Week 6 Lesson Plan Adaptations

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Week 6 Lesson Plan Adaptations Point Value: 15

DIRECTIONS: Review the lesson below and consider what modifications and adaptations are needed for each student described below to meet
the objective. Include appropriate adaptations and/or modifications in each section. You must include assistive technology for each student.

Student 1: Male, average range of intelligence, hearing impaired

Student 2: Female, learning disability (reading)

Lesson Title: Earth’s Changing Climate Subject: Science Grade Level: 6

Common Core or Grade Level Content Standard(s) to be addressed: MS-ESS3-5 Ask questions to clarify evidence of the factors that have caused the rise in global temperatures
over the past century, SP1 Asking questions, SP2 Developing and using models, SP3 Planning and carrying out investigations, SP4 Analyzing and interpreting data, SP6
Constructing explanations, SP7 Engaging in argument from evidence, SP8 Obtaining, evaluating, and communicating information

Learning objective(s): Learners will demonstrate their understanding of the causes and effects of global warming.

Materials: projector, computers with internet access, paper

Lesson Components Describe what will be happening during this part of the Adaptations/Modifications Adaptations/Modifications
lesson. for Student 1 for Student 2

Anticipatory Set/Introduction Teacher will show a short Bill Nye Video on climate Assistive technology Assistive Technology
change Accommodations: FM Accommodation:
How will you “hook” the students in
the lesson, help them see the System. This would be
the best choice for him Proofreading Software
purpose of it, and connect with prior
knowledge? because that way he can and text to speech.
hear me no matter where -I feel that both of these
I am in the room or assistive technologies
background noises. could help my student
Communication with reading and
Accommodations: writing. Typically when
a student has difficulties
-try and Reduce with reading they’ll also
(5 minutes) background noise. Make have some trouble with
sure everyone is quiet. writing, which is why I
-Repeat any information feel like these two would
necessary or rephrase it. be wonderful to have
around. What’s great
Instructional about this is that we
Accommodations & have access to
modifications: computers so if she
-Pre-teach vocabulary needs to use it to
and concepts that will be complete any work
discussed in the video. she’d be able to.

-Give the student the Communication/

option of listening to the Instructional
video in class or outside Accommodations:
(with a buddy or Aide) - I feel like it would be
on a chromebook. important to repeat any
-Add captions to the information necessary or
video for better rephrase.
understanding. - I’d try and provide
- Help interpret the video printed materials early to
as best as possible. allow my students like
her to take a look at
- Check for what the lesson is about
understanding. beforehand. I’d try and
add a lot of visuals.
-seating arrangement.
Make sure the student -Highlight any important
sits close enough to hear information and
the video. keywords. (Whether she
prefers computer or
paper notes, she’d have
the option to choose .)

-With her I’d even try

and go beyond and send
her the information via
email. If she had no
access to a computer at
home I’d also try and go
over the topic before
class or a day before so
she’s aware of what to
expect. I’d even send her
the video.

-I’d state the objective,

try and review previous
lessons and explain

-I’d check in with my

students and make sure
they are understanding
the video.

- It would be a good idea

to try and sit her up front
where she could see

- However, if there’s an
Aide in the classroom
I’d try and sit her next to
them so they can answer
any questions she might
have during the video.

- I’d also give her the

option to sit outside if
she wanted to listen to it
alone or even with a

- I’d also try and find

other videos in case this
one didn't help. Having
multiple videos with
similar information
could help to better
understand the concept.
Instruction Ask students what they know about the causes of Instructional/communi Instructional/communi
global warming. Review/Build Vocab – add terms to cation Accommodations cation
How will you help build student
understanding of the concept or
chart (carbon dioxide, ozone layer, emissions, solar and Modifications: Accommodations and
skill? What teaching strategies will radiation, greenhouse gases) Modifications:
you use? -First I’d want to check
for understanding. So I’d - I’d try and assist my
ask the whole class if student (walking
(15 minutes)
they understood. around), and help point
out what we are talking
-I’d try and go over any about in her notes (that I
key points and make sure provided). This way she
I can answer any knows where we are at.
questions the students
might have. - I’d check for
-I’d provide my student
with vocabulary lists, -Answer any questions
charts or notes regarding and go over key points.
the topic. This way the
student has additional - I’d have a copy for my
resources to look back to student with any charts
about the topic. I’d make and key terms that might
sure to give it to him in be added. (both on
large print. paper and computer
based. That way she
- I’d also highlight any could choose.)
important key words.
- I’d make sure to check - I’d make sure she sits
on my student and make with a group of students
sure he’s understanding who could help her and
what’s being said. Make answer any questions
a lot of eye contact with she might have. That is
him so I know he’s if I can’t answer them
following. for her in the moment or
if there's no Aide who
can also assist her.

