Advanced Algorithm Analysis: Muhammad Nadeem July 15, 2017
Advanced Algorithm Analysis: Muhammad Nadeem July 15, 2017
Advanced Algorithm Analysis: Muhammad Nadeem July 15, 2017
Muhammad Nadeem
Cost of divide and
cn/ 2 cn/ 2
T(n/ 2) T(n/ 2)
T(n/ 4) T(n/ 4) T(n/ 4) T(n/ 4)
Cost of sor ng
Recursion Tree for Merge Sort
Con nue expanding un l the problem size reduces to 1.
cn cn
cn/ 2 cn/ 2 cn
lg n
c c c c c c cn
Total : cnlgn+cn
Recursion Tree for Merge Sort
Con nue expanding un l the problem size reduces to 1.
Each level has total cost cn.
Each me we go down one level, the number
of subproblems doubles, but the cost per
subproblem halves cost per level remains
cn/ 2 cn/ 2 the same.
There are lg n + 1 levels, height is lg n.
(Assuming n is a power of 2.)
Total cost = sum of costs at each level =
(lg n + 1)cn = cnlgn + cn = (n lgn).
cn/ 4 cn/ 4 cn/ 4 cn/ 4
c c c c c c
Recursion Tree Another Example
T (n) T (n /3) T (2n /3) n
The Master Method
Based on the Master theorem.
approach for solving recurrences of
the form
T(n) = aT(n/b) + f(n)
a 1, b > 1 are constants.
f(n) is asympto cally posi ve.
Requires memoriza on of three cases.
Master Method
Let and b>1 be constants, let f(n) be any
func on, and let T(n) be defined by the recurrence
T (n) aT (n / b) f (n)
The Master Theorem gives solu ons for the
following three cases:
1. If f (n) is O(n logb a ) for some constant 0,
then T (n) is (n logb a ).
logb a logb a
2. If f (n) is (n ), then T (n) is (n lg n).
logb a
3. If f (n) is (n ) for some constant 0, and if
af (n / b) cf (n) for some c 1, then T (n) is ( f (n)).
Simplified Master Method
Master Method Intui on
Three common cases:
1) Running me dominated by cost at leaves
2) Running me dominated by cost at root
3) Running me evenly distributed throughout the tree
Consequently, to solve the recurrence, we need
only to characterize the dominant term
In each case compare f (n) with O(nlog a )
T ( n) 9T (n / 3) n
a 9, b 3;
f ( n) n, f (n) O (n log3 9 ) with 1
Case 1: T ( n) n2
Examples (2)
T (n) 3T (n / 4) n lg n
a 3, b 4; n log4 3 n 0.793
f ( n) n lg n, f ( n) ( n log4 3 ) with 0.2
Case 3:
Regularity condition
af (n / b) 3(n / 4) lg(n / 4) (3 / 4) n lg n cf (n) for c 3 / 4
T ( n) (n lg n)
T ( n) 2T (n / 2) n lg n
a 2, b 2; n log2 2 n1
f ( n) n lg n, f (n) (n1 ) with ?
also n lg n / n1 lg n
neither Case 3 nor Case 2!
Examples (3)
T ( n) 4T (n / 2) n3
a 4, b 2; nlog2 4 n2
f ( n) n3 ; f ( n) (n2 )
Case 3: T (n) n3
Checking the regularity condition
4 f (n / 2) cf (n)
4n3 / 8 cn3
n3 / 2 cn3
c 3/ 4 1
Common recurrences
It helps to remember the solu ons of common
and simple recurrences, especially those that are
associated with well-known algorithms
T(n) = T(n/2) + 1 T(n) is O(log n)
T(n) = 2T(n/2) + 1 T(n) is O(n)
T(n) = 2T(n/2) + n T(n) is O(n log n)
T(n) = 3T(n/2) + n T(n) is O(nlog23)
T(n) = 4T(n/2) + n T(n) is O(n2)
T(n) = T(n-1) + n T(n) is O(n2)
T(n) = 2T(n-1) + 1 T(n) is O(2n)
Summary of Sor ng Algorithms
Algorithm Time Notes
selection-sort O(n2) in-place
for small data sets (< 1K)
insertion-sort O(n2) in-place
for small data sets (< 1K)
stable but not in-place
merge-sort O(n log n) sequential data access
for huge data sets (> 1M)
External sor ng
What if the data to be sorted does not fit in RAM?
Must read from and write to disk files during sor ng.
For external-memory algorithms, the objec ve is to
minimize (disk) I/O opera ons. This metric is called
I/O complexity.
Because merge sort relies on sequen al data access,
it is rela vely easy to transform into an I/O-efficient
external-memory algorithm
Rough idea of external merge sort: Sort pieces that
fit in RAM and then merge them
Two-Way External Merge Sort
Pass 1: Read a page, sort it, write it.
only one buffer page is used
three buffer pages are used to merge two files into one
Idea: Divide and conquer: sort 3,4
subfiles and merge 4,5
8-page runs
More than 3 buffer pages. How can we utilize them?
To sort a file with N pages using B buffer pages:
Pass 0: use B buffer pages. Produce N/B sorted runs
of B pages each.
B-1 runs.
... INPUT 2
... OUTPUT ...
Disk Disk
B Main memory buffers
Analysis of Mul -Way External Merge Sort