Pisba National Natural Park.
Pisba National Natural Park.
Pisba National Natural Park.
Pisba National
National Park
Pisba National Natural Park has a Important high mountain lakes are
strategic location because it is the found in the interior of the reserve and
birthplace of important rivers, are home to a great diversity of fauna
streams and lakes. It is a (mainly migratory and native birds) and
representative area of the paramo, flora. These sites are of great
sub-paramo and high Andean forest importance because they are the
ecosystems of northeastern Boyacá, sources of the region's water network.
forming the so-called Tota-Pisba-
Cocuy Biological Corridor.
From the historical point of view, Pisba
It has unique and highly relevant National Natural Park is characterized
elements that enhance its by the fact that inside the park there is
importance in the context of the a stretch of the road that gave way to
conservation of biodiversity in the the liberating troops to the interior of
Eastern Cordillera, there are the country, where the Battle of Boyacá
endemic species of flora so Bridge was fought and gave freedom to
important locally and with wide our country.
distribution nationwide.
You can visit a total of 35 lagoons of More than the water mirror that the
pristine waters (mineral and pure) of Laguna del Soldado projects, the
glacial origin, two water springs to the history behind it will catch your
Meta and Chicamocha rivers, and the attention, with the so-called
sources of rivers such as the Pisba. liberation route. On the journey in
the mountains you will experience
the path that Bolívar made with his
2. Unique birds battle troops, the same with which
he arrives at the encounter of the
You will find 32 species of birds that Battle of Boyacá and with which he
can only be observed in this area, and achieves the freedom of the now
that are in danger of extinction. Among Colombian territory.
these animals are: the swamp
cockroach, various kinds of ducks and
other birds studied by scientists. 5. Ecological corridor