundary (*.BNA),
Golden Software Blanking (*.BLN), and Strater Lithologic Lines (*.LLF) files for lithology indent

The following are requirements for imported indent line files.

Chapter 24 - Schemes

• The limits of the file

must be from 0 to 1000,
otherwise the line
cannot be imported.
• The X and Y coordinate
range must be zero to
1000. Values cannot be
• The first Y value must
be zero.
• The last Y value must be
• The coordinate (0,0) is
in the upper left corner
and (1000,1000) is in (0,0) is the upper left corner.
the lower right corner. (1000,1000) is the lower left corner.

To import a file to be used as an indent line:

1. Click the button in the Lithology Indent Lines dialog.

2. In the Open Lithology Indent Lines dialog, browse to the folder containing the file to
3. Select the file and click Open.
4. If an error message occurs saying Unable to import all lithology indent curves, the file
probably does not meet the coordinate requirements. Edit the original file to meet the
requirements above and try to import again.
5. If the file imports, all new lines are displayed at the bottom of the list.
6. Select the desired indent line and click OK to return to the Scheme Editor.
7. Click OK or Apply to make the change on the view window.

Exporting Indent Line Styles

All of the lines in the Lithology Indent Lines dialog can be saved for use on other computers.

1. In the Lithology Indent Lines dialog, click the button. The Save Strater Lithology
Indent Lines dialog opens.
2. Use the Save In field to select the location where you want the line file saved.
3. Enter the name of the line in the File Name field. All indent lines are saved in file
format .LLF.
4. Click Save to save the line.

Deleting Indent Line Styles

Select any line in the Lithology Indent Lines dialog and click the button to delete the
selected line. Note: The first three indent line styles (Straight, Slope Down, and Slope Up) cannot
be deleted.

Renaming Indent Line Styles

To rename any line, click on the line in the Lithology Indent Lines dialog. Type a new name in
the box on the upper right side. The name is saved when the OK button is clicked. Note: The first
three indent line styles (Straight, Slope Down, and Slope Up) cannot be renamed.

Strater 5 User’s Guide

Range Scheme
Range schemes link values in a table column with line, fill, symbol, and font properties. Each item
in a range scheme has different properties that are displayed in the bar or classed post log for the
range of values in the scheme item. This is useful when grouping data by setting unique properties
for each range of data. Range schemes are optional with bar and classed post logs.

As an example, a data set contains values from zero to 100. The data can be grouped into any
number of divisions. If you use four divisions the ranges can show different properties for values
between zero and 25, 25 and 50, 50 and 75, and 75 and 100. With a bar log, you could show
different fill patterns for each of the ranges. With a classed post log, you could show different
symbols and colors for each of the ranges.

Creating a Range Scheme

To create a range scheme based on existing data in the project:
1. Click the Home | Display | Scheme Editor command.

2. In the Scheme Editor, click the button to open the New Scheme dialog.
3. In the New Scheme dialog, select Base Scheme on Column Data, which allows you to
determine the source column of data on which to base the scheme.
4. Click the box next to Table Name and select the table that contains the scheme information
from the list.
5. Click the box next to Column Name and select the column that contains the scheme
information from the list.
6. Type a Scheme Name.
7. Select Range as the Scheme Type, if it is not already selected.
8. The Interval Count is set to 10 by default. Highlight the 10 and type a new value or click the

buttons to increase or decrease the number of intervals. The total range of values is
evenly split by the number of intervals initially.
9. Click OK to close the New Scheme dialog.
10. In the Scheme Editor, click on the next to Range.
11. Click on the desired scheme name.
12. Click on the next to the scheme name in the Range list.
13. Select each scheme item and edit the properties on the right side of the dialog.
14. Click OK to exit the Scheme Editor and save the properties of the new scheme.
Editing a Range Scheme
To edit a range scheme:
1. Click the Home | Display | Scheme Editor command.
2. In the Scheme Editor, click on the next to Range.
3. Click on the desired scheme name.
4. To change the scheme name, on the right side of the dialog, type a new name next to Name
and press ENTER on the keyboard. The scheme name is updated.
5. To change a scheme item range of values,
a. Open the scheme by clicking the next to the scheme name.
b. Click a scheme item name.
c. On the right side of the dialog, click the next to Range Properties, if necessary.
d. Type a new minimum value next to Lower Range Value and press ENTER on the
keyboard. The scheme item name is updated.
e. Type a new maximum value next to Upper Range Value and press ENTER on the
keyboard. The scheme item name is updated.
f. Data greater than or equal to the Lower Range Value and less than the Upper Range
Value are included in the bin for a range. The last bin includes data greater than or
equal to the Lower Range Value and less than or equal to the Upper Range Value in
the bin.
6. To change scheme item properties,
a. Open the scheme by clicking the next to the scheme name.

Chapter 24 - Schemes

b. Click a scheme item name.

c. On the right side of the dialog, edit the line, fill, symbol or font properties.
7. Click OK to exit the Scheme Editor and save the properties of the scheme.

Data Requirements
Range schemes require a numeric column in the table to create the log. Text cannot be used for a
range scheme.

Reusing Range Schemes

A range scheme can be reused. Once a range scheme is defined you can use it with multiple data
tables in multiple projects.

To reuse a range scheme, click on any bar or classed post log. The properties are displayed in the
Property Manager. Check the box next to the Use Range Scheme option and set the Data Column
and Range Scheme to the appropriate column and scheme.

Well Construction Scheme

Well construction schemes link words or numbers in a table column with special types of well item
shapes, line, and fill properties. Each item in a well construction scheme has different properties
that are displayed in the well construction log.

Important: the well construction scheme item names must match the text in the table column for
the scheme item properties to be shown on the well construction log. Keywords are case-sensitive.

Creating a Well Construction Scheme

To create a well construction scheme based on existing data in the project:
1. Click the Home | Display | Scheme Editor command.

2. In the Scheme Editor, click the button to open the New Scheme dialog.
3. In the New Scheme dialog, select Base Scheme on Column Data, which allows you to
determine the source column of data on which to base the scheme.
4. Click the box next to Table Name and select the table that contains the scheme information
from the list.
5. Click the box next to Column Name and select the column that contains the scheme
information from the list.
6. Type a Scheme Name.
7. Select Well Construction as the Scheme Type.
8. The Interval Count is automatically set to the number of unique items in the Column Name.
9. Click OK to close the New Scheme dialog.
10. In the Scheme Editor, click on the next to Well Construction.
11. Click on the desired scheme name.
12. Click on the next to the scheme name in the Well Construction list.
13. Select each scheme item and edit the properties on the right side of the dialog.
14. Click OK to exit the Scheme Editor and save the properties of the new scheme.
Editing a Well Construction Scheme
To edit a well construction scheme:
1. Click the Home | Display | Scheme Editor command.
2. In the Scheme Editor, click on the next to Well Construction.
3. Click on the desired scheme name.
4. To change the scheme name, on the right side of the dialog, type a new name next to Name
and press ENTER on the keyboard. The scheme name is updated.
5. To change a scheme item name,

Strater 5 User’s Guide

a. Open the scheme by clicking the next to the scheme name.

b. Click a scheme item name.
c. On the right side of the dialog, click the next to Well Item Properties, if necessary.
d. Type a new name next to Keyword and press ENTER on the keyboard. The scheme
item name is updated.
6. To change scheme item properties,
a. Open the scheme by clicking the next to the scheme name.
b. Click a scheme item name.
c. On the right side of the dialog, edit the well item appearance, line, and fill properties.
7. Click OK to exit the Scheme Editor and save the properties of the scheme.
Important: the well construction scheme item names must match the text or numbers in the table
column for the scheme item properties to be shown on the well construction log. Keywords are

Data Requirements
Well construction schemes use text or numbers from a single column as the scheme item names.

Using Well Construction Schemes

Once a well construction scheme is defined, you can use it with multiple data tables in multiple
projects. To use a well construction scheme, click on the well construction log. The properties are
listed in the Property Manager. Set the Well Item Column and the Well Construction Scheme to
the desired column and scheme for the well.

Well Items
Well items control the shape of well for the scheme item. There are three main item types: Seal
and Packing, Casing and Screens, and Cover and End Caps.
• Seal and Packing types are used to create packing material rectangles. Seal and packing
types are indicated with green in the palette.
• Casing and Screens types are used to show the screen and casing types. Casing and screens
types are indicated with a reddish color in the palette.
• Cover and End Caps types are used for end caps and covers. Cover and end caps types are
indicated with blue in the palette.

To change the type of shape, click on the existing option next to Well Items and select the desired
option from the list.

Chapter 24 - Schemes

Select the type of Well Items for each scheme item in a Well Construction Scheme.

Each well item type has specific characteristics. For instance, seal and packing items are the only
items to use the inner diameter dimensions. In addition, the screen and cap items all use a default
white fill for the non-color filled area. You can define the fill for some cap and casing items, but the
fill color is defined to the small areas depicted in the color examples.

Chapter 25 - Editing, Selecting, and Arranging
Selecting Objects
There are several ways to select objects in Strater. An object is selected if there is a bounding box
with selection handles surrounding the object. The name of the selected object appears in the
status bar.

Several procedures are available to select objects in a borehole view:

• Select objects with the Object Manager. Click an object's name in the Object Manager
and it is highlighted in the view window.
• To select a single object in the view window, move the cursor over the object using the
mouse or the arrow keys. When the pointer is over the desired object, click the left mouse
button or press the SPACEBAR on the keyboard. Six square selection handles appear around
the object, indicating that the object is selected. You can also select a single object by right-
clicking with the mouse. The object will be selected and the appropriate context menu will be
• To select the correct object when the bounding boxes for several objects are overlapping
hold down the CTRL key and continue clicking with the mouse until the desired object is
selected. Any objects that were previously selected become deselected.
• To select two or more objects in the view window, hold down the SHIFT key while making
your selections. This retains previously selected objects and includes the newly selected
• You can hold down both the CTRL and SHIFT keys to select several overlapping objects in the
view window. Clicking on an object a second time while holding down the SHIFT key
deselects an object.
• To select two or more objects in the Object Manager, hold down the CTRL key while
making your selections.
• To select adjacent items in the Object Manager, hold down the SHIFT key. All objects
between the first click and the last click are selected.
• The block select mouse procedure allows you to select one or more objects contained in a
user-defined rectangle. Press and hold the left mouse button on an empty portion of the view
window. Drag the mouse to form a rectangle around the group of objects you wish to select.
If the rectangle partially contains an object's bounding box it will be included in the box's
contents. Alternatively, you can use the arrow keys to position the pointer on an empty
portion of the borehole view, press and hold the SPACEBAR, and move the pointer with the
arrow keys.
• Click the Arrange | Selection | Select All command to select all the objects in the active
pane. Pressing the CTRL+A keys performs the same command.
• You can select multiple objects only when they are all in the same pane.
• The Arrange | Selection | Invert command selects all unselected objects and deselects all
selected objects. This command is useful for selecting a large number of objects and leaving
a few isolated objects unselected. Select the objects you ultimately do not want to select and
then use the Invert Selection command.
• Use the TAB key to cycle through all objects in the view window, selecting each one at a
• To deselect all objects, either click an area in the page where there is no object, or when the
log pane has little if any empty space click anywhere outside the page in the log pane with a
white background color. You can also select Arrange | Selection | Deselect All.

Chapter 25 - Editing, Selecting, and Arranging Objects

Block Select
The block select feature is available in the borehole view, cross section view and map view. Use
block select only among objects in a single pane to move them or to place them in a group.

To select objects with block select drag the cursor across the objects to select.

When an object (or objects) is selected a bounding box surrounds the object and all selected object
names are highlighted in the Object Manager.

Home Tab Commands

The Home tab contains the following commands:

Paste Insert clipboard contents into the view

Paste data into a borehole, map, or cross

Paste Special section view or a table view using specific
Copy Copy an object to the clipboard

Cut Cut the selected object to the clipboard

Delete Delete the selection

Copy the entire borehole, map, or cross

Copy View
section view to the clipboard
Undo Undo the last action

Redo Redo the previously undone action

Table Create a new table in the existing project

Create a new borehole view in the existing

Borehole View
Create a new map view in the existing
Map View
Cross Section Create a new cross section view in the
View existing project

Scheme Editor Opens the Scheme Editor

Fill Style
Opens the Fill Style Manager

Update Update borehole graphic with the latest

Borehole Data data

Change which page is displayed in the

Page Controls
current view
Load Loads a template into the current project

Save Current Creates a new template from the current

View As view
Opens the Strater help at the Introduction
to Strater topic

Strater 5 User’s Guide

Opens the Strater help at the Tutorial

Introduction topic
Opens the Strater help at the Menu and
Tab Commands topic

Click the Home | Clipboard | Paste command, right-click in a table and choose Paste, or press
CTRL+V on the keyboard to place the clipboard contents in the current view. The objects to be
copied must first be placed in the clipboard using the Cut, Copy, or Copy View commands in
Strater or some other application. The clipboard contents remain on the clipboard until something
new is cut or copied to the clipboard.

In a borehole view, map view, or cross section view, the cursor changes into a cross hair cursor
after selecting the Paste command. Click inside the view where you would like to paste the object.

When pasting data into a data table view, the upper left corner of the pasted data is placed in the
active cell. Any cells in the existing data table that lie to the right of and below the active cell will be
overwritten with the contents of the pasted data.

Copy/Cut and Paste Objects into the Log Pane

You can copy and paste (or cut and paste) almost any object, including logs from other Strater
projects, directly into the view. These objects include contents from Word or Excel documents,
images in common formats, and objects from other Golden Software products, such as Surfer and

Some properties of the text might not follow with the Paste command, such as font color. If this
occurs, double-click inside the pasted text box to format the text within Strater.

Paste in the Table View

In the table, the upper left corner of the pasted data is placed in the active cell. Any cells in the
existing table that lie to the right of and below the active cell will be overwritten with the contents
of the pasted data. The following rules are used to paste into the table:
• Only the TAB character is recognized as a column separator. Spaces, commas, semi-colons,
etc. are included in a text cell.
• The RETURN character is recognized as the row separator.
• Numbers paste as number values. The period can always be used as a decimal separator,
and the system locale determines any other decimal separator. For example if the system
locale uses a comma as the decimal separator, then both 123.456 and 123,456 are pasted
as the number 123,456.
• Mixed text and numbers paste as text.
• Dates and/or times will paste as date values in a wide variety of date/time formats.
Ambiguous dates are determined by the system locale setting. If dates are not pasted
correctly, consider using Paste Special and the Locale settings in the Data Import
Options dialog.

Pasting a Single Cell's Contents Across Multiple Cells

A single cell's contents can be pasted into multiple cells by coping the cell, selecting a block of cells,
and using the Paste command. Each cell in the selection is populated with the clipboard contents
when this operation is performed. If more than one cell is copied then the copied cells are only
pasted once.

Chapter 25 - Editing, Selecting, and Arranging Objects

The multiple paste operation will not be performed for an entire row, entire column, or across
multiple selections. When an entire row or column is selected, only the first cell in the row or
column will receive the pasted content. If you attempt to paste in multiple selections an error
message will be displayed.

Paste Special
Click the Home | Clipboard | Paste Special command to paste objects from the clipboard into
Strater. With the Paste Special command, you have the option of choosing the most appropriate
format for pasting the copied data. This topic explains the Paste Special command for the
borehole, map, and cross section views. See Paste Special - Table for using the Paste Special
command with the table view.

Clipboard Formats Dialog

Use the Clipboard Formats dialog to select the most appropriate format for pasting the clipboard

Select a paste special format

in the Clipboard Formats dialog.

The GS_Strater format pastes the copied items as native Strater items. This allows copying logs
and pasting as logs into other borehole views, map views, or cross section views. The pasted object
is identical to the original object and can be fully edited.

Enhanced Metafile and Picture

The Enhanced Metafile and Picture formats are Windows metafile formats, which store objects as a
series of Windows drawing commands. Metafiles can be resized without distorting the image. These
formats are supported by most Windows applications.

Break Apart Metafiles

When you select an Enhanced Metafile or Picture format, you can check the box next to the Break
Apart Metafiles option at the bottom of the Clipboard Formats dialog. This option converts the
metafile into a series of native Strater objects and groups them as a single composite object.
Composite objects can be broken apart using the Arrange | Ungroup command.

For example, you could paste a depth log in the picture format, and check the Break Apart Metafiles
check box. In this case, the depth log is pasted as a group of polylines and text. You can then break
apart the composite object and modify the individual polylines.

Strater 5 User’s Guide

Device Independent Bitmap

The Device Independent Bitmap format stores objects as images. Bitmap images are difficult to
resize without distorting the image, and their colors are limited. This format is relatively common,
and is supported by most other Windows applications.

The Text format is used to import text. Imported text can contain any number of lines and uses the
default text properties. If you want to paste both text and other objects, and retain the text, you
must copy and paste the text separately from the other objects.

Click the Home | Clipboard | Copy command, right-click and choose Copy, or press CTRL+C on
the keyboard to place a copy of the selected item on the clipboard. The original object remains in
the view. Use this command to duplicate objects in a different location in the same view, or copy
the objects into a different view or application. The copied objects can later be pasted with the
Paste or Paste Special command.

Only one set of data may be placed in the clipboard at any time. The next Cut, Copy, or Copy
View command replaces the contents of the clipboard.

You can copy and paste (or cut and paste) almost any object, including logs from other Strater
projects, directly into the log pane. These objects include Word or Excel documents, images in
common formats, and objects from other Golden Software products, such as Surfer and Grapher.

Click the Home | Clipboard | Cut command, right-click and choose Cut, or press CTRL+X on the
keyboard to move the selected item to the clipboard. This deletes the selected objects from the file
after copying them to the clipboard. Cut objects can be pasted with the Paste or Paste Special

Only one set of data may be placed in the clipboard at any time. The next Cut, Copy, or Copy
View command replaces the contents of the clipboard.

You can copy and paste (or cut and paste) almost any object, including logs from other Strater
projects, directly into the log pane. These objects include Word or Excel documents, images in
common formats, and objects from other Golden Software products, such as Surfer and Grapher .

Click the Home | Clipboard | Delete command, right-click on an object and select Delete, or
press DELETE on the keyboard to remove a selected object from the borehole view, map view, or
cross section view. An object can sometimes be restored by clicking the Home | Undo | Undo

To delete rows, columns, or cells from a table, see the Delete - Table View topic. To clear the
contents of selected cells in a table, see the Clear topic.

Chapter 25 - Editing, Selecting, and Arranging Objects

Copy View
Click the Home | Clipboard | Copy View command to place a copy of the entire page on the
clipboard. All objects from the current view (header pane, log or cross section pane, and footer
pane) are copied from a borehole view or cross section view. All objects in the page boundary are
copied from a map view. The original object remains in the view. Use this command to duplicate
objects in a different location in the same view, or copy the objects into a different view or
application. The copied objects can later be pasted with the Paste or the Paste Special

Only one set of data may be placed in the clipboard at any time. The next Cut, Copy, or Copy
View command replaces the contents of the clipboard.

Click the Home | Undo | Undo command, click the button, or press CTRL+ Z on the keyboard
to reverse the last operation performed. If the last operation cannot be reversed, the Undo
command is disabled. After you have undone an operation, the Home | Undo | Redo command
becomes highlighted allowing you to reverse the just completed Undo command. Set up to 100
undo levels in File | Options.

In data tables Undo is available for many actions. When it is not available, a warning message is
displayed to inform you of the lack of Undo capability. With some commands, such as Table |
Delete Table, you must click on a borehole view in order for the Home | Undo | Undo command
to be available.

Undo Levels
Up to 100 undo levels can be set though File | Options command on the General page. If the
Undo command is not available, check the Undo levels. If the value is set to zero, undo will not be

Click the Home | Undo | Redo command, click the button, or press CTRL+Y on the
keyboard to reverse the last Undo command. After you have used the Home | Undo | Undo
command, the Redo command indicates the operation that you have undone.

In data tables Redo is available for many actions. When it is not available, a warning message is
displayed to inform you of the lack of Undo (and hence Redo) capability. With some commands,
such as Table | Delete Table, you must click on a borehole view in order for the Home | Undo |
Undo command to be available.

Fill Style Manager

Add, remove, and modify fill styles in the Fill Style Manager. Click the Home | Display | Fill
Style Manager command to open the Fill Style Manager. Predefined fill styles (Windows stock
fills, image fills, and gradient fills) are displayed first in the Styles List followed by user-created fill
styles. Predefined fill style names are displayed with gray text. Custom fill style names are
displayed with black text. Fill styles cannot be overwritten. However they can be used as a basis for
a new fill style by clicking Modify Style.

Strater 5 User’s Guide

Custom fill styles are added to the Golden Software Shared appdata folder,
C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Roaming\Golden Software\Shared\Styles\Fill by default. Custom
fill styles can be imported and exported to share fill styles between computers.

Custom fill styles that are used in a project are embedded in the SDG file. It is not necessary to
send the custom fill style .gsstyle file when sharing Strater project SDG files with colleagues,
clients, or other Strater users. However if you wish to share fill styles that are not saved in a
project with other users or machines, use Import and Export in the Fill Style Manager to share
custom fill styles.

Create, modify, remove, import, and export fill styles with the Fill Style Manager.

Styles List
The Fill Style Manager displays all of the predefined and custom fill styles in the Styles List. The
Styles List is ordered by once by group and once alphabetically. Windows stock fill styles are
displayed at the top of the list. The next group includes the default image fill styles. Finally the
default gradient fill styles are listed. Then all the styles are repeated in an alphabetic list. The
alphabetic list includes custom fill styles. Custom fill styles are at the end of the list when they are
created and remain at the end of the list until Strater is closed. Once a new instance of Strater is
started, the new custom fill styles will be in the appropriate location in the alphabetic list. Click a fill
style to select it. The selected fill style is indicated with a blue background. The Styles List is also
displayed in the Fill Palette when the Style or Pattern property is clicked in the Property

New Style
Click New Style to create a new style in the Fill Style Editor. The Fill Style Editor does contains a
single layer when New Style is clicked. Add layers to the style, specify a Name, and click OK in the

Chapter 25 - Editing, Selecting, and Arranging Objects

Fill Style Editor to create a custom fill style. Fill styles cannot be overwritten. Therefore the Name
must be unique.

Adding New Styles without the Fill Style Manager

When the Fill Style Editor is opened via the button in the Property Manager, the Fill Style
Editor contains an Add to Styles List button. Click the Add to Styles List button to add the style.
The new style will be visible in the Fill Style Manager the next time it is opened with the Home |
Display | Fill Style Manager command.

Modify Style
Click Modify Style to create a new style in the Fill Style Editor. When Modify Style is clicked, the
selected fill style's layers are automatically added to the Fill Style Editor. The layers can be
modified or removed, and new layers can be added. Make the desired adjustments to the layers,
specify a Name, and click OK in the Fill Style Editor to create a new style from an existing style.
Fill styles cannot be overwritten. Therefore the Name must be unique.

The default Name for the modified style is the existing style's name with a number appended at the
end. For example if the Solid style is modified, the default name is for the new style is Solid 1. Then
if Solid is modified for a second time, the default name for the new style is Solid 2. If the new Solid
1 style is modified, the default name for the new style is Solid 1 1. Notice that when modifying an
existing style multiple times the number increments (1, 2, etc.), and when modifying new styles
more numbers are appended.

Rename Style
Rename a custom fill style by selecting the fill style and clicking Rename. Enter a new name for the
custom fill style in the Style Name dialog. Default fill styles cannot be renamed. Rename is disabled
when a default fill style is selected.

Delete Style
Delete a custom fill style by selecting the fill style and clicking Delete. Deleting a fill style cannot be
undone. Default fill styles cannot be deleted. Delete is disabled when a default fill style is selected.

Import Image
Multiple image files can be converted to a single .GSSTYLE file by clicking the Import Image button.
Saving multiple images to a single .GSSTYLE file has a two main advantages:
• Simultaneously add many image fill styles instead of adding each custom image fill manually.
• Easily share multiple image fill styles with other Strater users.
To convert image files to a single .GSSTYLE file,
1. Click Import Image.
2. Select the images you wish to convert in the Convert Images to Fill Styles dialog.
3. Click Open.
4. Specify a file name and location for the new .GSSTYLE file in the Save As dialog.
5. Click Save.
6. Click Yes in the Style Manager message dialog if you wish to load the images as fill styles in
the Fill Style Manager immediately. Otherwise, click No.
The .GSSTYLE file is created. If you clicked No in step 6 above and wish to add the images as fill
styles at a later time, click the Load button to import the .GSSTYLE file.


Strater 5 User’s Guide

Click Load to import a custom fill style in the .GSSTYLE file format. Select a .GSSTYLE file in the
Open dialog and click Open to add the style to the Fill Style Manager.

Click Save to save the selected fill style to a .GSSTYLE file. Default and custom fill styles can be
exported. To export a fill style,
1. Click the fill style you wish to export.
2. Click Save.
3. Select a file location and specify a File name in the Save As dialog.
4. Click Save in the Save As dialog.
Exported fill styles can be shared among computers and users by importing the fill style by clicking
Load in the Fill Style Manager.

Click Close to close the Fill Style Manager.

Fill Style Editor

The Fill Style Editor creates or modifies fill styles. Open the Fill Style Editor by clicking the
button in the fill Style field in the Property Manager or Scheme Editor or by clicking the New
Style or Modify Style buttons in the Fill Style Manager. Fill styles created with the Fill Style
Editor can incorporate multiple Solid, Stock, Image, Gradient, Vector, and Line layers.

Create and modify fill styles with the Fill Style Editor.

Chapter 25 - Editing, Selecting, and Arranging Objects

The Fill Style Editor includes a preview image of the fill style. The preview is created from the
visible fill style layers in the Layers section.

The Layers section displays all the layers in the fill style. Click a layer to edit the layer's

Adding and Removing Layers

Click the to add a new layer to the fill style. The selected layer is duplicated when the is
clicked. The new layer appears at the top of the Layers list. Click the to remove the selected
layer from the fill style. Deleting a layer cannot be undone.

Changing Layer Order

Layers are drawn in order from bottom to top of the Layers list. Therefore the top layer in the
Layers list will be drawn on top of all the other layers. Click the to move the selected layer up
one position in the list. Click the to move the selected layer down one position in the list.

Layer Properties
The right side of the Fill Style Editor contains the layer properties. The displayed properties are
determined by the layer's Fill type. Select Solid, Stock, Image, Gradient, Vector, or Line from the
Fill type list to specify the layer type. Fill styles can include multiple layers of any fill type.

Nearly all of the properties in the Fill Style Editor are displayed in the Property Manager Fill
page. The explanation for these properties are located in the Fill Properties help topic. The Image
layer Load from property is only available in the Fill Style Editor. The Vector layer drawing area is
only available in the Fill Style Editor. These properties that are not located in the Property
Manager are explained below.

Load an Image to an Image Layer

Click the File or Clipboard buttons in the Load from field to load an image file to the fill layer. Click
File to select the image file in the Import dialog. Click Clipboard to load the image file that is
currently on the clipboard. An error message is displayed if the clipboard is empty or does not
contain image data.

Creating and Editing Vector Layer

Select Vector to apply a custom vector fill layer to the fill style. The Vector layer type includes a
drawing area in addition to the layer properties. Draw a pattern in the drawing area to create a
vector fill layer.

Drawing Lines
The drawing area is in draw mode and the cursor is a crosshair by default. Click once in the draw
area to begin drawing a line. A line is displayed in black as it is being drawn. Move the cursor to the
desired endpoint for the line and click once to finish drawing the line. The line is added to the fill
layer and displayed in blue. Continue drawing lines until the desired pattern is created.

Strater 5 User’s Guide

Selecting and Erasing Lines

Quickly erase a single line by double-clicking the line with the drawing mode cursor (crosshair). If

you wish to select the line to ensure you are deleting the correct line, first click the button to
enable the select tool. Next click on the desired line. The selected line is displayed in red. If you

wish to remove the selected line, click the button. The delete button is disabled when no lines
are selected.

Clearing the Drawing Area

Click the button to clear all lines from the drawing area.


Click the button to undo changes to the drawing area. There are 10 undo levels in Fill Style

Saving the Fill Style

Depending on how the Fill Style Editor was accessed, the bottom of the Fill Style Editor may
contain a Name property or a Save to Style List button.

When the Fill Style Editor is opened via the Fill Style Manager New Style or Modify Style button,
enter a name for the custom fill style in the Name field.

When the Fill Style Editor is opened by clicking the button in the Property Manager or
Scheme Editor, click the Save to Style List button to save the custom fill style. Enter a name for
the fill style in the Style Name dialog. Click OK to save the fill style. Click Cancel to close the Style
Name dialog without saving the fill style. The default name for the new fill style is the original fill
style name with a number appended to the end. For example, if the Solid fill style is modified, Solid
1 is the default name in the Style Name dialog.

OK and Cancel
When the Fill Style Editor is opened via the Fill Style Manager, click the OK button to save the
new or modified fill style with the current Name. Click Cancel to close the Fill Style Editor without
making changes to the new or modified fill style. The OK button is disabled if the Name field is
empty or contains only spaces.

When the Fill Style Editor is opened via the Property Manager, click the OK button to make the
changes to the fill style for the selected object. These changes are NOT saved to the fill style, and
only apply to the selected object. To save the changes, click Save to Style List in the Fill Style
Editor and give the style a new name in the Style Name dialog. You cannot overwrite existing
styles with this method. To make changes to existing fill styles, use the Fill Style Manager. Click
Cancel to close the Fill Style Editor without making any changes to the selected object's fill.

Update Borehole Data

With a borehole view or cross section view active, click the Home | Display | Update Borehole
Data command or press CTRL+F5 on the keyboard to force a redraw of the view window after
changing the data. This is not normally necessary, as views normally update automatically.

Chapter 25 - Editing, Selecting, and Arranging Objects

Page Controls
The borehole view and cross section view can be shown in full view or page view mode. If the
page view mode is selected and the borehole extends beyond one page, click the Home | Display
commands to move between the pages in the view.

To move between pages when the borehole or cross section is in page view mode:

• Click the Home | Display | First Page command or press HOME on the keyboard to
move to the first page.

• Click the Home | Display | Previous Page command button or press PAGE UP on the
keyboard to move to the previous page.

• Type the desired page number in the Home | Display | Page Number field and press
ENTER to move to a specific page. If you enter a value larger than the last page number, the
last page will be displayed.

• Click the Home | Display | Next Page command or press PAGE DOWN on the
keyboard to move to the next page.

• Click the Home | Display | Last Page command or press END on the keyboard to
move to the last page.

Scroll Page
To scroll the page up and down, hold the CTRL key down while rotating the mouse wheel. Moving
the mouse wheel away from you scrolls the page down on the screen, and moving the mouse wheel
towards you scrolls the page up on the screen.

To scroll the page left and right, hold the SHIFT key down while spinning the mouse wheel. Moving
the mouse wheel away from you scrolls the page to the right on the screen, and moving the mouse
wheel towards you scrolls the page up to the left on the screen.

You can also use the vertical and horizontal scroll bars on the sides of the page to scroll the page

View Tab Commands

The following is a list of the View tab commands. Note that many of the View tab commands are
disabled when in the table view.

Scales the current borehole view (all panes) to exactly

Fit Page
fit in the borehole window.

Fit Pane to Scales the current pane (header, footer, or log) to

Window exactly fit in the borehole view.
In Zoom in
Out Zoom out

Selected Zoom to the selected object

Realtime Zoom realtime

Rectangle Zoom to a rectangle

Pan Pan across the borehole view

Strater 5 User’s Guide

Redraw Refresh the image on screen

Auto Redraw Turn redraw on and off

Rulers Turn the display of the page rulers on or off

Drawing Grid Turn the display of the drawing grid on or off

Status Bar Show or hide the status bar

Display the borehole view properties, map view
View Properties properties, or cross section view properties in the
Property Manager
Show/Hide All Displays or hides all the document tabs for the tables in
Tables the project

Open or close the Object Manager, View Manager,

Table Manager or Property Manager

Show/Hide All Turn on or off the display of all managers

Cascade Arrange document windows in an overlapping view

Automatically arrange minimized windows at the bottom
Arrange Icons of the application window

Reset Windows Reset window display to the default layout

Tile Horizontal Arrange windows horizontally with no overlapping

Tile Vertical Arrange windows vertically with no overlapping

Fit Page
Click the View | Zoom | Fit Page command or press CTRL+G on the keyboard to fill the view
window with the entire page, including all panes.

The mouse wheel can also be used to zoom in (by rotating the wheel towards you) or zoom out (by
rotating the wheel away from you.)

Fit Pane to Window

Click the View | Zoom | Fit Pane to Window command or press CTRL+F on the keyboard to
scale the active pane so it is sized to fill the view window. The pane to be scaled is listed on the
right side of the status bar.

You can zoom to the width of the active pane by pressing the SHIFT key while selecting the View |
Zoom | Fit Pane to Window option or press the CTRL+SHIFT+F keys on the keyboard. The
contents of the active pane fill the width of the current view.

In addition, use the mouse wheel to zoom in (by rotating the wheel towards you) or zoom out (by
rotating the wheel away from you.)

Zoom In
Click the View | Zoom | In command or press CTRL+= on the keyboard to increase the
magnification of the view window. After clicking the command, click on the screen in the area you
wish to magnify.

Chapter 25 - Editing, Selecting, and Arranging Objects

Exit Zoom Mode

Click on another tool button or press the ESC key to end zoom mode.

Zoom with a Wheel Mouse

You can use a wheel mouse to zoom in/out and pan in the view window. Hover the cursor over the
point of interest in the view window. Rotate the wheel forward to zoom in, or rotate the wheel
backward to zoom out. The window auto scrolls to keep the window centered on the cursor location.
Click and drag with the mouse wheel to pan the view window.

Zoom Out
Click the View | Zoom | Out command or press CTRL+- on the keyboard to decrease the
magnification of the view window.

Exit Zoom Mode

Click on another tool button or press the ESC key to end zoom mode.

Zoom with a Wheel Mouse

You can use a wheel mouse to zoom in/out and pan in the view window. Hover the cursor over the
point of interest in the view window. Rotate the wheel forward to zoom in, or rotate the wheel
backward to zoom out. The window auto scrolls to keep the window centered on the cursor location.
Click and drag with the mouse wheel to pan the view window.

Zoom Selected
Click the View | Zoom | Selected command or press CTRL+L on the keyboard to magnify
selected objects.

Zoom to Selected Width

To zoom to the width of the selected object, press the CTRL+SHIFT+L keys on the keyboard or
press SHIFT on the keyboard and select the View | Zoom | Selected command.

Exit Zoom Mode

Click on another tool button or press the ESC key to end zoom mode.

Zoom with a Wheel Mouse

You can use a wheel mouse to zoom in/out and pan in the view window. Rotate the wheel forward
to zoom in, or rotate the wheel backward to zoom out. The window auto scrolls to keep the point of
interest centered.

Zoom Realtime
Click the View | Zoom | Realtime command or press CTRL+T on the keyboard to zoom in and
out as the mouse is dragged up and down inside the log pane.

Hold down the left mouse button and then drag it up or down in the view to zoom in or out. As you
drag the mouse up, the screen is zoomed in. As you drag the mouse down, the screen is zoomed

Exit Zoom Mode

Click on another tool button or press the ESC key to end zoom mode.

Strater 5 User’s Guide

Zoom with a Wheel Mouse

You can use a wheel mouse to zoom in/out and pan in the view window. Rotate the wheel forward
to zoom in, or rotate the wheel backward to zoom out. The window auto scrolls to keep the point of
interest centered.

Zoom Rectangle
Click the View | Zoom | Rectangle command or press CTRL+R to magnify a portion of the view.
Hold down the left mouse button and drag a rectangle around the area of interest to magnify it.

Exit Zoom Mode

Click on another tool button or press the ESC key to end zoom mode.

Zoom with a Wheel Mouse

You can use a wheel mouse to zoom in/out and pan in the view window. Rotate the wheel forward
to zoom in, or rotate the wheel backward to zoom out. The window auto scrolls to keep the point of
interest centered.

The view window can be panned. This is useful when the scene is magnified and you would like to
look at a different portion of the object. To use this feature, select the View | Zoom | Pan
command. Click and hold the left mouse button and drag the cursor around the window to pan.

Exit Zoom Mode

Click on another tool button or press the ESC key to end zoom mode.

Pan with a Wheel Mouse

You can use a wheel mouse to zoom in/out and pan in the view window. Hold down the wheel
button straight down, and the cursor will turn to a closed hand. When the cursor is a , drag the
mouse to pan the plot window. Be sure to click straight down with the scroll wheel.

Click the View | Redraw | Redraw command or press the F5 key to redraw the view window.

If the data for a log are changed, the view automatically updates if Auto Update Table Changes is
checked under File | Options | General.

Auto Redraw
The View | Redraw | Auto Redraw command is used to automatically redraw the contents of the
view window each time the contents change. The Auto Redraw command is on by default, and this
is indicated by a check mark next to the command name.

Select View | Redraw | Auto Redraw to toggle the command on and off. If Auto Redraw is
disabled, click the View | Redraw | Redraw command, or press the F5 key to redraw the image.

Borehole View Properties

To view the general settings for a borehole view in the Property Manager, click the View |
Display | View Properties command, click Arrange | Selection | Deselect All, click on the view
name in the View Manager, right-click on the view name in the View Manager and choose View

Chapter 25 - Editing, Selecting, and Arranging Objects

Properties, or click the mouse in any white space in the borehole view that is not part of a log or

The borehole view properties in the Property Manager contain the basic settings for the borehole
view, including the view name, view data range, scaling, units, display mode, and the associated
template name (if any). You can also define the line styles of the panes and define a project null
value in the borehole view properties.

The borehole view properties consists of five tabs: View, Line, and Project.

View Properties
The View tab contains the borehole and depth options.

Use the View tab to set depth options and the borehole ID.

Hole ID Filter
The Hole ID Filter displays the name of the Hole ID when every log pane item in the borehole view
represents a single Hole ID. If there is more than one borehole represented in the logs and you

Strater 5 User’s Guide

have not selected an object in the log pane, the Hole ID Filter displays -Multi-. To change the Hole
ID of all objects in the log pane, click the text next to Hole ID Filter and select the desired Hole ID
from the list. When selected, all objects in the log pane will display information based on this
selected Hole ID.

When the Hole IDs for all log items in the borehole view are changed to a single Hole ID the Hole ID
Filter field automatically changes to reflect the revised single hole ID.

View Mode
The View mode property controls and displays whether the current project is in design mode or
active mode. Design mode is used to create graphics without attaching them to data. Design mode
is useful when designing complex logs or when designing templates. When the program is in active
mode, the graphics are linked to data as they are being created. To change the View Mode, click on
the existing option and select the desired option from the list. Alternatively, toggle back and forth
between design mode and active mode with the Log | Design Mode command.

View Name
The View Name is the label that appears in the borehole view tab to the left of the colon. Strater
projects can contain multiple borehole views, such as monitoring well views and sampling well
views. View Name is a way to separate the various views from one another and to clearly identify
the view. The default name of the tab is Borehole 1: X, in which X is the current Hole ID Filter
(described below). To change the view name, highlight the existing name and type the new desired
name of the view in the View Name field.

Log Display Mode

The Log display mode shows the current borehole in either Page view or Full view.

Page view separates the log into multiple pages with page breaks. The header and footer can be
shown on each page, on only the first or last pages, or not at all by setting the display and size of
the panes in the Page Setup dialog. If the Log display mode is set to Page view select View |
Zoom | Fit Page or click the page buttons to move among the pages.

The Full view shows the header and footer but expands the log pane to show the whole length of
the log with no breaks.

Template Name
The Template Name shows the template name, if any, attached to this borehole view. This is a
read-only field.

Depth Increases
The Depth increases property tells Strater whether values in the depth column increase down or
up. To change the orientation, click on the existing option and select the desired option from the
list. Set the borehole orientation to Downwards when the Starting borehole depth is less than the
Ending borehole depth. Set the borehole orientation to Upwards when the Starting borehole depth
is greater than the Ending borehole depth.

The borehole orientation will automatically change to reflect the current Starting borehole depth
and Ending borehole depth. For example, if the borehole orientation was originally set to Upwards
and a user changed the start depth to be less than the end depth, the borehole orientation field
automatically changes to Downwards.

Chapter 25 - Editing, Selecting, and Arranging Objects

The Depth increases property is not available when the borehole view includes a raster log.

Depth Method
The Depth method sets the display of the view to either measured depth or true vertical depth. The
Measured depth is the depth values from the tables. The True vertical depth is calculated from the
depth values in the tables and the azimuth and inclination (or dip) values using the TVD calculation
method. To change the depth method, click on the existing option and select the desired option
from the list.

All logs except for depth logs are displayed using the specified depth method.

TVD Calculation Method

When the Depth method is set to True vertical depth, the displayed depth value is calculated using
the depth from the table and the azimuth and inclination (or dip). The TVD calculation method
determines how the values are combined to get the true vertical depth. Available options are
Tangential, Average Tangential, Balanced Tangential, Radius of Curvature, and Minimum Curvature.
The default is Minimum Curvature, which provides a good estimate of the true vertical depth. To
change the calculation method, click on the existing option and select the desired option from the

Depth Settings
The Depth settings option controls the starting and ending borehole depths. There are three
options: Automatic, Collars table, and User defined. To change the Depth settings, click on the
existing option and select the desired option from the list.
• By default, the Depth settings option is set to Automatic. When the Depth settings option is
Automatic, Strater scans the existing data tables to determine the starting and ending
borehole depths that will fit all data.
When the Depth settings option is set to Automatic and the Depth method is set to True vertical
depth, the deviation field in the depth or interval table is used to calculate the overall true vertical
depth. If the deviation field is missing from the depth/interval table, then the deviation field from
the collars table is used. If the deviation field is missing from the collars table, the deviation value
of 0 is used.
• When the Depth settings option is set to Collars table, the starting and ending borehole
depths are retrieved from a collars table. You can also specify the scale of the borehole view
in a collars table. Select a borehole in the Hole ID Filter list to update the Automatic and
Collars table selections.
When the Depth settings option is set to Collars table and the Depth method is set to True vertical
depth, the deviation field in the collars table is used to apply the starting and ending depths. If the
deviation field in the collars table is missing, the deviation value of 0 is used.
• When the Depth settings option is set to User defined, the Starting borehole depth and
Ending borehole depth are available.
When the Depth settings option is set to User defined and the Depth method is set to True vertical
depth, the deviation field in the depth or interval table is used to calculate the overall true vertical
depth. If the deviation field is missing from the depth/interval table, then the deviation field from
the collars table is used. If the deviation field is missing from the collars table, the deviation value
of 0 is used.

Starting Borehole Depth

If the Depth settings option is set to User defined, you can specify the starting borehole depth. The
Starting borehole depth is the depth to begin the data display. If the Starting borehole depth is
greater than zero, the Ending borehole depth must be greater than the starting value. Likewise, if

Strater 5 User’s Guide

the Starting borehole depth is less than zero, the Ending borehole depth must be less than the
starting value. If the Starting borehole depth is zero, the Ending borehole depth can be either
negative or positive.

Ending Borehole Depth

If the Depth settings option is set to User defined, you can specify the borehole range. The Starting
borehole depth is the depth to begin the data display and the Ending borehole depth is the ending
depth for data display. If the Starting borehole depth is greater than zero, the Ending borehole
depth must be greater than the starting value. Likewise, if the Starting borehole depth is less than
zero, the Ending borehole depth must be less than the starting value. If the Starting borehole depth
is zero, the Ending borehole depth can be either negative or positive.

Depth Units
Select the borehole unit type from the Depth units list. The units selected here are the units of the
data in the data table and are the base units for the depth log.

Auto-recalculate Scale
Uncheck the box next to the Auto-recalculate Scale option if you want to manually adjust the
Scaling Depth per Centimeter/Inch and the Standard Scale 1 fields. Check the box next to Auto-
recalculate Scale to not edit these fields. Strater will automatically calculate the scale of the log
display so that all data fits on a single page. When these are automatically set by checking the
Auto-recalculate Scale option, the entire borehole fits in a single page.

Scale Depth Per Inch/Centimeter

Use the Scaling depth per inch (or centimeter) to scale the borehole in units of measurement on the
physical page. This value must be greater than zero. The page length limit is 2000 inches. To
change the units between inches and centimeters use the general settings in the Options dialog.

Standard Scale 1
The Standard scale 1 displays the ratio between the scale depth per inch and the depth units you
select. For example, if the Scaling depth per inch is set at 2 and the depth units are Feet the
standard scale automatically displays 24, which is the number of inches per unit of depth (12 inches
in a foot) multiplied by the scale depth per inch (2).

If you change the standard scale 1 number, the scale depth per inch automatically changes as well.
For example, if you change the standard scale 1 number from 24 to 36 the scale depth per inch
value changes to 3. If you change the depth unit to meters the standard scale value changes to
118.11, which is the number of inches in 3 meters.

Reference Datum
The Reference datum is the surface on the earth that defines the vertical reference for all wells in
the borehole view. Changing the reference datum results in the logs in the borehole view being
regenerated and "hung" on a different marker. The logs hang on an imaginary horizontal line that
runs across the borehole view. The reference datum follows this horizontal line. To change the
Reference datum, click on the existing option and select the desired option from the list. Available
options are [None], Mean sea level, and Marker bed. Selecting [None] plots all logs at the starting
depth. Elevations are not considered. Mean sea level places sea level (elevation = 0) on the
horizontal line. All other locations vary based on depths and elevations from seal level. The wells in
the borehole view will be placed at their respective elevations, as entered in the collars table.
Marker bed places the horizontal line at the top of the selected layer in the borehole view.

Chapter 25 - Editing, Selecting, and Arranging Objects

If Reference datum is set to Mean sea level or Marker bed and the Depth settings is set to Collars
table, the Starting borehole depth and Ending borehole depth values will be adjusted to account for
the elevation. That is, the Starting borehole depth equals the Elevation minus the Starting Depth.
For example, if the Elevation is 1000 and the Starting Depth is 700 in the collars table, the Starting
borehole depth will be 300 (1000-700=300).

If you change the Reference datum to either Mean sea Level or Marker bed and if the Depth
settings are set to User defined, the Starting borehole depth and Ending borehole depth values will
not be updated. This may result in parts of the borehole view being created off the visible page.

Marker Bed
When the Reference datum is set to Marker bed, the Marker bed option becomes available. This is
the level in the borehole view that defines how all logs are compared. The marker bed is the bed
that is at the same vertical location across the borehole view and all logs.

Line Properties
Use Line page to adjust the line properties for the lines that surround the header, log, and footer
panes and the end depth line. Check the Show end depth line check box to add a horizontal line at
the log end depth.

Project Properties
This option allows you to store a null value with the Strater file .SDG, and this value can be
different from the null value set in File | Options. This NULL data value setting overrides the null
value in File | Options.

Map View Properties

To view the general settings for a map view in the Property Manager, click the View | Display |
View Properties command, click Arrange | Selection | Deselect All, click on the view name in
the View Manager, right-click on the view name in the View Manager and choose View
Properties, or click the mouse in any white space in the map view that is not part of a map or

The map view settings contain the name of the map view.

Cross Section View Properties

The depth method, reference datum, and depth settings for the entire cross section are controlled
on the cross section View properties. To view and edit the general settings for a cross section view
in the Property Manager,
• Click the View | Display | View Properties command,
• Click Arrange | Selection | Deselect All,
• Click on the view name in the View Manager,
• Right-click on the view name in the View Manager and choose View Properties, or
• Click the mouse in any white space in the cross section view that is not part of a cross
section or object.
The cross section view settings contain the name of the basic settings for the cross section,
including the cross section name, depth range, scaling, units, display mode, the reference datum,
and any vertical exaggeration that may exist in the cross section. You can also manage the cross
section items and recreate the cross section.

Strater 5 User’s Guide

View Properties
The View tab contains the borehole and depth options.

Use the View tab to set depth options and the borehole ID.

View Mode
The View mode property controls and displays whether the current project is in design mode or
active mode. Design mode is used to create graphics without attaching them to data. Design mode
is useful when designing complex logs or when designing templates. When the program is in active
mode, the graphics are linked to data as they are being created. To change the View mode, click on
the existing option and select the desired option from the list. Alternatively, toggle back and forth
between design mode and active mode with the Log | Display | Design Mode command.

View Name
The View name is the label that appears in the cross section view tab. Strater projects can contain
multiple cross section views. View name is a way to separate the various views from one another
and to clearly identify the view. The default name of the tab is Cross Section 1. To change the view
name, highlight the existing name and type the new desired name of the view in the View
name field.

Chapter 25 - Editing, Selecting, and Arranging Objects

Log Display Mode

The Log display mode shows the current borehole in either Page view or Full view.

Page view separates the log into multiple pages with page breaks. The header and footer can be
shown on each page, on only the first or last pages, or not at all by setting the display and size of
the panes in the Page Setup dialog. If the Log display mode is set to Page view select View |
Zoom | Fit Page or click the page buttons to move among the pages.

The Full view shows the header and footer but expands the log pane to show the whole length of
the log with no breaks.

Depth Increases
The Depth increases property tells Strater whether values in the depth column increase down or
up. To change the orientation, click on the existing option and select the desired option from the
list. Set the borehole orientation to Downwards when the Starting borehole depth is less than the
Ending borehole depth. Set the borehole orientation to Upwards when the Starting borehole depth
is greater than the Ending borehole depth.

The borehole orientation will automatically change to reflect the current Starting borehole depth
and Ending borehole depth. For example, if the borehole orientation was originally set to Upwards
and a user changed the start depth to be less than the end depth, the borehole orientation field
automatically changes to Downwards.

The Depth increases property is not available for depth-registered raster log cross sections or other
cross sections that include a raster log.

Depth Method
The Depth method sets the display of the view to either measured depth or true vertical depth. The
Measured depth is the depth values from the tables. The True vertical depth is calculated from the
depth values in the tables and the azimuth and inclination (or dip) values using the TVD calculation
method. To change the depth method, click on the existing option and select the desired option
from the list.

All logs except for depth logs are displayed using the specified depth method.

TVD Calculation Method

When the Depth method is set to True vertical depth, the displayed depth value is calculated using
the depth from the table and the azimuth and inclination (or dip). The TVD calculation method
determines how the values are combined to get the true vertical depth. Available options are
Tangential, Average Tangential, Balanced Tangential, Radius of Curvature, and Minimum Curvature.
The default is Minimum Curvature, which provides a good estimate of the true vertical depth. To
change the calculation method, click on the existing option and select the desired option from the

Depth Settings
The Depth settings option controls the starting and ending borehole depths. There are three
options: Automatic, Collars table, and User defined. To change the Depth settings, click on the
existing option and select the desired option from the list.

Strater 5 User’s Guide

• By default, the Depth settings option is set to Automatic. When the Depth settings option is
Automatic, Strater scans the existing data tables to determine the starting and ending
borehole depths that will fit all data.
When the Depth settings option is set to Automatic and the Depth method is set to True vertical
depth, the deviation field in the depth or interval table is used to calculate the overall true vertical
depth. If the deviation field is missing from the depth/interval table, then the deviation field from
the collars table is used. If the deviation field is missing from the collars table, the deviation value
of 0 is used.
• When the Depth settings option is set to Collars table, the starting and ending borehole
depths are retrieved from a collars table. You can also specify the scale of the borehole view
in a collars table. Select a borehole in the Hole ID Filter list to update the Automatic and
Collars table selections.
When the Depth settings option is set to Collars table and the Depth method is set to True vertical
depth, the deviation field in the collars table is used to apply the starting and ending depths. If the
deviation field in the collars table is missing, the deviation value of 0 is used.

If Reference datum is set to Mean sea level or Marker bed and the Depth settings is set to Collars
table, the Starting borehole depth and Ending borehole depth values will be adjusted to account for
the elevation. That is, the Starting borehole depth equals the Elevation minus the Starting Depth.
For example, if the Elevation is 1000 and the Starting Depth is 700 in the collars table, the Starting
borehole depth will be 300 (1000-700=300).
• When the Depth settings option is set to User defined, the Starting borehole depth and
Ending borehole depth are available.
When the Depth settings option is set to User defined and the Depth method is set to True vertical
depth, the deviation field in the depth or interval table is used to calculate the overall true vertical
depth. If the deviation field is missing from the depth/interval table, then the deviation field from
the collars table is used. If the deviation field is missing from the collars table, the deviation value
of 0 is used.

If Reference datum is set to Mean sea level or Marker bed and the Depth settings is set to User
defined, the Starting borehole depth and Ending borehole depth values will not be updated. This
may result in parts of the cross section, or the entire cross section, being created off the visible

Starting Borehole Depth

If the Depth settings option is set to User defined, you can specify the starting borehole depth. The
Starting borehole depth is the depth to begin the data display. If the Starting borehole depth is
greater than zero, the Ending borehole depth must be greater than the starting value. Likewise, if
the Starting borehole depth is less than zero, the Ending borehole depth must be less than the
starting value. If the Starting borehole depth is zero, the Ending borehole depth can be either
negative or positive.

Ending Borehole Depth

If the Depth settings option is set to User defined, you can specify the borehole range. The Starting
borehole depth is the depth to begin the data display and the Ending borehole depth is the ending
depth for data display. If the Starting borehole depth is greater than zero, the Ending borehole
depth must be greater than the starting value. Likewise, if the Starting borehole depth is less than
zero, the Ending borehole depth must be less than the starting value. If the Starting borehole depth
is zero, the Ending borehole depth can be either negative or positive.

Chapter 25 - Editing, Selecting, and Arranging Objects

Depth Units
Select the borehole unit type from the Depth units list. The units selected here are the base units
for the depth log. These units are converted in the cross section view to the units for any depth

Auto-recalculate Scale
Uncheck the box next to the Auto-recalculate scale option if you want to manually adjust the
Scaling depth per [centimeter/inch], Vertical exaggeration, and the Standard scale 1 fields. Check
the box next to Auto-recalculate scale to not edit these fields. Strater will automatically calculate
the scale of the cross section display so that all data fits on a single page.

Scale Depth Per Inch/Centimeter

Use the Scaling depth per inch (or centimeter) to scale the borehole in units of measurement on the
physical page. This value must be greater than zero. The page length limit is 2000 inches. To
change the units between inches and centimeters use the general settings in the Options dialog.

Vertical Exaggeration
The Vertical exaggeration sets the ratio of the X scale (distance between wells) over the Y scale
(depth down the hole). To change the Vertical exaggeration, highlight the existing value and type
the desired value. Press ENTER on the keyboard to make the change.

The Y scale is displayed by the Scaling depth per inch and Depth units options. The X scale is
defined as the distance between the farthest left and farthest right wells in map units divided by the
physical distance between the centers of the farthest left and farthest right wells in page units. The
map units are determined by the Map coordinate system for the map from which the cross section
was created or by the collars table Easting and Northing column units.

A Vertical exaggeration of 1 is considered no vertical exaggeration when the X, Y, and depth units
are the same. This means that the distance covered by one page unit vertically is the same as the
distance covered by the same page unit horizontally, when the units are the same. For instance,
when all of the values are reported in feet or all of the values are reported in meters, a Vertical
exaggeration of 1 shows one foot or meter the same vertically and horizontally.

When the X, Y, and depth units are not the same, the map units (X and Y) are converted to the
depth units internally. The Vertical exaggeration value should then be altered to include the
difference in units. For instance, if the map units are in meters and the depth units are in feet, a
Vertical exaggeration of 3.28084 will provide the same distance equally in the horizontal and
vertical directions.

If the X, Y, or depth units are unspecified, the units should be the same.

Standard Scale 1
The Standard scale 1 displays the ratio between the scale depth per inch and the depth units you
select. For example, if the scale depth per inch is set at 2 and the depth units are Feet the standard
scale automatically displays 24, which is the number of inches per unit of depth (12 inches in a
foot) multiplied by the scale depth per inch (2).

If you change the standard scale 1 number, the scale depth per inch automatically changes as well.
For example, if you change the standard scale 1 number from 24 to 36 the scale depth per inch

Strater 5 User’s Guide

value changes to 3. If you change the depth unit to meters the standard scale value changes to
118.11, which is the number of inches in 3 meters.

Reference Datum
The Reference datum is the surface on the earth that defines the vertical reference for all wells in
the cross section. Changing the reference datum results in the cross section being regenerated and
"hung" on a different marker. A cross section hangs on an imaginary horizontal line that runs across
the cross section. The reference datum follows this horizontal line. To change the Reference datum,
click on the existing option and select the desired option from the list. Available options are [None],
Mean sea level, and Marker bed. Selecting [None] plots all boreholes at the starting depth.
Elevations are not considered. Mean sea level places sea level (elevation = 0) on the horizontal line.
All other locations vary based on depths and elevations from seal level. The wells in the cross
section will be placed at their respective elevations, as entered in the collars table. Marker bed
places the horizontal line at the top of the selected layer in the cross section.

If Reference datum is set to Mean sea level or Marker bed and the Depth settings is set to Collars
table, the Starting borehole depth and Ending borehole depth values will be adjusted to account for
the elevation. That is, the Starting borehole depth equals the Elevation minus the Starting Depth.
For example, if the Elevation is 1000 and the Starting Depth is 700 in the collars table, the Starting
borehole depth will be 300 (1000-700=300).

If you change the Reference datum to either Mean sea Level or Marker bed and if the Depth
settings are set to User defined, the Starting borehole depth and Ending borehole depth values will
not be updated. This may result in parts of the cross section, or the entire cross section, being
created off the visible page.

Marker Bed
When the Reference datum is set to Marker bed, the Marker bed option becomes available. This is
the level in the cross section that defines how all wells are compared. The marker bed is the bed
that is at the same vertical location across the cross section and all wells.

Line Tab
Use the line tab to adjust the line styles that surrounds the header, cross section, and footer panes
and end depth line.

Project tab
This option allows you to store a null value with the Strater file .SDG, and this value can be
different from the null value set in File | Options. This NULL Data Value setting overrides the null
value in File | Options.

Show/Hide All Tables

Click the View | Display | Show All Tables command to display every data table imported into
the current project. When one ore more tables are displayed for the project the Show All Tables
command is replaced by the View | Display | Hide All Tables command. Click the Hide All
Tables command to hide every data table imported into the current project.

Toggle the visibility of individual tables in the Table Manager.

Chapter 25 - Editing, Selecting, and Arranging Objects

Click the View | Managers command to show or hide the Property Manager; the Object
Manager; and the View Manager. A check mark is displayed next to visible managers.

Strater managers can be docked to any side of the window or they can be displayed as floating

Hide/Show All Managers

Click the View | Managers | Hide All command to hide all manager windows and maximize the
space available for viewing the window. This command is especially useful if you want to zoom in
on the current display.

Click the View | Managers | Show All command to change the view to include the window and all
managers. Note: This command returns all managers to their respective locations before the Hide
All Managers command was used; it does not restore their default positions. Use the View |
Windows | Reset Windows command to restore the default window layout.

Click the View | Windows | Cascade command to arrange multiple views in an overlapped
fashion. Each view is offset a small amount from the previous view. Individual views can be sized
by dragging the view borders.

To exit the cascade effect click the Maximize icon on any tab.

Arrange Icons
Click the View | Windows | Arrange Icons command to arrange minimized view icons at the
bottom of the workspace. If a maximized view exists some or all of the icons may be located
underneath the view.

Reset Windows
Click the View | Windows | Reset Windows command to change the display of the program.
This command resets the Object Manager, Property Manager, Table Manager, and View
Manager windows back to the default size and position. It also resets all ribbon customizations and
custom shortcuts back to the defaults.

This command is especially handy if your windows or managers become hidden by mistake.

You must restart Strater in order for this command to take effect. Click Yes in the dialog, close the
program, and reopen Strater. The managers, Ribbon, Quick Access Toolbar, and accelerators are
now restored to the default states.

Tile Horizontal

Click the View | Windows | Tile Horizontal command to arrange multiple views horizontally in a
non-overlapped fashion.

Strater 5 User’s Guide

Tile Vertical

Click the View | Windows | Tile Vertical command to arrange multiple views vertically in a non-
overlapped fashion.

