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Ar-Media™ Plugin V1.5: For Google Sketchup™

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AR-media™ Plugin v1.

for Google SketchUp™


(June, 2010)

(Windows XP/Vista/7)

Inglobe Technologies © 2008/2010

AR-media™ Plugin v1.5
for Google SketchUp™


Copyright © 2008/2010 Inglobe Technologies S.r.l. All rights reserved. No part of this
publication may be reproduced, transmitted, transcribed, stored in a retrieval system, or
translated into any language or computer language, in any form or by any means,
electronic, mechanical, magnetic, optical, chemical, manual or otherwise, without the prior
written permission of Inglobe Technologies S.r.l.

Inglobe Technologies © 2008/2010

AR-media™ Plugin v1.5
for Google SketchUp™


Introduction 1
Requirements 1
Hardware 1
Software 1
Software Versions 1
Trial Version 1
Registered Version 1
Installation 2
Configuration 2
Configuration Options 3
Usage 3
Printing the Marker 3
Plugin Controls 3
Plugin Interactions 4
Licensing 5
Registering 5
Buying licenses 5
Downloading registered versions 6
License Management 6
License Type 9
Support 10
Licensing Service 10
General Help 10

Inglobe Technologies © 2008/2010

AR-media™ Plugin v1.5
for Google SketchUp™

AR-media™ Plugin technology allows you to bring your models from your favourite 3D modelling
tool straight into Reality just in a click. Once installed and configured the plug-in allows you to
visualize any model (textured or not) in Augmented Reality and experience a totally new way to
interact with your digital content and show it to your customers.
AR-media™ Plugin for Google SketchUp™ allows you to enhance the world wide 3D modeller by
Google™ with Augmented Reality bringing the power of AR-media™ platform on your desktop.

Minimum Hardware: 1 GHz Processor, 512 MB Ram, 100% Compliant OpenGL Video Card with
128 MB Ram, 50 MB of available Hard Disk space, USB 2.0 Webcam.
Recommended Hardware: 2 GHz Processor, 2 GB Ram, 100% Compliant OpenGL Video Card
with 512 MB Ram, 50 MB of available Hard Disk space, USB 2.0 Webcam with 30FPS @
640x480 resolution.

Required Software: Microsoft Windows® XP/Vista/7, Latest Video Drivers, Google SketchUp™ 6
or later.

Software Versions
Both “trial” and “registered” versions are available to end users. Please refer to the licensing section
to discover how to register your software.

Trial Version
The trial version allows you to experiment Augmented Reality with Google SketchUp™ with a 30
seconds duration limit and with the AR-media™ logo always on the screen.

Registered Version
The registered version doesn’t have time limits and doesn’t show AR-media™ logo on screen,
moreover users can set some options not available in the trial version (please refer to the
configuration section for details).


TRIAL Yes (30 sec.) Yes No
Differences between “trial” and “registered” versions.

Student and Educational registered versions still have AR-media™ logo on screen.

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AR-media™ Plugin v1.5
for Google SketchUp™

The installation procedure requires full administrative rights, so be sure to have the required
privileges before trying to install the software. The installation process will install the following
• AR-media™ Plugin for Google SketchUp™
• AR-media™ Configuration Utility
• AR-media™ License Manager
• Help and Documentation files
• AR-media™ Marker
To start the installation process execute the AR-media™ Plugin setup and follow on screen
instructions from the installation wizard. At the end of the installation process the installer will
search your system for any installed version of Google SketchUp™ and will configure itself for the
latest version found.

You can configure2 the Plugin using the AR-media™ Configuration Utility installed with the AR-
media™ software. The Configuration Utility window is shown in the following figure:

In the configuration window you can choose many options3each of which is described in the
following section.

Please note that you must have full administrative rights to configure the software.
Options are not available in the trial version.

