Reflection Paper (Findings/Conclusion)

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- There are a lot of reasons as to why people migrate in other countries, some wants to
denounce their citizenship, some wants to work, some wants to pursue opportunity and
some are forced to move. These different reasons are the factors needed to be
considered to tell as to why immigration is becoming a global challenge, with the
different issues related to GLOBAL POPULATION AND MOBILITY different data shows
how the mobility of immigration affects the overall population of a city or country. Take
the issue of Somalia, Afghanistan and Syria, these places are some of the settlements
who are in need of basic needs, employment and even services, with the unending
battles and problems which are faced by these cities they are having a hard time to
accommodate them all leading to problems such as hunger, poverty and crime. Current
issues and problems caused by man or even disasters lead to different outcomes, some
of these incidents cause rebellion, wars and even natural pollution. Also, with the issue
of Covid-19 there are a lot of long-term implications where it can affect people’s health
giving them a hard time to bounce back to help the economy, with a major reason as to
why people are forced to migrate shows that people want to work abroad or in another
area. Take OFW’s as a sample, the Philippines export different products either natural
resources, precious resources and even man-made resources, but the biggest factor
that the Philippine export is our human resources or OFW’s. according to “OFW’s help the country’s economy through their
remittances or the portion of their salary that they send to their loved ones in the
Philippines.” When OFW’s work abroad their aim is to help their families and love ones,
that is the main goal for each OFW workers though it may not be all of them a good
quantity of them have that kind of goal in mind. With OFW’s the economy of the
Philippines somewhat benefits from it according to
“Families who receive money from relatives who work abroad are given more purchasing
power, which then improves domestic consumption – one of the key factors in the
growth of the economy. Although most OFWs send money so that their families can
maintain a certain standard of living, there are families that have sources of domestic
income and use remittances solely for the improvement of their lives.” Meaning that they
help the economy raise the living standards for us. Another issue that is currently faced
by migration is the inequality when it comes to both the provision of basic resources and
resilience against environmental threats, the forecast is uneven for different groups of
urban inhabitants. Meaning that the numbers of people occupying the cities the needed
resources to develop these parts are taken without prior consideration to replant or
replenish these resources, according to (Chambers and Conway 1992, Scoones 1998
and others) “Environmental shocks and stresses impact on different households
depends on their assets at the household level (physical, natural, human, social and
financial) and the opportunities and constraints posed by the policy and institutional
context within which livelihood activities are pursued” having a majority of citizens
coming in a country it affects the livelihood of each family, they would consider the new
expenses that they might need to pay and if they can afford these. With the endless
pursue of development in a country, problems arise in different form, these problems are
to be faced with great vigor and focused strength because when a country only focuses
on developing urban places it would only produce a larger number for poverty. Reasons
such as they’ll have limited resources and finances to help the citizens who are living in
undeveloped places in the city, and when this increases death rate would also increase
having another problem as to where they can bury, they’re beloved. With the increase of
death rate because of migration and needless development the latter part of this is also
the increase of populace, more immigrant more chances of people becoming a part of a
bigger family or an increase in the family. Due to the advancement of society, we’ll face
a lot of shifts in our economy and industry, such as the manufacturing, medicine and
women having a more roles to our society, they’ll no longer be seen as “care-takers for
our family or child bearer” with the continuous development of a country, work force is
more considered as a scarce giving people more chances to help their family.
Overpopulation is never a good thing it may seem good but with the numerous reasons
as to why it can become a bad and negative effect towards the economy, according to “Population growth has an effect on economic development if and
only if each individual contributes something. As long as the marginal products is on the
positive side, one additional person means additional production in economy.” As they
have explained, the citizens who are immigrating illegally or forced does not help the
economy develop unless the government give out free jobs to help develop the economy
then it may be a good thing. Based on United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
(UNHCR) definitions, “the vast majority of the world’s migrants about 222 million or more
than 90 percent have moved across borders voluntarily. Voluntary flows are typically
shaped by the entry policies set by destination countries; they can be adjusted based on
quotas, types of visas offered, and the selectivity applied to applications.” As stated,
voluntary immigration is always forced for people who are from countries which are
currently facing rebellion and war. Though from an individual’s perspective, people who
are forced to migrate in different countries are either discriminated, violated and even
hated. The main cause of migration is individual efforts to maximize their income by
moving from low wage to high wage economics (Borjas, 1989). But data shows the
negative effects on the economy, because having too many people in a big and develop
cities forces others who experience poverty a harder life, meaning a more developed
place has the power to increase the taxes of each families who are in the lower class. In
conclusion with different reasons as to why people would migrate in different places
there are major consequences of this actions, so try asking and wonder yourself
consider what “Thanos” a comic character who is considered as a villain’s choice
“Balancing the Universe” with the conquest of “eliminating/wipe out half of the universe.”


- There are a lot of recommendations that can be found online in facing and changing the
way to handle the global population and mobility, in terms of demography, global city
and global migration. Different researchers have tried to show and promote these
recommendations to different governments, some are already used and some are still in
the process of consideration. Here are some of the recommendations taken from
 Congress should allocate increased funding to the Executive Office for
Immigration Review in order to hire more Immigration Court judges, judges at the
Board of Immigration Appeals, and support staff in order to decrease the wait
time for, and between, hearings on types of relief from removal.
 Agencies should conduct investigations of immigration applications expediently
and not hold decisions indefinitely.
 Agencies running fingerprint clearances and biometric checks for immigration
applications should prioritize adjudication of those applications to reduce wait
 USCIS should minimize repeated requests for fingerprint and biometric data
collection by automating resubmission of collected information for renewed
clearances on pending applications.
- As you can see, some of the recommendations given are pointed at the way on how
they should manage immigrations and immigrants, this shows how some managements
handle immigrations quite slow and problems already present.
- A personal recommendation is to “Adapt some of the immigration policies of different
Immigration-friendly countries” or implement “MWC or Migrant Workers’ Centre” an NGO
which is present in Singapore, with the mission to “Solve Matters Between the Distress
Worker and the Employer Amicable as Possible”
- Regarding Discrimination this recommendation, from wants to Increase oversight of border
enforcement by permitting legal review in the immigration court or federal court of
allegations of discrimination or inappropriate treatment by CBP officers at ports of entry.
Provide information about this mechanism for discrimination complaints to every person
taken to secondary inspection for questioning.
- also recommends, Congress must pass
commonsense immigration law reform that provides a roadmap for people who are
currently undocumented to gain status that does not prohibit naturalization. And
Congress should repeal mandatory detention laws and ensure that every person
detained by immigration authorities has access to a review of their custody status before
an independent judicial authority. This wants to ensure the safety of each immigrants
giving them a safe and secure settlement, without the fear of forced deportation,
discrimination and violence.
- Some countries that accept immigrants or people who are forced to immigrate in a
particular country, face discrimination until now. Some immigrants are afraid to come out
of their own homes because they know that they’ll be targeted by violators, which forces
them to defend themselves but are judged unfairly. This type of people still exists until
now, these types of people won’t care as to what they’ve been through and keep on
blaming it to immigrant the problems of society or economy.

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