Arrange Tab Commands

The Arrange tab commands are available when a borehole view, map view, or cross section view is
selected in a project. The following commands are included in the Arrange tab:

Position Adjust the position of the selected object or objects

Size Adjust the size of the selected object or objects

Select All Select everything in the view

Deselect All Deselect selected objects

Invert Selection Reverse the selection

Group Group selected objects into a single object

Ungroup Ungroup a combined object into multiple objects

Rotate Rotates an object by a specific number of degrees

Manually rotate a selected object in the header or footer
Free Rotate
Arrange drawing objects, map layers, well locations, and
Move well selector lines with To Front, To Back, Forward,
and Backward

Align Align objects horizontally or vertically

Space Objects Change the spacing of objects relative to other objects

Resizes selected objects horizontally, vertically, or to

Size Objects
make all selected objects the same size.

Positioning and Sizing Objects

The Position and Size groups on the Arrange tab contain options to position and size objects.
Objects can also be positioned and resized using the mouse and keyboard. Objects can also be
repositioned by dragging them to a new location with the mouse or with the keyboard.

Change the size or position of any object in

the Size or Position group on the Arrange tab.

Horizontal and Vertical Position

Use the horizontal position (X) and the vertical position (Y) to set the X, Y position on the page for
most objects. To change the location, highlight the existing value and type the desired value. Or,

Chapter 25 - Editing, Selecting, and Arranging Objects

click the buttons to increase or decrease the position. Press ENTER on the keyboard to make the

The X, Y location of the cursor is displayed in the status bar. This can be a good source of

Width and Height

Use the Width and Height controls to set the width and height of the selected object. Some objects
do not have a width or height. For example the Height field is disabled when a line/symbol log is
selected. To change the size, highlight the existing value and type the desired value. Or, click the
buttons to increase or decrease the size. Press ENTER on the keyboard to make the change.

Select All
Click the Arrange | Selection | Select All command or press CTRL+A on the keyboard to select
all objects in the map view or all objects in the active pane in the borehole view or cross section
view. A bounding box surrounds all selected objects.

Deselect All
Click the Arrange | Selection | Deselect All command or press the CTRL+ALT+A keys on the
keyboard to deselect all selected objects. This command is useful when zoomed in on objects.

Alternatively, you can deselect all objects by clicking in the white space outside the objects,
including the white space outside the page in the log pane.

Invert Selection
Click the Arrange | Selection | Invert command to reverse the selected and deselected objects in
the active pane in the current view. A bounding box surrounds all selected objects.

Resize Objects
You can resize objects graphically with the mouse or keyboard. Selected objects appear with
selection handles at the corners and sides of the object 's bounding box. Selected log items appear
with selection handles at the sides of the bounding box for the log. The pointer changes to a two-
headed arrow when it is moved over one of the selection handles. You can resize a single selected
object or several selected objects using the selection handles. Edge selection handles will move with
the zoom level. The selection handles will always be visible along the side of the bounding box
regardless of the zoom location or view.

To resize an object with the mouse:

1. Move the pointer over a selection handle.
2. Press and hold the left mouse button.
3. Move the pointer to a new position.
4. Release the left mouse button and the object is resized.
To resize an object with the keyboard:
1. Move the pointer over a selection handle using the ARROW keys.
2. Press and hold the SPACEBAR.
3. Use the ARROW keys to move the pointer to a new position.
4. Release the SPACEBAR and the object is resized.

Strater 5 User’s Guide

Resizing Tips
• With objects other than logs, drag one of the four corner handles to size the object
• Drag one of the side handles to stretch or compress the object in one dimension only.
NOTE: Log items can only be resized in the left-right direction (width). To change the height of log
items, change the scale with Scaling Depth Per Inch in the borehole view properties or cross section
view properties.

The Arrange | Group | Group command is used to group several independent objects into one
composite object. Alternatively, select multiple objects, right-click the selection, and select Group
in the context menu. Composite objects can be a combination of several types of objects and they
can be moved or resized as a single object.

Only objects in the same pane can be grouped. Items in the Header Pane can be grouped with
other items in the Header Pane. Items in the Footer Pane can be grouped with other items in the
Footer Pane. Items in the Cross Section Pane, including logs, can be grouped with other items in
the Cross Section Pane. Items in the Log Pane, including logs, can be grouped with other items in
the Log Pane. Since logs can only be moved horizontally, when logs are grouped with other objects
and the group is moved or resized, the log will only move or resize horizontally. The vertical length
or location of the log will not change. Linked scale bar objects cannot be grouped with other items.

To Group Objects
1. Select two or more objects.
2. Select Arrange | Group | Group or right-click and select Group.
3. The objects are now grouped and can be moved as a single unit.
4. They appear as group in the Object Manager.

Grouped objects are displayed

in the Object Manager.

Editing Grouped Objects

After objects are grouped together, the Group is displayed in the Object Manager as a group
object and sub-objects. Sub-objects can be edited, re-arranged, or deleted in the Object
Manager. Click on any of the group objects in the Object Manager to display and change the
properties for that object in the Property Manager. A sub-object may also be deleted.

Chapter 25 - Editing, Selecting, and Arranging Objects

To move the location of individual items in the composite object, use the Arrange | Group |
Ungroup command. Move the item to the new desired location. Once you have completed moving
the objects, use the Arrange | Group | Group command to regroup the objects.

The Arrange | Group | Ungroup command is used to separate objects that have been previously
grouped into a composite object using the Group command. The Arrange | Group | Ungroup
command can also be used on imported files. Alternatively, right-click on the grouped object and
select Ungroup.

Individual objects in a grouped object cannot be moved in the view window, so use this command
to first ungroup the items and then move an individual object. Objects do not need to be ungrouped
to edit the properties.

Grouped objects are displayed as a

group in the Object Manager.

Ungrouping Objects
1. Select the grouped object in the Object Manager or in the view window.
2. Click the Arrange | Group | Ungroup command, right-click and select Ungroup.
3. The objects are no longer grouped and can be moved independently.

Ungrouped objects are displayed as

individual objects rather than as a group.

Click the Arrange | Rotate | Rotate command or right-click on an object and select Rotate to
rotate a selected object in the view window by a specified number of degrees.

To rotate an object, select the object, click Arrange | Rotate | Rotate, and then type the number
of degrees to rotate the object into the Rotate dialog. There are multiple methods for changing the
rotation with the slider:
• Click and drag the slider to change the rotation value.
• Click the bar to the left or right of the slider to change the rotation value in 45 degree
• Press the LEFT ARROW or RIGHT ARROW key to change the rotation value in 1 degree

Strater 5 User’s Guide

Positive numbers rotate the object in a counterclockwise direction and negative numbers rotate the
object in a clockwise direction.

Type the number of degrees or drag the slider

to select the appropriate rotation and click OK.

Click OK and the objects are rotated. Click Cancel to close the Rotate dialog without changing the
object's rotation.

Free Rotate
Select an object and click the Arrange | Rotate | Free Rotate command or right-click on the
object and choose Free Rotate to rotate objects in the view window with the mouse. After clicking

the command, the pointer changes to a to indicate that the program is in rotate mode. To
rotate an object, click on the screen, press and hold the left mouse button, and drag the mouse. As
the object is rotated, the degrees of rotation are indicated in the status bar and the object's outline
is displayed in the rotated view with a dashed line. To fix the position of the rotated object, release
the mouse button.

Exit Rotate Mode

To exit the free rotate tool either press the ESC key or click any button in the toolbars.

Move to Front
Click the Arrange | Move | To Front command to move the selected object to the front of other
objects. The object will appear on top of the other objects. Objects can also be moved by dragging
them to a new position in the Object Manager.


In the left drawing, the red square is located behind all of the other objects. Use Move to Front to
move the square to the front layer so that it appears in front of all the other objects (right

Move to Back
Click the Arrange | Move | To Back command to move the selected objects to the back. The
object will appear behind the other objects. Objects can also be moved by dragging them to a new
position in the Object Manager.

Chapter 25 - Editing, Selecting, and Arranging Objects


In the left drawing, the red square is located in front of all the other objects. Use Move to Back to
move the square to the back layer so that it appears behind all of the other objects (right drawing).

Move Forward
Click the Arrange | Move | Forward command to move the selected objects forward one layer.
Objects can also be moved by dragging them to a new position in the Object Manager.


In the left drawing, the red square is located behind all the other objects. Use Move Forward to
move the square forward one layer so that it appears between the circle and the triangle (middle
drawing). Selecting Move Forward again places the square on top of the other objects (right
drawing). Move to Front also places the square on top of the other objects.

Move Backward
Click the Arrange | Move | Backward command to move the selected object backward one layer.
Objects can also be moved by dragging them to a new position in the Object Manager.


In the left drawing, the red square is located in front of all the other objects. Use Move Backward
to move the square back one layer so that it appears between the circle and the triangle (middle
drawing). Selecting Move Backward again places the square behind all of the other objects (right
drawing). Move to Back also places the square behind the other objects.

Align Objects
Click the Arrange | Align commands to align selected objects relative to the bounding box
surrounding the selected objects. The objects can be aligned both vertically and horizontally.

When objects are aligned the bounding box automatically resizes to fit the outside boundaries that
most closely fit the newly arranged objects. If you try to resize the bounding box the objects inside

Strater 5 User’s Guide

will increase in size as the bounding box increases in size. If you grab a corner to resize the
bounding box the objects will remain proportionately accurate. If you resize by grabbing a side of
the bounding box the objects will expand in that direction (for example, squares distorting to

Left aligns all selected objects along the left side of the bounding box.

Center centers all selected objects between the left and right sides of the bounding box.

Right aligns all selected objects along the right side of the bounding box.

Top aligns all selected objects along the top of the bounding box. This alignment is available for
drawing objects in all views and panes. This option is not available for log objects.

Middle centers all selected objects between the top and bottom sides of the bounding box. This
alignment is available for drawing objects in all views and panes. This option is not available for log

Bottom aligns all selected objects at the bottom of the bounding box. This alignment is available for
drawing objects in all views and panes. This option is not available for log objects.

Space Objects
Click the Arrange | Space Objects commands to arrange multiple selected objects relative to
each other. To use these commands, first select all of the objects in the Object Manager or view
window. Then, click the Arrange | Space Objects command.

Right to Left
Aligns the left edge of the right object to the right side of the left object. This alignment is available
for all objects.

Left to Right
Aligns the right edge of the left object to the left side of the right object. This alignment is available
for all objects.

Top to Bottom
Aligns the bottom edge of the top object to the top edge of the bottom object. This alignment is not
available for log objects.

Bottom to Top
Aligns the top edge of the bottom object to the bottom edge of the top object. This alignment is not
available for log objects.

Chapter 25 - Editing, Selecting, and Arranging Objects

The Spacing option opens the Spacing dialog.

Set the spacing between selected objects.

Type a value in the Spacing between selected objects box and click OK. The object furthest to the
left stays in the current location. All other objects move to the left, aligning the left edge of each
additional object next to the right edge of the previous object with the value entered in the
Spacing dialog between selected objects. This alignment is available for all objects.

When objects are positioned with the Spacing option, some objects may be moved so that the
object is beyond the page boundary. In this case, a warning message will appear.

This warning appears when some objects may be moved off the page limit.

If you wish to continue with the Spacing operation, click Yes in the dialog. To select objects that
have been moved off the page, click on the object in the Object Manager and use the Position
and Size groups to move the objects into a visible location. To cancel the Spacing operation, click
No in the dialog.

Size Objects
Click the Arrange | Size Objects commands to resize the selected objects. All the selected objects
are resized to the same height, width, or both, depending on which option is selected.

When resizing multiple objects, the sizing factor depends on the top most selected object shown in
the Object Manager. If you want the sizing based upon a particular object, order the objects so it
is the top most object in the display list. Height and Both sizing are not available for log objects
because the height is dependent on the scale of the log or cross section pane.

Click the Arrange | Size Objects | Specify Width command to open the Width dialog.

Strater 5 User’s Guide

Set the size for each object in the Width dialog.

Type the desired width in the Specify width for each selected object box and click OK. The width of
all selected objects changes to the size typed in the dialog.

Chapter 26 - Importing, Exporting, and Printing
Click the File | Save command, the button, or CTRL+S on the keyboard to save Strater .SDG
files with the current file name. If the file has not yet been saved, the Save As dialog is displayed
so you can give the file a name and folder location.

To save a borehole design as a Strater template .TSF file, use the Save As command.

To save a file in other formats select File | Export | Graphic.

Save As
Click the File | Save As command to save a modified project with a new file name or save a
project as a Strater template .TSF file format.

Save As Dialog
Click the File | Save As command to open the Save As dialog.

Type a File name to save the Strater file to a new name.

Save In
The Save in field shows the current folder. Click the down arrow to change the folder.

Chapter 26 - Importing, Exporting, and Printing

Button Shortcuts
The buttons to the right of the Look in field allow you to create new folders and change the view of
the file list.

File List
The File list displays the files using the extension specified in the Save as type box. A file can be
overwritten by selecting it from the file list.

File Name
The File name box displays the name of the selected file, or you can enter the path and file name of
the file to be saved.

Save As Type
Select the file format in the Save as type list. If you would like to save another file type, for
example a bitmap, use File | Export | Graphic.

Save and Cancel

Click the Save button to save the file with the selected options. Click the Cancel button to not save
the file and return to the view window.

Once a borehole view or cross section view is designed, you can reuse the design in other projects
by saving the file as a template. Templates allow you to create, save, and load borehole view
designs, cross section view designs, or entire projects to be reused in other projects or by other
Strater users. Template files have the option of storing a single borehole view or cross section
view. Or, the template can store all of the view windows, schemes, and the table layout without any
actual data. Template .TSF files are stand-alone files from the main Strater project .SDG files.

Creating Templates
Templates can be created by either opening an existing project and saving it as a template, or by
starting with an empty borehole view or cross section view, creating the view design, and saving it
as a template.

To create a new, empty borehole view or cross section view window:

• Click the Home | New | Borehole View command or the button,

• Click the Home | New | Cross Section View command or the button, or
• Right-click in the View Manager and select New Borehole View or New Cross Section
When the view window opens, design the view by opening data files and creating the various
objects with all of the properties that should be saved to the template. If you do not have data for
the logs, you can design the borehole view in design mode.

Saving Templates
You can save a project as a template from either design or active mode. A saved template is stored
in the exact format in which it was saved.

To save only a single borehole view or cross section view window, click the Home | Template |
Save Current View As command. Alternatively, right-click on the view window name in the View

Strater 5 User’s Guide

Manager and select Save Template of Current View. In the Save Active View To Template
File dialog, type a File name that indicates the view window type being saved and any other
information needed for identification. Click Save and the file is saved to a .TSF file format with only
the selected borehole view or cross section view window. No data layout, schemes, or other view
windows are saved.

To save the entire project as a template, click the File | Save As command. In the Save As dialog,
type a File name that indicates the entire project is being saved and set the Save as type to Strater
Template Files (*.tsf). Click Save and the file is saved to a .TSF file format with all view windows,
schemes, and table formats. No actual data is saved. Data tables are created matching the original
layout, but without any actual data. . If there are multiple tables in the template they are all saved,
even those that are not currently represented in the view windows. All schemes in the project are
also saved in the template.

Loading Templates
To load an existing template file, click the File | Open command or right-click in the View
Manager and select Load Template. View windows in the template are loaded into new view
windows in the project. Tables are automatically created. with the format of the data in the
template for full project templates. You are prompted to load data in the template wizard or, you
can import data into the tables, edit the logs to reflect the data, and create additional objects if

Once a template has been loaded into a new Strater window, the appearance of the view window
with the imported template remains unchanged if the original source template is changed
elsewhere. In order to use any changes made to the original template, you must open that
template into a new view window.

Only one template can be used in each view window. You can open multiple templates into multiple
view windows and save them all in a single project file with the File | Save As command.

Active Mode and Design Mode

View windows in full project templates are loaded in active mode, when there is data in any of the
tables attached to the view window. If no data appears in any of the tables attached to a view
window, the view window will be in design mode.

View only templates are loaded in active mode if there is data in any of the tables attached to the
view window. View only templates are loaded in design mode if no data appears in any of the tables
referenced in the template.

Click on the various tables and use the File | Import command to import data into each table.
Click the Log | Display | Design Mode command to switch to active mode after data has been
imported into the project. Click on the view windows and click on View | Display | View
Properties command. Set the Hole ID Filter for the borehole view on the View tab in the
Property Manager.

Template Information
If there is a template associated with a borehole view, it is listed in the Borehole View
Properties. If the Template Name field is blank, a template is not used for this borehole view.
Otherwise, the Template Name contains the name of the template used in the project.

Chapter 26 - Importing, Exporting, and Printing

Template Wizard
The template wizard loads a full project template into the current project. To use the template
wizard, click the Home | Template | Load command. Select a full project template file in the
Open dialog. Alternatively, right-click in the View Manager and select Load Template, or click
the File | Open command and select a project template file. After loading the view windows and
creating the table layout, the Import Template Data dialog appears, prompting for the data files
to import into the new tables.

If all of the necessary tables are already open in the project, the Import Template Data dialog is
not displayed.

Import new data into each table in the Import Template Data dialog.

Table Name
The Table Name column lists the name of each table created by the template.

Table Type
The Table Type column lists each table's type created by the template. This tells the user what type
of data should be loaded into each table.

With Strater 1 templates, Unknown will appear in the Table Type list, as Strater 1 did not record
the type of table needed for templates.

Click the View Table button next to each table to see the columns created by the template. After
clicking the View Table button, the Columns In Table dialog opens. All columns created by the
template for the selected table are listed in the dialog.

Strater 5 User’s Guide

When the Action button is blue and includes the Import Data text, no data is associated with the
selected table. Click the Import Data button to open the Import Data dialog. To import the
selected file into the template created table, check the Import data into current table box in the
Import Data dialog. Click Open and step through the data import process. The imported data will
be included in the selected table.

When the Action button is green, the text will indicate the table name (and sheet for an Excel file),
that is being imported into the selected table.

If data exists in other tables, leave the Import Data button and click OK. No data is imported into
the selected table. The table can be deleted and the logs referenced to other existing tables.

OK or Cancel
Click OK to load the data into the selected tables. Click Cancel to create the tables with no data

Columns In Table Dialog

The Columns In Table dialog appears when clicking the View Table button in the Import
Template Data dialog.

All columns in the selected table are displayed in the

Columns In Table dialog.

All columns for the selected table are listed in the dialog. When importing data into this table, some
of the columns should match those listed in the Columns In Table dialog. After looking over the
columns in the table, click Close to return to the Import Template Data dialog.

Chapter 26 - Importing, Exporting, and Printing

Import Graphic
Click the File | Import Graphic command, click the button, or press CTRL+I on the keyboard
to import a graphic or other object, such as a company logo or location map into any pane in the
borehole view, map view, or cross section view.

The Import Dialog

Use the File | Import Graphic command to insert an image or other common graphic file into an
existing Strater project.

Select the file to import in the Import dialog.

Look In
The Look in field shows the current folder. Click the down arrow to choose a new folder. Click on
the folders to change directories.

The buttons to the right of the Look in field allow you to create new folders and change the view of
the file list.

File List
The File list displays files in the current folder. The current folder is listed in the Look in field. The
Files of type field controls the display of the file list. To see all files in the folder, choose All Files
(*.*) from the Files of type list. Double-click on a file to open it or single click the file and then click
the Open button.

Strater 5 User’s Guide

File Name
The File name field shows the name of the selected file. You can also type a path and file name into
the box to open a file

Files of Type
The Files of type field shows the file format to be opened. To change the file format click the down
arrow and select the file type from the list. All Files (*.*) display all files in a folder.

To Import an Object:
1. Click the File | Import Graphic command.
2. In the Import dialog, select the file to import and click Open.
3. The object is positioned at the center of the active pane in the cross section view and
borehole view and at the center of the page in the map view. To move the object, click and
drag the object to the desired location.
4. To resize the object, click on the object and drag the corner selection handle to the desired
size, or use the Position/Size toolbar.

Set the width in the W box and the height in the H box for the imported object.

Copy/Cut and Paste Objects into Any Pane

You can copy and paste (or cut and paste) almost any object, including logs from other Strater
projects, directly into the header, footer, or log panes. These objects include Word or Excel
documents, images in common formats, and objects from other Golden Software products, such as
Surfer® and Grapher® . Some properties of the text might not follow with the Paste command,
such as font color. If this occurs, double-click inside the pasted text box to format the text within

Import Data
Strater allows you to import data from various data sources. You can maintain your data in other
applications, such as a database, and import the tables you need into Strater to create boreholes.
Any changes made to the data in the original application can be updated in Strater with the Data |
Reload | Data or Data | Reload | All commands. Data imported into Strater can be edited and
transformed. When changes are made to data in Strater the original data external to Strater is
not changed.

Open Data into a New Table

To open data into a new table:

1. Click the File | Open command, click the button, or press CTRL+O on the keyboard.
2. In the Open dialog, select a data file and click Open.
3. Set the information in the dialogs that follow. Specify options in each of the dialogs and click
a. For .XLS, .XLSX, .SLK, .CSV, .TXT, .DAT, .DBF, .DB, .BNA, and .BLN files set the
information in the dialogs Specify Worksheet Column Definitions and Specify
Data Type and Column Positions.
b. For ACCDB and .MDB files first select the specific table or query in the Database
Tables and Fields dialog. Then set the information in the dialogs Specify
Worksheet Column Definitions and Specify Data Type and Column Positions.

Chapter 26 - Importing, Exporting, and Printing

c. For .LAS files use the LAS Import Options dialog to set the LAS-specific (Log ASCII
Standard) importing options.
d. For Data Link Source (use the Load Database button in the Open dialog to use this
function) set the information in the dialogs Data Link Properties, Database Tables
and Fields, and Specify Data Type and Column Positions.
4. After the data importing process is complete, a new table is created. The new table becomes
the active window in the borehole view.

Import Data into an Existing Table

To import data into an existing table:
1. Select the tab for the desired data table. You can import data only into the currently active
data table.
2. Click the File | Import Data command or right-click inside the data table and select the
Import command.
3. In the Import Data dialog, select the appropriate data file and click Open.

These options are available only when importing a data file.

5. Set the information in the dialogs that follow. Strater imports the data for the columns
already existing in the current table and optionally adds new columns specified in the
Import Data Into Current Table dialog. The dialogs that appear are dependent upon the
type of file you selected for importing:
a. For .XLS, .XLSX .SLK, .CSV, .TXT, .DAT, .BNA, and .BLN files set the information in
the dialogs Specify Worksheet Column Definitions and Import Into Current

Strater 5 User’s Guide

Table. The latter dialog maps column data in the source data table to the correct
column in the Strater data table.
b. For multisheet .XLS and .XLSX files, the Multisheet Export Selection dialog will
appear. Select all sheets to import.
c. For database files ( ACCDB, .MDB, .DBF, and .DB) files first select the specific table
or query in the Database Tables and Fields dialog. Set the dialogs Specify
Worksheet Column Definitions and Import Into Current Table.
d. For LAS files (.LAS) set the options in the LAS Import Options dialog.
e. For Data Link Source (use the Load Database button to open this function) set the
information in the dialogs Data Link Properties, Database Tables and Fields, and
Specify Data Type and Column Positions.
6. When data is imported into an existing table it is automatically the active table in the
borehole view.

Note About Importing Data Into an Existing Table

Data are imported into a current table when that data table is selected in the workspace. If you
import data during log item creation, the data are always imported into a new table. For more
information see Import Data Into Current Table.

Loading a Database
Click the Load Database button in the Open or Import Data dialogs to open the data linking
function. Data linking provides a method to link to virtually any database supported by Microsoft via
an OLE DB Provider, ODBC, or some other supported format. Set the database information in the
dialogs Data Link Properties, Database Tables and Fields, and Specify Data Type and Column

Click the File | Export | Graphic command, click the button, or CTRL+E on the keyboard to
export either a borehole view, map view, or cross section view into a variety of formats. If you wish
to export a table, use the File | Export Data | Worksheet command.

To save a file as a Strater template .TSF use the Save As command. To save a file in .SDG format
use the Save or Save As options.

The Export Dialog

Click the File | Export | Graphic command to export a borehole, cross section, or map view. The
Export dialog appears.

Chapter 26 - Importing, Exporting, and Printing

Export any borehole view, map view, or cross section view to any of the supported formats.

Save In
The Save in field shows the current directory. Click the down arrow to see the directory structure.
Click on the folders to change directories.

The buttons to the right of the Save in field allow you to create new folders and change the view of
the file list.

Files List
The Files list displays the files using the extension specified in the Save as type box. A file can be
overwritten by selecting it from the file list.

File Name
The File name box displays the name of the selected file. Type the path and file name of the file to
be exported.

Save As Type
The Save as type box specifies the format of the file to be exported.

Strater 5 User’s Guide

Selected Objects Only

Check the Selected objects only box to export selected objects rather than the entire plot.

Show Options Dialog

Check the Show options dialog box to display the options dialog for the selected format after
clicking the Save button.

Exporting Files
You can export files by typing a name into the File name box and then selecting the file type in the
Save as type list. For example, typing MYPLOT in the File name box and choosing Tagged Image
(TIFF) from the Save as type list results in MYPLOT.TIF. There is no need to enter an extension
because it is automatically added. If a file extension is typed into the box along with the file name,
the file type is determined by the typed extension. For example, if MYPLOT.DXF is typed in the File
name box the file is in AutoCAD DXF format no matter what is set in the Save as type field.

When the Save button is clicked an additional dialog box opens where you select specific options
associated with the file to save. The contents of the export file dialog varies with the file type
selected for the export.

Exporting Pages
If your borehole is in Page View mode, Strater exports each individual page as a separate file.
Each page is named automatically. For example, you have a borehole in page view that has five
pages. The export file type is AutoCAD DXF, and the selected file name is BHMW1.DXF. Strater
creates each page as BHMW1-Page1.DXF, BHMW1-Page2.DXF, etc. The exception is if you export to
a vector PDF, the PDF file will be a single PDF document containing all of the pages in the view

If the view is full view, the whole borehole is exported as one file.

Export Units
When exporting a map view to a file type that support real world coordinates, such as .DXF, .SHP,
and .MIF, the coordinates are in map coordinates when only a single map exists in the map view.
The map coordinates are determined by the map's target coordinate system. If other objects, such
as text, legends, or drawn objects are in the map view, the map is exported in page units. Values
increment up and to the right.

When exporting a cross section view or borehole view to a file type that supports real world
coordinates, the Y values are depth coordinates. The X values are in the same units as the Y values.
The furthest point to the left in the view window is assigned a value of 0. Values increment up and
to the right.

Export - Table View

With a table view selected, click the File | Export Data | Worksheet command to export the
current table into one of several common data file types.

To export a table in .SDG format click the File | Save or File | Save As commands.

To export the data in a table:

1. Click the File | Export Data | Worksheet command. The Save As dialog opens.

Chapter 26 - Importing, Exporting, and Printing

2. Set the Save in field to the folder where you want to save the data.
3. Enter a File name for the new data file.
4. Set the Save as type to the desired type of file to save. The default type is .XLS. File types
include .BLN, .BNA, .CSV, .DAT, . SLK, .TXT, .XLS, and .XLSX.
5. Click Save and the data is saved to the file.

Export Multiple Logs

Click the File | Export | Multiple Logs command to export multiple logs using the current
borehole view. The Select Boreholes dialog appears, displaying a list of all available boreholes in
the project. Click on each borehole that you want to export and click OK.

You can export boreholes with different starting or ending borehole depths, and different scaling

To Export Multiple Borehole Logs:

1. Open or create a Strater project that contains multiple boreholes in the table views.
2. Click the File | Export | Multiple Logs command.
3. In the Select Boreholes dialog, select the boreholes you wish to export. Use the CTRL key
on the keyboard to select multiple items. Use the SHIFT key to select a group of items.

Select the boreholes to export in the Select Boreholes dialog.

4. Click OK in the Select Boreholes dialog.
5. Set the directory location, File name, and Save as type in the Multi-Export dialog. The File
name is the base file name. The well ID is appended to the File name that is typed into the
dialog. For instance, if Lithology Log is typed in, you may see Lithology Log-DH1, Lithology
Log-DH2, etc in the output directory.

Strater 5 User’s Guide

Set the base name for all exported files and the type of file in the Multi-Export dialog.
6. Click Save.
7. If necessary, set any options in the export options dialog that appears. The export files are
Vector PDF Output
When the Save as type is set to PDF (Vector), a single PDF file is created. Each borehole is started
on a new page. For longer boreholes, multiple pages may exist for each borehole.

Linked Text
The linked text Hole ID filter property is ignored when you use the Export Multiple Logs or Print
Multiple Logs command. The linked text object will display the text from each of the hole IDs
selected for export or printing. If you wish to use the Export Multiple Logs or Print Multiple
Logs command and have the text stay the same for all of the output logs, consider using a Text
object instead.

Export to LAS
The File | Export | LAS command creates an LAS file from the selected line/symbol, bar,
crossplot, percentage, tadpole, or classed post log. The LAS file follows the LAS 2 format, so it is
compatible with most programs.

To use the Export to LAS command,

1. Select the log to export. Multiple logs can be selected and exported to the same LAS file as
long as all of the selected logs use the same Hole ID and all selected logs are one of the
supported log types.
2. Click the File | Export | LAS command.

Chapter 26 - Importing, Exporting, and Printing

3. The Save As dialog is displayed with the Save as type automatically set to LAS Files. Type a
File name and click Save.
If the logs in the view window are not linked to tables and columns that contain data, an error
message appears after typing a name in the Save As dialog and clicking Save. Click OK on the
error. Set all of the logs to a table and column that contain data and click the File | Export | LAS
command again.

LAS Export Dialog

After typing a File name and clicking Save, the LAS Export dialog appears.

Curve Info Tab

Fill in the depth information and any comments on the Curve Info page.

Use Original Depth Range And Spacing

Strater automatically determines the Start Depth, End Depth, Interval, and Depth Units for the log
being exported. Most of the time, these values are the same as those in the View Properties. You
can overwrite these values to any values desired. If any columns used to display the curves have
units assigned, the units are written to the LAS file. Check the Use original depth range and spacing
option to export all logs with the Start Depth, End Depth, and Interval values the same as the
original data. Uncheck this box to manually set the values to any desired values.

Start Depth
The Start Depth is the first value being exported to the LAS file. The default value is the Starting
Borehole Depth for the selected borehole view or the original starting depth in the table associated
with the log. To change the value in the LAS file, highlight the existing value and type the desired

End Depth
The End Depth is the last value being exported to the LAS file. The default value is the Ending
Borehole Depth for the selected borehole view or the original ending depth in the table associated

Strater 5 User’s Guide

with the log. To change the value in the LAS file, highlight the existing value and type the desired

The Interval is the spacing for the depth values in the exported LAS file. One measurement will be
recorded at each Interval. To change the Interval, highlight the existing value and type a new

With multiple logs, Strater examines all of the selected logs and finds each log's maximum
increment value. If a log has identical increment values (i.e., maximum increment value is the
same as minimum increment value), then the increment value from the first such log found is used
as the initial Interval. If the increment values are not identical for a log, then the maximum
increment of this log is compared with those of other logs, and the maximum increment value
among all logs is selected as the initial Interval.

Depth Units
The Depth Units is the units for the depth log. The value is determined by the Depth Units in the
View Properties. This option cannot be changed in the export process. To change the option,
cancel the export, change the Depth Units on the View tab in the Property Manager and reexport
the file.

NULL Value
The NULL Value is the value in the log that should be used to indicate that the value is not
recorded. This is the NULL of the project, as shown on the View tab in the Property Manager.

Enter any comments in the Comments section. These are added to the top of the LAS file.

Well Info Tab

Set the options for the well on the Well Info page.

Chapter 26 - Importing, Exporting, and Printing

Enter the company name in the box next to Company. This is an optional entry and does not need
to be input.

The Well name is automatically entered from the Hole ID Filter for the selected log. To change the
Well, highlight the existing text and type the desired well name. This is an optional entry and does
not need to be input.

Enter the field name in the box next to Field. This is an optional entry and does not need to be

Enter the location name in the box next to Location. This is an optional entry and does not need to
be input.

Enter the province name in the box next to Province. This is an optional entry and does not need to
be input.

Enter the county name in the box next to County. This is an optional entry and does not need to be

Enter the state name in the box next to State. This is an optional entry and does not need to be

Enter the country name in the box next to Country. This is an optional entry and does not need to
be input.

Service Company
Enter the service company name in the box next to Service Comp.. This is an optional entry and
does not need to be input.

Enter the date in the box next to Date. This is an optional entry and does not need to be input.

Well ID
Enter a well identification in the box next to Well ID. This is an optional entry and does not need to
be input.

API Number
Enter the API number in the box next to API Number. This is an optional entry and does not need to
be input.

Strater 5 User’s Guide

Enter the latitude value in the box next to Latitude. This is an optional entry and does not need to
be input.

Enter the longitude value in the box next to Longitude. This is an optional entry and does not need
to be input.

Miscellaneous Comments
Enter any miscellaneous comments in the boxes next to Misc 1, Misc 2, Misc 3, and Misc 4. These
are optional entries and do not need to be input.

OK and Cancel
Click OK to create the LAS file with the selected options. Click Cancel to not export the file and
return to the view window.

Create VolRender
Click the Table | Voxler | Create VolRender command to create a VolRender object in Voxler
(3, 4, or higher). In the Create VolRender in Voxler dialog, set the export options and click OK.
The data is imported into Voxler, gridded, and a VolRender module is created.

Set the inclination (or dip), azimuth, units, and well color and size and click OK.

Sample Data
The Sample data section contains a portion of the table. The top line contains the header row, for
ease in setting the inclination (or dip), azimuth, hole ID, well color, and well size columns.

Chapter 26 - Importing, Exporting, and Printing

Include All Boreholes

Check the box next to Include all boreholes to create the VolRender in Voxler from all boreholes in
the table. When the box is not checked, the Hole ID option becomes available.

Hole ID
When the Include all boreholes option is not checked, the Hole ID option becomes available. Click
on the existing borehole name and select the appropriate borehole from the list. Only the selected
borehole is exported and used for the calculations creating the VolRender in Voxler.

Hole Inclination or Dip Source

The Hole inclination source or Hole dip source contains the source of the inclination or dip column.
Click on the existing table name and select the desired table from the list. Available options are
None, Collars table, Data table, and Survey table. Setting the option to None does not calculate the
true vertical depth for the wells in the VolRender. The Collars table option reads all collars tables in
the project and selects the appropriate inclination column for each borehole. The Survey table
option reads all survey tables in the project and select the appropriate inclination or dip column for
each borehole. Set the source to Data table to read the Hole inclination column or Hole dip column
from the currently selected table. The Hole inclination column or Hole dip column option becomes

If either the Hole inclination source, Hole dip source, or Hole azimuth source is set to Survey table,
both sources are set to Survey table.

Inclination or Dip Column

When the Hole inclination source or Hole dip source is set to Data table, the Hole inclination column
or Hole dip column option is available. Click on the existing column name and select the column
that contains the inclination or dip information from the list.

Azimuth Source
The Hole azimuth source contains the source of the azimuth column. Click on the existing table
name and select the desired table from the list. Available options are None, Collars table, Data
table, and Survey table. Setting the option to None does not calculate the true vertical depth for the
wells in the VolRender. The Collars table option reads all collars tables in the project and selects the
appropriate azimuth column for each borehole. The Survey table option reads all survey tables in
the project and select the appropriate azimuth column for each borehole. Set the source to Data
table to read the Hole azimuth column from the currently selected table. The Hole azimuth column
option becomes available.

If either the Hole inclination source, Hole dip source, or Hole azimuth source is set to Survey table,
both sources are set to Survey table.

Azimuth Column
When the Hole azimuth source is set to Data table, the Hole azimuth column option is available.
Click on the existing column name and select the column that contains the azimuth information
from the list.

Depth Units
The Depth units option determines the units used in the exported data file. By default, the Depth
units are set to the same units as the units on the Depth column. Changing the Depth units allows a
data file to be created with a different unit, such as meters instead of feet.

Strater 5 User’s Guide

TVD Calculation Method

The TVD calculation method is the method used to calculate the true vertical depth. Refer to the
True Vertical Depth Calculation Methods page for information on each method.

Data Variable
The Data variable option determines the column in the table that is gridded and displayed as the
VolRender in Voxler. To change the Data variable option, click on the existing option and select the
desired option from the list.

Include All Data

Check the box next to Include all data to include all data in all columns in the existing table in the
exported data file. Uncheck the box to only export the Hole ID and X, Y, and Z coordinates. The
Include all data is checked by default.

Export Depths as Ascending

When a data table contains depth values that increase down the borehole, checking the box next to
Export Depths as ascending will make the depth values negative, so that the values increase up.
This is useful when working in other programs, such as Voxler, Surfer, or Grapher with the
exported data. As an example, a borehole that ranges from 0 at the top of the borehole to 2400 at
the bottom of the borehole will be exported as 0 to -2400 when this option is checked.

OK or Cancel
Click OK to export the data and create the VolRender. Click Cancel to exit out of the dialog without
creating the VolRender in Voxler.

Cancel Sending Data to Voxler

Click the Cancel button at the far right of the status bar to cancel the creation of the VolRender
module in Voxler.

When the data is exported to Voxler to create a VolRender, data that contains the NULL value are
included in the data created in Voxler. An ExclusionFilter is created to remove any data that
contains the NULL value. The resulting gridded lattice and VolRender do not contain NULL

Create WellRender
Click the Table | Voxler | Create WellRender command to create a WellRender object in Voxler
(version 3, 4, or higher). In the Create WellRender in Voxler dialog, set the export options and
click OK. The data is imported into Voxler and a WellRender module is created.

Chapter 26 - Importing, Exporting, and Printing

Set the inclination (or dip), azimuth, units, and well color and size and click OK.

Sample Data
The Sample data section contains a portion of the table. The top line contains the header row, for
ease in setting the inclination (or dip), azimuth, hole ID, well color, and well size columns.

Include All Boreholes

Check the box next to Include all boreholes to create wells in Voxler from all boreholes in the
table. When the box is not checked, the Hole ID option becomes available.

Hole ID
When the Include all boreholes option is not checked, the Hole ID option becomes available. Click
on the existing borehole name and select the appropriate borehole from the list. Only the selected
borehole is exported and displayed in Voxler as a well.

Hole Inclination or Dip Source

The Hole inclination source or Hole dip source contains the source of the inclination or dip column.
Click on the existing table name and select the desired table from the list. Available options are
None, Collars table, Data table, and Survey table. Setting the option to None does not calculate the
true vertical depth for the wells in the WellRender. The Collars table option reads all collars tables in
the project and selects the appropriate inclination column for each borehole. The Survey table
option reads all survey tables in the project and select the appropriate inclination or dip column for
each borehole. Set the source to Data table to read the Hole inclination column or Hole dip column
from the currently selected table. The Hole inclination column or Hole dip column option becomes

Strater 5 User’s Guide

If either the Hole inclination source, Hole dip source, or Hole azimuth source is set to Survey table,
both sources are set to Survey table.

Inclination or Dip Column

When the Hole inclination source or Hole dip source is set to Data table, the Hole inclination column
or Hole dip column option is available. Click on the existing column name and select the column
that contains the inclination or dip information from the list.

Azimuth Source
The Hole azimuth source contains the source of the azimuth column. Click on the existing table
name and select the desired table from the list. Available options are None, Collars table, Data
table, and Survey table. Setting the option to None does not calculate the true vertical depth for the
wells in the WellRender. The Collars table option reads all collars tables in the project and selects
the appropriate azimuth column for each borehole. The Survey table option reads all survey tables
in the project and select the appropriate azimuth column for each borehole. Set the source to Data
table to read the Hole azimuth column from the currently selected table. The Hole azimuth column
option becomes available.

If either the Hole inclination source, Hole dip source, or Hole azimuth source is set to Survey table,
both sources are set to Survey table.

Azimuth Column
When the Hole azimuth source is set to Data table, the Hole azimuth column option is available.
Click on the existing column name and select the column that contains the azimuth information
from the list.

Depth Units
The Depth units option determines the units used in the exported data file. By default, the Depth
units are set to the same units as the units on the Depth column. Changing the Depth units allows a
data file to be created with a different unit, such as meters instead of feet.

TVD Calculation Method

The TVD calculation method is the method used to calculate the true vertical depth. Refer to the
True Vertical Depth Calculation Methods page for information on each method.

Well Color Data

The Well color data option determines the column in the table that sets the Color log option on the
Path Data tab for the WellRender in Voxler. The WellRender displays various colors along the
length of the log, based on the values in the selected Well color data column. To have the entire log
displayed the same color, set the Well color data option to [None]. To use different colors, set the
Well color data option to any of the columns listed. To change the Well color data option, click on
the existing option and select the desired option from the list. Using a Well color data column can
increase the time it takes to create the Voxler WellRender module.

Well Size Data

The Well size data option determines the column in the table that sets the Size log option on the
Path Data tab for the WellRender in Voxler. The WellRender displays various widths along the
length of the log, based on the values in the selected Well size data column. To have the entire log
displayed the same width, set the Well size data option to [None]. To use different widths, set the
Well size data option to any of the columns listed. To change the Well size data option, click on the

Chapter 26 - Importing, Exporting, and Printing

existing option and select the desired option from the list. Using a Well size data column can
increase the time it takes to create the Voxler WellRender module.

Include All Data

Check the box next to Include all data to include all data in all columns in the existing table in the
exported data file. Uncheck the box to only export the Hole ID and X, Y, and Z coordinates. The
Include all data is checked by default.

Export Depths as Ascending

When a data table contains depth values that increase down the borehole, checking the box next to
Export Depths as ascending will make the depth values negative, so that the values increase up.
This is useful when working in other programs, such as Voxler, Surfer, or Grapher with the
exported data. As an example, a borehole that ranges from 0 at the top of the borehole to 2400 at
the bottom of the borehole will be exported as 0 to -2400 when this option is checked.

OK or Cancel
Click OK to create the WellRender module in Voxler. Click Cancel to exit out of the dialog without
creating the WellRender.

Cancel Sending Data to Voxler

Click the Cancel button at the far right of the status bar to cancel the creation of the WellRender
module in Voxler.

When the data is exported to Voxler to create a WellRender, data that contains the NULL value are
not included in the well data. NULL data is ignored.

Copy View
Click the Home | Clipboard | Copy View command to place a copy of the entire page on the
clipboard. All objects from the current view (header pane, log or cross section pane, and footer
pane) are copied from a borehole view or cross section view. All objects in the page boundary are
copied from a map view. The original object remains in the view. Use this command to duplicate
objects in a different location in the same view, or copy the objects into a different view or
application. The copied objects can later be pasted with the Paste or the Paste Special

Only one set of data may be placed in the clipboard at any time. The next Cut, Copy, or Copy
View command replaces the contents of the clipboard.

Page Setup
Click the File | Page Setup command to set the page properties for the active borehole view, map
view, or cross section view.

The File | Page Setup command in the borehole view and cross section view allows you to change
the size of the page, margins, header pane, log or cross section pane, and footer panes, and the
separation between panes. The page size and margins can be set to any value. It is preferable to
use Page Setup before designing a log or cross section. For the map view, the Page Setup dialog
controls the page size and margins.

Strater 5 User’s Guide

Page Setup and Full View

The Page Setup command can be used from a borehole view or cross section view in full view.
Note that the Page Setup layout only displays the log pane options in page view mode. The log
pane size of the full view is controlled by the Borehole View Properties. To change the page size
in full view, change the Starting Borehole Depth, Ending Borehole Depth, and Scaling Depth Per
Inch in the borehole view properties or cross section view properties before printing.

Page Setup Dialog

The Page Setup dialog lists the setup options on the left. Each section of options can be opened or
closed by clicking the or button next to the section name. The right side of the dialogs displays
a representation of the current page settings.

Set the page size, margins, and pane sizes in the Page Setup dialog.

Page Size
Set the Width (in.), Height (in.), Size Name, and Orientation. To change the Width (in.) or Height
(in.), highlight the existing value and type a new value. Alternatively, let the Size Name and
Orientation automatically change the values. To change the Size Name and Orientation, click on the
existing option and select the desired option from the list. There are numerous standard paper sizes
listed in the Size Name list. If you would like to use a custom page size, select Custom from the
Size Name list. Then, set the Width (in.) and Height (in.) to the desired size.

Chapter 26 - Importing, Exporting, and Printing

Select the Left, Top, Right, and Bottom page margins that surround printed area. For a borehole
view and cross section view, the margin encloses all three panes. To change a margin value,
highlight the existing value and type the desired size. Sizes are in page units.

Setting the Borehole View Pane Options

The log or cross section, header, and footer panes have visibility, height, and width settings.

Log Pane or Cross Section Pane

The Log Pane and Cross Section Pane settings are read-only and cannot be changed because the
log pane and cross section pane must always be visible. The Width (in.) and Height (in.) of the Log
Pane or Cross Section Pane is determined by subtracting the header, footer, pane separator, and
margin values from the page size values.

Header Pane
You can change the display of the header pane by changing the Show Method option. Available
options are None, All, First page only, Last page only, or First and last page. To change the header
pane display, click on the existing option and select the desired option from the list. None turns off
the display of the header pane on all pages. No header pane is shown. All turns on the display of
the header pane on all pages. First page only displays the header on only the first page of a
multiple page borehole view or cross section view. Last page only displays the header on only the
last page of a multiple page borehole view or cross section view. First and last page displays the
header on both the first and last pages, but no other pages. To use the First page only, Last page
only, or First and last page options, the Log Display Mode option in the Borehole View Properties
or Cross Section View Properties must be set to Page View.

The Width of the header pane is determined by subtracting the Left and Right margins from the
page Width.

The Height for first page of the header pane is in page units and can be set to any value, such that
the log pane height is at least two inches. The Height for other pages of the header pane is in page
units and must be less than or equal to the Height for the first page value. Header and/or footer
pane objects can be displayed on the first page only or on all pages by changing the Display on first
page only property on the Info page of the Property Manager.

Footer Pane
You can change the display of the footer pane by changing the Show Method option. Available
options are None, All, First page only, Last page only, or First and last page. To change the footer
pane display, click on the existing option and select the desired option from the list. None turns off
the display of the footer pane on all pages. No footer pane is shown. All turns on the display of the
footer pane on all pages. First page only displays the footer on only the first page of a multiple page
borehole view or cross section view. Last page only displays the footer on only the last page of a
multiple page borehole view or cross section view. First and last page displays the footer on both
the first and last pages, but no other pages. To use the First page only, Last page only, or First and
last page options, the Log Display Mode option in the Borehole View Properties or Cross
Section View Properties must be set to Page View.

The Width of the footer pane is determined by subtracting the Left and Right margins from the page
Width. The Height of the footer pane is in page units and can be set to any value, such that the log
pane height is at least two inches.

Strater 5 User’s Guide

Header and/or footer pane objects can be displayed on the first page only or on all pages by
changing the Display on first page only property on the Info page of the Property Manager.

Pane Separator
Use the Distance (in.) field to set the size of the gap between the panes in page units. The default
size is 0.10 inches. To change the value, highlight the existing value and type any value, such that
the log pane height is at least two inches.

Changing the Page Setup in an Existing Project or Template

If a page size is changed in the Page Setup dialog, two changes may occur. If the page size is
smaller than the original, the header and footer rectangles are automatically resized, as is the log
pane. If the page size is greater than the original, the header and footer sizes are retained and the
log pane is expanded to fill the space.

Print - Borehole View, Cross Section View, and Map View

Click the File | Print command, click the button, or press CTRL+P on the keyboard to print the
current contents of the view window. If a borehole view is active the print function will print the
borehole. To control the display of the page, refer to the File | Page Setup command.

The Print Dialog

The File | Print command opens the Print dialog.

Set the options in the Print dialog to control printer settings.

The Printer options specify which printer to use and displays general information on the selected

Chapter 26 - Importing, Exporting, and Printing

The default printer is listed in the Name field. If more than one printer is installed on the computer,
use the down arrow to the right of the name field to select a different printer.

The Properties button controls the printer settings. For information on specific printer settings, see
the owner's manual for the printer.

Print Range
The Print range options control how the pages are printed.
• All prints all the pages that contain objects.
• Selection prints the selected objects only. This option is only available when objects are
selected in the view window before clicking the File | Print command.
• Pages prints the selected pages in the From and To boxes. Enter the starting page in the
From box and the ending page in the To box. This option is only available when printing a
borehole or cross section view in the Page View that contains multiple pages. Set the Page
View on the View tab in the Property Manager.
Copies specify the number of copies to print. If two or more copies of multiple page documents are
printed, check the Collate box to separate the copies into packets. These options are disabled if the
current printer does not support them.

Printing Method
The Printing Method options control how the borehole view is printed on the page.
• Truncate clips objects that extend past the page outline. Note that the file will not print to
the edge of the page since most printers have internal margins.
• Fit to Page reduces the size of the plot so that it fits within the specified page size.
• Tile breaks the drawing into page size pieces and generates multiple pages of output. Each
page overlaps adjacent pages by the amount specified in the Horizontal and Vertical Overlap
• Scale is used with the Truncate and Tile print methods to reduce or increase the overall size
of the drawing. 100 percent is actual size, 200 percent is twice as large, and 50 percent is
half as large.
To print each page of a log on a separate piece of paper with the header and footer on each page,
set the Log Display Mode to Page View on the View tab in the Property Manager and print using
the Truncate printing method. To print the entire log from start to finish as one long log without any
breaks, set the Log Display Mode to Full View on the View tab in the Property Manager and print
using the Tile printing method.

If the borehole is printed on multiple pages and the ending depth tick number on one page is the
same as the starting depth tick number on the subsequent page, both tick marks will appear and be

Print – Table View

Click the File | Print command, click the button, or press CTRL+P on the keyboard to print the
current contents of the workspace. If a data table is active, the data table will be printed.

The Print Dialog

The File | Print command in the table view opens the Print dialog.

Strater 5 User’s Guide

The Print dialog controls the printer settings when printing a table.
The Printer options specify which printer to use and displays general information on the selected

The default printer is listed in the Name field. If more than one printer is installed on the computer,
use the down arrow to the right of the name field to select a different printer.

The Properties button controls the printer settings. For information on specific printer settings, see
the owner's manual for the printer.

Print to File
Check the box next to the Print to file option to print the data to a .PRN file. .PRN files are ASCII
text files. When this option is checked, click OK in the Print dialog after setting other printing
options. The Print to File dialog will open. Enter a path and file name in the Print to File dialog
and click Save to create the file.

Print Range
The Print range options control how the pages are printed.
• All prints all the pages that contain objects.
• Pages prints the selected pages in the from and to boxes. Enter the starting page in the
from box and the ending page in the to box.
• Selection prints the selected worksheet cells only.
Copies specify the number of copies to print. If two or more copies of multiple page documents are
printed, check the Collate box to separate the copies into packets. These options are disabled if the
current printer does not support them.

Chapter 26 - Importing, Exporting, and Printing

Check the Collate box to collate the pages when multiple page documents are printed two or more

Print Multiple Logs

The File | Print Multiple Logs command displays the Select Boreholes dialog, where all
available boreholes in the project are listed. Click on each borehole that you want to export and
click OK.

You can export boreholes with different starting or ending borehole depths, and different scaling

To Print Multiple Borehole Logs:

1. Open or create a Strater project that contains multiple boreholes.
2. Click the File | Print Multiple Logs command.
3. In the Select Boreholes dialog, select the boreholes you wish to print. Use the CTRL to
select multiple items and use the SHIFT key to select a group of items.

Select the boreholes to export in the Select Boreholes dialog.

4. Click OK in the Select Boreholes dialog.
5. Set options in the Print dialog and click OK.
All of the selected boreholes are printed to the printer using the properties of the existing borehole

Linked Text
The linked text Hole ID filter property is ignored when you use the Export Multiple Logs or Print
Multiple Logs command. The linked text object will display the text from each of the hole IDs
selected for export or printing. If you wish to use the Export Multiple Logs or Print Multiple
Logs command and have the text stay the same for all of the output logs, consider using a Text
object instead.

Chapter 27 - Options, Defaults, and Customizations
Click the File | Options command to change the program options, such as ruler display when to
update, default line, fill, symbol, font, or format properties. These properties are shared by all
objects that use the specific format. For example, if you change the line color, all new line/symbol
logs, drawn polygons, polylines, and borders will use the new line color.

Options Dialog
Click the File | Options command to open the Options dialog. Use the Options dialog to set
preferences for general options (general and update settings), environment options (display, rulers,
and grids settings), and defaults (line, fill, symbol, font, and format settings). Change the listed
option as desired and click OK to save your changes.

Select the options type on the left side of the Options dialog to display the following options.

General Set general application features such as

undo levels, default paths,
inclination/dip, etc.
Updates Set update settings and check for
User Interface Set user interface settings such as
style, tab style, page units, show tips,
Selection Set the selection handle size.
Rendering Set antialiasing options.
Horizontal Rulers and Set the horizontal rulers and grid
Grid options.
Vertical Rulers and Set the vertical rulers and grid options.
Default Properties Sets basic default properties for Line,
Fill, Symbol, Font, Label, and Pane
Line options.

Expanding Options
Click the button to the left of an option to expand the detailed options.

Condensing Options
Click the button to the left of an option to condense the detailed options.

Options - General
You can set defaults such as file open/save paths and undo levels, etc. in the General Settings
section of the Options dialog. Click the File | Options command to open the Options dialog. On
the left side of the dialog, click on General to set the general settings. Changes made in the
Options dialog affect all subsequent documents. Existing documents and settings are not changed.

Chapter 27 - Options, Defaults, and Customizations

Set general options, like undo levels, null data values, and many other options on the General
Settings page.

Default Path
Use the Default path to set the initial default path for opening and saving files. Click in the box and
click the button to select the desired path.

Temporary Path
The default Temporary path is the temporary file for the current user (C:\Documents and
Settings\[current user name]\Local Settings\Temp for XP or C:\Users\[current user
name]\AppData\Local\Temp for Vista and 7). To change the temporary path click the button to
select the desired path.

View Window Undo Levels

The View window undo levels lists the number of undo actions that are available to a user. The
maximum number of undo actions is 100. The default value of undo actions is 50. Increasing this
value increases the amount of memory required by the program to store actions in the undo buffer.
To change the number, highlight the existing value and type a new value or click the to increase
or decrease the value.

Strater 5 User’s Guide

Image Threshold
The Image threshold (MB) is the maximum size, in megabytes, of an imported image. If an image
exceeds that size it will be stored in a tiled image format that uses minimal internal memory but
can result in some performance degradation. Increase this size (up to a maximum of 1000000 MB)
based on the amount of your computer's internal RAM. Lower this value if you are experiencing
very sluggish performance, "Out of memory" errors, or crashes when using large images. Any
images already imported must be re-imported to change their internal storage format. the default
image threshold size is 50 MB.

Backup Files Before Saving

The Backup files before saving option determines if all files are backed up before saving. Check the
box if you want files backed up. Uncheck the files if you do not want to create a backup file.

Use Hole Dip Instead Of Inclination

The Use hole dip instead of inclination option determines if hole inclination values are measured as
dip or as inclination. When this option is checked, Dip is used. When this option is unchecked,
Inclination is used. Both Dip and Inclination measure the angle the borehole is oriented in degrees.
Inclination varies from 0 to 180. 0 indicates vertical pointing down, 90 indicates horizontal, and 180
indicates vertical pointing up. Dip varies from -90 to 90. -90 indicates vertical pointing down, 0
indicates horizontal, and +90 indicates vertical pointing up.

When the Use hole dip instead of inclination is checked, the Inclination column options are changed
to Dip column.

Reload Data When Opening Project

Check the Reload data when opening project option if you want project data automatically reloaded
for all data tables when you open the project. The default is unchecked, which indicates data is not
automatically reloaded.

If you want some data reloaded and others not, unlink the tables in the Table Browser by clicking
on the table name, selecting the name of the linked data in the Data sources section and pressing

Occasionally, a Wells layer will not update properly, leaving a deviation path for the well, but
removing the well symbol when changing the visibility of an individual well in the Object Manager.
When this happens, there are two things that can be done to make the wells appear correct:
• Click on the Wells layer and click the Deviation Path tab in the Property Manager.
Uncheck the box next to the Show Deviation Path option. Recheck the box and the well will
appear correctly.
• Click the File | Options command. Click on General on the left side of the dialog. On the
right side, check the box next to Reload Data When Opening Project. Close the file and
reopen it. The wells will display properly.

Show Data Tables after Opening Project

The Show data tables after opening project option determines whether all data tables are visible
when a project is opened. The default is checked, which indicates all data tables are visible. If you
uncheck the box, only the borehole views, map views, and cross section views will appear when you
open the file. If tables are not visible, select View | Display | Show All Tables to display all data

Chapter 27 - Options, Defaults, and Customizations

Auto Update Table Changes

The Auto update table changes option determines if the borehole view is automatically updated
when changes are made to the project's data tables. Updates occur when the borehole view tab is
selected. The default option is checked, which automatically updates the view with changes. This is
recommended. If you wish to not have the borehole view automatically updated, uncheck this box.

Check Column and Table Settings

Check the Check column and table settings box to display a warning message if all log items do not
have tables and columns defined when switching from design mode to active mode. Uncheck this
box if you do not wish to see a warning message when all data is not defined after activating a

Auto Create Scale Bar

The Auto create scale bar option is used to automatically create a scale bar in the header when you
create a log item that supports scale bars. The default is checked. Uncheck this check box if you do
not want a scale bar automatically created.

If the header pane is less than 0.75 inches, the scale bar is not created regardless of this option
setting, as there is not room in the header pane for the scale bar. Increase the size of the header
pane with the Page Setup command to automatically create scale bars.

Prompt For Missing Coordinate System

The Prompt for missing coordinate system option controls whether Strater prompts for a
coordinate system if an unreferenced base map is loaded. Check this option to enable the prompt
for a coordinate system. Uncheck this option to disable the dialog prompt.

Scheme Is Case-Sensitive
The Scheme is case-sensitive option controls whether the associations between schemes and
scheme items and data values are case sensitive. Check the Scheme is case-sensitive check box to
make scheme item associations case sensitive. By default the Scheme is case-sensitive option is
enabled. Uncheck the Scheme is case-sensitive check box to make Strater ignore case when
comparing data entries and scheme items. When Scheme is case-sensitive is not checked for
example, the data table entries BASALT, Basalt, and basalt would all be associated with a scheme
item named Basalt.

NULL Data Value

The NULL data value is treated as missing data and can be defined as any number. This null value
is used in all new projects. The specified null values do not show in any logs. In addition, entries
with letters or symbols (e.g. N, S, E, W, or °) do not show in the logs. The null value defined in the
Borehole View Properties Project Properties section overrides the NULL data value.

Track Usage
Check the box next to Track usage to allow Strater to send anonymous usage data to Golden
Software. Sending usage data will help improve Strater to meet our users' needs. This property
does not have a default setting; it's initial setting is determined based on your selection to opt-in or
opt-out of the Customer Experience Improvement Program during the Strater install process.

Strater 5 User’s Guide

Options - Updates
You can set how often the program checks for updates in the Updates section of the Options
dialog. Click the File | Options command to open the Options dialog. On the left side of the
dialog, click on Updates to set the update options.

Set the update frequency on the Updates page in the Options dialog.

Automatically Check For Announcements

Check the Automatically check for announcements option to allow Golden Software to automatically
check for program and company announcements. This could include information about a new
product release, tips for use of Golden Software programs, special offers, or an update to the

Automatically Check For Updates

Check Automatically check for updates to allow Golden Software to automatically check for program
updates (i.e. Strater 5.0 to Strater 5.1) according to the user defined time interval. After the
specified time, the program will link to the Golden Software server to see if any program updates
are available. Program updates include fixes to errors or problems that are found in the program. It
is recommended that you keep this box checked so that your version of Strater is always up to

Chapter 27 - Options, Defaults, and Customizations

Update Interval (Days)

Specify the update time interval in days by entering a number in the Update interval (Days) option.
This option can be set to a value between one and 100. Strater will automatically check for
updates after the specified interval of time has passed.

Check for Updates

Click the Check Now button to check for updates for Strater (e.g. Strater 5.0 to Strater 5.1). You
can also check for updates by clicking the File | Check for Update command.

