Digestive System Lesson Plan
Digestive System Lesson Plan
Digestive System Lesson Plan
Food and Nutrition Standard 3 - Create a model or graphic illustration that identifies the major anatomic structures of the
gastrointestinal system (GI). Explain the function of each structure in the process of digestion, absorption, transport, and use of
nutrients in the body. Research and develop a logical explanation of how the body deals with deficiencies and surplus nutrients, citing
specific textual evidence on the impact on an individual’s health. (TN Reading 1, 2; TN Writing 2, 8, 9; TN A&P 1, 5; FACS 9)
Concepts – Create and label a digestive system diagram. Explain how food travels through the alimentary
canal. Explain the functions of each part of the digestive system. Explain difference in chemical and
mechanical digestion. Research and explain nutrient surplus and deficiencies.
Skills – Students will use acquired knowledge to create a model of the digestive system. They will be able to
trace food they eat through their digestive system.
Applications - Students will use the knowledge they have acquired to build a model of the digestive system.
Learning Target(s)/Objective(s):
I can create a model of the digestive system.
I can identify all the parts of the digestive system.
I can explain the function of each of the parts of the digestive system.
I can explain how food travels through the alimentary canal.
I can compare/contrast mechanical and chemical digestion.
I can explain nutrient deficiencies and surpluses in the human body.
Summative Assessment:
The students will participate in the creation of a 3D model of the digestive system. The model will be labeled with each part of the
digestive system and the function. The students will also choose one nutrient to explain how the body deals with surplus and
deficiencies. This will be presented to class.
Instructional Strategies/Activities:
Whole-Group Instruction
Small Group Instruction
Small Group Activity
Class Presentations
Materials and Resources:
Video Introducing Digestive System
PowerPoint Presentation
PowerPoint for Students Notes
Roles of Paper
Construction Paper
Random Objects to Create 3D Model
Ziploc Bags
Dish Soap
Paper Plates
Food Coloring
Computer for Research
Anticipated Learning
Difficulties/Misunderstandings and
Assessment Strategies to Address Them
Engage: Students will watch “Introduction to the Digestive After watching the video, The students will understand the
System”. The video will take about 10 minutes. Name one part of the video, but may have some
Watch on Monday! digestive system you confusion on some of the
were not familiar with? vocabulary. I do not anticipate any
(Allow for Answers) misunderstandings during this
Anticipated Learning
Difficulties/Misunderstandings and
Assessment Strategies to Address Them
Content Input (“I do” activities):
After showing the video I will have students trace each other in
groups (grouped by tables). The students will trace one person at
the table. I will also have them start gather items to make the
digestive system.
Thursday I will lecture with a PowerPoint. I will go through each As I review the Some students may struggle with
slide and identifying and explaining the parts of digestion. As we PowerPoint lecture, I will some of the new vocabulary. I will
discuss each part of the digestive system we will label on the life ask students to answer take time to explain words they are
size model. I will stop before explaining deficiency and surplus the fill in the blank struggling with again. If a student
slide. When we begin mechanical and chemical digestion we will questions on their notes with special needs is struggling I
do the cracker activity. When we discuss the gallbladder we will out loud. I will also ask will allow more simplified terms.
do the milk activity. them to define new
Friday: I will review PowerPoint Lecture. I will show a simulation Some students may struggle with
of how different foods go through the digestive system (link on I will walk around the creating the model and
PowerPoint). I will explain the slide of how the body deals with room observing the understanding the digestive system
deficiencies and surpluses of nutrients. I will ask students to students work and how completely. I will create groups of
remember all the nutrients we learned about in the previous lesson. they are working together students with different skill sets so
I will explain the project of building a 3D model of the digestive during the activities. they can get help from their peers.
system with labels of each part of the system and descriptions of
each part of the system.
This week we have learned about the digestive system. I will have the students ask questions to each other about their presentations.
I will answer any questions the students have about the digestive system. I will have students tell me what they enjoyed or found
most interesting about how food travels through their body.
Reflection on Lesson Plan and Delivery (to be completed after lesson is taught):