Pisba National Natural Park.

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APRIL DE 2021.





This site created in 1977 with an
extension of 45,000 hectares,
located in the Eastern Cordillera
department of Boyacá, covers the
municipalities of Socotá, Socha,
Tasco, Mongua and Pisba, it has this
historical-cultural heritage,
throughout this area passes the
Liberating Route, which includes
the journey that the patriotic troops
made through the Colombian
territory in search of the country's
independence, under the command
of Simón Bolívar and Francisco de
Paula Santander, these heroes
crossed from Arauca to Boyacá to
liberate the battle of the Boyacá
Bridge that includes the
independence of Colombia. In
addition to its historical-cultural
importance, the liberating route is
important for National Parks for the
Values Object of Conservation (VOC)
that are found along the route,
being elements of great importance
for the conservation of the
biodiversity of the Eastern
Cordillera. During the journey
through the liberating route, there
are ecosystems of Páramo,
subparamo and High Andean
forests, strategic for the Protected


Pisba National
National Park
Pisba National Natural Park has a Important high mountain lakes are
strategic location because it is the found in the interior of the reserve and
birthplace of important rivers, are home to a great diversity of fauna
streams and lakes. It is a (mainly migratory and native birds) and
representative area of the paramo, flora. These sites are of great
sub-paramo and high Andean forest importance because they are the
ecosystems of northeastern Boyacá, sources of the region's water network.
forming the so-called Tota-Pisba-
Cocuy Biological Corridor.
From the historical point of view, Pisba
It has unique and highly relevant National Natural Park is characterized
elements that enhance its by the fact that inside the park there is
importance in the context of the a stretch of the road that gave way to
conservation of biodiversity in the the liberating troops to the interior of
Eastern Cordillera, there are the country, where the Battle of Boyacá
endemic species of flora so Bridge was fought and gave freedom to
important locally and with wide our country.
distribution nationwide.

5 attractions of the Pisba

National Natural Park

1. Water sources and glacial 4. Laguna del Soldado and

water lagoons liberating route

You can visit a total of 35 lagoons of More than the water mirror that the
pristine waters (mineral and pure) of Laguna del Soldado projects, the
glacial origin, two water springs to the history behind it will catch your
Meta and Chicamocha rivers, and the attention, with the so-called
sources of rivers such as the Pisba. liberation route. On the journey in
the mountains you will experience
the path that Bolívar made with his
2. Unique birds battle troops, the same with which
he arrives at the encounter of the
You will find 32 species of birds that Battle of Boyacá and with which he
can only be observed in this area, and achieves the freedom of the now
that are in danger of extinction. Among Colombian territory.
these animals are: the swamp
cockroach, various kinds of ducks and
other birds studied by scientists. 5. Ecological corridor

3. Flora and fauna

The natural landscapes of this moor,

one of the most beautiful of its kind, are
crowded with frailejones of different
species. The white and yellow of its
rinds contrasts with the green rugs,
undoubtedly a luxurious visual
experience. The park is constituted as
the home for different mammals of
immense beauty, among them: tigrillos,
pumas, spectacled bears and deer.

Fauna and flora

Flora Fauna

Regarding the flora, there is a

great variety of species of In terms of fauna, large
frailejones, some of them mammals such as puma, tigrillo,
unique to the Park; The deer and Spectacled Bear can
vegetation of the Park is be distinguished, the latter
summarized in 202 species of
being a value object of
vascular plants grouped in 116
conservation of great
genera and 54 families. The
species represent 5 families of importance for the Park.
monocots, 40 of dicots and 9
groups of seedlings. The most
diversified families in terms of
the number of species are:
Asteraceae with 41 species (21%
of the total species), followed
by Rosaceae with 10 species
(5%), Poaceae with 9 species
(4.5%), Melastomataceae with 8
species ( 4%), Bromeliaceae
with 7 species (3.5%).


Within the area we can

appreciate several ecosystems,
the sub-Andean jungle, the
Andean jungle, the high
Andean forest, the sub-moor
and the moor itself are

Rosa Cristina Tiria Zaa (11-03)

Ronald Samir Molinares Sanabria (11-03)

Ecology and the environment

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