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N2XSY 1 X (1.5-800) MM 0.6/1 KV

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N2XSY 11xx(1.5-800)
(1.5-800) mm²
mm² 0.6/1
0.6/1 kV kV
(Copper Conductor, XLPE Insulated, Copper Tape Screen, PVC Sheathed)
Standard Specification : IEC 60502-1

Construction Data
Application :
Nom. Overall Cable Copper Conductor
For power plants and switchgear as well as
Cross Diameter Weight for installation of sub-station; for installation XLPE Insulation
Section indoors in confinned spaces and cable channels
Area approx. approx. because of small bending radius. As burried PVC Inner Sheath
mm² mm kg/km cable, because of its light weight prefered in
Copper Tape Screen
where installation is difficult.
1.5 8.6 103
Non-hygroscopic Tape
2.5 9.1 120 Special Features on Request
4 9.6 143 • Fire Resistance PVC Sheath
• Oil Resistance
6 10.2 170
• UV Resistance
10 11.1 223 • Flame Retardant Cat. A, B, C
16 12.1 291 • Flame Retardant Non Category
25 14.0 415 • Anti Termite
35 15.1 519 • Anti Rodent
• Low Smoke Zero Halogen
50 16.8 677 • Nylon Coated
70 18.7 898
95 21.0 1,152
120 22.5 1,403
Note :
150 24.5 1,683 Conductor Shape
185 27.0 2,088 1.5 - 10 sqmm supplied in solid (re) or non compacted circular stranded (rm)
240 30.0 2,682 conductor shape
300 32.5 3,234 16 sqmm supplied in non compacted circular stranded (rm) conductor shape
25 - 800 sqmm supplied in non compacted circular stranded (rm) or compacted
400 36.5 4,143
circular stranded (cm) conductor shape
500 40.5 5,263
630 45.5 6,794 Standard Packing
800 50.5 8,532 1.5 - 300 sqmm supplied in wooden drum @ 1000 m
400 - 800 sqmm will be suplied in wooden drum on available length
Length Tolerance per drum ± 2%

Electrical Data
Conductor Inductance Current - Carrying Capacity at 30° C * Short
circuit current
Nom. DC AC Trefoil Flat
of conductor
Cross Resistance Resistance formation formation in air in ground in air in ground at
Sect. at 20°C at 90°C 1 sec

Max. Max. Max. Max. Max. Max. Max.

(mm²) (Ω/km) (Ω/km) (mH/km) (mH/km) (A) (A) (A) (A) (kA)
1.5 12.1 15.429 0.526 0.572 28 32 29 33 0.21
2.5 7.41 9.449 0.487 0.533 37 42 38 43 0.36
4 4.61 5.878 0.451 0.498 49 54 50 56 0.57
6 3.08 3.927 0.425 0.471 62 68 63 70 0.86
10 1.83 2.333 0.390 0.437 84 90 86 93 1.43
16 1.15 1.466 0.364 0.410 110 116 113 120 2.29
25 0.727 0.927 0.344 0.390 148 150 152 155 3.58
35 0.524 0.668 0.328 0.374 181 180 186 186 5.01
50 0.387 0.494 0.313 0.360 221 214 227 221 7.15
70 0.268 0.342 0.301 0.347 279 263 287 270 10.01
95 0.193 0.247 0.289 0.335 343 315 353 324 13.59
120 0.153 0.196 0.282 0.328 399 358 410 368 17.16
150 0.124 0.160 0.278 0.325 457 402 470 412 21.45
185 0.0991 0.128 0.274 0.320 530 455 546 466 26.46
240 0.0754 0.099 0.266 0.312 632 527 650 539 34.32
300 0.0601 0.080 0.261 0.307 728 594 749 606 42.90
400 0.0470 0.064 0.261 0.308 846 670 868 684 57.20
500 0.0366 0.052 0.257 0.304 979 755 1003 768 71.50
14633-01 Rev. 2.0 / 2009

630 0.0283 0.043 0.253 0.299 1128 845 1153 858 90.09
800 0.0221 0.036 0.251 0.298 1274 931 1299 942 114.40