Options - User Interface

You can set defaults such as tab style and whether the splash screen is shown in the User
Interface section of the Options dialog. Click the File | Options command to open the Options
dialog. On the left side of the dialog, click on User Interface to set the display options.

Set the display options on the Display page of the Options dialog.

User Interface Options

Click the next to User Interface to set the user interface options.

Strater 5 User’s Guide

Show Splash Screen at Startup

Check the Show splash screen at startup box to turn on the display of the Strater splash screen
when you start the program. Uncheck this box to turn off the display of the splash screen when
starting the program.

Show Welcome Screen at Startup

Check the Show welcome screen at startup box to turn on the display of the Welcome to Strater
dialog when you start the program. Uncheck this box to turn off the display of the Welcome to
Strater dialog when starting the program.

User Interface Style

Click in the User interface style field to choose among three different Microsoft user interface styles.
The options are Office 2010 Black, Office 2010 Blue, and Office 2010 Silver.

MDI Tab Style

Click in the MDI tab style field to choose among different tab styles. The options are None, 3D, One
Note, and Visual Studio 2005. The borehole view, map view, cross section view, and table windows,
have a tab appearance when multiple views are open.

Page Units
Page units are the units used to measure distances on the printed page. Set Page units to Inches or
Centimeters. The location of the cursor on the page is listed in page units in the status bar.

Display Rulers
Check the Display rulers box to show the rulers in the borehole view, map view, and cross section
view. Uncheck the box to remove the rulers from the display.

Display Grid
Check the Display grid box to enable a grid of dots in the borehole view, map view, and cross
section view that are based on the selected Page units. Uncheck the box to remove the display of
grid dots.

Show Property Manager Info Area

Check the Show property manager info area check box to display an information area at the bottom
of the Property Manager. The information area shows a brief description of the selected property.

Show Tips
Check the Show tips check box to include general tips for Strater in the Welcome to Strater

Decimal Separator
The Decimal separator controls which character is used to separate the whole number portion from
the decimal portion in a number. To change the Decimal separator, click on the existing option and
select the desired option from the list. Available options are: System default, Period, and Comma.
The default is to use the System default. System default defers treatment of decimal separators to
Windows. The Period option displays a period (.) to separate the numbers before and after the
decimal. The Comma option display a decimal comma (,) to separate the numbers before and after
the decimal. When this option is changed, the Strater file that is open will display the selected
character for the decimal separator.

Chapter 27 - Options, Defaults, and Customizations

When using System default, the setting is controlled by Windows. To set the Windows local, in the
Windows Control Panel, under Region and Language, set the Format. All .SDG and .TSF files will use
the format specified by Windows. This means that older files may appear differently depending on
the format. Some changes may be in axis labels.

The Decimal separator is mainly used to import data files from different locales correctly in your
instance of Strater. For example, a CSV file uses the period (.) for the decimal separator and a
comma (,) for the data delimiter in the English locale. However a CSV file uses the comma (,) for
the decimal separator and a semicolon (;) for the data delimiter in the German locale. You can
correctly import data files from other locales by updating your Decimal separator setting. This
means it is not necessary to update your Windows locale to import and open data files from other

Tab Text Color

Click the next to Tab Text Color to set the text color of the various tab windows. By default, the
text identifying each window has a separate color based on the type of window: borehole views are
blue, map views are regal red, cross section views are grass green, and tables are black. To change
the color associated with any window type, click on the color box next to the window type name.
Select a new color by clicking on a color in the color palette. You can create new colors by clicking
the button.

Options - Selection
You can set selection options in the Selection section of the Options dialog. Click the File |
Options command to open the Options dialog. On the left side of the dialog, click on Selection to
set the selection handle options.

Set the display options on the Display page of the Options dialog.

Strater 5 User’s Guide

Handle Size
The Handle size in pixels options controls the width and height of the selection handles that appear
around selected objects in pixels. The handle size setting range is from zero to 20 pixels. A setting
of 20 will create large size selection handles. A setting of zero will create no selection handles. The
default setting is a handle size of six pixels. The handle size scales with zoom.

Options - Rendering
You can set rendering options such as antialiased lines and text in the Rendering section of the
Options dialog. Click the File | Options command to open the Options dialog. On the left side of
the dialog, click on Rendering to set the rendering options.

Set the display options on the Display page of the Options dialog.

Antialias Lines
Antialias lines allows redraw to diminish jagged edges and create a smooth appearance for all lines
in the plot window.

Antialias Text
Antialias text allows redraw to diminish jagged edges and create a smooth appearance for all text
and symbols in the plot window.

Options - Rulers and Grid

Set ruler and grid properties on the Horizontal Rulers and Grid and Vertical Rulers and Grid pages in
the Options dialog. Rulers appear along the top and left edge of the view windows, and are used to
position and align objects. Rulers use the current page units. Click the File | Options command to
open the Options dialog. On the left side of the dialog, click Horizontal Rulers and grid to set the

Chapter 27 - Options, Defaults, and Customizations

horizontal rulers and grid options. Click Vertical Rulers and Grid to set the vertical rulers and grid

Set page units and ruler settings on the Rulers and Grids page in the Options dialog.

Snap to Ruler
Check the box next to Snap to ruler to cause the cursor to snap to the ruler divisions as objects are
drawn or moved. This allows objects to be easily aligned with the ruler division marks. Check this
box to snap the cursor to the ruler divisions. Uncheck this box to disable the automatic snapping.

Show Position
Check the Show position option to indicate the cursor position as lines on the rulers.

Ruler Divisions Per Page Unit

Set the Ruler divisions per page unit to the number of divisions per page unit on the ruler. Set the
page units on the User Interface page.

Grid Divisions Per Page Unit

Set the Grid divisions per page unit to the number of divisions per page unit on the drawing grid.
Set the page units on the User Interface page.

Division Mark Color

The ruler tick color can be set by choosing a color from the Division mark color list. Click the current
color to open the palette and click a new color. Click the button to find or create a custom

Strater 5 User’s Guide

Label Color
The ruler label color can be set by choosing a color from the Label color list. Click the current color
to open the palette and click a new color. Click the button to find or create a custom color.

Options - Default Properties

You can set defaults such as line and fill color in the Default Properties section of the Options
dialog. Click the File | Options command to open the Options dialog. On the left side of the
dialog, click on the desired default option to set the properties.

The Default Properties section has the following sub-sections:

Defaults : Line
Click Line on the left side of the dialog to display the Line Properties on the right side of the dialog.
Use the Line Properties options to set the default Line Properties. The default line is a solid black
line with 0.000 inch width.

Defaults : Fill
Click Fill on the left side of the dialog to display the Fill Properties on the right side of the dialog.
Use the Fill Properties to set the default Fill Properties. The default fill is set to no fill pattern.

Defaults : Symbol
Click Symbol on the left side of the dialog to display the Symbol Properties on the right side of the
dialog. Use the Symbol Properties to set the default Symbol Properties. The default format is a filled
black circle with 0.100 inch size.

Defaults : Font
Click Font on the left side of the dialog to display the Font Properties on the right side of the dialog.
Use the Font Properties to set the default Font Properties. The default format is Arial 10.

Defaults : Label
Click Label on the left side of the dialog to display the Label Properties on the right side of the
dialog. Use Label Properties to set the numeric display of numbers. The default format is Compact
with 14 digits.

Defaults : Pane Line

Options - Pane Line

You can set line property defaults for the Log Pane, Header Pane, and Footer Pane in the Pane Line
section of the Options dialog. Click the File | Options command to open the Options dialog. On
the left side of the dialog, click Pane Line in the Default Properties section to set the default pane
line properties.

Chapter 27 - Options, Defaults, and Customizations

Set the pane line properties on the Pane Line page of the Options dialog.

Log Pane
Click the next to Log Pane to set the line properties for the log pane in the borehole view and the
cross section pane in the cross section view. The line Style, Color, Opacity, and Width can be set.
Refer to the Line Properties page for additional information.

Header Pane
Click the next to Header Pane to set the line properties for the header pane in the borehole view
and cross section view. The line Style, Color, Opacity, and Width can be set. Refer to the Line
Properties page for additional information.

Log and Cross Section Pane

Click the next to Footer Pane to set the line properties for the footer pane in the borehole view
and cross section view. The line Style, Color, Opacity, and Width can be set. Refer to the Line
Properties page for additional information.

Strater 5 User’s Guide

Customize the Strater Ribbon, Quick Access Toolbar, and keyboard shortcuts by selecting File |
Customize Ribbon or by right-clicking on the ribbon and selecting Customize the Ribbon.
Customize the ribbon by clicking Customize Ribbon on the left side of the dialog. Customize the
Quick Access Toolbar by clicking Quick Access Toolbar on the left side of the dialog. Customize the
keyboard commands by clicking Customize at the bottom of the dialog.

The Customize dialog lets you create keyboard shortcuts for common actions
and change the appearance of the ribbon and Quick Access Toolbar.

Customizing the Ribbon

The ribbon is customizable in Strater. To customize the commands in the ribbon, right-click on the
ribbon and select Customize the Ribbon.

In the Customize dialog, you can add new tabs, add groups, hide existing tabs or custom groups,
and add commands to any custom group. You can also rearrange the tabs into an order that fits
your needs better.

To customize the commands in the Customize dialog, right-click on the ribbon and select
Customize the Ribbon. In the Customize Ribbon dialog, use the following options.

Tab options:
1. To add a custom tab, set the Customize the Ribbon section to All Tabs. Click in the list on the
right side of the dialog where the custom tab should be located and click the New Tab

Chapter 27 - Options, Defaults, and Customizations

2. To delete custom tab, right-click on the tab name in the list on the right side of the dialog
and select Delete.
3. To rename a default or custom tab, click on the tab name in the list on the right side of the
dialog. Click the Rename button. Type the new name and press OK to make the change.
4. To hide a default or custom tab, uncheck the box next to the tab name on the right side of
the dialog. Only checked tabs will be displayed.
5. To change the order of default or custom tabs, click on the tab name that should be moved
in the list on the right side of the dialog. Click the up and down arrow buttons on the far right
side of the dialog to move the selected tab up or down. Default tabs must remain in their
major group.

Group options:
1. To add a custom group to a default or custom tab, click on the next to the tab name. Click
in the list of group names where the new group should be located and click the New Group
2. To delete a default or custom group on any tab, right-click on the group name in the list on
the right side of the dialog and select Delete.
3. To rename a default or custom group on any tab, click on the group name in the list on the
right side of the dialog. Click the Rename button. Type the new name and click OK to make
the change.
4. To change the order of default or custom groups on any tab, click on the group name that
should be moved in the list on the right side of the dialog. Click the up and down arrow
buttons on the far right side of the dialog to move the selected group up or down in the list.
5. To replace a default group with a custom group, right-click on the default group name and
select Delete. Click the New Group button. Add the desired commands to the new group
that you want displayed. Rename the new group, if desired.

Command options:
Commands can only be added to or deleted from custom groups. Commands can only be
rearranged or renamed in custom groups. If commands in default groups are desired to be edited,
the default group should be hidden and a new custom group should be created with the same
1. To add a command to a custom group, set the choose commands from list to All Tabs so that
all commands are listed on the left side of the dialog. Select the desired command that
should be added. On the right side of the dialog, click the next to the custom group name.
Click on the desired position in the list of commands. If no commands exist in the group yet,
click on the group name. Click the Add>> button and the command is added to the custom
2. To delete a command from a custom group, right-click on the command name in the list on
the right side of the dialog and select Delete. Only commands from custom groups can be
3. To rename a command in a custom group, click on the command name in the list on the
right side of the dialog. Click the Rename button. Type the new name and click OK to make
the change. Only commands in custom groups can be renamed.
4. To change the order of commands in a custom group, click on the command name that
should be moved in the list on the right side of the dialog. Click the up and down arrow
buttons on the far right side of the dialog to move the selected command up or down in the

Reset the Ribbon

To reset all customizations on the ribbon, click the Reset button at the bottom of the Customize
Ribbon dialog.

Strater 5 User’s Guide

Customizing the Quick Access Toolbar

The Quick Access Toolbar is a customizable toolbar. One method that can be used to add
commands to the Quick Access Toolbar is to right-click on the command in the ribbon and choose
Add to Quick Access Toolbar. The command is automatically added to the end of the toolbar.

To customize the commands on the Quick Access Toolbar, right-click on the Quick Access Toolbar
or ribbon and select Customize Quick Access Toolbar.

In the Customize dialog,

1. To add a command, select the command from the list on the left that you want to add. Click
the Add>> button and the command is added to the list on the right.
2. To add a separator between commands, set the Choose commands from to Main on the left
side of the dialog. Select <Separator> and click Add>>. Move the separator to the desired
3. To delete a command, select the command from the list on the right. Click the <<Remove
button and the command is removed from the list on the right.
4. To rearrange commands or move separators, click on the command or separator name from
the list on the right that you want to move. Click the up and down arrow buttons on the far
right to move the command up or down the list. Commands are shown in the exact order
that they are displayed in the Quick Access Toolbar.
5. To reset the Quick Access Toolbar to the default display, click the Reset button below the list
on the right side of the dialog.
6. Click OK and all changes are made.
Note: to add individual log types as buttons to the Quick Access Toolbar, set the Choose commands
from to Log. Then on the left side of the dialog, select the desired log type, such as Classed Post
Log. Click Add>> and the log type is added with an icon to the right side. Click OK and the log type
is displayed in the Quick Access Toolbar.

Keyboard Shortucts
Click the Customize button next to Keyboard shortcuts to add, remove, or change the keyboard
shortcuts in Strater. The Customize Keyboard dialog is displayed.

Customize Keyboard

Use the Customize Keyboard dialog to assign keyboard shortcuts to commands. To open the
Customize dialog click the Customize button next to Keyboard shortcuts in the Customize dialog.

Chapter 27 - Options, Defaults, and Customizations

Use the Keyboard tab in the Customize dialog

to customize keyboard shortcuts.

Category, Commands, and Description

Menu and Tab titles (File, Home, etc.) are listed in the Category field. When a category is selected,
the Commands list displays the current commands within the category. Also, when a command is
selected, an explanation of the command appears in the Description section at the bottom of the

You can also list all commands by selecting All Commands at the bottom of the Categories list.

Accelerator Menu Application

You can choose to assign the accelerator (keyboard shortcut) to the Strater, Worksheet, or Default
menus in the Set Accelerator for list.

Current Shortcut Keys

When a command is selected in the Commands list, the accelerator keys are listed in the Current
Keys list. The Current Keys list only displays accelerators for the current group of menus selected in
the Set Accelerator for list.

Press New Shortcut Key

To create a shortcut, select a command, place the cursor in the Press new shortcut key field, type
the shortcut on your keyboard, and then click Assign. If a shortcut is already assigned to a

Strater 5 User’s Guide

command a message appears below the Press new shortcut key field and the Assign button is

Removing Shortcuts
To remove a shortcut, select the shortcut in the Current Keys list and click Remove.

Resetting Shortcuts
To reset all shortcuts to the defaults, click Reset All.

Chapter 28 - Coordinate Systems and Map
Map Coordinate System Overview
In Strater, map layers and maps can have an associated coordinate system. All coordinate systems
defined by the map layers are converted "on the fly" to the map's target coordinate system. This
allows maps with different coordinate systems to be easily combined in Strater.

The standard procedure for creating maps in a specific coordinate system are:
1. Create the map by clicking the Map | Create | Well Map or Map | Base Map command.
2. Click on the map layer to select it. In the Property Manager, click on the Coordinate
System tab.
3. If the Coordinate System is not correct, click the Set button next to Coordinate System. The
Assign Coordinate System dialog opens.
4. Make any changes in the dialog. This is the existing coordinate system for the map layer.
When finished making changes, click OK.
5. To change the coordinate system for the map, click on the Map object in the Object
6. In the Property Manager, click on the Coordinate System tab.
7. If the Coordinate System is not correct, click on the Change button next to Coordinate
System to set the desired target coordinate system. When finished, click OK.
8. The entire map is now displayed in the desired target system.
Strater does not require a map projection be defined. Maps can be created from non-referenced
map layers, working in the same manner as previous versions of Strater worked to create
unreferenced maps. If you do not specify a source coordinate system for each map layer, it is
highly recommended that you do not change the target coordinate system for the Map. Changes to
the target coordinate system for the map can cause the unreferenced map layers to appear

What is a Coordinate System?

A coordinate system is a method of defining how a file's point locations display on a map. Different
types of coordinate systems exist that control how the coordinates are shown on the map. In
Strater, a map can be unreferenced in local coordinates, referenced to a geographic lat/long
coordinate system, or referenced to a known projection and datum.

A local coordinate system generally is considered unreferenced. A local system has a location that
begins numbering at an arbitrary location and increments numbers from this location. This is
frequently referred to as a Cartesian coordinate system.

A Geographic coordinate system uses a spherical surface to define locations on the earth.
Geographic coordinate systems are commonly called unprojected lat/long. Strater has several
predefined geographic coordinate systems available. Each system has a different datum. The same
latitude and longitude value will plot in different locations depending on the datum.

A Projected coordinate system consists of a projection and a datum. Each projection distorts some
portion of the map, based on the ellipsoid and datum specified. Coordinates can be lat/long,
meters, feet, or other units. Different projections cause different types of distortion. It is
recommended that you do not use projected coordinate systems if you do not need to convert
between coordinate systems or if all your data are in the same coordinate system.

Chapter 28 - Coordinate Systems and Map Projections

Displaying Data with Different Coordinate Systems in a Single Map

Strater allows you to display map layers from any coordinate system in a single map. To do so,
you need to assign the coordinate system for each map layer. Then, change the desired target
coordinate system for the map.

The standard procedure for creating maps in a specific coordinate system are:
1. Create the map by clicking on the Map | Create | Well Map or Map | Create | Base Map
2. Click on the map layer to select it.
3. In the Property Manager, click on the Coordinate System tab.
4. If the Coordinate System is not correct, click the Set button next to Coordinate System. The
Assign Coordinate System dialog opens.
5. Make any changes in the dialog. This is the existing coordinate system for the map layer.
When finished making changes, click OK.
6. Add the second map to the first using the Map | Add | Well Layer or Map | Add | Base
Layer command.
7. After the second map layer appears, click once on it to select it.
8. In the Property Manager, click on the Coordinate System tab.
9. If the Coordinate System is not correct, click the Set button next to Coordinate System. The
Assign Coordinate System dialog opens.
10. Make any changes in the dialog. This is the existing coordinate system for the second map
layer. This coordinate system can be different from the first map layer and has no effect on
the first map layer. When finished making changes, click OK.
11. To change the coordinate system for the map, click on the Map object.
12. In the Property Manager, click on the Coordinate System tab.
13. If the Coordinate System is not correct, click on the Change button next to Coordinate
System to set the desired target coordinate system. When finished, click OK.
14. The entire map is now displayed in the desired target coordinate system.

Coordinate System Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Do I need to specify a coordinate system for every map layer in Strater?

A: You do not need to specify a coordinate system for your map layers in Strater if you are not
going to be converting between different coordinate system or displaying layers with different
coordinate systems. If all your map layers are in the same system, you do not need to specify the
coordinate system.

Q: Why would I want to set the coordinate system for a map?

A: If your base maps and well location maps are in different coordinate systems, you will want to
set the coordinate system for each map layer and the entire map. If you want to change the
projection of your base map or well location map, you will want to set the coordinate system.

Q: My map disappears after defining a coordinate system! Now what can I do?
A: Most likely, the map layer that disappeared did not have a defined coordinate system. In the
Object Manager, click on the map layer that has disappeared. In the Property Manager, click on
the Coordinate System tab. Click the Set button and define the map layer's coordinate system.
Click OK. The map should now appear correctly. See the Source Coordinate System page for more

Q: My axes do not show the correct coordinates. How can I make them show the coordinates I

Strater 5 User’s Guide

A: If the map axes are showing incorrect coordinates, you may need to change your Target
Coordinate System. Click on the Map object in the Object Manager. In the Property Manager,
click on the Coordinate System tab. Click the Change button to define the map's target coordinate
system. After making the change, click OK. The map axes will now appear in the desired

Q: When I import a map from another program, does it import the projection information?
A: If the base map contained a reference file, Strater will automatically read the reference file and
apply any information it finds to the map layer.

Q: When I change the target coordinate system, my map limits change.

Strater retains the map size, but the limits change when the target coordinate system changes.

Q: I need additional information about coordinate systems. Do you have any references that can
A: A good starting place is the references on the Projection References page. Many other good
resources are available either online or in printed documentation.

Coordinate System Notes

Currently, imported metafiles do not change coordinates. When the coordinate system changes
from the source coordinate system, the metafile is removed from the map view. When the
coordinate system changes back to the metafile's coordinate system, the metafile reappears. To
have metafile coordinate system changed, the metafile needs to be broken apart. To do this, click
once on the metafile to select it. Click the Arrange | Group | Ungroup command. The metafile
becomes a collection of lines, text, polygons, and images.

Text is stretched slightly in the horizontal and vertical directions (before rotation) so that the text
will occupy the same overall space as it did before being geotransformed. This can cause the
individual characters to be spaced slightly closer together or further apart than the characters
appeared before the coordinate system conversion. The text is still in the correct geographic
location as it appeared before the transformation.

Image base maps do change coordinates when the map target coordinate system changes. Strater
does not cache the image in the transformed georeferenced coordinates. This means every time the
zoom is changed, or the map is scrolled, or the map properties change, the image is re-
transformed. With large images, this may lead to slow redraw times.
Golden Software Reference Files
If you have looked in a folder that contains data or boundary files created by Strater or other
Golden Software programs, you may have noticed files with a .GSR2 extension in the folder. These
Golden Software Reference files are created when you save a projected file from Strater. For
example, if you create a map, assign a Coordinate System, when you export the map to some file
formats, such as TIF, you will see both the filename.tif and filename.tif.gsr2 in the directory.

The Golden Software Reference files contain the projection settings used to project the data in
Golden Software programs. Projection, datum, and georeference information are stored in
the .GSR2 file. When you create a map from a file that has an associated .GSR2 file in Strater, the
projection information is used when displaying the map. If the Golden Software Reference file is
deleted, the boundary can be imported but it will not be projected properly.

Strater .SDG file format retains all of the information in a map, including projection information.

Chapter 28 - Coordinate Systems and Map Projections

Latitude and Longitude Coordinates

Latitude and longitude are spherical coordinates used to locate a point on the earth. Many maps do
not need to take the curvature of the earth into account. For maps covering relatively small land
areas, such as a state or small group of states, the earth can be assumed to be flat. In these cases,
the latitude/longitude coordinates can be plotted on a Cartesian coordinate system. Maps plotted in
this way must use different scaling in the two dimensions to minimize distortion on the map.

Strater only plots latitude and longitude coordinates in decimal degrees. You can see Latitude and
Longitude Coordinates in Decimal Degrees for information on converting degrees-minutes-seconds
to decimal degrees.

Parallels define lines of constant latitude. Meridians define lines of constant longitude.
This Albers projected map makes use of graticule lines to indicate the relationship.

Latitude is the Y coordinate and defines north-south global position measured from the equator.
Lines of constant latitude are called parallels because they define a series of rings parallel to the
equator. Parallels run east-west, but define north-south position on the globe. Parallels are
designated in degrees from 0° at the Equator to 90° at the poles. Strater uses the convention that
parallels are positive north of the equator (north latitudes), and negative south of the equator
(south latitudes). Designations such as 45° indicate a position 45 degrees north of the equator,
while -65° indicates a position 65 degrees south of the equator. At any position on the globe, the
distance covered by a degree of latitude remains nearly constant.

Longitude is the X coordinate and indicates east-west position on the globe. Lines of constant
longitude are called meridians. Meridians lie at right angles to the parallels and are half-circles
drawn from the North Pole to the South Pole. One meridian is designated as the prime meridian.
The prime meridian most commonly in use in the United States runs through Greenwich, England,
although there are several other prime meridians in use throughout the world. Longitude is
measured 180° east and 180 degrees west from the prime meridian. In Strater, longitude is
positive east (east longitude) of the prime meridian, and negative west of the prime meridian (west
longitude). A designation such as -105° is used to indicate a location 105 degrees west of the prime

Strater 5 User’s Guide

meridian. Meridians converge at the poles so the distance covered by one degree of longitude
decreases as you move north or south from the equator.

Latitude and Longitude in Decimal Degrees

Latitude and Longitude coordinates are often presented in degrees, minutes, and second, such as
39°25'30" (39 degrees, 25 minutes, 30 seconds). However, Strater can only plot values in decimal
degrees. So, for example, 39°25'30" is referred to as 39.425 in Strater.

Converting from degrees, minutes, and seconds is actually quite easy. There are 60 minutes in one
degree and 3600 seconds in one degree. To convert minutes and seconds to decimal degrees,
divide minutes by 60, divide seconds by 3600, and then add the results to obtain the decimal

Conversion Equation:

Decimal Degrees = Degrees + (Minutes / 60) + (Seconds / 3600)

Consider the latitude value 39°25'30". This value needs to be converted to decimal degree in order
to use it in Strater.

To convert 39°25'30" to decimal degrees:

1. First, convert minutes (25') and seconds (30") to their degree equivalents and add the
25'/60 = 0.4167
30"/3600 = 0.0083
0.4167 + 0.0083 = 0.425
2. Then, add this number to the number of degrees.
39 + 0.425 = 39.425
3. The final result is the decimal degree value.
39°25'30" = 39.425°

Using Scaling to Minimize Distortion on Latitude/Longitude Maps

When you display maps based on latitude and longitude coordinates extending over a large region,
they might appear somewhat distorted. This occurs because one degree of latitude is not equivalent
to one degree of longitude. For example, consider a base map of the state of California

Chapter 28 - Coordinate Systems and Map Projections

This shows the map of California before and after scaling. The map on the
right is scaled up in the Y dimension so the map does not appear compressed.

As an approximation, the distance covered by one degree of latitude at the equator is equal to the
distance covered by one degree of latitude at the poles, and is approximately 69 miles. This
distance between degrees of latitude remains nearly constant over the globe, although it does vary
slightly because the earth is not a perfect sphere. However, the distance between a degree of
longitude decreases from the equator to the poles. For any latitudinal position, you can determine
the length, in miles, between degrees of longitude based on the formula:

Distance covered by 1° of longitude (in miles) = cosine (latitude) x 69.172.

This equation assumes a Clark 1866 reference ellipsoid.

This table illustrates the change as you move from the equator to the poles.

Latitude Distance Covered by One

Degree of Longitude
0° 69.172 miles
30° 59.904 miles
60° 34.586 miles
90° 0 miles

Substitutions for units other than miles:

• For kilometers, you can substitute the number 111.321 for 69.172 in the formula above.
• For meters, you can substitute the number 111,321 for 69.172 in the formula above.
• For feet, you can substitute the number 365,228 for 69.172 in the formula above.

So, how can you put this information to use? Remember that you are plotting degrees of latitude
and longitude, but what you really want to show on the map are the correct distances. You must
scale the longitude values correctly for the correct distances to be represented on the map. The

Strater 5 User’s Guide

scaling factor to apply for maps is based on the cosine of the latitude for the area you are working

To determine the scaling factors:

1. Determine the latitude for the parallel through the center of the map, and obtain the cosine
for this latitude value. The center parallel in CA2000.GSB is approximately 37.27 degrees.
The cosine of 37.27 is 0.80.
2. Click on the Map in the Object Manager to select it. The map properties are displayed in the
Property Manager.
3. Click the Scale tab to set the X direction for the map. You can set either the Length (Page
Units) value or the Map Units Per Inch. (Centimeter) value. The X Scale Map units is 1.72
inches in this example.
4. Uncheck the Proportional XY Scaling box.
5. Multiply the X Scale Map Units Per Inch value by the cosine of the latitude, and enter this
number into the Y Scale Map Units Per Inch field. 1.72 (X Scale Map Units Per Inch) X 0.80
(cosine of latitude) = 1.38 (Y Scale Map Units Per Inch). Enter 1.38 into the Map Units Per
Inch box under Y Scale.
The map is automatically updated.

Consider a map of the state of Montana. When you plot the map on a one to one scale, the map
appears stretched in the east-west direction. To understand this problem, consider that for Montana
the latitude ranges from 44.36° to 49°. The latitude for the center of the map is determined from
this to be 46.68°. The cosine of 46.68° is 0.686. The distance covered by one degree of longitude
at this latitude is only 0.686 times the distance covered by one degree of latitude. To reduce the
distortion on this map, you must correct for this difference.

Let's say you are plotting the map at an X scale of 1" = 2 map units (longitude). For the map to be
scaled appropriately, you would plot the Y scale at 1" = 1.372 map units (latitude, 2 x 0.686 =
1.372). This effectively stretches the map in the latitude (N-S) direction. Now the map distances
are nearly the same in the longitude and latitude directions.

When the map is scaled so 1° of longitude equals 1° of latitude,

map distances are distorted. Notice that the graticules
form squares (equal spacing).

Chapter 28 - Coordinate Systems and Map Projections

When you apply scaling factors, map

distances are represented more
accurately. The rectangular spacing
of graticule lines indicate the
difference in scaling.

How to Convert from NAD27 to NAD83 Using NTv2

NTv2 is the Canadian government's officially sanctioned method of converting Canadian map data
from the old NAD27 datum to the NAD83 datum. If you are converting from Lat/Long WGS84 (or
any coordinate system with a datum other than NAD27) to NAD83, you will not need to use
NTv2. If you are converting data with a datum of NAD83 back to NAD27, you will not need to use
NTv2. Again, this is only a method of converting data from the NAD27 datum to the NAD83 datum.

To perform the conversion, you do need an additional grid shift file in the Strater installation
directory. Golden Software cannot supply this file, but you can download it from the Natural
Resources Canada website.

To convert NAD27 to NAD83 using NTv2, the first step is to download the conversion file.
1. Download the ZIP file from the Natural Resources Canada website. You can find more
information about this NTv2 grid shift file from their site.
2. Extract the file NTV2_0.GSB to the Strater installation directory (by default this is
C:\Program Files\Golden Software\Strater 5).

Now you can use the NAD 1927 - Canada (NTV2) datum as the source coordinate system in
Strater when converting to another system with the NAD83 datum. For example:
1. Select a map layer in the Object Manager.
2. In the Property Manager, click the Coordinate System tab and click the Set button.
3. Select the coordinate system for the layer (i.e. Predefined | UTM | North America | North
America NAD27 UTM zone 12N)
4. Click Modify.
5. Change the datum to NAD 1927 – Canada (NTV2).
6. Click OK, then OK again. The souce coordinate system is specified to use the NTv2 datum
7. To convert the map to NAD83, select Map in the Object Manager.
8. In the Property Manager, click the Coordinate System tab and click the Change button.
9. Select the NAD83 coordinate system you want the map to be displayed in (i.e. Predefined |
UTM | North America | North America NAD83 UTM zone 12N).
10. Click OK and the map is converted.

Strater 5 User’s Guide

Projection References

Dent, Borden D., Cartography, Thematic Map Design, Wm. C. Brown Publishers, Dubuque, 1990.

Greenhood, David, Mapping, The University of Chicago Press, Chicago, 1964, pp. 113-171.

Robinson, A.H., et al., Elements of Cartography, Fifth Edition, John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1984,
pp. 75-105.

Snyder, John P., Map Projections - A Working Manual, U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper
1395, Washington D.C., Department of the Interior, 1987.

Verhoogan, John, Francis., J. Turner, Lionel E. Weiss, Clyde Wahrhaftig, William S. Fyfe, The Earth:
An Introduction To Physical Geology, Holt, Rinehart and Winston, Inc., New York, 1970.

Coordinate Systems Overview,

http://www.colorado.edu/geography/gcraft/notes/coordsys/coordsys_f.html, July 2, 2001.

Map Projection Overview,

http://www.colorado.edu/geography/gcraft/notes/mapproj/mapproj_f.html, July 2, 2001.

Map Projection Home Page, http://www.geography.hunter.cuny.edu/mp/, June 16, 2004.

Datums, Ellipsoids, Grids, and Grid Reference Systems, Defense Mapping Agency Technical Manual
8358.1, August 2, 2004.

Matching the Map Projection to the Need, http://www.gis.psu.edu/projection/, June 16, 2004.

Layer [Source] Coordinate System - Map Layer

Maps can be created from data loaded in a table view or base map files in any coordinate
system. The Source Coordinate System is the coordinate system for the collars table data or base
map used to create a map layer. A coordinate system normally has a defined projection and
datum. If some map layers are using a different source coordinate system than what you want the
map to display, the map layer is converted to the map's Target Coordinate System.

The Coordinate System Page

The Coordinate System page is located in the Property Manager when a base or well layer
object is selected.

Chapter 28 - Coordinate Systems and Map Projections

Specify the map layer coordinate system on the Coordinate System page.

Coordinate System
Click the Set button next to Coordinate System to open the Assign Coordinate System dialog.
This dialog lets you set the source coordinate system. This is the coordinate system for the original
data or base map.

Map [Target] Coordinate System

Maps can be displayed in any coordinate system. The map is displayed in the coordinate system
defined as the Target Coordinate System for the map. A coordinate system normally has a defined
projection and datum. If some map layers are using a different source coordinate system than the
map's target coordinate system, the map layer is converted to the map's Target Coordinate
System. The map's Target Coordinate System is the new coordinate system that you want to use to
project your X, Y coordinate data.

The Coordinate System page is located in the Property Manager when a Map object is selected.

Specify the map coordinate system on the Coordinate System page.

Strater 5 User’s Guide

Coordinate System
Click the Change button next to Coordinate System to open the Assign Coordinate System
dialog. This dialog lets you set the desired target coordinate system. This is the coordinate system
in which you want the map to be displayed.

Map Limits and Changing Coordinate Systems

If the map has custom limits and an unreferenced coordinate system, changing the coordinate
system will change the map limits to the default limits.

If the map has custom limits and is currently referenced, changing the coordinate system will not
change the map limits to the default limits. Instead, the axis limits are converted to the new
coordinate system and properly limited in the new coordinate system.

Assign Coordinate System

The Assign Coordinate System dialog is accessed from several locations. It links a file, map
layer, or map to a specific coordinate system. Once a coordinate system is defined for a file, a
Golden Software Georeference .GSR2 file is created. This file contains all the relevant coordinate
system information that Strater needs to load the file in the proper coordinate system in the

The Assign Coordinate System Dialog

Click the Set or Change button in the Coordinate System page of the Property Manager to open
the Assign Coordinate System dialog.

Chapter 28 - Coordinate Systems and Map Projections

Assign a projection to your file or map layer in the Assign Coordinate System dialog.

Search for Coordinate Systems

Strater as over 2500 coordinate systems in the Assign Coordinate System dialog. To search for
a specific coordinate system type a partial name, complete name, or EPSG code into the Search for

text or EPSG code field. Next click the button or press ENTER to search for the coordinate
system. The number of returned search results will be displayed below the search bar. The search
results will replace the full coordinate system list. Navigate through the search results by clicking

the button to expand the categories in the Assign Coordinate System dialog. Click the
button to clear the search results and display all of the coordinate systems in the Assign
Coordinate System dialog.

When searching in the Assign Coordinate System dialog, the search string must exactly match a
portion of the desired coordinate system name or EPSG code. However, the search string does not
need to be the complete name or EPSG code. For example, searching for System 1984 will return
the World Geodetic System 1984 coordinate system, but searching for World 1984 returns no

Projection Categories
Click the button to expand the options in the Assign Coordinate System dialog. Click the
button to collapse the options.

Strater 5 User’s Guide

Local System
Expand Local System to select the Unreferenced local system, which contains a Projection of None,
a Datum of None, and a Warp of None. For example, you may have a data set with an arbitrary
coordinate system (i.e. not real world X, Y coordinates). You would assign this data to a Local
System, if a coordinate system is necessary.

Expand the Predefined section by clicking the + button. The Predefined section includes all
coordinate systems that have been predefined for Surfer.

Geographic (lat/lon)
Expand Geographic (lat/lon) to select a Latitude/Longitude coordinate system and datum that fits
your needs. Detailed information about each projection is listed at the bottom of the dialog when
the system is selected. If your data are currently in a form of lat/lon, you would want to select one
of the options in Geographic (lat/lon).

Projected Systems
Expand Projected Systems to select a predefined Polar/Arctic/Antarctic, Regional/National, State
Plane, UTM, or World coordinate system. Detailed information about each projection is listed to the
right when the datum is selected.

Expand the Templates section to select a predefined template. Click the desired template and press
the Modify button to change the properties. Once modified, the new coordinate system is added to
the Custom section.

Add to Favorites
Click the Add to Favorites button to add a projection to your Favorites list. Alternatively, right-click
on a coordinate system and choose Add to Favorites. This is very useful if you frequently use the
same projection, such as World Geodetic System 1984. This is also useful for Custom systems that
will be used on multiple project files. Adding the projection to the Favorites list makes selecting the
projection easier in the future.

If the Add to Favorites button is unavailable, make sure that a specific coordinate system is
selected. If a category of systems, such as Predefined or Geographic (lat/lon) is selected, the Add
to Favorites button is unavailable.

Remove from Favorites

Select a coordinate system in the Favorites list and click the Remove from Favorites button to
remove the system from the favorites list. Predefined coordinate systems can still be found in their
original locations. Custom coordinate systems will be removed from the Assign Coordinate
System dialog completely. Alternatively, right-click on a coordinate system in the Favorites section
and choose Remove. The coordinate system is removed from the Favorites section.

If the Remove from Favorites button is unavailable, make sure that a specific coordinate system is
selected in the Favorites list. If a category of systems, such as Predefined or Geographic (lat/lon) is
selected or if a coordinate system is selected in a category other than Favorites, the Remove from
Favorites button is unavailable.

Chapter 28 - Coordinate Systems and Map Projections

Expand Custom to see the custom coordinate system you have defined for the current file. Custom
systems can be defined by clicking the New Local System or New Geographic System button. By
default, no custom coordinate systems are specified. Custom coordinate systems are only listed in
the dialog when the file using the custom coordinate system is open.

If a Custom coordinate system is defined and intended to be used more than once, it is highly
recommended that the system be added to the Favorites section by clicking the Add to Favorites

New Custom Local Coordinate System

The linear units and offsets can be specified for local coordinate systems. Click the New Local
System button to open the Define Unreferenced Coordinate System dialog and define a custom
local unreferenced coordinate system. Alternatively, click the Modify button while Unreferenced
local system is selected in the Select coordinate system list to open the Define Unreferenced
Coordinate System dialog.

New Custom Geographic Coordinate System

Click the New Geographic System button to open the Define Coordinate System dialog and
define a custom projection and datum. Alternatively, right-click on an existing coordinate system
and choose New Geographic System to create a new projection based off the selected projection.
The new custom projection and datum will be listed in the Custom section with the name you

Modify Coordinate System

Select any coordinate system from the Select a coordinate system list. Click the Modify button to
open the Define Coordinate System or Define Unreferenced Coordinate System dialog.
Alternatively, right-click on the coordinate system and choose Modify from the menu. Modify any
properties and click OK. The modified coordinate system is added to the Custom list.

If the Modify button is unavailable, make sure that a specific coordinate system is selected. If a
category of systems, such as Predefined or Geographic (lat/lon) is selected, the Modify button is

Example 1: Select a Predefined Coordinate System (i.e. UTM)

1. In the Assign Coordinate System dialog, click the button to the left of Predefined.
2. Click the button to the left of Projected Systems.
3. Click the button to the left of UTM.
4. Click the button to the left of WGS84.
5. Select WGS84 UTM zone 13N.
6. Click OK. The projection for this data is now set to WGS84 UTM zone 13N.

Example 2: Create and Select a Custom Coordinate System (i.e. Lambert

Conformal Conic)
1. In the Assign Coordinate System dialog, click the New button to open the Define
Coordinate System dialog.
2. Change the Name to Lambert Conformal Conic Custom.
3. From the Projection list, select Lambert Conformal Conic.
4. Make any necessary changes to the Parameter or Values in the Projection section.
5. Make any necessary changes to the Datum section.
6. Click OK and the Lambert Conformal Conic Custom projection is added to the Custom

Strater 5 User’s Guide

7. Click the custom projection and click OK to apply the projection to the data.
Example 3: Saving a Custom Coordinate System
1. In the Assign Coordinate System dialog, click the button to the left of Custom.
2. Select the coordinate system in the Custom section and click the Add to Favorites button.
3. Click the button to the left of Favorites to open the Favorites section. The custom
projection is saved here.
4. Click OK to close the dialog.

Define Coordinate System

Click the New Geographic System or Modify buttons in the Assign Coordinate System dialog to
open the Define Coordinate System dialog. The Define Coordinate System dialog allows you to
create a Custom coordinate system. Select a Projection, enter the projection Parameters, and
specify a Datum. Click OK and the new coordinate system will be added to the Assign Coordinate
System dialog Custom list for future use.

Define a custom coordinate system in the Define Coordinate System dialog.

Chapter 28 - Coordinate Systems and Map Projections

Specify a custom name for the new coordinate system in the Name box. When editing a predefined
coordinate system, the name is automatically appended with (edited) after the existing name.

Select a projection from the Projection list. Specify custom Parameter and Value options.
Unprojected Lat/Long does not have Parameter and Value options to specify.

The projection options include: Unprojected Lat/Long, Albers Equal Area Conic, Azimuthal
Equidistant, Bonne, Cassini, Eckert IV, Eckert VI, Equidistant Conic, Equidistant Cylindrical,
Gnomonic, Hotine Oblique Mercator, Lambert Azimuthal Equal Area, Lambert Conformal Conic,
Mercator, Miller Cylindrical, Mollweide, Oblique Mercator, Orthographic, Polyconic, Robinson,
Robinson-Sterling, Sinusoidal, Stereographic, Transverse Mercator, Universal Transverse Mercator
(UTM), and Van Der Grinten.

Select a datum from the Datum list. Specify custom Parameter and Value options to fit your needs.

OK or Cancel
Click OK to create your new custom coordinate system. The coordinate system will be listed in the
Custom section of the Assign Coordinate System dialog for this file. If you want to save the
custom coordinate system for future use, add the custom coordinate system to the Favorites
section. Click Cancel to return to the Assign Coordinate System dialog without creating a custom
coordinate system.

Example 1: Defining a Custom Coordinate System

1. In the Assign Coordinate System dialog, click the New Geographic System button to open
the Define Coordinate System dialog.
2. Change the Name to Lambert Conformal Conic Custom.
3. From the Projection list, select Lambert Conformal Conic.
4. Make any necessary changes to the Parameter or Values.
5. Make any necessary changes to the Datum section.
6. Click OK and the Lambert Conformal Conic Custom projection is added to the Custom
7. In the Assign Coordinate System dialog, select the custom projection and click OK.

Example 2: Saving a Custom Coordinate System

1. In the Assign Coordinate System dialog, click the button to the left of Custom.
2. Select the coordinate system in the Custom section and click the Add to Favorites button.
3. Click the button to the left of Favorites to open the Favorites section. The custom
projection is saved here.
4. Click OK to close the dialog.

Define Unreferenced Coordinate System

Click the New Local System button, or Modify button with a local coordinate system selected, in the
Assign Coordinate System dialog to open the Define Unreferenced Coordinate System
dialog. The Define Unreferenced Coordinate System dialog creates a Custom coordinate
system. Specify the linear units and/or offsets for the unreferenced coordinate system. Click OK
and the new coordinate system will be added to the Assign Coordinate System dialog Custom
list. Add the new local system to the Favorites list to save the local system for future use.

Strater 5 User’s Guide

Define a custom local coordinate system in the Define Unreferenced Coordinate System dialog.

Specify a custom name for the new coordinate system in the Name box. When editing a predefined
coordinate system, the name is automatically appended with (edited) after the existing name.

Linear Units
Specify the units for the new coordinate system in the Name field. Click the current selection and
select the desired units from the list.

Alternatively, specify custom units by typing the number of units per meter in the Units per
meter box. For example, to use the UK Metric Foot (defined as 300mm), type 3.33333333 into the
Units per meter field.

Apply an offset by typing a value in the X Offset or Y Offset fields.

OK or Cancel
Click OK to create your new custom coordinate system. The coordinate system will be listed in the
Custom section of the Assign Coordinate System dialog for this file. If you want to save the
custom coordinate system for future use, add the custom coordinate system to the Favorites
section. Click Cancel to return to the Assign Coordinate System dialog without creating a custom
coordinate system.

Example 1: Defining Units for an Unreferenced Coordinate System

1. In the Assign Coordinate System dialog, click the New Local System button to open the
Define Unreferenced Coordinate System dialog.
2. Change the Name to Local Meters (no offset).
3. From the Name list in the Linear Units section, select Meters.
4. Click OK and the Local Meters (no offset) coordinate system is added to the Custom section.
5. In the Assign Coordinate System dialog, select the custom projection and click OK.

Example 2: Saving a Custom Coordinate System

Chapter 28 - Coordinate Systems and Map Projections

1. In the Assign Coordinate System dialog, click the button to the left of Custom.
2. Select the coordinate system in the Custom section and click the Add to Favorites button.
3. Click the button to the left of Favorites to open the Favorites section. The custom
projection is saved here.
4. Click OK to close the dialog.

Introduction to Map Projections

What is a Map Projection?
Maps are usually seen in a flat, two-dimensional medium such as a drawing on paper or an image
on a computer screen. Since the surface of the Earth is curved, or three-dimensional, the visual
elements on the surface must somehow be transformed from three dimensions to two in order to
display a map of the Earth's surface. Projections are a mathematical process by which the visual
elements are transformed from three dimensions to two.

One of the simplest forms of projection is analogous to shining a light through a translucent globe
onto a piece of paper and tracing the outlines. Other forms of projection may involve dozens of
complex mathematical equations. Since no two-dimensional representation of a three-dimensional
surface can be accurate in every regard, a variety of different projections have been developed to
suit different purposes. Some projections are accurate in terms of area but not in scale, some are
accurate in terms of scale but not in shape, and so on. The selection of an appropriate projection
for a map depends on which characteristics of a map are most important or most desirable for a
given project or audience.

Strater supports several of the projections that are most often used in modern cartography and
related fields. Strater's map view window allows you to assign a coordinate system to a map layer,
using the Source Coordinate System for each map layer, and convert the entire map to another
system using the Target Coordinate System.

There are many excellent textbooks and publications on this subject, and we do not attempt to
explain projections in full detail here. If you need or want more information, you might consider
reading the references that provide good introductory discussions of map projections.

For maps of the Earth where accuracy is not of particular concern, we can safely assume that the
Earth is perfectly spherical in shape. For small-scale maps, the difference between a sphere and
ellipsoid is not detectable on the map.

However, the Earth is actually somewhat ellipsoidal (or egg-shaped), approximately 1/300th wider
than it is tall, assuming a vertical orientation with respect to the axis of rotation. This shape needs
to be taken into account to produce larger scale maps of any significant accuracy.

Strater 5 User’s Guide

This is an example of an ellipsoid (dashed blue line)

superimposed on a sphere (solid black line).

While an ellipsoid is a closer approximation of the Earth's shape than a sphere, the Earth's surface
is not entirely uniform in curvature, so any ellipsoidal representation of the Earth is still only an
approximation. This being the case, cartographers have historically used a number of slightly
different ellipsoidal representations in attempts to produce more accurate maps of different regions
of the Earth.

Ellipsoids are defined by the ellipse being used and by the amount of rotation of the ellipse. An
ellipse has two axes. The longer axis is the Semimajor Axis. The shorter axis is the Semiminor Axis.
Rotating the ellipse around the semiminor axis creates the ellipsoid.

The diagram shows the semimajor and

semiminor axes on an ellipse.

In Strater, the ellipsoid can be defined by the Semimajor Axis and the Semiminor Axis or by the
Semimajor Axis and the Inverse Flattening (1/f) value. The flattening value ranges from zero to 1,
so the Inverse Flattening (1/f) value must be larger than 1. The flattening value is determined by:

f = (Semimajor Axis - Semiminor Axis)/Semimajor Axis

In the Assign Coordinate System dialog, click the New button to define a new coordinate system.
In the Define Coordinate System dialog, the Datum group allows you to specify parameters for the
datum. The Ellipsoid can be customized in terms of Name, Semimajor Axis, Semiminor Axis, and
Inverse Flattening (1/f). The Semimajor Axis, Semiminor Axis, and Inverse Flattening ratio should
be set in meters. If you do not understand ellipsoids and datum definitions, it is recommended you
use the defaults. For more information on these subjects, see the projection references.

Chapter 28 - Coordinate Systems and Map Projections

Since coordinates on the Earth's surface can be recorded under widely varying assumptions about
the shape and size of the Earth and the locations of the poles and prime meridian, cartographers
have developed a standard for identifying the frame of reference for a coordinate system. This
standard is called the datum. Because the frames of reference differ, a coordinate recorded in one
datum usually has slightly different latitude and longitude values from the same point recorded in
any other datum.

Some datums are designed to provide a marginally accurate representation of coordinates spanning
the entire Earth, while other datums are designed to provide more accurate results in a particular
region at the expense of lesser accuracy in other parts of the world. For example, the South
American Datum of 1969 (SA69) is tailored to provide good results for maps of the South American
continent and surrounding areas, but, as a consequence, provides poor results for the rest of the

When combining data from multiple sources into a single map, it is important that all of the
coordinate systems being combined specify the projection and datum accurately. Since each datum
has slightly different latitude and longitude values for the same coordinates, mixing coordinates
from multiple datums together without fully defining the datum introduces inaccuracies into the
map. Strater will automatically convert different source coordinate systems from different datums
to the target coordinate system.

A datum conversion can be used to convert coordinates from one datum to another. Click the
Coordinate System to open the Assign Coordinate System dialog. Click New to define a new
projection and datum. The Define Coordinate System dialog has the Conversion Method and
Ellipsoid parameters necessary to allow you to define a coordinate system with a custom datum.

Several different Conversion Methods may be used for converting coordinates from one datum to
Molodensky The Molodensky method is the most widely used method of datum
conversion. It adjusts latitude and longitude coordinates by taking
into account the displacement between two datum's ellipsoids on all
three axes. It does not take into account any rotational differences
between the two ellipsoids.
Bursa- The Bursa-Wolfe method is similar to the Molodensky method, but in
Wolfe some instances it produces more accurate results because it takes
into account both displacement and rotational differences between
two ellipsoids. Strater supports the Bursa-Wolfe method for
conversions from the WGS84 datum to the following datums: World
Geodetic System 1972, DHDN-1, DHDN, Australian Geodetic 1984,
ANS84, MRT - Everest Modified, Switzerland - CH1903, NTF France -
Paris Meridian, and Pulkovo 1942 - Hungary.

Strater supports the NTv2 datum conversion method. NTv2 is the Canadian government's officially
sanctioned method of converting Canadian map data from the old NAD27 datum to the NAD83
datum. NTv2 is based on a hierarchical database of interpolation grids of different resolutions for
different regions of the country. NTv2 datum conversions cannot be performed unless an NTv2 grid
shift file is installed in the same folder/directory as the Strater program. Visit Natural Resources
Canada's Geodetic Reference Systems page on the web for more information about this datum and
obtaining an NTv2 grid shift file. See the Golden Software How to convert from NAD27 to NAD83
using NTv2 help topic for detailed steps on using the NTv2 datum conversion.

Strater supports conversions for over 200 different predefined datums.

Strater 5 User’s Guide

Custom Datum Definition

Click the New button in the Assign Coordinate System dialog to open the Define Coordinate
System dialog. Use the Datum group to define a custom datum and specify the exact datum
parameters and values.

The Datum list contains predefined datums. Select a datum to populate the Parameter and Value
columns. Customize the parameters and values as needed.

Conversion Method
The Conversion Method controls the method of datum conversion and the conversion parameters.
The conversion methods include Molodensky, Bursa-Wolfe, and None.
• The Molodensky method is the most widely used method of datum conversion. It adjusts
latitude and longitude coordinates by taking into account the displacement between two
datum's ellipsoids on all three axes. It does not take into account any rotational differences
between the two ellipsoids.
• The Bursa-Wolfe method is similar to the Molodensky method, but in some instances it
produces more accurate results because it takes into account both displacement and
rotational differences between two ellipsoids.
• Choose None if the predefined methods do not suite your purpose. If you select <custom>
from the Ellipsoid Name list, you can specify your own ellipsoid model parameters.
Conversion Parameter and Values
You can edit the conversion parameter and values directly by selecting the value you want to edit
and typing a new value over it. Parameters vary depending on the selected Conversion Method.

The Ellipsoid group contains options for defining the ellipsoid. Use these settings to define the
ellipsoid model that best approximates the curvature of the Earth's shape in the map region. If you
do not understand ellipsoids and datum definitions, it is recommended you use the defaults.
• The Name list contains a collection of ellipsoid models that cartographers have historically
used in attempts to produce more accurate maps of different regions of the Earth. The Name
list also contains the option to create a <custom> ellipsoid.
• The Semimajor Axis box can be edited to define the major axis.
• The Semiminor Axis box can be edited to define the minor axis.
• The Inverse Flattening (1/f) can be edited to define the flattening ratio.
• The X Displacement, Y Displacement, and Z Displacement are the axis displacements in
Prime Meridian
The Prime Meridian section contains options for defining the prime meridian Name and Prime
Meridian Shift. A meridian is a line of constant longitude running north-south on a map. The zero
meridian or prime meridian is used as a reference line from which longitude east and west is
measured. The prime meridian passes through Greenwich, England. The Prime Meridian Shift is the
shift from the prime meridian, typically 0 degrees, in decimal degrees.

Understanding Local Datums

To understand how local datum transforms affect data, you need to understand the ellipsoid, the
spheroid, and how both relate to the datum. The spheroid is the a perfect circular object, located at
mean sea level. This is constant everywhere. Because of local variations in the gravitational field,
the shape actually has local variations.

Chapter 28 - Coordinate Systems and Map Projections

The image from Verhoogan, shows the variation in the geoid, ellipsoid, and actual topographic

The ellipsoid is used to approximate the global differences. But additional differences exist because
of the actual topographic surface. Local datums were created to locally account for these
differences. The datum includes the ellipsoid, the prime meridian shift, and any offsets in the X or Y
direction. Because local datums align the ellipsoid with a particular location on the earth's surface,
local datums are not suitable for use outside the designed area.

In the Define Coordinate System dialog, you can choose how datums are converted from one
datum to another. This is the Conversion Method. The Molodensky method is the most widely used
method of datum conversion. It adjusts latitude and longitude coordinates by taking into account
the displacement between two datum's ellipsoids on all three axes. It does not take into account
any rotational differences between the two ellipsoids. The Bursa-Wolfe method is similar to the
Molodensky method, but in some instances it produces more accurate results because it takes into
account both displacement and rotational differences between two ellipsoids. Surfer supports the
Bursa-Wolfe method for conversions from the WGS84 datum to the following datums: World
Geodetic System 1972, DHDN-1, DHDN, Australian Geodetic 1984, ANS84, MRT - Everest Modified,
Switzerland - CH1903, NTF France - Paris Meridian, and Pulkovo 1942 - Hungary.

Changing the datum incorrectly can cause maps to appear wrong or not appear at all. It is advised
that changing the datum be done with caution and a basic understanding of the local datums is

Types of Projections
Most forms of projection operate by projecting Earth coordinates onto a geometric shape that can
be easily flattened to a two-dimensional image. This mathematical transformation is commonly
referred to as a map projection. A map projection systematically projects locations from the surface
of the spheroid to represent positions on the geometric shape.

Three geometric shapes are frequently used:

Type of Examples of
How it works Characteristics of Projection
Shape Projection

Cylinder Earth coordinates may Lines of longitude are Cassini,

be projected onto a parallel to each other. Equidistant
cylinder. The cylinder is Cylindrical,
cut lengthwise and Hotine Oblique

Strater 5 User’s Guide

unrolled to make a two- Lines of latitude are Mercator,

dimensional map. This parallel to each other. Mercator, Miller
type of projection is Lines of longitude are Cylindrical, New
called a cylindrical at right angles to lines of Zealand Map
projection. latitude. Grid, Oblique
Regions near the Transverse
equator or selected Mercator, and
standard parallels are Universal
minimally distorted. Transverse
Regions near the Mercator
poles are highly distorted.

Cone Earth coordinates may • Lines of latitude form Albers Equal

be projected onto a concentric arcs. Area,
cone. The point of the Equidistant
cone is usually directly
• Lines of longitude are
Conic, Lambert
straight and radiate
above the pole and the Conformal
outward from the tip
sides of the cone pass Conic,
of the imaginary cone.
through the globe at Polyconic, and
two user-defined Bonne
latitudes, called the
Standard Parallels. At
the standard parallels,
there is no difference
between the east-west
and north-south scales.
The cone is cut from tip
to base and unrolled to
make a two-
dimensional map. This
type of projection is
called a conic
Plane Earth coordinates may • The side of the Earth Azimuthal
be projected directly that is facing away Equidistant,
onto a flat plane. This from the center of the Gnomonic,
type of projection is projection is not Orthographic,
called an azimuthal visible. Stereographic,
projection. Projections and Lambert
of this type are Azimuthal Equal
recommended for maps Area
of polar regions
because cylindrical and
conic projections
generally either have
severe distortion in
polar regions or are
unable to project
coordinates in polar
Other Projections in this Eckert IV,
category are Eckert VI,
pseudocylindrical, Mollweide,
pseudoconic, or based Robinson,
on some other Robinson-

Chapter 28 - Coordinate Systems and Map Projections

mathematical projection Sinusoidal,

or mathematical tables. State Plane*,
Lat/Long, and
Van der Grinten

* The State Plane Coordinate System uses Transverse Mercator, Lambert Conformal Conic, or
Hotine Oblique Mercator, depending on the zone.

Characteristics of Projections

Some projections are imbued with characteristics that tell us if certain types of measurements (e.g.
measurements of distance, area, etc.) are accurate on the projected map. Some of these
characteristics include the following:

Type of Characteristic of Projection Drawbacks Example

Projection Projections
Equal Area A equal area projection is when the area of In order for a Albers Equal
any given part of the map is preserved. This projection to Area, Bonne,
means that the any object that covers the be equal Eckert IV,
same area on the Earth as any other part of area, Eckert VI,
the map will be the same size. however, Lambert
consistency in Azimuthal
the shapes, Equal Area,
For example, if a one inch diameter circle on scales, and/or Mollweide,
the map covers a 100 mile diameter circle angles across and
on the Earth's surface, then we know that a the map must Sinusoidal
one inch diameter circle anywhere else on be sacrificed.
the map is known to cover another 100 mile
diameter circle on the Earth.
Meridians and
parallels may
In maps of smaller regions, shapes may not not intersect
be obviously distorted. at right

Conformal A conformal projection preserves local In order for a Hotine

shapes. This means that when the local projection to Oblique
angles for points on the map are be conformal, Mercator,
represented accurately. This means that the however, Lambert
angles between any given point and any consistency in Conformal
nearby points are accurate, but are not the surface Conic,
necessarily accurate for widely separated areas, Mercator,
points on the map. shapes, Oblique
and/or scales Mercator,
across the State Plane
A side effect is that conformal projections map must be Coordinate
preserve the precise perpendicular sacrificed. An System,
intersections between parallels and area enclosed Transverse
meridians on the map. When mapping by a series of Mercator, and
smaller areas, relative shape is preserved. arcs may be Universal
greatly Transverse
distorted. Mercator

Strater 5 User’s Guide

Equidistant A equidistant projection is when the scale In order for a Azimuthal

between at least one specific origin point on projection to Equidistant,
the map with respect to every other point be Equidistant
on the map is represented accurately. equidistant, Cylindrical,
however, Equidistant
consistency in Conic, and
the surface Cassini
and/or angles
across the
map must be
Azimuthal A azimuthal projection is when the direction In order for a Azimuthal
of (or angle to) all points on the map are projection to Equidistant,
accurate with respect to the center point of be azimuthal, Gnomonic,
the projection. areas, Lambert
shapes, and Azimuthal
angles may Equal Area,
be sacrificed Orthographic,
at areas not and
close to the Stereographic
center of the
Other Some projections try to minimize the effects Polyconic,
of all distortions and as a result do not Robinson and
minimize any one distortion in particular. Robinson-
Lat/Long, and
Van der

In addition to the characteristics described above, some projections have highly specialized
characteristics that may be useful in certain applications. For example, on maps made with a
Mercator projection, all lines of constant direction (rhumb lines) are known to be straight, thereby
making such maps very desirable as navigational charts.

