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ENGLISH 7 - Q1 - Mod6

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
National Capital Region
Manila Education Center Arroceros Forest Park
Antonio J. Villegas St. Ermita, Manila


Respecting Boundaries

Quarter 1 Week 6 Module 6

Most Essential Learning Competency:
• Identifying Different Genre C
• Clauses

Before you start answering the module, I want you to set aside other tasks
that will distract you while enjoying the lessons. Read the simple
instructions below to successfully enjoy the objectives of this kit. Have fun!

1. Follow carefully all the contents and instructions indicated in every

page of this module.
2. Write on your notebook or any writing pad the concepts about the
lessons. Writing enhances learning, which is important to develop
and keep in mind.
3. Perform all the provided activities in the module.
4. Let your facilitator/guardian assess your answers.
5. Analyze conceptually the posttest and apply what you have learned.
6. Enjoy studying!


• Expectations - These are what you will be able to know after
completing the lessons in the module.
• Pre-Test - This will measure your prior knowledge and the concepts to
be mastered throughout the lesson.
• Looking Back - This section will measure what learnings and skills
that you understand from the previous lesson.
• Brief Introduction- This section will give you an overview of the
• Activities - These are activities designed to develop critical thinking
and other competencies. This can be done with or without a partner
depending on the nature of the activity.
• Remember - This section summarizes the concepts and applications
of the lessons.
• Checking Your Understanding - It will verify how you learned from
the lesson.
• Post-Test - This will measure how much you have learned from the
entire module

Lesson 8 – Respecting Boundaries

At the end of the lesson, you are expected to:

• identify the different genre of material viewed
• investigate the truthfulness of the material viewed through research
• organize information from material viewed using graphic organizer

Direction: Analyze each sentence and then decide what information material
fits the description.
1. A travel vlog channel on YouTube that features interesting tourist spots
all over the world.
A. documentary
B. internet-based program
C. movie trailer
D. news flash
2. Eat Bulaga game segment was interrupted by a breaking news about the
massive fire in Tondo, Manila.
A. documentary
B. internet-based program
C. news flash
D. weather news report
3. Before buying movie tickets, a snippet of the film helps you decide
whether to watch the movie or not.
A. documentary
B. morning TV show
C. movie trailer
D. product advertisement
4. What research-based reporting you would watch if you want to know a
thorough investigation of the history of pandemics?
A. breaking news
B. documentary
C. movie trailer
D. news flash
5. What would help you decide what kind of clothing you will wear the next
A. weather report C. travel vlog
B. online clothing shop D. news flash

Your reading comprehension skill must have improved by now since
you have learned already the different reading strategies (skimming,
scanning, intensive, extensive) which you can use to get information from
the text you read. For your new lesson, you will be required to view different
genre of materials to get information.

How familiar are you with the following materials listed below? Check
the appropriate column that corresponds your answer.

Familiarity Chart
Materials Not Familiar Familiar Very Familiar
1. Documentary
2. Internet-based
3. Movie Trailer
4. News flash
5. Weather Report

You have learned that our ancestors have limited source of

information and yet they were able to cultivate our rich literature
and passed them on to our generation. We have great stories of
epic, legends and myths that have survived by word of mouth. Our
generation has a privilege of access to different genre that we can
use to further our knowledge.

Cambridge Dictionary define the word genre as a style,

especially in the arts, that involves a particular set of
characteristics. For this lesson, you will view different genre of
materials to gather information. Study the following genre below:

• A news flash is a single item of important news that is
aired separately and often interrupts other programs.
• A weather report is usually a part of an entire news
program that tells and foretells weather conditions on a
specific area.
• An internet-based program is a program that is
informative that can be accessed through the website.
• Movie trailer is a short clip from the film.
• Documentary is a researched based reporting that deals
with a specific topic and format.

Activity 1: Let’s Get Online!

Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s6xZNFvPklo

Video 1: Log on to The Aswang Project YouTube Channel. Search for

the episode Bakunawa: The Moon-Eating Dragon of the Philippines
posted on May 25, 2016. Watch the video then be ready to answer the

Activity 2: Getting Into Details

Photo Screenshot from: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s6xZNFvPklo

1. What is the genre of the material you viewed?


2. What information did the following persons share to the viewers

about Bakunawa? Write your answer on the appropriate column.

Budjette Tan Peque Gallaga Yvette Tan Karl De Mesa

3. How do Visayas and Mindanao’s beliefs of Bakunawa differ?

Visayas Mindanao

4. The myth of Bakunawa has an influence of the following countries.
What are their versions of the story?
Chinese Indonesia Japanese

5. Trace back the origin of Bakunawa based on the timeline given.

Timeline Origin of Bakunawa
500 BCE

200 CE

800-1400 CE

1900 + CE

Activity 3: What’s On the News?

Video 2: Log on to CNN Philippines

YouTube Channel. Search for news
on “Health Expert: I Expect
President to go for calibrated
quarantine” dated April 23, 2020.
Listen to the news report and be
ready to answer the questions.

Source: CNN
Philippines https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=igMYzOwvTVw&fbclid=IwAR13e474tVUE00L1oqfECofVjyBQ-

Activity 4: Responding to the News
1. Who was the former Health Secretary being interviewed in the
program? _____________________________________________________

2. What was the major recommendation of all the health experts who
were invited in the meeting with the President?

3. How was the modified quarantine described in the interview?


4. How was the quarantine areas clustered?


5. Did the news anchor able to ask the right questions enough for the
viewers to gather information? Why or why not?

6. What is the genre of the material you viewed? __________________


Activity 5: Fact Finder

• Go to YouTube and look for
Joseph Trimmer’s Channel.
• Search for the episode Top 10
Shocking Facts about the
• List down five (5) facts about the
topic discussed.
• Investigate whether the facts
presented are true or not.
• Write your answer on the graphic
organizer at the bottom page.
• Be ready to present your work in
our zoom class.

Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nHEzcAYc2VI

Use the graphic organizer to gather information from the material viewed.


Facts Facts Presented Cite any related information from

different sources to verify its
# 01

# 02

# 03

# 04

# 05

Activity 5: Share your Thoughts

You have learned that there are different

genre materials that you can use to improve
yourself – to be more aware of what is
happening around us. Most of us are active
on social media which can also be a source
of information. However, along with these
popular social media, comes the risk of being
exposed to fake news.
Answer the questions below to let us know
your thoughts on the issue.

1. How can you tell if the videos or news circulating online are fake news?

2. What would be the best way to counter fake news?




Activity 6: Question of the Day

• Share your thoughts about the question of the day. Write your answer
on the space provided.
• Choose a partner where you can compare and contrast your ideas.
You may do a video chat to discuss your work.
• Be ready to share your thoughts during our Zoom Class.

Question of the Day
What are the advantages _______________________________________
of technology in _______________________________________
education? _______________________________________

Differing News

• You will be assigned to view different materials from

the internet. After viewing, organize a report to be presented
in your Zoom class.

Group 1: Log on to YouTube Movie Channel then search for “Bully (2011).
Video posted on Aug 6, 2018.

Group 2: Log on to Southeastern Guide Dogs Channer and search for

“Pip|A Short Animated Film. Video posted on Oct. 24, 2018.

Group 3: Log on to wnsglobal services and look for “WCF Cyber Security
Awareness Program- #ThinkTalkTeach. Video posted
on Jan. 9, 2019. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8tR9P4QX82I

Group 4: Log on to NBC News YouTube Channel and look for the news
“Doctor.Hope Plasma From Recovered Corona Virus Patients Can
Save Lives Video posted on Apr. 9,
2020. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lZ6BggVlRFE

Group 5: Log on to Roana Jamir’s YouTube Channel and search for CNN
Philippines News Report. Video Posted on May 8, 2017

Use the graphic organizer to gather information from the material you
Graphic Organizer

Name: ____________________________________ Date: ______________

Are the
Are the
essential? Why?
essential? Why?