PT KMI Wire and Cable Tbk reserves the right to change the data content without prior notification
N2XSY 22xx(1.5-300)
(1.5-300) mm²
mm² 0.6/1
0.6/1 kV kV
(Copper Conductor, XLPE Insulated, Copper Tape Screen, PVC Sheathed)
Standard Specification : IEC 60502-1

Construction Data
Application :
Nom. Overall Cable Copper Conductor
For power plants and switchgear as well as
Cross Diameter Weight for installation of sub-station; for installation XLPE Insulation
Section indoors in confinned spaces and cable channels
Area approx. approx. because of small bending radius. As burried PVC Inner Sheath
mm² mm kg/km cable, because of its light weight prefered in
Copper Tape Screen
where installation is difficult.
1.5 11.8 188
Non-hygroscopic Tape
2.5 12.8 229 Special Features on Request
• Fire Resistance PVC Sheath
4 13.9 285 • Oil Resistance
6 15.0 350 • UV Resistance
• Flame Retardant Cat. A, B, C
10 16.9 479
• Flame Retardant Non Category
16 19.0 643 • Anti Termite
25 22.5 913 • Anti Rodent
• Low Smoke Zero Halogen
35 24.5 1,171 • Nylon Coated
50 27.5 1,438
70 31.5 1,961
95 35.5 2,621 Note :
120 39.0 3,218 Conductor Shape
1.5 - 10 sqmm supplied in solid (re) or non compacted circular stranded (rm)
150 43.0 3,934 conductor shape
185 48.0 4,887 16 sqmm supplied in non compacted circular stranded (rm) conductor shape
25 - 300 sqmm supplied in compacted circular stranded (cm) conductor shape
240 53.5 6,261
300 59.0 7,740 Standard Packing
1.5 - 150 sqmm supplied in wooden drum @ 1000 m
185 - 300 sqmm will be suplied in wooden drum on available length
Length Tolerance per drum ± 2%

Electrical Data
Conductor Inductance Current - Carrying Short
Capacity circuit current
Nom. DC AC
at 30°C * of conductor
Cross Resistance Resistance at
Sect. at 20°C at 90°C in air in ground 1 sec

Max. Max. Max. Max. Max.

(mm²) (Ω/km) (Ω/km) (mH/km) (A) (A) (kA)
1.5 12.1 15.429 0.315 29 34 0.21
2.5 7.41 9.449 0.293 38 45 0.36
4 4.61 5.878 0.275 51 59 0.57
6 3.08 3.927 0.263 64 74 0.86
10 1.83 2.334 0.248 88 99 1.43
16 1.15 1.467 0.238 117 129 2.29
25 0.727 0.927 0.240 156 167 3.58
35 0.524 0.669 0.233 192 201 5.01
50 0.387 0.494 0.232 232 238 7.15
70 0.268 0.342 0.229 294 294 10.01
95 0.193 0.247 0.224 359 350 13.59
120 0.153 0.196 0.223 417 399 17.16
150 0.124 0.160 0.224 477 448 21.45
185 0.0991 0.128 0.225 547 504 26.46
240 0.0754 0.099 0.223 647 583 34.32
300 0.0601 0.080 0.221 739 655 42.90
14633-02 Rev. 2.0 / 2009

PT KMI Wire and Cable Tbk reserves the right to change the data content without prior notification
N2XSY 33xx(1.5-300)
(1.5-300) mm²
mm² 0.6/1
0.6/1 kV kV
(Copper Conductor, XLPE Insulated, Copper Tape Screen, PVC Sheathed)
Standard Specification : IEC 60502-1