Types of Predefined Coordinate Systems

Geographic (lat/long) Coordinate Systems
In the Assign Coordinate System dialog, the Geographic (lat/long) category contains unprojected
latitude and longitude coordinate systems. Coordinates are always in latitude and longitude. Each
coordinate system has a different datum. Datums are defined for specific regions. Properties for
each coordinate system and datum are listed in the dialog by clicking on the desired system.

Polar/Arctic/Antarctic Projection Systems

In the Assign Coordinate System dialog, the coordinate systems under Predefined are separated
into different categories.

The Polar/Arctic/Antarctic category contains different projections that can be used near the north
and south poles. Several different projections fit into this category: Lambert Conformal Conic,
Orthographic, and Stereographic. Coordinates are always in latitude and longitude. The difference

Chapter 28 - Coordinate Systems and Map Projections

between the projections are in the definition of the false easting, northing, central longitude, central
latitude, standard parallel or datum. Projections are defined for specific regions. Properties for each
coordinate system and datum are listed in the dialog by clicking on the desired system.

Regional/National Projection Systems

In the Assign Coordinate System dialog, the coordinate systems under Predefined are separated
into different categories.

The Regional/National category contains different projections that can be used for specific regions
or countries of the world. Several different projections fit into this category: Albers Equal Area
Conic, Azimuthal Equidistant, Cassini, Gnomonic, Hotine Oblique Mercator, Lambert Azimuthal Equal
Area, Lambert Conformal Conic, Mercator, New Zealand Map Grid, Polyconic, Stereographic,
Transverse Mercator, and UTM. Coordinates are in latitude and longitude, feet, meters, or
occasionally other units. The difference between the projections are in the definition of the false
easting, northing, central longitude, central latitude, standard parallel or datum. Projections are
defined for specific countries or specific regions. Properties for each coordinate system and datum
are listed in the dialog by clicking on the desired system.

State Plane Coordinate Systems

In the Assign Coordinate System dialog, the coordinate systems under Predefined are separated
into different categories.

The State Plane category contains both 1927 and 1983 systems. Coordinates are in either feet or
meters. The difference between the 1927 and 1983 systems are in the definition of the false
easting, northing, central longitude, central latitude, standard parallel or datum. Settings are
defined for specific regions of individual states. Properties for each coordinate system and datum
are listed in the dialog by clicking on the desired system.

UTM Coordinate Systems

In the Assign Coordinate System dialog, the coordinate systems under Predefined are separated
into different categories.

The UTM category contains different systems separated by country, region, or type. Coordinates are
in meters. The difference between the systems are in the definition of the false easting, northing,
central longitude, central latitude, standard parallel or datum. Settings are defined for specific
regions or individual countries. Properties for each coordinate system and datum are listed in the
dialog by clicking on the desired system.

World Projection Systems

In the Assign Coordinate System dialog, the coordinate systems under Predefined are separated
into different categories.

The World category contains different projections that can be used to display the map in a
particular way. Several different projections fit into this category: Bonne, Eckert IV, Eckert VI,
EPSG 3395 – Mercator, EPSG 3785 – Popular Visualisation CRS / Mercator, Equidistant Conic ,
Equidistant Cylindrical, Miller, Mollweide, Orthographic Western Hemisphere, Robinson and
Robinson-Sterling, Sinusoidal, and Van Der Grinten. Coordinates are in latitude and longitude. The
difference between the projections are in the definition of the false easting, northing, central
longitude, central latitude, standard parallel or datum. Projections can be used for multiple
countries or specific regions, depending on the projection type. Properties for each coordinate
system and datum are listed in the dialog by clicking on the desired system.

Strater 5 User’s Guide

In the Assign Coordinate System dialog, the coordinate systems under Predefined are separated
into different categories.

The Templates section is an easy way to modify one of the predefined systems without needing to
find the system in one of the other Predefined lists. To modify a coordinate system, click on the
desired template coordinate system and click the Modify button.

Supported Projections
Albers Equal Area Conic Projection

World Map
Albers Equal Area Conic Projection
Central Longitude: 0
Central Latitude: 0
Standard Parallel: 45
2nd Standard Parallel: 0

Projection Characteristics
The Albers Equal Area Conic projection scale is constant along any given parallel and accurate along
the two specified standard parallels. This projection is used in the National Atlas of the United
States. The Albers Equal Area Conic projection is useful for equal area maps of low-aspect regions
(regions that are wider than they are tall).

Projection Parameters
Parameter Description
Name Specifies the units used in the map.
Scale Specifies the unit scale of the projected map, relative to meters. For
example, a scale of one means one unit in the projected map equals
one meter; a scale of two means two units in the projected map
equal one meter; etc.
False Easting Specifies the false easting, or horizontal offset, of the projected
coordinates, in meters. False Eastings and False Northings are added
to the underlying "projected" coordinates as a way to arbitrarily
offset their internal XY coordinates after the projection. Unless you
have a reason for using these offset values, do not use them. These
values do not affect the latitude/longitude coordinates for the map,
only the internal coordinates used to plot the map on the screen. If

Chapter 28 - Coordinate Systems and Map Projections

you use False Easting and False Northing offsets for a map, any
subsequent boundaries you append to the map must also use these
same offsets if you want the imported boundaries to be drawn in the
correct relative position to the existing boundaries.
False Northing Specifies the false northing, or vertical offset, of the projected
coordinates, in meters. See above.
Central Longitude Specifies the central longitude of the projection in degrees. The
Central Longitude value typically should be defined as the
longitudinal center of the map you are going to produce. For
example, the value -95.5 represents the geographic center of the
United States, so the map of the U.S. is drawn upright.
Central Latitude Specifies the central latitude of the projection in degrees. The Central
Latitude value should be defined as the latitudinal center of the map
you are going to produce. This value is only significant when you
define False Easting and False Northing values.
Standard Parallel Specifies the latitude of the first of two standard parallels, in degrees.
The standard parallels typically are defined at approximately one-
sixth of the distance inside the north and south limits of the map. For
example, if your map latitude ranges from 30° to 36°, you could place
your Standard Parallels at 31° and 35°. There are alternative methods
for determining the best position of the standard parallels. Please see
Snyder for more information.
2nd Standard Specifies the latitude of the second of two standard parallels, in
Parallel degrees. See above.

Azimuthal Equidistant Projection

World Map
Azimuthal Equidistant Projection
Standard Parallel: 0
Central Longitude: 0

Strater 5 User’s Guide

Projection Characteristics
The Azimuthal Equidistant projection is a planar projection. Directions and scale are true from the
center point of the map. Shapes are true at the center of the map, but are distorted the further you
move from the center. When using a polar view of this projection, all meridians are straight lines.
When using an equatorial view, the central longitude and equator are straight lines, otherwise, only
the central longitude is a straight line. This projection is typically used in polar hemispheric maps.

Projection Parameters
Parameter Description
Name Specifies the units used in the map.
Scale Specifies the unit scale of the projected map, relative to meters. For
example, a scale of one means one unit in the projected map equals
one meter; a scale of two means two units in the projected map
equal one meter; etc.
False Easting Specifies the false easting, or horizontal offset, of the projected
coordinates, in meters. False Eastings and False Northings are added
to the underlying "projected" coordinates as a way to arbitrarily offset
their internal XY coordinates after the projection. Unless you have a
reason for using these offset values, do not use them. These values
do not affect the latitude/longitude coordinates for the map, only the
internal coordinates used to plot the map on the screen. If you use
False Easting and False Northing offsets for a map, any subsequent
boundaries you append to the map must also use these same offsets
if you want the imported boundaries to be drawn in the correct
relative position to the existing boundaries.
False Northing Specifies the false northing, or vertical offset, of the projected
coordinates, in meters. See above.
Central Longitude Specifies the central longitude of the projection in degrees. The
Central Longitude value typically should be defined as the longitudinal
center of the map you are going to produce.
Standard Parallel Specifies the central latitude of the projection in degrees. The
Standard Parallel value typically should be defined as the latitudinal
center of the map you are going to produce.

Bonne Projection

North America Map

Bonne Projection
Central Longitude: -100
Standard Parallel: 40

Chapter 28 - Coordinate Systems and Map Projections

Projection Characteristics
The Bonne projection is a pseudo-conical, equal area projection. The scale is constant along any
given parallel, and accurate along the specified standard parallels. The Bonne projection is
distortion-free along the central longitude and the parallels. This projection is used for continental
and topographic mapping.

Projection Parameters
Parameter Description
Name Specifies the units used in the map.
Scale Specifies the unit scale of the projected map, relative to meters. For
example, a scale of one means one unit in the projected map equals
one meter; a scale of two means two units in the projected map
equal one meter; etc.
False Easting Specifies the false easting, or horizontal offset, of the projected
coordinates, in meters. False Eastings and False Northings are added
to the underlying "projected" coordinates as a way to arbitrarily offset
their internal XY coordinates after the projection. Unless you have a
reason for using these offset values, do not use them. These values
do not affect the latitude/longitude coordinates for the map, only the
internal coordinates used to plot the map on the screen. If you use
False Easting and False Northing offsets for a map, any subsequent
boundaries you append to the map must also use these same offsets
if you want the imported boundaries to be drawn in the correct
relative position to the existing boundaries.
False Northing Specifies the false northing, or vertical offset, of the projected
coordinates, in meters. See above.
Central Longitude Specifies the central longitude of the projection in degrees. The
Central Longitude value typically should be defined as the longitudinal
center of the map you are going to produce.
Standard Parallel Specifies the central latitude of the projection in degrees. The
Standard Parallel value typically should be defined as the latitudinal
center of the map you are going to produce.

Strater 5 User’s Guide

Cassini Projection

Map of North America

Cassini Projection
Central Longitude = -100
Central Latitude = 40

Projection Characteristics
The Cassini projection is a cylindrical projection. The scale is accurate along the central longitude
and along latitude lines perpendicular to the central longitude. This projection is useful for high-
aspect regions (regions taller than they are wide).

Projection Parameters
Parameter Description
Name Specifies the units used in the map.
Scale Specifies the unit scale of the projected map, relative to meters. For
example, a scale of one means one unit in the projected map equals
one meter; a scale of two means two units in the projected map
equal one meter; etc.
False Easting Specifies the false easting, or horizontal offset, of the projected
coordinates, in meters. False Eastings and False Northings are added
to the underlying "projected" coordinates as a way to arbitrarily offset
their internal XY coordinates after the projection. Unless you have a
reason for using these offset values, do not use them. These values
do not affect the latitude/longitude coordinates for the map, only the
internal coordinates used to plot the map on the screen. If you use
False Easting and False Northing offsets for a map, any subsequent
boundaries you append to the map must also use these same offsets
if you want the imported boundaries to be drawn in the correct
relative position to the existing boundaries.
False Northing Specifies the false northing, or vertical offset, of the projected
coordinates, in meters. See above.
Central Latitude Specifies the central latitude of the projection in degrees. The Central
Latitude value typically should be defined as the latitudinal center of
the map you are going to produce.
Central Longitude Specifies the central longitude of the projection in degrees. The
Central Longitude value typically should be defined as the longitudinal
center of the map you are going to produce.

Chapter 28 - Coordinate Systems and Map Projections

Eckert IV Projection

World Map
Eckert IV Projection
Central Longitude: 0

Projection Characteristics
The scale is constant along any given parallel and accurate along the parallels 40°30' north and
south in the Eckert IV projection. This is a pseudo-cylindrical, equal area projection with the central
longitude half the length of the equator. The poles are represented by lines half the distance of the
equator as well. The meridians are semi-ellipses. Eckert IV is designed to produce aesthetically
pleasing world maps.

Projection Parameters
Parameter Description
Name Specifies the units used in the map.
Scale Specifies the unit scale of the projected map, relative to meters. For
example, a scale of one means one unit in the projected map equals
one meter; a scale of two means two units in the projected map
equal one meter; etc.
False Easting Specifies the false easting, or horizontal offset, of the projected
coordinates, in meters. False Eastings and False Northings are added
to the underlying "projected" coordinates as a way to arbitrarily offset
their internal XY coordinates after the projection. Unless you have a
reason for using these offset values, do not use them. These values
do not affect the latitude/longitude coordinates for the map, only the
internal coordinates used to plot the map on the screen. If you use
False Easting and False Northing offsets for a map, any subsequent
boundaries you append to the map must also use these same offsets
if you want the imported boundaries to be drawn in the correct
relative position to the existing boundaries.
False Northing Specifies the false northing, or vertical offset, of the projected
coordinates, in meters. See above.
Central Longitude Specifies the central longitude of the projection in degrees. The
Central Longitude value typically should be defined as the longitudinal
center of the map you are going to produce.

Strater 5 User’s Guide

Eckert VI Projection

World Map
Eckert VI Projection
Central Longitude: 0

Projection Characteristics
The scale is constant along any given parallel, and accurate along the parallels 49°16' north and
south in the Eckert VI projection. This is a pseudo-cylindrical, equal area projection with the central
longitude half the length of the equator. The poles are represented by lines half the distance of the
equator as well. The meridians are sinusoidal. The Eckert VI projection is useful for world maps.

Projection Parameters
Parameter Description
Name Specifies the units used in the map.
Scale Specifies the unit scale of the projected map, relative to meters. For
example, a scale of one means one unit in the projected map equals
one meter; a scale of two means two units in the projected map
equal one meter; etc.
False Easting Specifies the false easting, or horizontal offset, of the projected
coordinates, in meters. False Eastings and False Northings are added
to the underlying "projected" coordinates as a way to arbitrarily offset
their internal XY coordinates after the projection. Unless you have a
reason for using these offset values, do not use them. These values
do not affect the latitude/longitude coordinates for the map, only the
internal coordinates used to plot the map on the screen. If you use
False Easting and False Northing offsets for a map, any subsequent
boundaries you append to the map must also use these same offsets
if you want the imported boundaries to be drawn in the correct
relative position to the existing boundaries.
False Northing Specifies the false northing, or vertical offset, of the projected
coordinates, in meters. See above.
Central Longitude Specifies the central longitude of the projection in degrees. The
Central Longitude value typically should be defined as the longitudinal
center of the map you are going to produce.

Chapter 28 - Coordinate Systems and Map Projections

Equidistant Conic Projection

World Map
Equidistant Conic Projection
Central Longitude: 0
Central Latitude: 0
Standard Parallel: 45
2nd Standard Parallel: 0

Projection Characteristics
There is no distortion in scale, shape, or area along the standard parallels in an Equidistant Conic
projection. Scale is true along all longitudes and along the standard parallels. Direction is locally
true along the standard parallels. This projection is useful for maps of low-aspect regions (regions
that are wider than they are tall).

Projection Parameters
Parameter Description
Name Specifies the units used in the map.
Scale Specifies the unit scale of the projected map, relative to meters. For
example, a scale of one means one unit in the projected map equals
one meter; a scale of two means two units in the projected map
equal one meter; etc.
False Easting Specifies the false easting, or horizontal offset, of the projected
coordinates, in meters. False Eastings and False Northings are added
to the underlying "projected" coordinates as a way to arbitrarily offset
their internal XY coordinates after the projection. Unless you have a
reason for using these offset values, do not use them. These values
do not affect the latitude/longitude coordinates for the map, only the
internal coordinates used to plot the map on the screen. If you use
False Easting and False Northing offsets for a map, any subsequent
boundaries you append to the map must also use these same offsets
if you want the imported boundaries to be drawn in the correct
relative position to the existing boundaries.
False Northing Specifies the false northing, or vertical offset, of the projected
coordinates, in meters. See above.
Central Longitude Specifies the central longitude of the projection in degrees. The
Central Longitude value typically should be defined as the longitudinal
center of the map you are going to produce. For example, the value -
95.5 represents the geographic center of the United States, so the
map of the U.S. is drawn upright.
Central Latitude Specifies the central latitude of the projection in degrees. The Central
Latitude value should be defined as the latitudinal center of the map

Strater 5 User’s Guide

you are going to produce. This value is only significant when you
define False Easting and False Northing values.
Standard Parallel Specifies the latitude of the first of two standard parallels, in degrees.
The standard parallels typically are defined at approximately one-
sixth of the distance inside the north and south limits of the map. For
example, if your map latitude ranges from 30° to 36°, you could
place your Standard Parallels at 31° and 35°. There are alternative
methods for determining the best position of the standard parallels.
Please see Snyder for more information.
2nd Standard Specifies the latitude of the second of two standard parallels, in
Parallel degrees. See above.

Equidistant Cylindrical Projection

World Map
Equidistant Cylindrical Projection
Central Longitude: 0
Standard Parallel: 0

Projection Characteristics
The coordinates are equidistant with respect to the center of the Equidistant Cylindrical projection.
Distortion is minimal at the specified standard parallel and increases dramatically with distance
north or south from this parallel. Typically, this projection is used with maps covering small areas.

Projection Parameters
Parameter Description
Name Specifies the units used in the map.
Scale Specifies the unit scale of the projected map, relative to meters. For
example, a scale of one means one unit in the projected map equals
one meter; a scale of two means two units in the projected map
equal one meter; etc.
False Easting Specifies the false easting, or horizontal offset, of the projected
coordinates, in meters. False Eastings and False Northings are added
to the underlying "projected" coordinates as a way to arbitrarily offset
their internal XY coordinates after the projection. Unless you have a
reason for using these offset values, do not use them. These values
do not affect the latitude/longitude coordinates for the map, only the
internal coordinates used to plot the map on the screen. If you use

Chapter 28 - Coordinate Systems and Map Projections

False Easting and False Northing offsets for a map, any subsequent
boundaries you append to the map must also use these same offsets
if you want the imported boundaries to be drawn in the correct
relative position to the existing boundaries.
False Northing Specifies the false northing, or vertical offset, of the projected
coordinates, in meters. See above.
Central Longitude Specifies the central longitude of the projection in degrees. The
Central Longitude value typically should be defined as the longitudinal
center of the map you are going to produce. This value is only
significant when you define False Easting and False Northing values,
and has no apparent effect on the map.
Standard Parallel Specifies the central latitude of the projection in degrees. The
Standard Parallel value typically should be defined as the latitudinal
center of the map you are going to produce.

Geographic Coordinate System

World Map
Unprojected Lat/Long

Projection Characteristics
This is a simplistic cylindrical projection. If the coordinates in a Surfer map layer are stored in a
geographic coordinate system (also known as Unprojected Lat/Long or latitude/longitude), the map
is displayed on the screen by simply treating the longitudes as horizontal offsets and the latitudes
as vertical offsets.

When plotting latitude/longitude coordinates, Surfer constructs the map coordinate system by first
determining the latitude for the center of the map. Then the appropriate scale is determined for the
east-west (longitude) relative to the north-south (latitude) dimension of the map. See
latitude/longitude and Using Scaling to Minimize Distortion on Latitude/Longitude Maps for more
information on relative scaling of latitude versus longitude.

The features of a geographic coordinate system (Unprojected Lat/Long) map are:

• Meridians (lines of constant longitude) are equally spaced and are drawn perpendicular to the
• Parallels (lines of constant latitude) are equally spaced over the entire map and are drawn
perpendicular to the meridians. The further your map area is from the equator, the further
apart the parallels are spaced.

Strater 5 User’s Guide

• The spacing between meridians is different than the spacing between parallels except when
the equator is at the north-south center of the map.
• At the center of the map, the scale is accurate in both the north-south and east-west
• Scale is accurate in the north-south direction over the extent of the map.
• East-west scale increases towards the poles, and decreases towards the equator.

There are no parameters for this projection.

Gnomonic Projection

Gnomonic Projection
False Easting: 0
False Northing: 0
Central Longitude: 19.0
Standard Parallel: 2.4

Projection Characteristics
The Gnomonic projection is an azimuthal projection. It is represented as a plane tangent to the
globe. At this point of tangency, which is called the standard parallel, all major characteristics are
retained. When you move away from the standard parallel in any direction the map is not
conformal, not equal-area, and distances are not true to scale. Only areas of less than a
hemisphere can be shown and distortion increases noticeably as you move further from the
standard parallel.

Projection Parameters
Parameter Description
Name Specifies the units used in the map.
Scale Specifies the unit scale of the projected map, relative to meters. For
example, a scale of one means one unit in the projected map equals

Chapter 28 - Coordinate Systems and Map Projections

one meter; a scale of two means two units in the projected map
equal one meter; etc.
False Easting Specifies the false easting, or horizontal offset, of the projected
coordinates, in meters. False Eastings and False Northings are added
to the underlying "projected" coordinates as a way to arbitrarily offset
their internal XY coordinates after the projection. Unless you have a
reason for using these offset values, do not use them. These values
do not affect the latitude/longitude coordinates for the map, only the
internal coordinates used to plot the map on the screen. If you use
False Easting and False Northing offsets for a map, any subsequent
boundaries you append to the map must also use these same offsets
if you want the imported boundaries to be drawn in the correct
relative position to the existing boundaries.
False Northing Specifies the false northing, or vertical offset, of the projected
coordinates, in meters. See above.
Central Longitude Specifies the central longitude of the projection in degrees. The
Central Longitude value typically should be defined as the longitudinal
center of the map you are going to produce. This value is only
significant when you define False Easting and False Northing values,
and has no apparent effect on the map.
Standard Parallel Specifies the central latitude of the projection in degrees. The
Standard Parallel value typically should be defined as the latitudinal
center of the map you are going to produce.

Hotine Oblique Mercator 2-Point Projection

Aleutian Islands, Alaska

Hotine Oblique Mercator Projection
Scale = 1
False Easting = 0 False Northing = 0
Central Scale Factor = 1 Central Latitude = 0
Standard Parallel = 56 2nd Standard Parallel = 58
1st Meridian = -133 2nd Meridian = -135
Rotate U/V to X/Y = True
Offset by U = True

Strater 5 User’s Guide

Projection Characteristics
The Hotine Oblique Mercator 2-Point projection is a cylindrical, conformal projection. The scale is
accurate along the chosen central line by the longitude/latitude settings below. This projection is
useful for oblique areas (areas that do not follow lines of latitude and longitude), such as the Alaska
panhandle because the central line does not have to follow a line of constant longitude. This
projection is typically used with areas that are state or province sized and it is not suitable for maps
of the world. There are two forms of the Hotine projection equation. The Hotine Oblique Mercator 2-
Point projection is defined by selecting two points to form a line (Alternate A, Snyder).

Projection Parameters
Parameter Description
Name Specifies the units used in the map.
Scale Specifies the unit scale of the projected map, relative to meters. For
example, a scale of one means one unit in the projected map equals
one meter; a scale of two means two units in the projected map
equal one meter; etc.
False Easting Specifies the false easting, or horizontal offset, of the projected
coordinates, in meters. False Eastings and False Northings are
added to the underlying "projected" coordinates as a way to
arbitrarily offset their internal XY coordinates after the projection.
Unless you have a reason for using these offset values, do not use
them. These values do not affect the latitude/longitude coordinates
for the map, only the internal coordinates used to plot the map on
the screen. If you use False Easting and False Northing offsets for a
map, any subsequent boundaries you append to the map must also
use these same offsets if you want the imported boundaries to be
drawn in the correct relative position to the existing boundaries.
False Northing Specifies the false northing, or vertical offset, of the projected
coordinates, in meters. See above.
Central Scale Factor Specifies the central scaling factor for the projection. This value is
(KO) often set to 1.0, but may be set to another value for specific
Central Latitude Specifies the central latitude of the projection in degrees. The
Central Latitude value typically should be defined as the latitudinal
center of the map you are going to produce, and should typically be
defined as the center of the map.
Standard Parallel Defines one end of the Y extent for the central line.
1st Meridian Defines one end of the X extent for the central line.
2nd Standard Parallel Defines the other end of the Y extent for the central line.
2nd Meridian Defines the other end of the X extent for the central line.
Rotate U/V to X/Y u,v are unrectified coordinates that follow the central line of the
projection. x,y are rectified rectangular coordinates. When True,
u,v are rotated to x,y. See Snyder page 70.
Offset by U When True, u coordinates are offset to remove the Us center
component, to normalize the origin of the u axis. This is typically
required for State Plane coordinate systems that use the Hotine
Oblique Mercator projection method.

Chapter 28 - Coordinate Systems and Map Projections

Hotine Oblique Mercator Projection

Alaska Panhandle
Hotine Oblique Mercator Projection
Scale = 1
False Easting = 818676.73440112
False Northing = 575097.68887519
Central Scale Factor = .9999
Azimuth (Alpha) = -36.8698976
Central Latitude = 57
1st Meridian = -133.6667
Rotate U/V to X/Y = True
Offset by U = True

Projection Characteristics
The Hotine Oblique Mercator projection is a cylindrical, conformal projection. The scale is accurate
along the chosen central line by the longitude/latitude settings below. This projection is useful for
oblique areas (areas that do not follow lines of latitude and longitude), such as the Alaska
panhandle because the central line does not have to follow a line of constant longitude. This
projection is typically used with areas that are state or province sized and it is not suitable for maps
of the world. There are two forms of the Hotine projection equation. The Hotine Oblique Mercator
projection is defined by a point and an azimuth that defines a line (Alternate B, Snyder).

Projection Parameters
Parameter Description
Name Specifies the units used in the map.
Scale Specifies the unit scale of the projected map, relative to meters. For
example, a scale of one means one unit in the projected map equals
one meter; a scale of two means two units in the projected map
equal one meter; etc.
False Easting Specifies the false easting, or horizontal offset, of the projected
coordinates, in meters. False Eastings and False Northings are
added to the underlying "projected" coordinates as a way to
arbitrarily offset their internal XY coordinates after the projection.
Unless you have a reason for using these offset values, do not use
them. These values do not affect the latitude/longitude coordinates
for the map, only the internal coordinates used to plot the map on
the screen. If you use False Easting and False Northing offsets for a
map, any subsequent boundaries you append to the map must also
use these same offsets if you want the imported boundaries to be
drawn in the correct relative position to the existing boundaries.

Strater 5 User’s Guide

False Northing Specifies the false northing, or vertical offset, of the projected
coordinates, in meters. See above.
Central Scale Factor Specifies the central scaling factor for the projection. This value is
(KO) often set to 1.0, but may be set to another value for specific
Azimuth (Alpha) The angle in degrees in which to rotate the central line. Zero is
north, and rotation is clockwise. Value must be greater than -360
and less than +360. Value cannot equal 0, 360, or -360. Value
cannot equal 90, 270, -90, or -270 if Offset by U is set to False.
Central Latitude Specifies the central latitude of the projection in degrees. The
Central Latitude value typically should be defined as the latitudinal
center of the map you are going to produce, and should typically be
defined as the center of the map.
1st Meridian Defines one end of the X extent for the central line.
Rotate U/V to X/Y u,v are unrectified coordinates that follow the central line of the
projection. x,y are rectified rectangular coordinates. When True,
u,v are rotated to x,y. See Snyder page 70.
Offset by U When True, u coordinates are offset to remove the Us center
component, to normalize the origin of the u axis. This is typically
required for State Plane coordinate systems that use the Hotine
Oblique Mercator projection method.

Lambert Azimuthal Equal Area Projection

World Map
Lambert Azimuthal Equal Area Projection
Central Longitude: -90
Standard Parallel: 45

Projection Characteristics
Scale on a Lambert Azimuthal Equal Area projected map is accurate only from the center to any
other point on the map. Distortion is minimal near the center and increases with distance from the
center. This projection is useful for continents, polar regions (hemispheres), or smaller regions. The
Lambert Azimuthal Equal Area projection is not generally used for world maps due to extreme
distortion outside the center of the map.

Chapter 28 - Coordinate Systems and Map Projections

Projection Parameters
Parameter Description
Name Specifies the units used in the map.
Scale Specifies the unit scale of the projected map, relative to meters. For
example, a scale of one means one unit in the projected map equals
one meter; a scale of two means two units in the projected map
equal one meter; etc.
False Easting Specifies the false easting, or horizontal offset, of the projected
coordinates, in meters. False Eastings and False Northings are added
to the underlying "projected" coordinates as a way to arbitrarily offset
their internal XY coordinates after the projection. Unless you have a
reason for using these offset values, do not use them. These values
do not affect the latitude/longitude coordinates for the map, only the
internal coordinates used to plot the map on the screen. If you use
False Easting and False Northing offsets for a map, any subsequent
boundaries you append to the map must also use these same offsets
if you want the imported boundaries to be drawn in the correct
relative position to the existing boundaries.
False Northing Specifies the false northing, or vertical offset, of the projected
coordinates, in meters. See above.
Central Longitude Specifies the central longitude of the projection in degrees. The
Central Longitude value typically should be defined as the longitudinal
center of the map you are going to produce.
Standard Parallel Specifies the central latitude of the projection in degrees. The
Standard Parallel value typically should be defined as the latitudinal
center of the map you are going to produce.

Lambert Conformal Conic Projection

World Map
Lambert Conformal Conic Projection
Central Longitude: 0
Central Latitude: 0
Standard Parallel: 45
2nd Standard Parallel: 0

Strater 5 User’s Guide

Projection Characteristics
In a Lambert Conformal Conic projection, scale is constant along any given parallel and accurate
along the specified standard parallels. Scale is the same in all directions at any given point. This
projection is useful for equal area maps of low-aspect regions (regions that are wider than they are
tall). The pole is a point in the hemisphere containing the standard parallels and the graticules
stretch to infinity in the other hemisphere. The Lambert Conformal Conic projection is used for
many of the zones in the State Plane Coordinate System.

Projection Parameters
Parameter Description
Name Specifies the units used in the map.
Scale Specifies the unit scale of the projected map, relative to meters. For
example, a scale of one means one unit in the projected map equals
one meter; a scale of two means two units in the projected map
equal one meter; etc.
False Easting Specifies the false easting, or horizontal offset, of the projected
coordinates, in meters. False Eastings and False Northings are added
to the underlying "projected" coordinates as a way to arbitrarily offset
their internal XY coordinates after the projection. Unless you have a
reason for using these offset values, do not use them. These values
do not affect the latitude/longitude coordinates for the map, only the
internal coordinates used to plot the map on the screen. If you use
False Easting and False Northing offsets for a map, any subsequent
boundaries you append to the map must also use these same offsets
if you want the imported boundaries to be drawn in the correct
relative position to the existing boundaries.
False Northing Specifies the false northing, or vertical offset, of the projected
coordinates, in meters. See above.
Central Longitude Specifies the central longitude of the projection in degrees. The
Central Longitude value typically should be defined as the longitudinal
center of the map you are going to produce. For example, the value -
95.5 represents the geographic center of the United States, so the
map of the U.S. is drawn upright.
Central Latitude Specifies the central latitude of the projection in degrees. The Central
Latitude value should be defined as the latitudinal center of the map
you are going to produce. This value is only significant when you
define False Easting and False Northing values.
Standard Parallel Specifies the latitude of the first of two standard parallels, in degrees.
The Standard Parallels typically are defined at approximately one-
sixth of the distance inside the north and south limits of the map. For
example, if your map latitude ranges from 30° to 36°, you could
place your Standard Parallels at 31° and 35°. There are alternative
methods for determining the best position of the standard parallels.
Please see Snyder for more information.
2nd Standard Specifies the latitude of the second of two standard parallels, in
Parallel degrees. See above.

Chapter 28 - Coordinate Systems and Map Projections

Mercator Projection

World Map
Mercator Projection
Central Longitude: 0
Central Latitude: 0

Projection Characteristics
The Mercator projection is a cylindrical projection and it is conformal. In a Mercator projection,
scale is constant along any given parallel and accurate along the specified center latitude. Scale is
the same in all directions near any given point. Distortion is minimal near the center parallel, but
becomes extreme toward the poles. All lines of constant direction (rhumb lines) are known to be
straight, thereby making this projection very desirable for producing navigational charts. A
limitation of this projection is that coordinates at or near the poles cannot be projected due to
constraints of the mathematical formulas used.

Projection Parameters
Parameter Description
Name Specifies the units used in the map.
Scale Specifies the unit scale of the projected map, relative to meters. For
example, a scale of one means one unit in the projected map equals
one meter; a scale of two means two units in the projected map
equal one meter; etc.
False Easting Specifies the false easting, or horizontal offset, of the projected
coordinates, in meters. False Eastings and False Northings are added
to the underlying "projected" coordinates as a way to arbitrarily offset
their internal XY coordinates after the projection. Unless you have a
reason for using these offset values, do not use them. These values
do not affect the latitude/longitude coordinates for the map, only the
internal coordinates used to plot the map on the screen. If you use
False Easting and False Northing offsets for a map, any subsequent
boundaries you append to the map must also use these same offsets
if you want the imported boundaries to be drawn in the correct
relative position to the existing boundaries.
False Northing Specifies the false northing, or vertical offset, of the projected
coordinates, in meters. See above.

Strater 5 User’s Guide

Central Longitude Specifies the central longitude of the projection in degrees. The
Central Longitude value typically should be defined as the longitudinal
center of the map you are going to produce.
Central Latitude Specifies the central latitude of the projection in degrees. The Central
Latitude value typically should be defined as the latitudinal center of
the map you are going to produce.

Miller Cylindrical Projection

World Map
Miller Cylindrical Projection
Central Longitude: 0

Projection Characteristics
Scale is constant along any given parallel and accurate along the equator in a Miller Cylindrical
projection. Scale is the same in all directions near any given point. Miller Cylindrical projection
maps use variable latitudinal scale as a way to minimize distortion as you move north or south from
the equator. The method effectively corrects for the relative distances covered by one degree of
longitude relative to one degree of latitude as you move away from the equator. Distortion is
minimal near the equator, but becomes extreme toward the poles. Miller Cylindrical maps do not
represent relative land areas accurately, but do approximate the relative shapes of individual land
areas. Miller Cylindrical projection maps are useful for displaying the entire world.

Projection Parameters
Parameter Description
Name Specifies the units used in the map.
Scale Specifies the unit scale of the projected map, relative to meters. For
example, a scale of one means one unit in the projected map equals
one meter; a scale of two means two units in the projected map
equal one meter; etc.
False Easting Specifies the false easting, or horizontal offset, of the projected
coordinates, in meters. False Eastings and False Northings are added
to the underlying "projected" coordinates as a way to arbitrarily offset
their internal XY coordinates after the projection. Unless you have a
reason for using these offset values, do not use them. These values
do not affect the latitude/longitude coordinates for the map, only the

Chapter 28 - Coordinate Systems and Map Projections

internal coordinates used to plot the map on the screen. If you use
False Easting and False Northing offsets for a map, any subsequent
boundaries you append to the map must also use these same offsets
if you want the imported boundaries to be drawn in the correct
relative position to the existing boundaries.
False Northing Specifies the false northing, or vertical offset, of the projected
coordinates, in meters. See above.
Central Longitude Specifies the central longitude of the projection in degrees. This value
should be defined as the longitudinal center of the map you are going
to produce. This value is only significant when you define False
Easting and False Northing values and it has no apparent effect on
the map.

Mollweide Projection

World Map
Mollweide Projection
Central Longitude: 0

Projection Characteristics
The Mollweide projection is a pseudo-cylindrical, equal area projection. Scale is constant along any
given parallel, and true along 40°44' north and south. The central longitude is half the length of the
equator. This projection was designed to produce aesthetically pleasing world maps.

Projection Parameters
Parameter Description
Name Specifies the units used in the map.
Scale Specifies the unit scale of the projected map, relative to meters. For
example, a scale of one means one unit in the projected map equals
one meter; a scale of two means two units in the projected map
equal one meter; etc.
False Easting Specifies the false easting, or horizontal offset, of the projected
coordinates, in meters. False Eastings and False Northings are added
to the underlying "projected" coordinates as a way to arbitrarily offset
their internal XY coordinates after the projection. Unless you have a
reason for using these offset values, do not use them. These values
do not affect the latitude/longitude coordinates for the map, only the

Strater 5 User’s Guide

internal coordinates used to plot the map on the screen. If you use
False Easting and False Northing offsets for a map, any subsequent
boundaries you append to the map must also use these same offsets
if you want the imported boundaries to be drawn in the correct
relative position to the existing boundaries.
False Northing Specifies the false northing, or vertical offset, of the projected
coordinates, in meters. See above.
Central Longitude Specifies the central longitude of the projection in degrees. The
Central Longitude value typically should be defined as the longitudinal
center of the map you are going to produce.

New Zealand Map Grid

New Zealand
New Zealand Map Grid Projection
False Easting: 2510000
False Northing: 6023150
Scale = 1

Projection Characteristics
The New Zealand Map Grid projection is a modified cylindrical projection and is conformal. It is a
sixth-order conformal modification of the Mercator projection using the International spheroid.
Scale is constant along any given parallel and is highly accurate for New Zealand. Scale is the same
in all directions near any given point. Distortion is minimal near 173° East, 41° South, and becomes
more distorted the further from this location. This projection should only be used for large-scale
maps of New Zealand and is not useful outside of New Zealand.

Projection Parameters
Parameter Description
Name Specifies the units used in the map.
Scale Specifies the unit scale of the projected map, relative to meters. For
example, a scale of one means one unit in the projected map equals
one meter; a scale of two means two units in the projected map
equal one meter; etc.
False Easting Specifies the false easting, or horizontal offset, of the projected
coordinates, in meters. False Eastings and False Northings are
added to the underlying "projected" coordinates as a way to
arbitrarily offset their internal XY coordinates after the projection.
Unless you have a reason for using these offset values, do not
change them. These values do not affect the latitude/longitude

Chapter 28 - Coordinate Systems and Map Projections

coordinates for the map, only the internal coordinates used to plot
the map on the screen. If you use False Easting and False Northing
offsets for a map, any subsequent boundaries you append to the
map must also use these same offsets if you want the imported
boundaries to be drawn in the correct relative position to the
existing boundaries.
False Northing Specifies the false northing, or vertical offset, of the projected
coordinates, in meters. See above.

Oblique Mercator Projection

State of Alaska
Oblique Mercator Projection
Scale = 1
Central Scale Factor (KO) = 1
1st Meridian = -132.27
Standard Parallel = 55.95
2nd Meridian = -177.22
2nd Standard Parallel = 52.45

Projection Characteristics
The Oblique Mercator projection is a cylindrical, conformal projection. The scale is accurate along
the chosen central line by the longitude and latitude settings below (1st Point and 2nd Point). This
projection is used for oblique areas which are areas that do not follow lines of latitude and
longitude, such as the Alaska panhandle. This projection is usually used with areas that are state or
province sized. This projection is not suitable for maps of the world.

Projection Parameters
Parameter Description
Name Specifies the units used in the map.
Scale Specifies the unit scale of the projected map, relative to meters. For example,
a scale of one means one unit in the projected map equals one meter; a scale
of two means two units in the projected map equal one meter; etc.
False Easting Specifies the false easting, or horizontal offset, of the projected coordinates,
in meters. False Eastings and False Northings are added to the underlying
"projected" coordinates as a way to arbitrarily offset their internal XY
coordinates after the projection. Unless you have a reason for using these
offset values, do not use them. These values do not affect the
latitude/longitude coordinates for the map, only the internal coordinates used
to plot the map on the screen. If you use False Easting and False Northing
offsets for a map, any subsequent boundaries you append to the map must

Strater 5 User’s Guide

also use these same offsets if you want the imported boundaries to be drawn
in the correct relative position to the existing boundaries.
False Specifies the false northing, or vertical offset, of the projected coordinates, in
Northing meters. See above.
1st Meridian Defines one end of the X extent for the central line.
Standard Defines one end of the Y extent for the central line.
2nd Meridian Defines the other end of the X extent for the central line.
2nd Defines the other end of the Y extent for the central line.
Central Specifies the central scaling factor for the projection. This value is often set to
Scale Factor 1.0, but may be set to another value for specific applications.

Orthographic Projection

World Map
Orthographic Projection
Central Longitude: -90
Central Latitude: 45

Projection Characteristics
The Orthographic projection is an azimuthal projection. In an Orthographic projection, scale is
accurate at the center and along any circle circumscribed around the center. Distortion is nil at the
center, and increasingly extreme with increasing distance from the center. This projection is useful
for "view of globe" or "view from space" pictures of the Earth. A limitation of this projection is that
the hemisphere facing away from the center of the projection is not visible. Objects near the edge
of the visible hemisphere may be clipped.

Projection Parameters
Parameter Description
Name Specifies the units used in the map.
Scale Specifies the unit scale of the projected map, relative to meters. For
example, a scale of one means one unit in the projected map equals
one meter; a scale of two means two units in the projected map
equal one meter; etc.

Chapter 28 - Coordinate Systems and Map Projections

False Easting Specifies the false easting, or horizontal offset, of the projected
coordinates, in meters. False Eastings and False Northings are added
to the underlying "projected" coordinates as a way to arbitrarily offset
their internal XY coordinates after the projection. Unless you have a
reason for using these offset values, do not use them. These values
do not affect the latitude/longitude coordinates for the map, only the
internal coordinates used to plot the map on the screen. If you use
False Easting and False Northing offsets for a map, any subsequent
boundaries you append to the map must also use these same offsets
if you want the imported boundaries to be drawn in the correct
relative position to the existing boundaries.
False Northing Specifies the false northing, or vertical offset, of the projected
coordinates, in meters. See above.
Central Longitude Specifies the central longitude of the projection in degrees. The
Central Longitude value typically should be defined as the longitudinal
center of the map you are going to produce.
Central Latitude Specifies the central latitude of the projection in degrees. The Central
Latitude value typically should be defined as the latitudinal center of
the map you are going to produce.

Polyconic Projection

World Map
Polyconic Projection
Central Longitude: 0
Central Latitude: 0

Projection Characteristics
The Polyconic projection is useful for maps of continental or smaller regions. Generally, this
projection is not used for world maps due to extreme distortion at any significant distance from the
center of the projection. Only the central meridian is distortion-free. Notice in the sample map
shown above that Africa is relatively undistorted, but the rest of the world is barely recognizable.
Scale is true along the central longitude and along each parallel.

Projection Parameters
Parameter Description
Name Specifies the units used in the map.

Strater 5 User’s Guide

Scale Specifies the unit scale of the projected map, relative to meters. For
example, a scale of one means one unit in the projected map equals
one meter; a scale of two means two units in the projected map equal
one meter; etc.
False Easting Specifies the false easting, or horizontal offset, of the projected
coordinates, in meters. False Eastings and False Northings are added
to the underlying "projected" coordinates as a way to arbitrarily offset
their internal XY coordinates after the projection. Unless you have a
reason for using these offset values, do not use them. These values
do not affect the latitude/longitude coordinates for the map, only the
internal coordinates used to plot the map on the screen. If you use
False Easting and False Northing offsets for a map, any subsequent
boundaries you append to the map must also use these same offsets
if you want the imported boundaries to be drawn in the correct
relative position to the existing boundaries.
False Northing Specifies the false northing, or vertical offset, of the projected
coordinates, in meters. See above.
Central Longitude Specifies the central longitude of the projection in degrees. The
Central Longitude value typically should be defined as the longitudinal
center of the map you are going to produce.
Central Latitude Specifies the central latitude of the projection in degrees. The Central
Latitude value typically should be defined as the latitudinal center of
the map you are going to produce.

Robinson and Robinson-Sterling Projections

World Map
Robinson-Sterling Projection
Central Longitude: 0

Projection Characteristics
These projections are pseudo-cylindrical. Scale and area are always distorted by the Robinson and
Robinson-Sterling projections. These projections are designed to produce aesthetically pleasing
world maps.

The Robinson and Robinson-Sterling projections produce visually similar results, but use two
entirely different mathematical processes. As a result, the numeric values of the projected
coordinates produced by these two methods are slightly different. For most applications, these
differences are not significant.

Chapter 28 - Coordinate Systems and Map Projections

Projection Parameters
Parameter Description
Name Specifies the units used in the map.
Scale Specifies the unit scale of the projected map, relative to meters. For
example, a scale of one means one unit in the projected map equals
one meter; a scale of two means two units in the projected map
equal one meter; etc.
False Easting Specifies the false easting, or horizontal offset, of the projected
coordinates, in meters. False Eastings and False Northings are added
to the underlying "projected" coordinates as a way to arbitrarily offset
their internal XY coordinates after the projection. Unless you have a
reason for using these offset values, do not use them. These values
do not affect the latitude/longitude coordinates for the map, only the
internal coordinates used to plot the map on the screen. If you use
False Easting and False Northing offsets for a map, any subsequent
boundaries you append to the map must also use these same offsets
if you want the imported boundaries to be drawn in the correct
relative position to the existing boundaries.
False Northing Specifies the false northing, or vertical offset, of the projected
coordinates, in meters. See above.
Central Longitude Specifies the central longitude of the projection in degrees. The
Central Longitude value typically should be defined as the longitudinal
center of the map you are going to produce. This option is only
available for the Robinson-Sterling projection.

Sinusoidal Projection

World Map
Sinusoidal Projection
Central Longitude: 0

Projection Characteristics
The Sinusoidal projection is a pseudo-cylindrical, equal area projection. Scale is accurate along any
given parallel and along the specified central longitude. This projection is useful for continental or
world maps, particularly for high-aspect regions (regions taller than they are wide). To get good
results with the Sinusoidal projection, the map must have coordinates between +/-180 degrees
longitude and +/- 90 degrees latitude.

Strater 5 User’s Guide

Projection Parameters
Parameter Description
Name Specifies the units used in the map.
Scale Specifies the unit scale of the projected map, relative to meters. For
example, a scale of one means one unit in the projected map equals
one meter; a scale of two means two units in the projected map
equal one meter; etc.
False Easting Specifies the false easting, or horizontal offset, of the projected
coordinates, in meters. False Eastings and False Northings are added
to the underlying "projected" coordinates as a way to arbitrarily offset
their internal XY coordinates after the projection. Unless you have a
reason for using these offset values, do not use them. These values
do not affect the latitude/longitude coordinates for the map, only the
internal coordinates used to plot the map on the screen. If you use
False Easting and False Northing offsets for a map, any subsequent
boundaries you append to the map must also use these same offsets
if you want the imported boundaries to be drawn in the correct
relative position to the existing boundaries.
False Northing Specifies the false northing, or vertical offset, of the projected
coordinates, in meters. See above.
Central Longitude Specifies the central longitude of the projection in degrees. The
Central Longitude value typically should be defined as the longitudinal
center of the map you are going to produce.

State Plane Coordinate System Projections

State of Oregon
State Plane Coordinate System of 1983
Projection for Oregon North Zone

Projection Characteristics
The State Plane Coordinate System (SPCS) divides the United States into a number of zones, and
defines a different projection for each zone such that a suitable map of any given zone is plotted.
SPCS is used mainly for intrastate views such as county or parish maps.

Unlike most forms of projection where the datum may be specified separately, the SPCS is tied to a
specific datum. There are two State Plane Coordinate Systems commonly used. The State Plane

Chapter 28 - Coordinate Systems and Map Projections

Coordinate System of 1927 uses the North American Datum 1927 (NAD27), while the State Plane
Coordinate System of 1983 uses the North American Datum 1983 (NAD83).

Projection Parameters
Parameter Description
Zone Specifies which one of the predefined zone projections to use for this
coordinate system.
Feet or Meters Most SPCS have both a meters and feet option available in the
predefined list.

Stereographic Projection

North America
(Other continents included to show distortion of objects far away from projection center)
Stereographic Projection
Central Longitude: -90
Central Latitude: 45

Projection Characteristics
The Stereographic projection is an azimuthal, conformal projection. In a Stereographic projection,
scale is constant along any circle circumscribed around the center of the projection. Distortion is
minimal at the center and becomes extreme with distance from the center. Generally, this
projection is not used for regions larger than a continent or a hemisphere due to distortion effects.
The Stereographic projection is often used for maps of the poles.

Projection Parameters
Parameter Description
Name Specifies the units used in the map.
Scale Specifies the unit scale of the projected map, relative to meters. For example,
a scale of one means one unit in the projected map equals one meter; a scale
of two means two units in the projected map equal one meter; etc.
False Easting Specifies the false easting, or horizontal offset, of the projected coordinates,
in meters. False Eastings and False Northings are added to the underlying
"projected" coordinates as a way to arbitrarily offset their internal XY
coordinates after the projection. Unless you have a reason for using these

Strater 5 User’s Guide

offset values, do not use them. These values do not affect the
latitude/longitude coordinates for the map, only the internal coordinates used
to plot the map on the screen. If you use False Easting and False Northing
offsets for a map, any subsequent boundaries you append to the map must
also use these same offsets if you want the imported boundaries to be drawn
in the correct relative position to the existing boundaries.
False Specifies the false northing, or vertical offset, of the projected coordinates, in
Northing meters. See above.
Central Specifies the central scaling factor for the projection. This value is often set to
Scale Factor 1.0, but may be set to another value for specific applications.
Central Specifies the central longitude of the projection in degrees. The Central
Longitude Longitude value typically should be defined as the longitudinal center of the
map you are going to produce.
Central Specifies the central latitude of the projection in degrees. The Central
Latitude Latitude value typically should be defined as the latitudinal center of the map
you are going to produce.

Transverse Mercator Projection

State of Oregon
Transverse Mercator Projection
Central Latitude: 41.75
Central Longitude: -120.5

Projection Characteristics
The Transverse Mercator projection is also known as the Gauss-Kruger projection or the Gauss
Conformal projection. This projection is cylindrical and conformal. In this projection, scale is
constant along any straight line that is parallel to the specified central meridian. Scale increases
with distance from the central meridian. Distortion is minimal near the center of the projection and
increases dramatically with distance from the center. Distortion is considerable when projecting
coordinates that fall within a few degrees of the poles. This projection is useful primarily for
mapping small regions no more than a few degrees across, particularly high-aspect regions (regions
taller than they are wide). A limitation of this projection is that coordinates at or near the poles
cannot be projected. An additional limitation is that regions larger than a quadrant (e.g. having
greater than 90 degrees extent either vertically or horizontally) result in portions of the projected
image folding over each other due to constraints of the mathematical formulas used. The projection

Chapter 28 - Coordinate Systems and Map Projections

is best used with areas that are no greater than 30 degrees wide or tall, and preferably with areas
that are much smaller.

Projection Parameters
Parameter Description
Name Specifies the units used in the map.
Scale Specifies the unit scale of the projected map, relative to meters. For example,
a scale of one means one unit in the projected map equals one meter; a scale
of two means two units in the projected map equal one meter; etc.
False Easting Specifies the false easting, or horizontal offset, of the projected coordinates,
in meters. False Eastings and False Northings are added to the underlying
"projected" coordinates as a way to arbitrarily offset their internal XY
coordinates after the projection. Unless you have a reason for using these
offset values, do not use them. These values do not affect the
latitude/longitude coordinates for the map, only the internal coordinates used
to plot the map on the screen. If you use False Easting and False Northing
offsets for a map, any subsequent boundaries you append to the map must
also use these same offsets if you want the imported boundaries to be drawn
in the correct relative position to the existing boundaries.
False Specifies the false northing, or vertical offset, of the projected coordinates, in
Northing meters. See above.
Central Specifies the central scaling factor for the projection. This value is often set to
Scale Factor 1.0, but may be set to another value for specific applications.
Central Specifies the central longitude of the projection in degrees. The Central
Longitude Longitude value typically should be defined as the longitudinal center of the
map you are going to produce.
Central Specifies the central latitude of the projection in degrees. The Central
Latitude Latitude value typically should be defined as the latitudinal center of the map
you are going to produce.

Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) Projections

State of Oregon
Universal Transverse Mercator Projection
Central Latitude: 41.75
Central Longitude: -120.5

Strater 5 User’s Guide

Projection Characteristics
The Universal Transverse Mercator system, commonly known as UTM, divides the Earth into sixty
discrete zones, each representing a vertical slice of the globe spanning six degrees of longitude. A
Transverse Mercator projection is applied to each zone with the central meridian of the projection at
the center of the given zone and the central latitude of the projection at the equator. This
coordinate system is the basis for many standardized regional maps, such as tract or neighborhood
maps by the US Census Bureau and topographic quadrangles by the US Geological Survey. UTM is
not generally used for coordinates outside the range of -80 to +84 degrees latitude due to the
distortion inherent in Transverse Mercator projections near the poles.

Projection Parameters
Parameter Description
Name Specifies the units used in the map.
Scale Specifies the unit scale of the projected map, relative to meters. For
example, a scale of one means one unit in the projected map equals one
meter; a scale of two means two units in the projected map equal one
meter; etc.
Central Scale Specifies the central scaling factor for the projection. This value is often
Factor (KO) set to 1.0, but may be set to another value for specific applications.
Central Specifies the central longitude of the projection in degrees. The Central
Longitude Longitude value typically should be defined as the longitudinal center of
the map you are going to produce. For example, the value -95.5
represents the geographic center of the United States, so the map of the
U.S. is drawn upright.
Central Latitude Specifies the central latitude of the projection in degrees. The Central
Latitude value should be defined as the latitudinal center of the map you
are going to produce.
Projection in Choose True if your map is in the southern hemisphere. Choose False if
Southern your map is in the northern hemisphere.

Van der Grinten Projection

World Map
Van der Grinten Projection
Central Longitude: 0

Projection Characteristics
This projection is typically used for maps of the world and the scale is accurate along the equator.
This projection was used by the National Geographic for world maps. The central longitude and the
equator are straight lines and the poles are greatly distorted.

Chapter 28 - Coordinate Systems and Map Projections

To get good results with the Van der Grinten projection, the map must have coordinates between
+/-180 degrees longitude and +/- 90 degrees latitude. Surfer does not wrap around +/-180
degrees longitude. The example map is using world-proj.gsb as the base map. If you are using
world-scale maps, the central longitude generally cannot be set far from 0 degrees since there is no
wrap around in Surfer.

Projection Parameters
Parameter Description
Name Specifies the units used in the map.
Scale Specifies the unit scale of the projected map, relative to meters. For
example, a scale of one means one unit in the projected map equals
one meter; a scale of two means two units in the projected map
equal one meter; etc.
False Easting Specifies the false easting, or horizontal offset, of the projected
coordinates, in meters. False Eastings and False Northings are added
to the underlying "projected" coordinates as a way to arbitrarily offset
their internal XY coordinates after the projection. Unless you have a
reason for using these offset values, do not use them. These values
do not affect the latitude/longitude coordinates for the map, only the
internal coordinates used to plot the map on the screen. If you use
False Easting and False Northing offsets for a map, any subsequent
boundaries you append to the map must also use these same offsets
if you want the imported boundaries to be drawn in the correct
relative position to the existing boundaries.
False Northing Specifies the false northing, or vertical offset, of the projected
coordinates, in meters. See above.
Central Longitude Specifies the central longitude of the projection in degrees. The
Central Longitude value typically should be defined as the longitudinal
center of the map you are going to produce.

Appendix A - Mathematical Functions
Mathematical Functions
Mathematical Functions are used to modify data in the Data | Data | Transform command.

Data Types
The expression evaluator supports 32-bit signed integer numbers, double-precision floating-point
numbers, a boolean value, a text string of 0 to 256 characters, and time stamp values.

Variable Names
Variable names must begin with a column letter (i.e. A), row number (i.e. _1), or cell location (i.e.
A2), which may be followed by other letters, numbers, or underscores (_), up to a maximum of 256
characters per variable name.

The variable names are not case sensitive. For example, sum(a..z), sum(A..z), and sum(A..Z)
all refer to the same variable.

The mathematical expression can consist of constants, variables (such as column letters), or
functions (outlined below). The formulas follow standard precedence rules. Spaces are used in the
equation for clarity.

Formulas are specified using standard precedence rules. Operators, in order of decreasing
precedence, are:

( ) parentheses
- minus (or negative sign)
*/ multiplication and division
+- addition and subtraction

The expression evaluator treats operators with the following precedence:

1. !, NOT, ~
2. *, /, %
3. +, -
4. <<, >>
5. <, >, <=, >=
6. ==,!=,<>
7. &
8. ^, XOR
9. |
10. &&, AND
11. ||, OR
12. ?:
13. IF
Operators of equal precedence are evaluated from left to right within the equation. Parentheses are
used to override precedence, and expressions with the parentheses are performed first.

Appendix A - Mathematical Functions

The following built-in functions are supported.

Trigonometric Functions
All trigonometric functions are carried out in radians. If the data are in degrees, use the d2r(x)
conversion function (in the Miscellaneous Functions section below) to convert degree data to
radians and then use the trigonometric functions.

sin(x) sine of angle x

cos(x) cosine of angle x
tan(x) tangent of angle x, the value of x must not be an odd
multiple of Π/2
asin(x) Arcsine in the range -Π/2 to Π/2, x must be between -
1 and 1
acos(x) Arccosine in the range 0 to , x must be between -1
and 1
atan(x) Arctangent in the range -Π/2 toΠ /2
atan2(y,x) Arctangent of y/x in the range -Π to Π

Bessel Functions
j0(x) Bessel functions of the first kind at x of orders 0, 1, and
j1(x) n, respectively

y0(x) Return the Bessel functions of the second kind at x, of
y1(x) orders 0, 1, and n, respectively. For y0, y1, and yn, the
value of x must not be negative

Exponential Functions
exp(x) exponential function of x (e to the x)
sinh(x) hyperbolic sine of angle x
cosh(x) hyperbolic cosine of angle x
tanh(x) hyperbolic tangent of angle x
ln(x) natural logarithm (base e) of x, x must be positive
log10(x) base 10 logarithm of x, x must be positive
pow(x,y) x raised to the yth power
Error conditions result if:
x is zero and y is negative or zero,
x is negative and y is not an integer,
an overflow results.

Miscellaneous Functions
min(x,y) smaller of x and y

Strater 5 User’s Guide

max(x,y) larger of x and y

randn(x,y) an approximately normally (Gaussian) distributed real
random number with mean x and standard deviation
randu(x) a uniformly distributed real random number with
mean of x from the interval [0,x]
row() returns the row number
ceil(x) next whole number greater than or equal to x
floor(x) next whole number less than or equal to x
pi() returns the value of Pi. To limit to a specific number
of digits, use Round(Pi(),y), where Y is the number of
digits after the decimal point.
round(x,y) X rounded to the nearest number with Y digits after
the decimal point
sqrt(x) square root of x, x must not be negative
fabs(x) absolute value of x
fmod(x,y) floating point remainder of x/y, if y is zero, fmod
returns zero
d2r(x) convert angle x from degrees to radians. Example:
sin(d2r(30)) computes the sine of 30 degrees.
Sin(30) computes the sine of 30 radians.
r2d(x) convert angle x from radians to degrees.

Statistical Functions of Intervals

sum(a..z) calculates the sum of a range of columns in a
sum(_1.._5) calculates the sum of a range of rows in a
avg(a..z) calculates the average of a range of columns in
a row
avg(_1.._5) calculates the average of a range of rows in a
std(a..z) calculates the (population) standard deviation of
a range of columns in a row
std(_1.._5) calculates the population standard deviation of a
range of rows in a column
rowmin(a..z) finds the minimum value of a range of columns
in a row
rowmin(_1.._5) finds the minimum value of a range of rows in a
rowmax(a..z) finds the maximum value of a range of columns
in a row
rowmax(_1.._5) finds the maximum value of a range of rows in a

Appendix A - Mathematical Functions

• The Statistical Functions of Intervals functions operate row-wise on an interval of columns or

column-wise on an interval of rows.
• For example, SUM(A..Z) computes the sum of the twenty-six columns A, B, C, ..., Z. It does
this for each row separately.
• Replace 'a..z' by any valid interval of columns or rows, such as W..AC or _4.._612. There
must be exactly two periods between the column or row labels. The labels may be given in
reverse order, such as SUM(Z..A).
String Comparison
atof(x) convert a string x to floating point value
atoi(x) convert a string x to an integer value
strlen(x) length of string x in characters
strcmp(x,y) compare string x with y and return 1 if x>y, -1 if
x<y, or 0 if x=y
stricmp(x,y) compare string x with y without regard to the
case of any letters in the strings
strncmp(x,y,z) compare the first z character of string x with y
strnicmp(x,y,z) compare the first z characters of string x with y
without regard to the case of any letters in the

String comparison functions work with strings, not numbers. Any rows or columns containing
numbers result in blanks. In each of the string comparison functions, 1 is returned if string x is
greater than string y, -1 is returned if string x is less than string y, and 0 if string x = string y. In
the three-parameter comparison functions, the third parameter, z, specifies the number of
characters to compare. For example, a z value of 3 compares the x and y strings' first three
characters and ignores any characters after the third.

