Merge Sort
Merge Sort
Merge Sort
Conceptually, a merge sort works as follows
Merge Sort – Divide & Conquer
Divide the n-element sequence to be sorted into two
subsequences of n/2 elements each.
Sort the two subsequences recursively (I.e. by using
merge sort again on the subsequences).
Merge the two sorted subsequences to produce the
sorted answer.
• This procedure will bottom out when the list to be sorted is of length 1
so we must take this into account in our algorithm design.
75 55
85 30
35 10
60 40
50 25
45 80
70 65
Merge Sort – Visual Example (2)
• After the first merge we end up with half as many sublists as before the merge :
55 75 15 20
30 85 10 35
40 60 25 50
45 80 65 70
• We again merge the susequent sorted sublists together again, thus reducing the number
of sublists again to half :
15 20 55 75
10 30 35 85
25 40 50 60
45 65 70 80
• Repeating the same procedure again we end up with 2 sorted sublists to be merged :
10 15 20 30 35 55 75 85
25 40 45 50 60 65 70 80
• Merging these two sorted sublist together we end up with our original listed sorted! :
10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85
Stable Sort
• Given two ordered input files, we can combine them into one ordered output file simply by keeping
track of the smallest element in each file and entering a loop where the smaller of the two elements is
moved to the output.
• If merge sort is implemented using a “stable merge”, then the result of
the sort is stable.
• Method of merging to be presented is “Abstract in-place merge”
• Thisa lg o r it h m merges by copying the second array into an arraya ux
(auxiliary array), in reverse order back to back with the first.
• It is a stable merge procedure.