What Is Critical Path Analysi1

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a) What is Critical Path Analysis?

Critical Path Analysis can be defined as the logical sequencing of a series of

events necessary for a successful research project in such a manner that the
most efficient route to some culmination point can be calculated. Consequently,
the critical path technique has a multitude of uses: (a) As an aid in time
management, (b) as a provider of ongoing data for assessing progress, and (c) to
give the researcher or program planner considerable information for decision-

CPA is a useful planning and management tool for several reasons:

1. A thorough identification of all major activities requiring time and resources

must be made during the planning process.
2. Logical sequencing of these activities must be made.
3. The time required for each activity must be estimated or determined.
4. The overall research or planning project is scheduled according to the
estimated times, resulting in a determination of the most efficient plan for
carrying out the various activities.
5. Continuous evaluation of the planning and implementation progress
according to a predetermined schedule is required so necessary decision-
making for maintaining a schedule can be made.

Carrying out the above steps provides you with an empirically constructed
schedule of research or planning activities to meet some self-imposed or
institutionally required calendar of events. CPA also provides you with a visual
picture through the development of a model network displaying how all research or
planning functions tie together. The availability of computer software related to
CPA techniques even means that information regarding progress in the planning
and implementation process is available as often as you input related data.

b) How CPA is Utilized

Learning how to utilize CPA means understanding a few basic principles,

procedures, and definitions. The terminology and process to be described in
the following narration and visuals are somewhat unique to the CPA technique.
Once these procedures are mastered, you will find them applicable to any type
of planning or time management need.
i) Critical review

As we are in PISMP semester 2, we were given a task on Critical Path

Analysis which is one of the topics of Decision Mathematic that we are studying
as our major subject in this semester.

I have learnt a lot staffs while I am doing this task. This assignment
something related on calculation and also usage of excel. I have learnt on how
to utilize Critical Path Analysis. Learning how to utilize CPA means
understanding a few basic principles, procedures, and definitions. The
terminology and process to be described in the following narration and visuals
are somewhat unique to the CPA technique. Once these procedures are
mastered, you will find them applicable to any type of planning or time
management need.

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