Construction Data
Application :
Nom. Overall Cable Copper Conductor
For power plants and switchgear as well as
Cross Diameter Weight for installation of sub-station; for installation XLPE Insulation
Section indoors in confinned spaces and cable channels
Area approx. approx. because of small bending radius. As burried PVC Inner Sheath
mm² mm kg/km cable, because of its light weight prefered in
Copper Tape Screen
where installation is difficult.
1.5 12.3 210 Non-hygroscopic Tape
2.5 13.3 261 Special Features on Request
• Fire Resistance PVC Sheath
4 14.5 332 • Oil Resistance
6 15.7 414 • UV Resistance
• Flame Retardant Cat. A, B, C
10 17.8 581
• Flame Retardant Non Category
16 20.5 795 • Anti Termite
25 23.5 1,146 • Anti Rodent
• Low Smoke Zero Halogen
35 26.0 1,488 • Nylon Coated
50 28.0 1,726
70 32.0 2,411
95 35.5 3,200 Note :
120 39.0 3,948 Conductor Shape
1.5 - 10 sqmm supplied in solid (re) or non compacted circular stranded (rm)
150 43.5 4,866 conductor shape
185 48.5 6,010 16 sqmm supplied in non compacted circular stranded (rm) conductor shape
25 - 35 sqmm supplied in compacted circular stranded (cm) conductor shape
240 54.0 7,791
50 - 300 sqmm supplied in sector shaped stranded (sm) conductor
300 59.0 9,587
Standard Packing
1.5 - 120 sqmm supplied in wooden drum @ 1000 m
150 - 300 sqmm will be suplied in wooden drum on available length
Length Tolerance per drum ± 2%

Electrical Data
Conductor Inductance Current - Carrying Short
Capacity circuit current
Nom. DC AC
at 30°C * of conductor
Cross Resistance Resistance at
Sect. at 20°C at 90°C in air in ground 1 sec

Max. Max. Max. Max. Max.

(mm²) (Ω/km) (Ω/km) (mH/km) (A) (A) (kA)
1.5 12.1 15.429 0.315 24 29 0.21
2.5 7.41 9.449 0.293 32 38 0.36
4 4.61 5.878 0.275 43 50 0.57
6 3.08 3.927 0.263 54 62 0.86
10 1.83 2.334 0.248 75 84 1.43
16 1.15 1.467 0.238 100 109 2.29
25 0.727 0.927 0.240 132 140 3.58
35 0.524 0.669 0.233 163 169 5.01
50 0.387 0.494 0.232 201 205 7.15
70 0.268 0.342 0.229 254 250 10.01
95 0.193 0.247 0.224 311 300 13.59
120 0.153 0.196 0.223 361 340 17.16
150 0.124 0.160 0.224 414 381 21.45
185 0.0991 0.128 0.225 478 432 26.46
240 0.0754 0.099 0.223 565 499 34.32
300 0.0601 0.080 0.221 648 561 42.90
14633-03 Rev. 2.0 / 2009

PT KMI Wire and Cable Tbk reserves the right to change the data content without prior notification
N2XSY 44xx(1.5-300)
(1.5-300) mm²
mm² 0.6/1
0.6/1 kV kV
(Copper Conductor, XLPE Insulated, Copper Tape Screen, PVC Sheathed)
Standard Specification : IEC 60502-1

Construction Data
Application :
Nom. Overall Cable
For power plants and switchgear as well as Copper Conductor
Cross Diameter Weight for installation of sub-station; for installation
Section indoors in confinned spaces and cable channels
XLPE Insulation
Area approx. approx. because of small bending radius. As burried
PVC Inner Sheath
mm² mm kg/km cable, because of its light weight prefered in
where installation is difficult. Copper Tape Screen
1.5 13.1 240 Non-hygroscopic Tape
2.5 14.2 303 Special Features on Request
• Fire Resistance PVC Sheath
4 15.6 391 • Oil Resistance
6 17.0 494 • UV Resistance
• Flame Retardant Cat. A, B, C
10 19.3 710
• Flame Retardant Non Category
16 22.0 983 • Anti Termite
25 25.5 1,432 • Anti Rodent
• Low Smoke Zero Halogen
35 28.5 1,872 • Nylon Coated
50 32.0 2,250
70 36.5 3,138
95 40.5 4,203 Note :
120 45.5 5,217 Conductor Shape
1.5 - 10 sqmm supplied in solid (re) or non compacted circular stranded (rm)
150 51.5 6,437 conductor shape
185 55.5 7,907 16 sqmm supplied in non compacted circular stranded (rm) conductor shape
25 - 35 sqmm supplied in compacted circular stranded (cm) conductor shape
240 62.0 10,253
50 - 300 sqmm supplied in sector shaped stranded (sm) conductor
300 68.0 12,622
Standard Packing
1.5 - 70 sqmm supplied in wooden drum @ 1000 m
95 - 300 sqmm will be suplied in wooden drum on available length
Length Tolerance per drum ± 2%

Electrical Data
Conductor Inductance Current - Carrying Short
Capacity circuit current
Nom. DC AC
at 30°C * of conductor
Cross Resistance Resistance at
Sect. at 20°C at 90°C in air in ground 1 sec

Max. Max. Max. Max. Max.

