Check List For Third Party Conformity Assessment Section-A. The Information To Be Provided by The Entity
Check List For Third Party Conformity Assessment Section-A. The Information To Be Provided by The Entity
Check List For Third Party Conformity Assessment Section-A. The Information To Be Provided by The Entity
2. Zone-II.
3. Zone-III.
2. Zone-II.
3. Zone-III.
7 Details of Compressor Stations Design parameters to be provided
Average Gas
Inlet Outlet
daily Vol. Driven/
No. of compressors installed Rating pressure pressure
of Gas Electricity
range range
handled driven
i. Location: Nos:
2. Documentation required in Schedule 1D of T4S must be referred while assessing for conformity.
5. Details of the audit team to be provided. (Team should consist of at least three disciplines i.e
Mechnical / Electrical, Safety, O&M / Instrumentation)
(1) CV of the audit members must be certified by the head of TPIA along with the audit report.
(2) TPIA should attach seprate sheet, indicating how they have addressed the non-conformity in
absence of reports (Hydrotest, radiography, As-built drawing etc.)
T4S- G.S.R. 808 (E) -Petroleum and Natural Gas Regualtory Board (Technical Standards and
Specifications including Safety Standards for Natural Gas Pipelines) Regulations, 2009.
ERDMP- G.S.R. 39(E) -Petroleum and Natural Gas Regualtory Board (Codes of Practices for
Emergency Response and Disaster Management Plan (ERDMP)) Regulations, 2010.
PART-I Check list for TPCA- Appendix-I
Sl. No. List of Activity If No, Implementation Plan Time period for Status of Remarks
Implementation Implementation
1 Verify theTest record for Radiography, Ultrasonic test or Can be submitted in stages 6 months
other applicable NDT methods (as carried out before within 6 months
commissioning) available
2 Verify Hydro-test (as carried out before Can be submitted in stages 6 months
commissioning)Report is available within 6 months
3 Confirm Pipeline cathodic protection record is being Can be submitted in stages 6 months
maintained within 6 months
4 Confirm whether Pipeline As-built recordss being Can be submitted in stages 6 months
maintained within 6 months
5 Verify Intelligent pigging has been carried out to detect If the pigging has not been 2 years
metal loss for the pipelines of size NPS of 12 inches and done for more than 5 years for
above and length of 10 Km and above[1]. sour gas and 10 years for sweet
gas pipeline, then the intelligent
pigging shall be carried out
within two years, otherwise
relevant records shall be
6 Verify whether HSE Management System (including fire To be implemented 6 months
protection system) is in place
7 Verify whether Height of the vents is kept minimum 3 Increase height of vent 6 months
meters above working level
8 Verify whether Gas detectors are installed at Install gas detectors for SCADA 1 year
compressor station, gas receiving and delivery backed up system, elsewhere
terminals [2] hand held gas detector shall be
9 Verify whether Environmental friendly fire extinguishing For control room, switch gear 2 years
flooding system is provided for closed space[3]. and battery room, etc. (CO2 is
acceptable only for unmanned
Verify whether HAZOP has been done for all the HAZOP report to be submitted 1 year
pipeline facilities [4]. along with mitigation plan
1 If the pigging has not been done for more than 5 years for sour gas and 10 years for sweet gas pipeline, then the intelligent pigging shall be carried out
within two years, otherwise relevant records shall be submitted.
2 Install gas detectors for SCADA backed up system, elsewhere hand held gas detector shall be provided
3 For control room, switch gear and battery room, etc. (CO2 is acceptable only for unmanned station)
Check list for TPCA - For Main Trunk Line and Spur Lines
Schedule- 1B (WELDING)
7 Specify the welding Standards and Codes employed
8 Specify the NDT employed
9 Specify the acceptable standards for weld radiography (NDT).
20% 50% 100%
10 Confirm the piping system, components and fabrication details
as per Schedule-IC, based on available records. Any deviation to
be specifically mentioned.
Schedule-1D (Design Installations and testing)
11 Conifrm the pipeline design code
12 Specify the location class encountered based on the last survey.
Sl. No. Parameters Details / Observations Remarks
(a) active
(b) stand by
Verify Heating arrangements before pressure reducer, if
5 Verify Inter-distance facilites as per Annexure-IV