_____________________ _____________________
_____________________ _____________________
_____________________ _____________________
_____________________ What is the _____________________
_____________________ material about? _____________________
_____________________ _____________________
______________ _____________________
______________ _____________________
______________ _____________________
______________ _____________________
_____________________ _____________________

Are the information What information did

truthful? What made you get from the
you say so? material?


The word genre is defined as a style, especially in the arts, that
involves a particular set of characteristics.

The following are the different genre of the materials you have
viewed in this lesson: news flash, weather report , internet-based
program movie trailer, documentary

• Meet up with your assigned group through Google Meet or FB

• Choose any genre (movie clip, trailer, news flash, internet-based
program, documentary, video) that interests you. Your chosen
material will be rated based on accuracy, content, organization, and
• Make a video presentation of your group work.
• Upload your work on our Google class for checking.


Criteria 4 3 2 1

All statements are Most statements are Some statements are Most statements
accurate and accurate and accurate and cite outside
Accuracy verified. verified. verified. information or
Presentation had an Presentation had a Presentation had Presentation
exceptional amount good amount of moments where contained little to
Content of valuable material material and valuable material not valuable
and was extremely benefited the class was present but as a material
beneficial to the whole content was
class lacking
The presentation was The presentation had There were minimal The presentation
well organized, well organizing ideas but signs of organization lacked
Organization prepared and easy to could have been or preparation organization and
follow much stronger with had little evidence
better preparation of preparation
Presenters were all Presenters were Presenters were not Presenters were
very confident in occasionally consistent with the confident and
Presentation delivery and they did confident with their level of confidence/ demonstrated little
an excellent job of presentation preparedness they evidence of
engaging the class. however the showed the planning prior to
Preparation is very presentation was not classroom but had presentation
evident as engaging as it some strong
could have been for moments
the class

1. It is a short clip from the film. _____________________________________
2. It is a single item of important news that is aired separately and often
interrupts other programs. _____________________________________
3. A researched-based reporting that deals with a specific topic and format.
4. It is usually a part of an entire news program that tells and foretells
weather conditions on a specific area.
5. An ______________________ that is informative that can be accessed
through the website.

Lesson 9 – Clauses

At the end of the lesson, you are expected to:

• determine the types of clauses

• differentiate dependent clause from independent clause
• construct meaningful sentences

Are the following clauses Independent or Dependent? Write your

answer on the space provided. Put a necessary punctuation mark for
Independent Clause.

1. Run across Roxas Boulevard _______________________________

2. I passed the test _______________________________
3. Due to the typhoon _______________________________
4. My friend is shy _______________________________
5. I have a crush on you _______________________________
6. The dog is cute _______________________________
7. But I am afraid _______________________________
8. In order to know _______________________________
9. Due to cheating _______________________________
10. While away from home __________________________________


Do you have good ideas but could not express them
because you have difficulty translating them into cohesive
sentences? This lesson will help you solve your dilemma.
Being able to write meaningful sentences is one of the best
skills that you can have not just as a student; it can be useful
in real life situations and later in your professional years.

Independent clause (also called a main clause) – can stand alone as a

complete sentence; it has a subject and a verb.
My neighbor purchased a big house.
1. He built high walls around its house.
2. I’ll tell her the assignment.
3. The battery is defective.
Independent clause in a sentence:
• My neighbor purchased a big house before they went abroad.
Independent Clause
• Since Cora is absent yesterday, I’ll tell her the assignment.
Independent Clause

• The battery is defective when we tried it last time.

Independent Clause
Dependent clause (also called a subordinate clause) – is a group of words
that has a subject and a verb but it does not express a complete thought. It
is not a complete sentence on its own. It starts with subordinator words
and does not express a complete thought and cannot stand alone
• When the cake is brown
• That Dad cooked for us
• If you set realistic goal
• After school

Your prior knowledge on these lessons will be useful in
understanding your new lesson.

• sentence – a group of words that has a subject and a

verb that expresses a complete thought or idea.