Strater 5 User’s Guide

The comparisons are based on the standard ASCII table:

1. numeric values (disregarded in string comparisons as mentioned above)
2. cells starting with a space character
3. common punctuation
4. numeric text (numbers entered as text)
5. less common punctuation
6. uppercase letters
7. even less common punctuation
8. lower case letters
9. uncommon punctuation
10. blank cells (disregarded in string comparisons)

This is the ASCII table order. The table is read left to right, top to bottom. Items
appearing toward the upper left corner are less than the items
appearing toward the lower left corner.

Boolean Expressions
Boolean expressions include:
• logical Operators (and, or, xor, not),
• Comparison Operators (=, <>, <, >, <=, >=),
• the IF Function - IF(condition,true_value,false_value)
The words AND, OR, XOR, NOT, and IF are reserved keywords and may not be used as variable

Logical Operators (and, or, xor, not)

AND AND The result is true if both operands are
&& AND The result is true if both operands are
! Logical Inverts the boolean value. True
NOT becomes false, false becomes true.
NOT Logical Inverts the boolean value. True
NOT becomes false, false becomes true.
& AND The result is true if both operands are
| OR The result is true is either of the two
operands is true

Appendix A - Mathematical Functions

^ Exclusive
XOR Exclusive- Same as ^
|| OR The result is true is either of the two
operands is true.
OR OR The result is true is either of the two
operands is true.

Comparison Operators (=, <>, <, >, <=, >=)

~ Bitwise Inverts the bits in an integer
* Multiply Multiplies the two operands
/ Divide Divides the first operand by the
% Remainder Integer remainder of the first
operand divided by the second.
+ Add Adds the two operands
- Subtract Subtracts the second operand from
the first
<< Shift Left Shifts the operand to the left
>> Shift Right Shifts the operand to the right
< Less Than In the example, A1 < B1, the result is
true if A1 is less than B1.
<= Less Than Result is true if the ordinal value of
or Equal p1 is less than or equal to p2
> Greater Result is true if the ordinal value of
Than p1 is greater than p2
>= Greater Result is true if the ordinal value of
Than or p1 is greater than or equal to p2
Equal To
== Equal To Result is true if the operands have
identical values
!= Not Equal Result is true if the operands do not
To have identical values
<> Nor Equal Result is true if the operands do not
To have identical values

IF Function - IF(condition,true_value,false_value)
IF Conditional IF(p1,p2,p3) IF

Strater 5 User’s Guide

i.e. If p1 is true, the result will be
p2. If p1 is false, the result will
be p3.
IF Conditional p1?p2:p3 condition?true_value:false_value
Evaluation i.e. If p1 is true, the result will be
p2. If p1 is false, the result will
be p3.

In Data | Data | Transform replace X,Y, and Z with column letters (A), row numbers (remember
the underscore, _1 is row 1), or cell locations (A1).
Mathematical Function Syntax








(2 * X)-pow(x,2)


Appendix B - Math Text Instructions
Math Text Instruction Syntax
The math text instruction set offers advanced formatting of text in the Strater data tables. Math
text instructions can be used to change the typeface, size, color, weight, and style of text on a
character-by-character basis. Greek letters and mathematical symbols can be written in the tables
using math text instructions. The math text instructions also allow for the detailed placement of
characters and symbols; thus, superscripts, subscripts, and the superposition of characters are
possible. In general, the clipboard can be used to cut and paste math text instructions.

Al text within the plot window can be controlled by math text instructions. For example, a label,
title, or text block can include math text instructions in the text string in the Property Manager.
In the Property Manager, add the math text instructions below directly in the Title text, Prefix,
Suffix, or Text option. Do not open the Text Editor as text in the Text Editor cannot use math
text instructions. To use different text properties in the Text Editor, highlight the text to change
and click the appropriate button or command in the dialog.

Unless otherwise indicated, all math text instructions begin with a backslash ("\"), and end with a
single space. For example, the instruction "\up50 " shifts the baseline of the text up 50 percent of
the current text height. All characters from the beginning backslash through the ending single
space are interpreted as instructions by the math text interpreter, and are not included in the
resulting label.

Each line in a text block starts with the default text properties such as typeface, size, color, and
style. (Note that some typefaces, such as Symbol, do not support bold or italicized text.) A line of
text within a text block uses the current properties until a math text instruction is encountered. All
text following an instruction is modified according to the instruction. For example, if the typeface is
changed in the middle of a text string, the text following the instruction will use the new typeface
until the end of the line of text is reached, or until another instruction affecting the typeface is

Encapsulate Math Text Instruction

Math text instructions can also be encapsulated so they are not carried out over an entire line. A
left curly brace ("{") instructs the math text system to remember all of the text properties in effect
at that point. A right curly brace ("}") restores the properties to what they were at the matching
left curly brace. This allows the insertion of special text in the middle of an otherwise uniform line.
The only instructions this does not apply to are text baseline instructions (\dnX and \upX), and the
position instructions (\rpX and \spX). Curly braces can be nested.

To incorporate a backslash, right curly brace, or left curly brace as a text character in text, precede
them with a backslash when entering the text string. For example, "\\" produces "\", and "\{"
produces "{".

Percentage Instructions
Instructions based on a percentage, such as font size, are cumulative. This means that a second
percentage change is interpreted as a percentage of the first percentage change. For example, if
the font is scaled by 50%, and later the font is scaled by 50% again, the font size after the second
percentage would be 25% of the original font size.
• Instruction names are case insensitive (\fs50, \FS50, \Fs50 or \fS50 are all valid).
• The \sp and \rp instructions only refer to positions on the same line.

Appendix B - Math Text Instructions

Instructions that Change Typefaces, Sizes, and Styles

Math Text Result


\b All text after the \b command is bold.

\f"X" Change to the typeface named X.. These are the
names listed in the Face list in the Text Editor.
Typeface names are case sensitive. Enclose the
face name in double quotes. If the typeface is
not found, a generic stick typeface is used in
place of the unfound typeface.
\fsX Change font size to X% of current font size. For
example, a value of 200 for X increases the font
size by two, and a value of 50 for X decreases
the font size by one-half.
\i All text after the \i instruction is italicized.
\plain This sets the text to "plain" text with normal
weight, no italics, no underlining, and no
\strike Strikethrough the text.
\ul All text after the \ul instruction is underlined.

Instructions that Change Text Color

Math Text Result
\black Sets the text color to black.
\blue Sets the text color to blue.
\green Sets the text color to green.
\cyan Sets the text color to cyan.
\red Sets the text color to red.
\magenta Sets the text color to magenta.
\yellow Sets the text color to yellow.
\white Sets the text color to white.
\gray Sets the text color to gray.

The following instructions allow the text color to be set to an

arbitrary RGBA (Red,Green,Blue, Alpha) value:
\rgbrX Sets the amount of red in an RGBA text color
(X=0 to 255).
\rgbgX Sets the amount of green in an RGBA text
color (X=0 to 255).
\rgbbX Sets the amount of blue in an RGBA text
color (X=0 to 255).

Strater 5 User’s Guide

\rgbaX Sets the alpha value in the RGBA text color

(X=0 to 255).
\color(r,g,b,a) Sets the amount or red, green, blue, and
alpha value in the RGBA text color. r, g, b,
and a are all a value between 0 and 255.

Instructions that Change Text Position

Math Text Result
\dnX Moves text baseline down X% of current font
size (subscript). This instruction produces
subscripts or returns the baseline to the original
position following a \upX instruction. If a font
size (\fsX) instruction follows the \dnX
instruction, any subsequent \dnX or \upX
instructions are relative to the changed font
\n Creates a new line in the text block. This works
similar to a carriage return - line feed
combination. This should be used instead of the
\dnX to create a new line of text.
\rpX Restores the current position to position #X (X
= 1 to 20). This instruction is used in
conjunction with the \spX instruction. Any text
following this instruction begins at the position
defined with the \spX instruction. If the \rpX
instruction is used without first setting a
position with the \spX instruction, the position
for the text is returned to the stating position
for the text block.
\spX Saves the current position as position #X (X =
1 to 20). The position is the up, down, left, and
right areas within the text block. When the \spX
instruction is used, the current location within
the text block is assigned a position number.
Return to this position using the \rpX
instruction. Specify the position number
assigned with the \spX instruction when using
the \rpX instruction. These instructions are
most useful when placing both superscript and
subscripts after the same character.
\upX Moves the text baseline up X% of current font
size (superscript). This instruction is used to
produce superscripts or to return the baseline to
the original position following a \dnX
instruction. If a font size (\fsX) instruction
follows the \spX instruction, any subsequent
\upX or \dnX instructions are relative to the
changed font size.

Instructions Used to Insert Special Characters or Date and Time

Math Text Result

Appendix B - Math Text Instructions

\aX Insert a character whose decimal code number

is given by X (0 to 65535). In older non-
Unicode aware software, this instruction is
needed for characters with code numbers
beyond the normal limits of the keyboard. For
example, use the character code number to
include an integral sign in a text string by
specifying the character set, followed by the
\aX command to specify the correct character
number. For example, an integral sign is
located at code position 242 in the symbol set
called Symbol. Type \f"Symbol" \a242 for the
integral sign to appear in the text block.

The Character Map program is an accessory

program in the Windows installations. Use the
Character Map to display each of the available
character sets and their designated code
numbers. The code number is displayed in the
right half of the Character Map status bar when
a character is selected.

In newer Unicode aware software, the need to

use this directive occurs less often as one can
simply copy/paste the letters or symbols
needed from Character Map or any other
Unicode aware software. Even if the character
doesn’t appear on your keyboard, can be
entered by holding down the Alt key while
typing the four digit hexadecimal code number
for the special symbol you desire. See the
Microsoft Windows documentation for further
\date Inserts the current date. Be sure to follow this
instruction with a space, even if no other text
follows the date. The date is updated every
time the text is redrawn.
\time Inserts the current time. Be sure to follow this
instruction with a space, even if no other text
follows the time. The time is updated every
time the text is redrawn.
\dt("format") Inserts the current date and/or time as
indicated by a custom format string. Be sure to
follow this instruction with a space, even if no
other text follows the closing parenthesis. The
date and or time is updated every time the text
is redrawn.

Examples of Math Text Instructions

Due to page size limitations, some of these examples contain multiple lines of math text
instructions. These examples must be entered on one line for the text to be displayed correctly.

Math Text Instruction Result

Strater 5 User’s Guide

CO\dn50 2 CO2
x\up50 2 x2
\sp1 {\fs200 \f"Symbol" \a229
\sp2 }{\rp1 \dn90 \fs75 i=1\rp1
\up220 n}\rp2 \up25 X\dn50
{\fs75 i}\up50 Y\dn50 {\fs75
i}\up50 = S{\dn50 {\fs75
XY}\up50 }

{\i Avogadro} Constant = 6.022 x Avogadro Constant = 6.022 x

10{\up50 {\fs75 23}\dn50 } 1023
{\f"Symbol" \a209 }{\up50 {\fs50
2}\dn50 }{\f"Symbol" \a102 } =
{\f"Symbol" \a182 }{\up50 {\fs50
2}\dn50 }{\f"Symbol"
\a102 }/{\f"Symbol"
\a182 }x{\up50 {\fs50 2}\dn50 }
+ {\f"Symbol" \a182 }{\up50
{\fs50 2}\dn50 }{\f"Symbol"
\a102 }/{\f"Symbol"
\a182 }y{\up50 {\fs50 2}\dn50 }
{\fs200 N}\sp1 \up100 \fs75 5
\rp1 \dn50 1
sin{\up50 {\fs50 2}\dn50 }(X) +
cos{\up50 {\fs50 2}\dn50 }(X) =
104\f"Symbol" \a176 \f"Arial" 37'

a\dn25 {\fs75 c} \n ___ \n b\dn25

{\fs75 c}

{\f"Symbol" d}\up50 {\fs75

234}\dn50 U

Appendix C - File Formats
File Format Chart
The following is a master list of all file formats available for importing and exporting objects and
importing and exporting data in Strater.

The Active Window row displays whether the specific file format is used in the borehole view, map
view, or cross section view windows or if a tab for a data table is selected.

Map, Borehole, Borehole,
Cross Map, Map, Borehole,
Section, Cross Cross Map, Cross
Active View Window: Table Section Section Section Table Table

Command: Open Save Import Export Import Export

E00 X
LAS X Export to LAS X

Appendix C - File Formats


File Format Descriptions

Microsoft Access .MDB and .ACCDB File Description
Microsoft Access .MDB is a binary database file format used by pre-2007 versions of Microsoft
Access. The .ACCDB format is used in Access 2007 and 2010. Strater can import data from tables
and queries in both Access .MDB and .ACCDB formats.

Import Options
See Database Tables and Fields Dialog.

Strater 5 User’s Guide

Export Options
Strater does not currently export Microsoft Access .MDB or .ACCDB files.

Microsoft Access (MDB) Import Options Dialog

If the .MDB file contains multiple tables, you can select which table to import in the Choose Table
To Load list. The other controls in the dialog show previews of the data that will be imported. See
Microsoft Access .MDB Import Options Dialog.

64-Bit Access Driver

In order to import Microsoft Access Database (*.mdb, *.accdb) files, you must have the Microsoft
Access Database driver installed on your machine. It’s shipped as part of the Microsoft Office suite
and comes in 32-bit and 64-bit versions. Installing the 32-bit Microsoft Office suite will install the
32-bit Access Database driver. Installing the 64-bit Microsoft Office suite will install the 64-bit
Access Database driver. Unfortunately, Microsoft doesn’t allow BOTH to be installed simultaneously
on a 64-bit Windows platform. If you need to import data from Microsoft Access Database files into
Golden Software products, you must install the 32-bit version of our product if you have a 32-bit
Access Database driver. You must install the 64-bit version of our product if you have a 64-bit
Access Database driver. If you don’t need to import Access Database data with our product, you
may install either version on a 64-bit Windows platform.

AN? ACR-NEMA Medical Image

Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine (DICOM) is a standard for handling, storing,
printing, and transmitting information in medical imaging. It includes a file format definition and a
network communications protocol. The communication protocol is an application protocol that uses
TCP/IP to communicate between systems. DICOM files can be exchanged between two entities that
are capable of receiving image and patient data in DICOM format. The National Electrical
Manufacturers Association (NEMA) holds the copyright to this standard. It was developed by the
DICOM Standards Committee, whose members are also partly members of NEMA.

DICOM enables the integration of scanners, servers, workstations, printers, and network hardware
from multiple manufacturers into a picture archiving and communication system (PACS). The
different devices come with DICOM conformance statements which clearly state the DICOM classes
they support. DICOM has been widely adopted by hospitals and is making inroads in smaller
applications like dentists' and doctors' offices.

Strater imports images from DICOM 3 medical image data sets. This filter is also able to read some
files written in the obsolete ACR-NEMA format (from which the DICOM format was derived);
however, Golden Software does not officially support the ACR-NEMA format.

DICOM File Format

DICOM differs from other data formats in that it groups information into data sets. That means that
a file of a chest X-Ray image, for example, actually contains the patient ID within the file, so that
the image can never be separated from this information by mistake.

A DICOM data object consists of a number of attributes, including items such as name, ID, etc., and
also one special attribute containing the image pixel data (i.e. logically, the main object has no
"header" as such - merely a list of attributes, including the pixel data). A single DICOM object can
only contain one attribute containing pixel data. For many modalities, this corresponds to a single
image. But note that the attribute may contain multiple "frames", allowing storage of cine loops or
other multi-frame data.

Appendix C - File Formats

DICOM uses three different Data Element encoding schemes. With Explicit VR Data Elements, for
VRs that are not OB, OW, OF, SQ, UT, or UN, the format for each Data Element is: GROUP (2 bytes)
ELEMENT (2 bytes) VR (2 bytes) LengthInByte (2 bytes) Data (variable length). For the other
Explicit Data Elements or Implicit Data Elements, see section 7.1 of Part 5 of the DICOM Standard.

The same basic format is used for all applications, including network and file usage, but when
written to a file, usually a true "header" (containing copies of a few key attributes and details of the
application which wrote it) is added.

File name extensions: DICOM .DIC, .DCM and ACR-NEMA .AN1, AN2.

Format(s) Supported for Import

• device-independent bitmap; 8, 24, 32 bit per pixel
Import Options Dialog
See DICOM Import Options Dialog.

Export Options Dialog

Strater does not currently export .DIC, .DCM, .AN? files.

Loading Files
AN? ACR-NEMA medical image files can be loaded with the File | Import command in a borehole
view, map view, or cross section view or the Map | Create | Base Map command in a map view.

Import Restrictions/Limitations
The DICOM specification allows an unusually wide variety of different formats and encodings within
the same file format. While this software can read most of the common variants of DICOM, it would
not be practical to develop software to read every possible variant. Some of the known deficiencies
in this implementation include:
• DICOM images that contain bit per pixel counts other than 8, 12, 16, 24 or 32 may not be
readable depending on the encoding and alignment of the data.
• DICOM images that are encoded with photometric interpretation models other than RGB,
grayscale, or monochrome may not be readable. In particular, some YUV encodings cannot
be imported.
• Some lossless JPEG images embedded in DICOM data sets do not import. In particular,
images encoded with the "Cornell" JPEG codec are not always readable.
• Some of the obscure compression algorithms allowable under the DICOM specification are
not supported by this software.
• Some ACR-NEMA files do not import. Golden Software does not officially support the obsolete
ACR-NEMA file formats; however, Strater does import many ACR-NEMA files successfully.

ASCII .DAT, .TXT, .CSV Data Files

ASCII files are generic format files that can be read or produced by most applications. There are
three common ASCII data formats: .DAT, .CSV, and .TXT. ASCII files are generic format files read
or produced by most applications. These files can also be imported into most applications, including
word processors, spreadsheets, and ASCII editors.

Strater 5 User’s Guide

Worksheet Formatting
ASCII files do not contain any worksheet formatting information such as row height, column width,
or cell formatting. When ASCII files are loaded into a table, the default column formatting
parameters are applied to the data. This does not result in any change to data, but might result in
rounding of values in the data display. There is no limitation on the number of rows or columns in
an ASCII format. ASCII formats save and load slowly because there is a conversion from binary
numbers to character representation.

There are some distinctions in formatting of ASCII files. Here are some brief notes that outline the
usefulness of the ASCII file features.
• Delimiters control the separation between cell entries in a file. Spaces, tabs, semi-colons, or
commas can be used to separate cells. If cell entries contain spaces in text, the comma or
semi-colon delimiters are necessary if quotes are not used to qualify the text. Otherwise, the
text string would be interpreted as two cell entries rather than a single entry.
• Placing Quotes Around Text - There are two types of entries in an ASCII file, values and text.
Values are actual numbers, while text can be any type of character, including numbers and
text characters. Single or double quotes can be placed around text strings. If a number
should be interpreted as text, surround it with double quotes. When text strings contain
spaces, it is recommended to use single or double quotes around text cell entries.
• Using Commas or Semicolons in Addition to Quotes - Although double quotes are not
required around text strings, they are useful when creating a space-delimited file that
contains text. Often there are text strings that contain spaces, as in a date containing month
name, day and year. With space delimited files this single entry is interpreted as more than
one cell when loading this file into the worksheet. The safest way to eliminate this problem is
to place double quotes around all text strings and use comma delimiting between variables.
Comma Separated Variables
Comma separated variable .CSV files are comma delimited with double-quotes around text strings
(non-numeric or mixed alpha numeric).

When the computer's locale setting has the Decimal separator as comma, .CSV files are imported
and exported with commas as the decimal separators and semi-colons as data delimiters. When the
Options dialog User Interface page Decimal separator is manually set to comma, .CSV files
import and export with commas as decimal separators and semi-colons as data delimiters.

ASCII text files .TXT are normally tab delimited ASCII text files with no quotes around the text
strings. After selecting .TXT as the format, the Data Export Options dialog is displayed.

Golden Software DAT Files

ASCII .DAT files are ASCII files with no set format. Any delimiter or text qualifier can be set. When
a file is saved in the .DAT format, the Data Export Options dialog is displayed.

Data Export Options Dialog

The Data Export Options dialog is displayed when saving a .TXT file or .DAT file.
• Delimiters are the characters used between cells in a single row (fields in a record), and can
be commas, spaces, semicolons, or tabs.
• Text Qualifiers are double-quotes, single-quotes, or none. For example, if double-quotes are
chosen all non-numeric or mixed alpha numeric cell entries are surrounded by double-quotes
in the file.

Appendix C - File Formats

• Decimal symbol is the symbol used as the decimal point. This can be a comma or period.
This option is only available with .TXT files.
• Encoding method determines the format of the data. Windows Unicode and Encoded UTF-8
data are often referred to as international data. It would include character sets from Russia,
Israel, China, Greece, Hungary, among others. If the data does not appear correctly in the
exported file, the Encoding method may be specified incorrectly. ANSI encoding contains
characters within the first 256 characters of a font. These are normally in English. After
selecting Unencoded ANSI translated using [codepage], select the codepage from the list
that will read the data correctly.

Choose one Delimiter and a Text Qualifier for .TXT

files in the Data Export Options dialog.

Import Options Dialog

Data Import Options Dialog

Export Options Dialog

Data Export Options Dialog

AVS X-Image .XIMG File Description

Strater can import and export AVS X-Image .X and .XIMG files.

The AVS X-Image format originated on UNIX workstations and is typically used to store true-color
images containing an alpha channel, a feature that most other image file formats lacked at the time
this file format was developed. An AVS X-Image file is a binary file containing a raster image with
8-bits each for the red, green, blue, and alpha channels (32 bits total per pixel).

Import Options Dialog

Strater 5 User’s Guide

No import options dialog is displayed.

Export Options Dialog

See Size and Color and Spatial References pages.

Golden Software Blanking .BLN File Description

Strater imports and exports Golden Software Blanking Files .BLN.

Golden Software Blanking File .BLN is an ASCII format file used to store geographic information
including areas, curves, and points. Spatial information is only concerned with the location of
objects in space (i.e., their coordinates) and not with their attributes (i.e. line or fill style, marker
symbol used, text labels, etc.). Even though the primary use of GS Blanking files is to indicate
regions to be "blanked-out", they can also be used for simple boundaries and decorative

File Format
The general format of the file is:

length,flag "Pname 1"

length,flag "Pname 2"

The length value is an integer which indicates the number of X, Y coordinate pairs that follow.

The flag value is 1 if the region inside areas is to be blanked and 0 if the region outside areas is to
be blanked.

Pname is optional and is the name of a primary ID to be associated with the object. The primary ID
is used to link the object to external data.

X, Y Coordinates
Following lines contain the actual X, Y coordinate pairs that make up the object. These can be
integers or real numbers, and are stored 1 pair per line.

Appendix C - File Formats

Type of Object
The type of object is determined as follows:
• If the type/length field is 1, the object is considered a point. One coordinate pair follows.
• If the type/length field is greater than 1 and the first and last coordinate pairs are equal, the
object is considered a simple closed area. Otherwise, the object is considered a curve.
Example 1
This example shows a simple .BLN file, with a single area:

Example 2
This example shows a complex .BLN file, with an island:
13 0
48 99
52 20
57 19
56 8
29 0
27 71
48 99
40 70
50 60
48 55
34 40
40 70
48 99

Import Options Dialog

No import options dialog is displayed.

Export Options Dialog

See BLN Golden Software Blanking Export Options Dialog

Loading a BLN
Use the File | Open or File | Import to load a .BLN file.

Atlas Boundary File Format

Atlas Boundary .BNA files store spatial information including polygons, polylines, and points. These
files can contain primary and secondary IDs. Strater lithology indent styles only use the polyline

Strater 5 User’s Guide

portion of .BNA files. If the file contains polygons, complex polygons, ellipses, or points it cannot be
imported into Strater's scheme editor. Atlas Boundary .BNA files can contain polygons, ellipses, or
points if the file is imported as a graphic with the File | Import command.

File Format Description

The general format of Atlas .BNA files is:

"Pname 1", "Sname 1", type/length

"Pname 2", "Sname 2", type/length

• Pname is the primary ID. Primary IDs are used with polylines and lithographic line styles.
• Sname is the secondary ID, which is not used in Strater.
• The type/length is an integer that identifies the object as a polygon (positive integer greater
than 2), polyline (negative integer less than -1), ellipse (the value 2), or point (the value 1).
The type/length field also indicates the number of coordinate pairs to follow. Ellipses have a
type/length value 2. The first pair of coordinates describes the center of the ellipse. The
major and minor radii are stored in the second pair of coordinates. If the minor radius is 0,
the ellipse is a circle. Only polylines can be included in .BNA files to be used in Strater's
indent line styles and complex polygons are not supported in Strater.
• Following the type/length are the actual X,Y coordinate pairs that make up the object. These
can be integers or real numbers, and are stored one pair per line.

The following is an example of an indent line style in the Atlas Boundary .BNA file format.
"New Indent","",-5

Tips when Using BNA files as Lithology Indent Line Styles

• The coordinate range must be zero to 1000.
• The y1 value must be zero.
• The yn value must be 1000.
• The X values must be between zero and 1000.

Appendix C - File Formats

• The coordinates cannot be negative.

• If you are familiar with the Atlas Boundary file format from one of Golden Software's other
software programs, note that complex polygons and the alternate .BNA format are not
supported in Strater.
Atlas Boundary (BNA) Examples
The Atlas .BNA file is used to store geographic information including areas, curves, and points. This
format is not commonly used in Grapher.

Alternate BNA Format

"Pname 1", "Sname 1", type/length, x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, ... xn, yn
"Pname 2", "Sname 2", type/length, x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, ... xn, yn

Examples of the Format for Different Objects

Example 1: Polygon
This is an example of a polygon. The polygon has both a Primary and Secondary ID.

Example 2: Curve
This is an example of a curve. In this example, this curve does not have a Primary or Secondary
ID, although they can be assigned for curves by typing the information in the BNA file.

Example 3: Point
This is an example of a point. The point has both a Primary and Secondary ID.
"Well HA-11"," Hansford Field",1

Strater 5 User’s Guide

ASCII Database .DBF File Description

Strater imports data from dBase/xBase database .DBF files.

Xbase is a complex of data files .DBF, indexes .NDX, .MDX, .CDX, etc. and eventually note
files .DBT for storing large amounts of formatted data in a structured form.

DBase's database system was one of the first to provide a header section for describing the
structure of the data in the file. This meant that the program no longer required advance
knowledge of the data structure, but rather could ask the data file how it was structured. Note that
there are several variations on the .DBF file structure, and not all dBase-related products and .DBF
file structures are necessarily compatible.

A second file type is the .DBT file format for memo fields. While character fields are limited to 254
characters each, a memo field is a 10-byte pointer into a .DBT file which can include a much larger
text field. DBase was very limited in its ability to process memo fields, but some other xBase
languages treat memo fields as strings just like character fields for all purposes except permanent

DBase uses .NDX files for indexes. Some xBase languages include compatibility with .NDX files
while others use different file formats.

Import Options Dialog

No import options dialog is displayed.

Export Options
Strater does not currently support .DBF export.

SDTS Topological Vector Profile and Raster Profile (TVP, DDF) File Description
Strater can import USGS SDTS Topological Vector Profile .TVP or .DDF data sets.

SDTS File Information

The Spatial Data Transfer Standard, or SDTS, is a robust way of transferring earth-referenced
spatial data between dissimilar computer systems with the potential for no information loss. It is a
transfer standard that embraces the philosophy of self-contained transfers, i.e. spatial data,
attribute, georeferencing, data quality report, data dictionary, and other supporting metadata all
included in the transfer.

The purpose of the SDTS is to promote and facilitate the transfer of digital spatial data between
dissimilar computer systems, while preserving information meaning and minimizing the need for
information external to the transfer. Implementation of SDTS is of significant interest to users and
producers of digital spatial data because of the potential for increased access to and sharing of
spatial data, the reduction of information loss in data exchange, the elimination of the duplication of
data acquisition, and the increase in the quality and integrity of spatial data. SDTS is neutral,
modular, growth-oriented, extensible, and flexible--all characteristics of an "open systems"

Appendix C - File Formats

The SDTS provides a solution to the problem of spatial data transfer from the conceptual level to
the details of physical file encoding. Transfer of spatial data involves modeling spatial data
concepts, data structures, and logical and physical file structures. To be useful, the data to be
transferred must also be meaningful in terms of data content and data quality. SDTS addresses all
of these aspects for both vector and raster data structures.

There are two separate types of SDTS files: topological vector profile SDTS and raster profile SDTS

The topological vector profile SDTS files contain boundary line information and can be used as a
base map (use with File | Import or Map | Create | Base Map). All of the .DDF files are
necessary to produce a map (i.e. you cannot copy just one .DDF file and create a map from it).

The raster profile SDTS files contain gridded elevation information and can not be used in Strater.

It is not necessary to unzip the .TAR.GZ, .TAR, .ZIP, or .TGZ file. Strater can read the information
in the various files directly from the compressed file.

If you do unzip the .TAR.GZ, .TAR, .ZIP, or .TGZ file containing the DDF files, there is an option in
WinZip (or other unzipping software) that needs to be disabled. Use the WinZip settings to
disable this option. All .DDF files must be extracted into the same directory.
1. In WinZip, use the Options | Configuration command to open the Configuration
2. Click on the Miscellaneous tab.
3. In the Other category, un-check TAR file smart CR/LF conversion.
4. Click the OK button.
5. The Tar.GZ file will now properly unzip the files.

Import Options Dialog

SDTS TVP Import Options Dialog

Export Options Dialog

Strater does not export SDTS .DDF files.

DICOM3 Medical Image .DIC, .DCM File Description

Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine (DICOM) is a standard for handling, storing,
printing, and transmitting information in medical imaging. It includes a file format definition and a
network communications protocol. The communication protocol is an application protocol that uses
TCP/IP to communicate between systems. DICOM files can be exchanged between two entities that
are capable of receiving image and patient data in DICOM format. The National Electrical
Manufacturers Association (NEMA) holds the copyright to this standard. It was developed by the
DICOM Standards Committee, whose members are also partly members of NEMA.

DICOM enables the integration of scanners, servers, workstations, printers, and network hardware
from multiple manufacturers into a picture archiving and communication system (PACS). The

Strater 5 User’s Guide

different devices come with DICOM conformance statements which clearly state the DICOM classes
they support. DICOM has been widely adopted by hospitals and is making inroads in smaller
applications like dentists' and doctors' offices.

Strater imports images from DICOM 3 medical image data sets. This filter is also able to read some
files written in the obsolete ACR-NEMA format (from which the DICOM format was derived);
however, Golden Software does not officially support the ACR-NEMA format.

DICOM File Format

DICOM differs from other data formats in that it groups information into data sets. That means that
a file of a chest X-Ray image, for example, actually contains the patient ID within the file, so that
the image can never be separated from this information by mistake.

A DICOM data object consists of a number of attributes, including items such as name, ID, etc., and
also one special attribute containing the image pixel data (i.e. logically, the main object has no
"header" as such - merely a list of attributes, including the pixel data). A single DICOM object can
only contain one attribute containing pixel data. For many modalities, this corresponds to a single
image. But note that the attribute may contain multiple "frames", allowing storage of cine loops or
other multi-frame data.

DICOM uses three different Data Element encoding schemes. With Explicit VR Data Elements, for
VRs that are not OB, OW, OF, SQ, UT, or UN, the format for each Data Element is: GROUP (2 bytes)
ELEMENT (2 bytes) VR (2 bytes) LengthInByte (2 bytes) Data (variable length). For the other
Explicit Data Elements or Implicit Data Elements, see section 7.1 of Part 5 of the DICOM Standard.

The same basic format is used for all applications, including network and file usage, but when
written to a file, usually a true "header" (containing copies of a few key attributes and details of the
application which wrote it) is added.

File name extensions: DICOM .DIC, .DCM and ACR-NEMA .AN1, AN2.

Format(s) Supported for Import

• device-independent bitmap; 8, 24, 32 bit per pixel
Import Options
See DICOM Import Options Dialog.

Import Restrictions/Limitations
The DICOM specification allows an unusually wide variety of different formats and encodings within
the same file format. While this software can read most of the common variants of DICOM, it would
not be practical to develop software to read every possible variant. Some of the known deficiencies
in this implementation include:
• DICOM images that contain bit per pixel counts other than 8, 12, 16, 24 or 32 may not be
readable depending on the encoding and alignment of the data.
• DICOM images that are encoded with photometric interpretation models other than RGB,
grayscale, or monochrome may not be readable. In particular, some YUV encodings cannot
be imported.
• Some lossless JPEG images embedded in DICOM data sets do not import. In particular,
images encoded with the "Cornell" JPEG codec are not always readable.
• Some of the obscure compression algorithms allowable under the DICOM specification are
not supported by this software.

Appendix C - File Formats

• Some ACR-NEMA files do not import. Golden Software does not officially support the obsolete
ACR-NEMA file formats; however, Voxler does import many ACR-NEMA files successfully.

Export Options Dialog


USGS Digital Line Graph .DLG File Description

The United States Geological Survey (USGS) provides digitized base map data in "line graph" form.
It is available in two formats ("standard" and "optional") on either 9-track magnetic tape or CD-
ROM. The CD-ROM with 1:2,000,000-scale DLG files contains data in both standard and optional
formats, as well as a "graphic" format. The definitive guide to these file formats is the USGS
document: "Digital Line Graphs from 1:24,000-Scale Maps: Data Users Guide 1", "Digital Line
Graphs from 1:100,000-Scale Maps: Data Users Guide 2" and "Digital Line Graphs from
1:2,000,000-Scale Maps: Data Users Guide 3".

File Information
Imported DLG files are read in the "standard" and "optional" formats, and provides point, area, and
curve objects.

For the 1:2,000,000-scale files, the USGS has divided the U.S. into 21 sections. On the CD-ROM,
the files associated with each section are stored in a separate subdirectory.

The 21 subdirectories use the following naming convention:


Each subdirectory starts with the letters "SECT" followed by the section number (01 to 21). The
sections correspond to the following regions:

SECT01 Northeastern States

SECT02 Middle Atlantic States
SECT03 Southeastern States
SECT04 Florida
SECT05 Southern Mississippi Valley States
SECT06 Central Mississippi Valley States
SECT07 Northern Great Lakes States
SECT08 Southern Texas
SECT09 Southern Plains States
SECT10 Central Plains States
SECT11 Northern Plains States
SECT12 Arizona and New Mexico
SECT13 Southern California
SECT14 Central Pacific States
SECT15 Northwestern States

Strater 5 User’s Guide

SECT16 Southeastern Alaska

SECT17 Central Alaska
SECT18 Northern Alaska
SECT19 Southwestern Alaska
SECT20 Aleutian Islands
SECT21 Hawaiian Islands

Each section has one or more data files associated with it. The file naming convention used is as

Each file starts with the letter "S", followed by the section number (01 to 21) and an underscore
(_). The XX stands for the feature code (sometimes referred to as Overlay or Base Category).
Feature codes are:
PB = Political Boundaries CF = Cultural Features
AB = Administrative Boundaries ST = Streams and Rivers
RD = Roads and Trails WB = Water Bodies
RR = Railroads HP = Hypsography (Continental Divide Only)

The YYY indicates the data format:

LGS = Line Graph Standard Format
LGO = Line Graph Optional Format
GRF = Graphic Format

If a section has more than one file for a feature, an underscore (_) and a letter are used to uniquely
name the files. Examples:

LGO File
An .LGO file contains 15 records of general "header" information, followed by a series of Node, Area
and Line entries, in that order. Each Node is assigned a unique ID number (1,2,...). A Node entry
contains the node's ID, its coordinate (all coordinates in "optional" format files are in UTM or Albers
Equal Area Ellipsoid projection) and the IDs of each line segment that begins at, ends at, or passes
through the node. A "free-standing" node is one that has no line segments associated with it (i.e.,
the node is an isolated point).

Area ID Number
Each Area is assigned a unique ID number (1,2,...) called an area ID. An Area entry contains the
area's ID, the coordinate of its "reference point", a list of the IDs of each line segment that forms
the area's boundary (including islands and lakes) and a list of attribute codes assigned to the area.
An area's reference point is that point on a map where a textual identifier for the area was placed
(such as the name of a county).

Line ID Number
Each Line is also assigned a unique ID number (1,2,...). A Line entry contains the line's ID, the
Node ID of the node it starts at, the Node ID of the node it ends at, the Area ID of the area to the

Appendix C - File Formats

left of the line, the Area ID of the area to the right of the line, a list of coordinates of the line
vertices and a list of attribute codes assigned to the line segment. (Left and right are relative to the
line's direction. The line was digitized from the start point to the end point) . A "free-standing" line
is one that is not part of an area boundary.

Attribute Codes
Attribute codes are assigned to areas and line segments for the purpose of identifying and/or
grouping them. An attribute code consists of two positive integers, a Major code value and a Minor
code value. For example, USGS Section 15 contains data for Washington, Oregon, Idaho and part of
Montana. In the Political Boundaries file (S15_PB.LGO), each county boundary area contains two
attribute codes. One indicates which state the county was associated with (Major code = 91, Minor
code = two-digit FIPS code for the state) and the other indicates which county it is (Major code =
92, Minor code = three-digit FIPS code for the county). For a list of attribute codes, see Major and
Minor Attributes.

Import Options Dialog

See USGS Digital Line Graph Boundary Import Options Dialog.

Export Options Dialog

Strater does not currently export .DLG files.

Geographix Depth Registration ASCII .DRA File Description

The Geographix Depth Registration ASCII file is paired with a .TIF image file and is used in Strater
to create registered raster logs with the Log | Create Log | Registered Raster command.

File Information
The DRA file is a comma delimited ASCII file with six record types. Each record is on a separate line
limited to 256 characters. Text strings with blanks or commas are enclosed in quotes. The DRA file
records contain file, well, log, depth calibration, curve scales, and log header information. The first
record is the File Header record (FILE) followed by information for one or more wells. Each well
begins with the Well Header record (WELL) followed by one or more Log Section records (LOG) each
log section may have a Curve Insert record (CURV), a Header record (HEAD), and multiple Depth
Calibration records (DPTH).

Record Types
The following table includes the record types and the comma delimited values for each record.
d Parameters
File Depth
FILE Vendor
Version Unit
Well Name Location
WELL ID/UWI/AP and Descriptio
I Numbe n
To To Botto Botto
Name Base
TIF Vertical Top p p m m
LOG of Log Dept
Filename Scale Depth Lef Lef Right Right
Section h
tX tY X Y

Strater 5 User’s Guide

Depth of X
DPTH Calibration Positio Y Position
Point n
Top Bottom m
CURV Top Left X
Left Y Right X Right
Top Bottom m
HEAD Top Left X
Left Y Right X Right

AutoCAD .DXF File Description

AutoCAD .DXF files are ASCII files (i.e., they can be edited with a text editor or word processor) or
binary files (cannot be edited) containing records indicating graphical entities and their attributes.
They provide a medium of exchange with AutoDesk's AutoCAD program. The format of .DXF files is
complex and a detailed discussion is beyond the scope of a Help file. Many books describing
the .DXF file format are widely available.

Graphical information may be stored in the AutoCAD Drawing Exchange Format (.DXF). Many
programs, including AutoDesk Inc.'s AutoCAD (Computer Aided Design) program can import .DXF
files, allowing one to display and/or further manipulate the images. Strater supports MTEXT
(multi-line text block) background color in .DXF import filter.

3DSOLID is a proprietary format, and 3DSOLID entities are not supported in Strater. If the .DXF
file contains 3DSOLID objects, the 3DSOLID objects will be omitted from the import.

ASCII or Binary Format

.DXF files can be stored in either ASCII or Binary format. ASCII .DXF files are the most versatile,
since they can be displayed, edited, printed and transported to non-IBM machines (such as
mainframes, minicomputers or Macintosh). However, they are somewhat bigger and take longer to
read back into another application.

Table and Entities Sections

.DXF files have two important sections.
• The Tables section contains definitions of the various line styles and other attributes.
• The Entities section contains specific information about each graphical entity (line, polygon,
etc.) including coordinates and references to the attributes in the defined in the Tables
section. All exported graphical entities are assigned to a layer named GSLAYER.
Text can be imported and exported in .DXF files.

Text can also be exported as AutoCAD text entities (All text as areas unchecked). No matter what
typeface is specified in the application document, all text entities are assigned AutoCAD's
STANDARD font. Once inside AutoCAD, the text entities can be edited in the normal AutoCAD
fashion. As long as there is no shear or perspective, .DXF text entities will be sized and oriented
similar to the text objects in the application document. Shear occurs when the character glyphs are

Appendix C - File Formats

not perpendicular to the text baseline. Perspective occurs when the height of glyphs in the text
string are not all the same, as in a 3D view where the glyphs are smaller the farther they are from
the observer.

Line Styles
Lines styles are exported with equivalent AutoCAD-compatible line types. The document's internal
line styles are assigned the following AutoCAD line type names:

Document AutoCAD
Internal Dash GSDASHED
Internal Dot GSDOTTED
Internal Dash-Dot GSDASHDOT
Internal Dash-Dot- GSDASHDOTDOT

Custom line styles in the document are assigned AutoCAD line type names of the form

Color Numbers
Indexed .DXF color numbers are assigned to each entity. Color numbers (1,2,3,…,255) are indices
into AutoCAD’s internal color table. By convention, the first 7 color numbers are guaranteed to
have known colors assigned to them by AutoCAD. They are:

1 Red
2 Yellow
3 Green
4 Cyan
5 Magenta
7 Black (Default for

AutoCAD has a default association of colors to color numbers, but the AutoCAD user is free to
change the colors associated with color numbers 8 through 255. When exporting to .DXF format,
the color number of the color from the default AutoCAD color table closest to the actual color of
the object is assigned to the entity in the .DXF file. Unless you use only the seven colors listed
above, the color of objects inside AutoCAD may be different than those in the application

AutoCAD 2004 and later versions support true colors. When user chooses AutoCAD 2004 or
AutoCAD 2007 or later in the Export Options dialog, true colors are written to the export file.

Import Options
See AutoCAD .DXF Import Options Dialog.

Strater 5 User’s Guide

Export Options
See AutoCAD .DXF Export Options Dialog.

Esri ArcInfo Export Format .E00 File Description

Esri ArcInfo Export Format .E00 files are ASCII files containing topological entities and their
attributes. They provide a medium of exchange between Esri application programs on different
hardware and operating system platforms (Windows, UNIX, etc.).

Import Options
See Esri ArcInfo Export Format .E00 Import Options Dialog

Esri ArcInfo Export Format .E00 files can be imported with the File | Import command or the Map
| Create | Base Map command.

Strater does not currently export .E00 files.

The E00 file format is not publicly documented by Esri. Although Golden Software has tested this
E00 import filter software with a number of publicly available E00 files, it may not be compatible
with all E00 files created by all versions of Esri application programs. Golden Software is not
affiliated with Esri, and this import filter software is not a product of, nor endorsed by, Esri.

ER Mapper .ECW File Description

Strater imports ERMapper .ECW files.

Enhanced Compression Wavelet .ECW is an open standard wavelet compression image format
developed by Earth Resource Mapping. The file format is optimized for aerial and satellite imagery,
and efficiently compresses very large images with fine, alternating contrast. This is a lossy
compression format.

The .ECW file format has the following properties:

• Embeds map projection information
• Fast compression (about 1.5 MB of compressed file per second on 1 GHz processor)
• Typical compression ratios between 1:10 and 1:100
• Possible decompression of selected regions without the need to decompress the whole file
• Data flow compression allows for compression of big files with small RAM requirements
Import Options
See .ECW Image Import Options Dialog.

Export Options
Strater does not currently support .ECW export.

Appendix C - File Formats

.EMF Windows Enhanced Metafile File Description

Windows can store graphical objects (i.e. pictures) in a special form called an Windows Enhanced
Metafile .EMF file. Such pictures can be stored on disk or in the Windows Clipboard. When these
pictures are imported (or pasted from the Clipboard), the objects can be optionally separated and
stored individually.

Windows Metafiles are intended to be portable between applications and may contain both vector
and image components. In contrast to raster formats such as .JPEG and .GIF which are used to
store image (bitmap) graphics such as photographs, scans and graphics, Windows Metafiles
generally are used to store line-art, illustrations and content created in drawing or presentation
applications. Most Windows clipart is in the .EMF or .WMF format.

Windows Metafile .WMF is a 16-bit format introduced in Windows 3.0. It is the native vector format
for Microsoft Office applications such as Word, PowerPoint, and Publisher. A newer 32-bit version
with additional commands is called Enhanced Metafile .EMF. .EMF is also used as a graphics
language for printer drivers.

Import Options
See Windows Metafile Import Options Dialog.

Export Options Dialog

See Windows Enhanced Metafile Export Options Dialog.

Encapsulated PostScript .EPS File Description

Strater exports Encapsulated PostScript files .EPS files.

EPS File Format

At a minimum, an EPS file contains a BoundingBox DSC comment, describing the rectangle
containing the image described by the EPS file.

Identifying EPS files

Because of the different ways in which EPS previews are handled, there is no one way to identify an
EPS file.
• A Windows-format EPS file containing a TIFF or WMF preview must start with the four bytes
containing, in hexadecimal, C5 D0 D3 C6. Bear in mind these files are widespread on all
• In all other cases an EPS file must start with a line %!PS-Adobe-a.b EPSF-c.d where a, b, c
and d are all single digit numbers.
• A Mac-format EPS file is accompanied by a resource fork. The preview is a PICT resource
with ID 256. An EPS file on the Mac is expected to have a file type code of "EPSF", whether
or not it has a preview.
• An EPSI file will contain a line starting %%BeginPreview: in the DSC prolog.
• In many cases no preview is present at all.

Import Options Dialog

Strater does not support .EPS file import.

Strater 5 User’s Guide

Export Options Dialog

See Encapsulated PostScript .EPS Export Options Dialog, Size and Color, and Spatial References

Graphics Interchange Format .GIF File Description

The Graphics Interchange Format .GIF is an image format that was introduced by CompuServe in
1987 and has since come into widespread usage on the World Wide Web due to its wide support
and portability.

File Format
The format supports up to 8 bits per pixel, allowing a single image to reference a palette of up to
256 distinct colors chosen from the 24-bit RGB color space. It also supports animations and allows
a separate palette of 256 colors for each frame. The color limitation makes the GIF format
unsuitable for reproducing color photographs and other images with continuous color, but it is well-
suited for simpler images such as graphics or logos with solid areas of color.

GIF images are compressed using the Lempel-Ziv-Welch (LZW) lossless data compression
technique to reduce the file size without degrading the visual quality. This compression technique
was patented in 1985. Controversy over the licensing agreement between the patent holder,
Unisys, and CompuServe in 1994 inspired the development of the Portable Network Graphics (PNG)
standard; since then all the relevant patents have expired.

• Sharp-edged line art (such as logos) with a limited number of colors. This takes advantage of
the format's lossless compression, which favors flat areas of uniform color with well defined
edges (in contrast to JPEG, which favors smooth gradients and softer images).
• Used to store low-color sprite data for games.
• Used for small animations and low-resolution film clips.
• In view of the general limitation on the GIF image palette to 256 colors, it is not usually used
as a format for digital photography. Digital photographers use image file formats capable of
reproducing a greater range of colors, such as TIFF, RAW or the lossy JPEG, which is more
suitable for compressing photographs.
• The PNG format is a popular alternative to GIF images since it uses better compression
techniques and does not have a limit of 256 colors, but PNGs do not support animations.

Import Options Dialog

No import options dialog is displayed.

Export Options Dialog

See Size and Color and Spatial References

GPX GPS Exchange Format File Format Description

GPS Exchange Format files, GPX files, are created by GPS devices. GPS Exchange Format files can
be imported or used as a base layer in a map.

File Structure
GPX files are XML format text files. The .GPX files can contain way points, routes, tracks, and
various attribute information. GPX files use the World Geodetic System 1984 coordinate system.

Appendix C - File Formats

• Way points describe an unrelated group of points. For instance, this can be a collection of
place names. Each way point is imported and displayed as the default symbol.
• Routes are a series of connected way points. Typically a route is a plan on where to go.
Routes are imported and displayed as polylines. One-point routes are imported and displayed
as the default symbol.
• Tracks are a series of connected way points. A track is where the device has actually been.
Tracks are imported and displayed as polylines. One-point tracks are imported and displayed
as the default symbol.
Loading a GPX
Use the File | Import command to import the GPX file as drawn objects in the borehole, map, or
cross section view. The way points, routes, and tracks in a GPX file are imported into a single group
when the Import command is used. Use the Map | Create | Base Map or Map | Add | Base
Layer command to add the GPX file as a georeferenced base layer.

Import Options
No import options dialog is displayed.

Export Options
Currently .GPX files cannot be exported.

Golden Software Boundary .GSB File Description

The .GSB format is a proprietary Golden Software file format. There are several different versions of
GSB files, so older Golden Software applications may not be able to read .GSB files exported from
newer applications.

Golden Software Boundary files contain boundary objects including areas, curves and points.
Primary and Secondary IDs are usually associated with each object. The objects have no attributes
(such as color or line style) associated with them.

GS Boundary files are binary files (i.e., they can't be created or modified with a text editor or word
processor) that are usually used as base maps. Information indicating the type of projection used
(if any) is also stored in the file.

Import Options Dialog

No import options dialog is displayed.

Golden Software Boundary .GSB files can be imported with the File | Import command or with the
Map | Create | Base Map command.

Export Options Dialog

See Golden Software .GSB Export Options

Golden Software Interchange .GSI File Description

Golden Software Interchange .GSI files are binary files containing records indicating graphical
entities and their attributes. They provide a medium of exchange between Golden Software
application programs.

Strater 5 User’s Guide

Import Options Dialog

No import options dialog is displayed.

Export Options Dialog

See Golden Software .GSI Export Options

Golden Software Reference Files

If you have looked in a folder that contains data or boundary files created by Strater or other
Golden Software programs, you may have noticed files with a .GSR2 extension in the folder. These
Golden Software Reference files are created when you save a projected file from Strater. For
example, if you create a map, assign a Coordinate System, when you export the map to some file
formats, such as TIF, you will see both the filename.tif and filename.tif.gsr2 in the directory.

The Golden Software Reference files contain the projection settings used to project the data in
Golden Software programs. Projection, datum, and georeference information are stored in
the .GSR2 file. When you create a map from a file that has an associated .GSR2 file in Strater, the
projection information is used when displaying the map. If the Golden Software Reference file is
deleted, the boundary can be imported but it will not be projected properly.

Strater .SDG file format retains all of the information in a map, including projection information.

Image (Bitmap) File Descriptions

A bitmap is an image displayed as an array of dots or "bits." In Strater, images are typically
imported or displayed as a base map.

Device-independent bitmaps and BMP file format

A typical BMP file usually contains the following blocks of data:
BMP File Header Stores general information about the BMP file
Bitmap Information Stores detailed information about the bitmap image.
(DIB header)
Color Palette Stores the definition of the colros being used for indexed color
Bitmap Data Stores the actual image, pixel by pixel

The following sections discuss the data stored in the BMP file or DIB in details. This is the standard
BMP file format.[2] Some bitmap images may be stored using a slightly different format, depending
on the application that creates it. Also, not all fields are used; a value of 0 will be found in these
unused fields.

DIBs in memory
A BMP file is loaded into memory as a DIB data structure, an important component of the Windows
GDI API. The DIB data structure is the same as the BMP file format, but without the 14-byte BMP

BMP file header

Appendix C - File Formats

This block of bytes is at the start of the file and is used to identify the file. A typical application
reads this block first to ensure that the file is actually a BMP file and that it is not damaged. Note
that the first two bytes of the BMP file format (thus the BMP header) are stored in big-endian order.
This is the magic number 'BM'. All of the other integer values are stored in little-endian format (i.e.
least-significant byte first).
Offset# Size Purpose
0 2 the magic number used to identify the BMP file: 0x42 0x4D (Hex
code points for B and M)
2 4 the size of the BMP file in bytes
6 2 reserved; actual value depends on the application that creates the
8 2 reserved; actual value depends on the application that creates the
10 4 the offset, i.e. starting address, of the byte where the bitmap data
can be found.

Bitmap information (DIB header)

This block of bytes tells the application detailed information about the image, which will be used to
display the image on the screen. The block also matches the header used internally by Windows
and OS/2 and has several different variants. All of them contain a dword field, specifying their size,
so that an application can easily determine which header is used in the image. The reason that
there are different headers is that Microsoft extended the DIB format several times. The new
extended headers can be used with some GDI functions instead of the older ones, providing more
functionality. Since the GDI supports a function for loading bitmap files, typical Windows
applications use that functionality. One consequence of this is that for such applications, the BMP
formats that they support match the formats supported by the Windows version being run. See the
table below for more information.

Size Header Identified by Supported by the GDI of

40 Windows V3 BITMAPINFOHEADER all Windows versions since Windows 3.0
12 OS/2 V1 BITMAPCOREHEADER OS/2 and also all Windows versions since
Windows 3.0
64 OS/2 V2
108 Windows V4 BITMAPV4HEADER all Windows versions since WIndows 95/NT4
124 Windows V5 BITMAPV5HEADER WIndows 98/2000 and newer

For compatibility reasons, most applications use the older DIB headers for saving files. With OS/2
being obsolete, for now the only common format is the V3 header.

Color Palette
The palette occurs in the BMP file directly after the BMP header and the DIB header. Therefore, its
offset is the size of the BMP header plus the size of the DIB header.

The palette is a block of bytes (a table) listing the colors available for use in a particular indexed-
color image. Each pixel in the image is described by a number of bits (1, 4, or 8) which index a
single color in this table. The purpose of the color palette in indexed-color bitmaps is to tell the
application the actual color that each of these index values corresponds to.

Strater 5 User’s Guide

A DIB always uses the RGB color model. In this model, a color is terms of different intensities (from
0 to 255) of the additive primary colors red (R), green (G), and blue (B). A color is thus defined
using the 3 values for R, G and B (though stored in backwards order in each palette entry).

The number of entries in the palette is either 2n or a smaller number specified in the header (in the
OS/2 V1 format, only the full-size palette is supported).[2][4] Each entry contains four bytes,
except in the case of the OS/2 V1 versions, in which case there are only three bytes per entry.[4]
The first (and only for OS/2 V1) three bytes store the values for blue, green, and red,
respectively,[2] while the last one is unused and is filled with 0 by most applications.

As mentioned above, the color palette is not used when the bitmap is 16-bit or higher; there are no
palette bytes in those BMP files.

Bitmap Data
This block of bytes describes the image, pixel by pixel. Pixels are stored "upside-down" with respect
to normal image raster scan order, starting in the lower left corner, going from left to right, and
then row by row from the bottom to the top of the image.[2] Uncompressed Windows bitmaps can
also be stored from the top row to the bottom, if the image height value is negative.

RGB color (24-bit) pixel values are stored with bytes in the same order (blue, green, red) as in the
color table.[2]

If the number of bytes matching a row (scanline) in the image is not divisible by 4, the line is
padded with one to three additional bytes of unspecified value (not necessarily 0) so that the next
row will start on a multiple of 4 byte location in memory or in the file. (the total number of bytes in
a row can be calculated as the image size/bitmap height in pixels) Following these rules there are
several ways to store the pixel data depending on the color depth and the compression type of the

File Formats
The term image (bitmap) includes the following file formats:
• BMP Bitmap .BMP
• ECW ERMapper Images .ECW
• EPS Encapsulated Postcript .EPS
• GIF Graphics Interchange Format .GIF
• JPEG Compressed Bitmap .JPG
• JPG-2000 Bitmap .J2K
• PNG Portable Network Graphics .PNG
• PNM Portable Any Map Image .PNM, .PPM, .PGM, .PBM
• RAS Sun Raster Image .RAS, .SUN
• RGB Silicon Graphics RGB Image .RGB, .RGBA, .BW
• SID LizardTech MrSID Image .SID
• TGA TrueVision Targa .TGA
• TIF Tagged Image File Format .TIF, .TIFF

Import Options Dialog

No import options dialog is displayed for most image file formats.

Appendix C - File Formats

See MrSID Import Options Dialog.

See .ECW Image Import Options Dialog.

Export Options Dialog

See Image (Bitmap) Export Options Dialog

Loading a BMP
Use the File | Import or Map | Create | Base Map to load a .BMP file.

JPG File Interchange Format .JFIF, .JPG, .JPEG File Description

Strater imports and exports JPEG JFIF raster image files.

The JPEG File Interchange Format, .JFIF, is a image file format standard. It is a format for
exchanging JPEG encoded files compliant with the JPEG Interchange Format .JIF standard. It solves
some of JIF's limitations in regard to simple JPEG encoded file interchange. As with all JIF compliant
files, image data in JFIF files is compressed using the techniques in the JPEG standard, hence JFIF
is sometimes referred to as "JPEG/JFIF".

JFIF defines a number of details that are left unspecified by the JPEG standard (ISO/IEC IS 10918-
1, ITU-T Recommendation T.81):

Resolution and aspect ratio

The JPEG standard does not include any method of coding the resolution or aspect ratio of an
image. JFIF provides resolution or aspect ratio information using an application segment extension
to JPEG. It uses Application Segment #0, with a segment header of 'JFIF\x00', and specifies that
this must be the first segment in the file, hence making it simple to recognise a JFIF file. Exif
images recorded by digital cameras generally do not include this segment, but typically comply in
all other respects with the JFIF standard.

Color Space
JPEG does not define which color encoding is to be used for images. JFIF defines the color model to
be used: either Y for greyscale, or YCbCr as defined by CCIR 601. Since this is not an absolute color
space — unless an ICC profile, colorspace metadata, or an sRGB tag is provided and interpreted – a
decoded JFIF image will be in a device-dependent RGB colorspace. Hence, JFIF does not by itself
provide a mechanism for accurately transporting color-managed images across the Internet.

File Format
The JFIF meta data resides in the JPEG Application Segment APP0, having the zero-terminated
ASCII string "JFIF" as segment header.

Import Options Dialog

No import options dialog is displayed.

Export Options Dialog

See Bitmap Export Options Dialog for additional information.

Legal Notice

Strater 5 User’s Guide

This software is based in part on the work of the Independent JPEG Group.

JP2 JPG 2000 File Interchange Format .JP2, J2K, .JPC, .JPT, .JPEG2000, .J2000
File Description
Strater imports and exports JP2 JPEG 2000 raster image files. The JPEG 2000 File Interchange
Format, .JP2, is a image file format standard with additional wavelet compression techniques. It is a
format for exchanging JP2 encoded files compliant with the JPEG Interchange Format standard. This
format is based on the ISO standard (ISO 15444/6). JPEG2000 offers both losssless and lossy
compression and creates smaller file sizes than JPG exports. The image is also better quality than
the traditional JPG format.

Spatial Reference Information

Some applications associate spatial reference information (such as projection, datum, and
georeference parameters) with bitmap images representing a region of the Earth’s surface. If the
program you’re running has spatial reference information to export, the option to save the
information will appear on the Spatial References tab when exporting. The GeoJP2 format allows
the spatial reference information to be stored in one file, along with the image.

Import Options Dialog

No import options dialog is displayed.

Export Options Dialog

See Size and Color, Spatial References, and JPEG-2000 Options

Google Earth Keyhole Markup .KML and. KMZ File Description

Strater can import and export .KML and .KMZ files. Use the Map | Create | Base Map or Map |
Add | Base Layer command to import a KML or KMZ file as a base layer.

.KML and .KMZ files are imported into Google Earth to display information, such as maps or point
locations, on Google Earth maps. Both .KML and .KMZ files contain the same information. The
difference is that .KMZ files are compressed versions of .KML files. When exporting to .KML or .KMZ
files, images are exported to the same directory specified by the Export dialog.

Coordinate System
.KML and .KMZ files require that the coordinates be in latitude and longitude degrees. This means
that the Map object in the Object Manager is converted to lat/long (WGS84) when exporting. The
program does this conversion internally. No change is needed to the Map target coordinate system.