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AR-media™ Plugin v1.5
for Google SketchUp™

Configuration Options
Use mirror mode: if enabled, the video stream will be horizontally flipped like in front of a mirror
(this mode is suitable for cameras mounted in a fixed position and facing the user); if disabled the
video stream will be not flipped (this mode is suitable for head mounted displays and in those
scenarios where the user can move the camera around).
Use smooth tracking: allows to configure the tracker for using either a smooth or precise technique;
if smooth tracking is enabled then objects will follow the marker in a soft manner and with a little
delay, if smooth tracking is disabled then objects will be glued to the marker.
Full screen: allows to choose to run Augmented Reality in full screen or windowed mode.
Fit scene: use this option to automatically scale the scene so that it will always be visible with
respect to the marker.
Show message: allows to choose to display a personal message during the Augmented Reality
experience; you can set the personal message in the corresponding input box.
Show webcam warning: disable this option to avoid the warning that reminds the user to connect a
webcam before starting the Augmented Reality experience.
When you click the Done button any change you’ve made will be applied.

Printing the Marker
To experience Augmented Reality with AR-media™ Plugin you’ll need to print the provided
marker and possibly fix it on a rigid, flat surface. You can print the marker from the AR-media™
Plugin program group by opening the “Markers” sub-group where the file “Marker.pdf” is available
for printing. During execution point your webcam toward the marker to visualize your 3D content
on it; be sure to have a well lit environment without reflections and highlights on the marker surface
in order to have the best possible experience.

Plugin Controls
When AR-media™ Plugin is installed and configured, the Google SketchUp™ interface will be
enhanced with:
1. a new menu called “Plugin” (in case you don’t have any other plug-in already installed)
2. a new menu item “ARplugin” in the “Plugin” menu and
3. a new toolbar showing the AR-media™ logo.
The enhanced interface is shown in the following figure:

Google SketchUp™ interface enhanced with ARplugin.

In order to visualize the content you designed with Google SketchUp™ in Augmented Reality, you
just have to click either on the “ARplugin” menu item or the newly created “ARplugin” toolbar

Inglobe Technologies © 2008/2010 3

AR-media™ Plugin v1.5
for Google SketchUp™

After a while some splash images will be displayed in order to show execution information and
finally you’ll be prompted to plug in your webcam. Clicking on “Ok” will start your augmented

Plugin Interactions
During plug-in execution you can perform some simple interactions by hitting the following keys:
• “w” key will toggle wire-frame mode “ON” and “OFF”
• “f” key will toggle full-screen mode “ON” and “OFF”
• “a” will make your model more stable
• “A” will make your model more responsive
• “s” will make your model smaller
• “S” will make your model bigger
• “+” will increase the lighting threshold
• “-” will decrease the lighting threshold
• ESC will terminate the execution and take you back to Google SketchUp™
Modifying the lighting threshold will allow you to recognize the marker even in bad lighting
conditions (too dark or lit environments).

Inglobe Technologies © 2008/2010 4

AR-media™ Plugin v1.5
for Google SketchUp™

In order to use the full capabilities of the AR-media™ Plugin you need to:
1) register yourself
2) buy one or more licenses
3) download the registered version of the plug-in
4) follow the activation procedure
Each step will be now described in more detail.

You can register yourself by pointing your browser at the following URL:


and choose the type of registration that most suites your needs: Professional, Educational or
Student. After successful registration you’ll be automatically redirected to the “Online License
Manager” web application’s control panel which allows you to:
1. buy new licenses
2. activate a license
3. release a license
4. download the last registered version of the plug-in

The Online License Manager’s control panel also summarizes the number of purchased licenses as
well as the number of currently active licenses. License activation and management will be
described later.

Online License Manager’s control panel.

You can always access the control panel by using the previous URL and your registration

Buying licenses
To buy a new license, you need to click on the “Buy” button from the Online License Manager’s
control panel, this will bring you to the purchase’s page where you can click on the PayPal™ button

Inglobe Technologies © 2008/2010 5

AR-media™ Plugin v1.5
for Google SketchUp™

to start a standard PayPal™ procedure. Please note that if you need more than one license, you can
set the desired quantity during the PayPal™ checkout procedure. If you prefer to agree on other
payment methods you can contact the licensing service (see later for contacts details).