Guided Practice Students will break into groups of 4 and together go Instructional/communi Instructional/communi
to cation Accommodations cation
How will students practice what you
have taught them, and how will you
https://climateclassroomkids.org/educators/climate- and Modifications: Accommodations and
monitor it? 101/ Modifications:
-I’d try and present the
Read and answer the following 3 questions: information in a simple, -I’d try and present the
structured and sequential information in a simple,
What causes global warming?
manner. structured and sequential
What impact does global warming have on people manner.
- It would be important
and the environment?
to try and provide - Again I’d try and
What can I do to reduce the amount of global instructions in large print provide instructions in
warming? for better view. large print for a better
view. I’d make sure to
- I’d also try and give add some visuals.
direct instructions to the
Teacher will walk around to each group and assist as
student. Make sure he’s - If I see that my student
understood what the can’t complete this
assignment was. If there whole assignment I’d
was an Aide in the class ask her to answer at least
(25 minutes) I’d make sure to see if one question. She could
they were able to assist either write her anser
him. down, draw me a
picture, or make me
- If there wasn’t an Aide
and even if there were poster about it.
I’d try and put him with
a group of students that - If not I’d try and also
can help him. put her in a group that
would be able to help
-The Student will have her. I’d also try and put
access to a separate her in the same group as
classroom to finish the my other student (to
assignment if needed. make it easier for me to
This way he’d be in a monitor) and give them
space where there isn’t more time to complete
too much background the assignment.
-Give them the option to
- Extra time to complete work outside with their
the assignment. group and with an Aide
if applicable.
- If he needs a notetaker
I’d try and get one of his - I’d try and make one of
peers to share their notes the other students the
with him. This way he lead notetaker. After that
wouldn’t have to worry they could share their
about time and just focus notes.
on the assignment.
Especially because he
could have a hard time
keeping up with the

- I’d try and ask him

before they start if he’s
okay working with a
group or if he’d rather
work alone or maybe just
a partner. That way
they’d slow down if

Closure Teacher will bring the students back together to Accommodations and Accommodations and
discuss the answers to the questions they were Modifications: Modifications:
How will you check for student
understanding before letting them
- Try to repeat any - I’d check in with all
work on their own?
(5 minutes) information that I think my students but I’d
could be important to make these two students
repeat . my priority. I’d try and
check on them more and
- check for make sure they
understanding. understand what is being
- Make sure to make eye said.
contact with my student - Provide as many
and check to see if he’s visuals and videos
understanding. needed for her to watch.
-Provide as many visuals
as I can.

Independent Practice Students will use the information they have Accommodations and Accommodations and
researched to create a 2-minute news broadcast on Modifications: Modifications
What will students do to continue
practicing and applying what they
global warming. Each team member should
participate in sharing part of the news broadcast. -I’d try and give the - Give a good example
have learned? How will that be
measured? whole class an example of what I want.
of what I want.
-My student will be
-Again, I’d try and put encouraged to try and
my student with the same participate. She will be
group he was with. with the same group she
(20 minutes) was with before.
- I’d also give them
access to a separate - I’d try and talk to her
classroom to work on the and see how she feels
assignment. about the assignment.

- I’d give them the option - She would also have

to use visuals on their the option to either
presentation. record her part or simply
present it.
- I’d try and give him
step-by-step instructions. - If she’d like she could
Maybe even a guide that add visuals to present
him and his group can her part.
- However, because she
- Extra help if needed. will have the assistive
technology I’d
-Frequently check for encourage her to try and
understanding and write something.
- If she does not feel
- If they feel nervous to comfortable with the
present I’d give them the assignment I’d try and
option to record their give her other options.
broadcast or present it.
Whichever makes them -She can always just
more comfortable. write a paragraph or two
about what she learned.
- I’d also give them
enough time to work on -She could again make
it and if needed access to me a poster, draw me
computers, classroom something, and even
and notes during maybe make me a video
recess,lunch, before and herself and I’d be the
after school. only one to watch it.

- If I see that for any

reason he can’t do his
part I’d try and modify
his part. He would have
the option to share what
he’s learned in a
different way. First, I’d
check to see how
comfortable he is with
the assignment.

Assignment Rubric

Point Value Student 1 Adaptations Student 2 Adaptations

7.5-6 Appropriate modifications and Appropriate modifications and

adaptations are included for each adaptations are included for each
section of the lesson. section of the lesson.
Adaptations increase student’s Adaptations increase student’s
access to the content and support access to the content and support
student in meeting the learning student in meeting the learning
objective. objective.
Assistive technology is included. Assistive technology is included.

5-4 Some modifications and Some modifications and

adaptations are included, but may adaptations are included, but may
not be the ideal choice for not be the ideal choice for
student’s needs. student’s needs.
Assistive technology is included. Assistive technology is included.

3-2 Modifications and adaptations are Modifications and adaptations are

included, but may not relate the included, but may not relate the
student’s needs or the lesson. student’s needs or the lesson.
Assistive technology may not be Assistive technology may not be
included. included.

1 or below Adaptations were either not Adaptations were either not

included or not appropriate for included or not appropriate for
the student. the student.
Assistive technology was not Assistive technology was not
included. included.

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