• conjunction – is a word that joins words, phrases,
clauses, or sentences.

Examples: and, so, yet, or, nor, although, because, if,

but for, while, since, though, neither, either

Here are the examples of subordinator words:

once while when whenever before after since
although because if so until which as that whom

Dependent clause in a sentence:

When the cake is brown, take it out in the oven.
dependent clause
We all enjoyed the dinner that Dad cooked for us.
Dependent Clause

Activity 1

A. Encircle the Independent Clause in each sentence.

1. Before Ram started to help, I didn’t think we could finish.
2. What else should we do before we relax?
3. Since you forgot to give this page to Kaye, you can type it.
4. After she had finished typing, we completed the module.
5. We actually got it finished before the deadline arrived.

B. Underline the Dependent Clause in each sentence.

1. The people who went shopping found a great sale.
2. Butch’s bike, which is a mountain bike, came from that store.
3. Reyn was sad when the sale was over.
4. Mariah was excited because she wanted some new things.
5. Mabel didn’t found anything since she went late.

Activity 2: Below are sentences with clause underlined. In the blank after
each sentence, write whether the underlined clause is Independent or

1. The teacher who lived next door to Rus, is Mrs. Francisco.

2. Our dog will run away, if the gate is left open.
3. Because the storm knocked out the power, school will be cancelled
on Thursday.
4. This is the homework assignment that you missed last week.
5. The movie was good although it was too long.
6. Victoria heard what her sister said, but she ignored it.
7. The moon shone on the ocean, while the whales rose to the surface.
8. At the end of his class, Pat walked to his locker where the coach
was waiting.
9. You can pass the test if you study.
10. The test is easy if you have studied your lesson.

Activity 1
A. Make each sentence complete by adding an appropriate clause in each
given clause.
1. The weather is beautiful today ______________________________
2. The dog is barking ____________________________________
3. __________________________, I never found time to do my homework.
4. I hate to drink coffee ___________________________
5. The man in blue shirt ________________________________

B. Use the following phrases in a sentence.

1. the house in the corner of the street
2. over the fence
3. a glass of lemon juice
4. is calling
5. will recite
6. from the stairs

7. in large cities
8. was funny
9. had learned
10. my younger brother

• A clause is a group of words with a subject and a verb and is

used as a part of the sentence. It can be Independent or
• Independent clause – can stand alone as a complete sentence.
• Independent clause – a group of words that has a subject and
verb but it does not express a complete thought.

Activity 1: Underline the Independent Clause used in the excerpt of an

essay entitled “Adventure of Friendship”.

Human friendship is one of life’s great challenges. Often it

degenerates into pragmatism or selfishness, but it can also be one of
the most satisfying adventures in life. One says that friendship comes
when we live totally and when we love totally, when we don’t dominate
anyone. Real friends are God’s special gifts to all of us. They are the
reward of unselfish loving. But we have to work hard at friendship to
make it the great adventure of love that it can be.
-Fr. Joseph A. Galdon, S.J

Activity 2: Sentence Construction

Construct your own sentence and then separate the Independent
Clause from Dependent Clause. Write your answer in the column below.
The first one is done for you.
1. Sentence: If you want to pass, study hard.
Independent Clause: Dependent Clause:
Study hard. If you want to pass

2. Sentence:
Independent Clause: Dependent Clause:

Independent Clause: Dependent Clause:

4. Sentence:
Independent Clause: Dependent Clause:

5. Sentence:
Independent Clause: Dependent Clause:

A. Write P if the group of words is a Phrase, or C if it is a Clause.

______ 1. Without supper
______ 2. Danced in the breeze
______ 3. Our oven needs a cleaning
______ 4. After my homework was finished
______ 5. Participating in a game
______ 6. The man in the park
______ 7. Even though I agreed
______ 8. Leaves have fallen from the trees
______ 9. No one emptied the trash
______10. Our basement is a storage area
B. Identify the type of phrase underlined below. Write NP on the lines
provided if Noun Phrase, VP for Verb Phrase or PP for Prepositional Phrase.
______1. The basketball coach was very happy with his team’s effort.
______2. Jasmine has received a coupon for free pizza.
______3. Carol often sleeps on the sofa.
______4. You can buy lunch with that money.
______5. I stood in line behind Stephen’s mother