Non-map objects must be excluded from the export for the KML/KMZ file to export the map with
the correct coordinates. One method is to select the Map object in the Object Manager before
clicking the File | Export | Graphic command. Next check the Selected objects only check box in
the Export dialog. Another method for exporting without non-map objects is to turn off the
visibility of any drawn objects (legends, polylines, etc.) by clicking the check box next to the
objects in the Object Manager.

Import Options Dialog

Appendix C - File Formats

See KML Google Earth Import Options Dialog

Export Options Dialog

See KML Export Options Dialog, Scaling, Spatial References

.LAS Log ASCII Standard File Description

The .LAS Log ASCII Standard file format is a format widely used to exchange well log data.
Originally .LAS was designed around a collection of file “sections”. Each section begins with a title
line, marked with a tilde (“~”) at the beginning of the line. Sections for well structure, parameter
information, and actual parameter data are included in most .LAS files. Strater currently imports
version 1.2, 2.x, and most 3.x .LAS files. For additional information on specifics about each file
format, refer to the Canadian Well Logging Society.

Import Options Dialog

See LAS Import Options

Export Options Dialog

See LAS Export

MapInfo Interchange Format .MIF File Description

MapInfo Interchange Format .MIF files contain boundary objects including areas, curves and points.
The objects optionally have attributes (such as color or line style) associated with them.

.MIF files are text files that are usually used as base maps.

MID File
Each. MIF file is usually accompanied by a file with the same name, but with the .MID file name
extension. The .MID file contains attribute information about the objects in the map. This
information is imported in the objects' attributes. The .MID file can be opened in a table with the
File | Open command.

The MIF file format limits attribute values to 254 characters. If an attribute value has more than
254 characters, a warning message will be issued. MapInfo may be unable to read the exported MIF
file. It is suggested that the attribute values be limited to only 254 characters.

The MIF file format limits all attributes for a single object to a total of 4000 characters. This
includes all attribute names and attribute values. If an object has more than 4000 characters, a
warning message will be issued. MapInfo may be unable to read the exported MIF file. It is
suggested that the number of characters be reduced so that all attribute names and values are
limited to less than 4000 characters.

The MIF file format requires that all attribute names start with a character other than a number.
When an attribute name starts with a number in Strater, the attribute name will automatically be
renamed to start with an underscore. For example, the attribute name 1table will be renamed to

Strater 5 User’s Guide

Import Options Dialog

No import options dialog is displayed.

Loading .MIF Files

MapInfo .MIF files can be loaded with the File | Import and Map | Create | Base Map

Export Options Dialog

See MapInfo Interchange Format (MIF) Export Options Dialog

Adobe Portable Document Format .PDF File Description

Portable Document Format, .PDF, is a file format used for document exchange. PDF is used for
representing two-dimensional documents. PDF was created by Adobe Systems.

File Structure
A .PDF. file consists primarily of eight object types.
• Boolean values, representing true or false
• Numbers
• Strings
• Names
• Arrays, ordered collections of objects
• Dictionaries, collections of objects indexed by Names
• Streams, usually containing large amounts of data
• The Null object
Import Options Dialog
See PDF Import Options Dialog

Export Options Dialog

Use the File | Export | Graphic command to export as a PDF (Raster) (*.PDF) file or a PDF
(Vector) (*.PDF) file. Alternately, you can use the File | Print command to print to a PDF driver if
you have one installed.

GeoPDF Import and Export

When a GeoPDF file with a defined coordinate system is imported into Strater as a base map in a
map view window, the PDF is imported with the correct map coordinates and coordinate system.

When a map with a defined coordinate system is exported to a vector PDF file format, a GeoPDF file
is created. The scaling source for the GeoPDF is changed on the Scaling tab in the Export Options

When a map with a defined coordinate system is exported to a raster PDF, the georeference options
for the GeoPDF are changed on the Scaling and Spatial References tabs in the Export Options
dialog. The Internal file format option must be checked on the Spatial References page to create
a raster GeoPDF.

Appendix C - File Formats

Only a single map object can be exported to a GeoPDF. If other drawn objects (legends, scale bars,
text, etc.) exist in the Strater file, select the map object prior to clicking the Export command and
check the Selected objects only check box in the Export dialog.

An add-on, such as TerraGo toolbar, may be needed to view the GeoPDF options in Adobe's Acrobat
or PDF Reader programs. The map layer and map must have an assigned coordinate system in
Strater prior to the export.

Golden Software PlotCall .PLT File Description

Strater can import Golden Software PlotCall .PLT files.

PlotCall files .PLT contain line graphics designed to be output on pen plotters. The curve, point and
text objects of a PlotCall file are imported into Strater with the File | Import command. There is
no capability to export PlotCall files.

In the PlotCall file, each pen used is assigned a number. There can be up to 16 pens used in a
PlotCall file.

PlotCall files can be either ASCII files (i.e., they can be edited with a text editor or word processor)
or binary files (can't be edited) containing commands. Each command occupies one record and
begins with a two-letter operation code (op-code) to determine its function. The currently
supported op-codes are:

Op-code Function
MA Move Absolute
PA Plot Absolute
TR Translate
SC Scale
PS Plot String
SS Set Symbol Set
RO Rotate
PI Pivot
SP Select Pen

The general format of most commands is "op-code X,Y" where X and Y are coordinate values
measured in inches. See Golden Software's PlotCall manual for a detailed description of each
command. PlotCall files are usually produced by Golden Software's DOS applications, or by special
user-written programs on PCs or mainframes.

Import Options Dialog

No import options dialog is displayed.

Export Options Dialog

Strater does not export .PLT files.

Strater 5 User’s Guide

Stanford Polygon .PLY File Description

PLY is a computer file format known as the Polygon File Format or the Stanford Triangle Format.
The format was designed to store three dimensional data from 3D scanners. It supports a relatively
simple description of a single object as a list of nominally flat polygons. A variety of properties can
be stored including: color and transparency, surface normals, texture coordinates and data
confidence values. The format permits one to have different properties for the front and back of a

File Format
Files are organized as a header, that specifies the elements of a mesh and their types, followed by
the list of elements itself, usually vertices and faces eventually other entities such as edges,
samples of range maps, and triangle strips can be encountered.

The header of both ASCII and binary files is ASCII text. Only the numerical data that follows the
header is different between the two versions. The header always starts with the line 'ply'. The
header helps to identify this as a genuine 'PLY' file.


The second line indicates which variation of the PLY format this is. It should be one of:

format ascii 1.0

format binary_little_endian 1.0
format binary_big_endian 1.0

Future versions of the standard will change the revision number at the end - but 1.0 is the only
version currently in use.

Comments may be placed in the header by using the word 'comment' at the start of the line.
Everything from there until the end of the line should then be ignored. eg:

comment This is a comment!

The 'element' keyword introduces a description of how some particular data element is stored and
how many of them there are. Hence, in a file where there are 12 vertices, each represented as a
floating point (X,Y,Z) triple, one would expect to see:

element vertex 12
property float x
property float y
property float z

Other 'property' lines might indicate that colours or other data items are stored at each vertex and
indicate the data type of that information. Regarding the data type there are two variants,
depending on the source of the ply file, the type can be specified with one of char uchar short
ushort int uint float double, or one of int8 uint8 int16 uint16 int32 uint32 float32 float64. For an
object with ten polygonal faces, one might see:

Appendix C - File Formats

element face 10
property list uchar int vertex_index

The word 'list' indicates that the data are a list of values - the first of which is the number of entries
in the list (represented as a 'uchar' in this case) and each list entry is (in this case) represented as
an 'int'.

At the end of the header, there must always be the line:


In the ASCII version of the format, the vertices and faces are each described one to a line with the
numbers separated by white space. In the binary version, the data are simply packed closely
together at the 'endianness' specified in the header and with the data types given in the 'property'
records. For the common "property list..." representation for polygons, the first number for that
element is the number of vertices that the polygon has and the remaining numbers are the indices
of those vertices in the preceding vertex list.

Stanford Polygon (.PLY) files can be imported into Strater. The geometry (shape) information from
PLY models is the only item imported. Any surface/material properties of the PLY model are
ignored. No import options dialog is displayed.

Strater does not currently support exporting .PLY files.

This implementation is based on the file format described in Greg Turk's 1998 "The PLY Polygon File
Format" document, which can be found on the Internet.

Portable Network Graphic .PNG File Description

Strater imports and exports Portable Network Graphic .PNG files.

Portable Network Graphics .PNG is an image format that employs lossless data compression. PNG
was created to improve upon and replace GIF (Graphics Interchange Format) as an image-file
format not requiring a patent license.

PNG supports palette-based, greyscale, or RGB images. PNG does not support CMYK color spaces.

Import Options Dialog

No import options dialog is displayed.

Export Options Dialog

See Size and Color and Spatial References

Strater 5 User’s Guide

Portable Any Map .PNM File Description

Strater imports Portable Any Map .PNM, Portable Pixel Map .PPM, Portable Gray Map .PGM, and
Portable Bitmap .PBM files. Strater exports .PNM files.

Although there are both binary and ASCII variants of this file format, the current version of the
filter always writes binary files when exporting.

The portable pixmap file format .PPM, the portable graymap file format .PGM and the portable
bitmap file format .PBM specify rules for exchanging graphics files. They provide very basic
functionality and serve as a least-common-denominator for converting pixmap, graymap, or image
files between different platforms. Several applications refer to them collectively as the PNM format
(portable anymap).

The .PGM and .PPM formats (both ASCII and binary versions) have an additional parameter for the
maximum value in a line between the X and Y dimensions and the actual pixel data.

Import Options Dialog

No import options dialog is displayed.

Export Options Dialog

See Size and Color and Spatial References

Sun Raster Image .RAS, .SUN File Description

Strater imports and exports Sun Raster .RAS and .SUN image files.

The Sun Raster .RAS and .SUN file format originated at Sun Microsystems and is a common file
format for storing bitmap images on UNIX and Solaris workstations.

Import Options Dialog

No import options dialog is displayed.

Export Options Dialog

See Size and Color and Spatial References

Silicon Graphics .RGB Image File Description

Strater imports and exports Silicon Graphics Image .RGB, .RGBA, and .BW files.

This file format .RGB, .RGBA, .BW originated on Silicon Graphics workstations and is/was used in a
variety of high-end imaging applications, both Unix- and Windows-based. The file name extension is
sometimes used to indicate the format of the image contained in the file, but is not required to do
so. The extensions are typically .BW for black and white images, .RGB for 24-bit color images,
and .RGBA for 32-bit color images with an alpha channel.

Appendix C - File Formats

Import Options Dialog

No import options dialog is displayed.

Export Options Dialog

See Size and Color and Spatial References

.SP1 SEG Standard Data Exchange File Description

The .SP1 SEG standard data exchange file format is a format widely used in the geophysical
industry to exchange data for shotpoint locations for seismic surveying. Strater currently imports
version SP1 file formats. Shotpoint locations are usually those computed locations which are the
best estimates of where actual data points are located in the field. The locations are derived from a
variety of complex field data. This format is applicable for both land and marine locations and has
sufficient flexibility for use in 3D seismic surveys. This can include gravity, magnetic data, or other
data about each shotpoint. For additional information on specifics about each file format, refer to
the Society for Exploration Geophysicists.

SP1 files can be opened in a table using the File | Open command or File | Import command in a
table view. Alternatively, the SP1 format can be used to create a base map in the map view.

The SEG and SP1 file formats are fairly flexible and can include data in latitude and longitude or in
easting, northing, and depth/elevation formats. When loading latitude/longitude data, the WGS84
datum is assumed.

Import Options Dialog

See SEG SP1 Import Options

Export Options Dialog

Strater does not currently support exporting SP1 files.

LizardTech MrSID .SID File Description

The MrSID (pronounced Mister Sid) is an acronym that stands for multiresolution seamless image
database. It is a file format developed and patented by LizardTech for encoding of georeferenced
raster graphics.

Import Options Dialog

See MrSID Import Options Dialog.

Export Options Dialog

Strater does not currently have the ability to export MrSID .SID files.

Third Party Notice

Portions of this computer program are copyright (C) 1995-2008 Celartem, Inc., doing business as
LizardTech. All rights reserved. MrSID is protected by U.S. Patent No. 5,710,835. Foreign Patents

Strater 5 User’s Guide

Esri Shapefile .SHP File Description

Esri Shapefiles are typically usually used in Strater as base maps. Compressed (ZIP, TAR, TAR.GZ,
TGZ) Shapefiles can be imported directly into Strater. However if the compressed folder contains
more than one Shapefile, only the first Shapefile is imported.

Esri Shapefiles are in a binary file format (i.e., they can't be created or modified with a text editor
or word processor) that is compatible with Arc/Info, Arc/View, and other Esri application programs.
This format is used to store spatial information including boundary objects such as areas, curves,
and points. Spatial information is only concerned with the location of objects in space (i.e., their
coordinates) and not with their attributes (such as line or fill style, marker symbol used, text labels,

Four types of files are produced with each export:

Filename Description
.SHP Contains the coordinates of each object in the
.SHX Contains the file offset of each object in the .SHP file.
.DBF Contains the attribute text associated with each
object in the .SHP file.
.CPG Contains the Unicode code page number.

In each of the .SHP, .SHX, and .DBF files, the shapes in each file correspond to each other in
sequence. That is, the first record in the .SHP file corresponds to the first record in the .SHX
and .DBF files, and so on. The .SHP and .SHX files have various fields with different endianness, so
as an implementor of the file formats you must be very careful to respect the endianness of each
field and treat it properly.

A shapefile is a digital vector storage format for storing geometric location and associated attribute
information. This format lacks the capacity to store topological information. The shapefile format
was introduced with ArcView GIS version 2 in the beginning of the 1990s. It is now possible to read
and write shapefiles using a variety of free and non-free programs.

Shapefiles are simple because they store primitive geometrical data types of points, lines, and
polygons. These primitives are of limited use without any attributes to specify what they represent.
Therefore, a table of records will store properties/attributes for each primitive shape in the
shapefile. Shapes (points/lines/polygons) together with data attributes can create infinitely many
representations about geographical data. Representation provides the ability for powerful and
accurate computations.

While the term "shapefile" is quite common, a "shapefile" is actually a set of several files. Three
individual files are normally mandatory to store the core data that comprises a shapefile. There are
a further eight optional files which store primarily index data to improve performance. Each
individual file should conform to the MS DOS 8.3 file nameing convention (8 character file name
prefix, fullstop, 3 character file name suffix such as shapefil.shp) in order to be compatible with

Appendix C - File Formats

past applications that handle shapefiles. For this same reason, all files should be located in the
same folder.

Shapefiles deal with coordinates in terms of X and Y, although they are often storing longitude and
latitude, respectively. While working with the X and Y terms, be sure to respect the order of the
terms (longitude is stored in X, latitude in Y).

Mandatory files
• .SHP - shape format; the feature geometry itself
• .SHX - shape index format; a positional index of the feature geometry to allow seeking
forwards and backwards quickly
• .DBF - attribute format; columnar attributes for each shape, in dBase III format

Optional files
• .PRJ - projection format; the coordinate system and projection information, a plain text file
describing the projection using well-known text format
• .SBN and .SBX - a spatial index of the features
• .FBN and .FBX - a spatial index of the features for shapefiles that are read-only
• .AIN and .AIH - an attribute index of the active fields in a table or a theme's attribute table
• .IXS - a geocoding index for read-write shapefiles
• .MXS - a geocoding index for read-write shapefiles (ODB format)
• .ATX - an attribute index for the .dbf file in the form of shapefile.columnname.atx (ArcGIS 8
and later)
• .SHP.XML- metadata in XML format
• .CPG - file containing the single value code page to be used for ANSI to Unicode translation
of attribute text in associated .DBF files.

Shapefile shape format .SHP

The main file [.SHP] contains the primary geographic reference data in the shapefile. The file
consists of a single fixed length header followed by one or more variable length records. Each of the
variable length records includes a record header component and a record contents component. A
detailed description of the file format is given in the Esri Shapefile Technical Description.[1] This
format should not be confused with the AutoCAD shape font source format, which shares the .shp

The main file header is fixed at 100 bytes in length and contains 17 fields; nine 4-byte (32-bit
signed integer or int32) integer fields followed by eight 8-byte (double) signed floating point fields:

Bytes Type Endianness Usage

0-3 int32 big File code (always hex value 0x0000270a)
4-23 int32 big Unused; five uint32
24- int32 big File length (in 16-bit words, including the header)
28- int32 little Version

Strater 5 User’s Guide

32- int32 little Shape type (see reference below)

36- double little Minimum bounding rectangle (MBR) of all shapes contained within
67 the shapefile; four doubles in the following order: min X, min Y,
max X, max Y
68- double little Range of Z; two doubles in the following order: min Z, max Z
84- double little Range of M; two doubles in the following order: min M, max M

The file then contains any number of variable-length records. Each record is prefixed with a record-
header of 8 bytes:

Bytes Type Endianness Usage

0-3 int32 big Record number
4-7 int32 big Record length (in 16-bit words)

Following the record header is the actual record:

Bytes Type Endianness Usage

0-3 int32 big Shape type (see reference
4- - - Shape content

The variable length record contents depend on the shape type. The following are the possible shape

Value Shape Type Fields

0 Null shape None
1 Point X, Y
3 Polyline MBR, Number of parts, Number of points, Parts, Points
5 Polygon MBR, Number of parts, Number of points, Parts, Points
8 MultiPoint MBR, Number of points, Points
11 PointZ X, Y, Z, M
13 PolylineZ Mandatory: MBR, Number of parts, Number of points, Parts, Points, Z
range, Z array
Optional: M range, M array
15 PolygonZ Mandatory: MBR, Number of parts, Number of points, Parts, Points, Z
range, Z array
Optional: M range, M array
18 MultiPointZ Mandatory: MBR, Number of points, Points, Z range, Z array
Optional: M range, M array
21 PointM X, Y, M

Appendix C - File Formats

23 PolylineM Mandatory: MBR, Number of parts, Number of points, Parts, Points

Optional: M range, M array
25 PolygonM Mandatory: MBR, Number of parts, Number of points, Parts, Points
Optional: M range, M array
28 MultiPointM Mandatory: MBR, Number of points, Points
Optional Fields: M range, M array
31 MultiPatch Mandatory: MBR, Number of parts, Number of points, Parts, Part types,
Points, Z range, Z array
Optional: M range, M array

In common use, shapefiles containing Point, Polyline, and Polygon are extremely popular. The "Z"
types are three-dimensional. The "M" types contain a user-defined measurement which coincides
with the point being referenced. Three-dimensional shapefiles are rather uncommon, and the
measurement functionality has been largely superseded by more robust databases used in
conjunction with the shapefile data.

Shapefile shape index format (.shx)

The shapefile index contains the same 100-byte header as the [.SHP] file, followed by any number
of 8-byte fixed-length records which consist of the following two fields:

Bytes Type Endianness Usage

0-3 int32 big Record offset (in 16-bit
4-7 int32 big Record offset (in 16-bit

Using this index, it is possible to seek backwards in the shapefile by seeking backwards first in the
shape index (which is possible because it uses fixed-length records), reading the record offset, and
using that to seek to the correct position in the [.SHP] file. It is also possible to seek forwards an
arbitrary number of records by using the same method.

Shapefile attribute format .DBF

Attributes for each shape are stored in the xBase (dBase) format, which has an open specification.

Shapefile attribute format .CPG

file containing the single value code page to be used for ANSI to Unicode translation of attribute
text in associated .DBF files.
Shapefile projection format .PRJ
The projection information contained in the [.PRJ] file is critical in order to understand the data
contained in the [.SHP] file correctly. Although it is technically optional, it is most often provided,
as it is not necessarily possible to guess the projection of any given points. The file is stored in well-
known text (WKT) format.

Some typical information contained in the [.PRJ] file is:

• Geographic coordinate system
• Datum (geodesy)

Strater 5 User’s Guide

• Spheroid
• Prime meridian
• Map projection
• Units used
• Parameters necessary to use the map projection, for example:
• Latitude of origin
• Scale factor
• Central meridian
• False northing
• False easting
• Standard parallels

Shapefile spatial index format (.sbn)

This is a binary spatial index file, which is used only by Esri software. The format is not
documented, and is not implemented by other vendors. The [.SBN] file is not strictly necessary,
since the [.SHP] file contains all of the information necessary to successfully parse the spatial data.

Topology and shapefiles
Shapefiles do not have the ability to store topological information. ArcInfo coverages and
Personal/File/Enterprise Geodatabases do have the ability to store feature topology.

Spatial representation
The edges of a polyline or polygon are defined using points, which can give it a jagged edge at
higher resolutions. Additional points are required to give smooth shapes, which requires storing
quite a lot of data compared to, for example, bézier curves, which can capture complexity using
smooth curves, without using as many points. Currently, none of the shapefile types support bézier

Data storage
Unlike most databases, the database format is based on older xBASE standard, incapable of storing
null values in its fields. This limitation can make the storage of data in the attributes less flexible. In
ArcGIS products, values that should be null are instead replaced with a 0 (without warning), which
can make the data misleading. This problem is addressed in ArcGIS products by using Esri's
Personal Geodatabase offerings, one of which is based on Microsoft Access.

Mixing shape types

Each shape file can technically store a mix of different shape types, as the shape type precedes
each record, but common use of the specification dictates that only shapes of a single type can be
in a single file. For example, a shape file cannot contain both Polyline and Polygon data. Thus, well
(point), river (polyline) and lake (polygon) data must be kept in three separate files.

Import Options Dialog

No import options dialog is displayed.

Appendix C - File Formats

Export Options Dialog

See Esri Shapefile Export Options Dialog

.SVG Scalable Vector Graphics File Description

SVG files are an XML based vector image format designed for use with two-dimensional
graphics. SVG files can contain raster graphics, vector polylines and polygons, and text. When
exported from Golden Software programs, SVG files contain text that is drawn as vector polylines
and polygons. Objects are typically grouped in the .SVG file.

SVG is an open standard available for import and export from many programs. SVG is intended to
be portable between applications. The SVG file format is maintained by the W3C SVG Working

Import Options
Strater does not currently import this file format.

Export Options Dialog

See Export Options - Scaling Page

SYLK Spreadsheet [.SLK] File Description

Strater imports and exports data to SYLK spreadsheet [.SLK] files.

Symbolic Link SYLK is a Microsoft file format typically used to exchange data between applications,
specifically spreadsheets. SYLK files conventionally have a [.SLK] suffix. From within a spreadsheet
data can be exported in the SYLK format. Composed of only displayable ANSI characters, it can be
easily created and processed by other applications, such as databases.

Microsoft does not publish a SYLK specification. Variants of the format are supported by Multiplan,
Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Works, OpenOffice.org, and Gnumeric.

Note that even if a SYLK file is created by an application that supports Unicode (for example
Microsoft Excel), the SYLK file will be encoded in the current system's ANSI code page, not in
Unicode. If the application contained characters that were displayable in Unicode but have no
codepoint in the current system's code page, they will be converted to question marks ('?') in the
SYLK file.

Sample SYLK code

As an example, the following SYLK code in a text file with the [.SLK] extension:

C;Y1;X1;K"Row 1"
C;Y2;X1;K"Row 2"

Strater 5 User’s Guide


would be displayed like this when read by an appropriate spreadsheet:

Row 1 11
Row 2 22
Total 33

Import Options Dialog

No import options dialog is displayed.

Opening .SLK Files

.SLK files can be imported with the File | Open command or the File | Import command in a

Export Options Dialog

No export options dialog is displayed.

Saving .SLK Files

.SLK files can be saved from a worksheet using the File | Export Data | Worksheet command.

Truevision Targa .TGA File Description

TARGA is an acronym for Truevision Advanced Raster Graphics Adapter; TGA is an initialism for
Truevision Graphics Adapter. Today, most people refer to the format as the "TARGA File Format".

File Format
Truevision's (now AVID) TGA file format, often referred to as TARGA file format, is a raster graphics
file format. It was the native format of Truevision Inc.'s TARGA and VISTA boards, which were the
first graphic cards for IBM-compatible PCs to support Highcolor/truecolor display. This family of
graphic cards was intended for professional computer image synthesis and video editing with PCs;
for this reason, usual resolutions of TGA image files match those of the NTSC and PAL video

TGA files commonly have the extension .TGA on PC DOS/Windows systems. The format can store
image data with 8, 16, 24, or 32 bits of precision per pixel, the maximum 24 bits of RGB and an
extra 8-bit alpha channel. Color data can be color-mapped, or in direct color or truecolor format;
optionally, a lossless PackBits RLE compression can be employed.

Uncompressed 24-bit TGA images are relatively simple compared to several other prominent 24-bit
storage formats: A 24-bit TGA contains only an 18-byte header followed by the image data as
packed RGB data. In contrast, BMP requires padding rows to 4-byte boundaries, TIFF and PNG are
metadata containers that do not place the image data or attributes at a fixed location within the

Import Options
No import options dialog is displayed.

Appendix C - File Formats

Export Options
See Size and Color and Spatial References

Tagged Image File Format .TIF File Description

The tagged image file format .TIF or .TIFF is a file format for storing images, including photographs
and line art. The TIFF format is widely supported by a variety of applications.

Strater can import and export .TIF and .TIFF files.

The TIFF specification allows an unusually wide variety of different formats and encodings within
the same file format. While the filter can read most of the common variants of TIFF, it would be
impractical to develop software to read every possible variant. The TIFF filter supports a wide
variety of TIFF files that use the PlanarConfiguration 2 encodings.

TIFF images that contain bit per pixel counts other than 1, 4, 8, 16, 24, or 32 may not be readable
depending on the encoding and alignment of the data.

TIFF images that are encoded with photometric interpretation models other than RGB, YCbCr,
grayscale, or monochrome may not be readable.

Some of the compression algorithms allowable under the TIFF specification are not supported by

Some .TIF files contain size information. If the .TIF does not contain actual georeference
coordinates, it will be imported with these size coordinates, if available. If not available, the image
is imported with pixel count as the units.

Only a single map object can be exported to a GeoTIFF. If other drawn objects (legends, scale bars,
text, etc.) exist in the Strater file, these objects should be temporarily deleted before exporting.

Import Options
No import options dialog is displayed.

Export Options
See Tagged Image File Format .TIF Export Options Dialog.

Visual Tool Kit .VTK File Description

Strater can import and export Visualization Tool Kit .VTK data sets. This implementation is based
on version 4.2 of the VTK File Format documentation from Kitware.

Strater 5 User’s Guide

VTK data sets can contain several types of lattice data and/or geometric figures. The content of VTK
files can be in ASCII text format or a mixed binary/ASCII format in which headers and parameters
are in ASCII format but the data values are in binary format.

File name extension: .VTK

Format(s) Supported for Import

• point set; double

Import Options
No import options dialog is displayed.

Export Options
Strater does not export .VTK files.

Import Restrictions/Limitations
The implementation of the software does not directly support geometric figures in VTK data sets.
Geometric figures are currently imported as Strater point sets, with one point at each vertex in the
geometric model.

.WMF Windows Metafile File Description

Windows stores graphical objects (i.e., pictures) in a special form called a metafile. Such pictures
can be stored on disk or in the Windows Clipboard. When these pictures are imported (or pasted
from the Clipboard), the objects can be optionally separated and stored individually.

Windows Metafiles are intended to be portable between applications and may contain both vector
and image components. In contrast to raster formats such as .JPEG and .GIF which are used to
store image (bitmap) graphics such as photographs, scans and graphics, Windows Metafiles
generally are used to store line-art, illustrations and content created in drawing or presentation
applications. Most Windows clipart is in the .WMF or .EMF format.

Windows Metafile .WMF is a 16-bit format introduced in Windows 3.0. It is the native vector format
for Microsoft Office applications such as Word, PowerPoint, and Publisher. A newer 32-bit version
with additional commands is called Enhanced Metafile (EMF). EMF is also used as a graphics
language for printer drivers.

The Windows metafile formats are Windows Clipboard (Picture) .CLP, Windows Metafile
(Enhanced) .EMF, and Windows Metafile .WMF.

Import Options Dialog

See Windows Metafile Import Options Dialog.

Export Options Dialog

See Windows Metafile Export Options Dialog.

Excel Files

Appendix C - File Formats

Microsoft Excel .XLS, .XLSX files contain data and retain some cell formatting in Strater. Some
information, such as formulas, is ignored. Excel files can preserve all formatting information
available in the Golden Software worksheet.

When creating a table from an Excel file with the File | Open or File | Open Multiple Data Files
command, the table name depends on the number of sheets in the Excel file. When an Excel file
contains only one sheet, the table is named after the Excel file. When the Excel file contains
multiple sheets, the table is named after the specific sheet used to create the table.

Excel .XLS
Excel .XLS files are Microsoft Excel documents. Worksheet cell data and some cell formatting are
retained with this format. Other types of information, such as formulas, are ignored.

Excel .XLS format files can preserve all formatting information available in the Golden Software
worksheet. This format has a 65,536-row limit and a 256-column limit in Excel 97 and greater.
Therefore, this format cannot be used to store very large data sets.

Excel .XLSX
Excel .XLSX files are Microsoft Excel 2007/2010 XML spreadsheets. Worksheet cell data and cell
formatting are retained with this format. Other types of information, such as formulas, are ignored.

Excel .XLSX format files can preserve all formatting information available in the Golden Software
worksheet. This format has a 1,048,576-row limit and a 16,384-column limit in Excel 2007 and

Excel .XLSM
Excel .XLSM files are Microsoft Excel 2007/2010 XML spreadsheets. XLSM files can contain macros
and VBA scripts. Worksheet cell data and cell formatting are retained with this format. Other types
of information, such as formulas, are ignored.

Excel .XLSM format files are not saved in Strater.

Use Caution when Saving Excel Files!

A file can be saved in an Excel format from Strater worksheet, but only one worksheet can be
saved with the File | Export Data | Worksheet command. Strater does not allow for saving
multiple worksheets in a single Excel document. If a multi-worksheet Excel file is opened and saved
as an .XLS or .XLSX file from the Strater worksheet, be aware that only the single worksheet is
saved in the document. If the existing file is overwritten, all the unused worksheets are destroyed.
In this case, a warning message is issued. The message reads: Saving this worksheet will destroy
all but one of the sheets in the existing *.xls, *.xlsx file. To overwrite the file, click OK. To choose a
different file name, click Cancel.

To save multiple worksheet views to a new XLSX file, click the File | Export Data | Multi-Sheet
XLSX command. You can select which sheets should be saved to a new workbook using this

Special Characters Used in Excel Files

There are a number of special characters that can be contained in an Excel file that the worksheet
cannot handle in the same way as Excel. For these characters, Strater substitutes a reasonable
representation so the value displayed in the cell looks similar to what was displayed in Excel.

Strater 5 User’s Guide

Import Options Dialog

See Excel XLS Import Options Dialog and Excel XLSX Import Options Dialog

Export Options
See Excel Export Options Dialog.

Import Options
Import Graphic
Click the File | Import Graphic command, click the button, or press CTRL+I on the keyboard
to import a graphic or other object, such as a company logo or location map into any pane in the
borehole view, map view, or cross section view.

The Import Dialog

Use the File | Import Graphic command to insert an image or other common graphic file into an
existing Strater project.

Select the file to import in the Import dialog.

Look In

Appendix C - File Formats

The Look in field shows the current folder. Click the down arrow to choose a new folder. Click on
the folders to change directories.

The buttons to the right of the Look in field allow you to create new folders and change the view of
the file list.

File List
The File list displays files in the current folder. The current folder is listed in the Look in field. The
Files of type field controls the display of the file list. To see all files in the folder, choose All Files
(*.*) from the Files of type list. Double-click on a file to open it or single click the file and then click
the Open button.

File Name
The File name field shows the name of the selected file. You can also type a path and file name into
the box to open a file

Files of Type
The Files of type field shows the file format to be opened. To change the file format click the down
arrow and select the file type from the list. All Files (*.*) display all files in a folder.

To Import an Object:
1. Click the File | Import Graphic command.
2. In the Import dialog, select the file to import and click Open.
3. The object is positioned at the center of the active pane in the cross section view and
borehole view and at the center of the page in the map view. To move the object, click and
drag the object to the desired location.
4. To resize the object, click on the object and drag the corner selection handle to the desired
size, or use the Position/Size toolbar.

Set the width in the W box and the height in the H box for the imported object.

Copy/Cut and Paste Objects into Any Pane

You can copy and paste (or cut and paste) almost any object, including logs from other Strater
projects, directly into the header, footer, or log panes. These objects include Word or Excel
documents, images in common formats, and objects from other Golden Software products, such as
Surfer® and Grapher® . Some properties of the text might not follow with the Paste command,
such as font color. If this occurs, double-click inside the pasted text box to format the text within

Data Formatting Requirements for Logs

There are specific data table setup requirements for each log type in Strater. The actual source file
type of the data is not important as long as the resulting data table in Strater is formatted
appropriately to create the desired log(s). The following table provides information on data
formatting for each log type.

Data Log Properties - General Concepts

Strater 5 User’s Guide

Required data columns must be present in an imported data file. However, they do not have to be
named the default names found in Strater or positioned in their default Strater position. For
example, the default name for the column containing the identification number for the borehole is
named Hole ID and is located in the first (far left) column in Strater; however, the actual column
containing this data in the data file can have any name and be in any column position.

Many users have data in external tables (such as .XLS) that they want to import into Strater to be
used in logs. Use the information in Modifying Loaded Data for Logs to make this importing process
as easy as possible.

Table of Required Columns for Strater Logs

Use the following table to determine the types of data columns required for each log type.

Log Type: Click the log type name for additional information about the log type and data needed
for that log.

Table Columns Required: Required columns are automatically created in the data table when you
create this type of log. They cannot be deleted from the data table. In the case of Lithology, Well
Construction, and Registered Raster logs the required columns also include the data columns
because the full functionality of the logs requires these specific columns.

Data Columns Needed: These columns contain the data that is displayed in the logs in the
borehole view. They are not required to create the data table, although they must be present (with
data) to display a functioning log in the borehole view.

Log Type Table Columns Required Data Columns Needed

Depth Hole ID, Depth None
Line/Symbol Hole ID, Depth One data column (numeric)
Crossplot Hole ID, Depth Two data columns (numeric)
Zone Bar Hole ID, From, To Keyword
Bar Hole ID, Depth One data column (numeric)
Percentage Hole ID, Depth At least two data columns (numeric)
Tadpole Hole ID, Depth Two data columns (numeric),
optional keyword
Post Hole ID, Depth One data column (numeric)
Classed Post Hole ID, Depth One data column (numeric)
Complex Hole ID, From, To or Hole ID, One data column (numeric or
Text Depth alphanumeric)
Graphic Hole ID, From, To One data column (contains image
file names)
Lithology Hole ID, From, To, Lithology Lithology Keyword (alphanumeric),
Keyword, Lithology optional Lithology Description
Description, Indent (alphanumeric), optional Indent
Percentage, Indent Keyword, Keyword (alphanumeric), optional
Indent Line Scale Indent Percentage (numeric),
optional Indent Line Scale (numeric)

Appendix C - File Formats

Registered registration file OR range table <none>

Raster (Hole ID, From, To, Log Top,
Log Bottom, Log Left, Log
Right, Raster Log, Ref 1
Depth, Ref 2 Depth, Ref 1
Pixel, Ref 2 Pixel)
Unregistered <none> <none>
Well Hole ID, From, To, Well Item, Well Item (alphanumeric), Offset
Construction Offset, Inner Diameter, Outer (numeric), Inner Diameter
Diameter (numeric), Outer Diameter
Function Hole ID, Depth One data column (numeric -
calculated from function)

Strater default settings are controlled through the File | Options dialog.

Modifying Imported Data for use with Logs

Many users have data in external tables (such as .XLS) that they want to import into Strater to be
used in logs. Use the following information to make this importing process as easy as possible.

Strater Data Table Requirements

Strater data tables have specific requirements for column names and types of data in columns,
and each log type has required columns that must be present in order for Strater to even
recognize the table as usable for a particular log type.

In some cases, the external data is not formatted in a manner usable by Strater. However, the
data importing process includes dialog boxes that allow you to modify and adjust the data being
imported to conform with the data table requirements.

Using Data Tables Without Headers

Strater assumes that the first row is the default location for column header information. If a
imported data table does not include this information you can add it during the import process or
edit the row number for the row containing the header. Column header labels are not required, but
do make working with data easier.

As an example, the following is a data table that does not include header column information:

Strater 5 User’s Guide

Strater can use data tables that do

not have column header information.

There is usable data in this table, but because the columns are not labeled you can add the column
headers during the import function:
1. Click the Log | Create Log | Line/Symbol command.
2. Click inside the log pane to fix the position where a line/symbol log will be displayed.
3. The Open dialog is displayed. Navigate to the location of the file to open, click on the file
name to select it, and click Open.
4. The Specify Worksheet Column Definitions dialog opens. Note the content of the Column
Name field:

Appendix C - File Formats

The Specify Worksheet Column Definitions dialog allows

you to name each column in an imported data table.
5. Enter a name for the first column in the Column Name field.
6. Click a cell in column 2, which changes the contents of the Column Name field.
7. Enter the name for column 2 in the Column Name field.
8. Repeat this process for Column 3.
9. Do not click the Specify Column Header Row check box because the actual column header is
not in a table row.
10. Click Next.
11. In the Specify Data Type and Column Positions dialog, link the data columns and click
Finish. The data appears in the table, ready to use.

Associating Data Table Columns to Required Log Columns

Each log type has specific required columns of data that must appear in a specific location in the
table. As an example, the Hole ID column is always in the first (far left) position in the Strater data

You can specify which column of data in the data file corresponds to the required column in the
data table. Strater will then change the location of the columns to match the position you specified
during the import process.

Let us use as an example an Excel spreadsheet data table, such as the one below:

Strater 5 User’s Guide

You can import from .XLS files even if the columns are not
named or placed in accordance with Strater default values.

All the required columns (Hole ID, Depth) are present for a line/symbol log, but they are named
differently and not in the default order.

To import into Strater for a line/symbol log:

1. Click the Log | Create Log | Line/Symbol command.
2. Click inside the log pane to fix the position where a line/symbol log will be displayed.
3. The Open dialog is displayed. Navigate to the location of the file to import, highlight the file
and click Open.
4. The Specify Worksheet Column Definitions dialog opens. Click the Specify Column
Header Row check box because the column header information (Drill Depth, Au, Borehole
Name) is in row 1, which is the default row for header information.
5. Click Next. The Specify Data Type and Column Positions dialog opens:
6. Note that the contents of the Hole ID and Depth fields are incorrect. They display the column
names associated with the default positions for these two required data columns. Because
the columns of the imported .XLS file has these required columns in different locations you
must change these two fields.
7. Use the drop-down menus to select the appropriate columns for Hole ID and Depth:

Appendix C - File Formats

Change the required column definitions to match the column locations in the imported data table.
7. Click Finish. The log is correctly displayed.
8. Click the Sheet1 tab. Note that the names of the required columns have changed from their
names in the imported .XLS file. In addition, their positions have changed:

The required column names will always appear as

the default names, even when the source data has
different names for these columns.

By using this technique you can adapt data files in Strater without having to go into the source
data file location and make edits in the original file. As long as the required data is present in
columns, you can make the necessary adjustments during the data importing process.

Strater 5 User’s Guide

Import Data
Strater allows you to import data from various data sources. You can maintain your data in other
applications, such as a database, and import the tables you need into Strater to create boreholes.
Any changes made to the data in the original application can be updated in Strater with the Data |
Reload | Data or Data | Reload | All commands. Data imported into Strater can be edited and
transformed. When changes are made to data in Strater the original data external to Strater is
not changed.

Open Data into a New Table

To open data into a new table:

1. Click the File | Open command, click the button, or press CTRL+O on the keyboard.
2. In the Open dialog, select a data file and click Open.
3. Set the information in the dialogs that follow. Specify options in each of the dialogs and click
a. For .XLS, .XLSX, .SLK, .CSV, .TXT, .DAT, .DBF, .DB, .BNA, and .BLN files set the
information in the dialogs Specify Worksheet Column Definitions and Specify
Data Type and Column Positions.
b. For ACCDB and .MDB files first select the specific table or query in the Database
Tables and Fields dialog. Then set the information in the dialogs Specify
Worksheet Column Definitions and Specify Data Type and Column Positions.
c. For .LAS files use the LAS Import Options dialog to set the LAS-specific (Log ASCII
Standard) importing options.
d. For Data Link Source (use the Load Database button in the Open dialog to use this
function) set the information in the dialogs Data Link Properties, Database Tables
and Fields, and Specify Data Type and Column Positions.
4. After the data importing process is complete, a new table is created. The new table becomes
the active window in the borehole view.

Import Data into an Existing Table

To import data into an existing table:
1. Select the tab for the desired data table. You can import data only into the currently active
data table.
2. Click the File | Import Data command or right-click inside the data table and select the
Import command.
3. In the Import Data dialog, select the appropriate data file and click Open.

Appendix C - File Formats

These options are available only when importing a data file.

5. Set the information in the dialogs that follow. Strater imports the data for the columns
already existing in the current table and optionally adds new columns specified in the
Import Data Into Current Table dialog. The dialogs that appear are dependent upon the
type of file you selected for importing:
a. For .XLS, .XLSX .SLK, .CSV, .TXT, .DAT, .BNA, and .BLN files set the information in
the dialogs Specify Worksheet Column Definitions and Import Into Current
Table. The latter dialog maps column data in the source data table to the correct
column in the Strater data table.
b. For multisheet .XLS and .XLSX files, the Multisheet Export Selection dialog will
appear. Select all sheets to import.
c. For database files ( ACCDB, .MDB, .DBF, and .DB) files first select the specific table
or query in the Database Tables and Fields dialog. Set the dialogs Specify
Worksheet Column Definitions and Import Into Current Table.
d. For LAS files (.LAS) set the options in the LAS Import Options dialog.
e. For Data Link Source (use the Load Database button to open this function) set the
information in the dialogs Data Link Properties, Database Tables and Fields, and
Specify Data Type and Column Positions.
6. When data is imported into an existing table it is automatically the active table in the
borehole view.

Note About Importing Data Into an Existing Table

Data are imported into a current table when that data table is selected in the workspace. If you
import data during log item creation, the data are always imported into a new table. For more
information see Import Data Into Current Table.

Strater 5 User’s Guide

Loading a Database
Click the Load Database button in the Open or Import Data dialogs to open the data linking
function. Data linking provides a method to link to virtually any database supported by Microsoft via
an OLE DB Provider, ODBC, or some other supported format. Set the database information in the
dialogs Data Link Properties, Database Tables and Fields, and Specify Data Type and Column

Reload Data
Click the Data | Reload | Data command or right-click in a table and choose Reload Data to
reload data from the original data source. When the data are reloaded, any previous changes made
to the original data in the data table are overwritten.

If you import data and plan to make changes to the data within Strater do not use Data | Reload
| Data. Undo is not available for this command.

If you do not want a data table to update ever again with the Reload Data or Reload All
commands, you can unlink the data from the original source with the Table | Table | Browser

When reloading data, only the data that was originally imported into the data table is reloaded. Any
new data added to the data file will not be loaded into the data table.

When a data table cannot be found, the Reload Data dialog appears. The header bar in the dialog
displays the original external source name. Select the new appropriate data file and click Open to
update the data. If a table is not linked to an external file, the Data | Reload | Data command will
not be available. Use the Table | Table | Browser command to link the data to the new external
data file.

Microsoft Access .MDB and .ACCDB Import Options Dialog

Microsoft Access .MDB is a binary database file format used by pre-2007 versions of Microsoft
Access. The .ACCDB format is used in Access 2007 and 2010. Strater can import data from tables
and queries in both Access .MDB and .ACCDB formats.

Database Tables and Fields Dialog

In the worksheet, select File | Import to import a .MDB or .ACCDB file. The Database Tables
and Fields dialog opens when you select a database file to import into Strater.

Appendix C - File Formats

The Database Tables and Fields dialog appears when you load a database table into Strater.

Choose a table to load

This sections lists all tables that are in the database file. Highlight the specific file to import. When a
file is selected its contents appear in the next two fields.

Available fields in the table

This section lists all the fields in the selected file. This section is read-only.

Preview of the table content

This section displays a preview of the contents of the selected file. This section is read-only.

Data Import Options

If a file is in an ASCII text format with an unrecognized file extension, the Data Import Options
dialog appears when opening the file. Choose the Delimiters used in the file (Tab, Comma,
Semicolon, Space, or Other), and the Text Qualifiers used in the file (Double Quote or Single

The Data Import Options Dialog

Strater 5 User’s Guide

The Data Import Options dialog may appear when importing tabular data from delimited text files
(i.e. .DAT, .CSV, .TXT). These file formats are assumed to have one record per line in which each
record contains a fixed number of numeric data fields.

The Data Import Options dialog allows you to specify import options.

Field Format
Specify the format of the input fields in the Field Format group. The options are Delimited or Fixed

Choose Delimited (fields are separated by tabs or other characters) if the imported data uses
delimiters (tab, semicolon, comma, space, other) to separate data fields. The Delimiters group is
used to specify how the fields are separated if Delimited (fields are separated by tabs or other
characters) is the selected Field Format.

Fixed Width
Choose Fixed Width (each field is a fixed number of characters wide) if the imported data uses a
fixed width to separate data fields.

Appendix C - File Formats

Start Import at Row

Specify the row number at which to start the data import in the Start import at row box. To change
the first row to import, highlight the existing value and type a new value or click the buttons to
increase or decrease the value. For example, a value of one will start the data import at row one. A
value of five will start the data import at row five and ignore the data in rows one through four.

Choose the desired delimiters to be used during the import process by checking the box next to
Tab, Comma, Semicolon, or Space. You may also enter a custom delimiter in the Other box. More
than one delimiter may be checked.

Text Qualifiers
Check the box next to Double Quote or Single Quote in the Text Qualifiers group to indicate the
correct qualifier to identify text values in the data file. Everything between the selected characters
will be interpreted as a single value, and any delimiter characters between text qualifiers are
ignored and treated as part of the text.

Double Quote
Check the box next to "Double Quote" to specify that everything between those marks should be
interpreted as a single value, and any delimiter characters between any two quote characters are
not treated as a delimiter.

For example, if Space is chosen as the delimiter and Double Quote is chosen as the text qualifier,
the string "Aspen Park" is treated as a single data value due to the double quotes surrounding it,
and the space delimiter between the words is treated as part of the value.

Single Quote
Check the box next to 'Single Quote' to specify that everything between those marks should be
interpreted as a single value, and any delimiter characters between any two quote characters are
not treated as a delimiter.

For example, if Space is chosen as the delimiter and Single Quote is chosen as the text qualifier,
the string 'Aspen Park' is treated as a single data value due to the single quotes surrounding it, and
the space delimiter between the words is treated as part of the value.

Skip Leading Spaces

Check the box next to Skip leading spaces to tell the software to ignore spaces that appear before
initial text.

Treat Consecutive Delimiters as One

Check the box next to Treat consecutive delimiters as one to instruct the software to interpret any
consecutive delimiters into a single delimiter rather than breaking to a new column for each
consecutive delimiter.

Use Comma as Decimal Symbol

Check the box next to Use comma as decimal symbol to interpret every comma as the decimal
symbol. The number 123,45 in the file would be displayed as 123.45 in the program worksheet with
this option checked.

Strater 5 User’s Guide

The parsed data are shown in the Preview section.

The Encoding section allows the choice of Unicode data or ANSI data when importing or opening an
ASCII data file. Unicode data is often referred to as international data. It would include character
sets from Russia, Israel, China, Greece, Hungary, among others. After selecting Unicode, select the
ANSI text translation [codepage] option that will read the data correctly. If the data does not
appear correctly in the Preview window, the Encoding may be specified incorrectly.

ANSI encoding contains characters within the first 256 characters of a font. These are normally in

The locale section of the dialog contains options for determining date/time values. The Language
(Country) setting determines which month names are interpreted as part of a date. For example, if
German (Germany) is selected, "Oktober" will be recognized as a valid month name. English month
names are always recognized as valid month names. The default Language (Country) is determined
by the user locale set in the Windows Control Panel. To change the Language (Country), click the
current option and select a language from the list.

The Date order option specifies the order in which dates are written in the data file. The date
02/03/04 is ambiguous and could be Month-Day-Year, Day-Month-Year, Year-Month-Day, etc. The
Date order option ensures dates in the data file are imported correctly into Surfer. The default
Date order is Auto. The standard date order for the Language (Country) setting is used when Date
order is set to Auto. Specify the Date order for the data file import by clicking the current Date
order selection and then selecting the desired Date order from the list. All six combinations of Day
(D), Month (M), and Year (Y) are included in the Date order list.

OK or Cancel
Click OK to proceed with the import process. Click Cancel to close the dialog without importing the
data set.

SDTS Topological Vector Profile .TVP Import Options Dialog

SDTS TVP Import Options Dialog

Select any .DDF file to open the Import Options dialog.

Appendix C - File Formats

Customize the import options in the SDTS TVP Import Options dialog.

Nodes Options
These options determine which Node items are imported. If All Nodes is selected, all nodes in the
SDTS data set are imported. If Free-Standing Only is selected, only those nodes that are not
associated with an area or line are imported. If No Nodes is selected, none of the nodes are

Lines Options
These options determine which Line items are imported. If All Lines is selected, all lines in the SDTS
data set are imported. If Free-Standing Only is selected, only those lines that are not associated
with an area are imported. If No Lines is selected, none of the lines are imported.

Areas Options
These options determine which Area items are imported. If All Areas is selected, all areas in the
SDTS data set are imported. If All Except Map Frame is selected, the areas that make up the outline
of the map will not be imported. If No Areas is selected, none of the areas are imported.

Some SDTS data sets supplied by USGS contain a map frame that is expressed in the data set as a
normal polygon instead of an "invisible" polygon (i.e. a "PC" entity instead of a "PW" or "PX" entity
in SDTS terminology). In such cases, the All Except Map Frame control will have no effect.

By Module List Box

If the name of a specific module is selected, imported items will be limited to those that reside in
the specified module. If (ALL) is selected, items will be imported from all modules in the SDTS data

By Record ID Edit Boxes

Strater 5 User’s Guide

Each item in the SDTS data set has a unique record ID number. To import only those items within a
specific range of record IDs, enter the lowest desired record ID number in the Min edit box, and the
highest desired record ID number in the Max edit box.

By Attribute, AND Attribute Controls

Application-specific attributes are associated with some items in an SDTS data set. To import only
those items that have a specific attribute, select the name of the desired attribute in the Name list
box and enter the value of the desired attribute in the Value edit box. If (ALL) is selected in the list
box, items will be imported without regard to attributes. If both By Attribute and AND Attribute are
specified, only those items that have both of the specified attributes will be imported.

Areas To Curves Check Box

If this is checked, any areas in the data set will instead be imported as lines (curves) instead of
polygonal areas.

Defaults Button
The Defaults button resets the Import Options to default values. The default options direct the
Import Filter as follows: Import free-standing nodes, import free-standing lines, import all areas,
don't limit by module, record ID, or attribute, don't import areas as curves, and don't synthesize

SDTS Topological Vector Profile Import Filter Messages

The following messages may appear while importing SDTS Topological Vector Profile files.

Expected SDTS TVP data. Found SDTS DEM or raster

This error message:
The import file appears to be in an unrecognized format. Make sure the file is a properly formatted
SDTS Topological Vector Profile file.

may appear if the selected .DDF file is in the incorrect format. If you receive this message after
choosing Map | Create Base Map, you likely have a SDTS DEM file.

DICOM Import Options Dialog

The DICOM Import Options Dialog

Import a DICOM .AN?, .DCM, file into Surfer and the DICOM Import Options dialog opens.

Customize import options in the DICOM Import Options dialog.

Apply Auto-Contrast

Appendix C - File Formats

Check the Apply auto-contrast box to expand the dynamic range of the import data to fit the
maximum extents of the import data type. This can improve visibility (contrast) on images recorded
with low dynamic range.

USGS Digital Line Graph .DLG Import Options Dialog

Import Options

The Import Options dialog controls what is imported from the USGS DLG files.

Nodes, Areas, Lines

The Nodes , Areas, and Lines groups of check boxes control how the Import Filter handles the
Node, Area and Line entries in the DLG (Digital Line Graph) file.

All Nodes - If checked, consider all nodes. If they meet the selection criteria, they will be passed
to the application as points.

Free standing only - If checked, consider only free-standing nodes. If they meet the selection
criteria, they will be passed to the application as points. The only free-standing nodes are the map
reference points.

All Areas - If checked, consider all area items. If they meet the selection criteria, they will be
passed to the application.

No Map Frame - If checked, the area that makes up the map frame won't be imported.

Strater 5 User’s Guide

Areas to curves - If checked, any selected areas passed to the application will be passed as a
series of "curve" objects (lines), as opposed to the usual "area" objects (polygons).

All Lines - If checked, consider all line items. If they meet the selection criteria, they will be
passed to the application as "curve" objects.

Free standing only - If checked, consider only free-standing line segments. This is the normal
case, since one usually wants line segments that are area boundaries to be passed to the
application as part of one or more "area" objects.

Selection Criteria
The Selection Criteria edit boxes allow you to specify a value (like 140) or range of values (like
6001-6009 inclusive) which limit the items considered. Leave an edit box empty to place no limit.

ID Number
Only items with the specified ID or IDs within the specified range will be passed back to the
application. This is useful for importing a single item (or group of items) of one type. For example,
to import just Area 100, make sure no Nodes or Lines boxes are checked, the All Areas box is
checked and 100 is entered in the ID Number edit box. The Import Filter considers no nodes or
lines and, within areas, only those with ID 100, and passes back one area, Area 100.

Major and Minor Attribute

If the Range radio button in the Attributes group is turned on, the edit controls for the Major and
Minor attributes are enabled. Only items that have at least one attribute code whose Major attribute
falls within the specified range and whose corresponding Minor attribute falls within its specified
range will be passed to the application. For example, to import reservoirs only, open the
appropriate water bodies file (S??_WB.LGO), check only All Areas, enter nothing in the ID Number
edit box (means any ID), turn on the Range radio button and enter 40 in the Major Attribute edit
box (Water Bodies) and 106 (Reservoir) in the Minor Attribute edit box.

If the List radio button in the Attributes group is turned on, the list box is enabled. Only items that
have at least one attribute code whose Major and Minor attributes match one of the attribute pairs
in the list box will be passed to the application. To add attribute pairs into the list box, click File Info
button to bring up the File Info dialog, and double-click the attribute pairs in the Attributes group
in the File Info dialog. To remove an item from the list box select that item and then click the
Clear button. You may remove multiple items at one time by selecting multiple items in the list box.

The Projection radio buttons control how coordinates are returned to the application. DLG files have
coordinates calculated using a Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) or Albers Equal Area Ellipsoid
projection. UTM is used in 1:24,000-scale maps and 1:100,000-scale maps, while Albers is used in
1:2,000.000-scale maps.

The native file coordinates of 1:24,000-scale maps or 1:100,000-scale maps are returned to the
application, but the application is also given the parameters used in the UTM projection. Use of this
option makes sense only if the application understands how to handle a UTM projection.

Appendix C - File Formats

The native file coordinates of 1:2,000,000-scale maps are returned to the application, but the
application is also given the parameters used in the Albers projection. Use of this option makes
sense only if the application understands how to handle an Albers projection.

Unprojected Lat/Long
The file coordinates are converted from their native form to Lat/Long and the application is
informed that it is receiving Lat/Long coordinates. This can lengthen the import time considerably,
since substantial computation is involved.

The native file coordinates are returned to the application, but the application is told that the
projection is unknown.

DLG files typically have many vertices in each line segment, often more than are needed for many
tasks. The DLG Import Filter provides two methods for reducing the number of vertices.

When you check Automatically, the import filter applies an algorithm which requires no further
input. This algorithm reduces the number of vertices on most DLG line segments by about 50-80%.

Use Deviation Angle

Achieve finer control over vertex reduction by unchecking the Automatically box and entering a
Deviation Angle (in degrees). Use small angles (5-10 degrees) to eliminate a few points, somewhat
larger angles (15-25 degrees) to eliminate more points and use larger angles (30-60 degrees) to
eliminate the greatest possible number of points.

USGS DLG files have no text ID items associated with Nodes, Areas or Lines. The line segments
that make up the Pecos River, for example, are stored as free-standing line segments with river
attribute codes, but there is no way to distinguish those line segments from any other line
segments with river attributes. Sometimes, it is useful for investigation purposes to know the
numeric ID of imported items. When the Synthesize IDs box is checked, the Import Filter
synthesizes a Primary ID for each item using the item's type and numeric ID value. (Examples are
"N14" for Node 14, "A237" for Area 237 and "L1067" for Line 1067.)

The Defaults button resets the Import Options to default values. The default options direct the DLG
Import Filter as follows: ignore all Nodes, consider all Areas (selected areas are returned as
polygons), consider free-standing lines, place no limiting selection criteria, use UTM or Albers
projection and do not synthesize text IDs.

File Info
When the File Info is clicked, the File Info dialog appears. The base file information is displayed,
such as Image Extents, Object IDs, and Major/Minor Attributes.

USGS Digital Line Graph .DLG File Info Dialog

Strater 5 User’s Guide

File Info Dialog

The File Info box displays additional

information about the DLG file.

When the File Info button is clicked in the DLG Import Options dialog, the File Info dialog opens.
The base file information is displayed, such as Image Extents, Object IDs, and Major/Minor

AutoCAD DXF Import Options Dialog

The Import Options dialog allows you to specify options which determine how information in the
file is imported.

AutoCAD-compatible Drawing Exchange Format .DXF files contain information describing graphical
objects, such as areas, curves, points and text. The DXF Import Filter reads DXF files and structures
the information in a form usable by the application.

Appendix C - File Formats

Customize import options in the DXF Import Options dialog.

Color Number
DXF files contain no direct color information, but use color numbers (1-255) instead. There is an
adhoc standard association of colors with the first 7 color numbers: Red, Yellow, Green, Cyan, Blue,
Magenta and Black. By double-clicking on items in the COLOR list box, you can change the color
associated with a specific color number.

Pressing the Default button will assign a default set of colors to each color number.

Apply View Angle

If any viewing angles have been applied in AutoCAD, check Apply View Angle to preserve these
settings. The unrotated coordinates will not be preserved if this box is checked.

Skip Paperspace Entities

To import only graphical entities from AutoCAD's 'modelspace' and skip importing entities from
'paperspace', check the Skip Paperspace Entities option. If this option is not selected, entities from
both 'paperspace' and 'modelspace' are imported. This option is checked, by default.

File Info
Click the File Info button to display the file information concerning the image extents, color
numbers used and layers used in the .DXF file. The dialog extends to show this information, as
shown above.

Colors Used
Selecting a color number displayed in the Colors Used list box automatically selects that color
number in the Color list box.

Layers Used
Double-clicking on a layer displayed in the Layers Used list box displays the Layer Name dialog,
showing the graphical entities present in the layer and a check box showing whether the layer is
marked frozen (invisible) or not.

AutoCAD Entities
The point, line, and polygon AutoCAD entities are currently supported.

Strater 5 User’s Guide

Import Messages
The following messages may appear while attempting to import [.DXF] files.

Incomplete Entity
Some vital groups are missing from an entity in the DXF file. Make sure the layer and other
required groups are present.

Couldn't find a block to insert

The program attempted to insert a block while the latter couldn't be found. Make sure the format of
the BLOCKS section is correct, and the appropriate block is available.

Warning: 3-D extrusion not supported

The imported drawing contains one or more extruded objects which may not display properly after
import. The DXF import filter software does not support the extrusion of two-dimensional objects to
three dimensions within a DXF file. Click Yes to import the objects. Objects may appear incorrectly.
Click No to import the .DXF file without any objects that contain an extrusions.

AutoCAD DXF Import Options - Layer Name Dialog

Layer Name Dialog

Double-clicking on a layer displayed in the Layers Used list box of the DXF Import Options dialog
displays the Layer Name dialog, showing the graphical entities present in the layer and a check
box showing whether the layer is marked frozen (invisible) or not.