(mm²) (Ω/km) (Ω/km) (mH/km) (A) (A) (kA)
1.5 12.1 15.429 0.315 27 32 0.21
2.5 7.41 9.449 0.293 36 42 0.36
4 4.61 5.878 0.275 47 54 0.57
6 3.08 3.927 0.263 60 68 0.86
10 1.83 2.334 0.248 82 91 1.43
16 1.15 1.467 0.238 109 117 2.29
25 0.727 0.927 0.240 147 152 3.58
35 0.524 0.669 0.233 181 182 5.01
50 0.387 0.494 0.232 213 210 7.15
70 0.268 0.342 0.229 268 256 10.01
95 0.193 0.247 0.224 329 307 13.59
120 0.153 0.196 0.223 382 348 17.16
150 0.124 0.160 0.224 444 394 21.45
185 0.0991 0.128 0.225 508 443 26.46
240 0.0754 0.099 0.223 600 512 34.32
300 0.0601 0.080 0.221 688 576 42.90
14633-04 Rev. 2.0 / 2009

PT KMI Wire and Cable Tbk reserves the right to change the data content without prior notification
N2XSY 55xx(1.5-50)
(1.5-50) mm²
mm² 0.6/1
0.6/1 kV kV
(Copper Conductor, XLPE Insulated, Copper Tape Screen, PVC Sheathed)
Standard Specification : IEC 60502-1

Construction Data
Application : PVC Filler
Nom. Overall Cable
For power plants and switchgear as well as Copper Conductor
Cross Diameter Weight for installation of sub-station; for installation
Section indoors in confinned spaces and cable channels XLPE Insulation
Area approx. approx. because of small bending radius. As burried PVC Inner Sheath
mm² mm kg/km cable, because of its light weight prefered in
where installation is difficult. Copper Tape Screen
1.5 14.0 279 Non-hygroscopic Tape
2.5 15.3 355 Special Features on Request
• Fire Resistance PVC Sheath
4 16.8 464 • Oil Resistance
6 18.3 590 • UV Resistance
• Flame Retardant Cat. A, B, C
10 21.0 851
• Flame Retardant Non Category
16 24.0 1,187 • Anti Termite
25 28.0 1,740 • Anti Rodent
• Low Smoke Zero Halogen
35 31.0 2,284 • Nylon Coated
50 35.5 2,949

Note :
Conductor Shape
1.5 - 10 sqmm supplied in solid (re) or non compacted circular stranded (rm)
conductor shape
16 sqmm supplied in non compacted circular stranded (rm) conductor shape
25 - 50 sqmm supplied in compacted circular stranded (cm) conductor shape

Standard Packing
1.5 - 50 sqmm supplied in wooden drum @ 1000 m
Length Tolerance per drum ± 2%

Electrical Data
Conductor Inductance Current - Carrying Short
Capacity circuit current
Nom. DC AC
at 30°C * of conductor
Cross Resistance Resistance at
Sect. at 20°C at 90°C in air in ground 1 sec

Max. Max. Max. Max. Max.

(mm²) (Ω/km) (Ω/km) (mH/km) (A) (A) (kA)
1.5 12.1 15.429 0.315 28 33 0.21
2.5 7.41 9.449 0.293 37 43 0.36
4 4.61 5.878 0.275 49 55 0.57
6 3.08 3.927 0.263 62 69 0.86
10 1.83 2.334 0.248 85 92 1.43
16 1.15 1.467 0.238 113 119 2.29
25 0.727 0.927 0.240 153 155 3.58
35 0.524 0.669 0.233 189 186 5.01
50 0.387 0.494 0.232 229 218 7.15
14633-05 Rev. 2.0 / 2009

PT KMI Wire and Cable Tbk reserves the right to change the data content without prior notification

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