Name: _______________________Grade and Sec.______________


Directions: Write a reflective learning on different genres and clauses by
answering the questions inside the box. You may express your answers in a
more critical and creative presentation of your great learning. Have fun and

This lesson What learnings have I What other example

guides me to reflect found from this can I contribute
on… lesson? to explore
and think more?

What learnings can What good What is my

I share with my character have I conclusion on the
family and peers? developed from this lesson?

English 7 Learning Materials, “Identifying Materials Viewed, p. 90-91
(2017) Department of Education, Philippines


Jamir, Roana “CNN Philippines News Report” May 08, 2017


Norwellschool.Org “Clauses and Phrases Worksheet”, Accessed May 20, 2020


Southeastern Guide Dogs. “Pip| A short animated film”, October 25, 2018

The Aswang Project. “Bakunawa: Moon Eating Dragon of the Philippine”

May 25, 2016

YouTube Movies, “Bully (2011)”, August 06, 2018


Wnsglobarservices,“WCF Cyber Security Awareness Program”, Jan 09, 2019



“A Crucial – Yet Overlooked – Responsibility - NaviGate Prepared” accessed May


“Kawaii Computer Monitor Icon, accessed May 15,2020,


Kid stock illustrations, Royalty Free School Kid Vectors, “Kids Thinking” accessed
May 15,2020,

Pngflow.com. “Wanted Help Emoticon” Accessed: June 10, 2020

Pngflow.com. “Confused Emoticon” Accessed: June 10, 2020


Pngflow.com. “Happy Emoticon” Accessed: June 10, 2020


Pngflow.com. “Two Emoticon” Accessed: June 10, 2020



Writers: Alma P. Alombro, MT I, Karen A.Macalalad,T-I,

Maric O. Tabuena, T-I
Editor: Doriecelle P. Balancio, Head Teacher VI
Reviewer: Vicente M. Victorio, Jr. EPS
Management Team: Maria Magdalena M. Lim-Schools Division
Superintendent-Manila, Aida H. Rondilla-Chief Education Supervisor
Lucky S. Carpio-EPS and Lady Hannah C. Gillo, Librarian II-LRMDS

1. movie trailer
2. news flash
3. documentary
4. weather report
5. internet-based
program Activities
Activity 3: Responding to the
1. Dr. Jaime Galvez Tan
2. To calibrate or modify
the ECQ.
3. The Philippines will be Pretest
divided into red zone,
orange zone and green 1. B
2. C
4. Quarantined areas will
be clustered depending on 3. C
the cases. 4. B
5. Answers may vary. 5. A
6. News Report
Posttest Posttest Remember
B A Activity 1:
1. NP 1. Human friendship
1. P
2. VP is one of life’s great
2. P
3. PP challenges.
3. C
4. VP 4. C
5. PP 2. Real friends are
5. P
God’s special gifts to
6. P
all of us.
7. C
8. C
3. They are the
9. C
Activities reward of unselfish
10. C
Activity 1
1. I didn’t think we
could finish.
2. What else should
we do?
3. You can’t type it.
4. We completed the
module. Activities
5. We actually got it
finished. Activity 3 Pretest
1. Dependent 1. Dependent
B. 2. Independent 2. Independent (!)(.)
1. who went shopping 3. Independent 3. Dependent
2. which is a 4. Dependent 4. Independent (.)(!)
mountain bike 5. Independent 5. Independent (.)
3. when the sale was 6. Dependent 6. Independent (.)
over 7. Dependent 7. Dependent
4. because she wanted 8. Dependent 8. Dependent
some new things 9. Dependent 9. Dependent
5. since she went late
10.Dependent 10. Dependent

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