Specify the layer name for the

DXF import in the Layer Name dialog.

Entities on this Layer

Select a option from the Entities on this layer box. Left-click to select an option. The selected option
will be highlighted. Only one entity can be selected at once.

Freeze this Layer

Appendix C - File Formats

Check the Freeze this layer (Click OK to save) option to freeze/unfreeze layers prior to importing.
Objects in layers that are marked frozen will not be imported into the application.

Esri ArcInfo Export Format .E00 Import Options Dialog

The Import Options dialog allows you to specify options which determine how information in the
file is imported. Each of the controls in this dialog is described below.

Select the E00 import options in the Import Options dialog.

These options determine which Node items are imported.
• If All Nodes is selected, all nodes in the drawing are imported.
• If No Nodes is selected, none of the nodes are imported.
These options determine which Area items are imported.
• If All Areas is selected, all areas in the file are imported.
• If No Areas is selected, none of the areas are imported.
These options determine which Line items are imported.
• If All Lines is selected, all lines in the file are imported.
• If Free-Standing Only is selected, only those lines that are not associated with an area are
• If No Lines is selected, none of the lines are imported.

Strater 5 User’s Guide

The selection in this list determines which groups of text items are imported.
• If All Text Groups is selected, all text items from the import file are imported.
• If No Text is selected, no text items from the import file are imported.
• If the name of a specific group is selected in the list, only the text items from that group are
imported. Some import files don't contain any named groups of text items, in which case the
only selections possible will be All Text Groups or No Text.
Import Areas as Curves
Check the Import Areas as Curves box to convert each area object into one or more curve (line)

Preview Objects To Import Display

This area of the dialog displays a rough preview of the items that are selected for import from the
import file. Any lines selected for import are displayed in black. Any areas selected for import are
displayed in light gray with a black border. Any nodes selected for import are displayed as black
crosses. Any text items selected for import are displayed as dark gray rectangles. Any changes to
the dialog controls that effect which objects are selected for import will be reflected in the preview

ER Mapper .ECW Import Options Dialog

Strater can import ER Mapper .ECW image files. The ECW Image Import Options dialog is
displayed when importing ECW files.

Appendix C - File Formats

Customize the ECW pixel reduction, import region, or read-only import in the
ECW Image Import Options dialog.

Image Preview
The preview section displays a picture of the area to be imported. The preview section contains a
low resolution preview of the area. The cursor coordinates are displayed in pixel coordinates and in
map coordinates, when available.

• Click the buttons on the left side of the image preview to zoom in or out on the area.
Changing the zoom level does not affect the area to import. The area to import is indicated in
the preview section by a yellow outline.

• Click the button to fit the entire image in the preview window.

• Click the button on the left side of the image preview to quickly move the image in the
preview section. Click and hold the left mouse button down and drag the image to change
the view. Changing the view does not affect the area to import. The area to import is
indicated in the preview section by a yellow outline.

• Click the button on the left side of the image preview to change the extents of the image
that is imported. The initial region includes the entire image extents. Click and hold the left

Strater 5 User’s Guide

mouse button down and drag the mouse over the area to import. The zoom extents update
and the yellow box coincides with the area drawn. The Region selected for import section
also updates. Only the portion of the image highlighted by the yellow box will be imported.

Import Region
The region for import can be selected in the image preview or in the Region selected for import
section. The initial region includes the entire image extents. Type a value in pixels into the Top,
Left, Right, and Bottom fields to specify the imported region. The yellow outline in the image
preview is updated as the values are changed.

Pixel Reduction
Since some ECW images can be extremely large once expanded into memory, the import filter
allows the image to be reduced in dimensions by 1/2 to 1/32 of the original size via the options in
the ECW Image Import Options dialog. Choose from 1/1 (Uses the most memory, best quality),
1/2, 1/4, 1/8, 1/16, to 1/32 (Uses the least memory, lowest quality). The Final dimensions field
displays the final dimensions of the imported region. The Estimated size field displays the estimated
image size in Megabytes (MB).

Read-only Import
The Full resolution read-only 'on-the-fly' ECW image option imports the full ECW file in its native
form as a highly-compressed, read-only image. If a portion of the image is needed for display or
output, the necessary portion is extracted and decompressed "on the fly." This option provides
quick import and interactive panning and zooming without using large amounts of RAM or disk
space. However once an image is imported with Full resolution read-only 'on-the-fly' ECW image
checked, the image cannot be modified.

Windows Enhanced Metafile .EMF Import Options Dialog

The Enhanced Metafile Options dialog allows you to specify options which determine how
information in the file is imported.

A Windows Enhanced Metafile .EMF is a collection of objects combined together to produce an


Specify the EMF import options in the

Enhanced Metafile Options dialog.

Break Apart Metafile

Check the Break apart metafile option to break the metafile into its constituent graphical objects
during import. Uncheck the option to leave the metafile as a single composite object.

Appendix C - File Formats

Google Earth .KML and .KMZ Import Options Dialog

When using File | Import, Map | Create | Base Map, or Map | Add | Base Layer command to
import a Google Earth KML or KMZ file, the KML Import Options dialog specifies how point
placemarks are imported.

KML Import Options Dialog

The KML Import Options dialog contains three options for Google Earth KML/KMZ file import.

Specifiy point placemark options in the KML Import Options dialog.

Unstyled Point Placemarks

Select an option for unstyled point placemarks in the Unstyled point placemarks section. The Are
not imported option does not import the placemarks. The Import as marker symbols option imports
the placemarks as marker symbols. The Import as text option imports the placemark as text. The
placemark must be named to be imported as text. The Import as marker and text option imports
the placemark as both a marker symbol and text. Again, the text is only imported if the placemark
is named.

Point Placemarks with Label Style

Select an option for label styled point placemarks in the Point placemarks with label style section.
The Are not imported option does not import the placemarks. The Import as marker symbols option
imports the placemarks as marker symbols. The Import as text option imports the placemark as
text. The Import as marker and text option imports the placemark as both a marker symbol and

Point Placemarks with Icon Style

Strater 5 User’s Guide

Select an option for icon styled point placemarks in the Point placemarks with icon style section.
The Are not imported option does not import the placemarks. The Import as marker symbols option
imports the placemarks as marker symbols. The Import as text option imports the placemarks as
text if the placemarks are named. The Import as marker and text imports the placemarks as
marker symbols and text if the placemarks are named. The Import as icon images option imports
the placemark as icon images if the raster images are available.

Import Placemarks Marked Invisible

Check the Import placemarks even when marked invisible check box to include polyline, polygon,
and/or point placemarks when they are flagged as insvisible, i.e. visibility = 0. Only visible
placemarks will be imported when the Import placemarks even when marked invisible check box is
not checked.

LAS Import Options

Click the File | Open command or click the button to open a new data file into a Strater
project. In the Open dialog, select an LAS file and click Open. The LAS Import Options dialog is

To open multiple LAS data files at once, click the File | Open Multiple command in an existing
table view window. To import multiple LAS data files into a single table view, click the File |
Import command in the table view and select all of the files.

LAS data files use various names for the depth column, for example M_DEPTH, DEPT, etc. Strater
determines the depth column automatically and places these values in the Depth column in the
depth table that is created after importing the LAS data file.

If the LAS file contains multiple curves with the same name, all of the curves will be imported. Each
curve will be imported into a separate column. The first curve will keep the same name as in the
LAS file. The subsequent curves will include a number to designate the different curves. For
example in a LAS with three curves named PS, the first curve will be imported into a column named
PS. The next curve will be imported into a column named PS 1. The final curve will imported into a
column named PS 2.

LAS Import Options Dialog

The LAS Import Options dialog is used to set the LAS-specific (Log ASCII Standard) importing

Appendix C - File Formats

Set options for importing the LAS file in the LAS Import Options dialog.

LAS Version
LAS versions 1.2, 2.x and 3.x can be imported into Strater. For more information on LAS files,
refer to the Canadian Well Logging Society web page.

Data Preview
The Data Preview section displays the LAS file contents.

Well Information and Parameter Information

The Well Information and Parameter Information groups allow you to import various LAS file
information from the LAS header into text tables. Well Information is everything under the ~WELL
INFORMATION section in the LAS file and can be data such as Start depth, Stop depth, Step, NULL
Value, Location, Log Date, and Unique Well ID information. Parameter Information is everything
under the ~PARAMETER INFORMATION section in the LAS file and can be data such as Depth
Logger, Run Number, Depth Driller, Engineer's Name, and Logged by information. Not all LAS files
have parameter information. Not all LAS files contain information for all items.

Check the Import Well Data or Import Parameter Data boxes to import the information. If an LAS
information table is already created, click on the table names and select the appropriate table from
the list. Otherwise, click the button to create a new table. The resulting table contains
all the columns of information available in the LAS file.

Strater 5 User’s Guide

Hole ID
Click the box next to Hole ID to change the field that is used to name the well. Available options
include Well Name, API, and UWI. Select the appropriate option to use that field name for the hole
ID in Strater. If API or UWI are selected and that field is empty or missing from the LAS file, a
dialog appears prompting you to provide a Hole ID.

Convert LAS NULL Value to Project NULL Value

The Convert LAS NULL value to project NULL value option is checked by default and is used if you
prefer to use the null value you have defined in Strater instead of the null value defined in the LAS
file. This option is checked by default, which means the LAS null values are automatically converted
to the Strater null values. Uncheck this box if you do not want to use the Strater null values. You
can also define a null value in Strater by clicking the File | Options command.

Import Into Survey Table

Check the box next to Import into survey table to import the directional information from the LAS
file into a survey table. When checked, set the Hole Inclination and Hole Azimuth to the appropriate
parameter by clicking on the existing option and selecting the appropriate parameter name from
the list.

Import Data Units Into Column Properties

Check the box next to Import data units into column properties to have the units assigned for each
parameter in the LAS file automatically added as the column units in the Strater table. This option
is checked by default, importing the parameter information into the table. Uncheck the box to not
import the data units. Note, the file may not contain unit types for all columns.

Update API Code As Column Comment

The Update API code as column comment option assigns the LAS file API comments into the column
description box for each column in the Strater table. The Column Description can be used with
linked text. Note, the file may not contain API codes for all columns.

Data Column
When a line/symbol, zone bar, bar, post, classed post, complex text, or graphic log is selected
before the LAS Import Options dialog appears, an extra Data Column option is available. Click on
the existing column name and select the desired column from the list. The log type is automatically
created with the Data Column set to the selected column. If left to [Auto], the first column of data
is displayed for the log.

Use Same Settings for Subsequent LAS Files

When the File | Open Multiple command is used to open multiple LAS files at once, check the box
next to Use same settings for subsequent LAS files to use the same settings for all LAS files
imported. If this box is not checked, the Import Options dialog appears once for each LAS file.

Import or Cancel
When all parameters for the LAS import are selected click Import to open the LAS file in a new table
view in the current project. To exit the dialog without importing data click Cancel.

PDF Import Options Dialog

The PDF Import Options dialog is displayed when importing PDF files. All objects from the PDF file
are imported as images. When the PDF file is a GeoPDF file and contains coordinates, the PDF is
imported with the coordinates into a base map in the map view.

Appendix C - File Formats

The Import Options dialog controls what is imported from the PDF file.

Render Resolution
The Render resolution option controls the resolution of the imported images. Available options are
50, 75, 100, 125, 150, 200, 250, 300, and Custom DPI. The higher the DPI, the clearer the image
is when imported, but the larger the file size. The default is 150 DPI. Select Custom DPI to specify
any resolution value between 50 and 1200 that is not in the predefined list.

Import Which Pages

When a PDF contains more than one page, the Import which pages allows control over which page
is imported into the program. Import all pages imports each page in the PDF as a separate image.
Import only page number imports only the specified page number into the program. To change the
page number imported, select the Import only page number option and highlight the current value
and type the page number to import.

Check the box next to Enable antialiasing for raster and font graphics to smooth text and images in
the PDF file. Check the Enable antialiasing for vector graphics to smooth lines, polygons, and other
vector elements in the PDF. Checking these boxes results in a smoother appearance to the
imported PDF. Unchecking these boxes can result in objects in the images appearing pixelly.

SEG P1 Import Options Dialog

The SEG-P1 Import Options dialog allows you to specify options which determine how
information in the file is imported.

A SEG P1 file is a collection of point locations, usually used in geophysical shotpoints.

Strater 5 User’s Guide

Specify the SP1 import options in the

SEG-P1 Import Options dialog.

Coordinate Format
Select Import angular coordinates (latitude/longitude) if the data in the SP1 or SEG file is in latitude
and longitude. Select Import linear coordinates if the data in the SP1 or SEG file is in a Cartesian
coordinate system or an unknown linear coordinate system. Units can be in degrees, gradians,
meters, feet, or any unknown units.

DMS or Gradians
When the Import angular coordinates (latitude/longitude) is selected, the Specify the angular units
in the SEG-P1 file option becomes available. If the file contains degrees, minutes, and seconds,
select DMS. If the file contains gradians, select Gradians.

Scale Factors
When the Import linear coordinates is selected, the Easting scale, Northing scale, and Elevation
scale options are available. Highlight the existing value and type the new scale factor value in the
box. Scale factors are multiplied by the values in the import file to get appropriate coordinates. This
might be necessary if the Easting and Northing are in one set of units and the Elevation is in
another set of units.

OK or Cancel
Click OK to continue importing the tabular SP1 data into a new table or the vector format SP1 file
into a new base map. Click Cancel to quit importing the file.

LizardTech MrSID .SID Import Options Dialog

Strater can import LizardTech MrSID .SID image files. The SID Image Import Options dialog is
displayed when importing SID files.

Appendix C - File Formats

Customize the SID pixel reduction, import region, or read-only import in the SID Image Import
Options dialog.

Image Preview
The preview section displays a picture of the area to be imported. The preview section contains a
low resolution preview of the area. The cursor coordinates are displayed in pixel coordinates and in
map coordinates, when available.

• Click the buttons on the left side of the image preview to zoom in or out on the area.
Changing the zoom level does not affect the area to import. The area to import is indicated in
the preview section by a yellow outline.

• Click the button to fit the entire image in the preview window.

• Click the button on the left side of the image preview to quickly move the image in the
preview section. Click and hold the left mouse button down and drag the image to change
the view. Changing the view does not affect the area to import. The area to import is
indicated in the preview section by a yellow outline.

Strater 5 User’s Guide

• Click the button on the left side of the image preview to change the extents of the image
that is imported. The initial region includes the entire image extents. Click and hold the left
mouse button down and drag the mouse over the area to import. The zoom extents update
and the yellow box coincides with the area drawn. The Region selected for import section
also updates. Only the portion of the image highlighted by the yellow box will be imported.

Import Region
The region for import can be selected in the image preview or in the Region selected for import
section. The initial region includes the entire image extents. Type a value in pixels into the Top,
Left, Right, and Bottom fields to specify the imported region. The yellow outline in the image
preview is updated as the values are changed.

Pixel Reduction
Since some SID images can be extremely large once expanded into memory, the import filter
allows the image to be reduced in dimensions by 1/2 to 1/32 of the original size via the options in
the SID Image Import Options dialog. Choose from 1/1 (Uses the most memory, best quality),
1/2, 1/4, 1/8, 1/16, to 1/32 (Uses the least memory, lowest quality). The Final dimensions field
displays the final dimensions of the imported region. The Estimated size field displays the estimated
image size in Megabytes (MB).

Read-only Import
The Full resolution read-only 'on-the-fly' MrSID image option imports the full MrSID file in its native
form as a highly-compressed, read-only image. If a portion of the image is needed for display or
output, the necessary portion is extracted and decompressed "on the fly." This option provides
quick import and interactive panning and zooming without using large amounts of RAM or disk
space. However once an image is imported with Full resolution read-only 'on-the-fly' MrSID image
checked, the image cannot be modified.

Windows Metafile Import Options Dialog

The Enhanced Metafile Options dialog allows you to specify options which determine how
information in the file is imported.

A Windows Metafile .WMF and Enhanced Windows Metafile .EMF are collections of objects combined
together to produce an image.

Specify the import options in the

Enhanced Metafile Options dialog.

Break Apart Metafile

Appendix C - File Formats

Check the Break apart metafile option to separate the objects into individual entities. Do not select
this option if you want the objects to remain a single collection.

Import-Filter Messages
The following messages may appear while attempting to import .WMF, .EMF or .CLP files.

Clipboard file contains no picture in metafile form!

The clipboard file may contain information in a variety of forms (text, bitmap, metafile). This
Graphical Import Filter component can only import pictures stored in Windows metafile format. The
clipboard file you selected contains no picture in metafile format. You may still be able to get the
information into the Golden Software application by launching the Windows Clipboard Viewer utility
(CLIPBRD.EXE), opening the .CLP file, switching back to the Golden Software application and then
selecting Home | Clipboard | Paste Special.

No Destination Bitmap for Bit Pattern

Attempt to create a bit pattern on a bitmap while the latter doesn't exist. Make sure the file has
been created correctly.

XLS Excel Import Options Dialog

Strater can import .XLS and .XLSX file types.

Open an Excel File with Multiple Sheets

Strater can open one sheet of Excel spreadsheet data at a time. If you are importing an Excel file
with multiple sheets, click the File | Open Multiple Data Files command in the table view.

Otherwise, the XLS Import Options dialog will appear and only a single sheet can be selected.
Select one sheet to import and click the OK button.

Select the sheet to import in the XLS Import Options dialog.

Excel .XLSX Import Options Dialog

Strater 5 User’s Guide

Strater can import .XLS and .XLSX file types.

Open an Excel File with Multiple Sheets

Strater can open one sheet of Excel spreadsheet data at a time. If you are importing an Excel file
with multiple sheets, click the File | Open Multiple Data Files command in the table view.

Otherwise, the XLSX Import Options dialog will appear and only a single sheet can be selected.
Select one sheet to import and click the OK button.

Select the sheet to import in the XLSX Import Options dialog.

Export Options
Export - Table View
With a table view selected, click the File | Export Data | Worksheet command to export the
current table into one of several common data file types.

To export a table in .SDG format click the File | Save or File | Save As commands.

To export the data in a table:

1. Click the File | Export Data | Worksheet command. The Save As dialog opens.
2. Set the Save in field to the folder where you want to save the data.
3. Enter a File name for the new data file.
4. Set the Save as type to the desired type of file to save. The default type is .XLS. File types
include .BLN, .BNA, .CSV, .DAT, . SLK, .TXT, .XLS, and .XLSX.
5. Click Save and the data is saved to the file.

Click the File | Export | Graphic command, click the button, or CTRL+E on the keyboard to
export either a borehole view, map view, or cross section view into a variety of formats. If you wish
to export a table, use the File | Export Data | Worksheet command.

To save a file as a Strater template .TSF use the Save As command. To save a file in .SDG format
use the Save or Save As options.

Appendix C - File Formats

The Export Dialog

Click the File | Export | Graphic command to export a borehole, cross section, or map view. The
Export dialog appears.

Export any borehole view, map view, or cross section view to any of the supported formats.

Save In
The Save in field shows the current directory. Click the down arrow to see the directory structure.
Click on the folders to change directories.

The buttons to the right of the Save in field allow you to create new folders and change the view of
the file list.

Files List
The Files list displays the files using the extension specified in the Save as type box. A file can be
overwritten by selecting it from the file list.

File Name
The File name box displays the name of the selected file. Type the path and file name of the file to
be exported.

Strater 5 User’s Guide

Save As Type
The Save as type box specifies the format of the file to be exported.

Selected Objects Only

Check the Selected objects only box to export selected objects rather than the entire plot.

Show Options Dialog

Check the Show options dialog box to display the options dialog for the selected format after
clicking the Save button.

Exporting Files
You can export files by typing a name into the File name box and then selecting the file type in the
Save as type list. For example, typing MYPLOT in the File name box and choosing Tagged Image
(TIFF) from the Save as type list results in MYPLOT.TIF. There is no need to enter an extension
because it is automatically added. If a file extension is typed into the box along with the file name,
the file type is determined by the typed extension. For example, if MYPLOT.DXF is typed in the File
name box the file is in AutoCAD DXF format no matter what is set in the Save as type field.

When the Save button is clicked an additional dialog box opens where you select specific options
associated with the file to save. The contents of the export file dialog varies with the file type
selected for the export.

Exporting Pages
If your borehole is in Page View mode, Strater exports each individual page as a separate file.
Each page is named automatically. For example, you have a borehole in page view that has five
pages. The export file type is AutoCAD DXF, and the selected file name is BHMW1.DXF. Strater
creates each page as BHMW1-Page1.DXF, BHMW1-Page2.DXF, etc. The exception is if you export to
a vector PDF, the PDF file will be a single PDF document containing all of the pages in the view

If the view is full view, the whole borehole is exported as one file.

File Type Export Dialogs

Use the following links for additional information on the export file dialogs for each file type:
Export .BLN Files Export MIF Files
Export .BMP Files Export PDF Raster Files
Export .BNA Files Export PDF Vector Files
Export DXF AutoCAD Export PNG Files
Export EMF Files Export PNM/PPM/PGM/PBM
Export EPS Files Export RGB SGI-RGB Files
Export GIF Files Export SHP Esri Shapefile

Appendix C - File Formats

Export GSB Files Export SUN Raster File

Export GSI Files Export TGA Files
Export JPG Files Export WMF Files
Export JP2 Files Export X AVS Files

Export Units
When exporting a map view to a file type that support real world coordinates, such as .DXF, .SHP,
and .MIF, the coordinates are in map coordinates when only a single map exists in the map view.
The map coordinates are determined by the map's target coordinate system. If other objects, such
as text, legends, or drawn objects are in the map view, the map is exported in page units. Values
increment up and to the right.

When exporting a cross section view or borehole view to a file type that supports real world
coordinates, the Y values are depth coordinates. The X values are in the same units as the Y values.
The furthest point to the left in the view window is assigned a value of 0. Values increment up and
to the right.

Data Export Options Dialog

The Data Export Options dialog may appear when exporting tabular data from delimited text files
(i.e. .DAT, .TXT). These file formats are assumed to have one record per line in which each record
contains a fixed number of numeric data fields.

Specify the delimiter and text qualifier in

the Data Export Options dialog.

Choose Comma, Tab, Space, or Semicolon as the character to use to delimit fields in the
saved .DAT, or .TXT file.

Text Qualifier

Strater 5 User’s Guide

Select (none) for no qualifiers in the export file. Select Double quotes to place double quote
characters “” around fields in the export file. Select Single quotes to place single quote characters ‘’
around fields in the export file.

Decimal Symbol
Decimal symbol is the symbol used as the decimal point. This can be a comma or period. This
option is only available with .TXT files.

Encoding Method
The Encoding method section allows the choice of Windows Unicode data, Encoded UTF-8 data, or
Unencoded ANSI translated using data when exporting or saving an ASCII data file. Windows
Unicode and Encoded UTF-8 data are often referred to as international data. It would include
character sets from Russia, Israel, China, Greece, Hungary, among others. If the data does not
appear correctly in the exported file, the Encoding method may be specified incorrectly.

ANSI encoding contains characters within the first 256 characters of a font. These are normally in
English. After selecting Unencoded ANSI translated using [codepage], select the codepage from the
list that will read the data correctly.

OK and Cancel Buttons

Click the OK button to proceed with the export process, or click the Cancel button to close the
dialog without exporting the data set.

Golden Software Blanking .BLN Export Options Dialog

The Export Options dialog allows you to specify options which determine how information in the file
is exported.

When exporting, the application specifies coordinates in Page Units (inches or centimeters) as
indicated on the document rulers. You may want these values offset and/or scaled back to original
map coordinates in the Golden Software Blanking .BLN file.

Appendix C - File Formats

Specify the BLN export options in the Export Options dialog.

Break Apart Compound Areas

Choose Break apart compound areas to have compound areas (those containing islands or lakes)
output as separate area entities. This option should be chosen if the .BLN file is to be used as a
boundary file. Do not choose this option if the .BLN file is to be used as a blanking file.

Write Z (elevation) column

Strater does not associate Z values with objects. The third column will always contain 0 when
Write Z (elevation) column is checked.

Check the Write Z (elevation) column check box to export the .BLN file with the Z values. If ZLEVEL
values are not available for the object, 0 will be written in the Z column.

Blank Areas
The Blank areas section contains the option to set the BLN file blanking flag to either blank inside or
blank outside. Select the appropriate option. With a simple BLN file with a single polygon, the
blanking flag is located in cell B1. A zero (0) is displayed when blanking outside the area and a one
(1) is displayed when blanking inside the area. The Blank areas option sets the blanking flag for all
polygons in the BLN file.

Polygons do not have associated attributes in Strater. When Use BLN_Flag attributes from
application (if available) is selected, the blanking flag is set to 1 for blank inside.

The Defaults button sets all options to default conditions.

Scaling Page
When exporting, the application specifies coordinates in Page Units (inches or centimeters) as
indicated on the document rulers. You may want these values offset and/or scaled back to original
map coordinates in the Golden Software Blanking (BLN) file.

Strater 5 User’s Guide

This is accomplished by specifying the corner points of a rectangle (in Page Units) in the application
document and the corner points of a rectangle in the desired BLN file units. The document
coordinates will be offset and/or scaled so the corner points of the document rectangle will have the
desired BLN coordinates. Checking Save scaling info will cause the scaling information to be stored
for future use.

Scaling information can be retrieved from two sources. Saved will reload previously saved values.
Application will load scaling info calculated by the application. The application provides potentially
useful scaling info whenever possible. If the application detects an unrotated 3-dimensional map
object that is viewed from directly overhead (i.e., it’s really a 2-D map object) and that map object
is the only object being exported, it retrieves the (X,Y) data extents from the map and makes those
the BLN scaling rectangle. Otherwise, the application sets the scaling rectangles so the BLN
coordinates will be the same as the document page units.

See the Scaling Page for detailed information.

Atlas Boundary .BNA Export Options Dialog

The Export Options dialog allows you to specify options which determine how information in the
file is exported.

The Export Options dialog controls the BNA export options.

The BNA Options Page
Check the Break apart compound areas option to export compound areas as separate simple areas.

The Scaling Page

When exporting, the application specifies coordinates in Page Units (inches or centimeters) as
indicated on the document rulers. You may want these values offset and/or scaled back to original
map coordinates in the Atlas Boundary (BNA) file.

Appendix C - File Formats

This is accomplished by specifying the corner points of a rectangle (in Page Units) in the application
document and the corner points of a rectangle in the desired BNA file units. The document
coordinates will be offset and/or scaled so the corner points of the document rectangle will have the
desired BNA coordinates. Checking Save scaling info will cause the scaling information to be stored
for future use.

Scaling information can be retrieved from two sources. Saved will reload previously saved values.
Application will load scaling info calculated by the application. The application provides potentially
useful scaling info whenever possible. If the application detects an unrotated 3-dimensional map
object that is viewed from directly overhead (i.e., it’s really a 2-D map object) and that map object
is the only object being exported, it retrieves the (X,Y) data extents from the map and makes those
the BNA scaling rectangle. Otherwise, the application sets the scaling rectangles so the BNA
coordinates will be the same as the document page units.

The Defaults button sets all buttons and check boxes to default conditions. The scaling rectangles
will, in turn, be reloaded with values from the default scaling source.

See the Scaling Page for detailed information.

AutoCAD DXF Export Options Dialog

The Export Options dialog allows you to specify options which determine how information in the
file is exported.

Customize DXF export options in the Export Options dialog, DXF Options page.

Strater 5 User’s Guide

File Compatibility
Select the appropriate file compatibility. Available options are AutoCAD 2007 (or later), AutoCAD
2004, AutoCAD Release 14 (or later), and AutoCAD Release 13 (or earlier).

AutoCAD 2007 (or later)

Choose File compatibility of AutoCAD 2007 (or later) if the DXF file needs to be imported into
AutoCAD 2007 or later. The 2007 version supports Unicode character encoding in the UTF-8 format.

AutoCAD 2004
Choose File compatibility of AutoCAD 2004 if the DXF file needs to be imported into AutoCAD 2004
or later. The 2004 version supports Unicode character encoding in the \U+XX format. The 2004
version (and all newer versions) also support RGB color support.

AutoCAD Release 14 (or later)

Choose File compatibility of AutoCAD Release 14 (or later) if the DXF file needs to be imported into
AutoCAD Release 14 or later. The version 14 and previous versions support indexed color mapping.

AutoCAD Release 13 (or earlier)

Choose File compatibility of AutoCAD Release 13 (or earlier) if the DXF file needs to be imported
into an earlier release of AutoCAD.

File Format
Choose Text (ASCII) or Binary to specify the format of the exported DXF file. See the AutoCAD DXF
File Description for information on the organization of DXF files.

Indexed Color Mapping

Select the Linear or Weighted LUV option when either AutoCAD Release 14 (or later) or AutoCAD
Release 13 (or earlier) is selected as the File compatibility. Note: Even though the older file formats
can be imported into AutoCAD Release 14 and AutoCAD 2004 or later, the AutoCAD Release 14 or
later file format uses several features that result in smaller, faster loading DXF files, and AutoCAD
2004 or later supports true color in addition to the indexed color.

All Lines Same Color

Choose All lines same color if you don't want an AutoCAD color number (1-255) assigned to each of
your lines. The default color for the layer will be used instead. All exported graphical entities are
assigned to a layer named GSLAYER.

All Lines Same Style

Choose All lines same style if you want exported lines to be assigned the default style (for the
GSLAYER) when imported into AutoCAD. Otherwise, exported lines will retain their style (solid,
dashed, etc.).

All Lines Same Width

Choose All lines same width if you want exported lines to be assigned the default width (for the
GSLAYER) when imported into AutoCAD. Otherwise, exported lines will be the width assigned in
the application document.

All Text As Areas

Appendix C - File Formats

Text can be exported as DXF solid polygons (All text as areas checked). These polygons will always
be oriented properly. Whether or not these solid polygons (like all solid polygons) will be filled or
not is controlled by the Fill solid areas option (see below).

Text can also be exported as AutoCAD text entities (All text as areas unchecked). No matter what
typeface is specified in the application document, all text entities are assigned AutoCAD's
STANDARD font. Once inside AutoCAD, the text entities can be edited in the normal AutoCAD
fashion. As long as there is no shear, perspective, or clipping, DXF text entities will be exported as
text. This means that the DXF text entities will be sized and oriented similar to the text objects in
the application document. When shear, perspective, or clipping occur, the text is exported as solid
polygons. Shear occurs when the character glyphs are not perpendicular to the text baseline.
Perspective occurs when the height of glyphs in the text string are not all the same, as in a 3-D
view where the glyphs are smaller the farther they are from the observer. Clipping occurs when
part of the text object is partially inside and partially outside the map limits.

Fill Solid Areas

Choose Fill solid areas if you want the interior of solid areas (polygons) to be filled. Otherwise, the
areas will be exported as AutoCAD CLOSED POLYLINE entities.

Render Marker Symbols

Check the Render marker symbols check box if the marker symbols should be exported to the DXF
file. The marker symbols are exported as lines and polygons. When the Render marker symbols
option is not checked, marker symbols are exported to the DXF file as points.

Use ONLY Spatial Information

Choose Use ONLY spatial information if you want to export only spatial information and not object
attributes or text labels. Spatial information is only concerned with the location of objects in space
(i.e., their coordinates) and not with their attributes (such as line or fill style, marker symbol used,
text labels, etc.) For example, if this option is chosen, all text will be ignored, markers will be
exported as point entities instead of polygonal glyphs and coordinates output to the DXF file will be
stored in map units instead of inches. This is useful when exporting base maps when only the
spatial information is desired.

The AutoCAD program's behavior when importing DXF files (via the DXFIN command) is different
depending on whether the AutoCAD drawing file .DRW is brand new or already contains drawing
entities. If the file is brand new, attributes (such as line style) are loaded from the Tables section,
so lines encountered in the Entities section will have the proper line style (solid, dash, dash-dot,
etc.). However, if an old drawing file is already open, AutoCAD will ignore the Tables section and
only read the Entities section. If the DXF file contains lines with styles not already defined,
AutoCAD will issue an error message and abort the DXF import. It is recommended you choose the
All lines same style option when exporting DXF files that will be imported into existing AutoCAD
drawings. AutoCAD will then assign the default style to all lines in the imported layer (named

Resize Embedded Images to Less Than

The Resize embedded images to less than option specifies the maximum size (in megabytes) an
embedded image is allowed to be. If an exported image exceeds this size, its resolution will be
reduced so it doesn’t exceed the designated maximum size. Increase this value to get better
looking images at the expense of larger export files.

The Defaults button sets all buttons and check boxes to default conditions.

Strater 5 User’s Guide

Scaling Page
See the Scaling Page for detailed information.

Spatial References Page

The spatial reference information can be set on the Spatial References page.

Windows Enhanced Metafile .EMF Export Options Dialog

The Export Options dialog allows you to specify options which determine how information in the
file is imported.

A Windows Enhanced Metafile .EMF is a collection of objects combined together to produce an


Specify the EMF file export options in the Export Options dialog.

Each Image Resized

The Resize embedded images to less than option specifies the maximum size (in megabytes) an
embedded image is allowed to be. If an exported image exceeds this size, its resolution will be
reduced so it doesn’t exceed the designated maximum size. Increase this value to get better
looking images at the expense of larger export files.

The Defaults button sets all options to default conditions.

The Scaling Page

See the Scaling Page for detailed information.

Appendix C - File Formats

Encapsulated PostScript [.EPS] Export Options Dialog

The Export Options dialog allows you to specify options which determine how information in the
file is exported.

Specify the EPS options in the EPS Options page

of the Export Options dialog.

Image Type
The Image type controls determine how the EPS preview image is encoded in the export file.
Possible selections are EPSI, TIFF, or None. Choosing EPSI or TIFF inserts an image into the
beginning of the EPS file. Selecting None inserts no preview image. Some programs need the
preview image in the file so that the file imports correctly.

Color Format
The Color Format controls determine whether the preview image is exported in Color or Grayscale
(black and white). Setting the Color Format to Grayscale (black and white) does not affect the
colors in the EPS file. On the image preview colors are changed.

The Size controls determine what size of EPS preview image is encoded in the export file. The
selections are No larger than 64KBytes, No larger than 512Kbytes, 25% of PostScript Image, 50%
of PostScript Image, or 100% of PostScript Image. Selecting a smaller size will give less precision
on the image preview, but will not affect the EPS file.


Strater 5 User’s Guide

Click the Default button to return the EPS options to the default settings.

Export Options Dialog - Scaling Page

Many of the file formats have a Scaling page in the Export Options dialog.

Specify scaling options on the Scaling page of the Export Options dialog.

Scaling Source
Scaling information can be retrieved from two sources: Application, and Saved.

Strater provides potentially useful scaling info whenever possible. If the application detects a
single map object in a map view and that map object is the only object being exported, it retrieves
the (X,Y) data extents from the map and makes those the scaling rectangle. When other objects
exist in the map view, the application sets the scaling rectangles so the coordinates will be the
same as the document page units.

When exporting a cross section view or borehole view to a file type that supports real world
coordinates, the Y values are depth coordinates. The X values are in the same units as the Y values.
The furthest point to the left in the view window is assigned a value of 0. Values increment up and
to the right.

Application will load scaling info calculated by the application.

Saved will reload previously saved values.

Appendix C - File Formats

Rectangle scaling is accomplished by specifying the corner points of a rectangle (in Page Units) in
the application document and the corner points of a rectangle in the desired file units. The
document coordinates will be offset and/or scaled so the corner points of the document rectangle
will have the desired coordinates.

The Page Rectangle lists two points on the page in the page coordinates. The File Rectangle lists the
same two points on the page in the map coordinates.

Save Scaling Info

Checking Save scaling info will cause the scaling information to be stored for future use.

The Defaults button sets all buttons and check boxes to default conditions. The scaling rectangles
will, in turn, be reloaded with values from the default scaling source.

Export Options Dialog - Size and Color Page

Size and Color Page

All image export formats have a Size and Color page in the Export Options dialog.

Strater 5 User’s Guide

The Size and Color page of the Export Options

dialog controls options for image export.

Pixel Dimensions
Choose the Width and Height pixel settings for the image. The Pixel Dimensions indicate the
number of pixels that are in the exported image. The larger the number of pixels, the larger the
output image will be.

Document Size
The Inches displays the current selected image size in inches. The image size is updated when the
Pixel Dimensions are adjusted. The size in inches is determined by dividing the number of Pixel
Dimensions by the Pixels per inch and rounding to the hundredths.

When the Pixels dimensions have not been changed, the Inches is approximately equal to the size
of the objects being exported. To determine this size, click once on the object to select it or select
all objects that are being exported. The status bar will list the size of the selected objects.

Pixels Per Inch

Choose the Pixels per inch to increase or decrease the resolution of the image being exported. If
you choose to change the number of Pixels per inch, the Width and Height in the Image Dimensions
changes accordingly. The Pixels per inch control how fine a resolution the output image will have.
The larger the number of Dots per inch, the larger the Pixel Dimensions will be.

Appendix C - File Formats

The Pixels per inch is set to 72 for all GIF images and cannot be changed. GIF images are always 72
DPI, by definition. For higher quality images, it is suggested that PNG, TIF, or BMP be used instead
of GIF.

For example, a rectangle is selected. The status bar reports that the size of the rectangle is 5.66 in
x 5.90 in.

The status bar shows the size of the objects being exported.

When this rectangle is exported, the Size and Color tab shows the Inches as 5.67 by 5.91.

The size is approximately equal to the page size

of the objects being exported.

Maintain Aspect Ratio

Check the Maintain aspect ratio box if you want the image to maintain an equal horizontal and
vertical resolution. When unchecked, the output image may appear stretched in one of the

Maintain Pixel Dimensions

Check the Maintain pixel dimensions box to export the image at the selected Width and Height, but
with a different number of Pixels per inch. This results in the same number of pixels, but a different
Document Size.

Color Format
The Color format gives you the option to output your image with Color depth. The greater the color
depth, the more faithfully the image will represent the colors assigned to objects in your document.
Different output formats support different color depths. Some output formats support 256 colors
only, while others also support True Color (16 million colors).

Select one of the options from the Color Depth list. The options are: 8-bit grayscale, 16-bit
grayscale, 32-bit grayscale, 1-bit color indexed, 4-bit color indexed, 8-bit color indexed, 24-bit true
color, or 32-bit true color with alpha.

For example, Windows .BMP format supports monochrome, 16 colors, 256 colors and True Color.
Greater color depth will yield a better-looking image, but at the expense of requiring more memory
and disk space to hold the image.

Reduction Method

Strater 5 User’s Guide

If you select a color indexed Color Depth, you can choose a Reduction method. Select one of the
options from the Reduction method list. The options are: Ordered Dither, Diffuse Dither, Popularity,
MedianCut555, or MedianCut888.

If a Color depth of 256 or fewer colors is selected, you may specify the type of Dithering and the
type of Quantization that is used to reduce the application's image to the selected number of colors.

Dithering determines how similar colors are distributed among clusters of pixels in the reduced
image. Possible selections are Diffuse which uses a pseudo-random pattern, Ordered which uses a
repeating pattern, or None which disables dithering.

Quantization determines how the colors for the exported image are selected from the palette of 16
million possible colors. Possible selections are Popularity which uses the most frequently occurring
colors in the image, and Median which selects colors based on the 'median cut' method that tries to
select the most even distribution of colors over the range of colors that appear in the image. The
Median method can use either 5, 6, or 8 bits of sample data for each of the three color planes in the
image, and the corresponding selections are 5:5:5 Median, 6:6:6 Median, and 8:8:8 Median. Larger
sample sizes require more memory to perform the conversion for export, so the smallest sample
size that produces an acceptable image is recommended.

Click the Defaults button to return the export options to the default selections.

Checking the transparency options on the PNG Options tab or the GIF Options tab can result in an
error message when exporting if the Color depth option or Reduction method does not allow
transparency. Click OK on the error and change the Color depth to 4-bit, 8-bit, or 32-bit for PNG
images. For either PNG or GIF images, change the Reduction method to MedianCut555,
MedianCut888, or Popularity.

Export Options Dialog - Spatial References Page

Some applications associate spatial reference information (such as projection, datum, and
georeference parameters) with files, to link the file to a specific region of the Earth’s surface. If the
map that you are exporting has a coordinate system defined, the Spatial References tab will
appear in the Export Options dialog.

Appendix C - File Formats

The Spatial References page allows you to choose how to save

the projection, datum, and georeference information.

Most bitmap file storage formats don’t have a way to store the spatial reference information in the
same file as the bitmap image. For these formats, the only way the spatial reference information
can be saved is in a separate file.

Internal File Format (if Possible)

If the export format can internally store the georeference information, check this box. The spatial
reference information will be stored (along with the image) in the selected format. One format that
stores the coordinate reference is a TIF file, a vendor-independent format that can be imported into
a variety of geographic software packages.

Blue Marble .RSF File

Blue Marble Geographics supports a text-based format for storing georeference information in a
separate file. Various Blue Marble programs will import the information in this file when importing
the bitmap file. This option is not available for vector format exports.

Esri World file

Environmental Sciences Research Institute (Esri) supports a text-based format for storing
georeference information in a separate file. Various Esri programs will import the information in this
file when importing the bitmap file. The first and third characters of the image file’s suffix, plus a
final "w", are used for the world file suffix. Therefore, "mytown.tif" will have a world file called

Strater 5 User’s Guide

"mytown.tfw"; for "redlands.bmp", it will be "redlands.bpw". This option is not available for vector
format exports.

Esri .PRJ File

Environmental Sciences Research Institute (Esri) supports a text-based format for storing
georeference information in a separate file. Various Esri programs will import the information in this
file when importing vector files, such as .SHP files.

GS Reference (Version 1) File

Golden Software supports a text-based format for storing spatial reference information in a
separate file. Projection, datum and georeference information can be stored in this format. The file
will be created having the same name as the exported bitmap, with the suffix ".GSR" appended.
The .GSR file is an older format Golden Software reference file.

GS Reference (Version 2) File

Golden Software's .GSR2 file is a newer georeference file format that includes spatial reference
information in a separate file. The .GSR2 file is always exported when the selected object is
georeferenced. Projection, datum and georeference information can be stored in this format. The
file will be created having the same name as the exported bitmap, with the suffix ".GSR2"

.GIF Export Options Dialog

The Graphics Interchange Format .GIF is an image format that was introduced by CompuServe in
1987 and has since come into widespread usage on the World Wide Web due to its wide support
and portability. GIF files support transparency.

Use the Export Options dialog to specify the Size and Color options and the transparency options
for the .GIF file. To export the .GIF file with transparency, click on the GIF Options tab in the
Export Options dialog.

Appendix C - File Formats

Specify the transparency setting on the GIF Options page

in the Export Options dialog.

Select None to export the image with no transparency.

Select Application background (if available) option to export any background areas as transparent.
The .GIF file will have transparent background areas. All drawn parts in the plot window are
exported solid.

Select Make white pixels transparent to make all white areas of the image transparent. Select Make
black pixels transparent to make all black areas of the image transparent. Select Custom color
pixels transparent to select a specific color by Red saturation (0-255), Green saturation (0-255),
and Blue saturation (0-255) in the image to be transparent. When any of these options are
selected, pixels with this color in the foreground of the image can be transparent.

Golden Software Boundary .GSB Export Options Dialog

The Export Options dialog allows you to specify options which determine how information in the
file is exported.


Strater 5 User’s Guide

All attributes for polylines, polygons, and symbol objects are automatically exported to all .GSB

Select the GSB export options in the Export Options dialog.

Break Apart Compound Areas

Check the Break apart compound areas option to export compound areas as separate simple areas.

Export Format
• Choose GSB Version 3 or GSB Version 4 if you require an export file that can be imported by
certain older versions of Golden Software application software.
• Otherwise, choose GSB Version 5.

The Defaults button sets all controls to default conditions.

Golden Software Interchange .GSI Export Options Dialog

The Export Options dialog allows you to specify options which determine how information in the
file is exported.

All attributes for all polyline, polygon, and symbol objects are automatically exported to all .GSI

Appendix C - File Formats

Select the GSI export options in the Export Options dialog.

Write Areas to Curves

Check Write Areas As Curves to cause all area (polygonal) objects to be exported as curve
(polyline) objects.

Render Text
Check Render Text to cause all text objects to be exported as areas and lines. When Render Text is
unchecked, text is exported as text.

As long as there is no clipping, GSI text entities will be exported as text. This means that the GSI
text entities will be sized and oriented similar to the text objects in the application document. When
clipping occurs, the text is exported as solid polygons. Clipping occurs when part of the text object
is partially inside and partially outside the map limits.

Render Marker Symbols

Check Render Marker Symbols to cause markers to be exported as areas and lines.

The Defaults button sets all controls to default conditions.

Export Options Dialog - JPEG Options Page

JPEG Options Page

The JPEG Options page is located in the Export Options dialog.

Strater 5 User’s Guide

Specify the Quality/Compression Setting on the JPEG Options

page of the Export Options dialog.

Quality/Compression Settings
Adjust the slider for the desired compromise between image compression and image quality. Move
the slider to the left for Lowest Quality/Maximum Compression. Move the slider to the right for
Highest Quality/Minimal Compression.

The Defaults button sets all controls to their default values.

Export Options Dialog - JPEG-2000 Options Page

The JPEG-2000 Options page is located in the Export Options dialog.

Appendix C - File Formats

Specify the Quality/Compression Setting on the JPEG Options

page of the Export Options dialog.

Quality/Compression Settings
Adjust the slider for the desired compromise between image compression and image quality. Move
the slider to the left for Lowest Quality/Maximum Compression. Move the slider to the right for
Highest Quality/Minimal Compression.

Container Format
The Container Format controls the export format. Select JP2 (ISO/IEC 14496-12, 15444-1) to
export the image in the ISO JP2 compliant format. This format exports the image data, and
organization and contents of the file. Select J2K (raw) to export only the image data.

The Defaults button sets all controls to their default values.

Google Earth .KML and .KMZ Export Options Dialog

When using the File | Export | Graphic command to export to a .KML or .KMZ file, the Export
Options dialog specifies the Scaling options and Spatial Reference options. In addition, the KML
Options page is available to control how exported objects are created in the .KML or .KMZ file.

Strater 5 User’s Guide

Coordinate System
.KML and .KMZ files require that the coordinates be in latitude and longitude degrees. This means
that the Map object in the Object Manager is converted to lat/long (WGS84) when exporting. The
program does this conversion internally. No change is needed to the Map target coordinate system.

Non-map objects must be excluded from the export for the KML/KMZ file to export the map with
the correct coordinates. One method is to select the Map object in the Object Manager before
clicking the File | Export | Graphic command. Next check the Selected objects only check box in
the Export dialog. Another method for exporting without non-map objects is to turn off the
visibility of any drawn objects (legends, polylines, etc.) by clicking the check box next to the
objects in the Object Manager.

The Export Options Dialog

The Export Options dialog is displayed when exporting a Google Earth .KML or .KMZ file. The
dialog controls determine how text, symbols, polygons, and polylines are treated when exporting
these files.

Set the KML options in the Export Options dialog.

Text Objects
When the Text objects is set to Export as placemark pins with text descriptions, text is output as
point placemarks with the text as the object name. These appear in Google Earth as yellow
pushpins. This is the default Text objects setting.

Changing the Text objects option to Export as rendered curves/areas converts all text to polylines
and/or polygons, as appropriate. Changing the Text objects to Export as labels converts the text to
placemarks where the placemarks visible markers is the actual text. Unlike rendered text, the label

Appendix C - File Formats

stays the same size on the screen as the Google Earth view is zoomed in and out. Changing the
Text objects to Don't export text objects removes all text from the .KML or .KMZ file.

Marker Objects
When the Marker objects is set to Export as icon pictographs (GIF format), symbols are saved
to .GIF files. A .GIF file is created for each unique symbol in the Surfer file. When sending the .KML
or .KMZ file to other users, be sure to include all .GIF files, as well. Otherwise, symbols will not
appear. Small red boxes will appear at the locations in Google Earth, indicating the symbols are not
found. This is the default Marker objects setting.

Changing the Marker objects to Export as placemark pins, converts all symbols to Google Earth
yellow pushpins. Changing the Marker objects to Export as rendered curves/areas, converts all
symbols to polylines and polygons, as appropriate. Changing the Marker objects to Don't export
marker symbols removes all symbols from the .KML or .KMZ file.

Polygon Objects
When the Polygon objects is set to Export using application transparency, the polygons are
exported with the transparency option set in the Property Manager. This is the default option.

Changing the Polygon objects to Export all areas as opaque, makes all polygons in the .KML
or .KMZ file 100% opaque. No transparency is shown for any objects. Changing the Polygon objects
to Export all areas with 50% transparency makes all polygons 50% transparent, regardless of the
transparency level in the Surfer file. Changing the Polygon objects to Don't export areas removes
all polygons from the .KML or .KMZ file.

Polyline Objects
When the Polyline objects is set to Export using application transparency, the polylines are exported
with the transparency option set in the Property Manager. This is the default option.

Changing the Polyline objects to Export all curves as opaque makes all polylines in the .KML
or .KMZ file 100% opaque. No transparency is shown for any objects. Changing the Polyline objects
to Don't export curves removes all polylines from the .KML or .KMZ file.

Line Width
When the Line width is set to Fixed width for all lines, in KML pixels, the line width for all lines in
the .KML or .KMZ file are the same width. Set the width by highlighting the existing value and
typing a new value. The smaller the number, the thinner the line. The default value is 2, which
makes the lines 2 pixels wide in the .KML or .KMZ file.

When the Line width is set to Scaled width in inches per KML pixel, the line width for each line is
individually determined. The line width in Surfer is divided by the number in the box to determine
how many pixels are used for each line. The default value is 0.050 which means that a line in
Surfer that is 0.050 inches is equivalent to 1 pixel in the .KML or .KMZ file. The Scaled width in
inches per KML pixel is the default setting for Line Width.

Split Compound Polygons

Check the box next to Split compound polygons into pieces to break complex polygons into smaller
polygons. Uncheck this box to export the complex polygons as a single object. The default is
unchecked. Checking this box does make the .KML or .KMZ file size larger, due to the large number

Strater 5 User’s Guide

of small polygons being created. When unchecked, some very complex polygons may appear as
unfilled in Google Earth.

Z Level as Object ID
Check the box next to Use Z level (elevation/contour) value as the object ID, if available to export
the objects with the Z level as the object ID. When the Use Z level (elevation/contour) value as the
object ID, if available option is not checked, the first attribute is used for the object name.

KML Layers
When exporting KML files, each map layer is exported to a separate folder in the KML. In Google
Earth, this shows as separate folders under the KML file name when imported and displayed on the
map. To turn on or off each map layer separately, click on the check box next to the map layer

The Defaults button sets all options to default conditions.

Scaling Page
Scaling information can be set on the Scaling page.

Spatial References
The spatial reference information can be set on the Spatial References page. Check the desired file
formats. It is recommend that GS Reference (Version 2) file and/or the Esri .PRJ file option be
checked. Click OK and the file is saved.

• All line styles are exported as solid lines.
• All fill styles are exported as solid fill.
• Transparency of all objects is controlled on the KML/KMZ Options page in the Export
Options dialog.
• Image transforms are limited to 2D displacement, scaling, and Z rotation.

Export to LAS
The File | Export | LAS command creates an LAS file from the selected line/symbol, bar,
crossplot, percentage, tadpole, or classed post log. The LAS file follows the LAS 2 format, so it is
compatible with most programs.

To use the Export to LAS command,

1. Select the log to export. Multiple logs can be selected and exported to the same LAS file as
long as all of the selected logs use the same Hole ID and all selected logs are one of the
supported log types.
2. Click the File | Export | LAS command.
3. The Save As dialog is displayed with the Save as type automatically set to LAS Files. Type a
File name and click Save.
If the logs in the view window are not linked to tables and columns that contain data, an error
message appears after typing a name in the Save As dialog and clicking Save. Click OK on the
error. Set all of the logs to a table and column that contain data and click the File | Export | LAS
command again.

Appendix C - File Formats

LAS Export Dialog

After typing a File name and clicking Save, the LAS Export dialog appears.

Curve Info Tab

Fill in the depth information and any comments on the Curve Info page.

Use Original Depth Range And Spacing

Strater automatically determines the Start Depth, End Depth, Interval, and Depth Units for the log
being exported. Most of the time, these values are the same as those in the View Properties. You
can overwrite these values to any values desired. If any columns used to display the curves have
units assigned, the units are written to the LAS file. Check the Use original depth range and spacing
option to export all logs with the Start Depth, End Depth, and Interval values the same as the
original data. Uncheck this box to manually set the values to any desired values.

Start Depth
The Start Depth is the first value being exported to the LAS file. The default value is the Starting
Borehole Depth for the selected borehole view or the original starting depth in the table associated
with the log. To change the value in the LAS file, highlight the existing value and type the desired

End Depth
The End Depth is the last value being exported to the LAS file. The default value is the Ending
Borehole Depth for the selected borehole view or the original ending depth in the table associated
with the log. To change the value in the LAS file, highlight the existing value and type the desired

The Interval is the spacing for the depth values in the exported LAS file. One measurement will be
recorded at each Interval. To change the Interval, highlight the existing value and type a new

Strater 5 User’s Guide

With multiple logs, Strater examines all of the selected logs and finds each log's maximum
increment value. If a log has identical increment values (i.e., maximum increment value is the
same as minimum increment value), then the increment value from the first such log found is used
as the initial Interval. If the increment values are not identical for a log, then the maximum
increment of this log is compared with those of other logs, and the maximum increment value
among all logs is selected as the initial Interval.

Depth Units
The Depth Units is the units for the depth log. The value is determined by the Depth Units in the
View Properties. This option cannot be changed in the export process. To change the option, cancel
the export, change the Depth Units on the View tab in the Property Manager and reexport the

NULL Value
The NULL Value is the value in the log that should be used to indicate that the value is not
recorded. This is the NULL of the project, as shown on the View tab in the Property Manager.

Enter any comments in the Comments section. These are added to the top of the LAS file.

Well Info Tab

Set the options for the well on the Well Info page.
Enter the company name in the box next to Company. This is an optional entry and does not need
to be input.


Appendix C - File Formats

The Well name is automatically entered from the Hole ID Filter for the selected log. To change the
Well, highlight the existing text and type the desired well name. This is an optional entry and does
not need to be input.

Enter the field name in the box next to Field. This is an optional entry and does not need to be

Enter the location name in the box next to Location. This is an optional entry and does not need to
be input.

Enter the province name in the box next to Province. This is an optional entry and does not need to
be input.

Enter the county name in the box next to County. This is an optional entry and does not need to be

Enter the state name in the box next to State. This is an optional entry and does not need to be

Enter the country name in the box next to Country. This is an optional entry and does not need to
be input.

Service Company
Enter the service company name in the box next to Service Comp.. This is an optional entry and
does not need to be input.

Enter the date in the box next to Date. This is an optional entry and does not need to be input.

Well ID
Enter a well identification in the box next to Well ID. This is an optional entry and does not need to
be input.

API Number
Enter the API number in the box next to API Number. This is an optional entry and does not need to
be input.

Enter the latitude value in the box next to Latitude. This is an optional entry and does not need to
be input.

Strater 5 User’s Guide

Enter the longitude value in the box next to Longitude. This is an optional entry and does not need
to be input.

Miscellaneous Comments
Enter any miscellaneous comments in the boxes next to Misc 1, Misc 2, Misc 3, and Misc 4. These
are optional entries and do not need to be input.

OK and Cancel
Click OK to create the LAS file with the selected options. Click Cancel to not export the file and
return to the view window.

MapInfo Interchange Format .MIF Export Options Dialog

The Export Options dialog allows you to specify options which determine how information in the
file is exported.

All attributes for all polyline and polygon objects are automatically exported to all .MIF files.

Specify the MIF export options in the Export Options dialog, MIF Options page.

Write Areas to Curves

Check Write Areas As Curves to cause all area (polygonal) objects to be exported as curve
(polyline) objects.

Render Text

Appendix C - File Formats

Check Render Text to cause all text objects to be exported as areas and lines. When Render Text is
unchecked, text is exported as text.

As long as there is no shear, perspective, or clipping, MIF text entities will be exported as text. This
means that the MIF text entities will be sized and oriented similar to the text objects in the
application document. When shear, perspective, or clipping occur, the text is exported as solid
polygons. Shear occurs when the character glyphs are not perpendicular to the text baseline.
Perspective occurs when the height of glyphs in the text string are not all the same, as in a 3-D
view where the glyphs are smaller the farther they are from the observer. Clipping occurs when
part of the text object is partially inside and partially outside the map limits.

Render Marker Symbols

Check Render Marker Symbols to cause markers to be exported as areas and lines.

Adobe Acrobat .PDF Raster Export Options Dialog

Use a raster .PDF to export the entire project as an image in .PDF format. Use the options on the
Size and Color tab to set the image quality. The higher resolution image you select, the larger
the .PDF file will be. All images, lines, text, maps, etc. will be exported into the single image object
in the raster .PDF file. Raster objects lose quality at low resolutions or when you zoom in. The
raster .PDF output will look exactly like your original project.

When a map with a defined coordinate system is exported to a raster PDF, the georeference options
for the GeoPDF are changed on the Scaling and Spatial References tabs in the Export Options
dialog. The Internal file format option must be checked on the Spatial References page to create
a raster GeoPDF.

Strater 5 User’s Guide

Specify the Raster PDF Size and Color export options

in the Export Options dialog, Size and Color page.

Compress Images
When using the File | Export | Graphic command to export to a PDF (Raster) file, the Export
Options dialog allows you to compress the exported image. Check the box next to Compress images
to apply .PDF compression to the images in the .PDF file. This produces smaller raster .PDF files
with no loss in quality. When this option is unchecked, .PDF files will be larger.

Page Options
The Page Options section controls the page size in the exported .PDF file. Select the Use application
page size (if available) to use the paper size defined in the Page Setup dialog. If Fit page around
exported objects is selected, the page size in the .PDF file will be only as large as the objects being

When the Use application page size (if available) is selected and objects extend beyond the page
defined in the Page Setup dialog, the objects are clipped and not displayed in the PDF file.

Adobe Acrobat .PDF Vector Export Options Dialog

Adobe Acrobat Portable Document Format .PDF is a file format used for document exchange. PDF is
used for representing two-dimensional documents. PDF was created by Adobe Systems. The
vector .PDF export supports solid pattern, image, and gradient patterns.

Appendix C - File Formats

When a map with a defined coordinate system is exported to a vector PDF file format, a GeoPDF file
is created. The scaling source for the GeoPDF is changed on the Scaling tab in the Export Options

Use a vector .PDF to export the vector objects in the project (lines and text) as vector objects in
the PDF. This makes the objects clear and sharp. Vector objects do not lose quality when you zoom
in. It doesn't matter how much you zoom in, the line and text will always look crisp.

When possible, text fonts are embedded in vector PDF files. The text in the exported PDF will match
the text in the Strater file. Sometimes the font cannot be embedded in the PDF. When that is the
case, a different font will be substituted for the text.

The images in your project will also export as images in the vector .PDF. Vector .PDF files are
smaller than Raster .PDF files and are usually higher quality. The drawback is that some fill patterns
and transparency are not supported, so the output may not look exactly the same as your original

Objects that are transparent or partially transparent in Strater are exported with the transparency
enabled in the .PDF. There is one instance when the resulting Vector PDF appears different from the
Strater plot. When the nodes in a colormap have differing opacity, set in the Colormap Editor
dialog, a single average opacity is used in the exported Vector PDF.

The Export Options Dialog (for Vector PDF)

When using the File | Export | Graphic command to export to a vector .PDF file, the Export
Options dialog allows you to specify the PDF options.

Specify Vector PDF options in the Export Options dialog.

Strater 5 User’s Guide

Resize Embedded Images

The Resize embedded images to less than option specifies the size in megabites that an embedding
image is resized to during export. Enter a value in the MB box. If an exported image exceeds this
size, its resolution will be reduced so it doesn’t exceed the designated maximum size. Increase this
value to get better looking images at the expense of larger export files.

