EDTA Titration of Cadmium and Mercury: Ethvlenediaminetetra-Acctic
EDTA Titration of Cadmium and Mercury: Ethvlenediaminetetra-Acctic
EDTA Titration of Cadmium and Mercury: Ethvlenediaminetetra-Acctic
University of Aberdeen
EDTA Titration of Cadmium and Mercury
= [MI UM(A1
is defined by the law of mass action as where aMcA) is the side reaction coefficient or "alpha coeffi-
cient" for the reactions of A with M, and ,3i is the overall for-
mation constant of the comolex MAG'
However, the equilibria in real aqueous systems are never so
simple as to involve only metal and complexant, since protons
and hydroxide ions are always present, and since competing . .. .
If these formation constants and the concentration of A are
ligands (e.g. buffer components and masking agents) and iu- known, a can be evaluated. Corresponding alpha coefficients
terferine" metals mav also "eive rise to side reactions. Conse- for side reactions involving the ligand and the metal complex
quently, the conditional constant which takes into account can he defined.
all competing equilibria is defined as Consequently
where [M'I
. .. .
. . represents
. the total concentration of all species
containing M nut complexed tu I., where [L'Irepresents the side reactions invdlving ML,M, h d ~respectively.
, Ringhom
total concentration of L not hound tu the metal ion M, and (3.4) has discussed these concents and calculations in neater
where lh(l.'l is a function of the total concentrution of all detail.
species'con<aining hoth M and L.
Clearlv it is this conditional constant which is of analvtical Completeness of Reaction
importance since it dcfinrs the ratio of determinand and dc- 'I'he minimum value of K'req~tiredfor reaction to proceed
t ~ m n i n a nwhich
~ have taken r m t in the analscical reaction to to various degrees of complt~wnesswith \,ariou nmcentrations
those which have not. of reactants-can he readily calculated. For example, in an
The nrecise definition of IML'I denends on the oarticular EDTA titration where the total concentration of metal at the
reaction. In a complexometr~ctitiation it is usually~rrelevant equivalence point is 0.001 M, and the reaction is 99.9% com-
to the titration result whether ML is formed as such, or as a plete, the concentrations of free EDTA and metal not com-
mixed complex (e.g. the protonated complex MLH). In this
case [ML'] represents the total concentration of all species
containing hoth M and L. In other systems where a property
peculiar to the species ML is measured, the formation of a
&xed complex constitutes an interfering side reaction.
The concentration of free M is related to the concentration
plexed by EDTA are both 0.001 X
mum required value of the stability constant is
K' = 0.000999
(0.001 x 1or3l2
M. Hence, the mini-
Correspondingly, the minimum required value of K' increases
of total M by the formation constants of the MA, species as the concentration of titrant and titrand decrease, and de-
formed by the interfering ligand A. creases as the desired degree of completeness of the reaction
~ ~
decreases, and vice versa (see Fig. 2). The general equation
1 Alpho wefficirnti are sornrtlrnrp dcfinecl ar the inberic of thr
function dcscr~bedhere. In t h p authm'i upinion, a z ~ d erenrtwn
coefficient (a) which increases as the side reaction becomes more
predominant is the more appropriate. Further complications are in- ,-~- - .,
troduced hv the occasianal desimation of the side reaction coefficient where C is the total metal concentration a t the equivalence
as 0. Care must he exercised when material from differentsources is point and P is the fraction of total metal species cimplexed
studied. by EDTA.
714 1 Journal of Chemical Education
Figure 2. Dependence of the degree of completeness of the reaction(%R) on
lkg K' lor sclutions of fixed total metal cancenbstion (C) at Uw equivalence paint.
C = 0.1 M(1); 0.01 M(2); 0.001 M(3): 0.0001 M(4).
lndlcator Error
Resides analytical errors arising from the incomplcre re-
actionsof the metals with EDTA, it isalso ~ossibletocalculnre
the error associated with the color changeof the indicator by
consideration of the difference in the pM' values at the
equivalence point and at the indicator traosition point 1 4 , s )
It issufficient tonote here that sharp,accurateendlx~inrscan
be predicted and are obtained withxylenol orange and erio-
chrome black T in the titrations described. However, traces
of metal ions such as Cu(II), Co(II), Ni(II), AI(III), and Fe(II1)
must be avoided since they interfere by blocking eriochrome
black T (6).
0 1 .
. .
. . . . . .
6 S 10 I2
. 1
Reaction With Zn, Cd, and Hg
PH The conditional stability constants for the reactions of
Figure 3. Conditional stability constams for EDTA complexes with mercury(1l) EDTA with zinc(II), cadmium(II), and mercury(I1) are shown
in absence of NH3(I), in 0.2 Mlotal NHI (2). and in 2.0 M NH3 (3). in Figures 3-7 as functions of p H and concentration of buffer
(ammonia) or masking agent (iodide, bromide, chloride).
Whereas the calculation of K' for fixed conditions is relatively
simple, the repetitive calculations needed to obtain the data
in Figures 3-7 are best carried out by computer. The required
formation constants were taken from the com~ilationsin
Ringborn's monograph ( 4 ) with the exception of ;he stability
constant for the mixed Hg(I1)-EDTA-NHrcomplcx 17,
HgEDTA + NH3 = HgEDTA.NH3 log K = 6.3.
Although a mixed Hg(I1)-EDTA-hexamine complex has
similarlv been r e ~ o r t e d(7).
. it is ..
eenerallv acceoted that hex-
amine ~he~ameth~lenetetraminei is a i e a k c;mplwant (81
and itseffect on the formation of the metal-WTA complexes
should be slight since K' is increased hy formation of the
mixed complex, but decreased by the formation of the
metal-hexamine complex; full quantitative data are not
Unless the titration conditions are adjusted correctly, the
wrong results will be obtained. The most suitable titration
conditions can be oredicted loeicallv as follows.
First, the feasklity of cor;lplehng Zn(II), Cd(II), and
Hg(I1) in ammoniacal solution is assessed. It is predicted from
Figures 3 and 4 that 0.001 M solutions of these metals will
react auantitativelv (>99.9%) with EDTA at DH 10 in 0.2 M
Figure 4 Condmonal staD lily conslants for EDTA complexes solh 2 nc( ) tn ammonia (log K' >.9). Even if theconcentrat~onof ammonia
absence of NH, ( I ) m 0 2 Mtola NH3(21 and n 2 0 M hH, (31 and warn caa- is raised considerablv. the errors should remain nealicible. In
mwn(ll) In absence of NHl (41, m 0 2 MNh, (51, and m 2 0 M hH, (61 the case of mercuG,it is the added stability of the mixed
Volume 54. Number 11, November 1977 / 715
Figare 6. Cond tional olabilily canslants tar EOTA complexes u Ihcadmium(l1) Figure 7 Conditional stability constants fn EOTA complexes with cadmium(l1)
in aosence ol bromlde (1). in 0.1 Morom de (2). and in 2.0 Moromlae (31:and in absence of chloride (1). in 0.2 Mchloride (2). and in 2.0 Mchloride (3):and
w i n mercurylll) n absence ol orom de (4). in 0.1 M oromos (5).and in 2.0 M wilh mercury(l1)in absence of chloride (4). in 0.2 M chloride (5).and in 2.0 M
bromide (6). chloride (6).