7XV57 RS232 - RS485 Converter: Function Overview

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15 Relay Communication Equipment / 7XV57

RS232 – RS485 Converter
Function overview

• Minimum baud rate: 9600 baud

• Maximum baud rate: 115 kbaud
• No setting of baud rate necessary
LSP2027-afp.tif • Compact plug casing
• Power supply via plug in PSU
• Maximum 31 relays at RS485 bus
• Complete set for connecting 1 relay
to RS485 bus

Fig. 15/57
RS232 – RS485 converter


Up to 31 SIPROTEC 4 relays with an elec-

trical, bus-capable RS485 interface to a PC
for centralized control can be connected
via the RS232ÖRS485 converter.
The converter is housed in an expanded
plug casing. The interfaces are connected
to 25-pin female connectors. The auxiliary
voltage is supplied via a plug-in power sup-
ply unit attached to the side. Auxiliary
voltages of 110 or 230 V AC make opera-
tion with all common AC networks possi-
A twisted and shielded cable with two wires
is required for the RS485 bus. The protec-
tion relays are connected to the bus in
series. Data transmission at a speed of
19.2 kbaud with a bus length of up to
approximately 1000 m is possible.
The converter, plug-in power supply unit
and the connecting cable to the first relay
are included in the scope of supply.


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15 Relay Communication Equipment / 7XV57


The RS232ÖRS485 converter allows up to

31 SIPROTEC 4 protection relays with
electrical busable RS485 interfaces to be
connected to a PC notebook.
The converter is housed in an expanded
plug casing. The interfaces are connected
to 25 pin female connectors. The RS485
interface has a terminating resistor. The
auxiliary voltage is supplied via a plug-in
power supply unit attached to the side.
Auxiliary voltages of 110 V or 230 V AC
make operation with all common AC net-
works possible.

Fig. 15/58 Protection units connected to the RS485 bus

The converter may not be used with a substation modem due to non-existing isolation. It is recom-
mended to use the 7XV5650 and 7XV5651 converters in conjunction with the substation modem.

The PC is connected to the converter by
The converter works according to the mas- means of a DIGSI cable e.g. 7XV5100-2.
ter/slave principle. In idle state, the RS232
interface is inactive while the RS485 inter- A twisted and shielded cable with two
face is switched to the receiving mode. wires is required for the RS485 bus. The
During communication, the PC (master) conductor cross section has to be adapted
sends data to the RS232 interface, which to the ring cable lugs and the SUB-D con-
are transmitted (half duplex) to the protec- nectors. The individual wires protruding
tion unit (slave) by the converter at the from the shield should be kept as short as
RS485 interface. After data transmission, possible. The shield is connected to the
the RS485 interface is once again switched housing earth at both ends. The protection
to the receiving mode. Vice versa, data units are connected in series to the bus.
supplied by the protection unit are sent The shield between the converter and the
back by the converter to the RS232 inter- protection units, or between the protection
face and to the PC. units, is connected at both sides. Whenever
substantial cable lengths or high baud rates
No handshake signals are being processed are involved, a terminating resistor of
during communication. This means that 220 ohm should be applied between signal
data sent by the PC are mirrored, which lines A and B at the last protection unit.
may cause problems in special applica- Data transmission at a speed of 19.2 kbit/s,
tions. with a bus length of up to approx. 1000 m,
is possible.


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15 Relay Communication Equipment / 7XV57

Technical data Design

Plug chassis Plastics
Dimensions 63 x 94 x 16 mm (W x H x D)
Degree of protection IP20
Power supply
Power supply 110 or 230 V AC
Via Plug-in power supply unit
Electrical interfaces
Type RS232 to RS485 (non-isolated)
Assignment See Fig. 15/58
CE conformity, standards
This product is in conformity with the directive of Conformity is proved by tests performed by
the Council of the European Communities on the Siemens AG in accordance with the generic standards
approximation of the laws of the Member States EN 50081-1 and EN 50082-2.
relating to the electromagnetic compatibility
(EMC Council Directive 89/336/EEC).

Selection and ordering data Description Order No.

7XV5700 RS232 – RS485 converter 7XV5700-¨ ¨ ¨ 0 0

Rated auxiliary voltage

Via plug-in auxiliary power supply unit (PSU) 230 V / 50 Hz AC 0
Via plug-in auxiliary PSU 110 V / 60 Hz AC 1

Connecting cable
With RS485 connecting cable for 7SJ60, 7RW60, 7SD6, 7SV60, length 1 m A
With RS485 connecting cable for SIMEAS Q and SIPROTEC 4, length 1 m B
With RS485 connecting cable for SIMEAS T, length 1 m C
Without RS232 connecting cable A
With RS232 connecting cable 7XV5100-2 for PC/notebook, 9 pin B
With RS232 adaptor, 25-pin connector (male) to 9-pin connector (female) for PC / notebook C


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