Downloading registered versions

After buying a license you’ll be able to download the registered version. In order to do so, you

1) remove the “trial” version

2) download the “registered” version from the link that will be displayed in bottom of Online
License Manager’s control panel.

Before installing the latest available version, be sure to remove any previously installed version
(both trial and registered)4, also note that Professional, Educational and Student version cannot be
installed at the same time on the same computer. You can always refer to the download section for
the latest registered version available.

License Management5
Licensing for the AR-media™ Plugin is based on the following actions:
1) license activation
2) license release
License management actions require you to use both the Online License Manager’s control panel
and the local AR-media™ License Manager that is installed with the plugin and that can be found in
the Plugin and Exporter program group. Please refer to the following section for instructions on
how to activate and release a license.
License Activation: allows you to unlock your registered version. Unless you activate your plugin,
it will still run as the trial version. In order to activate your plugin, follow these steps:
1) On the machine you need a license for, run the local License Manager that was installed
with the plugin:

2) Click the Request button in order to get a Request ID, the interface will change as follow:

If you’re removing an installation that has been already activated with a license, make sure to release the
corresponding license before actually removing it. Refer to the licensing section for details.
In order to buy, activate or release a license you must have an Internet connection available.

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AR-media™ Plugin v1.5
for Google SketchUp™

3) copy the Request ID somewhere

4) Login to the Online License Manager using the credentials provided upon registration
a. click the Activate button
b. paste the Request ID and click on Continue (the web application will generate your
License ID)
c. copy the License ID somewhere
5) Go back to the local License Manager and paste the License ID in the corresponding area:

6) Click the Activate button

7) the utility will prompt you a confirmation message depending if you entered a valid license
or not.
If the licensing procedure completes successfully, the local License Manager will look like the
following figure:

Please note that if you paste an invalid Request ID into the Online License Manager, and if the web
application’s engine is not able to understand that it is not valid, you could waste your license and
get an invalid License ID.

Inglobe Technologies © 2008/2010 7

AR-media™ Plugin v1.5
for Google SketchUp™

License Release: allows you to remove your previously activated license so that you can re-use it.
Only correctly activated licenses can be released. Typically you’ll need to release your license in
the following scenarios:
a) when you need to uninstall or re-install the plugin or the operating system
b) when you need to move your license from a computer to another
License release is achieved by following these steps:
1) execute the local License Manager:

2) click the Release button, a confirmation message will pop up

3) confirm that you want to release the currently active license by clicking on Continue6
4) the application will generate the Release ID, copy it somewhere:

5) login into the Online License Manager using the credentials provided upon registration
a. click the “Release” button
b. paste the Release ID in the input box and click the “Continue” button
c. if the key is correct the web application will make your license available again for
another installation and will prompt you with a confirmation message
The Online License Manager’s control panel will be updated with the information regarding your
current active licenses. Once your license has been released, the plugin will run in trial mode again,
and you can use your license with another computer or for a new installation by repeating the
License Activation procedure described earlier.

WARNING: be sure to store your Release IDs for future uses.

At this point your plugin will run in trial mode even though you won’t follow the other steps.

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AR-media™ Plugin v1.5
for Google SketchUp™

License Type
Each license is valid for one seat only: you may install and use the full version of the plugin only on
a single machine. In order to use the plugin on other machines you must purchase another license or
transfer the license from a machine to another. Please refer to previous sections in order to
understand licenses management tasks.

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AR-media™ Plugin v1.5
for Google SketchUp™

Licensing Service
The user can refer to the Inglobe Technologies licensing service through the email address:
[email protected]. Please feel free to write for any licensing related questions.

General Help
For any problem or question you can write to: [email protected].

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