Long-Term Deflections of Reinforced Concrete Structures.: April 1987
Long-Term Deflections of Reinforced Concrete Structures.: April 1987
Long-Term Deflections of Reinforced Concrete Structures.: April 1987
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Long-term deflection is very important in the design of reinforced concrete structures. Several
parameters, such as Poisson's ratio, support conditions and flexural rigidity at various stages
of loading are considered in calculating deflections. To calculate the effective moment of inertia,
the tensile reinforcement-force ratio is used instead of moment ratio. The paper shows this
to be an effective alternative to the formula generally used in current practice. A method is
presented for computing long-term deflection in reinforced concrete beams, flat plates and flat
slabs. The existing test results were compared with the calculated values and agreement was
found to be quite satisfactory. The proposed method is also applicable to prestressed concrete
beams and slabs.
In recent years, the increasing use of high strength concrete For predicting long-term deflection in members of
and reinforcing steel in the ultimate strength and limit reinforced concrete structures, the estimation of flexural
design has made possible the use of shallower flexural rigidities after cracking becomes important', Fig 1; there-
members on the basis of stress. Reduction in depth tends fore, a transition value between the well-defined limits
to increase deflections. The results of this excessive in uncracked I and fully cracked /„ should be used. This
deflection are unacceptable; therefore, the control of is similar to the approach of determining deflection in
deflections assumes much greater importance in the long- partially-cracked condition as an intermediate value
term behaviour of reinforced concrete structures. Since between the uncracked (stage I) and the fully cracked
the long-term behaviour of reinforced concrete structures (stage II) deflections.
is influenced by a larger number of factors, the prediction
of long-term deflection for flexural members such as The aim of this paper is to develop a method of
beams, flat slabs and flat plates becomes an extremely computing long-term deflection of reinforced concrete
difficult problem for structural designers. structures. In this method, the deflection at the mid-point
of a reinforced concrete structure is obtained as a sum of
Simplified methods are available for prediction of long- deflections. The validity of this method is verified against
term deflection of beams and slabs" 2, 3 ' 4 . Long-term the results of 123 deflection tests from 19 different
deflection is a combination of initial elastic deflection, investigations.
long-term elastic deflection, deflection due to cracking,
deflection due to shrinkage, and deflection due to creep
of concrete. Moment curvature relationship
The initial elastic deflection is the deflection that occurs The moment-curvature relationship, Fig 2, for a reinforced
under the slab dead load when formwork is removed. The concrete section in flexure at any section can be expressed
long-term elastic deflection is the deflection that occurs as :
under live load and the finishing or construction loading, For slabs M/D
without producing a cracked section.
For beams (1) = M/ El
The deflection due to shrinkage occurs when one
surface of the concrete slab/beam is reinforced and where, = curvature
does not shorten appreciably and the opposite surface is M = bending moment
essentially unreinforced and does shorten due to concrete D = flexural rigidities in slab and plate
shrinkage. El/(1— 'Y 2 )
EI = flexural rigidity in beam
The deflection due to creep occurs as the concrete is Y Poisson's ratio.
stressed under sustained loading. It increases with time
and also with amount of loading. In equations (la) and (lb), the flexural rigidity remains
constant until the cracking moment is reached and
decreases as moment increases. To calculate moment of
inertia, Branson proposed the effective moment of inertia
method, which provides a transition between the well-
defined limits in the uncracked, / u „ or (stage I), and
fully cracked, /„. (stage II), and is expressed ash:
',c a t e5
ch average
b cr t
(a) ( b) (c)
Himat Solanki, Structural Engineer, Smally, Wellford & Nalven, Inc., Sarasota,
Florida, U.S.A.
T• cr , , Tc r 4
-( i„4 + [ 1( ) il, 19
• (3)
50 100 150
where, and T, express total tensile force (both in A Computed deflection ,mm
concrete and steel) in cracked sections at cracking and at Fig 4 Comparison of computed and observed mid-span long-
arbitrary level greater than cracking load considered, term deflection
respectively. Equation (3) corresponds with considering
moments about the location of the compressive resultant Long-term deflection
of concrete at a cracked section in Branson's equation (2).
The tensile force in the concrete before cracking would The total long-term deflection, A— total is assumed to ,
Tensile contribution of
equation recommended by ACI Committee 209 9.
The shrinkage deflection, A so is given by
• a. 0 ,,, L 2
a 25
The effective moment of inertia concept used in this paper
for computing the long-term deflections of reinforced and
prestressed concrete structures in cracking range is
a compatible with the formula given in the ACI Code.
.o For computing the long-term deflection at mid point
(maximum) of flat slabs and flat plates, it is assumed to
be equal to the sum of the deflections in the x-direction
and in the y-direction.
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O 19 0 rature Effects in Concrete Structures. SP-76, American Concrete
21 Institute, Detroit, 1982. pp. 193-300.
• 22
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E 50
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