As long as there is no shear, perspective, or clipping, PDF text entities will be exported as text.
This means that the PDF text entities will be sized and oriented similar to the text objects in the
application document. When shear, perspective, or clipping occur, the text is exported as solid
polygons. Shear occurs when the character glyphs are not perpendicular to the text baseline.
Perspective occurs when the height of glyphs in the text string are not all the same, as in a 3-D
view where the glyphs are smaller the farther they are from the observer. Clipping occurs when
part of the text object is partially inside and partially outside the map limits.

Page Options
The Page Options section controls the page size in the exported .PDF file. Select the Use application
page size (if available) to use the paper size defined in the Page Setup dialog. If Fit page around
exported objects is selected, the page size in the .PDF file will be only as large as the objects being

When the Use application page size (if available) is selected and objects extend beyond the page
defined in the Page Setup dialog, the objects are clipped and not displayed in the PDF file.

Compression Options
The Compression Options section contains options that can make the PDF file size smaller.

Compress Images
Check the box next to Compress images to apply .PDF compression to the images in the .PDF file.
This produces smaller vector .PDF files with no loss in quality. When this option is unchecked, .PDF
files will be larger.

Compress Pages
Check the box next to Compress pages to apply .PDF compression to the entire page stream. This
produces significantly smaller vector .PDF files with no loss in quality. When this option is
unchecked, .PDF files will be larger.

Embed Fonts
Check the box next to Embed fonts (when available) to store the fonts inside the .PDF file. This
produces a larger vector .PDF file, but the font in the .PDF file will exactly match the font in the
Strater file. When this option is unchecked, the .PDF file will be smaller, but the text may not
appear the same in the .PDF file as it does in the Strater file. Some fonts cannot be embedded. A
different font is substituted when this is the case.

Smooth Small Images

Strater uses bilinear interpolation to smooth the display of reduced large images and enlarged
small images. Adobe Reader uses bilinear interpolation to smooth the display of a reduced large
image, however it does not smooth the display when enlarging small images. Therefore some small
images may appear "blocky" in a PDF output when compared to the display in the Strater program.

Appendix C - File Formats

Click the Smooth small images ( PDF file may be larger) check box to smooth small images in the
output PDF file. The Smooth small images option uses bilinear interpolation to upscale images less
than 1MB by 2x, 4x, or 8x its original size up to, but not greater than, 1MB.

Click the Defaults button to return the options to the default values. The default value of Resize
embedded images to less than option is 10MB.

Scaling Page
See the Scaling Page for details.

.PNG Export Options Dialog

Portable Network Graphics .PNG is an image format that employs lossless data compression. PNG
files support transparency.

Use the Export Options dialog to specify the Size and Color options and the transparency options
for the .PNG file. To export the .PNG file with all background areas transparent, click on the PNG
Options tab in the Export Options dialog. Check the Use application-supplied background
transparency (if available) option. The .PNG file will have transparent background areas.

Strater 5 User’s Guide

Specify the transparency setting on the PNG Options page

in the Export Options dialog.

Esri Shapefile .SHP Export Options Dialog

The Export Options dialog, SHP Options page allows you to specify options which determine how
information in the file is exported.

All attributes for all polyline, polygon, and symbol objects are automatically exported to all .SHP

Appendix C - File Formats

Specify the SHP file export options in the Export Options dialog.

SHP Options Page

Note that an Esri Shapefile (.SHP) file may contain either line objects, area objects, or point
objects, but not a combination of different object types.

Write Objects as Lines

All objects can be written as line objects if the Write Areas as Lines and Write Points as Lines
options are both selected, or either of the aforementioned controls may be selected individually to
write only the corresponding objects as lines. Alternatively, areas and/or points can be written to
separate files by selecting the Write Areas to Separate File and/or Write Points to Separate File
controls, in which case valid file name(s) must be typed into the adjacent edit control(s).

Render Text
By default, text is not output. Selecting the Render Text control will instead cause text to be
rendered as lines and/or areas as appropriate. If this box is not checked, text will not be output as
the .SHP format does not support text.

Render Marker Symbols

By default, marker symbols in the drawing are output as points. Selecting the Render Marker
Symbols control will instead cause marker symbols to be rendered as lines and/or areas as

Attribute Translation
By default, the “Western European (Windows)” code page (1252) will be used to translate 16-bit
Unicode attribute text to 8-bit ANSI text stored in the companion .DBF file. This can be changed by
selecting a different code page from the drop down list. This code page will be stored in a
companion .CPG file and also in the .DBF file header. If characters from multiple languages are
present, consider selecting “UTF-8 - [65001]”.

Strater 5 User’s Guide

The Defaults button sets all options to default conditions.

Scaling Page
Scaling information can be set on the Scaling page.

Spatial References
The spatial reference information can be set on the Spatial References page. By default, if the map
is in a defined coordinate system, the Esri .PRJ and Golden Software .GSR2 files are automatically
created for this Esri file type.

Tagged Image .TIF Export Options Dialog

Surfer can import and export .TIF, .TIFF files.

Size and Color Page

See Size and Color

Spatial References Page

See Spatial References

TIFF Options Page

Appendix C - File Formats

Specify TIF export options in the Export Options dialog.

• No compression results in a very large output file size.
• Packbits compression involves finding repeated data values; as a result, it is a good choice
for images without large color ranges.
• Deflate is a dictionary encoding method that produces significant reduction in file size for
most images without losing any image information.

Output Format
Choose from a variety of strip and tile output formats. The option In one strip containing the entire
image is the least efficient option but has the highest degree of compatibly with other software.

Use the Export Options dialog to specify the Size and Color options and the transparency options
for the .TIF file. To export the .TIF file with all background areas transparent, click on the TIFF
Options tab in the Export Options dialog. Check the Application background (if available) option.
The .TIF file will have transparent background areas. In order for the TIF to be transparent, the
Color depth must be set to 4-bit, 8-bit, or 32-bit on the Size and Color tab.

Transparent TIF images in 4-bit and 8-bit modes use TIF tag number 42113 (a.k.a. GDAL_NODATA)
which is not yet widely supported by other applications. In applications that don't support this tag,

Strater 5 User’s Guide

the images appear with an opaque background (no transparency). If the application shows an
opaque background where a transparent background should appear, re-export the file with 32-bit
color depth. Most programs support transparent TIF files with 32-bit colors.

Windows Metafile .WMF Export Options Dialog

The Export Options dialog allows you to specify options which determine how information in the
file is exported.

A Windows Metafile .WMF is a collection of objects combined together to produce an image.

Specify the WMF file export options in the Export Options dialog.

Each Image Resized

The Resize embedded images to less than option specifies the maximum size (in megabytes) an
embedded image is allowed to be. If an exported image exceeds this size, its resolution will be
reduced so it doesn’t exceed the designated maximum size. Increase this value to get better
looking images at the expense of larger export files.

The Defaults button sets all options to default conditions.

The Scaling Page

See the Scaling Page for detailed information.

Excel .XLS Export Options Dialog

Appendix C - File Formats

Strater can export Excel .XLS and .XLSX files by clicking the File | Export Data | Worksheet
command. The Export command exports only a single sheet .XLS or .XLSX file. To export multiple
sheets, click the File | Export Data | Multi-Sheet XLSX command.

Excel Data Export Options Dialog

The Excel Data Export Options dialog allows you to specify if the Excel file will be written in Excel
97 or Excel 95 format.

Select the File Format to use when exporting in

the Excel Data Export Options dialog.

File Format
Files can be saved in either Excel 97 (BIFF 8) or Excel 95 (BIFF 5) formats.

Use Caution when Saving Excel Files!

A file can be saved in an Excel format from the Strater worksheet, but only one worksheet can be
saved. Strater does not allow for saving multiple worksheets in a single Excel document. If a multi-
worksheet Excel file is opened and saved as an .XLS or .XLSX file from the Strater worksheet, be
aware that only the single worksheet is saved in the document. If the existing file is overwritten, all
the unused worksheets are destroyed. In this case, a warning message is issued. The message
reads:Saving this worksheet will destroy all but one of the sheets in the existing *.xls, *.xlsx file.
To overwrite the file, click OK. To choose a different file name, click Cancel. Use the File | Export
Data | Multi-Sheet XLSX command to create a multiple sheet XLSX file.

Excel .XLSX Import Options Dialog

Strater can import .XLS and .XLSX file types.

Open an Excel File with Multiple Sheets

Strater can open one sheet of Excel spreadsheet data at a time. If you are importing an Excel file
with multiple sheets, click the File | Open Multiple Data Files command in the table view.

Otherwise, the XLSX Import Options dialog will appear and only a single sheet can be selected.
Select one sheet to import and click the OK button.

Strater 5 User’s Guide

Select the sheet to import in the XLSX Import Options dialog.


2 point hotine projection, 886 adding labels to wells, 197

3 minute tour, 5 adding well selectors, 27
absolute value, 358, 734 adding wells on the map, 24
activate borehole, 139 adding wells to the cross section, 29
activating boreholes, 145, 215 additional projection information, 857
activating the borehole, 36 adjoin logs, 219, 317
active, 145, 215 adobe acrobat pdf, 949
Active Borehole, 145, 215 albers, 875
active borehole definition, 145, 215 albers equal area conic, 875
active mode, 145, 215 align, 798
active pane, 33 align objects, 22, 798
add base layer, 158, 177 aligning text, 22
add base map, 158, 177 alignment, 685
add cells, 98 alignment in cells, 91
add columns, 98 alphabetize scheme, 748
add data, 60 altering legends, 33
add data to current table, 60 amplitude, 683
add data to table, 60 anchor node, 712
add date format, 93, 739 angle, 326, 354
add date/time format, 93, 739 angular coordinates, 996
add grid lines, 383, 410, 459, 481, 503, 525, antarctic projections, 873
545, 573, 625, 645, 667 api, 993
add label to lithology log, 409, 603 append column, 85
add labels, 409, 438, 458, 480, 603 arrange, 798
add labels tadpole log, 623 arrange icons, 792
add labels to a percentage log, 480 arrange objects, 25
add labels to log, 274, 381, 500, 522, 665 artic projections, 873
add labels to zone bar log, 438, 458 ASCII data files, 924
add line, 693 assign empty hole IDs, 129
add log item scale bar and title, 330 assigning coordinates to an image base map,
add logs, 655 161
add logs for borehole in cross section, 219, associate grid to curve, 642
317 Atlas boundary file, 758
add map, 154 Atlas boundary file format, 928
add new, 154 attaching a table to the design, 36
add new map view, 154 Auto create scale bar, 831
add new row, 57 auto redraw, 781
add new table, 57 auto update table changes, 831
add new text template, 693 automatic mode in borehole view, 140, 781
add new worksheet, 57 automatic scaling, 354, 371, 383, 410, 459,
add rows, 98 481, 503, 525, 545, 573, 625, 645, 667
add string, 693 automatically create field definitions, 993
add table, 57 available fields, 476
add time format, 93, 739 available managers, 792
add well header, 217, 239 available symbols, 732
add well layer, 157 average tangential method, 318, 322
add well locations, 157 avoid overlapping labels, 204
add well name to cross section, 217, 239 axis, 163
add well selector, 159 axis grid lines, 176
add wells to map, 157 axis grid lines map view, 176
add wells to well selector, 206, 236 axis labels, 174
add worksheet, 57 axis labels map, 174
adding a well selector line, 27 axis labels map view, 174
adding grid lines to a map axis, 176 axis line properties, 176


axis properties, 172 bottom to top, 799

axis ticks, 172 bottoms, 234, 251
axis title map, 174 brackets, 426
axis title map view, 174 break apart, 796
axis type, 326, 454 calculate true vertical depth, 117, 318
azimuth, 318 calculate TVD, 117, 318, 322
azimuthal, 872, 876 cascade views, 792
azimuthal equidistant projection, 876 case-sensitive, 748
back, 797 casing and screens, 764
background cell, 91, 96 casings, 764
background color, 180, 263, 279, 297, 338, cassini, 879
361, 414, 442, 462, 484, 506, 528, 548, cassini projection, 879
576, 606, 628, 685, 714, 839 cell alignment, 91
background fill, 180, 263, 279, 297, 338, cell background, 91, 96
361, 414, 442, 462, 484, 506, 528, 548, cell format, 91, 94, 96
576, 606, 628, 714 cell number format, 91
background format, 96 cell properties, 91
background line, 178, 199, 261, 277, 291, cell transform, 98
332, 440, 604, 727 center, 498, 520, 685, 798
backward, 798 centimeters, 831
balanced tangential method, 318, 322 chacteristics of projections, 872
bar log, 5, 48, 309, 453, 454 change boreholes, 23
bar log data tables, 48 change cross section size, 240
bar log labels, 438, 458 change data, 23
bar log properties, 454 change external data link, 119
bar log table, 454 change image extents, 740
bar properties, 454 change layer name, 255
bar size method, 454 change one borehole ID, 272
bar to LAS, 815, 1027 change spatial extents, 740
bar type, 454 change table, 119
base image, 740 change the numeric format for depth logs,
base layer, 163 353
base map, 158, 177 changing cross sections, 29
base properties, 17, 383, 410, 459, 481, 503, changing legend properties, 33
525, 545, 573, 625, 645, 667 changing symbols on a map, 26
base scheme on field data, 20, 746 changing the borehole for a log, 272
base table type, 72 changing the map properties, 26
basic lithology log, 399 changing the well properties, 25
bitmap pattern, 180, 263, 279, 297, 338, changing the window layout, 30
361, 414, 442, 462, 484, 506, 528, 548, characteristics of projections, 870
576, 606, 628, 714 check field and table, 831
bitmap properties, 740 check for update, 5
blank cross section, 210 choosing a symbol, 732
blank table, 72 circle, 682
bln, 758, 1005 classed post log, 5, 309
block select, 767, 768 classed post log data tables, 48
BNA, 758, 928, 1007 classed post properties, 520
bold, 685 clear, 87
bold text, 11 clear layer marks, 253
bonne, 877 clear layers, 253
bonne projection, 877 clear old content, 254, 596
borehole, 35, 137, 139, 145, 215 click layer marks, 234, 252
borehole list, 128 close a table, 77
borehole manager, 23 close borehole view, 77
borehole view, 11, 33, 35, 137, 139 close cross section view, 77
borehole view properties, 27, 23, 140, 781 close map view, 77
boreholes, 1 close tab, 30
bottom, 383, 410, 459, 481, 498, 503, 520, close table, 77
525, 545, 573, 625, 645, 667, 798 close view window, 77

Strater 5 User’s Guide

collar (well location), 67 create a layer, 253

collars table, 48, 67, 72, 140, 194, 781 create a map, 37, 153
collate, 828 create a template, 806
color, 685, 709, 710, 712, 727 create base map, 156
color palette, 709, 727 create colors, 710
colormap, 712 create cross section in voxler, 220
column, 102, 122 create datum, 863
column description, 122, 993 create function log, 656
column editor, 122 create grid lines, 383, 410, 459, 481, 503,
column list, 72 525, 545, 573, 625, 645, 667
column name, 20, 65, 122, 123, 743, 746 create label for lithology log, 409, 603
column properties, 122 create labels, 409, 438, 458, 480, 603
column transform, 98 create labels on a bar log, 438, 458
column units, 122, 993 create labels on a percentage log, 480
column width, 96 create LAS, 815, 1027
columns in original table, 807 create layer mark layer name, 254
combine, 795 create layer marks, 234, 252
combine logs, 656 create layer name, 254
combine logs for single borehole, 219, 317 create layers, 234, 252
combine multiple logs with a function, 655 create lithology log, 395
commands, 11 create log from function, 655
comments, 425 create logs from different boreholes, 147
common cross section properties, 246 create map, 154
common map properties, 164 create map view, 154
complex lithology log, 399 create marks, 229
complex text log, 5, 309, 425, 426 create multiple lines in linked text, 702
complex text log data tables, 48 create multiple logs, 147, 814
complex text log label, 430 create new base map, 156
complex text log label properties, 430 create new borehole, 139
cone, 870 create new lithology log, 395
conformal, 872 create new log from existing log, 656
connect cross sections, 38 create new map, 155, 193
connect logs with layers, 233, 252 create new table, 57, 72
connecting wells, 3, 209 create new well map, 155, 193
contact line properties, 756 create objects, 139, 679
convert depth to interval table, 125, 126 create projection, 863
convert LAS NULL value to project NULL create scheme, 123, 743
value, 993 create table, 72
coordinate system, 169, 192, 202, 849, 850, create template (text), 690, 804
852, 853, 857, 858, 866, 874 create text template, 693
coordinate system - state plane, 901 create true vertical depth, 117, 318
coordinate system datum, 868 create tvd, 117, 318
coordinate system for map layer, 192, 202, create volrender, 132, 819
857 create volume, 132, 819
coordinate system overview, 849 create volume render, 132, 819
coordinate system references, 857 create well layer, 155, 193
copy, 771 create well render, 130, 821
copy all, 772, 824 create well selector, 206, 236
copy all panes, 772, 824 create/edit layer marks, 234, 252
copy scheme, 748 create/edit template, 693
copy view, 772, 824 creating a borehole, 139
corrected elevation, 318 creating a complex text log, 425
correlate logs, 234, 251 creating a cross section, 3, 39, 159, 209, 228
cover and end caps, 764 Creating a Cross Section from Line/Symbol
cover areas by, 180, 263, 279, 297, 338, Logs, 38
361, 414, 442, 462, 484, 506, 528, 548, creating a cross section guide, 228
576, 606, 628, 714 creating a cross section wizard, 228
covers, 764 creating a depth log, 13
create a cross section view, 210 creating a design, 35


creating a line/symbol cross section, 39 cross section wizard, 228

creating a line/symbol log, 14 crossplot axis, 642
creating a lithology log, 395 crossplot fill, 642
creating a lithology scheme, 37 crossplot fill direction, 648
creating a map, 37, 153 crossplot log, 5, 48, 309, 641, 642
creating a map view in the borehole, 151, crossplot log data tables, 48
160, 347 crossplot missing data, 642
creating a map view in the cross section, 151, crossplot properties, 641, 642
160, 347 crossplot symbol frequency, 188, 389, 514,
creating a well construction log, 566 536, 636, 650, 673, 730
creating a well map, 24 crosssection, 3, 209
creating a zone bar log, 15 cross-section, 3
creating data, 57 cross-section, 209
creating deviated boreholes in a cross section currency, 91
view, 44 cursor position, 33
creating deviated boreholes in a map view, curve section, 993
43 custom colors, 710
creating lithology logs, 399 custom coordinate system, 863
creating text, 21 custom datum, 869
creating variable fill color, 372 custom fill pattern, 180, 263, 279, 297, 338,
creating zone bar logs, 399 361, 414, 442, 462, 484, 506, 528, 548,
cross section, 210, 228 576, 606, 628, 714, 723, 726
cross section add log, 219, 317 custom line style, 729
cross section adjoin logs, 219, 317 cut, 771
cross section combine logs for single cutoff fill properties, 386, 670
borehole, 219, 317 cutoff value, 386, 670
cross section depth settings, 210, 786 cylinder, 870
cross section deviated boreholes, 44 dashes, 729
cross section deviated logs, 245 data, 1, 4, 47, 67, 993
cross section deviation, 44 data create true vertical depth, 117
cross section editing, 31 data create tvd, 117
cross section from a map, 159 data direction, 326, 454
cross section from line logs, 38 data export xyz, 80
cross section from map, 228 data file, 77, 813, 1001
cross section guide, 228 data link source, 808, 965
cross section hanging, 210, 786 data preview, 65, 67, 993
cross section inclined logs, 245 data schemes and borehole graphics, 56,
cross section info page, 272, 288, 293 218, 745
cross section layer reshaping, 31 data type, 14, 67
cross section layers, 248 data view, 4, 47
cross section log labels, 276 database, 1
cross section log properties, 272 date, 685
cross section menu, 220 date/time, 91
cross section menu commands, 220 datum, 169, 192, 202, 849, 857, 858, 868,
cross section moving, 31 869
cross section objects, 225 decimal degrees, 853
cross section overlay, 219, 317 decimal display, 326, 354
cross section parts, 225 decimal places, 520
cross section properties, 246 decimal symbol, 78, 1004
cross section reshaping, 31 default data file directory, 831
cross section scale bar, 326 default fill, 841
cross section tab, 3, 209 default font, 841
cross section to xyz data, 223 default import/export directory, 831
cross section type, 238 default line, 841
cross section view, 3, 209, 210, 786 default manager location, 33, 792
cross section view properties, 210, 786 default numeric format, 841
cross section well header frame, 297 default pane line, 841
cross section well labels, 217, 239 default path, 831
cross section well spacing, 246 default project directory, 831

Strater 5 User’s Guide

default scheme, 123, 743, 746 deviation path, 194

default settings, 831, 839 deviation tutorial, 43
default sizing, 454 different coordinate systems, 850
default symbol, 841 different X and Y map scale, 170
default text, 841 dip column, 620
define column names, 65 dip direction column, 620
define coordinate system, 863 dip range, 620
define new hole, 57, 126 directional data, 318
degrees minutes seconds, 853 directional wells, 318
delete, 30, 771 directory, 831
delete borehole view, 23 display base map, 158, 177
delete external data link, 119 display cross section in voxler, 220
delete hole data, 128 display depth and elevation, 351
delete layer mark name, 255 display grid, 831
delete layer marks, 253 display grid lines, 383, 410, 459, 481, 503,
delete scheme, 748 525, 545, 573, 625, 645, 667
delete scheme item, 748 display label on lithology log, 409, 603
delete table, 30, 121 display labels, 274, 381, 409, 438, 458, 480,
delete view, 30 500, 522, 603, 665
delete wells from well selector, 206, 236 display labels on a bar log, 438, 458
delimiter, 78, 1004 display labels on a percentage log, 480
depth, 67 display labels on zone bar log, 438, 458
depth (single depth), 14, 48, 67 display logs as deviated, 245
depth and elevation, 351 display managers, 29, 792
depth grid line position, 383, 410, 459, 481, display rulers, 831
503, 525, 545, 573, 625, 645, 667 display side, 354
depth grid lines, 352, 383, 410, 459, 481, display table, 30
503, 525, 545, 573, 625, 645, 667 display units, 354, 562
depth log, 5, 13, 48, 309, 323, 349, 350, display view, 30
353, 354 display well name on cross section, 217, 239
depth log data tables, 48 display wells at true vertical depth, 322
depth log labels, 353 display wells in true vertical depth, 318
depth log properties, 349, 354 displaying deviated boreholes, 318
depth log tick position, 356 displaying lithology data, 399
depth log ticks, 356 displaying maps with different coordinate
depth log units, 350 systems, 850
depth method, 140, 210, 323, 781, 786 displaying multiple wells, 3, 209
depth scale log, 349, 354 displaying schemes, 335
depth scaling, 323 displaying well locations, 24
depth scope, 354 displaying wells in the cross section, 29
depth settings, 140, 323, 354, 781 displaying wells on the map, 157
depth settings cross section, 210, 786 distance between waves, 683
depth table, 48, 67, 72, 125, 126, 454, 476, distortion, 872
498, 520 division color, 839
depth units, 140, 781 divisions, 98, 326, 354, 763, 839
depth value, 660 download data, 38
depth variable, 656, 660 download data tutorial, 38
description, 122 download LAS files, 38
descriptions, 425 draw cross section manually, 233, 252
deselect all, 794 draw line around log, 383, 410, 459, 481,
design mode, 36, 140, 145, 215, 781 503, 525, 545, 573, 625, 645, 667
designing a borehole, 139 drawing grid, 831
deviated, 245 driller name, 22
deviated boreholes, 318 easting, 48, 67
deviated boreholes cross section, 44 eckert, 880, 881
deviated logs on cross section, 245 eckert iv, 880
deviated wells, 43, 194, 318 eckert vi, 881
deviation, 318 edit block item, 426
deviation in a map view, 43 edit block items, 425


edit column properties, 122 equidistant conic, 882

edit cross section, 229 equidistant cylindrical, 883
edit cross section layers, 241 Excel, 2, 73, 312, 769, 771, 968
edit individual text block, 425 expand length of cross section, 210, 786
edit layer mark, 255 exponential number format, 91
edit layer marks, 234, 252 export, 77, 811, 813, 1001
edit layer name, 255 export all tables, 79
edit menu commands, 768 export ASCII data, 78, 1004
edit template (text), 690 export cross section, 220, 223
edit text template, 693 export cross section view to voxler, 220
edit well selector, 206, 236 export data, 77, 78, 813, 921, 1001, 1004
edit wells in selector, 206, 236 export depths as ascending, 80
editing a map, 163 export LAS file, 815, 1027
editing a map axis, 170 export logs, 814
editing axis line, 176 export multiple logs, 814
editing complex text log properties, 425 export multiple sheets in one XLSX, 79
editing cross section properties, 29 export pdf, 949
editing cross sections, 31 export table, 77, 813, 1001
editing individual logs, 241 Export To Multi-Sheet XLSX, 79
editing layers, 31, 241 export to voxler, 132, 819
editing layers in a cross section, 31 export true vertical depth, 80
editing legend properties, 33 export wells to voxler, 130, 821
editing legends, 33 export xyz data, 80, 223
editing line and symbol log properties, 18 face, 190, 259, 330, 358, 371, 732, 841
editing line log properties, 18 features, 2
editing linked text, 699 file export LAS, 815, 1027
editing log item positions, 17 file formats, 11, 310, 803, 808, 811, 921,
editing log properties, 18 965, 966, 1001
editing logs on a cross section, 241 file new, 57, 139, 154
editing map properties, 26 file new table, 57
editing schemes, 20, 748 file new worksheet, 57
editing symbols on a map, 201 file print, 827
editing the map, 164 file with layer bottoms, 234, 251
editing the well connections, 205 file with layer tops, 234, 251
editing the well connector, 205 fill background, 383, 410, 435, 459, 481,
editing the well selector, 205 503, 525, 545, 573, 625, 645, 667, 706
editing well properties, 25 fill between properties, 642
editing wells on a map, 203 fill color, 180, 263, 279, 297, 338, 361, 414,
editing zone bar, 19 442, 462, 484, 506, 528, 548, 576, 606,
editing zone bar properties, 19 628, 714
elevation, 5, 13, 48, 67, 140, 309, 323, 349, fill layers, 40
350, 354, 781 fill layers tutorial, 40
ellipse, 682 fill legend background, 180, 263, 279, 297,
ellipsoid, 849, 866, 869 338, 361, 414, 442, 462, 484, 506, 528,
empty table, 72 548, 576, 606, 628, 714
encoding method, 78, 1004 fill log, 180, 263, 279, 297, 338, 361, 414,
end caps, 5, 309, 561, 764 442, 462, 484, 506, 528, 548, 576, 606,
ending depth, 48, 67, 126, 140, 354, 781, 628, 714
830 fill log with image, 543
ending tick value, 354, 828 fill palette, 723, 726
enter layer name, 233, 252, 253 fill pattern, 180, 263, 279, 297, 338, 361,
enter new layer mark, 255 414, 442, 462, 484, 506, 528, 548, 576,
enter new layer name, 255 606, 628, 714, 723, 726
entering design mode, 35 fill properties, 27, 180, 263, 279, 297, 338,
equal area, 872 361, 396, 414, 442, 462, 484, 506, 528,
equal shape, 872 548, 576, 606, 628, 706, 714, 748, 831
equation template, 685 fill style, 37, 180, 263, 279, 297, 338, 361,
equations in text blocks, 915 405, 414, 442, 462, 484, 506, 528, 548,
equidistant, 872 576, 606, 628, 642, 714, 748

Strater 5 User’s Guide

Filling Line/Symbol Logs with Variable Color, grid line display order, 383, 410, 459, 481,
372 503, 525, 545, 573, 625, 645, 667
find, 87 grid line position, 352, 383, 410, 459, 481,
find and replace dialog, 87 503, 525, 545, 573, 625, 645, 667
find next, 87 grid line scaling, 383, 410, 459, 481, 503,
find table, 87 525, 545, 573, 625, 645, 667
find worksheet, 87 grid lines, 352, 383, 410, 459, 481, 503,
first page, 778 525, 545, 573, 625, 645, 667
first time running strater, 12 grid maximum, 383, 410, 459, 481, 503,
fit label to block, 409, 438, 458, 480, 603 525, 545, 573, 625, 645, 667
fit pane to window, 779 grid minimum, 383, 410, 459, 481, 503, 525,
fit to page, 140, 779, 781, 824, 828 545, 573, 625, 645, 667
fixed number format, 91 group, 795
folder, 11, 803, 811, 831, 1001 hang cross section on bed, 210, 786
font, 23, 190, 259, 330, 685, 732, 841 hang cross section on layer, 210, 786
font properties, 687 hang cross section on marker, 210, 786
font string for text editor template, 695 header, 21
footer, 21 header and footer panes, 824
footer item, 679, 680, 681, 682, 808, 965 header frame properties, 297
footer pane, 33, 140, 781, 824, 841 header item, 679, 680, 681, 682, 808, 965
footer pane line properties, 140, 781, 824 header pane, 33, 841
footer size, 824 header pane line properties, 824
foreground color, 140, 178, 180, 199, 261, header size, 824
263, 277, 279, 291, 297, 332, 338, 358, height, 97, 562, 794, 800, 824
361, 414, 440, 442, 462, 484, 506, 528, help, 6, 8
548, 576, 604, 606, 628, 706, 714, 727, help topics, 8
781, 841 hide, 33, 383, 410, 459, 481, 503, 525, 545,
format cells, 91, 94, 96 573, 625, 645, 667, 836, 838, 839
format properties, 734, 831 hide all managers, 29, 792
forward, 798 high to low, 326, 374, 454, 660
frame line, 338 hole ID, 23, 48, 67, 128, 129, 140, 147, 781
frame properties, 297 hole name, 126, 140, 781
frame style, 335 horizon markers, 234, 252
free rotate, 797 horizontal alignment, 326, 685, 756, 831,
frequency, 274, 326, 330, 354, 358, 371, 839, 841
374, 381, 475, 500, 522, 660, 665 horizontal format, 94
from, 48, 67, 562 hotine, 886, 888
front, 797 hotine 1 point, 888
full view, 140, 781, 824, 828 hotine 2 point, 886
function log, 655, 656 hotine oblique mercator projection, 888
general settings, 831 hotkeys, 20
geographic coordinate system, 873, 884 how to create a cross section, 228
geographic projection, 884 how to create a well construction log, 566
geopdf, 949 ID, 25, 48, 67, 129
georeference, 740 ID Filter, 272
georeference image, 161 image base map, 161, 740
get image file name, 135, 542 image extents, 740
gnomonic, 885 image properties, 740
graphic log, 5, 48, 135, 309, 541, 542, 543 import all sheets, 80
graphic log data tables, 48 import data, 1, 57, 65, 67, 993
graphic log properties, 541, 543 import data for cross section, 238
Greek characters, 915 import data into current table, 60
grid, 352, 383, 410, 459, 481, 503, 525, import data into table, 60
545, 573, 625, 645, 667, 831 import file with layers, 234, 251
grid divisions, 383, 410, 459, 481, 503, 525, import geopdf, 995
545, 573, 625, 645, 667, 839 import graphic, 808, 965
grid interval, 383, 410, 459, 481, 503, 525, import images, 808, 965
545, 573, 625, 645, 667 import layer bottoms, 234, 251
import layer marks, 234, 251


import layers, 40 keyword scheme, 20, 123, 436, 476, 498,

import layers - tutorial, 40 743, 748, 753
import lines, 758 keyword text labels, 140, 454, 748, 753,
import metafile, 808, 965 756, 781
import multiple Excel sheets, 80 keywords, 396, 753
import multiple LAS files, 63 label, 326, 330, 354, 405, 436, 454, 498,
import multiple sheets, 80 520, 756
import multiple worksheets, 63 label angle zone bar log, 438, 458
import object, 808, 965 label column, 623
import options, 65 label complex text, 430
Import Or Select Data To Create Cross label for tadpole plots, 623
Section Logs Dialog, 238 label format, 274, 381, 500, 522, 665
import parameter table, 993 label frequency, 274, 381, 500, 522, 665
import pdf, 949, 995 label layout, 274, 381, 500, 522, 665
import scale, 996 label logs, 274, 381, 500, 522, 665
import well data, 993 label logs on cross section, 276
importing data, 36 label properties, 274, 381, 500, 522, 665
in, 779 label properties wells, 197
inches, 831 labels bar log, 438, 458
inclination, 318 labels wells, 217, 239
inclined, 245 lambert azimuthal equal area projection, 889
inclined cross section, 245 lambert conformal conic projection, 890
inclined logs on cross section, 245 landscape, 824
include all boreholes, 80 LAS export, 815, 1027
include all data, 80 LAS files, 48, 831, 993
indent keyword, 48, 67, 396, 758 LAS import options, 993
indent keyword column, 48, 396, 405 LAS version, 993
indent line, 48, 396, 405, 748, 753, 758, 928 last page, 778
indent line styles, 758, 928 lat/long, 852, 853, 884
indent percentage, 48, 395, 396, 758 lat/long coordinate system, 873
indent percentage column, 48, 396, 405 latitude, 852, 853
indent scale, 48, 67, 310, 395, 396, 758, 966 layer bottoms, 234, 251
indent scale column, 396, 405 layer mark name, 254
info cross section, 272, 288, 293 layer markers, 234, 252
initial interval count, 123, 743, 746 layer marks, 229, 234, 252
inner diameter, 48, 67 layer marks save, 254, 596
inner diameter column, 562, 571 layer objects, 248
insert image into log, 543 layer tops, 234, 251
insert map, 30 layers, 248
insert map view into cross section, 30 layers in cross sections, 248
insert new row, 85 layout, 274, 381, 500, 522, 665, 824
insert scheme item, 748 left, 498, 520, 798
inserting a map view, 151, 160, 347 left justify, 685
interval (from-to), 15, 67, 562 left to right, 405, 799
interval data, 5, 48, 125, 126, 309, 396, 425, legend, 5, 23, 334
475, 746 legend background, 180, 263, 279, 297, 338,
interval table, 48, 67, 72, 125, 126, 135, 361, 414, 442, 462, 484, 506, 528, 548,
405, 436, 454, 476, 498, 520, 542 576, 606, 628, 714
introduction to strater, 1 legend columns, 335
invert selection, 794 legend fill, 180, 263, 279, 297, 338, 361,
italic, 685 414, 442, 462, 484, 506, 528, 548, 576,
italic text, 11, 685 606, 628, 714
item, 5, 309, 562 legend frame, 338
justify, 685 legend frame color, 180, 263, 279, 297, 338,
KB table, 194 361, 414, 442, 462, 484, 506, 528, 548,
keep layer marks, 254, 596 576, 606, 628, 714
keyboard commands, 20 legend labels, 336
keyword, 753, 756, 758, 763, 764 legend line, 338
keyword properties, 753, 763 legend properties, 335

Strater 5 User’s Guide

legend samples, 335 load data from external source, 73, 312, 968
length of wave, 683 load data into current table, 60
library, 691 load data into table, 60
limits, 164 load multiple LAS file, 63
line, 178, 199, 261, 277, 291, 332, 440, 604, load multiple worksheets, 63
680, 727, 729, 758 load template, 23, 804
line around legend, 338 loading data, 36
line indent styles, 758, 928 local datum, 869
line log, 371, 374, 660 location information, 22
line palette, 729 log and cross section pane, 841
line properties, 27, 178, 199, 261, 277, 291, log base properties, 383, 410, 459, 481, 503,
332, 440, 604, 727, 729, 756, 831 525, 545, 573, 625, 645, 667
line styles, 729 log base settings, 383, 410, 459, 481, 503,
line to LAS, 815, 1027 525, 545, 573, 625, 645, 667
line/symbol cross section, 229 log cross section properties, 272
line/symbol fill, 372 log fill properties, 386, 670
line/symbol log, 5, 14, 48, 309, 371 log functions, 656
line/symbol log data tables, 48 log info, 272, 288, 293
line/symbol properties, 371, 374, 660 log item, 5, 309, 326, 349, 371, 383, 395,
linear, 180, 263, 279, 297, 326, 338, 361, 410, 425, 435, 453, 459, 475, 481, 497,
374, 414, 442, 454, 462, 484, 506, 528, 503, 519, 525, 541, 545, 561, 573, 625,
548, 576, 606, 628, 660, 714 641, 645, 667
linked item, 326 log item position, 25, 17, 67, 334, 371, 405,
linked text, 22, 48, 699 680, 794
linked text font, 702 log items, 5, 309
linked text format, 702 log labels, 274, 381, 500, 522, 665
linked text multiple lines, 702 log line properties, 383, 410, 459, 481, 503,
linked text prefix, 702 525, 545, 573, 625, 645, 667
linked text properties, 699, 702 log pane, 33
linked text suffix, 702 log pane line properties, 140, 781
list all tables, 119 log pane size, 824
lithology column, 399 log properties, 272
lithology data schemes and logs, 396 log symbol properties, 188, 389, 514, 536,
lithology description, 5, 48, 67, 309, 395, 636, 650, 673, 730
405, 426 log types, 1, 5, 309
lithology indent styles scheme, 48, 123, 396, log variable, 656, 660
405, 743, 748, 758, 928 log view, 35, 137
lithology keyword, 48, 67, 756 logarithmic, 326, 374, 454, 660
lithology keyword field, 396, 405 longitude, 852, 853
lithology keywords, 396 look for well locations, 235
lithology labels, 409, 603 lost manager, 33, 792
lithology line properties, 756 low to high, 326, 374, 454, 660
lithology log, 5, 35, 48, 309, 395, 396, 399, magnify, 779
405 main symbol, 693
lithology log data, 67 major interval, 326, 328, 354, 383, 410, 459,
lithology log data tables, 48 481, 503, 525, 545, 573, 625, 645, 667
lithology log label, 276 major tick length, 2, 326, 328, 354, 426
lithology log properties, 396, 405 major ticks, 356
lithology scheme, 37, 48, 123, 396, 405, make cross section larger, 240
743, 748, 756 make cross section smaller, 240
lithology scheme properties, 756 making a borehole, 139
lithology table, 48, 72, 396, 405 managers, 792
lithololgy indent styles scheme, 758 manual connections, 233, 252
live borehole, 145, 215 manual cross section, 229
LLF, 758 manual layer marks, 234, 252
load a template, 806 manual layers, 233, 252
load cross section in voxler, 220 manual picks, 229
load data, 58, 73, 312, 809, 968, 973 manually pick layers, 234, 252
load data for cross section, 238 map, 163


map axes, 170 menu command descriptions, 19, 33

map axis, 170 mercator, 892
map axis grid lines, 176 mercator projection, 892
map axis labels, 174 merge intervals, 2, 180, 263, 279, 297, 338,
map axis line, 176 361, 405, 414, 426, 436, 442, 462, 484,
map axis line properties, 176 506, 528, 548, 576, 606, 628, 714
map axis properties, 170, 172 metafile export, 811, 1001
map axis ticks, 172 metafile opacity, 741
map axis title, 174 metafile properties, 741
map coordinate system, 169, 858 middle, 22, 798
map coordinate system overview, 849 miller cylindrical projection, 893
map deviation, 43 minimum curvature method, 322
map disappeared, 850 minimum value, 326, 396, 453, 454
map document, 37, 153 minimum wells in well selector, 206, 236
map info, 170, 192 minor divisions, 326, 354
map layer coordinate system, 192, 202, 850, minor tick length, 326, 328, 354
857 minor ticks, 356
map limits, 165, 167 missing data, 642
map line properties, 164 mode, 27, 145, 215
map menu, 154 modifying cross sections, 29
map menu commands, 154 modifying loaded data, 73, 312, 968
map object, 37, 153, 163 mollweide projection, 894
map page, 37, 153 move backward, 798
map projection, 866 move forward, 798
map scale, 165, 167, 170 move individual well label, 204
map showing deviated wells, 194 move to back, 797
map size, 165 move to front, 797
map source name, 170, 192 moving cross section connections, 31
map symbol properties, 164 moving layers, 31
map symbols, 201 moving layers in a cross section, 31
map tab, 37, 153 moving managers, 30
map to cross section, 228 moving windows, 30
map view, 37, 153, 155, 156, 193 multi-line text, 687
map view axis grid lines, 176 multi-page PDF, 598
map view axis labels, 174 multiple boreholes, 1, 23, 140, 147, 781
map view axis line properties, 176 multiple collars, 235
map view axis title, 174 multiple depth logs, 350, 351
map view properties, 154, 164, 786 multiple lines of linked text, 702
map view property manager, 154, 786 multiple lines of text, 687
map view wells, 157 multiple logs, 655
map well properties, 203 multiple page PDF, 598
mapping wells, 157 multiple selection, 767
mapview, 154 multiple tables, 1, 23
margins, 824 multiple views, 1, 140, 781
mark layer name, 254 name the layer, 253, 254
marker bed, 140, 210, 781, 786 names, 122, 128
markers, 234, 252 national projections, 874
match case, 87 negative, 5, 309, 354, 453, 454
match cell, 87 new, 2, 11, 72, 123, 139, 743, 804
math functions, 98 new borehole definition, 126
math text, 48, 915 new borehole view, 11, 23, 139
math text examples, 915 new column, 85
math text instruction syntax, 915 new cross section, 210
maximum value, 326, 330, 352, 371, 383, new cross section view, 210
410, 454, 459, 481, 503, 525, 545, 573, new hole, 126
625, 645, 667 new lithology log, 395
md, 318 new map view, 154
mean sea level, 210, 786 new row, 85
measured depth, 318 new scheme, 20, 37, 123, 743, 746, 748

Strater 5 User’s Guide

new table, 57, 72 page units, 831

new text template, 693 page view, 140, 778, 781, 811, 1001
new worksheet, 57 pan realtime, 781
new zealand map grid projection, 895 pane, 33, 824
next page, 778 pane line, 841
no text, 405, 436, 454, 498, 520 parameter information section, 993
node, 712 parts of a cross section, 225, 248
northing, 48, 67 parts of a map, 163
nudge end values, 326, 354, 371, 426, 475 paste, 769
null value, 140, 781, 831, 993 paste data, 770
number format, 91 paste special, 62
number of decimal places, 734 paste special worksheet, 62, 770
number to text, 116 path, 831
numeric format, 2, 91, 116, 330, 353, 358, pattern, 180, 263, 279, 297, 338, 361, 414,
371, 454, 520, 734 442, 462, 484, 506, 528, 548, 576, 606,
numeric format properties, 831 628, 714, 723, 726
object manager, 13, 25, 767 pdf, 598, 949
object name, 33 pdf import, 995
object positioning, 22 pdf import options dialog, 995
objects in a map view, 163 peak to peak amplitude, 683
objects in group, 194 peak to peak height, 683
objects in map group, 170, 192 percent, 91
oblique mercator projection, 896 percentage fields, 476
offset, 48, 67, 326, 330, 354 percentage log, 5, 48, 309, 475, 476
offset column - well construction, 562, 571 percentage log data tables, 48
offset ticks, 354 percentage log keyword scheme, 753
offset well label, 204 percentage log labels, 480
online help - printing, 8 percentage log properties, 475, 476
opacity, 2, 27, 178, 180, 190, 199, 259, 261, percentage table, 476
263, 277, 279, 291, 297, 330, 332, 338, pick bottoms, 234, 251, 252
352, 361, 414, 440, 442, 462, 484, 506, pick layer marks, 234, 252
528, 548, 576, 604, 606, 628, 706, 712, pick tops, 234, 251, 252
714, 727, 732 picture pattern, 180, 263, 279, 297, 338,
opacity for metafiles, 741 361, 414, 442, 462, 484, 506, 528, 548,
open, 11 576, 606, 628, 714
open all sheets, 80 place box around well header information,
open data tutorial, 38 297
open multiple, 63 plane, 870
open multiple LAS files, 63 point, 330, 680
open multiple worksheets at once, 63 pointer coordinates, 33
open scheme, 748 polar projections, 873
open tab, 30 polar/arctic/antarctic projections, 873
opening data, 36 polarity bars, 5, 309, 454
opening strater, 12 polyconic projection, 898
optional columns, 122 polygon, 679
options, 831 polyline, 680
options - pane line, 841 polyline properties, 178, 199, 261, 277, 291,
order scheme, 748 332, 440, 604, 680, 727
orthographic projection, 897 polyline styles, 729
out, 780 portrait, 824
outer diameter, 48, 67, 571 position log item, 17
outer diameter field, 562, 571 position objects, 22
overlay logs, 219, 317 positioning, 17
overlaying logs, 372 positive, 354
packing, 764 positive depth, 354
page, 778, 779, 824 post item keyword scheme, 753
page layout, 824 post log, 5, 48, 309, 497, 498, 519
page number, 22 post log data tables, 48
page setup, 354, 824 post properties, 497, 498, 520


post table, 498, 520 quick tour, 5

prefix, 734 quick tutorial, 5
presets, 712 radius of curvature method, 322
previous page, 778 range scheme, 123, 454, 520, 743, 748, 763
print, 827, 828 realtime, 780
print borehole, 827 record count, 72
print cross section, 827 recreate cross section, 246
print map, 827 rectangle, 681, 781
print multiple boreholes, 1 redo, 772
print multiple logs, 830 redraw, 151, 777, 781
printer, 824 reference datum, 140, 210, 323, 781, 786
printing the online help, 8 refresh, 781
project information table, 48, 72 refresh borehole, 151, 777
project leader, 48 refresh borehole list, 128
project location, 48 refresh borehole names, 128
project name, 48 regional projections, 874
project tables, 48, 72 regional/national projections, 874
project utm, 874 registered raster, 598
projection, 169, 192, 202, 857, 858, 866, registered serial number, 5
868 registration card, 5
projection - albers, 875 registration number, 5
projection - azimuthal, 876 relative spacing, 799
projection - bonne, 877 reload all, 84
projection - cassini, 879 reload data, 84, 975
projection - ecker vi, 881 remove hole data, 128
projection - eckert iv, 880 remove layer marks, 253
projection - equidistant conic, 882 rename hole ID, 129
projection - equidistant cylindrical, 883 rename object, 25
projection - gnomonic, 885 rename table, 121
projection - hotine, 886, 888 replace, 87, 768
projection - lambert, 889, 890 replace table, 87
projection - lat/long, 884 replace worksheet, 87
projection - mercator, 892 required column, 122
projection - miller cylindrical, 893 required project column, 122
projection - mollweide, 894 reset edited blocks, 426
projection - new zealand map grid, 895 reset layout, 33, 792
projection - oblique mercator, 896 reset windows, 33, 792
projection - orthographic, 897 reshape, 248, 703
projection - polyconic, 898 reshaping cross sections, 31, 241
projection - robinson, 899 reshaping layers, 31
projection - robinson-sterling, 899 reshaping layers in a cross section, 31
projection - sinusoidal, 900 resize cross section, 240
projection - state plane, 901 resize objects, 794
projection - stereographic, 902 restore defaults, 33, 792
projection - transverse mercator, 903 retain tool mode, 831
projection - universal transverse mercator, reuse, 1
904 right, 498, 520, 798
projection - utm, 904 right justify, 685
projection - van der grinten, 905 right to left, 17, 405, 799
projection datum, 868 robinson projection, 899
projection ellipsoid, 866 robinson-sterling projection, 899
projection help, 857 rotate, 796, 797
projection references, 857 rotation field, 498, 520
projection templates, 875 rounded rectangle, 681
projections, 870, 874 rounded square, 681
properties, 27 row, 85, 97
property manager, 13, 27 row height, 97
property manager map view, 154, 786 row transforms, 98
put gaps between objects, 799 ruler divisions, 839

Strater 5 User’s Guide

rulers, 831, 839 select data to plot, 238

running strater, 12 select layer name, 253
sample options, 335 select or enter layer name, 253
save, 803 select wells for cross section, 206, 236
save all tables, 79 selected percentage columns, 476
save as, 803 selecting objects, 25, 767
save ASCII, 78, 1004 selecting wells on a map, 159
save CSV, 78, 1004 separator margin, 426
save data, 77, 78, 813, 1001, 1004 separator style, 426
save layer marks, 254, 596 serial number, 5, 12
save layer marks to table, 254, 596 set bitmap opacity, 740
save scheme, 748 set bitmap transparency, 740
save table data, 77, 813, 1001 set cross section data, 238
save template, 23, 804 set cross section type, 238
save TXT, 78, 1004 set custom date/time format, 93, 739
scale, 164, 170 set data for cross section, 238
scale bar, 326 set datum, 863
scale bar maximum, 326 set default pane line, 841
scale bar minimum, 326 set fill on well header, 297
scale bar properties, 326 set font for legends, 336
scale bar tick properties, 328 set image location, 740
scale bar ticks, 328 set image opacity, 740
scale bar title, 330 set image transparency, 740
scale factor, 180, 263, 279, 297, 338, 361, set labels for legends, 336
414, 442, 462, 484, 506, 528, 548, 576, set legend labels, 336
606, 628, 714 set line on well header, 297
scaling, 354, 374, 383, 405, 410, 436, 454, set map coordinate system, 169, 858
459, 476, 481, 503, 525, 545, 573, 625, set opacity on metafile, 741
642, 645, 660, 667 set projection, 863
scaling depth per centimeter, 140, 354, 781 set relative spacing, 799
scaling depth per inch, 140, 323, 354, 781 set scale bar tick properties, 328
SCH, 748 set scale bar title, 330
scheme, 20, 56, 123, 218, 743, 745 set spacing between objects, 799
scheme editor, 20, 748 set text, 687
scheme file, 748 set text for legends, 336
scheme item name, 20, 753, 756, 758, 763, set the depth scale, 354
764 set title for scale bar, 330
scheme item properties, 20, 123, 743, 753, set type of cross section, 238
756, 758, 763, 764 set well label, 204
scheme name, 20, 123, 743, 746, 748 set wells collars table, 194
scheme type, 20, 123, 743, 746, 748 set wells KB table, 194
schemes, 1, 20, 48, 123, 396, 562, 743, 753, setting axis properties, 170
756, 758, 763, 764, 928 setting elevation, 323
screen scale, 571 setting the legend line properties, 338
screens, 764 setting the log scale, 323
scroll control, 712 setting the map limits, 167
SDG, 11, 803 setting the map scale, 165
sea level, 210, 786 setting well properties, 25
seal and packing, 764 setup, 824
seals, 764 short tutorial, 5
seg, 954 show all managers, 29, 792
seg files, 954 show all tables, 77, 791
seg import, 996 show deviation on cross section, 245
select, 768, 794 show frame, 297
select all, 794 show grid, 831
select collars, 235 show grid lines, 383, 410, 459, 481, 503,
select columns, 65, 374, 405, 426, 436, 476, 525, 545, 573, 625, 645, 667
520, 543, 571, 660 show keyword text, 405, 436, 454, 498, 520
select data for cross section, 238


show label, 274, 381, 409, 438, 458, 480, starting tick value, 354
500, 522, 603, 623, 665 state plane, 874, 901
show label on lithology log, 409, 603 state plane coordinate system, 874, 901
show labels, 409, 438, 458, 480, 603 state plane projection, 901
show labels on a bar log, 438, 458 state plane projections, 874
show labels on a percentage log, 480 statistics, 104
show labels on zone bar log, 438, 458 statistics references, 115
show major depth grid lines, 383, 410, 459, status bar, 13, 33
481, 503, 525, 545, 573, 625, 645, 667 step through loading a template, 806
show major variable grid lines, 383, 410, stereographic projection, 902
459, 481, 503, 525, 545, 573, 625, 645, stock pattern, 180, 263, 279, 297, 338, 361,
667 414, 442, 462, 484, 506, 528, 548, 576,
show minor depth grid lines, 383, 410, 459, 606, 628, 714
481, 503, 525, 545, 573, 625, 645, 667 store layer marks, 254, 596
show minor variable grid lines, 383, 410, Strater lithologic lines files, 758
459, 481, 503, 525, 545, 573, 625, 645, stretch, 180, 263, 279, 297, 338, 361, 414,
667 442, 462, 484, 506, 528, 548, 576, 606,
show multiple import dialog, 831 628, 714
show pane, 824 stretch bitmap, 543
show position, 839 stretch image, 543
show rulers, 831, 839 strikethrough, 685
show text, 405, 498, 520 string alignment, 693
show text with fill, 436, 454 style, 178, 199, 261, 277, 291, 332, 354,
show text without fill, 436, 454 440, 604, 727
show well name on cross section, 217, 239 sub position, 685
sinusoidal projection, 900 subscript, 685, 915
size, 685 suffix, 734
size objects, 794, 800 superscript, 685, 915
size of unconformity line, 683 symbol, 188, 389, 514, 536, 636, 650, 673,
sizing a map, 165 680, 730
snap to grid, 839 symbol frequency crossplot, 188, 389, 514,
snap to ruler, 839 536, 636, 650, 673, 730
sort, 102 symbol log, 371, 374, 660
sort scheme, 748 symbol palette, 732
source coordinate system, 192, 202, 849, symbol properties, 27, 188, 389, 514, 519,
850, 857 536, 636, 650, 673, 680, 730, 831
sp1, 954 symbol style, 188, 389, 514, 536, 636, 650,
sp1 files, 954 673, 680, 730
sp1 import, 996 symbol well, 203
space objects, 17, 22, 799 system requirements, 1
spacing, 799 tab documents, 30
spatial extents, 161, 740 tab windows, 30
specify column definitions, 14, 67 table, 72, 77, 121, 125, 126, 813, 1001
specify column header row, 14, 65 table browser, 119
specify data type and column positions, 14, table export xyz data, 80
67 table name, 20, 72, 121, 123, 743, 746
specify ending row, 65 table paste special, 62
specify layer marks, 234, 252 table properties, 119
specify starting row, 65 table tab, 4, 47
specify worksheet column definitions, 14, 65 table types, 48
spheroid, 869 table view, 4, 47
square, 681 tables, 1, 48, 67
standard bar, 5, 309 tabs, 30
standard bars, 454 tadpole, 619
start style, 178, 199, 261, 277, 291, 332, tadpole label, 623
440, 604, 727 tadpole log, 619
starting borehole depth, 140, 781 tadpole log properties, 620
starting depth, 48, 67, 126 tadpole properties, 620
starting strater, 12 tangential method, 322

Strater 5 User’s Guide

target coordinate system, 169, 849, 850, 858 true vertical depth calculation method, 322
technical support, 9 true vertical depth table, 117
template, 806 truncate, 828
template (text), 685 TSF, 804
template library (text), 690, 691 turn off display of managers, 29, 792
template name, 140, 781 tutorial, 11, 18, 23, 38
template table, 807 tutorial - deviation, 43
template table columns, 807 tutorial - insert map view, 30
template wizard, 806 tutorial - map properties, 26
templates, 1, 804, 875 tutorial - overview, 5
temporary path, 831 tutorial - short, 5
test template (text), 692 tutorial - tour, 5
text, 21, 22, 685 tutorial - well properties, 25
text (general), 67 tutorial adding well selectors, 27
text alignment, 685 tutorial design mode, 35
text angle, 405, 436, 454, 498, 520 tutorial displaying wells, 29
text block, 425 tutorial editing cross sections, 29
text editor, 685, 690, 691, 692, 695 tutorial editing properties, 18
text editor template library, 691 tutorial fill layers, 40
text for legends, 336 tutorial import layers, 40
text for title, 330 tutorial introduction, 11
text item table, 72 tutorial zone bar, 19
text linking, 699 tvd, 318
text position, 498, 520, 915 TVD calculation method, 322
text properties, 27, 685, 687, 695 TVD calculations, 322
text qualifer, 78, 1004 type, 48, 326
text table, 48, 67 type of cross section to create, 238
text template editor example, 695 types of projections, 870
text to number, 116 unconformity properties, 683
text with multiple lines, 687 underline, 685
thousands separator, 91 understanding map coordinate systems, 849
three minute tour, 5 understanding projections, 866
tick label settings, 326 undo, 685, 772
tick length, 326, 354 undo levels, 772, 831
tick position, 356 ungroup, 796
tick positions, 328 unicode, 915
tick range, 354 units, 122, 140, 781, 831, 993
ticks, 356 universal transverse mercator, 874, 904
ticks properties, 356 universal transverse mercator projection, 904
tile, 180, 263, 279, 297, 338, 361, 414, 442, unregistered raster, 598
462, 484, 506, 528, 548, 576, 606, 628, update, 5
714 update API code as field comment, 993
tile views, 792 update borehole data, 151, 777
time, 685 update external data, 119
title for scale bar, 330 update layer mark name, 255
title properties, 330 update layer name, 255
title text, 330 update unit types for existing tables, 993
to, 48, 67, 562 update window, 781
top, 383, 410, 459, 481, 498, 503, 520, 525, use comma, 734
545, 573, 625, 645, 667, 798 use indent percentage, 396, 405, 758
top to bottom, 799 use keyword scheme, 20, 436, 498, 748, 753
tops, 234, 251 use lithology indent lines, 396, 405, 758
tops for cross section, 223 use range scheme, 454, 743, 748
transform, 98 user defined, 140, 326, 454, 781
transparent, 180, 263, 279, 297, 338, 361, user defined scaling, 140, 354, 383, 410,
414, 442, 462, 484, 506, 528, 548, 576, 459, 481, 503, 525, 545, 573, 625, 645,
606, 628, 706, 714 667, 781
transverse mercator projection, 903 using files on other computers, 824
true vertical depth, 245, 318 utm, 874, 904


utm projection, 874, 904 well marker label, 204

uwi, 993 well render, 130, 821
van der grinten projection, 905 well selector, 159, 163, 205
variable grid line position, 383, 410, 459, well selector lines, 27
481, 503, 525, 545, 573, 625, 645, 667 well size, 562, 571
variable grid lines, 383, 410, 459, 481, 503, well spacing, 246
525, 545, 573, 625, 645, 667 well symbol, 203
vector log, 619 well symbols in cross section, 217, 239
vector pattern, 180, 263, 279, 297, 338, 361, well table, 48, 571
414, 442, 462, 484, 506, 528, 548, 576, wellrender, 130, 821
606, 628, 714 wells, 163
vertical alignment, 756 wells layer, 163
vertical exaggeration, 210, 786 wells on a map, 203
view managers, 792 what columns are in template table, 807
view map, 37, 153 What is a Coordinate System?, 849
view mode, 140, 781 what is a map projection, 866
view name, 140, 781 what is the depth variable, 660
view properties cross section, 210, 786 what is the function log depth variable, 660
views, 1 why should I use a coordinate system, 850
visible status, 25 width, 178, 199, 261, 277, 291, 332, 396,
volrender, 132, 819 440, 604, 727
voxler, 220 Windows stock pattern, 180, 263, 279, 297,
voxler export, 220 338, 361, 414, 442, 462, 484, 506, 528,
voxler volrender, 132, 819 548, 576, 606, 628, 714
voxler well render, 130, 821 wizard, 806
voxler wells, 130, 821 worksheet, 4, 47
warp, 169, 192, 202, 857, 858 worksheet paste special, 770
wave length, 683 worksheet view, 4, 47
wave shape, 683 worksheets found, 14
wavelength, 683 world projections, 874
well, 163 wrap 100X, 374, 660
well collar, 194 wrap 10X, 374, 660
well collar table, 194 XLSX export, 79
well construction data schemes and logs, 562 xyz data from cross section, 223
well construction log, 5, 48, 309, 561, 562, zone bar keyword scheme, 753
566, 571 zone bar log, 5, 15, 48, 309, 399, 435, 436
well construction log data, 67 zone bar log data tables, 48
well construction log data tables, 48 zone bar log font, 438, 458
well construction properties, 561, 562, 571 zone bar log label, 276
well construction scheme, 123, 562, 571, zone bar log labels, 438, 458
743, 748, 764 zone bar properties, 19, 20, 435, 436
well construction table, 48, 72 zone bar table, 48, 435, 436
well header frame, 297 zoom in, 779
well header frame properties, 297 zoom out, 780
well information section, 993 zoom page, 779
well items, 67, 764 zoom realtime, 780
well KB table, 194 zoom rectangle, 781
well label, 204 zoom selected, 780
well labels, 197 Zoom to Width, 779
well location labels, 197 zooming in on a map, 167
well location symbol properties, 201 zooming out on a map, 167
well location symbols, 201

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Strater 5 ®

Superior well log, borehole & cross section plotting

Golden Software, LLC
809 14th Street
Golden, Colorado 80401 USA

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